Our network of posts in Turkey, including the British Embassy in Ankara and our Consulate General in Istanbul, develop and maintain relations between the UK and Turkey. We work on a wide range of issues including Turkey’s bid to join the European Union, the economy, energy policy and international security.
We have a dedicated team working on projects to improve Turkey’s prospects of joining the EU.
I haven’t watched Question Time with Cameron undoubtedly peddling his alarmism, lies and anti-Leave vitriol but it’s interesting to compare the BBC’s lacklustre and very short analysis about their own programme with that of the Telegraph, the Mail and the Spectator…all of whom say Cameron took a pounding on immigration and his negotiations with the EU…the BBC doesn’t spell this out and downplays, as always during the referendum, the fact that he seems to have been hammered.
But what happens if someone vetos it, asks one audience member? “They’ve all agreed, they won’t,” responds Cameron, triggering groans from those present.
Immigration is up, with the PM getting grilled on his 100k target
Cameron came in to Number 10 pledging to get net migration below 100,000 a year but has repeatedly missed his target. In fact in Tory 2015 manifesto, it was downgraded from a “target” to an “ambition”.
Question Time audience firing tough question at Cameron
Cameron is getting a rough ride from audience members in the early exchanges here.
One voter asked whether his “Brexit Budget” – which warned of whopping tax rises and austerity cuts if we leave the EU – was just an attempt to dish out “punishment for voters”.
David Cameron has hijacked the murder of Jo Cox to buttress his campaign for the EU and talks of her as if she represented the very same values that he does.
She does not.
You have to ask if Cameron even knew who Jo Cox was before she was murdered….and as for respecting her views and concerns…note she is disappointed that the secretary of state couldn’t be bothered to turn up for the ‘important discussion’ about Syria.
In the speech in the video above she slams Cameron for his ‘shameful’ refugee policy and blames him for that very refugee crisis and the death and destruction along with Obama,..as she said in an earlier statement...“There is nothing ethical about standing to one side when civilians are being murdered and maimed”… Their refusal to act and to contain Assad and deal with the outbreak of the war so long ago allowed thousands to be killed and millions displaced.
Jo Cox finished with this ….
“I do not believe that either President Obama or the Prime Minister tried to do harm in Syria but, as is said, sometimes all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”
I think the Prime Minister should know better. He chose his words very poorly and I think he risks doing more harm than good and stigmatising Muslims, most of whom are integrated into British life. On one hand he says he wants to ‘free women’ but on the other he threatens them with deportation. This is not the way to promote integration.
Bad enough to use her death to drum up support for his political campaign but to also falsely claim that he admires her decency and compassion when her values are at total odds with his own on immigration, refugees and Islam is beyond belief and below contempt.
The BBC has failed to raise the issue of Cameron politicising Jo Cox’s death in such an obvious manner…even Tweeting her speech….and yet Trump is gunned down by the BBC for daring to say that Obama should use the term ‘Islamist radical’ when describing the Orlando killer.
Cameron stands on the coffin of Jo Cox and uses as a soapbox to peddle his lies…and the BBC feigns not to notice.
David Cameron has received scathing criticism on Facebook after being accused of ‘using’ the death of Jo Cox for ‘political advantage’.
In an article for the Sunday Telegraph posted on Facebook this morning, the Prime Minister begins by paying tribute to ‘brilliant young MP’ Mrs Cox, who was killed in Birstall, West Yorkshire.
But after describing how the country will miss her, he turns the subject to the upcoming EU referendum.
He wrote: ‘It is not easy, in the wake of Jo’s murder, to turn to the question of Thursday’s referendum. But we must.’
He mentions that Mrs Cox supported the campaign to Remain in the EU, which the Prime Minister also backs, and then details why he believes British people must vote to stay in.
The post has not gone down well, provoking an angry reaction with people blasting the Prime Minister, with one asking ‘how low can you go?’
Ian Sanders said: ‘Using a poor woman’s murder for political advantage. I didn’t think you could get any worse. I wish I’d never voted for you. Still, you’ll be gone as soon as we leave the EU, and I can’t wait to get a decent Tory leader again.’
Our democracy was not presented last week on a plate. It took centuries of struggle to create and from 1940 to 1945 terrible sacrifices to defend and preserve. It was bequeathed to us by giants, it has been signed away by midgets.
Now we have a chance, one last, foolishly offered chance to tell those fat cats who so look down upon the rest of us: yes, there will be some costs – but we want it back.
Just why does the EU insist that countries adopt their freedom of movement rules if they want to join the single market? Is it about trade or is it really about something else, something much more sinister?
