BBc News 17:00. Story 1 Farage resigns. Story 2 Chris Evans steps down from Top gear. Yes Top gear what an important story that is..not. I still won’t watch it any way.
Soapbox/RJ, thanks for the links.
Merkel who has already been addressing Britain’s brexit vote in more moderate terms than Juncker obviously has to run a country and has an election coming up as well. She has already been guilty of a gross miscalculation in attempting to fill the outstanding vacancies in the booming German industry with migrants from the Middle East etc. she will not survive if she makes a mess of dealing with Britain’s brexit.
The German economy (as we know) depends on export to the UK – cars, machinery, beer, wine etc. and will not be prepared to ‘cut off it’s nose to spite it’s face’ to support idealists such as Juncker & Co.
Germany know full well that politics ride on the back of trade in the western capitalist system and not the other way around. Jean Claude Juncker & co however believe that trade rides on the back of politics (totalitarism) so there is a fundamental disagreement here. We have everthing to gain and nothing to lose if we keep our nerve (tell that to Theresa)
The Jeremy Vine Show on BBC Radio 2 today opened with Nigel Farage’s resignation. Eager to comment on the show’s accompanying Facebook post before the far-left soap dodgers and Guardianistas flooded it with the usual cries of “Waycist!”, I hastily submitted some support for Farage, largely paraphrasing from one or two past comments here that I liked and had saved (please pat yourself on the back if you recognise your input):
Nigel Farage is nothing short of a hero for what he’s done for the country. The personal abuse and ridicule he’s had to endure has been taken on our behalf. When everyone else was too frightened to take on the elite, he stepped up. His dedication to people like me, when the easy option was back down, is the greatest act I have ever witnessed by any Englishman. We are indebted to Nigel, even if some of us don’t know it yet. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
And guess what? Not only did the above make ‘Top Comment’ on Facebook, but approximately 25 minutes in Vanessa Feltz (sitting in for Vine) read it out on air , first and in full!
Another of life’s “little victories”, as so often enjoyed by fellow BBC reprimand Norman Stanley Fletcher.
I must have been missing something on this because Nadiya comes across to me as a decent kid.
The issue is not her but how she has been manipulated by the multi culti biased BBC into a Muslim role model. Very little evidence that was her plan, much more likely to be due to the Far Left narrative at the bBBC
Well there weren’t many pictures of her birthday cake for the Queen published ! the lemon drizzle hat boxes were not a qualified success or it would have been splashed over every magazine and newspaper. All we had was a backview of 3 purple and gold blobs during the news story.
BBC have decided to cut and paste twitter comments such as ‘new Top Gear was still better than old series’, ‘last night’s episode was the best’ so they are basically patting themselves on their deluded backs.
Meanwhile in the real world on the Top Gear Twitter page others are posting their reactions (ignored by the BBC) such as:
“It just didn’t work from day one.”, “Chris Evans’ Top Gear crashes to a halt with record ratings low “, “Appalling viewing figures for Top Gear finale last night. A new low of 1.95m. 8.79% share. Antiques Roadshow repeat on BBC1 got double that”,
Good luck to you Nigel Farage; enjoy some time with your family and have a good holiday away from the EU madness.
I can’t recall anyone else who by the sheer force of their will and personality, brought about the massive changes that this man has; all through his leadership of a minor political party.
A quite amazing feat and a real inspiration to those who feel it is impossible to obtain change when faced with a (seemingly) obsidian monolith for an adversary; such as he was in the form of the E.U.
Nigel`s not finished.
Nor is Boris.
The BBC news cycle goes full spin from Hero Corbyn to Butthole Bolshevik in only nine months…with no intermediate stages, no thinking-just reflex action and heads on spikes for Newsnight.
Stuff `em…this is the long game…and at least Gramsci played a waiting game-this lot have Tourettes, and ADHD.
And-havig spoken to a Tory activist or two…they`d better get their vote, and the active ones prefer Leadsom.
May won`t be wanted by anyone but the political machine types…and when you don`t give your Party activists the popular candidate, then you`ll be as removed from reality as Labour is.
And UKIP will clean up.
It is quite funny the things you stumble across when using search engines for Ozone. Don’t ask how, but I came across the official “Student Loans Company” web site. A very interesting read and one which made at least one eye brow be raised.
