335 Responses to START THE WEEK OPEN THREAD…..

  1. Alex says:

    Morning folks, was just wondering when the BBC are going to update us all regarding the new developments of the Somali-Norwegian boy who went on that horrific knife attack in London because, there have been a few interesting developments since they let the story slip down their website page. For example, according to his neighbours, one of which worked for the BBC, and other sources he was indeed a ‘devout Muslim’ and was ‘inspired by Isis’ and wasn’t crippled by mental health issues; he did hang around with a bad crowd, though, some of whom may have been supporters of Isis. Isn”t it important for our security and understanding of the whole terrorist picture and situation that we are in view of all such developments? Or would the BBC rather we just become blind sheep who are unable to exercise independent faculties of thought? I think we know the answer to that one. They are so sodding patronising it’s untrue; the BBC’s news reporting treats us like infants; when it comes to Islamic extremism the BBC line is: not in front of the children, dear…. mustn’t allow them to see such things. Will spoil our evening etc.

    Also, I was just thinking this morning about the Left in this country. And when you sit and think critically for a moment, you soon realise that everything the far-Left do, have done or advocate in this country turns to utter disaster. For instance, unfettered immigration, removing discipline in schools, equality of outcome in academia, undermining of marriage, undermining of traditions and heritage, incessant protests (at least one a week), criminalising the actions of our soldiers, and victimising Christians whilst ignoring the intolerance of Islamists etc.

    These are just a few tenets and actions of the Left-wing Corbyn-types. And when you think about it, they are an utter disaster. Literally, everything the Left touches turns to utter mayhem.


    • peterthegreat says:

      was wondering when the BBC going to update us regarding the new developments of the Somali boy – short answer: NEVER.


      • Grant says:


        All we need to know is that he was bullied at school. I guess he was probably depressed as well. Anyway, the BBC is concentrating on the Olympics and following the drugs !


      • G says:

        I’m intent on following the court cases. I’ll post any info, when I spot anything. I’m anxious to determine how wrong the police and the BBC were in trying to convince the converted that he was, ‘suffering mental health problems’. Understanding that from the Crown Courts detailed analysis will create a bench mark for future references to that state of health when future Muslim murderers decide to kill other occupiers of their host country, the country which gave them sanctuary.


      • ObiWan says:

        “…was wondering when the BBC going to update us regarding the new developments of the Somali boy – short answer: NEVER.”

        Down the Orwell memory hole it goes, along with all the rest.

        Side note: The only kind of revisionist activity the BBC is interested in generally involves ensuring an inappropriate over-representation of ‘effnick types’ in historical dramas. It’s just getting embarrassing now.


    • peterthegreat says:

      was wondering when the BBC going to update us regarding the new developments of the Somali boy – I know, it was a rhetorical question but I feel the need to spell out the treacherous mendacity of the beeb again and again.
      Till they can no longer say RoP or NTDWI with a straight face – incidentally I seem to be hearing those expressions less, could the medicine be working.
      Till a bbc ‘journ’ at an Islington dinner party of biens-pensants would rather admit to being a slave trader, arms dealer or paedophile pimp than working for the beeb.


      • StewGreen says:

        R4 Now has a prog about Daily fear of terrorism
        Frightened of Each Other’s Shadows
        presented by the Asian Networks : Nihal Arthanayake, mostly about how you deal with people staring at your Muslim Beard.

        “Is terrorism changing the way we relate to each other?”

        BTW I’ve experienced it the other way round in Tunisia when the description of a threat was “a white man”
        but I was cool the soldiers/police were also mostly professional each time …not such a big deal.


        • Nibor says:

          I only heard the beginning and thought it another Beeb production telling proles not to worry their little heads exaggerating danger .
          We should be more concerned about climate change killing things , Brexit creating economic havoc , hate crimes since the referendum , social injustice etc. The occasional bombing , shooting , stabbing , hit and run over everyone with lorry are safely contained until the next time .
          The BBC will tell us what to be afraid of . Why only today I got a letter from them , printed in red , telling me I am under investigation .


        • G says:

          Amazing! Since the Muslim does not and cannot integrate with we kaffirs, “relating” to each other is a illusion much less a contradiction: how can anyone “relate” to people that just hate and abuse us?


    • tbaskett says:

      Commented deleted.


      • Alex says:

        Okay I understand your points but many news outlets including the DM, Breitbart and the Express didn’t have a problem publishing these details before a charge was made; surely merely highlighting potential motives or links before a charge is made isn’t in contempt of court. However, the BBC and Sky failed to mention any of them but eagerly pursued the mental health line. Also, they had no such difficulty in speculating a motive outside of the mental health issues when Jo Cox was murdered. It was right-wing extremism all the way.


        • tbaskett says:

          Commented deleted.


          • Alex says:

            Yes, some interesting points. Ta.


          • StewGreen says:

            @Tbasket I was going to call you out cos the actual law is less strict ..it has to be a “serious prejudice”
            However I see the CH4 Sub judice guide does include these bits

            – Anticipating the course of a trial or predicting the outcome on television.
            – Publishing details of a defendant’s lifestyle, if relevant to the charge.

            They begin with the law
            >>“it is a criminal offence for media organisations to broadcast material which would create “a substantial risk of serious prejudice” to the proceedings<
            The main normal thing is the media can't report prior convictions


            • StewGreen says:

              but as other commenters say : It’s weird that BBC and al can frame the Russel Sq incident as due to a non-islamic mentally ill guy and leave that to sink in all the time until other evidence arises at the trial.
              but OTOH it’s their own credibility they are destroying.


              • peterthegreat says:

                Stew – and the ‘other evidence’ of Islamist connection will be ignored. This is the standard modus operandi of the Evil Empire: give every new Islamist killing the mental health spin or some other distracting spin early on, then when inconvenient facts emerge, bury them way down the page, if at all. Disgusting. Surely, surely, readers/viewers will get wise to the deception, or are they so brainwashed by the Evil Matrix that it all just washes over them?


                • peterthegreat says:

                  Re. bbc modus operandi, as Emmanuel G put it:
                  1. Do not report it.
                  2. When the incident becomes available all over the net, hide the report or put it somewhere insignificant.
                  3. When it becomes a mainstream event follow the bbc procedure below.
                  4. Always refer to the perpetrator(s) as ‘a man/men’
                  5. Always report that this man was a ‘Norwegian, German, Frenchman or whatever to disguise the Islamic origin country.
                  6. If he must be named, use any part that appears in any way European and omit any Arabic sounding name.
                  7. Stress that it is nothing to do with Islam.
                  8. Look for any tenuous link to the right and push it to extremes.
                  9. Humanise the perpetrator using words like ‘boy’ or ‘teenager’
                  10. When it is then attributed to Islam say the man has ‘mental issues’
                  11. Always say it is a lone wolf.
                  12. Only show clips of those sympathetic to the Islamic cause.
                  13. Concentrate on the ‘backlash’ against Moslems.
                  14. Portray the perpetrator as a victim of radicalisation.
                  15. Make as many excuses as possible for this man.
                  16. As soon as possible, relegate or remove this story.
                  17. Blame the white indigenous population.
                  18. Wait for the next atrocity and go to number 1.
                  others added:
                  19. Avoid showing photo of perpetrator if at all poss.
                  20. If unavoidable, use photo taken when young and sympathy-provoking.


                  • Cranmer says:

                    Very good list. Another item which perhaps could be added is the way they always add some homely details to show he was just an average British bloke, usually how much he loved football or cricket. Also, add a ‘doomed youth’ note such as ‘he once tried out for Slough FC under 16’s squad and was told he might have made it to the third division one day’ etc. Testimony from former school teachers about how ordinary he was is also useful.


                    • Guest Who says:

                      By contrast, it is odd how easily certain media managed to get hold of a certain less than professional teacher’s ‘testimony’ of integrity as to the claimed political tendencies of a teenage boy around forty years ago.


    • Roderick says:

      “Literally, everything the Left touches turns to utter mayhem.”

      Fully agree. The unanswered question is whether the mayhem is accidental or intentional.


      • Alex says:

        Hi Roderick, I think it’s a mixture of both. What i find about Labour and the Left is that they are very eager to criticise current society through using Marxist arguments of hegemony and social injustices etc, but they are hopeless in providing any real and effective alternatives apart from pushing the usual crap of diversity, tolerance and love etc., Of course, however, these lofty social equalities qualities aren’t applicable if you’re white, English, Christian, heterosexual and patriotic. I always found that, too, when I was at university: left-wing sociologists were excellent at bemoaning the injustices of the ‘evil’ Tories and right-wingers and celebrating how holier-than-thou and righteous it is to support Labour and multiculturalism etc but in reality had absolutely nothing to offer in terms of viable solutions and alternatives to the capitalism. They live in an infantile dreamland. Now, I believe in some socialist initiatives such as the NHS and Welfare (so long as they are not allowed to be used as a safety valve for lazy sods and immigrants – they are there for those who need help) but it has to be mixed with capitalist entrepreneurship and freedoms for individuals to pursue wealth at all opportunities.


        • Cranmer says:

          Alex, good summary. Historically, the ‘solution’ for the left was always communism. The problem was that, at least from the time of Stalin, it became increasingly obvious that communism didn’t work as a practical economic system and simply created ‘poverty, hunger and dirt’ as the poet puts it. All the proto-communist structures in place in the west, however, didn’t just shut up shop when the Russians finally did in ’91. There were far too many vested interests so marxism had to continue in its cultural form, and in fact actually seems to have grown since then.


        • G says:

          Alex, they really, ‘lost the plot’ when the Berlin Wall came down.


    • 7Clubs says:

      And you can add to that what the far left have done in Latin America although according to the BBC PR line the current disaster in Venezuala is about collapsing oil prices and not 13 years of corruption and mismanagement
      The Chavez family are rumoured to have $4 billion stashed away in a bank


      • peterthegreat says:

        7 – And notice how the word socialism never gets mentioned in relation to Venezuela now that it’s a basket case? In fact Venezuela hardly gets mentioned, though people are starving to death and it’s a huge story – imagine if it was some ‘right wing’ government, the beeb would be all over it. (‘Right wing’ now means ‘anything the beeb don’t like’.)


    • Blackcap says:

      An excellent post Alex, can I just add one more thing to your list? All the while they were doing what you describe they were wrecking the economy, every single time


  2. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Here is the bbc template for reporting ‘incidents’:

    1. Do not report it.
    2. When the incident becomes available all over the net, hide the report or put it somewhere insignificant.
    3. When it becomes a mainstream event follow the bbc procedure below.
    4. Always refer to the perpetrator(s) as ‘a man/men’
    5. Always report that this man was a ‘Norwegian, German, Frenchman or whatever to disguise the Islamic origin country.
    6. If he must be named, use any part that appears in any way European and omit any Arabic sounding name.
    7. Stress that it is nothing to do with Islam.
    8. Look for any tenuous link to the right and push it to extremes.
    9. Humanise the perpetrator using words like ‘boy’ or ‘teenager’
    10. When it is then attributed to Islam say the man has ‘mental issues’
    11. Always say it is a lone wolf.
    12. Only show clips of those sympathetic to the Islamic cause.
    13. Concentrate on the ‘backlash’ against Moslems.
    14. Portray the perpetrator as a victim of radicalisation.
    15. Make as many excuses as possible for this man.
    16. As soon as possible, relegate or remove this story.
    17. Blame the white indigenous population.
    18. Wait for the next atrocity and go to number 1.

    I’m sure you can add other procedures but this seems to be SOP for the bbc.


    • Grant says:


      Superb ! You have summed it up perfectly. And the BBC think that we are all so stupid that we cannot see their game . I put the BBC into Room 101 !


