Bit of a let down for the media. The ‘memorial’ service outside the Home Office (for the little boy who drowned on the beach) appears to have attracted more media than participants. Usual ‘types’ holding banners who want the government to take in more children refugees etc etc. But the reporting journo and cameraman were struggling to report on a handful of people. I’m struggling to keep a straight face.
Here we go again with the annual disinformation of ‘baby’ names given in 2015 in England and Wales.
Why not ‘Christian’ names; oh I forgot, the Islamification of our Green and Pleasant land has already taken grip…
‘These latest figures show Oliver is the most popular boys’ name for all regions of England except London and the West Midlands, which both had Muhammad as the top name.’ …..No Sh1t Sherlock!!
No sign of Sturgeon/Swinney/Salmond in the MSM to explain Scotland’s latest third world fiscal deficit. As we in Scotland have already slipped into recession due to North Sea Oil in the red for the first time ever, the SNP are spending all their efforts on preventing FOI requests into how much the little shit spent running round Europe post-Brexit trying to find someone that would even speak to her.
No, no. Right on cue, Mrs Krankie emerged this morning warning the Prime Minister that Scotland must not leave the single market. She is sticking to her illusion that Scotland voted to stay in the EU. I’ve checked the question again though, and can confirm we were asked if the UK should stay or go….it said nothing about ‘Scotland’. Perhaps she is a bit challenged in understanding these things.
You are quite right, though. Krankie didn’t have anything to say about an independent Scotland’s dire economic prospects. Must have slipped her mind.
She also seems to share that odd notion that EU junta generals had and still have that such a warning carries extra persuasive heft. Talk about promoted out of her depth.
Krankie wants independence from the most democratic nation on earth and wants to jump in to a corrupt oligarchy. Doesn’t our own parliament have a disproportionate number of Scottish MPs?
I hope our Scottish cousins are not that daft ?
If this turd wants independence she should have the whole of the U.K. voting and not just the jocks. So many are getting fed up with Scotland and the SNP that I think they would get independence as they would, in effect, be voted out of the U.K.
Corruption is Krankie’s natural habitat along with the rest of the SNP. So far as I am aware, she is still refusing to divulge the extent of her expenses in connection with Brexit. There are many issues. On top of that , she is not the sharpest tool in the box. She makes May look almost intelligent.
If Scotland gets independence and somehow joins the EU and becomes a vassal state of Brussels then reality says that we will have full scale border controls .Inevitable since Brexit is all about border security.
It will not affect England and Wales much but tight controls will be necessary to prevent Calais style situations near Carlisle and Berwick
Wee krankie will have to explain this away to her fellow Scots. Likewise in N.Ireland despite the current and pre dating the EU free movement. Although I am sure the Irish will not be as unreasonable as the Scots under the SNP will be.
LOL too true! As a Scot, I know that the Scottish National (Socialist Workers) Party are and always have been, a bunch of sneaky, pathetic, corrupt fantasists desperately looking for someone else to pay for their workers paradise. We should cut them loose and let them sink when the inevitable collapse of the EU takes place.
Also, how come the BBC doesn’t describe them as “Far Right” like every other nationalist party in Europe? (Excepting their beloved Sinn Fein/IRA of course).
The fish woman aught to be careful about a 2nd Independence referendum. By my reckoning (more specifically the Euro entry criteria) Scotland would currently be refused by virtue of their high deficit wrt GDP. I suspect that sweeping such things under the Brussels carpet may have been vogue in the past but that may have worn off. She might find herself up the clyde sans paddle.
But it ain’t a hurricane, any more – if it ever was. Don’t forget that a degree of convenient exaggeration is always applied, these days, and the odd 80 MPH gust is hardly a hurricane. They’ll give any breeze a name, to keep the climate change nonsense going.
I had been tracking this storm for some time. For a storm to be classed as a Hurricane (class 1) it has to have sustained wind speeds of 118 km/ph (73 mph). This storm just didn’t get there even when at it’s most potent. It reached land at just 53 mph (constant) so my friends over there tell me. (Based on the Saffir-Simpson classification groups)
When Trump becomes President he will not forget or forgive the UK media. When he summons appeasing Teresa to the White House he might instruct her to have a look at the media – not to control it Kremlin style – but to open it up a little to allow a variety of political views. Poor woman will wet herself but she will have to cooperate and risk losing her BBC base
So, The Prophet (not that one silly, The Profit Tony Blair) is pontificating to the French that ‘Britain could stay in EU if public opinion shifts’. I’m sure universally despised Tone, Supreme Middle-East Peace Maker (how’s that working out Tone?) and self-enricher, will be listened to with all the respect he deserves. Followed by gales of laughter.
Followed a few seconds later by a hammering on the door as a party of Beefeaters arrives to carry him off to the Tower of London, where he will await trial for acts of treason.
GC – We wish! I think Tony actually believes he is some sort of international elder statesman. Not in UK you ain’t mate. But then, No man is a prophet in his own land – even if he makes a tidy profit in other lands.
Regretably the bliar prophet being such, repealed the Laws against treachery, on the advice of his lawyer, Mrs. Bliar. Verily Shakespeare was correct, “first kill all the lawyers”.
Male sofaman explains that Trump has once again stated that he would erect a wall at Mexico’s expense, to keep Mexican illegal immigrants out. As he finishes, he slowly shakes his head. His body language off course shows to the world that both he and the BBC disapprove of Trump and his proposed actions.
This is NOT the role of an impartial national broadcasting service.
At about 8.15am we have the BBC business news.
First item is that Ryan Air’s profits have fallen because of Brexit and no other causes. What about Islamic Terrorism which has caused 50% fall in bookings to Turkey? And major falls to other tourist spots because of Islamic Terrorism?
Second item is that Brexit has caused a fall in interest rates which has hurt savers.
Third and last item is that the Bank of England will soon be printing plastic notes. No mention of Brexit.
Finding Andrew Neil’s twitter feed is usually a decent quick check on when his business or economics or political colleagues’ ‘reporting’ is utter pants.
As I said on another thread, it’s a subliminal bias on such a scale now that we hardly notice it, and they hardly notice they are doing it. It’s just become the BBC norm.
Fiona (tax avoiding champagne socialist) Bruce is the most obvious and amusing head shaker. She can’t say the word “conservative” without moving her head side to side and spitting out the word as if someone has just performed the Heimlich manoeuvre on her.
Brexit did not cause the drop in the interest non rate, that was down to Osborne and big gob Carney. They saw how it crippled Japan so thought they would try the same for us.
The Governor of Florida, speaking before the hurricane landed, said this, if not quite verbatim.
‘ Let me be clear. You are responsible. We will help prepare but during the storm, you are responsible’.
What a wondrous concept. Personal responsibility. No passing the buck to the State. How refreshing.
The idea of the statist biased BBC reporting UK issues with this option available is infinitesimally small. How many public sector ‘jobs’ depend on the State taking responsibility for everything?
Because the travellers are another group “victimised” and therefore heroes to AlBeeb.
Many are Irish and some were members of the IRA, another group of victims AlBeeb supports. They also sheltered IRA members who were evading arrest, for terrorism.
The only category of people AlBeeb will never regard as other than sub-human are white, English, people. Especially males, especially older males, especially non-socialist older males.
So there you have AlBeeb; unpatriotic, treasonous, sexist, racist, ageist, mendacious, untrustworthy. Whilst claiming to have the moral high ground. Smug, self-indulgent, “superior”.
But you knew all this when posing your “question”.
On the BBC website they report that Hamed Khan a member of the
BMA national council, Prof Neena Modi and Jeremy Corbyn all
approve of the Junior Doctors strike. Well if it’s good enough
for them ,it’s certainly good enough for the BBC!
Noticed 12 year old girl raped in Manchester…Police give the usual description…nothing so I am will to bet non english ..non white…expect the Beeb to keep us updated..They think we are stupid…. The Daily Mail will have to stop their Trump bashing after his missus threatened to sue them for $150 million dollars… love it
Longsight. Official stats say this area is 53% Asian, 54% Muslim and average age 20-y-o !!!
But you are right. If it had been a white guy they would be shouting it from the roof tops.
In Stoke we have just had an Asian woman attacked by Romas from the next street. The local rag told us that it was caused by “white youths from outside the area”. A racist slur which will go unpunished.
BBC radio 4 all this week has had a programme about invasive species (birds etc) coming to the UK. The tone is totally negative and all about the damage these invaders do, and how European countries need to work together to stop them. Nothing about integration, or about how native species should adapt and become more diverse.
I would not dehumanise migrants by comparing them with animals or diseases. But why cannot the BBC at least try to understand that there MIGHT also be at least a little bit of a problem with an open invitation to millions upon millions of people from cultures very different from our own, and who have not paid into our contributory welfare system?
Were they young Grey Squirrels that were allowed in , orphans who fled violence from their other habitat ?
Are they doctors ( or vets) that will help the Red Squirrels in their old age ? Have they much to teach the old Red Squirrels about tolerance ?
I bet the Red Squirrels are resentful , and there’s Red Squirrels flight from most areas to Northumbria . That’s the trouble with the red working class squirrels , lazy and not devastating birds nests for eggs like the hard working Greys . Apparently the Greys get up from hibernation earlier in the spring , probably the muzzein call to prayer , and eat food that’s available , as you would after a fast leaving not much for the Reds who haven’t adapted to globalisation .
Serves the Reds right for not joining a union , which would have given money to a political party that wanted to rub their bushy tails in diversity but talked about minimum acorns and British trees for British squirrels .
Now what will the BBC about this? One Million people protesting against the achievements of Socialism ! And in one of the BBC’s favourite examples of Socialism, one which they have held up as a shining beacon to their audience, one they would like the UK to have followed, and look what a disaster it has ended in – yet again.
Inflation is soaring, basic goods like toilet paper are unavailable, blackouts and electricity rationing are common, people are dying of preventible illnesses due to the lack of essential medical supplies, pets and pigeons are being slaughtered for food and zoo animals are starving to death in their cages.
Just read the BBC’s response though – an exercise in misreporting and avoidance of telling the truth of what is happening there.
Quite so, this morning the World Service devoted time to coverage of Venezuela but it was all at the personal level (i.e. another sob story). No explanation about how a country with such vast oil wealth could be in such a ruinous state.
Always check the political base of BBC politics, the Trot SWP where their presenters and so called journalists began their education. The SWP tells us that the problem in Venuzuela is not enough socialism. And consequently Corbyn et al are correct to head in that direction
Farming Today (12 August) and Sybil Ruscoe visiting a racing yard In Lambourn. ‘After a washdown the horses are chomping on their breakfast of straw in their stables’.
Quite a wellknown trainer who I doubt very much is feeding racehorses straw. If I were paying fifty quid a day to keep a horse in training I wouldn’t want the animal to be fed straw either!
I would have thought the overpaid ****s would know the difference betwwen straw and hay.
Surely their precious children, with their expensive private educations, must have ponies.
At any well known trainer’s yard, 50 quid a day would get your poor horse a high straw diet and not much else – but barley and oat straw are common enough fodders, it’s wheat straw that gets used as bedding.
With apologies Beltane (and I realize this is not a happy hackers/pony club blog) oat straw might be mixed in with cubes as “chaff” with barley less often used. My point was about racehorses being fed straw. It does not happen – unless, of course, they are bedded on barley straw (which again does not happen, due to colic possibilities, etc.)
“Farming Today (12 August) and Sybil Ruscoe visiting a racing yard In Lambourn. ‘After a washdown the horses are chomping on their breakfast of straw in their stables’.”
What was actually said:
“We’ve got horses being hosed down. Horses chomping at their straw their stables. Somebody eating their breakfast.”
Sybil Ruscoe didn’t say; “chomping on their breakfast of straw”.
Any idea why the first ten minutes of PM, the bit after the news and before the headlines, turned into a Party Political Broadcast for the Green Party? The joint leadership finishing off each other’s statements reminded me of the Two Ronnies. That will probably mark me as old, white and sexist. The male part of the diumvirate came across as even more of a strange person than the female.
The BBC is attempting to help cobble together a, as they would put it, ‘progressive alliance’, to fill the liberal left void left vacant by the delicious demise of the Blairites. They will propagandise on behalf of this coalition of fools with full vigour. Tiny Tim Farron will be hailed as a great leader of this rag bag of idiots comprising ,those Blairites who dare to actually leave the Labour Party , Lib Dems , Greens and Plaid , the SNP may or may not join depending on the weather. The alliance will be ultra PC and basically support all the causes held dear by the BBC and in the correct order of precedence to, Islam top, then other so called disadvantaged groups of aliens, then the EU , finally gender stuff and climate change. The BBC will pull out all the stops to make us believe this coalition of cretins is a serious force in British politics.
First, the Regressives lost the Libdems, then they lost the Labour Party, then the EU, followed by the Tory Party. But they still have the BBC and the House of Lords, with even the Libdems gaining more Lords in the last year, than the nine democratically elected total number of Libdem MP’s and MEP’s. Must now be 120 Libdem Lords.
The Regressive Party will support the undemocratic forces that survive, such as the BBC and the House of Lords, and support all minorities such as Elitists, Ethnic minorities, Leave supporters, Members of the House of Lords, Labour Party Leader election losers, Libdem voters and any other left-wing moron who does not belong to a democratic majority.
The main policy of the ”Regressive Party” would be to ban Democracy, because (1) Its Populist, and (2) Discriminates against Minorities
I love the idea that liberals hate democracy because it discriminates against minorities.Its both funny and true.One slight qualification is that they only hate it when it goes against their wishes, otherwise they are all for it.
US employment rises again in August
the BBC come up with this remarkable comment Economists now think the chances of the US central bank cutting interest rates this month have been reduced
it perhaps proves that the BBC rely on phantom “experts (etc) say” as the possibility of a US rate reduction was never in the frame. The great unknown is when rates will INCREASE.
About 5 years ago, this site was in the top 30 political blogs in the UK. If you visited this site even up to 18 months ago you would have read a pretty spirited no holds barred debate between different opinions. What is so obviously missing now are the many names of all shades of opinion. They didn’t register with the changes last year and never came back. The few pro BBC posters (very few nowadays) are savaged then it seems banned. What a change from the days when Dez, Albaman et al would take on all views and site buzzed with life.
To my mind when Dave Prieser(USA) abandoned this site it started a decline which is now accelerating. When Dave was here, the site was in the top 10000 in the UK, quite extraordinary for a blog without ads. Now its plummeted to 76000. Yes in a year this blog has lost its readership.It now seems to be in freefall as the bulk of the decline has been in the past few months.
The figures are on (scroll down and you’ll see the dialog box to enter the web address). OK some of the recent plunge may be holiday related, but how did this site decline even during Brexit? Vance’s other site, A Tangled Web was equally well thought off but is now so irrelevant Alexa can’t rank it. The same fate will befall this site.
The people convinced the BBC is worried about this site need to wake and smell the coffee. Unless it opens up to wider range of views it’ll soon cease to even register on the web.
Guido and Briebart provide more popular alternative, but have original content. everything here is just warmed up. There is a need for a site like this, one that attracts writers as well as readers. When did blog last break a story? Why do the insiders who write for Private Eye never post titbits here?
No doubt I’ll be torn apart, however that’ll just underline the issue. There’s no debate like there used to be.
From memory, I think the reason he gave was that there was too much on here about islam/muslims and not enough on BBC bias.
He still posts his excellent comments on .
David was always a very decent poster here. Sensitive , intelligent and fair. I was a bit worried that he left because of any anti-semitic posts. As I say, I was away for a few years. As for bursts of “bad language “. I have to plead guilty to that. But I seem to remember him coming out with some anglo-saxon expletives too !
Anyway, he is still posting on Craig’s site, albeit to a smaller audience.
I don’t go back as far as some here but I understand that David Preiser was American, in which case perhaps he didn’t understand how deep an impact Islam is having on Europe? Islam seems to be top of the BBC’s victim totem pole so I don’t see how it can be avoided. Many of the comments here are simply pointing out things that BBC employees wouldn’t dare. However, we are amateurs with other priorities in our lives and it shouldn’t be necessary to submit draft comments to a lawyer before pressing the “post” button.
So far as outsiders’ wider range of views are concerned, I get the impression that debate is the last thing they want and requests for facts in support of their assertions are frequently ignored. Name calling and parading their superior morality seems to be the norm.
IMO, too many so-called journalists in the MSM walk on eggshells and things that need to be said are suppressed. Not just within the BBC, but in declining newspapers like the DT as well. If that happens here in order to appease those who cannot abide robust comments about a religion which, IMO, is just a cult, we will lose a lot and gain very little.
So far as relevance is concerned, it has become easier to find criticism of the BBC elsewhere, so perhaps this site has actually been quite successful?
