A second referendum? You’d think, listening to the BBC, that that was a perfectly reasonable and fair way to proceed. You’d have no idea that it is a highly controversial, anti-democratic, unconstitutional, hugely dishonest and corrupt idea being peddled by pro-Remain politicians as they tour the BBC’s studios and get a warm welcome instead of an absolute roasting for their treachery and betrayal as they seek to ignore and toss out one of the most democratic votes in our history.
The BBC has long been telling us of the massive distrust of politicians and the breakdown of respect for the established order and yet make no comment about the lies, arrogant disregard, corruption and deceit that lie behind these manoeuvres to smash the referendum vote and keep the little people in their place.
Remember when the BBC trumpeted the socialist Occupy as they set about smashing the Establishment?…how different now when the revolution is perceived as a right-wing revolution.
Apparently the disillusionment of the masses can be safely ignored and the narrative that the old world order is in retreat from the forces of anti-politics and new insurgent People’s parties such as UKIP can be dismissed as dangerous talk that rouses and unleashes dark forces. Want to smash capitalism, lynch the bankers and debag old Etonians, that’s fine…just don’t dare turn your back on the Empire.
The floor’s all yours….
Certainly want Corbyn to go in that he`s crap-but can`t be bullied out of his job , just because Miliband couldn`t write a rule and ballsed up over union fixers in Scotland.
Lest anybody forget-Radio 4, the BBC and Guardian/Channel 4 types were ECSTATIC at his “new politics” “ability to engage with a generation of apoltitical youth” , “record numbers of new members registering”-and all this only nine months ago.
And weepy moron Ma Beckett even signed his nomination papers?
Still though-so Jezza winded and visibly stunned by some heckler saying that “where were you when we were voted out of the EU”…the BBC made sure that we heard this…THAT is his crime, nothing more-nothing less. His Ceausescu moment.
Answer came there none-he`s basically thick and unable to think on his feet, no grace or wit…but they deserve him.
Imagine a lot of fun and busy police this Friday when Labours windsocks blow home to their constituencies…Momentum have all their names, addresses and MSM contacts…and Corbyns cabbage patch kids have no jobs, but plenty of time.
£3.00 well spent – along with many others.
Toby Young deserves a Knighthood.
ChrisH, thank you for pointing out that heckle from the crowd in the BBC report. I suspect the BBC had a honeymoon period with the Dear Leader at first, but the love rapidly faded as he failed to bring about the socialist utopia people were promising. If someone in the crowd had shouted ‘crucify him!’ I wouldn’t have been all that surprised.
With labour as it is they will probably blame the Jews…again.
I wouldn’t have been surprised if the crowd actually had crucified him.
They could have crucified him – but they would have to decapitate him, bury his body at crossroads, at midnight on a full moon to ensure he didn’t continue to shamble along, mumbling to himself, bedraggled, depressing everyone…
Not related to this thread but may I please make people aware of this petition. Mike Hunt’s was rejected due to this one taking precedence.
Pass on to as many as possible.
The latest tactic the BBC (and other media) are using is scaremongering about ‘racist attacks’. The slippery slope argument is that Brexit is leading to apparently scores of them QED Brexit is dangerous and wicked.
Thus they are playing on the doubts of ‘waverer’ Brexit supporters (and remember large numbers of voters on both sides were waverers) and hope to encourage them to join this undemocratic and disgusting demand for a second referendum.
Thank god the Labour party is in chaos distracting the far left from their temper tantrum over Brexit.
Disgruntled ‘Remain’ campaigners are mounting a huge social media campaign to encourage the anecdotal reporting of perceived “hate crimes” which they, the media and even the police have explicitly blamed on the Brexit vote last week.
Hate crimes against Jews, however, are ongoing and have been proved to be very real. A University student at York University was compensated by the student union for two years of ant Semitic abuse. He was attacked by members of the Palestine solidarity movement . One of them was none other than Jeremy Corbin’s son Tom. This was not reported by the BBC. He is events organiser for the PSM and organised the anti Semitic play “Seven Jewish Children” http://www.jpost.com/Blogs/Just-Look-At-Us-Now/Like-Father-Like-Son-it-doesnt-have-to-be-so-4590
I couldn’t get the link to work but there are accounts of this shoddy business elsewhere, including the Mail, The Times (paywalled) and The Times of Israel.
Interesting that all the accounts that I’ve seen except the Guardian mention Tom Corbyn’s involvement.
I am sure that Chakarabbity’s investigation into Labour’s anti semitism will address this problem.
She will probably find a space for it between the masses of praise for Labour’s fight against Islamophobia and support for the Pallies.
Sorry – the correct link is http://www.jpost.com/Blogs/Just-Look-At-Us-Now/Like-Father-Like-Son-it-doesnt-have-to-be-so-459055
The Graun clearly suffers from the same space and time constraints that affect the BBC.
This is academia’s dirty side. Rampant anti Semitism disguised as humanitarian support for Gaza and the rest.
Scratch most academics in the liberal arts and you find a Jew hater.
I’d like to report 17,410,742 hate crimes.
Attempting to disregard the referendum vote and keep the UK in the EU against the democratically expressed will of the people is a hate crime against all who voted to leave.
The hatred is generally expressed against all Brexiteers with additional hatred for older voters and working class voters.
The BBC campaign of hate against Brexit attempts to link the voters for leave with various alleged acts of violence without a shred of evidence.
This organisation which goes out of its way to promote the idea that self declared acts of Islamic terrorism are “nothing to do with Islam” yet is happy to promote the idea that Brexiteers are guilty by association with random acts of violence and so called hate crimes, of unknown provenance and doubtful existence.
Yes, quite agree. Mind you, I do wonder why the “culture Secretary” did not enquire fully into the lack of impartiality in the BBC. It is so obvious in every thing they do, “lies R us” should be their motto.
These social media campaigns are mainly fueled by fashions and virtue signalling. I doubt if most of those involved have any real idea what the core issues really are. However, this doesn’t make these campaigns any less dangerous we are already seeing how these twitter storms et al cause politicians to veer in their direction. Government by twitter may not be far away. The BBC uses them to stoke which ever views it supports and of course is a force multiplier in their effectiveness. Yesterday I noted how on Radio 4 the Media Show had an item calling for relaxation of impartiality rules . I view this as extremely serious , imagine a BBC in the run up to an election free to be able to boost one side and undermine the other to a much greater extent than it does now. That really would be a mortal blow to our democracy . We may be creeping out from under the Brussels jack boot but walking straight into the arms of an ever more powerful and influential left leaning BBC.
Now that Labour could be on the edge of the abyss from which it will never recover I note that the BBC is dusting down claims that proportional representation would a fairer and better way to elect our governments. Unless Labour recover , all party’s but the Tory’s will support such a move and therefore it seems highly likely that within a parliament or two that will be future. The BBC will love that and it will become their number one topic if Labour disintegrates.
Bet the Jihadists can’t believe their luck: common ‘hate’ redirected for a while.
Maybe we should vote in Emperor Palpatine and have done with it?
Had to google that, I thought Palpatine was a toothpaste. I’m more of the Ernst Blofeld/Norman Bates generation, although I do know who Darth Vader is.
I think Norman would make a fitting Labour leader, and would secure the LGTB#X vote. A member of the Addams family would also fit in. What difference would one more weirdo make?
Well, like JCJ the dude does have an empire already and likes making it bigger.
“The old world order is in retreat”. And so is the new world order. Thanks to Brexit. And thanks to a man called Peter Sutherland who unknowingly helped to ensure this very outcome. Here’s a blast from the past. Four years ago, before the current migrant crisis, this man was laying out the plans to turn the European Union into an open borders, multi-ethnic free for all.
From June 2012 –
“The EU should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states, the UN’s special representative for migration has said.”
“An ageing or declining native population in countries like Germany or southern EU states was the “key argument and, I hesitate to the use word because people have attacked it, for the development of multicultural states”, he added.
