Imagine being employed by the BBC to go and defuse anti-BBC rhetoric what a job. Probably get told career progression can lead to auto cue reader on the couch or Nana’s golf caddy
They were very active in the run up to the last general election and then they disappeared until the last week or so. I don’t expect to have to skip over their posts until there is another significant decision that involves democratic choice. I don’t know they bother posting here as there is no evidence that they have ever convinced anyone about anything other than that they are very (expletive deleted) … They must get pleasure from posting here knowing that they irritate those who read them. Must be some sort of sadism complex.
I think they post here to break up our discussions
Is there a rota on a noticeboard somewhere in the BBC?
Agree there is a rota, but I suspect it’s nearer Vauxhall Cross than Broadcasting House. Flattering that we warrant such special attention.
It seems to me that Jerrod, Manon, Zero etc only grace us with their presence one at a time.
Usually, yes. But I have seen them hunting as a pack some weeks back – wonder if they will appear in tandem/trio shortly, just to prove us wrong?
And incidentally… telling how both Jerrod and Manon were named above, so identical-troll-triplet Zero turns up later on, isn’t it?
Typical tactics include:
1. Blog roll: pick a fight to quickly shift an uncomfortable post off the top 10, so it disappears from view in the recent posts bar.
2. Distract from uncomfortable breaking news on other sites eg Guido, Breitbart, or even to throw out smoke for a BBC story in which the real dirt has been buried.
3. On a day when lots of people are looking for alternative sources of info, disrupt conversation as much as possible. Referendum eve was a classic example, the usual trolls here went nuts.
A fun game to play is “disinformationalist bingo” – tick the tactics off the list as you see them being used.
Remember this: many open-minded people visit here looking for reasons to trust/distrust the BBC and/or confirmation of their suspicion that something is afoot with our esteemed national broadcaster. I know because (a) I was one of them myself not very long ago, and (b) if it weren’t so we wouldn’t be trolled, particularly not in the pattern we’ve seen in recent days/weeks.
At least two people to my knowledge have posted here that they changed their vote to Leave as a result of what commenters posted on this site, and I think it’s safe to assume that what we read about was just the tip of the iceberg. Tellingly, trolling increased significantly from that point onwards.
Unfortunately I’m going to have to take a break for a while due to other commitments but hope others here will keep up the good work, I like to think we really made a difference in what turned out to be a historic referendum.
What. A. Day.
Thanks to all for the information, education, shared exasperation, and inspiration. It’s been an honour and a privilege to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you all in what will no doubt go down in history as a historic victory for freedom in our wonderful land, and who knows, perhaps in Europe as well.
Glastonbury? … Billy Bragg? 1000 s at remain central? er … no thanks
Been waiting for today since bloody 1975, nothing is going to dampen my happiness today
… hmmm happiness? watch and learn Billy. express yourself and lighten up dude
Local school in Appleby had a minutes silence on Friday for “Jo” who died for her “political beliefs”.
My 13 year old son saw through that one and asked why no mention of any other more important issues. Pure political bias worthy of the BBC and yet another word to be had with the Guardian reading Head.
As I was peeling potatoes for today’s tea, I switched on Radio 4 for once to tune into the so called friday evening comedy hour. Normally I never listen to this crap but I thought I would make an exception for once in order to see how the “BBC comedians” handle today’s wonderful news. I became very disappointed when I was informed that the 6 o’clock news had been extended. I continued to listen but as the the predictions for the country’s future became more and more depressing I found myself about to slit my throat with the potato peeler. Fortunately I came to and switched over to R4X and continued to listen to an archived programme about Percy Edwards and his bird impressions. How wonderful things were then when that program was made before the E.U.
The same Corbyn who has tweeted his disappointment at referendum result. Fortunately he only has one vote, the same as the rest of us. Fame doesn’t make him any more special despite the BBC patronage.
The BBC today reminds me of the general election, continual how did ‘we’ come to lose?
They still had to have pathetic digs at Nigel Farrage because at the opening of the poll he thought he might lose. Now I wonder who might have given him that idea?
As usual lots of attempts to be divisive, emphasising all those areas that voted against the winning result. Very little analysis though as some Scots surely voted ‘remain’ as a result of fears that Brexit might trigger another referendum. Similarly the NI ‘remain’ vote was in border areas where false fears about the ‘peace process’ had been stirred up. It is worth remembering that the whole of Ireland was in union with Britain until the southern half voted to leave. As a result there never was a proper border between north and south and people moved freely before the EU was even thought of. During ‘the troubles’ minor roads were closed and checkpoints installed at major crossings. As long as Ireland remains outside the Schengen zone there will be no need for border controls in the future. A smart Brexit government could invite Ireland, (Denmark, Holland & France!) to join us!
I had a good chat with a NI customer today and what he said doesn’t actually look good over there. It seems we’ve stirred the hornet’s nest. First of all, he has no dog in the fight, so I can trust what he says. It seems there were a few games being played over there by SF (who would have thought), who as we know, like we Jimmy Cranky, have just one aim. Whilst publicly campaigning for remain, SF naturally wanted Brexit because that fits in with their long game of a united Ireland. Just like the SNP shouting for a 2nd indy-ref, the SF calls for a united Ireland referendum has suddenly gained a lot of traction. For them it’s a win-win because if things go their way, not only do SF achieve their ultimate goal, but a side effect is that NI’s answer to Rab C Nesbit suddenly jumps from £43 per week benefit to 180 Euro. Nice. This very morning, McGuinness has called for the referendum:
Or Dublin might just think about a little r-eu-nification of their own? Catholic Church has lost a lot of influence in past quarter century. HM went down very well, I gather, during her visit a couple of years back. Non-SF Labour: is that doing as well as Labour in Scotland? If the Protestants feel they might now be safe among all the other incomers into the RoI, SF may gain a long-term goal but find it is a hollow victory with a dilution of power overall.
Dear Eddie, I have always thought of you as a cross-dressing idiot and crap comedian……a disgrace to this country and an embarrassment to men everywhere.
May I now thank you for your fantastic contribution to us leaving the EU – you played a blinder.
And it would be rather strange if he committed suicide now, seeing as the likes of the BBC portrayed him as so ardently pro-Brexit and of perfectly sound mind.
I wish you were correct but she will become a martyr , a shining symbol , a saint who died for the cause of European unity. At least she will if the BBC/Guardian axis of non democracy has anything to do with it. They will see her memory as one that all like minded non democrats can rally around and use to further mislead the innocent and gullible yoof of our country. The fact that her constituents voted resolutely for leave will be buried. But this later point is one we should all remember as it immediately gives the lie to the false narrative that is busily being constructed to undermine the democratic result of the Freedom Referendum.
Others have pointed out that EVERY cause that Eddie attaches himself to , finds itself destroyed and trashed.
Like Gordon Brown and Russell Brand….there must be some curse that goes with these spectres…bit like the death of the Dads Army cast.
Talking of spectres, who dug “Mandy” up?
He s been doing the rounds today, mind you this morning with Panto Nikki on 5 Dead is a bonafide
classic of “misery fiction”
Give this a listen at 5m 40secs … I heard this as I was driving back, this morning and well
… just had to find it out
“(sigh) crouching here in the shade, on the other side of our gazebo, but, (sigh) however the sun is shining, its streaming in … its very hot (sigh)” BBC s Panto Nikki bleats mournfully
That s just the start 😀 – where are the clanging chimes of doom
I went a bit overboard: a cup of tea followed later by an Iceland Belgian Mint Majestic. Thinking of Iceland, I can’t help wondering whether they and the Republic of Ireland might in time – at some stage of Brexit negoashsheeaishuns – be whispering diplomatically to the UK about the possibility of an Atlantic Trading Partnership.
Well yes. Remember that the UK was a founder member of EFTA, along with Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland. Finland and Iceland joined later. The downside was that there were, and possibly still are, enormously complex “origin” rules governing entitlement to preferential Customs tariffs (“Preference”) between the EU and EFTA (and one or two others).
The more I think about it, the more certain I feel that Europe will move towards a much simpler, EFTA type model. If anything remains, that is.
The FTSE 100 is surprisingly resilient. Nowhere near the lows of earlier this year. The pound has tanked but a correction was needed (just maybe not quite this big and sudden). There are many other factors that could drag stocks down (globally) – there are a lot of unresolved problems still festering.
Rufus & Lock, hopefully you pay your tax in the UK. Big, important point completely missed by the BBC today: market fandangos after an event like the EU Referendum can earn banks & traders loadsamoney. Can be good for the Exchequer.
For the first time in a ballot I took a pen and made sure it was well marked , my missus was just telling me her mum did the same on advice. I was amazed they could not or did not seem to be able to fudge this one. Anybody any ideas why ?
I think they were so confident of remain that they didn’t think they needed to. Surely, the oiks and council estate tenants will do as they have been programmed?
It is the Enigma conundrum – how do you use a tool whose existence must remain secret? You need to use it effectively, but at the same time untrace-ably, and with a high probability of being confused with natural variability, happenstance, bad luck, culpability on the other side..
I was out campaigning for Brexit and the vast proportion of people I met were pro out.
When I went to vote I used my own pen on the ballot and was told it wasn’t allowed, I had to use the pencil provided.
The constituency voted remain.
Maybe a BBC team will investigate…or there again…maybe not.
Certainly incorrect advice, I asked the electoral commission before voting if I could use a pen, this is what they said:
Dear ManchesterLad,
Electoral legislation does not specify what writing instrument must be used to mark the ballot paper, but pencils are normally provided for use in the polling station booths by Returning Officers. A positive advantage of a pencil is that when the ballot paper is folded up, there can be no transference of a wet ink cross on to another part of the ballot paper. Ultimately, however, if you were to choose to mark a ballot paper with a pen, because you felt happier doing so, there would be nothing to prevent you doing so.
Will comrade Corbyn be making his ‘triumphant’ debut at Glasto this weekend? Saw him on Sky earlier with his fanclub/entourage following him around westminster not looking very happy.
He won’t forget june 24th 2016 for a long time a bit like Milibrain on May 8th last year.
The beeb all had grins like cheshire cats last night when those polls were announced. Hit the sack at 11.30 after seeing Chakrabarti looking like she’d won the lottery. Woke this to see their world had caved in. Oh the joy.
Watched a bit of the wright stuff on channel 5 with Matthew wright where they had a tory supporter and leaver Dr David Bull flanked by comedians Katy Brand and Scott Capurro. The bile and sneering coming from them and Matthew Wright was unreal. Trump was in the firing line as well.
I’m an OAP in the US. I apologise for our lame excuse for a leader trying to tell you how you should vote. I can assure you that I did not vote for him and am astounded that he was ever elected. My modest stock portfolio is down about 6% due to your vote to leave the EU. Before the results were in, I told my wife I didn’t care how much the market reaction would effect us. I prayed that you would get out of that brier patch and regain your independence.
Mr Jones – welcome sir and no need to apologise – the President did us all a favour as he undoubtedly helped the Leave campaign with his feeble attempt at meddling.
Thank you Sir! We needed those prayers and still do. It looks like nearly half of the UK is going to take a while to get the malign influence of the EU out of its system. The good wishes of good cousins will help keep us going. God bless America, too!
I didn’t comment on the thread last night as I was too busy typing the results into a spreadsheet as they came in. I just want to thank you all for the work you have put in and all those who voted for the result that I had hoped for, but didn’t really expect. Although I emigrated over thirty years back, my son reversed my journey and I’m delighted that both he and his new wife cast the same vote as I did in 1975. Keep up the good fight! First the EU! Now we march on Broadcasting House! Power to the People!
This reminds me of Cape Town during apartheid when demonstrators marched on the National Party headquarters.
To control the crowd the cops sprayed people with a water cannon using water dyed purple so that those who took part could later be identified and arrested.
BBC News Channel presenters, looking for every downside to Brexit, are very excited over the mayor of Calais wanting the Le Touquet treaty torn up – never mind that the mayor is not a party to the treaty. It is the agreement between the UK & French governments over the stationing of border controls on the opposite side of the channel.
Can you help me on this?
We do not have border control staff at the 1001 aiports which have flight connections with the UK. The carrier ensures that they do not permit passengers to travel to the UK without right of entry. Why can’t the same system be required of ferry companies, removing the need for the treaty?
Some cheeky git on Sky doing the ‘statistics’ bit, said that the majority who voted in the coastal areas were over 65 and weren’t going to live long enough to see the long term outcome; but listening to all rhetoric of the younger ones being interviewed, they could well thank the older generation for what they did yesterday. And really, those youngsters have no life experience of what’s right or wrong for them at the moment.
I so enjoyed the faces of the BBC presenters last night when it dawned on them the polls were wrong.Even better than the general election.
Good old Scunthorpe started the ball rolling.
Today they continue the scare factor and Victoria Derbyshire kept going on about a “sombre atmosphere “as though people regretted what they have done .They just can’t stop themselves when its not their narrative.Nothing positive to say about the future.
It’s a historic day and the BEEB haven’t got an ounce of pride about it.
It’s a historic day and the BEEB haven’t got an ounce of pride about it.
Yes, it’s a sad time indeed for the BBC. In a single day, the people of Britain have voted to reject the rule of a bunch of EU dictators driven by greed and lust for absolute power. They have voted to free themselves from the iron grip of an unelected, unaccountable and corrupt elite that guzzles at a gigantic public trough and cannot be removed from power, much like the BBC itself – which must surely see its mirror image in the EU.
So the BBC is in mourning today not so much because it will in time lose the millions in bribe money it has been getting from the EU to paint a rosy picture of that criminal organisation, but because a blow to the EU is a blow to the BBC itself. Ordinary people have sent the EU/BBC a direct and simple message: democracy still rules in civilised societies and is still occasionally able to defeat wealth and power when it is abused and directed against the people themselves.
TrueToo, good post, esp. last para. There are some variants of TT on the BBC BLogs & HYSs. Are you one of them? Some good posts, I noted. I thought it significant that some, even plenty, Remain Bullies were out but the Leavers, mostly, were not crowing and many were encouraging unity & realism.
