Actual Conservative on the BBC
This week’s R4 profile will feature Home Secretary : Amber Rudd.
..That’s totally against the BBC norm of trying to win SJW brownie points.. still during the day about 10 Green/Lefty figures will be given the normal free ride.
Offsted believes there are 150-160 illegal Muslim schools in the Uk but ‘Attempts to close and prosecute illegal Muslim schools are being impeded by some local authorities’
“Sir Michael did not name councils but said he was worried that councils in cities such as Birmingham, Bradford and Luton must recognise their duty to safeguard children.”
The police, obviously, don’t want to be involved and the labour run Muslim councils are, as you might expect, perfectly happy with the situation.
Remember, in Rochdale just two Muslim councillors terrorised the others. According to the Jay report the women councilors are still, to this day, too frightened to talk to the authorities about what took place.
How is this happening in our country? – answer because the BBC supplies 75% of people in the UK with their news. If the BBC doesn’t report it then it doesn’t happen.
One concern raised on BBBC regularly is the attitude and actions of the UK police forces; or should that be inactions? The ignoring of racist mass rapes by Muslim paedophiles in many British cities, the plotting with (Labour controlled, naturally) Councils and their staff to supress knowledge of these events is a prime example.
I am wondering whether there is a deliberate policy for the police to evolve to become the secret police.
Standards of intelligence, educational standards and physical size have been lowered for police recruits.
(Digression, just as in teaching.)
This includes recruiting women police officers who are simply not big enough to do the job. (AKA sexism).
Some offences virtually uninvestigated. Burglary, the only action taken is to give the victim a crime number to show to their insurer.
Crime, including large numbers of serious crimes, being ignored (rape).
Crimes being de-criminalised by police not recording them as such (including rape, again).
Many other reported crimes’ seriousness downgraded.
Crimes disappearing from history in a 1984 like manner.
Falsification on an industrial scale, police records a joke in bad taste. Some of the fraud carried out as instructed by Chief Constables.
These defective police records then being peddled as statistics which show crime is decreasing when the reality is otherwise. (Digression, yet another area where public trust in the accuracy of government statistics is near zero as is the confidence in its producers or their motives).
Police officers routinely committing crimes themselves, numbers increasing (but see records above).
(Digression, many of these are ethnics, not 90% as in the NHS, but still).
The judicial system administering a slap on the wrist in some cases of crimes committed by police officers. The 165 MPH police driver in his new BMW not banned: the Yorkshire police officers (same bunch as the Rotherham rape ignorers) who sold guns, collected in amnesties and intended for destruction, to criminal gangs and were not jailed.
Non white police officer inadequacies ignored or excused. (AKA racism).
Black only police organisations tolerated or encouraged. (AKA racism).
Persons who try to retain their Britishness and raise our public profile, victimised and penalised. EDL, Tommy Robinson, BNP, Nick Griffin. Political policing, again by Chief Constables. (AKA racism).
Persons trying to “celebrate their non Britishness” given carte blanche by the police. The “whiplash” insurance frauds, carried out by Pakistani Muslims (again) on an industrial scale. Which everyone knew about and the police did nearly SFA about. (AKA racism).
Police officers and their trade union acting politically and illegally, targeting a perceived enemy, the Tories. Plebgate. Supported by Chief Constables who lied to MPs.
No doubt their are other examples and categories which might be included.
Is this cogent evidence of, yet another, public department which is not fit for purpose? By fit for purpose I mean its intended, purported purpose, not the AlBeeb purposes.
In the “Gulag Archipelago” the author describes two categories of prisoners. Zeks, the political prisoners, and normal criminals. In every instance where this, terrible to read due to its horrific content, book, compares the treatment of these two groups the zeks get much worse treatment.
The criminals are looked upon as victims, typical products of a capitalist society. The zeks are just subhumans rebelling against the new, perfect, Soviet society.
I think the majority of lower ranking UK police officers are still honest, hard working individuals, who do what is a very difficult job, to the best of their ability.
I think the majority of senior officers, “fast tracked” into the police force from Common Purpose colleges and promoted despite having zero knowledge of real police work, are Labour placemen on the gravy train. These are the people plotting, with others, to turn the white people of Europe into zeks. (AKA racism and genocide).
I will conclude by anticipating a criticism. If any the well known AlBeeboid trolls emerges from under a Scandinavian bridge and wishes to adduce the proportion of aliens in British jails as evidence of weakness in the above argument, my answer is – if the police were properly policing, the number of these minorities locked up would be ten times the present number.
TruthSeeker – as I’ve mentioned previously I live in Londonistan. The corner shop next to my fathers house has recently been closed down due to repeated offences – I won’t go into all of them but the one that essentially had the shop shut down for good had the owner sent straight to jail (weren’t actually able to find out why). There have been similar incidences of shops on the same street (Salusbury Road, NW6) Funding terrorism through £M money laundering, another had a military grade weapons stash in the basement, AKs and the like. It was only ever reported in the local paper and even now I struggle to find the article, will have a look again and post if I can find it.
The publicly available details of these horrific dealings are incredibly hard to find. What my step mum and I did come across was a number of police reports indicating the police had witnessed drug dealing from the premises, selling of alcohol to an underage minor who the police had set up, loitering of gangs openly taking drugs outside the shop just to name a few. Now what struck me the most was that the police in every single occasion not only bent over backwards but would allow this behaviour to continue. Warning after warning after warning (verbal of course and usually met with documented abuse and calls of “racism”) was issued and of course they didn’t comply. There were even recorded police incidences whereby they had witnessed a drug deal and then decided to have a chat with the proprietors son. I don’t know their heritage but I imagine Pakistani. My point is that these things are allowed to continue with impunity simply because of race. This is one of the tamer stories I know of the underworld in Londonistan, trust me.
The fears and cynicism projected through this site in my opinion are just the tip of the iceberg. Political correctness is playing a very, very dangerous game.
You`re quite right-I remember Anne Applebaums brilliant “The Gulag” where she went into some detail about how the Soviets viewed crime.
They knew that the real criminals-the habitual , well known families and the nasty gangland types could be used and worked into the system.
So they were the Soviet terror merchants who were let loose to cow the law-abiding-they were recidivists and not biddable to real Soviet thinking-but would pacify the camps, their instant justice and barbarities being quasi-licensed as long as the elites were not personally targeted.
In particular, these licensed and state-approved scum were VERY good at removing the political dissenters, who naively believed in reason, rule of law and some wish to be on the side of the Soviets eventually-once progress and issues raised had been addressed by the benevolent state…most of these poor souls and their families assumed that Stalin simply had not been told of the atrocities,,,and when he DID know, they`d be vindicated.
Right up to the placing of a red piece of cloth over their hearts at the prison wall in fact.
My point is that Lefty/totalitarian evil condones and controls crime, as long as their power and consensus is not attacked-the criminal is a great friend and ally of the left because they both think that “property is theft” and “redistribution” are noble ends…and only the troublemakers and the moral/religious would dare to imply that these criminals were not deprived, mentally hurt and vulnerable.
So-your analysis is correct-it`s a tactic, and if you DARE to act as Tony Martin did?…then you REALLY see what the law is for…to scare you and let the criminal industries like law, probation services and CCTV thrive.
At the top, the police service has been taken over by sociologist-trained, Common Purpose robots. At the bottom, the input comes from schools apparently incapable of educating children.
As for the outcome, I’m surprised no one has mentioned Tommy Robinson. I’m far from a fan of his but the videos of his harassment have been chilling.
For most of my life I’ve generally been a supporter of the “establishment”, or most of it. The CofE being the main exception. I’ve put my faith in change through the democratic process in spite of numerous irritations and disappointments along the way. In particular, I’ve generally been a supporter of the police, frequently arguing in their defence during my student years.
My position is becoming untenable.
I agree with your comment about the majority of lower ranking officers. However, I can no longer guarantee that I would be prepared to help them out in the unlikely event of them needing it because I no longer feel that the “service” as a whole is on my side. In practice, I probably would help – probably – but I could no longer guarantee it. There would be a degree of hesitation or reluctance.
Furthermore, I’m beginning to think the unthinkable – that situations might conceivably arise in the future, if I’m still around, where I would break the law or resort to actions that fifty years ago would have been out of the question. I was, for all practical purposes, born in a different country. I know I’m not alone in thinking this way. My parents and grandparents witnessed many changes during their lifetimes but they were never given reason to lose faith entirely.
I don’t live in Londonistan, which I know very well, I live in the Yorkshire Dales, but we’re not immune. Big cities seem closer than ever.
This is how social cohesion falls apart. Do I resent it? You bet I do.
Another wee little web-site whoopsie at the BBC. The Independent newspaper, as such, has been gone a few months now. The BBC have managed to include its non-existent front page, while ignoring its sister journal the i, in its The Papers section:
They no doubt picked it up from its web edition. But as several other papers appeared to be missing, I find myself in ‘Reardon mode’, wondering whether it is down to the BBC having the work experience teenagers in but they have their minds on other things, perhaps worried about getting back into the GCSE/GCE chase next week. They were probably not allowed out after 10.30pm yesterday to track down the missing rags.
Even the most trivial event will get the bbc twist,
The story of eddie izzard’s beret theft,
Despite wearing high heels,mr izzard pursued the man and retrieved his beret while police pinned him to the floor.Implying he caught him in high heels
Reading that account of a truly farcical event had me laughing out loud for the first time ever at Izzard. Laughing ‘at’ him I stress, not ‘with’ him.
It is simply unfathomable to any civilised person. This was her father and husband involved in the rape and murder!!! I’d presume the father didn’t actually rape her but who knows where the mind of Islam takes one?
Mackers – I’m sure she was raped very honourably. And perhaps murdered for having been raped as demanded by sharia I gather. The demonic labyrinthine convolutions are bottomless. I’ve no doubt the sisterhood will be outraged, just as soon as they finish being outraged over burkini bans.
I mentioned in the previous open thread the interminable number of ‘Brexit Specials’ the remainers at the BBC have broadcast to keep their anti democratic pot boiling – the latest being Five Live’s trek round Britain and Radio 4’s take on what it means for EU incomers living here. Moan, moan, doom, gloom.
Add to that tonight’s trailer for ‘Inside Out’, next week. Guess what they’re featuring? That’s right…A BREXIT SPECIAL, FFS
It seems that BBC Heads have got round the table and ordered producers to each go large on the referendum and each produce a Brexit whinge.
Yes, the continuous barrage of anti-brexit and anti-brexiter propaganda is unprecedented in my view. The Beeb are truly moving into clear political bias and I believe are close to overplaying their hand. The Beeb has in the past been careful to be able to defend it’s claim of impartiality, but I can’t see any evidence of balance since the Brexit vote.
The good thing is that the clearer the bias is, the stronger the case for abolishing the compulsory license fee. How can 52% of the population be expected to pay for propaganda for their opposition?
On Classic FM’s Global propaganda they had on Lord Paddy and he managed to demand the 51% does not overrule the 48%, which may explain why the Lib Dems are best kept away from anything to do with numbers, like immigration.
The liberal left establishment all voted remain and won’t accept the revolt by the common folk.So they are using their power to overturn the result, the BBC being just one of their most overt tools.These liberal left leeches control just about all UK institutions and will fight hard and dirty to stay in the EU. Some of the obvious impacts that their refusal to accept the democratic result are having are firstly undermining our negotiating position with the EU by encouraging Brussels to take a tough stance in the hope that this helps out the UK establishment,and secondly encouraging the SNP to stir up as much trouble as possible.
The issue of immigration and immigrants dominated* (did it? BigAuntie usually tells us the £350m dominated, whereas many would say EU incompetance and loss of sovereignty dominated) the EU referendum campaign with much of the focus on the increased numbers of Eastern Europeans in the UK following EU expansion in 2004. They are often talked about – but rarely spoken to. (em BBC airs them often)
– Writer and journalist Gary Younge meets Eastern Europeans who live in the UK. He explores the impact of the Brexit vote on these communities and considers how the vote and their experiences fit into the history of race and migration in Britain.
– In this first of two programmes, Gary talks to Poles and Romanians in Bristol, an area that voted Remain and which has longstanding Eastern European communities.(is it a ghetto?)
Does she believe that anyone in the world should be allowed to enter the USA without any checks, or does she accept that a sovereign state has the absolute right to determine who may or may not enter into its territory? That is all that Trump’s wall signifies. It will not stop legal immigration, only illegal immigration.
The right-on leftards who oppose the wall must logically support unrestricted illegal immigration. I truly hope they get what they desire, and end up living in a ghetto run by Honduran drug gangs.
The so-called existing border controls plainly are not working. Trump is proposing to build a serious structure to physically control immigration.
If you accept that states have the right to decide who is allowed to enter the country, then you have to accept that the USA has the right to build a physical barrier to defend itself against massive illegal immigration.
BBC1 continuity announcer 18.50 just prior to Strictly “Finally we get to find out who Ed Ball’s partner is…”
WTF? What about the other 10 or however many contestants, is insignificant failure Ballsup more noteworthy than them, or is it because he’s a member of ‘New’ Labour and husband to immigration supporting Labour MP Ms Cooper? I think I know the answer….
Or it could be simply that his name is easier to pronounce than many of the other ‘celebs’ …
We all know full well that you have just made that up! We already know that you are all alone because there is no way that anyone could stand spending even a few seconds in your bile inducing, self-righteous, self-hating, piss smelling presence! You are a complete bell-end!
No surprise to see you pop up to defend the Islamic Al Beeb at the very first opportunity you insufferable wanker! Do you really spend that much time with your head shoved right up your arse, that you have not witnessed at least one incident of BBC bias to post here??!!
We both know full well that you have just made that up, that I never posted anything resembling those words, and like all far-left extremists your aim is use lies and made up accusations to tarnish those you are clearly getting your delusional arse kicked by… The British. It’s kind of touching to see you trying to rescue Anti-British, who is consistently dying on their arse with every post… But you have made it even worse for them here.
It must be highly embarrassing to have waited such a long time to post a ‘reply’ which you hoped would have made an impact…. And like every far left government, policy, group in the history of mankind, failed miserably.
Your embarrassing ‘post’ kind of sums up the Far -left.. “built on lies and hatred, and is destined to fail”
Oh my, I am exchanging posts with a complete nutjob! There’s no “may just be someone using the same name..” about this, that isn’t me! How much of a loner are you for pulling out a post from some random website, from someone who uses the same name, from so long ago, to try and make a failed point?! Haha you must have spent hours searching for that…. Only to find out it wasn’t me! I was going to say that it wasn’t one of your most successful events in your life, but being a far-left lunatic, it probably was! Like anti-British, you and the left are dying on your arse. Your whole life has been pointles as everything you have believed is failing…. Plus being a far-left lunatic, you obviously have never been with woman, with you being the world’s biggest tool
“given the amount you appear to have been drinking”….spending even a few moments reading one of your posts is enough to drive anyone to drink! I feel properly ‘lefted’! Quick, pass the paint stripper!!
Tothepoint – after almost a day away from this website, I return to see your excellent post at the top of the Recent Comments lists. Well done. Jesus will be smiling down at you.
So you question what I say by assumption? Like you I don’t have a scooby if all regions or indeed the online stream have the same continuity, but I can tell you for FACT that BBC 1 West at 18.50 broadcast the above, just before the BBC self promotion ad prior to Strictly Cum Prancing starting.
“Really? Because we watched it and don’t remember any such thing.”
It was during the end credits of “Pointless Celebrities”. However, you might notice Geoff’s use of ellipses. The other half of the sentence was; “…and who Anton will be dancing with.”
But that would ruin his earth shattering “WTF” moment, so he decided to cut that bit out.
Think we need to get a scale here re degree of news bias.
Tonight on BBC News.
1. Obama saving the planet on his legacy farewell tour( Blair ALSO felt the need to hope around the world as if hes not a lame duck who`s been a disaster-what IS it with these vainglorious liberal sociopaths?
2. Microbeads-and here`s the Marine Conservation Yunigilry to tell us why it`s not enough-never is is it?
3. NHS up north say sorry for threatening the tubbietellies with no surgery unless they bother to give up the booze and fags-apparently this is on a par with racism. Hate speech
4. Hope Not Hate and Jo Cox, Eddie Izzard saying we need more referendums and Poles in Essex marching in case we don`t see that Brexit kills migrants.