    • TruthSeeker says:

      19 Use a photograph of the terrorist when he was ten.


    • peterthegreat says:

      19. don’t show photo of perpetrator if you can possibly avoid it (as in recent London knifing, show victim instead).
      20. if and when you really have to show photo, choose 1 of perp looking young and innocent.


    • Demon says:

      Emmanuel, the only immediate thought that came to add to your excellent list was to bring in the, so far unseen, spectre of the far right backlash to deflect attention from the real incident and perpetrators.


  3. BRISSLES says:


    Agree with taffman and GWF.

    Brissles, have you written to the new PM & Hunt with that advice, copied to your MP? Or would it be difficult for your work position? If OK work-wise and you have not written, I would encourage you to do so.

    Maybe B-BBC-ers could use your information to do the same?

    (Apologies for using a new thread in replying to the above, in response to comments on the NHS I made in the Weekend thread, but Up2snuff may not see it.)
    No, I haven’t written to anyone ‘in power’. All the points I raised simply flowed as I responded to another poster. Being retired I shall do as you suggest, thank you, and maybe it will give someone ‘food for thought’, but I rather suspect that my comments have already been raised in the past and filed away to be dealt with by another ‘committee’. No-one employed in the NHS want to rock any boats, and sadly we all know what happened to whistle-blowers within the organisation.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Brissles, thanks for that. Yes, as your last sentence indicates, I was concerned in case you were still working at the NHS although, in theory, whistle blowers should now be protected. If a recent Government pledge is anything to go by.

      I agree that some or many of them have been raised with Ministers before now. However, there is a new Government largely, although SoS remains the same but perhaps, just perhaps, the tone of the May administration will be different and issues that have been swept aside or ignored may just … possibly … get dealt with. Especially if enough people do write and let their views be known.

      Although I’m prepared to be told that my hope will be in vain, I do just wonder if the GE 2015 and EU-Referendum results have shaken up Westminster AND Whitehall a little bit and there may be a bit of a democratic revolution on the way.

      Better that than the other sort.


  4. Deborah says:

    Last week on my Look North there was an item on the programme about the Fire Brigade because they were recruiting firemen. Sorry they are no longer firemen they are firefighters. At the end of the piece they just threw in that they were particularly looking to recruit women and people from ethnic minorities. Surely if you are being rescued from a burning inferno or even just being taught to check your fire alarms, you just want the best people for the job? But no wonder Look North took up the story, it fitted their agenda perfectly.


    • GCooper says:

      The problem is that the fire service, like the police, is run by people who’ve never so much extinguished a match, let alone a major fire. It is the fast tracked ‘elite’ that is now recruited, freshly brainwashed, from the Marxist dominated humanities departments at our failing universities, who set these childish demands for ‘diversity’ and who create merry hell if they are not met.

      This nonsense began under the Blair regime, which provided vast numbers of jobs for its Guardian reading supporters right throughout the public sector. It has now spread into the private sector, too.

      As you say, it delights the BBC, but unless these people are removed from their unelected offices, they will sink this country.


    • Demon says:

      Absolutely Deborah. Would a 5 feet 4 inch woman be beter at carrying an adult male over their shoulder down a ladder than a 6 feet 2 inch man? Would somebody from a smaller race be as able than someone from a taller race? Will these new recruits be left to do the office work or getting cats down from trees (but being paid the same of course) or are they expected to be able to do the same as stronger, taller people?

      The simple answer is, don’t lower your standards, keep the same criteria to get the best people for the job irrespective of race or even gender as I’m sure there are a few tall, strong women out there who could do the job as well as anyone, but naturally few and far between.


    • StewGreen says:

      Actually no it is entirely correct for the Fire brigade to go out of its way to recruit minorities to be representative of the entire community. It would end up being good value for money as long as you don’t lower your standards.
      What the police or fire brigade don’t want is for them to run up against areas where they people feel alienated against them.
      But neither is it realistic to aim for 50% female staff , cos a fire brigade may well be aiming to have a higher proportion of bigger stronger staff. Some jobs might be OK for smaller people like fire engine driver drivers, fire prevention education . You might even need a smaller firefighter to go into a small space etc.


      • Al Shubtill says:

        “Only after he retired did U.S. Army Green Beret Major Andy Messing say that Special Forces units should be homogenous because this promotes cohesion. He said differences of race or religion add to the tensions of a grinding training regime and perilous combat missions.”

        Jared Taylor ‘White Identity’

        I would say they add to tensions in any job where you are relying on those you are working with to keep you alive and they on you for the same.


      • AceFlyingPig says:

        Is that a serious comment SG or are you being a complete D**k. ‘Some jobs might be OK for smaller people like fire engine drivers’. There aren’t any ‘fire engine drivers’ … there are firemen that drive the tender ! There are no glorified taxi drivers that sit around whilst the rest of the crew put the fire out !

        One of my close friends left the fire service because he was 18 stone and 6′ 4″ and was asked to work with a 9 stone 5’6″ female as part of his team. He had nothing against the female, said she was excellent as a person, extremely fit, and very smart. Unfortunately she could not physically carry him for any significant distance. In his words he owed it to his wife and kids not to put himself at unnecessary risk if he found himself injured and in trouble and she was the person expected to get him out.


        • StewGreen says:

          Hmm AFP ..insulting namecalling from the start, just cos someone expresses a different opinion from you. That reflects on you. It’s the kind of thing we expect when debating the Lefties and is usually projection.

          (BTW I understand that firefighters don’t have to be able to lift their colleagues, as they are taught techniques of removing people without lifting them..webbing and dragging etc.)


  5. Thoughtful says:


    Khizr Khan has made several written pieces supporting the need for Sharia law to replace Western law. Although these scribblings were made sometime ago they have never been retracted or repudiated.

    Why are the Left and included in that the BBC so reluctant to point this out, when they are so keen to comment on Khan & Trumps exchanges?


  6. Helena Hand-Basket says:

    There are few laughs as we contend with violent Islam, a biased BBC and an arrogant ruling class whose self-serving ‘open borders’ policy seems bent on returning England to medieval serfdom. We aren’t allowed to discuss these issues, let alone joke about them. But I’ve tried to satirise them by distancing them historically – in a short episode of a classic BBC historical sitcom. (I’ve changed the names to Blackviper and Balddick, for legal reasons.) It’s set a little after the 1381 Peasants Revolt (against the poll tax and serfdom) and the Black Death.

    This script takes about 10 or 15 minutes to read. I’d be happy to post it on this (or some other) site, if there’s any interest. But I don’t want do this without some assurance that this eccentric project is actually funny. Is there anyone who’d like to receive the script (or a sample of it) privately? I’d welcome a brutally honest opinion. It would obviously help if you’re a Blackad….I mean Blackviper fan.

    Synopsis of the episode ‘Septic Isle’

    Debt-ridden courtier Edwin Blackviper can’t afford a competent chef, as the Black Death plague caused huge wage increases for the lucky survivors. His servant Balddick hatches a Cunning Plan to import cut-price overseas workers. King Richard II approves it, in order to crush the ambitions of an increasingly powerful and rebellious peasantry (and reduce the ruinous labour costs of his new bathhouse).

    But the population replacement scheme unravels as Blackviper discovers the job applicants are mostly Saracens. Balddick (convinced the Ottoman Turk threat to Christian Constantinople and the rest of Europe is Nothing To Do With Islam) believes a poll tax funded propagandist force will sell the scheme to England. Unconvinced, Blackviper is about to urge the king to call the whole thing off. But then Richard’s cousin Henry Bolingbroke tries to coerce Blackviper into a risky conspiracy to use the immigrants in a coup against Richard. What can get Blackviper out of this almighty mess?

    I’ve provided a cast list, to help people imagine the action. I suggest Hugh Laurie as King Richard. The role of smug, sycophantic multiculturalist courtier Lord Belchett obviously goes to Stephen Fry. There is also a cameo role for Russell Brand as his own ancestor Rufus, a court jester whose act hasn’t got a laugh since a bell fell off his hat and choked him in 1375.

    A ‘like’ will be taken as meaning you might like to see this work if I can find a tester who approves it..


  7. Soapbox says:

    There seems no “news” on the beeb so I go elsewhere.
    Below is part of an article from the New Observer and the numbers are mind-boggling.
    But what is worse is…WE ARE NEVER TOLD ANY OF THIS!

    The non-white invasion of Europe has continued unabated this year, and the first six months has already seen over 230,000 Third Worlders cross the Mediterranean Sea—more than last year at this time. This figure is also more than the total number of non-whites who invaded Europe in all of 2014.
    As reported in the Bayern Kurier, the invasion is “far from over—in fact it has not stopped at all.”
    According to that paper, at least 230,000 non-whites have crossed the Mediterranean Sea in the first half of 2016—about 20,000 more than the number who invaded Europe in the same period last year.
    Nearly 160,000 of the invaders came over the Aegean Sea to Greece, while 71,000 landed from Tunisia and Libya into Italy. In July 2016, at least 20,000 non-whites landed in Sicily alone.
    This figure was only slightly down from the June tally, when 22,500 landed in Italy, which was a 25 percent increase on the figures for May.
    The Bayern Kurier article pointed out that the “Operation Sophia” mission launched by the European Union’s border agency Frontex, in cooperation with naval units from various EU states, was acting as an “invitation” and not a deterrent.”
    The paper said that the “search and rescue” missions being run off the Libyan coast were in fact making it easier for the non-whites, because most of them were now only traveling around 40 kilometers (24 miles) before being picked up and taken to Italy.
    Furthermore, the article said, the invaders “come almost exclusively from black Africa: Nigeria, Eritrea, Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia.”
    “Le Monde noted that this summer many migrants from francophone Africa cross the Mediterranean: from Cameroon, Mali and the Ivory Coast.
    “800,000 African migrants wait on the Libyan coast for an opportunity to cross over to Europe, France’s Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian warned last March.
    “Since then, it will have become more, as the mass smuggling from West Africa through Agadez in Niger to Libya has continued.”
    The figures are clear: at this rate, Europe is being flooded with Africans on a vast scale, all fleeing their self-inflicted disaster states in search of white European-provided welfare and easy criminal pickings.
    It is also equally clear that unless this nonwhite invasion is definitively halted—and reversed—Western Europe will be destroyed within a generation and turned into the Third World.


  8. Thoughtful says:

    Turkey has left about 100 kilometers of its border open for various jihadist groups to bring in reinforcements and weapons while letting the Islamic State smuggle out oil for sale on the black market. Last fall, after Russia (and a reluctant United States) began bombing ISIS oil-truck convoys, Turkey shot down a Russian bomber near Turkey’s border, leading to the deaths of the pilot and a rescuer.
    Now, as the Russian-backed Syrian army makes major gains against the Nusra-dominated rebels around Aleppo and encroaches on Islamic State territory near Raqqa – and as U.S.-backed Kurdish forces also advance against ISIS – Turkey’s Erdogan has grown frantic over the prospects that his five-year project of aiding Syrian jihadists may be collapsing.
    Amid this desperation, Turkey has been urging President Obama to support a limited invasion of Syria to create a “safe zone,” supposedly to protect Syrian rebels and civilians in northern Syria. But that humanitarian-sounding plan may well be a cover for a more ambitious plan to march to Damascus and forcibly remove President Assad from power.
    That is a goal shared by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other Sunni states along with Israel and America’s influential neoconservatives and their “liberal interventionist” sidekicks. For his part, Obama has called on Assad “to go” but has favored diplomatic negotiations to achieve that end. Russia has advocated a political settlement with free elections so the Syrian people can decide Assad’s future themselves.

    States such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia utilize the current international order to forward their interests by working to gain regional economic, military and cultural dominance (Sunni Islam) while acting in concert with their Western overlords.