And finally, taking the p**s is not necessarily frivolous. In my opinion it serves a useful purpose in highlighting foolishness, hypocrisy and ridiculous superstition. Respect has to be earned.
As a Jew, I can see why he might be sensitive to any hint of persecution, particularly from the relative safety of the US – and I don’t mean that sarcastically. It would be interesting, however, to hear his views on Jews who are allegedly leaving France in significant numbers.
Tried to find him through Google. Is this him perhaps:
Good point. My family are ” mixed Jewish”.I am part Jewish. But I shall never understand why the Left are siding with Islam. Seems weird. I thought “religion is the opium of the people ” . !
I think we are saying pretty much the same things. I’d add that MS Brewer is an example of someone who was readily accepted as a regular when she found us.
Maria, I agree with what you say. Some of the trolls in those days used to attack David Preiser because they said effectively that an American had no right to an opinion regarding the BBC, despite the BBC expressing very strong opinions about American politics. The thing that I believe really got to him (I hope I understood him right) is that there were some people on here whose opinions about Islam departed from the factual and went into downright racism.
There should be no problem with attacking Islam the religion (see how Christianity is attacked) and no problem with attacking it for its evil political side, and no problem attacking some Muslims personally (Choudary for instance) but some went too far regularly.
Things like rounding up all muslims and shooting them etc. are not acceptable and do real harm to this site’s credibility. David and Alan decided to take a firm hand with these “people” as well as kicking off trolls who come on here and do nothing but disrupt threads and make personal attacks but then start crying when people retaliate.
Nothing wrong with genuine debate, most would welcome Beeboids arguing points coherently rather than pointing out minor things such as when people claim the BBC has not covered a topic, they highlight something that had been well hidden a few days ago. They never come on here to discuss BBC bias except saying it doesn’t happen! This site may have faults but is better since it has been monitored and people who disrupt regularly are treated harshly
The rounding up muslims was used as an example. I can’t remember any exact particular quotes but they were effectively talking about extreme anti-muslim actions and totally distasteful. Very few in number and quite probably false flags but since David and Alan have taken a firmer hand that sort of thing is now very rare.
Maria Brewin
‘So far as criticism is concerned, I’m firmly within the “sticks and stones” camp.’ Probably an age thing.”
I am with you there on that one – Al Beeb certainly don’t that .
Its not PC.
Al Beeb invented Political Correctness. That’s why they just can’t do comedy any more, they have ‘boxed themselves in’ .
Talking of comedy, did anyone else listen to the Museum of Curiosity yesterday evening on R4?
I didn’t hear one joke about Farage, Trump, or Brexit. Nearly fell of me perch. Maybe someone up there at the BBC is listening? Mind you, I did miss the first 10 minutes so maybe they slipped one in early.
Mind you (again), it wasn’t side-splittingly funny, more sort of smile and occasional giggle, but generally entertaining and amusing.
Re people being banned, I’m also relatively new here so I think I must have missed all the action. The only poster I have seen banned was DDDD for repeated and flagrant anti-Semitic invective, but no one else.
There are a number of trolls who come here to disrupt IMO, they are tolerated because they are, of course, entitled to their opinion – but as Maria said I don’t think they are interested in rational debate, and generally don’t add much to the discussion.
I am also a fan of reading the comments on Guido and Breitbart but much prefer to post here, I enjoy the fact that it’s a relative backwater, more like chatting in the pub than debating at Hyde Park Corner.
Grant, I really think it was the anti-Islam comments that upset him. I haven’t noticed many anti-semitic posts here at all.
I also enjoyed his posts which were cultured and intelligent but, in my view, he misread the political climate in Europe, failing to realise just how seriously many consider the threat from Islam.
9/11 notwithstanding, this is a common failing in the USA I find and it stems from their relative lack of exposure to wholesale immigration from Muslim countries. Where they are worried, it tends to be about Mexicans – not something that troubles us much, so we have a tendency to misunderstand that perceived threat to them.
I don’t think anyone is going to ‘tear you apart’ Invicta, for the simple reason that this is not essentially a hostile blog, unless people come here deliberately to star flame wars. If you have been reading since the referendum you will have seen a number of newcomers, all of whom, as far as I am aware, have been received cordially.
Harking back to the days of Dez suggests to me that your memory is at variance with mine. Dez (who I am quite sure has been here recently) was involved in some pretty violent altercations, as was, in his day Reith. Flames (going both ways) are nothing new here and, indeed, you will probably recall the schism when the then owner of the blog banned a number of users, who promptly went off and started a rival which soon threatened to eclipse this one. It was David Vance who enabled us to reassemble here when he adopted a less confrontational (I’m choosing my words carefully) approach.
Your central points seems to be that the blog is dwindling in importance. This we simply cannot know. Alexa statistics are widely questioned. In the absence of any reliable metric (and whatever is claimed, there simply isn’t one) all one can do is apply guesswork, inspired or otherwise.
I can however, think of one factor that would account for dwindling participation on this site: its poor technical reliability and user unfriendliness. In my own case, the downtime, the sometimes terrible lag in comments registering and other bugs, have definitely put me off and I doubt I am alone. This isn’t a criticism of David Vance, it’s simply a matter of fact that would account for dwindling participation, if that was the case.
Another would be the development of competition and might I suggest that using Order Order as an example of success was perhaps not the best choice? Guido’s attitude to his own commenters – ‘no one reads the comments’ as he began a mass cull – led to the formation of Going Postal which has been a hugely successful introduction, draws well over 3,000 comments every day and does so despite being far, far ruder and more outspoken than this blog and its commenters ever are. Significantly, trolls are despatched swiftly and terminally over there.
Don’t forget, either, that one has to register to comment here and not with some (theoretically) impartial service like Disqus. That puts people off, though I suspect it is necessary.
The problem with BBBC- assuming you are right and that there is one – isn’t, I believe, a monoculture of opinions, nor intolerance of argument (assuuming it is well presented), it is the result of technical issues, growing competition (Going Postal is, frankly, much faster and more fun that this site)and in no small part the result of the systematic trolling by the people you seem to be implying should be tolerated. Trolls drive people away. That is one of their reasons for trolling.
Sites come and sites go. There are things I don’t enjoy about this one but a lack of diversity isn’t one of them.
I am suspicious of your figures in that the number of comments and likes per post seems remarkably similar over many months indicating no decline.
As to diversity, blogs by definition attract like minded people – the trollers aside.
Anyone with a variation on our themes, when critical of others, usually gets a fair wind.
There was definitely a drastic reduction in numbers of “likes” once the registration process was brought in. Some of the more popular comments could attract over 200 likes (if I remember rightly). And you don’t need to be a registered user to like a comment, so obviously far fewer people were reading them.
Edward.Most of what you post is inaccuarate and always at odds with our posts. We are free to criticise you. Do you think you have more rights than we do so that you can criticise but not be criticised? Apparently you do and being a BBC supporter and cultural Marxist Idon’t expect otherwise.
“Some of the more popular comments could attract over 200 likes (if I remember rightly). And you don’t need to be a registered user to like a comment, so obviously far fewer people were reading them.”
Chink in your armour there, Edward. The MO was long ago rumbled.
I did post a while back that a Disqus type disclosure of ‘uptick’ identities might be useful.
I have been reading and commenting on this website for over 13 years. I first came across it when I was appalled at the BBC’s coverage of GWII. There was a period after that when the posts were very few and far between. At one stage there was a post with over 900 comments without any new input. BBBC was dead on its feet. DV (pbuh) adopted the site and revitalised it.
The BBC’s bias goes on unabated. Whether the ratings go up or down it doesn’t matter, the message is spreading that the BBC IS biased.
“The few pro BBC posters (very few nowadays) are savaged then it seems banned.”
True. Any comments that might have a whiff of defending the BBC are regarded as pro-BBC and the poster is accused of being a BBC employee or a troll. Any attempt to drum up a constructive debate is thwarted by a few biasedBBC “residents” who seem to have a canny knack of steering the conversation away from the original point and into a circular argument, accusing the imposter of various thought-crimes even though the thoughts were introduced into the debate by the accusers – the “straw man fallacy”.
I’ve been running websites for almost 20 years now and used to have various message boards (remember them?). The biggest problem I used to have was spam messages being posted to the message boards, mostly from Russian IP addresses, but the next biggest problem was from trolls.
Trolls get banned! No argument there.
However, some users were “borderline” trolls, and I discovered that they could push a conversation to the very edge of acceptability without breaking any legalities. Not only that, but they could attract hundreds of comments and return hits, maintaining the popularity of the website. These borderline trolls were good for trade!
But the secret is to give them as good as they give, and that’s to refute their arguments concisely. Unfortunately that doesn’t happen here because it’s a clique of likeminded people becoming even more likeminded through anti-BBC backslapping. “Well done you! You hate the BBC almost as much as I do. Let’s be friends.”
Almost all the counter-arguments consist of accusations and unrelated questions – never a convincing rebuttal.
It’s a shame, because the credibility of a website such as this – where we come together to expose BBC bias – is damaged because of the lack of balanced views, and where legitimate comments in defence of the BBC are effectively outlawed.
As is the bi-annual ‘concerned reader’ post speaking on behalf of all from a rare poster, that gets a sad endorsement from one apparently less concerned with actual BBC censorious HYS activity, Facebook flaming and modding than on a private forum.
I have defended the BBC on here when necessary or even given praise to the BBC where it is due. I think other B-BBC users who post have done the same but cannot recall specific examples. You will have to search for yourself.
In the normal run of a week, however, there is usually too much to criticise to have spare time for praising or defending the BBC. Is it what you are here to do? Should you not have declared yourself as requested by the site owner and other regular users as you were asked to do, a few weeks ago?
If you wish to engage with other posters, please do the honourable thing and own up. Otherwise I, for one, will ignore you or ask the Moderator to take you down.
Al Beeb Wales headline news – banging the gong along with Oxfam for refugees in Wales , lack of jobs, housing, health etc etc . Well how about sorting the jobs, health and well being for Welsh people first ? Are the Oxfam people working as volunteers or do they get paid ?
Headline two, concern for the Gay pride festival ‘Cardiff Pride’
Is Al Beeb interested in what the majority of people in Wales want ?
Time to get rid of the absurd Licence Fee – then perhaps the the people of Wales will be heard ?
Are any Welsh Assembly members listening ?
I understand courtroom artists must work from memory but they should at least take their notes in the right courtroom. Hope this one never gets e-fit duty, what value to the licence payer anyway as there are so many photos of Maxwell already in circulation.
Well what a week for GBP on the Foreign- Exchanges. Up nearly 3 cents against the $. Massively stronger against the EUR. All the UK statistics this week have been positive. House prices are rising outside London.
BBC did you miss all this ?
Even though I own my house I disagree that rising house prices are a good thing, but I accept that’s a minority view.
The BBC will however spin any news good or bad to fit its anti Brexit pro EU position.
Lock 13.
Yes, of course they did. But they managed to comment that the current very low interest rates were bad news for savers.
Doom and Gloom about Brexit must be maintained at all times. I think this may be a condition of Charter Renewal.
Hopped around on Freeview across the channels last night. Can well see why it`s free.
Something on about a woman murdering her friend, usual border rows from the old Commonwealth-but, an awful lot about gangs.
London-Paris and Belize-Crips and Blood tribute acts-basically gangs…lots of`em international solidarity and usual “poverty innit” excuses.
Can see why it`s free-just softening us up for rap, drugs-and drug wraps of course.
Well done Freeview…wonder if Ross Kemp will tell us something about Hugo Chavez gangs who are attacking protesters in Venezuela?
Or is only the left who get the free passes to have their dirty washing put to one side as ever?
Freeview has been a bit of a con. The technical quality is often low and the number of channels devoted to shopping and porn is disproportionate. If you consider all the spurious +1 hour repeat channels, there really is very little to watch on it – certainly little to exercise the brain.
Listened to Alf Dubs-useful Labour Jewish MP of old.
He`s a very handy BBC shill for migrants isn`t he?
No questions about Labour and its Anti Semitism…but plenty flannel about why none of his Calais children are anything under 24, and invariably blokes…God knows what becomes of any females eh?…but Alf`s not too fussed.
Today is a joke inst it?…this mornings “Jungle Rock” of a slush puppy story for Alf and Humphrys to tickle the breeze( no guns to shoot remember?)only the latest Jungle Bunny of a story to stir the liberal polenta pot.
Still though-made me think-what`s the difference between people traffickers and slavers and drug smugglers…and councils and quangos pushing their prey round Kent foster care homes and arranging their drugs for them?
Just a matter of degree i`d have thought.
You missed the revelation that it costs an average of £50,000 per annum to look after a refugee ‘child’ under the age of 18 (why? no questions on that from the Toady team) and that they then have to be looked after until the age of 24. That from the Kent Council chap who to be fair has to clear up the mess dumped on him in Dover.
My observation is that the luvvies and lefties and liberals wanting us to take in all these ‘vulnerable children’, often aged around 18 and coming to the UK in order to avoid military service in their country of origin, are the very same luvvies and lefties and liberals who want to lower the voting age to 16.
It can only be a matter of time before the taxpayer has to support a new minority – ‘vulnerable young voters’ – with a nice pressure group to insist on it. And since nearly all of these voters will be men, sorry boys, the wimmins’ groups will also have to be placated.
Taff – Where to begin with the C of E? Bunch of useless Leftie hand-wringing impotents. Used to be the Tory Party at prayer, now very much the Labour Party at prayer. Without the balls.
The so-called Church of so-called England are so pathetically pusillanimous they don’t even speak out against the wholesale oppression, butchery, slaughter, torture and rape of Christians in many parts of the world, mostly muslim of course (while always, always, defending islam and muslims in UK and demanding we take more migrants like that idiot Pope). It’s as if they’re afraid to be seen as partial in favour of Christians. IT’S YOUR DUTY TO BE PARTIAL, MORONS.
Please forgive me for the following Jesuit Oath but I believe many of these vatican storm troopers are now showing their success within the CofE;
The Extreme Oath of the Jesuits
“I, _________ now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary (Jesus doesn’t come into it until way down the line).
I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals, or obedience to any of the laws, magistrates or officers. (so to break the Church, Civil and Judicial laws is nothing to the Jesuits).
I do further declare, that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of his Holiness’ agents in any place wherever I shall be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Ireland or America, or in any other Kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants of Liberals’ doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, regal or otherwise. (Errmm, so we can bet they have been assiting those CofE gay vicars in their claims for gay marriage).
I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume my religion heretical, for the propaganda of the Mother Church’s interest, to keep secret and private all her agents’ counsels from time to time, as they may entrust me and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred covenant.
( So the Jesuits will even pretend to be Heritics and Enemies of the Roman Catholic Church while working behind the scenes for Her).
I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ. ( I suppose this mind-boggling statement says it all really. If one can gain control of the will and mind of men like this anything can be achieved).
Not so. The most popular Boy’s name is Mohammed. Several variants in spelling add up to it being the most popular. (There’s only one way to spell ‘Oliver’).
So, Religionists of Peace launch a dual attack in Northern Pakistan, one on a Christian Community, one on lawyers in a courtroom. Some news outlets prioritise the Christian story, others 50-50. Al-beeb tuck away the whole article under Asia, and guess what their headline is? Yep, “Pakistan blast at court leaves several dead in Mardan”. And the Christians get barely a mention, 2 lines in total: “Also on Friday, four suicide bombers targeted a Christian neighbourhood near Peshawar before being shot dead”. ALSO! Almost an afterthought, oh, by the way. Speaks volumes about the beeb pecking order, with superstitious Christians firmly at the bottom, way below educated lawyers apparently – you know, sophisticated folk like us journos, probably drink lattes.
It would appear that US outfit called Judicial Watch have unearthed some more damning facts on St Hillary and St Bill + plus various Clinton foundations & emails.
It makes the Hamiltons look like amateurs WRT “Cash For Access”.
The “Great & Good” of the metropolitan elite are venturing into dangerous areas with their continuous lies.
More bleeding heart reporting from the Med. Interesting to note that the ‘pickups’ are just outside the 12 mile zone from Libya, and yet its a 4 hour boat ride to Lampadusa. A child could work out that its quicker to deposit the ‘rescued’ back to the shores of Libya. An argument has been made that it wont stop the attempts to cross the Med, but do it enough times and it must have some impact. As it stands the boats are just free ferries which will never end until Africa is empty.
Is Newsnight really serious or just a moving picture version of the Guardian now. ?
I saw some of it tonight. A snowflake doctor being interviewed by Emily and it was just incomprehensible. No idea what they were on about.Then a piece on slavery and that was just as bad. Firstly it was concerning the USA and secondly it was also incomprehensible. Then a piece of ritualised Trump bashing over Mexico. That was the usual. The wall and the inconsiderate desire of the USA to maintain it’s borders. That Mexico is a failing state was pretty obvious but the interviewer and the interviewed seemed unable to make the connection.
