Here we go, a brand new Open Thread to see us all off into the wild blue yonder of the weekend. This is where you can detail the bias!
Here’s an invite. I will be off to America for three weeks near the end of this month and that means I just won’t be able to moderate or write here during that time. I am wondering if anyone out there would be prepared to become a guest moderator (and writer if you want) during that time when I am gone? It would really help the site and take pressure off Alan. If you think you could help, drop me an email please!
Wondering about the direction the leave camp might take over the final few days, and avoiding the hysterical accusations of the Remain camp
Just publicise some of Jean Claude Junkers outrageous quotes!
If it’s a Yes, we will say ‘on we go’, and if it’s a No we will say ‘we continue’. On the 2005 French referendum on the Lisbon Treaty
I am astonished at those who are afraid of the people: one can always explain that what is in the interest of Europe is in the interests of our countries.”
“Britain is different. Of course there will be transfers of sovereignty. But would I be intelligent to draw the attention of public opinion to this fact?”
Monetary policy is a serious issue. We should discuss this in secret, in the Eurogroup […] I’m ready to be insulted as being insufficiently democratic, but I want to be serious […] I am for secret, dark debates.
We decide on something, leave it lying around and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don’t understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back.
When it becomes serious, you have to lie.
There can be no democratic choice against the European treaties
We feel we need a Capital Market Union, Energy Union, Economic and Monetary Union but we also think we need security union
If they don’t convince people in the final days there’s little that will !
Unfortunately these quotes will not see the public light of day. We can post them on here, and all over social media until the cows come home, but the undecided will never get to see them because they won’t appear in the MSM. I would guess that all but a handful of people using social media are already decided, and probably have been for weeks, if not years. With the latest polls showing the remain camp back in front or level-pegging, all they need to do is rely on the undecided voting for the status quo, which they will probably do as it’s human nature. By my reckoning I think they will win by a comfortable 10%, and that’s a view shared by the bookies as well.
Sadly, I think last weeks events have sealed our fate. One mindless idiot has single-handedly destroyed any slight chance that we had. That in itself shows he was mentally deranged. Nobody of sound mind could possibly think that murdering a political opponent the week before an election could do anything other than boost their support.
All we can do now is wait until another country has a go, but the EU is like being caught in the coils of a gigantic python – the more we struggle, the more it will tighten its grip, until eventually we can fight no more.
Sorry for the negative post, but looking objectively I can’s see any other outcome. The peoples of Europe have tried repeatedly to fight back against this dictatorship, and none so far has made even the slightest difference. I don’t really know why we think we’re any different. I hope I’m wrong, I really hope I’m wrong!
Well I do hope you are wrong. But , even if we lose, I think the genie is out of the bottle now. And the EU Fascists cannot put it back in . The history of Fascism, Germany , Soviet Union, Mao’s China , Cambodia , Cuba and all the others is that it always ends in failure. But the price that we who believe in freedom have to pay is not acceptable and not fair. But what do Fascists care about that ?
Yes I agree Grant that the genie is definitely out of the bottle now. However I do believe to put it back in and re-stopper it may well lead turmoil and violence on a scale not ever experienced in this country. This is what Nigel was trying to warn us about – and he has been castigated for it.
Obviously incidents such as Cologne station could never in this country because we are British – as will be our new guests of course. As for the way events are unfolding in Sweden it is just that they are not nice enough to their newest arrivals.
Looks like operation Fear could well have been effective in reducing the will and self confidence of much of the youth of this country. A generation that has been given everything on a plate will never really appreciate what it truly has. Maybe thats it, there wont be much resistance to what will be foisted upon them it will merely be a simple roll over.
Despite much of their bravado take away their I phones and many of them are helpless. Add in Operation Saint Jo for a bit of maudlin indulgence with some feel good slogans and finally finish off Farage with Operation “shoot the messenger” And all bases are covered Simples.
I am afraid the fascists with their devious ways and manipulation have probably won the day – And I afraid just to say “I told you so” is small compensation but I am afraid it is all we can make do with at the moment until history turns the next corner.
I will be hanging on to the wreckage just like many others in this country. The lifeboats having never got launched because the left cut all the ropes beforehand – shame. Still at least some of the bastards will be dragged down with us. And if any of the Wa####s try and take my spar off me they will regret it.
My hunch is though this will could all happen much sooner than anyone realises.
You can keep the EU zombie staggering on for a year or two but eventually it will consume itself. And then the real fun begins.
Exactly so. We are not permitted to leave. Full stop. Whatever the vote. The next stage will be the criminalisation of all dissent and the compulsory reducation of dissenters. This country was always going to be the problem for the EU elites and a remain vote will give them the confidence to move openly against us.
The rest of Western Europe is not a problem. Peoples used by history and culture to autocracy and despite the French Revolution not really understanding the Anglo Saxon love of freedom.
As for Eastern Europe that is another matter and here the EU will probably meet it’s nemesis.
I don’t really know why we think we’re any different.
Well, for one thing you’re an island and have a stretch of water between you and the insane mainland that I’ve heard is rather difficult to swim across.
For another, you have that British backbone.
How the EU free movement of people is affecting people in Britain:
Ali Qazimaj, 42, was detained in Luxembourg, in connection with the deaths of Sylvia and Peter Stuart, who were reported missing on 3 June.
Officers have arrested Ali Qazimaj, who is believed to have originally entered the UK as an asylum seeker
Police named Mr Qazimaj, a Kosovan immigrant, as a suspect on 6 June.
He is known to have caught a ferry from Dover to Calais, at around 18:30 on 4 June, after leaving his silver Citroën C3, in a cul-de-sac close to the ferry terminal
Some of the EU leaders quotes are deeply troubling
This really needs hammering.
The EU will be rearranging and renaming our country within a few years-look at their so called “MEP constituencies like The South West and Gibraltar”.
We laugh-but they are deadly serious.
INTERREG will bring about three regions where Britain used to be…The South Coast and Northern France(Arc-Manche); The West Atlantic( hence the Portugal/Gibraltar links) and the Ost region( form Eastern England and Holland etc, Denmark as I recall.
Not checked it for a while-but do know that the idea of lumping Southern England with Northern France is designed to carve up the continent into manageable bureaucratic chunks that will share no common history and heritage, nor fight back…deliberately so.
Did trash Chirac for much of this, but them I read this quote of his.