    If interventions into Syrian and Ukrainian politics were truly about democracy, freedom, and the rule of law, as feigned in the West, would they really be supporting Islamist extremist groups in Syria and neo-nazis in Ukraine?


    • G.W.F. says:

      Excellent post Throughtful. I wonder if this would change were Trump elected?


  9. Save Our Sense says:

    I urge all readers to grab the nearest box of Kleenex, and for the girls to wipe off all mascara. A blub-fest of epic proportions is afoot as the bBBC sides with its benign benefactors across the channel in Brussels and laments on just how truly awful we’ve all been to our poor, poor un-elected representatives by voting to leave the EU. Look how we’re all wrong about Druncker and how’s he really, really lovely afterall:

    ‘Mr Juncker has pledged to do “everything he can” to help Brits and their families during the Brexit process.’

    Aw, thanks Jean Paul, you’re a love, but the poor dears are still worried about their seats on the Brussels Gravy Train…

    “I’ve been working in Europe for nearly a decade. I’m wondering what to do with my career,” one British official said.

    A former Commission staffer who left before the referendum told me: “What people are worried about is whether they’ll ever get promoted. If you’re British, who will lobby for you to get the job?”

    Well quite. Then, just to hammer home the hell we’ve all created:

    ‘To add to the slightly lifeless atmosphere, the Brussels weather has been dreadful and the nicest bar in the EU quarter is closed for August.’

    No job, no beer, terrible weather – what price British democracy eh?



  10. gb123 says:

    ‘To add to the slightly lifeless atmosphere, the Brussels weather has been dreadful and the nicest bar in the EU quarter is closed for August.’

    If that had been in the UK it would have been labelled a massive downturn in economic output caused by plebs voting for Brexit.


  11. thirdoption says:

    Excellent news – a new film is due out in November called “Trolls”, starring Russell Brand (how appropriate)


    Looking at the promotional poster they seem to have captured our little gang to a tee. Now I wonder which one is Jerrod?


  12. Mackers says:

    Will the conservative ideology continue to neglect working british people.Communities lost,education lost,media lost,housing lost,respect lost,law and order lost.If these we’re happening in the establishments leafy areas would there be any change. I doubt that to.What needs to happen for action?The liberal left’s been running the country down for 50 years.LAST CHANCE TORIES OR ITS UKIP FOREVER MORE.God save the queen.


  13. Save Our Sense says:

    The Brussels Broadcasting Corporation continues its offensive on nasty Brexit Britain:


    Headline: ‘Cold, competent and determined’: How Europe sees Britain’s new PM’

    Some solid, on-agenda stuff here from Katya Adler…

    ‘The rest of the EU has gazed open-mouthed at the apparent political chaos in Britain – and yes, we’ve been compared to Greece but without the glorious weather.’

    Britain compared to Greece. Really?

    Here’s another:

    ‘… Theresa May is already seen in Brussels as something of an immigration hardliner from her many meetings here as British home secretary.’

    Net annual UK immigration of well over 300k with TM as Home Secretary, and she’s seen as a ‘hardliner’. Really?

    Tell us Katya, what else do your masters at the EU think?

    ‘Grudgingly, Brussels recognises that Theresa May (who is said always to have come to ministerial meetings here well-briefed) is unlikely to bow to EU pressure to start formal Brexit negotiations before holding extensive consultations.

    They will take place at home, in Brussels with Britain’s team of hugely experienced civil servants and with European counterparts across the continent – perhaps with a tour of European capitals.

    The European Commission is not thrilled with the idea.’

    Really? Aww, poor them. And wait, what’s all this ‘Britain’s team of hugely experienced civil servants’ about then? We were told we had nobody with the right experience to do the job. What, now we have?

    Still, all’s not lost for Katya’s beloved EU (phew!) as:

    ‘Frustrated EU leaders take comfort from their conviction that once the formal Brexit process is finally underway, the EU – not the UK under Theresa May – will be in the driving seat.’

    Every Cloud eh Katya, every cloud…


    • Grant says:


      May is a brain dead moron ! Even a worse PM than John Major or Gordon Brown. No wonder the EU likes her ! They know that she will do everything to keep us in the EU !


      • imaynotalwaysloveyou says:

        I’m not expecting much from T. May, or any so-called Conservative, except for more managed decline.
        The single thing a prime minister needs to do is to commit to overturning the left’s stranglehold on our public institutions. Not just a bonfire but a conflagration of quangoes! I know some people admire the NHS – but no it has to go, along with the BBC of course.

        The big problems associated with the EU, Immigration, Education, Welfare, Crime could be fixed if you simply ignored the whines of the progressives/Marxists and just got on with it, like Thatcher did, when she wasn’t being badly advised by the ‘wets’.

        In 30 years this country has truly become a joke. Getting out of the EU will certainly be a nudge in the right direction, but it will take many more years of hard right Tory/UKIP rule to set the country straight.


  14. G.W.F. says:

    The BBC have discovered the world’s first US Mohamiden woman Olympic athlete. Inshallla etc. we can look forward to more details about this amazing woman.

    Is it me or does she resemble the President of the US?
    See her picture also standing next to him in the article.




    • Grant says:

      LOL !

      Meanwhile, in sunny Gambia, the lunatic President Jammeh has ordered all Christian churches to close by 2018, because Gambia is now an “Islamic State”. I am sure that the BBC will report this and support the right of Christians to be free to follow their religion.

      In the meantime, I am making arrangements for my Gambian Christian friends to relocate to Senegal where they will be safer under President Macky.


      • Peter Grimes says:

        Bad news!

        All of those Islamists who want asylum in the UK, and they will of course take any handouts going, will now claim to be persecuted Christians.


      • G.W.F. says:

        I am sure the BBC will respond and do a piece on the Gambian Moslem fear of a backlash from Christians whose churches have been closed.
        Seriously, hoping for the safety of your friends


        • Grant says:

          PG and GWF ,

          Thank you so much for your comments. Although Jammeh is crazy and his thugs do what he wants, most Gambian muslims that I know are appalled by this lunacy. Some of my Christian friends are married to muslims. And , in history, that was never a problem in Gambia. Now , families will be torn apart, and people will have to relocate. And, to get back on topic, all with the support of the evil BBC .


          • Al Shubtill says:

            Grant, are those Christian friends married to Muslims not now Muslim?


            • Grant says:


              They are still Christian. In Gambia, a Christian can marry a muslim without having to convert. But who knows how long that will be possible.


              • Al Shubtill says:



                • Grant says:


                  If Gambia goes down the Islam road, there is not much hope. So far, the muslims in Gambia are resisting the crap. Certainly more than the loathsome BBC !


                  • Cranmer says:

                    I’m shocked to hear this news about Gambia. Imagine the hysterics the BBC would go into if a country had ordered all mosques to close by 2018!


    • Andrew Caplan says:

      Sometimes I put on the TV in the morning and it’s just one brown face after another. They must search them out because it’s way out of proportion.

      I sometimes wonder if I’m dreaming, or been abducted by aliens and returned to the wrong continent.

      It’s not like we’ve never seen a Muslim with a blade before.

      Sick of it.


      • Swarm says:

        Agree – and we are told that the brown ones are only 4% of the population!
        If you want to see disproportion, how about the ads on the commercial channels – all the couples shown happily buying beds/sitting around the dinner table seem to be interracial.


        • BRISSLES says:

          Swarm ………. all the couples shown happily buying beds/sitting around the dinner table seem to be interracial. …….

          This has been the subject of much discussion on here, and was informed by one poster that the advertising world are very proud of the fact that they are pushing by stealth that interracial partnerships are the ‘norm’.

          Recently there was an article by Yasmin Alibaba Brown on this very subject in the D/Mail, and proclaimed that 1 in 10 BRITONS HAS A PARTNER FROM ANOTHER FAITH, ETHNICITY OR RACE. This is a very worrying prospect for the continuation of the white British population as we know it. I’ve never been an advocate of far right supremists resorting to violence against other ethnic communities, but I can understand the feelings that some might feel when the slow eradication of our heritage is having the life squeezed out of it by the media and the advertising industry – it does nothing but stoke up the fires of resentment. To Brown’s credit she does write that most of these partnerships do not stand the test of time, and due to pressures that such relationships have to endure, then divorce is prevalent amongst this ‘community.’


          • G says:

            1 in 10 Brissles? I simply do not believe it! (and that was a Victor Meldrew style statement)


    • ray_f says:

      “Nia Abdallah of the US celebrates on the podium after receiving the silver medal following her loss to South Korea’s Jang Ji-Won in the women’s under 57kg taekwondo final competition at the Olympic Games in Athens, 27 August 2004. Jang beat Abdallah in the final to settle gold and silver, with Iridia Salazar of Mexico claiming the bronze.”athens-greece-nia-abdallah-of-the-us-celebrates-on-the-podium-after-picture-id51227337


      • ray_f says:

        This site is posting my comments at random locations. I give up. Point is she won a silver medal in 2004 and she’s a muslim. But typically, she doesn’t count for the BBC because she doesn’t wear a black sackcloth or a hajib. I suspect there is more, but why would athletes need to declare there religious beliefs.


        • G.W.F. says:

          Thanks Ray, good to get things in perspective.
          In their selectivity the BBC are so condescending. Typical Trots, like those in the SWP patting black students on the head for being so appreciative of the party line on race issues.


    • Deborah says:

      Just seen this lady highlighted on the 6pm BBC 1 news. She is the first hijab wearing American fencer and she gave Mrs Obama a fencing lesson (important and worth mentioning from a BBC point of view) but she didn’t win a medal (bad from the BBC point of view). Can you imagine, we could have the first person to have a cat called Fred who competes, or the first Jewish person who eats bacon etc etc Just being a hijab wearer is not reason to comment unless you are in the BBC and you can make a positive story. If I was a Muslim I would find this racist and condescending.


      • Cranmer says:

        Deborah, I agree – I mentioned this last week, pointing out that the BBC would be unlikely to give similar publicity to, say, a Jew wearing a yarmulkah or a Sikh wearing a turban.


  15. All Lives Matter says:

    Today’s pro-Clinton piece:


    Notice how the headline isn’t backed up by the story, ironically the content of the article is too balanced for once and shows that the hackers are very much split on who to root for. At least, the ones interviewed.

    This is the media’s attempt to make the election seem closer than it really is, and to desperately target any minority group it can ad they know deep down they’ve lost the base. The reality is very different:


    Not surprising when you see the sort of obscene, bigoted filth the common man and woman has to endure from the sneering intelligentsia elite on a daily basis, the same being true across the pond as well:




    Typical of the establishment’s attitude – consider that everything is responsible for their failure, except the actual politics.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      I’m guessing you meant to post this link for the BBC:

      They’ve been foolish enough to allow comments, after days of only allowing it on articles no-one much cares about. Not going well, so I don’t foresee an early repeat.


      • StewGreen says:

        Wow the BBC are getting slaughtered in the comments.
        seems The top 20 comments seem all point out the BBC’s incredible bias to Clinton.


    • John Standley says:

      Seems like the BBC are covering up the allegations of Hillary’s seizures and possible mental health issues:


  16. BRISSLES says:

    I see Dawn Foster – aka Guardian Columnist/Journalist/Author was on Sky AGAIN this morning – she’s clearly the new go-to rent-a-gob for any debatable issue. How come her paymasters give her so much time off ?? (not wishing to be unkind – but I will – she’s not someone I would want to babysit for me, and I’m talking babysitting my dog)


    • thirdoption says:

      Oh come on, she’s an absolute babe:-



    • thirdoption says:

      Oh come on, she’s an absolute babe:-



      • BRISSLES says:

        The above image is NOT the one portrayed in her several tv appearances lately. Her hair needed a good wash, and wore glasses that didn’t flatter, although this morning she did manage to put a click of lippy on !


