Why all this furore over Keith Vaz?
Perhaps he was just doing some private in depth research and was deliberately leading on the men in question in order to gain insight and so support his committee work.
Well, was that not used in terms as a justification in a similar case a couple of years back?
Let’s not celebrate his embarrassment too much just yet, until the lawyers are finished.
Back in the day, the film All the President’s Men alerted me to the concept of the non-denial denial. Where someone criticises the source of a story and the ethics of the writers in order to denigrate a story against them but crucially does not actually deny the key accusation.
Remind anyone of anything?
Just an aside. A couple of weeks ago I wrote in length on here about the waste of money in the NHS. Today in the Sunday Mail, there is a double page spread showing skip loads of furniture and equipment headed for the tip, which could be reconditioned and used again, or passed onto charitable organisations. Glad that my observations are finally being seen by the wider public.
I think the Vaz prayer mat has stopped working. Everything he had done so far, supporting Salman Rushdie’s murder, excusing the IRA, accepting bribes, abuse of power, false accusations, lying to the police,etc, etc, ad infintum, was just dandy.
All that was OK with Allah, but being gay is just not cricket.
He said: “It is deeply disturbing that a national newspaper should have paid individuals to have acted in this way.”
He doesn’t think it’s more disturbing an MP should have paid individuals to have acted in exactly the same way. He’s done nothing wrong, ever. Get out the vazeline for some vazual sex.
Nigel Keith Anthony Standish Vaz was born in Aden, on 26 November 1956, to parents from the Indian state of Goa, which accounts for his Goan-Portuguese surname. Vaz is a distant relative of Saint Joseph Vaz, a 17th-century missionary
He claims his religion is Roman Catholicism, but he is absolutely as bad as you say if not worse. A white person would have been thrown out of Parliament years ago
I am watching the cricket on Sky , England v Pakistan and two things stand out on the topic of Muslim integration. Firstly as has been the case throughout this summer there is a high percentage of the crowd sporting Pakistan flags and shirts. iI am sure that most of them are , unfortunately British nationals, so they clearly fail the 40 year old Tebbit test. In fact it is clear that on this yardstick no progress has been made at all in integrating those of Pakistani origin despite us Brits lying down and letting have concession after concession for their medieval religion. Of course you could take the view that by making those concession the liberal left actually hindered the integration that that so desperately wanted.Then secondly, the two squad members of Pakistani origin in the England squad , both of whom were not playing today ,spent two or three hours sat not with their English teammates , but with the Pakistani team.Whist these two players seem committed to the English cricket team this does make you wonder about their loyalty to our country.
I think it is entirely impossible for a muslim to have any loyalty to an infidel country. They may live in it, carry its passport, conduct business there, and if we are lucky, even obey its laws, but they will never have a love or loyalty to that country. A muslim might love Pakistan, but he will never love Britain.
There is a report on the BBC Website that Kayne West wants multicultural models for
displaying his fashions at the New York fashion show which is just coming up. The BBC is not quite sure if this is racist or not. Apparently the BBC is looking for a co presenter for the ONE SHOW obviously to take the place of Alex Jones when the time comes. I am not sure if it is an ” April fools day” spoof. But have any of you seen their requirements? Its like one of Richard Littlejohn’s ,” You couldn’t make it up.” A bit like Mr West’s requirements but even more positive discrimination or call it what you will. Racist comes to mind. But it could be a spoof.
Why O Why O Why?
Only the BBCs comedy department-which seems to be its News Wing these days…could wonder why Asians( yes, a few Muslims in thereI`d say)would fail to “take the diagnosis of mentally illiness t`ing seriously”!).
Might be due to the fact that any Islamist kiddie fiddling psychopuff is excused for his “mental well-being and esteem issues and lack of a CPN number”-as opposed to emulating his hero Muhammad.
Come on India-Mental Whereness Day…NOW!
And stop laughing at the Vulnerable Beados who WE say are mentally challenged-not Muslim.
The BBC write their own internal comedy with no irony or self awareness….they truly need the Muslims Lithium don`t they now? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-36489893
“President Obama said the US would prioritise trade negotiations with the EU and Pacific nations over a UK deal”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-37269916
So much for ‘the special relationship’. Lets hope that Obama’s successor gets ‘Trumped’.
Poor old May eh?
Obama has about eight weeks left as he ponces around the world playing golf, gladhanding and sifting his next job offers.
The Euro in freefall, TTIP binned.
So only the BBC would see any of what they reported as relevant, when May met Obama.
He smells of dead duck, not a mere limping one…so why the hell the BBC seems to think that his opinion matters a jot is beyond me-if not them.
Same goes for whatever Merkel or Hollande says-both will be out on their ears next year, whereas our Theresa has three more years and counting.
Trust the BBC to deal only in the next 48 hours-if that.
BBC TV News at 6.19 pm today ran a report on the Vas allegations. Their political reporter made no mention of Vas seeking Class A controlled drug cocaine to take during his gay sex romp. (This was clear during the covert recordings). The BBC dwelled upon Vas’ concerns about the newspaper paying for the exposure.
Then it was over to Saint Jeremy of Corbyn. He said it was all a private matter for Vas although he would be speaking to him in due course.
That’s it then. Lid back on. Full damage control by the BBC to protect an ethnic minority Labour MP who is probably still available for BBC interviews at a price.
Would it have been the same treatment for Nigel Farage or a Tory minister?
Biased British Broadcasting Corporation. Nothing ever changes. Keep paying the annual tax, folks! Naga needs her £250k salary.
