Sarah Brett on 5Live talking about the NHS (31 mins)…her personal experience:
‘I know that it is incredibly frustrating when a family member is in hospital, particularly over a weekend when you think nothing is being done until Monday morning starts again…it happened to me very recently…’
Better have a 7 day service then….let’s talk about it…..or we could talk about BBC bias….floor’s yours….
It’s the crack of dawn here in the Holey Land – so called because so many Palestinians and Israeli Arabs keep on punching holes in any and every prospect of peace with their incitement to terrorism and actual terrorism.
I have waited in vain for years for a single mention by the so-called BBC of Arab responsibility for the lack of peace between the Jordan River and the sea.
BBC News describe it as a ‘water fight’, this is what the rest of the world sees…
“Two police officers have been rushed to hospital after being struck by a bottle and stabbed when they tried to disperse a huge water fight in Hyde Park during which rioters chanted ‘Black Lives Matter’.”
Yet another example of how the BBC distorts and suppresses the news.
BBC could spin this:
“Young Afghan/Syrian Michelin star chef was on the way back from the shops and had just bought a new kitchen knife to cook free food for the homeless and elderly. The police then provoked him and as he waved his arms he accidentally stabbed two officers in the process.”
A quick post from ‘another country’ ie Cornwall.
How depressing to see the 2nd photograph after the 1st.. Hoping the 1st was taken in a far off land where the rule of law struggles to exist, Detroit maybe? but my heart sank seeing the 2nd photo…I can’t wait to come back to work amongst this!
By the way has any one else noticed the British Brainwashing Corporation always seems to have on its news front page, condescending words like ‘what you need to know’ about the issue ‘reported’.
I know AL Beeb is meant to educate but not to set the agenda for us!
Rather than ‘educate’ me I would rather the BBC accurately and impartially informed me.
Education would be fine, even if rather worthy and professorial, but all the BBC offers is indoctrination.
Most of us in our shire redoubts worked this one out. London, crowds, rioting, stabbing, etc.
It is getting like the old USSR and Isvestia/Pravda days. Amazing how quickly we learn to read between the lines.
Not least I feel sorry for the police, having to be dressed that way in the heat and humidity, because of that ‘water fight’.
If they wanted a ‘water fight’ the Met should have given them one, with a water cannon. Oh sorry, they can’t as it’s against their human rights or something.
The irony is that many of the countries which Lefties worship so much will uses very vigorous means against demonstrators without any condemnation from Lefties here. But, if the British police used similar
methods, the same Lefties would be whining, mewling and moaning. When it comes to hypocrisy, there is no depth to which the Left will not sink .
Boris bought the water cannon, but Theresa the Appeaser won’t allow them to be used. Un-British or something, a bit like that crowd of scum in Hyde Park, “some people” might think.
Yes , and attacking the police for no reason is very British. Theresa does not know the difference between good and bad or right and wrong and , so long as she remains as PM, there will be problems in UK. I suspect there will be a challenge to her in 6-12 months time .
Yes, it was reported the water cannon have been sold, I think, after May refused permission for them to be used. How very far-sighted of her.
I wonder who they were sold to ?
The fine mayor of London is going to sell them and use the money for ‘youth services’
Youth services? That’s what the water cannon were for, in a manner of speaking.
Still, those photographs from Hyde Park do make you proud to be British; I’m sure that all the lads who died on the Somme a hundred years ago would feel the sacrifice of their young lives was a price worth paying.
“Youth services? That’s what the water cannon were for, in a manner of speaking.”
I suppose they could also have been employed against any future Countryside Alliance march as well.
Maybe they sold them to Black Lives Matter
No mention whatever by the BBC of, ‘Black Lives Matter’ on their website anymore than there is mention of knife weilding blacks chasing people along Londonistan streets. Always, for a more accurate ‘no holds barred’ report of the incident:
I understand there’s been a gang rape in Bromley as well:
Teenage girl gang raped in Bromley town centre park in daylight
“a group of men in their 20s” No other information available.
It is the Buddhists .
I heard it was the Brexiteers – scum!
… and Kent police make a strange denial about another gang rape/sexual assault of a ‘young woman’ in Sevenoaks in April …
Obviously, nobody from Kent can be a Muslim, can they?
Weird how that attack just seemed to ……. disappear.
two arrests; they is blicks, innit.
I heard on Radio 4 at about 11am…. “Revelers in Hyde Park got angry when police stopped them setting up a sound stage”
Is ‘revelers’ the new BBC word for ethnic minorities fighting the Police?
That is a very good article from a site I was hitherto unaware of but which I shall be adding to my personal digest.
Thank you for linking it G.
They should run a competition to guess which country the first photo was taken in.
Amusing Freudian slip by Nick Robinson on BBC Today…..announcing that Owen Jones is the challenger to Corbyn in the fight to lead the Labour Party. Good one Nick.
The real candidate, Owen Smith, Nick approvingly reports, says we need another referendum on Brexit
So that’s the choice Labour want to offer us as an alternative Prime Minister, a man who wants to unilaterally disarm vs a man who can’t accept the result of a democratic vote.
I think Angela Eagle should demand new vote until she gets the result she wants. Only fair.
I bet his call for another referendum will go down a storm in the Labour heartlands in the Midlands and North which voted pretty overwhelmingly for Brexit.
Corbyn is comes from a wealthy family and has nothing in common with “working class ” people.
He thinks starter homes in the UK start at £450,000. He’s said it twice now. Just because he lives in the poshest of posh places doesn’t mean there is another England or even UK out there. He is so totally unaware how some people have to live.
Corbyn is a wanker. He has been on high MP salary all his worthless, venal life . And came from a wealthy family. Can the Trolls on this website defend wealthy scum like Corbyn ?
Interesting article on on Brietbart – Apparently there have been over 800 press complaints about a Sun article questioning why Channel 4 news was anchored by a Hijab wearing journalist when reporting on the Nice attacks. Apparently the main thrust of the article was that Channel 4 was being insensitive.
The left led by the saintly Baroness Warsi will be working itself up into its normal hyper orgasmic state of “faux” outrage with all its normal accusations of waycism/xenophobia blah blah —yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Channel 4 s response was that -” she was just on the rota that night”.
Of course channel 4 has never had any sort of left wing agenda! And I am sure she “did just happen to be on the rota that night”
Yes the hijab is “just an item of clothing” but it can also stand for the subjugation of women under Islam. Certainly it would appear to me that on this particular subject, Channel 4 was deliberately stoking the fire a little in the hope of smoking out the more right wing among us who may find its obsession with diversity and in particular Islam – just a little bit difficult to swallow at the moment.
I wonder whether the french press is currently rubbing the nose of its own population in “islamic” diversity. ?
To me it is not about skin colour but about a religion that in its pure form is intent on destroying everything in its path to get the result it wants. The success of the media is that it has deliberately entangled concern about Islam with racism – so the two now, as far as the MSM are concerned are intimately linked.
It is interesting that as an individual she was physically quite attractive and appears as if butter would not melt in her mouth. Obviously the true representative of the culture of all the Doctors and engineers that are flooding across Europes borders.
I wonder if she bakes nice cakes?
Trolls over to you !
Time for a ban on all religious symbols in public?
No. only Islamic ones.
Islamisation is a political as well as a religious project.
Sharia compliant islamic countries impose Sharia on everyone, regardless of religious belief or non belief. In addition leaving Islam is a capital offence in Sharia. In these aspects Islam fundamentally differs from other religions.
All that you really need to know about Islam is that its followers believe that the ultimately beneficial event that can happen to a Muslim is, DEATH. Could this have something to do with their lack of regard for life?
G, I think you may have identified something which Muslims and everyone else can all agree on!
Time for a separate biasedC4 website?
Somebody will have to remind me how they are funded, they can be as left wing, right on, Corbynista, multi culti as they like as lomg as I don’t have to pay for their drivel.
I might be wrong about this, but I think the BBC and C4 have different regulations regarding balance and impartiality. The BBC have to provide balance within the same programme, while Channel 4 has a much longer period in which to do so. I think it’s 24 hours or up to a week for C4. Not that either broadcaster cares for the regulations…
Apologies if I’ve got this wrong.
Sadly Sluff, you DO have to pay for them…….at least you do if you are one of the dwindling number of people still paying the telly tax. Channel 4 is partially funded by the licence fee (which possibly accounts for their appearance of often being “BBC-Lite”). They show adverts to make up the shortfall.
I think they also get part of the annual bung from the EU, which probably comes as no surprise to anybody.
“Yes the hijab is “just an item of clothing” ”
No, the hijab is a statement of a religious and political position.
Look at “secular Turkey” and “secular Egypt”……the growth or decline in the wearing of the Hijab is interpreted as evidence of the prevalence of Islamism and rejection of secularism…or vice versa.
And that`s before we question the practice of promoting a dress code that is specific to women.
Embolden, I believe something similar happened with the yarmulkah or Jewish skullcap, which was taken up by many Jews after the Arab Israeli war in ’67. We ignore the meaning of these symbols such as the hijab at our peril. The problem is the happy-clappy multi-culti crowd smile and think ‘It’s their culture, innit’ without realising the significance of it.
If I remember rightly, only a few years ago a BA employee was told to take off her cross and chain at work, as no religious accessories were to be worn in the workplace. A woman considers a scarf to be an ‘accessory’, the hijab is a religious accessory, reading the News is in the workplace, – so why is the white British women discriminated against ? Living in a Christian society I have no wish to see newsreaders of other faiths reading my news in such a blatant manner. I know there are newsreaders of other denominations i.e Jon Sople is jewish, as are many others I suspect, but their faith is kept to themselves. This country is almost horizontal in its appeasement of the Islamic faith with not wishing to ‘offend’; but what about not wishing to ‘offend’ the rest of us who are Christian ? – do something about me because I AM offended.
