Rumours suggest there’s new department in the bBBC’s newsroom called ‘LOOK WHAT YOU BREXITEERS HAVE DONE’.
Its raison d’etre is to trawl the country making up ‘news’ that they hope will make 17 million of us feel truly guilty for expressing our democratic choice to step away from the failing EU.
The LWYBHD dept’s latest guilt-laden, confused and frankly pointless sob story (that we’ve paid for) is part of the ‘My Shop’ series (give me strength…) and chronicles… well who knows exactly?
Whether the next My Shop story will be an upbeat, optimistic precis of a whole new world of retail opportunities afforded by the UK’s upcoming independent status is open to question, but if I were a betting type I’d say there’s more chance of this week’s Chilcott revelations not being a total ‘lessons have been learned’ whitewash. And we’ve paid handsomely for that, too.
The way the BBC is behaving now is eerily reminiscent of that famous Gerald Ratner moment. He basically insulted his customers wholesale and in public, and his company paid a terrible price – a moment’s loose talk on his part brought a substantial business crashing to the ground.
I think the BBC may well have entered this territory of terminal lack of wisdom, of houbris of a quite staggering extent. Like the drunk at a party who has got away with bad behaviour for so long he thinks he can do and say absolutely anything without suffering the consequences, I see a breath-taking corporate complacency about their current actions.
You simply cannot insult a large proportion of your viewers and listeners, possibly a majority, and do it grossly and repeatedly, without incurring an appropriate response. I have heard people who I have never known to criticise the BBC before – loyal consumers, who never even thought about what they were seeing and hearing except in terms of entertainment – openly mocking the transparent bending of the truth, following the Referendum.
Unreflective folk, they had never considered the credibility or values of the output they were tuning in to – now, they are hearing the old, the white, the working-class, the Leave-voters being derided as worthless and worse. And they know it means them. If they once decide that it is the BBC, in all its glory, that has been relentlessly pursuing and stoking a terrible division in their society, then a line will have been crossed. They will turn their back, and never return. There are plenty of other broadcasters out there, and the BBC may find it is talking to an empty room.
The BBC is like a drunk at a party, who thinks it knows better than everyone else.
..Yes that is what it feels like, while he smugly thinks “everyone loves me”
Excellent stuff Mr Beaker.
Just heard Eddie Mair daring to put Nigel Farage in the dock .
In his silky smarmy slithery way, Mair hopes for a bit of Nigels scalp…model knife to hand, no balls so seeks a bit of dandruff to show his pals at Heaven next Friday.
Utter crap
“Do you even regret your nasty racist past actions and words?”…asks The Mair of Trumps Town.
“Do you even fear for the consequences of all you`ve said and done?”-he asks again, because Nigel clearly didn`t feel the letter opened hidden in Ned Sherrins cravat.
Well-no more that YOU BBC bastards who have trashed this country, gave Savile his lair and who now continue to knicker pick the nation into accepting something less than our country back.
And Mair chief among them.
Still though eh?…now that Gove has released his tax returns-stands to reason now that the likes of Mair and Marr will show us THEIRS eh?
Unaccountable public sector Freislers who are paid to put all others in the dock…and no more crap about politics is showbiz for ugly people.
Look and Mair, Marr and O`Brian….THEN tell me that the ugly people don`t get perpetual gigs at the BBC these days…even telly shows!
My God…say what you like about Caroline Flint and Penny Mordant(swoon)…but the Uglybugger Bores I name above would NEVER get into politics…which is they they`re so bilious , bitter..and bloody overpaid, and no proof of their tax arrangements.
Commercially insensitive-time to arraign the Freislers and the Ugly Bugs Balls…
I listened to The Moral Maze on Radio 4 last night (10.15pm). Have to admit I normally doze off after a few minutes but this week the topic was the morality of victors and vanquished!!!
Jonathon Powell was one of the speakers and he was odious and pompous as usual but the third guest was Shiv Malik from our broadcaster’s favourite crib sheet and daily comic! I could hardly believe what he said! It’s worth a listen if you didn’t hear it – about 17 minutes in. And the bBc are just so serious and accepting of all this! Unreal.
Then listen to the summing up by the resident panel, one of whom was Melanie Philips. She just about went apoplectic! Wonderful listening.
This is the blurb on the iplayer which sets the tone for the discussion.
Pundits and politicians alike are struggling to capture the enormity of the consequences of the result of the referendum vote. It’s at times like these people often turn to George Orwell for inspiration. He likened our nation to “a family with the wrong members in control” – “that” he said “perhaps, is as near as one can come to describing England in a phrase.” Who’ll be left standing and in charge after all the political recriminations and bloodletting have ended is still not clear. It’s been described as the worst peace-time constitutional crisis this country has faced. So this week on the Moral Maze we’re asking what should now be the moral priority for the victors and the vanquished? Has the democratic will of the people been clearly expressed so that the victors must now deliver Brexit at any price? Is it the moral duty of those who championed Brexit to deliver on all their promises made during the campaigning? Or, once normal politics has resumed, should the utilitarian principle of cutting the best possible deal triumph – even if that means forgetting campaign promises on immigration and the single market? Should the vanquished now support Brexit and work towards it with all the enthusiasm they can manage? Or was this a mistake by the British people that means they have a moral duty to go on fighting to keep Britain in the EU and campaign for a second referendum? Or should the priority, above all others, be to find a way to heal a divided nation?
‘It’s been described as the worst peace-time constitutional crisis this country has faced.’ This just about sums up what I’ve noticed lately – that the Remain lot are extremely ignorant of what the EU is and about our own history. If they think this is the worst peace time constitutional crisis, they’ve obviously never heard of the execution of Charles I, the deposition of James II, the American declaration of Independence, the madness of George III, the partition of Ireland, the General Strike or the abdication of Edward VIII. And most people who’ve gone through a British state education in the last 30 years or so probably won’t have heard of any of those except perhaps ‘write down how you would feel if you were a striker in 1926 and were oppressed by capitalism’ etc.
Good points above lads.
“People have said”
“The BBC has learned”
But your….have just said”
“What do you say to/respond to …allegations from….”
We need a I-Spy translation for the above-and all the other massage boy /lazyboy cliches and bitchslaps from the BBC.
People have said?…WHICH ones Evan…how do you know?…have you proof.
It would look to some that…would it Evan…have you asked them yourself…and if so..why are you talking now to ME-and not THEM?
Basically…it`s all one lazy fat bitch n carp over the cyber washing line…hair in rollers, resting on their plastic boobs but clearly not got any washing to do…that`s what the houseboy or his visiting auntie are for.
No-only how that we`re getting a good generation of people like Murray, Jordan, Hopkins through who are savvy and contemptuous of how the BBC comfort class have trashed the Melanies and Peters, the Nigels and the Boris`s.
Easlit done-especially on live air…the Plaid Cymru economist who boxed and coxed Paxman is the template.
It`s on YouTube…watch and learn….and hope others are doing the same.
Thanks for drawing our attention to this programme. I found the contribution of Shiv Malik jaw dropping . Basically he advocates a sliding scale of voting power depending on factors such as age, usefulness and education. Leaving aside the obvious potential contradictions of usefulness v age and usefulness v education, it was the most anti democratic proposal that I have heard in my lifetime. That he writes for Looney Tunes aka The Guardian , is no surprise. If the BBC is willing to give a platform to this extreme view , it can’t be labelled anything but extreme , in fact ultra extreme verging on the insane, why not give a platform to other extremists such as real neo Nazis/ white supremacists or Muslim fundamentalists ( oh they already do that of course) or Stalinists ( oh they already do that of course) . Thank God he was thrown into the rubbish bin by the ever reliable and sensible Melanie Phillips.
But those who believe in democracy should be warned by what this looney said. The likes of him , and perhaps many others on the Guardian and hence the BBC , are prepared to take any course of action, no matter how extreme or anti democratic, to get their way. Presumable they won’t advocate abandoning democracy for ever but just until they get the result they like! But what about the next time the vote goes against them? Why not go the whole hog and advocate that we should live in a self selecting ,anti democratic oligarchy, just like the EU.
Doublethinker – thank you for your comments. I’m glad someone else listened to it. I couldn’t have put it more succinctly myself. It was indeed quite frankly jaw-dropping what the guy said! And wasn’t Melanie Phillips great at the end. St Michael Burke had trouble getting her to stop – she was in full flow.
Listened last week lads…and though Mel put him into the blender…entitled scum like him have this nasty habit of being used by the BBC as the “voice”…the “active campaigning ” go-to for the lazy BBC cretins who are then able to put those words “author, journalist, writer” before his intro…and let`s not mention “The Guardian” before we all know that he is….they`re cloned cabbages-which is why the BBC know whath they`re`getting.
Anybody who thinks that the EU only standardised Golden Delicious and fanny packs need only look at the hacks who spout for it…Geyserbirds r us!
Shiv Maik is just Anjem Choudury type of whitey windup…but the BBC prefers them under the floorboards than anybody who knows, thinks and cares…so beige, so vanilla, so civilian
Blair’s interview by Lardell on R4 this lunchtime laid out the strategy we will see from the Remain side . They don’t accept the verdict of ‘the little people ‘ who voted Out. Indeed they hold such people in contempt. Remain will now be looking for any excuse to call another Referendum or , more likely, put in place a compliant Prime Minister who will fudge negotiations with the EU so that key demands of brexit voters such as control over migration and ending the powers in the UK of the European Court of Justice are negotiated away.
Theresa May cannot be trusted to negotiate with the EU. Her track record at the Home Office and cynical joining of Remain preclude any trust .
Blair’s conviction that we voted incorrectly was absolute. As is his (and many others ) belief that somehow the result of the referendum can be returned to with the hope of achieving a ‘correct’ vote. This position should be anathema to anyone who values due process, fairness and, yes, democracy – irrespective of their political persuasion. This is a dark and dangerous countenance – and those who propose such actions need to consider seriously the ramifications of attempting to subvert what is clearly a popular vote – perhaps one of the most democratically arrived at in our history – by the people themselves.
Mark Twain once said ‘if voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it’. This cynical view may hold true some of the time – but to disenfranchise a majority voting population in order to continue with the social experiment that is the EU would tear at the fabric of our nation. The petty squabbles within the Labour and Conservative parties would quickly pall into so much insignificance as those who thought that they had a voice and that they had a vote, found only that they can be ignored. This is the stuff of social unrest – and our media should take note. Once the democratic process has been so subverted, there is no going back and we enter into the dictatorial process and there are few democratic tools with which to fight against this.
The vote of the British people must be respected and must be enacted.
“but to disenfranchise a majority voting population in order to continue with the social experiment that is the EU would tear at the fabric of our nation. The petty squabbles within the Labour and Conservative parties would quickly pall into so much insignificance as those who thought that they had a voice and that they had a vote, found only that they can be ignored. This is the stuff of social unrest”
Yes indeed and one can only assume that the elite feel they actually do have the power to enforce their world view despite this resistance. History has, of course, proven such attitudes to be extremely wide of the mark yet it does seem to be part of the human condition to keep repeating such mistakes.
Many of the agents of unrest such as you describe are also some very literate and self-aware individuals indeed unlike the contributors of these pages who can naturally be relegated to the ranks of the racist, fascist, homophobic, islamophobic Nazi’s. By definition, thus leaving no room whatsoever for the vaunted “dialogue” the BBC proclaims itself to be the Gold-Standard arbiter of……..Where does one go then?
These are words which Blair; al beebus; Hezelswine; Fatty Clark and the rest of those in our country who have announced their preference for selective democracy need to take heed of.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
John F. Kennedy
Blair must know that he has no reason to fear the Chilcot report or he would be keeping out of sight. Not that any of us will be surprised if the report clears him.
Am I the only one on this site who feels that the media was so against Blair’s actions of going to war and that he was treated so badly by the media and especially the BBC ?? At the time the propaganda against him was ongoing against “weapons of mass destruction” no one was able to even hear his point of view or suggest the he was justified . I have commented on this site before that no one heard his speeches or saw anything of his speeches eg to Washington in 2004 and in 2006 his whole speech was summed up on news at 10 by “this is what the PM meant to say” So how can a persons actions be judged fairly if his voice could not to be heard.
You are not alone .. If the rest of the G20 rich countries had sent in peacekeepers at the end of the war instead of running away, then stability would have been kept instead of gangsters with guns taking over muslim killed muslim and said “oh it’s all America’s fault.
The war also sent a strong message to potential terrorists about attacking the US, that of “you bring terrorism” to America well America is so “trigger happy” it will bring the impact back to your own country. I think this proved a strong deterrent, so terrorist gangsters stick to mainly attacking each other.
Blair never had any reason to fear the Chilcot Report. Millions of pounds went into it and quite a lot must have gone into Chilcot’s pocket to ensure no member of the establishment was likely to be punished.
I think Nigel will shortly be adding a D to UKIP, the United Kingdom Democratic Independence Party , because so few of the current politicians seem to be bothered about the D word.
Yes, who could forget the mass starvation and the emaciated bodies lying in the streets prior to 1973 and the constant distribution of food parcels from the Red Cross?
If those few thousand kids on the street who doth protest that the election result was not to their liking, and the democratic process is overturned by the wishes of a few plus Blair, then kiddicoos you aint seen nothing yet – think you can protest ? well, just imagine 17 million on the streets all over the country in response, AND THEN you’ll know what the word protest means !!!!! the gloves will be off and it will be civil warfare and no mistake.
Time then for a judicial inquiry into the conduct of Al Beeb .
How about that then ‘Man on a bus with the clap’ who contributes here because of the bias of Al Beeb news. What do you think ?
On the Buses,
I never thought I would agree with you but I do. We clearly don’t have a democratic system when there are serious attempts to overturn the result of the biggest democratic vote in the history on this country.
Brissles. I think the back lash may just be starting to stir. On social media I’ve spotted the first call to a leave demonstration that first one I’ve spotted for Manchester next weekend.
I suppose they will bang on that fee of EU tariffs, African food will flow into the UK making profits for them and lowering prices for UK consumers.
..and how France will be keeping their wine rather than make profit by selling it to us. The Brex has the Flex(ibility) that the E U doesn’tr
“The cost of liberty is eternal vigilance”.
I know friends on this site have placed this before…but well worth a look again to see what we dodged on Independence Day 2016…and this fine film gives all the history and incentives need to face down those who clearly have every reason to press gang us onto the prison hulk.