The BBC’s editorial integrity on Brexit is rightly questioned. Any complaint will for sure get the GIAR blow off, but how that phrase is enshrined in Editorial Guidelines as anything but crooked why knows:
BBC needs to fundamentally examine its EU bias. So tired of them using the phrase 'despite Brexit' #biashttps://t.co/dIgbYBjk9M
Vaz is disturbed that undercover rent boys were used-and our proud “married father of two” is free to say what he likes…the Mirrors “allegations” in no way related to the tapes they produced.
Oh dear-one of the luvvies is in danger-so expect the BBC to mince around the hole in their brothel creepers…er, yes…sounds about right.
The appointment of sam allardyce as new england football manager has in the media been surprisingly positive,his style of football has been critised for 20 years,now suddenly he can do no wrong.The football association’s desire to have an english manager has influenced prior opinions,could this be that in the search for an appropriate choice they found we are lacking in english managerial talent.
Big Sam was for Brexit-or at the very least, he poured scorn on the Remoaners claim that transfer fees and foreign footy merchants would be at risk if we dared to vote to go.
So Sams OK.
After flicking in and out of the yawnfest in Slovakia-reckon we`ve got our Brexit Game going.
Bore the pants off everybody, pile on the stodge and hoof it up the pitch-and sneak an away goal when everyones asleep.
Splendid….it`s what we do-important to pile snow around the pitch a few feet high, get the orange ball out…and we`ll conquer Europe once more!
Not strictly bBBC but relevant to professionalism of broadcasting. Or lack of it.
Today’s score ( Slovakia 0 England 1, goal scored in last minute of added time) gives me the perfect example of a game I want the media to play.
Have the pundits watch the game a few minutes behind real time. Then edit out the goals. Then get the pundits to comment on the apparent 0-0 score. Meanwhile show the full game to another set of pundits.
Compare and contrast the contributions. I believe most are of the ‘wise after the event’ variety and pretty vacuous.
Today’s match was the perfect opportunity for this. The key thing being that for 94 minutes the score was 0-0 and any review of that period should be entirely devoid of knowledge about the final score. But after the final whistle and that late goal, hey presto, the performance was transformed.
The ITV coverage was an interesting mix of pro England bias…..and although I am English I find it a bit grating at times……and some punditry that pointed out clearly the dilemma of English football…..we get away with playing the dross we do against teams in the qualifiers but then in tournaments against “the better sides” it all comes unstuck…..repeatedly.
I am still waiting for the pundits to analyse exactly how and why the England players…..some of the best paid and most hyped in Europe, managed to lose to Iceland, whilst Wales collection of journeymen pros and Gareth Bale progressed by beating one of the fancied sides (Belgium). I think it’ll be a long wait.
Modern international football is a vehicle for multiculturalist propaganda, and the power of corporate money, keeping the audience watching is a political matter.
Englands “stars” losing to Icelands mono cultural and mono ethnic team of unknowns is quietly being airbrushed away.
‘Guardian columnist Catherine Bennett has just unloaded some stored-up anger about BBC Brexit coverage… Catherine is John Humphrys’ partner. Her only named offender in all this is Nick Robinson’
Cheeks, arses, sacks of rats…. These guys are so bubble-headledly incestuous it’s a wonder the next generation being groomed to take over are not sporting additional organs.
Now that the muslim vaz looks to have been exposed engaging in homosexual activity and misusing drugs does this mean he will be subject to a fatwa or will he just be beheaded in the street?…. I was just wondering if the bbbc had considered this
Gent- I’ve heard elsewhere that he’s in fact catholic yet pretends to be Hindu/Muslim to increase his voting chances.
That said on the off chance he is pretty sure al Beeb should have him thrown from the top of broadcasting house for offending their religion. It’s probably what their beloved Anjem Choudary would have wanted. Perhaps we can have a live stream on BBC brekkie from Anjems cell. Kikuchiyo can we schedule that one in to tomorrow’s editorial please? Just run it by the MCB first to make sure they’re OK with it although we both know they’ll be fine. Unlike Asad Shahs funeral I think there’s a good chance they might turn up to this one.
The Brutal Truth, reading about Vaz on wiki suggests that he is of Goanese extraction which would support the notion of him being a Catholic, but the entry on wiki describes his behaviour during the Rushdie affair and places him in a rather unflattering light.
Apparantly he used the name “Jim” in the recent alleged events……bet he wishes Scotty was there to beam him up!
The panel and presenters on HIGNFY will obviously increase his and his party’s embarrassment by using this situations comedy potential to the max by making repeated references to these ALLEGED events won’t they? Yeah, course they will!
Not been the greatest year for the Vaz. Who could forget his sadness at the Brexit result when the sick looking Dimbleby on the live show asked for his reaction, the Vazza replied that it was “catastrophic for our country.” He then said: “I think that they voted emotionally rather than looking at the facts.”
Too right Vazza, “they” voted emotionally after viewing the facts and the facts showed that being a member of the EU had eroded British democracy, destroyed jobs, among a list of so many negatives.
skin crawlers list,
anna soubrey,keith vaz,dianne abbott,jeremy corbyn,emily thornberry,chuka umunna,david lammy,angela eagle,caroline lucas,owen smith,chris bryant,tristram hunt,ed miliband.Not that bad for politicians only 13,when i do the media i expect more.