        • Number 7 says:

          That picture reminds me of a kid’s programme – I think a puppet called Kermit featured, along with his shouty love interest.


        • thirdoption says:

          You mean it’s possible she could look worse than this?


  17. thirdoption says:


    Owen Smith, the challenger to become Labour Party leader, has called for a five year ban on appointments for political honours, saying, “David Cameron’s resignation honours list has brought the system into disrepute and deepened people’s mistrust of politics. Frankly it was blatant cronyism”.

    When questioned about the peerage awarded to Shami “I’ve spent my whole life working for the good of other people and I’d never do anything as dishonest as taking a bribe” Chakrabarti, he said the award was well deserved due to her being a “tireless civil liberties campaigner”.

    Sounds like this ex-BBC producer is about as honest as you’d expect from a former employee of our globally respected, envy-of-the-world broadcaster and perfectly suited to lead Labour.


  18. george whyte says:

    Meet the BBC’s New Pet Islamist



  19. NISA says:

    Nice catch by Guido – Lionel Barber, editor of the FT & frequent BBC talking head, gets Legion d’honneur for services to Remain (fail).

    that got me wondering what that other BBC favourite Eurofanatic Bill Emmott was doing now. Dismayed to find he is a big cheese at Ofcom. Verily the referendum was only step one on a long road.


    • 7Clubs says:

      Lionel Barber is also a journalist who after the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo wrote that Charlie Hebdo`s satire was so offensive that the victims deserved little sympathy


  20. Alex says:

    Oh for goodness sakes…. why on Earth do we need to know this?


    What the f***** is wrong with the BBC? They are utterly obsessed with Muslims. It doesn’t matter what your religion, it’s your ability at the sport that counts surely.


    • Al Bibisiya says:

      Just imagine the coverage if she wins a medal.
      I think that will merit at least a two hour documentary special!


      • BRISSLES says:

        Maybe the BBC now has a disproportionate amount of Muslims on their payroll in all departments, and have an agenda to push. I think we need to be told.


    • ObiWan says:

      “…What the f***** is wrong with the BBC? They are utterly obsessed with Muslims. It doesn’t matter what your religion, it’s your ability at the sport that counts surely.”

      It matters to the BBC because… well, ‘identitarianism’, ‘intersectionality’, etc. The left is all about putting people into little boxes with a neat label. It likes to divide people up. This is why the BBC tacitly (if not yet overtly) supports the divisive race-baiting of Black Lives Matter.

      The colour of your skin, your culture, your politics and your ideology all matter to the BBC.


      • Cranmer says:

        A couple of years ago I attended a very interesting talk where Melanie Phillips summarised the theories about why the left is in love with Islam. It boils down to 1. Fearful admiration of a powerful authoritarian belief system. 2. Islam is opposed to western capitalism, and thus is an ally of cultural marxism (‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’ etc).


        • Alex says:

          Hi Cranmer, I would be really interested in seeing/hearing that lecture. I’ll see if I can find it on Youtube. Melanie Phillips is great; a brave woman. I have a couple of her books.


          • Peter Grimes says:

            Guggling ‘Melanie Philips YouTube Islam’ gets you several possibilities.


            • chrisH says:

              Here in our library we have “The World Turned Upside Down”.
              Our Mel links Lefty utopias with Islams predestination and then with the Ecogeddon loons of the New Age and anti-science.
              “Some see the Crescent”-Melanie sees “The whole of the Moon” with this book.
              A brilliant primer to link the Left, the Greens and Islam as basically self loathing Jew baiting, Yank hating chicken lickens who can only agree on hating Jesus the Jew and ..well…people not as they are…thick childless lefty scum or bearded psychotrophies…
              Melanies book is the whole deal required to slay these three pillocks of Islam.


          • Cranmer says:

            Alex, as far as I know the event wasn’t filmed, but she has probably covered these points in other talks on Youtube. At the time she was the only journalist I could recall who had openly questioned the left’s relationship with Islam.


  21. ray_f says:

    more bbc lies and propaganda
    “USA’s first muslim olympian.”

    “In this particular political climate in the history of this country, it is groundbreaking to have a Muslim woman on the US team,” Muhammad tells BBC Sport.

    “I am excited to challenge the stereotypes and misconceptions people have about Muslim women. I want to show people that we can not only be on any Olympic team, but on the US Olympic team which is the strongest of the world’s teams.”

    Oh really!

    2004 – muslim nia abdallah won the silver medal for taekwando for the USA
    2000 – muslim volleyball star Tayyiba Haneef, who also qualified for the high jump in the 2000 US Olympic Trials.

    She’s the first to wear the headgear. As the rest of the media report. They do not state she is the first mulim woman.
    No doubt they checked, and sadly discovered she isn’t the first.
    The BBC checked, but don’t care. It ruins the story, might as well just lie. Who’s gonna check?

    I will, cos you cannot be trusted!


    • Oaknash says:

      One day all female athletes will be made this way. – Inshallah!
      Vorsprung durch Islam!

      I think this makes sense but if it doesnt my apologies, but you know what I mean!


  22. Andrew Caplan says:

    Meanwhile, in spite of the problems we currently face all over Europe, I’m glad that the Met has still got its priorities straight:

    Police appeal for Stephen Lawrence witness to come forward as they release new pictures


    • Thoughtful says:

      I notice that they are using the usual photograph cropped to remove the black power salute he is making.

      Also that this was definitely a ‘racist’ attack despite the only evidence for this coming from Duwayne Brooks, some one it appears the Fascist left has complete trust in, despite no one else had.

      Brooks claimed that he heard one of Lawrence’s assailants saying: “What, what, nigger?” This is the entire basis that the attack was racially motivated.

      the trial judge, the Honourable Mr Justice Curtis, ruled that the identification evidence given by Duwayne Brooks was unreliable. In other words he was a liar.
      The Macpherson report endorsed the judgement, stating that “Mr Justice Curtis could [have] properly reach[ed] only one conclusion” and that “[t]here simply was no satisfactory evidence available”.

      The McPherson report was criticised at the time by Michael Gove (later Secretary of State for Education and Lord Chancellor) in The Times, who said, “The tendentious reasoning and illiberal recommendations of that document have been brilliantly anatomised by the ethical socialists Norman Dennis and George Erdos and the Kurdish academic Ahmed al-Shahi in the Civitas pamphlet Racist Murder and Pressure Group Politics.”

      The BBC however did find this:
      A BBC investigation alleged that the murder inquiry’s Det. Sgt. John Davidson had taken money from known drug smuggler Clifford Norris, the father of David Norris, a chief suspect in the investigation.[79] Neil Putnam, a former corrupt police detective turned whistleblower, told a BBC investigation that Clifford Norris was paying Mr Davidson to obstruct the case and to protect the suspects. “Davidson told me that he was looking after Norris and that to me meant that he was protecting him, protecting his family against arrest and any conviction,” Putnam said. Davidson denied any such corruption.

      In other words it was not racism which stymied the Police investigation, but corruption!

      The Metropolitan Police Service announced that it was to open up a special incident room to field calls from the public, following the BBC documentary The Boys Who Killed Stephen Lawrence. The Independent Police Complaints Commission later stated that the claims made in the programme were unfounded

      The BBC making unfounded allegations? Who’d have thunk it ?

      All in all it was an appalling murder, made much much worse by the Fascist left who seized on it and turned it into something it never was with the intention of using it as a tool of oppression against the people of Britain.


      • Cranmer says:

        Round about the same time as the Stephen Lawrence murder, an entirely innocent 15 year old boy called Richard Everitt was murdered by Bangladeshi youths in Somers Town, London. There was a strong racial element in the case. Rather than being given a seat in the house of Lords, the boy’s mother had to move out of London due to abuse from neighbours.

        I had to google this boy’s name because to my shame although I remembered the incident I had forgotten his name, and the BBC doesn’t seem to have done much to remind me of it.


    • gb123 says:

      The next cases to be re-opened:
      Since Richard III was recently discovered in a car park, what happened to the Princes in the Tower?
      While we are about it wasting time how about a full investigation into the Mary Celeste?
      How about really wasting time and get some men onto the 1960’s Solway Firth Spaceman?
      What about finally solving the riddle of the Loch Ness Monster. The entire Scottish Police force could be put to work on that.
      Since it was in London the Met could reopen the Jack the Ripper file.
      I am sure they can find something else useless to do as well.
      Reminds me of a verse in a song by Vaughn Monroe?
      “We’re busy doin’ nothin’
      Workin’ the whole day through
      Tryin’ to find lots of things not to do
      We’re busy goin’ nowhere
      Isn’t it just a crime
      We’d like to be unhappy, but
      We never do have the time”


      • RJ says:

        They could publish the sealed files on the Dunblane killings – to be kept secret for over 100 years.

        But, perhaps not: that would allow us little people to know whay our betters get up to when their curtains are closed.


        • Rob in Cheshire says:

          “They could publish the sealed files on the Dunblane killings – to be kept secret for over 100 years. ”

          If they did that, they might have to admit that the Central Scotland Police was corrupt and incompetent, and that the ban on handguns was a way of deflecting attention from the many shortcomings of this police force and the Scottish political establishment. So on balance, they won’t.


      • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

        More cases to be reopened:

        Charlene Downes?

        Kris Donald?

        Keith Blakelock?

        PC Dunne?


      • BRISSLES says:

        GB 123
        Love it !

        Send it off to the Met Commissioner, he might be shuffling papers on his desk, wondering what to do next !


        • gb123 says:

          Good idea. But to grab any attention it will have to be written in a non English language to confirm it is a “community” issue.


  23. Beltane says:

    I should explain that the TV being on all day, in another room, is a situation currently beyond my control, but there are fringe benefits of a sort. How else would I have known through at least two thicknesses of wall that Team GB have won their first medals of the Riolympics, one of which apparently is gold and the other silver, no less. All credit, of course, to medal winners, but having the fact repeated with video and audio commentary on a near continuous loop since the early hours of this morning seems, to me, a trifle excessive.
    In justification of their staff exodus to the raptures of Rio, this might at best occupy a dozen BBC technicians and back-room personnel, but what are the other 400 and more doing?


    • Swarm says:

      400 people would fill a jumbo jet.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Clare Balding is supposed to be the ‘anchor’, but her rare on screen appearances start in early evening, and that’s only chatting to other BBC bods who are on the jolly. So what is SHE doing all day then ?


        • Jump says:

          ‘what are the other 400 and more doing?’

          Being professional, that’s what. Professional to their fingertips.

          Four years ago, BBC Sport spent the whole of the final day of the Olympic heptathlon, what became the ‘Super Saturday’ of London 2012, speculating on whether Jessica Ennis would break her personal-best points total for the event, and the national record. (For readers not interested in the technicalities, points are awarded on an absolute scale for times run, distances thrown, heights reached, and so on.)

          The last discipline of the event was the 800m. And on the last lap of that race, her only rival for the gold medal was languishing at the back of the pack. JE didn’t need to finish well, in other words, to win the gold medal. And with 200m to go, three other lower-ranked competitors passed her. So, in what I took to be a wonderful measure of professional pride, she surged past them in turn, to win the race, the gold medal, and beat the two points record—

          —Oh, well, actually, I don’t know. We weren’t informed about that last bit. In the moments that followed the end of the race, with sufficient opportunity to have checked the winning time against the points awarded, the BBC commentator cheerfully said, ‘And I haven’t even bothered to check her points total.’ It was the ‘even’ that bothered me most: the cheerful lack of professionalism, the contempt for the viewer.