“It’s impossible to consider that the degree of homogeneity which is implied by the other argument can survive because states have to become more open states, in terms of the people who inhabit them. Just as the United Kingdom has demonstrated.”
“The United States, or Australia and New Zealand, are migrant societies and therefore they accommodate more readily those from other backgrounds than we do ourselves, who still nurse a sense of our homogeneity and difference from others.
“And that’s precisely what the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine.”
“Mr Sutherland, who has attended meetings of The Bilderberg Group , a top level international networking organisation often criticised for its alleged secrecy, called on EU states to stop targeting “highly skilled” migrants, arguing that “at the most basic level individuals should have a freedom of choice” about whether to come and study or work in another country. ”
And so it came to pass.
And Britain voted Leave.
All you need to know is that he is Goldman Sachs or was for many years.
Ta Dave and Mr Golightly.
Sutherland is one of those smoothy chops plastic paddies-like Sir Bob and Bonio- who act as lucky charmers , who get the Irish to think that placing a failed garden gnome (but one who can recite bad poetry) on the front of your International coffin ship means that you`re a rebel, Celt and a sensitive world helmsman.
My Irish timeline of doom ends with Enda Kenny-but O Higgins, McAleese…begat by Robinson(Mary)-and the original breach in the harbour Wall at Dun Laoghaire?..Dick Spring!,,,well, when Ireland is laid out on the tin table for its autopsy-we`ll find that we should have shot Eamon De Valera when we had the chance…for now Ireland would be step by step with us, not some Scottish fantasy island of drift and grift like today.
This line of liberal cants have brought Ireland to its knees , and prone to sucking Von Rumpoys satin slippers.
Hope we DO bring back the death penalty…and if Sutherland flies over British airspace, we shall aim for first class.
He and his defective plans have been the guiding light to the International Multiculturalists for some while. Interesting, the EU (despite NATO) has been praised as a deterrent if not, ‘The’ deterrent to war in Europe but now, as a direct result to the Islamic terraforming of Europe and the UK, the other form of war looms: Civil War
Repeated from the Tuesday thread:-
I just finished watching the Beeb report on Bliars war in Iraq.
If they’ve got some “sources say” information on Chilcott, BLIAR is toast.
I did enjoy him looking like a deranged, grinning chimpanzee with our brave forces, most of whom looked unimpressed.
Bring on the trial in The Hague!
RIP to those who didn’t make it back.
Was rather hoping he`d return to “fight and fight again to save the party that we all love”.
Surely he`s leeched Kazakhstan, must be on Swaziland in his kleptolist of states he`s working through,,,and Zimbabwe doesn`t need his help to break their nation at the mo.
Hope to see him dare to walk to his polling booth in Sedgefield to cast his vote before too long…is it 300 yards he`s not able to do without police protection three deep?
Lot of parking tickets on his rubber tank parked by St James Park too, let alone a Milosevic memo or two await .
Postal vote OK chaps?
It comes as no surprise that the BBC are still not giving this any coverage.
“Revealed: Labour MPs go to police over death threats after refusal to back Jeremy Corbyn”
Labour MPs have been forced to call in the police over death threats in the last 48 hours after they refused to back Jeremy Corbyn, The Telegraph has learnt.
Vicky Foxcroft, a Labour whip, received a call to her constituency office which said: “If she doesn’t support Corbyn I will come down to the office and kick the f*** out of you.”
Another MP who resigned over Mr Corbyn’s leadership has received an email naming their child and threatening to kill them. Police have been passed the message and are now investigating.
Lucy Powell, the former shadow education secretary, received a message telling her to kill herself after announcing she would leave the frontbench over frustrations with the leadership.
It was among a string of messages laden with expletives and personal abuse which have been passed onto police.
A fourth Labour MP said they had become so concerned with the torrent of online abuse that they have forwarded the messages to police, while scores of others raised concerns.
The rhetoric of Mr Corbyn’s supporters has been criticised after John McDonnell initially encouraged activists to protest MPs – but later made clear he did not condone constituency office protests.
One former frontbencher has tabled a formal complaint to the Labour chief whip about the way some pro-Corbyn MPs have been addressing activists at rallies.
The spike in hostile messages was compared to the surge in the run-up to the Syrian air strikes vote last year, which led to a new security package for MPs being issued amid concerns over safety.
Politicians and staff were said to be in tears over the abuse comes just weeks after the brutal murder of Jo Cox, the Labour MP for Batley and Spen who was shot and stabbed in her constituency.
A Labour source said: “Women MPs have been subjected to the most vile stuff – we’re going to rape you, kill you. There have been people in tears today.”
‘Anything from the ‘envy of the world’ about this?
No, nothing.
On a Cox scale of 100…how do we “risk assess” these fey fops of Labours loins?
Time wasting serge suckers most of them , who crave a buth PCSO and a hi viz jacket to remind themselves that the State cares for them-because we sure don`t.
Who`s next to feel the burn of the Big Mo?
Coyle?…Powell?…all those household germs who think they`re names?
Who the hell is Foxtrot?
Oh-Jess Phillips is only five on the scale…attention seeking gal who reckons that she`s at no more risk in Cologne that in her constituency…well , let`s test that hypothesis shall we?
If The Tories were the nasty party what does that make Labour and its gentler kinder brand of politics then?…psychopathic or psychotic…or still delusional and with strings still on their mittens?
‘‘Anything from the ‘envy of the world’ about this?
No, nothing.’
The BBC are renaming CECUTT #TellItToTheHand a source close to a bloke I met just now may have said.
It’s all part of Lord Hall Hall’s new unique and vital editorial integrity enhancement taskforce.
The BBC always goes for the Youth , How Can They Be Made To Take An Interest In Politics when they lose .
In the BBCs eyes , youth are like Peter Pan , they never grow up . Someone who is 18 now might be 24 in forty years time to the beeboids as that’s as far as their imagination can take them . The veneration of the old and wise in other diverse cultures is not for the BBC .
The BBC is taking the mono cultural line of the dictatorships of the last century ; fascism , Stalinism and Maoism with their state run orthodoxies as the way for youth to go forward . Brainwashed youth , the new world man for peace and justice .
But what if youth aren’t liberal/left ? Well then the BBC has a volte face and wonders if they have experience of life , as they pondered in a WATO about three years ago when they discovered that UKIPs youth wing was the fastes growing membership .
The BBC are like those ( capitalist) marketing , PR and advertising agencies , always segmentating the people and and disliking , well , individuals . There can’t be any left leaning , anti immigration , world travelled , patriotic , libertarian young people because they’re too difficult to pigeon hole .
Best of all about segmentating the people is you can highlight their grievances and play one lot against another .
What is the average age of the BBC trust , or its replacement , it’s managerial staff , editors and presenters and why don’t they resign after they hit 30 ?
I see the John Kerry that failed US Secretary of State has let slip that Brexit is not definite and that things could change. You bet they can. This is what it was always looking to be .Just a first skirmish in the fight for European culture and a counter strike against the decadents of the era of the liberal 68ers.
These people will stop at nothing to stop us having our way. Every word Cameron says is not to be trusted,. Every word May and Boris says is not to be trusted. We have frightened the money power that wishes to turn us into modern serfs and the fight is about to get nasty.
Hopefully at least some of those in the BBC and the media will see what is happening and speak out but I doubt it. The young are brainwashed snowflakes and the old are just that getting old.
Remember Tommy Robinson and how the state moved against him. Soon they will come for many of us and may God be with us and good fortune be on our side. The rich and the powerful are afraid and that is when they are at their most dangerous.
Their weakness is the contempt they have for us .Little people with our little lives and little fears .Living in our shires and northern towns and remembering our past. Never more so than on this anniversary of the days they sent us to be slaughtered on the Somme.
