The BBC eventually decided to (albeit briefly) report on this story this morning.
The British public want to ban Muslim women from wearing the Islamic veil or burqa by an overwhelming margin of more than two-to-one, a poll has found. Research by YouGov found a huge proportion of the public had no qualms about telling women what to wear, with 57 per cent in favour of a ban and just 25 per cent against.
As someone who has been on the BBC debating this issue, I can assure you the BBC holds dear to supporting the right of Muslims to wear their political garb where and when they want. If you reflect the views of the majority of British people on this issue, as I do, the BBC will bully and set you you up for a fall. The sneering BBC liberal intelligentsia can think of nothing more liberating for a woman to be dressed as a shroud. Aren’t they revolting?
Yes, very revolting, David. The most outrageous element to all of this far-left, anti-British brainwashing from the BBC is the fact that we all are coerced into funding it. So, in effect we are funding propaganda aimed at undermining centuries of our tradition and heritage by an out-of-touch elite which thinks it is ideologically superior to those it extorts money from. It’s ludicrous…. you couldn’t make it up. We are being forced into funding the destruction of our way of life and values.
Also, why aren’t the metro-trendy hipsters at the BBC focusing on more worrying issues like how we have a Labour leader and shadow chancellor who openly support the disgusting IRA? Totally treasonous and yet the BBC couldn’t care less. However, they’re quite happy to berate Nigel Farage for sharing a platform with Donald Trump!
I simply don’t understand why the Tories put up with the BBC. I would’ve thought that cutting this far-left behemoth down to size or, even better, privatising it, would be on their agenda.
But you don’t have to fund the BBC, not in 2016.
If you don’t have a Smart TV, get a £29 Roku stick – hey presto your TV is now Smart. You can now customise your TV in the same way a PC. My homepage has short-cuts to Youtube, ITV player, 4 OD and all the other On-Demand services.
Throw in Netflix or Amazon and Torrents (if you get them) and you suddenly have your own personalised TV system. And as I’ve said before, if you really do must watch BBC stuff, then go round to ‘nan’s’ house – preferably after 9pm….
It’s really quite easy. Took me a couple of weeks to establish a new TV routine, but now I am an ‘active’ rather than passive TV viewer and it feels great. Instead of sitting for endless hours watching rubbish, I spend a max of 2 hours per night (7 – 9pm) watching stuff I really want to watch.
Oh, and at 10.30 pm I go to my ‘nan’s’ house cos I love taking the piss out of Newsnight. Thankfully she’s 105 and therefore doesn’t pay a TV tax.
So easy and best of all – no funding to this bunch of thought fascists.
We have a kodi tv box…best £31 ever spent
Makes your house a bullshit free zone…..great for preserving low blood pressure and the integrity of your tv screen
Agree entirely – with both of you. Even I can use Kodi, the interface resembles a regular “PVR” set top box. My technical half has hooked up a modest, oldish Dell office computer to the TV and it works well. No cost as the Dell would otherwise have been thrown out or given away. Kodi is free and does not require a powerful computer to play video files.
A “kodi box” would be smaller and neater and if the Dell dies, we’ll get one. But if you have an old PC lying around, I’d recommend giving it a try before splashing out.
It all demonstrates just how out of date the BBC/licence fee model really is.
Kodi will install on an amazon firestick if your old dell dies on you…
However, Mrs Dysgwr cant live with the tortuous rigmarole involved in finding what we want.
Therefore…firestick stays unused..
It’s not that Mrs Dysgwr cant use it ( thats not the issue) she cant stand watching me flipping around inside the kodi menus to find what I want.
It needs a much more user friendly interface before I’ll use it.
You must be using a different Kodi to the one I tried. Very tortuous and I kept finding my ISP had blocked most of the channels.
All I can offer is that it’s a recent version – “Jarvis” – and we use BT internet. My husband set it up with icons for everything we need, in addition to the existing menu system for a few video files stored in the Dell.
I do hate smug people 🙂
So the poll says that we decide what Muslim women are allowed to wear and they aren’t allowed a choice themselves. Well that’s no change for them then as they aren’t allowed a choice now as their menfolk tell them what to wear. The trouble is if they are given a choice the majority will still select the full ninja look as they have been brainwashed into thinking that is the right thing to do.
Religious brainwashing is as evil as any other including the left-wing’s version of it.
