It’s not just BBC the lot of them are in shock and denial. Piers Morgan accusing the leave team of causing a stock market crash in a shouty rant at IDS. He of course remained calm.
One thing I praise Robert Peston for he understands the historic nature of the decision,and was really very balanced in what he said as the results rolled in on ITV. I felt he was truly awed by what was going on.
The BBC. Is going to be ranting and screaming because it spent the last two months getting fully on the EU bus and people have rejected them and their world view.They are licking their wounds.
I watched the entire thing, I also smiled with glee as the BBC reporters and presenters who are supposed to be unbiased first looked shocked and twitchy when Sunderland voted, and then became increasingly somber and glum, if you want to know if the BBC is biased or not simply re-watch the vote as they reported and invoke the “smile ommeter”. Smiles = Pro Brexit, sad and holding back tears = Pro EU.
But then I carried on watching the news the following day. I have NEVER seen such bias displayed by the BBC before. Last nights news was a tirad of furious tantrums by the BBC.
Their “Referendum special” started off with them interviewing a pro EU Tory lady who said that no one had made the case for migrants, and how terrible it was these hard working people had been scapegoated, and said “no one has sold the benefits of migration”.
BULLSH#T. We have been force fed a decade long pile of pro-immigration-if-you-don’t-like-it-you-are-a-racist propaganda. We don’t like being told how to think, cetainly by organisations which cover up child abuse in their own studios and in poor white communities by asians.
The BBC are now pushing an agenda that the young are disenfranchised by the older racist white people, my facebook was filled with posts of pictures of old people with subtitles saying “voted leave, will be dead in 10 years”. The BBC are intervieing young kids as often as they can asking leading questions like “do you feel your future has been affected?” and “did you try to convince your gran?”
I’m white, I’m under 40 (not by much) and I have a degree and I live in London, married to a Russian. The BBC stats would say I would vote remain. WRONG. I voted to preserve democracy that my grandparents died to prserve.
Imagine if they tried correlating demographics with rape, gun crime, and violent attack? Not so keen to run a stroy like that are they? But it’s fine to correlate stupid racists with leave voters isn’t it??
The absolute worst thing I saw on the BBC lst nght was a section where they said the Northern Ireland peace process was a result of EU FUNDING. WHAT!!!!! The good friday agreement was arranged by the EU was it? Power sharing was enacted by the EU was it? The Americans deciding all of a sudden that terrorism was “bad” and blocking all the American funding of the IRA, and acting as mediators was becuase of the EU was it? I found where the BBC got this utter lie.
This is what our kids are being taught at school! The BBC KNOWS the truth they reported on it a decade ago, but they hope you at home are too stupid to remember, or too young to have been there to see it, or are gullible enough to have your memories “refreshed” with the new EU version of history.
Bitter losers and patronising gits to boot. My guess is the B-BBC will be giving Tim “flower power” Farron and his spotty assed #NOT MY VOTE merchants plenty of air time along with a constant feed of “we’re all doooomed” BS in an attempt to force a second referendum. We’re living in interesting times for sure.
They have been frequently assured that we were in the ‘post-democratic age’ by such worthies as Mandelson, etc. This Referendum has been like a bolt from the blue for them. Their world has been blown apart and they’ve entered full tantrum mode. It’s the inevitable result of letting your kids have free rein and not bringing them up to face the true realities of life. That is, you don’t always get your own way and need to simply deal with it, without lashing out in anger. The problem is, their parent(s) were raised to act in the same way.
I love how rich white people who pride themselves on their liberal world view flock like mad to areas with ZERO coloured people, and are willing to pay three times as much for their house to do so. Richmond = As white as milk, Chipping Norton… Balham = About as white as you can get in zone 2, Crystal palace = WHITE AND ENGLISH. Crouch end..
And so on and so on… Funny how these highly educated people vote with their wallet when choosing their racist location of choice to live. East Ham anyone???? Why not it’s cheap???
I love how rich white people who pride themselves on their liberal world view flock like mad to areas with ZERO coloured people, and are willing to pay three times as much for their house to do so. Richmond = As white as milk, Chipping Norton… Balham = About as white as you can get in zone 2, Crystal palace = WHITE AND ENGLISH. Crouch end..
And so on and so on… Funny how these highly educated people vote with their wallet when choosing their racist location to live. East Ham anyone???? Why not it’s cheap???
Well done Wales-lets hope you or us get Belgium soon and stuff the Brussels sprouts…the Phlegms-for a few goals…let`s do it for Jimmy Goldsmith and all our friends from the Referendum Party 1997!
Switch on the tele and Nana munch rugger is interviewing Steph McGovern that well known economics expert and they are telling me that my holidays are going to cost more due to the the pound falling – they really haven’t got a lot have they. I loved Dave’s leaving speech where he defended his record saying on his watch he made sure that people could get married no matter what sex they were – even to the end he just did not get it did he. We don’t care about peoples sexuality Dave nor who they marry so toddle on lad with Sam and worry yourself about Climate change something else we don’t care about Dave.
I vividly remember when Greencrap Dave made his conference speech, saying he supported “gay marriage” not “DESPITE” being a Conservative, but “BECAUSE” he was a Conservative.
A statement like this clearly makes no sense unless words have no meaning. The Green Tosser was clearly never guided by any principles which could remotely be called “conservative”, and his addiction to bullshittery has finally caught him out.
He was a lucky man to face Gordon Brown and Ed Milliband in general elections. No-one could have lost to those two. The referendum was different. He seemed to think people genuinely liked and trusted him. Nice one Dave. Don’t let the door bang your arse on the way out will you?
DS yep exactly what I am seeing. Quite part from us leaving, the real big story that is bubbling away in the background is that the EURO and the EU are now going to fail. This is not being talked about and that is where the shit is really going to hit the fan. The UK will glide away nicely the EU Titanic is now the big story.
P.S. Nice to see Kevin McGuire squirming on the BBC doing his chicken little expression. Kevin you too are out of touch -all of you remainers why don’t you now piss off and live in an EU country if you like it so much, leave the rest of us to build a strong prosperous Country
Correct me if I’m wrong, but since only Blacks and people of colour can be victims of Waycism, how can I be racist for voting LEAVE when Europe is white?
Bbbc breakfast this morning, interviewing people in Banbury. One person from latvia is unable to come because she is so upset, after all she has been through a previous “civil war”. I just turned the tv on and its clear which way the biased bbbc are taking this, as they keep saying, “narrow” brexit victory. Eu gone, bbbc must be next!
Here in Australia, the Brexit vote made headline news. It’s had huge coverage – and largely negative, thanks to the media here being pretty leftist and PC. It’s also been remarkably uninformative about the EU. Aussies from Hobart to Darwin must be be scratching their heads in wonder as to why those perverse poms have rejected it. I don’t think I’ve heard any mention of Angela Merkel’s invitation to the world to descend on Europe, or of the eye-watering sums of money entailed in EU membership.
The worst example was an article in today’s Sydney Morning Herald, entitled: ‘Brexit: bugger Britain – it’s the world that counts!’ by some character called Michael Pasco. ‘the isolationist small-mindedness that seems to have driven the Brexit vote’ was about the kindest thing had he had to say about the dear old mother country.
The funny thing is that Mr Hand-Basket (a native Aussie) recalls that when Britain joined the EU Australia was pretty miffed, and worried about losing British markets.
Never mind – we won, and Mr H-B and I were able to cast our votes. I’m off for a celebratory glass of Aussie plonk!
Reminds me of Jeremy Hardy on The News Quiz during the Labour leadership contest.
Liz Kendall had said that Labour needed to focus more on British working people and their jobs.
Hardy sneeringly dismissed this: the focus should be refugees, the climate, the “planni” (I know he meant “planet” but, of course, he dropped the final ‘t’).
Great news Helena-hope you enjoyed a few nice glasses out there in Gods own country.
Had a great time out there a few years back-I could have wept at what we here in the UK had thrown away by betraying you and NZ in favour of the EU.
The worlds food basket, fruit wine and culture…family friends and old wrought ironwork…the Rocks, the lot.
And Kevin “Bloody” Rudd was spouting off in Madarin…your new world for trade-and we binned all THAT…Hong Kong, the lot…just to ponce about in Eurovision and the New Nazi State in embryo.
I nearly wept-but didn`t…and today, we can only weep with joy, say sorry and remember all we forgot in betraying you all out East.
God Bless Oz…and tell New Zealand we`ll be back!
The BBC seems to be playing the angle that all foreigners will be sent home in a couple of weeks . All we want to do is stop people coming to live in our house who don’t contribute. People with jobs and careers have nothing to worry about.
There is a pattern loads of pissed off liberal BBC reporters interviewing loads of optimistic British people it is a joy to watch them wrestling with the fact that nobody thinks the way they do.
We do not need a National broadcaster that is against the people ,that we have to pay for anymore
I saw the same on ITV where a reporter was trying like mad to find someone who voted remain in Ebbw Vale. He finally found one from Cardiff. The Interviewer was miffed that the area was getting masses for EU funding and did not seem grateful. Two pointed to a statue of a dragon put up with EU funding making the point that the council closed all the local toilets and don’t have the funds to maintain the statue. Another said a warehouse was built and is manned mainly by Polish workers. Locals who got jobs there were made to feel unwelcome and would leave shortly afterwards. Benefit the local community nearly zero.
In my opinion the dragon statue sums up how “EU Money” we get back is distributed.
Interesting that Saint Jo’s constituency, part of Kirklees, voted 54.7% Leave, higher than the national average. It is clear that her murder didn’t sway too many there, but a red rosette on a donkey would see the donkey win up there.
I agree Lock, at least we now have a chance when the whole rotten edifice collapses.
I am afraid Aunty will carry on playing in the Titanic band even when they are up to their knees in icy water.