Listened to Woman’s Hour this morning whilst in the car. Three young women (Sophie, the fourth couldn’t make it, but as she had voted out the producers couldn’t find another young woman who had voted the same way. I suppose there weren’t any working in Broadcasting House). One young woman said she felt ‘a European’ rather than British. I know I am old but I really find that difficult to believe. Her problem was she wanted to study in Germany under the Erasmus programme and she now wouldn’t be able to (no self-interest there then). The NIrish girl had voted leave and was annoyed when it was intimated that it was only young people voted in but the other two, of course thought that voting age should have been brought down to 16. But these young ladies, when asked who they would like to run the country, the Erasmus young lady said Chukka Umuna and the other said she disliked the Conservatives so much that she could’t say. So these young ladies (I call them that just because I know it would annoy them), were obviously not pulled out from the local bog standard comp. but were trainee Labour activists. When will the BBC learn?
Yes, Deborah, I heard this too. Jenni Murray, on at 10 a.m., was clearly in a sombre mood after the result but liked what she heard from the young women, saying it gave hope for the future, in that ‘matronising’ way of hers. Astonishing was the fact that, after a 52%-48% vote to leave, they couldn’t fish out anyone to replace the absent Brexit lady, leaving a typical BBC ‘balance’ of 2:1 for Remain.
There will be more of this, because BBC Radio 4 simply doesn’t understand the majority of people in this country: tuning into it is akin to landing on another planet at times.
Good conversation on the lunchtime R4 news today. Simon Schama (remain) and Charles Moore (leave). Schama was audibly p*ssed off and sounded very snappy and bitter. Moore was cool and calm, refuting Schama’s points and coming out with some great lines, eg ‘people seem to have confused the EU with Europe’ and ‘they have been led to believe that parliamentary democracy is somehow racist.’
In my view, Schama is not British, so I don’t care what he thinks. The BBC should interview him only as one of several foreign people with opinions about the result from afar. He has an academic post in the USA and his TV appearances do not make him British. He is a globalist and gets very petulant when exposed, e.g. his run-in with Rod Liddle a while ago (on Question Time, I think).
Heard the tail end of this.
Funnily enough it was clear that Schama was a guest-his sneering sanctimonious lies and slithering platitudes have become all too familiar over the past few weeks.
An odious little creep in the main, but think he supported Israel a way back over something-so maybe he`s just going through a phase.
Charles Moore is one of the gents-a great intellect, and -like Scruton and Booker-one of the old school heroes who fought the good fights whilst we were throwing stones at scabs/”fascists”–well Tories which was the same thing back then.
They wrote many of the books, faced down the Left in Prague or LSE whilst we knew nothing of them…so always respect them.
The Northern Ireland girl seemed decent enough-but pity that she was sandwiched between the classic entitled snowflakes of privilege who`ve never had to think-only emote.
One of them fretted about not getting her free Erasmus course in Edinburgh_I`d blame the SNP for that, but it`s easier for her to blame the clueless Tories.
She then went on to talk over student rights, immigrants needing more love,hating Tories and the death of climate change as an issue…wish I had a pound for every time the “climate change, workers rights, NHS and anti-austerity” memes cropped up among the idiot left…personnified by the girls who gathered around Jenni for a good cry.
Thankfully our Northern Ireland woman gives me hope-the rest are lefty idiots who may now have learned something….who am I kidding?
Not where I’m from, I’ve just seen 3 Romanians pulled out of a house by a load of skinheads who then poured petrol over them and flicked the match!! Oh, sorry, It was just a load of yoof students having a fun night out!
Has anybody heard of a single racist attack on any foreign person…anyone? I did see Boris attacked by a load of leftard scum though, oh those violent right wing fascists, eh!
I heard Nick Hyam interviewing an Englishwoman in Boston on PM; where the ratio of Britons to eastern europeans is 8 : 1 rather than the national ratio of 30 : 1.
She said that immigration had gone too far; that her grandchildren went to schools where they were in the minority and there were streets you could walk down where you wouldn’t hear english spoken.
Hyam’s response: “What’s wrong with that?”
Her reply: “Because this is England!”
They just don’t get it do they? Al beebus; Labour and the rest of the progressives cannot figure out why people in this country are so p****d off with immigration and why it would lead to them voting Leave.
They will try and use any other explanation for people’s dissatisfaction than the real one; as that would be, per Diana West, “multiculturally blasphemous”.
I help out an eastern European gentleman with his English via a volunteer organisation; we usually meet weekly and talk about current events etc. Today we talked about the Referendum. I trod a bit warily, but interestingly he said he thought in the long run leaving it was a good idea, that Brussels was ‘too strict’ and that anyway, there would be plenty of time to adjust to any changes. I wonder what the BBC would have made of that!
He’s from a soviet satellite state, yes. He seemed very sensible and laid-back about the referendum. Said he can’t stand all the bureaucrats in Brussels giving orders. All the hysteria about deportations, fascism etc seems to have come from born and bred British people.
“Because this is England!”
What a gloriously succinct heartfelt summing up of everything that’s gone wrong, for so long.
It brings to mind Leonidas kicking that Persian emissary down the well in ‘300’.
Sacrifice for your home, hearth, nation still resonates even in the most cynical of times. Some people nowadays think everything is about having money and comforts but they’re fools,
BBC 1 News at 6. ” Markets tumbled “. But then a surprise for me . A BBC business editor , Simon Jack , who I have never heard of was interviewed. He was quite sensible and said not much to worry about ” it will be business as usual on monday “.
Has anyone here heard of him ?
He was panicking quite a lot this morning to order as Dimbleby fretted through the early hours.
But clearly he`s calmed down, imagine Lord Norman Tebbit had word with him.
A wise man amidst the madness at breakfast-dealt beautifully with Soubry.
Wonder if Lord Nigel Lawson is still with us?-he played a fine role in our liberaltion.
I just googled Simon Jack. Seems he has some real business experience outside journalism . And is married to Suzy, daughter of John Barry. Cue James Bond theme.
I was just amazed at the interview. My first thought, how the hell did he get a job at the BBC ? Will he still be there of Monday ? Definitely not Scrumpy Jack !
Maybe we`ve got ourselves a Daniel Corbett for the New Era here.
And if he married anyone who gave us the magnificent “Persuaders” theme…then he`s fine by me!
This would be MY new anthem for the country as we walk out to ignominy against Iceland.
Nigel Lawson is very much with us, and has a great mind. He is one of the founders of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (he is a noted sceptic) and he campaigned for Brexit.
Sorry Mr Cooper.
Have greatly enjoyed his contributions throughout the campaign.
Having read my blog-pretty clear that I phrased it badly.
Only meant whether he was still in the UK or has he gone back to Gascony?
Wherever he is…we thank him!
A classic Lawsonism for anybody who missed it was a discussion programme where some bint (I think she was from the CBI) was waffling on about the problems of making trade agreements and no one could say what the alternative to being in the EU was. Nigel: “I will tell you what the alternative to being in the EU is. The alternative to being in the EU is not being in the EU. For your information there are far more countries not in the EU than in it and they are generally doing much better than the EU”.
I saw that too and regard it as one of the best put-downs I have ever seen. If I recall correctly, it was Carolyn Fairbairn he slapped down. She isn’t just from the CBI…she is the Director General.
In fact, I have just found it. Enjoy.
As I live half the year in France at the start I was torn as to how to vote. I wanted to vote leave as I have loathed the EU for twenty years & the EEC before that. I was a bit concerned about my decision’s effect on being here in France.
It was learning that Nigel Lawson also lived in France & had no compunctions about a Brexit that convinced me to vote Leave with no worries.
Grant, he was appointed in February and promptly disappeared down a BBC wormhole. He takes Kamal Ahmed’s place, following Kamal’s promotion into the Pestoid’s old Economics slot following the move to ITV.
And guess who Kamal Ahmed is dating ? ……………………….. oooooooooh its Sophie Long, one time squeeze of Tim Wilcox when he was still married. A real hotbed of lust that news room !
Yes, Simon Jack was ‘just a boy’ when he first appeared on Breakfast a few years ago. Around about the same time as another regular face – Declan Curry (long before big Steph), so it looks as though Jack has been dusted off and brought out of the cupboard again.
Yes, Grant, every now and then one appears. Lord knows where they pluck them from but rest assured, in not following the script, it is unlikely they will be seen again. Take Daniel Hannon MEP. Brilliant, levelheaded outstanding orator. I hope he gets a look in in the UK particularly as he will be out of a job soon.
A real Beaut on BBC Scotland just now. The Stock Markets. They show a graph of today’s movement on the FT 250 . FFS . First time they have ever referred to that in my experienec. Most first measures would be the FT100 . Of course the reason is that the 250 has underperformed the 100 today. About 8 % versus 3 %. That could partly be a result of weighting issues in the 2 indices.
But , that is not my point. I never remember in at least 30 years of followng markets the BBC featuring the 250 when it has outperformed the 100. Is this bias or just incompetence ? One laugh was that the BBC graph was accurate but the x axis ended at 10 am. Maybe a mixture of bias, ignorance and incompetence.
Grant, project fear has only just started, watching that wanker, Nick Robinson, who is repeating the mantras that every beeboid has been spouting all day…divisive, destruction, young V old, UK break up, pariah, xenophobe, recession etc,etc. It’s just disgusting. ITV and Peston was worse.
I believe project fear hasn’t even started, the leftards just can’t accept that the ordinary people..AKA right wingers..have gone against their perfect ideology, , the media are going to stoke the fires big time and I can see trouble ahead.
I just had to switch off Channel 4 News . It was even worse than the BBC. My elderly mum, who is in the early stages of dementia, asking me yet again ” are I going to lose my pension ? “. The Lefties have no souls, no hearts , no brains, no humanity. They are Nihilists and alway losers. But many good people suffer along the way.
the leftards just can’t accept that the ordinary people..AKA right wingers..have gone against their perfect ideology,
Yes all the politicians are saying that they will abide by the decision of the people. They have to as the media would crucify them otherwise. However the BBC (& others) are determined not to respect the vote and they are finding plenty of luvvies etc to further their attack
Bias, I think. Lots of it on the extended 6pm News. Far worse than WatO. They are deliberately talking bad things up.
Oldies used to tell me that it happened early on in WW2, not necessarily by the BBC then but the public in general. The Government then made a bit of a fuss and it was deemed unpatriotic. Linked with the threat of spying, I believe it became the ‘Careless talk costs lives’ slogan created by and released from the Ministry of Information.
Up2snuff, I think what we are seeing now is ‘Project Fear Max’. There will be non-stop attempts to destabilise the Brexit negotiations, and pushes for a second referendum etc – not from Brussels but from our own people. In the long run things will probably be ok and the markets will settle, but this period of uncertainty will be milked for all it’s worth. This is becoming clear less than 24 hours after a Leave vote. We thought ‘Project Grief’ in the wake of the Jo Cox killing was bad – we ain’t seen nothing yet.
Cranmer, I agree. It does tend to increase concern that we are a fairly long way from loosening the tentacles of the EU from our faces let alone being rid of the whole parasite. There will be many temptations offered and excuses made to ‘return to Egypt’.
I suspect I am not the only poster on this site that has thoroughly enjoyed watching the BBC’s Referendum Live coverage and reading its website today. Why don’t the BBC’s pseudo-intellectual, pro-EU lefty, time they grew up, reporting cadre just wear black armbands and be done with it. Faces like smacked arses today, the lot of them.
In all the excitement I seem to have missed the BBC acknowledging that Nigel Farage has been right all along. They did, didn’t they? Because he is!
I think we should all give a special mention (with supporting quotes if you wish) to any person or organisation that deserves a resounding f*ck off for their part in trying to persuade us to Remain and who, following the result, showed their/its contempt for the democratic process. The BBC is, obviously, near the top of the list.
For my part, I think JK Rowling has shown just how special she is. The multi-millionaire, working whilst on benefits, faux-socialist today blamed David Cameron for breaking up not one but two unions with this referendum. No dear, he didn’t, he merely kept his promise to hold a referendum. Now please f*ck off with your sacks of cash and leave us alone.
Over to you.
I noticed today a slight rehabilitation of Nigel. Maybe the media are hedging their bets. Seems to me , if there is a meltdown, there may be a series of by-elections, if not a General Election. Nigel may get into Parliament and there is a vacancy for PM !
Lord Farage can rightly, justifiably and deservedly feel very smug right now. The BBC can whine all it likes, deep down they know they are wrong…about just about everything.
Well the Conservatives dare not pull their battlebus stunt against Nigel again. I read that they may have spent £200,000 to make sure he lost Thanet South, and we never did find out where the missing ballot boxes went did we?
Hopefully, someone with better IT skills than me will be able to produce some highlights for us all to enjoy.
Extra gloating rations all round methinks.
Obama would be right up there at the top of your list. Not content with his treacherous weakening of his own country, he threatened patriotic Britons who want the best for their country and offered comfort and support to the traitors who would weaken Britain in the guise of a global ideal.
I’m delighted that he failed, and I note that the hypocrite is now making soothing noises about the future US relationship with both the EU and the UK.
The three Remainians who ‘debated’ the issue on Tuesday night – Mayor Kahn, Ruth Davidson and Frances O’Grady deserve special mention for an extraordinary display of petulance, bitchiness and mockery directed at their calm, reasonable and informed Brexit opponents.
Rob n Cheshire: I didn’t know Andrea Leadsom before this, but I think she’s great.
I second that. When O’Grady made that comment about the donation to Brexit from an ex-BNP member, thereby trying to smear Brexit, Andrea simply responded that the comment was “unworthy” of the debate and left it at that.
When I first heard O’Grady speak I thought she was verging on hysteria. Then, as the debate moved on, I realised that is simply how she habitually speaks.
Find myself hunting down all my hated liberal shills who`ve gloried in rubbing our faces in their diversity agenda.
Currently enjoying Jon Snow on mute( a broken heart) with Simon Schama howling at the moon on iPlayer.