Wrongly presented as the bullying state versus women who want the right to wear whatever they want. In reality it involved a provocative challenge from Islamists who used the issue to confront our way of life – at a time when feelings are running high because of atrocities claimed by Islamists.
Despite the BBC and media – the people have seen it for what is is.
Lesson to the BBC – we are not as stupid as your presenters.
I quite agree, I was being sarcastic in my first sentence. Has any European woman tried wearing a bikini in Pakistan? Or even a short sleeved top in Saudi Arabia? If we must comply to their dress code in their countries then they need to reciprocate.
I take another view. I have no interest in what they wear. If they wish to advertise their desire for separation from the rest of us then it might help concentrate minds.
The late Lawrence Auster was of the opinion that to separate the West from the Islamic world was inevitable but sadly necessary for both parties.
Nothing that has occurred since he passed away has changed the correctness of his analysis. Rather the contrary.
I think the overwhelming majority of British people would crack the champagne open at the thought of being separated from burqua-wearing monstrosities. Unfortunately, they have decided to be here, right amongst us, and don`t give a **** about our views on the matter.
I would mucg rather the separation be properly effected by them leaving en masse for their Middle Eastern hellholes.
David I am on this website because I love my country, I love the people who live here, I love our wonderful history and how this tiny island has done more for the progression of civilisation than any place on earth. If we fail to protect our country, our freedom, our way of life…. It will not be there for our loved ones when we need it most.
We are all doing whatever we can to hold back the destruction of our beautiful County, until the silent majority wake up and realise what is happening. Apathy is only going to lead to our next generation having to sacrifice a hell of a lot more than just some traitorous bastards on the lefts pride!
David you have a voice and status that we could only dream of. Use it! Raise your game! You have the truth and the people on your side. Our time needs hero’s to guide us all through this dark time… But if our heros fail, then the darkness we are going to all live through will be horrific beyond words.
All we keep being told (lied to) is that what is happening is nothing to do with lslam. It’s everything to do with lslam. Islam is an ideology, a way of living until you die, and one that requires ones utter devotion. There are no facts or truth to back any of what it preaches. EVERY SINGLE EVIDENCE AND DETAIL shows that Islam is solely responsible for the destabilising of our society and the horrific violence and bloodshed that is being carried out in its name.
Use the evidence. Use the information stated in the Koran. Use the evidence from what the % of Muslims believe. Use the evidence of what it is like to live in an Islamic country. Use the evidence of what the dress code means in Islam and why Islamic state and the Taliban were so relentless in enforcing it
I don’t think YouGov polls are reliable.
I’d certainly ban the burqa but we need to do so much more to stop the eventual Muslim takeover of our country. Ban any new mosques and look to reduce the existing number.Deport all extremist imams who were not born in this country . For those that were born here, imprison those who preach hatred by using our laws with less timidity . Regulate Islam if it is to be practised in this country . Outlaw Sharia. End all muslim immigration .
In summary send out a clear message to those here legally . Integrate or you are not wanted here.
The BBC, and the liberal paradigm, has reached its zenith. Everyone involved in parlaying the lies of the neo-leftist virtue signalling mindset knows they’re finally losing, and losing rapidly. That’s why they’re doing their desperate damnedest to subvert the will of the people by flooding us with those who share their goals – or at least think they do – over ours until such a time that we are just about outnumbered enough that we can never wrestle back control. Brexit was literally a matter of life or death for the average British person, and in fact anyone who doesn’t fit the extremely narrow mould of what the EU and Islam deems acceptable. Even with that, you get the feeling many in parliament are hoping to delay it as long as possible so eventually they can force a second referendum with a completely different demographic setup more favoured to remaining, which is why I’m reassured somewhat by the announcements (bemoaned by the BBC of course) that May’s cabinet intends to trigger Article 50 early next year and will not seek parliamentary approval. Let’s just hope they keep their word.
Similarly, Trump is storming to victory so the Clinton/Soros elite are funding BLM, refugee/illegal immigrant amnesty movements, and laws to get criminals either the right to vote in prison or an early enough release to claw some Democrat numbers back. The average American of all colours, and in fact a great many integrated migrants sick of seeing others take advantage, know that a vote for Clinton is a vote for corruption, failure, and quite probably extinction for working a middle class America. Conversely, Trump’s brashness and directness is not a weakness, it’s his biggest asset, and it speaks volumes for how deluded the liberal mindset truly is that they think speaking truth and challenging a failed status quo is ‘extreme’, but then what do you expect from people who think political correctness is more important than empirical correctness?