Their accounts show that last year (in summary) they gave out £7 Billion in maintenance loans and grants with a further £7.5 Billion to learning providers in Higher and Further Education last year. Their loan book last year was £74 Billion and rising and giving cause for concern.
Obviously quite a bit of the outstanding debt students will pay off but I considered this, having seen, what basically amounts to a student protest over the weekend in London concerning Brexit.
As we are net contributors to the E.U. to a value of £10 Billion, following Brexit, we could in theory, cover all of the student costs and still have £2.5 Billion to play with. In other words, the students could attend their colleges and universities free of charge. The net debt of the loans company would also be reduced as past students would pay down the company debt. Education establishments could raise their funds via other routes.
“When a Muslim kills another Muslim it’s America’s fault” that is the rule amongst most locals in Muslim countries I have been to. ..Doesn’t natter if it Chinese ammunition in a gun supplied by Russia is still in America’s fault.
When a million Africans kill another million’s invisible as far an MSM media are concerned.
Terrorism is coming home
Bombings in Saudi in 24 hours:
• #Jeddah near U.S. consulate • #Qatif near Shia mosque • #Medina near Prophet’s Tomb
Last day of the peaceful month of Ramadam
I don’t know what all the fuss is about Jeremy Corbyn’s anti-Semitic gaffe.
After all, our friend Jeremy Corbyn is no more responsible for accidentally offending Jews, than our friend Adolf Hitler was for accidentally invading the Sudatenland.
And of course, I’m most definitely not comparing Corbyn to Hitler. Oh no. That would be odious. Not saying for whom, mind you.
I’ve watched many of the Hitler parodies and I have to say, The acting of Hitler is as about as good as it can get. In fact, pretty well everyone is top notch if you look at the faces of the actors when the drama is played out. Can anyone tell me what the original film was called as I would like to watch it in its entirety?
Newsnight tonight allowed Nick Watt to audition for The Lord Neil Kinnock of Bedwetty in the coming film.
Watt gave it the full Globe…he hammed it up as if Kinnocks words were Gettysburg or Churchill.
Embarrassing..but THAT good that another Blair Blubber called Lucy Powell was “in tears” after Neils Windbuggery.
Nick Watt-singular-low energy bullhorner for the pipsqueak moribund Labour Show…can`t call it a party now can you?
Imagine matron will be doling out the meds, getting Raul to massage them as they feign PTSD and shellshock after tonights Great war.
Send for Eric Joyce…at least he packs a punch and doesn`t roll over like the rest of them…what a bunch of Jessies..Phillips Flatus.
Leo`s a good writer-but seem to think that it`s a bad thing that labour have neither wit nor will to remove Willie Winkle Corbyn from their chief spot on the dunghill.
I see him as an itch way down the plaster cast…and the longer he`s there, the longer the rest of us can get on with politics,
Basically a freak show is Labour…not once candidate even worthy of a trail wilt a baby sitting circle or a sharpened crayon.
This years beauty contests and tentflappings should be great fun at Tolpuddle…a travelling necropolis.
They had their little badges out for J C last year…but the one they needed was a Jew, so would never be welcome.
So on they go with Corbyn…wonder which PLP members will show this year…Peter Hain, Barbara Roche and Hazel Blears were able to show up in the tinted windowes Zils not long ago.
I do wonder what Sir William Bragg and Frances O Grady think-and wonder why we`ve heard nothing about what THEIR advice to us all would be.
Well-a tentpeg drilled into a kneecap. a bottle of Pils full of piss and mud aimed at you?…Bob Crows red necked Ska Monsters on the piss for a weekend…and then YOU try telling them that they wanted the “Lesser of two Eagles” of Pansy Burnham as leader?…well, your bus brakes might take a tumble on the way home.
Comedy Brass…from Tolpuddle to Piddlepuddle in nine months…
Thanks Al. One Labour MP said: “We are becoming a fascist party. We can’t get rid of the leader and we are being run by the mob.
Funny how the BBC seem to mention Westminster gossip only when it suits them, isn’t it?
Labour used to be the voice of the British working class but it has become the narrow representative of the metropolitan virtue signallers, the migrant communities and the public sector unions.
As the referendum proved, the traditional working-classes are increasingly deserting the party.
As long as Labour remains addicted to mass immigration and the abolition of our national identity it is impossible to see them coming back, even without Corbyn.
Shhhhhh… for goodness sake, don’t you know walls have ears?