They will bring lies into our world and again I repeat Solzhenitsyn’s words. Let them bring the lie into the world but not through me
DS – That’s why Article 50 should be triggered immediately; as Farage has said we should and as Camerloon said he would if he lost the referendum. I heard from Toady this morning that someone in Downing Street said negotiations could take 5 years! FFS!
We need to begin the process to leave NOW or I fear we won’t.
It’s too late to be scared; a two year deadline puts them under as much (if not more) pressure as us: lets just get on with it.
Remind me again-how long will Kerry be around for?
So who the hell is HE to say anything?
The Guardian LOVE this stinking hypocrite and bore…didn`t they pound Ohio online to beg them to vote for him in 2004?..and didn`t that ensure that Bush won more cleanly than expected.
So Obama returned the favour to the Left-as Kerry does as long as he`s got other peoples breath to breathe with.
The BBC will tell us though.
Article 50 NOW-simply because God is with us and will reduce the EU Project to rubble, iron and clay.
Why hit Goliath on the eyebrow, then hold back from letting it work to the temple via the fading eyesight?
Let it happen…no mercy!
We voted for Slipknot…THEY continue to pipe through the fucking Stylistics!
Morning folks, was listening to my local BBBC Radio Merseyside phone in program yesterday afternoon between 12-2pm and half caught a conversation between the fascist presenter Roger Phillips and a caller who mentioned a protest to be held outside the stations building in Hanover Street this Saturday due to concerns of bias at the BBC… HOORAAAH. I didn’t get to hear the time of the protest and I am determined to be there to voice my concerns, think the majority of the people who’ll be protesting are Jeremy Corbin supporters but I’ll unite with anyone in the fight against the Biased BBC. So, anybody out there got any info on the time of the protest? Many thanks… PS, Radio Merseyside can now be heard via your TV, station 722. Take heed, not recommended for people with dodgy blood pressure!!! *#~*”#^*/,*!
Statue to ‘black’ hotelier to be unveiled, reports BBC.
The BBC is very excited that a statue to the ‘black’ hotelier, Mary Seacole, is to be unveiled in London. Actually of mixed race (and she described herself as ‘yellow’ in her autobiography), Seacole was a famous vivandière, a term used in the 19th Century to describe a woman who sold food, drink, tobacco and other items to injured soldiers. She operated from a hotel she established in the Crimea, and was a popular figure in Victorian England.
One thing she was not, however, was a nurse – the term used by the BBC and other revisionists to describer. She did not formally study nursing, work as a nurse in a hospital, write any books or articles on nursing or indeed make any contribution to nursing. Despite this, she is regularly promoted as a nursing pioneer and laughingly compared to Florence Nightingale.
As you would expect, the BBC tells you nothing of this. It does not state, for instance, that the statue was opposed by the Nightingale Society and other organisations. And it cannot help with tidbits like “She and her family had few civil rights – they could not vote, hold public office or enter the professions” – implying racial discrimination, whereas in reality fewer than 7% of the adult population of England had those rights either.
Still, never let the facts get in the way of a story.
BBC link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-36663206
More balance link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2712683/Mary-Seacole-saint-Florence-Nightingake-smeared-twisting-history.html
In the course of my work and social life this week I have had a number of conversations with young English people (under 30s), and citizens of EU member states from east and west Europe. I am careful not to lead the conversation and am always second to declare how I voted in the referendum, as I want to avoid social acceptability bias.
I have met 1 declared remainer, the rest leave to a man and woman.
9-1 on a sample of 10 of people I’m led to believe are naturally pro EU.
We are being lied to again.
Article 50 now. All those standing for the leadership of the Conservative party should declare a position on this before the vote.
THE only question now embolden!
The views of kids in school and college boil down to
a) how their parents(if there) earn their living
b) newspaper/YouTube trending and likes obtained-kid you not, very chilling
c) how they get to school or college
d) mums education level and her family background-did she rise up or was she cossetted -the A Level/Uni split.
All this is changing now-CBBC have owned trhe kids minds and perceptions for years now as we looked away.
Give CBBC a watch to see just WHY the BBC know they`ve got tomorrows youth ready to roll for them.
And if they don’t embolden? Come next election I predict the largest swing to UKIP for ever! The Conservative puppets and Labour (not sure they’re puppets just ? well, all I’ll say is their MP’s should all be put on ‘Suicide Watch’) are doomed. Case of ‘they’re damned if they do, damned if they don’t’. Caught in the middle, ‘I’ll be damned’ (an Eton expression?).
Picture it, Farage at the Dispatch Box, telling Parliament precisely what he thinks about them EU style (and the BBC). I truly can’t wait.
Still promoting the old order, leadership challenges within irrelevant parties who no longer have anything to say, covered by an even more irrelevant trans toilet obsessive broadcaster.
Still having a good cry and foot stamping session in aisle 33 because the uneducated racist plebs won’t let it have it’s own way
The BBC is promoting political business as usual, I’m hopeful that a British public that has been largely ingnored for years, and pissed on while told it’s raining is getting an appetite for real change. Not wanting to teach Granny to suck eggs, but for the casual visitor, even excercising caution about how and where you spend is a start.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-36669248 illustrated with a (slightly!) under-exposed photograph.
The Beeb tell us breathlessly that our Government are to set a world leading Climate Change target but before they do, James Naughtie will dash 200 miles to talk through two minutes of silence at the Thiepval Memorial tomorrow, when there is a perfectly good BBC Correspondent in Paris, less than 170kms away.
Personally I think it close to desecration of the memory of those who died to have Naughtie there at all. He is so anti British and even more anti English, that most of those who died on the Somme would have run him through without hesitation.
Made with Portland Stone you know!
How come the “Commonwealth Graves lady” is telling us about this monument?
She`s COMMONWEALTH Graves Committee spokesman….where`s the EU one?
Isn’t this mad rush “to set a world leading Climate Change target” the reason British Industry is ‘fighting with its hands tied behind its back’ against the rest of the world to compete in the markets?
I prefer it when they are interviewing one another. A classic example of this was during the Greece crisis when every independent part of the BBC News machine sent their own reporters over. The dearth of Greeks to interview at critical times resulted in this spectacular show of incestuousness. One reporter interviewing two colleagues exacerbated the nonsense. What about the unnecessary expense? Clearly half-a-dozen or so could have zoomed over to Lesbos at the time to interview the so-called, “immigrants”.
I notice the BBC is delighting to ‘go large’ on Sarah Vine’s indiscreet e-mail, but has been completely silent on Neil Coyle’s trouble with far-left, potentially violent protestors who have been encouraged by John McDonnell. http://order-order.com/2016/06/29/labour-mp-emails-utter-disgrace-mcdonnell/
And, by the way, it is pretty mind-blowing that the latter person – the deputy leader of the Labour Party, no less – considers encouraging protests against his fellow MPs a legitimate thing to do. Still, McDonnell was sacked by Ken Livingstone for being too extreme.
they havent seemed to keen on going large on Hitlery’s email indiscretions though
ever notice that?
Radio Al Beeb Wales
Only one week on , running a show – are you concerned about the future of Britain, asking why Caerphilly, having received so much money from the EU (OUR MONEY) voted to Brexit ?
IMHO They are keeping the possibility of the second referendum on the boil – any regrets ?
This could be good news from Al Beeb Wales ? – Gove to stand for leadership !
Here’s what the BBC will always keep well away from its listeners just in case it alarms the little people – you know, the ones who have the brass neck to believe in democracy and one man one vote – and hardens their attitude even more:
“The sovereign nations of the past can no longer solve the problems of the present. And the [European] Community itself is only a stage on the way to the organised world of the future.
…..This federalist and cosmopolitan vision is one of the most important contributions that the European Union can bring to a global order in the making.”
That was Juan Manuel Barroso accepting the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the EU.