“By creating a secular state we will create a dry river bed of atheism, which will attract a flooding tide of false religions”…I myself would include Islam, although he`d not have known that.
Looking a bit like Melvin Bragg. Trichet was a Fascist and the quote proves it. And the Left support his Fascism .
Usual ducks in a row from the appalling Sunday as usual this morning(Radio 4, 7am)
Yes folks, same sex marriage, let`s not upset the Turks re Armenia-even if you ARE the equally appalling Pope Francis-and a big chunk given over to why the disabled need better access up Salisbury Cathedrals spire to feed the peregrines…
Not REALLY in the last bit-but give it time, give it time.
But at 32 to 38 mins we have Ed Stourton in squeaky bum mode as a Muslim imam and a gay Muslim try to heal the differences between getting thrown off a minaret and hiding in a manhole(oo er)until they find you, then hang you.
Poor Ed didn`t know where to look-our imam was a practiced taqqiyya merchant and hoped we`d not think Orlando derived from any Koranic roots( it did-but hey?)-but when he spoke about the Orthodox faith positions of all the major religions, it was correct and unarguable…and , in the case of islam, no Parliament will be able to sign away what Muhammad got as Gods unchanging word..he was right to say it.
Poor Ed rather hoped that these perversions and deviancies that our imam lumped together(paedophilia, same sex marriages etc) rather lost their nuances in translation-indeed Ed craved that this was so…but no…the imam was having none of that multi faith lather.
Which is to be respected.
Sometimes it`s handy not to have ALL the liberal syntax of equivocation and caveats to hand-all the imam did was allow no wriggle room to Ed, the Catholics and Cof E;let alone his earlier evangelicals on the show.
Very Route One Old School-very Wimbledon,very Leicester.
Clearly he`s a fakir…a fake…but in planting the Muslim flag right into the soft belly of the BBC Liberals before church was commendable and all too clear.
Don`t the BBC hate it when they get it socked to the jaw?…Poor Ed.
Lefties, like poor Ed, have to try and reconcile all the contradictions in their own minds. Did Ed ask the Imam about the Genocide of Christians in the Middle East ?
Sorry grant-all you hear from poor Ed is the sound of crashing grinding gears as the lefty cogs fail to mesh.
If we lose the Hagia Sophia Mosque in Istanbul…Bethlehem becomes a no-go area and places like Hebron become out of bounds to the Jews or Christians…the likes of ED can ponce about the Vatican hoping that Pope Francis will pose by their Prius, as they stalk out the fetching Swiss Guard much as Londons pink parishioners used to do with the Household Cavalry at Buckingham Palace.
AS for those poor Christians beheaded, tossed overboard and reduced to spending nights in hostels under fear of Muslim attack…well Jo Cox never gave a stuff, so why on earth would Patten, Stourton or the BBC?
Tragic-and let`s hope blowback starts on Thursday 7am.
I did not know Saint Jo of Cox was on Saint Bobs boat on the Thames putting up two fingers to British fisherman – says it all really another champagne socialist.
You didn’t know it because she was never on Bobs yacht !
She stupidly decided to load her kids into a RIB and set off on the Thames with her husband and got a soaking of river water from the fishermen for her anti working class stance.
It hasn’t been said that Joe Cox was actively engaged in working for Oxfam an organisation that encouraged people to hate. Oxfam deliberately promotes lies and slander against Israel in order to incite hatred and terror. See the evidence below..
Oxfam has recently produced a video, see below, that totally ignores the terrorist actions of the Palestinians. Although Israel is constantly trying to make life easier for the Palestinians, the relaxing of controls are being abused. Increased fishing rights has resulted in terrorists posing as fishermen smuggling weapons into the Gaza strip.
In this video there are many factual errors. Watch the video on and then read the facts to counter to this odious video:-
– Hamas is dedicated to the destruction of Israel as a sovereign entity. It’s in their charter and they publicly announce it at every opportunity.
– More aid per capita is given to Gaza than any other group. A look at eight countries in the top 10—Sudan, South Sudan, Jordan, Lebanon, Somalia, Ethiopia, Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of Congo—is even more alarming. CIA Factbook data show that these countries have a combined population of 284 million and an average per capita GDP of $2,376. Yet they received an average of $15.30 per capita in development assistance in 2013. The Palestinians, by comparison, with a population of 4.5 million, have a per capita GDP of $4,900.
– A large percentage of the aid is taken from the citizens to advance the war preparations of Hamas which is one factor why some donors are not honouring their pledges
– Re the water issue, the Israeli Water Commission increased the amount of water supplied to Gaza according to the Oslo accords by 100% from 5 mcm (mill cubic metres) to 10 mcm
– Hamas is not repairing damaged water infrastructure
– The World bank has offered finance for a desalination plant but are suspicious of how the money they offer will be used.
– Hamas has not stopped illegal drilling of wells which has damaged the salinity of water table.
– The border restrictions are in place in Israel AND Egypt because of the constant attempts by Hamas to import terror related materials.
– The citizens of Gaza are captive by Hamas, they have no freedoms of action or speech
– Every requested movement of the population, for example hospital visits must be checked thoroughly. One Gazan woman who had been treated in Beer Sheva hospital returned for, supposedly, follow up treatment tried to blow herself up in that same hospital
– Read for information on assistance given in the field of health care and to Palestinian importers and exporters
BBC Website headline ” Was Jo Cox an anti-semitic racist ? ” . Only joking !
Jo Cox was an advisor to Glenys Kinnock and Sarah Brown after leaving Cambridge with a Mickey Mouse diploma . WTF can a recent graduate advise anyone on ? It just goes to show the insidious and incestuous World we the normal working people are up against
This is a very interesting article about the late Jo Cox and her husband.
So she was a Leftie bigot, racist and hypocrite ? What is new ?
Yeh jet setting around the World when the real atrocities are taking place in her own back yard caused by her own beliefs/policies. Way to go Jo
Par for the lefty course Al – I believe . But certainly very illuminating. I wonder if any of that will ever be covered in the Guardian!
Here is a direct link to the old Daily Mail article about how Brendan Cox got booted out of (sorry, quit) his job at Save the Children were he trousered £160k p.a.
What was Brendan’s inappropriate behaviour? I don’t see it mentioned . I stopped giving money to charities that seem to pay their executives over £100k a year a long time ago
NO he didn’t !