Thanks everyone. A must watch. I really liked “Das Boot” too. Found that gripping and gave an excellent portrayal of what it must have been like for submarine crews in the 2nd World War.
He’s always been the best, and the most enthralling to watch at his handling of the press during interviews. Interviewers present and past have thrown everything at him including the kitchen sink, but he was continually eloquent, and never afraid to speak as he found – even if it upset more than a few people, he was always true to himself.
My ears pricked up when I read that the Ozone hole in Antarctic was filling because of “volcanic activity”. Eh? What? Run that by me again? …….because of volcanic activity? My understanding of the process was that “CFC’s were not naturally occurring but were wholly anthropogenic (man made). The CFC’s have been classified as “green house gases” and as such are bringing about “Global Warming”. The reduction and removal of CFC’s, was after the discovery of the annual depletion of the ozone in Antartica, given in a report in 1985. From what I’ve now discovered (and I’ve only just started on this) a very well known and well respected Geologist had written a paper showing that volcanic activity was a very big producer of CFC’s and as such would and could affect climate. His paper was well received by the scientific community. Fast forward to 2009 when the “Global Warming, aka “Climate Change” was in full swing, when he again brought his same well received paper to the table, he was told to, in effect, “bugger off”.
Looks like we all may have been sold a pup, again. And I’ve only just started on the research. (I now have his scientific paper(s) concerning natural CFC’s, where according to the Church of Climate Change, there are no such things)
About two weeks ago I raised the subject among friends about the ozone depletion scare of years ago and why it had dropped out of the news. Years ago, Australians were being advised to wear sun cream out of doors throughout the year as Australia sat underneath the hole.
It was of course blamed on CFC gas, and the disposal of fridges has been influenced by this ever since at great cost.
It was the warm up act for global warming.
As I understand it now TOB, it was caused by natural events? How queer….
Well, this is why I’m doing some more research on this. What I’m looking for is the correlation between Ozone depletion and sun radiation. What I have found already raises huge questions on the validity of the what man made CFC’s actually do to the upper atmosphere. What I’m looking for is, does the sun reduce the ozone layer? I’ve already unearthed plenty of conflicting evidence on what we have all been told about CFC’s. I’m not surprised. Much data gathering still to do, DS.
I find it very hard to see why some people are in denial about man polluting the atmosphere.
The effect of man made CFCs on the ozone layer is well understood. It is also accepted, now and in the 1980s, that there are natural CFCs also affecting the atmosphere. No one can control volcanos but we can control man made CFCs. The consensuses taken at the time was ‘why add even more CFCs when we can use HFCs instead at no extra cost?’.
Same for CO2 emissions. CO2 and the greenhouse effect is well understood. Man cannot control volcanoes but we should be able to control man made CO2.
Volcanic output has been pretty much constant for over a million years but CO2 has risen steadily since the industrial revolution. Common sense would say this rise is man made and therefore the subsequent green house effect is also man made. If you want to argue this rise is not man made then it certainly cannot be attributed to volcanoes either.
Tabs, who is in denial about man polluting the atmosphere? You raise fair points though, but in the mid 1980’s the consensus of opinion moved from acceptance that there was CFC in volcanic activity to one of no naturally produced CFC’s. This change in consensus was then attributed to “Global Warming” and the “Hole in the Ozone” all caused by man and man only.
The man made Co2 being a Green House gas thus creating Global warming leading to Climate Change was simply a hypothesis based on laboratory experiment. The Met Office have recently agreed that here in the U.K. there has been no “Global Warming” for over 20 years now and empirical evidence supports this, including my own on my patch of the South West. Yes, man made Co2 has risen since the industrial revolution, that is a given, but conversely world temperatures fell during the same period and beyond.
What I’m looking for is empirical evidence that the decrease or increase of the ozone layer is more due to the sun’s radiation rather than man made CFC’s or even volcanic activity.
Thank goodness for the Daily Mail! I have just watched BBC1 10pm news. If it wasn’t for the DM I wouldn’t have had a clue what was meant re Chris Evans and allegations dating back to the 1990s. It was slipped in and out so quickly you would have missed it. Not quite the same treatment handed out to Sir Cliff, Jimmy Tarbuck or the Jim Davidson.