It is time to close the show for good.
Rhif saith
“Like most BBC “factual” and “news” programmes.”
AlBeeb don’t do factual news programmes any more. They don’t even do comedy any more .
Scrap the licence fee and privatise them.
We watched a little little of Newsnight, the first time for ages. Whilst we are hearing that the doctors have the public support, not in this house. The simpering young female doctor said she cried and cried on her way home from the picket line was pathetic. She did a theatrical performance of ‘poor little me’. Emily could have asked her what she earned, what hours she was doing and how much of them were paid at an enhanced rate, what hours had she expected to do when she went into the profession. Nothing, just the bobbing head from Emily to she she agreed with the poor dear.
While the rest of the country are concerned about Islamic acts being carried out on their loved ones, the EU falling apart and creating social chaos on the continent (leading to fall out here in the UK), mass immagrantion putting strains on supply of homes, education, health, and social division…. The ‘self styled’ champions of the people are trying to hold our society to ransom because they aren’t getting their own way! The self-serving, self-interested, anti-tory, strike happy anarchists that have infested ALL public services and have hijacked the doctors pay deal, are doing so because they believe they are better than anyone else and deserve more for being vastly more important to the world than everyone else.
Be in no doubt, every single one of these money junkie, strike warriors will be completely anti-brexit, anti-austerity, pro mass immigration, pro Islam….because its what they want!!! It’s all about them, what benefits them, and because it makes them feel better about themselves and their warped guilt they have been brainwashed to feel for being white people.
Also seems that the BMAs Junior Doctor Committee has been infiltrated by the hard left – back to the 80s style. Of course not investigated or reported by the BBC.
When I think back to the years when Dirk Bogarde played Simon Sparrow in Doctor in the House, it was a time when we respected our medical staff – junior or otherwise (admittedly the clinicians were all mainly hideously white and no migrant population to overwhelm the NHS), it was unthinkable that those who took the Hippocratic Oath and who trained in their chosen profession paid for by the tax payer, would put patients lives at risk by refusing to work. Ok I am biased here, I’m on a 5 month waiting list in great pain for a hip replacement, at this rate it could be next Easter before I even see the inside of a hospital ward. I think this is a sad insight and further evidence of the me me me generation. Sir Lancelot (James Robertson Justice) would soon kick them up the arse !
Breaking News on DM: “Has the BBC been hacked by ISIS? Social media abuzz after millions receive breaking news alert in BENGALI”
Won’t come as a surprise to any of us, probably just testing the waters.
And Robert, as an ex BBC editor you should know better my friend. Implementing a bit of Taqiyya are we?
The migrant crisis has recalled to my mind a film called The March, aired by the BBC in 1990. Wilkipedia says: ‘The plot concerns a charismatic Muslim leader from the Sudan who leads 250,000 Africans on a 3000 mile march towards Europe with the slogan “We are poor because you are rich”.’ (Apparently Jean Raspail complained about similarities to his 1973 novel, The Camp of the Saints.)
Obviously it seems eerily close to the real life drama unfolding (though it seemed far-fetched at the time of broadcasting). It’s strange that the BBC hasn’t seen fit to repeat it. Or perhaps not so strange? Maybe they feared it might drive even more ‘racists’ towards Brexit!
Does anyone remember the plot? A Google search revealed very little about the film. It’s almost as though somebody wanted to hide evidence of it.
Never heard of it but it is here,
Only two reviews, the first dated 2010 from Denmark begins,
“We watched this in Geography class today.” That short sentence poses many questions on a whole range of issues.
Sounds like the usual nonsense.
“We are poor because we are thick” would have been a truer slogan.
Japan and Germany were piles of rubble after WW2.
South Korea in the same state in 1954, lower GDP than Ghana IIRC.
The populations in the three states mentioned buried their dead, rolled up their sleeves and started rebuilding what had been destroyed, and improving upon it.
Conceded that these states received aid. This did not, however, create the transformation from rubble to industrial powerhouse, it did enable it to happen sooner.
Intelligent, industrious peoples = success.
Unintelligent peoples (Africans) = failure. Example N Rhodesia transformed into Zimbabwe.
Failures with next to no history because they lived next to literate societies for two thousand years and only used writing for Islamic and Christian purposes.
No history of intellectual achievement whatsoever.
Ditto the African diaspora. No sign whatsoever of any creativity by these people.
Bottom of the pile intellectually and economically, winners in the incompetent criminal department.
I don’t, in fact, think the explanation of why societies succeed or fail is primarily down to intelligence. (Apart from anything else, intelligence is just an average, and there are plenty of intelligent people in a society with even a lower intelligence average).
No, I think the reasons are cultural, not racial.
Culture is the collective set of memories, expectations of the behaviour of others, knowledge, sense of humour etc shared by people living in a delineated area and built up gradually over hundreds or thousands of years.
These cultural factors do not change, even after catastrophes such as war, and the people in the society just set about rebuilding what they had before. It is the natural, human, thing to do. For example, in Germany, Japan etc the people knew all the things they expected were entirely possible and just got on with it.
Failed cultures do not share these expectations. They do not build a successful society because they do not have the collective memory and expectation of that society. Instead they rely on a more primitive tribal culture, where allegiances are far more local to their immediate family or people with power over them. This is still a type of ‘culture’ of course, but I suggest it is more primitive as the more advanced cultures enable and encourage/reward individuals for thinking beyond their immediate tribal group and of the greater good of their fellows.
A micro-example of this I’d suggest is littering. I would not drop litter, for example, even in an area in which I didn’t live, because it is not my culture to diminish the quality of life of people around me, even if we will never meet.(If you like, I recognise that their benefit may eventually lead to my benefit in the future). On the other hand, I observe daily that people originating from other cultures do not mainly have this respect for the area around them.
Unfortunately, you can’t just create a successful culture out of nothing. It takes a long time to develop.
Equally unfortunately, a determined opponent of a successful culture can also destroy it by importing a population who do not share this common cultural heritage in sufficient numbers to destabilise it. Even though an advanced culture has some considerable resilience, there must be a breaking point where the things that made that culture unique can no longer be assumed, and the culture effectively breaks down to a lower more primitive state.
Do not agree.
If the most intelligent people available cannot perform the advanced mathematics required their Society will not be creating robots, travelling to the moon, developing better computers or doing anything at all cutting edge or new in medicine, science or technology.
To date Negroes have been awarded exactly zero Nobel science prizes. Not due to racism, due to their inability. Ditto, AFAIK, Native Americans North and South. Ditto, AFAIK, Native Australians.
To date Muslims (population c1,500,000,000) have been awarded exactly three Nobel science prizes; one to a member of a sect that the Sunni and Shia do not recognise as Islamic.
Japanese (population c130,000,000) twenty two Nobel Science prizes.
There are more first class minds in one street in Tel Aviv, maybe in one house in Tel Aviv, than there are in the whole of black Africa or in the whole of the Islamic world.
There are more first class minds in one street in Tel Aviv, maybe in one house in Tel Aviv, than there are in the whole of black Africa or in the whole of the Islamic world.
and I think this surely must be pure speculation, or is there any evidence to support this?
I doubt it.
Despite the documented slight differences in average IQ between different racial groups I have seen (oriental > caucasian > negroid) this still doesn’t alter the fact that there is wide variation in IQ within a population. There must therefore be millions of highly intelligent people in each group.
The reasons Islamic societies do not get many Nobel prizes I’m sure are primarily cultural. Islam itself has a profoundly regressive effect on any population due to its highly prescriptive and backward looking perspective. Innovation and originality outside of narrow cultural norms are discouraged and the religion itself by definition can hardly – if ever – advance beyond the cultural expectations of the seventh century.
I think evidence for this comes from Pakistan/India. Until partition when India gained independence from Britain, these were one country, sharing essentially the same culture (OK I’m simplifying a little here). After partition, Pakistan separated itself from India and the cultures of the two countries have developed separately ever since. Few would doubt that India has a more advanced culture than Pakistan with better functioning democracy and far more highly developed science and technology industries, for example.
I’m sure if any of us suddenly were transported back 100 years to our respective cultural origins I think we would fit right in. Despite there being no robots or space travel then this does not mean those people were any less intelligent than us. These advancements came about because they were facilitated by superior cultures which encourage innovation.
I cant claim expertise in statistics on IQ intelligence between cultures, but I do see that Indian parents push their offspring to attain high achievement in the professions (child geniuses are invariably Asian). Black parents – whether of Afro Carribean/African/American origin have a laid back attitude to most aspects of life and this tends to feed down to their children, so high attainment in school is not what it should be given the numbers in school classrooms. Oriental parents again have a hard work ethic and are probably the politest of all cultures which is evident in their children. I wouldn’t know where to start on the caucasion populations !!!
I don’t really have a dog in this fight, but a couple of points spring to mind.
“There are more first class minds in one street in Tel Aviv, maybe in one house in Tel Aviv, than there are in the whole of black Africa or in the whole of the Islamic world.”
I interpret this as pure rhetoric. However, I believe it has been pointed out before that Israel has a very impressive record in research, and in winning Nobel prizes. The UK isn’t too shabby either.
“These advancements came about because they were facilitated by superior cultures which encourage innovation.”
Fine, but where do these “superior cultures” come from in the first instance? Just a thought.
Fine, but where do these “superior cultures” come from in the first instance? Just a thought.
An interesting question, and perhaps one where I will have to contradict myself a little.
It seems to me that the superior cultures have developed in areas generally where the climate requires the development of some sort of technology to survive. ie it is harder to survive long-term in a cooler climate than a warm one. I suspect this would create a selection for intelligence, where the more intelligent groups would survive (as they can find new ways to adapt in a challenging environment) and the less intelligent would not.
This small difference may have led to the development of superior cultures. A series of minor steps – rewarding innovation – has resulted in large differences between the resulting cultures.
Now we are no longer answerable to the perils of our environment in any meaningful sense I expect this no longer applies. As someone said, we now largely select for lack of intelligence and ability to feed off others, certainly in our political class.
One person in 5 (approx.) is a Muslim.
One person in 500 (approx.) is Jewish.
Ergo Muslims should win 100X more Nobel Science prizes than Jews.
But they don’t, Muslims have 3 Science Prizes, Jews have 126 Science prizes, 42X.
Ergo Jews are, per capita, 4200 times more likely to win a Nobel Science prize than a Muslim.
Figures are approximate.
Historical, cultural and other factors are involved here and I do not suggest that it even possible to accurately quantify these. You have chosen to concentrate on this.
Changes to science and technology are produced by a very small number of people. How small I do not know. These people are, without exception highly intelligent, yes this is another assertion which I cannot prove but I hope you will agree that it is a persuasive assertion.
Low paid, unskilled jobs are disappearing fast everywhere in the developed world. Many of those still left will be taken over by robots soon (how soon?).
Jobs for the uneducated and the unintelligent will become increasingly rare. These people will survive on benefits or crime, this is already happening to some extent.
Unfortunately, the unintelligent are the ones whose reproduction rate is the highest. Due to the tendency of high IQ females to have no family or smaller families today, together with the fact that intelligence is partly (how much is disputed) inherited we may expect a decrease in the numbers of the people we need the most.
For the first time in history we have unnatural selection.
We have always had unemployment, this will get worse. We do not need immigrants, we never have. We sure as hell do not need unintelligent ones now, they will be a drain on our resources, an increasing drain as they procreate.
I am ignoring the, not unimportant, fact that some of them want to kill us.
Islam was a parasitic phenomenon what it was in its pomp.
Could only expand once it had slashed and burned its way across Europe and North Africa.
Raids the larders, puts goats where sheep and vineyards would have been, has no regard for conservation or renewal seeing as its there to expand…not consolidate.
Uses the non-believers to fund it, uses the conquered brains and talents for its own comfort and decadence before the beheadings.
Muhammad did the same-they are to emulate Muhammad.
Very adept at using the host technology to replicate itself..planes of phones etc are sanctified by the usage before the reversion to the Stone Age.
But they DO value education and history above most else, hence the Trojan Horse stuff.
Their infestation is a blessing from Allah and vindicates their actions…and , seeing as nothing good exists outside the Koran, then libraries and science get burned or reduced to stemming an amputation staunch before the emir walks by in his long white robes.
No ,Islam is Gods revenge on an unbelieving, stupid and godless world…you reject Jesus?…reason?…history and your own culture?
Well-here`s one in a black shroud with demon eyes for you-and you`ll not be rejecting THAT so easily.
And what do THEY give in return?
Stupid bugger-they give you ISLAM…and that is ALL they need to give you, all else is froth.
So far so good eh Anjem?
All, without exception, media entities, MP’s, economists and fans of globalisation, fail to understand that the reason, in my considered opinion, for falling birth rates in developed countries, is all down to the huge cost and commitment required to bring up said children. Two people on minimum wage and working shifts are always going to struggle.
A decent job (for both parents), prospects, a home, available affordable childcare, good schools and healthcare are all a thing of the past and all have a bearing on a sensible persons decision to have, or not, children.
Of course, if you are popping them out courtesy of the DSS and potentially multiple wives then it doesn’t matter. Then again, these mainly disadvantaged children aren’t highly likely to produce the next generations of prize winning scientists and great thinkers.
I think we’re getting through to them. 6 .30 headline was “PM tells G20 that in spite of Brexit, U.K. is open for business”. I would have thought “because of Brexit.” more appropriate. By 7.00 it became “following Brexit”.
Onwards and upwards,
Pictures are finally emerging of the man allegedly responsible for killing Oliver Dearlove in Blackheath, SE London, last weekend:
Took rather longer to appear than the picture of Joshua Dobby, who is accused of killing a child and his aunt in a police car chase.
Maybe there are practical reasons for this, but it doesn’t explain why a simple description wasn’t released when witnesses were able to explain in some detail how he was punched and fell to the ground.
And yet all over the headlines, TV and radio when a poor Polish guy is murdered by a gang of youths in a ‘hate crime’ in Essex. Biased journalism at its best.
I posted yesterday that a man living at the same address, same surname, different given name (not Christian, that’s haram) was convicted of murder by beating/stabbing in 2005. Google the surname and ‘Black Kalendar’.
He said others did it and he was a witness – CCTV proved otherwise.
Andrew – Standard beeb strategy: delay posting ’embarrassing’ / ‘awkward’ names and pix as long as poss. Then by the time they do, everyone’s half-forgotten about the original story or crime, thereby reducing the impact.
Trendy female vicar reviews the papers on BBC TV news. She starts off by telling us that Mother Theresa is a feminist icon. So for all unsure of what she did, now you know. The trendy lady vicar goes on to quote extensively from the Guardian and the Mirror. The need to support the Calais migrant camp ‘ by all surrounding counties’ is essential and ‘ basic stuff’ she says.
Why is the Church of England withering away? The Church that once commanded the allegiance however nominal of a majority in our country and represented our culture and values.The answer is that the Church only represents the same minority that the BBC panders too,left- liberal virtue signallers.
The Bishop of Grantham, referred to f as ‘ Bishop Nick’, is forced out because the media are about to say he is in a gay relationship. Apparently the Archbishop of Canterbury knew all about it when he appointed him. It’s not an issue he says. The BBC reporter standing in front of Lambeth Palace says ‘few people will of heard of his man and few will care how he spends his spare time’. The combined BBC/C of E message couldn’t be clearer. I’m not anti- gay or particularly religious but the C of E I grew up with was not like this and for better or worse it did not condone or allow gay marriage or gay priests for reasons of religious principle. The Church cannot survive if its abandons its religion in order to follow trendy cultural trends of the moment and aims to appeal to a left wing minority only. Perhaps the BBC is also doomed but not until we have a government that will act tough with it in the interests of the majority who fund it.
Beware killer micro beeds everyone. You can’t see them but they are deadly according to the BBC. Some Vicar has come out of the closet. The Chinese are close to ratifying some climate change thingy apparently (bollox). Little Mikey sports presenter still can’t tie his own tie properly. We have Charlie getting more effeminate by the week , sitting next to some geezer bird on the sofa. Oh I am so glad I don’t watch any of this crap on the BBC in the week. Where is Nana is she having a lie in because she is on some stupid dancing show. I saw an article on the Bake a cake show in the paper and had to laugh as I could not pronounce one of the contestant names. Noah is a very popular boys name (Sssh -don’t mention the most popular boys name in the UK is Mohammed) Lady left vicar to review the papers no idea what she was talking about. BBC business as usual.
Harrabin crowing that the Paris Climate “Treaty” is all but done and dusted, with China signed, and Obama about to at the G20 – which, apparently means that so far, 40% of the required 54% of the required signatures will have been gleaned – almost sufficient to pass it into International Law. The whole thing is bollocks, of course, however the pundits all said that like the previous COPS, agreement and ratification would never happen. It looks like it will happen, after all, to the detriment of all of us (even though we all know that it’s meaningless).