A nurse was also stopped from wearing a cross a few years ago.
Could a vest packed with explosives be desribed by the broadcasters as, ‘just an item of clothing’? Come on BBC et al. how remiss of you. Look forward to you using this one! Can I claim a fee?
I don’t think I am a troll but I try to substitute what would it be like if a Jew rather than a Muslim was in that situation. I think I would be upset if a Jewish man was told not to wear his kippah as he gave a news report. However there are several Jewish reporters around on tv news and none of them wear an outward sign of their faith. Is that because they would not be employed if they did? Was this young woman chosen as a Channel 4 anchor because she wears a hijab? What if it was a Jewish woman wearing a sheitl (a wig for married women) and was told to remove it. I think I would be upset. I was going to say but then Jews are not killing innocent people in places such as Nice, Paris etc. However, playing devil’s advocate, those rabid members of the Labour Party and their Islamic-loving chums would say the Israelis are (which I don’t believe). But it is complicated but overall I cannot get worked up about a woman wearing a hijab if she always does so and doesn’t bring pro-Islamist slant to her reporting. Mind we have Mishal Hussein, without a hijab, who is obviously pro Islamist in her work. So it is complicated.
Deborah, I agree it is a complicated issue. I pointed out on another forum that if radical Catholics were killing 84 people and shouting ‘Jesus is Lord’ as they slayed them, it would be a little insensitive to allow a nun to read the news the next day. I just get the feeling that the hijab is being used as a political statement (look how tolerant and inclusive we are) by the TV company. After all, how many women do you see in hijabs in highly visible jobs, outside of those employers with positive discrimination policies?
Deborah wrote: I don’t think I am a troll but I try to substitute what would it be like if a Jew rather than a Muslim was in that situation.
Firstly you are certainly not a troll! The definition of a troll is “a person who makes a deliberately offensive or provocative online posting”. You are most definitely not that, in fact I found your post to be very thoughtful and considerate. I too am wondering why we don’t have any Jews with eg skullcaps on reading the news and wonder what the public’s reaction would be to them if there were. Particularly if the news was about Israel and if they’d been returning fire to Gaza that day. I think the outcry would reach astronomic levels – never mind 800 complaints, there’d probably be more like 8,000!!
Cranmer wrote: If radical Catholics were killing 84 people and shouting ‘Jesus is Lord’ as they slayed them, it would be a little insensitive to allow a nun to read the news the next day.
Once again Cranmer you have a very good way of putting it. I think everyone would be outraged.
Thanks Mike. That’s a good point about yarmulkah-wearing Jews on the TV. I can’t think of any. Although it wouldn’t be visible for most of the time, we would still see it when they were walking round the studio or out on location etc. There could be a couple of reasons (apart from anti-semitic bias). 1. Jews, unlike Muslims, are in quite a small minority in the UK now, particularly those orthodox enough to wear a yarmulkah. 2. Those orthodox enough to wear a yarmulkah don’t usually work in professions where the majority are non-Jews. In my experience they tend to work in family firms etc with their co-religionists, partly because of all the observances they have to make (time off for holidays, Friday afternoons etc).
Top post. And how many muslim women are even allowed the freedom to leave the house and get a job. Surely the BBC should be making a big issue of the sex discrimination by muslim men against muslim women ? LOL !!! BBC = Hypocrisy.
Deborah, when we hear “Allah be praised” or ‘Inshallah’ (God willing) after each news item and/or sentence spoken by the news reader, we will all know we are well on the way to being Isamisised. Not quite yet.
Interesting discussion, but by extrapolation is it then going to be acceptable to have a woman in a burqa reading the news? (with microphone inside). Where does this stop? How about a buddhist, or a follower of the church of the flying spaghetti monster, with a colander on their head? IMHO religion should be taken out of the equation, and something that people may follow in their own time as a hobby.
And the bit I don’t like about the hijab (and of course, burqa) is that it is a rule designed by men against women.
Glad I’ve got that off my chest.
I can remember back in the 50’s & 60’s when the first real wave of Muslims appeared in our neighborhood. Yes the females did dress different to us but it was purely religious, it didn’t cause anybody any problems. But since 9/11 their mode of dress niquab, burkah, covered face etc has become political. an up yours to none Muslims. We know this winds you up and we love it, we take advantage of your stupid British liberal ways. C4 knows what it is doing as do all the bbc local stations, we have a right numty on bbc look north Leeds, has token written right across her forehead, the worst reporter/presenter in history.
Someone was in the dock recently for ripping off a woman’s niqab, and probably for shouting some non-PC insults. Nobody sensible condones that kind of behaviour, but in a wider view I’m surprised it happens so little.
Look at all the years we have had of mass immigration, the crime, grooming, murders and terrorist atrocities and the way the media has instructed us not to notice or comment or complain.
Sooner or later people will blow a fuse on seeing a niqab or burkah because it functions as an optical insult, much like a swastika would be to a Jewish person.
Would you feel happy if she had been wearing an Oxfam, Greenpeace or World Wildlife Fund T-shirt?
I can’t say that I’m all that keen on newsreaders/reporters wearing poppies in November, (setting aside the fascist British Legion outcries if they didn’t), but at least that is almost part of ‘national dress’.
Impartiality isn’t only expressed in words.
Well I’ve started watching Sky 507 on a regular basis. A Japanese news station with no ‘side’ to them and informative in its reporting (all in English – American style). The news is interspersed with interesting progs about Japanese history, traditions etc. So much more gentler to watch and with no agenda on religion, although it makes a welcome change to learn about Buddhist temples and Shinto Shrines !!!!!
According to the bBBC website the IMF has slahed its UK growth forecast next year to 1.3%, as Brexit has thrown a spanner in the works.
What the biased BBC article fails to mention is that this reduced growth forecast……errrrr…….still puts our growth HIGHER than Germany, France, or Italy !!!—but-britain-will/
Maybe the newsroom schoolchildren didn’t read that bit.
No, I don’t believe that either.
Biased to the core.
Just turned off BBC London News in disgust. Following about 5 mins of spurious allegations about the increase in “hate crime” since the Referendum there followed a 10 minute promotion of Frankfurt as the new and best financial centre for Europe with some more exposure to some old German tart whose been doing the rounds in the last few days trying to take business from the capital to Berlin. What the hell is going on?
Please do not refer to Merkel as ” some old German tart “.
I agree, she wouldn’t earn much down Hamburg docks.
I have to defer to your knowledge of Hamburg Docks.
The IMF couldn’t forecast rain in monsoon season.
They are the unaccountable elite personified.
The BBC are clutching at straws as a Trump victory grows closer.
“Why the Melania Trump plagiarism row matters”
Apparently it’s devastating and the last nail in Trump’s coffin.
Seems BBC editorial integrity has not allowed space for all instances when such things are committed by actual politicians, including some high profile Democrat ones.
I discovered this by not paying much heed to the BBC output any more.
it does not matter at all. It would not surprise me if it was not deliberate. Trump has no interest in liberal wailing . Less in the BBC and our politicians. He is aiming at the man and woman in Kansas or the Dakotas or anywhere the average idiot BBC liberal either despises or does not know exists.
Why do thy bother? Its not as if many of us here in Britain have a say in the US elections?
Absolutely. Its wishful thinking by Al Beeb, hoping they can influence politics with their propaganda in the USA. Something they failed to do in our General Election and the Referendum for our ‘independence’ .
They have not learned the lessons.
The BBC are living in the past. They cannot adjust to the modern world of the internet and free information. They have no control anymore and , in their death throes, they are getting more desperate and ridiculous.
‘matters’ seems to be a word that has been hijacked by the liberals for their own use.
I would challenge that appropriation of the English language for narrow objectives.
All of the UK matters.
Black and white lives matter.
Our schools matter.
Our NHS matters.
Everything matters.
What doesn’t matter is a publicly funded news channel that abuses its privilege and mandate on a daily basis to promote a culture that is alien to us in a desperate attempt to subterfuge our state .
A day of reckoning is coming for you.
And , yes, Dan ‘does your mother know your out?’ Walker – this means you. “I firmly believe that God has a plan for me to progress in the industry”
Even festering sores matter – and the BBC is certainly one of those…
OG, mega-LOL! More sadly, mega-true.
Just hope I do not remember your post while out & about in public today. Onlookers may get concerned or even call for an ambulance . . . .
Dark matter matters.
Apparently. The BBC has learned. From sources close by.
Anybody fancy a walkabout in a Ku Klux Klan outfit ? It’s a “hug a hoodie” type of clothing that’s more peaceable than others I could mention.
Is it ok to say that you are ‘normal’ ?
“I’m glad you think I am normal. I am normal. I grew up in a normal household. I’ve got a wife and three children. My wife is a primary school teacher,” responding to a journalist’s description of him as “normal” – the comment sparked a Twitter storm and accusations of homophobia against rival Angela Eagle, who is in a civil partnership.
The PC brigade really are ‘tying themselves up in knots’. Sometimes things come back to bite you up your backside.
taffman….”Would be “tempted” to call a second EU referendum. “… thats him fecked.
Let’s face it, he’s never going to have the chance.
The BBC have a new tactic and that is to have Remainer Tories on to help undermine the referendum result. Yesterday on the Daily Politics the venerable Ken Clarke was the main guest. He just regurgitated his view that Brexit will result in the UK being poorer because we will not have free access to the EU market. That is it , no details, and resolute denial that the EU is in a dreadful mess owing to the Euro , over extended banks and mass immigration of Muslims . Of course his view was warmly appreciated by the host Jo Coburn. Dominic Raab represented Leave and put up a very good economic case for Leave, but didn’t make any real headway against Ms Coburn’s innate pro Remain bias.