Regarding Article 50 Brexit safety valve has been engaged. Unfortunately a few problems en route such as French and German parliamentary elections being held in 2017 and 2018 respectively. We already know how popular Holland and Merkel are in their own countries! Meanwhile the fire hoses are all out at Conservative HQ…
Can they (CAMERON CONS) fix-it? i.e. find away to delay it all for another 4 years perhaps? Pretend it was all a big ‘luvvie’ mis-understanding of the (BBC style + Jim’ll fix-it) facts? Or take the plunge and lead Europe into proper freedom from centralist tyranny and Greek style austerity. This is the timetable for events to come… in case your wondering, this is just the start of proceedings and will drag on for years (if the BBC or House of Lords has anything to do with it). But the EU may collapse without our help if either France and Germany call time, that’s it gone!
EXCERPT: from Legal bulletin proposing a number of interpretations of Article 50. But the above (from Mike Hunt) is the only true overall UK specific mandate that SHOULD still apply. That is if we still hold democracy above EU tyranny). How many Conservatives does it take to change a light bulb moment.
Conservative Party leadership timetable> [from BBC Twitter]
The Conservative leadership elections are of importance with regard to the Article 50 notification and subsequent discussions with the EU: i] in determining the candidates’ views; ii] in delaying the earliest point at which such a notification might be given.
Thursday 30 June: Nominations closed at 12pm: candidates are: Michael Gove, Theresa May, Stephen Crabb, Liam Fox and Andrea Leadsom.
Monday 4 July: Hustings for MPs
Tuesday 5 July: Voting open for MPs from 11am to 6pm. The first ballot is then counted and verified and the result announced by the returning officer immediately. The candidate with least votes drops out and the others decide if they’re still running.
Thursday 7 July: Second ballot takes place. Voting is open for MPs from 9am – 4pm. Result announced afterwards.
This process continues on Tuesdays and Thursdays until they are down to two candidates. The final two are then put to the membership of the party.
9 September: New leader announced, unless, of course, someone drops out before that.
Brexit tImetable
If Article 50 not activated until 2017, then th UK remains a full member of the EU until 2019, during which period there will be:
the French Presidential Election, April-May 2017;
the German Federal Elections, August-October, 2018.
next scheduled UK General Election, Thursday 7 May 2020, under the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011. See also House of Commons Library: Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011, Commons Briefing paper SN06111, 24 June 24, 2016.
Thanks Philip – ironic how the Conservatives use a single transferable vote to elect their leader, but think that it’s such a bad system for electing MPs…
There are rumours circulating that the BBC has allowed Chris Evans to keep the proceeds of his 3 year contract after completing only one year of it. A total of £5 Million which is a lot of money!
I’ll be keeping a close eye on any dirty deals done with our money – not that the BBC will take any notice !
Martina Navratilova. Fantastic tennis player. On bBBC1 there is a profile. Well worth a watch in Wimbledon week.
Errrr no. It’s just another biased BBC minority programme, this one looking to normalise gay weddings. So we get a face full of lesbians and gays and no tennis. Defined in the bbc’s eyes by her non straight sexuality, not by her tenns.
Pass the sick bag.
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022
Eddy BoothMar 12, 13:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Canada to announce retaliatory tariffs” “We’re about to hear from Canadian officials on how they will react to the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Tony Blair holds the Keir penis (after Lord Alli visit to flat)
Biased BBC news right now.
Top story.
Farage resigns?
165 dead after Baghdad bomb?
Corbyn? Tory leader contest?
Guilty verdicts in Libor rigging?
Nope. THE top news story is ……Chris Evans is stepping down from Top Gear.
Such are the priorities and values of our state broadcaster.
BBC Website Top story at 19.00 on Home news still top gear.
Sub story
Suicide bomber in Saudi not on world news or headlining home yet. Priorities?
BBc News 17:00. Story 1 Farage resigns. Story 2 Chris Evans steps down from Top gear. Yes Top gear what an important story that is..not. I still won’t watch it any way.
Thank you Soapbox,
Angela Merkel plans to ditch Juncker? Did I read that right? Yes, here it is.”
Just in case anyone still hadn’t worked out who controls the EU.
Soapbox/RJ, thanks for the links.
Merkel who has already been addressing Britain’s brexit vote in more moderate terms than Juncker obviously has to run a country and has an election coming up as well. She has already been guilty of a gross miscalculation in attempting to fill the outstanding vacancies in the booming German industry with migrants from the Middle East etc. she will not survive if she makes a mess of dealing with Britain’s brexit.
The German economy (as we know) depends on export to the UK – cars, machinery, beer, wine etc. and will not be prepared to ‘cut off it’s nose to spite it’s face’ to support idealists such as Juncker & Co.