Unfortunately we will be expected to help out when the shit hits the fan. I think though we ought to be very careful who we share the lifeboat with.
The BBC will be stirring the pot for a long time yet. I would put money on the fact that they are willing Brexit to go tits up as it would give all their over- educated idiots a chance to wag a finger (or an expensive shoe) and say “I told you so”
Given half a chance these bastards will do their best to turn the lifeboat back towards the iceberg – unfortunately in their intellectual opinion in when it comes to a choice between democracy and left wing ideology, ideology will win all the time.
As we have seen the “cause” is more important than the country., and on the whole the beeb seems to be managed and staffed by people who identify themselves as Europeans rather than British. An organisation for Quislings staffed by Quislings.
Hopefully this whole Brexit scenario may well re-focus attention back on the BBC and make people realise how hopelessly out of touch with real people this disgustings organisation is.
It makes me feel rather proud to be termed a “Little Englander”
So different from our home. Woke this morning, wife by my side, we looked at each other and said, as one…..”we’re Brexiteers” and roared with laughter.
Great days. And no it’s not “a divorce” Mr Beeb, it’s national liberation.
I agree with the EU overlords on one thing: We must put the ball in motion straightaway. It will still take a couple of years or so to sort out the mess the EU have put us in so we have time to do so. Delay, in this case, achieves nothing except for delay itself. If we do delay it gives the EU fascists time to launch a counter-attack in their attempts to deprive the British people of their democratic rights. If they can find a way to stop it they will. Also the sooner we start the less time Krankie has to force her new “Scottish Referendum”, so less opportunity to pick her most favourable time.
Cameron, you must submit that article 50 at the very next meeting. Just saw on another website that no country has ever left the EU. Well, Greenland left the EEC.
Regarding wee jimmie and her mates – Whilst I want Scotland to stay with us – I think you are right we need to set the agenda now. If the scotts really think they would be better off within the EU and not part off the UK then they must do it.
We should offer them no more bribes it should be a straight forward decision yes or no. Then at least everyone can concentrate on the task at hand.
I don’t see why you want to be ‘bounced’ by the EU into invoking Article 50 before we are ready. As soon as we invoke it, the two year timescale starts ticking. That would be fine if we had any idea what we are going to do!
I blame the maggot Cameron completely for this, he himself tried to ‘bounce’ the UK into voting remain by giving a snap referendum with just two months notice. Clearly the Leave case has not developed a coherent plan of how to exit the EU, Cameron knew that two months would not be nearly enough time, he thought that this would give Remain an unquenchable advantage. He was wrong about this, another one of his epic miscalculations.
Cameron has f**ked up the UK with his spoilt brat approach to democracy, where winning for his side is his only concern.
There are loads of things we have to decide before invoking Article 50. Are we going to stay in the single market? Are we going to rejoin EFTA/EEA? Who is going to be our new PM? Who is going to negotiate – but until we decide what we are negotiating for, how can we even start negotiating?
These are major issues which are clearly going to take a long time to sort out, probably it will take a general election to agree what our final destination will be.
Only then should we invoke Article 50, in my view. Until then we have all the power, after that, everything is back under control of the EU commission who can sit on their hands and wait and we will be on the back foot.
The thing wot dun it for Britain was not Cameron in my view. Sure he was the chump trying to steer a ship in turbulent political water without a working engine but the real culprit was the contradictions of Thacherite neoliberalism have now come home to roost. For those unaware of what neoliberalism is its a small state ,totally privatised economy where people are largely out for themselves. This may chime with many on this site but when you add the financialised aspect to the mix, one whereby money can be created from nowhere with those already having wealth being the principle beneficeries you realise that inequality will steadily get worse and worse.
What will people see in this kind of world. The first thing they will see is services decline and wage levels fall as those public services move to the private sphere. Think NHS /teacher recruitment/retention, higher fares etc.
The second and major thing is because markets can be flooded with false money ,prices will rise.
The Netherlands housing sector is a case study of this,where ,without capital controls, foriegn investment has driven house prices to some of the highest in Europe.
So how is leaving the EU going to solve this? Short answer is it isnt. One of the big disbenifits of Thatcherism is it quickly exported neoliberalism across the EU. Reagen exported it across the world and a combination of World band and IMF policy National states have been forced to adopt the neoliberal model,often required to fire sale state assets such as land etc to big multinationals such as Monsanto.
What can be done?
IMO ,everyone must first resolve themselves to the fact that they will never get Britain back. Further,that for all purposes, the UK is dead. Scotland and N Irland will go. Our standard of living particularly outside London will decline.
Capital controls maybe a first step. But the fact that Lord Hill has just been kicked out means the death of City swindling in London. This is bad and getting worse.
I for one will not lose any sleep over Scottish independence – if they are crazy enough to vote for that horrid woman they don’t deserve to be part of the UK. However I suspect that once the sturgeon has got her calculator out and checked the current oil revenues from the Scottish sector of the North Sea, the 2nd referendum, which might be on the table, will remain on the table for some time.
Will the EU want to add Scotland to the list of members that requires a bailout? That assumes they will allow Scotland to join on their own – the strict fiscal rules that were not applied properly to Greece and allowed much under-the-radar skulduggery might suddenly be enforced?
What the Cranki hasn’t told the voters of Scotland, is that if they do have a vote to remain in the European Union, that they will have to fund their own currency, in other words adopt the Euro. There is not a hope in hell that they would be able to join with the British Pound as their currency. The cost of deflation for them would be huge as they would have to take up the Euro, a failing currency. Also, they would not be able to negotiate trading deals outside of the E.U. framework. Britain could and will to the betterment of the U.K. as an independent trading nation. We will be free to set our VAT rate and import duty rate, Scotland will not. If we box clever, our products and services could be as much as 20% cheaper than those of Scotland. The economy of selling is based on two things, need and/or greed. If our products are 20% cheaper than those of Scotland, we will have employment, they unemployment.
Go for it Sturgeon, you know it makes sense.
At a time when our nation should be in full celebration at getting our Freedom , nothing but negativity spewing out from Al Beeb’s Munchie etc . they should be promoting the history of our great islands , our success as a trading nation , the nations place as the front runner of democracy, laws etc etc. They should be selling GB – that’s what they get paid for . No, they are promoting doubt, fear and failure to to the rest of the world . Its is if they want Great Britain to fail .
Picture the output of Al Beeb had the ‘Inners’ won yesterday?
Time for a full judicial inquiry into Al Beeb’s conduct.
Blah blah blah it was the old vote blah blah blah how fick are these young people ? You can still hop on a plane and go to Europe , you can actually stay there if you so desire. Do they not do British history pre 1975 at schools anymore? Another thing that needs purging of lefties the education system
Interesting that the UK Civil Service had no plan in the event the outcome of the Referendum did not necessarily work out to the public sector’s expectation or advantage.
Or that all these massively remunerated gobbling turkeys who have been working to ‘change the EU from within’ to serve the people of the UK’s interests… for several decades.
Meanwhile I just heard on Classic FM Global Propaganda those guys over the channel are demanding we do something else they want.
Maria, it is the weekend. Doctors and nurses are in short supply. And patients cannot be trusted to take their own medication. I am not advocating strait-jackets and padded cells. Well , not yet anyway !
Ha ha ha brilliant.
Meanwhile the markets are going to stay calm are they. This beggars belief. Its not up to the morons that voted this through to keep calm. No one cares about them ,they are merely chattels.
What will determine the fate of little England and Wales is big business and multinational corporate entities. The UK is finished. Any large concern will relocate from this politically unstable island to somewhere that has a vision comensurate with the interests of global capitalism.
The smart money will realise exactly what’ll happen when Bunter and Rubber face dont deliver.
It wont be the ones trying to come in ,itll be the ones that are already here. Then things will really light up.
Manonclappedoutbus ,
Do you want big business and giant corporations to run this country or don’t you ?
On the one hand you decry they do , on the other you say we can’t be independent because big business won’t like it . Make up your mind , even if you haven’t got an independent one .
You may not know that Vote Leave had nothing to do with Leave:EU. Nigel is free to disagree with them if he wishes. Frankly, we contribute a net £190 million a week to the EU, and it would have been better to have used that figure, rather than waste time and effort defending the use of the gross figure.
A woman states “we’re more cosmopolitan in London, I don’t think people outside London understand how it works”
So did the BBC interviewer ask “please explain how cosmopolitan Birmingham voted leave?” Nah, course not.
And then another woman a “young voter” explained her shock and disappointment and said something about a march in Trafalgar Square on Sunday to protest about the referendum result……any one else heard about this?
It was inevitable that some sort of march would take place – quite honestly I was surprised it didn’t happen spontaneously in London yesterday, what with all the fear and vitriol around – but it will be interesting to see how they spin it. They’re not really stupid enough to say ‘we don’t agree with the result of a democratic ballot’ but there will be lots of stuff about how the vote was undemocratic, unrepresentative, needs to be done again taking into account the views of Londoners etc. They’ll be dusting off the ‘not in my name’ signs from the Blair era.
“A woman states “we’re more cosmopolitan in London, I don’t think people outside London understand how it works””
In a sense, she is right, but she doesn’t understand why. Not even close.
London is cosmopolitan but, until recently, no single immigrant group was dominant, and probably still isn’t, apart from certain inner city areas. In a sense, it belongs to everybody. Furthermore, London has a huge daily influx of people from the Home Counties and further afield, and the largest number of international visitors in the world apart from, I believe, Bangkok. That changes things.
What she totally fails to understand is that smaller, and less prosperous places like Bradford do not have such a wide range of immigrants. Bradford’s are overwhelmingly Pakistani, and it does not have the huge daily influx of commuters or a huge tourist industry to dilute their impact. The result is that Bradford’s Pakistani Muslim population dominates in an unhealthy way that makes any form of city-wide social cohesion impossible. In practice, it belongs to nobody.