“Mother Teresa declared saint” on beeb Home page. Mmm, they’re not usually so interested in superstitious opium-of-the-people Christianity. Wonder if it’s because the leftist sub-text chimes well with beeboids: “Francis said St Teresa had defended the unborn, sick and abandoned, and had shamed world leaders for the “crimes of poverty they themselves created”.” Old Karl couldn’t have put it better himself (which is probably where Papa Francis got it from). It’s all our fault, you see. And has obvious relevance to migrant situation. What would she have done? Taken them all in of course, and them some. Whole of Africa why not.
St Theresa of Calcutta spoke eloquently against abortion for this alone the modern left will never forgive her.
I think the coverage is because what she did for the poorest of the poor was respected and admired by many people regardless of religious belief.
And then there’s the role of the BBCs own Malcolm Muggeridge in conveying her story to the world in the documentary “Something beautiful for God”.
The BBC cannot ever resist a pat on the back for itself, or just a little basking in reflected glory.
Maybe Vaz is just another one of these ‘vulnerable people with mental health issues’ which we seem to hear about so much these days. After all, there must be some reason why such a pillar of society would allegedly encourage the use of class A drugs with homosexual prostitutes.
I’m watching “A very British deterrent”. I’m getting a very anti nuke vibe from the narrative I’m also feeling another re-write of history. They cover the cancelled Skybolt (cancelled in December 1962)at great length, Banging on about how British independent nuclear deterrent was maintained. The program makers overlooking that in 1963 the Avro Blue Steel stand off missile entered service with a 1.1 mega ton warhead and a range of 575 miles. Admittedly not as advanced as skybolt but carried by our V bomber force enough (52 built) to cause a fair amount of Armageddon. With a proposal to improve it would no doubt have carried on as it was with Polaris the weapon was withdrawn in 1970. The Red Beard tactical nuclear weapon was deployed in 1962. Where as the BBc program implies we were completely dependent on American technology. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Grapple
“our V bomber force enough (52 built) to cause a fair amount of Armageddon”
An old friend of ours was an engineer on Vulcans at Finningley before leaving to teach Maths. He explained that the Vulcan had a strong airframe which made it capable of withstanding the stresses of flying low under Soviet radar. For this reason the Soviets always regarded it as a serious threat to which they had no easy solution.
Its main problem was “slightly dodgy” electrics (his words).
This is a very good point. The V Force is sometimes presented as being some sort of creaking second rate system which would have been shot out of the sky by the Russians.
In fact, in the 1950s, Britain was able to build three excellent types of advanced jet bomber, and the nuclear weapons to go with them. We had over 200 bombers in bases around the USSR and Red China, and under total British control. This was a significant complicating factor for any Russian war plans, and would have led them to conclude that any nuclear attack on Britain would be met with a devastating nuclear response.
In the long term, a submarine based deterrent was better for Britain. Nonetheless, in the 1950s and 60s, the V Force gave Britain an immense and totally independent nuclear deterrent. It is no surprise that CND and other Communist fellow travellers were so keen to denigrate it and portray it as a threat to peace rather than a defence against aggression.
The Cold War is yet another period in history the BBC is desperately trying to rewrite; the true version involving the collapse of their beloved USSR due to the inability of communism to match capitalism in any contested area.
If you were daft enough to believe the BBC then the ‘Peace Women’ were responsible for the removal of Cruise Missiles/Pershing 2 from Europe. Oh dear, dear, dear.
What really grates on them though is the deft way in which Reagan fronted up to the USSR simultaneously calling them ‘The Evil Empire’ whilst building a very close relationship with Gorbachev (a man he said he could do business with). Even Henry Kissinger, definitely no fan of Reagan, had to acknowledge that Reagan was the right president at the right time.
Agreed. And throughout the Cold War many at the BBC were, in common with their comrades in the Labour Party, very definitely rooting for the other side.
Old Gorby told us all that the EU was just the Soviet Union in western clothing.
Needs repeating-because he`d know if anyone did.
Our willingness to undermine both Gorbackhev and(especially) Boris Yeltsin led to the rise and rise of Putin.
But the BBC never give us the timelines do they?….just as well that the Internet does.
The fellow travellers in the West just could not grasp that the KGB had decided to get rich and that meant ditching the communist party and ending the cold war. It was about money . It always is. Our lefties still think they have principles. The KGB must have laughed and probably still are.
‘The Cold War is yet another period in history the BBC is desperately trying to rewrite’. With success, if you weren’t paying attention during GCSE History (and possibly if you were, too).
I was in the Map Room of one of the country’s older universities over the summer. I’m a regular visitor, know the staff well, and saw that they’d put out a few crowd-pleasing items for the succession of guided tours that were passing through that afternoon. On display were the oldest map of the town (1500s); the map of the town prepared for the Soviet armed forces (1980s), part of a huge archive bought after the Warsaw Pact fell; and a map of the British Isles once the sea-levels rise (1990s). Hmm.
The groups that afternoon were all attending various summer schools. Most had intelligent questions to ask the staff talking them through the exhibits. Until. ‘Yes’, said one thirtysomething member of one of the groups, admiring the Ruski map, peering at all the placenames in the Cyrllic alphabet, ‘but the Russians were never a serious military threat, were they? This was all just for show?’
I was in the room as a reader. Not my place to pipe up to denounce a visitor’s imbecility. But as I lived and worked in West Berlin for two years after my A Levels (mid 1980s), and returned home femtoseconds before the Wall came down (well, about a fortnight), I very nearly did speak up. And now, of course, I regret not setting the record straight: explaining just how miserable life was in East Berlin, how cheap and shoddy and tinny manufactured goods were; how real the bullets in the rifles of the guards in the DDR watchtowers were; and how seriously the Allied powers garrisoned there (which at that time, for us, was the Second Battalion of the Black Watch) took their duties.