Hoped to find a News Quiz on Radio 4…but there`ll be no humour today, thank you very much.
Great days-will be bouncing around the angry liberal outlets, enjoying their dissolution in a puddle of tears of their own making.
Been a long time since I’ve posted but I do regularly view the posts. Some brilliant stuff, chrisH particularly stands out along with thoughtful et al.
24 hrs is a long time in politics and what a momentous 24hrs they have been.
The bbC has decended into the Glums and lose credence the more they twist and turn on the spit of the brexit roasting.
Time for a large glass of Pernod [guaranteed to numb bbC bias] and lemonade. Probably double in price soon but who cares!
Shortly before Christmas 2015, there was a very informal vote here on who was the ” Poster of the Year ” ? It was a no contest. chrisH won hands down. Quite unique.
chrisH , Your name is mispelled . The H shout be a T. When I first read your posts , I thought ” Jesus Christ ” !
Have a great time in Glastonbury , enjoy Coldplay and stay clear of the “substances ” and bent coppers. Stick to Cider and Vaux but not in the same glass !
he English, the English, the English are best:
I wouldn’t give tuppence for all of the rest!
The rottenest bits of these islands of ours,
We’ve left in the hands of three unfriendly powers,
Examine the Irishman, Welshman or Scot,
you’ll find he’s a stinker or not.
The Scotsman is mean, as we ‘re all well aware,
And bony and blotchy and covered with hair,
He eats salted porridge, he works all the day,
And he hasn’t got bishops to show him the way.
The English; the English, the English are best:
I wouldn’t give tuppence for all of the rest!
The Irishman, now, our contempt is beneath,
He sleeps in his boots and he lies in his teeth,
He blows up policemen (or so I have heard),
And blames it on Cromwell and William the Third.
The English are noble, the English are nice,
And worth any other at double the price!
The Welshman’s dishonest, he cheats when he can,
And little and dark, more like monkey than man,
He works underground with a lamp in his hat,
And he sings far too loud, far too often, and
A wonderful song, but you should have deleted that last verse.
The Welsh delivered yesterday – and last week in Lille when the Russian thugs kicked off the English and Welsh fans joined forces. England and Wales : a union well worth keeping.
I had been planning to cheer for the Norns against Wales tomorrow. I’ve done a complete 180 degree turn and will be cheering for Wales now. My Welsh wife is surprised.
The song was actually a pop at some of the English with overly sentimental views of themselves and overly dismissive views of others.
It was a parody, not a statement of superiority.
That song written by Steffi’s late, lamented dad is brilliant. It’s only when it gets to the end you realise that the joke is against the English all the time.
A sharp young girl I met ( student at a good University ) and who voted to leave showed me her facebook page. Full of real hatred and bile from the losers. All old people should be killed etc. My life is ruined etc . The EU is like a big safe space.
This young lady originally came from a country that knows and has known real turmoil and hardship so was not impressed. She thought our young were spoilt kids out to bawl themselves hoarse.
Sorry most young British are wimps and need to shape up.
Dave S, excellent point. I thought I was unshockable – and I know social media is basically stupid – but I’ve been shocked by some of the hatred pouring out of it today. It’s shameful that people who are lucky enough to be born British can act this way. I spoke with an eastern European acquaintance today, who was thoughtful, reasoned and calm about the whole thing; we had an enjoyable discussion about it.
Part of the cultural plan seems to be to condition emotional responses to by-pass reasoned analysis:
Take the phrase “our NHS” (rather than “the NHS”). “Our” denotes ownership and there is no doubt that the NHS is a popular institution with which people feel a connection that they don’t feel with, say, a supermarket. But why don’t we hear about “our” annual deficit of £80 billion, or “our” over-all national debt of £1.6 trillion? These are, in part, caused by “our” high spending on “our NHS”.
Or take “divisive”. Importing hundreds of thousands of unassimilable Muslims, who arrive with a ready-made ideology at odds with European secular liberalism, is going to cause divisions. But the word “divisive” is reserved not for Merkel’s mad scheme or UK government failure to limit numbers, but for those who point out the danger (PEGIDA, Mr Farage, Ms Le Pen et al).
“Hope not hate”: the haters are largely imported but our home-grown ones are further antagonised by a policy that increases competition for housing, hospitals, school places, benefits, etc. So who is really promoting hate? The multi-culti brigade and their mass immigration policies perhaps?
The focus on youth is predictable. They are the easiest to brainwash through state schooling, Uni and popular culture. BBC and MSM coverage often focuses on the young, the urban, London, popular entertainment and sport: these are groups or areas where immigrants are often disproportionally prominent, giving a false impression of the country as a whole. Meanwhile, the despised “legacy population” of the old White racists of the shires and towns can be offended at will, e.g. the implication that they got it wrong out of ignorance on the EU referendum or if the Tories win an election.
I continue to be astonished at the moderation of the older British in the face of the betrayal of their country by the elites. When will the BBC understand this? They and their opinion polls were wrong about the 2015 Election and wrong again about the EU Referendum.
“My Scottish friends, respectfully, Nicola Sturgeon is a much better comedienne than Jimmy Krankie. She wants independence from London, in order to be governed by Brussels? Don’t get all excited and start dusting off your Braveheart DVD’s just yet! She wants to unshackle you from the city of London, to hand control over Scotland to the EU. Utter madness.” – tweet from Richie Allen (radio broadcaster)
Well, this non-chippy Scot , is thanking you English and Welsh for voting the way you did and , in celebration, I am listening to Elgar and Vaughn Williams, but not at the same time.
Victory is ours – but the vitriol will not end.
Just been watching the C4 skews where a beligerent (drunk?) Will Self rounded on a Leave representative in one of the most pig ignorant ranting bullying episodes I have seen during the debates. Jon Snow, the old pratt, stood there and let him continue to berate the woman and then bloody well joined in! What happened to journalistic ethics!
It isn’t only the Beeb that needs overhauling (or keel hauling) but the rest of the bloody metro elite who have wrapped up most of our national broadcasting output. Boris, time for the red underpants on the outside.
It really is time if ever that this old cold-war era Marxist information service was finally put to sleep.
Perhaps a referendum on “should the BBC be de-funded?”
Nothing worse to those cnuts than have their free money stopped
C4 news was a disgrace with Will Self who I dislike set up to argue with Dreda someone (who I’ve never heard of). Self was off his head on self righteous sanctimony and poor Dreda could only say “you look angry”.
Why didn’t they put Self up against one of the Romford fishmongers featured earlier? That would have been worth watching.
Think they were the double act a few days ago too!
Self called her racist…or in cahoots with racists.
Disgraceful-but Snow and Self both knew that The Cause was All…so stuff the black gal who actually CAME from East London, as opposed to “speaking to a builder chappie when up in Orkney, pip pip”.
THIS is the New left- either sneering at fishermen as Geldof does…or accusing black women of being racist if they dare to vote “Leave”.
The Left are off it…gone, gone, gone.
That will be Dreda Say Mitchell, who has committed the cardinal sin of being a young black woman who supports Brexit. She also writes novels which sell well, which must really boil Will Self’s piss. Anyway, the poor lady was clearly uppity for failing to do what her leftist betters expected of her. She seems to think she is entitled to her own opinions, but she will never be invited to a dinner party in Islington ever again.
Did you watch the Ch. 4 ‘Last Debate’ with Paxman 22.06.16? Come the end of the programme, the “specially selected audience” (well yes, how could it be otherwise?) who had been given ‘special electronic devices’ to record their changes in perspective during the course of the programme went, for the undecideds, virtually off the scale in support of ‘Remain’. It had to be a tv producer in the background taking control of the devices at that point. Alternatively, their efforts to compile the ‘specially selected audience’ went horribly wrong.
Any Questions on Radio 4 now comes from Broadcasting House….London! Hence a very biased audience. Why did the BBC choose the safe option of bringing the programme from there?
The anger of the losers is coming up to the surface & it’s nasty. Take the scum shouting abuse at Boris Johnson this morning as he left home.
Yes, the liberal man child with his bike bellowing at Boris made himself look foolish, especially as one push from a copper made him lose his balance…!
All I saw spouting the bile were typical male 30 something London workers i.e. bike riders with slotted spoon helmets and rucksacks. Ignorant and mouthy generation (as are most of the young Remainers) who no doubt bring their kids up the same.
I heard John Simpson comment earlier, that the previous referendum was contested in a ‘kinder’ time, the population believed tv journalists and politicians, 2/3rd voted to go into the Common Market, AND 41,000 people left THIS country that year, which was far more than arrived here so immigration was never an issue. Sadly a time , and the manners and attitudes of the older generation we shall never see again.
Nasty little piece of fluff wasn`t it?
To listen to it, you`d have thought that Clarke and Thornberry were speaking as the victors from last night.
So arrogant, self-righteous and shouty…and, like Dimbly Minor…very, very bitter.
The questions and presumptions of the whole gilded elite was in evidence-these people regard the little folk like us as THEIR people-and we refused to follow their party tram lines to hell.
We said no-and though Grayling isn`t Nigel, he`s honourable and chose the right side…one of our own from now on.
And Woolf is a good asset to UKIP-and their shouted questions as if he was Foreign Secretary were a disgrace.
It was Thornberry and Clarke who have strewn the playing fields with their dead and useless-all Chris and Steve had to do was to speak for us. And this they did. But the cosy cartel of entitled lather like Thornberry-Clarke , with Dimbliminor lobbing ball bearings round the floor swamped any efforts to make sense of WHY we chose Grayling and Woolf over the Entitled.
An awful programme-but their rage and scorn for us all was clear-it`s reciprocated and we`ll not forget them.
Agree, Chris, I could hear the bitterness in Dimbleby’s voice: the referendum result was not what he expected or hoped for. Thornberry was humiliated when Woolf didn’t miss the open goal of her post about people who have white vans and fly the St George cross. She tried the “I’m prolier than thou” defence (“my Council estate”) after the UKIP man did the same to her. Grayling was good, didn’t drop the ball. Fatty Clarke was appalling, as bad as I have ever heard him, still labelling those with worries about immigration as far right. Maggie T had it right about him when she said: “Those awful hushpuppies! I always knew he was a socialist at heart.”
I suppose the way the BBC is going, sooner or later “Auntie” will be advocating pulling OAP’s out of their houses and stringing them up on the nearest tree.
Not BBC related, but no doubt this will be all over their yoof pages – For maximum gloating points, just have a quick look at the Twatter hashtag #NotMyVote, it’s f***ing hilarious. The bile that some of these kids are coming out with is shocking. Some stupid 17 year 10 month old crybaby thinks she’s every bit as qualified to vote as her friend who’s just 18. Well maybe she is, but sorry luv, you are a CHILD in every sense of the word. Extrapolating her ‘argument’ we will have foetus’s being cut out in the polling stations so that they can exercise their ‘democratic right’. The language and ‘logic’ they use is a perfect illustration as to why society considers children unqualified to vote, especially on such a massive issue as this.
No taxation without representation = no representation without taxation.
If you are still at school with no paid p/time job, then tough. If you are sixteen and seventeen and working full-time then I reckon you have a good case to be allowed to vote.
And don’t forget neilw, its this Twatter and Facebook generation who could be running the BBC in 10-15 years time, once they’ve done their stint at Yuni ! so our national broadcaster is forever doomed.
I’ve just witnessed an extraordinary tantrum from a Polish representative of the EU. Matt Frei from Channel 4 was asking him what he thought Britain’s prospects were outside of the EU. The jam roll became belligerent and told Frei peevishly, “Next time you’re in trouble don’t expect Polish pilots to come to your rescue.” Of course he was referring to the many brave Polish lads who did make a contribution to the defense of our islands during the second world war, many of them flying Spits and Hurricanes. I have absolutely no argument with that whatsoever. But, and surely everyone knows this, the prime reason for Britain entering the bloody war in the first place was due to the German invasion of Poland. Matt just stood there like a complete plank while the angry Pole distorted our noble history.
I was absolutely fuming.
Bloody cheek.
Matt Frei has always been rather dim. How old was the Polish boy and was he taught the Soviet version of history ? It was the Germans who were responsible for the Katyn massacre. Matt Frei, brain dead.
Good point Jeff. But it’s scary how ignorant most people are about history now.
Makes me think that just if…just if yesterday’s vote causes the collapse of the EU by the domino affect, & subsequently a free trade area is set up in its place to everyone in Europe’s advantage, in fifty years time the credit for this will be given to Jean Clod Juncker & Donald Tusk. Historical facts are always the first to disappear thanks to the left leaning media & crummy biased education.
Bloody cheek indeed. Pity we couldn’t send them a bill, like the US sent to us.
Anyway, as I understand it, they did well for two reasons. They were relatively experienced at the outset, unlike most of our own, and we gave them good British planes to play with.
Should be grateful they no longer have to queue for their potatoes and beetroot, or whatever it is they eat.
The Poles believed they were flying for Poland, not Britain. Joining the RAF was the only way they could do it as their country was over-run by two allied sets of socialists.
Admiral Beatty , Battle of Jutland 100 years ago – “There seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships to-day,”
Al Beeb last night – “There seems to be something wrong with our bloody voters to-day,”
Can we have some Brexit jokes? I could do with something to liven up my social media feeds. Everyone’s being so po-faced and miserable. Search for ‘Brexit jokes’ and all you get is twaddle from Remainers. I may have posted this before but the only one I’ve thought of is ‘Bob Geldof has re-issued his hit single ‘I Don’t Like Mondays’. It is now called ‘I Don’t Like Fridays Either.’
Cranmer – I was in Tesco this afternoon and there was a foreign couple in front of me in the queue. The woman on the till asked them if they needed any help packing their bags, and I thought to myself “Bloody hell, I didn’t expect that this soon after the result!”.
Boom Boom!
Not quite a Brexit joke but the, late and great Tommy Cooper , told this one at Dean Martin’s birtday party at a ” Water Rat” celebration. Many year’s ago. ” Of course, Dean Martin left the partnership with Jerry Lewis, just to prove who was binging it down “.