It was his boss that was paid £160K pa his salary isn’t mentioned !
The Occidental Observer is a far right online publication that covers politics and society from a white nationalist and antisemitic perspective. Its mission statement is to “present original content touching on the themes of white identity, white interests, and the culture of the West.” The publication was founded because, “overt expressions of white identity and white interests (or European-American identity and interests) are rarely found among the peoples who founded these societies and who continue to make up the majority.” It is run by the Charles Martel Society
Hardly authoritative or respectable Al.
Have you read the article?
In response to Thoughtful’s comment, sorry I stand corrected 160k was not Brendan Cox’s salary. A quick Google though showed it to be £106k, not exactly peanuts.
I’d like to comment that the Occidental observer is grossly unfair to Jo Cox who only entered parliament in the 2015 intake. She’d only been an MP for just over a year and would not have been in a position to comment on the Muslim Pakistani Paedo gangs. The trial of the other group hadn’t finished by the time she was killed so commenting on it would have been sub judice.
She might have been every bit as bad as the far right are painting her, but on the other hand she could have spoken out against it, we’ll never know because her life was cruelly cut short.
As for the Gilded life they claimed she led, even a basic web search would have taught them that the Hermitage moorings were built as part of a co-operative interested in the preservation of the local historic boats of Wapping. It should have been quite an economical way to live in London, given that a boat on a mooring just up the river can fetch well over a million.
It actually looks quite nice !
Outrageous beginning by Dimbledore to the DC question time.
“The first questions is from Jo Cox…oh no…someone else…”
DD is a disgrace to the Bbc and the debate as a whole.
I don’t know what else to say…I am speechless.
Dimblebore, Alzheimars ? And i say that with sympathy, since it runs in my family. He is clearly ill.
Yep! first of all what Jo Cox would have wanted, (see what he did there?)
First question from Jo Cox?? oops! (narrative Mr Dimbleby?).
sorry, next question, in light of Jo Cox…
Even the Al BBC audience … 1 – you re scaremongering, 2 – You re deliberately confusing, 3 – Project Fear Budget Promise, you re punishing the population, 4- 1st saying Britain s OK outside EU then were not, that’s just the first 10 minutes
Even the BBC audience … not buying it Dave, you ve zero credibility
Why stand in that “cowboy” stance pre questions?
“Why stand in that “cowboy” stance pre questions?”
Because he’d already filled his trousers.
There was no way that was a simple slip of the tongue. Time to pension him off.
Thoughtful. I agree with much of what you post here; however, with respect, I think your missing the point: she would never have been selected to be the candidate for that constituency if she ever had spoken out about the Islamic rape gangs; she was from that area and so it would be unbelievable for her not to have known about them, since they have existed since the 1980’s.
I would submit that it is extremely unlikely that she would have spoken out against them in the future had she live; if she did I would expect it to have been in a Sarah Champion sort of way, but we’ll never know.
If she had rocked the boat she would probably have been de-selected or lost her Islamic political supporters and her seat along with it.
As to her “gilded life” it may not have been to some people but it will have been compared to the lives of many of her constituents and of those beyond it.
It gains nothing right now to attack the unfortunate Jo Cox. She suffered an horrific fate and to say anything against her simply comes across as in poor taste, regardless of how boneheaded her views may or may not have been. This whole episode has been manna from heaven to the Remain brigade and there’s very little Leave can do other than to correct clear lies. They need to concentrate on other areas now, though I fear the Devil has looked after his own and the referendum has been lost through a script that could not have been more perfectly written for Remain.
The truth about what actually tipped Thomas Mair will, I hope, become clear but that will not be until after the referendum. I do wonder if the sentencing of 15 Muslims the very same day for child rape nearby may be relevant. It seems one hell of a coincidence – but so does much about this story.
There are much cheaper ways of living in London if you don’t insist on living right on the Thames.
Living on the water at Wapping would be beyond the wildest dreams of most working people.
I daresay Jo Cox didn’t fancy the relative merits of Brockley.
What do you expect from a Grammar School girl and Cambridge Univ. who worked for Glenys Kinnock. I don’t speak ill of the dead but she was a typical socialist, following the money !
hmm the relative merits of Brockley? Jay’s Budgens!! Awesome man and a true example of how immigration used to benefit the country. How things have changed now! The Brockley Jack! still doing well. Far enough from Catford and Lewisham to feel reasonably safe. Brockley has quite a bit going for it.
Lol nice housing stock in Brockley too…plenty of doer uppers.
I lived in Wickham Road and in Jerningham Road in New Cross as a kid. Council houses of course. Houses in both roads must be worth upwards of £1.5 million nowadays.
Post referendum and if as expected remain fix the result, I think there will be an if you can’t beat them, join them attitude.
I know a couple of people who are seriously considering selling up and taking early retirement in Spain or France.
I expect there to be quite a spate of cashing in as people sell up and realise the equity in their properties before it all goes t*ts up in Britain.
It’ll be like getting out of a pyramid scheme, Britain will be buggered anyway so we might as well live out our days in warmer climes, where your money goes a bit further
I’m glad I don’t have kids to worry about
Here is a scenario that should terrify everybody in Europe. The EU decides it will form a European Army to look after its defence needs and begins to neglect its commitment to NATO even more than it has done previously. The US, already aware that most of Europe has been happy for it to foot the bill for Europe’s defence since WW2, decides that it will no longer shoulder this burden and concentrates instead on its other strategic interests. NATO disintegrates. Who then stops Mr Putin? Europe does not have the calibre of leader required for the role. Be afraid people, be very afraid. Lord Guthrie has worked this out, even switching sides from Remain to Leave in the process.
The idea of an EU Army is a joke. Even if they could organise it, they won’t take casualties. Nice breakfast for the Russians in Paris !
Steve, you are quite correct with your assessment. Unfortunately the EU also wants to continue to expand but can only do so to the east and south east. This, of course, means that it is likely that it will come into contact once again with Russia which could well result in another Ukraine. All this at a time when Russian military capability is greater than at any time since the end of the Cold War. So Cameron’s talk of World War Three could well be true but not for the reason he gave!
The EU can expand quite nicely into North Africa, once Turkey is on board: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia anyone?
And you think Mr Putin would be worse?
Many of us feel he might just be the only saviour Europe is going to have from the destruction the liberal left has wrought on us.