The BBC is on its knees, we just need a government brave enough to push it into the dirt once and for all. And once the inevitable world war of Islam vs everyone else is won by those maligned and ostracised by the leftist establishment for decades, the traitorous likes of the BBC must be prosecuted and shamed forever more.
“Similarly, Trump is storming to victory”
I wish I shared your confidence!
I agree Roland. I think the Soros-backed Clinton campaign is being pushed by all the major media in the USA that Trump doesn’t have a chance. The way they are pushing the misandrist line that women “must vote for Hilllary because she is a woman”. Although most of the intelligent women will make their own minds up the thick ones will vote for Hilllary for that reason.
It’s the same as the Republicans who attract the most intelligent black people, but the thick ones were conned into voting for Obama and joined the legions of SJWs who hate people like themselves so Obama – one of the two worst presidents in my lifetime – duly got two terms. The good news is that I am a pessimist by nature so may be wrong. I hope I am.
The obvious needs stating that the Burqua is not a religious requirement. Lots of women in eg of all places Iran wear very loose headscarfs and even show a bit of hair when they can. Others better than I will say whether that country’s Shia focus has anything to do with it.
So The Burqua is little more than a statement of determined separateness, and as we all know, it is a very moot point indeed whether it is a choice. Maybe our esteemed state broadcaster should ask some of the women in ISIS held towns for their opinion.
I remember sitting in a hot air terminal in Bahrain waiting for the BA flight back to blighty after a business trip to Saudi, where my female colleagues were forced to weat black. no choice. Opposite me in the terminal was a Muslim bloke in shorts and T shirt. His little kids attired in Western clothes played little games. The mother was in top to toe black garb without even slits for eyes. She must have been absolutely sweltering in the heat. Tell me it was her free choice and I’ll tell you you are a liar.
May be she was just ‘ugly’ ? 🙂
Hang on a minute. In the interests of equality (something of real interest, of course, to the BBC), why wasn’t the bloke also top to toe in black garb, without slits for HIS eyes?
In fact, a contributor to the ‘Mid-week Thread’ having watched Nadiya’s (you know the one, burka wearing cake), cooking programme, observed that even her fellow country-people and family appearing on the programme in her home country don’t wear the burka. So what is it that prompts the Mussie to do so in in the UK? I think its all to do with PC. They are simply rubbing the Brits nose in the PC simply because they can get away with it and, if challenged, they know they can win any argument simply by defaulting to playing the also PC ‘racist’card. I think its as basic as that. Having listened to Nadiya on ‘Dessert Island Disks’, she clearly is a lover of music, not my taste, but nevertheless, a devout Muslim she is not. Why so? – She cannot be simply in view of Islams stance on music.
Talking of whom, I see Universal Nadiya is appearing in the new series of Would I Lie To You. More a case of Would I Taqqiya To You?
LOL ! It is almost beyond belief but, with the BBC, nothing is beyond belief.
When I was a child I had a friend who would look after us, one day she burst into tears and I never saw her again. Her name was mehran from tehran in Iran I later realised that she was ordered back home by Khomeini for a life wearing the burkha, her western dreams over it brings me to tears writing this so sad.
My point is people come here to escape that repression. Ban it.
Not escape it Mackers, spread it!
Come on BBC liberal left Gramscians , defend Prince Harry wearing an Afrika Kops uniform , promote a ” peace march” with the Ku Klux Klan hoodies going through Lutonistan or Tower Hamlets .
Be consistent .
As a child growing up in an Islamic family in West Yorkshire during the 70s , I can state that the only time you saw women covering up was either girls going to the mosque, or a woman who had been to Mecca and wore it as a status symbol in which to shout out to the rest:
“I am better than you, because I have been to Mecca”
Not until the Salman Rushdie incident did Political Islam take root , instead of clamping down on Muslims strutting their stuff , the British Political elites remained silent because they didn’t wish to be deemed as racists, because of this silence we allowed radical Islam to take root and what have we seen:
The rise of FGM
The rise in rapes
The rise in Honour crimes
The rise in intolerance
The rise of anti-Semitism
Anybody who dares questions the mores of Islam is deemed a fucking racist by the we love buggering British Children crowd. Lets be honest there is nothing peaceful about Islam, yet we are all held ransom by the ethical latte crowd for trying to tell the truth. I mean did anybody hear about this:
Sweden: Riots hit the town of Trollhättan for second night.