An old one reworked for today: ‘Following the Brexit vote, Italy has requested a stimulus package. Silvio Berlusconi has suggested two Viagra and a can of Red Bull.’
(Somewhere on the Internet, this is looped so you can play it until you fall off your chair & are ROFLing or realise that there are bills to pay so it’s back to work. Could not find it but enjoy anyway.)
The BBC is in full funereal mode, post-Brexit. When they aren’t mewling and sniffling about wiith long faces like a smacked arse, they are engaged in some kind of doom-laden alarmist role playing game. For them, Britain’s optimistic choice to leave the EU and to re-enter the world as an independent sovereign state once again seems to bring out the mortician in them. All is doom. All is gloom. Nothing positive to say. No hope. No future.
It is absolutely pathetic and totally disgraceful. The BBC are a complete insult to objective reporting. And their mischievous indulgence of that nationalistic socialist Scots tw*t Sturgeon is reprehensible.
Sorry about the fruity language, folks. The BBC really do know how to get right on one’s t*ts.
Also ObiWan they seem completely insightless into the fact that the majority (I savour being able to say just that by the way) can see right through them.
Any rising awareness in them will be a somewhat uncomfortable experience I think.
Newsnight is hilarious. All somber piano and hushed tones. Frankly, I’m surprised only that Evan isn’t wearing a black tie, the Newsnight set dressed out with with coffins. Christ almighty.
And which part of his anatomy ? Not that I am really interested. How long will this BBC wake go on ? Maybe tomorrow they will get a shot of something else ? They are still in denial. Nurses and medicatiion required.
I thought a significant chunk of Cambridge was poor, struggling to find housing & with a relatively high number of Food Banks? Or have things improved there under this terrible regime of Austerity?
The Glitterati, Affleunti and Metropoli types like to point out that we pay only around 1% of our Grossed-up, Grossed-out something or other, which they forget is earned by the nation as a whole, in order to belong to the EUphemism Klub de Bruxelles. This 1%, tiny when set against Beebudgeties and Soaring Bonuses in the Metrollops, isn’t anything much to worry about at all and will not do the slightest good at home, so like a lifetime’s subscription to Harpics Bizarre and Vague we might as well keep paying it while chucking the never-read glossies in the re-cycling on the way out to Fortnums or Horrids, OK, yah?
So, ‘we’ will jeer and put the mockers on Grayling & Woolfe until they present a detailed NHS budget for every single sixpence of the 1% right now, at this moment, instantly. I had to turn off. Just couldn’t stand Thornberry any more so am glad that I also missed out on Clarke’s horrororation. I hope there are some good 52percenters who will talk Realitypoliticky when the Remaindered start to get nasty again on Any Answers tomorrow.
When Mr Obama became USA president in 2008 (results certified 2009), the BBC were euphoric. He got 52% of the Vote.
When the people of the UK vote to leave the EU with 52% of the vote, the BBC are dysphoric.
And there are some on here who think the BBC are not biased.
I am worried. Firstly, Cameron has not invoked Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty because he believes that it is up to the new PM. Second, who IS the new PM? Will he/she invoke Article 50? Third, why is it necessary to invoke Article 50? We can, as a sovereign nation, enact a law automatically negating any previous laws….. Can we not?
I think that Article 50 was put in place to let the sh@t die down and let the peoples THINK they got what they wanted…… Which goes back to my point of the invocation of Article 50 : designed to lull us into a false sense of security…. And, I don’t trust Boris Johnson
I’m worried too after watching Daniel Hannan interviewed by Evan Davies on Newsnight. Hannan stated quite clearly that we would have to accept the principle of free movement of labour, in order to do trade deals with the EU ( I have heard him mention this before)
Evan Davies, to his credit, called him out on this, asking him why this was not made plain beforehand during the run up to the referendum.
Having voted Leave, like many others I would be disappointed if this was the case, which if this is so supports my theory previously mentioned on this site, that the whole thing could be a sham and we are likely to end up with a compromised situation.
A few months ago I discussed this with Leave. EU who felt that the Goverment would be unlikely to renage on the mandate of the public, however I’m not so sure now.
I think that even some of the Leavers are afraid. I am surprised about Dan Hannan. Free movement and trade is not a quid pro quo. Dan may me worried about his EU salary or maybe lost the family farm in Chile. But this is a time for men and women of principle, not wimpos !
I do think we should take a little time to get the plan together to our own benefit and not be bounced into anything .The EU presidents want us to do it quickly so as not to affect the other countries.
To be honest I don’t trust any of them ,because when you are on a gravy train its a bit if a shock to suddenly have to get off it.Some of these anti EU talking heads are probably shocked at the result too. I think John Redwood is honest but cautious.The rest,who knows.
The activation of article 50 is the EU version of the ‘drink me’ bottle in Alice in Wonderland. It’s a trap for the unwary. However, it states in it’s first point:
1. Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own
constitutional requirements.
If that means that we decide to repeal all the acts, pertaining to the EU, from the statute books, surely it satisfies point #1. The stipulated 2 year timetable is then academic and trade discussions can be done for our benefit, not the EU.
It was only back in Feb that Cameron promised to act on a Leave vote straight away.
Funny how it’s been conveniently forgotten today, eh?
Plenty of time to grill Farage on GMTV and try and catch him out – shameless.
But Dodgy Dave? Sacred cow, apparently.
Government would not delay exit if British public vote to leave
The Prime Minister’s spokeswoman has dismissed suggestions that, in the case of a vote to Leave, Mr Cameron might delay the launch of withdrawal negotiations under Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, in the hope of receiving requests from other member-states for the UK to reconsider its decision.
She said: “The idea that the British people could decide to leave and that the Government would just not act on that is for the birds,” she said. “It’s something that’s not going to happen. The Government would act on that decision straight away.“
Hi all. Just thought I’d pop by to congratulate everyone for getting the Christmas they voted for. Nice to know there will be so many happy smiling faces in the queue for the abattoir?
Zero, great to have you on board. I mean that most sincerely. By the way, according to Alan Bennet’s autobiography, when that sketch was first performed, apparently a decorated Battle of Britain pilot walked out of the theatre, shouting ‘You young bounders don’t know the first thing about it’. Rather apposite with regards to our recent vote, I think.
Welcome back Zero ! I missed your ever wonderful sense of humour ! And your use of language and ” Handlebar moustache flapping in the wind “. I am laughing so much I am almost pissing myself ! Please stop it ! It is too much ! Have you ever thought of being a stand-up in Uzbekistan ?
Hi Zero, I know you will have an urge to give a trite response to this (try to resist) but you have a linguistic style consistent with that of a teenager. You really do.
How old are you please?
If you are what I suspect you will find that people will respond to you slightly differently and with an undercurrent of understanding of you not yet knowing really what you are saying.
It’s London’s premier stand-up performing venue. Where feeling down in the mouth can be a good thing? It should be renamed Brighton North, as it’s as perverted as it’s Southern twin.
“Zero ” may be more clever than I think ! Perhaps the Arabic ” Sirf” ” is close ? But in Arabic it has a connotation with disruption and nihilism . Strangely , or maybe not, the same word written backwards in Turkish ! “Orez ” has the opposite meaning. Come on , Zero, come clean on you name !
Can anyone explain why only 30 odd million voted when there are over 60 million in this country ? or does that mean there are 30 million who are not eligible to vote ie kids, foreigners, those that didn’t bother, and prisoners.? seems a lot to me.
IIRC, Brissles, 45m is total eligible to vote according to BBC when they had that remarkable extension to the Voter Registration. 20m is accounted for by 0 to 18 year olds.
Nick Abbott on LBC sounds drunk. He’s ranting away like a fool.
Its time the media toned down the hysteria, the hate the divisiveness, the demonisation of the people who voted leave and realised we need reconciliation in what is a very divided society (and has been for the last decade) and we certainly need them to stop talking down Britain.
If things are as bad as they claim why are these fuckwits treating it all like theyve been cheated out of winnigna football match.
Grow up you imbeciles! Call yourselves ‘professionals’? Youre like a bunch of kids on a school newspaper.
Inform, educate and entertain…
Thanks BBC. You finally got one of them right today. Priceless entertainment. Haven’t laughed so hard since Hancock’s Half Hour (which recently had a trigger warning on the iPlayer by the way).
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
A hole in the BBC’s weekend Glastonbury schedules with Corbyn cancelling, fearing a coup whilst he spent Sunday in the mud .
Who would want to take over exactly ?
We await the infinite wisdom of Jerrod and Manonbus- the Burka babes
“We await the infinite wisdom of Jerrod and Manonbus- the Burka babes”
It seems to me that Jerrod, Manon, Zero etc only grace us with their presence one at a time.
Is there a rota on a noticeboard somewhere in the BBC?
Imagine being employed by the BBC to go and defuse anti-BBC rhetoric what a job. Probably get told career progression can lead to auto cue reader on the couch or Nana’s golf caddy
And the Trolls seem to have gone AWOL. Where are they, the one time you need them ?
The nurse must have come back into the ward.
They were very active in the run up to the last general election and then they disappeared until the last week or so. I don’t expect to have to skip over their posts until there is another significant decision that involves democratic choice. I don’t know they bother posting here as there is no evidence that they have ever convinced anyone about anything other than that they are very (expletive deleted) … They must get pleasure from posting here knowing that they irritate those who read them. Must be some sort of sadism complex.
I think they post here to break up our discussions, especially when some of us get distracted and reply to their stupid comments.
I think they post here to break up our discussions
Is there a rota on a noticeboard somewhere in the BBC?
Agree there is a rota, but I suspect it’s nearer Vauxhall Cross than Broadcasting House. Flattering that we warrant such special attention.
It seems to me that Jerrod, Manon, Zero etc only grace us with their presence one at a time.
Usually, yes. But I have seen them hunting as a pack some weeks back – wonder if they will appear in tandem/trio shortly, just to prove us wrong?
And incidentally… telling how both Jerrod and Manon were named above, so identical-troll-triplet Zero turns up later on, isn’t it?
Typical tactics include:
1. Blog roll: pick a fight to quickly shift an uncomfortable post off the top 10, so it disappears from view in the recent posts bar.
2. Distract from uncomfortable breaking news on other sites eg Guido, Breitbart, or even to throw out smoke for a BBC story in which the real dirt has been buried.
3. On a day when lots of people are looking for alternative sources of info, disrupt conversation as much as possible. Referendum eve was a classic example, the usual trolls here went nuts.
For a full list of tactics, see:
Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist, by H Michael Sweeney
The 25 Rules of Disinformation
A fun game to play is “disinformationalist bingo” – tick the tactics off the list as you see them being used.
Remember this: many open-minded people visit here looking for reasons to trust/distrust the BBC and/or confirmation of their suspicion that something is afoot with our esteemed national broadcaster. I know because (a) I was one of them myself not very long ago, and (b) if it weren’t so we wouldn’t be trolled, particularly not in the pattern we’ve seen in recent days/weeks.
At least two people to my knowledge have posted here that they changed their vote to Leave as a result of what commenters posted on this site, and I think it’s safe to assume that what we read about was just the tip of the iceberg. Tellingly, trolling increased significantly from that point onwards.
Unfortunately I’m going to have to take a break for a while due to other commitments but hope others here will keep up the good work, I like to think we really made a difference in what turned out to be a historic referendum.
What. A. Day.
Thanks to all for the information, education, shared exasperation, and inspiration. It’s been an honour and a privilege to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you all in what will no doubt go down in history as a historic victory for freedom in our wonderful land, and who knows, perhaps in Europe as well.
I suggest he cancelled because he could not compete with Billy Bragg’s rendition of We shall overcome in memory of Jo.
Glastonbury? … Billy Bragg? 1000 s at remain central? er … no thanks
Been waiting for today since bloody 1975, nothing is going to dampen my happiness today
… hmmm happiness? watch and learn Billy. express yourself and lighten up dude
Local school in Appleby had a minutes silence on Friday for “Jo” who died for her “political beliefs”.
My 13 year old son saw through that one and asked why no mention of any other more important issues. Pure political bias worthy of the BBC and yet another word to be had with the Guardian reading Head.
As I was peeling potatoes for today’s tea, I switched on Radio 4 for once to tune into the so called friday evening comedy hour. Normally I never listen to this crap but I thought I would make an exception for once in order to see how the “BBC comedians” handle today’s wonderful news. I became very disappointed when I was informed that the 6 o’clock news had been extended. I continued to listen but as the the predictions for the country’s future became more and more depressing I found myself about to slit my throat with the potato peeler. Fortunately I came to and switched over to R4X and continued to listen to an archived programme about Percy Edwards and his bird impressions. How wonderful things were then when that program was made before the E.U.
The same Corbyn who has tweeted his disappointment at referendum result. Fortunately he only has one vote, the same as the rest of us. Fame doesn’t make him any more special despite the BBC patronage.
The BBC today reminds me of the general election, continual how did ‘we’ come to lose?
They still had to have pathetic digs at Nigel Farrage because at the opening of the poll he thought he might lose. Now I wonder who might have given him that idea?
As usual lots of attempts to be divisive, emphasising all those areas that voted against the winning result. Very little analysis though as some Scots surely voted ‘remain’ as a result of fears that Brexit might trigger another referendum. Similarly the NI ‘remain’ vote was in border areas where false fears about the ‘peace process’ had been stirred up. It is worth remembering that the whole of Ireland was in union with Britain until the southern half voted to leave. As a result there never was a proper border between north and south and people moved freely before the EU was even thought of. During ‘the troubles’ minor roads were closed and checkpoints installed at major crossings. As long as Ireland remains outside the Schengen zone there will be no need for border controls in the future. A smart Brexit government could invite Ireland, (Denmark, Holland & France!) to join us!