This looks part of the future whatever happens. The USA will leave. Slowly under Clinton or quickly under Trump. Strategic self interest will ensure this happens. The US is a Pacific power and that is where the future lies for it.
Russia has been preparing for this for many years. In fact since Gorbechev. Which is why he was there to end the farce of the Cold war. The Russian military is now well equipped and far stronger than Nato minus the USA. We have seen in Syria a demonstration of Russian air power.
It will not be necessary to invade Western Europe. One by one the old eastern countries will see things the Russian way out of a need for survival. Germany is Russia’s unfinished business and I believe that Russia intends to settle the German question for good. France and Italy as always will stand aside and as for us I am sure Russia would much rather have us as a neutral perhaps friendy ally than an enemy.
Russia’s dealing with Germany does not necessarily mean war. The modern German state and people are not equipped for it and know it.
Either way the EU is going to be irrelevant.
The Vote Now Show this evening on Radio 4 was an outrage of bias. Cleverly they tried to equal the jokes but it came across as the usual & predictable mockery of Leave.
Trolls gone quiet . Strategy meeting ?
I think they have a get together in Camden toilets.
I ask again…was our Scottish friends view on whether Scotland is right to have voted to stay in the Union in 2013, a salient point in his murdering( alleged of course-Private Eye rules) of Jo Cox?
To me that is no more stupid that his views on Brexit-for, after all the Cybernats tactics re Farage, Rowling and Bowie RIP were FAR nastier than anything that the jovial Gove, Boris and the fragrant Gisela ever said?
And another thing-is Mair the first mental health survivor that Alistair Campbell and Marjorie Wallace have not backed in their case?
I`d have thought Alistair in particular would be fretting about the stigmatising of others similarly exercised by threats to CPN services as offered by the local Mental Health Trusts up north?
Cancel the planned referendum on Britain’s continued membership of the EU.
According to the BBC (as at the 26th February 2016) 444 MPs of (almost) all parties have declared their support for Britain staying a member of the European Union on the basis of the reform package negotiated by the Prime Minister, David Cameron.
48,357 signatures
EU referendum: Petition to cancel vote surges after Jo Cox’s death
If they dared to suspend the referendum after this squit of a non-story, then I`d be looking into just who caused this to happen-and my conspiracy pals would have a field day in trying to find that the Bildenberg Group or Goldman Sachs( if not Lagarde etc) would have been spotted in Birstall a few weeks ago
Probably at the chippie with Hope Not hate or Tell Mama….believe you me these would be the more serious end of things if they DARE to stop us from voting to go.
Still though-if they cancelled it-the Remain Side would have won with all those postal votes that they`re writing out in Stepney/Mile End as we speak
Well the referendum can’t be cancelled, only postponed as Cameron is committed to a referendum before the end on 2017. He wanted an early vote to take place before the summer migrant influx.
If it was postponed, the Remain campaign would have to regurgitate Project Fear. How well would that go down? In the mean time what would the EU do on Turkish and other countries membership, migrants, Greek baleouts etc?
Maybe a postponement would be good for leavers, the remainers having shown their hand.
Just a thought.
Yes, a postponement might work for Remain. Get the funeral out of the way, recover from Elton with a hit recording about a camel in the wind in memory of St Jo’s work in the Middle East; the trial and possible ‘suicide’ of Mair (unsound mind like all Nazis) all wrapped up, and Project Fear returns with little else to frighten the millennials over. Meanwhile the Maoids in Brussels try to accelerate their case for further political integration, and Trump looks closer to a US election victory. Good chance of Brexit majority.
I’m afraid that it is too late to cancel , but of course those who feel the referendum should be delayed out of respect for St Jo should abstain.
This is Christopher McGinty the creature that started the “Cancel the referendum petition”…..As the managing director of a “Consultant company” working out of Britain and Germany, it’s not as if he hasn’t got a vested interest in the forthcoming referendum, is it now?
That referendum hardly makes sense at all!
It asserts, that because a majority of MPs have said they will vote to stay in, parliament should re-assert it’s sovereignty by cancelling the vote and staying in the EU!
I hardly know where to begin. So much for democracy eh? Perhaps we should call it referendum-fascist-left-style?
It denies the sovereignty of the people, it denies democracy, it thinks the elite should make all the ‘important decisions’ as obviously us oiks can’t be relied on to get it right.
The left will love it!
It also very conveniently forgets that Cameron’s government only got elected because of its promise to hold an EU referendum in the first place! It would truly be two fingers to democracy.
I see this has quickly vanished from the front page:
A stark admission from comrade Corbyn that “There can be no upper limit on the number of people coming into the UK while there is free movement of labour in the EU”. He also said that “If poverty was allowed to increase in parts of Europe, people were bound to look for somewhere else to go”.
Remember – free movement is non-negotiable and is a cornerstone of the EU ‘project’
A natural and totally inevitable consequence of this is that people will continue to move from poor countries to rich countries until such time that all member countries are equally rich – or poor. Now, if the existing poor countries are haemorrhaging people at the rate they are doing, then they are certainly not going to get richer any time soon, which inevitably means that they will keep coming, and we will be overwhelmed (as if we aren’t already) by immigrants in search of a better life in the UK. A typical race to the bottom, and the only winners are corporations who are gorging on the low-wage economy.
Excellent spot Neil. Corbyn: “There can be no upper limit on the number of people coming into the UK while there is free movement of labour in the EU”
I notice the trolls are back (has their “meeting” finished early?!?) – is there perhaps some connection… do you think they might be trying to roll this off the top 10, to try to bury it?
How about we play a game: as soon as this rolls off the top 10, someone repost it, and let’s see if they play “blog roll” 😉
The weird thing about this is that in the Baltic States getting on for a THIRD of the population has left. I am amazed these countries can survive. Surely they have to have some level of critical mass? At this rate there will only be a few politicians left. But I suppose they dont care as long as the EU funds keep pouring in. On the other hand you would like to think that any decent person in such a situation would be as opposed to the full consequences of free movement as us, lest their country become an empty shell.
It is fear of Russia !
Sluff; Deutschland has a surfeit of dentists and engineers they’ve recently acquired; who I’m sure Frau Merkel would be happy to assist these countries with in adjusting their population deficits.