5. Theresa May denying the Chinese a nuclear plant, as if leaving the EU was not enough of a slap in the face for the Chinese-don`t ask, just is…
Christ on a bike-relentless shit-call this news?
It`s even worse sometimes GC.
Just been listening to random media.
Radio 2 just had some piss take phone call to Brian Sewell-bloke died a year ago, but if we can shaft and humiliate a toff-well Radio 2 will play it again year later.
Some quiz show called “The Chase” asks its contestants-among others
a) Which Tory politician was known as Doris Karloff
b) Which of these foods-peas, potatoes or lettuce-was Spitting Images “favourite food” for their John Major puppet?
See what they`re doing there in all these three cases.
Does anyone imagine them asking which Labour leader ended up on his arse and in the sea at the Brighton Conference…what Labour MP was replaced by a tub of lard in a quiz show, when he didn`t show up to appear?
I`m afraid there`s money to be had if you know what the liberals would like you to know-but they`ll not be asking any questions about people they`d rather you NOT embarrass if you knew.
As for posh Brian Sewell-well, laugh at the toff until you die yourself.
Sinister buggers aren`t they?
March for the EU.
I now have rope left over. I think I know how I can use this.
Have tried to contribute this since 2000 hours.
Is a denial of service attack in progress?
Syrian refugee in Germany dies as flames engulf him while trying to set fire to his wife using barbecue lighter fluid
The 45-year-old stormed the house where she lives with their three kids
He doused her in flammable liquid but ended up killing himself in the fire
The 31-year-old wife was injured in the attack in Ruedesheim, Germany
The couple had travelled together from Syria but had since separated
This vicious act of islamic honor violence almost had a perfect ending — except others were hurt in the fire. The good news: when her Muslim husband tried to burn his wife alive, the flames engulfed him and the would-be killer died of his injuries. Poetic justice.
But of course, in any violent act of jihad, others were injured. The woman, 31, was severely burned in the incident, which also caused extensive damage to the asylum home where she lives with their three children. Three more of the 14 residents of the home were injured and one of them is understood to be the couple’s toddler.
Syrian refugees and the gifts they bring to their host countries.
Why Europe continues to import this violent and hateful culture is a question that will be asked for decades, even centuries to come.
The incisive Pat Condell answered the question really well in his videos on “the insane asylum that used to be a country called Sweden.” He explained that the Swedish authorities could not bring themselves to admit that the policy of welcoming Muslim hordes from the third world has been a disaster for their country. And so they just repeated the error until the damage was irreversible.
Socialist/humanitarian theories that we are all equal so let’s have a great big group hug and we’ll get along fine have been disproved so often and for so long that one would think lefties would have learned the lesson by now. Apparently they are incapable of learning it.
Slightly optimistic to think the questions we are asking about Islam now will be the same we are asking centuries later!
There are only 3 outcomes here….but the path to answering which one is already underway! They are..
1: complete take over by Islam… This would mean either complete capitulation to Islam before the unimaginable bloodshed begins, or we are violently taken over with death only the Yazidis will understand
2: we at long last stop deluding ourselves and accepted that we have to remove Islam from the west.
.. This scenario is the only way we are going to survive
3: We are on the path to either 1 or 2 happening!!
Scenario 1 and 2 are only a couple of decades away at most!! Living in harmony with the death cult will never be an option… The blood thirsty, pedophilic warlord ensured of that
Agree TTP. I think most likely is a sort of 1.5 option where some people realise that we cannot go on as we are, and these people voluntarily partition the country into civilised and Islamic areas. Initially this will be by people ‘moving’ in the conventional way into areas they think will maintain western cultural norms.
As the situation becomes more frantic, people will move more like refugees, abandoning their homes. Home ownership will increasingly become a matter of possession not legal title. Conventional concepts of wealth will become meaningless as a tin of beans will quickly cost £25.
We have the left to thank for our future.
Can we avoid it? I think we can but I’m not at all certain that we will.
The insane property prices have enabled many ethnic English families to move out of London. To Sussex and Hampshire in particular as well as further west.
Still many stay working in London though but for how long given the rapid technological changes coming .
I am sure the elite and the BBC have no interest in these matters preferring denial to investigation .
So already a form of balkanisation is taking place.
The tipping point for a decision to move is usually when a child reaches secondary school age. Many of us living in areas where the families are coming from London know this to be a reality.
One of the factors that gave this exodus a real push was the last riot in London.Much downplayed by authority and the media it really scared many families and they acted as we all do when threatened.
Terrorism also plays a part .
When many of us question the reluctance of government and the media to deal with what will inevitably destroy the harmony of a once peaceful country we must remember that liberalism is built upon fantasy and that reality is denied until that moment comes when it asserts itself.
Dave I agree with you to some extent – I am the child of a family who got lucky. My parents started buying up properties in London before there was any hint of mass immigration e.g. we bought a 3 bed flat in Queen’s Park for £150,000 in 1995, its now worth £1M. My old man mortgaged himself up to the hills as that was his self proclaimed “pension”.
That said for my family as property investors, albeit some of the unwitting first, never anticipated the onslaught of migrants that persistantly push the portfolio onwards. The joke of it being that now both my parents are looking to move out to the country. I, being a bBBC contributor and self confessed right wing liberal (yep you heard it correct!) am happy to see the portfolio climb yet would throw it all in the dustbin if needs be. My parents on the other hand just cannot get enough. They love the trappings of remortgaging and banking whilst interest rates are low. Personally I would rather see London rid of all the scum that have made it the dangerous place it wasn’t when I was a kid and would happily annul my “inheritance” to see the good old england that my Grandpa fought for in WW2. Sad state of affairs
I’d like to know where the ethnics find the finance to buy up properties wholesale in London. If its ‘hard work’, then what the hell have myself and my late parents been doing for the past 70 odd years ? and still not earning enough to buy a potting shed in Putney. Just watching Homes under the Hammer shows the ethnicity of landlords adding to their ‘portfolios’ in London and the suburbs. Suddenly they are all ‘property developers’ who came to this country with a fiver in their pocket. And with the Chinese buying estates off-plan and whole streets to let out, then forget Brexit and ruling ourselves, how can we when we’ll all be in hock to those who weren’t even born here.
Allow me to explain how: first get a council house flat/ house from a council employee in the housing department who happens to be a co-religionists or from the same God- forsaken part of the world. Give him/her a nice backhander. Sublet the property to multiple illegal immigrants and use the proceeds to purchase buy to let properties, invest nothing in the property,but cram as many illegals in as you can manage into it. Surrounding area – who cares? After all it’s not your country is it?
Absolutely Donbob – another scam that us british people pay for which is the most common is that refugees/immigrants/anyone who isn’t white british automatically get pushed to the front of the housing ladder as by the councils rules they are more worthy since they have less family here to couchsurf etc. They get the council house, they then after 5 years or so get a massive helping hand to buy (in some instances the council will pay your deposit). However the council do this on the proviso that you will stay there for 5+ years, I beleive its called “right to buy”. However what in reality happens is that these people get the council to help them buy it and immediately move out and sublet. To give you an example a girl I was at sixth form college with was bought up in a council estate in Soho. Estimated council rent c. £300 pm, actual private rent value c. £1500 pm. These people are not morons it is the system that is allowing this to happen and guess who pays for it? That’s right… You.. The british taxpayer!
Dave. My wife and I made the decision to flee the big smoke last week. Funnily enough our eldest is starting secondary school on Tuesday,and this house has done well. There have been mini riots in Brixton and Notting hill for the past 4 years that have received zero media attention. All that you have stated is true. Cheers
“Can our traders please be allowed to sell goods in Imperial or Imperial/Metric Weights.”
Traders can already sell goods in Imperial measurements. Go to Tescos, ask for 8lb of sausages (slightly less than usual for the week) and 8lb of sausages is what you’ll get.
Packaged goods have to sold in metric. Hence a one pound jar of jam has to be marked 454g. Loose goods may be sold in metric and Imperial measures, but the metric one has to be larger.
Although I have a policy of not dealing with trolls, I thought this time I would give you the benefit of the doubt, and provide you with a bit of information.
It seems that my policy not to feed trolls is a good one. I tried to treat you with a bit of respect, and all I get back is this snarky bullshit. Please feel free to f off and die.
US Earthquakes : still not made it to BBC News*
#1 15 hours ago off coast of California
#2 6 hours ago : local tremors culminate in in strongest one ever in Oklahoma
No deaths, but BBC still running with the China ratifies (non binding) Global warming agreement that basically lets them carry on as before.
* I guess the delay is so they can get a narrative together alleging fracking caused the Oklahoma earthquakes
“Hate crimes prosecutions fall despite rise in reporting”.
Thanks Taffman, good spot.
This must be the “surge” in hate crime which Dianne (“let me just say this to you”) Abbott blamed on Brexit on Any Questions earlier today.
Sounds like the “surge” is about as real as all those dodgy Remainiac economic predictions: a whole lot of hot air.
As the Met said earlier in the year, it was just a rise in reported crimes on their website, not a rise in actual crime, and to report it a rise in hate crime would be irresponsible.
Not that that’s stopping Mx Abbott from lying about it for political gain, and after her complaints about the lies in the Leave campaign, one can only call this sheer hypocrisy.
Now there’s something which Liebour can’t blame on poor old Jeremy’s comments being “misrepresented” – their latest tactic.
“BBC Radio 4 has enlisted one of the UK’s leading court artists to sketch the fictional trial in The Archers.”
How much is this costing? Its as daft as employing a ventriloquist on the radio show.
“Daniel Radcliffe endorses Jeremy Corbyn for Labour leader” – Another Leftie Luvvie being all ‘daring’ and ‘radical’ and edgy and virtue signalling and getting his name in print? Surely not. And deep, see, I have – what do you call them – thoughts and opinions, political ones too like grown ups, not just a pretty face.
Go back to Hogwarts you little prick.
Rowling trained Radcliffe well in the ten years she had with him doing potter. He’s turned into a right smug little virtue signaller. Hermione is ina similar position. Got to keep his fans happy and the twatterati as well? Spotted him doing his I love labour act on itv a few years back with wide eyed enthusiasm. Very mediocre actor just cannot take him seriously At all less so now that he’s a corbynista. On the same level as corden whose face one would enjoy punching hard for a few hours.
“Junior doctors’ row: The basics of the dispute” followed by long analysis sympathetic to strikers. I suggest instead: militant TU leaders; doctors’ greed; masquerading as ‘care for the patients’ and ‘save our NHS’.
We know it is about money and now some Trots have started to think they can bring down the government. Scargill and the miners they ain’t.
Snowflakes the lot of them. A secure career, good prospects and no danger of the sack And they are not satisfied.
Every one is so special you know.
Yeah GW. In bBBC la la land “unmarried white heterosexual man has consensual sex with woman over the age of consent’ is quite a news story. In fact it is probably a dismissible offence as such action is clearly discriminatory in that it ‘under-represents minorities’.
I saw this too Guest and if true I think it is very significant.
The MSM and particularly the BBC appear to be completely out of control at the moment and ever since Brexit and have abandoned pretty much any attempt at all to adopt any sort of balanced approach.
Part of it could be explained by the fact that with the Labour party currently in tatters they see it as their duty to act as an unofficial “opposition” party. Commendable – maybe.
But more alarmingly in true Trotskyesque style I think the BBC are trying to change the “balance” of politics within the country. If we meekly lay down and accept everything these bastards tell us – the whole range of debate and political balance in this country lurches further to the left – with devastating consequences to our society and culture.
Where does this all end? no-one can truly know
Why do they do it? – because they can. The left and the BEEB in particular are a bit like a toddler screaming inside a supermarket – if you give in and bribe them with sweets for their silence – next visit they will demand even more sweets which leads to even more bad behavior in the future. Weakness by a Government begets weakness.
However as a Government run by Class War is probably unlikely – I think ultimately many at Aunty dearly hope that eventually we will be governed by some sort of Euro super state – Where big corporations make all the decisions (such as the BBC ) and the rest of us “do as we are told” To reach this “Nirvana” some breakdown of society and existing cultures is needed so order can be re-imposed by “those of us who know better” Hence why they are so anti brexit and so pro immigration as both of these issues further “the cause”
At this juncture the Government has a very strong ” MANDATE” to act on the peoples wishes. It alarms me therefore that Goverment are unwilling to even retain what in effect is a fairly weak control on the obviously biased state run broadcaster. It is not as if those on the left (including Aunty) would ever support a tory Government anyway – so why give up the one control you do have to keep the BBC in check.
None of this makes sense. Unless either
1 The BBC has more “juicy details” about members of the current goevernment it has threatened to drip feed into the press.
2 The current Government are quite happy with the current state of the BBC and actually tacitly agrees with its political aims. This of course means that they do not have the heart and political will to carry on with any sort of meaningful Brexit process.
Perhaps this is why we still have to listen to the constant drip drip of poison from the BBC about Brexit and also why the the likes of the odious Anna Soudbry is still pedaling her pro brexit faeces. you know the stuff “We need to stay in the single market – so we will have to keep borders open – blah blah” Honestly Anna we have voted so whether we are right or wrong you really should shut the F### up do your job!
3 Theresa is just incompetent and totally out of her depth.
None of these options cheer me particularly – but for the life of me I cannot understand why a democratically elected Goverment is so afraid of this “enfent terrible” broadcaster talk about the tail wagging the dog!
I guess all we can do is stay on the case of these bastards – but if brexit is seriously watered down I for one will definitely be hitting the streets. But I would probably prefer to wear a foil beret rather than a pink fluffy one.
Anyway off now to sit under my pyramid with my foil hat on – it helps with the depression – dont ya know!
Guest Who: Maybe Corbyn and his gang get their Middle Ages attitudes to the Middle East from only having the BBC as a source of information and education?
I’m guessing it’s a bit broader than that. They get them from a lifetime of exposure to far-left idiocy and not from the BBC alone.
Where they certainly don’t get them is from a sober and educated analysis of Middle East conflicts.
The description of the attackers is of one man being dark-haired with a neatly trimmed beard and the other being dark-haired.
Is this really what the UK media has been reduced to – deliberately failing to give a full description of the attackers in case they may offend the Religion of Peace, regardless of the fact that the attackers were almost certainly going to kill an innocent member of our Armed Forces?….hang your heads in shame.
Agreed Third, disgraceful, but I think most of the public have learnt by now what ‘dark haired’ and ‘bearded’ is cowardly code for.
And I would make a minor point: I don’t think it’s really ‘in case they may offend the Religion of Peace’, I think it’s an unholy terror of appearing waycist / islamophobic.
I still haven’t heard anything on the BBC about the much-vaunted (by the BBC) ratification of the Paris climate change summit by the USA and China … well nothing accurate anyway about how China and India are specifically allowed to increase CO2 emissions.
This minor detail seems to have passed the moron Harabin by, to hear him talk you’d think the world leaders were finally listening to him at last. After all, he is the BBC climate analyst, well he got the first 57% of the word right, not bad for an English graduate.
In fact, the headline should simply be Moronic Western Leaders agree to pointlessly harm our own economies this being a major aim of the fascist left – to render us whities destitute, serves us jolly well right too!
The radio alarm came on this morning. I awoke to the strains of ……yet another pro-Muslim narrative, this one I think was about how ‘normal’ the RoPers all were. This was followed closely by the one story aboutbthe Church of England, this being a Sunday. It was of course an extensive and rather prurient interview with the Gay Bishop of Grantham, with lots of LGBT references thrown in.
At the point even the radio had had enough and self destructed.
It is completely unceasing. The causes. The narrative. The minorities. The bias.
And last night the Daily Mail was reporting that Keith Vaz had met up with two male prostitutes and a third was due who wanted paying in cocaine. He had paid in dollars thus reducing the price he paid from £100 to £60. Sunday morning it was still on the DM web site but still nothing like n the BBC. I know it is salacious tittle tattle but I am sure the BBC would have been keener to report had it been a Tory MP or Cliff Richard.
Perish the thought that I offend Owen Jones but can someone explain why the word “male” is not preceding “prostitute” in the coverage of the Vaz story (sorry narrative).
indeed, a massive Vaz shaped hole on the BBC this morning. Yesterday and today we had irrelevant wall to wall coverage of gay clergy, but today when one of their pet muzzy/lefties pays Eastern European immigrants for gay arse sex it doesn’t seem to be a story.
Is this one of the most shocking examples of bias by omission?