Yes, GW, they do do science and just like other substances* which they think they know well, they get science completely and utterly wrong such as illustrating an item heading ‘Why do lithium batteries explode?’ with an image of alkaline and silver oxide batteries on the main web-site Home Page yesterday and today. Reminds me of a certain Dr., who used to appear on the BBC a lot, who seemed to think that rail locomotives ran on air and generated no CO2 emissions!
* CO2 and champagne of course, not necessarily together. Whatever did you think I meant by ‘other substances’ and the BBC?
Thanks, Stew. Probably should have had a go at that myself & developed a new skill. Better have a go soon. How long before the BBC start to copyright their web-site and demand money for it?
alt printscreen does a screen shot, then crop the segment, then uploaded it to my website to get the URL to point.
– A shorter cut is to just rightclick over the existing image and select “copy image URL”
I’m well used to being appalled by Harrabin’s biased reporting on ‘climate change’, but this morning’s offering on the Today programme was one of his most blatant contributions. He even mentioned a projected temperature of 2.7°C rise at one point, a vastly over-amplified figure put out years ago by fanatical climate subscientists, but now rejected (at last) by the IPCC, who now admit to a little over 1°C. Harrabin was, in effect, lying. And why does one think China has agreed to ratify the Paris agreement? Clearly not with the intention of abiding by it, but simply to induce the US to sign, thereby putting a break on growth in the US and giving themselves a great advantage in energy costs and therefore trade. No rational person thinks that China will stop their headlong building of coal-fired power stations – and nor will India. It’s all to do with economic advantage. A lot more could be said, but I’ll leave that to others.
In the ‘red mist’ of my scorn for Harrabin, I overlooked the fact that, under the Paris agreement, China has no obligation whatever to reduce its CO2 emissions (see Global Warming Policy Forum, and others). This, of course, makes Harrabin’s contribution on ‘Today’ even more egregious.
There is no Green Bias on the BBC
There is no Green Bias on the BBC
There is no Green Bias on the BBC
6:07am Open Country : Hoylake: Green Belt and (golf) Greens*
6:30am Farming Today : : Green Belt Debate *
7.50am Thought For The Day : Unchallenged lionising of Green Religion
12:30pm George Monbiot one of 3 panellists on a comedy prog
1pm News : Harrabin misleading in a number of ways
1:10pm Any Questions : with the Green Party’s health spokesman Larry Sanders
(north American voice, lot of foreigners in the Greens leadership)
+ Delingpole + Mouthy D Abbott
* (some progs did include an opposing voice, but that is routinely not the case in News/Science/Drama/Comedy progs..greens are just given the keys to the studio)
Someone phone the Advertising Standards Authority
The radio ad promote promoting the MAGICAL THINKING of smart meters says
“Do you know what Gaz and Leccy are upto all over your home ?.. Of course you don’t know one can”
..Em well ANYONE can look at their meters any time you like and see what your gas and electric usage is upto.
(The only thing is you have to estimate what individual appliances are using.)
I don’t have a “smart meter”, but watching the numbers go round can’t be any more boring than watching most of what the BBC broadcasts as entertainment.
“Attempts to close and prosecute illegal Muslim schools are being impeded by some local authorities anxious not to upset community relations, Ofsted’s chief inspector has warned.
In an interview with The Times, Sir Michael Wilshaw accuses some councils of “getting in the way” of his efforts to stop children from being taught in unregistered schools, without checks on their safety or education.”
Many of the usual suspects are included, Birmingham, Bradford, Luton. Their parents’ votes are too important to the IslamoLabour Party.
Problem is, PeterG, the complaints to the various Council’s fall on Asian ears as they have, in many instances, cheated their way to becoming elected or certainly employed. The pervading sickness of Third World peoples is becoming palpable now and we have to accept this, “Diversity”?
Actually, just pinging (ho ho) back to the forthcoming ban on micro-beads, I would point out that it appears to demonstrate an immediate advantage of the vote to leave the EU.
When the micro-bead problem first surfaced (ho ho, again) last year, the Government position was that it would require a piece of Europe-wide legislation to deal with it. 24 June 2016 and now ‘Britain is going it alone’.
Well done, Treeza! (As she appears to be known by BBC Newscasters and Presenters.)
On the subject of BBC bias, which I noted because it was so immediate and so strong, as one contributor to the post 8.10a.m. NHS Junior Doctor Strike item on TODAY (BBC R4 today) started to state a much overlooked fact about NHS financing and ownership (in effect, “by the people, of the people and for the people”) that Justin Webb immediately jumped in with an interruption.
Important news about the migrant/refugee crisis caused by Merkel: Both the Czech’s and Bulgarians have told Merkel that they will not take any refugees. Along with others in the old Soviet Union bloc refusing to take them, Merkel, acting as the only voice from Europe when she unilaterally invited all in sundry from the Third World to come and take up residence, is rapidly heading for a serious capacity problem. Moreover, the German population are looking increasing likely to revolt shortly despite the BBC’s reporters continually telling us that 50% of Germans still welcome the invaders.
She will bring the big EU money stick out to beat their sorry, dissenting, ex-commie carcasses with in the end. Only then shall we see how deep is their resolve to not end up with explosive Mohammedans taking over Sofia and Prague.
She isn’t one for doing things by committee after all.
Only if they vote in favour of taking migrants,which looks highly unlikely, then the BBC will shout it from the roof topsfor days on end,otherwise the Hungarians will be labelled racists and then the matter will be buried.
Well yes, can see why they`d want to ban microbeads.
I mean-what else with the green mitherers want than yet another attack on Big Capital.
Simply can`t trust the science anymore, given who`s funding,who`s telling me and which quangos and pressure groups seem to wish it.
So-in that spirit…would like a ban on ALL microbeads…and can we have a limit of the diameter of what constitutes a microbead please with a ruling from the UN/EU or suitable pointless and control freaking quango?
I suggest that footballs constitute a microbead…they too are badly sourced, create injustices and end up in the landfill-or a whales gullet?
And -if we`re bothered about this-table tennis balls, golf balls and tennis ones-surely ALL of these should be banned now…am I the ONLY one who cares anymore?
Chris, I know that you know that the Beeb are top of the league when it comes to talking balls. They must, therefore, be right.
I look forward to the day a suppurating Sondico stuffed sperm whale is dumped on their doorstep all the same.
Of the 23 mugshots, 11 are identifiably white British.
The Beeb is failing to fulfil its’ diversity programme. I would expect to see no more than 6 of the above group.
Bloody racists.
There’s another illustration of the Beeb’s diversity programme in the trailer for ‘Our Girl’, an everyday story of fighting folk. Without this as a useful guide, I would have had simply no idea just how dependent the army is on ethnic recruitment. Just like the NHS, really, in a way.
They wanted her for the part but apparently the cost of a custom-made Kevlar hijab was too high, even for the BBC. Shame really, she’d have added a fresh new dimension to the role of the Catering Corps Mine Clearance Section and improved the morale of the blokes, of all persuasions, at the front.
Loobyloo/NWstu, but compared to the numbers of white indigenous, the others who feature mainly are (so we are told) ‘minority groups’ so, in effect, they carry out more crime disproportionately than the white’s.
Pretty good programme on Radio 4 at 10.30 or so this morning on Radio 4.
Just a run through on dialects and accents from Aberdeen to Penzance-the makers just basically uses the train anoouncements to frame a local accent and to ask their views on how and why they speak as they do.
No agenda as far as I could see-and given the BBC these days-I was grateful for that.
Sadly though, the next half hour was a plea for the worlds endangered languages-as it Hawaiian sub tongues would be missed like the panda!
Hate to say this Brigit( who I like)-but English is the worlds language and we`re blessed to have access to it-had we be born elsewhere, we`d have to have learned it-but we were given it.
So, I`m not worried about Hawaii or Cornwall, Wales or Ireland-they survive, adapt and will survive us if they benefit those wh speak them.
Needs no “Charity Appeal” from Oxbridge handwringers at the BBC.
AS long as “appropriate” “alleged”, “solidarity”and “racist hate crime” get translated first-the BBC need little else in THEIR restricted code of compliances do they?
But -to stay positive-BBC4 did something similar in the week with a two hour silent tour of the Yorkshire Dales on a bus-did more for the North than hours of Melvyn Braggs bellicose, blustering bellyaching on the same.
Professional Notherners like HIM?…Ian McMillan?…get lost BBC, and take your “Northern Correspondents” will you?
The bus trip programme was pleasantly soporific.
Had the aroma of tepid piss, lingering vomit, musty school children and aged farts together with the gentle tinkle of headphone leakage been able to be transmitted, it would have been almost perfection.
The Dales bus trip was a most wonderful programme, which gave as real an impression of travelling though that marvellous region as could be achieved by televisuals. Best of all was that THERE WAS NO MUSIC, which is the absolute scourge of countryside, wildlife, gardening, science, and all other documentary programming. The sounds in the bus programme were quite rightly those from inside the bus, but in other ‘outside’ countryside programmes, I want a true aural adjunct to what is being shown – for example, the sound of wind in the trees, the rustling of leaves, water flowing in a brook, birdsong, a calling deer, maybe a distant tractor or people’s voices in appropriate spots. In other words, exactly what is heard in the country. What I loathe is having to listen to a producer’s choice of techno-beat background music, which is always completely alien to what is being shown. Usually, these days, I have to resort to muting the sound, and use subtitles.
It used to be generally agreed that a reporter’s job was to report – to give his or her reader a fair and unbiased picture of the subject being covered. The following article by Paul Adams appears on the BBC’s website today and I invite fellow BBBCers to read it and decide for themselves whether it in any way meets that criterion. Or whether, in fact, it is further evidence that the BBC is now absolutely incapable of unbiased reporting.
“Germany election: AfD tests Merkel in eastern region”
GCooper, the article is not only biased it is inaccurate. The reporter refers, “……the estimated one million who arrived last year.” That’s a good half a million adrift.
The German Government released figures which put the REGISTERED ‘Refugees’ at 1.3 million. And of that, official Government figures suggest only 2% are working/capable of any work. They are simply a drain on the public purse and will continue to be so. No “Economic Miracle” here, only payouts and crime.
A very good point and perfectly illustrating how the BBC lies to us, day in and day out. How many listeners or readers would have checked that figure, or even paused to doubt its accuracy?
I haven’t watched the bus trip yet but last year’s Christmas Sleigh Ride, following two Sami women and their reindeer on a journey through the most exquisite snow covered land was one of the best things I have ever seen on television.
As you say, no ‘music’, no commentary, just feet on snow and the wind.
The above was supposed to be a response to Martin W’s post about the bus trip. Technical problems as the site stuttered and appeared to crash momentarily.
Police officers threatened to boycott San Francisco 49ers home games in the NFL if they fail to take action to halt anti-racism protests by quarterback Colin Kaepernick.
Bet that one took quite a few rounds up Frankie Howard’s back corridor to craft.
Currently the comments are, for once, on BBC narrative.
Meanwhile, over at the Junior Doctor strike thread….
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
Fedup2Mar 6, 20:06 Midweek 5th March 2025 His principles seem pretty flexible . No politician has anything to say about the torture of Tommy Robinson – agreeing…
tomoMar 6, 19:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 The wacky twits (of any stripe) don’t seemed to be challenged much over there at GBNews… I don’t understand why…
moggiemooMar 6, 19:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Why bother getting an actor to play a lunatic when you can just get in a leftie who actually is…
ScrobleneMar 6, 19:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 The leftie independent radio stations have their fair share of lefties, so it’s easy for me to avoid their ridiculous…
tomoMar 6, 19:44 Midweek 5th March 2025 If rumours are true, amyl nitrate seems a possible starmer stimulant?
StewGreenMar 6, 19:34 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Im surprised TTK hasn’t passed a law that coloured folk charged with crimes can never be named” Oh he could…
StewGreenMar 6, 19:29 Midweek 5th March 2025 GBnews please give up the wacky lefties Right now the lefty is complaining that Trump’s message to Hamas is “mafia…
Bit of a let down for the media. The ‘memorial’ service outside the Home Office (for the little boy who drowned on the beach) appears to have attracted more media than participants. Usual ‘types’ holding banners who want the government to take in more children refugees etc etc. But the reporting journo and cameraman were struggling to report on a handful of people. I’m struggling to keep a straight face.
Yes, we must accept all the refugee children…
I wonder how old these MEN told these young girls they were?
Here we go again with the annual disinformation of ‘baby’ names given in 2015 in England and Wales.
Why not ‘Christian’ names; oh I forgot, the Islamification of our Green and Pleasant land has already taken grip…
‘These latest figures show Oliver is the most popular boys’ name for all regions of England except London and the West Midlands, which both had Muhammad as the top name.’ …..No Sh1t Sherlock!! Nice picture of a hideously white baby.
That raised a good chuckle, D. Then I laughed again at two of the last three words and your posting name.
You could say it was deja vu all over again!
That is seriously creepy…
No sign of Sturgeon/Swinney/Salmond in the MSM to explain Scotland’s latest third world fiscal deficit. As we in Scotland have already slipped into recession due to North Sea Oil in the red for the first time ever, the SNP are spending all their efforts on preventing FOI requests into how much the little shit spent running round Europe post-Brexit trying to find someone that would even speak to her.
….. preventing FOI requests into how much the little shit spent running round Europe ……
Love the description ! am still chuckling.
Careful, mention FOI and the weekend Flokkers get nervous ticks.
Thatcherrev – in deference to the EU, shouldn’t that read “La petite merde”?
Certainly not ” Le petit mort “, in Krankie’s case !
Now there’s an unpleasant image in my head just before bedtime…
No, no. Right on cue, Mrs Krankie emerged this morning warning the Prime Minister that Scotland must not leave the single market. She is sticking to her illusion that Scotland voted to stay in the EU. I’ve checked the question again though, and can confirm we were asked if the UK should stay or go….it said nothing about ‘Scotland’. Perhaps she is a bit challenged in understanding these things.
You are quite right, though. Krankie didn’t have anything to say about an independent Scotland’s dire economic prospects. Must have slipped her mind.
She also seems to share that odd notion that EU junta generals had and still have that such a warning carries extra persuasive heft. Talk about promoted out of her depth.
Krankie wants independence from the most democratic nation on earth and wants to jump in to a corrupt oligarchy. Doesn’t our own parliament have a disproportionate number of Scottish MPs?
I hope our Scottish cousins are not that daft ?
If this turd wants independence she should have the whole of the U.K. voting and not just the jocks. So many are getting fed up with Scotland and the SNP that I think they would get independence as they would, in effect, be voted out of the U.K.
I’d love to see the back of the lazy, whinging, socialist parasites.
Nothing gives me greater pleasure than watching socialism fail, from a safe distance.
Canada is my favourite at the moment.
Elsie’s socialist paradise..
Corruption is Krankie’s natural habitat along with the rest of the SNP. So far as I am aware, she is still refusing to divulge the extent of her expenses in connection with Brexit. There are many issues. On top of that , she is not the sharpest tool in the box. She makes May look almost intelligent.
She’d be out of her depth in a puddle.
Love it !!
If Scotland gets independence and somehow joins the EU and becomes a vassal state of Brussels then reality says that we will have full scale border controls .Inevitable since Brexit is all about border security.
It will not affect England and Wales much but tight controls will be necessary to prevent Calais style situations near Carlisle and Berwick
Wee krankie will have to explain this away to her fellow Scots. Likewise in N.Ireland despite the current and pre dating the EU free movement. Although I am sure the Irish will not be as unreasonable as the Scots under the SNP will be.
Rather than running around, I usually picture Wee Jimmie driving a pedal car.
You can’t refer to the Garden Gnome named Sturgeon in such disrespectful language…………..
LOL too true! As a Scot, I know that the Scottish National (Socialist Workers) Party are and always have been, a bunch of sneaky, pathetic, corrupt fantasists desperately looking for someone else to pay for their workers paradise. We should cut them loose and let them sink when the inevitable collapse of the EU takes place.
Also, how come the BBC doesn’t describe them as “Far Right” like every other nationalist party in Europe? (Excepting their beloved Sinn Fein/IRA of course).
The fish woman aught to be careful about a 2nd Independence referendum. By my reckoning (more specifically the Euro entry criteria) Scotland would currently be refused by virtue of their high deficit wrt GDP. I suspect that sweeping such things under the Brussels carpet may have been vogue in the past but that may have worn off. She might find herself up the clyde sans paddle.
Tropical storm Hermine has made landfall in northern Florida, becoming the first hurricane to hit the state in 11 years.
I thought the BBC & other true believers once told us that hurricanes would become more & more frequent because of global warming.