          It’s part of a wider picture. (And here I confess my enthusiasm for most sport, which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.) Twice in three years I’ve heard the former professional snookerer Willie Thorne condemn the referee for wrongly replacing balls on the snooker table. Only then, at the beginning of the next frame, to hear him apologise, quickly and quietly, to the referee for that criticism, since the referee had, in fact, replaced the balls correctly. Imagine that. A former snooker player, payed by the BBC to commentate on snooker, not actually knowing the rules of snooker.

          And some readers will know the former footballer Robbie Savage. Who had a reputation as a limited and dirty player, and has more recently won a reputation as a noisily excitable pundit. The following story is on good authority. One day quite recently, a group of West Brom fans found him over a cuppa at a motorway service station. They fell into conversation. After half an hour of listening to his views on the game, and provoked beyond endurance, one of the fans demanded to know why the intelligence and insight with which RS had been speaking for thirty minutes was absent from his appearances on BBC television and radio. ‘Oh’, he replied, ‘they don’t want that. The producers said so. They want a character.’

          In fairness, I think I should say that the technical aspects of the BBC’s sports broadcasting remain quite high (although I think they’ve fallen in recent years) — but it’s a height emulated and exceeded by the BBC’s contempt for the viewer.


          • Up2snuff says:

            I seem to recall that Peter Alliss got into hot water for pretty much asserting the same as you, Jump: “the technical aspects of the BBC’s sports broadcasting remain quite high (although I think they’ve fallen in recent years) — but it’s a height emulated and exceeded by the BBC’s contempt for the viewer.” and he didn’t have any praise for the BBC’s business acumen in dealing with sports broadcasts rights acquisitions, either.


          • LostOverThere says:

            I don’t know about the technical aspects. The cameramen struggled to track the gold ball in flight, when the bbc actually showed live Golf. Then there are live broadcasts, like the Queen’s Jubilee boat-ride down the Thames

            The standards are down everywhere. £4Bn a year and they are outclassed by their competition


  24. Incredulous says:

    ‘USA first Muslim athlete’ the BBC inform us. So what, so f Xing what.

    Not read the story do not know what she competes in good luck to her and her competitors.

    Why is it news worthy that an athlete is a Muslim. ? Why. ???

    Answer :- so the BBC can spin the yarn about how Muslims can be good compete in the Olympics etc etc. ?

    There are many millions of good people and probably many 1000 s at the Olympics that happen to be Muslim. But it doesn’t right the wrongs done by Muslims in killing murdering raping in the name of jihad.

    My point is bbc let Muslims genuinely show themselves to be good. Stop reporting none stories to try an achieve this.

    1st USA indu athlete. 1st Jedi. Both would be none stories as is 1 st Muslim.


  25. Number 7 says:

    Something else for BBC. “News” to ignore.


    We mustn’t upset the enrichers.


    • peterthegreat says:

      Number 7. Rotherham sex gangs – HORRIFIC and DISGRACEFUL! And of course not a squeak on beeb, even if you drill down to S.Yorkshire. Apart from the horror of the article, slightly worrying is this para:
      “Express.co.uk has chosen to refer to the abusers as Kashmiri or Mirpuri after hearing how many mainstream British Pakistanis are disgusted by the actions of a few men from those communities.” (And yet it IS Pakistanis in most of the other sex gangs.)
      Those weasel words sound like pressure was brought to bear on the Express by Pakistanis or someone else. Kasmir may be in dispute, but it’s in Pakistan. (Apart from the bit that’s in India, and those gangs aren’t Indians, whose behaviour is exemplary). Either external pressure or the insidious self-censoring.


    • Thoughtful says:

      The people of Rotherham have got what they deserve! Stupid senile old men who continue to vote Labour because they worked dahn’t pit, and they can’t manage to get their single brain cell around the fact that Labour HATES white people has ensured that after the council were suspended, they voted Labour straight back in again.

      Einsteins definition of insanity – doing the same thing over & over & expecting a different result !


      • G.W.F. says:

        Me Grandfather voted Leehbour
        Me father voted Leehbour
        Leehbour let the Muslims rape me daughter
        Ahm going to vote Leehbour.
        And I will be there with union standing up to racists who object to the rapists.


      • Maria Brewin says:

        Brutal, but sadly true.


      • BRISSLES says:

        You are spot on in your comments Thoughtful. Whats left of my family reside in or thereabouts around Rotherham. This was a place I spent my summer holidays (!) with grandparents in the 50’s and 60’s – a real change from being brought up by the seaside. It was SOOOOO different then, a place where you could smell the grime of the mines, see the furnaces in action at the steel mills, a place where everyone worked hard and played hard at the weekends in the working men’s clubs, where everyone helped each in need, and the only black faces were men coming home from the Pit – ; the few Asians in evidence were confined to the Bradford area. What and how in God’s name the place turned into the cesspit it now is, no-one knows. When did it become overrun with Asians ? a recent visit back there and it was unrecognisable from what I remembered from 50 years ago – a signpost on every corner for a mosque, grubby looking foreigners in black leather coats roaming the streets, and an air of threat permeating throughout. Yes, I joined in with my relations in uttering horror at the re-election of Labour after their catastrophic governing in recent years. Sadly there is no going back now, the genie is out of the bottle.


      • Al Bibisiya says:

        I agree but I think it’s also worth remembering another reason Labour retained control there is because the community from which the paedo perpetrators hail also have the Labour party securely ensconced in their pockets/beards.


    • peterthegreat says:

      And this at a time of fanatical femino-fascism, when an off colour joke gets you hounded by the bien pensant media, when a wolf whistle is to become a hate crime… And yet abuse (to put it mildly) on an industrial scale goes on unchecked for decades, and even when ‘exposed’ continues to this day! Utter, utter, madness.

      It seems so called ‘Islamophobia’ trumps all other crimes, and silences the exposure of all other crimes. The ultimate gag. Madness.


      • Number 7 says:


        The last report of said abuse says it all about the police and the BBC.

        How is this not a racist crime?????

        “”We had my granddaughter for the day nine weeks ago and we took the dog for a walk. On the way back I noticed two BMWs full of Asians.

        “We were going past and we heard them saying something, but we just ignored it. We got across the road and all of a sudden we started hearing this abuse ‘you white bastards, don’t think your daughter is safe’, things of that nature.

        “There was no one else in the street so it was obviously aimed at us. The next moment this big Pakistani guy with a shaven head – he was wearing some sort of robes – put his arm out of the car window and he was waving a tin of lighter fuel shouting ‘we will see, we will see’.”

        Any investigation by our taxpayer financed, anti-white plod?


    • peterthegreat says:

      J’accuse! For the evil madness of Rotherham and a hundred like it, I blame directly the so-called liberal-left media, chief among which the beeb, and all the other influencers of public opinion, from the rotten schools and universities, the rotten courts, the rotten hand-wringing church, the rotten entertainment industry, the rotten political parties, for creating a paralysing climate of fear where no one dare speak the truth about what’s going on in such places for fear of being labelled racist or islamophobic. It must stop. In an age of terrorism and undeclared war, it must stop for our very survival.


    • peterthegreat says:

      The Express investigation is to be reported over a number of days, so it will be ‘out there’ and un-ignorable even by the beeb, one would imagine. Let’s see how they cover it – or cover it up as the case may be.



  26. Blackcap says:

    I see that Chris Packham is at last to be investigated for using his position in the Beeb to spread propaganda. Whatever our views on hunting and shooting, he has broken the house rules by publishing his own views in their magazine. He knows full well that children read it, indoctrination, whatever next?
    Where’s the whitewash?


    • StewGreen says:

      You could have put a link mate. ITV : Chris Packham is being investigated by the BBC TrustExpress
      >>The Springwatch host made the comments in an article in last October’s edition of BBC Wildlife magazine.describing those involved in hunting and shooting as “the nasty brigade”.
      The Countryside Alliance complained that he was breaking rules by using his position “to spread propaganda”<<
      Jesus October that is slow justice ..the Trust considered the event in July, which means it won't publish the finding until September.
      – I do wonder that this publicity now is due to August 12th start of the Grouse shooting season

      BTW there was news today that some gamekeepers have received permission to shoot Hen Harriers if they are right next to their Grouse breeding zone. (The Times I think)


      • Blackcap says:

        Stew Green Sorry about not linking this properly. Not worked out how to do that yet, but found the report on the Beeb red button, page 501 under ‘entertainment’. Hidden well down the list of course.
        It’ll be a problem finding out the result I think. I googled packham propaganda and found that there were 70000 people who begged the Beeb not to sack him last September. Oh and the Grauniad joined in with agreeing with them.
        That led me to their website where they are asking for donations, they cannot accept more than £2000 at a time. Thought I would throw that little bit of info in. Shall we all club in?


  27. peterthegreat says:

    Rotherham paedo sex gangs continue on an INDUSTRIAL SCALE!!!
    “Express.co.uk has chosen to refer to the abusers as Kashmiri or Mirpuri after hearing how many mainstream British Pakistanis are disgusted by the actions of a few men from those communities.” Disgusted or terrified?
    In other words the insidious and ubiquitous beeb practice of fudging ’embarrassing’ facts is spreading.
    It’s that same fear of offending the offenders that allows those evil paedo sex gangs to flourish in the first place, and TO CONTINUE EVEN NOW, DESPITE ALL WE KNOW! IS THERE NO END TO THE MADNESS? Shut them down NOW. Or are the police too busy chasing down imaginary hate crime? THE MADNESS MUST STOP.
    Where’s the nationwide EXPLOSION of OUTRAGE this story deserves?? Is the entire population cowed and emasculated?
    WAKE UP!


    • G.W.F. says:

      PetertheGreat, Thoughtful,

      Every single public protest against these atrocities is driven off the streets by overwhelming numbers of UAF, Antifa and assorted socialist thugs, financed by the unions, and morally supported by the local leaders of the Christian Churches who defend community cohesiveness.
      They may have Labour Councils but this country is governed by a Conservative Government with a Prime Minister who was once a failed Home Secretary and appears to be doing bugger all about the assaults on our children.

      This is what happens to a defeated country when the victors help themselves to the spoils of war.
      We cannot demonstrate; the BBC will suppress information. Prime Minister May is an appeasing collaborator.

      But we can tell the world. I circulate any information available to people in the US and what is left of the free world. Just like dissidents in former communist dictatorships.


      • peterthegreat says:

        GWF- Samizdat. Underground resistance heroically telling the truth at risk of their lives. It’s come to this.


    • ObiWan says:

      “…Express.co.uk has chosen to refer to the abusers as Kashmiri or Mirpuri after hearing how many mainstream British Pakistanis are disgusted by the actions of a few men from those communities.”

      Where does that leave the ‘Asians’..?


  28. ray_f says:


    August 2nd 2016
    “British Pakistani Mom Filmed Sex with Son and sent Video to Cousin in Pakistan”

    ‘A British Pakistani Mother, 36, living in Wales, filmed video while having sex with her 14-year-old son and sent the mobile phone clips to a family her cousin in Pakistan. She also captured indecent images of her 3 years old girl and sent them to cousin via mobile phone in Pakistan. ‘

    Yuk! I feel a bit sick.

    Just gonna read more about it on the BBC website.



    • Roland Deschain says:

      When your uncle’s your cousin and your mother’s your sister it’s an easy mistake to make.


    • peterthegreat says:

      ray, I think you mean WELSH woman had sex with son…


      • ray_f says:

        I know but this was reported in Pakistan, so they don’t know.
        I can find no trace in any uk media. That includes the local merthyr tydfil news.
        white locals found with indecent images get names, addresses, age, etc reported.