I thought i’d have a look at the bbc eu debate to view the impressive performance of andrea leadsom but in their highlights she hardly got a mention,next i went to itv where it was the same.So what we have here is a media history of those events , a ‘mistery’.
So, robbery, murder, rape and mayhem in nearby London and committed by vastly over represented ethnic minorities. Yet the BBC concentrates on a Pc having his foot run over by a white man with a shaved head.
Also police and BBC most prompt in releasing a detailed description including some key information, oddly lacking in other cases, often of a more serious nature.
A welcome new policy, or one of those funny exceptions that proves various unique rules?
Still, kudos to the officer for getting such an accurate height estimate from a seated driver.
My wife likes the television which is the only reason I did not smash it up during BBC TV news tonight. Also what has the poor TV done to deserve the rubbish the BBC passes off as news.
Brexit has caused the whole world to gang up on us, declare war, excommunicate, isolate, invade, declare insane and so on . You get the idea.
Obama threatens us again so do the Japanese and just about everyone except the penguins in Antarctica.
Kuenesberg and Hussein told me this in suitably funereal tones.Why no Wagner as mood music girls?
Just think this small unimportant island that is so despised by the liberal elite for it’s past and it’s stupid people has gone and upset the entire world. How did we do it?
By voting that’s how and by millions of us ordinary citizens putting two fingers up to the elites of the world. And they really don’t like it. So we get news like tonight’s on the BBC which goes beyond bias in to outright unpatriotic lies.
All in a good cause of course. Their cause which is to create a climate in which they can disregard our will and declare us irrelevant and rerun the referendum and fix the result this time.
So all day tomorrow the BBC is going to be stuffing their propaganda down our throats.
Bad news BBc . All over Europe the scum is voting against your fantasy world and if Trump makes it to the White House then you are finished for good and we can consign liberalism to the dustbin of history .
The elites don’t like democracy. Never did and never will. They like wealth and control and really don’t like us anymore.
I don’t really watch terrestrial TV much anymore at all. Last month I cancelled my Sky subscription in disgust at Sky News (which is basically a parrot of everything BBC and CH4 say – with no provision, at all, for opposing views to all accepted regressive narratives).
I find YouTube (via my PS4 on the big tellie) provides me with hours of news and information from all around the world, with opposing views, frank debate and discussion and all for free!
I still have to pay the BBC their annual protection money, but I’m finding life is a lot less stressful without subjecting myself to what passes itself off for ‘professional journalism’ on the (entirely liberal regressive) terrestrial channels.
Aerfen – Merkel will be pleased – Looks like we will be able to take our “fair share” of migrants after all.
Why am I not surprised with May – you just need to look at all the non entities in her cabinet (with one or two exceptions) to see where the lie of the land (lie being the operative word) . The old adage is as true as it ever was – Leopards never change their spots!
I expect the MSM and the Daily Mail (who cheer led May) will lap it up as some sort of triumph of negotiation. Will be interesting to see what stance Fox and Davies take on this.
Euro fudge here we come!
As I said when she first said it – Brexit means – well not much really!
I think it’s more a case of the BBC making an anti-Brexit headline out of a non-story, rather than a u-turn by May – and here’s why.
Re a points-based immigration system, even the BBC’s own “fact” page admits that (pythonesque French accent): “we’ve already got one, you see”.
In February 2008, the Labour government introduced the UK’s first points-based immigration system heralded by ministers as being based on the Australian system. It replaced a labyrinthine scheme which saw 80 different types of visa granted.
… yet AfD’s victory is strangely missing from the BBC’s home page, too full of Brexit doom and gloom apparently.
Yet today’s comres poll for the BBC’s very own R5 Live says that 62% the 1,032 British adults canvassed say they are positive about Britain’s future post-Brexit.
Oh, and nice pic to headline that article, an older white man ON HIS OWN on his way to vote at a polling station in a bowling green. Not bothering with much ethnic bias there eh, BBC? Subtle, so subtle.
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Why all this furore over Keith Vaz?
Perhaps he was just doing some private in depth research and was deliberately leading on the men in question in order to gain insight and so support his committee work.
Well, was that not used in terms as a justification in a similar case a couple of years back?
Let’s not celebrate his embarrassment too much just yet, until the lawyers are finished.
Good fun though.
Back in the day, the film All the President’s Men alerted me to the concept of the non-denial denial. Where someone criticises the source of a story and the ethics of the writers in order to denigrate a story against them but crucially does not actually deny the key accusation.
Remind anyone of anything?
Just an aside. A couple of weeks ago I wrote in length on here about the waste of money in the NHS. Today in the Sunday Mail, there is a double page spread showing skip loads of furniture and equipment headed for the tip, which could be reconditioned and used again, or passed onto charitable organisations. Glad that my observations are finally being seen by the wider public.
I think the Vaz prayer mat has stopped working. Everything he had done so far, supporting Salman Rushdie’s murder, excusing the IRA, accepting bribes, abuse of power, false accusations, lying to the police,etc, etc, ad infintum, was just dandy.
All that was OK with Allah, but being gay is just not cricket.
He said: “It is deeply disturbing that a national newspaper should have paid individuals to have acted in this way.”
He doesn’t think it’s more disturbing an MP should have paid individuals to have acted in exactly the same way. He’s done nothing wrong, ever. Get out the vazeline for some vazual sex.
He seems to tick all the sociopath boxes.
Why do you assume Vaz has a prayer mat?