On migration dear old Ken seems to believe that if we wait long enough the Muslims will integrate and we will all live happily side by side.It is as though the last several years simple haven’t happened and that Islamic terror isn’t a frightening reality that gets worse by the month or even by the week. It is a reality that is now meeting steadily increasing resistance across the whole of Europe. Why the elite support this Muslim invasion I simply don’t know , but they do and if anything results in their overthrow it will be their support for bringing millions of these people to Europe who hold views totally at odds of those of the vast majority of ordinary Europeans.
Have the bBBC ever thought that even if we are poorer, many may accept this in order to be able to make our own laws and kick out incompetent law makers.
We are already getting poorer – because the immigrant hordes devour more than they contribute GDP per capita has not yet reached 2008 levels despite UK GDP overall having passed the pre- Brownsrecession level. It’s also why the middle classes are now feeling much poorer. The middle class are the only people who pay taxes- the rich avoid them and single minimum wage earners don’t even contribute enough to pay their prorata share of the cost of the NHS. As regards minimum wage families, they can receive £15K per annum from the state, as MigrationWatch have shown.
Incidentally, were we not told that the numbers of EU immigrants receiving in-work and unemployed benefits would be published post referendum, Boy Dave’s government having refused FOI’s about them earlier this year?
Very true DT, though I do feel it’s a mistake to use the phrase ‘dear old Ken’ which tends to suggest a semi-cuddly patrician figure. He, along with ‘Tarzan’ Heseltine and ‘SBS’ (in your dreams) Ashdown, are divisive political rashes, of no actual significance yet encouraged to itch and niggle away on their all too frequent appearances, designed to bolster the impression that what they say is of grave import. All three use a loutish filibustering technique, talking incessantly over any attempt to make a point which just might be valid and/or at variance with their boorishly entrenched beliefs. All three are the political equivalents of Toynbee, Owen Jones and Harrabin (or fill in any Guardian-Beeboid to suit).
I’d include Nick Clegg within that s**tlist Beltane.
And on Monday 18th, all 3 guests were remainers.
Breaking news UK unemployment figures fell by 54,000. How’s the rest of the EU doing ?
Perhaps Al Beeb can promote some positive news about Brexit for a change?
Taff, the latest way of reporting the unwelcome good news is that the Brexit vote effects will now be felt in about a years time.
Known as an ‘incubation period’ in epidemiology, and considered I believe to be somewhat unsound as a statistical tool.
Emmanuel Goldstein & Cranmer
This site needs a poster who really has the ‘finger on the pulse’ of the nation’s markets and economy. Someone who can call to account Al Beebs so called Financial Correspondents, some one like David Buik.
On the VD programme.
Unemployment down by 54000 is described as ‘ broadly positive’ ( think the tactic here is to damn with faint praise)and VD keen to emphasise these figures are pre brexit vote.
You can sense they are waiting with baited breath to go rejoicefully apoplectic as soon as any post brexit vote negative results emerge………
‘Unemployment up by 3 people. We talk in person to the families affected in a specially extended programme presented by Fiona Puce’
In the interest of this nation , I mean this nation of Great Britain & NI , Al Beeb’s duty should be promoting the POSITIVE Great Britain to the rest of the world – not the continuing the mantra of Uncertainty, Uncertainty, Uncertainty .
I hope that our MPs and ‘Trustees’ are aware of this .
I suspect they are aware of it, however, they universally lack the guts to do something about it.
We have a generation of politicians who know nothing other than liberal appeasement when presented with any opposition from the left or the media. I don’t believe that any of them have the stomach for the fight which would come from taking on the BBC and the legacy media.
Sadly we are in the same situation as the US, where years of liberalism have led to a failure to lead, but rather a desire to be ‘liked’ by everyone. Though I have many reservations about Trump, I think many see that at least he is not like that, so will put their faith in him purely to get away from the liberal morons.
There were many things wrong with Margaret Thatcher, but we certainly need someone like her now!
Manchesterlad, I think you are right. There has been a soggy middle-ground liberal consensus for years now, and an understanding that controversial statements have no place in politics. This is partly due to the Blair/Cameron centre ground hogging of the last 20 years, but also I suspect due to the increased feminisation of politics, which has led to a dislike of confrontation. That’s why there were audible gasps of shock and horror when Teresa May gave her simple reply ‘yes’ to the nuclear question and told the Greens that they were giving succour to the country’s enemies.
I’d be happy if the bbc would just report impartially.
Not that it’s ever going to happen though.
The BBC now sees itself as the World’s broadcaster, so has to be impartial about what’s happening in the UK for fear of appearing biased (/sarc).
Doesn’t stop them promoting the EU, though, funnily enough.
Yes, the BBC has long ago outgrown Britain and now promotes globalism and the European zonal version of this, i.e. integration within the EU. BBC staff in general seem to have little time for the idea of any legitimate British national self-interest and the need to fight for it. That it why the BBC makes so little of the £10 billion nett contribution to the EU or the sacrifice of the UK’s fishing industry or the £12 billion of foreign aid now written into law (based on 0.7% of GDP). Money is not important compared to the idea of globalism and group-think virtue-signalling to other like-minded people in the media elite.
The trouble is, the BBC’s funding is mainly obtained by compulsion from British people, so the only logical position for the BBC would be to be biased in some degree towards Britain and not against it. If the corporation wants to espouse globalism and the EU, it must become a subscription only service and charge the foreign viewers and listeners too as far as possible. The £145.50 poll tax must end, because the BBC is clearly now operating against the interests of those in Britain forced to pay for it.
The question for BBC staff is this: do you really believe in globalism above UK nationalism? If so, you must be prepared to see your fat salaries, pensions and benefits packages reduced to the level afforded by the minority who will be prepared to subscribe rather than be forced to pay as now. Your choice!
Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi
If you work night shift try listening to Al beeb’s world service. I hope that your blood pressure is good before you go there though.
Now on VD at 0944. Mournful music to accompany a video diary from a Iraqi woman in a refugee camp, complete with final shot of a child’s face. Queue VD emoting.
And then at 0946, VD back on, interviewing Damien Green about the fantasic unemployment results, but clearly withe the narrative of hoping unemployment will soon go up so they can blame it on brexit.
Pass the sick bucket, quick, quick. Aaaaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh.
At risk of repeating my self, its time for a full judicial inquiry in to the conduct and bias of Al Beeb .
“Labour only got 4% coverage during the referendum the BBC is so (foot stompingly) biased !” says Jenny right now on R5 Nicki Campbell does another Corbyn special in the 9am phone-in.
“The BBC has a trick of making headlines up from neswpaper quotes” ..Yes she is right about that.
– Eh up now there is another bloke supporting Corbyn ..who thinks Corbyn is likely to win an early general election.
Phone in title was “Jeremy Corbyn or Owen Smith – who do you trust with Labour’s future?”
seriously they have a lot of progs about “their dear leader” and “their dear party”
A Disgarace ! Corby-maniacs had a whole ONE hour to wait, before the next lionisation of Corbyn ! Radio4 at 11am (The Corbyn Story)
..but the Sexist Sixty Minutes (Woman’s Hour) probably had a lot of Labour Party stuff as well
yep..”the campaign to protect women’s rights post-Brexit” “Project Fear was Project Reality”
..but they had a bit about Theresa May & PMQs (and didn’t have the expected Labour Party stooge on !)
– 12pm Corbyn is on again LIVE on R5 Of course, cos it’s PMQs
The Human Zoo on Radio 4 yesterday (Tuesday) a programme about Disruption. They had on a someone who sounded female but whose name sounded like Tim Andrew. They said unchallenged ….’well, one thing that can come out of disruption is that people will react differently so you can get a kind of camaraderie of horror, for example out of Brexit, everybody is talking about politics in a way that they were not before, but of course the danger is you might get a solution you don’t like’. Michael Blastland introduced the programme, he could have pointed out to young Tim (well it really did sound like a woman), that for over half of the population there was not a horror at the Brexit result but of course in the London centered BBC bubble people cannot believe what is happening in the shires.
Well who’d have believed this gem about new Labour leadership contender Own Smith, which came out as an aside in an interview on a different subject:
“Mr Smith was also asked about the time he called a police hotline – rather than 999 as previously reported – to get a comment for a story during his time working as a BBC researcher.”
Yet again we see this revolving door between the BBC and the Labour party, how many MPs have previously worked for them, and how many who previously worked for the Labour party are BBC employees once they left?
If we had a Tory party with a spine they would have sorted this long ago !
The Labour Party , the Guardian , charities , universities and the BBC are all in a great Venn diagram of interchangeability .
The guardian,the oh so vital guardian has such a huge following that they’ve had to resort to begging for money on their website to keep going
Get out there on the street and start busking……although you’ll be competing with all those wonderful roma street musicians this country was sorely in need of all these years
Then they might see another side of immigration that those outside the latte drinking community have to endure
Bit of healthy competition might not be welcomed too well
They should pension off Polly Toynbee then,
I think if Labour elect Smith as their führer, it will come to be considered as an Owen Goal. Apparently he’s almost as extreme as that nasty, spittle-flecked wreck of a human being, Corbyn.
The Labour Party (whoever they elect leader) despite al beebus’ best efforts, as a political force in this country, are on the cusp of entering the abyss never mind the wilderness.
It is pure Schadenfreude to watch, like laboratory rats in a maze where there is no way out; Labour will find no amicable solution to this particular set of political circumstances in which it is enmeshed and whatever happens re the party leadership: they won’t be finding themselves in government for the next 15 to 20 years (IMHO) or maybe never, like a larger version of the LibDums.