Jeez, Sky is just showing a roomful of males in their 20’s playing um, games, at a centre in Northampton, showing that both camps are chasing the yoof vote. I could weep. This is how we’ve progressed to a generation of permanent kids in baseball caps at a grown up nursery who could decide the nation’s fate. At what point did it turn from young men fighting for their country, or getting ‘responsible’ and marrying with a family, to behaving as though they are still 14 in their 20’s ? Even worse we have a PM who makes fun of another’s surname, press reviewers who take the piss of Nigel Farage’s blazer (referring to him as someone out of Howards Way), and the demise of the neck-tie is heading towards total extinction.
The country might as well stay in the EU, because its already gone to the dogs.
5Live Pienaar this morning. Live from NYC comes International Rescue Committee President and CEO David Miliband. Pienaar asks whether both sides of the referendum campaign have “pushed things too far”. Miliband says no. The Remain side have been backed up by “Institute of Fiscal Studies, IMF and Treasury economic models and policy analysis” whereas the Brexit side have dealt in a “diet of demonisation” with the “appalling sight of the Farage poster” depicting “swarms of refugees, who weren’t even in the EU but on the border with Slovenia”. Miliband describes the Brexit campaign to leave the EU as: “An act of arson on the international political sytem”. And therein lies the truth that the United Kingdom will never be allowed to leave by the Internationalists. The UK. A rogue state disrupting the international order? I don’t think so.
I wonder who funds Miliband’s outfit?
Almost 50% of the 2015 budget for Miliband’s outfit (IRC) came from the EU agencies and the UK’s Dept for International Development.
And it’s UK affiliate is primarily funded by the same two sources.
Source: Notes 7 and 12 of the 2015 accounts of the International Rescue Committee.
No surprises there then…
“swarms of refugees, who weren’t even in the EU but on the border with Slovenia”.
Milliband’s even worse than I thought: he doesn’t even realise that Slovenia is in the EU as are all the countries that border it. As awful as Cameron is thank God we didn’t get this half-wit as PM.
“Milliband’s even worse than I thought: he doesn’t even realise that Slovenia is in the EU as are all the countries that border it.”
What a muppet. To be honest I didn’t know either – but then I’m not the director of the International Rescue Committee complaining about the poster to the British public on the BBC!! 🙄
I did think of checking when I read his statement but couldn’t see what difference it would it have made:. Even if Slovenia (or one of its neighbours) wasn’t in the EU all those migrants would eventually have got in anyway thanks to Frau Merkel’s unilateral undemocratic pronouncement, and/or the new deal with Turkey.
If you would like to hear international charity mugger Miliband speaking to the plebs of the UK, and while doing so smearing Nigel Farage, Brexit and THAT poster, then please listen to Pienaar’s referendum special from 10:40 to 18:45 mins
“Leading Conservative parliamentarian Baroness Warsi has told The Times newspaper that she is defecting to Remain from the Leave campaign group, accusing Brexit campaigners of peddling “complete lies”.
Because she’s been so active and worked so hard for the Leave campaign hasn’t she ???
Anyone heard of anything she’s actually done during the campaign other than absolutely nothing ?
“Anyone heard of anything she’s actually done during the campaign other than absolutely nothing ?”
Multiple Choice:
1. Sweet FA
2. Fuck All
3. Nowt
4. Bugger All
5. All of the above
Begs the question, anyone heard of anything she’s actually done
during the campaignAT ALL other than absolutely nothing ?And oh wait, a leading Muslim voting for Remain, and for unlimited Muslim immigration? Gosh what a shock…
I can honestly say I had no idea she was supposed to be supporting Leave. I suspect she only supported Leave in order to defect at the last minute.
Has Ken Clarke also defected to Remain?
She’s not the first to ‘defect’ to the other team. Bloody astounding – this isn’t choosing a dinner service from Debenhams, so you’ve changed your mind; this is a decision greater than the General Election, and here they are flip-flopping to each side; and to make that decision on what a sodding poster says, doesn’t say much for the intelligence of these people – they should join the games room in the grown up nursery in Northampton.
Apparently Dominic Cummins, director of Vote.Leave asked Warsi to join the Leave campaign, but she refused. She could not name a single occasion when she campagined publicly for ‘Leave’. Her latest stunt would have reduced my regard for her to rock bottom – had it not been there already.
A lesson on how to use images correctly:


Brilliant, Tabs, absolutely brilliant.
I just don’t get it ! How can this poster be vile and racist ??? The message is true, or am I not seeing something. This was a daily occurrence of hoards trudging their way across Europe, hardly racist, but I’ll agree it is vile, in the way we’ve had to put up with it. If I was Nige I’d shove another poster up, this time with Lilo’s floating across the Channel …… captions on a postcard please. In a perverse way I hope we do remain, if only to see the catastrophic influx of further migrants, and the reaction of all the prats who voted them through. Because that’s what its amounts to, its not a vote to remain, its a vote to allow the rest of the world unrestricted access to our way of life, regardless what Cameron says.
There are times I have that perverted view to Remain, especially when I hear the daft and totally stupid reasons put out by our oh so educated youngsters. Two examples 1 heard on TV interview ” we live in a vibrant city that was redeveloped by EU money ” WTF where do they think the money comes from. 2 again on TV ” It’ll be more difficult to travel to Europe ” No it won’t we managed before 1972. They’re focusing on little things and ignoring the larger issues. That’s when I go into rant meltdown and think maybe the UK needs to implode before it gets better. Still too late now I’ve posted my vote and filled it in black ink.
“How can this poster be vile and racist ??? The message is true”
There’s your answer. It hasn’t been carefully selected to show a disproportionate number of women, and children with teddy bears.
Women I know are worried, often for their children because we live in a rural area which is relatively unaffected – for now. Those with relatives still stuck in places like Bradford are even more concerned.
We do not want to live amongst that lot. Got it? Walking past a building site in a short skirt 40 years ago was nothing by comparison. If someone wants to label that racist, go ahead. The magic “R” word isn’t working any more – that’s why we’re hearing its replacement, “hate”, more often. Not intimidated by that, either.
Wretched Sky newspaper reviewer this morning (don’t recall her name, she was with John Nichol, who is pretty sensible) wittering on about the fact that the dead MP was apparently preparing a report on the “Far Right”. What a surprise. If I remember correctly, she was appalled that bagged up women in South Yorkshire (Birstall is in West Yorkshire) have been on the receiving end of verbal abuse or, to put it another way, Islamophobia. Can’t imagine why such a distasteful practice should get a hold in South Yorkshire, can you?
