Roger Mosey, now ex-BBC so can speak out, tells us that the Broadcasters must take the blame for the poor standard of debate as they essentially tabloidised their reporting and failed to do the proper analysis going for the headline-making trivia of the insults and alarmism instead. A classic example of this comes out today…from the ‘let ’em all in’ Mark Easton whose ‘analysis’ is completely wrongheaded and shaped by his own prejudices with this entirely patronising and sneering look at who voted ‘Leave’ and why they did so….
He starts with what is now becoming the highly political BBC narrative of a broken United Kingdom, but that is a narrative that only suits IRA terrorists and the SNP…and the EU itself of course….the BBC seems keen to encourage and incite the break up of the UK and see parts slip off back to the EU…divide and conquer……
The EU referendum has revealed an ancient, jagged fault line across the United Kingdom. It is a scar that has sliced through conventional politics and traditional social structures, and it is far from clear whether the kingdom can still call itself united.
He then comes up with this patronising gem…
The referendum was ostensibly about membership of the European Union. But voters took it to be asking a different question: what kind of country do you want Britain to be?
Yesterday seemed to offer a fork in the road: one path (Remain) promised it would lead to a modern world of opportunity based on interdependence; the other (Leave) was advertised as a route to an independent land that would respect tradition and heritage.
Actually it was about membership of the EU and taking back control, it is membership of the EU that shapes our country, therefore in or out shapes our’s not some esoteric, philosophical question…it’s simple. People who voted for Leave are not stuck in some nostalgic hark back to a golden age of the past, they are looking to engage with the world and make innovative and exciting new relations with the rest of the world that the EU stymied.
It is in fact the Remainers, clue in the name, who seek the comfort and ‘safety’ of ‘interdependence’ and EU ‘heritage’…Interdependence which actually meant Germany and the UK coughing up large sums of money to keep other EU countries on the road with large amounts siphoned off to keep the EU bureaucrats in the style to which they still desperately want to be kept in. Here’s a question for Sturgeon….will the German public want to pay for your economic failures as the oil price tumbles and eventually the black gold dries up and Japanese whiskey outsells the homebrew? The irony of Germans paying for ‘British welfare’? Nein.
Have you ever heard anything more patronising than this?…
City dwellers are generally more comfortable with globalisation and diversity. Country dwellers are more traditional in their outlook.
Successful cities are places in flux, constantly evolving to remain relevant in a rapidly changing world. A city without cranes is a city that is moribund.
But in market towns and rural villages, it is the opposite, with a focus on protecting heritage and celebrating history. It is a more conservative outlook that can see modern life as a threat, often nostalgic for a simpler, bucolic order.
That’ll be why Birmingham voted Out….and why all the race riots are in cities.
Mosey said that we need more analysis that sheds light on the issues….
A senior presenter is despairing about the daily agenda: “Balance has too often been taken to mean broadcasting televised press releases . . . Instead of standing back and assessing arguments, we have been broadcasting he says/she says campaign pieces, which rarely shed any light on anything.”
But when you look at the analysis that the likes of Easton provide you have to be rather grateful that you are left to your own devices and resources to do the analysis yourself. BBC ‘analysis’ comes in only one flavour…an intolerant liberal progressiveness, pro-Europe, pro-immigration, anti-Israel, anti-Trump, pro-Muslim, pro-Marx.
“the BBC seems keen to encourage and incite the break up of the UK and see parts slip off back to the EU…divide and conquer…”
Theyve always been keen on anyting that weakens Britain, implosion from within or attack from without.
The Mediah and the left wing should be really careful as they appear to be actively encouraging street violence in support of the Leader Jeremy and his Corby nyetts.
‘The little people know not what they do’ The Irish media used the exact same tactic the following day when the Lisbon treaty was refused in Ireland the first time. I was expecting this and the beeb duly supplied it in spades. Even today the Media over there are trying the same trick even resorting to implying the racist and bigots line.