        I just stumbled across the report looking at mirpur, pakistan the area where all the Rotherham peodo’s come from


        • StewGreen says:

          It was indeed reported ..and in fact there was another British Pakistani woman prosecuted in a different court on the SAME day.
          ..I posted the links in the weekend thread or the one before that


          • BRISSLES says:

            I live a few miles north of London, and have a relative who is a local Councillor. Just the other day he told me that an Asian taxi driver has had several complaints against him for sexual assault – case pending. Clearly this is starting to look like a nationwide problem re our tanned friends ; taxi drivers, a plethora of doctors getting over excited and being struck off; opticians, where will it end ? Our magistrates courts must be chokker dealing with umpteen assault cases by these b’tds who get excited by a flash of western woman flesh ! It really hasn’t sunk it with those idiots in Westminster that born here or not, their culture does not work in a western society. Personally I’d line up ’em all up against a wall and shoot ’em – but no doubt Elf & Safety would get in the way.


  29. Thoughtful says:

    Something which rather worryingly does not appear to have been widely reported in the UK:

    ARSENAL OF WEAPONS with “Heavy War Weaponry” Evacuated Near German Mosque


    This dates from 21st June 2016



  30. Alex says:

    I am more concerned about the government’s response to what happened in towns like Rochdale and Rotherham to be honest…. but I think in that case it’d be the BBC which would perhaps be ‘suppressing’ the report so as not to upset a particular community.


    And to be honest I couldn’t give a f*** about ‘troubled families’ in relation to the London riots…. I’m more interested in those poor shop keepers who had their shops burned down and the police who were attacked. But, of course, this isn’t where the BBC’s right-on sympathies lie.


    • Alex says:

      Just after I wrote the above I flicked over to the DE and found this piece. Shouldn’t the BBC be writing this type of report? Credit to the DE for highlighting the ethnic link in these disgusting, racist and evil crimes.



      • Al Shubtill says:

        There is a strong argument for classifying the Muslim rape gangs as a form of terrorism; mass rape has been used throughout history as means to subjugate and tyrannize a people (rape and the sexual enslavement of the Kuffar are inherent in Islam) and from the behaviour of the majority of the British citizens of Rotherham: it’s working.


        • peterthegreat says:

          Thanks Al for that clarification. Basically we’re f****d, whichever way you look at it.


          • Al Shubtill says:

            I don’t subscribe to that view ptg, circumstances within countries and societies can change VERY quickly, the fall of the Soviet Bloc and Communism being but one relatively recent example.

            The core of the problem (IMO) is that our Elite are fully aware of how dangerous Islam and Muslims are to a nation but they are so terrified of being accused of “racism” that they won’t deal with them appropriately now: they would rather someone else did so in the future.

            In the meantime they neutralize any actions by the indigenous population (e.g. Tommy Robinson and the EDL) which seek to address, even at the most basic level, the “difficulties” caused by the growing Islamic presence here.

            I believe that (they think) the instability which would be unleashed by their subjecting Muslims and Islam to the same pressure they readily apply to T.R. et al, would be to such a degree that they might not be able to bring our nation and society back into their idea of equilibrium; so they put off having to address the issue of Islam, even though the situation increasingly deteriorates. Though an “acceptable level of violence” they will tolerate.

            The fact is at some point Islam and its presence in the UK and the West will be dealt with, the longer it is left the more difficult: but it will be dealt with. I don’t know when, maybe not in our lifetimes, but it WILL be.

            Ultimately, those who can’t achieve what they seek via the ballot box will seek to do so via the bullet box.


            • Cranmer says:

              Al Shubtil, this a good point. We read of doom and gloom merchants saying that Muslims will be in the majority in the UK by 2030 (or whenever it’s supposed to be) but people tend to forget that national situations can turn on a sixpence so we never know what is round the corner.

              You mentioned the fall of the Soviet Union. Another example in modern times would be the independence of India, which although on the cards for many years, eventually happened very suddenly. Another example would be the partitition of Ireland.

              Of course, something like this could not be discussed on the BBC, because it would involve an acknowledgement that mass movements of people into different cultures has, historically, had very mixed consequences – often disastrous ones.


              • G.W.F. says:

                We hear a lot about demographic pressure playing a role in transforming culture. As a dog breeder I use superlorin which renders the animal impotent once it has its annual dose. No surgery no health risks. I wonder if it could be administered to humans? Perhaps select a population which eats a specific kind of food and pop it in. Imagine popping it into escargots and reducing the population of France. Or adding it to various meat products…..know what I mean?


  31. Al Bibisiya says:

    Hang on, there is no evidence to link this to the ROP. It’s probably the far right preparing to launch the ‘backlash against Muslims’.


  32. StewGreen says:

    Brexit TV progs tonight
    – 20:00 : Channel 4 DISPATCHES Brexit: Who’ll Do Your Job Now? ** North koreans ?
    – 21 :00 BBC2 BREXIT : The Battle for Britain …. My previous comment
    G posted
    >>Boy, are we are in for a treat tonight (Monday 08.08.16). No doubt a veritable biased BBC ‘fest’ no less!
    Laura Kuenssberk on, “The Battle for Britain” – BBC2 2100Hrs. We are told Laura will look at why she, her employers and the Remainers lost the Brexit argument.
    I will never forget the spectacle of Laura on the 1800 BBC news the day Osborne announced that if the ‘Leavers’ won the Referendum, he would immediately slap on the country a £30 Billion ‘fine’. Laura was shot in Downing Street and after that headline she immediately said: “And that’s £30 Billion we will all have to pay”. I was hoping the camera would pan around to No.11 where, probably at that point, we would have spotted peering out behind the curtains an ecstatically happy Chancellor monitoring her broadcast in the background. Frankly, you shouldn’t expect this sort of overt non-objective bias from a so-called, political editor should you? If you look at Laura’s background and upbringing (she has a useful(?) degree in History) and family, you quickly realise that a person closer to the State’s elite you probably wouldn’t find (Search: Wiki).
    Funny how one’s interest in a particular subject/programme subtly changes as you age. Coupled with the deterioration in honest objectivity from the, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”, I have developed a morbid interest in watching these sorts of BBC programmes simply to tally the biased, intentionally destructive negative content. No doubt my particular interest will be supremely satisfied tonight. To others of the same persuasion, ‘Happy viewing’


    More than 40,000 Europeans come to Britain each year to work in our farms and factories. They take the low-paid jobs we don’t want. But who takes their place on the farms and factories back home in Europe?

    Dispatches has investigated how North Korea, the world’s worst abuser of human rights, has succeeded in placing workers in the heart of the European Union, in what’s been called state sponsored slavery. The programme shows how Kim Jung Un, the Supreme Leader of North Korea is desperate to raise hard cash for his nuclear missile programme.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Stew, this bit gave me a really good chuckle:

      “Funny how one’s interest in a particular subject/programme subtly changes as you age. Coupled with the deterioration in honest objectivity from the, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”, I have developed a morbid interest in watching these sorts of BBC programmes simply to tally the biased, intentionally destructive negative content. No doubt my particular interest will be supremely satisfied tonight. To others of the same persuasion, ‘Happy viewing’”



  33. Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

    There was a nice bit of casual BBC totalitarianism from Samira Ahmed near the start of this evening’s “Front Row” (Radio 4, 19:15-19:45).

    It was a discussion about old British comedies such as Dad’s Army, Only Fools and Horses, Til Death Us Do Part, Are You Being Served?, etc. Samira actually went on to make a good point about the absence today of working class settings which used to be depicted, such as the depot in On the Buses. What struck me was her comment that, because of changed attitudes to race and sexuality, there are episodes of these comedies ‘that will never be shown again’.

    Let’s just think about that for a moment. What she is saying, God-like, is that for all time, certain old episodes will not be repeated because attitudes have changed. She did not say that they would never be shown without warnings (e.g. “some viewers may find Alf Garnett’s attitudes to race in this episode upsetting”) or never before an evening watershed or never on prime time TV or never outside of special series on changing social attitudes to gender roles, sexuality, immigration etc. Her ‘never’ had no qualification!

    So the commissars have decided that race and sexuality are off-limits and there can be no comedy about these issues, even within the safe context of 1960s and ’70s shows which could be excused as being ‘of their time’. In other words, as with the airbrushing of Jimmy Savile et al, the past has to be changed or censored to fit the present, which means it will be subject to continuous revision according to which minority group is currently shouting the loudest. And this will ideally be extended to the Internet, where people upload old material which might corrupt the young or offend certain groups … …


    • Al Shubtill says:

      That’s why you’ll never see: “It Ain’t Half Hot Mum” on al beebus again or that ITV series about the night school class of foreigners being taught English repeated anywhere either.


      • Nibor says:

        Or Hyram Kaplan .


      • Sluff says:

        And the irony that Michael Bates was born and brought up in India, spoke Urdu, and thus knew more about it than any number of PC luvvies would be totally lost on the bBBC politburo.


      • chrisH says:

        Mind your Language…a PC song for our times.
        Maybe we`d get a commission if we punted this to the BBC…but didn`t reveal the content.
        Michael Grade commissioned it in 1977.
        Muslim, Atheist ex Soviet, Gay French Canadian, Disabled(but not really) Balkan,French tax dodger, DHSS spy pretending to be Italian, Spanish ballet dancer who is really a bullfighter, German who`s happy to get her stuff nicked, and Greek suicidal risk who deals in EU-rejected drugs from trials.
        And all are teamed up to translate the Estonian section of an IKEA “How to replace the filament of a Dyson airblade” in the transgender portaloo at Proms in The Park, Claire Balding to appear in only two days time.
        Wonder how Barry(Confessions of a Window Cleaner/Doctor in the House) Evans has a ham in the family?


    • BRISSLES says:

      MS ……… upload old material which might corrupt the young or offend certain groups … …

      Exactly the sort of thing old Clint Eastwood commented on in his regard for Trump. The world is too easily offended and there’s always the likes of Dawn Foster to shout her gob off in defence.


  34. Thoughtful says:

    There appears to have been a number of serious fires in London today, one in Greenwich – a nightclub. At Erith a newish block of flats & at Northfleet a train has caught light.


    Apparently the train hit an ‘object’ on the line & caught fire.

    Not the normal MO of the enrichers who seemingly have to stand around and shout for Alans snackbar when they kill someone but it’s a strange co-incidence.


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      All those fires. Hmmm. I know, call Roger the Dodger Harrabin, it’s yet more evidence of global warming.


  35. Sluff says:

    Watched the Referendum prog on bBBC2 tonight.
    To be fair, the Brexit camp received some moments of fairness, but the intelligensia and dear Laura Kuenntsburg at the end are still in total denial, that the Brexit voters were somehow manipulated by an unscrupulous campaign and only the Guardianistas could spot this.
    Well, have I got news for you, Laura et al. You are wrong.


    • chrisH says:

      Remember sluff that this is their CONSIDERED verdict on why we shafted them.
      And so it`s as reasonable as they can do-hankies to wipe the foaming rage and flecks from Mandelson, Clegg and Clarke…surely Heseltine and Kinnock were on previously?
      All our old favourites.
      They seemed to think that the death of Jo Cox wasn`t taken seriously enough, that the furore over the Red bus and its big number on the side mattered and that “Farages Breaking Point” poster weren`t heeded and not rejected by the plebs.
      Apparently all Labour did was see a red bus and they all voted out…sly there eh Lord Straw and his poll?
      Well-let the BBC think on…they saw, learned and will learn nothing.
      Don`t tell them eh?
      My image was Eddie Izzard, Bob Geldof and Gary Lineker in a girlie hug, like that one last year at the 2015 election with Sturgeon, Wood and Bennett.
      Eddie and Bob are owed our undying thanks….and the Lib Dems are owed as well.


      • taffman says:

        Eddie ??? “Why on earth should anyone accept the political views of a comedian dressed up as a circus clown is beyond me? If the pollsters listen to him they deserve all they get .”


  36. BRISSLES says:

    Go on Sluff, tweet her and tell her !!!!