Germany know full well that politics ride on the back of trade in the western capitalist system and not the other way around. Jean Claude Juncker & co however believe that trade rides on the back of politics (totalitarism) so there is a fundamental disagreement here. We have everthing to gain and nothing to lose if we keep our nerve (tell that to Theresa)
The Jeremy Vine Show on BBC Radio 2 today opened with Nigel Farage’s resignation. Eager to comment on the show’s accompanying Facebook post before the far-left soap dodgers and Guardianistas flooded it with the usual cries of “Waycist!”, I hastily submitted some support for Farage, largely paraphrasing from one or two past comments here that I liked and had saved (please pat yourself on the back if you recognise your input):
And guess what? Not only did the above make ‘Top Comment’ on Facebook, but approximately 25 minutes in Vanessa Feltz (sitting in for Vine) read it out on air , first and in full!
Another of life’s “little victories”, as so often enjoyed by fellow BBC reprimand Norman Stanley Fletcher.
‘Great British Bake Off’ Could Move To ITV!
That’s it then – no reason to pay the license fee if it isn’t going to pay for the fragrant Nadiya.
I must have been missing something on this because Nadiya comes across to me as a decent kid.
The issue is not her but how she has been manipulated by the multi culti biased BBC into a Muslim role model. Very little evidence that was her plan, much more likely to be due to the Far Left narrative at the bBBC
Yes, but can she cook?
Well there weren’t many pictures of her birthday cake for the Queen published ! the lemon drizzle hat boxes were not a qualified success or it would have been splashed over every magazine and newspaper. All we had was a backview of 3 purple and gold blobs during the news story.
Yes its the cake.
I didn’t spot it at first, but the colours used in the making of the cake have meaning in the world of Islam.
BBC Bias at its best…
Top Gear: Chris Evans resignation reaction
BBC have decided to cut and paste twitter comments such as ‘new Top Gear was still better than old series’, ‘last night’s episode was the best’ so they are basically patting themselves on their deluded backs.
Meanwhile in the real world on the Top Gear Twitter page others are posting their reactions (ignored by the BBC) such as:
“It just didn’t work from day one.”, “Chris Evans’ Top Gear crashes to a halt with record ratings low “, “Appalling viewing figures for Top Gear finale last night. A new low of 1.95m. 8.79% share. Antiques Roadshow repeat on BBC1 got double that”,
Good luck to you Nigel Farage; enjoy some time with your family and have a good holiday away from the EU madness.
I can’t recall anyone else who by the sheer force of their will and personality, brought about the massive changes that this man has; all through his leadership of a minor political party.
A quite amazing feat and a real inspiration to those who feel it is impossible to obtain change when faced with a (seemingly) obsidian monolith for an adversary; such as he was in the form of the E.U.
Nigel`s not finished.
Nor is Boris.
The BBC news cycle goes full spin from Hero Corbyn to Butthole Bolshevik in only nine months…with no intermediate stages, no thinking-just reflex action and heads on spikes for Newsnight.
Stuff `em…this is the long game…and at least Gramsci played a waiting game-this lot have Tourettes, and ADHD.
And-havig spoken to a Tory activist or two…they`d better get their vote, and the active ones prefer Leadsom.
May won`t be wanted by anyone but the political machine types…and when you don`t give your Party activists the popular candidate, then you`ll be as removed from reality as Labour is.
And UKIP will clean up.
It is quite funny the things you stumble across when using search engines for Ozone. Don’t ask how, but I came across the official “Student Loans Company” web site. A very interesting read and one which made at least one eye brow be raised.
Their accounts show that last year (in summary) they gave out £7 Billion in maintenance loans and grants with a further £7.5 Billion to learning providers in Higher and Further Education last year. Their loan book last year was £74 Billion and rising and giving cause for concern.
Obviously quite a bit of the outstanding debt students will pay off but I considered this, having seen, what basically amounts to a student protest over the weekend in London concerning Brexit.
As we are net contributors to the E.U. to a value of £10 Billion, following Brexit, we could in theory, cover all of the student costs and still have £2.5 Billion to play with. In other words, the students could attend their colleges and universities free of charge. The net debt of the loans company would also be reduced as past students would pay down the company debt. Education establishments could raise their funds via other routes.
Brexit Birmingham is on Panorama right now.