Turkey blocks access to WikiLeaks after release of 300k govt emails over post-coup purges
I wonder what’s in the leaked emails – is there any coverage anywhere?
What’s that you say, it’s not on the BBC? Go on, pull the other one…
Could there be anything about torture by Erdogan’s goons, perhaps?
All I did was type in “coup” to the search feature at an that was the first result.
What can others find? Unfortunately I have other things to attend to but I am VERY curious…
WikiLeaks: Evidence emerges about the Armenian Genocide / Ethnic Cleansing
German writer and historian Michael Hesemann has been studying the Armenian Genocide for over 20 years now.
The historian has studied more than 3000 pages of the Vatican Secret Archives related to the Armenian Genocide. He says all archives are open, it’s only necessary to write a letter to get access to the Vatican Archives of the period of Benedict XV until 1939.
“What I found is very drastic, very moving eyewitness reports from monks and priests who managed to escape the genocide, managed to escape to Constantinople and reported about what happened to the Armenian Patriarchate and the Pope’s Apostolic delegate, the Representative of the Pope in Constantinople,” Hesemann told reporters in Yerevan.
“Besides, we have the documentation of the attempts to stop the killing, to stop the massacres, to stop the deportation by the Apostolic delegate and the Pope himself, who wrote hundreds of letters to the Sultan, which the Apostolic delegate tried to present to the sultan, but never got an audience for weeks. Only with the help of the Austrian and German Ambassadors he got the access to the Sultan, and the latter responded to the letter with a great delay.
When he replied in November 1915, the greatest part of the deportation had already happened, and the Armenians were already in the Syrian deserts to die,” the historian said.
“It is also a story of deceit, a story of how the Turks tried to deceit the Pope about what was going on. So the Archives clearly document what Pope Francis called in 1915 the first genocide of the 20th century,”
Referring to the Turkish attempts to deny the Armenian Genocide, he said, all archives are open today, the Vatican , the American and German archives are open, and the only archives that remain partially closed are the Turkish ones.
According to him, all scholars in the world who have studied the archives will clearly say it was not only a genocide of Armenians, but also an extermination of the Christian element in the Ottoman Empire. It was a kind of ethnic or religious cleansing.
Although not an academic, I have studied the Genocide for 40 years. For me , the leading academic work is Prof. Guenter Lewy ( a Jew , which may or not be relevant ) ” The Armenian Massacres : A disputed Genocide “. The treatment in Prof. Eugene Rogan’s recent brilliant history ” The Fall of the Ottomans ” is also very fair.
Neither of these academics deny the Genocide, but do refer to the awful atrocities against Turkish men , women and children committed by Armenian terrorists , Dashnaks, Hunchaks and others leading up to the Genocide. That does not excuse it , of course.
They also emphasise the role of Kurds in the massacres of Armenians, something not much referred to generally.
There are very few Turkish academics, let alone non-Turkish academics , alive today who can read Ottoman script and understand the Ottoman language. As Prof. Rogan points out, what evidence there is suggests that the Young Turks did not put much in writing anyway in connection with the Armenians. There is one short order by Talat which I remember seeing in english translation which was rather ambiguous. I doubt if a full examination of Turkish archives would reveal much.
So one could agree that it was a Genocide. But we should also then consider all other Genocides in history, such as the white American Genocide against the Native Americans. The Spanish Genocide against native Mexicans and so on . Their should be a fair treatment of all alleged Genocides. Some Turks feel that the Armenian Genocide is being singled out to deflect from all the others in history and I agree with that viewpoint.
PS. And lets not talk about the Belgians in Congo !!! That would be too close to Brussels
“their ” should read ” there “
May i ask if anyone here agrees that there should be a full, independent enquiry into all alleged Genocides in history ? With no time limit and no geographical limit. That would seem fair to me .
Mike, no comments on this issue. I take some comfort from that !
If there were to be an enquiry into all genocides, I think the problems would begin when countries were accused of them who denied either: doing it at all or that if what they had done was genocide.
An example of which would be the hundreds of thousands of German military personnel and civilians starved to death after the end of WW2 in American and French camps. There were more killed in them, than in combat on the Western Front during the duration of the whole war.
The prisoners were reclassified as DEF (Disarmed Enemy Forces) instead of POWs, to avoid having to treat them as they were entitled to be treated under the Genva Convention; which the British did in fact do with the prisoners in their custody whom they refused to redesignate as the U.S. and French had done. The deaths in these camps were recorded by the U.S. military simply as “Other Losses”.
The point I’m trying to make is that history is written by the victors; to enquire into all genocides, although possible fair, would mean re-examining an awful lot of history which an awful lot of countries and an awful lot of people would resist very strongly.
This has already been observed with Turkey and Japan, re their historical behaviour towards the Armenians and Chinese respectively; which they both deny, obfuscate or seek to excuse.
I quite agree. And glad you mentioned the Genocide committed by the Japanese against the Chinese , especially at Nanking.
My point really is why the Armenian Genocide should have been headline for so many years when there have been many worse Genocides. Today, Armenian extremists still claim 1.5 million. Independent scholars go for a lower number. But it is not about numbers.
If it was just about numbers , how about Tamerlane or Gengis Khan ?
We can also talk about the Genocide committed by Robert Mugabe against the Matabele tribe. And Mugabe is still alive and could be prosecuted.
Sorry – it’s been a busy day! So much to say – but not enough time to go into it properly… Some ideas formulating… Don’t forget the genocide of the Aborigines in Australia, by the way, now who was responsible for that?!?
The Muslim genocide of the Armenian Christians stands out for a number of reasons – partly because it was in the 20th century – influencing as it did the thinking of Hitler and the Nazis a mere twenty years later – and partly because there is still such a strong denial by the Turkish government, flying in the face of all available evidence.
Plus of course the Muslims response to the (Nazi) Holocaust is usually to shrug and say “well it was nothing to do with us”. Well erm yes, apart from setting the example twenty years previously, and actively aiding and abetting the enemy, no – apart from those little details it was nothing to do with you.
Funny how it’s always the same line, with the same suspects, coming up over and over again, isn’t it?
It is ok. This is not really the forum to debate this in detail. I am just trying to point up the hypocrisy of some people about the Armenian Genocide when deflecting from all the others. I think it is irrelevant which century it occurred in. The definition of Genocide was not enshrined in Law until 1948 and nothing in it implies retrospection.
I would like to see an investigation into the Genocide committed by the Greeks against Turkish Cypriots in 1974 , which was after 1948. Of course, that will never happen.
All I am really saying is, that if we want to investigate Genocides, we should look at all Genocides and not pick and choose.
How about this: you say below that you are part Jewish, part Scottish yet you might as well be a Turk by the nature of your post – and one with a bit of a soft spot for Islam at that.
And the Argentinian genocide of the Indians , which makes Argentina a very white place .
Yes ! There are so many Genocides that need to be investigated. The Armenian lobby have vast financial resources at their command and the advantage of being Christian, so can play that card , but who is going to speak for the victims of other Genocides in history ? The South American natives are one example. Who speaks for them ?
Of course, genocide is terrible wherever (and whenever) it happens. No question about that.
Having said that, I think it’s important to realise that moral standards have changed over the centuries, and what would be anathema now was commonplace several centuries ago eg torture, biological warfare (throwing plague-ridden corpses at the enemy), and even genocide.
It doesn’t make it right, and it’s still very tragic to think about.
But at the same time I don’t think we can go back indefinitely in history with our modern moral standards – we have to draw the line somewhere. Otherwise we would have to restore Britain to the Welsh and Scots (and Brittany?) – and send the Angles back to Angeln, the Saxons back to Saxony, and the Normans back to Normandy (or should it be Norway?)
I mean… how far back do you go?
Also I think one has to be wary of faux-genocides eg the bizarre Palestinian claims. When I get confronted by these I try to gently remind people that it’s a strange genocide that results in an increase in the population – and that life expectancy in Gaza is the highest in the region, even including the official war dead figures.
Reality notwithstanding, the universe continues unabated – and few if any of the people I talk to are persuaded to change their minds, and try to convince me that Israel is trying – but very badly – to attempt genocide 🙄
BBC Profile “The Owen Smith Story”. As you would expect not exactly the full story:-
“Job before politics: BBC producer, lobbyist for pharmaceutical giant Pfizer”.
However later, much later, in the piece the following throw-away line appears:-
“In 2008, Smith moved to Amgen, the UK’s biggest biotech firm, to be its head of corporate affairs.”
That’s it, nothing more about Amgen or his time there.
So what do we know about Amgen?
For starters, as Wiki states, it is an American multinational, the world’s largest independent biotech firm. Not quite the impression we would get from the BBC’s description.
Now for the real meat on the bone (wiki again):-
“2012. Illegal marketing practices. The Los Angeles Times reported on December 18, 2012, that AMGEN pleaded guilty and agreed to pay $150 million in criminal penalty and $612 million to resolve 11 related whistleblower complaints. Federal prosecutors accused the company of pursuing profits while putting patients at risk.[15] Larry Husten, a contributor at elaborates on AMGEN’s illegal marketing practices in this case, namely that the “government accused Amgen of marketing Aranesp for indications not approved by the FDA and other illegal marketing practices”.[16] One of the drugs mentioned in the lawsuit had sales of $492 million in the third quarter of 2012, down 17% from the same quarter the previous year due to “reimbursement problems and label changes”.[17]
2012. Amgen paid $762 million after pleading guilty to criminal charges of improper promotion and sale of misbranded drugs.[18]”
This is the company which Owen Smith worked for as Head of Corporate Affairs.
Clearly not worthy of mention by the unbiased BBC.