Is the EU at war with Britain? At first glance that’s crazy! The EU has no army (Though they’re working on it), there are no tanks rumbling through the Channel Tunnel, the Luftwaffe isn’t blitzing London again…and they just wouldn’t would they?
Hang on though, bombs, bullets and Blitzkrieg aren’t the only means to wage war on a nation. There’s propaganda (as the BBC wages on certain foreign countries via the World Service pumping out democracy and the ways to win it), there’s economic means (such as Saudi Arabia trying to destroy the US’s shale oil and gas industry and spreading Islamic fundamentalism throughout the world via the mosques, universities and Islamic information centres that it funds), there’s diplomatic and legal means (such as the OIC trying to impose Islamic blasphemy laws upon all UN nations) and then there’s immigration.
Immigration? How can that be a weapon of war? Look at the Ukraine and Crimea where Russia has used the excuse of having Russian populations within those states to allow it to annex one and attempt to destroy another. Look at Hitler and his use of a similar excuse to annex countries. Having a ‘Trojan Horse’ population wihin another nation is a powerful tool to control that nation or to take it over…witness Pakistan’s creation of its proxy army, the Taliban, designed to takeover Afghanistan and deny India any influence there. Gaddafi, Putin and the Islamic Sate all either threatened to use or actually used immigration as a weapon against Europe and the Palestinians hope to use the ‘Right of Return’ to destroy Israel….feet on the ground are facts on the ground.
How does any of that relate to the EU? Well, just ask why does the EU absolutely insist that any nation that wants to join the EU, even on the margins ala Norway, must accept the free movement of people? Any EU citizen has the absolute right to move to any country within the EU and cannot be stopped from doing so. Why is that necessary to promote trade? It’s not really, a more controlled system that still allowed in necessary workers but kept out those who just turn up in the hope of a job would be perfectly workable. Prove you’ve got a job and can pay your way…you’re in. If not, you’re not.
So why does the EU insist on a free-for-all immigration system? You have to remember that the EU is first and foremost a political project and the economics come second as a consideration when push comes to shove…as with Greece when the EU was desperate to keep it in the club and threw everything it could at it to do so. The EU would rather see a country beggared than allow it to leave the EU and show that there is life, a better life, possible outside the EU, a route that other member states might be tempted to follow if one was allowed to do so.
Freedom of movement is used by the EU as a means to undermine and destroy the nation state and encourage a loyalty to the EU or ‘Europe’. It is a subtle way of annexing a country by stealth. It is a weapon of war. Force countries to accept large numbers of people who have no real attachment to, no loyalty to, no links to it and you, the EU, have a means of influencing and taking over that country as millions of people with no loyalty to their new home look not to, say Britain, as their actual home, but to Europe. Not British but European. Not Polish but European. Not German or French or Norwegian but European. And that’s the way those who are eligible to vote in the UK will probably vote in this referendum, to stay in the EU…and that is just what the Labour Party believed would happen as it opened the flood gates to allow in unlimited numbers of migrants from Europe…that was no mistake, it was a deliberate and very calculated pro-EU policy.
The EU’s free movement policy isn’t necessary for trade but it is necessary to create populations with a sense of a European identity, an idea of, a loyalty to, a ‘European Sate’….a constantly moving, rootless population without any national identity or loyalty, that no longer sees itself as British, Polish, Romanian, Greek or whatever and looks to the amorphous ‘Europe’ as its home.
Freedom of movement, forced as it is upon nations, is an act of war designed to destroy those nation states and their identity, their very make-up, cultural and genetic and the loyalty to that identity.
Here we go, a brand new Open Thread to see us all off into the wild blue yonder of the weekend. This is where you can detail the bias!
Here’s an invite. I will be off to America for three weeks near the end of this month and that means I just won’t be able to moderate or write here during that time. I am wondering if anyone out there would be prepared to become a guest moderator (and writer if you want) during that time when I am gone? It would really help the site and take pressure off Alan. If you think you could help, drop me an email please!
Well then, the BBC has excelled itself in the past 24 hours since the tragic murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. All decent people will have been shocked by her very public and very brutal killing. The alleged killer is a man with a history of mental illness, Thomas Mair. The exact circumstances seem unclear and we don’t know why he shot and stabbed her.
But the BBC is a different trajectory. It has been hellbent to establish the idea that Mair was a right wing extremist who shouted “Britain First” before he carried out his foul deed. The BBC has persisted with this despite the fact that two of the three eye witnesses who are alleged to have heard this have since made clear they did NOT and the third is a BNP supporter!