Watching the Marr show, I coughed and missed the mention of our Keith, only one of the three newspaper commentators was asked to speak on the matter. Why couldn’t Ms Chakrabati gives us her opinion ?
Still Ed Balls on Strictly is the big story, apparently
Marr was a disgrace re vas. They just couldn’t wait to move on as fast as they could when mentioning him in the papers. If this was a Tory it would be wal to wall with plenty of sneering by red Andy and his pals.
He was particularly sneering when introducing Theresa May this morning and even interviewing he.r. Contrast that with the easy ride given to the white washer in chief. Marr was only tickling her belly and she knew she wasn’t going to be challenged. Such a self righteous petulant little cow. She basically admitted that she was going to cause trouble In the hoc over brexit.
Don’t get me started on the love in with the cretin that is blinky balls.
Missed the 9am but by 9.30 Vaz had the briefest mention. This is the man who was preparing a report for Parliament, I understand, on prostitution and was using male prostitutes and involved with drugs at the same time. Perhaps this is quite important. Certainly Broadcasting House whilst considering the papers and having someone on from a publication called Vice, might have thought the Vaz story worthy of a mention. Not a word. And that is why many of us reading this site (trolls apart) think the BBC biased.
“Treating soliciting as a criminal offence is having an adverse effect, and it is wrong that sex workers, who are predominantly women, should be penalised and stigmatised in this way,” he said…
As the BBC reported here:
Vaz went to an airport on New Year’s Day to count Romanians arriving on the day the entry rules for eastern Europeans changed. At the time this was touted as an attempt to ridicule claims that thousands would arrive in quick order (they did and in greater numbers).
Now we know he was there on the sniff, the dirty little so and so.
I liked this quote from today’s BBC article on the whole sordid affair,
‘When asked about the allegations, shadow health secretary Diane Abbott said: “I’ve known Keith for over 30 years. I think this must be a dreadful time for him and his family – his wife and his two children – and I’d rather not comment.”‘
As our American cousins would say, “Way to go Diane”.
I just watched the BBC News Headlines on TV (I have a licence). There were three headlines:
1. The British Prime Minister meeting a gentleman in the USA who said that trade deals between our two countries would be fine (although the voice-over warned ‘Brexit’ could cause problems)
2. A deceased nun becoming a saint
3. The funeral of some men who drowned in the U.K.
I have heard rumours of a big story concerning a washing machine salesman (Keith ‘Daz’?), some white powder and unpaid rent. Obviously I don’t have all the details correct so I looked at the BBC news website as well to see what the real story was. Nothing there.
I assume that your uniquely funded pool of journalists are beavering away pulling all the facts together as I write. (Oooh, paper review on screen as I write and a quick mention of something). I wait with bated breath to hear/see the story which I am sure will be impartial and merely deliver the facts as known at this time.
Doesn’t it make one wonder what other news is NOT being reported by Al Beeb ?
Are you having ‘value for money’ from your telly poll tax ?
Ditch it .
Indeed it does make me wonder, taffman. To the point where, if it IS reported on the Beeb (on the rare occasions I bother to tune in) I check elsewhere (I do find the uniquely-funded journos somewhat lacking in, well, journalism).
Should do. There are a fair few of them, it seems, and they need more: “Our journalists account for more than a third of the BBC workforce, with UK and worldwide staff serving a variety of local, regional, national, UK-wide and global audiences, in all media.”
“The most trusted news broadcaster in the world”
GATEKEEPING constructing dams to block the free flow of information,
… whilst pushing other pet-issues through
..some BBC journalists do indeed act like beavers.
Hang on a minute, it was agreed by Marr and the commentators that there was no hypocrisy in Vaz’s behaviour, just a moment of madness perhaps. Now BBC News tell us Vaz’s committee are looking into prostitution, there’s a whiff there somewhere……..
As long as Vaz doesn`t claim for lube on his expenses then I`m prepared to let it slide!
That bugger exudes oil…maybe an alternative for fracking(no that`s NOT a perversion…yet)is slithering amongst us all in Leicester Forest.
Imagine he`ll say it was all for “research purposes”…worracreep!
Most kind thirdoption.
Would love to say that it all comes from inspiration…but this stuff writes itself.
Corbyn and pals-and the BBCs response to life ever since Climategate at the UEA 2009…Russell Brand and Occupy-the Ed Stone…Jackboots Jacqui and the expenses…l`il Hazel Blears from 2009…Paedo Exchanges with Harman and Dromey…Savile and the Tories winning last year…and now BREXIT, Farage and Trump.
Golden Years for Comedy.
Nearly matches this one!
10am-12pm Katie Hopkins is on LBC
Switched over from R4 Broadcasting House which was almost completely PSEUDO SJW warrior issues.
It’s summed up by at 9.45am when the newspaper reviewer said it was absolutely disgraceful : “the item about the March for Ared (Polish man in Harlow) is on page 11 of the Telegraph” ..”Why isn’t it much further up the paper”
Asked about integration he protested loudly that the immigrants weren’t at fault they had made tremendous effort…But listeners knew that was contradicted by the prog earlier
– They started with big coverage from Harlow, where as ever the real people didn’t conform with the BBC/Guardian stereotype view.
The long term Polish immigrant settled in Harlow for 20 years said
– The police should have acted earlier.
– That one problem is that these days in Harlow many newer Polish were not integrating like the old days ..he then described a ghetto effect, where newer Poles weren’t integrating and speaking English unlike before.
– “I’ve never had any trouble, well just the once”..”We woke up and there was graffiti across the road. We phoned the police they came right around, and 2 days later the council man had removed it”
….Well it’s great the authorities are so efficient and nip crime in the bud, but in my area the police don’tr come round just cos you had a property crime; when there’s a robbery mostly you are on your own.
At 9.30 interesting segment as they interviewed Afghan and other Muslim refugees settled in France ..and one of them shouted “Allah Akbar”, in response to questions. and the others rushed around trying to shut him up.
We are the true Social Justice Warriors wanting true Social Justice. But these North London BBC/Guardian Zombies are the FAKE PSEUDO SJWS cos their justice is twisted by their need to VIRTUE SIGNAL, so that their PetIsuues are priortised above others.
Twisted such that to them pointing a Tweet is far worse than stabbing with a knife.
@SiBarberPhoto 2h2 hours ago
Usual metropolitan dross from #BroadcastingHouse, ie British people are lazy bigots and cars are evil.
The item from France was by hughsykes
@bbcr4bh #hughsykes needs a fact lesson. French anti #Muslim feeling is cultural not racist. Another BBC axe grinder
The progs other 2 issues were
– Cycling cameras – IN LONDON about BBC Luvvie J Vine
– Nostalgic TV with Hannah Beckerman – one commenter alluded to political correctness problem said that ‘they do that cos if you try to talk about contemporary issues you get into trouble’
– They had no time to discuss Keith Vaz (BBC is alledged to be covering it up on the grounds it was a newspaper setup and so it’s a private issue, not in the public interest)
Only the BBC would “question Mother Theresas legacy”.
As opposed to say-I dunno-Lady Di, Bono, Geldof, Benn, Foot or…naturally …Obama!
All of who will leave us only tax dodges, dead partners, a Live Aid clip, tax shelters for the kids, a few letters-and, of course, dead border guards, dead embassy staff, and Iran resurgent, Islam triumphant.
No-Chris Hitchens hated Mother Theresa(less so Trotsky, but hey)-and the BBC oafs will fall into line according to Hitchslaps as bequeathed to “The Good Rebellion”.
So Caroline Wyatts frankly weird voice( is she in transition?)tells us of Mother Theresas “controversial legacy”…probably a grubby bedpan at the hospice visited by the Mid-Staffs CQC Inspectorate when Jon Snow sneaked them in in 2003 or such.
As for Dawkins legacy?…well, not a hospice, not a care home, not one Indian cared for healed, fed or loved before they died…nah, an Oxbridge Seat of Science as paid for by the Arabs.
His legacy of course is NOT controversial-for its only virtual and hypothetical-and non existant in reality?
Funny that-Mother Theresa leaves all that good to India and its “controversial”
Mrs Thatcher leaves us a hospital wing in Chelsea…and that`s ignored.
But the lefty blowhards and liberal cabbages leave us endless shit, bastards, perversions and vile discord…and THEIR “legacy” goes unquestioned as “The Common Good”.
Fup off BBC….the time`s coming when we`ll bury the whole bloody lot fo them in their Whicker coffin.
Bye bye suttee-bye bye!….
While I despise the ways in-which the BBC produces its headline news, I think Christopher Hitchens’ heavy criticism of “Saint” Theresa is completely justified; it’s actually required. She spent her life telling starving Africans to cling to a mythological text book that told them contraception was worse than HIV, and that the Christian-led never-ending reproductive cycle of a poverty-stricken woman must keep making babies that she knows she cannot feed. This is a place in the world in-which the empowerment of women actually does need to occur, and the good mother’s touch upon Africa has been a limp-wristed handshake with the devil for many decades.
I cannot claim to have the intellect of the late, lamented “Hitch” but I share his atheism. The only good thing I can say about Catholism is that it is better than Islam. Sorry if that upsets any catholics here.
Anyone really interested can try the “Four Horsemen ” discussion on YouTube. Hitch, Dawkins , Dennet and Harris on religious belief. In Hitch’s apartment in Washington. Hitch fortifies himself with fags and whisky throughout. Great stuff !
Accept the need to demystify and unpack all the hoopla about a flawed individual.
But if she put up even ONE hospice, saved ONE kid from a grim death…or got even ONE nurse to retrain or visit Calcutta/Kolkatta…then she`s worth more than 10,000 Blairs, Dawkins and (say this quietly) Christopher Hitchens.
That was my point…and as atheists, respect your views.
But as a Christian, Jesus says summat about doing about “what you do for the least of my people…you`re doing it to and for me”( I paraphrase of course).
No need to point out where it is…but she`ll have lived with that at the front of her mind…as do I.
Guardian Zombies are running with Japanese Report warns on Brexit
..oh let me see which reporter ? oh Faisal Islam of Sky
..what a surprise that his reputation is of a Remaniac Fundamentalist campaigner.
Just the very thought of Keith Vaz indulging in a “sexual act” has my stomach doing somersaults. However, two male prostitutes and the use of cocaine suggests to me that some of his constituents in sunny Leicester may just be the teensiest bit miffed. These people might be referred to as members of the religion of peace but show an extraordinary lack of tolerance towards homosexuality…other faiths…women…booze…music…dancing…pigs…dogs…
If I was old oily Keith I’d keep well away from the tops of tall buildings…
Friends! I have written in full support of William Keegan’s piece in that Hard-Right neoliberal rag, the so-called Guardian, in which he points out the literally catastrophic effects of Brexit on Britain and the world, and indeed elsewhere.
My Tweet provides a link to Friend Keegan’s piece, as well as to my reply:
"Friends! William Keegan is, of course, totally correct, even if he has, as ever, understated his case. Britain…"
Thank you, Friend Lobster. I guess the trouble is that, since so many of them write nonsense like this all the time, it’s getting steadily more difficult for them to distinguish between reality and parody!
Will do … and since you enjoyed that, you may also enjoy my Blog. Here’s a link to the piece that’s my personal favourite, which is still extremely relevant, as it’s about the ongoing Labour Leadership battle, and which I’ll be writing about again in the next day or two:
And here’s my Guardian piece in full, by popular request of Friend Mike:
“Friends! William Keegan is, of course, totally correct, even if he has, as ever, understated his case.
Britain is now literally the laughing-stock of the world, and indeed elsewhere, as a result of the arbitrary decision of a tiny handful of 17,410,742 Far-Right racists, who viciously voted for Hard-Right Brexit in June, and who represent absolutely nobody but themselves.
Now that the £ – that oppressive symbol of Far-Right imperialism and neocolonialism – is now literally worthless against Our Euro, and Our Stockmarket has crashed to its highest level for well over a year, and the British so-called economy – which Thatcher totally destroyed – has literally tanked, where are the so-called Brexiters now, friends?
They are, friends, all in hiding! Understandably, given that Our Remain Camp’s entirely accurate and precise forecasts – e.g. total economic collapse, World War III, accelerating Hard-Right Climate Change and higher roaming charges, together with the prospect of several redundancies in Our Brussels – have all literally come true with a vengeance.
No wonder, friends, that whenever I encounter my friends from the Continent, they are literally convulsed with laughter at the sorry state of the British economy, especially when it is contrasted with the booming Euroland economy where – to take just a couple of examples – youth unemployment in certain parts of Southern Europe is less than 50%, and Our Italian Banks are still practically solvent.
What a contrast, friends, this happy state of affairs in Our EU is with the so-called British economy, where literally billions people are forced to work 95-hour weeks on Zero Hour Contracts in compulsory Foodbanks, while the widely-hated, totally unelected, sociopathic Bullingdon Bully Boy Theresa May sadistically quaffs champagne whilst burning £50 notes in front of them. No wonder literally nobody wants to come and live in the UK, friends!
And given this literally state of affairs, friends, is it really any surprise to hear that those of us on the Progressive Left – and there are many of us, friends, e.g. me – are revolting?”
“…a tiny handful of 17,410,742 Far-Right racists, who viciously voted for Hard-Right Brexit in June, and who represent absolutely nobody but themselves.” LOL
Funnily enough when I was in Birmingham I saw Williams article in a “pop up” paper called the New European.
A weekly suckup of all things Euro since they lost the Referendum…very funny.
That said I bought it for Howard Jacobsons blistering attack on Corbyns Labour/Anti Semitic Enquiry”…bet THAT won`t be getting transferred over to the Guardian.
The format is very Guardian-and, now you`ve said this-bet it`s funded from Brussels or the CP Snow slush funds somewhere creepy in lib land.
Soros?…Mishcon de Reya…something stinky I`m sure.
Brilliant Seveed Milibandperson!
Mockery, comedy and sending them over the top into madness is the way to do it.
Even the luvvies had to take a “raincheck” on your Cassandra impression…but you`ve got a few of them thinking.
Found that my refusal to respect Jo Cox death and want a SWP candidate to stand against namby pamby soft Labour DOES get them checking their steroids…they think THEY`RE lefty and bolshie…well look at ME!
That` I`m a parody and false flag in disguise hopefully gets them stuffed sometime hence.
I doff my beret( Che`s red turned pink when I put it in with my wifes nighties)…to you sir!
BBC Keith Vaz story went up 45 minas ago Keith Vaz ‘paid for male escorts’, Sunday Mirror claims
(the BBC’s story is pretty empty other than sympathy from Labour friends)
Earlier the BBC was alledged to be covering it up on the grounds it was a newspaper setup and so it could be construed as breaking newspaper regulator IPSOS rules if its a private issue and not in the public interest.
BUT BUT since it’s Labour Party policy that people paying for sex is immoral then it is a public interest surely ?
+ Keith Vaz is preparing a report on prostitution
+ he’s “chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee which monitors crime and drugs policy”
(His sister Valerie is Labour MP for Walsall South)
Wow the Guido story says the story is the tip of the iceberg
“was under police investigation over year ago on suspicion of financial corruption and historic allegations of under-age sex.”
“Vaz – who owes his career to Greville Janner – was the unidentified MP in this Sun front page from last year.”
Mirror headline is “Vaz Offered to Buy Coke for Romanian Rent Boy”
Is Labour’s biggest concern Brexit will put up the price of Romanian Rent Boys ?
Vaz has been allegedly been associated with rent boys for years. A former Islington senior solicitor with, I would suggest, an interest in Children’s homes.
A very dangerous person, a very evil man. I think there is much more to uncover, I hope the truth comes out in full.Are we looking at another Cyril Smith?
When the stone uncovers, what politicians will go down with him, who has been covering up for him?
When you read the Labourgraph link and you are reminded of Vazeline’s part in the crusade against Murdoch, you wonder how long the Sun have been delving into his activities and if much of Vazeline’s zeal in pursuing Murdoch was an attempt to cover up his own proclivities/activities? Vaz and FATWATson have a lot to answer for, and perhaps Murdoch, through the Sun, is taking a bit of his cold revenge.
Vazeline was at East Midlands airport to greet the first legal arrivals from there, of course. And the only one (Vaz said that we wouldn’t get many Romanian immigrants!) was subsequently found to be a criminal.
Labours Paedophile Information Exchange will need to be reformed now to include drugs…Harriet and Jack willbe wanting a recall.
Labour-scum bastards in need of lacing….