Nigel Keith Anthony Standish Vaz was born in Aden, on 26 November 1956, to parents from the Indian state of Goa, which accounts for his Goan-Portuguese surname. Vaz is a distant relative of Saint Joseph Vaz, a 17th-century missionary
He claims his religion is Roman Catholicism, but he is absolutely as bad as you say if not worse. A white person would have been thrown out of Parliament years ago
I am watching the cricket on Sky , England v Pakistan and two things stand out on the topic of Muslim integration. Firstly as has been the case throughout this summer there is a high percentage of the crowd sporting Pakistan flags and shirts. iI am sure that most of them are , unfortunately British nationals, so they clearly fail the 40 year old Tebbit test. In fact it is clear that on this yardstick no progress has been made at all in integrating those of Pakistani origin despite us Brits lying down and letting have concession after concession for their medieval religion. Of course you could take the view that by making those concession the liberal left actually hindered the integration that that so desperately wanted.Then secondly, the two squad members of Pakistani origin in the England squad , both of whom were not playing today ,spent two or three hours sat not with their English teammates , but with the Pakistani team.Whist these two players seem committed to the English cricket team this does make you wonder about their loyalty to our country.
They are taking the piss and getting away with it. Take the money from the infidels and remain loyal to Islam
Grant – perhaps you’re onto something. Your last sentence could be the BBCs new motto
LOL , if it was not so serious !
I think it is entirely impossible for a muslim to have any loyalty to an infidel country. They may live in it, carry its passport, conduct business there, and if we are lucky, even obey its laws, but they will never have a love or loyalty to that country. A muslim might love Pakistan, but he will never love Britain.
There is a report on the BBC Website that Kayne West wants multicultural models for
displaying his fashions at the New York fashion show which is just coming up. The BBC is not quite sure if this is racist or not. Apparently the BBC is looking for a co presenter for the ONE SHOW obviously to take the place of Alex Jones when the time comes. I am not sure if it is an ” April fools day” spoof. But have any of you seen their requirements? Its like one of Richard Littlejohn’s ,” You couldn’t make it up.” A bit like Mr West’s requirements but even more positive discrimination or call it what you will. Racist comes to mind. But it could be a spoof.
It has to be Nadiya !
The BBC’s token useful muslim idiot
Learnt int’ pub today that Vaz also stands for the Volga Automobile Plant in Russian.
They manufacture the Lada – just as oily and equally unreliable.
LOL, But the Lada’s lack of reliability was common knowledge .
And both useless without state patronage.
Why O Why O Why?
Only the BBCs comedy department-which seems to be its News Wing these days…could wonder why Asians( yes, a few Muslims in thereI`d say)would fail to “take the diagnosis of mentally illiness t`ing seriously”!).
Might be due to the fact that any Islamist kiddie fiddling psychopuff is excused for his “mental well-being and esteem issues and lack of a CPN number”-as opposed to emulating his hero Muhammad.
Come on India-Mental Whereness Day…NOW!
And stop laughing at the Vulnerable Beados who WE say are mentally challenged-not Muslim.
The BBC write their own internal comedy with no irony or self awareness….they truly need the Muslims Lithium don`t they now?
British MP meets young men at LUton Airport.

Asks if any of them would like to come over and fix his washing machine.
Looks like a tanned Gerald Kaufman-another nasty little oil wally.
I’ve heard that Gerald also sometimes has problems with his washing machine, but nothing that a fit young fellow can’t help him out with.
“President Obama said the US would prioritise trade negotiations with the EU and Pacific nations over a UK deal”.
So much for ‘the special relationship’. Lets hope that Obama’s successor gets ‘Trumped’.
Poor old May eh?
Obama has about eight weeks left as he ponces around the world playing golf, gladhanding and sifting his next job offers.
The Euro in freefall, TTIP binned.
So only the BBC would see any of what they reported as relevant, when May met Obama.
He smells of dead duck, not a mere limping one…so why the hell the BBC seems to think that his opinion matters a jot is beyond me-if not them.
Same goes for whatever Merkel or Hollande says-both will be out on their ears next year, whereas our Theresa has three more years and counting.
Trust the BBC to deal only in the next 48 hours-if that.
BBC TV News at 6.19 pm today ran a report on the Vas allegations. Their political reporter made no mention of Vas seeking Class A controlled drug cocaine to take during his gay sex romp. (This was clear during the covert recordings). The BBC dwelled upon Vas’ concerns about the newspaper paying for the exposure.
Then it was over to Saint Jeremy of Corbyn. He said it was all a private matter for Vas although he would be speaking to him in due course.
That’s it then. Lid back on. Full damage control by the BBC to protect an ethnic minority Labour MP who is probably still available for BBC interviews at a price.
Would it have been the same treatment for Nigel Farage or a Tory minister?
Biased British Broadcasting Corporation. Nothing ever changes. Keep paying the annual tax, folks! Naga needs her £250k salary.
The BBC’s editorial integrity on Brexit is rightly questioned. Any complaint will for sure get the GIAR blow off, but how that phrase is enshrined in Editorial Guidelines as anything but crooked why knows:
Despite the Bias we voted out and got our independence back.
Vaz is disturbed that undercover rent boys were used-and our proud “married father of two” is free to say what he likes…the Mirrors “allegations” in no way related to the tapes they produced.
Oh dear-one of the luvvies is in danger-so expect the BBC to mince around the hole in their brothel creepers…er, yes…sounds about right.