Look at 38.55 (as well as all the rest)-for it is here where we hear that the EU elite saying that we`re perfectly entitled to create our own fire exit if that`s what we choose to do…they want to block the fire doors and windows and play with matches as before.
Names like Santer and Prodi are good to see again-how the hell we lay with fleas and vermin like this lot for so long is a mystery.
Ths film is important…it`s clear that the elite won`t be giving up the relentless barrage of propaganda against its own citizens…so may it be an aide-memoire about how far we`ve gone to avoid the bullet, but how determined the evil fascists of the LibLab class are to deny us…so do remind yourself of how rotten and corrupt was the EU.
And it must not ever be our problem again…
Every generation is only one generation away from losing its freedom(Reagan.R)
Football on soon-but stumbled on Lord Bedwetter Neil Kinnock on Marrs Mashup from earlier.
Great to hear the prolix puff adder swell his verbosity to its full-yet he`s a reduced,shrunken and sunk bloater isn`t he?
Said nothing of note-but seem to want his £3 runners and goon squad in the Party for blood bank and saviour sibling purposes.
These kids need to rewatch “The Island”…Neils not looking well, looks like a bloodless fat leech in need of your “energy”…and he`s always needed a watch out jellybabies of the Left!
When two of the BBC’s favourite hobby horses collide. In this case Green objectives to protect trees and combating racism wherever it is imagined.
From the US, soon to be followed here by social justice warriors.
Trees are racist.
People of colour may suffer from Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome when they visit parks and places with trees because slaves were hung from them.
“African-Americans have felt unwelcome and even fearful in federal parklands during our nation’s history because of the horrors of lynching.” What do national parks have to do with lynchings? Many national parks have trees. People were hung from trees. It’s racial guilt by arboreal association. Trees are racist down to their roots’.
How can we reconcile the Green Party’s love for trees with their commitment to anti racism?
Federal parkland exists because the National Parks were set up during the Civil War by Abraham Lincoln. So trees could just as easily remind people about the end of slavery in the USA. These grievance-mongers should get a grip!
Petition: Invoke Article 50 of The Lisbon Treaty immediately.
It’s now up to almost 40,000 signatures… that’s about 10,000 new signatures for the day, I think.
When we get to 100,000 then they will consider debating it in parliament.
Wonder how many billion we’ll need before it appears on the BBC?
Wow ! a bit of a breast grabber then. Not surprising really . In the words of John Inverdale, he’s “not much of a looker”, so resorts (allegedly) to lunge tactics. And borrowing words of the late great Caroline Aherne “and what attracted you to the millionaire Chris Evans?” cos thats all he has going for him.
More bias through omission while the state broadcaster props up the old party system reporting on leadership squabbles in out of date irrelevant political parties. You can bet if there was a juicy trans gender toilet story they’d be in like flint, yet more sex attacks by you know who, no, not going near that.
I don’t know if anyone listened to the excellent “A Point of View”, by the philosopher John Gray, this morning on R4 about Brexit? If you didn’t: here it is and it is well worth nine and a half minutes to listen.
Agreed Al Shubtil.
Gray isn`t always correct-but when he DOES get it right, he`s one our best thinkers and philosophers.
A fearsome lefty(small l) and atheist debater..
Why?…because he argues from first principles, is never personal and disdains the heat and show pony nastiness of a Dawkins or a Dennett etc.
His “Straw Dogs” reads as philosophical “Freakonomics” in that he links lots of issues to create a Weltenschaung that is real and impressively argued..his piece on how the Soviet Union was allowed to turn into Putins gangster paradise via a hypercapitalism ,allied to the Wests short-term opportunism to humiliate a proud people and the flawed but brave Yeltsin, was as good an account as I`ve seen of how we got from Najibullah to Putin.
And- if you see Johnson and Farage as people who you think can be humiliated like Yeltsin…the the graphic treatment of the likes of Najibullah by the Taliban(newly-created)become all-too-possible .
Is that REALLY what Blair etc want?…Najibullah and Gadhaffi, Saddam etc become FAR more likely(even in the civil and tolerant UK) if you dare to speak as an EU traitor to your own national people…THAT`S how dangerous their abrogation of Brexit could be, were they to dare and deny it…as Al Shubtli wisely quotes of JFK above
I have absolutely no idea how to convince someone who is so politically self-deluded despite being presented with facts beyond question that contradict such a delusion! She is the epitome of how ‘out of touch’ the establishment is.
People like Toynbee are oblivious to the fact that every accusation against those on the opposite side of the argument is a vote against Toynbee.
What a bunch of losers. The French bloke started well when he said we need to push Clause 50 immediately and then spoiled himself by saying he now feels unwelcome with all the attacks on the “Poles and Muslims who are [our] citizens.” He claimed it is all the fault of the Brexit. It shows how even supposedly intelligent people can be conned when the BBC and Sky continue to push the same lies.
Just been watching the gentlemen and ladies playing tennis at Wimbledon.
Appalled that the transgender community do not have their own category. Are the biased BBC asleep on the job of promoting this year’s favoured minority?
Surely issues such as prize money and the number of sets to be played could be sorted. Equal prize money would of course be the requirement and I’m sure literally tens of people would like to see the competitive matches.
As daft as the above may read, in other contexts our biased right on student national broadcaster actively makes such assertions in all their marxist seriousness. Not that marxists have any other setting on the control panel.
That’s because the BBC are in danger of losing the broadcasting rights to Wimbledon. As soon as the BBC start making assumptions and allegations about the Lawn Tennis Club (and they will) that is the time Wimbledon will go fully Commercial. The BBC are digesting the following announcements and how to ‘integrate sexes into one’ (i.e. abolish) competition between the sexes and make everything a unisex directive. Although the EU makes directives (we would have to follow), its the UN that has making the announcements (later adopted in full by the BBC and Guardian readers to make ‘queerdom’ as normal as BBC paedophilia.
LGBT Groups Seek to Entrench Agenda at the UN. The UN Human Rights Council has become a forum for agendas that now include LGBT issues. At the most recent session a highly controversial resolution was adopted that establishes an “independent expert” to monitor and promote sexual orientation and gender identity issues worldwide. Read more here.
European Union Member States Agree to Push LGBTI Cause Across Europe. The unanimous decision of EU countries will result in the promotion of the homosexual activist cause across Europe, monitor LGBT rights in European countries, and “combat discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.” Read more here.
And then only this morning SADIQ KHAN may want the BBC to show Burka wearing players. If you (or your children) laugh, that will be too called a HATE CRIME and you must be punished and re-educated. Recent changes in Pakistan will ensure everything is BBC ‘normal’ (as in abnormal).
Such as: ‘Pakistani Clerics Declare Transgender Marriages Legal Under Islamic Law. The clerics said transgenders have a right to marry, receive a Muslim burial, and receive full inheritance law benefits. The clerics’ decision is not legally binding. Read more here. ‘
So More BBC ‘integration’ means Wimbledon will have to go move broadcasters or suddenly go Trands-Unisex to appease the BBC robots agenda. Time then to leave the BBC behind.
Any of you hear the Radio4 programme a few days ago discussing bias on the BBC towards brexit in favour of remain – couldnt believe my ears, started off OK talking to some real people who articulated that bias was very evident, but then followed usual dismissive patronising sneering tone from presenter, and obligatory denial from boy executive editor who talked the usual metro multi cultural valuing diversity yoof idolising bollox, and was really really keen to hear the views of minorities in the interest of balance, because (you’ll like this a lot) the BBC dont always get the balance right. That’l be a refreshing change I mused – ffs! The BBC would really really like to hear from ethnic minorities, brown people, green people, orange people, purple people, betrayed traumatised young people, intersex people, genetically modified differently abled transgender human alien hybrid people, peace loving misunderstood jihadist murderers, hate crime victims and of course people who think there should be a second referendum, and especially those idiots who believed the brexit lies and now deeply regret it and want to vote remain. He didn’t really say that (felt like it though) – I just made it up – that CONCLUSIVELY PROVES we brexiteers are serial pathological LIARS and for that reason alone we the faweee fahsand Londonistan fackwit retards DEMAAAND a second referendum. That call has been given further weight today by none other than respected man of the people and war criminal Mr Bliar, no less.
Anyway, as an aging thick white English waacist, I was deeply hurt and felt excluded and traumatised that he didnt want to hear from people like me – Oh wait, perhaps thats because we’ve already had our say on 23 June! So sad you don’t like the result BBBEC funded Corporate Lie Machine, The referendum was not advisory, or a request, or an aspiration or an opinion to be ignored by our rulers. We knew exactly what we were voting for and even though we are deeply disgusted by the remain lies we wont be demanding a second referendum. The vote to Brexit was an order, an instruction, so fucking well get on with it and get us out of the mafia run corporate cess pit that is the EC. And don’t even think of listening to those bleeding heart morons, fuckwits and EC stooges who paraded yesterday. Renege on Brexit and you will really see some direct action and civil disobedience – Oh and UKIPs vote will skyrocket.
On a lighter but ever so sweet note wasn’t it worth voting for Brexit just to see the miserable faces on that geriatric bufont bufoon Heseltine, and that POS master of newspeak lies Alisturd Campbell that our fave national treasure of a broadcaster insist on interviewing at every opportunity – as Ronald McDonald would say Im loving it.
Jacob has played a blinder hasn`t he?
Was narked by David Davis saying that he`d back Theresa May…but, like Jacob- Itrust his judgement and look into it.
in other words, they have a record of independence-so I check what they say and will be guided by them.
This was beyond class , caricatures and “bring your nanny” lazyitis of the liberal media who hate his toff status and that plum voice.
But we know better-a brilliant smokescreen for a tremendous mind…and the liberal media are very wary of him nowadays…got to get a Cabinet job whoever wins the Tory nomination.
The very antithesis of all I used to rate as a northern lefty…but the real class warrior is Jacob!
Doews more for the worker than any number of EU shafters and grifters.
In the interest of democracy they called a referendum.
They did not get the answer they wanted . Enter Al Beeb propaganda …………….
The are now calling for something else.
The people of Great Britain are not impressed . What are our leaders trying to do ?
Not sure of absolute detail but some years ago the Lib Dems got in somewhere by 2 votes.
The losing candidate successfully challenged the result and there was a rerun.
The lib dem then got in by a landslide.
In other words the electorate supported the democratic result, arguably even more than their own preferences.
Ergo those scheming to avoid brexit should be very wary of taking on the electorate.
Which i suppose means those anti democrats will do all they can to avoid such a scenario.
Nick Abbott on LBC right now pushing the same line that people are crying out for a second referendum.
Bad losers. Why claimed Abbott if people believe in democracy arent we willing to have another one?
I really really want Leadsom to win now.
May cannot be trusted to stand up to all the pressure when she is essentially a Bremainer herself.
Hi , taffman , Teresa May , is going to appoint a Cabinet Minister , with a Government Department to oversee Brexit .Its the Blair , & his disciples that will try & prevent it through the Courts . I think Ukip will disband in due course , now Farage is standing down . Glad most of Wales voted out, along with Essex & the other Eastern Counties .
Good to hear from you.
From Al Beeb it looks as if he wasn’t popular in Essex – but I doubt that, especially coming from them?
I would have thought that Ann Leadaman would have been the a better candidate for Brexit, not the appeaser ?
Worryingly some businessmen and academics are claiming it is “illegal” to action article 50 without a parliamentary vote. Real danger they could lose this.
Yes, I heard that Aerfen.
But don`t worry-the BBC sure as hell are not going to NAME these “unnamed businessmen and academics”
Wonder why?…a lack of curiosity eh?
And that “British Law Firm” was it…Mishcon de Reya was it?
There`s a whole conspiracy theory here…Lady Dis grafting old lawyer and Deputy Chair, loads of yummy ECHR business at risk, and New Labour up to their necks in it all…
You`ll be able to find Matrix Chambers if you look long enough Cherie Booth-Blair etc.
Yet the Left says nothing…the BBC happy to announce it, but a singular lack of interest in just WHO these unnamed British business/academics are”
Very much a scandal brewing along the lines of the Left fearing Lord Kings coup with his army contacts like Stirling back when Wilson was in peril of losing the country to the unions.
The Left dined out on the conspiracy against Labour at that time-and for years after.
But here we have a REAL threat of a liberal fascist takeover, and backed by ex Tories, Labour, Liberals and Greens?…needs a good root out and deep detoxification.
First time these creeps have used the “Sovereignty of Parliament” B/S as it suits them…for 43 years they`ve proceeded always on the fact that EU law takes precedence over UK law. So when Article 50 is EU mandated…just this once-and never again-will the Liberal Nazi Party we`re seeing in embryo cite “Parliamentary Process”.
But way too late…and that “Guilty Men” book needs an update…start at Ashdown…end at Wilson(Des)
They`ll pay for it…suspended sentences on Chatham cranes if they don`t take their think tanks off our laws
(quite clever that eh?)
Al Beeb are now telling us that Britain is divided and head to ‘Cambridge’ to tell us the ‘bikers’ and ‘energetic’ people there are anti Brexit.
They then go to Ireland and tell us that the ‘borders’ will be back giving the propaganda that things will return to the ‘old days’
They are forgetting that GB bailed Ireland out about two years ago.
They then tell us about the reported abuse to migrants has increased – How many people have been arrested ?
Interview a man who wants out of the EU and flash up a shot of the man with a swastika tattooed on his arm.
Transparent propaganda at its best .
Al Beeb It did not work last time and it wont work this time.
After Obamas “interventions” that got us the win…Enda Kennys trip over here to get the Irish to vote here, in his role as Tea Sock comes close second re “disastrous meddling” in our internal processes.
So the Irish-on this occassion can f*** the hell up, continue to crave Bono, Geldof, O `Carroll and Linehan…and vote in such pothead pixies as O Higgins and the aforementioned EU cipher Kenny.
The Irish must RAGE at our new-found freedom after their pussy whippings over countless revisited referendums.
We are not Ireland, Denmark, Holland-and we`re certainly not France.
This is England…we do NOT redo Referendums whether they are Cleggs, Prescotts or Camerons…so , as I say, they had best be careful.
Ireland will be with us again before too long…their political. media and academic class are even worse that OURS
Ryan Tubridy anyone?
But-unlike them-we had a Nigel Farage and twenty four years of hurt…but, PG…it`s over thanks to him!
I put him between Churchill and Thatcher as a chapter of his own in the New History…he should never have to buy a drink or Wetherspoons value pub lunch ever again in this nation.
From the western shores of this island …………
Weather alert ! My station tells me the temperature is presently 9 Deg C.
