An eagle eyed B-BBC reader writes…
“Not sure if you caught the BBC News at Ten last night but the lead story was one of the most bizarre I have seen on the Beeb. I’ve watched it back a second time this morning and still can’t get my head around what it is trying to say. There must be an angle in there somewhere, mainly because of the BBC’s inclusion of some pretty shocking content and language in a supposed “news report”. I can’t understand why they would include such language if it was not for a certain reason or agenda.
The puff piece was for drug-dealing gangstas in Chicago that seems to be a quasi-endorsement of gun culture, while at the same time seeming to suggest that it was not the fault of the people or black sub-cultutre but the system.
Amongst the waving around of pistols, handguns and even machine guns, amphetamine bottles and general glorification of criminality, there was an interview with rapper and gang member Bo Deal, which contained a line that was either an error or sets a new precedent for BBC: (from 6m 45sec).
“But a lot of guys need to die in order to make it better…some of these niggers need to get killed and knocked off to get them out of the way and make it a better place cos some of them…[interrupted by siren]….”
The “n word”, on BBC News? Not just that but the BBC just allowed someone to support the killing of “niggers”. I wonder how that fits in with the Beeb’s Black Lives Matter rhetoric?
To quote the other gang member at around 8.55. “This shit don’t end…”
I saw that and was amazed that the BBC didn’t beep out the N word, albeit being used by a parson of colour (if that expression is allowd). I also wondered how the fact that Chicago has had more murders already than it did in the whole of last year warranted 10 minutes of main news in the UK.
But did the programme give us a breakdown of the crimes; eg how many deaths were black on black and how many white on white ? No, I didn’t think so.
One of the many ironies of current ‘racist’ phobias is the origin of the ‘n’ word. If, using the accent of a Southern US gent for example, you were to say negro the result would be ‘nigra’. It is not a giant step for this to turn to ‘nigger’ but that does not make it a term of abuse, nor was it ever so intended.
Interesting comment, The “n” word (which existed since the cotton plantations) was made famous and promoted by the lefties in Hollywood. Once they persuaded people that it was an abusive term they realised a major victory in controlling language and advancing political correctness…
Perhaps it was their break through which has since made hundreds of innocent words “unacceptable”? All of which has never prevented my husband (age 72 who works with “people of colour”)from using it – but he gets away with it by intonation and laughter. Not many people can!
Swift’s Gulliver pre-empted so many of today’s petty prejudices, it should be compulsory reading for all Guardiani before a key is pressed – but they would probably dismiss it as outdated Tory propaganda. Which I suppose it was, or maybe Whig?
Swift was a Tory and the most sublime satirist, I agree.
This kind of “parson of colour”?
Sham Marriage Vicar Faces Jail
Pastor performed over 30 bogus ceremonies
14/12/2011 02:13 PM
A CHURCH of England vicar was warned that he may face jail after pleading guilty to performing over 30 sham marriages.
Reverend Canon Dr John Magumba carried out the bogus ceremonies at two churches in Manchester over a three-year period to allow illegal immigrants the right to stay in the UK.
The 58-year-old was granted bail at Bolton Crown Court, but judge Thomas Teague QC warned the Uganda-born vicar that he must expect to lose his liberty for some time,” when he is sentenced on January 19.
He also pleaded guilty to two counts of theft after he failed to declare income from weddings and funerals that he performed.
Magumba, who was a team vicar for three Rochdale churches, admitted the theft of £5,400 from St Peter’s Church, Newbold, and £2,908 from St Luke’s, Deeplish in Manchester.
He was suspended from the Church of England following his arrest in March.
That makes my typo really funny, Mike. Thanks for the laugh; we don’t get many on here.
You’re very welcome 🙂
Yes and he got 2.5 years out probably 18 months.Will he be sent back to uganda.
It was advertising to boost otherwise plummeting ratings.
You’d be lucky to find one original programme a week on BBC TV nowadays.
I just find it hard to distinguish factual programming (if any) from fiction.
No difference. Drama is politicized and politics dramatized.
Either the N word is racist or it isn’t . My sons black friends use it and he was into gangster rap when it was at its worse. It’s nasty violent and misogynist rubbish wrapped up as street experience.
I had to work hard to get him to understand he should not use the word under any circumstances even if his friends accept it, because one day someone will take major offence. Not to mention counter the attitude to women.
Fortunately he has matured understands the issues and has moved on .
Blacks using the word is not doing them any favours ,they cannot have it both ways.neither should the BBC.
It’s time the BBC matured and stopped pandering .
We have an adopted Ethiopian grandchild. A white child at school called him negro. I have suggested that in the future he should answer “thank you, it’s a compliment”, rather than for the parents to complain at school.
Times change, the word was used by the Major in Fawlty Towers and also used by the Monty Python Team ( who I would assume would be PC in todays world ) the character being a “Mrs N*gger Baiter” if my memory serves me well.
Yup thats right, there was a Mrs N*ggerbaiter, she exploded.