8pm on ITV Brexit covered in Tonight. more about personal finance
and on Channel 4 8pm the Pay Rise show also mentions it
ITV put the scare points first but then n usually gave a more moderate point
but some irony
Sky news is currently broadcasting a Brexit ‘debate’, – yet another report on downtalking what the majority of this country voted for.
Suicide bomber hits Medina, a very holy place where the alleged so called prophet of Moslems built a mosque.
Almost as important, but not quite, as the resignation of Chris Evans from a motoring programme which no one watches.
The perp was apparently shia.
Not sure if Nigel Farage is responsible with his very waaycist immigration poster which has divided the world
“When a Muslim kills another Muslim it’s America’s fault” that is the rule amongst most locals in Muslim countries I have been to. ..Doesn’t natter if it Chinese ammunition in a gun supplied by Russia is still in America’s fault.
When a million Africans kill another million’s invisible as far an MSM media are concerned.
Terrorism is coming home
Bombings in Saudi in 24 hours:
• #Jeddah near U.S. consulate • #Qatif near Shia mosque • #Medina near Prophet’s Tomb
Last day of the peaceful month of Ramadam
I don’t know what all the fuss is about Jeremy Corbyn’s anti-Semitic gaffe.
After all, our friend Jeremy Corbyn is no more responsible for accidentally offending Jews, than our friend Adolf Hitler was for accidentally invading the Sudatenland.
And of course, I’m most definitely not comparing Corbyn to Hitler. Oh no. That would be odious. Not saying for whom, mind you.
Here’s what H thought about Corbyn
I’ve watched many of the Hitler parodies and I have to say, The acting of Hitler is as about as good as it can get. In fact, pretty well everyone is top notch if you look at the faces of the actors when the drama is played out. Can anyone tell me what the original film was called as I would like to watch it in its entirety?
It’s called Downfall Old Bloke – **spoiler alert** they all die…(except the ones with the Brazilian passports..
The Old Bloke, it is called Downfall and it’s excellent viewing – highly recommended.
Hilarious. Thanks gb123 – I needed a good laugh!
Np It just seemed a perfect fit.
Brilliant !
Newsnight tonight allowed Nick Watt to audition for The Lord Neil Kinnock of Bedwetty in the coming film.
Watt gave it the full Globe…he hammed it up as if Kinnocks words were Gettysburg or Churchill.
Embarrassing..but THAT good that another Blair Blubber called Lucy Powell was “in tears” after Neils Windbuggery.
Nick Watt-singular-low energy bullhorner for the pipsqueak moribund Labour Show…can`t call it a party now can you?
Imagine matron will be doling out the meds, getting Raul to massage them as they feign PTSD and shellshock after tonights Great war.
Send for Eric Joyce…at least he packs a punch and doesn`t roll over like the rest of them…what a bunch of Jessies..Phillips Flatus.
This is a good article about Labour and its woes.
Leo`s a good writer-but seem to think that it`s a bad thing that labour have neither wit nor will to remove Willie Winkle Corbyn from their chief spot on the dunghill.
I see him as an itch way down the plaster cast…and the longer he`s there, the longer the rest of us can get on with politics,
Basically a freak show is Labour…not once candidate even worthy of a trail wilt a baby sitting circle or a sharpened crayon.
This years beauty contests and tentflappings should be great fun at Tolpuddle…a travelling necropolis.
They had their little badges out for J C last year…but the one they needed was a Jew, so would never be welcome.
So on they go with Corbyn…wonder which PLP members will show this year…Peter Hain, Barbara Roche and Hazel Blears were able to show up in the tinted windowes Zils not long ago.
I do wonder what Sir William Bragg and Frances O Grady think-and wonder why we`ve heard nothing about what THEIR advice to us all would be.
Well-a tentpeg drilled into a kneecap. a bottle of Pils full of piss and mud aimed at you?…Bob Crows red necked Ska Monsters on the piss for a weekend…and then YOU try telling them that they wanted the “Lesser of two Eagles” of Pansy Burnham as leader?…well, your bus brakes might take a tumble on the way home.
Comedy Brass…from Tolpuddle to Piddlepuddle in nine months…
Thanks Al. One Labour MP said: “We are becoming a fascist party. We can’t get rid of the leader and we are being run by the mob.
Funny how the BBC seem to mention Westminster gossip only when it suits them, isn’t it?