She was also a strong supporter of BDS, the organisation that wants to ban products from and contacts with all Jews in the Middle East (but no other races). I would say she wouldn’t have been a politician, or person, that I would have liked but her murder was still a tragedy..
The Guardian website reports today that the report Jo Cox was preparing was about “Islamophobic attacks”.
Doubtless this report and the interest in wider Islamic affairs shown by an MP trading on her credentials as a local and proud Yorkshire lass was wholly unconnected with the significant number of “south asian” voters in the Batley and Spen constituency and that the Conservatives had put up a candidate called Imtiaz Ameen in the last election.
Identity politics produce such odd juxtapositions don`t they? according to wiki Batley and Spen used to be a Conservative seat until boundary changes, it would be interesting to know what demographic changes have occurred since 1997.
It is classic Establishment tactics to ridicule anyone who votes away from the established norm. They try and scare people into thinking you are wrong and noone else has the same view as you.
Started off years ago calling Green Party supporters Hippies or tree huggers. Then for same sex marriage. If you said you don’t support same sex marriage then you are labelled as homophobic.
Same for voting UKIP, you get labelled racist, right wing, nazi, protest voter etc. Now it is so bad that images of dark skinned people cannot be used by anti-Establishment regardless of whether it is reporting a real life image.
Voting OUT on Thursday is also an out for the Establishment, out for Cameron and Osborne, and out for political correctness. So much to gain by voting out.
Tonight on BBC QT referendum special David Cameron’s appalling performance (again) may have just tipped the scales back in favour of Leave. I thought recent events had cooked Brexit’s goose. Yet the raucous response by the audience to Cameron’s bluster, with barely suppressed jeers and groans, together with frequent interruptions, has made me think that it’s not all over yet.
Early on Cameron became incoherent, repeating the words Better, Safer, Together, Secure in various combinations of gobbledegook. He was receiving a grilling that was clearly rattling him. Then an audience member compared him to Neville Chamberlain waving his piece of paper. This slur galvanised Cameron into a frothing fury evoking the memory of Winston Churchill, laughably comparing the fight to liberate Europe during the war to remaining in the EU to fight for freedom.
Cameron got some applause, maybe 40% of the audience on three occasions. The rest of the time, the overall tone was cynicism and insurgency.
I’m beginning to think again that we can win this.
The audience’s reaction (if we are to assume it was fairly selected – unlikely with the BBC, but there you are) was formed before Cameron’s lamentable performance, not as a reaction to it.
As such, it suggests not that the scales are ‘tipping back’ in favour of Leave, but that they had never significantly shifted at all, which I must say has been my impression all along.
We are seeing this campaign through a glass, darkly. What we are told is what the ‘elite’ wishes us to believe, filtered through the media which they have bought and own (and that very much includes social media).
Perhaps, just perhaps, we are about to see the real England again.
I agree with Mr G and GC; I thought Camerloon looked absolutely f****d (even after he’d been in make-up); the sort of exhaustion that needs a full day and a night of sleep to quell. The pressure is clearly beginning to take its toll on him and perhaps it may yet lead to even poorer showings by him before Thursday.
The performance tonight was jaded as a result, compare it with him on the Farage “debate” on ITV, his arguments sounded as flat and tired as he looked.
(IMHO) Dimblebeeb HAS to be retired; Good G@d! What a b@lls up at the start, FFS! How old is this clown now? Doesn’t al beebus have anyone to replace him?
Unbelievable gaff. He should have apologised at the end. Did they edit it out in later versions? I watched on iplayer and it was still there.
Turns out the “Improvised Munitions Handbook” which Mair ordered from the National Alliance in the USA is actually a US Army publication and can be freely ordered online from eg Amazon.
The National Alliance issued a press release about Thomas Mair pointing this out on the day of Jo Cox’s murder, along with a denial of his involvement with their organisation. They sent it to all major news agencies but they completely ignored it, apart from Reuters who quoted just one sentence.
What a stitch-up.
And in any case, what on earth does an alleged white supremacist lone wolf with mental health issues have to do with the Remain campaign?
Farage has repeatedly stated that he is for controlled immigration from all countries – and once we are outside the EU the scales would tip back in favour of commonwealth countries, meaning that a higher proportion of our immigrants would be non-white.
(They would also have to have a job before they come in to the country, providing skills we need, and would therefore be a net asset to the UK – plus we could check their criminal records and keep out anyone who might pose a threat to the public.)
I cannot believe this total and utter smear campaign by the establishment, it’s the lowest of low blows imaginable, even below the standards previously set by the mendacious and manipulative Remain campaign. It makes me feel physically sick.
1. Low
2. Extremely low
3. Below the belt
4. Shark shit
5. Lower than shark shit
6. Even lower than shark shit
7. Remain
Q: “Why wouldn’t a shark bite a pro-Remain politician?”
A: “Professional courtesy.”
(Disclaimer: all just in my personal opinion, of course)
Mike Hunt
Even Nigel Farage seemed to have been cowed by the “Saint Jo effect” in his interview on Peston.
As you say what has a random murder got to do with the Leave campaign, so to mention the martyrdom of Jo and the “contoversial” (horror , shudder) poster in the same breath only gives credence to this media piffle. At least Hippie Hilton did not join in the ritual condemnation of Farage like that gobshite Gove. Hilton also gave a very good counterargument to Camerlon’s “Believe the Experts” mantra . If Camerloon is so keen on experts why doesn’t he push for drug legalisation, a clear recommendation of the vast majority of academics in the field. Why bother with elected politicians at all? You could have panels of experts running everything à la Plato. Nice to see Peston silenced for once.
The media are really pushing the “vile, racist, disgusting poster which has been reported to the police” shtick. Apparently, the Baroness Warzi is now claiming she has defected from the Leave campaign because of the “xenophobic” poster even though she has never been affiliated to the Leave campaign. How sweepings from the gutter like Warzi can weedle themselves into positions of influence should make everyone “pause for reflection”, to adopt a media clichee.
Yes, strange reaction from Farage, isn’t it. Maybe he has learned from the misleading way they edited his comments the other day? Poster nonsense is indeed ridiculous – Tabs’s post above says it all… And don’t get me started about Cameron’s phony promises about listening to the experts…!!!