Before, say, 1950/60, Bradford was truly cosmopolitan in having an old German Jewish quarter, Poles, Latvians, Lithuanians, and a limited number of Pakistanis. Nobody tried to take over and everybody rubbed along.
That is the difference she does not even begin to understand.
Yes and some people think being British is our ability ,which apparently we havent had for decades, to salute at a flag.
As to comparision between London and Birmingham it might be instructive to consider the respective %gdp .
If youre smart you will reevaluate your opinion.
“A woman states “we’re more cosmopolitan in London, I don’t think people outside London understand how it works”
I heard that appalling smug bitch. The good thing is that the sneering attitude of metropolitan snobs such as her only acted as petrol for the flame of Euroscepticism and Brexit. I hope she chokes on her latte.
Funny you say this Rob!
Heard Adrian Hilton(from Cranmer, decent Christian site of ours) quote-yet again-GK Chesterton again(isn`t it funny that he, Kipling, Orwell etc are all the RAGE at the mo?).
GKC said this-the liberal elites confuse being “cosmopolitan”-with being “international”.
Very different things eh?…WE`RE the Internationalists..THEY(the f***in elite who dare to threaten us for voting as they feared) are the Cosmopolitan , Metropolitan Scummers,
And we`re going to win this one-finally.
From Brexit to Bricks It within 48 hours-that`s some turn out Jim!
Sturgeon is going to be taking an enormous leap in the dark with her second referendum.
First she has to win it – so lets assume that she does.
Then she has to apply to the EU to join, and there’s every chance that they won’t allow that, because several other countries such as Spain have secessionist regions which they do not want to set a precedent for. So Scotland is on its own, short away from the UK, and not allowed to join the EU, and facing all the issues which are facing the UK, such as negotiating trade deals but as a tiny country constantly in debt.
But just suppose they are allowed into the EU. The ruinous joining fee, and open borders would see Scotland flooded with Eastern European migrants and public services they can’t afford to run.
Which ever way this pans out, it can only end in disaster – which might actually teach them a valuable lesson!
Are you talking about the same ruinous fee that was eclipsed ten times by the fall in equities yesterday.
For information the fee that Scotland would pay would be dependant on their GDP minus European Grants. It is quite possible that they could end up paying very little. When N Ireland go ,the combined Irish contribution will also change very little.
During the previous referendum the EU didn’t seem particularly excited about having them. If Scotland did give up control of their country to Angela Merkle, Junker and Tusk then the scots would have to accept the euro – which would be amusing to the rest of us.
At the moment the scots receive more in financial support from Westminster than any area of the UK apart from Northern Ireland. I wonder if the EU will be so generous?
In the last accountable year Scotland generated 9.1% (£53.1bn) of UK tax revenues, and received 9.3% (£65.2bn) of UK spending back from Westminster.[86][87] In 2012–2013, this amounted to a budget deficit of 8.3% of GDP, higher than the UK’s overall budget deficit for the same period of 7.3% of GDP.[86] In 2014–15, the Scottish figure worsened to 9.7%, while the overall UK figure was 4.9%.
Who were the deluded Labour MPs who nominated Jeremy Corbyn as leader?
No surprise to find Fascist anti white racist & anti Semite St Jo of Cocks !
Diane Abbott
Rushanara Ali
Margaret Beckett
Richard Burgon
Dawn Butler
Ronnie Campbell
Sarah Champion
Jo Cox
Neil Coyle
Jon Cruddas
Clive Efford
Frank Field
Louise Haigh
Kelvin Hopkins
Rupa Huq
Imran Hussain
Huw Irranca-Davies
Sadiq Khan
Clive Lewis
Rebecca Long-Bailey
Gordon Marsden
John McDonnell
Michael Meacher
Grahame Morris
Chi Onwurah
Kate Osamor
Tulip Siddiq
Dennis Skinner
Cat Smith
Andrew Smith
Gareth Thomas
Emily Thornberry
Jon Trickett
Catherine West
Mr McTernan said the damage must be undone by one or two of the three mainstream candidates pulling out of the race to ensure Mr Corbyn does not win and lurch Labour to the left.
“These figures are disastrous for the Labour Party, disastrous. The fact is the other candidates need to decide who is the ABC candidate – the Anyone But Corbyn candidate,” he said.
Attempting to explain why Mr Corbyn was performing so well with Labour party members, he gave a straight-forward answer: “Political parties are full of suicidally inclined activists and clearly some Labour members are suicidally inclined.”
Six ‘people’, outnumbered by reporters in shot, plus others behind camera.
Meanwhile, democracy is in future via petition from the beds of those who needed a campaign to tell them the date of the Referendum and then turned up an hour before closing and skweemed and skweemed until they turned blue… and got 48hrs more… that didn’t work either.
The article is interesting not just because it shows that the BBC consider a demo by six people to be newsworthy when it suits their agenda, but also because it proves that the BBC *do* have a memory when it suits them.
The article quotes what Farage said in May about a Remain vote not being the end of it. Yet strangely, this principle only seems to apply one way.
Mike Hunt-hope you`ve not put THAT figure on the side of your ice-cream van….for you would be seriously confusing and misleading those British people we seem to have tangled with, and lost.
It was NOT-let me repeat NOT SIX(6)-people…and I demand a very public retraction and apology for this slur..this scandal…this….oh dear, need a lie down now.
No-for the record Mike Mr-So Called Hunt-it was FIFTY repeat…numbers Carole…50…Five O)…People (or were they vulnerable and challenged young students, our speshul snowflakes?).
If only they`d known who their nans were-they`d have won the referendum.
So…Breitbart said FIFTY people demonstrated…so up yours Mike, you fashist raycyst…well , you…
(Sorry Mike-got into role there!)
Article 50 to be signed on a Jo Cox surfboard on he River Ouse maybe?
Better yet, if that one fails to deliver, sulk and demand new ones until the correct result is acquired. Then ban any more. It is the right thing to do.
This principle could be transferred to all areas of life e.g. replay the World Cup/Euros until England win- to quote Mrs Thatcher in her response to Dennis Skinner ‘what a good idea!’
Following the wondrous leave vote the BBC has shifted into full ‘OMG, how do we put it right, how on earth were we betrayed’ mode. As can be seen on their ‘top video stories site’.
It seems that nice, pleasant, thoughtful people were betrayed by snide, inarticulate stupid people who just don’t understand.
Titled: The town that voted leave.
50% of program taking up with one emotional, blubbing woman who had a disabled child, with no sign of dad. Her hysterical squealing, resulting in her pointed at her child and saying ‘Don’t let it punish them.’ The ‘it’ being the fact that 70% of her town voted leave.
A staggeringly obtuse Evan Davies on Newsnight cannot understand Daniel Hannan’s clear statement that there will still be people able to come from the EU to work here, it is just that we will be able to control who enters the UK. Evan, that was always the aim, read something other than the Guardian.
Glastobury’s take on the leave vote: gallant Damon Albarn ‘we will change Brexit result.’ Billy Bragg lends his dim views, no, they are not worth hearing. Oddly, no one at Glastonbury supports leave. Amazing huh?
All through these tediously, one sided, short documentaries you had inarticulate people defending leave and noble folk, weeping and angry, about the stupidity of those who voted leave.
Exactly! I’ve just watched them and they are Nazi like propaganda. Clever editing. Mood music.
Message: Only dull old white racists voted to Leave. We must have another Referendum.
What the BBC doesn’t realise, is that another Referendum would go Leave’s way even more. Cameron’s scare stories are proving to be lies and more Remain voters would vote Leave.
But the BBC don’t want reality, they just want to destroy.
Scribblingscribe – I am somewhat comforted by your perception of Daniel Hannan’s statement regarding ‘free movement of labour’ from the EU, however if he had said stated that it was simply movement of labour rather than using the word ‘free’ I would be more comfotable. Was this a mistake or a slip on his part?
You are staggeringly obtuse my friend. The Tory said there would be ‘free movement of labour’ . Even the most dense on your side would conclude that all those polish roofers/ plumbers/ electricians would still come over. Boris also wants to legitimise illegal immigrants and increase migration from Muslim areas.
That is what you voted for. I assume you arent stupid enough not to realise that!
Straw Man with a crapped out truss, found anything to post which is ‘highly critical’ of Al Beeb yet? You could make a start with rubbish coffee that they serve up in the staff canteen.
Getting back to the subject in hand, I wonder how long it is going to be before Germans are howling for their own exit (Gerexit??) with this kind of news in Die Welt:
According to Die Welt newspaper, the finance ministry’s “strategy paper” said it may have to cover the cost of Britain’s exit by handing over an extra 3 billion euros (£2.4 billion) each year.
Ouch! that’s on top of the next bail out tranche for Greece next month too ! This could be nearly as much again.
My money is still on the EU offering the UK a much better deal than they offered Lazy Davey and a second referendum which will inevitably result in remain winning. They only have to persuade 2% after all.
It is almost incredible that the idle Cameron made no plans at all for the event of a Brexit vote and it is reported in the Express that he doesn’t intend to put in any work on it now, because it’s all too much like hard work !
I am glad the Tories elected weak, cowardly Dave as their leader. He worried so much about UKIP that he held a referendum.
A stronger leader would never have done that.
Like most others on this site I celebrate the fact that there was a ‘Leave’ vote and also the fact (recognised by the BBC among others) that it was largely won on the issue of uncontrolled immigration. I am concerned that the new Tory leadership may not apply themselves to this item as much as relevant voters would wish.
I forsee a struggle ahead (I hope I’m wrong) and have trouble envisaging how disenchanted voters can influence a largely pro EU Parliament e.g. how interested would your local pro EU MP be in your point of view on this issue? I feel that the working classes of this country may have been used (like many times before) as cannon fodder. The rise of UKIP may be the solution.