  37. Guest Who says:

    Just wondering how the BBC would handle things if Tom Daley tried to board a bus full of Olympic spirits from the East end of the Med?


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      The World Tonight (Radio 4, 22:00) was orgasming over Tom and partner’s medal at the end of the headlines. I was in another room, hurried to get closer to hear better and found that they hadn’t won a Gold (as I had guessed at a distance from the reaction) but only a Bronze. They did mention Mr Ling and his Bronze in shooting.


      • Guest Who says:

        OT, but this amused about the national glory and celebration of taking part over winning that is the modern Olympics…



      • Beltane says:

        A very typical BBC irony is that we have won well over 40 medals in the shooting disciplines in Olympic history, compared with few or less for, say, diving. Shooting, as the BBC seldom misses the chance to assure its audience, is a sport of minimal appeal involving the use of inherently dangerous equipment. They are grudgingly prepared, briefly, to accept its relevance where actual achievement is concerned though it must be such a frustration when those achievements are more frequent than other more socially acceptable sports.


        • chrisH says:

          What about fencing then?…
          And the old joke about Somalia winning both the sailing and the shooting events in the one go as they compete for glory in the Indian Ocean on a daily basis.


      • KatieH says:

        They are still creaming themselves this morning over little toms bronze and his little cute group hug dive in the water with his ‘partner’ while his other ‘partner’ looked on. I remember him doing the same me me me bollocks in 2012. He was also a bit of a petulant brat in Beijing in 2008 if i remember. Maybe if little tom stopped being a media whore and got on with some proper training he might get a gold. Its all tom and tomorrow we ill struggle to remember the partners name.

        The same goes for another beeb favourite and mirror lover Louis Smith. No doubt they will still grace our screens thanks to the beeb.


    • Oaknash says:

      Dont trust him, Too PC for me – He might try to smuggle in a few “refugee” budgies into Europe in his swimmers!


  38. wronged says:


    Well then Judge, you clearly think that the Koran is not offensive.
    Death to the infidel is not offensive
    Infidels are to be regarded as lower than cattle
    Death to apostates
    Death to gays
    Polygamy is fine
    Child sex is ok because mohammed took a child bride
    Women are to be viewed as inferior to men

    and that’s just for starters, Islam deserves to be mocked. A joke of a religion.
    Upon meeting a muslim your first question should be,
    ‘do you believe and live by every word in the Koran’, if they say ‘yes’, then surely they themselves are supporting ‘hate speech’. They also suffer from mental illness ( as the bbc keep telling us).

    Any person who can agree with the rubbish written in the Koran is, to my way of thinking, offensive.
    Does this mean that muslims are offensive if they agree with the Koran in its entirety, well yes, they are.

    ‘The judge said his comments ran “the risk of stirring up racial hatred in the present climate” and sentenced him to a 12-month community order with 180 hours unpaid work’ -Pathetic and weak

    Come and arrest me judge, along with the millions of Brits (infidels) who think the same as me. The Koran is indeed, a book of hate and is most definitely offensive.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Perhaps it is time to start compiling a list of judges, policemen, academics, councillors, broadcasters and so on who are involved in activities that could unambiguously be described as anti-British, anti-democratic, anti-free speech and so on. At some point in the future there could be an assessment of the more serious cases to see whether they have exceeded their powers. Judges and magistrates are of particular concern due to their ability to set precedents (case law). In the case of other officials, “I was just obeying orders” should not be an acceptable defence – it was not accepted at Nuremberg as the onus is still on the individual to follow their conscience and exercise moral judgement in a time of madness.


      • chrisH says:

        Be easier to have a list of those who are NOT infected.
        And easier still to sift into those who wanted to stay in the EU…the elite….and their laity.
        As opposed to those who were open in saying they voted to leave.

        Ricky Tomlinson-agitprop bearded unreconstituted lefty oaf, gloop and sentiment abound.
        But Jackie Long on Channel 4 asked him why he voted “OUT” last night on Channel 4.
        Didn`t need to hear his answer…he`s now with the angels, so is square with the house.
        Justice for the Fat Man with the banjo…and whoever he says requires Havers Halfpenny by way of comp.
        Judge Nutmeg has ruled.


    • peterthegreat says:

      Wronged – That conviction is terrifying. Another nail in the coffin of free speech (for us, while others are allowed to preach hate in the name of religion). “Britain first” – yes, truly ‘offensive’. Soon saying Britain will be an offense.



      • Guest Who says:

        Simply hypothetically, I wonder what the consequences would be, legally and otherwise, of laying a Quorn sausage at the entrance to a place of worship above a chippy?


    • manchesterlad says:

      Couldn’t agree more. I do not believe many normal people could have basic details of Islam explained to them without them concluding that it is a disgusting ideology; one which can never fit, unchanged, into a civilised western culture.

      The whole idea of outlawing ‘offensive’ speech should be offensive to anyone who believes in a democratic culture anyway. It is a simple nonsense – what is ‘offensive’ to one person may not be ‘offensive’ to another. If it just takes one person to be offended by something, does that not make everything anyone says or does a potential criminal offense?

      On similar lines, if someone is offended by someone else stating a simple fact, for example “Mohammed raped a nine year old child”, then surely the problem is with the ideology described – that incidentally finds this a perfectly OK act of the so-called prophet.

      Of course, this nonsense is typical of the sleight-of-hand faux ‘democracy’ preferred by the left. Their ‘tolerance’ is all about making others do what they want. Forcing everyone to accept a fabrication of lies about Islam is just another method of proving they can bully us into controlling what we do and think.


  39. seismicboy says:

    It is a sad indictment of our so-called multicultural society that we have to tread on eggshells when dealing with the issues of Islam, immigration, minorities etc. If multiculturalism was the trumpeting success that the liberals would have us believe the why do the media have to constantly disguise the truth in a charade of semantics?
    It’s not a success, it’s an epic failure.


    • peterthegreat says:

      seismic – And because of treading on eggshells, horrendous evil paedo sex gangs, terrorism and all sorts of other evils can flourish unchallenged and un-talked about. Terrifying. And the judges are complicit. Shameful.



    • embolden says:

      That depends what you think the aim of multiculturalism is.

      If it is about attacking the values of the Christian church….family and faith, and the notion of national identity another Judeo Christian idea (look at the story of the Tower of Babel) the ideas underpinning western civilisation, then we can see that it has actually been rather successful.

      An attempt is being made to drive the church to the margins….to be replaced by our new pseudo- moral arbiters,…the academics, lawyers, politicians and all the minions of political correctness.
      The state is empowered to intervene in the most personal of dilemmas…..to seek to control the thoughts of all of us…to delve into our souls.

      multiculturalism is hostile to western civilisation but at its heart it has cowardice and dishonesty, hence its incapacity when challenged by fundamentalist Islam. It tries to deny that fundamentalist Islam even exists, ………it’s o.k. It’s “so called” or it’s a manifestation of “mental health issues”, “all religion is the same”, all that’s needed is a post modern reading of the text…..there is no truth, except what we say.

      Hubris, meet nemesis……..again.


    • gb123 says:

      The sad thing about the ones trumpeting multiculturalism is they are always taking offence on other people’s behalf. Most of the things they take offence to normal people are not in least bit offended. One example I remember was being in Dubai on a layover 2 years ago just before Christmas. In a shopping mall they had a Bloomingdales store (bastion of all things New York liberal) all decked out with Christmas decorations and “Happy Holidays” scrawled over everything. Also cards without any writing whatsoever. A few doors down there was a local store selling kids clothes and toys. In the window was a sign “Merry Christmas to all our Christian Customers”. Says it all about PC.


      • Roland Deschain says:

        You’ve got to remember they’re not really taking offence. They’re simply wanting to shut down discussion about opinions different to theirs.


      • seismicboy says:

        and yet my local primary school felt the need to rename the ‘Christmas Fair’ to ‘Winter Fair’ so as not to offend anyone. Quite who would be offended was unclear but it is a great example of preemptive political correctness to counter a perceived challenge rather than a real one.


        • embolden says:

          They are often Marxists and their useful idiots using “multicuturalism” as a cloak. What it`s about is undermining Western Civilisation.

          Especially the Judeo Christian bed rock of that civilisation, and replacing it with a politically correct utopia in which power is in the hands of a new “elite”, who get to practice the domination and suppression of others whilst imposing their Godless “new moral order” on the rest of us.

          Those “others” in the British context being the average white, heterosexual, mildly Christian, family living majority, whose values of thrift, hard work, fair play and good natured openness have been comprehensively trashed or used against them in recent years.

          Hence the po faced at best, overtly hostile at worst, treatment of Christian festivals, and the Jewish state in contrast with the fawning interest in the exotic faiths of the east, the BBC (and local education authorities) love for “Melas” and “Eids” and the cringing, abject relationship with Islam as a religion and source of law for several exclusivist anti-Judeo-Christian states.

          Strangely they don`t seem to have noticed that some of the “exotic easterners” have their own ideas about being subdued in a politicallt correct, Godless “new moral order”.


      • G says:

        Meanwhile, gb123, in Saudi Arabia, the state took EVERY new import of Bartholomews Atlas of the World destined for bookstores and opened the cellophane and carefully, with a black permanent marker, obliterated ANY reference to Israel before said atlas was put on the shelf for sale…………………….


  40. Cassandra says:

    BBC News reports, “Police want to identify this man in connection with Stephen Lawrence murder.”, then show cropped picture of Stephen Lawrence. Here is the uncropped photograph…



    • seismicboy says:

      “Stephen’s character at home and school was shaped by an ethos of tolerance, religious faith and education.”
      Hmm, that fist looks distinctly intolerant?


  41. Gunner says:

    On no ! Two new surveys show consumer spending actually increased in July in post-Brexit Britain. Quelle catastrophe ! But as ever Al Beeb manages to find some downside to the situation viz: “However, Barclaycard found that overall spending fell by 1%.” Now you would have to read the small print to discover that this is being economical with the truth. In fact overall spending didn’t fall by 1%, it actually rose by 2.6% in July. It was the rate of growth in spending which actually fell by !%, which hardly comes as any surprise given the media onslaught on consumer confidence ably led from W1A.

    Some of you may have seen yesterday the touching tale from Adam Fleming “Uncertainty gives Brits in Brussels the blues”, in which we learn along the way that 3% of EU civil servants are British out of the total of 30,000. Er, but doesn’t the UK represent about 12% of the total EU population, and isn’t there supposed to be proportionate employment ? Well you can say this is old news, and that we Brits are not very good at passing the entrance exams which require fluency in French and German, or that there has always been in-built bias in EU employment policy, but haven’t we just been told we are going to have to fork-out £50 billion in pensions for retired and current British Eurocrats ? So what one may ask is the total annual cost to EU taxpayers of those generous defined benefit pensions which provide payments of 70% of final salaries and how happy will those taxpayers be when they discover that when (if) we ever leave they will have to foot the total bill without our generous contribution ?

    Adam seemed to miss the point but was most concerned by comments from the Labour MEP Richard Corbett, an ex-adviser to the previous president of the Council, Herman Van Rompuy that “The voting system (in the European Council) often demands a qualified majority – a measure is adopted if countries representing the bulk of the EU’s population back it.
    “If the UK doesn’t vote that’s the same as voting against, and that would mean everything being blocked,” Mr Corbett added.
    Would Britain earn many friends if it brought the entire decision-making process to a halt?”. Probably not Adam, although Mr Corbett seems to have some difficulty in understanding qualified majority voting systems.

    Well, it may have escaped Adam’s attention, but with Juncker and his ilk in charge we have never had too many friends in Brussels and if they won’t play ball with us now ……

    and no, they can whistle for their £50 billion.