TOM WATSON and the Noncefinder generals seem a bit quiet today don`t they folks?
MY Keith Vaz joke for the “Now Show”
Keith Vaz is the lube boob…not funny-but bet your arse that THEY`LL not be joking about him either-what rebels the BBC are eh?
Savile and Vaz…dyslexia..the end of Vazilisation then?
Chris – Noncefinder General only appears to be really interested in exposing those who are old, ill, establishment and generally unable to defend themselves. Then it doesnt matter if they are later proven innocent or not as they are unlikely to be able to or have the strength to take any action against you – brave man!
Fleet Street has clearly been after Vaz for years, as the post-Mirror revelations show, and quite rightly so, too. Now the question is, how much did the BBC know? And why does it never break these stories?
No doubt we are in for as much sweeping under the carpet as the Asian/gay/Labour friendly BBC can get away with.
Very many years ago, when the BBC occasionally did news and good comedy etc etc, they ran a debate about the monarchy and Vaz spoke as a supporter. It was such a welcome break from the usual rentagob left wing Republicanism that I’ve given him the benefit of the doubt a few times since then.
But he has for a long time being one of the bBBC’s default wheel-on spokespersons and speaks portentiously and down his nose all too often. No surprise therefore that Auntie should treat him gently, not roughly.
They keep on telling us that Brexit was a ‘kick at the establishment’. I hope Carwyn Jones and the Welsh Assembly Members are now getting the message ?…..
We Welsh want ‘out’!
Re Vas: The Met Police (of whom he is a regular snide critic) will be required to investigate. Criminal allegations of the supply and use of a Class A drug cannot and must not be ignored.
Dipped my toes into Naga’s BBC Sunday Morning Live show this morning and one topic that caught my attention was the children who are living in the Calais jungle camp and how the UK is somehow responsible for them-it turns out that some apparently have relatives on our islands. Of course the viewing public were hit with phrases such as “vulnerable young people” “children at risk”, these phrases we could make into signs and hang them up in most of our towns and cities which host Muslim men.
But no, these phrases were regarding non-British children living in the Calais camp, who have somehow managed to trek through numerous amounts of “safe” countries before heading to France (another safe country) before, as they’d hope, crossing the channel to Blighty. Championing the corner for these waifs was Yasmin Alibha-Brown, maybe it’s just me but i find her one (among many) of the biggest irritants on tv and another one of those that seem to have a season ticket to appear on the BBC.
Backing and supporting her views was poet Lamn Sissay. He ended the topic by saying: “I pride myself on being British and pride myself on openness and the fact that we have constantly had immigration in this country, as part of what keeps us alive and healthy.”
The assumption that “we have constantly had immigration in this country” is a quote those on the left often throw up, though it’s a blatant myth. It’s one of those that if you say it often enough, people tend to believe.
Anyway after a little thought I turned to my quill pen and I came up with this:
Ode To Young White Female Innocence.
When will this hell end?
I’m white, a girl, i was vunerable,
they weren’t.
They promised me love, protection and safety.
All i got was beat, raped, threatened and abused
physically, mentally and verbally and my gift? Chlamydia.
My Gran says she knew a time when she’d never heard of Muslims,
knew nowt about them.
Now all she hears is how they prowl schools in cars,
looking for young uns, like I was.
Girls told the Police and Social Services,
they just shrugged their shoulders
and advised “don’t go with them”
They think it’s a one off problem,
no it’s not,
it’s one off then another on problem.
They say in court it’s our fault, that
we teased and encouraged them. These brothers,
Dads, cousins, uncles, and Grandads called
us sluts and whores.
How and when will our shattered bodies,
lives and minds be fixed? How and when
will we leave that nightmare?
WH …..The assumption that “we have constantly had immigration in this country” is a quote those on the left often throw up, though it’s a blatant myth. It’s one of those that if you say it often enough, people tend to believe…..
I’ve noticed that quotes like the above, and (this country benefits from blah de blah, and this country has always been compassionate towards blah de blah) usually comes from the likes of Yasmin Brown who were taken in after the Kenyan Asians were turfed out of Africa, and others who have settled here. Of course ! they all head here, because they’ve either got a British passport or were entitled to have one. Funny how we ‘need migrants to do the jobs that the British won’t do” but weren’t around to work down the coal mines eh ?
Brissles, I’ve never gone along or quite worked out how our country has benefited from immigrants, from our former Empire or from other parts, enriching our shores. It’s as narrow minded as believing top footballers enhance the sport of football in England with their ridiculous wages and earnings, which are then lost to the country as they move back to their own home or wherever. I would like to see a Government introduce a Law that states money earned in the UK, remains in the UK.
As for those people that say, “oh, the people that have arrived here, say over the last 50 years or so, have enhanced our music, our culture, our art, our food.” Really? I say they’ve contributed less than the Huguenots (who arrived in the 18th Century) and there was no welfare state. As regards the food contribution, that probably goes in some way to explain why there are so many lard arsed teens around these days.
I’d prefer it if we became insular, ignored the outside world and its politics and concentrated on our own infrastructures. This same period of immigration has coincided with changes within our institutions, which has seen outside forces damage tried and tested formulas as they introduce their own doctrine. I believe a step back, would be a step forward. So everything would be looked at, particularly education, policing, Law and we’d see improvements with roads, trains (both stock and rail), rivers, housing, crime. I would like coastal guards re-introduced and they would be foot/vehicle patrols aswell as boat patrols which would cover the whole coastline.
I know in this day and age it’s looked upon as some kind of crime to be patriotic. Though i rather like the Japanese model, that they don’t atone for perceived historical injusticies, history is history. They have a strong cultural identity, whereas here it’s constantly being eroded.
You might be interested in some facts quoted in the book The Diversity Illusion by Ed West
‘At the end of the Second World War over 70 per cent of British DNA dated back more than 6,000 years on these islands and between them the Celts, Anglo Saxons, Vikings and Normans made less of a genetic impact than post war immigration has….the DNA of the British people has been changed more in one lifetime than in the previous 6,000 years’.
The previous ‘invaders’ would have come in in smaller numbers and been assimilated as they were mostly of European origin. The speed with which our population has increased from world wide cultures makes no allowances for assimilation. The strain this situation has caused is evident everywhere (except in Broadcasting House).
Arrived here late today.
The Vaz analysis all seems to have been done.
I would just like to report that I am smiling from ear to ear.
A well justified, and long overdue, comeuppance for a grade A ****.
Shock “Childless politicians” infogram on pg 19 Sunday Times only features females no males
“Why do men never get asked about being childless ?” says the Frappocino crowd.
Well July’s BBC article says Sue Lawley on Desert Island Discs asked PM Gordon brown why he was unmarried and childless at the age of 46
“People want to know whether you’re gay or whether there is some flaw in your personality,” she said, forcing Mr Brown to reply: “I’m not married because I’m not married. It just hasn’t happened yet.”
Men are different from women. They may not be asked cos its unPC to ask if someone is gay. Secondly you may ask a 45 year old woman cos that is her last opportunity to begin having kids, where a 60 year old man can have kids.
Indeed that same BBC article EXCLUSIVELY ONLY mentioned FEMALE current politicians
“Mrs May will join Nicola Sturgeon, Natalie Bennett, Leanne Wood, Arlene Foster and Ruth Davidson as women in leadership roles in British politics – but four of the six do not have children.”
From the BBC Staff Recruitment Advertiser today.
Part of a BTL comment on an article concerning BBC balance and impartiality. Might resonate with BBBC regulars
“Try complaing?[sic] A complete waste of time – the staff live with a world view that can’t even countenance that there might be valid alternative arguments.”
It seems to me that “Anti Auntie” is a nothing more than yet another face of the infamous Jerrod/Scott/Manon. (Did he get banned?)
Experienced trolls like Scott know exactly what they need to do to get a reaction, and they know the regular posters on here very well.
I’m not saying I approve of people flaming him, but I also don’t think it’s entirely the fault of the flamers.
And it is entirely possible that “Anti Auntie” might be a new tactic by a wily old foe, to try to goad some old enemies into saying some things they shouldn’t, in an attempt to get them banned, or to try and split the membership here by trying to garner some sympathy.
I’m happy to say that either way, it looks like it’s failing dismally.
Hopefully David V will spot the similarity and take some action soon – I for one don’t enjoy the constant provocation and pointed remarks.
The problem you, and the other visitors to BBBC, who operate out of, and are paid by, Broadcasting House is that you are 99.9% failures.
Hundreds of examples, of each of the many categories of deception, imbalance, partiality, and mendacity of which BBC is a permanent, long established provider, occur.
These severe infractions are pointed out daily, on BBBC, and similar sites.
You scrutinise BBC comments with an electron microscope, until you find a genuine mistake or other statement which you think can be criticised. At this point with pencil sharpened, like your mind, with a laser, you bring the item to our attention.
What about the 99.9% of items you do not challenge? Will not attempt to challenge, because you cannot challenge them? Because they are true?
You start to get some credibility, when you agree that a point which reflects badly on the BBC is valid.
Not that I believe you seek credibility. Be warned start, criticising the BBC and you will not have time for other activities.
We try to do this 24/7/365 and it’s tiring because there are thousands of examples to be covered.
I did find the language in which displeasure at you comments was not helpful.
But the BBC is trying to destroy our country, our people, our continent, our race, our culture, our history. So a few insults are just a drop in the ocean.
Just wait until we take a leaf or two out of the Islamic Book with deeds instead of words.
The BBC is celebrating the pro Europe march in Cardiff where the streets were jam packed with, erm, 75 demonstrators. 75? 75! The population of Cardiff is over 350,000 and indeed the population of wales is over 3 million.
So it has to be asked, not too unkindly I hope, but isn’t that a risible turnout that reflects the true feelings of the people of Wales? 75 out of over 3 million!
Are the BBC and Welsh Assembly watching? Or, a better question, will they take any notice?
But Lobster-there turns out to have been ONE HUNDRED protestors in need of more Europe up in Edinburgh.
So that`s a 33% increase on the Cardiff insurgency.
And not a free T-shirt or SWP banner in sight eh?….so the EU won`t be funding it will it?
As for London-even I can see the photoshop crops and mirrorings once you get past the front row of Eddie,Peter, Chukka and Ms Lucas.
Must do better BBC…got to have been a million marchers there eh?
Great spot SS.
This is a fantastic story in that it shows so clearly how utterly living in their la la land parallel universe Nirvana the activists pretending to be journalists are who nowadays run the so called news on the biased BBC.
They actually think this is news and worth a story.
The story, dear comrades, as good people who read this website well know, is that ONLY 75 people attended.
But I suspect the irony is totally lost on them.
Sluff – Neither would I recommend anyone refer to him as a “Pink Hatter” as this could well lead to serious accusations of “Hat Crime”
There are currently lots of spare plods at the moment – maybe they should transfer a few of the twats over from the Tommy Robinson “Lets scare his children squad” to the new “Pink Hat – crime squad” where their sleuthing and disorder prevention skills could be very useful.
Twice in two days, in tuning into radio 4 there have been comments attacking political correctness.
Once about the appointment of the Gay Bishop – with the comment about it been possible to be charged with a hate crime for saying that two men marrying is wrong.
The other was a Private Eye piece in which they said that Political Correctness was a device for enforcing group think while stifling any thought outside it. It was everything Private Eye stood against, all panel members agreed.
Could the BBC be changing its mind on speaking out about PC ?
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Up2snuffMar 6, 21:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 Fed, do you know for sure that William has converted to Islam or are you assuming that from his father’s…
StewGreenMar 6, 20:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Everyone ready for 9pm BBC Miriam Margoyles show ? Lefty + Lesbian #BBCfakeDiversity, same old lefty mates all the time…
Actual Conservative on the BBC
This week’s R4 profile will feature Home Secretary : Amber Rudd.
..That’s totally against the BBC norm of trying to win SJW brownie points.. still during the day about 10 Green/Lefty figures will be given the normal free ride.
Amber Rudd may be a Conservative – but she is no conservative.
After Rochdale, the next big crime the BBC steadfastly fails to inform its viewers of …
Offsted believes there are 150-160 illegal Muslim schools in the Uk but ‘Attempts to close and prosecute illegal Muslim schools are being impeded by some local authorities’
“Sir Michael did not name councils but said he was worried that councils in cities such as Birmingham, Bradford and Luton must recognise their duty to safeguard children.”
The police, obviously, don’t want to be involved and the labour run Muslim councils are, as you might expect, perfectly happy with the situation.
Remember, in Rochdale just two Muslim councillors terrorised the others. According to the Jay report the women councilors are still, to this day, too frightened to talk to the authorities about what took place.
How is this happening in our country? – answer because the BBC supplies 75% of people in the UK with their news. If the BBC doesn’t report it then it doesn’t happen.
Why does he not name them?
Talk about an incipient police state!
Truly creepy.
“incipient ” ? It has gone past that stage !
One concern raised on BBBC regularly is the attitude and actions of the UK police forces; or should that be inactions? The ignoring of racist mass rapes by Muslim paedophiles in many British cities, the plotting with (Labour controlled, naturally) Councils and their staff to supress knowledge of these events is a prime example.
I am wondering whether there is a deliberate policy for the police to evolve to become the secret police.
Standards of intelligence, educational standards and physical size have been lowered for police recruits.
(Digression, just as in teaching.)
This includes recruiting women police officers who are simply not big enough to do the job. (AKA sexism).
Some offences virtually uninvestigated. Burglary, the only action taken is to give the victim a crime number to show to their insurer.
Crime, including large numbers of serious crimes, being ignored (rape).
Crimes being de-criminalised by police not recording them as such (including rape, again).
Many other reported crimes’ seriousness downgraded.
Crimes disappearing from history in a 1984 like manner.
Falsification on an industrial scale, police records a joke in bad taste. Some of the fraud carried out as instructed by Chief Constables.
These defective police records then being peddled as statistics which show crime is decreasing when the reality is otherwise. (Digression, yet another area where public trust in the accuracy of government statistics is near zero as is the confidence in its producers or their motives).
Police officers routinely committing crimes themselves, numbers increasing (but see records above).
(Digression, many of these are ethnics, not 90% as in the NHS, but still).
The judicial system administering a slap on the wrist in some cases of crimes committed by police officers. The 165 MPH police driver in his new BMW not banned: the Yorkshire police officers (same bunch as the Rotherham rape ignorers) who sold guns, collected in amnesties and intended for destruction, to criminal gangs and were not jailed.
Non white police officer inadequacies ignored or excused. (AKA racism).
Black only police organisations tolerated or encouraged. (AKA racism).
Persons who try to retain their Britishness and raise our public profile, victimised and penalised. EDL, Tommy Robinson, BNP, Nick Griffin. Political policing, again by Chief Constables. (AKA racism).
Persons trying to “celebrate their non Britishness” given carte blanche by the police. The “whiplash” insurance frauds, carried out by Pakistani Muslims (again) on an industrial scale. Which everyone knew about and the police did nearly SFA about. (AKA racism).
Police officers and their trade union acting politically and illegally, targeting a perceived enemy, the Tories. Plebgate. Supported by Chief Constables who lied to MPs.
No doubt their are other examples and categories which might be included.
Is this cogent evidence of, yet another, public department which is not fit for purpose? By fit for purpose I mean its intended, purported purpose, not the AlBeeb purposes.
In the “Gulag Archipelago” the author describes two categories of prisoners. Zeks, the political prisoners, and normal criminals. In every instance where this, terrible to read due to its horrific content, book, compares the treatment of these two groups the zeks get much worse treatment.
The criminals are looked upon as victims, typical products of a capitalist society. The zeks are just subhumans rebelling against the new, perfect, Soviet society.
I think the majority of lower ranking UK police officers are still honest, hard working individuals, who do what is a very difficult job, to the best of their ability.
I think the majority of senior officers, “fast tracked” into the police force from Common Purpose colleges and promoted despite having zero knowledge of real police work, are Labour placemen on the gravy train. These are the people plotting, with others, to turn the white people of Europe into zeks. (AKA racism and genocide).
I will conclude by anticipating a criticism. If any the well known AlBeeboid trolls emerges from under a Scandinavian bridge and wishes to adduce the proportion of aliens in British jails as evidence of weakness in the above argument, my answer is – if the police were properly policing, the number of these minorities locked up would be ten times the present number.
Comments welcomed.