As Nigel Farage has put it ‘ we have won the battle but not the war’
Yep, that was lost amid the understandable U4ER( Euphoria in text speak!)
Nigel said this was only a start-and we`re seeing already that the snakes and spooks STILL control the Conversation Stones and the camera angles, the soundtracks,the moneyed popinjays and mocking birds.
Will contact my UKIP chums, remind them of what you said…and hopefully the fusty smell of defeat and mothballs in blazer pockets will be aired clean by the new spirit we now know is with us.
If ANYBODY voted out…even George Galloway for example-let`s make them as welcome as we can…for on this one issue, bigger than anything else in my lifetime re politics-they were brave and correct.
All hands to the pump-43 years of bilge and limewash needs scouring, and the monkey faeces needs rubbing back in their faces from now on.
Alex Stepney use to be “King Of All Cockneys” as we sang at Old Trafford….
but no longer-there`s a title here if you want it sir….heart goes out to the true cockneys living in Labour Lying CondomNEMs in that city in need fo rescue-maybe it`ll improve when the BBC gets shut down finally.
People should be aware that once the UK declares its Exit under article 50, it is a one way trip. The process once started is irreversible so countries cannot use it to force a better deal for themselves.
Think it s a good time to try and push the agenda regarding the BBC and it not being for purpose any more . Do we have any campaigns are petitions against them at the moment ?
They understand it all right, the whole purpose of the European Project is to rein in democracy and put power in the hands of the experts running the Commission, so-called civil servants who are actually the masters, such as Arthur Salter and Jean Monnet, men who came up with the idea in the 1920s.
Oh how wonderful David Lammy and if the “impartial” inquiry into Blacks doesn’t go how we like it to can I act like a 2 year old and throw a tantrum until I get my way.
Seems to me the member of parliament for Tottenham is partial to a riot!
Is it now to be civil war. Maybe the Democrats vs the Dickheads.
Somebody needs to preserve the BBC’s post-Brexit output – this is priceless! All is doom and gloom. They keep parroting the lie that there was some kind economic crisis yesterday – the British pound actually finished the day in perfectly sound health! The BBC News Channel just interviewed at length a UK Constitutional expert, fishing fruitlessly for some mechanism by which the vote for Brexit can be undone. No bias there, then!
That great political thinker of our time, David Lammy, has decided that the voter’s decision should be over turned. This is the man who calls for the return of beating children with sticks. His most renown achievement was officially complaining to the BBC about a news piece on choosing the new pope. It was, he pointed out with Guardian level certainty, racist to refer to black and white smoke. I kid ye not.
Whilst Lammy reads up on the term Democracy, Tim Fallon was being interviewed by a lightweight on Sky this morning. That powerful, political leader of men immediately announced he wasn’t going against the will of the people. Phew, so you got something right then Tim. But his very next pronouncement was that he would ensure parliament wouldn’t honour the referendum and he would make certain we remained in the EU.
I can see now why certain people mindlessly, adore the undemocratic EU.
When Bob Geldof and his friends partied on the Thames in their “remain” boat the harbour master drew alongside to ask them to keep the noise down. They had a looped playlist that included Please Don’t Go, If You Leave Me Now and The “In” Crowd.
Incensed by the requests for quiet, Geldof called his pal David Cameron to complain. He got through but Dave could not help; he was prepping for prime minister’s questions. Vote “leave” fishermen — their lives having been ruined by EU quotas — hosed down the Geldof boat from a trawler.
Think about that scene; think about it in the light of the referendum result. The pig ignorance, the callousness but, above all, the networking power of Geldof’s ship of fools says it all. The British elites, whether Etonian square or pop hip, did not get it and the signs are, I am afraid, that neither they nor the Eurocrats ever will.
Would love to share this with you. My mum is 91 now and showing some memory loss but she remembered to vote leave. ” It is not for me at my age, but the future of the country and the young people “.
I just told her that Hilary Benn has been sacked. Her response ” who is she ? “. At least she didn’t confuse him with Hillary !
My father passed away 10 years ago and I just wish he could have lived to see this vote. Even back in the 1960’s he was warning me about the plans for a European superstate and the duplicity of the BBC. At the time I thought he was nuts. Well , time has proved that you were right, Dad.
He was an early member of UKIP and we went to a meeting in Perth where Alan Sked, then leader, spoke. He had a side-kick, one Nigel Farage. At the end Nigel asked if anyone would like a drink at the bar. Dad responded ” Is the Pope a Catholic “. There were only about 12 people at the meeting and no-one joined us. All I can say is that Nigel was just what you would expect. Totally straight and very funny. And he insisted on paying the bar bill !
Dad, if only you were alive today to see this. We could have shared the bottle of Chapel Down Brut last night. As you always said about champagne ” Overpriced , overrated and over here “. Dad, Slainte !!!
“, Xavier Bertrand, the president of Hauts-de-France region where Calais is located, said: “The English wanted to take back their freedom: they must take back their border.”
As soon as we do you can bet the French will clear their ‘jungle’ camps and secure their borders with the rest of the EU.
We should agree, but only on the grounds that we shall close the Channel Tunnel . which should never have been built in the first place. The French will soon back down as they have more to lose.
If they take Evan Davis, I could do a deal.
How come no jungle rabbits seem to live in HIS holiday villas?
The BBC seem not to have asked Simone about all this merde-but we don`t need to, poor brave lady
Fuck off Plastic…you may not want YOUR freedom, but we all know Simone could be OUR mum, our wife and our neighbour.
And she spoke out-and we heard, you toytown turd!
Just a query(oo er!) Have we anybody out there (or on here) who was in Sir James Goldsmiths Referendum party of 1997?
If so, would like to say hello, say thanks you-and get moving on erecting a statue to this fearless patriot, who died so that we might live( fuck off Jo” King” Cox!).
Well-in some sense anyhoo!
This Brixit Party that`s coming needs to honour those who made out Independence Day all the more possible.
Wish we had the money to commission a big National Portrait picture of David Mellor haranguing Sir Jimmy Saviour as he lost his seat, his specs steamed up and his fatfuk footy shirt to some toesucking Madrilleno.
Crowd sourcing maybe?…2.5 million of them I`m told…but looks only like 50 really.
Some real positivism coming from callers on LBC right now, having a right go at the gloomy bitter Bremainers in the London media.
As one said the only people benefitting from this are Junker and mates in the EU who are praying that other EU countries wont follow and delighted to hear gloom emitting from Britain.
Remember Junkers existence depends on the EU.
Stephen Kinnock, the man who lowered the level of politics to that of a dead sewer rat by linking the death of Jo Cox to the leave campaign, tonight sank deeper.
He blamed Brexit for creating the far right in Europe, actually being stupid enough to mention Marie lePenn. The Radio 4 audience will know that the turmoil in Europe was created by the EU. yes, the same organization that hoovered tax from the poorest people in Europe and squashed it in to the Kinnock family’s bank account, also created the high unemployment, the ludicrously self induced austerity and a decade of misery for most countries within the EU.
BTW the interviewer didn’t interrupt his malicious nonsense once and a fellow contributor had to politely put him straight later.
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It’s not just BBC the lot of them are in shock and denial. Piers Morgan accusing the leave team of causing a stock market crash in a shouty rant at IDS. He of course remained calm.
One thing I praise Robert Peston for he understands the historic nature of the decision,and was really very balanced in what he said as the results rolled in on ITV. I felt he was truly awed by what was going on.
The BBC. Is going to be ranting and screaming because it spent the last two months getting fully on the EU bus and people have rejected them and their world view.They are licking their wounds.
I watched the entire thing, I also smiled with glee as the BBC reporters and presenters who are supposed to be unbiased first looked shocked and twitchy when Sunderland voted, and then became increasingly somber and glum, if you want to know if the BBC is biased or not simply re-watch the vote as they reported and invoke the “smile ommeter”. Smiles = Pro Brexit, sad and holding back tears = Pro EU.
But then I carried on watching the news the following day. I have NEVER seen such bias displayed by the BBC before. Last nights news was a tirad of furious tantrums by the BBC.
Their “Referendum special” started off with them interviewing a pro EU Tory lady who said that no one had made the case for migrants, and how terrible it was these hard working people had been scapegoated, and said “no one has sold the benefits of migration”.
BULLSH#T. We have been force fed a decade long pile of pro-immigration-if-you-don’t-like-it-you-are-a-racist propaganda. We don’t like being told how to think, cetainly by organisations which cover up child abuse in their own studios and in poor white communities by asians.
The BBC are now pushing an agenda that the young are disenfranchised by the older racist white people, my facebook was filled with posts of pictures of old people with subtitles saying “voted leave, will be dead in 10 years”. The BBC are intervieing young kids as often as they can asking leading questions like “do you feel your future has been affected?” and “did you try to convince your gran?”
I’m white, I’m under 40 (not by much) and I have a degree and I live in London, married to a Russian. The BBC stats would say I would vote remain. WRONG. I voted to preserve democracy that my grandparents died to prserve.
This article paints anyone who voted out as being stupid uneducated racists:
Imagine if they tried correlating demographics with rape, gun crime, and violent attack? Not so keen to run a stroy like that are they? But it’s fine to correlate stupid racists with leave voters isn’t it??
The absolute worst thing I saw on the BBC lst nght was a section where they said the Northern Ireland peace process was a result of EU FUNDING. WHAT!!!!! The good friday agreement was arranged by the EU was it? Power sharing was enacted by the EU was it? The Americans deciding all of a sudden that terrorism was “bad” and blocking all the American funding of the IRA, and acting as mediators was becuase of the EU was it? I found where the BBC got this utter lie.
This is what our kids are being taught at school! The BBC KNOWS the truth they reported on it a decade ago, but they hope you at home are too stupid to remember, or too young to have been there to see it, or are gullible enough to have your memories “refreshed” with the new EU version of history.