G20 photo front row no surprise uk not there , no surprise france there
The appointment of sam allardyce as new england football manager has in the media been surprisingly positive,his style of football has been critised for 20 years,now suddenly he can do no wrong.The football association’s desire to have an english manager has influenced prior opinions,could this be that in the search for an appropriate choice they found we are lacking in english managerial talent.
Classic FM Global anything but real News featured our Sam.
He offered that the guys at the front were being encouraged to run about a lot and score more goals.
That’s the kind of genius that gets the big bucks.
Big Sam was for Brexit-or at the very least, he poured scorn on the Remoaners claim that transfer fees and foreign footy merchants would be at risk if we dared to vote to go.
So Sams OK.
After flicking in and out of the yawnfest in Slovakia-reckon we`ve got our Brexit Game going.
Bore the pants off everybody, pile on the stodge and hoof it up the pitch-and sneak an away goal when everyones asleep.
Splendid….it`s what we do-important to pile snow around the pitch a few feet high, get the orange ball out…and we`ll conquer Europe once more!
Not strictly bBBC but relevant to professionalism of broadcasting. Or lack of it.
Today’s score ( Slovakia 0 England 1, goal scored in last minute of added time) gives me the perfect example of a game I want the media to play.
Have the pundits watch the game a few minutes behind real time. Then edit out the goals. Then get the pundits to comment on the apparent 0-0 score. Meanwhile show the full game to another set of pundits.
Compare and contrast the contributions. I believe most are of the ‘wise after the event’ variety and pretty vacuous.
Today’s match was the perfect opportunity for this. The key thing being that for 94 minutes the score was 0-0 and any review of that period should be entirely devoid of knowledge about the final score. But after the final whistle and that late goal, hey presto, the performance was transformed.
The ITV coverage was an interesting mix of pro England bias…..and although I am English I find it a bit grating at times……and some punditry that pointed out clearly the dilemma of English football…..we get away with playing the dross we do against teams in the qualifiers but then in tournaments against “the better sides” it all comes unstuck…..repeatedly.
I am still waiting for the pundits to analyse exactly how and why the England players…..some of the best paid and most hyped in Europe, managed to lose to Iceland, whilst Wales collection of journeymen pros and Gareth Bale progressed by beating one of the fancied sides (Belgium). I think it’ll be a long wait.
Modern international football is a vehicle for multiculturalist propaganda, and the power of corporate money, keeping the audience watching is a political matter.
Englands “stars” losing to Icelands mono cultural and mono ethnic team of unknowns is quietly being airbrushed away.
‘Guardian columnist Catherine Bennett has just unloaded some stored-up anger about BBC Brexit coverage… Catherine is John Humphrys’ partner. Her only named offender in all this is Nick Robinson’
Cheeks, arses, sacks of rats…. These guys are so bubble-headledly incestuous it’s a wonder the next generation being groomed to take over are not sporting additional organs.
Project fear continues from the japanese LIBERAL prime minister.
Poor old Kieth Vaz lol ,he’s upset with the press for catching him.
Poor old hillary she’s on her last legs,trying to connect trump with putin,It’s called macarthyism.
Now that the muslim vaz looks to have been exposed engaging in homosexual activity and misusing drugs does this mean he will be subject to a fatwa or will he just be beheaded in the street?…. I was just wondering if the bbbc had considered this
Exactly, English Gentleman!
In certain muslim countries he could expect solo flying lessons from the top floor. Has he ever condemned such behaviour?
Gent- I’ve heard elsewhere that he’s in fact catholic yet pretends to be Hindu/Muslim to increase his voting chances.
That said on the off chance he is pretty sure al Beeb should have him thrown from the top of broadcasting house for offending their religion. It’s probably what their beloved Anjem Choudary would have wanted. Perhaps we can have a live stream on BBC brekkie from Anjems cell. Kikuchiyo can we schedule that one in to tomorrow’s editorial please? Just run it by the MCB first to make sure they’re OK with it although we both know they’ll be fine. Unlike Asad Shahs funeral I think there’s a good chance they might turn up to this one.
The Brutal Truth, reading about Vaz on wiki suggests that he is of Goanese extraction which would support the notion of him being a Catholic, but the entry on wiki describes his behaviour during the Rushdie affair and places him in a rather unflattering light.
Apparantly he used the name “Jim” in the recent alleged events……bet he wishes Scotty was there to beam him up!
The panel and presenters on HIGNFY will obviously increase his and his party’s embarrassment by using this situations comedy potential to the max by making repeated references to these ALLEGED events won’t they? Yeah, course they will!
Not been the greatest year for the Vaz. Who could forget his sadness at the Brexit result when the sick looking Dimbleby on the live show asked for his reaction, the Vazza replied that it was “catastrophic for our country.” He then said: “I think that they voted emotionally rather than looking at the facts.”
Too right Vazza, “they” voted emotionally after viewing the facts and the facts showed that being a member of the EU had eroded British democracy, destroyed jobs, among a list of so many negatives.
The EU did to Britain what Vaz was paying rentboys to do to him. We are well rid of all of them.
Cannot find it on BBC.
Merkel party loses state election.
Sanity returns to Germany, I hope.
Yesterday they reported she might lose
Today they just reported on 10pm news she did ..now on web
I heard on LBC at 12pm and maybe on R4 at 1pm
skin crawlers list,
anna soubrey,keith vaz,dianne abbott,jeremy corbyn,emily thornberry,chuka umunna,david lammy,angela eagle,caroline lucas,owen smith,chris bryant,tristram hunt,ed miliband.Not that bad for politicians only 13,when i do the media i expect more.