Labour used to be the voice of the British working class but it has become the narrow representative of the metropolitan virtue signallers, the migrant communities and the public sector unions.
As the referendum proved, the traditional working-classes are increasingly deserting the party.
As long as Labour remains addicted to mass immigration and the abolition of our national identity it is impossible to see them coming back, even without Corbyn.
Shhhhhh… for goodness sake, don’t you know walls have ears?
Thanks everyone. A must watch. I really liked “Das Boot” too. Found that gripping and gave an excellent portrayal of what it must have been like for submarine crews in the 2nd World War.
As long as you’ve got a YouTube account to upload it to, you can make your own “Downfall” video if you wish…
This is good; Farage’s Q & A after he resigned. The inevitable question about “the tone” comes from (surprise, surprise) a Guardianista.
Very, very impressive handling of the press pack. Good luck to him and he’s earned a rest, but what a loss for us.
He’s always been the best, and the most enthralling to watch at his handling of the press during interviews. Interviewers present and past have thrown everything at him including the kitchen sink, but he was continually eloquent, and never afraid to speak as he found – even if it upset more than a few people, he was always true to himself.
Only the BBC would ask The Great Helmsman what he thinks about what Phillip Hammond says.
Interesting how Norman Smith says about UKIP ” … he [Nigel] says they are the 3rd group in British politics.”
Sorry, Norman – who was it again who got the 3rd-largest share of the vote at the last General Election?
So it’s not just “what he says” – it’s a fact.
Object lesson in how to trivialise your opponent.
And Norman, can you remind us who has the largest grouping of MEPs representing the UK?
Yup, that’s right – UKIP.
My ears pricked up when I read that the Ozone hole in Antarctic was filling because of “volcanic activity”. Eh? What? Run that by me again? …….because of volcanic activity? My understanding of the process was that “CFC’s were not naturally occurring but were wholly anthropogenic (man made). The CFC’s have been classified as “green house gases” and as such are bringing about “Global Warming”. The reduction and removal of CFC’s, was after the discovery of the annual depletion of the ozone in Antartica, given in a report in 1985. From what I’ve now discovered (and I’ve only just started on this) a very well known and well respected Geologist had written a paper showing that volcanic activity was a very big producer of CFC’s and as such would and could affect climate. His paper was well received by the scientific community. Fast forward to 2009 when the “Global Warming, aka “Climate Change” was in full swing, when he again brought his same well received paper to the table, he was told to, in effect, “bugger off”.
Looks like we all may have been sold a pup, again. And I’ve only just started on the research. (I now have his scientific paper(s) concerning natural CFC’s, where according to the Church of Climate Change, there are no such things)
More to follow.
About two weeks ago I raised the subject among friends about the ozone depletion scare of years ago and why it had dropped out of the news. Years ago, Australians were being advised to wear sun cream out of doors throughout the year as Australia sat underneath the hole.
It was of course blamed on CFC gas, and the disposal of fridges has been influenced by this ever since at great cost.
It was the warm up act for global warming.
As I understand it now TOB, it was caused by natural events? How queer….
Well, this is why I’m doing some more research on this. What I’m looking for is the correlation between Ozone depletion and sun radiation. What I have found already raises huge questions on the validity of the what man made CFC’s actually do to the upper atmosphere. What I’m looking for is, does the sun reduce the ozone layer? I’ve already unearthed plenty of conflicting evidence on what we have all been told about CFC’s. I’m not surprised. Much data gathering still to do, DS.
I find it very hard to see why some people are in denial about man polluting the atmosphere.
The effect of man made CFCs on the ozone layer is well understood. It is also accepted, now and in the 1980s, that there are natural CFCs also affecting the atmosphere. No one can control volcanos but we can control man made CFCs. The consensuses taken at the time was ‘why add even more CFCs when we can use HFCs instead at no extra cost?’.
Same for CO2 emissions. CO2 and the greenhouse effect is well understood. Man cannot control volcanoes but we should be able to control man made CO2.
Volcanic output has been pretty much constant for over a million years but CO2 has risen steadily since the industrial revolution. Common sense would say this rise is man made and therefore the subsequent green house effect is also man made. If you want to argue this rise is not man made then it certainly cannot be attributed to volcanoes either.
Tabs, who is in denial about man polluting the atmosphere? You raise fair points though, but in the mid 1980’s the consensus of opinion moved from acceptance that there was CFC in volcanic activity to one of no naturally produced CFC’s. This change in consensus was then attributed to “Global Warming” and the “Hole in the Ozone” all caused by man and man only.