Click to access 134126.pdf
Come to that, the BBC haven’t made much either of O’ Barmy’s comment that Brexit is just a blip and won’t really get in the way of the remorseless juggernauting of The Project.
Still, the fewer who know about the one world government agenda the better, eh, BBC? After all, how many believed Wedgie Benn back in ’75 that this was all about political union?
Excellent post, Johnny.
100 years on, Europe has thousands of crosses on British graves , there to keep Britain a Democratic Nation.
Last week we put thousands of crosses on ballot papers for the same reason to, Keep Britain Democratic .
There are forces arranged now that are trying to undermine that fight for democracy.
Two years on, and the Swiss attempt to renegotiate free movement has run into the EU brick wall.
Not a good sign for those (eg Guido) who think we should delay Article 50 to try and get more out of Brussels.
And guess what, the Swiss are being asked by the EU to have another referendum – but this time on whether to stay in or out of the Single Market.
I think the Single Market and freedom of movement are the “compromises” which are being talked about if we leave. But staying in the EEA still leave us subject not only to uncontrolled immigration, it also leaves us subject to EU law and the ECJ.
Do we really need a second referendum to tell the politicians that this isn’t what we wanted?!?
10 April 2015
Swiss attempt to renegotiate free movement has run into a brick wall
In February last year [2014] the Swiss narrowly voted in favour of a referendum mandating their government to renegotiate the country’s bilateral accord with the EU in order to impose quotas on migrants, including those from the EU. However, the EU has steadfastly refused to negotiate with Bern, insisting that free movement is part of a package deal also granting Switzerland preferential access to the single market, and which therefore cannot be dropped unilaterally. This has put the Swiss government in a bind – trapped between its constitutional duty and the inability to get the EU to even agree to sit down to talks.
In an interview with La Liberte, the Deputy Secretary General of the EU’s External Action Service, Maciej Popowski, has suggested that the way out of this impasse would be a new Swiss referendum on the issue, “probably at the end of 2016”. This is a familiar EU refrain – when a vote goes the wrong way from Brussels’ point of view, citizens should be given the opportunity to ‘correct their mistake’.
Also on Guido the suggestion that delaying invoking Article 50 will enable the negotiating team to use the UK veto to undermine the workings of the EU to exert pressure. Amusing idea but not what we voted for. I doubt any current UK politician with the exception of Nigel Farage would have the nerve to do it.
To quote Nigel Lawson in a You Tube video I saw of a debate he was in, “the alternative to being a member state of the European Union, is to not be a member state of the European Union”.
I understood the majority voted for the latter option. Prime Minister Cameron…..do it.
Quite so.
However the UK is in a much stronger position.
Or it would be if we had a man as PM, something that has not happened since Saint Margaret was around, would
that she were here now.
All dodgy Dave has to do it present a list of demands, in private.
Give them a week to accept them.
Tell them when he presents the demands that if they are not all met, the cheques stop now, not in two years.
What happens if the UK, Norway and Switzerland start leaning on them?
What happens if the Swiss point out that the Rotterdam-Genoa freight route runs through the new Gotthard tunnel which they own?
The EU is a sluggish bully, a bit of ‘floating like a butterfly’ would put them in a spin. Keep them on the wrong foot.
I hope you don’t mind me giving a different view on some points:
Firstly, the people who want to delay article 50 do so in order to get a better resolution for the UK – not just to ‘get more’ for ourselves. The main reason to delay is because we then lose control (as we can conclude negotiations any time within that two years, but can’t extend it) plus – let’s face it – we have no idea what we are negotiating for yet. We could submit an article 50 declaration and then leave the next day, if we really wanted to!
Membership of EEA does not submit us to European Court of Justice (ECJ) control.
The Flexcit method http://www.eureferendum.com uses EEA membership as a stepping stone towards full autonomy. We can relatively easily join the EEA and EFTA nations, get most of the benefits of leaving, but maintain access to the single market and freedom of movement for the time being. We can then decide – probably through a general election – how far we wish to go.
The Adam Smith document has a very good summary of the EEA approach to leaving. http://www.adamsmith.org/evolution-not-revolution This document also contains a good summary of the benefits/problems with the EEA solution. If you don’t want to read the large Flexcit document it is worth reading this one.
The point of joining the EEA, is that it reduces risk and uncertainty. Very quickly. It tells the world – succinctly – that we are leaving and this is how we are doing it. Surely, nobody can think that uncertainty and volatility is a good thing?
I must admit, I am also not convinced that our current crop of politicians are capable of negotiating anything let alone a good Brexit resolution. Another plus for Flexcit in my book.
… and I did mean to add, EEA membership does not subject us to EU law. It does though, subject us to the parts of EU law that concern the single market; which I gather is about 22% of EU legislation (from Adam Smith document in previous post).
… adding to my post again this useful table shows the benefits of EEA membership compared to EU membership.
The EU’s position with Switzerland shows why it is a fascist organisation which cannot be trusted.
No trading bloc in the world equates free trade and free movement of people, apart from the EU. The result for Switzerland is that it has been swamped by immigrants, and is in danger of losing its national identity. That is, of course, exactly what the EU wants.
Forced to choose between free trade and control of their borders, the Swiss chose the latter, simply because they wished to remain Swiss. This is a thought crime for the EU, and the Swiss will be punished. I feel we must stand side by side with Switzerland, and Norway as well, and insist that we are happy to have free trade, but not at the price of giving 500 million people the right to live in our countries.
This EU policy is designed to destroy national identity, and we are sick of it.
in all of this,dont think all kids and young people are as easily brainwashed as the glasto hippy numbskull crowd
my young lad here in NI is 17 and is doing politics A level,and despite all the best efforts of the wee lefty teacher,it aint working
him and his mates all have a good laugh at her expense…..and they would all have been brexiters given the chance to vote
all the trolls/sockpuppets seem to have vanished……the task given to blindly defend al beeb in the run up to independence day has clearly failed…….hence the drop off in lefty bile.Perhaps now the penny has dropped….you have been rumbled al beeb….big styleeeee
BBC news home page at 6.44am: four out of four Brexit stories, including the main headline, are negative doom-and-gloom. So much for “balance”. Goodbye “fairness”. Either that, or they must be using a different dictionary up in Broadcasting House.
And of course Obama gets the headline again – even though his positive comments yesterday were all but ignored.
Sheesh 🙄
It’s not going well for the BBC is it? Less than a week after the referendum and already;
– Financial markets are stabilising
– EU officials have said we have got to go asap
– Scotland’s fast-tracking to independence has been ruled out (although News at Ten managed to paint this as a victory for Sturgeon)
– The Dear Leader (Corbyn) has been stabbed in the back
– Other countries including the Visegrad Treaty states are asking for referenda
– Project Racist Backlash is being talked down by senior police officers
My guess is we will now see them do their best to keep the ‘backlash’ fears alive and to discredit the Tory leadership candidates.
Time for a judicial enquiry into Al Beeb and its recent conduct.
Where are the trolls on this?
Where have they all gone ?
The trolls are facing a problem; their loony left mentors are split. The SWP are seeing the seeds of a proletariat awakening in Brexit – minus some waaycsts. But the other loonies in Lib Com etc. take the view that Bwexit is entirely waaycist. And the BBC might not be giving the correct leftist message to the trolls.
Top post, Cranmer!
agreed Cranmer, but on the upside (for them) there appears to be an ongoing plot to avoid acting on the referendum result and find a deal to keep the EUs hands on our nations windpipe.
Embolden – yes – this is Project Doubt. Keep pushing for delay, obfuscation, backtracking etc. It’s the only weapon they have left. The so called racist backlash will die down – if there was any truth in all this racism stuff there would have been obvious and violent attacks on homes, businesses etc just hours after the result came in.
R4’s ‘Front Row’ last night discussing a new film about Lyndon B Johnson. The presenter said he combined aspects of both Trump and Hilary Clinton – on the one hand he was a bully but on the other he had liberal instincts. Surely that’s just Hilary he’s describing? LOL!