Denmark: Man who shot 2 people (Including 2 policemen) is an ISIS sympathizer
Or this:
Germany: Syrian Asylum seeker tries to burn wife to death, ends up killing himself.
It is not racism, in which to discuss the news. But it is if you hide the fact that there is a lot of crimes been carried out by immigrants whislt promoting the view that the native population can only be seen as intolerant bigots.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst.
I’ve said before that the increase in Muslims I see daily wearing the burqa is partly down to our government and media (not just the BBC) giving too much respect to this retrograde religion. When people – especially young people – see a notorious minority gaining the respect of the masses, they become inspired to join that small group so that they can gain a notoriety of their own.
We shouldn’t be taking these people so seriously, or, at least, we should hide our negative feelings towards them. I’m sure if every non-Muslim woman wore a burkini to the beach as a joke, the true ridiculousness of this crazy fad would be exposed for what it is.
The true Muslim woman wearing her burkini amongst the jokers would become just another dot on the sandy landscape – insignificant. She would no longer feel empowered dressed in attire that she is fully aware intimidates others. She could no longer hold her head high claiming the religious moral high-ground, despite how silly she looks on the beach.
We need to stop ranting about these arrogant politico-religious “Muslim” women and laugh at them more.
One of the freedoms we might lose in this country is the freedom to laugh at others. Let’s do it more whilst we have that freedom. It will do more damage to the Muzlims cause than laws and abolishment ever will.
Here’s a related link to the National Secular Society.
I urge everyone to join up. I know secularism is almost a swear word to you hard-line Christians, but this organisation does more than any other to keep check on religious privilege creeping into society. They have exposed improper conduct at Muslim faith schools, and are still campaigning to ban UK produced “Halal” meat:
Unfortunately, secularists use Islam to damn all religions, as you have done.
We don`t have any problems with Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Confucians or Christians. Why should any of these peaceful law-abiding religions be curtailed because the backward socio-political cult of Islam is allowed to run amok by our gutless leaders?
Deal with the specific problem – the disease of Islam – and leave the rest of the body alone.
I think that on beaches where burkinis are in evidence all the women in bikinis or topless and men in small trunks, should lay on the beach and surround the burkini-clad prisoners, so the latter will see semi-naked women and men in all directions. If they are so disturbed by the sights of normal people then will quickly clear the beach. Probably their men-folk have dragged them there to ogle the bikini wearing women mind, but the ninjas might start to think again – if they dare to.
“Research by YouGov found a huge proportion of the public had no qualms about telling women what to wear”
Well, there’s a big dollop of bias right there. I’d wager most in favour of a ban thought they were stopping others telling women what to wear. The BBC’s attitude shown clearly. Whatever, it wasn’t for the BBC to decide what people had qualms about.
The link was actually to The Independant, but obviously the same stable as the BBC.
However, you are right, it shows quite disgusting bias.
What concerns me is that when I read it initially it totally passed me by, such is the constant subliminal bias. I suspect that the writers themselves don’t even realise they are doing it now.
My bad, I had assumed DV’s link was to the BBC without checking.
My thoughts on this issue are that we have over-complicated the problem, but it’s really quite simple.
People should be free to choose what they wear, but they also choose the consequences. If I choose to wear pyjamas all day, then fine, but then I also choose to make myself unemployable, and choose to deny myself certain benefits for making myself unemployable. I would choose to have people point and laugh at me.
The burqa should be treated likewise, with the same amount of disrespect that we would treat any other ridiculous item of clothing.
Charlie Hebdo is a classic example of a natural reaction within a civilized society to absurdity, and it is equally understandable for many on here to suggest ridicule as an effective countermeasure to primitive behaviour. And yet I feel sure that there were similar attitudes and suggestions made by thinking Romans who ridiculed the furs, tattoos and body-piercings of the Vandals, Goths and Huns. Fat lot of good it did them, too.
Someone quite a bit brighter than me has said that the lessons of history are seldom learned, and yet this one is staring us in the face.