John , so just another Leftist scumbag hypocrite . How can they live with themselves ?
he is obviously the banksters and the globalists man. Shows how desperate they are now. First us scum vote to leave the EU and then the labour party refuses to abandon Corbyn. At least it’s members do.
Things are getting interesting now.
The ancien regime is crumbling at last.
I support Jezza. He will defend the referendum result , deliberately or not , through thick and thin. Without him as Leader Labour may get elected and reverse the result. After Nigel he has done more for Brexit than anyone else. Join Leavers for Jezza now.
Dave S and Double,
Very perceptive comments. I totally agree with you about Jeremy Clarkson.
Jezza will shuffle it…walking unaided not necessary.
To think that that collection of basket casing f…wits were not THAT far off forming some kind of Government only a year ago.
Tolpuddle were delighted-Pure Labour is here, the troughing runts like Kinnock and Falconer are dead men troughing.
Purity of zeal and intention are all…none of that power trippin` maan!
How much longer then will we hear about the Tory party being divided over Europe?
Long been a lefty trope for the BBC that one.
Delicious irony then that Europe has split Labour into two irreconcilable castes…the Brahmin at Westminster and North London media outlets…the shit stickers elsewhere.
Shit happens…and it`s winning this one joyfully.
Can`t wait to see Ashdown, Soubry and Benns SDP pt 2…my kids need to see this, I didn`t appreciate the rich humour in it all back in 81.
Popcorn please….
” Troughing runts “. Spot on , sir ! ( Check spelling ).
John, just the well qualified guy to head the Labour Party!
On Independence Day 2016, we effectively told the BBC and the political class to f off.
We reject ALL their views re leaving the EU, the cult of experts, climate change junk science and the Westminster willie warmers .
Near enough one month on-and we might as well not have bothered .
That is THEIR hope anyway.
Why else am I hearing crap about FGM but not Chinese foot binding?
Why else is three days sunshine seen as proof of “climate change”?
How does the BBC get away with calling full-on riots on Hyde Park, an exuberant water fight?
The time is soon coming when BBC hacks locally will go the way of the Melice or the collaborators who chiseled for the Nazis that were occupying the countries during WW2.
They really need to put a portfolio together of journalism that is fair…for if it`s the usual liberal lies-they`ll not be safe if they continue to slap our faces as they`re doing now.
I’m pretty sure that many of the 37% of the electorate who voted leave will be surprised to learn that their vote had anything at all to do with the BBC and are even more surprised to learn that they elected ChrisH as their spokesperson.
But never mind ChrisH. I realise that by posting your endless foul-mouthed rants you believe you are doing the lord’s work and all those likes must do wonders for your self-esteem.
I clicked like on your comment Marvin for your superb suggestion that ChrisH should stand for election. I’d sure choose to vote for him rather than the wasters, liars, bigots and hypocrites in the HoC – a few of them on the Conservative side too.
I agree. ChrisH would be so much better than the Politcal wanker class. Including the Tories.
Spot on. May and her cohorts are so sure they can take us for a ride to EU serfdom without us noticing. It amazes me that the BBC is not 110% behind her.
Maybe it is .
Are you MarvinPA from the old BBC boards?
If you are not, you are just as much of a Leftoid prat!
Not sure about the 37% all being in the Nasty Party though .
Do I include you as a maybe?
Just send me £25 and I will register you…whether its the sex offenders register or not remains to be seen.
Endless foul-mouthed rants?…sense you`re one of those sensitive souls, who might be a bit fragile…and the Lords work(capital letter to you marv)?…well who needs your “self-esteem” when you know Jesus!
Anyway-check with matron…then come back and join the circle….
Marvin, there’s a reason why ChrisH gets a lot of likes.
He keeps pointing out the absurdities in an entertaining way.
His ‘rants’ also work on different levels from the basic piss taking to very informed criticism.
Maybe it’s beyond your level.
Quite right. ChrisH’s posts are genius. Lefties won’t understand them because 1. They are thick as two short planks and 2. They have no sense of humour.
FT 100 powering ahead again ! It is the ” Brexit Effect “. Why has May not sacked Carney yet ? He must be kicked out .
Goldman Sachs won’t like it. That is why.
Guido has posted a video from J-TV with Chakrabarti refusing to deny that she was offered a peerage by Corbyn. He’s added a rider that Corbyn isn’t denying it either. Was that in return for the Labour isn’t anti-Semitic report? It is not quite 4:25 (well it wasn’t when I clicked “send”). Is there anyone offering me odds on this being reported on PM in just over half an hour?
Good catch, plus the door swings both ways. How often did the BBC present Universal Shami as a disinterested advocate of Umanrites? I make it approx 1 bazillion, but now we find she’s a crony of Comrade Jez, the IRA groupie and friend of Hamas.
Say, does anyone else think it might have been ethical for the BBC to disclose this back when Shami the Shill was claiming she was jus’ some regular kind of gal standing up for traditional British rights?
It’s classic BBC: a leftist whack job being presented as some kind of unbiased expert thus casting her opponents as fringe extremists.
“a leftist whack job being presented as some kind of unbiased expert”
It was the BBC doing this for year after year that educated the 17+ million that you can’t trust anything said by a “BBC expert”. This was a key reason for the failure of Project Fear and the ultimate success of our bid for independence.
Thank you BBC.
Media Show this afternoon, the BBC presenter Hulett said that use of mobile phones to record news events is changing journalism. In his introduction he cites that the the footage from Nice or that from the killings of black people by the police in the USA. But significantly no mention of the killing of policemen by supporters of the Black Lives Matter supporters. Obviously White Police Lives DONT MATTER to the BBC.
Mobile phone footage which may or may not show the whole of the story.
Fwit alert
Wanker alert !!!
It’s interesting that at the end, the conclusions that they come to are things that would be rigidly defended by lefties – overpopulation, everyone pulling their weight (no benefits scroungers)..
Live on Al Beeb now Merkel meets May .
Lets hope that May doesn’t come back from Germany bearing the same piece of paper as Chamberlain and Cameron.
Hot news bias on 6pm bBBC1 .
May did very well at PMQs, which I watched live, some really good lines about bosses and exploiting the workforce ( meaning Corbyn!!) Effective and got lots of laughs.
Yet not one of those Corbyn-drubbing. remarks was featured, but instead some really low key comments about lower immigration, which is kind of ironic not to say hypocritical given Al Beeb’s open door narrative.
Deliberate editing, deliberate decisin to make Corby appear good, deliberate bias.
May wiped the floor with corbyn chewed him up and spat him out. It was what he deserved. Guido has a pic of ben bradshaw i think with his head in his hands probably wondering where the nearest gun was. Pienaar on the daily politics was making a fool of himself trying to big up steptoes woeful performance. Come back quick Andrew Neil. Similarities with Maggie were spoken about and i am sure the beeb are quaking at the thought of that. Good enough for them.
Just before PMQs, the egregious Pienaar gave his ‘considered’ opinion that whilst Cameron used the subtle rapier thrust in his replies, Theresa May’s ploy would be to use the bludgeon (less subtle, don’t yer see?). That was arrant nonsense, of course, and so it proved. I thought May’s handling of PMQs was quite assured, more so than her predecessor’s first outing.
I`m reduced these days to going to Guido or to old clips from iPlayer to show the wife what BBC News fails to tell her.
Corbyn got splattered flanged and flanned…but Pienaar prefers BBC watchers to see it as a low key affair, no humour-and CERTAINLY no clue that May spat him out as the useless Lefty bed blocker that he is.
But-stay he must….
The BBCs endless lying for Labour is beyond embarrassing.
No Norwegian Blue here to be nailed to the perch…it`s a albatross in flamingo pink…utterly useless.
Watch Corbyn at Tolpuddle last week-on YouTube…crazy, deluded and Labour to his hospice.
Actually, I’m glad to see Corbyn hanging on by his fingertips, denying that he’s not wanted – so reminiscent of a banana republic somewhere in Africa.
Sluff: Deliberate editing, deliberate decisin to make Corby appear good, deliberate bias.
I’ll check that PMQs out. Always interesting to evaluate the extent to which the BBC lies to us by omission and distortion of facts.
And I’m keen to see May’s performance.
At tale end of 6pm news, man interviewed about his reaction to the prime minister. Said he ‘shuddered’ when he realised that she sounded just like Thatcher. So that’s it then, beeboids are taking that old tack, frightening the horses about Maggie just like they used to. Guess what, the man was a guardianista of course.
They are back on “Climate change” again. Funny how when ever it’s hot for a day or two they run this story.
I really came on here to post a bit of scientific observation re AGW and the hottest June ever, but got sidetracked on the EU. Here’s something for the benefit of our recent occasional visitors who like to dismiss ‘old geezers sitting in the middle of their frosty lawns peering at a thermometer’.
Comparison parameters: same house, same plumbing. Period: 11 years
In that time it has been necessary, on more than one occasion, to put bottled tap water in the refrigerator to provide cooling soft drinks by mid-July if not early June. Despite running several litres through the cold tap, by midsummer in more than one of those eleven summers, the water from the tap would be coming out tepid to the touch. On at least one occasion, it was actually running warm to the touch. Note: modern plumbing is not buried as deep as it used to be but that is irrelevant. Science requires good comparisons so I’m comparing without the variable of different houses built in different years.
Today, the supply of cold water in the refrigerator had been consumed. And some cold water was wanted. Some washing of dishes was done ‘Greek style’ and were rinsed under the cold tap. After that, the water from the tap was appreciably cold.
Conclusion: the ground has not yet warmed as fully as it has in some of the past 11 summers and the cold tap is still providing satisfyingly cold water.