    • chrisH says:

      According to Radio 4 News headlines at 8am-this survey “defied the trend”.
      Or something like that,
      Oh dear-“NASTY Barclay Survey” and no eggy soldiers from nanny at 9am as usual.
      Who knew that a flexible friend could get such eggy body language from Justin…sleepy bastard offspring of a depressed newsreader who was only Clement Freud without the betting slips and au pairs?
      Justin had been deprived of his Marmite even before this one…because his interview of Beaker( aka Sue Sim, ex Moaty mouth on a stick) was appalling.
      Crap fuzz box she may have been-but she`s right about the Boys Brigade up in Ponteland…and if she`s not a star on Womans Hour soon, then her names not Sharon Shoesmith.
      Oh wait-the BBC, and Justin did not like where all this was going…perks, offshore, fiddling expenses, first class travel,unaccountable, jobs for life when you get to the point where you don`t give a damn anymore, incompetence and shooting the messenger.
      “Remind YOU of anybody, Mr Webb?”
      Oh dear-and Sue failed to give Webb his prebaked stool for 9am that May (a woman) failed to back Wor Sue (another woman)when she complained of”institutionalised pecker privileges”.
      For that`s not the issue Justin…oh, dear…Justins morning rather hoped it was!
      Pretty sexist interview I`d say there…one for the archives.
      Looking forward to seeing Lofty taking down the Boys at the top of the Police…and all this hideousness is due to her being “bitter and taking a bitchslap at Sir Bernard using the awful Daily Mail too”

      Alistair and Joan will be proud.


      • G says:

        Surprised today just after 0800 ‘Today’ prog. Interviewed CEO of Legal and General hoping that he would explain the drop in their share value of 5% could be put wholly down to Brexit. In fact, CEO welcomed Brexit and was very complimentary about its aims and expected positive outcomes. I always thought that the BBC ascertained the interviewees position prior to broadcast (or not!) to ensure its agenda is followed. Perhaps this one slipped through but doubtless the BBC were disappointed with this one. [Make a note to find more compliant, negative interviewee from within L&G next time]


        • Al Shubtill says:

          I heard Webb’s “interview” with a UKIP politician this morning, he (Webb) really is an awful tw@t; I find lately that the sound of his voice alone, has me reaching for the dial.


  42. AsISeeIt says:

    “My favourite medal celebration so far…”

    Charlie Stayt’s camp exclamation this morning hints that the BBC’s main interest in the Rio Olympics may not be the sport per se but rather the journalistic catnip stuff and nonsense that goes with it.

    Of course the three hours in make up and hairdo house eunuch saw a big chance to virtue signal to the sofa gals with his little show of pride in the gay diver taking a celebratory tumble into the pool with his synchro partner – chaps, I’m afraid we’ve come a long long way since Chariots of Fire.


    • embolden says:

      Bronze medal…..came third……..highly commended losers. Again.

      Is Toms synchronised dive partner his partner or just his partner. See how newspeak debases our language.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Embolden ……… “Is Toms synchronised dive partner his partner or just his partner. See how newspeak debases our language. ”

        Well according to the news editors of all our national dailies, Tom has won the bronze in the synchronised diving all on his own !!! Shame on them ! Dan Goodfellow’s mum has reacted – and quite rightly too – that her son was cropped out of the printed photos.


    • thirdoption says:

      “Tom celebrated whilst his fiancée Dustin looked on with pride”

      How nice.


    • Guest Who says:

      Certainly all BBC Facebook feeds are in meltdown at the Gold for medal winning boy excitement excess.

      Some are expressing concern as to what the audience may have been exposed to had the medal composition had slightly greater value.


    • Cranmer says:

      ASISeeIt, most journalism nowadays seems to be faux-outrage and proxy offence-taking over non-issues.

      Even ‘Chariots of Fire’ was guilty of this to a certain extent, apparently the issue of not running on a Sunday was blown up for dramatic effect by the film makers and wasn’t so important at the time. (By the way the life of Eric Liddell is a real inspiration, especially his endurance of life in a Chinese POW camp).


      • RJ says:

        “Liddell is a real inspiration, especially his endurance of life in a Chinese POW camp.”

        Apologies for being pedantic, but it was a Japanese camp in China. I’d hate there to be any Norwegian/Somali type confusion.


        • Cranmer says:

          RJ, thanks for the clarification and you are not being pedantic – I recalled he had been locked up by Maoists but I should have checked my sources.


    • Cranmer says:

      Imagine if a Muslim woman competed in olympic swimming in a ‘burkini’.
      The BBC would achieve apotheosis and would be taken up bodily to heaven in some sort of PC version of the ‘rapture’.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Dont’ worry Cranmer, that day will come. Remember ‘Nigella’ in her burkini ? and the rush of sales that M & S had to cope with after the photo was published. Small bet that in 2020 at Tokyo the first burkini swimmer will be the headliner maker ?


  43. Thoughtful says:

    Rigging an Election — After Reuters “Tweaks” Poll, Hillary Lead Over Trump Surges


    And then there’s this:

    Mainstream Media Blackout: Two Prominent Anti-Clinton Activists Found Dead in Two Days



    • Roland Deschain says:


      Apologies if others have raised this, as it’s a couple of days old but I hadn’t seen anywhere this picture of Hillary needing helped up the stairs. There could of course be many reasons but it would at least seem pertinent to be asking some questions about her health, yet it seems to have been ignored despite the ample room the BBC has to write stories denigrating Trump.

      More at http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/08/07/hillary-clinton-needs-help-getting-stairs/

      Edit: not sure why that image won’t load. 🙁


      • TrueToo says:

        Dunno why, but it takes my computer ages to load a Breitbart page. Pity, because it’s such a good site.


      • G.W.F. says:

        There is a lot of material coming from right of centre sources drawing attention to Hillary’s health problems, speculations of seizures etc. A row is blowing up between Paul Watson of Infowars and Hillary’s side on this issue.
        I am not a fan of Hillary but too heavy in this direction might go in her favour – sympathy vote.

        This is shaping up for a big row.


  44. seismicboy says:

    How long before the BBC blame the low medal haul on Brexit?


    • G says:

      Seismicboy, or more importantly, ‘the old gits’ that had the temerity to vote for it.


  45. StephenL says:

    BBC North-West Tonight was at it again last night. Their lead item was on fracking. The headline, whatever it was, was announced in tones of deepest dread. This is just propaganda. And I think (I had better things to do than watch the item that followed) all it was was the idea that people anywhere near the site might get some money.


  46. StewGreen says:

    What’s this with BBC becoming the official media dept of the Labour Party ?
    Now on R5 Live “Your Call – Labour: Are new members true members?”
    That is an edition to the past phone-ins that they have had about Corbyn leadership.
    ..Do you remember when they had a phone-in for UKIP voters ? (2015 Election 3.9m votes vs Labour’s 9.4m)
    Over on BBC Red-io 4 there’s a 45 minute special about Vince Cable from the Lefty Liberal Party. (don’t worry you can listen to the repeat tonight)
    And then yesterday…the Labour Party can’t resolve disputes in house no they have to use the High Court system, when the judges could be dealing with more important things.
    Then switch on the news and the BBC and ProgLeft media took it as the top or second story with like about 5 minutes of coverage each time. Then half of Newsnight was taken with only Labour Party panel discussion.

    – today on BBC Red-io4, Womans Hour features : Angela Merkel’s new biography and “Michelle Obama has been hailed as a heroine for her inspiring speeches and strong family image”
    – 4.30pm “Alex Salmond chooses Thomas Muir for Great Lives, whom he describes as the Father of Scottish Democracy.”
    – There is a BBC Red-io4 prog today about non-Lefty people : It’s called “Everybody Hates Me” and is about a Daily Mail journalist, estate agent and corporate downsizer. Really is every Daily Mail journalist “hated” by “everybody” ?


    • GCooper says:

      Sounds pretty much like ‘an everyday story of broadcasting folk’ to me.

      This is why I am so puzzled when people try to deny there is political bias at the BBC. Particularly if you use the word ‘political’ in its widest sense, it seems to me there is nothing but political bias at the Corporation!


    • StewGreen says:

      “in edition”= “in addition” (sic)


    • StewGreen says:

      Switched to LBC but shouty James O’Brien* was presenting, absolutely raving.
      We know it’s most MSM media who have been infected by the mental illness of Shouty ProgLeftism.
      ..but I’m surprised at LBC ..maybe it’s a London thing ..London voted remain, maybe its streets are full of Corbynistas etc, so LBC are catering to them , its their right they aren’t using public money like BBC is. And they can excuse themselves by saying they have Katie Hopkins aswell

      * O’Brien’s record 2015 :

      James O’Brien gave a masterclass in how to deal with people who are blaming Islam for the Charlie Hebdo attack.
      Richard in Maidenhead called up demanding that the Islamic community apologises for the atrocities in Paris.

      James insisted that Muslims around the world had as much to do with the shootings as Richard did with the shoebomber, simply because his name is Richard.


  47. Anders Thomasson says:

    I didn’t see it but I understand that Messrs Daley and Goodfellow jumped into the pool as part of their medal celebration. Fast forward to 5Live this morning and a close friend and fellow diver of Daley’s is interviewed… she promptly describes their celebration as a, I quote verbatim, “Pansy dive”. Pantomime Dame audibly unamused. That’s the girl’s last appearance on the BBC I’d imagine although, given the BBC’s current fad for womens’ sport, maybe being a sportswoman trumps making non-PC comments.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      I confess I don’t get all the adulation for Tom Daley. It seems out of all proportion to his actual success.


      • Anders Thomasson says:

        The BBC’s worship is a no-brainer but as a general point I agree 100%.


        • Cranmer says:

          Most of the gays you see on the telly are not much to look at (Alan Carr, that bearded Irish bloke, Peter Tatchell, Russel T Davies etc) so I suppose when someone as beautiful as Tom Daley appears, dressed only in skimpy trunks, it makes a big impact on the gays and the women who probably nowadays make up a large proportion of BBC staff.


    • Pat..original says:

      Heard TD interviewed on Radio Devon this morning and he says they fell in by accident in the enthusiastic celebrations. The local Plymouth paper has pictures of ‘our boy’ front and back and we are all eagerly awaiting the full colour supplement at the end of the Olympics! or perhaps not.


  48. taffman says:

    Brexit or Global Warming ? Is this good news or bad ? Take your pick ………………….
    “Warmer weather helped Britain’s retailers sell more in July than during the same period last year, defying predictions of a post-Brexit slump.”


    • Beltane says:

      Always a fruitful area, the BBC text pages inform that ‘New research’ has shown that rising temperatures are responsible for the major decline in the fisheries of Lake Tanganyika. Apparently these brilliant minds have discovered that despite the significant increase in commercial fleet expansion, climate change rather than over-fishing is the root cause of the problem. Again, apparently, you really could make it up, with the right sort of audience.


      • seismicboy says:

        I read that article too. A couple of things stand out.
        1. The lake temperature is not mentioned once. (from what I can gather the increase is 1-1.5 deg C over the last 100 years – not particularly stunning)
        2. The effect of the population increase from refugees and the consequent increase in fishing is not really investigated.
        It is a big ask to take the conclusion of GW at face value.


        • Save Our Sense says:

          More reading about this here:


          The man made warming link is tenuous at best, more like a gradual trend over the last 500 – 1,500 years. I quote:

          “Here, using a ∼1,500-y paleoecological record, we show that declines in fishery species and endemic molluscs began well before commercial fishing in Lake Tanganyika, Africa’s deepest and oldest lake. Paleoclimate and instrumental records demonstrate sustained warming in this lake during the last ∼150 y, which affects biota by strengthening and shallowing stratification of the water column.”

          Not that the BBC seemed to use that bit of info…


  49. taffman says:

    Its Those ‘Men’ Again ……..