The problem is that according to the BBC/Lefist ruling opinion we are not just supposed to allow these odd foreign modes of dress but we have to celebrate the marvelous diversity.
I regard these styles of dress as both problematic for the rights of women and at the same time they can be politically provocative. During one BBC (or perhaps it was Channel 4) debate on this issue a young muslim woman went a little off-message and let the cat out of the bag with a statement along the lines of: “The younger generation want to show with the veil that they’re more orthodox than their parents”
So I would treat this fashion like tattoos or piercings – silly adolescent affectations. The best solution is not to outlaw but to ridicule. Fat chance of the BBC ever doing that – what with their diversity agenda.
We are not allowed to ridicule apparently:
This is the problem we have built for ourselves. We are told to respect it, which leaves us with the anti-secular option of banning it, which would just open a whole other can of worms imho. We need to learn how to disrespect it, as we would any other ridiculous clothing.
With hindsight, I think allowing turban wearers special dispensation to ignore rules that apply to the rest of us with respect to motor cycle helmets was a mistake.
The next battle ground for the Islamists in trying to force us to respect their ideology will be to get the courts to get their uniform to be privileged in employment. This must be resisted.
Good point AsiSeeit. I call this ‘feminised Islam’ – the weird double-think where children of immigrants have been exposed to both western feminism (at school and ‘Yuni’) and conservative Islam (at home). Realising they can’t entirely reject their upbringing they seem to have formed a weird hybrid culture, convincing themselves that wearing medieval head-dress is somehow ’empowering’ and to do with ‘womens’ free choice’ etc. For some I believe it’s also a way of convincing their parents they are more devout than they really are, in order to be allowed more freedom.
Near my office is some sort of ‘Collidge’ (I’ve no idea what is studied there) but at breaktimes there are quite a few headscarf-wearing girls who go into the local park to smoke and chat up boys. I’m pretty sure their parents wouldn’t approve of this, but probably think they’re ‘good girls’ because they wear a headscarf. I believe there is even a name for these in popular culture – ‘Hounslow Girls’.
I posted this on another thread but it is more relevant here.
Would the Saudis allow the burkini in their own country?
Generally, their answer is no and women who wear it to swim need to be whipped by their parents.
Of course, the Saudis will continue to proclaim that France is racist for banning it there.
Basically, they want to have it both ways. And they are backed by the liberals, BBC, and the academics they bought.
I don’t like the full face veil ,other than that I don’t think you can ban clothing .
In any case its a distraction from the real problem of Islam in its unreformed medieval state. Sharia law is becoming accepted in this country and that should be front and centre of the issue for feminists and the BBC.
People in the UK are free to wear whatever they want, subject to the provisions of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 and Public Order Act 1986. Long may that continue.
Anyone who is being coerced, in the context of an intimate or family relationship, into wearing clothing (be it a burka, burkini, turban, yarmulke, crucifix, Morris dancing outfit, Millwall football shirt or anything else) that they don’t want to wear should report it to the police citing the Serious Crime Act 2015 section 76.
The Act provides for an offence of “controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate or family relationship”. It came into force in December 2015 and closed a gap in the law around psychological and emotional abuse that stops short of physical abuse. The offence carries a maximum sentence of 5 years’ imprisonment, a fine or both.
Any victim or witness who is afraid to identify himself or herself to the police can report an alleged offence in confidence by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555 1112 or online at
The BBC and others should publicise this information.
The Quran does not mention the burqa but instructs men and women to dress and behave modestly in society. The burqa is imposed on Muslim women who are also subject to considerable limitations on what they can do compared with men, both in private in the home and in public. In Sharia courts of law on many key issues the testimony of one man is equivalent to that of two women. Sharia courts therefore have no place in a secular society.
Western societies face two significant threats from Islamists. The first is that of terrorist atrocities. The second is the threat of those ‘who argue for the destruction of the values and institutions of our open, liberal democratic societies’ Neither of these threats is being effectively dealt with or represented by institutions such as the BBC.
Tonight I saw a woman journalist on the news at 6 in Pakistan wearing an outfit that looked rather strange on a European, especially the scarf wrapped around her head. I suppose the BBC doesn’t want to offend the host country.
I wonder if there will be a follow up news item looking into why Pakistan is so medieval in respect of women’s freedom to dress.