U forgot the 3 stooges Blair, Campbell and Mandelson,
“Mother Teresa declared saint” on beeb Home page. Mmm, they’re not usually so interested in superstitious opium-of-the-people Christianity. Wonder if it’s because the leftist sub-text chimes well with beeboids: “Francis said St Teresa had defended the unborn, sick and abandoned, and had shamed world leaders for the “crimes of poverty they themselves created”.” Old Karl couldn’t have put it better himself (which is probably where Papa Francis got it from). It’s all our fault, you see. And has obvious relevance to migrant situation. What would she have done? Taken them all in of course, and them some. Whole of Africa why not.
St Theresa of Calcutta spoke eloquently against abortion for this alone the modern left will never forgive her.
I think the coverage is because what she did for the poorest of the poor was respected and admired by many people regardless of religious belief.
And then there’s the role of the BBCs own Malcolm Muggeridge in conveying her story to the world in the documentary “Something beautiful for God”.
The BBC cannot ever resist a pat on the back for itself, or just a little basking in reflected glory.
Maybe Vaz is just another one of these ‘vulnerable people with mental health issues’ which we seem to hear about so much these days. After all, there must be some reason why such a pillar of society would allegedly encourage the use of class A drugs with homosexual prostitutes.
Today should be declared ‘Saint Vas Day’. In perpetual memory of a chap whose exposed exploits have brought such joy to so many people.
It’s what he would have wanted, after all.
I’m watching “A very British deterrent”. I’m getting a very anti nuke vibe from the narrative I’m also feeling another re-write of history. They cover the cancelled Skybolt (cancelled in December 1962)at great length, Banging on about how British independent nuclear deterrent was maintained. The program makers overlooking that in 1963 the Avro Blue Steel stand off missile entered service with a 1.1 mega ton warhead and a range of 575 miles. Admittedly not as advanced as skybolt but carried by our V bomber force enough (52 built) to cause a fair amount of Armageddon. With a proposal to improve it would no doubt have carried on as it was with Polaris the weapon was withdrawn in 1970. The Red Beard tactical nuclear weapon was deployed in 1962. Where as the BBc program implies we were completely dependent on American technology. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Grapple
Good post, Dave666.
“our V bomber force enough (52 built) to cause a fair amount of Armageddon”
An old friend of ours was an engineer on Vulcans at Finningley before leaving to teach Maths. He explained that the Vulcan had a strong airframe which made it capable of withstanding the stresses of flying low under Soviet radar. For this reason the Soviets always regarded it as a serious threat to which they had no easy solution.
Its main problem was “slightly dodgy” electrics (his words).
This is a very good point. The V Force is sometimes presented as being some sort of creaking second rate system which would have been shot out of the sky by the Russians.
In fact, in the 1950s, Britain was able to build three excellent types of advanced jet bomber, and the nuclear weapons to go with them. We had over 200 bombers in bases around the USSR and Red China, and under total British control. This was a significant complicating factor for any Russian war plans, and would have led them to conclude that any nuclear attack on Britain would be met with a devastating nuclear response.
In the long term, a submarine based deterrent was better for Britain. Nonetheless, in the 1950s and 60s, the V Force gave Britain an immense and totally independent nuclear deterrent. It is no surprise that CND and other Communist fellow travellers were so keen to denigrate it and portray it as a threat to peace rather than a defence against aggression.
The Cold War is yet another period in history the BBC is desperately trying to rewrite; the true version involving the collapse of their beloved USSR due to the inability of communism to match capitalism in any contested area.
If you were daft enough to believe the BBC then the ‘Peace Women’ were responsible for the removal of Cruise Missiles/Pershing 2 from Europe. Oh dear, dear, dear.
What really grates on them though is the deft way in which Reagan fronted up to the USSR simultaneously calling them ‘The Evil Empire’ whilst building a very close relationship with Gorbachev (a man he said he could do business with). Even Henry Kissinger, definitely no fan of Reagan, had to acknowledge that Reagan was the right president at the right time.
Agreed. And throughout the Cold War many at the BBC were, in common with their comrades in the Labour Party, very definitely rooting for the other side.
How little has changed.
Old Gorby told us all that the EU was just the Soviet Union in western clothing.
Needs repeating-because he`d know if anyone did.
Our willingness to undermine both Gorbackhev and(especially) Boris Yeltsin led to the rise and rise of Putin.
But the BBC never give us the timelines do they?….just as well that the Internet does.
The fellow travellers in the West just could not grasp that the KGB had decided to get rich and that meant ditching the communist party and ending the cold war. It was about money . It always is. Our lefties still think they have principles. The KGB must have laughed and probably still are.
‘The Cold War is yet another period in history the BBC is desperately trying to rewrite’. With success, if you weren’t paying attention during GCSE History (and possibly if you were, too).
I was in the Map Room of one of the country’s older universities over the summer. I’m a regular visitor, know the staff well, and saw that they’d put out a few crowd-pleasing items for the succession of guided tours that were passing through that afternoon. On display were the oldest map of the town (1500s); the map of the town prepared for the Soviet armed forces (1980s), part of a huge archive bought after the Warsaw Pact fell; and a map of the British Isles once the sea-levels rise (1990s). Hmm.
The groups that afternoon were all attending various summer schools. Most had intelligent questions to ask the staff talking them through the exhibits. Until. ‘Yes’, said one thirtysomething member of one of the groups, admiring the Ruski map, peering at all the placenames in the Cyrllic alphabet, ‘but the Russians were never a serious military threat, were they? This was all just for show?’