The intent is clear. Smear those MILLIONS of British people who are preparing to vote to LEAVE next Thursday. Emotionally blackmail them, embarrass them – make them either stay at home or change their mind.
The BBC has been sickening over this – as has it’s print arm, The Guardian. They are implying that the likes of UKIP are the “hate” that drove Mair to kill. This grotesque calumny is the only show in town today. Shameful.
One week before the EU referendum, with Vote Leave ahead and with clear momentum, and Cameron floundering – all of a sudden this. Campaigning has been suspended, I suspect some would like to see the actual vote suspended. And all the while the BBC is working feverishly to politicise a murder.
Labour MP Jo Cox has been murdered and just hours later the Guardian has passed judgement in its editorial which actually compares those who criticise Islamist extremism with the Islamist extremists of the Islamic State and of course blames the mild and sensible Nigel Farage for Jo Cox’s death…..
The rhetoric of western racism and Islamophobia is the mirror of the ideology with which Isis and al-Qaida secure their recruits and that persuades them to strap explosives to themselves, and die in order to kill. It might be especially powerful in Britain, at a time when divisive hate-mongering is seeping into the mainstream.
The slide from civilisation to barbarism is shorter than we might like to imagine. Every violent crime taints the ideal of an orderly society, but when that crime is committed against the people who are peacefully selected to write the rules, then the affront is that much more profound.
What nobler vision can there be than that of a society where people can be comfortable in their difference? And what more fundamental tenet of decency is there than to put first and to cherish all that makes us human, as opposed to what divides one group from another? These are ideals that are often maligned when they are described as multiculturalism, but they are precious nonetheless. They are the ideals which led Ms Cox to campaign tirelessly for the brutalised and displaced people of Syria, and – the most painful thought – ideals for which she may now have died.
This was no random event, and the police are investigating reports that the assailant yelled “Britain First” during the attack. This is not merely a chauvinist taunt, but the name of a far-right political party, whose candidate for City Hall turned his back in disgust on Sadiq Khan at the count, in sectarian rage at a great cosmopolitan city’s decision to make a Muslim mayor. The thuggish outfit denounced Ms Cox’s murder, as it was bound to do. But their brand of angry blame-mongering could very well serve to convince particular individuals – especially those who are already close to the edge, as it is reported Ms Cox’s murderer was – that some people are less than human, and thus fair game for attack.
The Guardian ends with this plea to honour Jo Cox’s memory as it uses every trick in the book to use her death to peddle its own political agenda……
The idealism of Ms Cox was the very antithesis of such brutal cynicism. Honour her memory. Because the values and the commitment that she embodied are all that we have to keep barbarism at bay.
Note that ‘This was no random event, and the police are investigating reports that the assailant yelled “Britain First” during the attack.’
Neighbours say suspect, named locally as Thomas Mair, did voluntary work but he may have suffered mental health issues.
n 2011, he was photographed by the local paper volunteering in nearby Oakwell Hall country park. The previous year he was quoted in the Huddersfield Daily Examiner, saying he had begun volunteering after attending Pathways Day Centre for adults with mental health problems.
“I can honestly say it has done me more good than all the psychotherapy and medication in the world,” he said. “Many people who suffer from mental illness are socially isolated and disconnected from society, feelings of worthlessness are also common, mainly caused by long-term unemployment.”
He added: “All these problems are alleviated by doing voluntary work. Getting out of the house and meeting new people is a good thing, but more important in my view is doing physically demanding and useful labour.
“When you have finished there is a feeling of achievement which is emotionally rewarding and psychologically fulfilling. For people for whom full-time, paid employment is not possible for a variety of reasons, voluntary work offers a socially positive and therapeutic alternative.”
Scene in Birstall where eye witness quoted says did NOT hear anyone shouting “Britain First” #JoCox
I’m sure we’ll find out the truth once the ‘police have investigated’…in the meantime the Guardian draws its own conclusions and blames Farage for the murder.
I think the wrong newspaper was closed down when the News of the World was shut for phone hacking….then again that was because of a Guardian lie as well. Perhaps it is time the Guardian, the terrorist supporting Guardian, shut its doors.
David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from York. On the panel are former Conservative MP Louise Mensch, economist Ruth Lea, ‘Conservative’ cameronian stooge and education secretary Nicky Morgan MP, Leave campaigner and former Labour minister Tom Harris, Labour’s former home secretary Alan Johnson MP and has been musician and foreign Remain campaigner Bob Geldof. Not that it’s any of his business.
Thatcher signed up to the Single Market but her speech in Bruges in 1988 sets out her stall…a stall that sounds remarkably like the Brexit one……a reformed, decentralised EU of independent sovereign states celebrating their Christian heritage…
My first guiding principle is this: willing and active cooperation between independent sovereign states is the best way to build a successful European Community.