TruthSeeker – as I’ve mentioned previously I live in Londonistan. The corner shop next to my fathers house has recently been closed down due to repeated offences – I won’t go into all of them but the one that essentially had the shop shut down for good had the owner sent straight to jail (weren’t actually able to find out why). There have been similar incidences of shops on the same street (Salusbury Road, NW6) Funding terrorism through £M money laundering, another had a military grade weapons stash in the basement, AKs and the like. It was only ever reported in the local paper and even now I struggle to find the article, will have a look again and post if I can find it.
The publicly available details of these horrific dealings are incredibly hard to find. What my step mum and I did come across was a number of police reports indicating the police had witnessed drug dealing from the premises, selling of alcohol to an underage minor who the police had set up, loitering of gangs openly taking drugs outside the shop just to name a few. Now what struck me the most was that the police in every single occasion not only bent over backwards but would allow this behaviour to continue. Warning after warning after warning (verbal of course and usually met with documented abuse and calls of “racism”) was issued and of course they didn’t comply. There were even recorded police incidences whereby they had witnessed a drug deal and then decided to have a chat with the proprietors son. I don’t know their heritage but I imagine Pakistani. My point is that these things are allowed to continue with impunity simply because of race. This is one of the tamer stories I know of the underworld in Londonistan, trust me.
The fears and cynicism projected through this site in my opinion are just the tip of the iceberg. Political correctness is playing a very, very dangerous game.
Here you go guys – as per previous post here’s the police reports
Click to access mace-police-letter-18-02-12.pdf
Click to access mace-police-evidence-18-05-12.pdf
Particularly the first one – can you imagine such a sympathetic tone towards a white British shop owner in a similar circumstance?
There are others but I am on the iPhone so a little tricky to dig around for ?
You`re quite right-I remember Anne Applebaums brilliant “The Gulag” where she went into some detail about how the Soviets viewed crime.
They knew that the real criminals-the habitual , well known families and the nasty gangland types could be used and worked into the system.
So they were the Soviet terror merchants who were let loose to cow the law-abiding-they were recidivists and not biddable to real Soviet thinking-but would pacify the camps, their instant justice and barbarities being quasi-licensed as long as the elites were not personally targeted.
In particular, these licensed and state-approved scum were VERY good at removing the political dissenters, who naively believed in reason, rule of law and some wish to be on the side of the Soviets eventually-once progress and issues raised had been addressed by the benevolent state…most of these poor souls and their families assumed that Stalin simply had not been told of the atrocities,,,and when he DID know, they`d be vindicated.
Right up to the placing of a red piece of cloth over their hearts at the prison wall in fact.
My point is that Lefty/totalitarian evil condones and controls crime, as long as their power and consensus is not attacked-the criminal is a great friend and ally of the left because they both think that “property is theft” and “redistribution” are noble ends…and only the troublemakers and the moral/religious would dare to imply that these criminals were not deprived, mentally hurt and vulnerable.
So-your analysis is correct-it`s a tactic, and if you DARE to act as Tony Martin did?…then you REALLY see what the law is for…to scare you and let the criminal industries like law, probation services and CCTV thrive.
At the top, the police service has been taken over by sociologist-trained, Common Purpose robots. At the bottom, the input comes from schools apparently incapable of educating children.
As for the outcome, I’m surprised no one has mentioned Tommy Robinson. I’m far from a fan of his but the videos of his harassment have been chilling.
For most of my life I’ve generally been a supporter of the “establishment”, or most of it. The CofE being the main exception. I’ve put my faith in change through the democratic process in spite of numerous irritations and disappointments along the way. In particular, I’ve generally been a supporter of the police, frequently arguing in their defence during my student years.
My position is becoming untenable.
I agree with your comment about the majority of lower ranking officers. However, I can no longer guarantee that I would be prepared to help them out in the unlikely event of them needing it because I no longer feel that the “service” as a whole is on my side. In practice, I probably would help – probably – but I could no longer guarantee it. There would be a degree of hesitation or reluctance.
Furthermore, I’m beginning to think the unthinkable – that situations might conceivably arise in the future, if I’m still around, where I would break the law or resort to actions that fifty years ago would have been out of the question. I was, for all practical purposes, born in a different country. I know I’m not alone in thinking this way. My parents and grandparents witnessed many changes during their lifetimes but they were never given reason to lose faith entirely.
I don’t live in Londonistan, which I know very well, I live in the Yorkshire Dales, but we’re not immune. Big cities seem closer than ever.
This is how social cohesion falls apart. Do I resent it? You bet I do.
An excellent post that sums up how many of us feel, I suspect.
Another wee little web-site whoopsie at the BBC. The Independent newspaper, as such, has been gone a few months now. The BBC have managed to include its non-existent front page, while ignoring its sister journal the i, in its The Papers section:
They no doubt picked it up from its web edition. But as several other papers appeared to be missing, I find myself in ‘Reardon mode’, wondering whether it is down to the BBC having the work experience teenagers in but they have their minds on other things, perhaps worried about getting back into the GCSE/GCE chase next week. They were probably not allowed out after 10.30pm yesterday to track down the missing rags.
Even the most trivial event will get the bbc twist,
The story of eddie izzard’s beret theft,
Despite wearing high heels,mr izzard pursued the man and retrieved his beret while police pinned him to the floor.Implying he caught him in high heels
Reading that account of a truly farcical event had me laughing out loud for the first time ever at Izzard. Laughing ‘at’ him I stress, not ‘with’ him.
Pity he got caught, we could have had a right laugh of the appearance and disappearance of the missing beret.
Glad to see the police are usefully employed retrieving the berets of cross-dressing leftie luvvies, keep it up lads.
It was called an’ honour’ killing the murder of samia shahid ,we now find out she was raped before being strangled to death.
It is simply unfathomable to any civilised person. This was her father and husband involved in the rape and murder!!! I’d presume the father didn’t actually rape her but who knows where the mind of Islam takes one?
Mackers – I’m sure she was raped very honourably. And perhaps murdered for having been raped as demanded by sharia I gather. The demonic labyrinthine convolutions are bottomless. I’ve no doubt the sisterhood will be outraged, just as soon as they finish being outraged over burkini bans.
I mentioned in the previous open thread the interminable number of ‘Brexit Specials’ the remainers at the BBC have broadcast to keep their anti democratic pot boiling – the latest being Five Live’s trek round Britain and Radio 4’s take on what it means for EU incomers living here. Moan, moan, doom, gloom.
Add to that tonight’s trailer for ‘Inside Out’, next week. Guess what they’re featuring? That’s right…A BREXIT SPECIAL, FFS
It seems that BBC Heads have got round the table and ordered producers to each go large on the referendum and each produce a Brexit whinge.
Bias in action. They just won’t let it go.
Yes, the continuous barrage of anti-brexit and anti-brexiter propaganda is unprecedented in my view. The Beeb are truly moving into clear political bias and I believe are close to overplaying their hand. The Beeb has in the past been careful to be able to defend it’s claim of impartiality, but I can’t see any evidence of balance since the Brexit vote.
The good thing is that the clearer the bias is, the stronger the case for abolishing the compulsory license fee. How can 52% of the population be expected to pay for propaganda for their opposition?
On Classic FM’s Global propaganda they had on Lord Paddy and he managed to demand the 51% does not overrule the 48%, which may explain why the Lib Dems are best kept away from anything to do with numbers, like immigration.
Would Obama supporters be happy with a rerun of the 2012 election?
Obama – 51.1%
or 2008
The liberal left establishment all voted remain and won’t accept the revolt by the common folk.So they are using their power to overturn the result, the BBC being just one of their most overt tools.These liberal left leeches control just about all UK institutions and will fight hard and dirty to stay in the EU. Some of the obvious impacts that their refusal to accept the democratic result are having are firstly undermining our negotiating position with the EU by encouraging Brussels to take a tough stance in the hope that this helps out the UK establishment,and secondly encouraging the SNP to stir up as much trouble as possible.
Eastern Europeans in Brexitland Mon 8pm, rptd 11am Wed, + another episode
What would be do without the editorial integrity of Ian Katz?
No idea who she is, but she’s a ‘border person’. Apparently.
And emotional. Naturally.
Does she believe that anyone in the world should be allowed to enter the USA without any checks, or does she accept that a sovereign state has the absolute right to determine who may or may not enter into its territory? That is all that Trump’s wall signifies. It will not stop legal immigration, only illegal immigration.
The right-on leftards who oppose the wall must logically support unrestricted illegal immigration. I truly hope they get what they desire, and end up living in a ghetto run by Honduran drug gangs.
The so-called existing border controls plainly are not working. Trump is proposing to build a serious structure to physically control immigration.
If you accept that states have the right to decide who is allowed to enter the country, then you have to accept that the USA has the right to build a physical barrier to defend itself against massive illegal immigration.
Guest – Like all virtue signallers she’s crying at the sublime nobility of her own rarefied sentiments. It would take a heart of stone not to laugh.
OT, but the BBC seems to inspire many to explore their creative side in certain predictable directions:
Diane Abbott as Ms. Bumble?
BBC1 continuity announcer 18.50 just prior to Strictly “Finally we get to find out who Ed Ball’s partner is…”
WTF? What about the other 10 or however many contestants, is insignificant failure Ballsup more noteworthy than them, or is it because he’s a member of ‘New’ Labour and husband to immigration supporting Labour MP Ms Cooper? I think I know the answer….
Or it could be simply that his name is easier to pronounce than many of the other ‘celebs’ …
We all know full well that you have just made that up! We already know that you are all alone because there is no way that anyone could stand spending even a few seconds in your bile inducing, self-righteous, self-hating, piss smelling presence! You are a complete bell-end!
No surprise to see you pop up to defend the Islamic Al Beeb at the very first opportunity you insufferable wanker! Do you really spend that much time with your head shoved right up your arse, that you have not witnessed at least one incident of BBC bias to post here??!!
Do you remember writing this:
“You as a Black ape should mind your business. Who are you to classify people.”
“You Blacks are a different species of evolved Ape.”
Or was it just someone using the same name with a surprisingly similar personality?
Do you remember writing this”…
We both know full well that you have just made that up, that I never posted anything resembling those words, and like all far-left extremists your aim is use lies and made up accusations to tarnish those you are clearly getting your delusional arse kicked by… The British. It’s kind of touching to see you trying to rescue Anti-British, who is consistently dying on their arse with every post… But you have made it even worse for them here.
It must be highly embarrassing to have waited such a long time to post a ‘reply’ which you hoped would have made an impact…. And like every far left government, policy, group in the history of mankind, failed miserably.
Your embarrassing ‘post’ kind of sums up the Far -left.. “built on lies and hatred, and is destined to fail”
“We both know full well that you have just made that up…”
I haven’t, “made it up”.
As I said, it may just have been someone using the same name with a surprisingly similar personality.
Although, given the amount you appear to be drinking , I’d be surprised if you could remember what you said a few hours ago.
Oh my, I am exchanging posts with a complete nutjob! There’s no “may just be someone using the same name..” about this, that isn’t me! How much of a loner are you for pulling out a post from some random website, from someone who uses the same name, from so long ago, to try and make a failed point?! Haha you must have spent hours searching for that…. Only to find out it wasn’t me! I was going to say that it wasn’t one of your most successful events in your life, but being a far-left lunatic, it probably was! Like anti-British, you and the left are dying on your arse. Your whole life has been pointles as everything you have believed is failing…. Plus being a far-left lunatic, you obviously have never been with woman, with you being the world’s biggest tool
“given the amount you appear to have been drinking”….spending even a few moments reading one of your posts is enough to drive anyone to drink! I feel properly ‘lefted’! Quick, pass the paint stripper!!
Tothepoint – after almost a day away from this website, I return to see your excellent post at the top of the Recent Comments lists. Well done. Jesus will be smiling down at you.
So you question what I say by assumption? Like you I don’t have a scooby if all regions or indeed the online stream have the same continuity, but I can tell you for FACT that BBC 1 West at 18.50 broadcast the above, just before the BBC self promotion ad prior to Strictly Cum Prancing starting.
Anti Auntie,
“Really? Because we watched it and don’t remember any such thing.”
It was during the end credits of “Pointless Celebrities”. However, you might notice Geoff’s use of ellipses. The other half of the sentence was; “…and who Anton will be dancing with.”
But that would ruin his earth shattering “WTF” moment, so he decided to cut that bit out.
My comment referred to this years contestants of which only Balls was mentioned, Anton is one of the f…ing pro’s.
So if George Osbourne was on Strictly the BBC would not have done the same?
Don’t talk f…ing wet!
I’m sure all the publicity given to Ann Widdecombe on “Strictly Come Dancing” a few years ago also caused Geoff to froth at the mouth.
Possibly for somewhat different reasons.
Good to see yoU three back together, sharing experiences, after just an almost away day.
There was also talk of a flipping flounce. Which was nice.
Right now R5 Dotun is on about “the man everyone tuned in to see”
..3 mins talking about Ed
….”now apart from Ed Balls”
What I want to know is why are same sex couples not featured on Strictly? Who could resist Ed Balls in a tango with Gordon Brown.
Think we need to get a scale here re degree of news bias.
Tonight on BBC News.
1. Obama saving the planet on his legacy farewell tour( Blair ALSO felt the need to hope around the world as if hes not a lame duck who`s been a disaster-what IS it with these vainglorious liberal sociopaths?
2. Microbeads-and here`s the Marine Conservation Yunigilry to tell us why it`s not enough-never is is it?
3. NHS up north say sorry for threatening the tubbietellies with no surgery unless they bother to give up the booze and fags-apparently this is on a par with racism. Hate speech
4. Hope Not Hate and Jo Cox, Eddie Izzard saying we need more referendums and Poles in Essex marching in case we don`t see that Brexit kills migrants.
5. Theresa May denying the Chinese a nuclear plant, as if leaving the EU was not enough of a slap in the face for the Chinese-don`t ask, just is…
Christ on a bike-relentless shit-call this news?
It’s got so bad, ChrisH, that I simply no longer watch TV news and just skim the radio headlines. If I want information I find it on the Internet.
It`s even worse sometimes GC.
Just been listening to random media.
Radio 2 just had some piss take phone call to Brian Sewell-bloke died a year ago, but if we can shaft and humiliate a toff-well Radio 2 will play it again year later.
Some quiz show called “The Chase” asks its contestants-among others
a) Which Tory politician was known as Doris Karloff
b) Which of these foods-peas, potatoes or lettuce-was Spitting Images “favourite food” for their John Major puppet?
See what they`re doing there in all these three cases.
Does anyone imagine them asking which Labour leader ended up on his arse and in the sea at the Brighton Conference…what Labour MP was replaced by a tub of lard in a quiz show, when he didn`t show up to appear?
I`m afraid there`s money to be had if you know what the liberals would like you to know-but they`ll not be asking any questions about people they`d rather you NOT embarrass if you knew.
As for posh Brian Sewell-well, laugh at the toff until you die yourself.
Sinister buggers aren`t they?
are you sure there wasn’t a CORBIN segment or another free ride for Labour seg/advert ?
Biased BBC absolutely creaming their pants today over the March for Europe
March for the EU.
I now have rope left over. I think I know how I can use this.
Have tried to contribute this since 2000 hours.
Is a denial of service attack in progress?
I expect this will be all over the media……’man dies in domestic barbecue accident’….
Syrian refugee in Germany dies as flames engulf him while trying to set fire to his wife using barbecue lighter fluid
The 45-year-old stormed the house where she lives with their three kids
He doused her in flammable liquid but ended up killing himself in the fire
The 31-year-old wife was injured in the attack in Ruedesheim, Germany
The couple had travelled together from Syria but had since separated
This vicious act of islamic honor violence almost had a perfect ending — except others were hurt in the fire. The good news: when her Muslim husband tried to burn his wife alive, the flames engulfed him and the would-be killer died of his injuries. Poetic justice.
But of course, in any violent act of jihad, others were injured. The woman, 31, was severely burned in the incident, which also caused extensive damage to the asylum home where she lives with their three children. Three more of the 14 residents of the home were injured and one of them is understood to be the couple’s toddler.
Syrian refugees and the gifts they bring to their host countries.
Why Europe continues to import this violent and hateful culture is a question that will be asked for decades, even centuries to come.
The incisive Pat Condell answered the question really well in his videos on “the insane asylum that used to be a country called Sweden.” He explained that the Swedish authorities could not bring themselves to admit that the policy of welcoming Muslim hordes from the third world has been a disaster for their country. And so they just repeated the error until the damage was irreversible.
