This was a cracker item on BBC Radio 4 Today from earlier.
Labour will appeal against a High Court ruling that party officials were wrong to refuse five new members a vote in next month’s leadership contest. Edward Leir is a Labour member who won the High Court case against the party’s National Executive Committee.
So the BBC then interviewed Mr Leir who informed us that although he had been a Conservative activist in previous times he liked the cut of Corbyn’s jib and so had joined Labour earlier this year and was “likely” to vote for Jezza in the forthcoming leadership election
This tweet from George Pascoe-Watson to Jamie Angus, Editor of Today, summed the whole thing up from my point of view;
Come on @grvlx001 cut glass accent chap on now canvassed for Cameron now “heart with Corbyn”. Really?
— George Pascoe-Watson (@GPW_Portland) 9 August 2016
Really and truly.
Seems George has been taking lessons from Ian Hislop.
But at least it’s totally impartial, professional and objective. Or views his own. One of the two.
Both total wankers .
Rather like the poster here who claims to be a UKIP voter but who posts juvenile Corbynutta drivel!
Yes ! Pathetic !
Who is the poster you refer to?
I think he means Xavier, David
No 6 is right on the button, David.
The interesting thing is how middle class most of these Corbynites are.
I was trying to think who they remind me of and then it hit me – BBC reporters. Of course!
I’m no Corbyn supporter, I’m UKIP.
I do hope though, that Corbyn wins only to remind the labour politicians that they are there to answer to their supporters and not to ignore them.
If I was Corbyn I’d get rid of all these moaners and whingers and have a Labour Party which represents the basic labour principles and not the liberal ones most of his mp’s want.
All good for us in UKIP, even with our current difficulties.
With you there EG.
They MADE those rules after the Falkirk scandal….now had they waited another year or so, the Scottish Labour Party would have been wiped out so the rules would not have had to be changed anyway.
Delicious irony…but the thickies like UNITE and Ed Miliband, McCluskey and Dromey would have screwed themselves anyway without the help of Falkirk and its vore rigging.
Corbyn was elected by their potty system less than a year ago…and weren`t the BBC and the likes of Harman and Beckett delighted at all those new organ donors and blood banks who flushed up and into Labours septic tank at that time?Course they were-such youth, such passion, such brio!
And all this, not even a year ago!
Look Lefty Labour cretins,cabbages and crabs…YOU made those rules…Corbyn was democratically voted in by your mad rules and cavils, your freebies and £3…SUCK up every last drop of what remains of your relevance.
Hopefully every one of you who crept about under Blair and Brown will be up for your war records, your PFI and tuition fees weaslings…and you`ll have to bunk up with Blair as hated wanted wastes of old skins…
Hoon…Ainsworth…Blunkett and Prescott…Jacqui Smith and Beverley Hughes?…JIm Knight?…what s shower of sewer rats?…and we voted for them, let them speak for us all?
Lord Nige’s EGM and revised NEC will put those difficulties right soon, Emmanuel.
Remember when the Tories were described as being “hopelessly divided” on the issue of Europe?
And that “a divided party never gets elected, so it`s THE crime for any party hoping to win”
Has anybody else got recall of a Party talking itself to court to decide what it`s rules mean?
Anyone recall death threats to its fellow “comrades” who refuse to do as their blow-ins from the Fascist Left and New Age Greens want?
When else has a party boasted of all its new members after one year, who hate Jews, who will spit at Tories…and now hate and spit at their own newly-elected MPs…albeit wanting another leader than the one imposed by public ballot less than ONE YEAR AGO?
Any other party ever fiddled its party shortlists, so union shagbags get to be candidates, where its property magnates and ex heads of child abuse homes get to pontificate on the morality of business, send their kids to private schools, can be as racist as they like as longs as its white blokes, anti-Semitic as its likes as long as its only Jewish women?
Any other party happy to get a Shami off the shelf to absolve itself of anti-Semitism in return for a Peerage in the Lords that they want abolished yesterday…in full view of the rest of us while the BBC looks coyly away…but tells us that Lord Gummer and Owen Paterson are not on the same page re EU funding.
So the Tories really need to get themselves sorted out…just as Labour seem to be doing!
Unbe-f***In-leavable….this dogs dinner of Lords Kinnocks and Straws,Prescotts and Chakrabhatisis really beyong comedy, beyond satire and beyond belief…as if Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear had created an inverse, reverse polarity , upside down and inside out vortex of anti-political matter…then gave it to the BBC.
Who give it dignity, houseroom, the fetid flatus of publicity and seem to think we`ll all care about it.
One big pink farce…like a dogs lipstick humping a ball of elastic bands and pipe cleaners.
BUt-again-like Clinton….normal rules of competence and process are bypassed and ingnored by the BBC.
As long as the Left wins…none of that “accountability” or “purpose” stuff needed.
But bloody Ted Heaths laundry bill eh?
Mad, mad and mad again…Trump could only bring sanity, compared to this box of frogs in a flea circus…