This sketch pretty much covers all the bases
Nigger the black labrador dog was portrayed in the 1955 British war film The Dam Busters, in which he was mentioned by name frequently. In 1999, British television network ITV broadcast a censored version of the film, with all instances of the name removed. ITV blamed regional broadcaster London Weekend Television, which in turn alleged that a junior staff member had been responsible for the unauthorised cuts. When ITV again showed a censored version in June 2001, it was criticised by Index on Censorship as “unnecessary and ridiculous” and because the edits introduced continuity errors.[5] The code word “nigger” transmitted in Morse Code upon the successful completion of the central mission was not censored. More recently, in 2012, ITV3 have shown the film uncut a few times, but with a warning at the start that it contains racial terms from the period which some people may find offensive. However, in 2013 the film has been shown a few times by Channel 5 uncut and without any warning.
Some edited American versions of the film use dubbing to change Nigger’s name to Trigger.
Also “Olivers Army” by Elvis Costello, verse “Little White Nigger” BBC Radio 2 & BBC Essex , both played it in the last few days, unedited. The Absolute Stations fade it out , but the Global ones don`t!
The English derivation of the word “nigger” originally was derived from the name for the rotten black log at the bottom of a woodpile that infects the rest of said pile.
Beyond that I could not comment.
Many BBC commentators use the term, “get down to the nitty gritty”. This refers to the slave trade, where the african slaves from the lower decks of the ships came out “nitty and gritty” due to faeces etc running down from the decks above and infestations of parasites. It makes me cringe to hear the term but so often, its used by pious lefty BBC presenters.
Urban myth.
Don’t tell me, you also get your knickers in a twist about niggardly as well, don’t you?
Completely OT but relating to another great British institution.
I was on the telephone complaining about the service from British Gas. I accused them of welshing on a deal. I quickly realised that I was conversing with a man with a Welsh accent. I was swift & grovelling with my apologies – the more volative of you will know how quickly these people will put the phone down on you, after waiting for half an hour for a response.
I believe Niger is latin for black. Hence Nigger the black labrador was well named and I wager the name provoked no negative connotations at the time.
And on the latin theme, the dative version is Nigro.
Thus if nigger is offensive it must be among the most erudite and intellectual offensive expressions available.
Perhaps our black brothers or sisters can come up with something better?
When my mother was a young girl their family pet was a black mongrel called nigger, which was apparently a very common name for a black dog. Now at the time, it’s doubtful that my mother had ever seen, let alone interacted with a black person, or that black people would be the subject of any family conversation. The word in the 1920’s & 30’s had no derogatory connotations as far as most folk were concerned. It was no different to the notion that the Black & White Minstrels were in any way mocking of black people, or for that matter that Golly Wogs on the side of jam jars were intended to be mocking. It’s only since the late 20th century and more aggressively in the past decade that the serially offended metropolitan white middle-class have taken it upon themselves to be proxy offendees.
At the end of the day, it’s just a word. Sticks & stones as far as I’m concerned.
It all stems from Al Beeb . They were the main proponents of Political Correctness .
The answer is simple. Black people can say ‘nigger’ white people (and yellow people) can’t. In this classic scene Jackie Chan, partnered with a black cop who uses ‘ma nigger’ as a term of affection makes the same mistake.
Dave Chappelle also has a sketch based on it.
This was a truly amazing piece of work by the BBC.
Why on earth should it have lead the 10 O’Clock News for about ten minutes? It wasn’t news. Most people have heard that Chicago is a violent place, ever since the days of Al Capone. Was it so important to sideline the Keith Vaz story?
Even as a piece of journalism, it was very poor. There was no analysis, it seemed the main concern was to show young black men waving their guns in the air. A decent journalist would have pointed out that legal handgun ownership was banned in Chicago in the 1980s, and has only recently been restored, under strict conditions. There is not a single gun store in Chicago. Every legal gun owner in Illinois has to have a licence. Anyone bringing a gun into Illinois illegally is breaking Federal law. Any convicted felon owning a gun is breaking Federal law. Mere possession gets you five years in Federal prison, plus five years for each round of ammunition. A loaded revolver gets you 35 years!
The true scandal is that the FBI and the Chicago police do not enforce the draconian gun control measures that are in place. A felon found with a loaded gun in Chicago could effectively be sent away for the rest of his life. With concerted action, life for armed criminals in Chicago could be made so dangerous and uncomfortable that armed crime rates would plummet. Not one of the young black men in the report was the legal owner of a gun, and every one of them could have gone down for years, if only there was the political will.
The real question a decent journalist would be asking is: why isn’t there the will? There is no need for there to be hundreds of murders a year in Chicago, if only law enforcement does its job. But Chicago is a Democrat city. The mayor used to be Obama’s right hand man. Obama is from Chicago. Why don’t they do something to save the black population from this crime wave?
Why don’t the BBC ask them? Isn’t that what journalists are meant to do?
I think the black community is beginning to realise that Trump has the will and this is going to mean votes for him. Look at Gates of Vienna today and see a clip of him getting a great reception in Detroit.
Clinton is in real trouble and the liberal elite knows it .