Socialist/humanitarian theories that we are all equal so let’s have a great big group hug and we’ll get along fine have been disproved so often and for so long that one would think lefties would have learned the lesson by now. Apparently they are incapable of learning it.
Great find Number 6
Slightly optimistic to think the questions we are asking about Islam now will be the same we are asking centuries later!
There are only 3 outcomes here….but the path to answering which one is already underway! They are..
1: complete take over by Islam… This would mean either complete capitulation to Islam before the unimaginable bloodshed begins, or we are violently taken over with death only the Yazidis will understand
2: we at long last stop deluding ourselves and accepted that we have to remove Islam from the west.
.. This scenario is the only way we are going to survive
3: We are on the path to either 1 or 2 happening!!
Scenario 1 and 2 are only a couple of decades away at most!! Living in harmony with the death cult will never be an option… The blood thirsty, pedophilic warlord ensured of that
Agree TTP. I think most likely is a sort of 1.5 option where some people realise that we cannot go on as we are, and these people voluntarily partition the country into civilised and Islamic areas. Initially this will be by people ‘moving’ in the conventional way into areas they think will maintain western cultural norms.
As the situation becomes more frantic, people will move more like refugees, abandoning their homes. Home ownership will increasingly become a matter of possession not legal title. Conventional concepts of wealth will become meaningless as a tin of beans will quickly cost £25.
We have the left to thank for our future.
Can we avoid it? I think we can but I’m not at all certain that we will.
The insane property prices have enabled many ethnic English families to move out of London. To Sussex and Hampshire in particular as well as further west.
Still many stay working in London though but for how long given the rapid technological changes coming .
I am sure the elite and the BBC have no interest in these matters preferring denial to investigation .
So already a form of balkanisation is taking place.
The tipping point for a decision to move is usually when a child reaches secondary school age. Many of us living in areas where the families are coming from London know this to be a reality.
One of the factors that gave this exodus a real push was the last riot in London.Much downplayed by authority and the media it really scared many families and they acted as we all do when threatened.
Terrorism also plays a part .
When many of us question the reluctance of government and the media to deal with what will inevitably destroy the harmony of a once peaceful country we must remember that liberalism is built upon fantasy and that reality is denied until that moment comes when it asserts itself.
Dave I agree with you to some extent – I am the child of a family who got lucky. My parents started buying up properties in London before there was any hint of mass immigration e.g. we bought a 3 bed flat in Queen’s Park for £150,000 in 1995, its now worth £1M. My old man mortgaged himself up to the hills as that was his self proclaimed “pension”.
That said for my family as property investors, albeit some of the unwitting first, never anticipated the onslaught of migrants that persistantly push the portfolio onwards. The joke of it being that now both my parents are looking to move out to the country. I, being a bBBC contributor and self confessed right wing liberal (yep you heard it correct!) am happy to see the portfolio climb yet would throw it all in the dustbin if needs be. My parents on the other hand just cannot get enough. They love the trappings of remortgaging and banking whilst interest rates are low. Personally I would rather see London rid of all the scum that have made it the dangerous place it wasn’t when I was a kid and would happily annul my “inheritance” to see the good old england that my Grandpa fought for in WW2. Sad state of affairs
I’d like to know where the ethnics find the finance to buy up properties wholesale in London. If its ‘hard work’, then what the hell have myself and my late parents been doing for the past 70 odd years ? and still not earning enough to buy a potting shed in Putney. Just watching Homes under the Hammer shows the ethnicity of landlords adding to their ‘portfolios’ in London and the suburbs. Suddenly they are all ‘property developers’ who came to this country with a fiver in their pocket. And with the Chinese buying estates off-plan and whole streets to let out, then forget Brexit and ruling ourselves, how can we when we’ll all be in hock to those who weren’t even born here.
Allow me to explain how: first get a council house flat/ house from a council employee in the housing department who happens to be a co-religionists or from the same God- forsaken part of the world. Give him/her a nice backhander. Sublet the property to multiple illegal immigrants and use the proceeds to purchase buy to let properties, invest nothing in the property,but cram as many illegals in as you can manage into it. Surrounding area – who cares? After all it’s not your country is it?
Absolutely Donbob – another scam that us british people pay for which is the most common is that refugees/immigrants/anyone who isn’t white british automatically get pushed to the front of the housing ladder as by the councils rules they are more worthy since they have less family here to couchsurf etc. They get the council house, they then after 5 years or so get a massive helping hand to buy (in some instances the council will pay your deposit). However the council do this on the proviso that you will stay there for 5+ years, I beleive its called “right to buy”. However what in reality happens is that these people get the council to help them buy it and immediately move out and sublet. To give you an example a girl I was at sixth form college with was bought up in a council estate in Soho. Estimated council rent c. £300 pm, actual private rent value c. £1500 pm. These people are not morons it is the system that is allowing this to happen and guess who pays for it? That’s right… You.. The british taxpayer!
Dave. My wife and I made the decision to flee the big smoke last week. Funnily enough our eldest is starting secondary school on Tuesday,and this house has done well. There have been mini riots in Brixton and Notting hill for the past 4 years that have received zero media attention. All that you have stated is true. Cheers
’man dies in domestic barbecue accident’
As Oscar Wilde said, “It would take a heart of stone not to laugh”.
Another petition to be distributed.
Can our traders please be allowed to sell goods in Imperial or Imperial/Metric Weights.
Number 7,
“Can our traders please be allowed to sell goods in Imperial or Imperial/Metric Weights.”
Traders can already sell goods in Imperial measurements. Go to Tescos, ask for 8lb of sausages (slightly less than usual for the week) and 8lb of sausages is what you’ll get.
Your petition is utterly pointless.
Packaged goods have to sold in metric. Hence a one pound jar of jam has to be marked 454g. Loose goods may be sold in metric and Imperial measures, but the metric one has to be larger.
Although I have a policy of not dealing with trolls, I thought this time I would give you the benefit of the doubt, and provide you with a bit of information.
More on measures ……………….
Rob in Cheshire,
“Hence a one pound jar of jam has to be marked 454g. Loose goods may be sold in metric and Imperial measures, but the metric one has to be larger.”
Oh no! How ever will I survive… unable to buy a pound of jam unless it’s 454 grammes.
I propose a petition to allow traders to sell goods in guineas, half-crowns, florins, half ponies or cheese substitute, according to the time of year.
Go to an EU country that likes your way of thinking .
It seems that my policy not to feed trolls is a good one. I tried to treat you with a bit of respect, and all I get back is this snarky bullshit. Please feel free to f off and die.
US Earthquakes : still not made it to BBC News*
#1 15 hours ago off coast of California
#2 6 hours ago : local tremors culminate in in strongest one ever in Oklahoma
No deaths, but BBC still running with the China ratifies (non binding) Global warming agreement that basically lets them carry on as before.
* I guess the delay is so they can get a narrative together alleging fracking caused the Oklahoma earthquakes
Stewgreen – Are you sure that it wasn’t Brexit that caused it? It seems to have caused everything else.
L – Donalditis.
See the losers had a picnic, with heavy weight political attendance,,,erm no just Chuka, Lucas and Izzard.
Love the caption for the last photo
“More than 100 protesters gathered at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh”
Imagine more than 100!
I must say there are some good camera angle shots by Al Beeb. Despite the media publicity …..
“Hate crimes prosecutions fall despite rise in reporting”.
Straight from the horses mouth ………..
“Hate crimes prosecutions fall despite rise in reporting”.
Thanks Taffman, good spot.
This must be the “surge” in hate crime which Dianne (“let me just say this to you”) Abbott blamed on Brexit on Any Questions earlier today.
Sounds like the “surge” is about as real as all those dodgy Remainiac economic predictions: a whole lot of hot air.
As the Met said earlier in the year, it was just a rise in reported crimes on their website, not a rise in actual crime, and to report it a rise in hate crime would be irresponsible.
Not that that’s stopping Mx Abbott from lying about it for political gain, and after her complaints about the lies in the Leave campaign, one can only call this sheer hypocrisy.
Now there’s something which Liebour can’t blame on poor old Jeremy’s comments being “misrepresented” – their latest tactic.
Rather telling insight into causes and consequences.
Just reporting it on the BBC does not make it so.
Anyone told Aunty?
“BBC Radio 4 has enlisted one of the UK’s leading court artists to sketch the fictional trial in The Archers.”
How much is this costing? Its as daft as employing a ventriloquist on the radio show.
They seem to be throwing everything they have on social media at this.
Looking forward to those mystery ‘critics’ the BBC is usually so quick to quote, turning on them for trivialising the virtuous power of the #hashtag.
FLOTUS is already livid, sources close to the BBC who is close to the White House say. Apparently.
“Daniel Radcliffe endorses Jeremy Corbyn for Labour leader” – Another Leftie Luvvie being all ‘daring’ and ‘radical’ and edgy and virtue signalling and getting his name in print? Surely not. And deep, see, I have – what do you call them – thoughts and opinions, political ones too like grown ups, not just a pretty face.
Go back to Hogwarts you little prick.
Amazing .Trots are good at appealing to the wannabee virtuous. Always were. Look at Redgrave.
Dave – “Look at Redgrave.” Must I?
Rowling trained Radcliffe well in the ten years she had with him doing potter. He’s turned into a right smug little virtue signaller. Hermione is ina similar position. Got to keep his fans happy and the twatterati as well? Spotted him doing his I love labour act on itv a few years back with wide eyed enthusiasm. Very mediocre actor just cannot take him seriously At all less so now that he’s a corbynista. On the same level as corden whose face one would enjoy punching hard for a few hours.
“Junior doctors’ row: The basics of the dispute” followed by long analysis sympathetic to strikers. I suggest instead: militant TU leaders; doctors’ greed; masquerading as ‘care for the patients’ and ‘save our NHS’.
We know it is about money and now some Trots have started to think they can bring down the government. Scargill and the miners they ain’t.
Snowflakes the lot of them. A secure career, good prospects and no danger of the sack And they are not satisfied.
Every one is so special you know.
Dave S – they are all so dedicated aren’t they? I presume that Harold Shipman was once a junior doctor.
Seems Aunty doesn’t just have the goods on Whippingdale.
Yeah GW. In bBBC la la land “unmarried white heterosexual man has consensual sex with woman over the age of consent’ is quite a news story. In fact it is probably a dismissible offence as such action is clearly discriminatory in that it ‘under-represents minorities’.
I use it a lot, but BBC editorial integrity is no joke.
Maybe Corbyn and his gang get their Middle Ages attitudes to the Middle East from only having the BBC as a source of information and education?
I saw this too Guest and if true I think it is very significant.
The MSM and particularly the BBC appear to be completely out of control at the moment and ever since Brexit and have abandoned pretty much any attempt at all to adopt any sort of balanced approach.
Part of it could be explained by the fact that with the Labour party currently in tatters they see it as their duty to act as an unofficial “opposition” party. Commendable – maybe.
But more alarmingly in true Trotskyesque style I think the BBC are trying to change the “balance” of politics within the country. If we meekly lay down and accept everything these bastards tell us – the whole range of debate and political balance in this country lurches further to the left – with devastating consequences to our society and culture.
Where does this all end? no-one can truly know
Why do they do it? – because they can. The left and the BEEB in particular are a bit like a toddler screaming inside a supermarket – if you give in and bribe them with sweets for their silence – next visit they will demand even more sweets which leads to even more bad behavior in the future. Weakness by a Government begets weakness.
However as a Government run by Class War is probably unlikely – I think ultimately many at Aunty dearly hope that eventually we will be governed by some sort of Euro super state – Where big corporations make all the decisions (such as the BBC ) and the rest of us “do as we are told” To reach this “Nirvana” some breakdown of society and existing cultures is needed so order can be re-imposed by “those of us who know better” Hence why they are so anti brexit and so pro immigration as both of these issues further “the cause”
At this juncture the Government has a very strong ” MANDATE” to act on the peoples wishes. It alarms me therefore that Goverment are unwilling to even retain what in effect is a fairly weak control on the obviously biased state run broadcaster. It is not as if those on the left (including Aunty) would ever support a tory Government anyway – so why give up the one control you do have to keep the BBC in check.
None of this makes sense. Unless either
1 The BBC has more “juicy details” about members of the current goevernment it has threatened to drip feed into the press.
2 The current Government are quite happy with the current state of the BBC and actually tacitly agrees with its political aims. This of course means that they do not have the heart and political will to carry on with any sort of meaningful Brexit process.
Perhaps this is why we still have to listen to the constant drip drip of poison from the BBC about Brexit and also why the the likes of the odious Anna Soudbry is still pedaling her pro brexit faeces. you know the stuff “We need to stay in the single market – so we will have to keep borders open – blah blah” Honestly Anna we have voted so whether we are right or wrong you really should shut the F### up do your job!
3 Theresa is just incompetent and totally out of her depth.
None of these options cheer me particularly – but for the life of me I cannot understand why a democratically elected Goverment is so afraid of this “enfent terrible” broadcaster talk about the tail wagging the dog!
I guess all we can do is stay on the case of these bastards – but if brexit is seriously watered down I for one will definitely be hitting the streets. But I would probably prefer to wear a foil beret rather than a pink fluffy one.
Anyway off now to sit under my pyramid with my foil hat on – it helps with the depression – dont ya know!
Guest Who: Maybe Corbyn and his gang get their Middle Ages attitudes to the Middle East from only having the BBC as a source of information and education?
I’m guessing it’s a bit broader than that. They get them from a lifetime of exposure to far-left idiocy and not from the BBC alone.
Where they certainly don’t get them is from a sober and educated analysis of Middle East conflicts.
Barack Obama ‘deliberately snubbed’ by Chinese in chaotic arrival at G20
Oh well, never mind.
The RAF Airman that was subjected to an attempted abduction by two armed men has stated he was in no doubt that he was “fighting for his life”
The description of the attackers is of one man being dark-haired with a neatly trimmed beard and the other being dark-haired.
Is this really what the UK media has been reduced to – deliberately failing to give a full description of the attackers in case they may offend the Religion of Peace, regardless of the fact that the attackers were almost certainly going to kill an innocent member of our Armed Forces?….hang your heads in shame.
Mid to end career Bee Geeism is rife. The Bee Gee Community is living in fear. #TellBarryAndMaurice are already reporting a surge in hate.
Agreed Third, disgraceful, but I think most of the public have learnt by now what ‘dark haired’ and ‘bearded’ is cowardly code for.
And I would make a minor point: I don’t think it’s really ‘in case they may offend the Religion of Peace’, I think it’s an unholy terror of appearing waycist / islamophobic.
Guessing that if the Mirror’s Kevin Maguire is in the green room today with any BBC staff and regulars, things may be a tad frosty.
I still haven’t heard anything on the BBC about the much-vaunted (by the BBC) ratification of the Paris climate change summit by the USA and China … well nothing accurate anyway about how China and India are specifically allowed to increase CO2 emissions.
This minor detail seems to have passed the moron Harabin by, to hear him talk you’d think the world leaders were finally listening to him at last. After all, he is the BBC climate analyst, well he got the first 57% of the word right, not bad for an English graduate.
In fact, the headline should simply be Moronic Western Leaders agree to pointlessly harm our own economies this being a major aim of the fascist left – to render us whities destitute, serves us jolly well right too!
The radio alarm came on this morning. I awoke to the strains of ……yet another pro-Muslim narrative, this one I think was about how ‘normal’ the RoPers all were. This was followed closely by the one story aboutbthe Church of England, this being a Sunday. It was of course an extensive and rather prurient interview with the Gay Bishop of Grantham, with lots of LGBT references thrown in.
At the point even the radio had had enough and self destructed.
It is completely unceasing. The causes. The narrative. The minorities. The bias.
Sluff………”At the point even the radio had had enough and self destructed”
Priceless ! some of you on here ought to be scriptwriters – far funnier than those that get paid to write comedy !
And last night the Daily Mail was reporting that Keith Vaz had met up with two male prostitutes and a third was due who wanted paying in cocaine. He had paid in dollars thus reducing the price he paid from £100 to £60. Sunday morning it was still on the DM web site but still nothing like n the BBC. I know it is salacious tittle tattle but I am sure the BBC would have been keener to report had it been a Tory MP or Cliff Richard.