Clinton will lose. Those words” at this point what difference does it make’ (Benghazi killings) will finish her. No wonder she now wants to” move on”.
One thing I think the Americans will not take is that attitude of hers. If Trump plays it right it will be a landslide.
No reruns there thank God.
Something HAS to be done – but what?
Regardless of who forms or leads the next government, they must address the very serious nature of the damning, negative – and almost verging on the criminal – attitude, methods and management of the Bbc. Our national broadcaster has completely lost the right to be so named. It does not stand up for our patriotic national interest in any way; instead, it reports, analyses, postures and avidly supports every miniscule minority group it possibly can, thereby destabilising the roots of our very democracy itself. Surely this incitement to revolt is illegal? Any media organisation which receives public money and then distorts information disgracefully to this degree should be banned and disbanded immediately.
These are very worrying times for our country. We all knew that the EU vote presented risks on both sides of the argument; both campaigns set out their cause and put it to the people who made their democratic decision in a high turnout. This democratic decision must be recognised and accepted.
But the BbC think otherwise. They are the ones fanning the flames of division, estranging society and reporting matters in such a detrimental and pernicious way that they are leading us into an abyss of corruption and hate.
I am extremely cross about all this and it has been building up day by day and seems to be unending at the moment. What can be done?
Soapbox, there are several ‘reasons to be cheerful’:
1. The idea of BBC bias is gathering force. A decade ago people would be dismissed as right wing cranks for entertaining such an idea. Now, anecdotally, it seems much more common.
2. We have sites like this as well as many others to detail and discuss the bias, with new members joining all the time.
3. Politicians are aware of the bias and are becoming more vocal in calling out the BBC on it. The bias will not go un-noticed in government dealings with the BBC.
4. You can stop paying your licence fee, and still legally watch the BBC via the internet, at present (although this loophole may be closing).
I prefer to think of it as a noose tightening.
And them on the soapbox( sorry sir!,,,only a figure of speech!)
And unaware that Nigel and his pantomine horse (est 1992) is all set to kick their fucking soapbax away.
Both Old Testamen( Dan 2. 31-6) and Paul(Acts 17.26) ” so we have learned” would “appear to confirm this message from the so-called Peoples Army”(Jesus Support Team)”
I find as well it`s always best to READ the “Red Lines” and not simply draw them-Obamas crayon efforts didn`t even cause Assad to blow the sand over them with a straw…for Obama only puts his golf ball in the sand, stooping down to draw a red line?…nah thats` what the soldiers do ,the Yazidis, the Christians…never clear or staright enough though are they?
Sounds now coming from Al Beeb are that the Torys are ‘getting a grip’ and Liebour are getting Orville?
As from last Friday morning, the EU has been placed in command of the management of its own decline.
It is unclear whether their or our politicians (with a few honourable exceptions) recognise this.
It is clear that the BBC refuses to recognise this. It is, however a new fact of political life.
I wish the BBC would show this in the interests of balance.
Top video GWF, absolutely hilarious! Well worth the six minutes watching. Can’t believe that Socialist Worker lass saying her three favourite things about about the EU were (1) the NHS, (2) free flights to France, and (3) everyone having the same opinion!!! Or that lady crying her eyes out because she thought Nandos would have to close after Brexit. Nandos?!? FFS, it’s from South Africa, innit??? And I thought it was us Leavers who were supposed to be thick. Jesus H. C. on a bicycle. Is this what it’s come to?
I, as a ‘thick backward looking old’ person am horrified by the insulting behaviour of these patently stupid, non read, smartphone savvy yet woefully undereducated, cotton wool wrapped, degree toting cry babies. My entitlement to vote is the same as theirs but I actually made the effort to do so.
Why they actually think their say is more important than mine is a mystery of self entitled privilege to me.
I have maybe forty years to live if I am lucky. They do not have any more rights to a say than anybody else.
Time to bloody well grow up and get over it.
That guy has made me feel a lot better. He said everything I think about these idiotic young remainers.
Indeed, it’s important to watch this stuff (painful as it may be) in order to be able to counteract accusations that Leavers are uninformed. I’ve had several people at work say to me ‘these Leavers didn’t really understand what they were voting about.’ I’ve pointed out that many on the Remain side didn’t seem to know either.
Thank you so much for this, it has made my day. I’d forgotten to check his uploads recently.
This guy (Paul Joseph Watson) is consistently on the ball more than any news channel, paper or politician.
`Butthurt`??? …… they should try filling out the formal complaint then 🙂
I would love to post that on facebook but I had to deactivate my account over the wailing and gnashing of teeth, of people who should be old enough to know better.
People seem to think that a politician being economical with the truth should be grounds for a second referendum.
Extrordinary times, I’m still in a state of joyous disbelief that we won, tempered by anxiety that May will become PM and decide she doesn’t want to be seen as nasty, and we end up in a state of limbo with no real change.
“Apparently the disillusionment of the masses can be safely ignored”.
Well, ignored certainly.
This is just to brighten the day a bit.
For those who enjoyed Doreen’s views on Brexit on the previous Open Thread, here’s her Xmas message from a couple of years ago……..
Lobster, I’ve been watching a few of these Doreen Tipton videos since they’ve been posted here. I suspect the writer of these skits is a regular to these pages – if you are here, sir, welcome! The actress also appears in a very funny spoof news report about Brexit. I wonder if this kind of thing will be accepted by the mainstream media, as it goes so much against the narrative.
Hilarious – thank you Lobster! “HMV The Queen – to give her her proper title” LOL.
Was this the Brexit one? Wish I’d watched it at the time…
Thanks Mike – I hadn’t seen that one!
This was the Brexit one from my previous post.
Isn’t she sensational? Far funnier than ANYONE on the BBC.
Thanks Lobster – priceless!!
I don’t normally get involved in politics but there comes a point where the little folk, like me, have to stand up.
Which is why I’m sitting ‘ere today.
– Doreen Tipton BS (Hons)
Yes that is the one I was referring to. I read in a Birmingham newspaper that the film-makers are in talks with TV people but I would be very surprised if the BBC or C4 would allow such a sketch to be shown.
“But Top Gear won’t be affected.” Fantastic line on the Brexit film.
BBC seems ecstatic about May’s Machtergreifung proposals.
Obviously, the first steps in the sell out are underway. We will have a Brexit in name only.
I hope they are stupid enough to call an early general election so that UKIP has at least a slim chance of increasing its representation. The majority in parliament is against Brexit.
I think it explains why they were in such a rush to ensure that we had 5 year fixed parliaments. I don’t think an early election is on the horizon anytime soon.
Oh I don`t know lobster.
When it`s scary folk like Philip Hammond and John Bercow that replaced the last dung beetles like Geoff Hoon and Mick Martin -that last line of Animal Farm seems apt…look to one and the other, but still pigs in the trough.
The fools in the Westminster bubble and the Salford Squat/ TraffordTransgender Toilet seem to think that if UKIP get 1 MP for every 4 million voted as last May…then all they may need is three more UKIP MPs to hold Dame Hodges robes come the State Opening, seeing as “UKIP got only 17.4 million votes last week”.
No-sadly, after Savile the page boys now have now to be adults like us…sorry Mr Squeaker
And it WAS UKIP that we voted for…NOT Labour, NOT fucking Tories like May or Crabb!
But on go the Eurythmics and the Stylistics…fingers in ears when not each others rectal probes.
No …there WILL be an election very soon-we shall see to it…and Rentokil can finally get into the Houses of Parliament while re renovate next year.
And the white van men will do Whitehall seeing we`re there anyway.
No more deadwood beetles, no more roaches…Gove will have to make Farage central, like him or not.
Meanwhile-let them hum their happy tunes and smile at us…17.4 million voted for Nigel,Boris, Michael, Andrea, Gisela,Jacob and the like-but Nigel Farage was the pivot , not the pillock that the rest seem to have thought he was . As I say-where`s Nigel?…Brussels is nicely on fire with a well-placed ciggie down the back of the sofa…London Calling! Nigel once you`ve downed a few in Kent…hope your ticket from Brussels allows you onto the next stop after Ashford Cosmopolitan.
Cox in a Box?…one empty seat now going for Mr Farage if his ball is still in play!
Brilliant description of the BBC’s place in Salford. Best laugh of the day.
Since the referendum and after we invoke article 50, unfortunately Eurythmics will cease to exist and will in future be known simply as The Rhythmics.
It is the will of the people.
If the 17 million all voted for UKIP then that would give us 4 MP’s.
A 400% improvement (and we only need another 3 million more to get a 5th. MP)
They even managed to shoe-horn a nice bit of anti Brexit propaganda in to The Archers yesterday.
Nearly a week has passed. I agrre with most of the above. Plenty still to fight for. But…
I’m still smiling!
Plenty still to fight for.
Literally, if the Brexit vote is ignored or diluted, violence must follow.
More by-elections anyone?
That`s the ticket Joel!…
All the best from Peartree Productions, Wessex!
I thought this was hilarious – I don’t agree with all of it, but very funny anyway.
Hope you all enjoy it.
Benjamin Timothy Blaine
June 28 at 1:57pm ·
So, let me get this straight… the leader of the opposition campaigned to stay but secretly wanted to leave, so his party held a non-binding vote to shame him into resigning so someone else could lead the campaign to ignore the result of the non-binding referendum which many people now think was just angry people trying to shame politicians into seeing they’d all done nothing to help them.
Meanwhile, the man who campaigned to leave because he hoped losing would help him win the leadership of his party, accidentally won and ruined any chance of leading because the man who thought he couldn’t lose, did – but resigned before actually doing the thing the vote had been about. The man who’d always thought he’d lead next, campaigned so badly that everyone thought he was lying when he said the economy would crash – and he was, but it did, but he’s not resigned, but, like the man who lost and the man who won, also now can’t become leader. Which means the woman who quietly campaigned to stay but always said she wanted to leave is likely to become leader instead.
Which means she holds the same view as the leader of the opposition but for opposite reasons, but her party’s view of this view is the opposite of the opposition’s. And the opposition aren’t yet opposing anything because the leader isn’t listening to his party, who aren’t listening to the country, who aren’t listening to experts or possibly paying that much attention at all.
However, none of their opponents actually want to be the one to do the thing that the vote was about, so there’s not yet anything actually on the table to oppose anyway. And if no one ever does do the thing that most people asked them to do, it will be undemocratic and if any one ever does do it, it will be awful.
Here’s a slightly clearer way of looking at it.
Democracy: 1
Everything Else: 0
Am getting some great stuff from my Facebook “pals”-EU flags with a golden tear where a star is meant to be!
Kids in tears about Nandos getting forced out of the country too.
Hilarious-how do I link to here. so I can share once in a while?
Copy and paste?
Your post above reminds me of “Soap”…sure as hell confused me.
ChrisH, yes – copy and paste, unless it’s a public post… To get the link for the facebook post above I used google to search for the opening phrase, and it was the first result returned.
To post pictures, if you’re using Chrome you can right-click on the picture and select “Copy image address”, and then paste it into your post by clicking on the link (just below the box where you type) which says “You can add images to your comment by clicking here”.
Hope this helps!
Ta Mike!
Nandos PR must be overjoyed at how this story has spread!
It reached teenage daughters school some weeks ago, I advised her it was a load of old bo***cks and asked who the F**k would want to eat roast chicken in napalm sauce anyway.
Fortunately she`s used to my bantz innit, and laughed rather than seeking a “safe space” in which to mourn the fictitious great Brexit Nandos ban.
Thanks for posting that Mike. Hilarious!
Reminded me of that tea towel of some years ago about explaining the rules of cricket to foreigners!
New approach in the Guardian.
The referendum was illegal.
The Guardian is also coming across as a little desperate,
” If everyone chipped in, our future would be more secure.”
Funny seeing how it’s ” smashing all records”
Couldn’t they just dip into some of their offshore trusts?
Wouldn’t that be a delicious irony Joel, if their ‘offshore trusts’ were no longer to be trusted, thanks to Brexit. As Punch would have put it a century ago: ‘Collapse of stout party…..’
Echoes of Private Eye’s ‘Goldenballs’ fund. Their capitulation and inability to account for the money contributed, strangely, coincided with the cancellation of my subscription and the rise of Hislop – though I hope the two were not connected.
Dear Guardian,
I am a poor ignorant pensioner who mistakenly put my cross in the wrong box. I don’t have much money to spare but what I do have is going to support Jeremy Corbyn because you and the BBC told me he was a good guy who would save the NHS , the BBC, Labour, the arts, loved immigrants , even those who want to kill us all , hated Israel , which I know you do too, donated to Oxfam, was a member of CND, hated Trident etc. Surely you can see why I have to support him rather than your silly student rag.
There was a BTL commenter stating several times that, essentially, he had been voted out of the EU by ‘thick blue collar workers’. He was cleverer than all who had the notion they may be better off not being in the EU.
The Grundian seems to happily allow this kind of insult. They really ought to be shut down for allowing and inciting hate speech.
Boris Johnson was just stabbed in the back by Michael Gove, and just announced he won’t run for leader.
All of his doubters will be cheering, but I will be stay firmly convinced that Boris Johnson would have made the best Prime Minister in decades.
“Boris Johnson would have made the best Prime Minister in decades” – agreed, absolutely – in spades.
I think it’s fair to assume that Boris Johnson gave no firm commitment to Michael Gove of limiting immigration if they were to share a platform (see Gove’s wife’s leaked email) – which I expect was why Gove chose to stand independently.
Viewed from this angle, it’s actually Boris who stabbed Gove in the back (along with pretty much all Leavers, and 75% of the UK population) by harbouring a secret wish to do a Switzerland-type deal involving access to the Single Market, at the cost of free movement of labour ie uncontrolled immigration.
To be totally fair to Boris, it would at least give us back our sovereignty (sort of), but that’s not what we voted for.
I suppose I simply have to get behind Michael Gove for the good of the country. I admired his stance and his respectable and very calm and collected performances during the Leave Campaign.
I only wish Liam Fox would galvanise more support as a back-bencher, he’s probably the most staunchly pro-Brexit candidate, and more of an Atlanticist than Boris.
I’d say Boris has done the noble thing – which is rare enough in politics – and opened the way for an erudite and intelligent man, a full and committed Brexit supporter who can speak with genuine gravitas at future meetings in Brussels, not forgetting Strasbourg of course, and run rings round destructive and rabid little Marxists like Sturgeon.
And he, Boris, has also helped reduce the chances of May or May Not getting in by default.
Come on lads-this is politics!
If the BBC and assorted nomarks who “followed Boris” are now distraught or sharpening their chopsticks in a pencil sharpener…fear not.
It won`t soon matter who`s mates with who-the bitchslaps and rival camp crap.
That`s the OLD politics-be with us for a while, I grant you.
WE all KNOW that Boris and Michael owe each other…in this recent abseil into the abyss, both were prepared to risk the lot career wise-so that we might actually have a country for our children .
Bruised egos and soundbites-only the Westminster wankaz will howl the feedback and call it music.
No-I`d get Fox and Davis to keep Nigel in the loop…ensure Michaels the brains and Boris is the heart.
And make Andrea the leader with Gisela next door.
Both women have enough ego, but little enough to have been so good in the silly boys band-last gig 23rd June I`d say.
Seemplez!…as our Alexandr Orlov says…he`s STILL Foreign Secretary after Mays day in the papers , a mere Mayfly…`coz we`er not Tories, and her rule won`t run outside the shoeshops.
As the media confuse Ian Curtis with Gene Kelly…WE quietly enjoy Corbyns being taken hostage by the Left-they`ll not let him resign apparently!
Theresa May, one the most gutless Home Secretaries we’ve ever had, gutless in making her views known in the referendum debate. Gutless,gutless,gutless.
Gutless May. Please not.
Fox or Gove for me.
We cannot have a pro Remainer leading the country in negotiations with the EU. It has to be a Brexiteer.
Theresa May is the genius that came up with the label that has been used against the Conservative party ever since – ‘The Nasty Party’.
Is it a good idea to make the player who scored an ‘own goal’ and lost the match the captain of the team?
I’m still giggling over the “Nandos girl ” that’s really taking snowflake to the max………nope still giggling. The face painted idiot was close , now all we have to is ensure those two don’t breed , thinking about it they probably think Darwin is his first name. Nope giggling again that’s made my millennium.
Mrs Kitty, following conversations with Remainers, I’m convinced many of them don’t really know what Brexit actually means. They have a vague idea that it has something to do with being nasty to foreigners, and is therefore very, very bad. The subtleties of the issue are lost on them and it seems to have just boiled down to Leave = ‘racist’, obviously bad, and Remain = ‘non-racist’, and therefore good.
The UK needs to form a Government of National Unity. Such a Government should be headed by Andrea Leadsom and Giselle Stuart who both acquitted themselves with honour in the Brexit debates.
Failing that we need a Military Governor.
Do we really want a benevolent dictatorship, after a ‘coup’ that never got off the the ground in the mid 1970’s?
‘General Sir Walter Walker, a retired former high echelon figure within the command structure of NATO, expressed dissatisfaction over the state of the country and wrote to the Daily Telegraph calling for “dynamic, invigorating, uplifting leadership…above party politics” which would “save” the country from “the Communist Trojan horse in our midst.”
He was involved with Unison (later renamed Civil Assistance) an anti-Communist organisation which pledged to supply volunteers in the event of a national strike.
Another military figure, Colonel David Stirling, the founder of the elite SAS regiment, created ‘Great Britain 75’. Composed of ex-military men, its task would be to take over the running of government in the event of civil unrest leading to a breakdown of government functioning.’
Luckily, Maggie came along and the rest is history…
One more Labour government back then, and those plans might well have been needed. The 1979 general election came not a moment too soon.
I muted that idea a few days and couldn’t agree more. I think Andrea Leadsom would be a calm talented leader at the helm. Think of the spread of talent then; yes, bring in Gisela Stuart and Kate Hoey and maybe Hilary Benn? Digby Jones a definite too.
Chakrabbitbatri produces her report on how pure the Labour party is on waaycism.
BBC quote Corbyn’s comparison of the State of Israel with (so called) Islamic state.
“Our Jewish friends are no more responsible for the actions of Israel or the Netanyahu government than our Muslim friends are for those various self-styled Islamic States or organisations.”
So any Jew that supports the State of Israel and its democratic elected government is responsible for actions
similar to Isis.
Suck on that Chakaratibatty
Continuous slander and lies about Israel’s actions and even comparing them to Isis has led to this crazy ruling by the courts which has not been reported in much of the media ( correct me if I’m wrong)
” Victory for BDS as High Court rules councils can boycott Israel”
So, the Jewish friends have to be friends of the Muslim friends and friends of the friends of Muslim friends but not friends of any Israelis who would not appear to be friends of the Muslims or the Muslims friends friends so it would be alright to not “resist the use of Hitler, Nazi and Holocaust metaphors” if referring to non-friends such as the Israelis. Or possibly to Ruth Smeeth (tearful Labour MP for somewhere) who looks like she has no friends at all in Labour. Especially not Naz Shah or Ken Livingstone.
Also, anyone who might regard Muslims as sexist, anti-Semitic or otherwise suspect, probably cannot have anybody as a friend because they are clearly deranged lunatics and only deserve to hang out with local UKIP members.
Its all clear now.
Oh no, wait – this is truly appalling. Apparently, Ruth Smeeth MP, who happens to be Jewish, was accused by a Momentum supporter of being part of a media conspiracy – at the launch of the Chakrabati
cover-upenquiry into Islamofauxbia, sorry Antisemitism. And Corbyn – who was right there – did nothing.Here’s her statement:
Statement from Smeeth:
“This morning, at the launch of the Chakrabarti Inquiry into antisemitism, I was verbally attacked by a Momentum activist and Jeremy Corbyn supporter who used traditional antisemitic slurs to attack me for being part of a ‘media conspiracy’. It is beyond belief that someone could come to the launch of a report on antisemitism in the Labour Party and espouse such vile conspiracy theories about Jewish people.
“No-one from the Leader’s office has contacted me since the event, which is itself a catastrophic failure of leadership. I call on Jeremy Corbyn to resign immediately and make way for someone with the backbone to confront racism and antisemitism in our party and in the country.”
Perhaps Shami would like to change the opening sentence of her report, in which she claims that Antisemitism isn’t endemic in the Labour party?
Anyone stupid enough to support May please remember that she is a collaborationist and a traitor.
Remember when we were at war with Isis.
May must bear some responsibility for the police harassing Tommy Robinson for wearing a football
shirt saying ‘Fuck Isis’.
A country at war does not arrest people who insult the enemy.
From Robinson’s lawyer
“Both I and my client are very concerned that the Chief Constable of Bedfordshire Police and the UK Football Policing Unit have equated Tommy Robinson’s demonstration against a banned extremist terrorist organisation as being the same as showing hatred towards people of the Muslim faith.”
We know this appalling woman wets her knickers at the sight of Jihadist terrorists, but this is going too far in the collaborationist direction
Of course it is OK to parade an Isis flag in London.
Note that we are told that Isis is not Moslem, but to insult Isis is offensive to moslems
Well of course it’s ok. The police could not find any connection between parading outside the Houses of Parliament wrapped in a flag of a vile terrorist syndicate and ‘supporting or being a member of’ the same.
I feel much safer knowing that these same police are there to protect me from my own actions if not the actions of others.
And the final condemnation of that worthless woman is that Jeremy Hunt is supporting her . FFS !
“May must bear some responsibility for the police harassing Tommy Robinson for wearing a football
shirt saying ‘Fuck Isis’”
This is truly appalling too – an attack on free speech. Let’s hope he gets off in court and the police get a slap on the wrists for wasting everyone’s time.
Do you think someone would get arrested for wearing a t-shirt saying “Fuck Israel”?!? People don’t even get arrested for burning the Israeli flag or making throat-slitting gestures on demos, FFS. What are we a sharia state already?
Absolute disgrace. Very concerned. The ‘Nasty Party’ May is front running apparently !! The Remain MPs are maneuvering to get a Remain PM in. One who cowered in her bunker whilst the war was being conducted just waiting for her opportunity. She is like a camp follower that comes out to steal off the dead once the battle is over. So we risk going in to negotiations once again with someone that is already on the EU side. Talk about giving away your hand in advance. God help us but we I guess we should have expected it from the pygmies. She inspires nothing and no-one. The press refer to her sex kitten heels as if she is some sort of icon … I’d rather make love to an inverted hedgehog !
just remember
Teresa the appeaser
we dont want her in charge …..no siree bob
Theresa May.
The disgusting creature that carried on with New Labours surveillance society, bringing it to heights not imagined anywhere else on this planet.
Theresa May….The creature that has totally failed to look after our borders, as we’ve witnessed Immigration rampant, throughout her incompetent “Home secretary” tenure….
Theresa May…..A creature that, when Cameron and Osborn put their necks on the line, to argue that we “Remain” in the ghastly E.U., was nowhere to be seen, even though she claimed to support their insidious goals…..Indeed McCaverty May was and still is looking after number one, and now she returns, hideous and manipulative, sensing that this her time to hoodwink the Tory party into extending her incompetence..