But it ain’t a hurricane, any more – if it ever was. Don’t forget that a degree of convenient exaggeration is always applied, these days, and the odd 80 MPH gust is hardly a hurricane. They’ll give any breeze a name, to keep the climate change nonsense going.
It got downgraded overnight to an Al Book Jacket. Apparently.
I had been tracking this storm for some time. For a storm to be classed as a Hurricane (class 1) it has to have sustained wind speeds of 118 km/ph (73 mph). This storm just didn’t get there even when at it’s most potent. It reached land at just 53 mph (constant) so my friends over there tell me. (Based on the Saffir-Simpson classification groups)
Read on before finding out that the Mail is grovelling
Melania Trump sues Daily Mail and US blogger for $150m over sex worker claims
Read on & on to be reminded by the BBC that she has form as a plagiarist if not a hooker
When Trump becomes President he will not forget or forgive the UK media. When he summons appeasing Teresa to the White House he might instruct her to have a look at the media – not to control it Kremlin style – but to open it up a little to allow a variety of political views. Poor woman will wet herself but she will have to cooperate and risk losing her BBC base
So, The Prophet (not that one silly, The Profit Tony Blair) is pontificating to the French that ‘Britain could stay in EU if public opinion shifts’. I’m sure universally despised Tone, Supreme Middle-East Peace Maker (how’s that working out Tone?) and self-enricher, will be listened to with all the respect he deserves. Followed by gales of laughter.
Followed a few seconds later by a hammering on the door as a party of Beefeaters arrives to carry him off to the Tower of London, where he will await trial for acts of treason.
“off to the Tower of London, where he will await trial for acts of treason.”
And, in the meantime, being forced to watch videos of Nigel Farage’s heroic speeches – a man who will leave a positive legacy.
GC – We wish! I think Tony actually believes he is some sort of international elder statesman. Not in UK you ain’t mate. But then, No man is a prophet in his own land – even if he makes a tidy profit in other lands.
Regretably the bliar prophet being such, repealed the Laws against treachery, on the advice of his lawyer, Mrs. Bliar. Verily Shakespeare was correct, “first kill all the lawyers”.
BBC TV News. 8.10am 1st September 2016
Male sofaman explains that Trump has once again stated that he would erect a wall at Mexico’s expense, to keep Mexican illegal immigrants out. As he finishes, he slowly shakes his head. His body language off course shows to the world that both he and the BBC disapprove of Trump and his proposed actions.
This is NOT the role of an impartial national broadcasting service.
At about 8.15am we have the BBC business news.
First item is that Ryan Air’s profits have fallen because of Brexit and no other causes. What about Islamic Terrorism which has caused 50% fall in bookings to Turkey? And major falls to other tourist spots because of Islamic Terrorism?
Second item is that Brexit has caused a fall in interest rates which has hurt savers.
Third and last item is that the Bank of England will soon be printing plastic notes. No mention of Brexit.
Finding Andrew Neil’s twitter feed is usually a decent quick check on when his business or economics or political colleagues’ ‘reporting’ is utter pants.
He posts a lot.
BBC TV journalist earlier this week: “Trump has threatened to build a wall”.
But why not: “Trump has promised to build a wall”?
Or even (neutrally): “Trump has said that he will build a wall”.
The incidences of bias come so thick and fast that I don’t have time to post them the same day!
As I said on another thread, it’s a subliminal bias on such a scale now that we hardly notice it, and they hardly notice they are doing it. It’s just become the BBC norm.
Fiona (tax avoiding champagne socialist) Bruce is the most obvious and amusing head shaker. She can’t say the word “conservative” without moving her head side to side and spitting out the word as if someone has just performed the Heimlich manoeuvre on her.
Other future Headlines:
(1) Mexicans upset at having to stay in Mexico if Trump wins
(2) Trump forcing Women and Children to live in Mexico, is awful, say BBC Lovvies
(3) Trump not building a wall to stop Democrats crossing over to Canada
(4) A Wall around Trumpton, Trumptonshire, Trumpland. Would stop it going to the wogs, says Spokesman.
(5) A spokesman’s misprint of the letter W, instead of the letter D, causes war with Mexico
(6) Trumps easy victory in six day war with Mexico
(7) “Old Mexico” becomes 51 state, everyone now happy
(8) People in Mexico City ecstatic over now being part of the United States
(9) Trump receives heroes welcome in Mexico City
(10) Trump tells “Old Mexicans” that he loves all Americans now that America is now Great again
Shouldn’t the BBC left/liberals greens watermelons be glad if polluting air travel is declining ?
Brexit did not cause the drop in the interest non rate, that was down to Osborne and big gob Carney. They saw how it crippled Japan so thought they would try the same for us.
Here’s a little good news.
The Governor of Florida, speaking before the hurricane landed, said this, if not quite verbatim.
‘ Let me be clear. You are responsible. We will help prepare but during the storm, you are responsible’.
What a wondrous concept. Personal responsibility. No passing the buck to the State. How refreshing.
The idea of the statist biased BBC reporting UK issues with this option available is infinitesimally small. How many public sector ‘jobs’ depend on the State taking responsibility for everything?
Anyone know why the BBC hasn’t shared this news item:
Also, not reported by Albeeb…..
Hope link works.
Because the travellers are another group “victimised” and therefore heroes to AlBeeb.
Many are Irish and some were members of the IRA, another group of victims AlBeeb supports. They also sheltered IRA members who were evading arrest, for terrorism.
The only category of people AlBeeb will never regard as other than sub-human are white, English, people. Especially males, especially older males, especially non-socialist older males.
So there you have AlBeeb; unpatriotic, treasonous, sexist, racist, ageist, mendacious, untrustworthy. Whilst claiming to have the moral high ground. Smug, self-indulgent, “superior”.
But you knew all this when posing your “question”.
I hate them nearly as much as I do Islam.
On the BBC website they report that Hamed Khan a member of the
BMA national council, Prof Neena Modi and Jeremy Corbyn all
approve of the Junior Doctors strike. Well if it’s good enough
for them ,it’s certainly good enough for the BBC!
I see he has a pic of himself with Comrade Corbyn as his main pic on his twatter page. Page is littered with labour connections
tells you all you need to know about this strike.
Noticed 12 year old girl raped in Manchester…Police give the usual description…nothing so I am will to bet non english ..non white…expect the Beeb to keep us updated..They think we are stupid…. The Daily Mail will have to stop their Trump bashing after his missus threatened to sue them for $150 million dollars… love it
Longsight. Official stats say this area is 53% Asian, 54% Muslim and average age 20-y-o !!!
But you are right. If it had been a white guy they would be shouting it from the roof tops.
In Stoke we have just had an Asian woman attacked by Romas from the next street. The local rag told us that it was caused by “white youths from outside the area”. A racist slur which will go unpunished.
BBC radio 4 all this week has had a programme about invasive species (birds etc) coming to the UK. The tone is totally negative and all about the damage these invaders do, and how European countries need to work together to stop them. Nothing about integration, or about how native species should adapt and become more diverse.
I would not dehumanise migrants by comparing them with animals or diseases. But why cannot the BBC at least try to understand that there MIGHT also be at least a little bit of a problem with an open invitation to millions upon millions of people from cultures very different from our own, and who have not paid into our contributory welfare system?
Ask our Red Squirrels how being ‘enriched’ by the Grey Squirrels is working out for them.
Quickly though, before the Reds are wiped out.
Were they young Grey Squirrels that were allowed in , orphans who fled violence from their other habitat ?
Are they doctors ( or vets) that will help the Red Squirrels in their old age ? Have they much to teach the old Red Squirrels about tolerance ?
I bet the Red Squirrels are resentful , and there’s Red Squirrels flight from most areas to Northumbria . That’s the trouble with the red working class squirrels , lazy and not devastating birds nests for eggs like the hard working Greys . Apparently the Greys get up from hibernation earlier in the spring , probably the muzzein call to prayer , and eat food that’s available , as you would after a fast leaving not much for the Reds who haven’t adapted to globalisation .
Serves the Reds right for not joining a union , which would have given money to a political party that wanted to rub their bushy tails in diversity but talked about minimum acorns and British trees for British squirrels .
+++++++++++++++++++. But it will all be wasted on AlBeeb.
Now what will the BBC about this? One Million people protesting against the achievements of Socialism ! And in one of the BBC’s favourite examples of Socialism, one which they have held up as a shining beacon to their audience, one they would like the UK to have followed, and look what a disaster it has ended in – yet again.
Inflation is soaring, basic goods like toilet paper are unavailable, blackouts and electricity rationing are common, people are dying of preventible illnesses due to the lack of essential medical supplies, pets and pigeons are being slaughtered for food and zoo animals are starving to death in their cages.
Just read the BBC’s response though – an exercise in misreporting and avoidance of telling the truth of what is happening there.
Quite so, this morning the World Service devoted time to coverage of Venezuela but it was all at the personal level (i.e. another sob story). No explanation about how a country with such vast oil wealth could be in such a ruinous state.
Always check the political base of BBC politics, the Trot SWP where their presenters and so called journalists began their education. The SWP tells us that the problem in Venuzuela is not enough socialism. And consequently Corbyn et al are correct to head in that direction
In London alone since jo cox’s murder on the 24th june there has been 22 murders. The bbc won’t tell you though.
One of my pet hates is quackery and I came across this on the Good Thinking Society whereby they had successfully got the Beeb to acknowledge that there report on Farming Today (R4) on homeopathic vets failed to meet editorial standards. Of course how many of those listening to the original report ever get to hear of complaint is another matter.
The BBC love quacks, anything except mainstream science. All part of the agenda.
Farming Today (12 August) and Sybil Ruscoe visiting a racing yard In Lambourn. ‘After a washdown the horses are chomping on their breakfast of straw in their stables’.
Quite a wellknown trainer who I doubt very much is feeding racehorses straw. If I were paying fifty quid a day to keep a horse in training I wouldn’t want the animal to be fed straw either!
Typical BBC ignorance. Beeboids are just so stupid about almost everything !
Clare Balding probably wouldn’t have made that mistake. But she seems to be farming pastures new these days.
I would have thought the overpaid ****s would know the difference betwwen straw and hay.
Surely their precious children, with their expensive private educations, must have ponies.
Truth seeker….no…BBC employees are mostly gay….no children.
At any well known trainer’s yard, 50 quid a day would get your poor horse a high straw diet and not much else – but barley and oat straw are common enough fodders, it’s wheat straw that gets used as bedding.
With apologies Beltane (and I realize this is not a happy hackers/pony club blog) oat straw might be mixed in with cubes as “chaff” with barley less often used. My point was about racehorses being fed straw. It does not happen – unless, of course, they are bedded on barley straw (which again does not happen, due to colic possibilities, etc.)
king crimson,
“Farming Today (12 August) and Sybil Ruscoe visiting a racing yard In Lambourn. ‘After a washdown the horses are chomping on their breakfast of straw in their stables’.”
What was actually said:
“We’ve got horses being hosed down. Horses chomping at their straw their stables. Somebody eating their breakfast.”
Sybil Ruscoe didn’t say; “chomping on their breakfast of straw”.
That quote is entirely your own invention.
Any idea why the first ten minutes of PM, the bit after the news and before the headlines, turned into a Party Political Broadcast for the Green Party? The joint leadership finishing off each other’s statements reminded me of the Two Ronnies. That will probably mark me as old, white and sexist. The male part of the diumvirate came across as even more of a strange person than the female.
The BBC is attempting to help cobble together a, as they would put it, ‘progressive alliance’, to fill the liberal left void left vacant by the delicious demise of the Blairites. They will propagandise on behalf of this coalition of fools with full vigour. Tiny Tim Farron will be hailed as a great leader of this rag bag of idiots comprising ,those Blairites who dare to actually leave the Labour Party , Lib Dems , Greens and Plaid , the SNP may or may not join depending on the weather. The alliance will be ultra PC and basically support all the causes held dear by the BBC and in the correct order of precedence to, Islam top, then other so called disadvantaged groups of aliens, then the EU , finally gender stuff and climate change. The BBC will pull out all the stops to make us believe this coalition of cretins is a serious force in British politics.
First, the Regressives lost the Libdems, then they lost the Labour Party, then the EU, followed by the Tory Party. But they still have the BBC and the House of Lords, with even the Libdems gaining more Lords in the last year, than the nine democratically elected total number of Libdem MP’s and MEP’s. Must now be 120 Libdem Lords.
The Regressive Party will support the undemocratic forces that survive, such as the BBC and the House of Lords, and support all minorities such as Elitists, Ethnic minorities, Leave supporters, Members of the House of Lords, Labour Party Leader election losers, Libdem voters and any other left-wing moron who does not belong to a democratic majority.
The main policy of the ”Regressive Party” would be to ban Democracy, because (1) Its Populist, and (2) Discriminates against Minorities
I love the idea that liberals hate democracy because it discriminates against minorities.Its both funny and true.One slight qualification is that they only hate it when it goes against their wishes, otherwise they are all for it.
US employment rises again in August
the BBC come up with this remarkable comment
Economists now think the chances of the US central bank cutting interest rates this month have been reduced
it perhaps proves that the BBC rely on phantom “experts (etc) say” as the possibility of a US rate reduction was never in the frame. The great unknown is when rates will INCREASE.
About 5 years ago, this site was in the top 30 political blogs in the UK. If you visited this site even up to 18 months ago you would have read a pretty spirited no holds barred debate between different opinions. What is so obviously missing now are the many names of all shades of opinion. They didn’t register with the changes last year and never came back. The few pro BBC posters (very few nowadays) are savaged then it seems banned. What a change from the days when Dez, Albaman et al would take on all views and site buzzed with life.
To my mind when Dave Prieser(USA) abandoned this site it started a decline which is now accelerating. When Dave was here, the site was in the top 10000 in the UK, quite extraordinary for a blog without ads. Now its plummeted to 76000. Yes in a year this blog has lost its readership.It now seems to be in freefall as the bulk of the decline has been in the past few months.
The figures are on (scroll down and you’ll see the dialog box to enter the web address). OK some of the recent plunge may be holiday related, but how did this site decline even during Brexit? Vance’s other site, A Tangled Web was equally well thought off but is now so irrelevant Alexa can’t rank it. The same fate will befall this site.
The people convinced the BBC is worried about this site need to wake and smell the coffee. Unless it opens up to wider range of views it’ll soon cease to even register on the web.
Guido and Briebart provide more popular alternative, but have original content. everything here is just warmed up. There is a need for a site like this, one that attracts writers as well as readers. When did blog last break a story? Why do the insiders who write for Private Eye never post titbits here?
No doubt I’ll be torn apart, however that’ll just underline the issue. There’s no debate like there used to be.
Did David Preiser give a reason for abandoning this site ? I was away for 2/3 years and may have missed what happened.
From memory, I think the reason he gave was that there was too much on here about islam/muslims and not enough on BBC bias.
He still posts his excellent comments on .
I got the impression that David Preiser took the strongest exception to the anti-Islamic comments and the occasional bursts of ‘bad language’.
I have some comments to make in response to Invicta’s post which I will make directly under his. This is just a ‘point of information’
David was always a very decent poster here. Sensitive , intelligent and fair. I was a bit worried that he left because of any anti-semitic posts. As I say, I was away for a few years. As for bursts of “bad language “. I have to plead guilty to that. But I seem to remember him coming out with some anglo-saxon expletives too !
Anyway, he is still posting on Craig’s site, albeit to a smaller audience.
I don’t go back as far as some here but I understand that David Preiser was American, in which case perhaps he didn’t understand how deep an impact Islam is having on Europe? Islam seems to be top of the BBC’s victim totem pole so I don’t see how it can be avoided. Many of the comments here are simply pointing out things that BBC employees wouldn’t dare. However, we are amateurs with other priorities in our lives and it shouldn’t be necessary to submit draft comments to a lawyer before pressing the “post” button.
So far as outsiders’ wider range of views are concerned, I get the impression that debate is the last thing they want and requests for facts in support of their assertions are frequently ignored. Name calling and parading their superior morality seems to be the norm.
IMO, too many so-called journalists in the MSM walk on eggshells and things that need to be said are suppressed. Not just within the BBC, but in declining newspapers like the DT as well. If that happens here in order to appease those who cannot abide robust comments about a religion which, IMO, is just a cult, we will lose a lot and gain very little.
So far as relevance is concerned, it has become easier to find criticism of the BBC elsewhere, so perhaps this site has actually been quite successful?
And finally, taking the p**s is not necessarily frivolous. In my opinion it serves a useful purpose in highlighting foolishness, hypocrisy and ridiculous superstition. Respect has to be earned.
That’s my 2p worth.
Quick reply. Haven’t read all of your post. David Preiser is an American Jew and a classical musician. Will read you post now .
Wow and he doesn’t like the anti Islam stuff… May I suggest he read some extracts from the Hadith
Don’t know why I said “was”.