Frankie Howed falls silent as the back door bursts open. White powder flutters to the floor. Hands are held. Tone strides in, pulling on his gloves…
“Right, let’s fire up the helo…”
Perish the thought that I offend Owen Jones but can someone explain why the word “male” is not preceding “prostitute” in the coverage of the Vaz story (sorry narrative).
indeed, a massive Vaz shaped hole on the BBC this morning. Yesterday and today we had irrelevant wall to wall coverage of gay clergy, but today when one of their pet muzzy/lefties pays Eastern European immigrants for gay arse sex it doesn’t seem to be a story.
Is this one of the most shocking examples of bias by omission?
Watching the Marr show, I coughed and missed the mention of our Keith, only one of the three newspaper commentators was asked to speak on the matter. Why couldn’t Ms Chakrabati gives us her opinion ?
Still Ed Balls on Strictly is the big story, apparently
Marr was a disgrace re vas. They just couldn’t wait to move on as fast as they could when mentioning him in the papers. If this was a Tory it would be wal to wall with plenty of sneering by red Andy and his pals.
He was particularly sneering when introducing Theresa May this morning and even interviewing he.r. Contrast that with the easy ride given to the white washer in chief. Marr was only tickling her belly and she knew she wasn’t going to be challenged. Such a self righteous petulant little cow. She basically admitted that she was going to cause trouble In the hoc over brexit.
Don’t get me started on the love in with the cretin that is blinky balls.
A. Woo.
B. P
C. Doo.
Still, better than Classic FM Global black hole.
Top of the hour was a funeral of some unfortunate paddlers.
Missed the 9am but by 9.30 Vaz had the briefest mention. This is the man who was preparing a report for Parliament, I understand, on prostitution and was using male prostitutes and involved with drugs at the same time. Perhaps this is quite important. Certainly Broadcasting House whilst considering the papers and having someone on from a publication called Vice, might have thought the Vaz story worthy of a mention. Not a word. And that is why many of us reading this site (trolls apart) think the BBC biased.
Perhaps he was doing it for “research purposes”.(LOL!)
“Treating soliciting as a criminal offence is having an adverse effect, and it is wrong that sex workers, who are predominantly women, should be penalised and stigmatised in this way,” he said…
As the BBC reported here:
Vaz went to an airport on New Year’s Day to count Romanians arriving on the day the entry rules for eastern Europeans changed. At the time this was touted as an attempt to ridicule claims that thousands would arrive in quick order (they did and in greater numbers).
Now we know he was there on the sniff, the dirty little so and so.
I liked this quote from today’s BBC article on the whole sordid affair,
‘When asked about the allegations, shadow health secretary Diane Abbott said: “I’ve known Keith for over 30 years. I think this must be a dreadful time for him and his family – his wife and his two children – and I’d rather not comment.”‘
As our American cousins would say, “Way to go Diane”.
Dear BBC,
I just watched the BBC News Headlines on TV (I have a licence). There were three headlines:
1. The British Prime Minister meeting a gentleman in the USA who said that trade deals between our two countries would be fine (although the voice-over warned ‘Brexit’ could cause problems)
2. A deceased nun becoming a saint
3. The funeral of some men who drowned in the U.K.
I have heard rumours of a big story concerning a washing machine salesman (Keith ‘Daz’?), some white powder and unpaid rent. Obviously I don’t have all the details correct so I looked at the BBC news website as well to see what the real story was. Nothing there.
I assume that your uniquely funded pool of journalists are beavering away pulling all the facts together as I write. (Oooh, paper review on screen as I write and a quick mention of something). I wait with bated breath to hear/see the story which I am sure will be impartial and merely deliver the facts as known at this time.
Doesn’t it make one wonder what other news is NOT being reported by Al Beeb ?
Are you having ‘value for money’ from your telly poll tax ?
Ditch it .
Indeed it does make me wonder, taffman. To the point where, if it IS reported on the Beeb (on the rare occasions I bother to tune in) I check elsewhere (I do find the uniquely-funded journos somewhat lacking in, well, journalism).
Love to ditch the tax but partner unwilling.
Not to worry , I understand that the student placements will be back in ‘uni’ shortly and the reporting should improve?
Should do. There are a fair few of them, it seems, and they need more: “Our journalists account for more than a third of the BBC workforce, with UK and worldwide staff serving a variety of local, regional, national, UK-wide and global audiences, in all media.”
“The most trusted news broadcaster in the world”
Excellent points but beavers are very useful and industrious chaps and should not be confused with BBC journalists.
GATEKEEPING constructing dams to block the free flow of information,
… whilst pushing other pet-issues through
..some BBC journalists do indeed act like beavers.
Looks like Bercow knew something was going on for a while now and protected Vaz…
They are reading your posts – 4 min ago……….
And typed in haste I reckon: “…and his is position is a matter for him and the House”.
Hang on a minute, it was agreed by Marr and the commentators that there was no hypocrisy in Vaz’s behaviour, just a moment of madness perhaps. Now BBC News tell us Vaz’s committee are looking into prostitution, there’s a whiff there somewhere……..
Magna littera . Non realiter.
Mental Illness to blame…. Move along, please….
It couldn’t have happened to a nicer chap.
As long as Vaz doesn`t claim for lube on his expenses then I`m prepared to let it slide!
That bugger exudes oil…maybe an alternative for fracking(no that`s NOT a perversion…yet)is slithering amongst us all in Leicester Forest.
Imagine he`ll say it was all for “research purposes”…worracreep!
“As long as Vaz doesn`t claim for lube on his expenses then I`m prepared to let it slide!”
Most kind thirdoption.
Would love to say that it all comes from inspiration…but this stuff writes itself.
Corbyn and pals-and the BBCs response to life ever since Climategate at the UEA 2009…Russell Brand and Occupy-the Ed Stone…Jackboots Jacqui and the expenses…l`il Hazel Blears from 2009…Paedo Exchanges with Harman and Dromey…Savile and the Tories winning last year…and now BREXIT, Farage and Trump.
Golden Years for Comedy.
Nearly matches this one!
10am-12pm Katie Hopkins is on LBC
Switched over from R4 Broadcasting House which was almost completely PSEUDO SJW warrior issues.
It’s summed up by at 9.45am when the newspaper reviewer said it was absolutely disgraceful : “the item about the March for Ared (Polish man in Harlow) is on page 11 of the Telegraph” ..”Why isn’t it much further up the paper”
Asked about integration he protested loudly that the immigrants weren’t at fault they had made tremendous effort…But listeners knew that was contradicted by the prog earlier
– They started with big coverage from Harlow, where as ever the real people didn’t conform with the BBC/Guardian stereotype view.
The long term Polish immigrant settled in Harlow for 20 years said
– The police should have acted earlier.
– That one problem is that these days in Harlow many newer Polish were not integrating like the old days ..he then described a ghetto effect, where newer Poles weren’t integrating and speaking English unlike before.
– “I’ve never had any trouble, well just the once”..”We woke up and there was graffiti across the road. We phoned the police they came right around, and 2 days later the council man had removed it”
….Well it’s great the authorities are so efficient and nip crime in the bud, but in my area the police don’tr come round just cos you had a property crime; when there’s a robbery mostly you are on your own.
At 9.30 interesting segment as they interviewed Afghan and other Muslim refugees settled in France ..and one of them shouted “Allah Akbar”, in response to questions. and the others rushed around trying to shut him up.
We are the true Social Justice Warriors wanting true Social Justice. But these North London BBC/Guardian Zombies are the FAKE PSEUDO SJWS cos their justice is twisted by their need to VIRTUE SIGNAL, so that their PetIsuues are priortised above others.
Twisted such that to them pointing a Tweet is far worse than stabbing with a knife.
Some tweets
The item from France was by hughsykes
The progs other 2 issues were
– Cycling cameras – IN LONDON about BBC Luvvie J Vine
– Nostalgic TV with Hannah Beckerman – one commenter alluded to political correctness problem said that ‘they do that cos if you try to talk about contemporary issues you get into trouble’
– They had no time to discuss Keith Vaz (BBC is alledged to be covering it up on the grounds it was a newspaper setup and so it’s a private issue, not in the public interest)
Only the BBC would “question Mother Theresas legacy”.
As opposed to say-I dunno-Lady Di, Bono, Geldof, Benn, Foot or…naturally …Obama!
All of who will leave us only tax dodges, dead partners, a Live Aid clip, tax shelters for the kids, a few letters-and, of course, dead border guards, dead embassy staff, and Iran resurgent, Islam triumphant.
No-Chris Hitchens hated Mother Theresa(less so Trotsky, but hey)-and the BBC oafs will fall into line according to Hitchslaps as bequeathed to “The Good Rebellion”.
So Caroline Wyatts frankly weird voice( is she in transition?)tells us of Mother Theresas “controversial legacy”…probably a grubby bedpan at the hospice visited by the Mid-Staffs CQC Inspectorate when Jon Snow sneaked them in in 2003 or such.
As for Dawkins legacy?…well, not a hospice, not a care home, not one Indian cared for healed, fed or loved before they died…nah, an Oxbridge Seat of Science as paid for by the Arabs.
His legacy of course is NOT controversial-for its only virtual and hypothetical-and non existant in reality?
Funny that-Mother Theresa leaves all that good to India and its “controversial”
Mrs Thatcher leaves us a hospital wing in Chelsea…and that`s ignored.
But the lefty blowhards and liberal cabbages leave us endless shit, bastards, perversions and vile discord…and THEIR “legacy” goes unquestioned as “The Common Good”.
Fup off BBC….the time`s coming when we`ll bury the whole bloody lot fo them in their Whicker coffin.
Bye bye suttee-bye bye!….
While I despise the ways in-which the BBC produces its headline news, I think Christopher Hitchens’ heavy criticism of “Saint” Theresa is completely justified; it’s actually required. She spent her life telling starving Africans to cling to a mythological text book that told them contraception was worse than HIV, and that the Christian-led never-ending reproductive cycle of a poverty-stricken woman must keep making babies that she knows she cannot feed. This is a place in the world in-which the empowerment of women actually does need to occur, and the good mother’s touch upon Africa has been a limp-wristed handshake with the devil for many decades.
I cannot claim to have the intellect of the late, lamented “Hitch” but I share his atheism. The only good thing I can say about Catholism is that it is better than Islam. Sorry if that upsets any catholics here.
Anyone really interested can try the “Four Horsemen ” discussion on YouTube. Hitch, Dawkins , Dennet and Harris on religious belief. In Hitch’s apartment in Washington. Hitch fortifies himself with fags and whisky throughout. Great stuff !
Agree M Theresa was no saint ..imposed her dogmatic religion on others, praying often a condition of receiving treatment.
Accept the need to demystify and unpack all the hoopla about a flawed individual.
But if she put up even ONE hospice, saved ONE kid from a grim death…or got even ONE nurse to retrain or visit Calcutta/Kolkatta…then she`s worth more than 10,000 Blairs, Dawkins and (say this quietly) Christopher Hitchens.
That was my point…and as atheists, respect your views.
But as a Christian, Jesus says summat about doing about “what you do for the least of my people…you`re doing it to and for me”( I paraphrase of course).
No need to point out where it is…but she`ll have lived with that at the front of her mind…as do I.
‘She spent her life telling starving Africans‘
Anybody else listen to Broadcasting House on Radio 4 this morning?
When discussing the papers the guests and/or presenter:
1. Claimed that the murder of Arkadiusz Jozwik was a race hate crime as FACT
2. Claimed that it was linked to Brexit as FACT
@quisquose see my post above at 10:35
I can’t see from Twitter who that Labour sounding reviewer you mention was
Guardian Zombies are running with Japanese Report warns on Brexit
..oh let me see which reporter ? oh Faisal Islam of Sky
..what a surprise that his reputation is of a Remaniac Fundamentalist campaigner.
I was sharpening the tines on my pitchfork this morning when I heard about Vaz.
I expect to finally stop laughing around midday, Thursday.
Just the very thought of Keith Vaz indulging in a “sexual act” has my stomach doing somersaults. However, two male prostitutes and the use of cocaine suggests to me that some of his constituents in sunny Leicester may just be the teensiest bit miffed. These people might be referred to as members of the religion of peace but show an extraordinary lack of tolerance towards homosexuality…other faiths…women…booze…music…dancing…pigs…dogs…
If I was old oily Keith I’d keep well away from the tops of tall buildings…
He should most definitely keep away from tall buildings – he might get tossed off. So to speak ……
Friends! I have written in full support of William Keegan’s piece in that Hard-Right neoliberal rag, the so-called Guardian, in which he points out the literally catastrophic effects of Brexit on Britain and the world, and indeed elsewhere.
My Tweet provides a link to Friend Keegan’s piece, as well as to my reply:
Quality! It looks like some of the Guardianistas didn’t latch on to the fact that you were extracting the urine!
Thank you, Friend Lobster. I guess the trouble is that, since so many of them write nonsense like this all the time, it’s getting steadily more difficult for them to distinguish between reality and parody!
It really made me laugh. But some of them took you seriously!.This is quite literally insane.
And me too! 🙂
That’s really a very funny piece, SupportOurLefty, I’m still chortling now as a write this… “Our Italian Banks are still practically solvent”, LOL!
Why don’t you repost the entire piece here? I expect there will be others who may not have followed the link who would also enjoy it.
@Friend Mike – Thank you, you are very kind :).
Will do … and since you enjoyed that, you may also enjoy my Blog. Here’s a link to the piece that’s my personal favourite, which is still extremely relevant, as it’s about the ongoing Labour Leadership battle, and which I’ll be writing about again in the next day or two:
And here’s my Guardian piece in full, by popular request of Friend Mike:
“Friends! William Keegan is, of course, totally correct, even if he has, as ever, understated his case.
Britain is now literally the laughing-stock of the world, and indeed elsewhere, as a result of the arbitrary decision of a tiny handful of 17,410,742 Far-Right racists, who viciously voted for Hard-Right Brexit in June, and who represent absolutely nobody but themselves.
Now that the £ – that oppressive symbol of Far-Right imperialism and neocolonialism – is now literally worthless against Our Euro, and Our Stockmarket has crashed to its highest level for well over a year, and the British so-called economy – which Thatcher totally destroyed – has literally tanked, where are the so-called Brexiters now, friends?
They are, friends, all in hiding! Understandably, given that Our Remain Camp’s entirely accurate and precise forecasts – e.g. total economic collapse, World War III, accelerating Hard-Right Climate Change and higher roaming charges, together with the prospect of several redundancies in Our Brussels – have all literally come true with a vengeance.
No wonder, friends, that whenever I encounter my friends from the Continent, they are literally convulsed with laughter at the sorry state of the British economy, especially when it is contrasted with the booming Euroland economy where – to take just a couple of examples – youth unemployment in certain parts of Southern Europe is less than 50%, and Our Italian Banks are still practically solvent.
What a contrast, friends, this happy state of affairs in Our EU is with the so-called British economy, where literally billions people are forced to work 95-hour weeks on Zero Hour Contracts in compulsory Foodbanks, while the widely-hated, totally unelected, sociopathic Bullingdon Bully Boy Theresa May sadistically quaffs champagne whilst burning £50 notes in front of them. No wonder literally nobody wants to come and live in the UK, friends!
And given this literally state of affairs, friends, is it really any surprise to hear that those of us on the Progressive Left – and there are many of us, friends, e.g. me – are revolting?”
Thanks SoL, this one is definitely my favourite 🙂
“…a tiny handful of 17,410,742 Far-Right racists, who viciously voted for Hard-Right Brexit in June, and who represent absolutely nobody but themselves.” LOL
You are very kind, Friend Mike. BTW, meant to say last time that you can see all my Graun comments here:
Not sure why the Graun mods tolerate me, but I’m not complaining :).
Thank you, Friend Dave :).
Funnily enough when I was in Birmingham I saw Williams article in a “pop up” paper called the New European.
A weekly suckup of all things Euro since they lost the Referendum…very funny.
That said I bought it for Howard Jacobsons blistering attack on Corbyns Labour/Anti Semitic Enquiry”…bet THAT won`t be getting transferred over to the Guardian.
The format is very Guardian-and, now you`ve said this-bet it`s funded from Brussels or the CP Snow slush funds somewhere creepy in lib land.
Soros?…Mishcon de Reya…something stinky I`m sure.
Brilliant Seveed Milibandperson!
Mockery, comedy and sending them over the top into madness is the way to do it.
Even the luvvies had to take a “raincheck” on your Cassandra impression…but you`ve got a few of them thinking.