It seems like we are all uneducated racists.
I’m expecting the Beeb and the pests to be citing this “evidence”.
Bitter losers and patronising gits to boot. My guess is the B-BBC will be giving Tim “flower power” Farron and his spotty assed #NOT MY VOTE merchants plenty of air time along with a constant feed of “we’re all doooomed” BS in an attempt to force a second referendum. We’re living in interesting times for sure.
They have been frequently assured that we were in the ‘post-democratic age’ by such worthies as Mandelson, etc. This Referendum has been like a bolt from the blue for them. Their world has been blown apart and they’ve entered full tantrum mode. It’s the inevitable result of letting your kids have free rein and not bringing them up to face the true realities of life. That is, you don’t always get your own way and need to simply deal with it, without lashing out in anger. The problem is, their parent(s) were raised to act in the same way.
I love how rich white people who pride themselves on their liberal world view flock like mad to areas with ZERO coloured people, and are willing to pay three times as much for their house to do so. Richmond = As white as milk, Chipping Norton… Balham = About as white as you can get in zone 2, Crystal palace = WHITE AND ENGLISH. Crouch end..
And so on and so on… Funny how these highly educated people vote with their wallet when choosing their racist location of choice to live. East Ham anyone???? Why not it’s cheap???
I love how rich white people who pride themselves on their liberal world view flock like mad to areas with ZERO coloured people, and are willing to pay three times as much for their house to do so. Richmond = As white as milk, Chipping Norton… Balham = About as white as you can get in zone 2, Crystal palace = WHITE AND ENGLISH. Crouch end..
And so on and so on… Funny how these highly educated people vote with their wallet when choosing their racist location to live. East Ham anyone???? Why not it’s cheap???
As an Englishman I’d like to thank those in Wales who voted in favour of leaving the EU, iechyd da.
A chroeso.
as a proud englishman and i will be shouting wales on this afternoon
Well done Wales-lets hope you or us get Belgium soon and stuff the Brussels sprouts…the Phlegms-for a few goals…let`s do it for Jimmy Goldsmith and all our friends from the Referendum Party 1997!
Switch on the tele and Nana munch rugger is interviewing Steph McGovern that well known economics expert and they are telling me that my holidays are going to cost more due to the the pound falling – they really haven’t got a lot have they. I loved Dave’s leaving speech where he defended his record saying on his watch he made sure that people could get married no matter what sex they were – even to the end he just did not get it did he. We don’t care about peoples sexuality Dave nor who they marry so toddle on lad with Sam and worry yourself about Climate change something else we don’t care about Dave.
Lock 13
Youve taken my thoughts from my tiny brain!
Cheers Brett – still can’t believe it mate
I vividly remember when Greencrap Dave made his conference speech, saying he supported “gay marriage” not “DESPITE” being a Conservative, but “BECAUSE” he was a Conservative.
A statement like this clearly makes no sense unless words have no meaning. The Green Tosser was clearly never guided by any principles which could remotely be called “conservative”, and his addiction to bullshittery has finally caught him out.
He was a lucky man to face Gordon Brown and Ed Milliband in general elections. No-one could have lost to those two. The referendum was different. He seemed to think people genuinely liked and trusted him. Nice one Dave. Don’t let the door bang your arse on the way out will you?
Nicola Sturgeon has called a cabinet meeting – good she can fk off too what a weekend that would make it.
The BBC still think they are backing Remain.
They want things to fail to verify their decision to back Remain.
In their bubble world, they’re hoping that life will get so bad that we’ll actually return to the EU in six months.
Juncker is obviously appealing to the Remainers to start this process/rebellion. And we know how much the BBC like rebels!
And the BBC gleefully report this:
DS yep exactly what I am seeing. Quite part from us leaving, the real big story that is bubbling away in the background is that the EURO and the EU are now going to fail. This is not being talked about and that is where the shit is really going to hit the fan. The UK will glide away nicely the EU Titanic is now the big story.
P.S. Nice to see Kevin McGuire squirming on the BBC doing his chicken little expression. Kevin you too are out of touch -all of you remainers why don’t you now piss off and live in an EU country if you like it so much, leave the rest of us to build a strong prosperous Country
Correct me if I’m wrong, but since only Blacks and people of colour can be victims of Waycism, how can I be racist for voting LEAVE when Europe is white?
Bbbc breakfast this morning, interviewing people in Banbury. One person from latvia is unable to come because she is so upset, after all she has been through a previous “civil war”. I just turned the tv on and its clear which way the biased bbbc are taking this, as they keep saying, “narrow” brexit victory. Eu gone, bbbc must be next!
Here in Australia, the Brexit vote made headline news. It’s had huge coverage – and largely negative, thanks to the media here being pretty leftist and PC. It’s also been remarkably uninformative about the EU. Aussies from Hobart to Darwin must be be scratching their heads in wonder as to why those perverse poms have rejected it. I don’t think I’ve heard any mention of Angela Merkel’s invitation to the world to descend on Europe, or of the eye-watering sums of money entailed in EU membership.
The worst example was an article in today’s Sydney Morning Herald, entitled: ‘Brexit: bugger Britain – it’s the world that counts!’ by some character called Michael Pasco. ‘the isolationist small-mindedness that seems to have driven the Brexit vote’ was about the kindest thing had he had to say about the dear old mother country.
The funny thing is that Mr Hand-Basket (a native Aussie) recalls that when Britain joined the EU Australia was pretty miffed, and worried about losing British markets.
Never mind – we won, and Mr H-B and I were able to cast our votes. I’m off for a celebratory glass of Aussie plonk!
Good on ya have one for me
‘Brexit: bugger Britain – it’s the world that counts!’
That’s a beaut! It is the world that matters, that’s why we are leaving the EU who are small-minded little Europeans who care nowt for the world.
Reminds me of Jeremy Hardy on The News Quiz during the Labour leadership contest.
Liz Kendall had said that Labour needed to focus more on British working people and their jobs.
Hardy sneeringly dismissed this: the focus should be refugees, the climate, the “planni” (I know he meant “planet” but, of course, he dropped the final ‘t’).
Great news Helena-hope you enjoyed a few nice glasses out there in Gods own country.
Had a great time out there a few years back-I could have wept at what we here in the UK had thrown away by betraying you and NZ in favour of the EU.
The worlds food basket, fruit wine and culture…family friends and old wrought ironwork…the Rocks, the lot.
And Kevin “Bloody” Rudd was spouting off in Madarin…your new world for trade-and we binned all THAT…Hong Kong, the lot…just to ponce about in Eurovision and the New Nazi State in embryo.
I nearly wept-but didn`t…and today, we can only weep with joy, say sorry and remember all we forgot in betraying you all out East.
God Bless Oz…and tell New Zealand we`ll be back!
Some local lads we knew….
The BBC seems to be playing the angle that all foreigners will be sent home in a couple of weeks . All we want to do is stop people coming to live in our house who don’t contribute. People with jobs and careers have nothing to worry about.
There is a pattern loads of pissed off liberal BBC reporters interviewing loads of optimistic British people it is a joy to watch them wrestling with the fact that nobody thinks the way they do.
We do not need a National broadcaster that is against the people ,that we have to pay for anymore
I saw the same on ITV where a reporter was trying like mad to find someone who voted remain in Ebbw Vale. He finally found one from Cardiff. The Interviewer was miffed that the area was getting masses for EU funding and did not seem grateful. Two pointed to a statue of a dragon put up with EU funding making the point that the council closed all the local toilets and don’t have the funds to maintain the statue. Another said a warehouse was built and is manned mainly by Polish workers. Locals who got jobs there were made to feel unwelcome and would leave shortly afterwards. Benefit the local community nearly zero.
In my opinion the dragon statue sums up how “EU Money” we get back is distributed.
Interesting that Saint Jo’s constituency, part of Kirklees, voted 54.7% Leave, higher than the national average. It is clear that her murder didn’t sway too many there, but a red rosette on a donkey would see the donkey win up there.
lol love it Peter thanks for finding that
Jo who?
Just saw on sky some spotty yoof holding a placard saying ‘Im not british im european’
Well quislingism like that should immediately rule out that individual from being able to vote
Quite apart from the questionable intelligence displayed
No6 – He should be told to F##K off to Europe then.
I agree Lock, at least we now have a chance when the whole rotten edifice collapses.
I am afraid Aunty will carry on playing in the Titanic band even when they are up to their knees in icy water.
Unfortunately we will be expected to help out when the shit hits the fan. I think though we ought to be very careful who we share the lifeboat with.
The BBC will be stirring the pot for a long time yet. I would put money on the fact that they are willing Brexit to go tits up as it would give all their over- educated idiots a chance to wag a finger (or an expensive shoe) and say “I told you so”
Given half a chance these bastards will do their best to turn the lifeboat back towards the iceberg – unfortunately in their intellectual opinion in when it comes to a choice between democracy and left wing ideology, ideology will win all the time.
As we have seen the “cause” is more important than the country., and on the whole the beeb seems to be managed and staffed by people who identify themselves as Europeans rather than British. An organisation for Quislings staffed by Quislings.
Hopefully this whole Brexit scenario may well re-focus attention back on the BBC and make people realise how hopelessly out of touch with real people this disgustings organisation is.
It makes me feel rather proud to be termed a “Little Englander”
BBC British in name only.
Bravo Oak
Lord Digby Jones just told bbc drone the way it is
Well said that man
Biased BBC in Banbury….”a community divided”.
So different from our home. Woke this morning, wife by my side, we looked at each other and said, as one…..”we’re Brexiteers” and roared with laughter.
Great days. And no it’s not “a divorce” Mr Beeb, it’s national liberation.
Walked the Dog this morning with a big grin .
You, the dog or both?