To try to suppress nationhood and concentrate power at the centre of a European conglomerate would be highly damaging and would jeopardise the objectives we seek to achieve.
Europe will be stronger precisely because it has France as France, Spain as Spain, Britain as Britain, each with its own customs, traditions and identity. It would be folly to try to fit them into some sort of identikit European personality.
I want to see us work more closely on the things we can do better together than alone.
Europe is stronger when we do so, whether it be in trade, in defence or in our relations with the rest of the world.
But working more closely together does not require power to be centralised in Brussels or decisions to be taken by an appointed bureaucracy.
Indeed, it is ironic that just when those countries such as the Soviet Union, which have tried to run everything from the centre, are learning that success depends on dispersing power and decisions away from the centre, there are some in the Community who seem to want to move in the opposite direction.
We have not successfully rolled back the frontiers of the state in Britain, only to see them re-imposed at a European level with a European super-state exercising a new dominance from Brussels.
Certainly we want to see Europe more united and with a greater sense of common purpose.
But it must be in a way which preserves the different traditions, parliamentary powers and sense of national pride in one’s own country; for these have been the source of Europe’s vitality through the centuries.
It is a matter of plain common sense that we cannot totally abolish frontier controls if we are also to protect our citizens from crime and stop the movement of drugs, of terrorists and of illegal immigrants.
Europe must continue to maintain a sure defence through NATO.
There can be no question of relaxing our efforts, even though it means taking difficult decisions and meeting heavy costs.
It is to NATO that we owe the peace that has been maintained over 40 years.
Let Europe be a family of nations, understanding each other better, appreciating each other more, doing more together but relishing our national identity no less than our common European endeavour.
We in Britain are rightly proud of the way in which, since Magna Carta in the year 1215, we have pioneered and developed representative institutions to stand as bastions of freedom.
And proud too of the way in which for centuries Britain was a home for people from the rest of Europe who sought sanctuary from tyranny.
But we know that without the European legacy of political ideas we could not have achieved as much as we did.
From classical and mediaeval thought we have borrowed that concept of the rule of law which marks out a civilised society from barbarism.
And on that idea of Christendom, to which the Rector referred—Christendom for long synonymous with Europe—with its recognition of the unique and spiritual nature of the individual, on that idea, we still base our belief in personal liberty and other human rights.
And remember Boris’ remark about the attempts over the millenia by single powers to rule Europe and the way he was attacked……well he was just echoing Thatcher…
We British have in a very special way contributed to Europe.
Over the centuries we have fought to prevent Europe from falling under the dominance of a single power.
People in MI5 tell me that denying the connection between Islamism and terrorism derives from the belief that if you accept it, there’s no hope for a multicultural society in Britain: we would just have to recognise that part of the population is permanently liable to become terrorists.
I must face the fact that there is a vast woozy mass of liberal-leftists who will never change, and would not fight back even if a bomb exploded in their own back yard.
I will not let supposed liberals forget that, by their own cowardice and lack of conviction, they have brought this dismal moment on themselves.
This was pinned to the top of Owen Jones’ Twitter feed yesterday……
Curiously, for someone who is so outraged by the killings in Orlando he has not said a word about the French police officer and his wife who were slaughtered in front of their 3 year old child, live on Facebook, targeted by a Muslim terrorist for being ‘police’ …..a ‘policephobic attack’ that has no connection to Islam perhaps?
The French government has denounced an “abject act of terrorism” after a man with a previous terrorist conviction carried out a gruesome knife murder of a police commander and his partner at their home outside Paris in the presence of their three-year-old son.
Larossi Abballa, a Frenchman previously convicted of taking part in a jihadi recruitment network and claiming allegiance to Islamic State, posted a video of the fatal attack on Facebook Live.
Perhaps if the police officer was bisexual Jones would be as animated about the murders as he is about Orlando….it looks as if only gay people being killed are of interest to Jones and he isn’t at all concerned about real reasons for the killings…the anti-Western, anti-Liberal Islamically inspired reasons….anti the society that created the conditions where gay people could live, love and express themsleves so freely. Odd that Jones doesn’t defend that society but instead defends the very people that attack it.
A policeman and his wife murdered in Paris. Human beings, but not gay human beings so who cares? Not Owen Jones. Ecce Homo.
Still no mention, no condemnation, no message of sympathy from Jones.
News Anchor/Presenter BBC World News – Biz Presenter on World Business Report, GMT, Impact & Global.
Gosh – studied impartiality?????
Search Biased BBC
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