Is this normal for mid-summer ? Over to you ‘ weather watchers’ for your analysis .
Hi Taffman, not completely unusual as 100 year records do show cold summers as well as hot summers. To see the cyclical events of these all you have to do is place a sunspot graph over one of temperature and you see the correlation between the two. At present we have lost the El Nino so all we now see is a cooling trend and the North Atlantic, is just that, very cool for mid summer. We also have no visible sunspot activity and a low radiation index. This has killed off any effective west to east Jetstream so upper winds are pretty slack to say the least. Aircrews flying east to west are flying direct tracks and have been doing so since Feb’. There is another problem to this and that is we are having a lot of “Polar Air” affected high pressure systems, which under clearing skies leads to low overnight temperatures (to include frost in places) and an increased hailstone activity when we have showers, as the upper atmosphere is still very cold. Not looking good for our winter. Autumn should be nice (mists and warm days, a typical old aged Autumn) and if as I’m thinking frosts will come early, the autumn colours in the U.K. will be most striking.
I’ll start looking for historical evidence concerning the sun activity with the depletion of the Arctic Ozone layer today. I’m excited about this research!
Much as its appalling, I reckon there will be far more racial abuse to minorities if the block on Brexit goes ahead. Feeling will be so strong, particularly in deprived areas and where there are large communities of migrants, that refusing to go ahead in getting out of Europe could be the fuse that lights the tinderbox, and I can foresee a situation worse than anything we’ve seen before, including the Hoxteth and Brixton riots of years past. So those that consider we are in chaos now, could be in for a nasty surprise.
If only. But I fear that wont be the case; the vote was close and Bremainers will be out voting in force to say ‘thank you’ to them. Also anti EU candidates will be excluded from the party lists. It wont be long before it becomes illegal to criticize the EU under the banner of ‘hate crime’.
“It wont be long before it becomes illegal to criticize the EU under the banner of ‘hate crime’.”
If my memory serves, the EU did actually discuss this possibility a few years ago. Got nowhere, but the fact that it was discussed at all was disturbing enough.
And of course if that happens then all the blame will be put on Cameron for allowing a referendum and Brexit for ‘fanning the flames of discord’. There will be NO recognnition that overturning the wishes of the majority played any part.
“Also anti EU candidates will be excluded from the party lists. It wont be long before it becomes illegal to criticize the EU under the banner of ‘hate crime’.”
It’s a risk, but I don’t think our politicians are that brave. They already have Jo Cox as an example.
Difference should be settled by Parliamentary debate not street violence, but they now know that violence no longer one way.
BBCWatch reports that Kevin Connolly has been relieved of his duties rewriting the history of ‘Palestine’ to employ his talents on the Brussels beat; his objective analysis will no doubt reassure the Remainiacs that their narrative is the correct one and liken the Brexiteers to evil, racist, apartheid Israelis.
An excellent video – long, but well worth watching. A disturbing expose of the gradual encroachment of the EU, its Nazi origins, its superstate intentions, and the every-increasing stealthy surrender of our national sovereignty via the “ratchet” system (it only goes one way).
Who posted this yesterday? I can’t remember now but big thanks for the tip. There’s so much in there I never knew or even suspected. They sure do a good job of keeping us in the dark about their real intentions, don’t they.
Me, Me Me Mike!
And ta Al Shubtil…we couldn`t have said that others hadn`t made it all to clear on film…from Durkin and even Paxman?…we were without excuse-we knew-and others also need to know as the BBC bit back with their borrowed molars…wankers.
But only thanks to someone a couple of weeks back who posted on this site.
So though I claim my prize, I`d like -in turn -to thank the Unknown Poster!
Who-if he/she reads it-can also wallow in the glory I`m basking in at the moment!
Pay It Forwards being the notion…aren`t we a lovely bunch here?
Very British in our ways!
Mighty Nigel Goes.
Palm Fronds, garlands, petals rose.
History Making Lord!
,,,,did I do well UKIP Haiku san,,,did I ?…did I?….
Unbelievable! Right now on Good Morning Scotland we have Paddy Pantsdown getting a very sympathetic interview where he makes out the “centre progressive” vote is unrepresented. There is a gaping goal waiting to be shot at by any competent interviewer (and most incompetent ones too). Namely the 38% of Leave voters north of the border who are virtually without representation. None here will be surprised to hear that the interviewer came below the standard even of incompetence.
And now we have someone very articulate by the name of Emily Clark and who has organised something called “Blue Monday” banging on about xenophobia if you voted leave. Unchallenged.
(Oops. Reported my own last post there with fat fingers.)
Tatch, I am entirely similar with the minor tweak that I don’t ‘love’ Trump but support his presidential push as the alternative is Clinton. How could she run the country from a jail cell?
feargal, I fully agree with your comment about Trump. He is clearly the least bad option (by a very long way) of the last three running. However, Clinton will escape any deserved punishment as the Clintons, and the so-called “Democratic” Party, appear to own enough judges. If she has been a quarter as guilty as anti-Clinton people claim then she would never get out. I don’t believe she’ll get more than the minorest of minor rebukes. Terrible really.
Didn’t hear Paddy complaining when their power was over represented in the last government ! (the Con-Lib Coalition with Ed Energy destroyer Davy
Technically now it is under-represented just like UK and Greens are due to lack of proportional representation.
If the Parliament was 16% UKIP MPs then the proglefty media wouldn’t have been caught by surprise at the Brexitr result.
BBC London News ramp up their anti-Brexit campaign this morning with news reader the adenoidal Asad Ahmad declaring : “Incidendents of racial hatred have increased IT HAS BEEN CONFIRMED by the Met” ie the Metropolitan Police.
No balance, no alternative interpretation offered. Biased.
At the weekend BBC Newswatch aired bland assurances from BBC Head of Newsgathering Jonathan Munro that the BBC was being fair to both sides. He lied.
Whilst nobody would condone genuine racial hatred, it has to be kept in mind that the majority of this stuff is made-up nonsense e.g. man buys a packet of bacon in shop within 5 miles of ‘Muslim area’ – post-Brexit hate crime screams the BBC and Tell Mama. However, in the case of real incidents committed by morons, the real guilty people are (a) the government for failing to move quickly and invoke Article 50, thereby helping assure the majority population that the end of one aspect of the nightmare is in sight, and (b) the BBC for its constant race-baiting and incitement in its efforts to turn a naturally tolerant people (the British) into an intolerant one.
Not on the BBC: Convicted Somalian rapist had deportation order overturned before attacking two more women as he ‘did not understand what is acceptable in UK’
Yes Ian, indeed. I’m not condoning any racial hatred or acts of violence, but cases like this one which the BBC tries to sweep under the carpet, where the incompatibilities of a “certain religion” with Western liberal democracy come to light (and are used by Council for the defendant), coupled with Human Rights legislation preventing his deportation allowing him to sexually assault a further two women, make people feel very angry – quite rightly so in my opinion.
Yet we are berated if we don’t subscribe to the orthodox multicultural ideology – which has no basis in fact, evidentially or otherwise 🙄
And of course biased of the BBC and others to insinuate without factual basis that the spike in reported hate crimes has anything to do with Brexit, totally ignoring the ones related to threats against Nigel Farage, for example, thereby tacitly condoning hate crimes against politicians they find disagreeable.
Surely deportation for the offender would have served the dual pupose of protecting the public and conveying the message of “what is acceptable in the UK” to the individual offender and others with similar lack of understanding. A key concept in justice is the deterrence of further offending.
Gulf states punish (and deport any survivors) in cases like this….even fellow muslims who offend their laws, they do this in order to make clear the rules of what is acceptable in their societies.
Liberals in the judiciary and broader criminal justice system abetted by EU “human rights” appeals courts are doing the exact opposite….in their weakness they are encouraging further, similar offences.
Convicted Somalian rapist gets an easy ride. This type of story is now becoming regular. There is something rotten in the Home Office – has been for several years – when it comes to enrichers. It seems as if the courts are encouraged to take an easy line with them. Forget the bollox about separation of powers – this Home Secretary killed that. She could easily have issued a statement about the so called cultural defence, which the courts are accepting. And come to think of it – she has done buggerall to combat grooming gangs. I conclude that we have a fellow traveler in Government about to become PM.
“Genuine racial hatred” is being condoned in the Guardian and on the BBC. Every time I hear the mantra trotted out about “angry white voters” and angry white men”, or ” angry left behind voters in some areas”….or any permutation of the above I hear racial hatred directed against white people. Especially when combined with calls to nullify a democratically arrived at referendum result.
Why? imagine the word “black” being bandied around in such a way.
Stupid liberals and their detestable “identity politics” and race politics imported from the US failed to realise that they just might stimulate white identity groups determined to protect their interests too.
Leicester Police 28/6/2014 : The Force regularly monitors any fluctuations in hate crime (as we do in all crime types) in order to identify any emerging spikes and any particular areas which require additional focus and operational attention. To date, there has been no increase in such crimes being reported to us in the force area when we compare figures for the last few days with previous weeks.
Lincolnshire police : There has been no recent increase in hate crime (reported yesterday on Radio Lincolnshire)
The pure bilge pouring out of the radio at the moment on Nicky Campbells phone in, is total bulls**t. It seems the BBC is still in full pro EU propaganda mode. A list of EU foreigners coming on and stating how terrible it all is or is going to be. If we do ever manage to get our country back we need to remember how certain media organisations acted.
Are there any Tory MPs who might complain about the BBC propaganda, which is well beyond normal bias? Could they write to Whittingdale – just a mild complaint.
I’ve just written to my MP raising my concerns about efforts by the media to cause ‘alarm and despond’ in the wake of the Brexit vote and asking that he respects the wishes of the majority of the British people in any Parliamentary vote on it. I said people are watching the Conservatives closely on this matter and it will affect their voting decisions in future. He’s a Remainer though so I don’t hold out much hope. Still, we have to keep the pressure up!
Stepped down, after unparalleled hostility and lies from the media and betrayal within his own party. Thank you Nigel for standing up for your country and taking on the worse politicians we have ever experienced.
There is one piece of slime that must be feeling very pleased – Dimbleshit – and will no doubt be in line for a knighthood from Teresa, Queen of Eurabia.
He must be physically and mentally exhausted not just from all the work he’s done but also from the relentless abuse and death threats which will of course never be investigated. His resignation will be shown in the worst light and crowed over in the media and by the ‘snowflakes’. But if you’re reading this Mr Farage, thank you for all you’ve done. It’s been a pleasure to listen to your speeches and to see the calm handling of all that’s been thrown at you.
Ukip should strengthen the party. No time to lose if they want stay as a political force.
Get signing people up. The message needs to be heard that they are not going to disappear.
Produce good strategy for increasing impact in by-elections.
Support your local kipper.
Spread the message.
Build! Build! Build!
Build on the work that Nigel has done.
“Do you want the United Kingdom to be part of a federal Europe or do you want the United Kingdom to return to an association of sovereign nations that are part of a common trading market? ”
Sounds familiar ? this was the proposed question in 1996 that was put forward by the Referendum Party founded by Sir James Goldsmith. So if the decision to leave has upset all those ‘kids’ , then they should be made aware of this, because this issue is not something new, and could have been voted on whilst they were still in their buggies !!!
What no bbc specials into Hilarys dodgy emails. No squads of bbc journos trailing her every move and using their ‘friends’ to smear her. No Newsnight or panorama specials No bbc articles ‘Should Clinton resign’, ‘Is clinton fit to be a future president’, ‘Should Clinton step aside’ ‘Can Clinton be trusted’. Zip, nothing all gone down the memory hole. 7000 journos whats the point of them? Now if it had been Sarah Palin
But they can find every remainer out there to shout racist at every chance for the past week. They are a disgrace.
Just like to remind everyone that we are not ‘out’ yet. It will take two years of EU ‘negotiation’ by the new team replacing Cameron ‘project fear’ campaign with a new anti-EU cabinet. And who that is going to be, we don’t get to vote, but I suspect both ‘Boris’ and ‘Gove’ will be given key posts even if the don’t get to be PM. My vote (if I had one) would be David Davis who was robbed on his chance by Cameron and his motley crew under Kenneth Clark (pro EU exponent from Ted Heaths era). I read the Daily Mail was pitching for Theresa May, but I am not sure why as she is totally lack-lustre and not a ‘Maggie Thatcher’ replacement and took no part in the EU campaign. She is not qualified to lead us out. More a 50/50 remain plan to stall disengagement by Cameron again.
But it does remind me of that god-awfull time when Blair gave way to Gordon Brown (who was himself was unelected (by national referendum), and was another ‘heir to Blair’ but was probably the worst PM we ever had in living memory). But then Milliband would have been worse than Brown. As for Corbyn, well without his BBC propelled ‘Momentum’ agit-prop group where would he be?
There is no doubt in my mind that the BBC encourages left wing exteremists, perhaps less so on main stream programs but certainly ‘pushes the envelope’ at all other times. That would be the NUJ at work, inflicting their bias and hatred on the rest of us that pay for the BBC network. Although I don’t listen much to BBC TV or radio now, when I do hear it, is worse than I last time. Thanks to commercial radio and TV the BBC is largely irrelevant, but like the EU it sees itself as ‘doing the right thing’ whilst doing something ‘improper’ in the background (off screen).
One of the most dishonest (and there are hundreds of examples) is how the BBC treat us with disdain and contempt ‘the little people’ who have to queue at Doctors surgeries and NHS (often in dire need) and told that we have to wait, hours, months even years whilst BBC fat cats get immediate Private Health Care. This is at the same time they want NHS doctors to come out ‘on-strike’ to avoid any NHS financial reforms or restructuring (which it will need to do to survive). But the BBC tells us one thing but does another. Not for the first time do BBC executives enjoy luxury and health care of the super rich funded solely from the TV license.
‘We saw this week that the BBC spends millions on private healthcare for its execs, but you only ever hear of the evils of private healthcare on their news output. Funny that’.
Also tonight on Channel 5 they are doing an ‘expose’ of Blairs corruption to riches; The Blair Rich Project which my prove what we all suspected, that he and his wife line their pockets in trying to gain influence both in the EU and UK for private gain. Very much like Hilary Clinton and her ex president Bill Clinton did when in office…
Well said! It is pretty obvious that the BBC has decided there is simply no chance that the current government will do anything at all to force it to stick to its duty of impartiality.
Events both pre (and most particularly post) Brexit have proved beyond doubt that the Corporation no longer gives a damn. It will go on being as biased as it pleases, secure in the knowledge that the Conservatives will never call it to order.