I was in the room as a reader. Not my place to pipe up to denounce a visitor’s imbecility. But as I lived and worked in West Berlin for two years after my A Levels (mid 1980s), and returned home femtoseconds before the Wall came down (well, about a fortnight), I very nearly did speak up. And now, of course, I regret not setting the record straight: explaining just how miserable life was in East Berlin, how cheap and shoddy and tinny manufactured goods were; how real the bullets in the rifles of the guards in the DDR watchtowers were; and how seriously the Allied powers garrisoned there (which at that time, for us, was the Second Battalion of the Black Watch) took their duties.
I thought i’d have a look at the bbc eu debate to view the impressive performance of andrea leadsom but in their highlights she hardly got a mention,next i went to itv where it was the same.So what we have here is a media history of those events , a ‘mistery’.
BBC Online News:
“”Policeman hurt in Rayleigh, Essex as motorist drives over his foot””
“”The driver was white, over 6ft tall, in his 40s, with a shaved head and wearing glasses, a police spokesman said.””
So, robbery, murder, rape and mayhem in nearby London and committed by vastly over represented ethnic minorities. Yet the BBC concentrates on a Pc having his foot run over by a white man with a shaved head.
Also police and BBC most prompt in releasing a detailed description including some key information, oddly lacking in other cases, often of a more serious nature.
A welcome new policy, or one of those funny exceptions that proves various unique rules?
Still, kudos to the officer for getting such an accurate height estimate from a seated driver.
My wife likes the television which is the only reason I did not smash it up during BBC TV news tonight. Also what has the poor TV done to deserve the rubbish the BBC passes off as news.
Brexit has caused the whole world to gang up on us, declare war, excommunicate, isolate, invade, declare insane and so on . You get the idea.
Obama threatens us again so do the Japanese and just about everyone except the penguins in Antarctica.
Kuenesberg and Hussein told me this in suitably funereal tones.Why no Wagner as mood music girls?
Just think this small unimportant island that is so despised by the liberal elite for it’s past and it’s stupid people has gone and upset the entire world. How did we do it?
By voting that’s how and by millions of us ordinary citizens putting two fingers up to the elites of the world. And they really don’t like it. So we get news like tonight’s on the BBC which goes beyond bias in to outright unpatriotic lies.
All in a good cause of course. Their cause which is to create a climate in which they can disregard our will and declare us irrelevant and rerun the referendum and fix the result this time.
So all day tomorrow the BBC is going to be stuffing their propaganda down our throats.
Bad news BBc . All over Europe the scum is voting against your fantasy world and if Trump makes it to the White House then you are finished for good and we can consign liberalism to the dustbin of history .
The elites don’t like democracy. Never did and never will. They like wealth and control and really don’t like us anymore.
I don’t really watch terrestrial TV much anymore at all. Last month I cancelled my Sky subscription in disgust at Sky News (which is basically a parrot of everything BBC and CH4 say – with no provision, at all, for opposing views to all accepted regressive narratives).
I find YouTube (via my PS4 on the big tellie) provides me with hours of news and information from all around the world, with opposing views, frank debate and discussion and all for free!
I still have to pay the BBC their annual protection money, but I’m finding life is a lot less stressful without subjecting myself to what passes itself off for ‘professional journalism’ on the (entirely liberal regressive) terrestrial channels.
Great stuff here from Kate Hoey with regard to the oily Peter Mandelson’s inappropriate use of the FCO abroad. Not picked up by our national broadcaster.
Looking at today’s posts Scott, our parasitic troll is back but this time he’s wearing a different dress.
Well spotted taffman – I posted something similar earlier.
Is Theresa the appeaser begining to show her true colours?
Get Farage back on the job!
Points-based system not ‘silver bullet’, says May
Certainly not. We need an annual cap to back it up! And it needs to be a small one.
Tens of thousands.
Aerfen – Merkel will be pleased – Looks like we will be able to take our “fair share” of migrants after all.
Why am I not surprised with May – you just need to look at all the non entities in her cabinet (with one or two exceptions) to see where the lie of the land (lie being the operative word) . The old adage is as true as it ever was – Leopards never change their spots!
I expect the MSM and the Daily Mail (who cheer led May) will lap it up as some sort of triumph of negotiation. Will be interesting to see what stance Fox and Davies take on this.
Euro fudge here we come!
As I said when she first said it – Brexit means – well not much really!
I think it’s more a case of the BBC making an anti-Brexit headline out of a non-story, rather than a u-turn by May – and here’s why.
Re a points-based immigration system, even the BBC’s own “fact” page admits that (pythonesque French accent): “we’ve already got one, you see”.
In February 2008, the Labour government introduced the UK’s first points-based immigration system heralded by ministers as being based on the Australian system. It replaced a labyrinthine scheme which saw 80 different types of visa granted.
How can they publish such drivel as today’s leading story with a straight face? World’s must trusted broadcaster? I fart in your general direction.
This could ‘snowball’ in Germany ……………
… yet AfD’s victory is strangely missing from the BBC’s home page, too full of Brexit doom and gloom apparently.
Yet today’s comres poll for the BBC’s very own R5 Live says that 62% the 1,032 British adults canvassed say they are positive about Britain’s future post-Brexit.
You and I may have thought this would have warranted a headline, but the BBC only see fit to bury it in the article about the parliamentary debate due today about a second EU referendum.
Oh, and nice pic to headline that article, an older white man ON HIS OWN on his way to vote at a polling station in a bowling green. Not bothering with much ethnic bias there eh, BBC? Subtle, so subtle.