And police will bbc send them the story and arrest them simple
I used to be a senior detective in a large northern conurbation. I ran multiple murder investigations at any one time and often the murders involved, in one way or another, the black and Asian gangs (BBC speak – ‘Communities’).
Telecoms data (legally obtained) is an important part of any modern major enquiry and often it is necessary to review the traffic to and from phones, and to review and then transcribe the content of text messages on seized phones. The content sometimes made amazing reading. Blacks routinely referred to themselves and other blacks as ‘niggers’. Asians referred to each other as ‘pakis’. The words have been reclaimed! Funny at staff briefings though when some less experienced and media influenced officers visibly cringed as the text messages were read out. They, and I understand why, found it difficult to listen to the terminology.
I thought I’d ask the local Chief Inspector if her uniformed officers were given any advice on the use of such ‘derogatory and racist’ terms. She asked what I meant. By way of example I said what if a black man shouted ‘hey nigger’ to another black man within earshot of an officer. What should he do. Answer – nothing. What if a white man were to shout the same thing to the same black man. Answer – arrest! What if an Asian man shouts ‘paki’ to another Asian? Answer – you guessed it nothing. White man – arrest. Then it got harder. Asian shouts ‘nigger’ at black man. Answer – ? What if the officer is genuinely offended by the black man using the N word to another black man? Answer ? What if a passing elderly black woman was offended by the N word or the P word, or if an elderly white man was offended by the use of the terms?
Of course these events don’t happen in isolation and common sense must be applied but it does tend to illustrate the complete bloody mess we have got into in this increasingly diverse country and the demands of some sections of the population (I won’t say communities) for us to defer to their victim status.
The problem is the perception of a “right” not to be offended. I disagree with quite a lot of what Stephen Fry says, but he was right when he said:
“It’s now very common to hear people say, ‘I’m rather offended by that.’
As if that gives them certain rights. It’s actually nothing more than a whine.
‘I find that offensive.’
It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase.
‘I am offended by that.’ Well, so f*****g what.”
I’d like to see a bit more of that sort of attitude from the police, including in relation to social media.
As I mentioned on the general thread this was pure unadulterated bias to knock the bad news on the biased BBC’s old pals Vaz and Choudry down the running order.
But what happened which I didn’t mention was that the first three stories were thus black gun crime, Vaz, and Chaudry. An all black news.
Given that the UK as of the 2011 census was still about 90% white anglo saxon, despite the best efforts of the bBBC and their left wing chums, the appalling multiculti pro black indoctrination by the excrement that is the biased BBC can be seen, or smelt, by everyone.
All that was omitted was to blame the black Chicago gun crime on Brexit. Surely I didn’t miss that bit, did I?.
And celt
Thinking about this further, the Mayor of Chicago is Rahm Emanuel, previously Obama’s Chief of Staff at the White House. He once said you should never let a crisis go to waste. Both he and Obama are fierce opponents of the right to keep and bear arms. It strikes me that if the Chicago Police, using existing laws, properly enforced, succeeded in cutting back on gun crime in Chicago by 80 or 90%, their case to disarm the American people and ban their guns would be severely weakened.
The question would then be: are Obama and Emanuel deliberately using the appalling level of gun crime in Chicago as a weapon against American gun owners? Are they so cynical that they are willing to trade the lives of young black men to advance their political agenda of gun control?
Now that is a story. That is the sort of thing a proper journalist would follow up. Ask the question at the very least. But no, all the BBC wanted was alarming pictures of gun toting black men, never once bothering to ask why this is allowed to happen. The BBC was filming men brazenly carrying guns, illegally, and never bothering to ask why the Chicago police don’t do anything about it? Why not? Because the Mayor and the President don’t want them to?
Ask the question you losers!
Niger seed, rather like thistle seed, has become popular for feeding in gardens to attract flocks of wild Goldfinches. But some sellers of bird-food invented the word ‘nyjer’ to avoid the possibility of anyone accidentally pronouncing niger with a hard g. PC gone mad.
They may have to change the country niger as well
It’s just jesture politics.
The only angle i can see was to cover up vaz and choudery stories
The disproportionate shooting of blacks by white police officers has caused much debate. However, rightly or wrongly the American prison population and indeed homicide convictions of blacks is also totally disproportionate to their numbers in society. Now one can argue that that this reflects a further racial bias but one might also conclude it is evidence of greater criminality and if so is the higher volume of police shootings a reflection of this.
It struck me that a lot of what it was trying to say hinged on what was left out of the report I.e. Context. So much seemed to be missing. The chronic nature of this problem year on year. The likelihood that the vast majority of these weapons are illegally obtained etc. Given how much we’ve heard about shootings this year (also with absence of context), the average Joe could very easily draw the conclusion that legal gun ownership is a massive problem and has led to an explosion of shootings in this year only and that this plague disproportionately impacts already devastated black neighbourhoods.
I am sure that is the impression this report was designed to give. The reporter did not ask any of the obvious questions, so one can only wonder why he did not? Clearly, the usual BBC leftist agenda was at work.
The possibility of any criticism of Obama, or his close colleague the Mayor of Chicago, was always zero.