The man made Co2 being a Green House gas thus creating Global warming leading to Climate Change was simply a hypothesis based on laboratory experiment. The Met Office have recently agreed that here in the U.K. there has been no “Global Warming” for over 20 years now and empirical evidence supports this, including my own on my patch of the South West. Yes, man made Co2 has risen since the industrial revolution, that is a given, but conversely world temperatures fell during the same period and beyond.
What I’m looking for is empirical evidence that the decrease or increase of the ozone layer is more due to the sun’s radiation rather than man made CFC’s or even volcanic activity.
Thank goodness for the Daily Mail! I have just watched BBC1 10pm news. If it wasn’t for the DM I wouldn’t have had a clue what was meant re Chris Evans and allegations dating back to the 1990s. It was slipped in and out so quickly you would have missed it. Not quite the same treatment handed out to Sir Cliff, Jimmy Tarbuck or the Jim Davidson.
Odd isn’t it? Tony Blackburn didn’t remember a meeting from 40 years ago, and that got him the sack. I wonder why Chris Evans is flameproof?
He was suspended some years ago for playing too many Cliff Richard records ! I wonder what his political views are ?
Regarding Article 50 Brexit safety valve has been engaged. Unfortunately a few problems en route such as French and German parliamentary elections being held in 2017 and 2018 respectively. We already know how popular Holland and Merkel are in their own countries! Meanwhile the fire hoses are all out at Conservative HQ…
Can they (CAMERON CONS) fix-it? i.e. find away to delay it all for another 4 years perhaps? Pretend it was all a big ‘luvvie’ mis-understanding of the (BBC style + Jim’ll fix-it) facts? Or take the plunge and lead Europe into proper freedom from centralist tyranny and Greek style austerity. This is the timetable for events to come… in case your wondering, this is just the start of proceedings and will drag on for years (if the BBC or House of Lords has anything to do with it). But the EU may collapse without our help if either France and Germany call time, that’s it gone!
EXCERPT: from Legal bulletin proposing a number of interpretations of Article 50. But the above (from Mike Hunt) is the only true overall UK specific mandate that SHOULD still apply. That is if we still hold democracy above EU tyranny). How many Conservatives does it take to change a light bulb moment.
Conservative Party leadership timetable> [from BBC Twitter]
The Conservative leadership elections are of importance with regard to the Article 50 notification and subsequent discussions with the EU: i] in determining the candidates’ views; ii] in delaying the earliest point at which such a notification might be given.
Thursday 30 June: Nominations closed at 12pm: candidates are: Michael Gove, Theresa May, Stephen Crabb, Liam Fox and Andrea Leadsom.
Monday 4 July: Hustings for MPs
Tuesday 5 July: Voting open for MPs from 11am to 6pm. The first ballot is then counted and verified and the result announced by the returning officer immediately. The candidate with least votes drops out and the others decide if they’re still running.
Thursday 7 July: Second ballot takes place. Voting is open for MPs from 9am – 4pm. Result announced afterwards.
This process continues on Tuesdays and Thursdays until they are down to two candidates. The final two are then put to the membership of the party.
9 September: New leader announced, unless, of course, someone drops out before that.
Brexit tImetable
If Article 50 not activated until 2017, then th UK remains a full member of the EU until 2019, during which period there will be:
the French Presidential Election, April-May 2017;
the German Federal Elections, August-October, 2018.
next scheduled UK General Election, Thursday 7 May 2020, under the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011. See also House of Commons Library: Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011, Commons Briefing paper SN06111, 24 June 24, 2016.
Thanks Philip – ironic how the Conservatives use a single transferable vote to elect their leader, but think that it’s such a bad system for electing MPs…
There are rumours circulating that the BBC has allowed Chris Evans to keep the proceeds of his 3 year contract after completing only one year of it. A total of £5 Million which is a lot of money!
I’ll be keeping a close eye on any dirty deals done with our money – not that the BBC will take any notice !
Martina Navratilova. Fantastic tennis player. On bBBC1 there is a profile. Well worth a watch in Wimbledon week.
Errrr no. It’s just another biased BBC minority programme, this one looking to normalise gay weddings. So we get a face full of lesbians and gays and no tennis. Defined in the bbc’s eyes by her non straight sexuality, not by her tenns.
Pass the sick bag.