I’m fairly new to politics, and not very good at arguing a point, so sometimes I just ignore the rubbish that is spouted on eg Facebook, I’m thinking with some of the things that have been said about this poster and Nigel Farage, who is presented as though he is the Fuhrer. I can’t actually see anything wrong with it, as long as it hasn’t been photoshopped. Surely it is a real image, of an event last year, that is worrying to many for obvious reasons of the lack of control of migrants into Europe, which in time will affect our country. We are already getting a trickle (or that’s all we are allowed to know) over the Channel. Why should should police time be wasted on this – it’s ridiculous and reminiscent of the USSR/Eastern Europe. Next we will be having the police check party manifestos. The left have been quick to jump in and label the Leave campaigners as xenophobice, filled with hatred, vitriol etc, but in my experience they are the folks who comment on social media (FB for me, I dont do twitter) with that sort of attitude. I’ve given up trying to argue intellectually, and I don’t want the police knocking at my door cos I think a poster is ok. I also think the ‘beach body ready’ poster is ok! Down with censorship!
So now both Corbyn and Cameron have admitted there’s no way to limit immigration inside the EU… some truth at last.
BBC Suppressed Report Of ‘Sex Assault’ Of 14-Year-Old By ‘Syrian Gang’ (including its pin-up Muslim migrant boy)
Corruption at the highest levels, apparently.
Can’t believe Corbyn has finally admitted immigration is unlimited within the EU…
Can only help the Leave cause.
Oooh look: “Jeremy Corbyn says EU free movement means no immigration limit”. Who knew?
“Unelected woman no one has seen on the media for weeks changes mind and decides to vote remain”
Yep. That is what the headline actually is, but the biased BBC chose Baroness Warsi’s decision as the first headline on the Toady 7am news and then in the ultimate Muslim women love fest Warsi was interviewed by Mischel Hussein in the first slot after the news, and thus carried the story front of mind until 7.16am.
I swear I could hear the noises and sighs of the student marxists in the newsroon wanking themselves off during the interview. Was that buzz in the background Mischel’s vibrator? Maybe she didnt need one, fronting such an interview.
The cesspit that is the biased BBC in its full pro remain glory.
Seems to me she has a lot of form in pulling stunts like this. Remember her quitting the Cabinet with similar wads of publicity and very similar sounding statements. DC may want to have his barge pole at the ready.
The BBC seem to have forgotten Warsi’s “defection” claim which is what would have given the announcement its, at, best, minimal significance. Clearly the woman is lying through her teeth about her involvement. She makes the usual Little England sneers. Better a Little England than no England at all which is the goal of people like Warzi.
BBC back on horse…
….back on a familiar hobby horse, that is
For the second week running our ‘legalise it, we’ll advertise it’ national broadcaster runs pro-drug de-criminalisation features on BBC Breakfast – this is beginning to look at lot like a campaign.
Oh well, perhaps next week the BBC boys and girls will go cold turkey on drugs and push euthanasia on us again – just to ring the changes.
Memo to Nick Robinson: You can’t barrage the Farage!
Slightly off topic but did anyone notice that Nick Robinson unusually appeared again on TV last week, being interviewed in the studio by Alagiah I think, reference the Jo Cox murder.
Did the beeboids decide Laura Kuntsberg did not possess the required gravitas for the occasion?
And thus by inference a lightweight in position because of ticking the PC boxes and not her ability.
Certainly not on the economy we`re now left with.
For Nigel actually had a JOB in the City(imagine that?)-no wonder none of the politicos or their media whores don`t understand a word he says-Nick continues to call it a “free trade single market”-whereas Nigel tells him-in vain-that it`s nothing of the kind.
Just a cartel-or an old fashioned customs union…but who at the BBC or the Guardian-or indeed nearly all of Parliament these days-would understand THAT distinction-so Nick repeats his idiocies to rote,as will all other liberal questionners.
Poor Old Nigel-FAR more of a long suffering saint than anything to be found in public life these days-even when dead.
Groundhog day at breakfast as the week starts with an obesity story just for a change with a report from the obesity health alliance. North West informs us North West MPs will be paying tributes to Jo Cox. Back to breakfast Baroness Warsi has supposedly jumped ship although which ship she was on in the first place is less than clear. If she has been vocal for leave I must of missed that Anushka from the Guadian is on with Andrew Pierce she assures us Warsi was part of leave Andrew says no. Anushka then manages to get Jo Cox into the conversation……..
“Jeremy Corbyn says EU free movement means no immigration limit” – just in case anyone missed this yesterday.
Funny how quickly this disappeared from the “totally unbiased” BBC’s front page, isn’t it? (Credit to NeilW)
R4 news at 8am is a liberal left construction. The choice of stories in the running order tells us;
1. Baroness Warsi attacks Vote Leave for stirring hate and xenophobia. She cites Farage’s poster as responsible.
2. Jo Cox murder (placing the story here makes it run neatly off the back of Warsi’s points)
3. UN refugee agency. World Refugee Day. War and persecution. governments must show unity.
So the basic message is we shouldn’t talk about immigration (Leave shouldn’t show posters of queues of immigrants) because it leads to hate, which leads to murder. Therefore Leave is bad.
Large scale immigration isn’t bad, but talking about it is. Like saying a fire in your house isn’t bad, but telling people about it is.
I`m guessing that “World Refugee Day” doesn`t include all our kids and our friends kids-who all have to move to scandalously overpriced ripoff digs in cities fit to burst-with chaotic transport, crap courses, zero-hour jobs and contracts-wih druggies, migrants hovering in the underpasses, beggars by the cashpoint machines?
And all because we`ve got too many people chasing too few jobs in the overheated globalised economy, with money grubbing unis teaching nothing, but coining it in for the Vice Chancellors and their champagne receptions for yet MORE bought degrees.
For this white flight from Englands county towns makes THEM refugees-economic ones alright, but no less painful, because we`ve not had a balanced economy since Majors era.
I consider all the kids of Britain serving Amex and Nandos in Waterloo to be as much casualites of the EU as anything else-but bect Merckel and the BBC won`t ever give a damen about THEM.
Still-revenge is coming Itchy Ali!
“Large scale immigration isn’t bad, but talking about it is. Like saying a fire in your house isn’t bad, but telling people about it is.”