‘Our friends’ will dismiss this as insignificant as far as AGW is concerned but as I have pointed out before, the G in AGW stands for Global. They will also claim this observation is quite insignificant when set against the resources and technology of the NOAA. They would be right to observe that I have not taken thermometer readings but am merely relying on the same person comparing ‘cold’ over a recent period of time. A subjective observation but an observation nonetheless. Of such, science is done and made.
That all may be so but it is also an incongruity. If they know anything about science, they should know that incongruities, however humble, can be important.
Fiona Bruce and Jon Sopel hugely excited about some media controversy arising from the speech of a US politician’s wife vis-a-vis plagarising another politician’s missus. Yawn! Should one exclamation mark a yawn?
Hey, BBC, do let us know when there’s any actual policy talked about over there that is likely to really impact us over here – otherwise all you’re doing is trying to justify your airfare at our expense and for some reason tickling the metro-liberal funny bone that finds certain white English speaking foreigners absolutely hilarious (your BBC ‘comedians’ already do that so we don’t need the ‘news’ team joining in).
BBC don’t have comedians.
In fact they don’t do comedy. The last laugh I had was watching their presenters’ gurning faces as they were reading out the results live during Brexit.
Quite right – it’s just these smug lefties with their ruderies. Spare us Jeremy Hardy (the BBC won’t).
So pleased that BBC commentators seem to think May and Merkel got on ok
I notice a lot of loose talk on the BBC about the difficulty and complexity of so-called Brexit negotiations.
Let’s be clear – from the EU perspective our european friends will be after:
1. Maintaining as much UK cash contribution as possible plus – perhaps – a commitment that UK tax payers will be required to contribute to future Eurozone bailouts.
2. So-called ‘free movement of people’ – in fact the UK’s continued absorption of present and future european low skilled unemployment
To gain these concessions the EU will threaten to raise tariffs and all kinds of unreasonable regulations against our exporters.
In other words the EU will act just like a protection racketeer
As I say, I’m so very pleased to see the two gals got on so well.
But maybe Mrs M won’t be such a pushover as you suggest. We have to hope!
Am not so sure the EU can afford to turn nasty on the UK over Brexit. If it does, it will be obvious to all the other member States whether in the Euro or not. If another State decides it wishes to leave, it may not be quite so British over it, if it has seen the UK humbled or seriously disadvantaged in the recent past. On deciding to leave, they may instead let their jets & tanks do the negotiating.
In that event, the rest of the EU will no doubt call foul and plead for NATO’s help. Would NATO side with the EU machine? Would NATO turn on the smaller State? Would NATO also insist on punitive exit terms for them? Would NATO be divided and conflicted in such a situation?
I would have thought the answer to those questions would all be ‘No’ to the first three and ‘Yes’ to the last one.
Economics and business aside, it may actually be better in the long run, in order to have a hope of keeping the bulk of the EU together and reasonably happy & peaceful with it, to deal with Brexit as a series of handshakes and good wishes all round.
British youth and Remain campaigners may have a poor sense and knowledge of history but things are very different on the European mainland. Make the EU look like the old GDR or the Soviet Empire and its doom may be sealed.
Merkel may appear powerful today but she faces an Election next year. She has to remember she may be yet another ‘here today, gone tomorrow politician’ of Newsnight fame.
I’ve come to realise that Merkel is the EU. She calls the shots.
4th Reich anyone?
We’ve had to rescue Europe from the Kaiser and Hitler. Once again….
Funny thing, Dover, but I awoke with almost that thought on the morning of 23rd June but not to save Europe, rather: ‘Today we may be voting to save Germany’.
I think it is Germany that is most under threat from the rest of Europe and I include Turkey in ‘rest of Europe’ at the present time.
Up2 It’s not the German people who are the problem. It’s Merkel and her gang.
Maybe, maybe.
I’m still trying to figure Merkel out, especially in regard to her decision last year to throw the doors of Europe open to all and sundry.
Initially, I thought she was merely stress testing the EU last August, in order to demonstrate to ‘Dave’ and the people of Britain that the EU would all pull together & respond well to the refugee crisis. However, having created more migrant chaos, nothing was done for weeks while the chaos got worse. Knocked that theory on the head.
I have since been told when enquiring of an East German that I met, that Merkel was responding to the obvious crisis from the opening months of 2015 ‘in a Christian way to try to help’ but how Christian is it to make an announcement that is an invitation to possible death? How Christian is it to actually encourage trafficking? I know of other Christians, here in the UK, who have been campaigning against trafficking of people and trying to help the trafficked for years and years. They would have been dismayed and heartbroken by Merkel’s actions. They certainly would not advocate encouraging the trade of trafficking.
I’m actually wondering now if she is really trying to undermine the EU in order to destroy it. As German Chancellor for some time, she has seen its inner workings. Perhaps she has grown to realise that it shares characteristics with the GDR of old which she does not want the whole of Germany, this time, to be entangled in again. She knew she could not take normal political measures to reform or wind-up the EU, so instead she has set out to destroy it by creating a flood of migrants that are too many to absorb.
Maybe none of these are really close to the truth. It could be she has age-related dementia or some other cognitive illness. Maybe there is a conspiracy to wreck ‘white indigenous’ Europe for some greater worldwide scheme. I quite like a good conspiracy but I’m with Michael Mansfield who is also a fan. He reckons that 95% of all conspiracies are merely over-rated cock-ups. At best, what Merkel did last year will go down in history as one of the world’s most egregious cock-ups. Ever!
Merkel’s ex-Stasi: who knows what her agenda might be?
But, Al, she also comes from an-anti GDR background and faith community.
Did she actually work for the Stasi? As a staffer? If she was merely an informer for them maybe she was playing the doppelganger (please forgive the lack of an umlaut) as ‘agent’, even back then?
There’s a character in an Orwell novel – ‘Coming up for Air’ I think – who says the First World War taught him that there’s no over-arching control by those in authority most of the time, and most of the suspicious things that happen are just the result of a monumental balls-up.
I tend to think this is the case with Germany. Merkel probably invited them all in out of some sort of misguided sense of philanthropy (her father was a clergyman, I believe), egged on by those who want to prop up the falling birthrate, with the tacit approval of cultural marxists hoping to damage western culture. The Germans are highly efficient but their main problem is they won’t question authority, so even if border guards, police, civil servants etc thought the ‘invasion’ was a bad idea, they kept quiet about it.
Remember Cameron when he ridiculed Nigel’s name of Farage, rhyming with garage. Funny how he never took the pronunciation mickey out of Ms Merkel’s name. ‘AnGella’ when we say Angela, (or Coalin Power, when we say Colin.)
I remember an old Hollywood star called Una Merkel – wonder if she was a relation – she was far more attractive that’s for sure.
Does anybody remember Cameron?
Cameron rose without trace and sunk without trace !
Brissles – Bela Lugosi was more attractive than Angela Merkel.
Lobster, I have to agree !! Lol !!
How dare Mr Cameron mock a good Hugenot name! Doesn’t he realise they were the original ‘enrichers’ and the founders of modern multicultural Britain??
And there were not too many of them!
The BBC irritate me by constantly referring to Angular Merkel when she is anything but.
But you have to agree the vertical lines from the lips down to the chin are reminiscent of a puppet?
I don’t trust the P.M., Mrs May let alone anything the BBC tells us:
No room for Jacob in May’s cabinet ! But what a sleazy waster is Kenneth Clarke !
Don’t worry – Jacob’s time will come.
Mike, I really hope so. He should be PM.
I would have much preferred him to have either been Chancellor instead of Mr Burns or Foreign Secretary rather than Boris Johnson.
I suspect that his honesty and intellect rub the Tory establishment up the wrong way. And he seems to be of fierce independence of mind. Just what we need really !
Having seen this , can see now why there was no place for Rees-Mogg in Mays cabinet or in her plans.
But-like Gove-he`ll be going nowhere, only upwards.
That the media only have attention spans of rabbits is a given.
But Rees Mogg, Gove and Redwood etc are still todays men-for all helped to give us the victory on the 23rd
I’d make Rees-Mogg the Minister for manners,decorum and all cultural things British.
I would give him a roving office starting in Tower Hamlets.
Rees Mogg – top man!
Yes , not bad for a bloody Taffy. A Taffy Toff , but straight as a Dai. But not a patch on Neil Kinnock !
Or that could be a ‘Toffee’ Taffy ?
My only complaints about him are he’s a bit toffee-nosed about representational politics and he’s a prime example of metro-Landed Estate-ism, from a life and Times of long ago, which we all complain about when the Beeb do it. All that said, I would still like to see him go much further up the ladder and be tested there.
He might just surprise a lot of people and be the PM that a lot of us hoped John Major would be.
As the BBC and C4 news try to out do each other grasping at straws for a new referendum, C4 explored a novel idea and suggested on their news tonight that Nigel Farage/UKIP/Brexit (delete whatever) are/is responsible for the rise of Right Political parties throughout europe. They sent some oafish looking reporter to embarrass himself on the subject matter, as it was soon clear he either wasn’t aware of the growing political mood throughout europe or has no concept of how “ordinary” people are feeling in their countries.
Yesterday C4 showed their viewers a clip entitled Rehousing Refugee Scheme, which is a new scheme encouraging faith groups and charities to help resettle refugees in the UK. It was hosted by Fatima Manji, who was hot off the press with the Liverpool Echo after she had written a right to reply to Kelvin Mackenzie, of The Sun, who was disgusted seeing her report on the C4 news, wearing an hijab during the aftermath of the Nice terrorist attack.
Fatima replied:
“Former S*n editor Kelvin MacKenzie sparked more than 800 complaints to press regulator Ipso after criticising Fatima Manji for wearing a Hijab on Channel Four News while reporting on the Nice attack.