Sorry clicked report by mistake
And the Beat goes on…the ignoramuses pluck lint from each others navels as they pontificate on what we little people have just done.
Witness the last hour on BBC News…up to Edinburgh(Gavin) Downing St( Vicky) Dublin then The City…back to the SNP…in Westminster now…Dublin again with the Irish Foreign Minister…than a worry about Calais…Berlin(Damian)…and they
And the Beat goes on…the ignoramuses pluck lint from each others navels as they pontificate on what we little people have just done.
Witness the last hour on BBC News…up to Edinburgh(Gavin) Downing St( Vicky) Dublin then The City…back to the SNP…in Westminster now…Dublin again with the Irish Foreign Minister…than a worry about Calais…Berlin(Damian)…and they
Take it easy on the cider down there !
Ta grant.
Not much sleep yet ,reckon Coldplay at Glastonbury will see me right tomorrrow night…and I continue…
and they continue to ignore the rest of us here in Plymouth, Hull, Shgeffield, Lincoln or Preston etc…we`re too boring I guess and might infect them with racism or xenophobislamophobia.
Did wonder what happened to my ramblings…so I`ll go easy on the Doom Bar later!
Doubtless there`s some fine hooch available in Gambia…and Suzanne Evans says we`re already fixing a free trade deal with Ghana…maybe there`s a role for you to make Gambia the first country we deal with without the EU chloroform.
LOL ! I am still trying to get my head around xenopho……. etc. Maybe I should get on the scrumpy.
I hope one advantage of Brexit will be better trade deals with Non-EU countries, especially Commonwealth countries. I wouldn’t hold out much hope for Gambia under the current regime.
But hooch is easy to buy and no licensing hours. The main brewery is owned by the teetotal , lunatic, muslim president. A decent beer, Julbrew, 60 pence for a 330 cl bottle. Basic gin , vodka, whisky etc £3 ( imported not made in Gambia ). Palm wine is even cheaper but will make you blind. But then Gambia is not in the EU.
The “Doom Bar ” sounds like somewhere Beeboids should be drowning their sorrows !
Grant dont knock Doom Bar – its good stuff. They brew it near to me – too good for Beeboids and probably not organic. Only fit for us ghastly, ignorant Leave voters. Some of us may even have done manual jobs and sweat – yuck! – Fancy letting such low lives have a say on who governs them.
Interesting that Londistan voted Remain. These days it appears to be a city that consumes everything but produces very little apart from hate clerics and PR executives. And the few “proper” industries it has (such as Tate and Lyle) have certainly been suffering under the EU yoke.
In a bizarre way the rest of the country have done a huge favour to the Londonistan “elite”.
At least now we will be more able to continue supplying the basics to capital that it requires.
Unfortunately the Armand de Brignat may well cost a few bob more – Sorry Jerrod.
Pity none of them would have the imagination to appreciate this.
Passing thought – I think we all owe a huge thank you to Nigel Farrage. He has been threatened, pilloried and castigated for standing up for his country. Without him this election would not have happened.
So Nigel – Thank you!
I just assumed that ” Doom Bar ” is a bar which sells drinks. A bit like the Last Chance Saloon. Are you now telling me it is a bar of soap ? Something tells me I am missing a reference here !
Thought in his tiredness it was a typo for Dime Bar!
Its a very pleasant session pint brewed by Sharps at Rock. Not bad in bottles either but the tinned stuff is a bit iffy. Named after the not so famous Doom Bar in the Camel estuary. However in olden days it was a place that many sailors came to a sticky end.
Pity Ted Heath in the Morning Cloud had not found on it in the 1960s – may have saved all of us a lot of grief!
“These days it appears to be a city that consumes everything but produces very little apart from hate clerics and PR executives. ”
You’re ignoring the considerable amount of R&D, in technology and pharmaceuticals for instance, in London and the surrounding areas. “Proper” industries don’t have to involve mill chimneys any more. However, a considerable number of diesel engines is still produced at Dagenham, if you insist.
