Jo Cox’s strong voice in the campaign to remain in the EU will be badly missed. Her final article, published today: …
David Cameron has hijacked the murder of Jo Cox to buttress his campaign for the EU and talks of her as if she represented the very same values that he does.
She does not.
You have to ask if Cameron even knew who Jo Cox was before she was murdered….and as for respecting her views and concerns…note she is disappointed that the secretary of state couldn’t be bothered to turn up for the ‘important discussion’ about Syria.
In the speech in the video above she slams Cameron for his ‘shameful’ refugee policy and blames him for that very refugee crisis and the death and destruction along with Obama, she said in an earlier statement...“There is nothing ethical about standing to one side when civilians are being murdered and maimed”… Their refusal to act and to contain Assad and deal with the outbreak of the war so long ago allowed thousands to be killed and millions displaced.
Jo Cox finished with this ….
“I do not believe that either President Obama or the Prime Minister tried to do harm in Syria but, as is said, sometimes all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”
Jo Cox also said this about Cameron’s comments on Muslim women…
I think the Prime Minister should know better. He chose his words very poorly and I think he risks doing more harm than good and stigmatising Muslims, most of whom are integrated into British life. On one hand he says he wants to ‘free women’ but on the other he threatens them with deportation. This is not the way to promote integration.
Bad enough to use her death to drum up support for his political campaign but to also falsely claim that he admires her decency and compassion when her values are at total odds with his own on immigration, refugees and Islam is beyond belief and below contempt.
The BBC has failed to raise the issue of Cameron politicising Jo Cox’s death in such an obvious manner…even Tweeting her speech….and yet Trump is gunned down by the BBC for daring to say that Obama should use the term ‘Islamist radical’ when describing the Orlando killer.
Cameron stands on the coffin of Jo Cox and uses as a soapbox to peddle his lies…and the BBC feigns not to notice.
Others though have…
David Cameron ‘used Jo Cox’s death’ to campaign for Remain
David Cameron has received scathing criticism on Facebook after being accused of ‘using’ the death of Jo Cox for ‘political advantage’.
In an article for the Sunday Telegraph posted on Facebook this morning, the Prime Minister begins by paying tribute to ‘brilliant young MP’ Mrs Cox, who was killed in Birstall, West Yorkshire.
But after describing how the country will miss her, he turns the subject to the upcoming EU referendum.
He wrote: ‘It is not easy, in the wake of Jo’s murder, to turn to the question of Thursday’s referendum. But we must.’
He mentions that Mrs Cox supported the campaign to Remain in the EU, which the Prime Minister also backs, and then details why he believes British people must vote to stay in.
The post has not gone down well, provoking an angry reaction with people blasting the Prime Minister, with one asking ‘how low can you go?’
Ian Sanders said: ‘Using a poor woman’s murder for political advantage. I didn’t think you could get any worse. I wish I’d never voted for you. Still, you’ll be gone as soon as we leave the EU, and I can’t wait to get a decent Tory leader again.’
I`d have thought myself that -to show empathy with the death of Jo Cox-that the liberal elite who sponge off us would now go to Syria, Darfur etc-anywhere Jo would have had a conference, symposium or an air-conditioned chinwag with Baroness Scotland, Valerie Amos or Catherine Ashton-and put in a shift for a few years as she would have done had the houseboat not been calling her home.
AND-all that Foreign Aid could be saved as the elite worked off the value of the grants by way of hours actually digging loos or mopping bottoms and brows…as opposed to sitting in the Carlton by the plastic palm tree and bemoaning the English skinflints back home with a BBC nodding dog beside them.
It`s my BBC and this is now what I want…so hop to it sausages!
We will be hearing all this about Jo Cox day after day. The man was mentally ill maybe now they will think twice about doing so many cut backs???
I’ve got no empathy
I was quiet intrigued by this comment that I found on Camerons Twitter feed…..I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened either because the plastic Tory Cameron, would sell his soul to Stalin if he thought it might enable him to get his way..
Are you really suggesting that Cameron is not a closet Leftie?
I think they share more values than those which divide them.
I suggest that Cameron is nothing else than a corporate politician, put in place to enable his own influential groupings to virtually always get their way.. ….Hence his “signatory” support for the gruesome UAF..
Cameron, He is just a wanker !