There is no point complaining to one’s MP. Labour loves the BBC and Tories are part of the problem.
We need to find some other way of bringing the BBC down.
In New Zealand ,they got rid of their state broadcaster tax by having a massive non payment campaign.They cannot put everyone in prison.Unfortunately the brainwashing goes on unabated and the BEEB are not going to give up their perks without a massive fight.
I’m afraid that isn’t going to happen. We are too law abiding. ‘Sometimes for our own good’ I might well have added. Even when the country was being wrecked and subverted by the Blair/Brown junta we didn’t tear down the HofC.
Every individual has it in his or her power to withold money from the BBC, perfectly legally. If you want to change the world, start with yourself, as Ghandi said.
Agree entirely. Unfortunately, we don’t really “do” civil disobedience, do we? The French are quite good at it though.
At one end of the scale we pay up meekly and then moan about it, at the other we lose our clothing, get drunk, throw stuff around, and generally waste any sympathy we might have gained.
Perhaps one of our esteemed “yoonies” could do a course in it. They seem to cover everything else.
I think civil disobedience can work even in the most autocratic countries. I worked in China and remember a story told to me by one of our younger workers. I was genuinely surprised that he told us this. At college they were ordered to be at a cinema at 2.30 to see an 8hr film on the Communist party. Being more interested in going shopping they obeyed the rule precisely. All of them turned up at 2.30 then quietly left. Simple and directly obeying the law. The mantra they had was there is national law, local law and local interpretation of national law. Sometimes, as unions know, work to rule can be a very effective way of protesting.
Well, it’s a thought. Has anyone any concrete proposals that we could try? I am so sick of the BBC after the latest shenanigans that I am ready to start.
BBC News Channel
Posted at
UKIP’s Douglas Carswell says his party should have no role in Brexit negotiations.
He said the “architects” of Vote Leave should be put in charge – naming Commons Leader Chris Grayling, Justice Secretary Michael Gove, Tory MEP Daniel Hannan and campaigner Matthew Elliott.
“I think it’s very important that people watching this in continental Europe recognise that when they negotiate, they’re negotiating with people who want good relations – we want this to work, we want to be good friends and neighbours,” he said.
Earlier party leader Nigel Farage – who doesn’t exactly see eye to eye with Mr Carswell – said he would welcome any UKIP involvement in the negotiations.
How could so many be fooled by Doggie Pigswill. I thought he was an honorable man, now every time he says something he is proving himself to be the opposite. What I don’t understand is why he left the comfort of a Conservative seat to join UKIP, a party whose policies, beliefs and aspirations he profoundly doesn’t share.
Heard BBC Middle East editor Bowen on Today this morning opining that all the problems of Iraq stem from the American and British invasion. Rubbish really, America and Britain did not invent the Sunni-Shia split. But we are supposed to feel guilty about it.
However Blair not mentioned … could this because Blair has cannily rehabilitated himself with bBBC by positioning himself as a man to show how to thwart Brexit?
But not deliberately says the good Lord Robin Butler.
But he exaggerated it all…but not deliberately.
Mispeaking?..untruths…porkies?…life`s too short to listen to such dissembling judges who are creature of the new orthodoxy.
Hutton, Scarman, McPherson, Butler…and here comes Chilcott.
Judge Fiona Wilcox to attempt to reach the giddy heights of Dame Mary Hogg? lets toddlers die. the other lets teenagers get killed…but in both-indeed in ALL cases…the State is never to blame…and you`re forbidden to even suggest it as a verdict.
We used to have independent law-now we`ve got Cherie and the assorted Chickens Supreme who are Brussels sprouts, screwing the dead of the poor…but condoning all that the State does, as long as the EU are OK with it.
38 degrees has a petition that parliament debate Article 50 rather than just the PM making the decision. But what about the decision of the whole country, for crying out loud?
We, the undersigned, call on the Prime Minister, the Government and MPs from all sides to put before parliament and full and frank debate on the decision whether or not to invoke Article 50 and the decision be that of Parliament, not solely the Prime Minister, taking into account the result of the recent referendum but not being bound by it.
Nice of them to add that we should take the referendum “into account”, don’t you think? Makes it sound nicer doesn’t it? But actually they are not asking for a postponement of Article 50 (“when”), they are asking for it to be overturned altogether (“whether or not”).
So it’d be more honest if they said: ” … IGNORING the result of the recent referendum AND not being bound by it.”
The “reasons for signing” at the bottom of the page are comedy gold:
Jan O. 8 days ago
Because the majority vote was not big enough to to bind us to such a life changing decision.
Ah yes, that’s right – move the goalposts after the ball has been kicked.
Irvine A. 7 days ago
Because it is completely ludicrous for us to leave Europe and because the Brexit voters have been conned into thinking that thinks [sic] will be better for them in a way that they never will be.
Riiiiiiight… well yes, it is simply ludicrous for us to leave Europe – what are we going to do, up anchor and sail away? And yesssssss… all those lies. We were stupid, gullible and conned. NOT. And will things be better for us (and everyone else too, by the way) – after Brexit? Not if you believe Remain’s lies eg the Treasury “prediction” that we’d all be £4,200 a year worse of per family. Of course the truth is no one knows, and it depends what our politicians make of the situation – yet obviously Irvine has a crystal ball.
Anne L. 9 days ago
I want to stay in the EU.
Do you want fries with that?
If this is the intellectual level of Remain, god help us.
Taffman, we must remember that what Cameron delivered was the ‘good way’ to control immigration by reducing benefit incentives and not the ‘bad way’ by eh… controlling it!
I think it was Enoch Powell who said, ‘ all political careers end in failure’, well Nigel Farage is the exception to the rule. He leaves as leader of UKIP in triumph. Have you got that BBC , in triumph. He achieved victory over the liberal left establishment through the ballot box against overwhelming odds. Whilst the anti democratic forces of the liberal left gather to try and over turn his victory by resort to totalitarian methods, he can leave with his head held high. Well done and thank you Nigel.
confirmed by local radio.
So another failure for BBC management about making choices for the future…Not that they shouldn’t be able to take risks as long as the failure rate is low.
I wonder if he will receive some kind of payoff, thru somwe clever contract rule
Chris Evans though he was on Crap Gear which explains trhe way he dressed
Strange that it’s listed under the “entertainment” section!
I imagine the BBC happily signed a 5 series contract with him with a clause saying he can quit anytime and still get paid for all the future episodes with taxpayers money.
Still the BBC Radio diodn’t mentioon the sexual allegations that John mentioed at 8.56 last night DigitalSpy compiled a list of allegations in today’s media
“Metropolitan Police have confirmed an investigation into claims of sexual assault believed to involve Top Gear host Chris Evans.”
“The allegation was made by a woman against a man, and relates to incidents in Tower Hamlets in the 1990s”
Evans has denied all allegations of sexually inappropriate behaviour and bullying, saying: “All these bullying claims and other allegations are just ridiculous.”
As we are now well aware, the BBC have taken the moral high ground and chief druid, Roger Harrabin keeps us informed of what the BBC think and what we should believe concerning “Global Warming” or if that doesn’t fit the agenda “Climate Change”.
I was just starting to look for information concerning the increase in ozone in our atmosphere and stumbled on this from 2014. Well worth a read as what was spoken about in this article has come to fruition since it was written:
I’ll carry on looking for data. Oh and a friend of mine here on Dartmoor, having checked his long standing weather records now informs me, that on his patch of east Dartmoor, there has been no increase in temperatures for 23 years. (In fact, things have got decidedly, as the BBC would put it, “chilly”)
Old Bloke, I understood that ‘global warming’ was dropped years ago. Nowadays it’s ‘climate change’ or ‘extreme weather events’ as that is sufficiently vague to fit any doomsday scenario, like Nostradamus’ predictions. You can’t lose with ‘climate change’. It’s like the old joke about the lunatic in the asylum with his ear pressed against the wall. ‘Listen!’ he said to a nurse. The nurse pressed her ear against the wall and said ‘I can’t hear anything. ‘ ‘Exactly!’ said the lunatic in triumph, ‘and it’s been like that all day!’
Cranmer, when it suits the BBC, like a temperature spike at an airport, then Global Warming gets 1st pick. They keep this one in their back pocket if there are no significant local “Climate Change” events.
Even though Nigel Farage has stood down as leader of UKIP, it doesn’t mean to say that he wouldn’t or couldn’t stand for an MP. De-select the traitor to UKIP, Carswell, and get the backing of the electorate on that ward. Have a new leader that can take the flack and Nigel as MP. Sounds good to me. He has only stood down as leader of UKIP. Carswell can go back to the Conservatives, not that he ever left them of course.
Carswell is just a chancer who would never have got anywhere in the Tory party. He thought he could be a big fish in the small UKIP pool. He obviously has sharp elbows and a poisonous tongue but little else in the way of personality. Unfortunately for him Nigel possesses more character in one of his discarded fag butts than Carswell will ever have in his whole sorry existence. I afraid jealousy and bitterness can do strange things to a third rate politician.
Nice little farewell interview with Nigel from the rather generously remunerated Eddie Mair on pm. We started off in a fairly civil tone asking about future plans etc etc. Then quickly moved into his controlled anger / impatient – “I know what you are all about son” mode with some nicely barbed questions so that the faithful listeners can remember him as the divisive, character who puts up nasty posters which force the great unwashed to perch bacon rashers on the local mosque doorknocker!
You could tell Eddie wanted to do the full “You murdered Jo routine” but he jerked back at the last second. Probably had to change his trousers and underwear as this was probably his last hurrah to show Farage how much the nation despises him.
Nigel dealt with it all pretty well probably recognising Mair for the high class “onanist” we all know he is. I am sure he wont miss tosspots such as Mair too much. I suspect Mair will miss him much more – Mair have to start buying razzle again.
Mishcon’s proposed challenge is devoid of all legal merit. As a matter of law, giving of notification under Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union is a matter of Crown prerogative. No Act or other parliamentary approval is required before this is done. In the European Union Act 2011, Parliament has chosen to require parliamentary approval before ministers are allowed to take certain actions under the European treaties, but notably has not extended any such restrictions to Article 50. Any argument that there is implied restriction is therefore quite hopeless.
As a matter of constitutional and political authority, the decision of the British people in a national referendum authorised by Act of Parliament not merely permits but mandates the giving of notice, without the need for any vote by Parliament,. It is deeply objectionable but sadly not unexpected that those who suffer from a deep-rooted contempt for democracy should resort to legal antics of this kind in an attempt to frustrate the democratic decision of the British people”.
Good to see this.
Will file it under
a) the Quislington Riots where a few thousand misfits, deviants and bedwetters rush behind Jon Snows camera , as the “popular will” rise up against the Referendum decision…staged?…not at all!
But it allowed Snow and Guru-Murthy a few minutes fantasising about the Arab Spring… there at the dawn of history.
Oh dear-back to barracks, no traction.
b) The thousands of Vatican voters who want a rerun of the Referendum on Parliaments rolling thunder revue of -well very little. Fraud, down the black hole before the oiks smell a fat rat.
c)The above…
But -again-this dead cat bounce sensation didn`t even last the day…Mayfly musings at our expense, enough to annoy us….and this time there WILL be systematic, cold revenge for it…
What will be the next splat on the screen from the leaky left?
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MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:37 Midweek 12th March 2025 UK riots: Police officer filmed telling men ‘stash weapons in mosque’ The officer was filmed in a video, which was…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 10:34 Midweek 12th March 2025 Pipa Doubtfire Former Head of Revenue Management Roles and responsibilities Pipa Doubtfire is Head of Revenue Management. She leads a…
Rumours suggest there’s new department in the bBBC’s newsroom called ‘LOOK WHAT YOU BREXITEERS HAVE DONE’.
Its raison d’etre is to trawl the country making up ‘news’ that they hope will make 17 million of us feel truly guilty for expressing our democratic choice to step away from the failing EU.
The LWYBHD dept’s latest guilt-laden, confused and frankly pointless sob story (that we’ve paid for) is part of the ‘My Shop’ series (give me strength…) and chronicles… well who knows exactly?
Whether the next My Shop story will be an upbeat, optimistic precis of a whole new world of retail opportunities afforded by the UK’s upcoming independent status is open to question, but if I were a betting type I’d say there’s more chance of this week’s Chilcott revelations not being a total ‘lessons have been learned’ whitewash. And we’ve paid handsomely for that, too.
And do I feel guilty about voting to leave?
Do I bolleaux! (As the French might say)
The way the BBC is behaving now is eerily reminiscent of that famous Gerald Ratner moment. He basically insulted his customers wholesale and in public, and his company paid a terrible price – a moment’s loose talk on his part brought a substantial business crashing to the ground.
I think the BBC may well have entered this territory of terminal lack of wisdom, of houbris of a quite staggering extent. Like the drunk at a party who has got away with bad behaviour for so long he thinks he can do and say absolutely anything without suffering the consequences, I see a breath-taking corporate complacency about their current actions.
You simply cannot insult a large proportion of your viewers and listeners, possibly a majority, and do it grossly and repeatedly, without incurring an appropriate response. I have heard people who I have never known to criticise the BBC before – loyal consumers, who never even thought about what they were seeing and hearing except in terms of entertainment – openly mocking the transparent bending of the truth, following the Referendum.
Unreflective folk, they had never considered the credibility or values of the output they were tuning in to – now, they are hearing the old, the white, the working-class, the Leave-voters being derided as worthless and worse. And they know it means them. If they once decide that it is the BBC, in all its glory, that has been relentlessly pursuing and stoking a terrible division in their society, then a line will have been crossed. They will turn their back, and never return. There are plenty of other broadcasters out there, and the BBC may find it is talking to an empty room.
The BBC is like a drunk at a party, who thinks it knows better than everyone else.
..Yes that is what it feels like, while he smugly thinks “everyone loves me”
Excellent stuff Mr Beaker.
Just heard Eddie Mair daring to put Nigel Farage in the dock .
In his silky smarmy slithery way, Mair hopes for a bit of Nigels scalp…model knife to hand, no balls so seeks a bit of dandruff to show his pals at Heaven next Friday.
Utter crap
“Do you even regret your nasty racist past actions and words?”…asks The Mair of Trumps Town.
“Do you even fear for the consequences of all you`ve said and done?”-he asks again, because Nigel clearly didn`t feel the letter opened hidden in Ned Sherrins cravat.