Those thousands of sheds you can see from the air all over the place don’t employ bankers and PR types!
I clearly recall the cynical attitude to a new Baird TV factory in West Yorkshire in the 1960s. Not exactly welcomed with open arms as it didn’t provide “proper” jobs, in spite of the fact that the woollen industry was fast disappearing at that time. Interesting that Leeds, next door, is doing reasonably well out of “improper” jobs in the financial sector. Unfortunately, Leedsistan must also have one or two hate clerics of its own as it managed to produce three of the four 7/7 bombers. Not bad going.
The divide which I have noticed in my small corner of the Home Counties is between those who have worked exclusively in the private sector (generally in the Leave camp) and those who have worked exclusively in the public sector (generally in the Remain camp). I should say that this comment applies mostly to those who, like me, fall into the ‘more mature’ age bracket – the voting intentions of younger voters of my acquaintance seem to be less correlated to employment patterns.
Could it be possible that the overall Remain votes in Scotland and Northern Ireland are related to the preponderance of state-funded employment in those areas?
That’s a very good point. People who get their pay regular as clockwork every month courtesy of the taxpayer, without having to worry about customers, are more likely to be happy living under the biggest bureaucracy of them all.
And the Beat goes on…the ignoramuses pluck lint from each others navels as they pontificate on what we little people have just done.
Witness the last hour on BBC News…up to Edinburgh(Gavin) Downing St( Vicky) Dublin then The City…back to the SNP…in Westminster now…Dublin again with the Irish Foreign Minister…than a worry about Calais…Berlin(Damian)…and they`re all sad…really sad.
Also a quick vox pox by Kings Cross, maybe a hipster from Glastonbury looking tearful, needing to find Nigels pub to torch…
Now then-as for we 17 million who actually voted to go?….not a peep from us with this lot-why should they care?…we`ve only boosted Le Pen and given Boris some houseroom.
No folks-we`re parked now-always agitprop from the BBC, ever farming grievances from the anti Tory. progressive Liberla Left…but , as for us?…why ask-we`d learn nothing except you`re racist and thick.
Oh and you don`t care about Jo Cox.
Still though eh?…we know what they`re up to -will see my UKIP chums at Wetherspoons later, we`ll laugh at the liberal liars and loafers who ignore us. Then we`ll crown King Nigel, bin the BBC and the left-and watch them unravel and lose their tiny minds before our eyes.
I’m struggling to find a postive Brexit story or angle on the BBC website.
Give up, you’ll never find one.
As far as the BBC is concerned, the referendum was hijacked by ghastly uneducated white oiks who must also be racists, living in horrible little Northern towns, who have never been to the opera.
Rob, How dare you bring Oprah Winfrey into this ! She is not a white oik !
Yes, Noticed that BBC bias in the airtime given to browbeating the Brexits and commiserating with the ‘more intelligent ‘ Remainers – particularly on Marr and R5L where a Scot with aspirations of becoming the next William Wallace attempted to hack the Sassenach exit fog to pieces. In my estimation 80 % ‘Do the Exiters down’ and 20% Labour and the footie.
My twopennence worth – BBC, you had better tread that line more carefully – the day will come where your Lord Haw Haw approach will have half your listeners and viewers demanding the closure of your once impartial News services.
The BBC has seemed incapable of change; perhaps this Referendum will prove a turning point, but I’m not counting on it.
On the Day itself, I tuned in to a new Radio 4 comedy (yes, I know, I know, but please bear with me!) show, in which they had interviews with – as well as short sessions from – stand-ups from the USA, Russia and Indonesia. It could have been interesting and a bit different from the bland fare served up at 6:30 pm on weekdays. Instead, we had the usual bashing of Trump (more than once) anti-Thatcher stuff (yawn!) and an attack on the Daily Mail over fears about Islam. The Indonesian woman made a few remarks about Islam, terrorists and comedy that no White Westerner would dare make on the BBC, oh, and the US comedian was GAY and let everyone know about it. The audience, needless to say, lapped it all up. I might listen in again but I doubt it, because it’s all so tediously predictable.