I had a good chat with a NI customer today and what he said doesn’t actually look good over there. It seems we’ve stirred the hornet’s nest. First of all, he has no dog in the fight, so I can trust what he says. It seems there were a few games being played over there by SF (who would have thought), who as we know, like we Jimmy Cranky, have just one aim. Whilst publicly campaigning for remain, SF naturally wanted Brexit because that fits in with their long game of a united Ireland. Just like the SNP shouting for a 2nd indy-ref, the SF calls for a united Ireland referendum has suddenly gained a lot of traction. For them it’s a win-win because if things go their way, not only do SF achieve their ultimate goal, but a side effect is that NI’s answer to Rab C Nesbit suddenly jumps from £43 per week benefit to 180 Euro. Nice. This very morning, McGuinness has called for the referendum:
The slight fly in the ointment for SF though is that Dublin wants none of it. LOL.
Or Dublin might just think about a little r-eu-nification of their own? Catholic Church has lost a lot of influence in past quarter century. HM went down very well, I gather, during her visit a couple of years back. Non-SF Labour: is that doing as well as Labour in Scotland? If the Protestants feel they might now be safe among all the other incomers into the RoI, SF may gain a long-term goal but find it is a hollow victory with a dilution of power overall.
Shouldn’t the Republic of Ireland have a say in the matter? They are not exactly flush with cash at present, thanks to the EU.
The UK bailed them out a couple of years ago if I remember correctly.
As always, “follow the money”….
A personal message to Eddie Izzard:-
Dear Eddie, I have always thought of you as a cross-dressing idiot and crap comedian……a disgrace to this country and an embarrassment to men everywhere.
May I now thank you for your fantastic contribution to us leaving the EU – you played a blinder.
and a special mention to Sir Bob Geldof – man of the people. By the way when is the next Jo Cox bulletin or is that all forgotten now ?
Realistically, I doubt we’ll hear of her again. Nothing to be gained.
Lob – agree even with all the tools available to a government they still can’t get it right . Incompetence x 20
“Realistically, I doubt we’ll hear of her again. Nothing to be gained.”
There’s still the trial – unless they decide to tidy up loose ends and tomorrow’s BBC headline is that Thomas Mair has committed suicide in prison.
“unless they decide to tidy up loose ends and tomorrow’s BBC headline is that Thomas Mair has committed suicide in prison”
That would be nice and tidy because he then can’t sing in court about who enrolled him for the job.
And it would be rather strange if he committed suicide now, seeing as the likes of the BBC portrayed him as so ardently pro-Brexit and of perfectly sound mind.
They’ve created a Leftist martyr…She’ll be back.
But many will not like to be reminded that the area covered by her constituency voted to Leave.
A trial may also clarify whether he shouted “Britain First” repeatedly while carrying out the attack.
The reports in the press to date have been rather less than clear about actual events with witnesses contradicting each other.
There’ll be a petition soon for a Jo Cox remembrance day.
I wish you were correct but she will become a martyr , a shining symbol , a saint who died for the cause of European unity. At least she will if the BBC/Guardian axis of non democracy has anything to do with it. They will see her memory as one that all like minded non democrats can rally around and use to further mislead the innocent and gullible yoof of our country. The fact that her constituents voted resolutely for leave will be buried. But this later point is one we should all remember as it immediately gives the lie to the false narrative that is busily being constructed to undermine the democratic result of the Freedom Referendum.
Others have pointed out that EVERY cause that Eddie attaches himself to , finds itself destroyed and trashed.
Like Gordon Brown and Russell Brand….there must be some curse that goes with these spectres…bit like the death of the Dads Army cast.
Private Eye used to call it the ” Curse of Broon “. I f Gordon Brown visited a factory , you knew it was going to go into liquidation soon !
Talking of spectres, who dug “Mandy” up?
He s been doing the rounds today, mind you this morning with Panto Nikki on 5 Dead is a bonafide
classic of “misery fiction”
Give this a listen at 5m 40secs … I heard this as I was driving back, this morning and well
… just had to find it out
“(sigh) crouching here in the shade, on the other side of our gazebo, but, (sigh) however the sun is shining, its streaming in … its very hot (sigh)” BBC s Panto Nikki bleats mournfully
That s just the start 😀 – where are the clanging chimes of doom
Don t like it up em! Capn Mannering” ?
My Diageo shares now up to 1901, highest for ages.
How is this possible?
Maria – do you have the chart the wrong way up?
Not unless my Dell monitor is the wrong way up as well.
Perhaps Grant’s boozy celebration has pushed it up!
1907 now! Careful, Grant.
I’m on the wine haven’t slept for 30 hours
Tell me you’re not an airline pilot, cruising at 38,000ft !
Landing at Heathrow in 40 minutes – these things fly themselves
Well if something goes wrong, do us all a favour and aim the thing at Broadcasting House.
LOL! (Yes please.)
I went a bit overboard: a cup of tea followed later by an Iceland Belgian Mint Majestic. Thinking of Iceland, I can’t help wondering whether they and the Republic of Ireland might in time – at some stage of Brexit negoashsheeaishuns – be whispering diplomatically to the UK about the possibility of an Atlantic Trading Partnership.
Well yes. Remember that the UK was a founder member of EFTA, along with Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland. Finland and Iceland joined later. The downside was that there were, and possibly still are, enormously complex “origin” rules governing entitlement to preferential Customs tariffs (“Preference”) between the EU and EFTA (and one or two others).
The more I think about it, the more certain I feel that Europe will move towards a much simpler, EFTA type model. If anything remains, that is.
The FTSE 100 is surprisingly resilient. Nowhere near the lows of earlier this year. The pound has tanked but a correction was needed (just maybe not quite this big and sudden). There are many other factors that could drag stocks down (globally) – there are a lot of unresolved problems still festering.
and let’s face it the pound can either go up or down I have been trading it for 30 years – down good for exports / up good for holidays .
Rufus & Lock, hopefully you pay your tax in the UK. Big, important point completely missed by the BBC today: market fandangos after an event like the EU Referendum can earn banks & traders loadsamoney. Can be good for the Exchequer.
That was me….hic…cheers
For the first time in a ballot I took a pen and made sure it was well marked , my missus was just telling me her mum did the same on advice. I was amazed they could not or did not seem to be able to fudge this one. Anybody any ideas why ?
Lock 13,
I imagine they did try and fudge it but could only get it down from 60/40 to 52/48 !
It’s spooky mate isn’t it – we all know they had a fistful of postal votes and they still fffed it up
I think they were so confident of remain that they didn’t think they needed to. Surely, the oiks and council estate tenants will do as they have been programmed?
Maybe they used BBC for their research
It is the Enigma conundrum – how do you use a tool whose existence must remain secret? You need to use it effectively, but at the same time untrace-ably, and with a high probability of being confused with natural variability, happenstance, bad luck, culpability on the other side..
I was out campaigning for Brexit and the vast proportion of people I met were pro out.
When I went to vote I used my own pen on the ballot and was told it wasn’t allowed, I had to use the pencil provided.
The constituency voted remain.
Maybe a BBC team will investigate…or there again…maybe not.
That was just a lie by the official. Take a look at this… from Paul Joseph Watson about 10 minutes into the video. Very relevant!!
Certainly incorrect advice, I asked the electoral commission before voting if I could use a pen, this is what they said:
Dear ManchesterLad,
Electoral legislation does not specify what writing instrument must be used to mark the ballot paper, but pencils are normally provided for use in the polling station booths by Returning Officers. A positive advantage of a pencil is that when the ballot paper is folded up, there can be no transference of a wet ink cross on to another part of the ballot paper. Ultimately, however, if you were to choose to mark a ballot paper with a pen, because you felt happier doing so, there would be nothing to prevent you doing so.
Yours sincerely
Kathryn Dunn
Since when did modern biro pens have wet ink to transfer?
I suppose they’re worried about all the people turning up at polling stations with feathers and bottles of ink.
Next time use an indelible marker, all the yoouf use them.
Will comrade Corbyn be making his ‘triumphant’ debut at Glasto this weekend? Saw him on Sky earlier with his fanclub/entourage following him around westminster not looking very happy.
He won’t forget june 24th 2016 for a long time a bit like Milibrain on May 8th last year.
The beeb all had grins like cheshire cats last night when those polls were announced. Hit the sack at 11.30 after seeing Chakrabarti looking like she’d won the lottery. Woke this to see their world had caved in. Oh the joy.
Watched a bit of the wright stuff on channel 5 with Matthew wright where they had a tory supporter and leaver Dr David Bull flanked by comedians Katy Brand and Scott Capurro. The bile and sneering coming from them and Matthew Wright was unreal. Trump was in the firing line as well.
No he`s cancelled-might get his zimmer frame caught in the mud.
I did offer them Donald Trump by way of replacement-but no takers.
I’m an OAP in the US. I apologise for our lame excuse for a leader trying to tell you how you should vote. I can assure you that I did not vote for him and am astounded that he was ever elected. My modest stock portfolio is down about 6% due to your vote to leave the EU. Before the results were in, I told my wife I didn’t care how much the market reaction would effect us. I prayed that you would get out of that brier patch and regain your independence.
Well done and God bless you all.
Will, don’t worry. It will recover over the next few days and weeks.
Will and if it doesn’t we’ll buy it off you mate
Mr Jones – welcome sir and no need to apologise – the President did us all a favour as he undoubtedly helped the Leave campaign with his feeble attempt at meddling.
Thank you Sir! We needed those prayers and still do. It looks like nearly half of the UK is going to take a while to get the malign influence of the EU out of its system. The good wishes of good cousins will help keep us going. God bless America, too!
I didn’t comment on the thread last night as I was too busy typing the results into a spreadsheet as they came in. I just want to thank you all for the work you have put in and all those who voted for the result that I had hoped for, but didn’t really expect. Although I emigrated over thirty years back, my son reversed my journey and I’m delighted that both he and his new wife cast the same vote as I did in 1975. Keep up the good fight! First the EU! Now we march on Broadcasting House! Power to the People!
Power to the People!
This reminds me of Cape Town during apartheid when demonstrators marched on the National Party headquarters.
To control the crowd the cops sprayed people with a water cannon using water dyed purple so that those who took part could later be identified and arrested.
The next day this slogan appeared:
Power to the Purple
BBC News Channel presenters, looking for every downside to Brexit, are very excited over the mayor of Calais wanting the Le Touquet treaty torn up – never mind that the mayor is not a party to the treaty. It is the agreement between the UK & French governments over the stationing of border controls on the opposite side of the channel.
Can you help me on this?
We do not have border control staff at the 1001 aiports which have flight connections with the UK. The carrier ensures that they do not permit passengers to travel to the UK without right of entry. Why can’t the same system be required of ferry companies, removing the need for the treaty?
Wow, just wow! Proms in the Park is going to be especially good this year!
If Islam doesn’t stop it. Surely you must know that music and celebration is not in the way of Allah?
Some cheeky git on Sky doing the ‘statistics’ bit, said that the majority who voted in the coastal areas were over 65 and weren’t going to live long enough to see the long term outcome; but listening to all rhetoric of the younger ones being interviewed, they could well thank the older generation for what they did yesterday. And really, those youngsters have no life experience of what’s right or wrong for them at the moment.
I so enjoyed the faces of the BBC presenters last night when it dawned on them the polls were wrong.Even better than the general election.
Good old Scunthorpe started the ball rolling.
Today they continue the scare factor and Victoria Derbyshire kept going on about a “sombre atmosphere “as though people regretted what they have done .They just can’t stop themselves when its not their narrative.Nothing positive to say about the future.
It’s a historic day and the BEEB haven’t got an ounce of pride about it.
It’s a historic day and the BEEB haven’t got an ounce of pride about it.
Yes, it’s a sad time indeed for the BBC. In a single day, the people of Britain have voted to reject the rule of a bunch of EU dictators driven by greed and lust for absolute power. They have voted to free themselves from the iron grip of an unelected, unaccountable and corrupt elite that guzzles at a gigantic public trough and cannot be removed from power, much like the BBC itself – which must surely see its mirror image in the EU.
So the BBC is in mourning today not so much because it will in time lose the millions in bribe money it has been getting from the EU to paint a rosy picture of that criminal organisation, but because a blow to the EU is a blow to the BBC itself. Ordinary people have sent the EU/BBC a direct and simple message: democracy still rules in civilised societies and is still occasionally able to defeat wealth and power when it is abused and directed against the people themselves.
TrueToo, good post, esp. last para. There are some variants of TT on the BBC BLogs & HYSs. Are you one of them? Some good posts, I noted. I thought it significant that some, even plenty, Remain Bullies were out but the Leavers, mostly, were not crowing and many were encouraging unity & realism.
Thanks, Up2snuff.
There are some variants of TT on the BBC BLogs & HYSs.
I always post as TrueToo.
The BBC is sad because no-one is inviting them to their celebrations. Woohoo,
Stuart Beaker, the sadder the BBC is, the happier I am.
Listened to Woman’s Hour this morning whilst in the car. Three young women (Sophie, the fourth couldn’t make it, but as she had voted out the producers couldn’t find another young woman who had voted the same way. I suppose there weren’t any working in Broadcasting House). One young woman said she felt ‘a European’ rather than British. I know I am old but I really find that difficult to believe. Her problem was she wanted to study in Germany under the Erasmus programme and she now wouldn’t be able to (no self-interest there then). The NIrish girl had voted leave and was annoyed when it was intimated that it was only young people voted in but the other two, of course thought that voting age should have been brought down to 16. But these young ladies, when asked who they would like to run the country, the Erasmus young lady said Chukka Umuna and the other said she disliked the Conservatives so much that she could’t say. So these young ladies (I call them that just because I know it would annoy them), were obviously not pulled out from the local bog standard comp. but were trainee Labour activists. When will the BBC learn?
Yes, Deborah, I heard this too. Jenni Murray, on at 10 a.m., was clearly in a sombre mood after the result but liked what she heard from the young women, saying it gave hope for the future, in that ‘matronising’ way of hers. Astonishing was the fact that, after a 52%-48% vote to leave, they couldn’t fish out anyone to replace the absent Brexit lady, leaving a typical BBC ‘balance’ of 2:1 for Remain.