Exactly. So it must therefore be Leave’s fault that Jo Cox got murdered. If those naughty Leavers hadn’t stirred the pot no one would have noticed the underage girls being raped by Muslim gangs, the murder of an Ahmadi in Glasgow in broad daylight, the arrest and charging of the BBC’s Afghan poster boy for sexual assault, the lack of available places in schools, doctors, and dentists… All that is OK, but talking about it – no way.
And it’s fine for Islam to be to be congenitally xenophobic and misogynistic but if anyone talks about it they are racist sorry haters and must shut up.
And the EU Internet Thought-Police are on their way…
Free speech seriously under threat.
Not for the first time, I believe, Richard Branson has got himself in a pickle over the EU referendum. I cannot help but draw parallels between RB telling us to stay in the EU while sipping champagne at his private Necker Island retreat and Sean Connery, the Scottish hypocrite, telling the people of Scotland to leave the UK while sipping Martinis, shaken not stirred, from the comfort of his Virgin Island retreat.
One thing that is never far away from a lefty is hypocrisy.
There was a suggestion on the Today news at 0700 that MPs should sit together in the House of Commons without party lines “to show unity” today when paying tribute to Jo Cox MP RIP.
Thanks but we already know unity when we see it in the LIbLAbScotNatPlaidCon! regardless of who sits with whom.
It seems from the BBC news at 0800 that Jo`s closest friends want to sit together so the cross party arrangement may not take place after all. Perhaps they`ve been reflecting on Nye Bevans (non divisive) description of Tories as “lower then vermin” and didn`t want to risk sitting with them or any other leave supporter.
Whoever the Labour Woman on the Today programme was , she rather gave the game away when she was asked why the murders of Gow and Neave did not evoke the same emotional incontinence and mushy sentimentalism as the murder of Saint Jo. “These were political murders by the IRA and so were not unexpected”. That of course and also not wanting to do anything to delegitimise your Marxist friends’ “liberation struggle” or show sympathy for the “class enemy”. Wicked Tories on the wrong side of Marxist history again.
Migration into Europe for the 65% economic migrants and 35% ‘true’ Refugees. Read honest reporting and cited sources of the information. Explore what the BBC and the EU do not want you to know:
Not BBC, but good for a laugh:
Love it …. but I’m a bit worried that the LGBTXYZ+? morons might be offended….
Very funny.
LOL hilarious! Loving how the guy on left of the podium gets the joke 🙂
First up on the 2200 BBC News the evening the Chancellor announced £30 billion of “cuts” would be imposed if a Brexit occured: Laura Kuenessberg (so-called, “Political Editor”) embarked on the feature last week in the following terms – “The Chancellor announced that it would be necessary to impose £30 billion in cuts to services immediately if there were to be a Brexit”. Followed directly by her view, “……these cuts we will all have to pay for……….”. So, Laura belives this claim from the Chancellor is true? Silly, biased Laura!
“It’s what Jo would have wanted…”
I wondered how long it would be before a Bremainer said that!
Well it was the sound of Chukka “virtue signalling” by claiming he almost decided not to appear on LBC this morning ‘out of respect’ for her!
FFS Chukka you halo is made of plastic! Bin it!
Chukka was leading Classic FM’s Global Propaganda, after they had all agreed they would not be using her death to campaign to stay in the EU, a cause she believed in passionately and was campaigning for. Did they mention they were doing this out of respect… for a ‘Remain’ MP murdered. To stay IN.
This is a story on the BBC news website (UK main page) about a crooked Coventry councillor now deceased:
Oddly, there is no mention of which party he represented.
I take it he wasn’t a Tory then.
The BBC are totally shameless. Where are the Trolls who come on here to excuse the BBC. How can they defend this ?
BBC News at Ten last night managed to wheel out a woman in the full ‘letter box’ black headdress to give her opinions, in broad Yorkshire, (which for all we know could have been dubbed on) about Jo Cox. This followed a scene of a parson in church referring to her as a ’21st century good samaritan’. They left it until the very last scene of the emotional report, like the ‘money shot’ in a pornographic film. We are being manipulated; there is no doubt about it.
There’s been a fair bit of gloom on here about the forthcoming referendum. This quote from George Orwell’s ‘1984’ sprung to mind: ‘Power is tearing human minds apart and putting them back together in new shapes of your own choosing’. Well, we’ve seen plenty of that power since the killing of Jo Cox. Then I remembered another quote from the book, when Smith is asked why he thinks Big Brother will fail. He replies ‘Some spirit you will never overcome…the spirit of man.’
Be of good cheer. The systemic problems of the EU cannot be overcome by a Remain vote. All it will do is put off the problems a little longer. The spirit of man may be flickering but it is still strong!
Or the spirit that is put in man. I watched Bridge of Spies recently, Cranmer, and was most struck by the Stokiy Muhszy (please forgive my dodgy non-Cyrillic attempt to write some Russian) for the ‘Standing Man’. If you have not seen it, it may be a good video choice to rent for Thursday/Friday to avoid endless TV & Radio news cycles, favourable or no. How pertinent to your Orwell quote and this next Thursday!
BTW, you do not have to reveal here if you do not want to, but are you the same Cranmer as the A-Bish’s Blog?
Up2snuff no, I am not the same Cranmer who publishes a blog. I only found out about that gentleman after I’d already chosen the name, which was out of admiration for Archbishop Cranmer’s commitment to intellectual freedom and the Protestant cause, even unto death. By the way I have seen the film and quite enjoyed it.
Agree on Cranmer! Many heroes of Christian faith or faith that service to fellowman in your country is important have brought us over the centuries to a form of democracy where we can make a momentous decision on 23rd June.
If asked what was the most significant event of my lifetime, something that seemed impossible, I would always nominate the opening and subsequent dismantling of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the reunification of Germany. Bridge of Spies had that subtle little Spielberg ‘twist’ or ‘memo’ with its nod to that at the end.
An observation: Why does the BBC downplay and even mock Christianity, but whenever there is some ‘outpouring of grief’ they always show services in the local church and rush to interview the local vicar?
And why do they not report any special prayers in mosques for Saint Jo ?
Because they know there will be another clueless lefty, full of self-regard and eager to follow in her footsteps as if a clone. It matters not to Islam which stupid infidel does their bidding – for Islam, the left is the gift that keeps on giving.
The ‘Left’ is indeed the vehicle to more and more Islam (and Mayor’s come to think of it)
For those who don’t visit the always entertaining Guido Fawkes site please see this and chuckle:
More humour you won’t see or hear on the BBC: