A second referendum? You’d think, listening to the BBC, that that was a perfectly reasonable and fair way to proceed. You’d have no idea that it is a highly controversial, anti-democratic, unconstitutional, hugely dishonest and corrupt idea being peddled by pro-Remain politicians as they tour the BBC’s studios and get a warm welcome instead of an absolute roasting for their treachery and betrayal as they seek to ignore and toss out one of the most democratic votes in our history.
The BBC has long been telling us of the massive distrust of politicians and the breakdown of respect for the established order and yet make no comment about the lies, arrogant disregard, corruption and deceit that lie behind these manoeuvres to smash the referendum vote and keep the little people in their place.
Remember when the BBC trumpeted the socialist Occupy as they set about smashing the Establishment?…how different now when the revolution is perceived as a right-wing revolution.
Apparently the disillusionment of the masses can be safely ignored and the narrative that the old world order is in retreat from the forces of anti-politics and new insurgent People’s parties such as UKIP can be dismissed as dangerous talk that rouses and unleashes dark forces. Want to smash capitalism, lynch the bankers and debag old Etonians, that’s fine…just don’t dare turn your back on the Empire.
The floor’s all yours….
For some heavy relief, Fatbott is blocking some door to Jezza………… comedy gold, liebour keep on giving!
14.20 on the rolling Al Beeb news shite …http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-politics-36570120
Look at the tweets from BBC Ben Wright at 16:03.
Not a substantiated source anywhere. Maybe the ‘spit’ obscured his notes?
Did she get stuck in the doorframe?
The above story of Chinese mobile phone Co Huawei going on with their £1.3 billion investment-for some reason-seems not to have made it to the BBC Business Desk yet…happened yesterday, and it`s only because Nigel and the FT mention that that I know of it.
Wonder why this “Rejoice at that news” story isn`t of interest to the liberal smother blanket that has the BBC are its talking arm?(if you can go with that)
“Chinese mobile phone Co Huawei going on with their £1.3 billion investment-for some reason-seems not to have made it to the BBC”.
Yeah, funny that.
I for one, am totally loving the red on red attacks.
This is Third way Socialism in action remember?…how Jews like Mr Wolfgang got treated in 2005, how the Ba`ath Socialists treated THEIR Internal “conspiracies”.
Milne went to the priciest private school in the country…lives in Richmond,sends his kids to the very best schools across London and sod the carbon footprint.
His dad was Guardian editor who had a very good war against the Tories in the Thatcher era in that he became BBC Director General-Mrs T really left the culture to the Left, grave error.
Still eh?Shamis sorted it, funnily enough it`s STILL the fault of the Jews.
When will the Jews get it, Hitler was more socialist that national..but the Nazi label means we never think of that.
REVEALED: ‘Rise In Hate Crimes’ Includes People Phoning Police To Complain About Nigel Farage, Says Police Chief
It’s obviously a day for hilarious stories. Did I sleep for 10 months and wake up on April 1?
The BBC Editorial Guidelines of course have always steered to a ‘unique’ style of phrasing, and popping a question mark at the end means anything or nothing so but covered, but as ‘view her own’ this is quite the headline/image combo effort from Laura K:
This is very dangerous. When the majority begin to feel that the politicians are about to sell them out then nothing can be guaranteed. The English do not like this. Trouble coming down the road and it is their fault.
LK is now interviewing Michael Gove – I wouldn’t give that bloody woman the time of day if she headlines her sodding tweets as an ‘act of treachery’. As individuals they have personal opinions, but working in the media, and no doubt using pads/phones that I’ve paid for, I expect them to be impartial during their working hours. God, I wish I could have 10 minutes with all these arrogant sods, and see them answer the questions that I want answering.
or as she’s known in these parts ‘face swap’
Do wonder why they do this.
Unless you have editorial control, and clear rules of engagement re “questions” and “being allowed to reply”-then you`re on a hiding to nothing.
Didn`t they learn that the BBC.Channel 4 are still needed?…privatise them, and ensure that tough but fair types like Neil and Boulton(yes, I know) are given access.
But not those BBC thickies who continue to parade their hatred, lies and prejudices-simply to impress the boyfriend and his rent crew about sticking it to the Tory, posing as the peoples spokesman.
But-as we saw last week they speak for no-one but the EU-from who they get their status, expense accounts, lazy opinions and machinations.
This trickle down from our money gets pissed down the legs of Brussels, and is licked up and sponged down by the BBC servicing industry.
Watch this from last night-if this isn`t Craig Byers “Interruption Index”…then I`ll be surprised…worst case of harrying bluster from an ignorant clown who`s funded by us.
Its as if Blunt invited Davis on to talk to him…and Davis has his points to make that Blunt really needs to stay schtum about,,,you only need Davis`s point of view. Blunt merely the contrasting toff in need of the Freisler hairdryer.
From 18-25 mins…note the Hurlingham Private Club images to open the piece, just in case you though that the interview wasn`t enough-we get the pictures required as well.
What on earth has happened to Scott/Jerrod/Zero/Manhadacrapinthebackofthebus et al?
Just curiosity, I couldn’t give a shit to be honest!
They would have you believe they have been deported or attacked by a ‘hate’ mob
The only reason they come on here is to do exactly what their cult leaders are doing right now on a national scale.
The left are currently undertaking their own version of Jihad against the infidels. Sabotage, lies, deceit, creating division, and causing as much panic/anger/hysteria as possible is the anti democracy, British hating, white man despising, traitors missions right now.
There is far more destruction and chaos to be caused away from this website. Be in no doubt that their hatred towards their own people and their delusion self-entitlement has taken over their lives right now and they will be doing everything they can to lie/cheat/mislead as many people as possible to get their warped way.
The Beeb’s probably diverted them to other sectors of the front where the fighting is more desperate.
I had the opportunity to see both David Cameron and Michael Gove in action during the referendum at small non-televsed sessions organised by the local daily paper. I felt MGs heart was in it. DC was a PR man trying to sell you something.
Do not underestimate Michael Gove. He may not be as smooth as DC but their is a very large brain between his ears. Probably more attuned to dealing with other politicians than Boris, who everyone would probably enjoy a drink with in the pub.
Remember MG was on the leave side before Boris climbed on board to become its public face.
I should get a vote, and Mrs May can be assured her duplicitous behaviour will not get her my vote.
P.S. i voted for Liz Kendall in the Labour leadership election – the only one with no history of failure or loony policies, because the country needs a sensible opposition party. Feeling quite vindicated now!
PM-Andrea Ledsom
Chancellor-John Redwood,
Business Ruth Lea
President of the Board of Trade-Nigel Farage with all outer businessmen like Digby and Sir James, Tim etc
Homeland Security-David Davis
Foreign Secretary-Boris Johnson
Defence-Owen Paterson
Energy.-Jacob Rees Mogg
Cabinet Co-ordiator/Police and Presentation-Michael Gove
Education-John Mann
Health-Gisela Stuart.
Universities and Higher Education_Paul Nuttall.
Media,Culture and Sport-Stephen Woolf.
International Trade and Aid-Priti Patel…and when the Aid is wound up, she can clear out Energy and Climate Change…so we have an Energy Dept that is worthy of the name.
Transport-Ruth Davison…see, we DO include ONE Remainer…to show we`re determined to reach out to the traitorous scum( and Ruth may have been a prat, but being a Tory/UKIP in Scotland deserves respect.
And the likes of Dominic Raab, Suzanne Evans able to get their pick for calling it right.
Sport – Kate Hoey and Sol Campbell
Would Kate take the England manager job?
ChrisH – good list; tremendous talent and possibilities.
I would certainly prefer Andrea Leadsom as Leader than the hopelessly prevaricating Theresa May.
Theresa won a lot of applause and support due to her barnstorming speech at the Tory party conference when she came out with the usual and predictable anti EU rhetoric. It was just what the faithful wanted to hear and she gave it to them in spades. Unfortunately when it came to putting her money where her mouth is she bottled it, took the easy (and wrong) option and backed Dave and Remain. Then she seemed to disappear. To say she had an ineffectual campaign would massively exaggerate her paltry contribution. As far as I’m concerned you either believe in something or you don’t. It’s difficult to know what she really believes. I think she’s a bit like Dave; she’ll believe whatever she thinks the audience want her to…
These are difficult times and I don’t think we can entrust the Brexit negotiations to a spineless chancer like Mrs May. We need someone we can trust to extricate our nation from the European strangle hold; and more importantly someone who actually believes in what they’re doing. Wouldn’t it be refreshing to be able to vote for someone you actually trusted?
Unfortunately Nigel isn’t available…
Yes, both May and Cameron remind me of Groucho Marx (I think it was) saying:
“These are my principles…. and if you don’t like ’em, I have others”.
Dept Work & Pensions (plus Benefits reform) – Frank Field? (Could also do Sec to the Treasury but not at same time!)
I see that the FTSE100 has just closed at 6504.33 (up by 144 points).
This stock market crash is going well isn’t it?
You’re right Lobster, exports are on the increase. Cable (GB/US) market is poor though and getting progressively worse.
Yes, I’ve had another look, I think you’re probably right. Motion is a partial circular one. I don’t trust Pienaar.
We await your final verdict AISI…Pienar needs to explain himself, or else we`ll expect the usual bias from him and his crew.
WE need to back Corbyn as well as recall our fiends in Labour like Gisela, John Mann and the faithful thinking few…as Camerons showed what a weak bully he is in the Commons yesterday
His Flashman/bully boy nastiness to the democratically-elected Labour leader yesterday was typical…and Corbyn MAY be an anti-Semitic slow witted incompetent..but he`s democratically valid just was was our vote last week.
So we back him…yes it`s good for us too, but it`s the democratic bit that counts.
Rules is rules-we British won`t bend on that.
So-all the above is to put this Guardian article in.
John is our age, comes from a similar background to many of us and is worth a read…it`s as good as Labour
gets these days
Just heard Michael Gove described by a PM correspondent (Sarah Montague?) as ‘A right wing ideologue’.
No bias there then.
“Just heard Michael Gove described by a PM correspondent (Sarah Montague?) as ‘A right wing ideologue’.”
Do they think no one notices? And I thought it was *us* who were supposed to be thick 🙄
Got this on my Facebook page…really gald I kept my old pals who assume I`m still the lefty oaf of old…comedy gold at the minute.

Salute the New Flag anyway won`t you now!
Better the last drip on that rag than down ones leg.
I prefer this one.
Or this one:
At Chakrabbitybati’s launch of her whitewash report on Labour’s anti semitism Corbyn draws a comparison between the state of Israel and (so called) ISIS. Former Chief Rabbi calls him out. The BBC would never work it out by themselves that Israel is a democracy and ISIS a terrorist organization.
Mr Corbyn had said: “Our Jewish friends are no more responsible for the actions of Israel or the Netanyahu government than our Muslim friends are for those various self-styled Islamic states or organisations.”
Hey Chakrabbitybati, now add that to your report and stuff it where the sun don’t shine.
I’ve just seen the picture of Chakrabati that GWF put on his BBC link.
I wonder if she is aware that she has a Hitler haircut, she only needs the moustache!
Someone needs to tell her.
On the other hand maybe not!
Like this
Brilliant, don’t tell her.
I hope to God Theresa the appeaser doesn’t win the Tory leadership. Anyone who supports further Islamisation and Sharia Law in the UK is not a suitable person to lead the country, and the public need to be informed of her beliefs prior to a general election.
Statement from Ruth Smeeth, Labour MP.
Once again, I cannot believe the scenes I have just seen on TV. One of your own MPs is verbally abused by your entourage and has to leave in tears. Disgrace.
“This morning, at the launch of the Chakrabarti Inquiry into antisemitism, I was verbally attacked by a Momentum activist and Jeremy Corbyn supporter who used traditional antisemitic slurs to attack me for being part of a ‘media conspiracy’. It is beyond belief that someone could come to the launch of a report on antisemitism in the Labour Party and espouse such vile conspiracy theories about Jewish people, which were ironically highlighted as such in Ms Chakrabarti’s report, while the leader of my own party stood by and did absolutely nothing.”
“People like this have no place in our party or our movement and must be opposed. Until today I had made no public comment about Jeremy’s ability to lead our party, but the fact that he failed to intervene is final proof for me that he is unfit to lead, and that a Labour Party under his stewardship cannot be a safe space for British Jews. I have written to the General Secretary of the Labour Party and the Chair of the Parliamentary Labour Party to formally complain about this morning’s events.”
“No-one from the Leader’s office has contacted me since the event, which is itself a catastrophic failure of leadership. I call on Jeremy Corbyn to resign immediately and make way for someone with the backbone to confront racism and antisemitism in our party and in the country.”
Well girl
Quit the monster raving loony party and join ukip
Unbelievable it really is !
Listening to the news on Radio 4 the launch was a triumph with no mention of any incidents. nor the number of people walking out in disgust.
Obviously the BBC approve !
“… the news on Radio 4 the launch was a triumph with no mention of any incidents”
Which all goes to show the BBC is thick as thieves with Momentum and the anti-Semites.
If they think there isn’t a problem, they’re part of the problem.
Apparently Jo Cox has quickly been forgotten and some Labour MPs have been ‘phoning the police to report threats of violence against them for not supporting Corbyn. This has not been reported, as far as I know, on BBC R4.
I think the EU has had a totally poisonous effect on the UK.
I wish we had never, ever joined.
We did not join, remember?
We “joined” an “economic” union, or our trustworthy “leaders” said.
BBC Online News:
‘Research needs free movement to thrive’
By Pallab Ghosh Science correspondent, BBC News
“”A leading scientist has said UK science will suffer unless any post-Brexit agreement allows the free movement of people””
“”Prof Sir Paul Nurse said the country’s research was facing its biggest threat in living memory””
“”UK universities receive 10% of their research funding from the EU, amounting to just over £1bn a year””
“”Full membership of the funding body requires participating countries to allow free movement of people””
Hmmmm… you can see why the intellectual liberal elite wanted to remain. Money. With Free-Movement as the payback/bribe.
Another BBC feature trying to convince us that Brexit was so wrong.
“UK universities receive 10% of their research funding from the EU, amounting to just over £1bn a year”
Jesus H Christ, talk about any stick will do to beat the dog.
Are these geniuses so fucking thick that they can’t understand basic economics?
(Or did the BBC conveniently miss out that bit of his statement when they went to print?)
It’s OUR money, FFS, channeled via the EU. It’s not EU money – it’s part of our GROSS contribution, you know, that £350m a week we weren’t suppoed to be sending to Brussels. Or Strasbourg. Or wherever. Or at least, 95% of it goes there, the other 5% can’t be accounted for 🙄
So if we leave, the government can replace the research funding and still have change. So things might even get better, who knows.
“UK universities receive 10% of their research funding from the UK government via the EU, amounting to just over £1bn a year”
There, fixed that for them. You’re welcome.
Ah but Mike, ‘the Tories’ can’t be trusted to use taxpayers’ money to fund important academic research into things like David Beckham Studies and Queer Theory. They’ll spend it all on missiles and champagne which they will drink in celebration at the burning down of NHS hospitals. It’s much safer to entrust our money to an unelected unaccountable body of political hacks from 27 other countries in an organisation which hasn’t had its accounts signed off for years.
Exactly Cranmer. Spot on. And thanks for a good chuckle.
“… hasn’t had its accounts signed off for years.”
I believe it is over two decades now.
this is not strictly correct
I have done some research into this one,and they have in fact been signed off
However,an independent lady auditor was brought in, in i believe 2002,and she turned into a whistleblower,going public with the scale of utter corruption endemic within the accounts
She was suspended,then sacked and IIRC one of the major movers behind that was……
Neil Kinnock
Technically yes, they are “signed off” – but there has never been a year in which the level of error in payments was lower than 2%.
For example, in 2014 the EU Court of Auditors found that a little under 5% of EU spending was subject to error”. This 5% represents approx £110 billion – equivalent to the annual NHS budget, a hell of a lot of money going “somewhere”.
See also:
Earlier in the week, the BBC had a ‘scientist’ from Imperial College repeat the completely untrue meme that “markets do not like uncertainty”.
In the same sentence he added “and neither do scientists.”
I nearly sprayed a mouthful of cornflakes over the wall, metaphorically speaking, because as I recall, it is how both traders and scientists earn their money! My old physics teacher would have hurled his radio into near earth orbit had he still been alive.
I too wish the BBC would stop parroting this nonsense ‘the markets don’t like uncertainty.’ What they should say is ‘the markets fluctuate at times of uncertainty, which is completely normal’. I suspect it’s because BBC types and other public sector hacks don’t understand that for every loser there is always a winner, that’s the nature of competition. Take the uncertainty before the Battle of Waterloo, for example (which makes today’s EU ‘crisis’ look like a Sunday school picnic). Lots of people lost money because of that, but others, famously the Rothschilds, made huge fortunes.
I think the point is, would you invest in or have any dealings with a commercial organisation whose financial situation was as suspect as the EU?
Ah as the old adage goes:
There are lies, damned lies and ……
Now the one show is at the referendum brexit regret game
Fecking pathetic
A question for the Islamic experts at the BBC to answer.
If ISIS has nothing to do with Islam how is it that insulting ISIS is offensive to Moslems?
Tommy Robinson gets a ban for wearing a Fuck ISIS shirt at the football match in France
“If ISIS has nothing to do with Islam how is it that insulting ISIS is offensive to Moslems?”
GWF: Brilliant. Just brilliant. I am going to make that into a t-shirt. Or not. Don’t want to get attacked by Muslims who weren’t offended because they aren’t ISIS. Or arrested by the “sharia compliant” police.
Tommy is a target and for that reason May must be opposed. She is responsible for his persecution one way or another.
Agree completely, May would be a disaster. But how do we oppose her?
I have no idea how to orchestrate a ‘twitter storm’ – I think you need to know an awful lot of really stupid people to create one.
Eeeh lad, the BBC could do it for you!
More words of wisdom from Carney have sent the currency markets from green to red again. Well done Mark, Goldman Sachs will be proud of you as your mates cash in on further uncertainly. If only you as our main money man had the guts and honesty to tell us what the real states of the euro and the dollar are, and that sterling is strong and could remain so if all the negativity was outlawed, what a brave new world that could create.
Better to toe the corporate line though. Let the politicians implode, cream the profits, invest in a comfortable future for the few. Time for another yacht, I think.
Carney is another Goldman Sachs. creature. Even Obama has had enough of them. When this Brexit is sorted out and we are in charge of England and Wales then we need to deal with the banksters and by that I mean really go for them .
Melvyn King should be asked if he would replace Carney until after Brexit is completed; Carney is just a creature of the Remainiacs and needs to go.
Jacob Rees-Mogg had his number when he appeared before a select committee on which J R-M sits.
carney needs to be the first immigrant ejected from the country for the damage he keeps doing.
Wouldnt you all just love to play poker with him, as he appears to be unable to hold his own water and would probably fold with 4 aces.
brown announcing cheap gold from the roof tops will seem nothing after this idiot.
I saw that Al. Priceless.
Just a thought.
I`ve already given five reasons why it`s best we`re not in the EU…so the Left won`t be nasty to those of us less able and willing to put up with the abuse.
Here is Number 6( with due respect to our friend thus named)
We no longer are bound by TTIP rules to be forced on the EU by the USA-thereby putting the NHS at risk from Big Pharma stateside.
Say NO to NHS Privatisation …and now we have done so by popular mandate.
The Left and Unions need to rejoice at that news…but, for some reason they don`t.
I suppose it`s getting back to normal in part when You and Yours is back to its partial crap re ” NPS”.
These are “New Psychotropic Substances”-and all the charity leeches, the quack uni prof poodles want to see PLENTY more money “invested” in “education” “support teams” “street interventions”-and loads more training for themselves, more nebbing in the schools.
Never bad for them ever is it?
No matter how “vulnerable” how addicted or how criminal their client base are,they`re always assured of a pipeline of need they can suck off instead of actually working.
Winifred even seemed to use an old clip of “Bill in Newcastle “again-hopeless, homeless and 22, addicted to Old Spice-NSP name for drugs that the BBC fear…but have been going for years in headshops and well know to A&E.
But the BBC are late to the party wanting them “banned”.
But we DID ban them Winnie-you, Newsnight and Today all ganged up to get them banned my dear!
So-er, more school lessons about them them.
But Bill is 22 Winnie-and would not have ever gone to school anyway!
Er well-more research, more reaching out and less “punitive measures” for whatever crimes they do to fund their drugs.
Basically, we saw what happened in Ireland-did what the EU wanted-made cack legislation because the BBC said so…the PCSOs and Social Workie-tickets said the same…and…. well no effect whatsoever.
Expect this one to run again on another slow news day in a few weeks time…maybe give Bill a trial on BBC Newcastle, seeing as the BBC know his cubicle and can get another hard luck story that offers nothing but a need to create more parasitic posts for Labours payroll vote.
Do it now-before Labour disappears anyway.
Am I the only one who doesn’t understand why Gove’s name going on the leadership list instantly means Bonkers Boris has to quit?
Just what is it that Gove has on Boris?
“Just what is it that Gove has on Boris?”
Nothing – it’s just that Gove drummed up all the support for Boris in the parliamentary Conservative party, so once he pulled his support, Boris was effectively finished. Plus, he (Gove) uttered some less than flattering words about Boris’s ability to lead the party, just to put a twist in the knife.
Mind you, I blame Boris more than anyone else: if he’d made a firm commitment to Gove about significantly reducing immigration Gove would have backed him. Clearly, Boris has other plans in his back pocket, eg EFTA or EEA membership, involving free trade and free movement of people.
And finally, according to the Gove camp, Boris is a bit of a “flake” ie not prepared to put in the grunt work and calls he was supposed to have made to backers weren’t made, and this wasn’t Gove’s cup of tea. Apparently during the referendum campaign he’d behaved differently (more reliable) but now that it’s over he’s reverted to type.
Diolch yn fawr….!
Dysgwr_Cymraeg “Just what is it that Gove has on Boris?”
Think it’s more like what Boris hasn’t got on the Tory Party: enough to get sufficient of them to back him. That, together with the fact that some Tory MPs (and many more from other Parties) are as thick as thieves with the print media. They’ve all worked with, or talked to, Editors & Subbies who have had Boris writing for them. They have been able to garner an impression of what he will be like in Cabinet. Then there are the folk from City Hall . . . . .
I lost it with Boris when he made it sound as though the ‘immigration issue’ was just an aside as to why the vote went to Brexit. My immediate thought was ‘eh ??’ so if he didn’t see that immigration was uppermost in the mind of most Brexit voters, then we’d be in certain trouble if he became PM. Its even more concerning that T.May is ahead in the tory poll for being voted in; I would prefer Gove as his commitment is more genuine (or appears to be), – in fact I admire him for what he’s done. Its taken courage to make public his beliefs about the failings of Boris. Had he stayed schtum and things turned sour further down the line, he would have regretted sitting on his hands at this time. And most in politics stab someone or other in the back during their tenure in office.
I haven’t trusted Boris on immigration since he suggested giving an amnesty to immigrants in London.
Brissles – Gove’s action also shows that he has, in spades, the ruthlessness we need in a leader who will be required to negotiate (hard) with EU.
Boris never wanted Brexit
Hitler reacts to Brexit result.
Damn. I clicked like instead of pause. A pity the anti-freedom Euphiles got to this first. Still full of their lies as duiring the campaign.
Not on the BBC: Turkey supports ISIS; Erdogan wants to be Sultan of Islamic State
I’m sorry if I have missed someone else’s comment, but I have joined specifically because I was so cross at Newsnight last night (Wednesday), when Evan Davis did not let Crispin Blunt MP get a word in edgeways. I was shouting ‘shut up!’ at the tv during most of the ‘interview’. It seemed that Comrade Evan was very upset that no-one could tell him exactly what was going to happen. Well, of course they couldn’t. But he would not shut up.
Tonight we had to have the statutory appearance by Michael Heseltine on the 6 pm news. What has he to add about anything? But of course he is part of the anti-Brexit meme. I think it was Attlee who once said ‘a period of silence on your part would be welcome’. Amen to that.
Welcome Stephen and as Morpheus said to Neo in the Matrix “welcome to the real world”!
I’m afraid that if you have any thoughts or hopes on going back to the way things were pre-enlightenment, you are going to be disappointed. Once the illusion of the Al Beeb is broken, all you will see is the utterly relentless and fanatical pursuit in enforcing their ‘message’! There will only be their way. The lunatic left way. Anti-British. Anti democracit. Race baiting. Pro division. Pro destroying our way of life. Pro religion of hate even though it will only bring death and destruction on both sides.
The Al Beeb despise you and everything you stand for. They hate you for not conforming to their message. They hate you for not sacrificing your democracit rights for their message. They believe that people like you are the cause of everything that’s going wrong in the world……
You are going to need to use this wonderful website quite a few more times in the near future I think…. 🙂
Stephen, welcome and good point about Heseltine. I was enraged by what he said, bearing in mind Tarzan’s history of loyalty and duty together with your point.
It is very unfortunate that Gove ruled himself out of the running for PM so vociferously and then stands; it hasn’t done him much good.
I was very disappointed when he stated, during the Sky News debate, to Facile Islam that he didn’t want to be PM; I always thought he would be very good and he rose in my estimation as the referendum campaign went on.
I preferred Gove over Boris Johnson to replace Dave; Boris always put me in mind of Simon Heffer’s line about Jack Straw: that he did a first rate impersonation of a serious politician. I always sensed that something didn’t sit right with Boris; there was a charlatanical streak to him.
I hope that Gove can gather enough support to stop Theresa May; these folk who are promoting her as a potential PM (such as a breathless fatty Pickles on PM) need to take a another look at who they’re supporting.
Do they believe that someone who stays on the sidelines of one of the most important public votes in our democratic history; who backed the losing side in that vote and then comes forward after the hard fighting has been done by others to secure the top job: is worthy of assuming the leadership of their party?
I think she is a political opportunist of the worst kind and it would be an appalling result for the U.K. if the Conservative party members elected her instead of Michael Gove; Liam Fox or Andrea Ledsom.
Does anyone know why David Davis isn’t standing? Is he ill or something?
Al – I have never thought that Boris was truly committed to brexit. He sat on the fence too long waiting to see which direction the wind was blowing. He was also weakening on immigration – Another politician who probably has little capacity to appreciate how uncontrolled immigration affects real peoples life. I think he regards this politics thing as all a bit of a game for. So good riddance.
As regards May she didnt sit on the fence she darn well hid behind it – very calculating. You can bet whichever way the result went, there would be no nasty stains on her jimmy choos. I agree that she is definitely another opportunist that loved her country so much she would be willing to lay down her colleagues lives for her beliefs. Doesnt matter how inactive she was in the campaign she supported remain and therefore should wind her neck in.
Only other major canditates are Gove and Leavsom. Both seem to have integrity in bucketfuls and both were brexit supporters when it was more of a political gamble. Very difficult to choose between either of them. However if push came to shove I would hope Gove gets it – purely because his profile is slightly higher than Leavsom however in my book both have showed committment and resolve and either would make good leaders.
David Davis is my constituency MP. Always more concerned with himself that constituency. More concerned with Westminster than constituency but most concerned with himself. Remember when he resigned and we had a by election as he chummed up with Shammii?
Useful inside insight, Deborah. Thanks.
Perhaps, he’s content now to become a BBC ‘Go-to-man’ like Heseltine, for when they want a comment on the Village ‘vents, but just a bit less acidic in tone for a mild day when they feel like having one.
Project Fear in full swing: EU Trade Commissioner: No trade talks until full Brexit
But this flies in the face of Article 50 – so basically she’s talking utter bollocks.
What’s supposed to happen is that the EU negotiate an exit agreement with the exiting country, which then is implemented at the same time as the actual exit.
FFS – how much more of this bullshit can they dredge up?
British Bollox Corporation at its finest.
PS. And what are the mysterious “WTO terms” under which we’d have to trade? We deserve to be told.
Cecilia Malmstrom has signed the death warrant for the EU
I think the WTO is the successor to GATT and all that means is that trade is subject to their rules. Mind you it is probably a bankers ramp one way or another.
What ‘they’ don’t tell you is that we are a member of the United Nations, like most countries in the world. Not only that we have a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, the ‘top table’ if you like. France is also in that happy position. The EU hasn’t got a seat because it isn’t a country (yet). Below the UN are various organisations such as the UNECE. This is an interesting organisation because it sets a lot of the standard used throughout Europe. Pathetic little countries like Norway get a seat on this body but the mighty UK lets the EU speak for it. So that is a ‘top table’ that Norway gets a seat at but we don’t. When the UNECE makes a rule it passes it on down to the EU which does what it is told. The EU then gets to ‘fax’ Norway, which just laughs because it got to tell the EU what to in the first place. The UK sitting in the corner of the EU of course gets ignored so can’t influence the UNECE but then has to do what it says via the EU.
In a similar way we have the World Trade Organization, with some 160 countries as members. It tries to improve world trade by agreeing how to conduct trade and by reducing tariffs. If you like it sets the maximum tariff that a country can impose on its imports. The EU aims to improve trade within the EU so it also aims to reduce tariffs, but just within itself. Ideally it would like to protect itself by setting high external tariffs. Unfortunately the WTO has been doing a good job over the years and has been forcing down tariffs worldwide and as it has a big stick the EU has been forced to reduce its external tariffs too.
What all this means is that the EU is a minor player in a big world that has its own super grouping. The result is that China and the USA can access the so-called ‘single market’, (where did your TV come from?), but subject to an EU external tariff which is under WTO pressure to be pushed down to zero. So ultimately the ‘single market’ will be open to the world in the sense that there is zero tariff, but the mugs in the EU have to pay for the EU, accept ‘free movement’ and any other guff that the commission think up.
While I’m at it the so-called market of 500 million is a myth. If you opened a coffee shop in London would you have 10 million customers or would you be lucky to catch people who have passed the other six established shops? The commonwealth is over twice the size of ‘Europe’ and the market there can only grow, whereas ‘Europe’ is essentially saturated, (how many washing machines do you need?).
Thanks Jim – excellent post! Do you know what are some of the external tariff rates, ie what’s our biggest exposure if they get grumpy with us? And what kinds of goods are our biggest exports to the EU?
PS. “While I’m at it the so-called market of 500 million is a myth. If you opened a coffee shop in London would you have 10 million customers or would you be lucky to catch people who have passed the other six established shops? The commonwealth is over twice the size of ‘Europe’ and the market there can only grow, whereas ‘Europe’ is essentially saturated, (how many washing machines do you need?).”
Absolutely – this explains why only a small proportion of UK businesses have anything to do with the EU (other than being plagued by its endless regulations) – and why most of our small and medium sized enterprises favoured Leave. It was only the big corporations, by and large, which favoured Remain.
Al, “Does anyone know why David Davis isn’t standing?”
I’m disappointed that he is not. Be my first choice for the job. Am guessing that as a defeated (third place?) candidate in 2005, he knows how bruising it can be. Also, if he is still young enough & determined enough, he may see himself as a ‘Stop Boris candidate’ if the next Leader does not last long.
Things could be messy for a while.
(Computer or software has done something very strange with this – it was a reply to Al Shubtill much higher up the page.)
Think tariffs, Mike can only be applied internally. Thus, if EU takes against, say, our whisky industry it charges EU citizens extra to drink our stuff. Doesn’t hurt us, or put the cost up for UK or the Japanese who will buy more of it! Peter Mandelson spent most (all?) his time as Trade Commissioner negotiating to put tariffs on clothing & footwear, IIRC, from China at approx 40% to protect home (ie EU) manufacturers.
Seem to also recall EU was recently proposing a 200% Tariff on cheap Chinese steel but Cameron was against this as it would put up costs too much for resurgent British industry.
Thought I also heard that WTO were trying to get trade tariffs down to single figure percentages, and that 5% was mentioned, some time this week on a R4 programme.
Solid post JimS.
The other point about the “500 million customers” claim is that a lot of that 500,000,000 haven’t got much more than a pot to p*** in: Greece; Bulgaria; Romania; Poland etc.
They won’t really be in the market for Crown Derby; Wilkin’s marmalade; Cheaney Almond grain leather brogues; Dunhill luggage; Fortnum & Mason hampers or Aston Martins.
The real size of the potential customers for goods we produce is quite a lot smaller than the oft quoted Remainiac figure above; maybe a third?
Excellent Jim-great teaching.
Now why do so many of us individually cough up £145.50 to NOT get this lucid and clear exposition of how most world trade is done-and made simple yet comprehensive enough to go deeper if we like?Why then do the BBC, “business and economic correspondents and the like feel that this is NOT to be told to us…in case we actually are NOT frightened to leave their bleeding cave?
Ta for the F/B tips Mike-there`s an EU flag somewhere here that I managed with The Boy on standby!
“Ta for the F/B tips Mike-there`s an EU flag somewhere here that I managed with The Boy on standby!”
Found it earlier – well done! Very funny comment by embolden on your post – and gb123 posted a great follow-up 🙂
To be fair, I can see the EU paying it very tight and refuse to give the UK any deal during the two year period just to frighten off other countries who want freedom referendums. If we find they are doing that then we should start ijnstigating trade treaties with external countries irrespective of EU law. These treaties can come intoplace immediately upon exit, with huge tarriffs on goods coming in from the EU. If they want to play hardball (as Junkers claimed) then we play harder ball. We must not blink, eventually they will have to start talking to us to preserve their exports to us and their businesses.
Agree: EU, fearing ‘contagion’, will try to act “pour décourager les autres” as Voltaire might have said.
“If they want to play hardball (as Junkers claimed) then we play harder ball. We must not blink, eventually they will have to start talking to us to preserve their exports to us and their businesses.”
And end the favourable treatment of EU students wishing to study at British universities. its very much an imbalanced exchange with relatively few British students studying over there.
Aerfen, I totally agree but I can imagine certain leaders, who may shortly lead this country, not standing up to the EU bully-boy tactics. I am now of the opinion that Gove might be the one to stand firm but May wouldn’t. Interesting times.
Agree. I’m for Gove not May.
I find the fact that he didnt want to be Prime Minister a huge plus! he is the dream ticket candidate since the problem with most is that anyone who wants that power is the wrong man, or in Mays case, the wrong woman.
Comments going well, eh bBBC?
114. Posted by Project Fear Phase 2 – Project Tantrum
on 2 hours ago
Today’s top 10 biased BBC articles:
Brexit: Asian banks assess London risks
Pound falls on hint of Bank stimulus
Can the law stop Brexit
Holyrood leaders turn on Tories over EU
Poles exploited at work
Brexit to make NHS staff gaps worse
European pupils fear being forced out
Science needs free movement to thrive
What has Brexit done to the economy
McGuinness to press case for EU status
10/10 = full house!
“Can the law stop Brexit”
After many paragraphs of legalese, saying (of course) that the PM can’t invoke Article 50 without Parliament’s consent, finally one paragraph of common sense:
And finally… a whole lot more common sense (is this really the BBC?!?)
MH – there was a discussion about this the other day on the legal programme Joshua Rosenberg presents on R4; one expert on the panel said that the PM does NOT need to obtain the consent of parliament to activate Article 50.
The reason for this being that ability to negotiate foreign policy and related matters is one of the powers which parliament gives to the government to conduct on its behalf; treaties and the like fall within this power and therefore the PM can initiate Article 50 without recourse to a vote in parliament.
I think it will be on iPlayer still; it was a very interesting discussion about the legal ramifications around Brexit.
Thanks Al – sounds interesting, will give it a listen.
I found it here in case anyone else is interested: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07kdsdl
“Strange” that the contrary legal opinion didn’t make it to the website?!?
I’m beginning to think it’s inaccurate to say the BBC is biased: the term “biased” would imply they were at least attempting to be neutral, but subconsciously failing.
There are times when politics simply outstrips the law
What law BBC? There is no law that says that social media numpties get a second chance.
I expect we should be glad that we had a referendum otherwise the BBC would be still trying to re-run the general election!
I have said it before but the BBC long ago gave up on reporting NEWS, instead we have Speculation, Hype and Irritating Trivia, with S & T in spades at the moment.
I hope that everybody tells the BBC to take a hike and STFU re the Tory leadership.
You KNOW that whoever is hoped for by the BBC will be a traitor in their pockets…and, as Cameron knows…you only get a few days even if you ARE a quisling spongebob and put personal advancement over the party…and both above the needs of we, the little people out here.
Remember that it is only one week since the world turned and tilted off its axis for the UK-seems so long ago, but who will ever forget it?
Well the BBC and their liberal placemen in all the parties-and especially the Tories-would rather that you did?
Like the expenses of 2009-if it`s looking dicey , send out the bores and the grey men to mug up and gurn over minors and trifles…and lots of hiss and fizz to pretend that this is REAL debate and real choices.
It`s not-Chomsky`s right over this extreme pretences of difference over matters that are so small and indistinguishable that we`re mugs if we indulge them or care about their vagendas.
Last week we had Full Spectrum Dominance of the political range of options open to us..yet within a week , we`re expected to cluck along to a Theresa May FFS…fuss over spats between Gove and Johnson..and help Labour to make themselves electable by ditching their democratically elected Leader who`s only doing what they elected him to do in the active membership.
No-this is an acid test…if the Tories will put their putrid careers in a decaying dead hollowed out excuse of a party-and ahead of the national will-then they`ll let the likes of Grayling, Hammond, Soubry and Hunt spout for May or such.
And-after this-when we all KNOW that the EU Referendum isn`t as important to them as it is to us…then we`ll act.
Never glad confident morning again after June 23rd-we didn`t run the risks of months of slurry and threats , just to see a nobody like Theresa May crowned Queen of their rotten realm.
If we, those who see Brexit as urgent for any chance of renewal see that Leadsom leads and wins,,,then calls an election behind a rock solid team of the likes of Farage,Redwood, Davis, Patel-and yes, of course Johnson and Gove in massive jobs by way of a collegiate recognition of what the nation outside their party want for them,,,sod the party crap now…then they`ll walk it…and UKIP and the New Conservatives will carve this nation up between them-and Labour as it stands now will die forever.
It`s so easy-don`t let the Tory Party, the BBC and the liberal chatty Cathys say other…NO Sell Out(to quote one of their favourite blacks, Malcolm X).
Gove DOES have a bust of Lenin I believe-let`s hope he grasps this with that kind of ruthlessness..and he`ll need Andrea to do this-for we`ll get Gisela and Nigel etc in with them…this is beyond Party crap for Cathy Newmans nannies to ruminate over.
The Brexit heroes and heroines had a great war,,,they did NOT fight for the Tories to arse about with…we voted UKIP…and they`d be fucking stupid not to reward across the parties, or have them heading Big Things for the national good.
Redwood for Chancellor…let`s see them tell me why he`s not being courted…Sir Andrew Green etc?…we`ve relied on these heroes for years now-give them the jobs we require for them.
No further discussions-we either get a Brexit Government -or we get two dead parties into a bodybag pronto…they`re both shit!
Did anybody else hear that Alastair Campbell hopes that David Miliband-yes DAVID Miliband-will come back into British politics to come to the aid of the Party they all love?
He said it on Channel 4 News tonight to Krishnan-as ever, no opponent because his word is wholly writ to Labour s arsewipes at C4.
He mentioned Batley and Spen as the by-election rat run for Miliband Major.
Tasteful and classy as Alastair is…only guessing that David Kellys profile isn`t quite that of Jo Cox at present.
No-using the stiff body of Cox to shoehorn or jemmy worthless fupps like Milibands is NOT using the dead for political opportunity …certainly Krishnan would not be so crass or tasteless to even ask or suggest such a thing.
So-let`s see what the Tories are about then…if such a worthless toerag like Miliband IS parachuted into Birstall using Cox`s rainbow striped shroud…then we`d better get Nigel or Tommy to stand as the Interational Pegida Allianz and up against him and his saprophytic, paedophilic and necrophilic Labour Partee.
If David Miliband does give up his International Rescue charity job, in order to return to the British Parliament, this will entail a small pay-cut.
His salary at the end of 2015 was USD 600,000, which converts to well over GBP 400,000 at any likely rate of $:£ exchange. This is of course over double what our PM receives and several times what an MP gets.
If he gives up his International Rescue job will he still be able to visit Tracy Island?
I just thought – I suppose he might if someone pulls a few strings.
I’ll get me coat ……….
Top work, Lobbie!
BBc news at 22:00 I didn’t catch it all. The main thrust seems to be on how the conservative party will choose it’s new leader, One woman declares “it’s a bit undemocratical” Yes only the Conservative party gets to chose who will be the next PM.
“One woman declares ‘it’s a bit undemocratical'”
Is she the same one who thought Nando’s would have to leave?
BBC Three Counties Radio from 3.11pm today.
DJ Roberto Perrone had Professor Anthony Gleese (Politics) from Buckingham University giving his views on the Referendum for about 15 minutes almost without interruption, other than to agree. He has been on before.
The Prof admitted he was a Remainer and went on to say that the Brexit campaign had created racism. He said that Islamics get radicalised, and that Gove and Johnson had radicalised Brexit voters to become racists.
The Prof stated that Gove and Johnson had not expected a win and looked as though they had been hit by a hammer when the announcement was made.
The Prof also stated that the Daily Mail and Sun had encouraged Brexit but now were telling their readers what it really meant for them.
DJ then stated that the Brexit vote had been obtained through a lie about a regular payment of £350 milion pounds being available for the NHS.
The Prof then had a go at Farage for building on the resentment about Pakistanis and Polish plumbers by including European immigrants.
Both supported May and fantasised about May, Eagle and Clinton together making the world a safer place.
Hmmm… this is a summary. Not once did the BBC challenge the politically driven Prof from the Left Establishment.
Why? Because the BBC is biased to the Left.
Here’s the link if you care to listen. The Prof appears about 5 minutes in.
Depressing eh DS?
This was the first private university in our lifetimes that was created-in opposition to the Lefts fantasies like the dead albatross of Anthony Graylings(that fuppin` name again!).
Eamonn Mc Cabe as I recall, Mrs T opening it…and bastion of best independent Rand-type thinking…yes, some of it loopy , but still free as a bir.d Now the likes of Gleese earn a piecrust(£60,000pa and rising) to talk like this?
Maggie must rage…
I notice that in all the kerfuffle and the yelps of delight in the press and the BBC that the braindead electors of the Conservative Party might favour May as the new leader, it appears the BBC has missed one important point. AFAIAA the broadcasting envy of the world has not mentioned to its listening/viewing audience that her manifesto to her party – and the country – is to ruin definitively our national finances by abandoning any ambition to balance the budget by 2020 (or at all?).
Not that Osborne would have actually managed it but his lips moved in the right direction. May, as well as being both useless as Home Secretary and gutless generally, doesn’t even have that ambition. If she is elected Conservative leader then IMHO the effort in achieving a Brexit majority in the referendum will have been in vain. Certainly, if we’d opted for Remain, economically we’d have been ruined in the end by being chained to the EU corpse. Now, if May becomes PM, actual Brexit or not, we’ll be led to economic destruction by this succubus on our nation: no wonder the political class is getting behind May. Who better to undo last week’s victory?
Lets hope Conservative party members have more sense hey?
Whispering grasses…and we all know what `appened to `orrible Ives and `arris don`t we?
Genial Nigel Farage on the wing…better be Andrea Ledsom on the other under Pilot Goves inspection.
“Reporting for doody sir…”-John Kerry 2004.
Either that or the next election will support the voter’s views on ‘Leave’.
Ta umbongo-the Osborne Spiders Webmaster shite seems upon us then?
May and Osborne eh?
Sounds all too plausible as they try to debeak us in robin the nation blind.
This shall not stand.
Seems we have a new “Big David”/”Little David”…Last Shadow Puppet Deely going on , by way of a crossover boy band being formed before our eyes.
Will you buy?
Spitting Image…wonder whether Theresa fits into his breast pocket…or does George hope to fit into her capacious handbag in the hope she may yet be caught short in public.
Osborne, Grayling and Hammond…the Three TENAS for the PMT matrons who run public life..BBC, Tory and Tory lite?
Me ? I listen to Tori AMOS!
What do our global weather watchers make of this ?…………………
“The scientists believe that a key contributor to the record hole was volcanic activity.” Could that very same ‘activity’ be applied to ‘climate change’?
Over to you experts ………………
There has been much whining and wailing by politicians in the countries of Europe about us leaving the ‘family’. Various members of the public have been interviewed as to their thoughts on us buggering off, and reactions have been varied from a shrugged disinterest, to theatrical displays of catastrophe ! This made me wonder what comments would be made from our ‘man in the street’ say in Broadstairs, Hayling Island or Mablethorpe, if Italy or Denmark decided they’d had enough and left. I very much suspect it would just be an ‘oh dear, really ?’ with a not really bothered one way or t’other attitude. As a nation (apart from Londonistan) we’ve never really been of the ‘European’ mindset, except for our holidays and easier access when the Tunnel opened. Despite a few thousand Brits working on the Continent, of which I have never known any, and forgetting the trade, economics, sovereignty and immigrations issues, which I cant do anything about, will I miss Europe, er, no.
Excellent BRISSELS.
“Made In England”…
Sort of feel that yours will be the new spelling of Bruscles/Bruxelles/Brussels before too long with that can-do insouciance and Fle(gh)matic attitude of yours, which is as “British ” as it comes.
It`s got to be said…that any place that can`t decide on how to spell the names of its towns and regions is NOT a place we British could ever trust…is it Ghent or Gent …and do I ask Marine or Geert?
Notice that Chris Grayling is being brought out to sing the new Company Song of the hoped-for Mayqueen.
The clues in the name…we`re effectively being stitched up and offered a Greening-or a Grayling by way of a new improved Crown Paint chart-same old indistinguishable shite we`ve never mix or match for our OWN sheds…let alone a national colour for the New England, the New Wales, the New Ulster…
This shall not stand…as says the Big Lebowski!
Yours is a Mr Harding kind of England…not a Mr Barracloughs nor a Sergeant Wilson kind either.
Good old June Tabor eh?
Bold as Brassels…The One Nation types spout…we seem to be sprouting.
We have not come so far just to watch the politicos mix their grey and greens in the corner, under Nannys gaze….I voted for neither grey or green last week…I voted Purple with a “for now” yellow ribbon surround…and if I see no need for Nigel from them…we`ll go a bit darker shall we?
Brissles, I worked as a Brit on the continent for several years. My experience was that the idea of ‘freedom of movement’ is all a bit of a myth – I was involved in some frustrating long drawn out bureaucratic tussles between the UK and the country I was living in to do with tax, healthcare etc which were never sorted out, after several years. Also the biggest and most successful immigrant groups in the country I lived in were Russians and Chinese, neither of which are in the EU! I think the ‘idea’ of the EU is a comforting fantasy for many people who have not experienced it; in reality it is rather different.
This just dropped into my Email…..
“The Brits have just introduced a new brand of tea: English Brexit.
Ingredients? Leaves. “
Hope you stuck a copyright on that, BRISSLES, it could run and run.
6.50 am The Toady programme on Radio 4. Jim is interviewing London school children about the sacrifice of British soldiers in the Battle of the Somme; the children are all black and asian. “I fink they sacrificed their lives so I could be here today, innit.” says one little chap. “back to the studio.” says a sombre Jim McNaughtie.
Today just asked some Greening bloke with a Dutch accent this
“Are you disappointed with the UK for not committing itself further to improving carbon capture targets?”
Think we need to get names and stats here…what sort of leading question is that?
Closed or rhetorical…neither or both?
Or just leading as per?
Hopefully I`ll be covering English sometime soon…but if anybody knows, do tell….
What % of BBC questions are like this one?…bet More Or Less won`t be asking anytime soon.
chris, when you’ve got your leather patches firmly elbowed into place it will be time to get a bit moretimer oldtimer Rumpoled and raise some questioning eyebrows in the direction of the Bench: “Leading, M’Lud?”
The Judge’s hammer, whether he is a Maxwell or not, should come down firmly on the Bench edge to drown out Beeboid-type questions like that. Seem to recall, post-Gilligan, that the BBC made a firm commitment to ‘Re-train’ their under-performing journalists and presenters. On that, perhaps, it is time to seek a Judicial review?
(PS. Many years ago, in English classes at Secondary school no less, we were taught how to interview, how to elicit accurate information, etc.. Not sure whether it was on the curriculum then but, if not, they did it anyway. Am thankful for the teachers I had!)
The arched eyebrow tends to do it these days Up2snuff.
Can you sew a fat Aussie beefsteak on your elbows then…along with the ever-open Mail THAT would really piss off my chain letter chums of a life in Wessex staffrooms and “chillzones”
Good second point-we`ve gone from Maxwells (silver) to Timmys Mallet( plastic inflatable to be worn on a baseball cap)…as good an image of teaching decline as I can muster.
Secondary school will be back in a different form soon…as long as there`s technical and grammar(which, as you can see I`m good not all that at)..then we can reboot the nations tatttoed weeping wallies and TEACH them things about what people used to do…and why they`d die to defend it.
They need The Great War…we give them Blackadder and the Little Naughtie Nighy Show…
They`ve had their Chips my Friend…time for Jack Black and his Bible eh?
And one of them said all these people died at the Somme in WWII.
Well, that history lesson went well then, didn’t it?
And Dim Jim said nothing!
Do hope that the Oscars get a move on and pad out their stiff`kit awarders with the appropriate number of black people as they must.
I thought that Alan Littles performance at the Somme would be the Unctuous Toad Award 2016 favourite during a recent PM show on the radio.
But Jim Naughties prize audition for the creeping Heep nomination as pall bearer for the liberal elites impending death rattles has been superb-the few words I heard of Jimmy were classic ham…a Victorian Cortege cottager if ever I heard one.
Must be something in the air there that brings out the fat popinjays emotings…Mary Seacoles monocle maybe?
Any more lachryomose veleveteen fat fops out there?
Little or Naughtie-who is YOUR proferred grief grifter for this seasons offerings from the BBC?
Let me accompany you to your whoopee cushion-or rubber ring…where you can judge the runners and riders…popcorn, my Ladylord?
Here`s David Nivens Fridge-of course balc fridges will be considered next year though-for the first time!
Balc fridges?…no I meant black of course(am I still allowed to call them balc?…course I can, we`ve fubbed the EU Benetton Bastards!).
No Balc-I think was one of Polands dullards up front last night.
But less of a threat that Tusk….worraprikski!
Just a matter of time…
…before a BBC metro lefty liberal on TV news spoilt the atmosphere of diginified remembrance on this 1st July morning with a snide sideways shot at those wishing the nation to renew its political and legal independence.
Peter Hunt controversial Royal reporter http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3280992/Get-Kirsty-Allsopp-blasts-BBC-s-royal-correspondent-comparing-unelected-Queen-Chinese-Premier.html with the BBC opines that the nation ‘pauses’ in this ‘febrile political atmospere’.
Febrile… really? Well we know what Peter Hunt is getting at when he chooses to quote the Bishop of London who apparently reckons we should ‘ignore those who would sow division’. Any guesses as to who it is that this unelected clergyman and this public sector journalist have in mind?
Interestingly the medical definition of ‘febrile seizure’ is this : A febrile seizure, also known as a fever fit or febrile convulsion, is a seizure associated with a high body temperature but without any serious underlying health issue.
No underlying health issue – we should tell that to panic merchant Heseltine to calm him down.
Of course Peter Hunt as well as editorialising against the brexit tendency is most happy snarking at the Royals and celebrating diviersity http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/correspondents/peterhunt ‘Duke’s embrace of diversity…’
Although he spoilt the moment this morning Hunt did once gift us this comedy classic
What`s in that name Hunt eh?
That said, he acquits himself well in comparison to Crick on last nights Channel Poor “News”.
Crick thought those working class chappies on their scooters rather below the salt…and will no doubt need to have some time off for a twisted melon O Me.
Looks like Moby too!
Speaking of Miliband, the accession procedures that got from B£lair to Brown to him seem to have troubled the BBC much less than others.
Still, they are sensibly parking big bro’ until the FUBAR reaches its nadir before he returns to save the world.
And clearly no mentioning of backstabbing this time.
Professional courtesy from the sack of rats team.
Heeeee’s back (well, maybe. Looks like him but can’t use the sound).
JonDon slumming it in Sydney still in an open air bar speaking for the nation of Australia with a carefully selected group of interviewees.
Tough gig.
Is it my imagination working overtime, or is the BBC pushing May as the favourite for Tory party leadership? On the 10 o’clock news last night they certainly seemed to be giving her an easier time than Gove.
The BBC will support a Left-Winger like May over Gove. God help us if that useless woman becomes PM. The EU will eat her for breakfast before Juncker has had his first drink of the day !
Sadly, the Mail has done the same thing.
What we are witnessing here is the British establishment coalescing after a nasty shock and rallying around the most likely candidate to deliver what it wants – no change at at all.
It is only in this referendum campaign that I have come to understand the meaning of the phrase ‘the price of liberty is eternal vigilance’. I used to think it meant watching the skies over Dover for enemy aircraft. Now I realise it means the never ending process of holding our own society to account for its attempts to stamp out liberty.
May now the bubble choice as things are retreating nicely back to their safe space. Odd how quickly the political media establishment forgets so quickly that these bunkers of unchecked privilege have isolated them from the reality of the voting public’s lines and perceptions before, resulting in serious shock and awe.
It is not your imagination, hence the wheeling on of Ken Clarke’s fossilised remains on this morning’s Today in order to rubbish Gove.
Dominic Raab gave the Today wallah (was it Humphreys? they all sound the same) pretty short shrift…..”outside of the Westminster pantomime”….
“….Oh this is more than pantomime, when a politician with the weight of Ken Clark is using language like this to describe Michael Goves behaviour” came the harrumphing BBC riposte…..
Raab “as I said, pantomime”.
Then John Pienaar making the point that politics “aren`t normal now”….
Actually John it`s the period we`ve just been through….the period of politically correct repression of argument, of the dead hand of the LiblabConcensus on the EU that is the oddity in British politics…..
argument IS normal, tough politicians like Gove are what we need as we try to extricate our nation from the bonds of the EUs interference.
“they all sound the same “. Beeboids all speak as if they don’t have microphones. I have never heard anyone else speak that way. As if the more they shout at us , the more likely we are to believe them. Bunch of cloned weirdos.
I heard that too.
“The Weight of Ken Clarke huh”?
isn`t that fattist these days…or merely fattest as of old?
Noted the Latin used as well-how EU, bet Pope Francis will be pleased at the English Richelieu.
“Secrecy is the first essential in any affairs of the State”…one of his I think?
And his willingness to hang people even if they write entirely honest things was another menace of his .
Who knew that the Davos Daleks knew their Latin as well as their Machiavelli, let alone their Goebbels?
Fat lot of very bad it will do them.
Ken`s wasting disease will set in soon.
Or is Pienarrs cut throat gesture behind the Labour MP yesterday to be his fate…indeed all of theirs?
Same time, same bat channel ,,,,next time.
Pennar seemed avoid points and go quiet to the point of mute as the Shami/Jez backslapper went pear shaped
Nil desperandum lads!
Boris is fine-and will be back laughing in the messy corner very soon.
It ought to be Andrea and Michael with the Latin from Boris. But-as we saw this morning(and Newsnight last night)-they seem awful fond of Bildenberg…sorry Davos…no wait RUSHCLIFFE in Notts.
None of the other “Clasps of 92” still HAVE a seat, just a Throne to piss in…for now..and this will be months.
Could even be days once we 17.4 Million see a Mayfly who mimics a queen bee.
But parasitic wasps are we!
Ichneumonidae turned Darwin into an atheist you know.
But todays science lesson lads features a new one to me…glomerata…and the Delrons…you chaps?
Dum spiro spero…
And don`t let`s confuse invading a body with snatching it and taking it away from them…see how the caterpillar helps us out before it dies fso that we might live again!
“This is the Captain of Your Ship”…that was Reperatas hit wasn`t it…Brian Matthew will tell me soon.
And for those who wish to do A Levels in this?
The kids at school only saw the one above-this is for the adults, Hawaii eh?
You are not wrong; they are pushing May very strongly. The BBC, of course, hates Gove, not least because he tried to reform education and was opposed by the left-wing teaching establishment – which naturally the BBC approved of.
North West day 2 of the MASSIVE INCREASE IN RACE HATE CRIMES. Despite the hyper inflation of the crime, they must have a plethora to report on they stick with the same story as yesterday. http://metro.co.uk/2016/06/29/us-army-veteran-speaks-out-after-being-racially-abused-on-manchester-tram-5973521/ So as Mr Jasso admits he confronted them about their “bad” language how bad it was we don’t know but safe to assume they were not discussing the works of William Shakespeare. Conveniently there appears to be no mobile phone footage of this only the aftermath were the two idiots kick off but we are left in the dark over whether they were provoked or not. The way these crimes are increasing I’m surprised the hospitals are not full. In fact next time some one comments on the length of my hair I think I’ll film it and report it. The last time was on an Army re union recently where my ex RSM said ” Get your hair cut son” leaving me feeling hurt and distressed (not).
Liked one I saw the other day with a “Back the Bid” logo behind it as well as Mandible and Hemlock at the front of the station where the alleged “incident” was said to have taken place.
There is no refuge for such abusers and race hatists…and this 2012 footage SURELY needs an enquiry-looking at again-and boy, dont` Poraig, Dasha and Victorias from Channel 4 Newsbeat insist on making us look at it all over again.
The liberla twats really don`t think we KNOW what they`re doing-the storm drains burst last week, and there`s not enough chlorine in the water for them to dip a pinkie now
Snot fare!
Nah, years here have told us about the scale between Tommy and Tell Mama…and we know where May dipped her beak, and the common inch that they share on Tracey Island as well.
WE want OUR Island Story back…not their Treasure island nannynonce crap!
Hence the Internet-hence we merry many-and it`s building by the day.
From EUBank to mere Bank…now we`ve left, it`s off to real Bob the Builder stuff…we`re Betta at it that those shitstabbers in their storm drains and effluence.
Gunner-my wife blames YOU for this…she`s in the car for Lidl , and the green police might do us…as if!
This is the best entertainment channel around now…intentionally I mean.
Beginning to feel sorry for them all now-poor old Ken Clarke on an endless loop at the BBC, Heseltine on standby to speak to this ailing nation.
But who else?…did Le Petomane have a boozy brother with a jazz scat riff?
We know who the “Mane” bit is”?
Its interesting you should mention that, there is a lot of leftwing ,liberal (And never to be left out) Muslim talk about how voting out has led to an increase of abuse. The thing is those 3 pricks in Manchester were drinking beer at 0730 on a morning. That at a stroke tells me. that they didn’t require a vote out of Europe in which to become toxic. However that said here is another incident of abuse in Manchester on the Public transport system yet for some reason the bBC hasn’t mentioned it. I wonder why?
Bus driver attacked over 70p
Maybe ‘Farage’ was used as a verb?
Have to say Mr. Jasso does not look like one out of Africa at first glance. Maybe the offenders were Leakey descendants, or from his pronunciation of Bricks At more followers of the Prof. Higgins school?
Interesting how such as the metro and BBC appear to initiate such things with an ‘alleged’ or ‘apparently’ appended, where those viewing their efforts usually will need to preface with ‘If it happened…’ as other sources are searched.
Man hit by big blue bus in Westminster. No hope of recovery. In other news, 17.6 million investors in failed timeshare ‘Hotel California ‘ who thought they had invested in a five star property in Nice, were told today that in fact they had only bought a rickety shack in someone’s back garden in Clacton. Sadly according their solicitors, Messrs Gove and May, there is no future prospect of any refund and indeed they are contractually obliged to continue payment of the high annual maintenance charges, which apparently are due to rise steeply.
La Di dah Gunner!
A great piece of writing this. Got to be said this comedy caper of a showcase for the media and their political wanks has brought out the very best in us.
We`re having a good war on this site…the trolls have been truly trollied off….and the more the Beeb try to bring down the curtain on their Graeme Rix fart of a farce, the more they get tangled up in blue…and then purple..and then in de go!
Unintentional comedy gold…and silver,…and bronze…then tin, iron, clay and paste as you like.
Can`t put my telly on randomly without seeing a Geert, Dominic, Jacob, a Melanie or a Peter H nowadays….the Beeb seemed fascinated…but hope for a tableaux of the talents as they seedily watch the girls go by…hoping it`s Cologne that they`re heading for.
Er, no tableaux stagehands…no photos or team photos…Nigel has spoken…and unless its Andrea, Michael and TBA at the top of the shagpile or pigpile of SW1…then they will get Evelyn or Auberon…but not for comedy or fascinators THIS time.
David Starkey was skittish last night on This Week…I must be Graeme Stark then…wooooo!
Today, July 1st can be remembered for a lot of things that happened in our historic past. One such event, last year, was the highest ever temperature recorded at Heathrow airport, just as an Airbus A380 throttled up right next to the weather station on an unprotected site and some would say it was all because of “Climate Change” Ah yes, history has a history of repeating itself, but not this year my fellow travellers, to bloomin’ cold. That’s “Climate Change” for you.
Yes, isn’t it remarkable how readily BBC weather girls (of both sexes) will trill about ‘unusual’ high temperatures and yet fall silent when we’re reduced to switching on the heating in June and (it looks like) July?
Also odd how hideously not minging also most all the female ones are.
Seems some BBC selection processes are still most certainly market rate.
Will this multicultural propaganda BS ever end. I’m watching ‘A Century of the Battle of the Somme’. There are so many black and asian presenters, it’s insulting. David Olusoga is one of the ‘experts’, he is rambling on about the contribution of black and asian soldiers in the battle. I wondered what his area of expertise is, this is what I found:
“David Olusoga is a historian and a BBC producer, and an expert on the themes of colonialism, slavery
and racism. He is the co-author of the much-praised THE KAISER’S HOLOCAUST (2010).”
All BBC multicultual and diversity boxes ticked.
With all respect and love to the memory of all British Empire and Dominion Forces and units who fought in the First World War and the Battle of the Somme in particular in order to prevent German Imperial domination of Europe.
The Battle orders for the Somme are below. Spinning history to pursue a modern political agenda is one of the themes in Orwells 1984. It is a marker of totalitarianism.
A question for Mr Olusoga and the BBC. Is your presentation of the “multicultural version” of the history of the Battle of the Somme an endorsement of and nostalgia for the British Empire or is it an attempt to overstate the numbers of non- white colonial troops involved…if the latter…why?
Thank you for your comments Cassandra, I’m equally of the same mind. A few years ago at a ceremony which the Queen attended on the beaches of Calais, I remember on Breakfast, Louis Minchin mentioned that her Gt Uncle was involved in the landings during WW2, Naga Munchetty sat silent, little wonder, her ancestors, as most of the presenters you mention were half a world away, so these people can speak with little or no authority at all.
Watching the service at Thieval, I learned from Alistair Bruce (Sky) and with tears in my eyes, things that my grandfather who fought at the Somme couldn’t bring himself to talk about. I knew nothing of the tunnels where hand to hand combat took place between the English and Germans, and then died not only of their injuries, but also because the tunnels caved in. Its hard to equate the old men we’ve have seen at various memorial services, as young men like we see today (er, I don’t think so) fighting in such extreme conditions. Europe has so much to thank Gt Britain & Ireland for in helping to release them from the tyranny that was Germany, only to find that 100 years later they are in thrall of the Germans again.
I cannot speak for the Somme but visited The Ypres and Passchendaele area a few years ago. The surprise was the huge contribution of Canada, with Australia and New Zealand not far behind, as revealed in the cemetaries and memorials. Yes, there were some Indian troops for example and all credit to them but they were not as big a group so to try and paint a multi culti equivalence amongst all the soldiers and victims is just the type of disingenuous claptrap we have come to expect from the biased BBC, and to do so on such a sombre occasion is beneath contempt.
My great Uncle, by the way, is not interested in the biased BBC. His name is there, with all his comrades, on the Menin Gate, to showcase the mono-culture of those who witnessed the horror, and fought, and died.
A few posts back someone was talking about the ozone layer (s). It has been suggested that volcanic activity has patched up the thinning of the Antarctic Ozone hole. Hmm…maybe. The Ozone is, paradoxically, also there to protect us from U.V. but is also destroyed by the sun’s radiation. If there is less radiation then more ozone. The sun is a driver for our climate, there is more than enough historical evidence to show this, and what with the complete lack of sun spot activity and much reduced sun radiation at present, this could be further indication of our own planet becoming cooler. I would be interested to see Ozone readings for the Arctic as the earth tilt and wobble might be playing a hand here. Some digging called for, but are we heading for an “ice age cometh” despite all the so called ‘increase in man made Co2 leading to Global Warming”?