No, no, no, no, no, no, no….
I am happy that Boris has finally seen the writing on the wall !
Is anyone from the Labour party available to give the party position on the murder of a 13 year old Israeli girl in Kiryat Arba?
She was repeatedly stabbed in the back as she lay in bed, by a 19 year old Palestinian Arab male who had sneaked into the family home.
How did it go? …..”she was killed by hate”……
bound to be featuring heavily on 6 o’clock news
or something
RIP Hallel.
Dangerous times now. May is the EU candidate of choice. Not obvious yet but wait and see. She will not take us out as we have voted. There will be lies and deceit aplenty and the BBC will swing behind her. She is the Home Secretary who has little belief in free speech and less in freedom itself. Gove? Who really knows.
I don’t trust more than a handful of Tory MPs now.
This is the start of turmoil the end of which is far from certain. It could have been avoided if any potential leader could be trusted. Liam Fox maybe or Davis.
One upside .Not only could this be the end of the labour party but the Tory party as well.
Any Tory politician trying to stay in the EU will immediately come under Brexit pressure from within their own party, this is the story of the Tory party since we joined the damned EEC and it won`t change until article 50 is activated.
Labour are doing their best to disguise what`s going on in their party but, lest we forget, for years leaving the EU was a leftist position..hence Corbyns torments over how to hold power and reconcile that with his previously strongly held anti EU position.
What is happening is the death struggle of the LibLabCon and their underlings the pro EU “Quisling nationalists” in Scotland and Wales.
A new politics , EU supra nationalists versus UK independence is emerging….all to play for, and since the Brexit vote, both sides know their comparative strengths.
LibLabCon is a pattern that now repeats itself throughout Europe. The Grand Coalition is the formal representation of this in Germany. Even the Greens and the Linke are part of the “Willkommenskultur” consensus. Aversion to the same tired old centrist consus is why the FPÖ almost won the election for the presidency in Austria, being just 50,000 votes short Next year the consensus parties in France will combine to freeze out Le Pen. At least Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party is now leading in the opinion polls. Nexit really would be difficult economically as Germany and the Netherlands were essentislly a single economy before the Euro.
Responsible for 330,000 immigrants, voted for undemocratic retention of EU status, a ditherer on everything she touches and the bookies make her the odds on favourite.
Are you Tories completely mad?
Her supporters keep using the word ‘stability’ on BBC news.
For stability read inactive.
Queen wimp who looks like she is always about to break down and cry when asked a difficult question.
Massive Radio5 attack from some bouffant buffoon called Heseltine on Boris. Could this be the same vainglorious pseudo-gent who split his party in order to further his vaunting ambition, and faded into obscurity – other than BBC appearances – as a well-earned consequence?
Not the BBC , but I’m sure that they share the sentiments, David Arronovitch in the Times has an awful article calling for a second referendum on the grounds that he and his friends didn’t like the result of the first one. Well we can’t have him and his friends upset can we.I can imagine these spiteful Remainers marching around chanting the ‘The People united will never be defeated’ quite oblivious to the fact that the people have spoken and the result is the result. We are seeing this type of behaviour from people who used to claim they were democrats, well they clearly aren’t now. If they do succeed in finding a way to completely ignore the result of the referendum , which is what they seem to want, they will be opening the door to an extreme reaction from those who feel that they have been cheated yet again and who knows where that will end.
I haven’t heard anybody give me a good reason as to why the referendum was ‘undemocratic’. I accept the argument that referenda can be the ‘tool of dictators’, but in that case the Remainers should have been out campaigning against having a referendum in the first place. They can’t say its undemocratic simply because they don’t like the result.
I haven’t heard anybody give me a good reason as to why the referendum was ‘undemocratic’. I accept the argument that referenda can be the ‘tool of dictators’, but in that case the Remainers should have been out campaigning against having a referendum in the first place. They can’t say it’s undemocratic simply because they don’t like the result.
Here are some reasons why the Referendum was undemocratic or at least unfair, in no particular order:
(1) The government/Remain side had their leaflet of reasons to stay in the EU paid for by all taxpayers.
The Brexit side did not, AFAIAA.
(2) The period for registration to vote was extended very late in the day by 48 hours, because of a computer problem, with a more or less open admission that this was to help younger unregistered people to be counted in the ballot; opinion polling clearly showed that these were more likely than older voters to vote for Remain. A 12-hour extension would have been quite sufficient to overcome the problem of the (supposed) computer crash as people rushed to register at the last minute.
(3) The tragic murder of Jo Cox MP, which I am assuming was not a staged Psy-Op, was nevertheless exploited to halt the momentum of the Leave campaign, when it was gaining ground and totally blameless in the murder.
(4) The BBC was not impartial in its coverage of the campaigning and issues, as documented here ad nauseam. The BBC was not the only one to fall short of fair journalistic standards but, as we are forced to pay for it through the TV tax, I will always judge it by higher standards than, say, the Guardian or the Daily Express.
(5) With the exception of UKIP (which has the most MEPs after the 2014 elections and 3.88 million votes even at the 2015 UK General Election) all the parties were in favour of Remain, with the honourable exception of a significant number of Tories plus Gisela Stewart, Kate Hoey, John Mann, Dennis Skinner and a few other Labour MPs. Even if Remain had won by, say, 55:45, this state of affairs represents a serious disconnection between Parliament and people.
(6) The shameless campaign of establishment threats, scare stories, personal abuse and omissions of truth seems likely to have scared some into voting for Remain. In my view, the 52:48 result for Leaving is likely to represent an understatement of the true level of anti-EU sentiment in the UK.
Queen sex jokes on BBC Radio 4 a ‘serious breach’ of guidelines
So called comedian Russell Kane on Question Time tonight.
Tonight’s question could be
‘why do you find it funny to be so offensive to someone who is widely respected by the public and unable to respond herself?
The labour comedy roadshow is still in full swing with help from a guardian journo. You couldn’t make this shit up.
Amazing ! What is this ? Feeding time at the zoo ?
I think it should read Ruth Smeeth, Did anyone notice Pienaar giving the cut sign to his BBC cameraman?
Excellent catch wronged…13 seconds in…we`re due an explanation.
Outrageous…and bet he didn`t even think of NOT doing this to save his party.
I believe the hand signal from Pienaar to his camera means ‘speed up’ – so I think to be fair here he was asking for the camera to set up quickly and be sure to catch the unfolding event
Clearly that belief is the most likely explanation.
It is to be hoped that a skateboarding turtle does not bump the minor matter of the Labour leader and the BBC’s pet pixie inquiry being nuked by a close colleague.
So even if captured, Mr. Piennar’s effort does not make the main story ‘cut’.
Ruth Smeeth…(Not Smith)…..Nick Lowles co founder of Hope not Hate…
And now the so called “Anti Fascists” are being driven from Corbyns creation…
Rejoice, rejoice, this is manna from heaven
Can anyone hear what is said at the beginning to provoke such a reaction? I can’t make it out.
Something like Ruth Smeeth being in cahoots with right wing media i think
I couldn’t catch it in the video either, but here’s what she said about it in a statement:
“This morning, at the launch of the Chakrabarti Inquiry into antisemitism, I was verbally attacked by a Momentum activist and Jeremy Corbyn supporter who used traditional antisemitic slurs to attack me for being part of a ‘media conspiracy’. It is beyond belief that someone could come to the launch of a report on antisemitism in the Labour Party and espouse such vile conspiracy theories about Jewish people.
“No-one from the Leader’s office has contacted me since the event, which is itself a catastrophic failure of leadership. I call on Jeremy Corbyn to resign immediately and make way for someone with the backbone to confront racism and antisemitism in our party and in the country.”
As I posted earlier, I was wondering if perhaps Shami would like to change the opening sentence of her report, in which she claims that Antisemitism isn’t endemic in the Labour party?