There will be more of this, because BBC Radio 4 simply doesn’t understand the majority of people in this country: tuning into it is akin to landing on another planet at times.
Good conversation on the lunchtime R4 news today. Simon Schama (remain) and Charles Moore (leave). Schama was audibly p*ssed off and sounded very snappy and bitter. Moore was cool and calm, refuting Schama’s points and coming out with some great lines, eg ‘people seem to have confused the EU with Europe’ and ‘they have been led to believe that parliamentary democracy is somehow racist.’
In my view, Schama is not British, so I don’t care what he thinks. The BBC should interview him only as one of several foreign people with opinions about the result from afar. He has an academic post in the USA and his TV appearances do not make him British. He is a globalist and gets very petulant when exposed, e.g. his run-in with Rod Liddle a while ago (on Question Time, I think).
Heard the tail end of this.
Funnily enough it was clear that Schama was a guest-his sneering sanctimonious lies and slithering platitudes have become all too familiar over the past few weeks.
An odious little creep in the main, but think he supported Israel a way back over something-so maybe he`s just going through a phase.
Charles Moore is one of the gents-a great intellect, and -like Scruton and Booker-one of the old school heroes who fought the good fights whilst we were throwing stones at scabs/”fascists”–well Tories which was the same thing back then.
They wrote many of the books, faced down the Left in Prague or LSE whilst we knew nothing of them…so always respect them.
The Northern Ireland girl seemed decent enough-but pity that she was sandwiched between the classic entitled snowflakes of privilege who`ve never had to think-only emote.
One of them fretted about not getting her free Erasmus course in Edinburgh_I`d blame the SNP for that, but it`s easier for her to blame the clueless Tories.
She then went on to talk over student rights, immigrants needing more love,hating Tories and the death of climate change as an issue…wish I had a pound for every time the “climate change, workers rights, NHS and anti-austerity” memes cropped up among the idiot left…personnified by the girls who gathered around Jenni for a good cry.
Thankfully our Northern Ireland woman gives me hope-the rest are lefty idiots who may now have learned something….who am I kidding?
If Jenni Murray starts comfort eating to try and cope with the referendum result they will have to start craning her into the studio.
To be fair to Woman’s Hour – it is the only BBC programme that is actually honest about its agenda! Haha.
The BBC will NEVER learn and so needs to be got rid of.
The sun is over the yardarm. Bottles out of fridge.
I should image Mr Farage is well oiled by now. He deserves it!
The sun is still out. Life is good.
When is Nigel not ? Him well-oiled is more sensible than the Remainers stone cold sober !
Not where I’m from, I’ve just seen 3 Romanians pulled out of a house by a load of skinheads who then poured petrol over them and flicked the match!! Oh, sorry, It was just a load of yoof students having a fun night out!
Has anybody heard of a single racist attack on any foreign person…anyone? I did see Boris attacked by a load of leftard scum though, oh those violent right wing fascists, eh!
I heard Nick Hyam interviewing an Englishwoman in Boston on PM; where the ratio of Britons to eastern europeans is 8 : 1 rather than the national ratio of 30 : 1.
She said that immigration had gone too far; that her grandchildren went to schools where they were in the minority and there were streets you could walk down where you wouldn’t hear english spoken.
Hyam’s response: “What’s wrong with that?”
Her reply: “Because this is England!”
They just don’t get it do they? Al beebus; Labour and the rest of the progressives cannot figure out why people in this country are so p****d off with immigration and why it would lead to them voting Leave.
They will try and use any other explanation for people’s dissatisfaction than the real one; as that would be, per Diana West, “multiculturally blasphemous”.
I help out an eastern European gentleman with his English via a volunteer organisation; we usually meet weekly and talk about current events etc. Today we talked about the Referendum. I trod a bit warily, but interestingly he said he thought in the long run leaving it was a good idea, that Brussels was ‘too strict’ and that anyway, there would be plenty of time to adjust to any changes. I wonder what the BBC would have made of that!
Eastern European ? Former Soviet Uniion ?
He’s from a soviet satellite state, yes. He seemed very sensible and laid-back about the referendum. Said he can’t stand all the bureaucrats in Brussels giving orders. All the hysteria about deportations, fascism etc seems to have come from born and bred British people.
Cranmer, but I guess he knows the history of Eastern Europe and can see the similarities with the EU and the Soviet Union.
“Because this is England!”
What a gloriously succinct heartfelt summing up of everything that’s gone wrong, for so long.
It brings to mind Leonidas kicking that Persian emissary down the well in ‘300’.
Yes, that is the first thing I thought of !
Do you believe he had an heroic death ?
Sacrifice for your home, hearth, nation still resonates even in the most cynical of times. Some people nowadays think everything is about having money and comforts but they’re fools,
imay, yes, Thermopylae !
BBC 1 News at 6. ” Markets tumbled “. But then a surprise for me . A BBC business editor , Simon Jack , who I have never heard of was interviewed. He was quite sensible and said not much to worry about ” it will be business as usual on monday “.
Has anyone here heard of him ?
He was panicking quite a lot this morning to order as Dimbleby fretted through the early hours.
But clearly he`s calmed down, imagine Lord Norman Tebbit had word with him.
A wise man amidst the madness at breakfast-dealt beautifully with Soubry.
Wonder if Lord Nigel Lawson is still with us?-he played a fine role in our liberaltion.
I just googled Simon Jack. Seems he has some real business experience outside journalism . And is married to Suzy, daughter of John Barry. Cue James Bond theme.
I was just amazed at the interview. My first thought, how the hell did he get a job at the BBC ? Will he still be there of Monday ? Definitely not Scrumpy Jack !
Maybe we`ve got ourselves a Daniel Corbett for the New Era here.
And if he married anyone who gave us the magnificent “Persuaders” theme…then he`s fine by me!
This would be MY new anthem for the country as we walk out to ignominy against Iceland.
(Dedicated to Nigel-Persuader#1.)
All in the best possible taste. I always confuse Persuaders, Pretenders and Proclaimers and that is just in the Referendum debate .
Nigel Lawson is very much with us, and has a great mind. He is one of the founders of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (he is a noted sceptic) and he campaigned for Brexit.
Sorry Mr Cooper.
Have greatly enjoyed his contributions throughout the campaign.
Having read my blog-pretty clear that I phrased it badly.
Only meant whether he was still in the UK or has he gone back to Gascony?
Wherever he is…we thank him!
A classic Lawsonism for anybody who missed it was a discussion programme where some bint (I think she was from the CBI) was waffling on about the problems of making trade agreements and no one could say what the alternative to being in the EU was. Nigel: “I will tell you what the alternative to being in the EU is. The alternative to being in the EU is not being in the EU. For your information there are far more countries not in the EU than in it and they are generally doing much better than the EU”.
I saw that too and regard it as one of the best put-downs I have ever seen. If I recall correctly, it was Carolyn Fairbairn he slapped down. She isn’t just from the CBI…she is the Director General.
In fact, I have just found it. Enjoy.
Is that nasty woman on drugs ? or just stupid, or both ? Or menopause ?
As I live half the year in France at the start I was torn as to how to vote. I wanted to vote leave as I have loathed the EU for twenty years & the EEC before that. I was a bit concerned about my decision’s effect on being here in France.
It was learning that Nigel Lawson also lived in France & had no compunctions about a Brexit that convinced me to vote Leave with no worries.
Something rather good about people called Nigel!
Ah, sorry, ChrisH – I did wonder as you are usually so well informed. My apologies.
Grant, he was appointed in February and promptly disappeared down a BBC wormhole. He takes Kamal Ahmed’s place, following Kamal’s promotion into the Pestoid’s old Economics slot following the move to ITV.
And guess who Kamal Ahmed is dating ? ……………………….. oooooooooh its Sophie Long, one time squeeze of Tim Wilcox when he was still married. A real hotbed of lust that news room !
Yes, Simon Jack was ‘just a boy’ when he first appeared on Breakfast a few years ago. Around about the same time as another regular face – Declan Curry (long before big Steph), so it looks as though Jack has been dusted off and brought out of the cupboard again.
Yes, Grant, every now and then one appears. Lord knows where they pluck them from but rest assured, in not following the script, it is unlikely they will be seen again. Take Daniel Hannon MEP. Brilliant, levelheaded outstanding orator. I hope he gets a look in in the UK particularly as he will be out of a job soon.
A real Beaut on BBC Scotland just now. The Stock Markets. They show a graph of today’s movement on the FT 250 . FFS . First time they have ever referred to that in my experienec. Most first measures would be the FT100 . Of course the reason is that the 250 has underperformed the 100 today. About 8 % versus 3 %. That could partly be a result of weighting issues in the 2 indices.
But , that is not my point. I never remember in at least 30 years of followng markets the BBC featuring the 250 when it has outperformed the 100. Is this bias or just incompetence ? One laugh was that the BBC graph was accurate but the x axis ended at 10 am. Maybe a mixture of bias, ignorance and incompetence.
Grant, project fear has only just started, watching that wanker, Nick Robinson, who is repeating the mantras that every beeboid has been spouting all day…divisive, destruction, young V old, UK break up, pariah, xenophobe, recession etc,etc. It’s just disgusting. ITV and Peston was worse.
I believe project fear hasn’t even started, the leftards just can’t accept that the ordinary people..AKA right wingers..have gone against their perfect ideology, , the media are going to stoke the fires big time and I can see trouble ahead.
I just had to switch off Channel 4 News . It was even worse than the BBC. My elderly mum, who is in the early stages of dementia, asking me yet again ” are I going to lose my pension ? “. The Lefties have no souls, no hearts , no brains, no humanity. They are Nihilists and alway losers. But many good people suffer along the way.
the leftards just can’t accept that the ordinary people..AKA right wingers..have gone against their perfect ideology,
Yes all the politicians are saying that they will abide by the decision of the people. They have to as the media would crucify them otherwise. However the BBC (& others) are determined not to respect the vote and they are finding plenty of luvvies etc to further their attack
Bias, I think. Lots of it on the extended 6pm News. Far worse than WatO. They are deliberately talking bad things up.
Oldies used to tell me that it happened early on in WW2, not necessarily by the BBC then but the public in general. The Government then made a bit of a fuss and it was deemed unpatriotic. Linked with the threat of spying, I believe it became the ‘Careless talk costs lives’ slogan created by and released from the Ministry of Information.
Up2snuff, I think what we are seeing now is ‘Project Fear Max’. There will be non-stop attempts to destabilise the Brexit negotiations, and pushes for a second referendum etc – not from Brussels but from our own people. In the long run things will probably be ok and the markets will settle, but this period of uncertainty will be milked for all it’s worth. This is becoming clear less than 24 hours after a Leave vote. We thought ‘Project Grief’ in the wake of the Jo Cox killing was bad – we ain’t seen nothing yet.
Cranmer, I agree. It does tend to increase concern that we are a fairly long way from loosening the tentacles of the EU from our faces let alone being rid of the whole parasite. There will be many temptations offered and excuses made to ‘return to Egypt’.
We will need to be watchful and politely firm
A German minister said we could not be in the single market and jobs would leave Britain and go to Germany . He also said we were little Englanders .
He is lying ! Typical German .
I suspect I am not the only poster on this site that has thoroughly enjoyed watching the BBC’s Referendum Live coverage and reading its website today. Why don’t the BBC’s pseudo-intellectual, pro-EU lefty, time they grew up, reporting cadre just wear black armbands and be done with it. Faces like smacked arses today, the lot of them.
In all the excitement I seem to have missed the BBC acknowledging that Nigel Farage has been right all along. They did, didn’t they? Because he is!
I think we should all give a special mention (with supporting quotes if you wish) to any person or organisation that deserves a resounding f*ck off for their part in trying to persuade us to Remain and who, following the result, showed their/its contempt for the democratic process. The BBC is, obviously, near the top of the list.
For my part, I think JK Rowling has shown just how special she is. The multi-millionaire, working whilst on benefits, faux-socialist today blamed David Cameron for breaking up not one but two unions with this referendum. No dear, he didn’t, he merely kept his promise to hold a referendum. Now please f*ck off with your sacks of cash and leave us alone.
Over to you.
I noticed today a slight rehabilitation of Nigel. Maybe the media are hedging their bets. Seems to me , if there is a meltdown, there may be a series of by-elections, if not a General Election. Nigel may get into Parliament and there is a vacancy for PM !
Lord Farage can rightly, justifiably and deservedly feel very smug right now. The BBC can whine all it likes, deep down they know they are wrong…about just about everything.
I presume there are plenty here to nominate Nigel to a seat in the House of Lords.
Lord Farage of Brex, sounds good to me! He’ll put those waste of space liberal lords in their places. HOL needs stirring up.
Don’t agree: the BBC simply cannot and will not accept being wrong.
Well the Conservatives dare not pull their battlebus stunt against Nigel again. I read that they may have spent £200,000 to make sure he lost Thanet South, and we never did find out where the missing ballot boxes went did we?
…thoroughly enjoyed watching the BBC’s Referendum Live coverage…
Anyone have a link to a recording of some of it? I’d like to have a look or three at some of those glum faces.
Nothing wrong with a bit of gloating – when the gloatees richly deserve it.
Hopefully, someone with better IT skills than me will be able to produce some highlights for us all to enjoy.
Extra gloating rations all round methinks.
Obama would be right up there at the top of your list. Not content with his treacherous weakening of his own country, he threatened patriotic Britons who want the best for their country and offered comfort and support to the traitors who would weaken Britain in the guise of a global ideal.
I’m delighted that he failed, and I note that the hypocrite is now making soothing noises about the future US relationship with both the EU and the UK.
The three Remainians who ‘debated’ the issue on Tuesday night – Mayor Kahn, Ruth Davidson and Frances O’Grady deserve special mention for an extraordinary display of petulance, bitchiness and mockery directed at their calm, reasonable and informed Brexit opponents.
I didn’t know Andrea Leadsom before this, but I think she’s great.