As a Jew, I can see why he might be sensitive to any hint of persecution, particularly from the relative safety of the US – and I don’t mean that sarcastically. It would be interesting, however, to hear his views on Jews who are allegedly leaving France in significant numbers.
Tried to find him through Google. Is this him perhaps:
Good point. My family are ” mixed Jewish”.I am part Jewish. But I shall never understand why the Left are siding with Islam. Seems weird. I thought “religion is the opium of the people ” . !
I think we are saying pretty much the same things. I’d add that MS Brewer is an example of someone who was readily accepted as a regular when she found us.
Maria, I agree with what you say. Some of the trolls in those days used to attack David Preiser because they said effectively that an American had no right to an opinion regarding the BBC, despite the BBC expressing very strong opinions about American politics. The thing that I believe really got to him (I hope I understood him right) is that there were some people on here whose opinions about Islam departed from the factual and went into downright racism.
There should be no problem with attacking Islam the religion (see how Christianity is attacked) and no problem with attacking it for its evil political side, and no problem attacking some Muslims personally (Choudary for instance) but some went too far regularly.
Things like rounding up all muslims and shooting them etc. are not acceptable and do real harm to this site’s credibility. David and Alan decided to take a firm hand with these “people” as well as kicking off trolls who come on here and do nothing but disrupt threads and make personal attacks but then start crying when people retaliate.
Nothing wrong with genuine debate, most would welcome Beeboids arguing points coherently rather than pointing out minor things such as when people claim the BBC has not covered a topic, they highlight something that had been well hidden a few days ago. They never come on here to discuss BBC bias except saying it doesn’t happen! This site may have faults but is better since it has been monitored and people who disrupt regularly are treated harshly
“..attack David Preiser because they said effectively that an American had no right to an opinion regarding the BBC”
Clearly ridiculous.
“Things like rounding up all muslims and shooting them etc. are not acceptable and do real harm to this site’s credibility.”
During the time I’ve been here, I don’t recall anyone even coming close to that. False flag perhaps?
So far as criticism is concerned, I’m firmly within the “sticks and stones” camp. Probably an age thing.
Got to go – dog wondering what happened to his walk.
The rounding up muslims was used as an example. I can’t remember any exact particular quotes but they were effectively talking about extreme anti-muslim actions and totally distasteful. Very few in number and quite probably false flags but since David and Alan have taken a firmer hand that sort of thing is now very rare.
Maria Brewin
‘So far as criticism is concerned, I’m firmly within the “sticks and stones” camp.’ Probably an age thing.”
I am with you there on that one – Al Beeb certainly don’t that .
Its not PC.
Al Beeb invented Political Correctness. That’s why they just can’t do comedy any more, they have ‘boxed themselves in’ .
Talking of comedy, did anyone else listen to the Museum of Curiosity yesterday evening on R4?
I didn’t hear one joke about Farage, Trump, or Brexit. Nearly fell of me perch. Maybe someone up there at the BBC is listening? Mind you, I did miss the first 10 minutes so maybe they slipped one in early.
Mind you (again), it wasn’t side-splittingly funny, more sort of smile and occasional giggle, but generally entertaining and amusing.
Re people being banned, I’m also relatively new here so I think I must have missed all the action. The only poster I have seen banned was DDDD for repeated and flagrant anti-Semitic invective, but no one else.
There are a number of trolls who come here to disrupt IMO, they are tolerated because they are, of course, entitled to their opinion – but as Maria said I don’t think they are interested in rational debate, and generally don’t add much to the discussion.
I am also a fan of reading the comments on Guido and Breitbart but much prefer to post here, I enjoy the fact that it’s a relative backwater, more like chatting in the pub than debating at Hyde Park Corner.
Grant, I really think it was the anti-Islam comments that upset him. I haven’t noticed many anti-semitic posts here at all.
I also enjoyed his posts which were cultured and intelligent but, in my view, he misread the political climate in Europe, failing to realise just how seriously many consider the threat from Islam.
9/11 notwithstanding, this is a common failing in the USA I find and it stems from their relative lack of exposure to wholesale immigration from Muslim countries. Where they are worried, it tends to be about Mexicans – not something that troubles us much, so we have a tendency to misunderstand that perceived threat to them.
I suspect you may be right. Perception is everything. There were some anti-semitic posts here a few years ago but , maybe my memory is faulty.
I was never much of a fan of Tex-Mex anyway .
I don’t think anyone is going to ‘tear you apart’ Invicta, for the simple reason that this is not essentially a hostile blog, unless people come here deliberately to star flame wars. If you have been reading since the referendum you will have seen a number of newcomers, all of whom, as far as I am aware, have been received cordially.
Harking back to the days of Dez suggests to me that your memory is at variance with mine. Dez (who I am quite sure has been here recently) was involved in some pretty violent altercations, as was, in his day Reith. Flames (going both ways) are nothing new here and, indeed, you will probably recall the schism when the then owner of the blog banned a number of users, who promptly went off and started a rival which soon threatened to eclipse this one. It was David Vance who enabled us to reassemble here when he adopted a less confrontational (I’m choosing my words carefully) approach.
Your central points seems to be that the blog is dwindling in importance. This we simply cannot know. Alexa statistics are widely questioned. In the absence of any reliable metric (and whatever is claimed, there simply isn’t one) all one can do is apply guesswork, inspired or otherwise.
I can however, think of one factor that would account for dwindling participation on this site: its poor technical reliability and user unfriendliness. In my own case, the downtime, the sometimes terrible lag in comments registering and other bugs, have definitely put me off and I doubt I am alone. This isn’t a criticism of David Vance, it’s simply a matter of fact that would account for dwindling participation, if that was the case.
Another would be the development of competition and might I suggest that using Order Order as an example of success was perhaps not the best choice? Guido’s attitude to his own commenters – ‘no one reads the comments’ as he began a mass cull – led to the formation of Going Postal which has been a hugely successful introduction, draws well over 3,000 comments every day and does so despite being far, far ruder and more outspoken than this blog and its commenters ever are. Significantly, trolls are despatched swiftly and terminally over there.
Don’t forget, either, that one has to register to comment here and not with some (theoretically) impartial service like Disqus. That puts people off, though I suspect it is necessary.
The problem with BBBC- assuming you are right and that there is one – isn’t, I believe, a monoculture of opinions, nor intolerance of argument (assuuming it is well presented), it is the result of technical issues, growing competition (Going Postal is, frankly, much faster and more fun that this site)and in no small part the result of the systematic trolling by the people you seem to be implying should be tolerated. Trolls drive people away. That is one of their reasons for trolling.
Sites come and sites go. There are things I don’t enjoy about this one but a lack of diversity isn’t one of them.
I am suspicious of your figures in that the number of comments and likes per post seems remarkably similar over many months indicating no decline.
As to diversity, blogs by definition attract like minded people – the trollers aside.
Anyone with a variation on our themes, when critical of others, usually gets a fair wind.
There was definitely a drastic reduction in numbers of “likes” once the registration process was brought in. Some of the more popular comments could attract over 200 likes (if I remember rightly). And you don’t need to be a registered user to like a comment, so obviously far fewer people were reading them.
Edward.Most of what you post is inaccuarate and always at odds with our posts. We are free to criticise you. Do you think you have more rights than we do so that you can criticise but not be criticised? Apparently you do and being a BBC supporter and cultural Marxist Idon’t expect otherwise.
“Some of the more popular comments could attract over 200 likes (if I remember rightly). And you don’t need to be a registered user to like a comment, so obviously far fewer people were reading them.”
Chink in your armour there, Edward. The MO was long ago rumbled.
I did post a while back that a Disqus type disclosure of ‘uptick’ identities might be useful.
I have been reading and commenting on this website for over 13 years. I first came across it when I was appalled at the BBC’s coverage of GWII. There was a period after that when the posts were very few and far between. At one stage there was a post with over 900 comments without any new input. BBBC was dead on its feet. DV (pbuh) adopted the site and revitalised it.
The BBC’s bias goes on unabated. Whether the ratings go up or down it doesn’t matter, the message is spreading that the BBC IS biased.
Good post Invicta.
“The few pro BBC posters (very few nowadays) are savaged then it seems banned.”
True. Any comments that might have a whiff of defending the BBC are regarded as pro-BBC and the poster is accused of being a BBC employee or a troll. Any attempt to drum up a constructive debate is thwarted by a few biasedBBC “residents” who seem to have a canny knack of steering the conversation away from the original point and into a circular argument, accusing the imposter of various thought-crimes even though the thoughts were introduced into the debate by the accusers – the “straw man fallacy”.
I’ve been running websites for almost 20 years now and used to have various message boards (remember them?). The biggest problem I used to have was spam messages being posted to the message boards, mostly from Russian IP addresses, but the next biggest problem was from trolls.
Trolls get banned! No argument there.
However, some users were “borderline” trolls, and I discovered that they could push a conversation to the very edge of acceptability without breaking any legalities. Not only that, but they could attract hundreds of comments and return hits, maintaining the popularity of the website. These borderline trolls were good for trade!
But the secret is to give them as good as they give, and that’s to refute their arguments concisely. Unfortunately that doesn’t happen here because it’s a clique of likeminded people becoming even more likeminded through anti-BBC backslapping. “Well done you! You hate the BBC almost as much as I do. Let’s be friends.”
Almost all the counter-arguments consist of accusations and unrelated questions – never a convincing rebuttal.
It’s a shame, because the credibility of a website such as this – where we come together to expose BBC bias – is damaged because of the lack of balanced views, and where legitimate comments in defence of the BBC are effectively outlawed.
At risk of being deemed a bad post, but what does ‘effectively outlawed’ mean?
Asking for an editor of integrity drawing up some guidelines.
“it’s a clique of likeminded people becoming even more likeminded through anti-BBC backslapping”
A site called “Biased BBC” is chock full of people who dislike the BBC.
Weird, that.
As is the bi-annual ‘concerned reader’ post speaking on behalf of all from a rare poster, that gets a sad endorsement from one apparently less concerned with actual BBC censorious HYS activity, Facebook flaming and modding than on a private forum.
Bears defecate in sylvan settings, apparently.
You don’t have to dislike the BBC to acknowledge BBC bias. If Biased BBC is only for people who dislike the BBC, then I will respectfully f off.
Translation guide (Edwardese to English):
Attempt to drum up a constructive debate
Insulting other posters, by eg calling their posts “despicable”.
…steering the conversation away from the original point and into a circular argument
Refusing point-blank to answer three straight questions about his own posts.
accusing the imposter [sic] of various thought-crimes even though the thoughts were introduced into the debate by the accusers
What to claim after having snidely accused another poster of “thought-crimes” (racism). (Imposter = Freudian slip?)
legitimate comments in defence of the BBC are effectively outlawed
People challenge his opinions.
Edward, not so Sir!
I have defended the BBC on here when necessary or even given praise to the BBC where it is due. I think other B-BBC users who post have done the same but cannot recall specific examples. You will have to search for yourself.
In the normal run of a week, however, there is usually too much to criticise to have spare time for praising or defending the BBC. Is it what you are here to do? Should you not have declared yourself as requested by the site owner and other regular users as you were asked to do, a few weeks ago?
If you wish to engage with other posters, please do the honourable thing and own up. Otherwise I, for one, will ignore you or ask the Moderator to take you down.
Should you not have declared yourself as requested by the site owner and other regular users as you were asked to do, a few weeks ago?
I must have missed this – could someone please fill me in (and hopefully post a link)?
Herewith, Mike:
By David Vance | August 5, 2016 | BBC bias
Thanks Up2 – that’s quite some thread!
I invite you to ask the moderator to take me down.
Socialmediacide by mod is a thing now.
Er..Invicta….How can this site you say was in the top 10000…..’plummet’ to 76000…….i’m all ears.
It’s here:
Did you actually read Invicta’s post???
Interesting site, and links to ‘olivia king dominatrix’. Apparently. And a lot of questions.
Al Beeb Wales headline news – banging the gong along with Oxfam for refugees in Wales , lack of jobs, housing, health etc etc . Well how about sorting the jobs, health and well being for Welsh people first ? Are the Oxfam people working as volunteers or do they get paid ?
Headline two, concern for the Gay pride festival ‘Cardiff Pride’
Is Al Beeb interested in what the majority of people in Wales want ?
Time to get rid of the absurd Licence Fee – then perhaps the the people of Wales will be heard ?
Are any Welsh Assembly members listening ?
I understand courtroom artists must work from memory but they should at least take their notes in the right courtroom. Hope this one never gets e-fit duty, what value to the licence payer anyway as there are so many photos of Maxwell already in circulation.
Well what a week for GBP on the Foreign- Exchanges. Up nearly 3 cents against the $. Massively stronger against the EUR. All the UK statistics this week have been positive. House prices are rising outside London.
BBC did you miss all this ?
Even though I own my house I disagree that rising house prices are a good thing, but I accept that’s a minority view.
The BBC will however spin any news good or bad to fit its anti Brexit pro EU position.
Lock 13.
Yes, of course they did. But they managed to comment that the current very low interest rates were bad news for savers.
Doom and Gloom about Brexit must be maintained at all times. I think this may be a condition of Charter Renewal.
Hopped around on Freeview across the channels last night. Can well see why it`s free.
Something on about a woman murdering her friend, usual border rows from the old Commonwealth-but, an awful lot about gangs.
London-Paris and Belize-Crips and Blood tribute acts-basically gangs…lots of`em international solidarity and usual “poverty innit” excuses.
Can see why it`s free-just softening us up for rap, drugs-and drug wraps of course.
Well done Freeview…wonder if Ross Kemp will tell us something about Hugo Chavez gangs who are attacking protesters in Venezuela?
Or is only the left who get the free passes to have their dirty washing put to one side as ever?
Freeview has been a bit of a con. The technical quality is often low and the number of channels devoted to shopping and porn is disproportionate. If you consider all the spurious +1 hour repeat channels, there really is very little to watch on it – certainly little to exercise the brain.
Good to have confirmation of what we all know already.
The Beeb will be on this like a dog with a bone.
“Muslims Would Not Tolerate Multiculturalism in Islamic Countries”
“The Beeb will be on this like a dog with a bone.”
You mean they’ll bury it? 😉
New this week from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– New On-Demand BBC iPlayer TV Licence Rules: Some Legal Workarounds
– Licence-Free iPlayer Users: The BBC Is Your Enemy
– Closing the iPlayer Loophole: Implications for the BBC News Website
Listened to Alf Dubs-useful Labour Jewish MP of old.
He`s a very handy BBC shill for migrants isn`t he?
No questions about Labour and its Anti Semitism…but plenty flannel about why none of his Calais children are anything under 24, and invariably blokes…God knows what becomes of any females eh?…but Alf`s not too fussed.
Today is a joke inst it?…this mornings “Jungle Rock” of a slush puppy story for Alf and Humphrys to tickle the breeze( no guns to shoot remember?)only the latest Jungle Bunny of a story to stir the liberal polenta pot.
Still though-made me think-what`s the difference between people traffickers and slavers and drug smugglers…and councils and quangos pushing their prey round Kent foster care homes and arranging their drugs for them?
Just a matter of degree i`d have thought.
You missed the revelation that it costs an average of £50,000 per annum to look after a refugee ‘child’ under the age of 18 (why? no questions on that from the Toady team) and that they then have to be looked after until the age of 24. That from the Kent Council chap who to be fair has to clear up the mess dumped on him in Dover.
My observation is that the luvvies and lefties and liberals wanting us to take in all these ‘vulnerable children’, often aged around 18 and coming to the UK in order to avoid military service in their country of origin, are the very same luvvies and lefties and liberals who want to lower the voting age to 16.
It can only be a matter of time before the taxpayer has to support a new minority – ‘vulnerable young voters’ – with a nice pressure group to insist on it. And since nearly all of these voters will be men, sorry boys, the wimmins’ groups will also have to be placated.
Falling Church of England Congregations. Has the Arch Bishop of Canterbury given any thought as to why?
Perhaps this may help ?……….
Taff – Where to begin with the C of E? Bunch of useless Leftie hand-wringing impotents. Used to be the Tory Party at prayer, now very much the Labour Party at prayer. Without the balls.
“now very much the Labour Party at prayer”
More like the Labour Party at a non-denominational interfaith coffee morning, but I take your point.
The so-called Church of so-called England are so pathetically pusillanimous they don’t even speak out against the wholesale oppression, butchery, slaughter, torture and rape of Christians in many parts of the world, mostly muslim of course (while always, always, defending islam and muslims in UK and demanding we take more migrants like that idiot Pope). It’s as if they’re afraid to be seen as partial in favour of Christians. IT’S YOUR DUTY TO BE PARTIAL, MORONS.