Found that my refusal to respect Jo Cox death and want a SWP candidate to stand against namby pamby soft Labour DOES get them checking their steroids…they think THEY`RE lefty and bolshie…well look at ME!
That` I`m a parody and false flag in disguise hopefully gets them stuffed sometime hence.
I doff my beret( Che`s red turned pink when I put it in with my wifes nighties)…to you sir!
BBC Keith Vaz story went up 45 minas ago Keith Vaz ‘paid for male escorts’, Sunday Mirror claims
(the BBC’s story is pretty empty other than sympathy from Labour friends)
Earlier the BBC was alledged to be covering it up on the grounds it was a newspaper setup and so it could be construed as breaking newspaper regulator IPSOS rules if its a private issue and not in the public interest.
BUT BUT since it’s Labour Party policy that people paying for sex is immoral then it is a public interest surely ?
+ Keith Vaz is preparing a report on prostitution
+ he’s “chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee which monitors crime and drugs policy”
(His sister Valerie is Labour MP for Walsall South)
Wow the Guido story says the story is the tip of the iceberg
“was under police investigation over year ago on suspicion of financial corruption and historic allegations of under-age sex.”
“Vaz – who owes his career to Greville Janner – was the unidentified MP in this Sun front page from last year.”
Mirror headline is “Vaz Offered to Buy Coke for Romanian Rent Boy”
Is Labour’s biggest concern Brexit will put up the price of Romanian Rent Boys ?
Sounds serious.
Classic FM Global Propaganda had on Diane Abbott and beyond a waffle about family she…. refused to comment further!
They also said she refused to be drawn more. Seems even fish-eyes can’t capture the full glory now.
Jeremy must be loving his Dr. Pepper of an evening as the laughs just keep coming.
Vaz has been allegedly been associated with rent boys for years. A former Islington senior solicitor with, I would suggest, an interest in Children’s homes.
The link explains much about his peadophile involvement with his killing of the Janner investigation.
A very dangerous person, a very evil man. I think there is much more to uncover, I hope the truth comes out in full.Are we looking at another Cyril Smith?
When the stone uncovers, what politicians will go down with him, who has been covering up for him?
A major hypocrite, see below
I wonder what Mr Vaz MP, and Mrs Vaz MP discussed over breakfast this morning.
Maybe it was the weather!
‘Looks like a storm is coming dear’.
When you read the Labourgraph link and you are reminded of Vazeline’s part in the crusade against Murdoch, you wonder how long the Sun have been delving into his activities and if much of Vazeline’s zeal in pursuing Murdoch was an attempt to cover up his own proclivities/activities? Vaz and FATWATson have a lot to answer for, and perhaps Murdoch, through the Sun, is taking a bit of his cold revenge.
So he claimed to be a washing machine salesman? I wonder how they’ll spin that ……
I’ll get me coat …….
I am reporting that comment ! You should be ashamed. On the other hand Daz clearly does not wash whiter.
I didn’t know he was Omo*
I’ll get me other coat ….. !
* If you’re not old enough to remember that brand, ask your mother!
A Fairy lasts longer.
Vazeline was at East Midlands airport to greet the first legal arrivals from there, of course. And the only one (Vaz said that we wouldn’t get many Romanian immigrants!) was subsequently found to be a criminal.
Labours Paedophile Information Exchange will need to be reformed now to include drugs…Harriet and Jack willbe wanting a recall.
Labour-scum bastards in need of lacing….
TOM WATSON and the Noncefinder generals seem a bit quiet today don`t they folks?
MY Keith Vaz joke for the “Now Show”
Keith Vaz is the lube boob…not funny-but bet your arse that THEY`LL not be joking about him either-what rebels the BBC are eh?
Savile and Vaz…dyslexia..the end of Vazilisation then?
The Remainiacs want to stay in the Romanians…there`s another one Hardy you twat!
Chris – Noncefinder General only appears to be really interested in exposing those who are old, ill, establishment and generally unable to defend themselves. Then it doesnt matter if they are later proven innocent or not as they are unlikely to be able to or have the strength to take any action against you – brave man!
I wonder what else runs in the family eh?
That BBC story is basically a Labour Party press release
Leaves out all the juicy bits..seemingly saying “move along, nothing much to see here”
Fleet Street has clearly been after Vaz for years, as the post-Mirror revelations show, and quite rightly so, too. Now the question is, how much did the BBC know? And why does it never break these stories?
No doubt we are in for as much sweeping under the carpet as the Asian/gay/Labour friendly BBC can get away with.
Very many years ago, when the BBC occasionally did news and good comedy etc etc, they ran a debate about the monarchy and Vaz spoke as a supporter. It was such a welcome break from the usual rentagob left wing Republicanism that I’ve given him the benefit of the doubt a few times since then.
But he has for a long time being one of the bBBC’s default wheel-on spokespersons and speaks portentiously and down his nose all too often. No surprise therefore that Auntie should treat him gently, not roughly.
They keep on telling us that Brexit was a ‘kick at the establishment’. I hope Carwyn Jones and the Welsh Assembly Members are now getting the message ?…..
We Welsh want ‘out’!
Re Vas: The Met Police (of whom he is a regular snide critic) will be required to investigate. Criminal allegations of the supply and use of a Class A drug cannot and must not be ignored.
This is only the beginning….
Couldnt happen to a nicer bloke
Dipped my toes into Naga’s BBC Sunday Morning Live show this morning and one topic that caught my attention was the children who are living in the Calais jungle camp and how the UK is somehow responsible for them-it turns out that some apparently have relatives on our islands. Of course the viewing public were hit with phrases such as “vulnerable young people” “children at risk”, these phrases we could make into signs and hang them up in most of our towns and cities which host Muslim men.
But no, these phrases were regarding non-British children living in the Calais camp, who have somehow managed to trek through numerous amounts of “safe” countries before heading to France (another safe country) before, as they’d hope, crossing the channel to Blighty. Championing the corner for these waifs was Yasmin Alibha-Brown, maybe it’s just me but i find her one (among many) of the biggest irritants on tv and another one of those that seem to have a season ticket to appear on the BBC.
Backing and supporting her views was poet Lamn Sissay. He ended the topic by saying: “I pride myself on being British and pride myself on openness and the fact that we have constantly had immigration in this country, as part of what keeps us alive and healthy.”
The assumption that “we have constantly had immigration in this country” is a quote those on the left often throw up, though it’s a blatant myth. It’s one of those that if you say it often enough, people tend to believe.
Anyway after a little thought I turned to my quill pen and I came up with this:
Ode To Young White Female Innocence.
When will this hell end?
I’m white, a girl, i was vunerable,
they weren’t.
They promised me love, protection and safety.
All i got was beat, raped, threatened and abused
physically, mentally and verbally and my gift? Chlamydia.
My Gran says she knew a time when she’d never heard of Muslims,
knew nowt about them.
Now all she hears is how they prowl schools in cars,
looking for young uns, like I was.
Girls told the Police and Social Services,
they just shrugged their shoulders
and advised “don’t go with them”
They think it’s a one off problem,
no it’s not,
it’s one off then another on problem.
They say in court it’s our fault, that
we teased and encouraged them. These brothers,
Dads, cousins, uncles, and Grandads called
us sluts and whores.
How and when will our shattered bodies,
lives and minds be fixed? How and when
will we leave that nightmare?
WH …..The assumption that “we have constantly had immigration in this country” is a quote those on the left often throw up, though it’s a blatant myth. It’s one of those that if you say it often enough, people tend to believe…..
I’ve noticed that quotes like the above, and (this country benefits from blah de blah, and this country has always been compassionate towards blah de blah) usually comes from the likes of Yasmin Brown who were taken in after the Kenyan Asians were turfed out of Africa, and others who have settled here. Of course ! they all head here, because they’ve either got a British passport or were entitled to have one. Funny how we ‘need migrants to do the jobs that the British won’t do” but weren’t around to work down the coal mines eh ?
Brissles, I’ve never gone along or quite worked out how our country has benefited from immigrants, from our former Empire or from other parts, enriching our shores. It’s as narrow minded as believing top footballers enhance the sport of football in England with their ridiculous wages and earnings, which are then lost to the country as they move back to their own home or wherever. I would like to see a Government introduce a Law that states money earned in the UK, remains in the UK.
As for those people that say, “oh, the people that have arrived here, say over the last 50 years or so, have enhanced our music, our culture, our art, our food.” Really? I say they’ve contributed less than the Huguenots (who arrived in the 18th Century) and there was no welfare state. As regards the food contribution, that probably goes in some way to explain why there are so many lard arsed teens around these days.
I’d prefer it if we became insular, ignored the outside world and its politics and concentrated on our own infrastructures. This same period of immigration has coincided with changes within our institutions, which has seen outside forces damage tried and tested formulas as they introduce their own doctrine. I believe a step back, would be a step forward. So everything would be looked at, particularly education, policing, Law and we’d see improvements with roads, trains (both stock and rail), rivers, housing, crime. I would like coastal guards re-introduced and they would be foot/vehicle patrols aswell as boat patrols which would cover the whole coastline.
I know in this day and age it’s looked upon as some kind of crime to be patriotic. Though i rather like the Japanese model, that they don’t atone for perceived historical injusticies, history is history. They have a strong cultural identity, whereas here it’s constantly being eroded.
You might be interested in some facts quoted in the book The Diversity Illusion by Ed West
‘At the end of the Second World War over 70 per cent of British DNA dated back more than 6,000 years on these islands and between them the Celts, Anglo Saxons, Vikings and Normans made less of a genetic impact than post war immigration has….the DNA of the British people has been changed more in one lifetime than in the previous 6,000 years’.
The previous ‘invaders’ would have come in in smaller numbers and been assimilated as they were mostly of European origin. The speed with which our population has increased from world wide cultures makes no allowances for assimilation. The strain this situation has caused is evident everywhere (except in Broadcasting House).
Arrived here late today.
The Vaz analysis all seems to have been done.
I would just like to report that I am smiling from ear to ear.
A well justified, and long overdue, comeuppance for a grade A ****.
Shock “Childless politicians” infogram on pg 19 Sunday Times only features females no males
“Why do men never get asked about being childless ?” says the Frappocino crowd.
Well July’s BBC article says Sue Lawley on Desert Island Discs asked PM Gordon brown why he was unmarried and childless at the age of 46
Men are different from women. They may not be asked cos its unPC to ask if someone is gay. Secondly you may ask a 45 year old woman cos that is her last opportunity to begin having kids, where a 60 year old man can have kids.
Indeed that same BBC article EXCLUSIVELY ONLY mentioned FEMALE current politicians
“Mrs May will join Nicola Sturgeon, Natalie Bennett, Leanne Wood, Arlene Foster and Ruth Davidson as women in leadership roles in British politics – but four of the six do not have children.”
I was at University with Brown at the same time. Not the same University . It was common knowledge that he was gay. He didn’t even try and hide it.
only difference between that BBC list and that infographic pg 19 Sunday Times Magazine that Times added Justine Greening and Merkel.
“Why do men never get asked about being childless ?”
Probably because the interviewer doesn’t want to embarrass them as Gay or impotent !
From the BBC Staff Recruitment Advertiser today.
Part of a BTL comment on an article concerning BBC balance and impartiality. Might resonate with BBBC regulars
“Try complaing?[sic] A complete waste of time – the staff live with a world view that can’t even countenance that there might be valid alternative arguments.”
The problem with your point is we arent claiming to be impartial while being funded by a tax which invites a jail sentence if its not paid….
And once again….no one is forcing you to come here
Once again… arent being forced to come here
It cant be that hard to grasp can it???
NYou remind me of these gimmegrants who land in our country and then try to tell us how to behave,whilst shitting on your doorstep
I couldnt give a tosser what you think to be honest
Wont be losing any sleep over it either
If you dont like it find something better to do 🙂
Commented deleted.
Methinks thou dost protest too much, Anti Auntie.
It seems to me that “Anti Auntie” is a nothing more than yet another face of the infamous Jerrod/Scott/Manon. (Did he get banned?)
Experienced trolls like Scott know exactly what they need to do to get a reaction, and they know the regular posters on here very well.
I’m not saying I approve of people flaming him, but I also don’t think it’s entirely the fault of the flamers.
And it is entirely possible that “Anti Auntie” might be a new tactic by a wily old foe, to try to goad some old enemies into saying some things they shouldn’t, in an attempt to get them banned, or to try and split the membership here by trying to garner some sympathy.
I’m happy to say that either way, it looks like it’s failing dismally.
Hopefully David V will spot the similarity and take some action soon – I for one don’t enjoy the constant provocation and pointed remarks.
The problem you, and the other visitors to BBBC, who operate out of, and are paid by, Broadcasting House is that you are 99.9% failures.
Hundreds of examples, of each of the many categories of deception, imbalance, partiality, and mendacity of which BBC is a permanent, long established provider, occur.
These severe infractions are pointed out daily, on BBBC, and similar sites.
You scrutinise BBC comments with an electron microscope, until you find a genuine mistake or other statement which you think can be criticised. At this point with pencil sharpened, like your mind, with a laser, you bring the item to our attention.
What about the 99.9% of items you do not challenge? Will not attempt to challenge, because you cannot challenge them? Because they are true?
You start to get some credibility, when you agree that a point which reflects badly on the BBC is valid.
Not that I believe you seek credibility. Be warned start, criticising the BBC and you will not have time for other activities.
We try to do this 24/7/365 and it’s tiring because there are thousands of examples to be covered.
I did find the language in which displeasure at you comments was not helpful.
But the BBC is trying to destroy our country, our people, our continent, our race, our culture, our history. So a few insults are just a drop in the ocean.
Just wait until we take a leaf or two out of the Islamic Book with deeds instead of words.
The Norwegians are building a fence to keep out illegal immigrants.
Why is the BBC so quiet about this but so hysterically loud about Trump’s wall?
Indeed, why are the relaxed, warmly welcoming Norwegians building a barrier? No doubt there will be a Newsnight special about it … blaming Brexit.
The BBC is celebrating the pro Europe march in Cardiff where the streets were jam packed with, erm, 75 demonstrators. 75? 75! The population of Cardiff is over 350,000 and indeed the population of wales is over 3 million.
So it has to be asked, not too unkindly I hope, but isn’t that a risible turnout that reflects the true feelings of the people of Wales? 75 out of over 3 million!
Are the BBC and Welsh Assembly watching? Or, a better question, will they take any notice?
75? I’ve just come back from Lidl and there were more than that in there!
But Lobster-there turns out to have been ONE HUNDRED protestors in need of more Europe up in Edinburgh.
So that`s a 33% increase on the Cardiff insurgency.
And not a free T-shirt or SWP banner in sight eh?….so the EU won`t be funding it will it?
As for London-even I can see the photoshop crops and mirrorings once you get past the front row of Eddie,Peter, Chukka and Ms Lucas.
Must do better BBC…got to have been a million marchers there eh?
Great spot SS.
This is a fantastic story in that it shows so clearly how utterly living in their la la land parallel universe Nirvana the activists pretending to be journalists are who nowadays run the so called news on the biased BBC.
They actually think this is news and worth a story.
The story, dear comrades, as good people who read this website well know, is that ONLY 75 people attended.
But I suspect the irony is totally lost on them.
Brexit protests: Man charged with Eddie Izzard beret theft
I know I shouldn’t find the theft of a hat amusing but because it is Eddie/Edith Izzard’s hat, I just do.
Don’t you dare call him Edith, wronged. The Met’s finest will be round to arrest you for a Hate Crime faster than you can say “crossdresser”.
Sluff – Neither would I recommend anyone refer to him as a “Pink Hatter” as this could well lead to serious accusations of “Hat Crime”
There are currently lots of spare plods at the moment – maybe they should transfer a few of the twats over from the Tommy Robinson “Lets scare his children squad” to the new “Pink Hat – crime squad” where their sleuthing and disorder prevention skills could be very useful.
The next time the police complain about shortage of men….
Twice in two days, in tuning into radio 4 there have been comments attacking political correctness.
Once about the appointment of the Gay Bishop – with the comment about it been possible to be charged with a hate crime for saying that two men marrying is wrong.
The other was a Private Eye piece in which they said that Political Correctness was a device for enforcing group think while stifling any thought outside it. It was everything Private Eye stood against, all panel members agreed.
Could the BBC be changing its mind on speaking out about PC ?