I agree with the EU overlords on one thing: We must put the ball in motion straightaway. It will still take a couple of years or so to sort out the mess the EU have put us in so we have time to do so. Delay, in this case, achieves nothing except for delay itself. If we do delay it gives the EU fascists time to launch a counter-attack in their attempts to deprive the British people of their democratic rights. If they can find a way to stop it they will. Also the sooner we start the less time Krankie has to force her new “Scottish Referendum”, so less opportunity to pick her most favourable time.
Cameron, you must submit that article 50 at the very next meeting. Just saw on another website that no country has ever left the EU. Well, Greenland left the EEC.
Could not agree more Demon
Regarding wee jimmie and her mates – Whilst I want Scotland to stay with us – I think you are right we need to set the agenda now. If the scotts really think they would be better off within the EU and not part off the UK then they must do it.
We should offer them no more bribes it should be a straight forward decision yes or no. Then at least everyone can concentrate on the task at hand.
No hard feelings Jimmy – bye!
I don’t see why you want to be ‘bounced’ by the EU into invoking Article 50 before we are ready. As soon as we invoke it, the two year timescale starts ticking. That would be fine if we had any idea what we are going to do!
I blame the maggot Cameron completely for this, he himself tried to ‘bounce’ the UK into voting remain by giving a snap referendum with just two months notice. Clearly the Leave case has not developed a coherent plan of how to exit the EU, Cameron knew that two months would not be nearly enough time, he thought that this would give Remain an unquenchable advantage. He was wrong about this, another one of his epic miscalculations.
Cameron has f**ked up the UK with his spoilt brat approach to democracy, where winning for his side is his only concern.
There are loads of things we have to decide before invoking Article 50. Are we going to stay in the single market? Are we going to rejoin EFTA/EEA? Who is going to be our new PM? Who is going to negotiate – but until we decide what we are negotiating for, how can we even start negotiating?
These are major issues which are clearly going to take a long time to sort out, probably it will take a general election to agree what our final destination will be.
Only then should we invoke Article 50, in my view. Until then we have all the power, after that, everything is back under control of the EU commission who can sit on their hands and wait and we will be on the back foot.
The thing wot dun it for Britain was not Cameron in my view. Sure he was the chump trying to steer a ship in turbulent political water without a working engine but the real culprit was the contradictions of Thacherite neoliberalism have now come home to roost. For those unaware of what neoliberalism is its a small state ,totally privatised economy where people are largely out for themselves. This may chime with many on this site but when you add the financialised aspect to the mix, one whereby money can be created from nowhere with those already having wealth being the principle beneficeries you realise that inequality will steadily get worse and worse.
What will people see in this kind of world. The first thing they will see is services decline and wage levels fall as those public services move to the private sphere. Think NHS /teacher recruitment/retention, higher fares etc.
The second and major thing is because markets can be flooded with false money ,prices will rise.
The Netherlands housing sector is a case study of this,where ,without capital controls, foriegn investment has driven house prices to some of the highest in Europe.
So how is leaving the EU going to solve this? Short answer is it isnt. One of the big disbenifits of Thatcherism is it quickly exported neoliberalism across the EU. Reagen exported it across the world and a combination of World band and IMF policy National states have been forced to adopt the neoliberal model,often required to fire sale state assets such as land etc to big multinationals such as Monsanto.
What can be done?
IMO ,everyone must first resolve themselves to the fact that they will never get Britain back. Further,that for all purposes, the UK is dead. Scotland and N Irland will go. Our standard of living particularly outside London will decline.
Capital controls maybe a first step. But the fact that Lord Hill has just been kicked out means the death of City swindling in London. This is bad and getting worse.
I for one will not lose any sleep over Scottish independence – if they are crazy enough to vote for that horrid woman they don’t deserve to be part of the UK. However I suspect that once the sturgeon has got her calculator out and checked the current oil revenues from the Scottish sector of the North Sea, the 2nd referendum, which might be on the table, will remain on the table for some time.
Will the EU want to add Scotland to the list of members that requires a bailout? That assumes they will allow Scotland to join on their own – the strict fiscal rules that were not applied properly to Greece and allowed much under-the-radar skulduggery might suddenly be enforced?
What the Cranki hasn’t told the voters of Scotland, is that if they do have a vote to remain in the European Union, that they will have to fund their own currency, in other words adopt the Euro. There is not a hope in hell that they would be able to join with the British Pound as their currency. The cost of deflation for them would be huge as they would have to take up the Euro, a failing currency. Also, they would not be able to negotiate trading deals outside of the E.U. framework. Britain could and will to the betterment of the U.K. as an independent trading nation. We will be free to set our VAT rate and import duty rate, Scotland will not. If we box clever, our products and services could be as much as 20% cheaper than those of Scotland. The economy of selling is based on two things, need and/or greed. If our products are 20% cheaper than those of Scotland, we will have employment, they unemployment.
Go for it Sturgeon, you know it makes sense.
Er they dont have to adopt the Euro to join the EU.
Err yes they do. Any new states wishing to join now have to accept the Euro as their currency.
At a time when our nation should be in full celebration at getting our Freedom , nothing but negativity spewing out from Al Beeb’s Munchie etc . they should be promoting the history of our great islands , our success as a trading nation , the nations place as the front runner of democracy, laws etc etc. They should be selling GB – that’s what they get paid for . No, they are promoting doubt, fear and failure to to the rest of the world . Its is if they want Great Britain to fail .
Picture the output of Al Beeb had the ‘Inners’ won yesterday?
Time for a full judicial inquiry into Al Beeb’s conduct.
The traitors within Taff
Blah blah blah it was the old vote blah blah blah how fick are these young people ? You can still hop on a plane and go to Europe , you can actually stay there if you so desire. Do they not do British history pre 1975 at schools anymore? Another thing that needs purging of lefties the education system
It was emblazoned across the Leave campaign’s battle bus, but Nigel Farage says the £350m a week pledge for the NHS was “a mistake”.
A Vindaloo morning to you all.
Any plan yet?
Uh oh, someone left the door unlocked again.
So no plan then!
Interesting that the UK Civil Service had no plan in the event the outcome of the Referendum did not necessarily work out to the public sector’s expectation or advantage.
Or that all these massively remunerated gobbling turkeys who have been working to ‘change the EU from within’ to serve the people of the UK’s interests… for several decades.
Meanwhile I just heard on Classic FM Global Propaganda those guys over the channel are demanding we do something else they want.
“Any plan yet?”
Erm… usually, fiscal policy is decided by the government of the day, isn’t it?
And not by a minor party who only have one MP.
Sheesh 🙄
Maria, it is the weekend. Doctors and nurses are in short supply. And patients cannot be trusted to take their own medication. I am not advocating strait-jackets and padded cells. Well , not yet anyway !
Putting right a 43 year long mistake will take a bit of time, but keep calm, carry on and stay tuned…..perhaps not to the BBC though.
Arguing over the stickers on a bus is so last week.
Ha ha ha brilliant.
Meanwhile the markets are going to stay calm are they. This beggars belief. Its not up to the morons that voted this through to keep calm. No one cares about them ,they are merely chattels.
What will determine the fate of little England and Wales is big business and multinational corporate entities. The UK is finished. Any large concern will relocate from this politically unstable island to somewhere that has a vision comensurate with the interests of global capitalism.
The smart money will realise exactly what’ll happen when Bunter and Rubber face dont deliver.
It wont be the ones trying to come in ,itll be the ones that are already here. Then things will really light up.
Manonclappedoutbus ,
Do you want big business and giant corporations to run this country or don’t you ?
On the one hand you decry they do , on the other you say we can’t be independent because big business won’t like it . Make up your mind , even if you haven’t got an independent one .
You may not know that Vote Leave had nothing to do with Leave:EU. Nigel is free to disagree with them if he wishes. Frankly, we contribute a net £190 million a week to the EU, and it would have been better to have used that figure, rather than waste time and effort defending the use of the gross figure.
But we still won, that’s the main thing.
BBC 5 live in Richmond, Surrey.
A woman states “we’re more cosmopolitan in London, I don’t think people outside London understand how it works”
So did the BBC interviewer ask “please explain how cosmopolitan Birmingham voted leave?” Nah, course not.
And then another woman a “young voter” explained her shock and disappointment and said something about a march in Trafalgar Square on Sunday to protest about the referendum result……any one else heard about this?
It was inevitable that some sort of march would take place – quite honestly I was surprised it didn’t happen spontaneously in London yesterday, what with all the fear and vitriol around – but it will be interesting to see how they spin it. They’re not really stupid enough to say ‘we don’t agree with the result of a democratic ballot’ but there will be lots of stuff about how the vote was undemocratic, unrepresentative, needs to be done again taking into account the views of Londoners etc. They’ll be dusting off the ‘not in my name’ signs from the Blair era.
Who’ll take part? Aren’t all the young remainers at “Glasto” enjoying a corporate sponsored, alternative culture, safe space experience?
Covered live by the BBC.
“A woman states “we’re more cosmopolitan in London, I don’t think people outside London understand how it works””
In a sense, she is right, but she doesn’t understand why. Not even close.
London is cosmopolitan but, until recently, no single immigrant group was dominant, and probably still isn’t, apart from certain inner city areas. In a sense, it belongs to everybody. Furthermore, London has a huge daily influx of people from the Home Counties and further afield, and the largest number of international visitors in the world apart from, I believe, Bangkok. That changes things.
What she totally fails to understand is that smaller, and less prosperous places like Bradford do not have such a wide range of immigrants. Bradford’s are overwhelmingly Pakistani, and it does not have the huge daily influx of commuters or a huge tourist industry to dilute their impact. The result is that Bradford’s Pakistani Muslim population dominates in an unhealthy way that makes any form of city-wide social cohesion impossible. In practice, it belongs to nobody.
Before, say, 1950/60, Bradford was truly cosmopolitan in having an old German Jewish quarter, Poles, Latvians, Lithuanians, and a limited number of Pakistanis. Nobody tried to take over and everybody rubbed along.