Shes my choice for the next Conservative Party Leader, Have just backed her at 14-1, amazing value in my opinion.
Or, maybe Priti. I think the ” men ” have buggered up again. We have been here before. Any lady except May or some or some of the screeching others
Rob n Cheshire: I didn’t know Andrea Leadsom before this, but I think she’s great.
I second that. When O’Grady made that comment about the donation to Brexit from an ex-BNP member, thereby trying to smear Brexit, Andrea simply responded that the comment was “unworthy” of the debate and left it at that.
When I first heard O’Grady speak I thought she was verging on hysteria. Then, as the debate moved on, I realised that is simply how she habitually speaks.
I’m not one to crow, be overly jubilant or hubristic – but reading the Guardian opinionistas today did make me chuckle. Ah, poor babies!
Just watching the pathetic blubbering Cameron on TV . I can only quote Cromwell ” In the name of God, go ! “
Find myself hunting down all my hated liberal shills who`ve gloried in rubbing our faces in their diversity agenda.
Currently enjoying Jon Snow on mute( a broken heart) with Simon Schama howling at the moon on iPlayer.
Hoped to find a News Quiz on Radio 4…but there`ll be no humour today, thank you very much.
Great days-will be bouncing around the angry liberal outlets, enjoying their dissolution in a puddle of tears of their own making.
Been a long time since I’ve posted but I do regularly view the posts. Some brilliant stuff, chrisH particularly stands out along with thoughtful et al.
24 hrs is a long time in politics and what a momentous 24hrs they have been.
The bbC has decended into the Glums and lose credence the more they twist and turn on the spit of the brexit roasting.
Time for a large glass of Pernod [guaranteed to numb bbC bias] and lemonade. Probably double in price soon but who cares!
No 6
Shortly before Christmas 2015, there was a very informal vote here on who was the ” Poster of the Year ” ? It was a no contest. chrisH won hands down. Quite unique.
chrisH , Your name is mispelled . The H shout be a T. When I first read your posts , I thought ” Jesus Christ ” !
Have a great time in Glastonbury , enjoy Coldplay and stay clear of the “substances ” and bent coppers. Stick to Cider and Vaux but not in the same glass !
chrisH is a genius. Message ends.
A rival to Kerouac but with added humour?
he English, the English, the English are best:
I wouldn’t give tuppence for all of the rest!
The rottenest bits of these islands of ours,
We’ve left in the hands of three unfriendly powers,
Examine the Irishman, Welshman or Scot,
you’ll find he’s a stinker or not.
The Scotsman is mean, as we ‘re all well aware,
And bony and blotchy and covered with hair,
He eats salted porridge, he works all the day,
And he hasn’t got bishops to show him the way.
The English; the English, the English are best:
I wouldn’t give tuppence for all of the rest!
The Irishman, now, our contempt is beneath,
He sleeps in his boots and he lies in his teeth,
He blows up policemen (or so I have heard),
And blames it on Cromwell and William the Third.
The English are noble, the English are nice,
And worth any other at double the price!
The Welshman’s dishonest, he cheats when he can,
And little and dark, more like monkey than man,
He works underground with a lamp in his hat,
And he sings far too loud, far too often, and
A wonderful song, but you should have deleted that last verse.
The Welsh delivered yesterday – and last week in Lille when the Russian thugs kicked off the English and Welsh fans joined forces. England and Wales : a union well worth keeping.
The Wales certainly delivered – it punches way above its weight !
Heard on the grapevine – coming from ‘our boys’ in Lille, a lot of the the thugs were Russian ‘militia’.
Make from that what you will?
I had been planning to cheer for the Norns against Wales tomorrow. I’ve done a complete 180 degree turn and will be cheering for Wales now. My Welsh wife is surprised.
English Kings underestimated the Welsh !
Yes that’s why there are so many castles in Wales .
Taffman ! Yes !!!
The song was actually a pop at some of the English with overly sentimental views of themselves and overly dismissive views of others.
It was a parody, not a statement of superiority.
That song written by Steffi’s late, lamented dad is brilliant. It’s only when it gets to the end you realise that the joke is against the English all the time.
Sorry Thoughtful, I hadn’t seen your post when I wrote mine. You’re absolutely right.
A sharp young girl I met ( student at a good University ) and who voted to leave showed me her facebook page. Full of real hatred and bile from the losers. All old people should be killed etc. My life is ruined etc . The EU is like a big safe space.
This young lady originally came from a country that knows and has known real turmoil and hardship so was not impressed. She thought our young were spoilt kids out to bawl themselves hoarse.
Sorry most young British are wimps and need to shape up.
It’s a good job they weren’t like that in 1939.
Dave S, excellent point. I thought I was unshockable – and I know social media is basically stupid – but I’ve been shocked by some of the hatred pouring out of it today. It’s shameful that people who are lucky enough to be born British can act this way. I spoke with an eastern European acquaintance today, who was thoughtful, reasoned and calm about the whole thing; we had an enjoyable discussion about it.
Part of the cultural plan seems to be to condition emotional responses to by-pass reasoned analysis:
Take the phrase “our NHS” (rather than “the NHS”). “Our” denotes ownership and there is no doubt that the NHS is a popular institution with which people feel a connection that they don’t feel with, say, a supermarket. But why don’t we hear about “our” annual deficit of £80 billion, or “our” over-all national debt of £1.6 trillion? These are, in part, caused by “our” high spending on “our NHS”.
Or take “divisive”. Importing hundreds of thousands of unassimilable Muslims, who arrive with a ready-made ideology at odds with European secular liberalism, is going to cause divisions. But the word “divisive” is reserved not for Merkel’s mad scheme or UK government failure to limit numbers, but for those who point out the danger (PEGIDA, Mr Farage, Ms Le Pen et al).
“Hope not hate”: the haters are largely imported but our home-grown ones are further antagonised by a policy that increases competition for housing, hospitals, school places, benefits, etc. So who is really promoting hate? The multi-culti brigade and their mass immigration policies perhaps?
The focus on youth is predictable. They are the easiest to brainwash through state schooling, Uni and popular culture. BBC and MSM coverage often focuses on the young, the urban, London, popular entertainment and sport: these are groups or areas where immigrants are often disproportionally prominent, giving a false impression of the country as a whole. Meanwhile, the despised “legacy population” of the old White racists of the shires and towns can be offended at will, e.g. the implication that they got it wrong out of ignorance on the EU referendum or if the Tories win an election.
I continue to be astonished at the moderation of the older British in the face of the betrayal of their country by the elites. When will the BBC understand this? They and their opinion polls were wrong about the 2015 Election and wrong again about the EU Referendum.
By the way Dave S I love the comment ‘The EU is like a big Safe Space’ – I’m going to use that one!
“My Scottish friends, respectfully, Nicola Sturgeon is a much better comedienne than Jimmy Krankie. She wants independence from London, in order to be governed by Brussels? Don’t get all excited and start dusting off your Braveheart DVD’s just yet! She wants to unshackle you from the city of London, to hand control over Scotland to the EU. Utter madness.” – tweet from Richie Allen (radio broadcaster)
Camerons valedictory speech today, there were three issues he thought were his shining achievements:
1) Giving all our money away in foreign aid
2) Same sex marriage
3) Raising the minimum wage
Anyone reading this agree with me ?
Well, this non-chippy Scot , is thanking you English and Welsh for voting the way you did and , in celebration, I am listening to Elgar and Vaughn Williams, but not at the same time.
As for Nicola and Braveheart , FFS !!
Braveheart was probably the single worst movie I have ever seen. Talk about overkill.
Victory is ours – but the vitriol will not end.
Just been watching the C4 skews where a beligerent (drunk?) Will Self rounded on a Leave representative in one of the most pig ignorant ranting bullying episodes I have seen during the debates. Jon Snow, the old pratt, stood there and let him continue to berate the woman and then bloody well joined in! What happened to journalistic ethics!
It isn’t only the Beeb that needs overhauling (or keel hauling) but the rest of the bloody metro elite who have wrapped up most of our national broadcasting output. Boris, time for the red underpants on the outside.
It really is time if ever that this old cold-war era Marxist information service was finally put to sleep.
Perhaps a referendum on “should the BBC be de-funded?”
Nothing worse to those cnuts than have their free money stopped
C4 news was a disgrace with Will Self who I dislike set up to argue with Dreda someone (who I’ve never heard of). Self was off his head on self righteous sanctimony and poor Dreda could only say “you look angry”.
Why didn’t they put Self up against one of the Romford fishmongers featured earlier? That would have been worth watching.
Will Self. The name says it all !
Think they were the double act a few days ago too!
Self called her racist…or in cahoots with racists.
Disgraceful-but Snow and Self both knew that The Cause was All…so stuff the black gal who actually CAME from East London, as opposed to “speaking to a builder chappie when up in Orkney, pip pip”.
THIS is the New left- either sneering at fishermen as Geldof does…or accusing black women of being racist if they dare to vote “Leave”.
The Left are off it…gone, gone, gone.
That will be Dreda Say Mitchell, who has committed the cardinal sin of being a young black woman who supports Brexit. She also writes novels which sell well, which must really boil Will Self’s piss. Anyway, the poor lady was clearly uppity for failing to do what her leftist betters expected of her. She seems to think she is entitled to her own opinions, but she will never be invited to a dinner party in Islington ever again.
I was really impressed with her, Will Self is just a self opinionated prat!
I thought he was off the drugs now ?
Did you watch the Ch. 4 ‘Last Debate’ with Paxman 22.06.16? Come the end of the programme, the “specially selected audience” (well yes, how could it be otherwise?) who had been given ‘special electronic devices’ to record their changes in perspective during the course of the programme went, for the undecideds, virtually off the scale in support of ‘Remain’. It had to be a tv producer in the background taking control of the devices at that point. Alternatively, their efforts to compile the ‘specially selected audience’ went horribly wrong.
Any Questions on Radio 4 now comes from Broadcasting House….London! Hence a very biased audience. Why did the BBC choose the safe option of bringing the programme from there?
The anger of the losers is coming up to the surface & it’s nasty. Take the scum shouting abuse at Boris Johnson this morning as he left home.
Yes, the liberal man child with his bike bellowing at Boris made himself look foolish, especially as one push from a copper made him lose his balance…!
Cranbrook, In their cowardly minds they are too scared to venture out. The Blackshirts may be waiting for them !
Oh goodness! I forgot the Far Right have taken control, I wondered why those tanks were rolling down the street outside my front door!
The Left need hate figures. That is their food and drink. Without that, they have nothing .
All I saw spouting the bile were typical male 30 something London workers i.e. bike riders with slotted spoon helmets and rucksacks. Ignorant and mouthy generation (as are most of the young Remainers) who no doubt bring their kids up the same.
I heard John Simpson comment earlier, that the previous referendum was contested in a ‘kinder’ time, the population believed tv journalists and politicians, 2/3rd voted to go into the Common Market, AND 41,000 people left THIS country that year, which was far more than arrived here so immigration was never an issue. Sadly a time , and the manners and attitudes of the older generation we shall never see again.
Nasty little piece of fluff wasn`t it?
To listen to it, you`d have thought that Clarke and Thornberry were speaking as the victors from last night.
So arrogant, self-righteous and shouty…and, like Dimbly Minor…very, very bitter.
The questions and presumptions of the whole gilded elite was in evidence-these people regard the little folk like us as THEIR people-and we refused to follow their party tram lines to hell.
We said no-and though Grayling isn`t Nigel, he`s honourable and chose the right side…one of our own from now on.
And Woolf is a good asset to UKIP-and their shouted questions as if he was Foreign Secretary were a disgrace.
It was Thornberry and Clarke who have strewn the playing fields with their dead and useless-all Chris and Steve had to do was to speak for us. And this they did. But the cosy cartel of entitled lather like Thornberry-Clarke , with Dimbliminor lobbing ball bearings round the floor swamped any efforts to make sense of WHY we chose Grayling and Woolf over the Entitled.
An awful programme-but their rage and scorn for us all was clear-it`s reciprocated and we`ll not forget them.
Agree, Chris, I could hear the bitterness in Dimbleby’s voice: the referendum result was not what he expected or hoped for. Thornberry was humiliated when Woolf didn’t miss the open goal of her post about people who have white vans and fly the St George cross. She tried the “I’m prolier than thou” defence (“my Council estate”) after the UKIP man did the same to her. Grayling was good, didn’t drop the ball. Fatty Clarke was appalling, as bad as I have ever heard him, still labelling those with worries about immigration as far right. Maggie T had it right about him when she said: “Those awful hushpuppies! I always knew he was a socialist at heart.”
I suppose the way the BBC is going, sooner or later “Auntie” will be advocating pulling OAP’s out of their houses and stringing them up on the nearest tree.
Not BBC related, but no doubt this will be all over their yoof pages – For maximum gloating points, just have a quick look at the Twatter hashtag #NotMyVote, it’s f***ing hilarious. The bile that some of these kids are coming out with is shocking. Some stupid 17 year 10 month old crybaby thinks she’s every bit as qualified to vote as her friend who’s just 18. Well maybe she is, but sorry luv, you are a CHILD in every sense of the word. Extrapolating her ‘argument’ we will have foetus’s being cut out in the polling stations so that they can exercise their ‘democratic right’. The language and ‘logic’ they use is a perfect illustration as to why society considers children unqualified to vote, especially on such a massive issue as this.
No taxation without representation = no representation without taxation.
If you are still at school with no paid p/time job, then tough. If you are sixteen and seventeen and working full-time then I reckon you have a good case to be allowed to vote.
And don’t forget neilw, its this Twatter and Facebook generation who could be running the BBC in 10-15 years time, once they’ve done their stint at Yuni ! so our national broadcaster is forever doomed.