Not as funny as being in London whatching the left wing remain chuggers sobbing into their soya milk latte’s
…….the BBC seems keen to encourage and incite the break up of the UK and see parts slip off back to the EU…divide and conquer……
The Left thrive on sowing division whether it’s racial, cultural, class, age, wealth or whatever.
Expect to hear more of Mooner O’ Chukkabutty and other lefties on this theme on the BBC over the coming weeks and months.
The BBC are pushing the idea that the old have stitched up the young and are trying to fan the flames of discontent. Overnight BBC radio coverage of the referendum had 4 young voters who they kept interviewing , all but one were remainers . On our local BBC tv news today a group of 10 or more teenagers were assembled to ask them how Brexit would affect their lives. Its the old codgers that have done this to you is the message. See also the BBC website with the same message. – Older people are now in the firing line thanks to the irresponsible vengeful BBC.
What have we done’ – teenage anger over Brexit vote
The young’uns will grow up and be thankful to the old’uns for their judgement and life experience, saving the teenagers from themselves.
We were almost all left wing until we grew up.
Of course, if you work at the BBC you don’t have to grow up….
Of course, if you work at the BBC you don’t have to grow up….
So true. And so many of them never have.
To Nichola Sturgeon. If Scotland had swung the vote in favour of Remain, England would have accepted it and got on with business. SO SHOULD SCOTLAND! Now stop banging your gums and get on with planing for Brexit!
She must really want (to pay) to be ruled by Brussels and to use the euro.
Always reminds me of a Garden Gnome when I see her. Don’t know why: could anybody enlighten me?
Gnomes don’t speak like machine guns !
I listened to Radio 4, 7.00am news this morning, after the main headlines that were all about the referendum they had some Professor on whose name I don’t recall.
He stated that based on the geographical areas the people who voted to leave were poorly educated and the people who voted to stay were well educated. How insulting and biased is that?
And how does he know the distribution of educated people. Idiot.
That was good old John Curtice probably. Psephology Prof at Aberdeen. Think I may have heard it. He’s not usually one to scorn others so may be just have been pushed in a direction by a Beeboid question that he answered the best he could.
OTOH, if they had asked him his opinion about Twentieth century UK Governments compared to previous centuries, you would hear even more trenchant views.
On Facebook the BBC has a breakdown of voting demographics to very specific points.
Seems the wrinklies really shafted the young thrusters, so dynamic they needed an extra 48 hrs to not do what they couldn’t manage in two.
Top poster asks how they know this as votes are anonymous.
Cue a long thread on sources, damn sources and BBC sources.
I imagine when the millennials found out they could not vote online or via smartphone, many of them gave up. Writing an “x” in pencil on a small piece of paper is so last century.
What arrogance ….
Any one can see the well off areas voted stay and the poorer areas voted leave. Poorer areas are the ones most impacted by EU rules and the strain on services wages jobs overcrowding etc.You don’t need a degree to work that out ,just to have experience of it.
Spot on !
Maybe thats the new remain strategy. New election over EU membership . Voting limited to those under twenty five who have a degree in media studies or Political science preferably from the LSE or similar institution. Cross dressing, gender fluid (I really hate that term!) and preferably a string of children to different fathers.
Then we would all get the result that the country obviously needs.
Or a multicultural background, as the ads increasing suggest: one black, one white. Note not Muslim – Allah would not approve association with ‘kaffirs’…………………….
except when it suits the buggers!
Interestingly, Debbie, some poorer parts of Wales that had been bribed with their own money (most EU cash comes from VAT) and had things ‘done for them’ and then a ‘Built by the EU’ plaque slapped on it, were not fooled and still voted to Leave.