Writing exclusively for the ECHO, Fatima sets out exactly why he was so wrong
It would be easy to dismiss Kelvin MacKenzie as an embarrassing, and serially embarrassed, relic of a bygone era in British journalism.
After all, this is the man who slurred survivors of one of our most tragic national atrocities of recent decades. It took him 23 years to apologise and four more to claim he was “caught up” in a government conspiracy to tarnish Hillsborough victims, only after being confronted by brave campaigners and responsible journalists, including my Channel 4 News colleague Alex Thomson and the tireless team at the Liverpool Echo.
So I’m not expecting an apology from him any time soon.
The Sun, you will recall, is the newspaper that appears at ease with its columnists describing refugees dying at sea as “cockroaches”.
But it’s dangerous to regard Mr MacKenzie and those who echo his Islamophobic sentiments as mere pantomime villains. Their soapbox allows them to spread their ill-informed, irresponsible and malevolent invective to millions of readers. Racist and Islamophobic rhetoric has real consequences – lives have been lost and shattered in our own country.
I was grief-stricken by the massacre in Nice, particularly by the haunting image of a little girl’s corpse laying next to the doll that was once her companion.
Mr MacKenzie seemed to find my appearance on his screen equally horrific: ‘The scenes from Nice shocked audiences around the world, but did the C4 hosts (sic) headress (sic)?’
Mr MacKenzie’s article was but one wild screed in a long-running and widespread campaign to intimidate Muslims out of public life. Young men and women of all backgrounds regularly ask me for advice on how to forge a career in journalism. Mr MacKenzie’s monologue will frighten many of them into believing that they will be on the end of tabloid attacks merely for daring to do their jobs.
‘Was it done to stick one in the eye of the ordinary viewer who looks at the hijab as a sign of the slavery of Muslim women by a male-dominated and clearly violent religion?’
Kelvin MacKenzie has attempted to smear 1.6 billion Muslims in suggesting they are inherently violent. He has attempted to smear half of them further by suggesting they are helpless slaves. And he has attempted to smear me by suggesting I would sympathise with a terrorist.
In response to this, I have received kind messages from friends, colleagues, acquaintances and even those I have never met, expressing solidarity and anger at his words.
However, others took Mr MacKenzie’s column as licence to manufacture a debate on whether someone like me even belongs on screen. Among them was the Guardian’s Roy Greenslade, who chose to cite the views of his ‘woman friend’ to give Mr MacKenzie’s jackbooted variety of Islamophobia some liberal credence. Meanwhile, other outlets have taken to discussing whether or not I am a ‘token’.
The truth is I always pride myself on journalistic integrity regardless of who I’m interviewing or what story I’m covering.
That is my mission at Channel 4 News. I will not be deterred in this mission by the efforts of those who find the presence of Muslims in British cultural life offensive.
THE TRUTH? I confess. I pi**ed on Kelvin MacKenzie’s apparent ambitions to force anyone who looks a little different off our screens, and I’ll keep doing it.”
Apologies for my degression. Fatima informed us that these refugees (from Syria) had only been in the country for three weeks and mentioned that Oxfam thought we (UK) hadn’t been doing enough. Then we saw Jools Payne (Refugee Action Volunteer) with some or all of the Syrian ladies in a local butchers. I say all or some as it had been decided by the charity that the refugees would be better not being identified during filming. Anyway Jools looks at one of the rather bemused looking butchers over the counter and says: “So Ben, what we’re trying to do today is help the ladies order somemore Halal meat.”
It’s a pity all round good egg Jools didn’t enquire more about Halal meat and the fact that it’t be ok for this happy bunch of Muslims to eat non Halal meat. (Surah 5:5: “This day are things good and pure made lawful to you. The food of the People of the Book (Christians and Jews) is lawful to you and yours is lawful to them.”).
Jools then told us about her experiences and thoughts about these refugees: “It’s been inspiring, uplifting, humbling, enormously humbling. Actually to spend time with the families and er spending time with the children, y’know they are the tag of refugees, they’re human beings, like us.”
When Jools isn’t on a crusade (oops!!) helping refugees, she finds time to be an MD of Shropshire PR and reputation Management firm The Jools Payne Partnership, based in Oswestry.
WH…………. Fatima ” I will not be deterred in this mission by the efforts of those who find the presence of Muslims in British cultural life offensive.”
Well, that’s me accounted for then ! Yes, when their ‘cultural life’ impedes on my way of life, then I do find it offensive. I find myself asking in restaurants whether the meat is Halal – I shouldn’t be doing that, not in my own Christian country, because Halal is finding its way into more establishments, from schools to cafes and pop-up food stalls. If Halal is served then they’ve lost my custom immediately. I’m damned if I’m going to kow-tow to a cultural tradition that isn’t in keeping with our own British culture, I’d rather bloody starve first.
Just when you thought the BBC couldn’t possibly get anymore complicitous in regards to the religion of peace…
Dear BBC radio Scotland, the answer to your question is no.
But I do think that pro EU “nationalist” parties should change their name. For example the SNP should become the Scots Regionalist Party or be prefaced “so called” SNP when mentioned on BBC Radio, TV and other news media.
Nationalists they are not, EU regionalists is what they are.
Thanks D&C – worth reading some of the excellent comments underneath this astonishing tweet.
When useless tax eaters like Radio Scotland find it necessary to even pose such a question we can assume that the civilisational decay has so far corrupted this country that it is very nearly lost.
I understand the population of Scotland to be 5.2 million. That’s roughly 8.6% of the UK population as a whole. Anything the SNP demand is only a case of the, ‘tail (trying) to wag the dog’ despite the 50 or so wasters they have in Parliament.
The BBC are carrying on the work of Hacked Off and affiliated groups such as Hope Not Hate who wanted firmer Leveson proposals regarding so-called ‘negative’ reporting of certain groups and topics. Needless to say Islam was top of their list and the example quoted in this tweet is a spot on example of what they wanted to see.
I sniff the putrid presence of Common Purpose, who have proven links to Hacked Off.
Sometimes I think they do this to elicit the expected response – as per question time.
Obviously the BBC can’t criticise Muslims for terrorism, but if they open it to the public then they can still control what is said, but listen to those who do make it on air to get the BBC’s true intentions, not the invitation to respond.
The delusion of this tweet is matched only by its appalling grammar. A real “journalist” would not make such errors. But this is the BBC so some allowances must be made.
Speaking of ‘television’ grammar, can anyone explain to me why newsreaders say ……
” and now over to our ‘Ireland/Malta/ Canada / Iceland correspondent’ ………………
instead of …’our correspondent in Ireland/Malta/Canada’.
Clearly saying ‘our Irish/Maltese/Canadian/Icelandic correspondent’ is wrong, as it indicates the correspondent is of that nationality; but the way it is currently announced is both irksome and surely grammatically incorrect ?
Not as hot as you may think, BBC think that is:
Eurofighter on full afterburner take off scramble near weather station?
Flown by Jerrod 😉
LOL !!!!
When it suits the climatologists its ‘Global Warming’ or it becomes ‘Climate Change’ when things don’t fit their agenda.
There are far more weather stations measuring climate than there was 180 years ago, which means they can now ‘cherry pick’ the best measurement that suits their agenda.
What was the ‘hottest day’ say 400 years ago pre industrial revolution ?
Non-stop Brexit gloom and doom on the News at Ten tonight! We had Ms Kuensberg in Berlin looking like she’d sucked on a particularly sour sherbert lemon…some lawyer protesting that there aren’t enough lawyers available to carry out Brexit…President Hollande can’t negotiate properly because he’s under pressure from ‘the far right’ (presumably that’s anyone who objects to the slaughter of innocent French people)…all the obstacles…all the difficulties…not one glimmer of national pride, positive thinking or cultural self-confidence.
just the usual pathetic BBC whining . Kuensberg is particularly riled by our voting to leave and makes it very obvious.
The BBC is a busted flush and forget about it
“not one glimmer of national pride, positive thinking or cultural self-confidence.”
Ms Kuensberg is Jewish hence international rather than British by descent. Would you expect her, Nick Clegg and other mixed ethnicicity Bremainers to feel loyalty and national pride in Britishness?
Aerfen, Laura is just a self-hating Jew and does not represent the majority
Aerfen, I’m mixed ethnicity but I am a proud English/British person and feel passionate loyalty to this country. That’s why I am proud to admit I voted for Brexit as I believe in my country and know we will do so much better, financially and democratically, if we are on our own in the big World.
I am Scottish/ Jewish. But that is irrelevant to what I feel about Great Britain. Despite all the faults, this is still the greatest country. And must always fight for freedom.
Aerfen, I have a Jewish friend who is adamant that his ultimate loyalty is to the Crown. I believe most of Anglo-Jewry feels this way although the exchange of ultra-orthodox Jews between Israel and the UK in recent years may have diluted that somewhat. I’m not even sure if Laura Kuensberg is Jewish anyway either in practice or descent.
BBC 22:00 B/s on slump in building after BREXIT. When the Government actually starts putting a squeeze and I think May has realised this one isn’t going to go with the public then there will be less demand for housing. Nice to see housing associations trying to get their snouts into public money to help with “affordable” rented accommodation. The rent prices in housing association properties local to us are not much cheaper than a mortgage and the boss of the housing association is of course on an astronomical wage.
Here’s a handy new rhyme for teaching our boys in blue how to handle the enemy within:
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
Catch a Muslim paedo by the toe.
When you catch him, let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
I cannot understand why he was not charged by the police?
Doctor engages with online grooming with someone he believes is a 13 year old girl, arranges to meet her in a hotel for sex.
