How soon they forget. No not the Somme and all the sacrifices made on that battlefield, though some could do well to remember what the ‘young’ were doing then and in WWII to defend the right to vote and protest and speak freely.
How soon some forget their own ‘principles’ when the chips are down.
Firstly of course the BBC were busily telling us, pre-referendum, that Boris would never be Tory leader because he couldn’t raise the support amongst the MPs….now he backs out because he can’t raise the support and it’s all a big shock to the BBC, who rapidly put the boot in. The BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg has also gone a bit quiet on her relentless claims that Boris was only in the Leave campaign to build his case for the leadership, Kuenssberg suggesting he was a liar and a fraud…despite admitting later that she based her ‘journalism’ and claims about Boris on ‘vicious rumours’ from the Westminster bubble. Personally thought he should have toughed it out as Gove doesn’t have a chance and never did whilst Boris did have support last year…as much as May did. Why did Boris cave so easily?
Apparently Boris has been ‘stabbed in the back’. I’m still awaiting the outraged frenzy that denounces those daring to suggest Gove stabbed Boris in the back. The same outraged frenzy that accompanied claims that the wonderboy, Ed Miliband, had stabbed his brother in the back for the Labour leadership contest.
How can the BBC have forgotten this so soon?..
The Conservatives are standing by an attack on Ed Miliband that Labour said had dragged politics “into the gutter”.
Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said Mr Miliband had “stabbed his own brother in the back” to lead Labour and was now “willing to stab the UK in the back” by doing a deal on Trident with the SNP “to become PM”.
Mr Miliband said the defence secretary had demeaned himself and his office.
“This is the day the election campaign got personal”, said BBC deputy political editor James Landale.
The Guardian of course was on the case as well…
I’m not sure how I managed to miss the fact that leadership of the Labour party is a hereditary position. Apparently, Labour hasn’t even got round to abolishing the rule of primogeniture, as the defence secretary, Michael Fallon, reminded us on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Thursday. Fallon suggested that Ed Miliband “stabbed his own brother in the back”, appearing to suggest that modern political parties operate a line of succession similar to the royals.
No such defence for Boris or attacks on Gove, indeed today the BBC’s Jon Pienaar told us that this leadership contest was not about policies now but about character. So character matters then in a leader? Fairly obvious, but not apparently when it is the Labour leader’s character, then we mustn’t talk about it…nor his Marxist father’s hatred of British values, the values that saved him from the concentration camps.
What else does the BBC forget to mention? How about Heseltine with his contemptible and malignant attack on Boris? The BBC has been quoting him relentlessly but not a mention on the news bulletins that he is an ardent Europhile and Remainer….hence the real reason he might want Gove to step aside in order to let a Remainer, Theresa May, a clear run to the PMship. Yesterday we had a stream of remainers come onto the BBC, seemingly outnumbering by far those who back Leave and of course they all put the boot into Boris telling us he had ‘broken Britain’….obviously a party line here. The BBC even dragged in Jenni Russell who has made it her life’s work to undermine and attack Boris…but of course the BBC didn’t mention that as she launched into a poisonous tirade against him. We also had Anna Soubry, also pouring scorn on the Leave campaign and its ‘lack of leadership’ whilst praising to the skies Cameron’s ‘brilliant’ leadership. Apparently Cameron and Osborne were extraordinarily ‘admirable’ as they put the country first. Really? That’ll be Cameron who abandoned the country and caused chaos, confusion and uncertainty by deciding to not lead the country out of the situation he placed it in by holding the referendum…he should have been prepared to lead whatever the outcome. Osborne spent all his time spreading fear, alarm and confusion and as a result the markets panicked on the out vote…hardly the work of an ‘admirable’ man.
Ah yes, Osborne…today making big noises about the dreadful state of the economy, due to Brexit of course, and the need to shelve his fantastic budget plans…the plans the BBC panned as pure fantasy.
How soon we forget that in February this year he was telling us that the state of the world economy meant his previous budget statement about balancing the books and having pot loads of spare cash was so much hogwash…
Chancellor George Osborne has warned he may have to make fresh cuts to public spending in next month’s Budget.
Mr Osborne told the BBC global economic turmoil and slower growth meant “we may need to undertake further reductions”.
He slowed the pace of cuts in the last spending review, but suggested savings could be announced in his 16 March Budget statement as figures showed the UK economy was smaller than expected.
Labour’s John McDonnell said it was “a total humiliation” for Mr Osborne.
Now it’s all about Brexit….could it be that Osborne knew his claims about 2020 were unavievable and took the opportunity to rejig things and blame Brexit for it?….nice if the BBC put the question…not so far though.
And on a final note…May’s attack on those politicians who ‘play games’ with people’s lives…I took that to mean Osborne, whom the BBC always accused of being the most political of all chancellors [but aren’t they all? Brown not exactly straight with us], and yet now forget that and say May was attacking Boris. No, she was attacking Osborne. As always the BBC forgets its previous words when needed and lays into the current enemy.