Yup, I imagine back to the Welsh Development Agency for funding soon. For those who don’t know, The WDA poured millions of pounds into Wales ‘Development’ for decades before the EU took over. Naturally, in common 2016 parlance that’s now ‘Billions’.
Saw a great joke yesterday;
Mugger robs a guy of £350. Victim complains. Mugger says okay I’ll give you back £175 but you can only spend it on what I say you can. When you spend it you must post my picture there saying how generous I am. Victim agrees and thanks the mugger.
As they part the mugger says to the victim; same place same deal next week? The victim agrees walking off smiling.
FT100 has closed 3 % down on the day but 5 .8 % up from its low. Not the disaster the BBC were hoping for, but how will they spin it ?
In a nutshell yesterdays vote was the average man telling the ethical latte drinkers out there , that they don’t know best.
Point in question, these people demand that different peoples (Gay,black, disabled, coloureds ,chicks with dicks and the rest) have a voice which must be listened to and heard. well you know what it cuts both ways.
So cities that don’t change become moribund!?
But I thought city traders don’t like change , they like certainty or the share prices drop and the pound runs away with the spoon .
That’s how they make their money, Nibor, from change. The love uncertainty and disruption.
(Apology if I missed an ‘irony signal’)
Just watching the nick robinson garbage now telling us that the Polish people are really scared and feel unwelcome now, easton did a report from Poland, he was stood in a street in a Polish city surrounded by white Polish citizens with not a black face amongst them…not a one, I wonder if it’s because they don’t feel welcome?
My joiner/decorating brother will be gutted though, he made good money from mopping up the shit work the eastern europeans did for peanuts.
The beeb telling us that we didn’t know what we were voting for, nothing will change anyway, we’ve voted for nothing? ed balls giving his ‘expert’ view? If his shite party had listened many years ago to the voices of their core vote Brexit could have been different..for me there is a problem, it’s divisive and it wants to destroy the UK…it’s the BBC and until it’s gone project fear will remain.
The Labour Party was meant to represent the British working class. It has however spent several decades replacing them with foreigners, hoping they wouldn’t notice. Well they finally did!
Went over to the Guardian page . Polly Toynbee is upset .
Time now for a judicial inquiry into Al Beeb’s conduct before and during the referendum.
And, now after!
Polly is always upset. It is the longest menopause in history and the failure to come to terms with her family history .
its tough countenancing the rise of the lobotomised idiot! No wonder she is upset.
I hope brexit means no more funding for the BBC from the EU,we should say if you do then you cannot be the British Broadcasting company as you will then get funding from foreign countries.Bye bye bbc charter.
Also shouldn’t the Guardian be the Guardout.
Good news – “Germany, USA and Canada ALL say they want special trade deals with post-Brexit Britain”
What a difference a day makes ! So many people changing their tunes now. Some people just love a winner. And the only principle for them is money !
And there is now talk of an ‘EU domino effect’, will this all end in a kind of European Free Trade Association ?
Houses built on sand and “men of straw” !
Man on the crapped out bus is a “man of straw”
It already exists, we only have to rejoin.
Hardly a surprise but its the detail that counts.
‘Wouldn’t you prefer to be President Sadiq?’ Thousands call on Sadiq Khan to declare London’s independence and join EU
Driven by Sadiq Khan who wants to be the President of the Islamic republic of London .
Come on Thoughtful, he’s got his own blossoming Caliphate to concern himself with now.