Well-no more that YOU BBC bastards who have trashed this country, gave Savile his lair and who now continue to knicker pick the nation into accepting something less than our country back.
And Mair chief among them.
Still though eh?…now that Gove has released his tax returns-stands to reason now that the likes of Mair and Marr will show us THEIRS eh?
Unaccountable public sector Freislers who are paid to put all others in the dock…and no more crap about politics is showbiz for ugly people.
Look and Mair, Marr and O`Brian….THEN tell me that the ugly people don`t get perpetual gigs at the BBC these days…even telly shows!
My God…say what you like about Caroline Flint and Penny Mordant(swoon)…but the Uglybugger Bores I name above would NEVER get into politics…which is they they`re so bilious , bitter..and bloody overpaid, and no proof of their tax arrangements.
Commercially insensitive-time to arraign the Freislers and the Ugly Bugs Balls…
I listened to The Moral Maze on Radio 4 last night (10.15pm). Have to admit I normally doze off after a few minutes but this week the topic was the morality of victors and vanquished!!!
Jonathon Powell was one of the speakers and he was odious and pompous as usual but the third guest was Shiv Malik from our broadcaster’s favourite crib sheet and daily comic! I could hardly believe what he said! It’s worth a listen if you didn’t hear it – about 17 minutes in. And the bBc are just so serious and accepting of all this! Unreal.
Then listen to the summing up by the resident panel, one of whom was Melanie Philips. She just about went apoplectic! Wonderful listening.
This is the blurb on the iplayer which sets the tone for the discussion.
Pundits and politicians alike are struggling to capture the enormity of the consequences of the result of the referendum vote. It’s at times like these people often turn to George Orwell for inspiration. He likened our nation to “a family with the wrong members in control” – “that” he said “perhaps, is as near as one can come to describing England in a phrase.” Who’ll be left standing and in charge after all the political recriminations and bloodletting have ended is still not clear. It’s been described as the worst peace-time constitutional crisis this country has faced. So this week on the Moral Maze we’re asking what should now be the moral priority for the victors and the vanquished? Has the democratic will of the people been clearly expressed so that the victors must now deliver Brexit at any price? Is it the moral duty of those who championed Brexit to deliver on all their promises made during the campaigning? Or, once normal politics has resumed, should the utilitarian principle of cutting the best possible deal triumph – even if that means forgetting campaign promises on immigration and the single market? Should the vanquished now support Brexit and work towards it with all the enthusiasm they can manage? Or was this a mistake by the British people that means they have a moral duty to go on fighting to keep Britain in the EU and campaign for a second referendum? Or should the priority, above all others, be to find a way to heal a divided nation?
‘It’s been described as the worst peace-time constitutional crisis this country has faced.’ This just about sums up what I’ve noticed lately – that the Remain lot are extremely ignorant of what the EU is and about our own history. If they think this is the worst peace time constitutional crisis, they’ve obviously never heard of the execution of Charles I, the deposition of James II, the American declaration of Independence, the madness of George III, the partition of Ireland, the General Strike or the abdication of Edward VIII. And most people who’ve gone through a British state education in the last 30 years or so probably won’t have heard of any of those except perhaps ‘write down how you would feel if you were a striker in 1926 and were oppressed by capitalism’ etc.
‘It’s been described”
Whenever I hear this or similar (“many say”, “it is said” etc…) I now as a reflex think, by whom?
Do they mean “described” by THEM?
It’s been described by “some people”.
That’s ok then.
Good points above lads.
“People have said”
“The BBC has learned”
But your….have just said”
“What do you say to/respond to …allegations from….”
We need a I-Spy translation for the above-and all the other massage boy /lazyboy cliches and bitchslaps from the BBC.
People have said?…WHICH ones Evan…how do you know?…have you proof.
It would look to some that…would it Evan…have you asked them yourself…and if so..why are you talking now to ME-and not THEM?
Basically…it`s all one lazy fat bitch n carp over the cyber washing line…hair in rollers, resting on their plastic boobs but clearly not got any washing to do…that`s what the houseboy or his visiting auntie are for.
No-only how that we`re getting a good generation of people like Murray, Jordan, Hopkins through who are savvy and contemptuous of how the BBC comfort class have trashed the Melanies and Peters, the Nigels and the Boris`s.
Easlit done-especially on live air…the Plaid Cymru economist who boxed and coxed Paxman is the template.
It`s on YouTube…watch and learn….and hope others are doing the same.
Thanks for drawing our attention to this programme. I found the contribution of Shiv Malik jaw dropping . Basically he advocates a sliding scale of voting power depending on factors such as age, usefulness and education. Leaving aside the obvious potential contradictions of usefulness v age and usefulness v education, it was the most anti democratic proposal that I have heard in my lifetime. That he writes for Looney Tunes aka The Guardian , is no surprise. If the BBC is willing to give a platform to this extreme view , it can’t be labelled anything but extreme , in fact ultra extreme verging on the insane, why not give a platform to other extremists such as real neo Nazis/ white supremacists or Muslim fundamentalists ( oh they already do that of course) or Stalinists ( oh they already do that of course) . Thank God he was thrown into the rubbish bin by the ever reliable and sensible Melanie Phillips.
But those who believe in democracy should be warned by what this looney said. The likes of him , and perhaps many others on the Guardian and hence the BBC , are prepared to take any course of action, no matter how extreme or anti democratic, to get their way. Presumable they won’t advocate abandoning democracy for ever but just until they get the result they like! But what about the next time the vote goes against them? Why not go the whole hog and advocate that we should live in a self selecting ,anti democratic oligarchy, just like the EU.
Doublethinker – thank you for your comments. I’m glad someone else listened to it. I couldn’t have put it more succinctly myself. It was indeed quite frankly jaw-dropping what the guy said! And wasn’t Melanie Phillips great at the end. St Michael Burke had trouble getting her to stop – she was in full flow.
Listened last week lads…and though Mel put him into the blender…entitled scum like him have this nasty habit of being used by the BBC as the “voice”…the “active campaigning ” go-to for the lazy BBC cretins who are then able to put those words “author, journalist, writer” before his intro…and let`s not mention “The Guardian” before we all know that he is….they`re cloned cabbages-which is why the BBC know whath they`re`getting.
Anybody who thinks that the EU only standardised Golden Delicious and fanny packs need only look at the hacks who spout for it…Geyserbirds r us!
Shiv Maik is just Anjem Choudury type of whitey windup…but the BBC prefers them under the floorboards than anybody who knows, thinks and cares…so beige, so vanilla, so civilian
So the lady is actually Ukrainian and does not have the right under the EU to work here, but requires a visa.
No investigation by the BBC as to what her visa entitles her to do, when it runs out etc.?
Blair’s interview by Lardell on R4 this lunchtime laid out the strategy we will see from the Remain side . They don’t accept the verdict of ‘the little people ‘ who voted Out. Indeed they hold such people in contempt. Remain will now be looking for any excuse to call another Referendum or , more likely, put in place a compliant Prime Minister who will fudge negotiations with the EU so that key demands of brexit voters such as control over migration and ending the powers in the UK of the European Court of Justice are negotiated away.
Theresa May cannot be trusted to negotiate with the EU. Her track record at the Home Office and cynical joining of Remain preclude any trust .
Blair’s conviction that we voted incorrectly was absolute. As is his (and many others ) belief that somehow the result of the referendum can be returned to with the hope of achieving a ‘correct’ vote. This position should be anathema to anyone who values due process, fairness and, yes, democracy – irrespective of their political persuasion. This is a dark and dangerous countenance – and those who propose such actions need to consider seriously the ramifications of attempting to subvert what is clearly a popular vote – perhaps one of the most democratically arrived at in our history – by the people themselves.
Mark Twain once said ‘if voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it’. This cynical view may hold true some of the time – but to disenfranchise a majority voting population in order to continue with the social experiment that is the EU would tear at the fabric of our nation. The petty squabbles within the Labour and Conservative parties would quickly pall into so much insignificance as those who thought that they had a voice and that they had a vote, found only that they can be ignored. This is the stuff of social unrest – and our media should take note. Once the democratic process has been so subverted, there is no going back and we enter into the dictatorial process and there are few democratic tools with which to fight against this.
The vote of the British people must be respected and must be enacted.
“but to disenfranchise a majority voting population in order to continue with the social experiment that is the EU would tear at the fabric of our nation. The petty squabbles within the Labour and Conservative parties would quickly pall into so much insignificance as those who thought that they had a voice and that they had a vote, found only that they can be ignored. This is the stuff of social unrest”
Yes indeed and one can only assume that the elite feel they actually do have the power to enforce their world view despite this resistance. History has, of course, proven such attitudes to be extremely wide of the mark yet it does seem to be part of the human condition to keep repeating such mistakes.
Many of the agents of unrest such as you describe are also some very literate and self-aware individuals indeed unlike the contributors of these pages who can naturally be relegated to the ranks of the racist, fascist, homophobic, islamophobic Nazi’s. By definition, thus leaving no room whatsoever for the vaunted “dialogue” the BBC proclaims itself to be the Gold-Standard arbiter of……..Where does one go then?
Such is the way of things…..
These are words which Blair; al beebus; Hezelswine; Fatty Clark and the rest of those in our country who have announced their preference for selective democracy need to take heed of.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
John F. Kennedy
I feel it is now simply a matter of just how secure the likes of Blair et al feel themselves to be…
Time will tell, as with all things.
I am sure that Blair knows that if his police ring of steel were ever removed, he wouldn’t last five minutes.
Five?…Three?……you think he’d survive a minute do you?
Blair must know that he has no reason to fear the Chilcot report or he would be keeping out of sight. Not that any of us will be surprised if the report clears him.
Am I the only one on this site who feels that the media was so against Blair’s actions of going to war and that he was treated so badly by the media and especially the BBC ?? At the time the propaganda against him was ongoing against “weapons of mass destruction” no one was able to even hear his point of view or suggest the he was justified . I have commented on this site before that no one heard his speeches or saw anything of his speeches eg to Washington in 2004 and in 2006 his whole speech was summed up on news at 10 by “this is what the PM meant to say” So how can a persons actions be judged fairly if his voice could not to be heard.
You are not alone .. If the rest of the G20 rich countries had sent in peacekeepers at the end of the war instead of running away, then stability would have been kept instead of gangsters with guns taking over muslim killed muslim and said “oh it’s all America’s fault.
The war also sent a strong message to potential terrorists about attacking the US, that of “you bring terrorism” to America well America is so “trigger happy” it will bring the impact back to your own country. I think this proved a strong deterrent, so terrorist gangsters stick to mainly attacking each other.
Blair never had any reason to fear the Chilcot Report. Millions of pounds went into it and quite a lot must have gone into Chilcot’s pocket to ensure no member of the establishment was likely to be punished.
I think Nigel will shortly be adding a D to UKIP, the United Kingdom Democratic Independence Party , because so few of the current politicians seem to be bothered about the D word.
The Food Programme 12.30 Radio4
this weeks episode ; the effects of Brexit on food .
Well I need not describe it . You know what they say . Expect to starve in the future .
Yes, who could forget the mass starvation and the emaciated bodies lying in the streets prior to 1973 and the constant distribution of food parcels from the Red Cross?
If those few thousand kids on the street who doth protest that the election result was not to their liking, and the democratic process is overturned by the wishes of a few plus Blair, then kiddicoos you aint seen nothing yet – think you can protest ? well, just imagine 17 million on the streets all over the country in response, AND THEN you’ll know what the word protest means !!!!! the gloves will be off and it will be civil warfare and no mistake.
The problem is we dont have a democratic system .
Al Beeb Duty Troll again.
The problem is we don’t have a democratic system
I’m glad you’ve recognised the EU for what it is .
Time then for a judicial inquiry into the conduct of Al Beeb .
How about that then ‘Man on a bus with the clap’ who contributes here because of the bias of Al Beeb news. What do you think ?
On the Buses,
I never thought I would agree with you but I do. We clearly don’t have a democratic system when there are serious attempts to overturn the result of the biggest democratic vote in the history on this country.
Democracy and the neo liberal paradigm are incompatible.
Brissles. I think the back lash may just be starting to stir. On social media I’ve spotted the first call to a leave demonstration that first one I’ve spotted for Manchester next weekend.
I should have said, of course, that in the future the food parcels will be from the Red Crescent – Halal, naturally.
Ah yes Lobster,
Back then I had to chew an inner tube for nourishment before being in receipt of a good beating to settle me for bed.
Don’t get me going on the toilet paper on the washing line.
Happy days.
Did they mention if I will be able to buy English Mustard again in Plaistow?
“English” mustard?
What’s wrong with Dijon? Are you a Europhobic racist?
Hmmm….Plaistow eh?………rubs chin in accusatory and paranoid manner…..
I suppose they will bang on that fee of EU tariffs, African food will flow into the UK making profits for them and lowering prices for UK consumers.
..and how France will be keeping their wine rather than make profit by selling it to us. The Brex has the Flex(ibility) that the E U doesn’tr
But at the TOP table, only the finest sandwiches are cut into neat triangles..
and then the water is a very rare bottled vintage (own label perhaps).
BBC staff are seen cutting down on staff binges… (stuff the food program)!
“The cost of liberty is eternal vigilance”.
I know friends on this site have placed this before…but well worth a look again to see what we dodged on Independence Day 2016…and this fine film gives all the history and incentives need to face down those who clearly have every reason to press gang us onto the prison hulk.
Look at 38.55 (as well as all the rest)-for it is here where we hear that the EU elite saying that we`re perfectly entitled to create our own fire exit if that`s what we choose to do…they want to block the fire doors and windows and play with matches as before.
Names like Santer and Prodi are good to see again-how the hell we lay with fleas and vermin like this lot for so long is a mystery.
Ths film is important…it`s clear that the elite won`t be giving up the relentless barrage of propaganda against its own citizens…so may it be an aide-memoire about how far we`ve gone to avoid the bullet, but how determined the evil fascists of the LibLab class are to deny us…so do remind yourself of how rotten and corrupt was the EU.
And it must not ever be our problem again…
Every generation is only one generation away from losing its freedom(Reagan.R)
Thanks for posting that chrisH an excellent film; good to hear again the late Norris McWhirter.
Football on soon-but stumbled on Lord Bedwetter Neil Kinnock on Marrs Mashup from earlier.
Great to hear the prolix puff adder swell his verbosity to its full-yet he`s a reduced,shrunken and sunk bloater isn`t he?
Said nothing of note-but seem to want his £3 runners and goon squad in the Party for blood bank and saviour sibling purposes.