Please forgive me for the following Jesuit Oath but I believe many of these vatican storm troopers are now showing their success within the CofE;
The Extreme Oath of the Jesuits
“I, _________ now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary (Jesus doesn’t come into it until way down the line).
I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals, or obedience to any of the laws, magistrates or officers. (so to break the Church, Civil and Judicial laws is nothing to the Jesuits).
I do further declare, that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of his Holiness’ agents in any place wherever I shall be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Ireland or America, or in any other Kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants of Liberals’ doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, regal or otherwise. (Errmm, so we can bet they have been assiting those CofE gay vicars in their claims for gay marriage).
I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume my religion heretical, for the propaganda of the Mother Church’s interest, to keep secret and private all her agents’ counsels from time to time, as they may entrust me and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred covenant.
( So the Jesuits will even pretend to be Heritics and Enemies of the Roman Catholic Church while working behind the scenes for Her).
I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ. ( I suppose this mind-boggling statement says it all really. If one can gain control of the will and mind of men like this anything can be achieved).
“Private schools slam The Archers for suggesting Rob Titchener’s abusive character stems from boarding as a child ”
I see the BBC is still using drama for its lectures in cultural Marxism.
Mmmm…next we will have tractor production figures on the Archers…..comrades.
BBC. Most Popular Boy’s Name is ‘Oliver’.
Not so. The most popular Boy’s name is Mohammed. Several variants in spelling add up to it being the most popular. (There’s only one way to spell ‘Oliver’).
Typical BBC. Hide the truth if you want to fool the taxed and no-choice Licence Payers.
Oliver eh?….he’d have made a messy massacre of the muslim horde in the C17 if the’d reared their ugly heads then….We need him now..
So, Religionists of Peace launch a dual attack in Northern Pakistan, one on a Christian Community, one on lawyers in a courtroom. Some news outlets prioritise the Christian story, others 50-50. Al-beeb tuck away the whole article under Asia, and guess what their headline is? Yep, “Pakistan blast at court leaves several dead in Mardan”. And the Christians get barely a mention, 2 lines in total: “Also on Friday, four suicide bombers targeted a Christian neighbourhood near Peshawar before being shot dead”. ALSO! Almost an afterthought, oh, by the way. Speaks volumes about the beeb pecking order, with superstitious Christians firmly at the bottom, way below educated lawyers apparently – you know, sophisticated folk like us journos, probably drink lattes.
Something else for the BBC to throw into the tea lady’s rubbish sack.
It would appear that US outfit called Judicial Watch have unearthed some more damning facts on St Hillary and St Bill + plus various Clinton foundations & emails.
It makes the Hamiltons look like amateurs WRT “Cash For Access”.
The “Great & Good” of the metropolitan elite are venturing into dangerous areas with their continuous lies.
Thanks internet.
More bleeding heart reporting from the Med. Interesting to note that the ‘pickups’ are just outside the 12 mile zone from Libya, and yet its a 4 hour boat ride to Lampadusa. A child could work out that its quicker to deposit the ‘rescued’ back to the shores of Libya. An argument has been made that it wont stop the attempts to cross the Med, but do it enough times and it must have some impact. As it stands the boats are just free ferries which will never end until Africa is empty.
Is Newsnight really serious or just a moving picture version of the Guardian now. ?
I saw some of it tonight. A snowflake doctor being interviewed by Emily and it was just incomprehensible. No idea what they were on about.Then a piece on slavery and that was just as bad. Firstly it was concerning the USA and secondly it was also incomprehensible. Then a piece of ritualised Trump bashing over Mexico. That was the usual. The wall and the inconsiderate desire of the USA to maintain it’s borders. That Mexico is a failing state was pretty obvious but the interviewer and the interviewed seemed unable to make the connection.
It is time to close the show for good.
Like most BBC “factual” and “news” programmes.
Bring back Valerie Singleton and Shep – more believable.
Rhif saith
“Like most BBC “factual” and “news” programmes.”
AlBeeb don’t do factual news programmes any more. They don’t even do comedy any more .
Scrap the licence fee and privatise them.
We watched a little little of Newsnight, the first time for ages. Whilst we are hearing that the doctors have the public support, not in this house. The simpering young female doctor said she cried and cried on her way home from the picket line was pathetic. She did a theatrical performance of ‘poor little me’. Emily could have asked her what she earned, what hours she was doing and how much of them were paid at an enhanced rate, what hours had she expected to do when she went into the profession. Nothing, just the bobbing head from Emily to she she agreed with the poor dear.
While the rest of the country are concerned about Islamic acts being carried out on their loved ones, the EU falling apart and creating social chaos on the continent (leading to fall out here in the UK), mass immagrantion putting strains on supply of homes, education, health, and social division…. The ‘self styled’ champions of the people are trying to hold our society to ransom because they aren’t getting their own way! The self-serving, self-interested, anti-tory, strike happy anarchists that have infested ALL public services and have hijacked the doctors pay deal, are doing so because they believe they are better than anyone else and deserve more for being vastly more important to the world than everyone else.
Be in no doubt, every single one of these money junkie, strike warriors will be completely anti-brexit, anti-austerity, pro mass immigration, pro Islam….because its what they want!!! It’s all about them, what benefits them, and because it makes them feel better about themselves and their warped guilt they have been brainwashed to feel for being white people.
Also seems that the BMAs Junior Doctor Committee has been infiltrated by the hard left – back to the 80s style. Of course not investigated or reported by the BBC.
When I think back to the years when Dirk Bogarde played Simon Sparrow in Doctor in the House, it was a time when we respected our medical staff – junior or otherwise (admittedly the clinicians were all mainly hideously white and no migrant population to overwhelm the NHS), it was unthinkable that those who took the Hippocratic Oath and who trained in their chosen profession paid for by the tax payer, would put patients lives at risk by refusing to work. Ok I am biased here, I’m on a 5 month waiting list in great pain for a hip replacement, at this rate it could be next Easter before I even see the inside of a hospital ward. I think this is a sad insight and further evidence of the me me me generation. Sir Lancelot (James Robertson Justice) would soon kick them up the arse !
Breaking News on DM: “Has the BBC been hacked by ISIS? Social media abuzz after millions receive breaking news alert in BENGALI”

Won’t come as a surprise to any of us, probably just testing the waters.
And Robert, as an ex BBC editor you should know better my friend. Implementing a bit of Taqiyya are we?
Allahu Akbar!
Well, they don’t need to be taken over by ISIS do they, they do a pretty good job themselves.
I assumed it was a recipe for Lemon Drizzle Cake.
The migrant crisis has recalled to my mind a film called The March, aired by the BBC in 1990. Wilkipedia says: ‘The plot concerns a charismatic Muslim leader from the Sudan who leads 250,000 Africans on a 3000 mile march towards Europe with the slogan “We are poor because you are rich”.’ (Apparently Jean Raspail complained about similarities to his 1973 novel, The Camp of the Saints.)
Obviously it seems eerily close to the real life drama unfolding (though it seemed far-fetched at the time of broadcasting). It’s strange that the BBC hasn’t seen fit to repeat it. Or perhaps not so strange? Maybe they feared it might drive even more ‘racists’ towards Brexit!
Does anyone remember the plot? A Google search revealed very little about the film. It’s almost as though somebody wanted to hide evidence of it.
Never heard of it but it is here,
Only two reviews, the first dated 2010 from Denmark begins,
“We watched this in Geography class today.” That short sentence poses many questions on a whole range of issues.
Sounds like the usual nonsense.
“We are poor because we are thick” would have been a truer slogan.
Japan and Germany were piles of rubble after WW2.
South Korea in the same state in 1954, lower GDP than Ghana IIRC.
The populations in the three states mentioned buried their dead, rolled up their sleeves and started rebuilding what had been destroyed, and improving upon it.
Conceded that these states received aid. This did not, however, create the transformation from rubble to industrial powerhouse, it did enable it to happen sooner.
Intelligent, industrious peoples = success.
Unintelligent peoples (Africans) = failure. Example N Rhodesia transformed into Zimbabwe.
Failures with next to no history because they lived next to literate societies for two thousand years and only used writing for Islamic and Christian purposes.
No history of intellectual achievement whatsoever.
Ditto the African diaspora. No sign whatsoever of any creativity by these people.
Bottom of the pile intellectually and economically, winners in the incompetent criminal department.
I don’t, in fact, think the explanation of why societies succeed or fail is primarily down to intelligence. (Apart from anything else, intelligence is just an average, and there are plenty of intelligent people in a society with even a lower intelligence average).
No, I think the reasons are cultural, not racial.
Culture is the collective set of memories, expectations of the behaviour of others, knowledge, sense of humour etc shared by people living in a delineated area and built up gradually over hundreds or thousands of years.
These cultural factors do not change, even after catastrophes such as war, and the people in the society just set about rebuilding what they had before. It is the natural, human, thing to do. For example, in Germany, Japan etc the people knew all the things they expected were entirely possible and just got on with it.
Failed cultures do not share these expectations. They do not build a successful society because they do not have the collective memory and expectation of that society. Instead they rely on a more primitive tribal culture, where allegiances are far more local to their immediate family or people with power over them. This is still a type of ‘culture’ of course, but I suggest it is more primitive as the more advanced cultures enable and encourage/reward individuals for thinking beyond their immediate tribal group and of the greater good of their fellows.
A micro-example of this I’d suggest is littering. I would not drop litter, for example, even in an area in which I didn’t live, because it is not my culture to diminish the quality of life of people around me, even if we will never meet.(If you like, I recognise that their benefit may eventually lead to my benefit in the future). On the other hand, I observe daily that people originating from other cultures do not mainly have this respect for the area around them.
Unfortunately, you can’t just create a successful culture out of nothing. It takes a long time to develop.
Equally unfortunately, a determined opponent of a successful culture can also destroy it by importing a population who do not share this common cultural heritage in sufficient numbers to destabilise it. Even though an advanced culture has some considerable resilience, there must be a breaking point where the things that made that culture unique can no longer be assumed, and the culture effectively breaks down to a lower more primitive state.
Do not agree.
If the most intelligent people available cannot perform the advanced mathematics required their Society will not be creating robots, travelling to the moon, developing better computers or doing anything at all cutting edge or new in medicine, science or technology.
To date Negroes have been awarded exactly zero Nobel science prizes. Not due to racism, due to their inability. Ditto, AFAIK, Native Americans North and South. Ditto, AFAIK, Native Australians.
To date Muslims (population c1,500,000,000) have been awarded exactly three Nobel science prizes; one to a member of a sect that the Sunni and Shia do not recognise as Islamic.
Japanese (population c130,000,000) twenty two Nobel Science prizes.
There are more first class minds in one street in Tel Aviv, maybe in one house in Tel Aviv, than there are in the whole of black Africa or in the whole of the Islamic world.
Well it is interesting to speculate.
and I think this surely must be pure speculation, or is there any evidence to support this?
I doubt it.
Despite the documented slight differences in average IQ between different racial groups I have seen (oriental > caucasian > negroid) this still doesn’t alter the fact that there is wide variation in IQ within a population. There must therefore be millions of highly intelligent people in each group.
The reasons Islamic societies do not get many Nobel prizes I’m sure are primarily cultural. Islam itself has a profoundly regressive effect on any population due to its highly prescriptive and backward looking perspective. Innovation and originality outside of narrow cultural norms are discouraged and the religion itself by definition can hardly – if ever – advance beyond the cultural expectations of the seventh century.
I think evidence for this comes from Pakistan/India. Until partition when India gained independence from Britain, these were one country, sharing essentially the same culture (OK I’m simplifying a little here). After partition, Pakistan separated itself from India and the cultures of the two countries have developed separately ever since. Few would doubt that India has a more advanced culture than Pakistan with better functioning democracy and far more highly developed science and technology industries, for example.
I’m sure if any of us suddenly were transported back 100 years to our respective cultural origins I think we would fit right in. Despite there being no robots or space travel then this does not mean those people were any less intelligent than us. These advancements came about because they were facilitated by superior cultures which encourage innovation.
I cant claim expertise in statistics on IQ intelligence between cultures, but I do see that Indian parents push their offspring to attain high achievement in the professions (child geniuses are invariably Asian). Black parents – whether of Afro Carribean/African/American origin have a laid back attitude to most aspects of life and this tends to feed down to their children, so high attainment in school is not what it should be given the numbers in school classrooms. Oriental parents again have a hard work ethic and are probably the politest of all cultures which is evident in their children. I wouldn’t know where to start on the caucasion populations !!!
I don’t really have a dog in this fight, but a couple of points spring to mind.
“There are more first class minds in one street in Tel Aviv, maybe in one house in Tel Aviv, than there are in the whole of black Africa or in the whole of the Islamic world.”
I interpret this as pure rhetoric. However, I believe it has been pointed out before that Israel has a very impressive record in research, and in winning Nobel prizes. The UK isn’t too shabby either.
“These advancements came about because they were facilitated by superior cultures which encourage innovation.”
Fine, but where do these “superior cultures” come from in the first instance? Just a thought.
‘I don’t really have a dog in this fight’
Doesn’t seem likely, no. Really.
An interesting question, and perhaps one where I will have to contradict myself a little.
It seems to me that the superior cultures have developed in areas generally where the climate requires the development of some sort of technology to survive. ie it is harder to survive long-term in a cooler climate than a warm one. I suspect this would create a selection for intelligence, where the more intelligent groups would survive (as they can find new ways to adapt in a challenging environment) and the less intelligent would not.
This small difference may have led to the development of superior cultures. A series of minor steps – rewarding innovation – has resulted in large differences between the resulting cultures.
Now we are no longer answerable to the perils of our environment in any meaningful sense I expect this no longer applies. As someone said, we now largely select for lack of intelligence and ability to feed off others, certainly in our political class.
One person in 5 (approx.) is a Muslim.
One person in 500 (approx.) is Jewish.
Ergo Muslims should win 100X more Nobel Science prizes than Jews.
But they don’t, Muslims have 3 Science Prizes, Jews have 126 Science prizes, 42X.
Ergo Jews are, per capita, 4200 times more likely to win a Nobel Science prize than a Muslim.
Figures are approximate.
Historical, cultural and other factors are involved here and I do not suggest that it even possible to accurately quantify these. You have chosen to concentrate on this.
Changes to science and technology are produced by a very small number of people. How small I do not know. These people are, without exception highly intelligent, yes this is another assertion which I cannot prove but I hope you will agree that it is a persuasive assertion.
Low paid, unskilled jobs are disappearing fast everywhere in the developed world. Many of those still left will be taken over by robots soon (how soon?).
Jobs for the uneducated and the unintelligent will become increasingly rare. These people will survive on benefits or crime, this is already happening to some extent.
Unfortunately, the unintelligent are the ones whose reproduction rate is the highest. Due to the tendency of high IQ females to have no family or smaller families today, together with the fact that intelligence is partly (how much is disputed) inherited we may expect a decrease in the numbers of the people we need the most.
For the first time in history we have unnatural selection.
We have always had unemployment, this will get worse. We do not need immigrants, we never have. We sure as hell do not need unintelligent ones now, they will be a drain on our resources, an increasing drain as they procreate.
I am ignoring the, not unimportant, fact that some of them want to kill us.
Islam was a parasitic phenomenon what it was in its pomp.
Could only expand once it had slashed and burned its way across Europe and North Africa.
Raids the larders, puts goats where sheep and vineyards would have been, has no regard for conservation or renewal seeing as its there to expand…not consolidate.
Uses the non-believers to fund it, uses the conquered brains and talents for its own comfort and decadence before the beheadings.
Muhammad did the same-they are to emulate Muhammad.
Very adept at using the host technology to replicate itself..planes of phones etc are sanctified by the usage before the reversion to the Stone Age.
But they DO value education and history above most else, hence the Trojan Horse stuff.
Their infestation is a blessing from Allah and vindicates their actions…and , seeing as nothing good exists outside the Koran, then libraries and science get burned or reduced to stemming an amputation staunch before the emir walks by in his long white robes.
No ,Islam is Gods revenge on an unbelieving, stupid and godless world…you reject Jesus?…reason?…history and your own culture?
Well-here`s one in a black shroud with demon eyes for you-and you`ll not be rejecting THAT so easily.
And what do THEY give in return?
Stupid bugger-they give you ISLAM…and that is ALL they need to give you, all else is froth.
So far so good eh Anjem?
All, without exception, media entities, MP’s, economists and fans of globalisation, fail to understand that the reason, in my considered opinion, for falling birth rates in developed countries, is all down to the huge cost and commitment required to bring up said children. Two people on minimum wage and working shifts are always going to struggle.
A decent job (for both parents), prospects, a home, available affordable childcare, good schools and healthcare are all a thing of the past and all have a bearing on a sensible persons decision to have, or not, children.