I’ve just witnessed an extraordinary tantrum from a Polish representative of the EU. Matt Frei from Channel 4 was asking him what he thought Britain’s prospects were outside of the EU. The jam roll became belligerent and told Frei peevishly, “Next time you’re in trouble don’t expect Polish pilots to come to your rescue.” Of course he was referring to the many brave Polish lads who did make a contribution to the defense of our islands during the second world war, many of them flying Spits and Hurricanes. I have absolutely no argument with that whatsoever. But, and surely everyone knows this, the prime reason for Britain entering the bloody war in the first place was due to the German invasion of Poland. Matt just stood there like a complete plank while the angry Pole distorted our noble history.
I was absolutely fuming.
Bloody cheek.
Matt Frei has always been rather dim. How old was the Polish boy and was he taught the Soviet version of history ? It was the Germans who were responsible for the Katyn massacre. Matt Frei, brain dead.
Good point Jeff. But it’s scary how ignorant most people are about history now.
Makes me think that just if…just if yesterday’s vote causes the collapse of the EU by the domino affect, & subsequently a free trade area is set up in its place to everyone in Europe’s advantage, in fifty years time the credit for this will be given to Jean Clod Juncker & Donald Tusk. Historical facts are always the first to disappear thanks to the left leaning media & crummy biased education.
Bloody cheek indeed. Pity we couldn’t send them a bill, like the US sent to us.
Anyway, as I understand it, they did well for two reasons. They were relatively experienced at the outset, unlike most of our own, and we gave them good British planes to play with.
Should be grateful they no longer have to queue for their potatoes and beetroot, or whatever it is they eat.
The Poles believed they were flying for Poland, not Britain. Joining the RAF was the only way they could do it as their country was over-run by two allied sets of socialists.
Watch the film Waterloo , the Poles were on Napoleons side , as the Lancers .
Next time Poland is invaded , don’t come to Britain then , stay with the Russians , Germans , whatever .
Admiral Beatty , Battle of Jutland 100 years ago – “There seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships to-day,”
Al Beeb last night – “There seems to be something wrong with our bloody voters to-day,”
‘Wouldn’t you prefer to be President Sadiq?’ Thousands call on Sadiq Khan to declare London’s independence and join EU
Driven by Sadiq Khan who wants to be the President of the Islamic republic of London .
Can we have some Brexit jokes? I could do with something to liven up my social media feeds. Everyone’s being so po-faced and miserable. Search for ‘Brexit jokes’ and all you get is twaddle from Remainers. I may have posted this before but the only one I’ve thought of is ‘Bob Geldof has re-issued his hit single ‘I Don’t Like Mondays’. It is now called ‘I Don’t Like Fridays Either.’
How can you tell when a jet load of BBC reporters lands at Heathrow? When they turn the engines off the whining continues.
I will get my coat.
Cranmer – I was in Tesco this afternoon and there was a foreign couple in front of me in the queue. The woman on the till asked them if they needed any help packing their bags, and I thought to myself “Bloody hell, I didn’t expect that this soon after the result!”.
Boom Boom!
Lobster – good one! I’ll use it.
Great one, Lobster!
Al Beeb keeps bleating on that ‘Wales gets most of the lions share from the EU’ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its not EU money, its our bloody money !
Not quite a Brexit joke but the, late and great Tommy Cooper , told this one at Dean Martin’s birtday party at a ” Water Rat” celebration. Many year’s ago. ” Of course, Dean Martin left the partnership with Jerry Lewis, just to prove who was binging it down “.
An old one reworked for today: ‘Following the Brexit vote, Italy has requested a stimulus package. Silvio Berlusconi has suggested two Viagra and a can of Red Bull.’
Cranmer, Tommy’s joke was a little more subtle and double edged. The look on Dean Martin’s face said it. I think it may be Youtube
Al Beeb is now in full of ‘sour grapes’ mode .
Facebook is not a happy place at the moment. Oh dear, what a pity, never mind.
Steve, I am crying in my Latte !
(Somewhere on the Internet, this is looped so you can play it until you fall off your chair & are ROFLing or realise that there are bills to pay so it’s back to work. Could not find it but enjoy anyway.)
Interesting interview came up after playback on oh dear how sad
The BBC is in full funereal mode, post-Brexit. When they aren’t mewling and sniffling about wiith long faces like a smacked arse, they are engaged in some kind of doom-laden alarmist role playing game. For them, Britain’s optimistic choice to leave the EU and to re-enter the world as an independent sovereign state once again seems to bring out the mortician in them. All is doom. All is gloom. Nothing positive to say. No hope. No future.
It is absolutely pathetic and totally disgraceful. The BBC are a complete insult to objective reporting. And their mischievous indulgence of that nationalistic socialist Scots tw*t Sturgeon is reprehensible.
Sorry about the fruity language, folks. The BBC really do know how to get right on one’s t*ts.
Also ObiWan they seem completely insightless into the fact that the majority (I savour being able to say just that by the way) can see right through them.
Any rising awareness in them will be a somewhat uncomfortable experience I think.
Two things:
First: Anyone fancy a frost tonight:
Second: The word Tyranny doesn’t seem to be used when describing what the E.U. has become.
Newsnight is hilarious. All somber piano and hushed tones. Frankly, I’m surprised only that Evan isn’t wearing a black tie, the Newsnight set dressed out with with coffins. Christ almighty.
he only wears black on date nights -silly!
And which part of his anatomy ? Not that I am really interested. How long will this BBC wake go on ? Maybe tomorrow they will get a shot of something else ? They are still in denial. Nurses and medicatiion required.
BBC repeating again on the news, their stereotype:
Less well off.
Living outside London.
‘Left behind’!
What all seventeen and a half million?
In contrast Cambridge is ‘young, highly educated’ and Bremain.
I thought a significant chunk of Cambridge was poor, struggling to find housing & with a relatively high number of Food Banks? Or have things improved there under this terrible regime of Austerity?
The Glitterati, Affleunti and Metropoli types like to point out that we pay only around 1% of our Grossed-up, Grossed-out something or other, which they forget is earned by the nation as a whole, in order to belong to the EUphemism Klub de Bruxelles. This 1%, tiny when set against Beebudgeties and Soaring Bonuses in the Metrollops, isn’t anything much to worry about at all and will not do the slightest good at home, so like a lifetime’s subscription to Harpics Bizarre and Vague we might as well keep paying it while chucking the never-read glossies in the re-cycling on the way out to Fortnums or Horrids, OK, yah?
So, ‘we’ will jeer and put the mockers on Grayling & Woolfe until they present a detailed NHS budget for every single sixpence of the 1% right now, at this moment, instantly. I had to turn off. Just couldn’t stand Thornberry any more so am glad that I also missed out on Clarke’s horrororation. I hope there are some good 52percenters who will talk Realitypoliticky when the Remaindered start to get nasty again on Any Answers tomorrow.
When Mr Obama became USA president in 2008 (results certified 2009), the BBC were euphoric. He got 52% of the Vote.
When the people of the UK vote to leave the EU with 52% of the vote, the BBC are dysphoric.
And there are some on here who think the BBC are not biased.
And right on cue, Mark Urban reporting live from Brussels…wearing a black tie. You couldn’t make it up!
I am worried. Firstly, Cameron has not invoked Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty because he believes that it is up to the new PM. Second, who IS the new PM? Will he/she invoke Article 50? Third, why is it necessary to invoke Article 50? We can, as a sovereign nation, enact a law automatically negating any previous laws….. Can we not?
I think that Article 50 was put in place to let the sh@t die down and let the peoples THINK they got what they wanted…… Which goes back to my point of the invocation of Article 50 : designed to lull us into a false sense of security…. And, I don’t trust Boris Johnson
I’m worried too after watching Daniel Hannan interviewed by Evan Davies on Newsnight. Hannan stated quite clearly that we would have to accept the principle of free movement of labour, in order to do trade deals with the EU ( I have heard him mention this before)
Evan Davies, to his credit, called him out on this, asking him why this was not made plain beforehand during the run up to the referendum.
Having voted Leave, like many others I would be disappointed if this was the case, which if this is so supports my theory previously mentioned on this site, that the whole thing could be a sham and we are likely to end up with a compromised situation.
A few months ago I discussed this with Leave. EU who felt that the Goverment would be unlikely to renage on the mandate of the public, however I’m not so sure now.
I think that even some of the Leavers are afraid. I am surprised about Dan Hannan. Free movement and trade is not a quid pro quo. Dan may me worried about his EU salary or maybe lost the family farm in Chile. But this is a time for men and women of principle, not wimpos !
Even John Redwood today was saying no to Article 50 and lets take time . and I do not trust Boris
I do think we should take a little time to get the plan together to our own benefit and not be bounced into anything .The EU presidents want us to do it quickly so as not to affect the other countries.
To be honest I don’t trust any of them ,because when you are on a gravy train its a bit if a shock to suddenly have to get off it.Some of these anti EU talking heads are probably shocked at the result too. I think John Redwood is honest but cautious.The rest,who knows.
The activation of article 50 is the EU version of the ‘drink me’ bottle in Alice in Wonderland. It’s a trap for the unwary. However, it states in it’s first point:
1. Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own
constitutional requirements.
If that means that we decide to repeal all the acts, pertaining to the EU, from the statute books, surely it satisfies point #1. The stipulated 2 year timetable is then academic and trade discussions can be done for our benefit, not the EU.
The BBC has decided that the majority are all fascists. This, from the BBC website,
“The UK’s vote to leave the EU has sparked demands from far-right parties for referendums in other member states.”
So, only “far-right” will have voted for independence? I think they’ve just alienated another swathe of those who deem themselves “left”.
When you’re at the North Pole, the only direction is South !
Gosh what short memories the BBC have.
It was only back in Feb that Cameron promised to act on a Leave vote straight away.
Funny how it’s been conveniently forgotten today, eh?
Plenty of time to grill Farage on GMTV and try and catch him out – shameless.
But Dodgy Dave? Sacred cow, apparently.
Government would not delay exit if British public vote to leave
The Prime Minister’s spokeswoman has dismissed suggestions that, in the case of a vote to Leave, Mr Cameron might delay the launch of withdrawal negotiations under Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, in the hope of receiving requests from other member-states for the UK to reconsider its decision.
She said: “The idea that the British people could decide to leave and that the Government would just not act on that is for the birds,” she said. “It’s something that’s not going to happen. The Government would act on that decision straight away.“ (comment at 12.45)
Hi all. Just thought I’d pop by to congratulate everyone for getting the Christmas they voted for. Nice to know there will be so many happy smiling faces in the queue for the abattoir?
Zero, great to have you on board. I mean that most sincerely. By the way, according to Alan Bennet’s autobiography, when that sketch was first performed, apparently a decorated Battle of Britain pilot walked out of the theatre, shouting ‘You young bounders don’t know the first thing about it’. Rather apposite with regards to our recent vote, I think.
Cranmer, Lefties don’t do irony , they just jerk off !
“apparently a decorated Battle of Britain pilot walked out of the theatre…”
Reely? Was he decorated at the time? Medals jangling away round his knees as he stormed out? Handlebar moustache flapping in the wind?
Keyword: “apparently”.
Try engaging brain once in a while?
Welcome back Zero ! I missed your ever wonderful sense of humour ! And your use of language and ” Handlebar moustache flapping in the wind “. I am laughing so much I am almost pissing myself ! Please stop it ! It is too much ! Have you ever thought of being a stand-up in Uzbekistan ?
PS, I meant Stand-up comedian , of course !
HIGNFY. Sorely missed.
Keywords: not really.
Hi Zero, I know you will have an urge to give a trite response to this (try to resist) but you have a linguistic style consistent with that of a teenager. You really do.
How old are you please?
If you are what I suspect you will find that people will respond to you slightly differently and with an undercurrent of understanding of you not yet knowing really what you are saying.
We’ve all been there, it’s OK.
Some of these Battle of Britain guys were barely out of their teens when they volunteered to fight against the Nazis.Hundreds died.
You obviously have been brought up with the BBC Horrible Histories version of Britains past.
Zero I’m not sure. You’ll have to ask Alan Bennett next time he pops into Broadcasting House!
Welcome back Zero – still using the Camden public toilets.
Actually I found the sketch amusing
It’s London’s premier stand-up performing venue. Where feeling down in the mouth can be a good thing? It should be renamed Brighton North, as it’s as perverted as it’s Southern twin.
Bit old for you isn’t it Zero . Nothing from the Beano or Teletubbies ?
The Beano?? Haven’t really thought that through have you Nibor…
You are very childish , not your usual standard . Why do you post on this site ?
“Zero ” may be more clever than I think ! Perhaps the Arabic ” Sirf” ” is close ? But in Arabic it has a connotation with disruption and nihilism . Strangely , or maybe not, the same word written backwards in Turkish ! “Orez ” has the opposite meaning. Come on , Zero, come clean on you name !
Explain Zero .
Zero – God you really are such a snearing little tosspot!!!
Does mummy know youre up to your silly games again ?
Oakwash, what makes you think that he has a mother ?
Can anyone explain why only 30 odd million voted when there are over 60 million in this country ? or does that mean there are 30 million who are not eligible to vote ie kids, foreigners, those that didn’t bother, and prisoners.? seems a lot to me.
IIRC, Brissles, 45m is total eligible to vote according to BBC when they had that remarkable extension to the Voter Registration. 20m is accounted for by 0 to 18 year olds.
46.5m are signed up to vote, so roughly 2/3rds actually voted.
Nick Abbott on LBC sounds drunk. He’s ranting away like a fool.
Its time the media toned down the hysteria, the hate the divisiveness, the demonisation of the people who voted leave and realised we need reconciliation in what is a very divided society (and has been for the last decade) and we certainly need them to stop talking down Britain.
If things are as bad as they claim why are these fuckwits treating it all like theyve been cheated out of winnigna football match.
Grow up you imbeciles! Call yourselves ‘professionals’? Youre like a bunch of kids on a school newspaper.
Cristo was spewing his venom towards those who voted leave too. LBC has its fair share of B-BBC wannabe London-centric presenters.
Inform, educate and entertain…
Thanks BBC. You finally got one of them right today. Priceless entertainment. Haven’t laughed so hard since Hancock’s Half Hour (which recently had a trigger warning on the iPlayer by the way).