These kids need to rewatch “The Island”…Neils not looking well, looks like a bloodless fat leech in need of your “energy”…and he`s always needed a watch out jellybabies of the Left!
When two of the BBC’s favourite hobby horses collide. In this case Green objectives to protect trees and combating racism wherever it is imagined.
From the US, soon to be followed here by social justice warriors.
Trees are racist.
People of colour may suffer from Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome when they visit parks and places with trees because slaves were hung from them.
“African-Americans have felt unwelcome and even fearful in federal parklands during our nation’s history because of the horrors of lynching.” What do national parks have to do with lynchings? Many national parks have trees. People were hung from trees. It’s racial guilt by arboreal association. Trees are racist down to their roots’.
How can we reconcile the Green Party’s love for trees with their commitment to anti racism?
There was a time when highwaymen and tax collectors were hung from trees.
Federal parkland exists because the National Parks were set up during the Civil War by Abraham Lincoln. So trees could just as easily remind people about the end of slavery in the USA. These grievance-mongers should get a grip!
Are they afraid of their family tree ?
And Christmas trees ?
Its all about ‘Roots’.
They are certainly not afraid of the Federal government’s magic money tree.
Petition: Invoke Article 50 of The Lisbon Treaty immediately.
It’s now up to almost 40,000 signatures… that’s about 10,000 new signatures for the day, I think.
When we get to 100,000 then they will consider debating it in parliament.
Wonder how many billion we’ll need before it appears on the BBC?
Interesting story about a Top Gear presenter. Link taken from the International Busness Times, which seems reputable enough.
Don’t expect to see anything about this on the BBC site!
Wow ! a bit of a breast grabber then. Not surprising really . In the words of John Inverdale, he’s “not much of a looker”, so resorts (allegedly) to lunge tactics. And borrowing words of the late great Caroline Aherne “and what attracted you to the millionaire Chris Evans?” cos thats all he has going for him.
More sexual assault allegations which the Beeb will be failing to report with any prominence
Feel the enrichment!
More bias through omission while the state broadcaster props up the old party system reporting on leadership squabbles in out of date irrelevant political parties. You can bet if there was a juicy trans gender toilet story they’d be in like flint, yet more sex attacks by you know who, no, not going near that.
They’d ‘omit’ to mention it even if it were to happen under their noses at ‘Glasto’.
I don’t know if anyone listened to the excellent “A Point of View”, by the philosopher John Gray, this morning on R4 about Brexit? If you didn’t: here it is and it is well worth nine and a half minutes to listen.
Thanks Al – an excellent listen 🙂
Agreed Al Shubtil.
Gray isn`t always correct-but when he DOES get it right, he`s one our best thinkers and philosophers.
A fearsome lefty(small l) and atheist debater..
Why?…because he argues from first principles, is never personal and disdains the heat and show pony nastiness of a Dawkins or a Dennett etc.
His “Straw Dogs” reads as philosophical “Freakonomics” in that he links lots of issues to create a Weltenschaung that is real and impressively argued..his piece on how the Soviet Union was allowed to turn into Putins gangster paradise via a hypercapitalism ,allied to the Wests short-term opportunism to humiliate a proud people and the flawed but brave Yeltsin, was as good an account as I`ve seen of how we got from Najibullah to Putin.
And- if you see Johnson and Farage as people who you think can be humiliated like Yeltsin…the the graphic treatment of the likes of Najibullah by the Taliban(newly-created)become all-too-possible .
Is that REALLY what Blair etc want?…Najibullah and Gadhaffi, Saddam etc become FAR more likely(even in the civil and tolerant UK) if you dare to speak as an EU traitor to your own national people…THAT`S how dangerous their abrogation of Brexit could be, were they to dare and deny it…as Al Shubtli wisely quotes of JFK above
Polly Toynbee!
I have absolutely no idea how to convince someone who is so politically self-deluded despite being presented with facts beyond question that contradict such a delusion! She is the epitome of how ‘out of touch’ the establishment is.
People like Toynbee are oblivious to the fact that every accusation against those on the opposite side of the argument is a vote against Toynbee.
What a bunch of losers. The French bloke started well when he said we need to push Clause 50 immediately and then spoiled himself by saying he now feels unwelcome with all the attacks on the “Poles and Muslims who are [our] citizens.” He claimed it is all the fault of the Brexit. It shows how even supposedly intelligent people can be conned when the BBC and Sky continue to push the same lies.
Just been watching the gentlemen and ladies playing tennis at Wimbledon.
Appalled that the transgender community do not have their own category. Are the biased BBC asleep on the job of promoting this year’s favoured minority?
Surely issues such as prize money and the number of sets to be played could be sorted. Equal prize money would of course be the requirement and I’m sure literally tens of people would like to see the competitive matches.
As daft as the above may read, in other contexts our biased right on student national broadcaster actively makes such assertions in all their marxist seriousness. Not that marxists have any other setting on the control panel.
I think my dog is transgender.
Cocks its leg when there’s an R in the month, and stoops to pee the rest of the time. ‘Its’ a she actually (I think)
Imagine the outcry when the referee shouts out:
” New balls ,please.”
There is an ad on telly for some back-pain cream, which uses just that phrase!
That’s because the BBC are in danger of losing the broadcasting rights to Wimbledon. As soon as the BBC start making assumptions and allegations about the Lawn Tennis Club (and they will) that is the time Wimbledon will go fully Commercial. The BBC are digesting the following announcements and how to ‘integrate sexes into one’ (i.e. abolish) competition between the sexes and make everything a unisex directive. Although the EU makes directives (we would have to follow), its the UN that has making the announcements (later adopted in full by the BBC and Guardian readers to make ‘queerdom’ as normal as BBC paedophilia.
LGBT Groups Seek to Entrench Agenda at the UN. The UN Human Rights Council has become a forum for agendas that now include LGBT issues. At the most recent session a highly controversial resolution was adopted that establishes an “independent expert” to monitor and promote sexual orientation and gender identity issues worldwide. Read more here.
European Union Member States Agree to Push LGBTI Cause Across Europe. The unanimous decision of EU countries will result in the promotion of the homosexual activist cause across Europe, monitor LGBT rights in European countries, and “combat discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.” Read more here.
And then only this morning SADIQ KHAN may want the BBC to show Burka wearing players. If you (or your children) laugh, that will be too called a HATE CRIME and you must be punished and re-educated. Recent changes in Pakistan will ensure everything is BBC ‘normal’ (as in abnormal).
Such as:
‘Pakistani Clerics Declare Transgender Marriages Legal Under Islamic Law. The clerics said transgenders have a right to marry, receive a Muslim burial, and receive full inheritance law benefits. The clerics’ decision is not legally binding. Read more here. ‘
So More BBC ‘integration’ means Wimbledon will have to go move broadcasters or suddenly go Trands-Unisex to appease the BBC robots agenda. Time then to leave the BBC behind.
Any of you hear the Radio4 programme a few days ago discussing bias on the BBC towards brexit in favour of remain – couldnt believe my ears, started off OK talking to some real people who articulated that bias was very evident, but then followed usual dismissive patronising sneering tone from presenter, and obligatory denial from boy executive editor who talked the usual metro multi cultural valuing diversity yoof idolising bollox, and was really really keen to hear the views of minorities in the interest of balance, because (you’ll like this a lot) the BBC dont always get the balance right. That’l be a refreshing change I mused – ffs! The BBC would really really like to hear from ethnic minorities, brown people, green people, orange people, purple people, betrayed traumatised young people, intersex people, genetically modified differently abled transgender human alien hybrid people, peace loving misunderstood jihadist murderers, hate crime victims and of course people who think there should be a second referendum, and especially those idiots who believed the brexit lies and now deeply regret it and want to vote remain. He didn’t really say that (felt like it though) – I just made it up – that CONCLUSIVELY PROVES we brexiteers are serial pathological LIARS and for that reason alone we the faweee fahsand Londonistan fackwit retards DEMAAAND a second referendum. That call has been given further weight today by none other than respected man of the people and war criminal Mr Bliar, no less.
Anyway, as an aging thick white English waacist, I was deeply hurt and felt excluded and traumatised that he didnt want to hear from people like me – Oh wait, perhaps thats because we’ve already had our say on 23 June! So sad you don’t like the result BBBEC funded Corporate Lie Machine, The referendum was not advisory, or a request, or an aspiration or an opinion to be ignored by our rulers. We knew exactly what we were voting for and even though we are deeply disgusted by the remain lies we wont be demanding a second referendum. The vote to Brexit was an order, an instruction, so fucking well get on with it and get us out of the mafia run corporate cess pit that is the EC. And don’t even think of listening to those bleeding heart morons, fuckwits and EC stooges who paraded yesterday. Renege on Brexit and you will really see some direct action and civil disobedience – Oh and UKIPs vote will skyrocket.
On a lighter but ever so sweet note wasn’t it worth voting for Brexit just to see the miserable faces on that geriatric bufont bufoon Heseltine, and that POS master of newspeak lies Alisturd Campbell that our fave national treasure of a broadcaster insist on interviewing at every opportunity – as Ronald McDonald would say Im loving it.
Yes indeed, the face-falling was like watching wax melting.
Jacob Rees-Mogg makes some excellent points here.
Just looking at those creeps in the photo, with their smug faces, reminds us all of why we voted brexit. And how right we were!
Jacob has played a blinder hasn`t he?
Was narked by David Davis saying that he`d back Theresa May…but, like Jacob- Itrust his judgement and look into it.
in other words, they have a record of independence-so I check what they say and will be guided by them.
This was beyond class , caricatures and “bring your nanny” lazyitis of the liberal media who hate his toff status and that plum voice.
But we know better-a brilliant smokescreen for a tremendous mind…and the liberal media are very wary of him nowadays…got to get a Cabinet job whoever wins the Tory nomination.
The very antithesis of all I used to rate as a northern lefty…but the real class warrior is Jacob!
Doews more for the worker than any number of EU shafters and grifters.
In the interest of democracy they called a referendum.
They did not get the answer they wanted . Enter Al Beeb propaganda …………….
The are now calling for something else.
The people of Great Britain are not impressed . What are our leaders trying to do ?
What they don’t like or want is all these pesky voters messing up their “democracy”.
Not sure of absolute detail but some years ago the Lib Dems got in somewhere by 2 votes.
The losing candidate successfully challenged the result and there was a rerun.
The lib dem then got in by a landslide.
In other words the electorate supported the democratic result, arguably even more than their own preferences.
Ergo those scheming to avoid brexit should be very wary of taking on the electorate.
Which i suppose means those anti democrats will do all they can to avoid such a scenario.
Nick Abbott on LBC right now pushing the same line that people are crying out for a second referendum.
Bad losers. Why claimed Abbott if people believe in democracy arent we willing to have another one?
I really really want Leadsom to win now.
May cannot be trusted to stand up to all the pressure when she is essentially a Bremainer herself.
Text 84850
If they don’t get a move on and get out many, many, Tory voters will join UKIP . Be warned Essexman & Conservatives.
Hi , taffman , Teresa May , is going to appoint a Cabinet Minister , with a Government Department to oversee Brexit .Its the Blair , & his disciples that will try & prevent it through the Courts . I think Ukip will disband in due course , now Farage is standing down . Glad most of Wales voted out, along with Essex & the other Eastern Counties .
Good to hear from you.
From Al Beeb it looks as if he wasn’t popular in Essex – but I doubt that, especially coming from them?
I would have thought that Ann Leadaman would have been the a better candidate for Brexit, not the appeaser ?
Worryingly some businessmen and academics are claiming it is “illegal” to action article 50 without a parliamentary vote. Real danger they could lose this.
Yes, I heard that Aerfen.
But don`t worry-the BBC sure as hell are not going to NAME these “unnamed businessmen and academics”
Wonder why?…a lack of curiosity eh?
And that “British Law Firm” was it…Mishcon de Reya was it?
There`s a whole conspiracy theory here…Lady Dis grafting old lawyer and Deputy Chair, loads of yummy ECHR business at risk, and New Labour up to their necks in it all…
You`ll be able to find Matrix Chambers if you look long enough Cherie Booth-Blair etc.
Yet the Left says nothing…the BBC happy to announce it, but a singular lack of interest in just WHO these unnamed British business/academics are”
Very much a scandal brewing along the lines of the Left fearing Lord Kings coup with his army contacts like Stirling back when Wilson was in peril of losing the country to the unions.
The Left dined out on the conspiracy against Labour at that time-and for years after.
But here we have a REAL threat of a liberal fascist takeover, and backed by ex Tories, Labour, Liberals and Greens?…needs a good root out and deep detoxification.
First time these creeps have used the “Sovereignty of Parliament” B/S as it suits them…for 43 years they`ve proceeded always on the fact that EU law takes precedence over UK law. So when Article 50 is EU mandated…just this once-and never again-will the Liberal Nazi Party we`re seeing in embryo cite “Parliamentary Process”.
But way too late…and that “Guilty Men” book needs an update…start at Ashdown…end at Wilson(Des)
They`ll pay for it…suspended sentences on Chatham cranes if they don`t take their think tanks off our laws
(quite clever that eh?)
Al Beeb are now telling us that Britain is divided and head to ‘Cambridge’ to tell us the ‘bikers’ and ‘energetic’ people there are anti Brexit.
They then go to Ireland and tell us that the ‘borders’ will be back giving the propaganda that things will return to the ‘old days’
They are forgetting that GB bailed Ireland out about two years ago.
They then tell us about the reported abuse to migrants has increased – How many people have been arrested ?
Interview a man who wants out of the EU and flash up a shot of the man with a swastika tattooed on his arm.
Transparent propaganda at its best .
Al Beeb It did not work last time and it wont work this time.
If only it was just Al beeb. They are nothing more than one of the many voices of the NWO.
After Obamas “interventions” that got us the win…Enda Kennys trip over here to get the Irish to vote here, in his role as Tea Sock comes close second re “disastrous meddling” in our internal processes.
So the Irish-on this occassion can f*** the hell up, continue to crave Bono, Geldof, O `Carroll and Linehan…and vote in such pothead pixies as O Higgins and the aforementioned EU cipher Kenny.
The Irish must RAGE at our new-found freedom after their pussy whippings over countless revisited referendums.
We are not Ireland, Denmark, Holland-and we`re certainly not France.
This is England…we do NOT redo Referendums whether they are Cleggs, Prescotts or Camerons…so , as I say, they had best be careful.