Of course, if you are popping them out courtesy of the DSS and potentially multiple wives then it doesn’t matter. Then again, these mainly disadvantaged children aren’t highly likely to produce the next generations of prize winning scientists and great thinkers.
Only 250,000 Helena? Let’s have a 2016 update to the film, now at least 2.5 million and rising by the day.
I think we’re getting through to them. 6 .30 headline was “PM tells G20 that in spite of Brexit, U.K. is open for business”. I would have thought “because of Brexit.” more appropriate. By 7.00 it became “following Brexit”.
Onwards and upwards,
Pictures are finally emerging of the man allegedly responsible for killing Oliver Dearlove in Blackheath, SE London, last weekend:
Took rather longer to appear than the picture of Joshua Dobby, who is accused of killing a child and his aunt in a police car chase.
Maybe there are practical reasons for this, but it doesn’t explain why a simple description wasn’t released when witnesses were able to explain in some detail how he was punched and fell to the ground.
Swiss train attacker, nearly three weeks ago.
I still cannot find out his “Swiss” name!
And yet all over the headlines, TV and radio when a poor Polish guy is murdered by a gang of youths in a ‘hate crime’ in Essex. Biased journalism at its best.
He’s ‘tanned’ inn’t he? Or rather should I say, ‘Of Middle-East appearance’?
I posted yesterday that a man living at the same address, same surname, different given name (not Christian, that’s haram) was convicted of murder by beating/stabbing in 2005. Google the surname and ‘Black Kalendar’.
He said others did it and he was a witness – CCTV proved otherwise.
Sorry PG, I missed it.
Andrew – Standard beeb strategy: delay posting ’embarrassing’ / ‘awkward’ names and pix as long as poss. Then by the time they do, everyone’s half-forgotten about the original story or crime, thereby reducing the impact.
Trendy female vicar reviews the papers on BBC TV news. She starts off by telling us that Mother Theresa is a feminist icon. So for all unsure of what she did, now you know. The trendy lady vicar goes on to quote extensively from the Guardian and the Mirror. The need to support the Calais migrant camp ‘ by all surrounding counties’ is essential and ‘ basic stuff’ she says.
Why is the Church of England withering away? The Church that once commanded the allegiance however nominal of a majority in our country and represented our culture and values.The answer is that the Church only represents the same minority that the BBC panders too,left- liberal virtue signallers.
The Bishop of Grantham, referred to f as ‘ Bishop Nick’, is forced out because the media are about to say he is in a gay relationship. Apparently the Archbishop of Canterbury knew all about it when he appointed him. It’s not an issue he says. The BBC reporter standing in front of Lambeth Palace says ‘few people will of heard of his man and few will care how he spends his spare time’. The combined BBC/C of E message couldn’t be clearer. I’m not anti- gay or particularly religious but the C of E I grew up with was not like this and for better or worse it did not condone or allow gay marriage or gay priests for reasons of religious principle. The Church cannot survive if its abandons its religion in order to follow trendy cultural trends of the moment and aims to appeal to a left wing minority only. Perhaps the BBC is also doomed but not until we have a government that will act tough with it in the interests of the majority who fund it.
Beware killer micro beeds everyone. You can’t see them but they are deadly according to the BBC. Some Vicar has come out of the closet. The Chinese are close to ratifying some climate change thingy apparently (bollox). Little Mikey sports presenter still can’t tie his own tie properly. We have Charlie getting more effeminate by the week , sitting next to some geezer bird on the sofa. Oh I am so glad I don’t watch any of this crap on the BBC in the week. Where is Nana is she having a lie in because she is on some stupid dancing show. I saw an article on the Bake a cake show in the paper and had to laugh as I could not pronounce one of the contestant names. Noah is a very popular boys name (Sssh -don’t mention the most popular boys name in the UK is Mohammed) Lady left vicar to review the papers no idea what she was talking about. BBC business as usual.
Lock 13: “Beware killer micro beeds everyone. You can’t see them but they are deadly according to the BBC. Some Vicar has come out of the closet.”
Was the closet full of micro beads?
Phew! Lucky to get out alive.
The ‘vicar’ on the sofa was outed by a sofa-eunuch some months ago….not sure it was what she wanted at the time…but hey-ho.
Harrabin crowing that the Paris Climate “Treaty” is all but done and dusted, with China signed, and Obama about to at the G20 – which, apparently means that so far, 40% of the required 54% of the required signatures will have been gleaned – almost sufficient to pass it into International Law. The whole thing is bollocks, of course, however the pundits all said that like the previous COPS, agreement and ratification would never happen. It looks like it will happen, after all, to the detriment of all of us (even though we all know that it’s meaningless).
Ah, Roger & Co.
“CO2 emissions are the driving force behind climate change.”
Trust them, they do science, they do.

The BBC have removed that bit now, but you’d think they’d have quality control in the first place.
Yes, GW, they do do science and just like other substances* which they think they know well, they get science completely and utterly wrong such as illustrating an item heading ‘Why do lithium batteries explode?’ with an image of alkaline and silver oxide batteries on the main web-site Home Page yesterday and today. Reminds me of a certain Dr., who used to appear on the BBC a lot, who seemed to think that rail locomotives ran on air and generated no CO2 emissions!
* CO2 and champagne of course, not necessarily together. Whatever did you think I meant by ‘other substances’ and the BBC?
image :

Thanks, Stew. Probably should have had a go at that myself & developed a new skill. Better have a go soon. How long before the BBC start to copyright their web-site and demand money for it?
alt printscreen does a screen shot, then crop the segment, then uploaded it to my website to get the URL to point.
– A shorter cut is to just rightclick over the existing image and select “copy image URL”
Ah, but Rog is tapped into the highest of places, who may not be treating him quite with the deference he was used to.
I’m well used to being appalled by Harrabin’s biased reporting on ‘climate change’, but this morning’s offering on the Today programme was one of his most blatant contributions. He even mentioned a projected temperature of 2.7°C rise at one point, a vastly over-amplified figure put out years ago by fanatical climate subscientists, but now rejected (at last) by the IPCC, who now admit to a little over 1°C. Harrabin was, in effect, lying. And why does one think China has agreed to ratify the Paris agreement? Clearly not with the intention of abiding by it, but simply to induce the US to sign, thereby putting a break on growth in the US and giving themselves a great advantage in energy costs and therefore trade. No rational person thinks that China will stop their headlong building of coal-fired power stations – and nor will India. It’s all to do with economic advantage. A lot more could be said, but I’ll leave that to others.
In the ‘red mist’ of my scorn for Harrabin, I overlooked the fact that, under the Paris agreement, China has no obligation whatever to reduce its CO2 emissions (see Global Warming Policy Forum, and others). This, of course, makes Harrabin’s contribution on ‘Today’ even more egregious.
There is no Green Bias on the BBC
There is no Green Bias on the BBC
There is no Green Bias on the BBC
6:07am Open Country : Hoylake: Green Belt and (golf) Greens*
6:30am Farming Today : : Green Belt Debate *
7.50am Thought For The Day : Unchallenged lionising of Green Religion
12:30pm George Monbiot one of 3 panellists on a comedy prog
1pm News : Harrabin misleading in a number of ways
1:10pm Any Questions : with the Green Party’s health spokesman Larry Sanders
(north American voice, lot of foreigners in the Greens leadership)
+ Delingpole + Mouthy D Abbott
* (some progs did include an opposing voice, but that is routinely not the case in News/Science/Drama/Comedy progs..greens are just given the keys to the studio)
Now on LBC and Nigel Farage is working as the presenter until 12pm
Someone phone the Advertising Standards Authority
The radio ad promote promoting the MAGICAL THINKING of smart meters says
“Do you know what Gaz and Leccy are upto all over your home ?.. Of course you don’t know one can”
..Em well ANYONE can look at their meters any time you like and see what your gas and electric usage is upto.
(The only thing is you have to estimate what individual appliances are using.)
I don’t have a “smart meter”, but watching the numbers go round can’t be any more boring than watching most of what the BBC broadcasts as entertainment.
From the Times…
“Attempts to close and prosecute illegal Muslim schools are being impeded by some local authorities anxious not to upset community relations, Ofsted’s chief inspector has warned.
In an interview with The Times, Sir Michael Wilshaw accuses some councils of “getting in the way” of his efforts to stop children from being taught in unregistered schools, without checks on their safety or education.”
Many of the usual suspects are included, Birmingham, Bradford, Luton. Their parents’ votes are too important to the IslamoLabour Party.
Problem is, PeterG, the complaints to the various Council’s fall on Asian ears as they have, in many instances, cheated their way to becoming elected or certainly employed. The pervading sickness of Third World peoples is becoming palpable now and we have to accept this, “Diversity”?
Actually, just pinging (ho ho) back to the forthcoming ban on micro-beads, I would point out that it appears to demonstrate an immediate advantage of the vote to leave the EU.
When the micro-bead problem first surfaced (ho ho, again) last year, the Government position was that it would require a piece of Europe-wide legislation to deal with it. 24 June 2016 and now ‘Britain is going it alone’.
Well done, Treeza! (As she appears to be known by BBC Newscasters and Presenters.)
On the subject of BBC bias, which I noted because it was so immediate and so strong, as one contributor to the post 8.10a.m. NHS Junior Doctor Strike item on TODAY (BBC R4 today) started to state a much overlooked fact about NHS financing and ownership (in effect, “by the people, of the people and for the people”) that Justin Webb immediately jumped in with an interruption.
Very interesting.
I wonder why?
Important news about the migrant/refugee crisis caused by Merkel: Both the Czech’s and Bulgarians have told Merkel that they will not take any refugees. Along with others in the old Soviet Union bloc refusing to take them, Merkel, acting as the only voice from Europe when she unilaterally invited all in sundry from the Third World to come and take up residence, is rapidly heading for a serious capacity problem. Moreover, the German population are looking increasing likely to revolt shortly despite the BBC’s reporters continually telling us that 50% of Germans still welcome the invaders.
She will bring the big EU money stick out to beat their sorry, dissenting, ex-commie carcasses with in the end. Only then shall we see how deep is their resolve to not end up with explosive Mohammedans taking over Sofia and Prague.
She isn’t one for doing things by committee after all.
Hungary also very much against – will hold a referendum on the issue October 2nd. Will it be reported by the BBC?
Only if they vote in favour of taking migrants,which looks highly unlikely, then the BBC will shout it from the roof topsfor days on end,otherwise the Hungarians will be labelled racists and then the matter will be buried.
Against this background:
we would like to see the visa-free travel arrangements extended to Turkey. Wouldn’t we?
Well yes, can see why they`d want to ban microbeads.
I mean-what else with the green mitherers want than yet another attack on Big Capital.
Simply can`t trust the science anymore, given who`s funding,who`s telling me and which quangos and pressure groups seem to wish it.
So-in that spirit…would like a ban on ALL microbeads…and can we have a limit of the diameter of what constitutes a microbead please with a ruling from the UN/EU or suitable pointless and control freaking quango?
I suggest that footballs constitute a microbead…they too are badly sourced, create injustices and end up in the landfill-or a whales gullet?
And -if we`re bothered about this-table tennis balls, golf balls and tennis ones-surely ALL of these should be banned now…am I the ONLY one who cares anymore?
Chris, I know that you know that the Beeb are top of the league when it comes to talking balls. They must, therefore, be right.
I look forward to the day a suppurating Sondico stuffed sperm whale is dumped on their doorstep all the same.
As a rule-of-thumb snapshot, check out the BBC Crime watch mugshot page and with a mental calculation, you can work out who is committing most crimes.
Interesting. No women, and no chinese.
Of the 23 mugshots, 11 are identifiably white British.
The Beeb is failing to fulfil its’ diversity programme. I would expect to see no more than 6 of the above group.
Bloody racists.
There’s another illustration of the Beeb’s diversity programme in the trailer for ‘Our Girl’, an everyday story of fighting folk. Without this as a useful guide, I would have had simply no idea just how dependent the army is on ethnic recruitment. Just like the NHS, really, in a way.
Beltane.. you mean Nadiya didn’t get the title role ???
They wanted her for the part but apparently the cost of a custom-made Kevlar hijab was too high, even for the BBC. Shame really, she’d have added a fresh new dimension to the role of the Catering Corps Mine Clearance Section and improved the morale of the blokes, of all persuasions, at the front.
Loobyloo/NWstu, but compared to the numbers of white indigenous, the others who feature mainly are (so we are told) ‘minority groups’ so, in effect, they carry out more crime disproportionately than the white’s.
Six percent of the population committing sixty percent of the crime. Nothing to see here, move along.
Pretty good programme on Radio 4 at 10.30 or so this morning on Radio 4.
Just a run through on dialects and accents from Aberdeen to Penzance-the makers just basically uses the train anoouncements to frame a local accent and to ask their views on how and why they speak as they do.
No agenda as far as I could see-and given the BBC these days-I was grateful for that.
Sadly though, the next half hour was a plea for the worlds endangered languages-as it Hawaiian sub tongues would be missed like the panda!
Hate to say this Brigit( who I like)-but English is the worlds language and we`re blessed to have access to it-had we be born elsewhere, we`d have to have learned it-but we were given it.
So, I`m not worried about Hawaii or Cornwall, Wales or Ireland-they survive, adapt and will survive us if they benefit those wh speak them.
Needs no “Charity Appeal” from Oxbridge handwringers at the BBC.
AS long as “appropriate” “alleged”, “solidarity”and “racist hate crime” get translated first-the BBC need little else in THEIR restricted code of compliances do they?
But -to stay positive-BBC4 did something similar in the week with a two hour silent tour of the Yorkshire Dales on a bus-did more for the North than hours of Melvyn Braggs bellicose, blustering bellyaching on the same.
Professional Notherners like HIM?…Ian McMillan?…get lost BBC, and take your “Northern Correspondents” will you?
The bus trip programme was pleasantly soporific.
Had the aroma of tepid piss, lingering vomit, musty school children and aged farts together with the gentle tinkle of headphone leakage been able to be transmitted, it would have been almost perfection.
The Dales bus trip was a most wonderful programme, which gave as real an impression of travelling though that marvellous region as could be achieved by televisuals. Best of all was that THERE WAS NO MUSIC, which is the absolute scourge of countryside, wildlife, gardening, science, and all other documentary programming. The sounds in the bus programme were quite rightly those from inside the bus, but in other ‘outside’ countryside programmes, I want a true aural adjunct to what is being shown – for example, the sound of wind in the trees, the rustling of leaves, water flowing in a brook, birdsong, a calling deer, maybe a distant tractor or people’s voices in appropriate spots. In other words, exactly what is heard in the country. What I loathe is having to listen to a producer’s choice of techno-beat background music, which is always completely alien to what is being shown. Usually, these days, I have to resort to muting the sound, and use subtitles.
Totally agree Martin, there of lots of programmes on theBBC where the background music over powers rather than complements the programme.
And of course-hardly anybody actually needing to PAY for the trip anymore.
Free to nearly everybody-Gordon Brown was most generous was he not?
It used to be generally agreed that a reporter’s job was to report – to give his or her reader a fair and unbiased picture of the subject being covered. The following article by Paul Adams appears on the BBC’s website today and I invite fellow BBBCers to read it and decide for themselves whether it in any way meets that criterion. Or whether, in fact, it is further evidence that the BBC is now absolutely incapable of unbiased reporting.
“Germany election: AfD tests Merkel in eastern region”
GCooper, the article is not only biased it is inaccurate. The reporter refers, “……the estimated one million who arrived last year.” That’s a good half a million adrift.
The German Government released figures which put the REGISTERED ‘Refugees’ at 1.3 million. And of that, official Government figures suggest only 2% are working/capable of any work. They are simply a drain on the public purse and will continue to be so. No “Economic Miracle” here, only payouts and crime.
A very good point and perfectly illustrating how the BBC lies to us, day in and day out. How many listeners or readers would have checked that figure, or even paused to doubt its accuracy?
I haven’t watched the bus trip yet but last year’s Christmas Sleigh Ride, following two Sami women and their reindeer on a journey through the most exquisite snow covered land was one of the best things I have ever seen on television.
As you say, no ‘music’, no commentary, just feet on snow and the wind.
The above was supposed to be a response to Martin W’s post about the bus trip. Technical problems as the site stuttered and appeared to crash momentarily.
A rare piece of good news 🙂 from the BBC
Angela Merkel’s CDU ‘suffers Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania poll blow’
“Angie baby, you’re a special lady… livin’ in a world of make believe”
Helen Reddy song, from 1974.
The BBC on Facebook always entertains:
Police officers threatened to boycott San Francisco 49ers home games in the NFL if they fail to take action to halt anti-racism protests by quarterback Colin Kaepernick.
Bet that one took quite a few rounds up Frankie Howard’s back corridor to craft.
Currently the comments are, for once, on BBC narrative.
Meanwhile, over at the Junior Doctor strike thread….