That is the difference she does not even begin to understand.
Yes and some people think being British is our ability ,which apparently we havent had for decades, to salute at a flag.
As to comparision between London and Birmingham it might be instructive to consider the respective %gdp .
If youre smart you will reevaluate your opinion.
“A woman states “we’re more cosmopolitan in London, I don’t think people outside London understand how it works”
I heard that appalling smug bitch. The good thing is that the sneering attitude of metropolitan snobs such as her only acted as petrol for the flame of Euroscepticism and Brexit. I hope she chokes on her latte.
Funny you say this Rob!
Heard Adrian Hilton(from Cranmer, decent Christian site of ours) quote-yet again-GK Chesterton again(isn`t it funny that he, Kipling, Orwell etc are all the RAGE at the mo?).
GKC said this-the liberal elites confuse being “cosmopolitan”-with being “international”.
Very different things eh?…WE`RE the Internationalists..THEY(the f***in elite who dare to threaten us for voting as they feared) are the Cosmopolitan , Metropolitan Scummers,
And we`re going to win this one-finally.
From Brexit to Bricks It within 48 hours-that`s some turn out Jim!
Sturgeon is going to be taking an enormous leap in the dark with her second referendum.
First she has to win it – so lets assume that she does.
Then she has to apply to the EU to join, and there’s every chance that they won’t allow that, because several other countries such as Spain have secessionist regions which they do not want to set a precedent for. So Scotland is on its own, short away from the UK, and not allowed to join the EU, and facing all the issues which are facing the UK, such as negotiating trade deals but as a tiny country constantly in debt.
But just suppose they are allowed into the EU. The ruinous joining fee, and open borders would see Scotland flooded with Eastern European migrants and public services they can’t afford to run.
Which ever way this pans out, it can only end in disaster – which might actually teach them a valuable lesson!
Are you talking about the same ruinous fee that was eclipsed ten times by the fall in equities yesterday.
For information the fee that Scotland would pay would be dependant on their GDP minus European Grants. It is quite possible that they could end up paying very little. When N Ireland go ,the combined Irish contribution will also change very little.
During the previous referendum the EU didn’t seem particularly excited about having them. If Scotland did give up control of their country to Angela Merkle, Junker and Tusk then the scots would have to accept the euro – which would be amusing to the rest of us.
At the moment the scots receive more in financial support from Westminster than any area of the UK apart from Northern Ireland. I wonder if the EU will be so generous?
In the last accountable year Scotland generated 9.1% (£53.1bn) of UK tax revenues, and received 9.3% (£65.2bn) of UK spending back from Westminster.[86][87] In 2012–2013, this amounted to a budget deficit of 8.3% of GDP, higher than the UK’s overall budget deficit for the same period of 7.3% of GDP.[86] In 2014–15, the Scottish figure worsened to 9.7%, while the overall UK figure was 4.9%.
ive decided to rename the bbc……
lemonsucker 1
lemonsucker 2
lemonsucker news
such a sour faced bunch of crybabies
German government calls for trade deal with UK.
German finance ministry strategy paper is recommending making the UK an “associated partner country” of the EU following leave vote.
Link ?
Posters on this site need to remember that they need to provide the evidence if only to save the rest of us searching for it !
German Industry Leader Calls For Free Trade Deal Following Brexit
Like everyone else I wasn’t around at the time of the Hanseatic League, but I’ve read that it did rather well. Worth thinking about, anyway.
Who were the deluded Labour MPs who nominated Jeremy Corbyn as leader?
No surprise to find Fascist anti white racist & anti Semite St Jo of Cocks !
Diane Abbott
Rushanara Ali
Margaret Beckett
Richard Burgon
Dawn Butler
Ronnie Campbell
Sarah Champion
Jo Cox
Neil Coyle
Jon Cruddas
Clive Efford
Frank Field
Louise Haigh
Kelvin Hopkins
Rupa Huq
Imran Hussain
Huw Irranca-Davies
Sadiq Khan
Clive Lewis
Rebecca Long-Bailey
Gordon Marsden
John McDonnell
Michael Meacher
Grahame Morris
Chi Onwurah
Kate Osamor
Tulip Siddiq
Dennis Skinner
Cat Smith
Andrew Smith
Gareth Thomas
Emily Thornberry
Jon Trickett
Catherine West
Mr McTernan said the damage must be undone by one or two of the three mainstream candidates pulling out of the race to ensure Mr Corbyn does not win and lurch Labour to the left.
“These figures are disastrous for the Labour Party, disastrous. The fact is the other candidates need to decide who is the ABC candidate – the Anyone But Corbyn candidate,” he said.
Attempting to explain why Mr Corbyn was performing so well with Labour party members, he gave a straight-forward answer: “Political parties are full of suicidally inclined activists and clearly some Labour members are suicidally inclined.”
some Labour members are suicidally inclined.
BBC Online News:
“”Million sign petition for new EU referendum””
The photo says it all….
Six ‘people’, outnumbered by reporters in shot, plus others behind camera.
Meanwhile, democracy is in future via petition from the beds of those who needed a campaign to tell them the date of the Referendum and then turned up an hour before closing and skweemed and skweemed until they turned blue… and got 48hrs more… that didn’t work either.
Clearly the BBC core.
Thanks Dover.
The article is interesting not just because it shows that the BBC consider a demo by six people to be newsworthy when it suits their agenda, but also because it proves that the BBC *do* have a memory when it suits them.
The article quotes what Farage said in May about a Remain vote not being the end of it. Yet strangely, this principle only seems to apply one way.
When, for example Cameron announces he’s delaying things until Oct, they conveniently forget that he promised in Feb to proceed without delay.
Absolute and clear bias.
That unwashed ‘crowd’ look like a bunch of out of work actors hoping to get jobs as ‘extras’ with Al Beeb.
Mike Hunt-hope you`ve not put THAT figure on the side of your ice-cream van….for you would be seriously confusing and misleading those British people we seem to have tangled with, and lost.
It was NOT-let me repeat NOT SIX(6)-people…and I demand a very public retraction and apology for this slur..this scandal…this….oh dear, need a lie down now.
No-for the record Mike Mr-So Called Hunt-it was FIFTY repeat…numbers Carole…50…Five O)…People (or were they vulnerable and challenged young students, our speshul snowflakes?).
If only they`d known who their nans were-they`d have won the referendum.
So…Breitbart said FIFTY people demonstrated…so up yours Mike, you fashist raycyst…well , you…
(Sorry Mike-got into role there!)
Article 50 to be signed on a Jo Cox surfboard on he River Ouse maybe?
I think we should have a referendum to ask people whether we should have another referendum because the results in the first referendum were so close.
How about a referendum to get rid of Al Beeb?
Better yet, if that one fails to deliver, sulk and demand new ones until the correct result is acquired. Then ban any more. It is the right thing to do.
Jo Cox would have wanted it !
This principle could be transferred to all areas of life e.g. replay the World Cup/Euros until England win- to quote Mrs Thatcher in her response to Dennis Skinner ‘what a good idea!’
Following the wondrous leave vote the BBC has shifted into full ‘OMG, how do we put it right, how on earth were we betrayed’ mode. As can be seen on their ‘top video stories site’.
It seems that nice, pleasant, thoughtful people were betrayed by snide, inarticulate stupid people who just don’t understand.
Titled: The town that voted leave.
50% of program taking up with one emotional, blubbing woman who had a disabled child, with no sign of dad. Her hysterical squealing, resulting in her pointed at her child and saying ‘Don’t let it punish them.’ The ‘it’ being the fact that 70% of her town voted leave.
A staggeringly obtuse Evan Davies on Newsnight cannot understand Daniel Hannan’s clear statement that there will still be people able to come from the EU to work here, it is just that we will be able to control who enters the UK. Evan, that was always the aim, read something other than the Guardian.
With the sub title: I just woke up to Nigel Farage grinning. More of the same
Glastobury’s take on the leave vote: gallant Damon Albarn ‘we will change Brexit result.’ Billy Bragg lends his dim views, no, they are not worth hearing. Oddly, no one at Glastonbury supports leave. Amazing huh?
All through these tediously, one sided, short documentaries you had inarticulate people defending leave and noble folk, weeping and angry, about the stupidity of those who voted leave.
Get over it BBC.
Exactly! I’ve just watched them and they are Nazi like propaganda. Clever editing. Mood music.
Message: Only dull old white racists voted to Leave. We must have another Referendum.
What the BBC doesn’t realise, is that another Referendum would go Leave’s way even more. Cameron’s scare stories are proving to be lies and more Remain voters would vote Leave.
But the BBC don’t want reality, they just want to destroy.
Scribblingscribe – I am somewhat comforted by your perception of Daniel Hannan’s statement regarding ‘free movement of labour’ from the EU, however if he had said stated that it was simply movement of labour rather than using the word ‘free’ I would be more comfotable. Was this a mistake or a slip on his part?
You are staggeringly obtuse my friend. The Tory said there would be ‘free movement of labour’ . Even the most dense on your side would conclude that all those polish roofers/ plumbers/ electricians would still come over. Boris also wants to legitimise illegal immigrants and increase migration from Muslim areas.
That is what you voted for. I assume you arent stupid enough not to realise that!
Straw Man with a crapped out truss, found anything to post which is ‘highly critical’ of Al Beeb yet? You could make a start with rubbish coffee that they serve up in the staff canteen.
Getting back to the subject in hand, I wonder how long it is going to be before Germans are howling for their own exit (Gerexit??) with this kind of news in Die Welt:
According to Die Welt newspaper, the finance ministry’s “strategy paper” said it may have to cover the cost of Britain’s exit by handing over an extra 3 billion euros (£2.4 billion) each year.
Ouch! that’s on top of the next bail out tranche for Greece next month too ! This could be nearly as much again.