A posh wanker?
Yes, he is a high class wanker , but still a wanker , if his hand can find it !
Yes he is the biggest wanker on the planet they line there own pockets and get what they deserve
I think he’s got a lot more than he deserves.
Unfortunately, Cameron is not “just a wanker”. He’s a wanker who happens to be Prime Minister and, as such, he can do an awful lot of harm, mainly by agreeing to do what his Brussels bosses tell him to do.
I would like to know why the British taxpayer was paying her salary when she was basically just doing the same job as she was for Oxfam. Looking afte rthe intersest sof everyone other than her constituents and the people he elected her?
Were her constituents plagued by “Rapes of young Kaffir girls by Muslims”?
If not, then she has done her job. If yes, then God have mercy on her.
Cameron really cannot help himself. A shallow PR man to the end. Just how did he get to lead the party and who put him there? Still a puzzle to me.
Ironically, because having had several leaders in a row pulverised by the media (notably the BBC), senior Tories thought a youngish PR spiv who was far to the Left of most Conservative voters would be a good idea.
Let us hope by the morning of the 24th they finally realise the error of their ways. If they don’t they might well end up with no party at all.
The fix was in when Cameron became Tory leader.
I remember watching the speeches to the special conference on TV. David Davies gave a perfectly decent speech, devoid of any flights of fancy. This was panned by the press and TV news. Cameron, on the other hand, delivered some airy fairy nonsense about the sun and the flowers, which was reported as if he was a latter day Winston Churchill cum Martin Luther King.
I had seen both speeches, so I knew the press and TV were spinning for Cameron and against Davies. The only question I couldn’t answer was why? Perhaps I can now.
When Cameron has safely delivered Britain to the EU for another 40 years of being bled white, he can retire to his estate, funded by windfarm subsidies and the largesse of EU big business. He will end up richer than Blair, and just as hated.
“If they don’t they might well end up with no party at all.”
Speaking as an EX party worker. It’s already gone.
About the murder , assassination
Most assassinations occur after the decisive election / coronations / elevation to power etc . Not usually before in the Western world . The referendum hasn’t happened yet .
About what we know of the assassin
He was not a fisherman
He had a mental health problem , which he was public about .
Who diagnosed his mental problems , did he ( mair) have a mentor , who was she/he ?
Had he had any contact with this MP before his attack ? Was he public about it ?
Conspiracy theory
Here was an unstable person who someone( a Gramscian ) could manipulate , rile them beyond indignation over a matter and frustration takes its course .
Cameron , Osbourne et al are not in any way connected to to the stooge and are blameless . But the situation has its advantages
Yes he is the biggest wanker on the planet they line there own pockets and get what they deserve
And what do I find inside this weeks copy of the Radio Times, a paper headed ‘Without Borders’ providing medical care under fire in Yemen-asking us to coff up for something that could easily be supported by the World’s richest nations surrounding Yemen-why should British people be helping Islamic tribal wars? Yes I know serves me right for buying the Radio Times ! No doubt the significant amount of money already raised for Jo Cox’s tribute, will find its way to the Yeman amongst other Islamic nations, rather than in support of worthy British charities, such as the Hospice’s that care so tenderly for the terminally ill.
Have you seen where donations to her fund are going? The Communist thugs from ‘Hope not Hate’ amongst others –
We all know Cameron is an asshole along with the rest of them. It has not been put on the news about all the people on disability that have and still having there money being cut the cits advice are snowed under with people having to go for help also people have died while waiting for response from pip why has this not been mentioned on the news it’s on Twitter but kept quiet??? Osborne when he said on TV that he was going to do these cuts then we were told that he would not well this is not true at all and it’s being kept out of the news just goes to show none of them can be trusted at all can they ???
People have got to a point now that they have no trust in the government at all when they lie to us all the time and all the fiddles they do on expenses they don’t like being caught out and then they get away with it or try and cover it up if they can ? A bunch of greedy low life bastard’s that only care about themselves. And Cameron at the end of the day ought to stand up for once and be honest but that as we all know will never happen???
I’ve not been around much of late, p’d off with the biased coverage but fearful that my heart won’t take the pressure that is building in me. So I don’t know if this has been linked previously, apologies if it has.
Hat-tip to Guido’s blog.