Ireland will be with us again before too long…their political. media and academic class are even worse that OURS
Ryan Tubridy anyone?
But-unlike them-we had a Nigel Farage and twenty four years of hurt…but, PG…it`s over thanks to him!
I put him between Churchill and Thatcher as a chapter of his own in the New History…he should never have to buy a drink or Wetherspoons value pub lunch ever again in this nation.
From the western shores of this island …………
Weather alert ! My station tells me the temperature is presently 9 Deg C.
Is this normal for mid-summer ? Over to you ‘ weather watchers’ for your analysis .
It’s been bloody cold at night in central France, too, recently.
There’s no AGW about, at the moment, the sun is at its quietest for 200 years, and even “scientists” are ready to backpedal…
And this, of course…
Hi Taffman, not completely unusual as 100 year records do show cold summers as well as hot summers. To see the cyclical events of these all you have to do is place a sunspot graph over one of temperature and you see the correlation between the two. At present we have lost the El Nino so all we now see is a cooling trend and the North Atlantic, is just that, very cool for mid summer. We also have no visible sunspot activity and a low radiation index. This has killed off any effective west to east Jetstream so upper winds are pretty slack to say the least. Aircrews flying east to west are flying direct tracks and have been doing so since Feb’. There is another problem to this and that is we are having a lot of “Polar Air” affected high pressure systems, which under clearing skies leads to low overnight temperatures (to include frost in places) and an increased hailstone activity when we have showers, as the upper atmosphere is still very cold. Not looking good for our winter. Autumn should be nice (mists and warm days, a typical old aged Autumn) and if as I’m thinking frosts will come early, the autumn colours in the U.K. will be most striking.
I’ll start looking for historical evidence concerning the sun activity with the depletion of the Arctic Ozone layer today. I’m excited about this research!
You genuinely make me smile TOB – keep up the good work!
Much as its appalling, I reckon there will be far more racial abuse to minorities if the block on Brexit goes ahead. Feeling will be so strong, particularly in deprived areas and where there are large communities of migrants, that refusing to go ahead in getting out of Europe could be the fuse that lights the tinderbox, and I can foresee a situation worse than anything we’ve seen before, including the Hoxteth and Brixton riots of years past. So those that consider we are in chaos now, could be in for a nasty surprise.
If they refuse to acknowledge the vote, neither the Tories, labour or the liberals will be electable for years. Parties such as UKIP,will rule.
If only. But I fear that wont be the case; the vote was close and Bremainers will be out voting in force to say ‘thank you’ to them. Also anti EU candidates will be excluded from the party lists. It wont be long before it becomes illegal to criticize the EU under the banner of ‘hate crime’.
“It wont be long before it becomes illegal to criticize the EU under the banner of ‘hate crime’.”
If my memory serves, the EU did actually discuss this possibility a few years ago. Got nowhere, but the fact that it was discussed at all was disturbing enough.
And of course if that happens then all the blame will be put on Cameron for allowing a referendum and Brexit for ‘fanning the flames of discord’. There will be NO recognnition that overturning the wishes of the majority played any part.
“Also anti EU candidates will be excluded from the party lists. It wont be long before it becomes illegal to criticize the EU under the banner of ‘hate crime’.”
It’s a risk, but I don’t think our politicians are that brave. They already have Jo Cox as an example.
Difference should be settled by Parliamentary debate not street violence, but they now know that violence no longer one way.
Sorry, should have been Toxteth riots.
BBCWatch reports that Kevin Connolly has been relieved of his duties rewriting the history of ‘Palestine’ to employ his talents on the Brussels beat; his objective analysis will no doubt reassure the Remainiacs that their narrative is the correct one and liken the Brexiteers to evil, racist, apartheid Israelis.
The Real Face of the European Union
An excellent video – long, but well worth watching. A disturbing expose of the gradual encroachment of the EU, its Nazi origins, its superstate intentions, and the every-increasing stealthy surrender of our national sovereignty via the “ratchet” system (it only goes one way).
Who posted this yesterday? I can’t remember now but big thanks for the tip. There’s so much in there I never knew or even suspected. They sure do a good job of keeping us in the dark about their real intentions, don’t they.
Me, Me Me Mike!
And ta Al Shubtil…we couldn`t have said that others hadn`t made it all to clear on film…from Durkin and even Paxman?…we were without excuse-we knew-and others also need to know as the BBC bit back with their borrowed molars…wankers.
But only thanks to someone a couple of weeks back who posted on this site.
So though I claim my prize, I`d like -in turn -to thank the Unknown Poster!
Who-if he/she reads it-can also wallow in the glory I`m basking in at the moment!
Pay It Forwards being the notion…aren`t we a lovely bunch here?
Very British in our ways!
Mighty Nigel Goes.
Palm Fronds, garlands, petals rose.
History Making Lord!
,,,,did I do well UKIP Haiku san,,,did I ?…did I?….
“Theresa May Is Backed By Every Europhile in Britain to Scupper Brexit” – Louise Mensch
Unbelievable! Right now on Good Morning Scotland we have Paddy Pantsdown getting a very sympathetic interview where he makes out the “centre progressive” vote is unrepresented. There is a gaping goal waiting to be shot at by any competent interviewer (and most incompetent ones too). Namely the 38% of Leave voters north of the border who are virtually without representation. None here will be surprised to hear that the interviewer came below the standard even of incompetence.
And now we have someone very articulate by the name of Emily Clark and who has organised something called “Blue Monday” banging on about xenophobia if you voted leave. Unchallenged.
(Oops. Reported my own last post there with fat fingers.)
Fairly used to lack of representation in Scotland.
1. Born Scots
2. White
3. NO to independence
4. NO to EU
5. Love Trump
6. No more immigration
Bloody hell Thatch – Sturgeon must think you are the personification of the Antichrist!
I truly am the anti-fish
Thatcherrevolutionary, Sturgeon would no doubt view you as the living embodiment of the ‘No True Scotsman’ fallacy.
Good to hear there’s more than one of us!
Tatch, I am entirely similar with the minor tweak that I don’t ‘love’ Trump but support his presidential push as the alternative is Clinton. How could she run the country from a jail cell?
feargal, I fully agree with your comment about Trump. He is clearly the least bad option (by a very long way) of the last three running. However, Clinton will escape any deserved punishment as the Clintons, and the so-called “Democratic” Party, appear to own enough judges. If she has been a quarter as guilty as anti-Clinton people claim then she would never get out. I don’t believe she’ll get more than the minorest of minor rebukes. Terrible really.
Didn’t hear Paddy complaining when their power was over represented in the last government ! (the Con-Lib Coalition with Ed Energy destroyer Davy
Technically now it is under-represented just like UK and Greens are due to lack of proportional representation.
If the Parliament was 16% UKIP MPs then the proglefty media wouldn’t have been caught by surprise at the Brexitr result.
BBC London News ramp up their anti-Brexit campaign this morning with news reader the adenoidal Asad Ahmad declaring : “Incidendents of racial hatred have increased IT HAS BEEN CONFIRMED by the Met” ie the Metropolitan Police.
No balance, no alternative interpretation offered. Biased.
At the weekend BBC Newswatch aired bland assurances from BBC Head of Newsgathering Jonathan Munro that the BBC was being fair to both sides. He lied.
Whilst nobody would condone genuine racial hatred, it has to be kept in mind that the majority of this stuff is made-up nonsense e.g. man buys a packet of bacon in shop within 5 miles of ‘Muslim area’ – post-Brexit hate crime screams the BBC and Tell Mama. However, in the case of real incidents committed by morons, the real guilty people are (a) the government for failing to move quickly and invoke Article 50, thereby helping assure the majority population that the end of one aspect of the nightmare is in sight, and (b) the BBC for its constant race-baiting and incitement in its efforts to turn a naturally tolerant people (the British) into an intolerant one.
Not on the BBC: Convicted Somalian rapist had deportation order overturned before attacking two more women as he ‘did not understand what is acceptable in UK’
Yes Ian, indeed. I’m not condoning any racial hatred or acts of violence, but cases like this one which the BBC tries to sweep under the carpet, where the incompatibilities of a “certain religion” with Western liberal democracy come to light (and are used by Council for the defendant), coupled with Human Rights legislation preventing his deportation allowing him to sexually assault a further two women, make people feel very angry – quite rightly so in my opinion.
Yet we are berated if we don’t subscribe to the orthodox multicultural ideology – which has no basis in fact, evidentially or otherwise 🙄
And of course biased of the BBC and others to insinuate without factual basis that the spike in reported hate crimes has anything to do with Brexit, totally ignoring the ones related to threats against Nigel Farage, for example, thereby tacitly condoning hate crimes against politicians they find disagreeable.
Surely deportation for the offender would have served the dual pupose of protecting the public and conveying the message of “what is acceptable in the UK” to the individual offender and others with similar lack of understanding. A key concept in justice is the deterrence of further offending.
Gulf states punish (and deport any survivors) in cases like this….even fellow muslims who offend their laws, they do this in order to make clear the rules of what is acceptable in their societies.
Liberals in the judiciary and broader criminal justice system abetted by EU “human rights” appeals courts are doing the exact opposite….in their weakness they are encouraging further, similar offences.
Convicted Somalian rapist gets an easy ride. This type of story is now becoming regular. There is something rotten in the Home Office – has been for several years – when it comes to enrichers. It seems as if the courts are encouraged to take an easy line with them. Forget the bollox about separation of powers – this Home Secretary killed that. She could easily have issued a statement about the so called cultural defence, which the courts are accepting. And come to think of it – she has done buggerall to combat grooming gangs. I conclude that we have a fellow traveler in Government about to become PM.
“Genuine racial hatred” is being condoned in the Guardian and on the BBC. Every time I hear the mantra trotted out about “angry white voters” and angry white men”, or ” angry left behind voters in some areas”….or any permutation of the above I hear racial hatred directed against white people. Especially when combined with calls to nullify a democratically arrived at referendum result.
Why? imagine the word “black” being bandied around in such a way.
Stupid liberals and their detestable “identity politics” and race politics imported from the US failed to realise that they just might stimulate white identity groups determined to protect their interests too.
Yesterday’s BBC Newswatch Facebook page
But Lincs Police have this story not hyped by BBC @lincspolice Jun 30
Do you know who is responsible for this damage to beautiful #Skidbrooke church?
Refreshing honesty at last…
The pure bilge pouring out of the radio at the moment on Nicky Campbells phone in, is total bulls**t. It seems the BBC is still in full pro EU propaganda mode. A list of EU foreigners coming on and stating how terrible it all is or is going to be. If we do ever manage to get our country back we need to remember how certain media organisations acted.
Are there any Tory MPs who might complain about the BBC propaganda, which is well beyond normal bias? Could they write to Whittingdale – just a mild complaint.
I’ve just written to my MP raising my concerns about efforts by the media to cause ‘alarm and despond’ in the wake of the Brexit vote and asking that he respects the wishes of the majority of the British people in any Parliamentary vote on it. I said people are watching the Conservatives closely on this matter and it will affect their voting decisions in future. He’s a Remainer though so I don’t hold out much hope. Still, we have to keep the pressure up!
Nige has resigned as UKIP leader ! speaking eloquently as usual ! he will be missed.
Farage steps down. Thanks for everything, Nigel. We owe you a hell of a lot.
And Douglas Carswell shows his class…
Stepped down, after unparalleled hostility and lies from the media and betrayal within his own party. Thank you Nigel for standing up for your country and taking on the worse politicians we have ever experienced.
There is one piece of slime that must be feeling very pleased – Dimbleshit – and will no doubt be in line for a knighthood from Teresa, Queen of Eurabia.
Wise to step down on a high.
He must be physically and mentally exhausted not just from all the work he’s done but also from the relentless abuse and death threats which will of course never be investigated. His resignation will be shown in the worst light and crowed over in the media and by the ‘snowflakes’. But if you’re reading this Mr Farage, thank you for all you’ve done. It’s been a pleasure to listen to your speeches and to see the calm handling of all that’s been thrown at you.
Seconded. Thanks Nigel. You’ve done a good job for your country. Let’s just hope the LibLabCon morons don’t despoil it further.
(I doubt he actually has time to browse internet forums!)
What on earth are we going to do without him?
Ukip should strengthen the party. No time to lose if they want stay as a political force.
Get signing people up. The message needs to be heard that they are not going to disappear.
Produce good strategy for increasing impact in by-elections.
Support your local kipper.
Spread the message.
Build! Build! Build!
Build on the work that Nigel has done.
Well that would be my advice.
Nigel, head and shoulders above all the pygmies !
And lets not forget this………….
“Do you want the United Kingdom to be part of a federal Europe or do you want the United Kingdom to return to an association of sovereign nations that are part of a common trading market? ”
Sounds familiar ? this was the proposed question in 1996 that was put forward by the Referendum Party founded by Sir James Goldsmith. So if the decision to leave has upset all those ‘kids’ , then they should be made aware of this, because this issue is not something new, and could have been voted on whilst they were still in their buggies !!!
BBC will be delighted at the Chilcot Report. Bliar walks but individual soldiers will be hounded for war crimes.
Did anyone really predict a different result from the establishment with our money?
I will bet that Teresa will be so quick to hand our lads over to the Hague – quicker than she was with Islamic terrorists.
What no bbc specials into Hilarys dodgy emails. No squads of bbc journos trailing her every move and using their ‘friends’ to smear her. No Newsnight or panorama specials No bbc articles ‘Should Clinton resign’, ‘Is clinton fit to be a future president’, ‘Should Clinton step aside’ ‘Can Clinton be trusted’. Zip, nothing all gone down the memory hole. 7000 journos whats the point of them? Now if it had been Sarah Palin
But they can find every remainer out there to shout racist at every chance for the past week. They are a disgrace.
Just like to remind everyone that we are not ‘out’ yet. It will take two years of EU ‘negotiation’ by the new team replacing Cameron ‘project fear’ campaign with a new anti-EU cabinet. And who that is going to be, we don’t get to vote, but I suspect both ‘Boris’ and ‘Gove’ will be given key posts even if the don’t get to be PM. My vote (if I had one) would be David Davis who was robbed on his chance by Cameron and his motley crew under Kenneth Clark (pro EU exponent from Ted Heaths era). I read the Daily Mail was pitching for Theresa May, but I am not sure why as she is totally lack-lustre and not a ‘Maggie Thatcher’ replacement and took no part in the EU campaign. She is not qualified to lead us out. More a 50/50 remain plan to stall disengagement by Cameron again.