The biggest danger right now is, wait for it! – the BBC itself. In a programme devoted to soul searching this evening, not 24 hours from the monumental decision to Leave the EU, Nick Robinson and his co-conspirators at the BBC devoted a programme to, literally, ‘pulling apart’ and undermining the democratic decision of the majority of the public simply, in their view, because it was wrong. They even stooped so low as to interview children (19-25 year old’s) who, virtually unanimously concluded that, ‘old people’ have ruined their future. Clearly not one of the children, some no doubt complete with Degree, has ever been taught how the ‘First Past the Post’ voting system works in the UK. Needless to say Robinson would not ask that valuable question for fear of ‘impartiality’ a concept he and the BBC do not believe in. For the ‘democracy’ the children seemed to prefer, they should transport themselves to Russia or China or North Korea or some, ‘wonkyland’ in Africa and go experience real ‘Democracy’ in action. Can we have a whip round to send them on their way?
When will the BBC stop their blatant overt tinkering in politics? What right do they have to surreptitiously endeavour to subtly change the public’s opinion to their liberal multicultural views on important issues? The organisation patently needs a complete overhaul. Perhaps this, along with exiting the European Human Rights system should be priorities for the next Government if the BBC don’t soften up the voter ready for an afterthought from the EU which involves an immediate election based on the EU’s commitment to suspend ‘Free Movement’ in exchange for the UK remaining.
Well the people who voted for the EEC in 1975 could be said to have ruined my future by that logic .
Using the same logic , we don’t allow the 18 to 24 year olds to vote on anything because that affects the 1 to 17 year olds , never mind the generations yet to come .
The people who were in the revolutions of the commie bloc shoulnt have acted so because that affected present and future generations both there and here , and George Washington shouldn’t have acted in the way he did because that affected all the generations thereafter worldwide , and the Chartists shouldn’t have been around or Luther King or Guttenberg and Caxton of print invention fame or Ghandi etc etc .
The acid test of a democracy is that it does indeed divide people. There is nothing whatever wrong with a divided society – the alternative is a drugged, suppressed or imprisoned society. Obviously. But division, the census of opinion, in a democracy does not result in a ‘broken’ society, because in a democracy, consent survives defeat. The losers consent to the will of the winners, because they trust that, if it had been the other way round, the other lot would have abided by the democratic decision.
What the BBC is actually referring to as a ‘broken’ society is one where the losers will not abide by the numbers. Where they throw their toys out of the pram if they don’t get their own way, and immediately slander ‘them’, and demand changes in the rules, so they, the losers, can win instead.
Like the BBC, and their cronies, and the people hounding Mr Johnson outside his house – the ‘activists’ (political hacks), the lobbyists (‘civil society’ hacks), and all the other revolutionaries who end up colluding in despotism. It is the BBC that breaks society, and we couldn’t ask for a finer example of this than its conduct up to, during and after the referendum.
Complete idiocy! A pluralist democratic system maintains its stability by either representing all groups all of the time or all groups most of the time. Splitting a Nation in half is a recipe is a recipe for instability.
I am worried. Firstly, Cameron has not invoked Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty because he believes that it is up to the new PM. Second, who IS the new PM? Will he/she invoke Article 50? Third, why is it necessary to invoke Article 50? We can, as a sovereign nation, enact a law automatically negating any previous laws….. Can we not?
I think that Article 50 was put in place to let the sh@t die down and let the peoples THINK they got what they wanted…… Which goes back to my point of the invocation of Article 50 : designed to lull us into a false sense of security…. And, I don’t trust Boris Johnson
I am worried that Cameron has not gone yet ! He should be kicked out immediately. And where is bloody Osborne ? I do not trust Boris either, just full of shit, all of them .
Given Cameron is in charge who exactly is gonna kick him out.
Given you dont like Boris either maybe we should get someone from a football crowd at random to lead us to the promised land.
What about youself ? You seem to be brimming with incisive wisdom .
I think the EU are happy with the current state of affairs for the interim. Their friends at the BBC are busy pumping the general public with anti-democracy propaganda and for the ‘Leavers’ that factions, ‘getting it wrong’ and fanning the flames between young and old. Some would see this as a short BBC led prelude to the EU having a ‘rethink’ about Free Movement just to persuade the UK to stay in. Its got all the right ingredients: Change of PM, the new PM calls a snap election with the leading feature being the EU’s climb-down over Free Movement so we could stay ‘In’. By the time the Fifth Columnists at the BBC have finished their campaign to denigrate all those who voted, ‘Leave’, the majority will be softened up enough to just vote to Remain and, hey presto, everything’s back to dictatorial normal.