£60 million Euros per month extra to find !!
It is all going to unravel one way or another. The main thing is that we need to minimise the damage to the UK
My money is still on the EU offering the UK a much better deal than they offered Lazy Davey and a second referendum which will inevitably result in remain winning. They only have to persuade 2% after all.
It is almost incredible that the idle Cameron made no plans at all for the event of a Brexit vote and it is reported in the Express that he doesn’t intend to put in any work on it now, because it’s all too much like hard work !
Last night it was claimed Cameron asked his inner circle: “Why should I do all the hard s***?”
It’s like some kid who wrecks everything and then hands it over to other people to fix. How on earth did the Tories come to elect this duffer ?
I am glad the Tories elected weak, cowardly Dave as their leader. He worried so much about UKIP that he held a referendum.
A stronger leader would never have done that.
A BBC Headline You Are Unlikely To See:-
Brexit: A Win For Democracy
Any more?
Like most others on this site I celebrate the fact that there was a ‘Leave’ vote and also the fact (recognised by the BBC among others) that it was largely won on the issue of uncontrolled immigration. I am concerned that the new Tory leadership may not apply themselves to this item as much as relevant voters would wish.
I forsee a struggle ahead (I hope I’m wrong) and have trouble envisaging how disenchanted voters can influence a largely pro EU Parliament e.g. how interested would your local pro EU MP be in your point of view on this issue? I feel that the working classes of this country may have been used (like many times before) as cannon fodder. The rise of UKIP may be the solution.
As Nigel Farage has put it ‘ we have won the battle but not the war’
Imagine if it was a sports final and the losers said , ” Let’s play it again “. I call that cheating !
Yep, that was lost amid the understandable U4ER( Euphoria in text speak!)
Nigel said this was only a start-and we`re seeing already that the snakes and spooks STILL control the Conversation Stones and the camera angles, the soundtracks,the moneyed popinjays and mocking birds.
Will contact my UKIP chums, remind them of what you said…and hopefully the fusty smell of defeat and mothballs in blazer pockets will be aired clean by the new spirit we now know is with us.
If ANYBODY voted out…even George Galloway for example-let`s make them as welcome as we can…for on this one issue, bigger than anything else in my lifetime re politics-they were brave and correct.
All hands to the pump-43 years of bilge and limewash needs scouring, and the monkey faeces needs rubbing back in their faces from now on.
Alex Stepney use to be “King Of All Cockneys” as we sang at Old Trafford….
but no longer-there`s a title here if you want it sir….heart goes out to the true cockneys living in Labour Lying CondomNEMs in that city in need fo rescue-maybe it`ll improve when the BBC gets shut down finally.
It would appear that many of the people voting for a second referendum are not living in the UK, including a fair few in the Middle East !
Take a look here:
People should be aware that once the UK declares its Exit under article 50, it is a one way trip. The process once started is irreversible so countries cannot use it to force a better deal for themselves.
“once the UK declares its Exit under article 50, it is a one way trip”
… which may well explain why Cameron is stalling.
What can I say thoughtful?
Thank the Lord SOMEONE digs deeper on t`internet for us all-me especially!
Thanks again sir, keep em all coming!
If your also disgusted the the BBC gives so much airtime to hatred and bigotry aimed at working class people outside of london.
Suggest you put in a online complaint
Think it s a good time to try and push the agenda regarding the BBC and it not being for purpose any more . Do we have any campaigns are petitions against them at the moment ?
David Lammy MP urges Parliament to ignore EU referendum result: ‘We can stop this madness’
What a W***er so full of self importance he thinks the people don’t matter. Typical Labour MP!
No wonder so many on the left loved the EU, they don’t understand democracy.
I suspect they understand it well enough. They just don’t like it. They really do consider themselves the ‘elite’.
They understand it all right, the whole purpose of the European Project is to rein in democracy and put power in the hands of the experts running the Commission, so-called civil servants who are actually the masters, such as Arthur Salter and Jean Monnet, men who came up with the idea in the 1920s.
Oh how wonderful David Lammy and if the “impartial” inquiry into Blacks doesn’t go how we like it to can I act like a 2 year old and throw a tantrum until I get my way.
Seems to me the member of parliament for Tottenham is partial to a riot!
Is it now to be civil war. Maybe the Democrats vs the Dickheads.
David Lammy is the sort of idiot who could provoke political violence with such stupidity. Maybe that’s what he wants?
just mention baby P that should shut him up
If only that were true. These people have no shame.
Somebody needs to preserve the BBC’s post-Brexit output – this is priceless! All is doom and gloom. They keep parroting the lie that there was some kind economic crisis yesterday – the British pound actually finished the day in perfectly sound health! The BBC News Channel just interviewed at length a UK Constitutional expert, fishing fruitlessly for some mechanism by which the vote for Brexit can be undone. No bias there, then!
That great political thinker of our time, David Lammy, has decided that the voter’s decision should be over turned. This is the man who calls for the return of beating children with sticks. His most renown achievement was officially complaining to the BBC about a news piece on choosing the new pope. It was, he pointed out with Guardian level certainty, racist to refer to black and white smoke. I kid ye not.
Whilst Lammy reads up on the term Democracy, Tim Fallon was being interviewed by a lightweight on Sky this morning. That powerful, political leader of men immediately announced he wasn’t going against the will of the people. Phew, so you got something right then Tim. But his very next pronouncement was that he would ensure parliament wouldn’t honour the referendum and he would make certain we remained in the EU.
I can see now why certain people mindlessly, adore the undemocratic EU.
From the paywalled Times:
Bryan Appleyard a Remainer:
When Bob Geldof and his friends partied on the Thames in their “remain” boat the harbour master drew alongside to ask them to keep the noise down. They had a looped playlist that included Please Don’t Go, If You Leave Me Now and The “In” Crowd.
Incensed by the requests for quiet, Geldof called his pal David Cameron to complain. He got through but Dave could not help; he was prepping for prime minister’s questions. Vote “leave” fishermen — their lives having been ruined by EU quotas — hosed down the Geldof boat from a trawler.
Think about that scene; think about it in the light of the referendum result. The pig ignorance, the callousness but, above all, the networking power of Geldof’s ship of fools says it all. The British elites, whether Etonian square or pop hip, did not get it and the signs are, I am afraid, that neither they nor the Eurocrats ever will.
Would love to share this with you. My mum is 91 now and showing some memory loss but she remembered to vote leave. ” It is not for me at my age, but the future of the country and the young people “.
I just told her that Hilary Benn has been sacked. Her response ” who is she ? “. At least she didn’t confuse him with Hillary !
My father passed away 10 years ago and I just wish he could have lived to see this vote. Even back in the 1960’s he was warning me about the plans for a European superstate and the duplicity of the BBC. At the time I thought he was nuts. Well , time has proved that you were right, Dad.
He was an early member of UKIP and we went to a meeting in Perth where Alan Sked, then leader, spoke. He had a side-kick, one Nigel Farage. At the end Nigel asked if anyone would like a drink at the bar. Dad responded ” Is the Pope a Catholic “. There were only about 12 people at the meeting and no-one joined us. All I can say is that Nigel was just what you would expect. Totally straight and very funny. And he insisted on paying the bar bill !
Dad, if only you were alive today to see this. We could have shared the bottle of Chapel Down Brut last night. As you always said about champagne ” Overpriced , overrated and over here “. Dad, Slainte !!!
“, Xavier Bertrand, the president of Hauts-de-France region where Calais is located, said: “The English wanted to take back their freedom: they must take back their border.”
As soon as we do you can bet the French will clear their ‘jungle’ camps and secure their borders with the rest of the EU.
We should agree, but only on the grounds that we shall close the Channel Tunnel . which should never have been built in the first place. The French will soon back down as they have more to lose.
If they take Evan Davis, I could do a deal.
How come no jungle rabbits seem to live in HIS holiday villas?
The BBC seem not to have asked Simone about all this merde-but we don`t need to, poor brave lady
Fuck off Plastic…you may not want YOUR freedom, but we all know Simone could be OUR mum, our wife and our neighbour.
And she spoke out-and we heard, you toytown turd!
Just a query(oo er!) Have we anybody out there (or on here) who was in Sir James Goldsmiths Referendum party of 1997?
If so, would like to say hello, say thanks you-and get moving on erecting a statue to this fearless patriot, who died so that we might live( fuck off Jo” King” Cox!).
Well-in some sense anyhoo!
This Brixit Party that`s coming needs to honour those who made out Independence Day all the more possible.
Wish we had the money to commission a big National Portrait picture of David Mellor haranguing Sir Jimmy Saviour as he lost his seat, his specs steamed up and his fatfuk footy shirt to some toesucking Madrilleno.
Crowd sourcing maybe?…2.5 million of them I`m told…but looks only like 50 really.
Some real positivism coming from callers on LBC right now, having a right go at the gloomy bitter Bremainers in the London media.
As one said the only people benefitting from this are Junker and mates in the EU who are praying that other EU countries wont follow and delighted to hear gloom emitting from Britain.
Remember Junkers existence depends on the EU.
We are living in interesting times!
Losers? Worried after Brexit? Here’s how to become French
On radio 4 news tonight
Stephen Kinnock, the man who lowered the level of politics to that of a dead sewer rat by linking the death of Jo Cox to the leave campaign, tonight sank deeper.
He blamed Brexit for creating the far right in Europe, actually being stupid enough to mention Marie lePenn. The Radio 4 audience will know that the turmoil in Europe was created by the EU. yes, the same organization that hoovered tax from the poorest people in Europe and squashed it in to the Kinnock family’s bank account, also created the high unemployment, the ludicrously self induced austerity and a decade of misery for most countries within the EU.
BTW the interviewer didn’t interrupt his malicious nonsense once and a fellow contributor had to politely put him straight later.