But it does remind me of that god-awfull time when Blair gave way to Gordon Brown (who was himself was unelected (by national referendum), and was another ‘heir to Blair’ but was probably the worst PM we ever had in living memory). But then Milliband would have been worse than Brown. As for Corbyn, well without his BBC propelled ‘Momentum’ agit-prop group where would he be?
There is no doubt in my mind that the BBC encourages left wing exteremists, perhaps less so on main stream programs but certainly ‘pushes the envelope’ at all other times. That would be the NUJ at work, inflicting their bias and hatred on the rest of us that pay for the BBC network. Although I don’t listen much to BBC TV or radio now, when I do hear it, is worse than I last time. Thanks to commercial radio and TV the BBC is largely irrelevant, but like the EU it sees itself as ‘doing the right thing’ whilst doing something ‘improper’ in the background (off screen).
One of the most dishonest (and there are hundreds of examples) is how the BBC treat us with disdain and contempt ‘the little people’ who have to queue at Doctors surgeries and NHS (often in dire need) and told that we have to wait, hours, months even years whilst BBC fat cats get immediate Private Health Care. This is at the same time they want NHS doctors to come out ‘on-strike’ to avoid any NHS financial reforms or restructuring (which it will need to do to survive). But the BBC tells us one thing but does another. Not for the first time do BBC executives enjoy luxury and health care of the super rich funded solely from the TV license.
‘We saw this week that the BBC spends millions on private healthcare for its execs, but you only ever hear of the evils of private healthcare on their news output. Funny that’.
This is from the Tax Payers alliance bulletin (with links to that article):
Also tonight on Channel 5 they are doing an ‘expose’ of Blairs corruption to riches; The Blair Rich Project which my prove what we all suspected, that he and his wife line their pockets in trying to gain influence both in the EU and UK for private gain. Very much like Hilary Clinton and her ex president Bill Clinton did when in office…
Well said! It is pretty obvious that the BBC has decided there is simply no chance that the current government will do anything at all to force it to stick to its duty of impartiality.
Events both pre (and most particularly post) Brexit have proved beyond doubt that the Corporation no longer gives a damn. It will go on being as biased as it pleases, secure in the knowledge that the Conservatives will never call it to order.
There is no point complaining to one’s MP. Labour loves the BBC and Tories are part of the problem.
We need to find some other way of bringing the BBC down.
In New Zealand ,they got rid of their state broadcaster tax by having a massive non payment campaign.They cannot put everyone in prison.Unfortunately the brainwashing goes on unabated and the BEEB are not going to give up their perks without a massive fight.
A simple campaign of civil disobedience is all that is required – the system couldn’t cope, although a few examples would be made, obviously.
It is galvanising the British public into any sort of action to help themselves, which is the sticking point.
I’m afraid that isn’t going to happen. We are too law abiding. ‘Sometimes for our own good’ I might well have added. Even when the country was being wrecked and subverted by the Blair/Brown junta we didn’t tear down the HofC.
I have already joined the ‘campaign’ – not paid .
No taxation without representation .
Every individual has it in his or her power to withold money from the BBC, perfectly legally. If you want to change the world, start with yourself, as Ghandi said.
Agree entirely. Unfortunately, we don’t really “do” civil disobedience, do we? The French are quite good at it though.
At one end of the scale we pay up meekly and then moan about it, at the other we lose our clothing, get drunk, throw stuff around, and generally waste any sympathy we might have gained.
Perhaps one of our esteemed “yoonies” could do a course in it. They seem to cover everything else.
I think civil disobedience can work even in the most autocratic countries. I worked in China and remember a story told to me by one of our younger workers. I was genuinely surprised that he told us this. At college they were ordered to be at a cinema at 2.30 to see an 8hr film on the Communist party. Being more interested in going shopping they obeyed the rule precisely. All of them turned up at 2.30 then quietly left. Simple and directly obeying the law. The mantra they had was there is national law, local law and local interpretation of national law. Sometimes, as unions know, work to rule can be a very effective way of protesting.
Well, it’s a thought. Has anyone any concrete proposals that we could try? I am so sick of the BBC after the latest shenanigans that I am ready to start.
Win for BBC, lose for Brexit and UKIP.
BBC News Channel
Posted at
UKIP’s Douglas Carswell says his party should have no role in Brexit negotiations.
He said the “architects” of Vote Leave should be put in charge – naming Commons Leader Chris Grayling, Justice Secretary Michael Gove, Tory MEP Daniel Hannan and campaigner Matthew Elliott.
“I think it’s very important that people watching this in continental Europe recognise that when they negotiate, they’re negotiating with people who want good relations – we want this to work, we want to be good friends and neighbours,” he said.
Earlier party leader Nigel Farage – who doesn’t exactly see eye to eye with Mr Carswell – said he would welcome any UKIP involvement in the negotiations.
How could so many be fooled by Doggie Pigswill. I thought he was an honorable man, now every time he says something he is proving himself to be the opposite. What I don’t understand is why he left the comfort of a Conservative seat to join UKIP, a party whose policies, beliefs and aspirations he profoundly doesn’t share.
“Douglas Carswell says his party should have no role in Brexit negotiations”
What, Douglas Carswell doesn’t think the Tories should have a role in the negotiations?
Oh, wait, I see what you mean.
I hope the voters of Clacton realise they’ve been used.
Heard BBC Middle East editor Bowen on Today this morning opining that all the problems of Iraq stem from the American and British invasion. Rubbish really, America and Britain did not invent the Sunni-Shia split. But we are supposed to feel guilty about it.
However Blair not mentioned … could this because Blair has cannily rehabilitated himself with bBBC by positioning himself as a man to show how to thwart Brexit?
Deliberate irony from the BBC?
“Tony Blair didn’t lie to us” but he did exaggerate the reliability of intelligence, says Lord Butler #ChilcotReport
I presume they meant Tony Blair’s Intelligence , not our military intelligence!
But not deliberately says the good Lord Robin Butler.
But he exaggerated it all…but not deliberately.
Mispeaking?..untruths…porkies?…life`s too short to listen to such dissembling judges who are creature of the new orthodoxy.
Hutton, Scarman, McPherson, Butler…and here comes Chilcott.
Judge Fiona Wilcox to attempt to reach the giddy heights of Dame Mary Hogg? lets toddlers die. the other lets teenagers get killed…but in both-indeed in ALL cases…the State is never to blame…and you`re forbidden to even suggest it as a verdict.
We used to have independent law-now we`ve got Cherie and the assorted Chickens Supreme who are Brussels sprouts, screwing the dead of the poor…but condoning all that the State does, as long as the EU are OK with it.
A reminder, In or out, this was the leader of our present government’s promise ………………….
Sometimes you have to laugh.
38 degrees has a petition that parliament debate Article 50 rather than just the PM making the decision. But what about the decision of the whole country, for crying out loud?
Nice of them to add that we should take the referendum “into account”, don’t you think? Makes it sound nicer doesn’t it? But actually they are not asking for a postponement of Article 50 (“when”), they are asking for it to be overturned altogether (“whether or not”).
So it’d be more honest if they said: ” … IGNORING the result of the recent referendum AND not being bound by it.”
The “reasons for signing” at the bottom of the page are comedy gold:
Ah yes, that’s right – move the goalposts after the ball has been kicked.
Riiiiiiight… well yes, it is simply ludicrous for us to leave Europe – what are we going to do, up anchor and sail away? And yesssssss… all those lies. We were stupid, gullible and conned. NOT. And will things be better for us (and everyone else too, by the way) – after Brexit? Not if you believe Remain’s lies eg the Treasury “prediction” that we’d all be £4,200 a year worse of per family. Of course the truth is no one knows, and it depends what our politicians make of the situation – yet obviously Irvine has a crystal ball.
Do you want fries with that?
If this is the intellectual level of Remain, god help us.
Taffman, we must remember that what Cameron delivered was the ‘good way’ to control immigration by reducing benefit incentives and not the ‘bad way’ by eh… controlling it!
Petition: Invoke Article 50 of The Lisbon Treaty immediately. Just reached 50,000 signatures.
Plus one!
I think it was Enoch Powell who said, ‘ all political careers end in failure’, well Nigel Farage is the exception to the rule. He leaves as leader of UKIP in triumph. Have you got that BBC , in triumph. He achieved victory over the liberal left establishment through the ballot box against overwhelming odds. Whilst the anti democratic forces of the liberal left gather to try and over turn his victory by resort to totalitarian methods, he can leave with his head held high. Well done and thank you Nigel.
Don’t understand what all the fuss is about.
I’m Brian and so’s my wife.
‘Some say’ that Chris Evs’ chappy is stepping down from that Al Beeb ‘bottom gear’ programme ?
confirmed by local radio.
So another failure for BBC management about making choices for the future…Not that they shouldn’t be able to take risks as long as the failure rate is low.
I wonder if he will receive some kind of payoff, thru somwe clever contract rule
Chris Evans though he was on Crap Gear which explains trhe way he dressed
Now reported on BBC too
Strange that it’s listed under the “entertainment” section!
I imagine the BBC happily signed a 5 series contract with him with a clause saying he can quit anytime and still get paid for all the future episodes with taxpayers money.
Still the BBC Radio diodn’t mentioon the sexual allegations that John mentioed at 8.56 last night DigitalSpy compiled a list of allegations in today’s media
“Metropolitan Police have confirmed an investigation into claims of sexual assault believed to involve Top Gear host Chris Evans.”
“The allegation was made by a woman against a man, and relates to incidents in Tower Hamlets in the 1990s”
Evans has denied all allegations of sexually inappropriate behaviour and bullying, saying: “All these bullying claims and other allegations are just ridiculous.”
Stew, this may have ‘clarified’ his thinking;
Evans is on the right side of the narrative – I bet Aunty wont be sending too many helicopters buzzing over his house!
As we are now well aware, the BBC have taken the moral high ground and chief druid, Roger Harrabin keeps us informed of what the BBC think and what we should believe concerning “Global Warming” or if that doesn’t fit the agenda “Climate Change”.
I was just starting to look for information concerning the increase in ozone in our atmosphere and stumbled on this from 2014. Well worth a read as what was spoken about in this article has come to fruition since it was written:
I’ll carry on looking for data. Oh and a friend of mine here on Dartmoor, having checked his long standing weather records now informs me, that on his patch of east Dartmoor, there has been no increase in temperatures for 23 years. (In fact, things have got decidedly, as the BBC would put it, “chilly”)
“I’ll be back”
Well Done Old Bloke!
Old Bloke, I understood that ‘global warming’ was dropped years ago. Nowadays it’s ‘climate change’ or ‘extreme weather events’ as that is sufficiently vague to fit any doomsday scenario, like Nostradamus’ predictions. You can’t lose with ‘climate change’. It’s like the old joke about the lunatic in the asylum with his ear pressed against the wall. ‘Listen!’ he said to a nurse. The nurse pressed her ear against the wall and said ‘I can’t hear anything. ‘ ‘Exactly!’ said the lunatic in triumph, ‘and it’s been like that all day!’
Cranmer, when it suits the BBC, like a temperature spike at an airport, then Global Warming gets 1st pick. They keep this one in their back pocket if there are no significant local “Climate Change” events.
Even though Nigel Farage has stood down as leader of UKIP, it doesn’t mean to say that he wouldn’t or couldn’t stand for an MP. De-select the traitor to UKIP, Carswell, and get the backing of the electorate on that ward. Have a new leader that can take the flack and Nigel as MP. Sounds good to me. He has only stood down as leader of UKIP. Carswell can go back to the Conservatives, not that he ever left them of course.
Carswell is just a chancer who would never have got anywhere in the Tory party. He thought he could be a big fish in the small UKIP pool. He obviously has sharp elbows and a poisonous tongue but little else in the way of personality. Unfortunately for him Nigel possesses more character in one of his discarded fag butts than Carswell will ever have in his whole sorry existence. I afraid jealousy and bitterness can do strange things to a third rate politician.
Nice little farewell interview with Nigel from the rather generously remunerated Eddie Mair on pm. We started off in a fairly civil tone asking about future plans etc etc. Then quickly moved into his controlled anger / impatient – “I know what you are all about son” mode with some nicely barbed questions so that the faithful listeners can remember him as the divisive, character who puts up nasty posters which force the great unwashed to perch bacon rashers on the local mosque doorknocker!
You could tell Eddie wanted to do the full “You murdered Jo routine” but he jerked back at the last second. Probably had to change his trousers and underwear as this was probably his last hurrah to show Farage how much the nation despises him.
Nigel dealt with it all pretty well probably recognising Mair for the high class “onanist” we all know he is. I am sure he wont miss tosspots such as Mair too much. I suspect Mair will miss him much more – Mair have to start buying razzle again.
Not on the BBC:
Lawyers for Britain:
Mishcon’s proposed challenge is devoid of all legal merit. As a matter of law, giving of notification under Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union is a matter of Crown prerogative. No Act or other parliamentary approval is required before this is done. In the European Union Act 2011, Parliament has chosen to require parliamentary approval before ministers are allowed to take certain actions under the European treaties, but notably has not extended any such restrictions to Article 50. Any argument that there is implied restriction is therefore quite hopeless.
As a matter of constitutional and political authority, the decision of the British people in a national referendum authorised by Act of Parliament not merely permits but mandates the giving of notice, without the need for any vote by Parliament,. It is deeply objectionable but sadly not unexpected that those who suffer from a deep-rooted contempt for democracy should resort to legal antics of this kind in an attempt to frustrate the democratic decision of the British people”.
Martin Howe QC
Lawyers for Britain
(With thanks to Tim Reed for posting this at
Good to see this.
Will file it under
a) the Quislington Riots where a few thousand misfits, deviants and bedwetters rush behind Jon Snows camera , as the “popular will” rise up against the Referendum decision…staged?…not at all!
But it allowed Snow and Guru-Murthy a few minutes fantasising about the Arab Spring… there at the dawn of history.
Oh dear-back to barracks, no traction.
b) The thousands of Vatican voters who want a rerun of the Referendum on Parliaments rolling thunder revue of -well very little. Fraud, down the black hole before the oiks smell a fat rat.
c)The above…
But -again-this dead cat bounce sensation didn`t even last the day…Mayfly musings at our expense, enough to annoy us….and this time there WILL be systematic, cold revenge for it…
What will be the next splat on the screen from the leaky left?
Angela Merkel plans to ditch Juncker? Did I read that right? Yes, here it is.
If she did, how would that affect our negotiations? Initially I think it might be in our favour?