The police arrest him but he says he was fantasising and would never have gone through with it. No charges. He has been referred to the GMC, so perhaps he will be struck off, or maybe he’ll just say he’s very, very sorry for the misunderstanding.
I’m certain, of course, that this hands-off approach has nothing to do with him being a Muslim.
The BBC should fearlessly investigate the Paedo antics of some Imams in Dakar. Last time I was there, about 3 years ago , I said to one of them that he disgusted me . He just smiled and said ” It is normal “. BBC , go for it !
Blown Up Sikh Temple ‘Not Terrorism’
No prizes for guessing the religion of the non-terrorists.
(Sorry if already posted)
The teens were also considered at such a risk of radicalisation that all three were enrolled on anti-radicalisation programmes. One of the convicted completed his programme just four days before the attack that injured three people.
Well knock me down with a feather.
Thanks for that. What the hell have the Sikhs done to deserve that ? Where the hell are the dirty Trolls who shit on this website ? How can they defend this ?
Easily Grant – I wil stand in for them
It was actually just a waterfight! stoopid!!!!!!
Just one more link if I may – MEMRI TV has been taken down by youtube 🙁
Why do I watch Newsnight? No, I don’t know either.
Evan Davis was at it again tonight. It was his attitude: ‘how can anybody think Brexit is sensible?’ And, of course, why wasn’t everything sorted out yesterday?
If Mrs M set out now exactly what the UK’s bargaining position was, she would no doubt be regarded by the omniscient Evan as naive and foolish. But she hasn’t, so he attacks her. He is so smug and patronising.
Crispin Blunt was putting up with it again. He must be a glutton for punishment.
Poor little Evan. A whole life throwing his toys out of the pram and he never learns ! A very sad case.
Newsnight really needs putting out of everybodys misery.
It`s as if we thought we`d circumcised the godawful show when we removed the Late Review from it.
Only to find that we kept the foreskin in error.
And whose idea was it to ask an SNP Muslimah for HER view on Merkel meeting May?
What would SHE bring to the table, apart from some pasta stuck on sparkly tinfoil.
Thought Newsnight was once an alternative to Tartan tripe on BBC Scotland…so shouldn`t McPyonyang have their OWN news porridge to be fussing over…hoe England gets on with Germany is of no interest to the Motherwell Muslim who nobody down here voted for-or ever would.
I have to pull you up here. Wee Nicky was born in Irvine, the same town as my mum. Later she lived in Dreghor n. All the glamour spots. So far as I know, she has no connection with Motherwell. We are big on parochialism up here , so be careful what you say !
Ta grant.
Juts for the point of illiteration, so poets license claimed here!
Only I did stop off to change trains once at Motherwell, which surely makes me the next Scottish expert for the BBC…seemed a perfectly agreeable town, no mention of Brexit or Trump as I was there in 2000.
Scottish Correspondent it is…but, poor poor Irvine.
“Irvine No More” as the lads sang.
Reckon you`re a Dr Livingston who fought bravely alongside Lawrence of Arabia undercover on a gap year with the Turk…got to be a biography here, my friend!
Crispin Blunt IS a glutton for punishment. He takes a big pull on the poppers he campaigned to legalise and adopts the position.
I hope that you are not suggesting that Evan and Crispin are a couple and are using Newsnight as a cover for their trysts.
Has anybody noticed that as this country gets more and more ‘multicultural’ – by which the BBC really means Muslim – the home countries of those who are so selflessly bringing us this blessing are getting more and more monocultural as a result of ethnic and religious cleansing, whilst in addition nobody with any sense of justice or liberty would want to migrate to such intolerant, despotic, violence-ridden shitholes?
Wonder if the BBC has noticed this? Might be a good topic for an extended Panorama.
Then again, I must do something about the herd of pigs that keeps crapping on my roof.
‘Wonder if the BBC has noticed this? Might be a good topic for an extended Panorama.’
Noticed it Johnny, the Islamic anti British BBC are probably behind it.
Whatever is wrong in the world and anti west the Islamic BBC will support it.
Come on Theresa give the Islamic BBC a good kicking. Merkel can wait.
I believe I’m right in saying that Russia, China and Japan are rejecting any muslim applications of citizenship as Islamists would conflict with their culture.
Now that would be a good Panorama programme! Fat chance of that happening.
Japan is hugely strict on immigration. Clearly they have watched the decline of other nations where migration has been rampant. On a recent holiday I was struck that the population was mainly Japanese, Chinese or Korean – as were the tourists. The only ethnic faces I saw in 2 weeks were members of my own tour group !! I recommend Japan as a place that everyone should visit once. The place is spotless, the population beyond polite, and you can drink the water ! A place where I could happily live – (although the tsunamis would have to be a consideration).
For the past couple of days, in my village, I’ve been stopped by quite a few people, telling me that the BBC have introduced “Global Warming” back into the agenda of “Climate Change”, and of course all nicely linked in to the couple of days of normal summer weather and temperatures. They have been asking me “what do I know?” as to why the sudden rhetoric in “Global Warming” as this had gone off the radar somewhat. Well, as I have said on this forum before, I do not trust anything that the BBC tells me, not that I listen to the BBC much these days, but when folk stop me in the street and ask “what is going on?” then I take note. I’ve been saying for over 18 months now, to these same people, that the climate is cooling, not warming, and government agencies (including the BBC) now seem hell bent on telling another story.
Maybe this is the story that they do not want you to hear:
Click to run the video for its entirety.
TOB, the best thing the environmental scientists, the NGO campaigners and politicians could do to win some credibility for their AGW/CC position is to decouple it entirely from taxation. If they did that, especially if then switching the taxation to high earners and the wealthy to make it Treasury neutral, they might go a little way to solving the problem that Martin Wolf was ‘pedestrianly’ talking about from 9.02-9.44 a.m. on BBC R4 this morning.
Talk about not being able to see the wood for trees!
London’s new and first Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan has refused to back a request for the terrorist outfit Hezbollah to be a proscribed organisation.
Islamic State BBC not reporting this. -Obviously.
See link below
Not BBC related but may be of interest to some here. Geert Wilders in Holland is again up for criminal charges for telling the truth about Islam. He has a legal fund for people who want to contribute towards his defence
I expect Newsnight will be keen to advertise this link, but just in case they forget, I’ve included the link here.
There is also a defence/security fund for Tommy Robinson BTW which he credits with keeping him out of prison this year, as he has been subjected to a variety of jumped up charges to try and incarcerate him. I believe his situation is even worse, as the UK provides very little in the way of security for him and his family, whereas Wilders at least has 24/7 state protection from sufferers of the religion of peace.
Personally I think these fine people deserve our help as they are doing more to save our democracy than our governments. For more
Anyone notice that when our usual trolls ‘get a pasting’ or cannot answer posts, they disappear for a few days and another troll takes over ? Or is it the same Troll changing his name?
It is so funny. I come back to my point that for the Trolls it is a sexual kick here and they love being whipping boys. Sad but true, I think .
Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.
Sadomasochists , ‘I don’t believe it’ , ‘I don’t believe it’ 😀
I note with relish how Jerrod aka Zero responds to my questions about his sexual antics in Camden public toilets. He cannot resist the challenge
That reminds of a joke by the great Dave Allen from back in the days when the comedy on the BBC was funny. Two fellows meet in a bar and discover that one is a sadist and the other is a masochist. They go back to the sadist’s place and he produces a whip while the masochist kneels down in anticipation. After waiting a bit, he asks the sadist if he is going to whip him. The sadist (Dave Allen) looks down and just says “No”. Perhaps Dave Allen was telling us that when the BBC masochist trolls come on here we should just torture them by ignoring them?
Breaking news two ‘men’ threaten service man with knife at RAF Marham!
Are Al Beeb there yet ?
Its those bloody men again.
I can’t find anything on Al Beeb as yet ? Perhaps they are waiting for the morning delivery of their favourite newspaper paper…………….
It was mentioned at the tail end of the World at One BBC Radio 4 today. More of a last minute filler before the end of the prog. Considering the event apparently happened yesterday and is of social importance, only the BBC would delay broadcast. Perhaps they learnt that one name mentioned when the second perpetrator went to the first to assist him, Mohamed was uttered. We will learn the truth soon but, no surprise to my fellow contributors here, I will not believe anything the BBC will tell me.
“The force said it was “unable to discount terrorism” as a motive.”
Read the article bloggers and answer, what do you think the motive is ?
The lunchtime BBC news today described the attack as by ‘men of middle eastern appearance.’ I found that odd as normally the appearance of the attackers is not specified or code is used such as ‘men thought not to be local’ etc.
Does anyone give a toss about plagiarism? They all get their speeches written for them ……………………….
No, taffman, you are right. At least, not anyone with half a brain and had the sort of mother that Michelle & Melania are. Their words have been said by hundreds of thousands of mothers around the world long before those two entered the political stage.
I hold no brief or enthusiasm for Trump but I actually think they have been very clever with this. They have flushed out another attack from the Left that makes the Left appear nasty – again. They have done it using words that cannot be criticised – similar to Michelle’s, what’s not to like – and also popped in among those words their own ‘stir up the troops & voters’ message. In addition, they can replay this in slightly different ways, over & over again, until voting day in November while making the Democrats appear to be ‘against motherhood’ and ‘against the family’ and ‘against upward mobility’.
Cannot remember whether it was Naughtie or the BBC’s N.America Correspondent who identified that there is a noticeable swing to Trump from those who would tend to vote Democrat. Many Democrats are as aspirational as the most gung-ho get-going Republicans.
Hilary’s handouts may start to appeal less and less to those aspirational Democrats, especially aspirational Democrat mothers, in the weeks to come.