G, You may well be right. The EU Fascists and Remainers will find a way round the result. I see that there is already a petition for a second referendum. You can be sure that will be rigged to get the right result.
That moron and total failure Fatty Clarke is saying that there is no place for referenda is ” sophisticated ” countries. He is so ignorant that he does not even know that the most sophisticated and democratic country in the world, Switzerland, has provisions for referenda written into its constitution !
Petition wording as below from the BBC
The petition, set up by William Oliver Healey, states: “We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the Remain or Leave vote is less than 60%, based on a turnout less than 75%, there should be another referendum.”
I trust everybody signing would have signed it if this was presented to them before the vote!
Funny how first fast the post is alright when it comes to fatty clarke or chukka banana’s (©) own careers.
I suggest starting one of our own. How about:
We the undersigned … a rule that if an MP is elected with less than 60% based on … 75% they should face another ballot.
Or how about:
Any MP whose majority is less than 4% should be subject to another ballot.
It’s only the same thing these ‘democrats’ are asking for, after all.
Complete bollocks. Im amazed that the BBC have down nothing but accept the decision of the massed ranks of the ignoranti and their fellow travelling lager louts, as the ‘British people have spoken’
The smart people will recognise that Europe wont bend and the stupid people will continue to wave their flags about thinking they are ‘free’ in some way.
I notice that no one has managed to come up with anything amounting to a reply to my many posts so I assume this site consists mainly of the latter group.
What would one of your contributions be without the near obligatory two word intro?
Your notes and assumptions are… noted. As is your self-anointing as a ‘smart person’.
Where is May ? Where is Hammond ? They all have to go and go soon ! They are finished .
I guess they are all in discussions about their pensions , pay-offs, ministerial cars. Bloody shysters and cowards,
and the whole lot of them.
Where is Gove where is Bunter. Answer ; they are hiding.
“Where is May ? Where is Hammond ?”
Come to that, where is Clarkson?
Spot on! I always thought democracy was based on Politicians serving the views of the people who have elected them. Unfortunately for several decades this has not been the case in the 3 main political parties. Most Politicians once elected seem to have their own agenda, which in many cases are totally at odds with the electorate. I voted Tory in 2010 because Cameron promised to cut mass immigration that Blair started in his teenier. We have always had some immigrants in this country, some integrate well, but the millions that have been let in since 1997 is unsustainable. You can’t fit a quart into a pint pot, however hard you try. The services and infrastructure of the UK just won’t coup with all these newcomers. The roads are full and motorways are getting towards gridlock, now we have to wait 2 weeks to see a doctor and 2 months + to see a consultant, its getting worse and it has to stop.
Sadly the amount of Gps is decining for reasons other than population growth. If you were interested in people expressing their views you should have voted for proportional representation. Instead we have a failed political system and a farce where the ignoranti are seduced with the most obvious of lies.
This is a disaster and once it slides anyone that can get out will get out.
I trust you will be closely following the Spanish election results on the BBC on Sunday, where they have a version of PR, and its consequences for government. Seems Brexit has boosted Podemos in the polls, soihopefully another “problem” for Brussels, but doubtlessly M. Juncker will talk to those extremists if they make it to government, because they are on the left.
Love the word “ignoranti”. Many on here would suspect that you fall perfectly into the meaning of that word.
But it does show you up to be the complete self important prick. I feel sure that you must be a Guardian reader.
Hell hath no fury like that of a liberal progressive / Guardian reader whose opinion is scorned.
Sadly while your assertion is suppositional mine is demonstrable. Remember if you dont understand it ,then its left wing or the fault of the BBC.