I think the bbc have known for some time what’s in it, and it’s not going to hurt them much if at all. I say that because they’ve been deplorably arrogant ever since the Referendum.
That’s deplorable in the true definition, not the term used by liberals in the US to mean literally anyone who doesn’t agree with borderless countries, white genocide and anti-Western homogenisation.
Agree and certainly arrogant in as fas as their salaries go-some who face the cameras have been around far too long-time for a change and reduced remuneration. Sure there are plenty of excellent people in media & smaller radio stations that could easily fill the positions and at half the cost. It’s simply offensive the amount being paid to Newsreaders, Prog-Presenters et al, I know of a man in his thirties who works for a northern radio station, who is regarded as a very popular first class reporter and presenter, has a good speaking voice- but his efforts to get even an interview at the BBC has been met with continued decline, why? Jobs for the boys perhaps-closed shop & so on. Really the BBC TV in particular gets ever worse as they try to fill 24hr day TV-Wouldn’t it be an idea to close the broadcasting at say 1 pm-if you work nights you shouldn’t be watching TV in any event, so what’s the problem. Common sense has deserted us.
The focus on stars pay is a deliberate deception on the part of the BBC and other parts of the media, I reckon. In many cases this is hard to quantify because they have their own production companies that the BBC buys from, and so the information provided on stars pay will be of limited interest and probably quite misleading.
Feeds the politics of envy.
What will be of greater interest will be the management costs and the operational cost of running the BBC. That is where the savings are to be had. Loads of fat and wasted expenditure in there.
Another opportunity to cut the corporation down to size missed by Tory government. On this site We have discussed plenty of ways the government could have clipped the wings of the over mighty corporation with little expenditure of its political capital yet it balks at the jump again. I’m afraid the Tories are looking increasingly like twits of the year . If they can’t see that the BBC does immense harm to the UK they must be very stupid. Or are too scared of the liberal left monster to take it on?
Evil elements at work designed to reduce this once great nation to a sniverling heap of lard. Liberalisation has and is the culprit, throughout Europe-it is why mass immigration has taken such a hold in Europe. Defences are down, an utter shambolic situation exists-EU leaders still living in cloud cookoo land.
Well if the payment system is the same , I will harrased by the BBC even though I owe them nothing , will not owe them anything in the future and I’m quite prepared to do business with them if the terms are fair and equitable .
Hopes? Make the BBC a subscription channel & do away with the licence fee so that we can watch other channels without paying for the BBC. Of course this is too much to expect.
I would like to hear that the BBC is completely abolished, or at least that it no longer extorts money from the people it hates and has gone subscription only.
However, all that will happen is a few marxists will be removed and replaced with a few other marxists. Just to make it look as if the government is doing something.
Or that the licence fee should, as a suggestion, remain at its present level, but payment would be entirely voluntary. Rather like a donation to Oxfam. Give what you think it’s worth.
Since the BBC claims to be a world-class broadcaster, no doubt people will queue up to support it and its wonderful programming.
Facebook is the great new enemy-it worls for those that want to control our lives, rather akin to the Roman Catholic Confessionals-a post of a British Soldier holding a Union Jack whilst in the Falklands posted on someone’s Facebook page, Now Facebook are trying to take the pohto down, what does that tell us?
They outsource them to other BBCoida, either those individuals employed by the BBC who masquerade as private companies for both their own and the BBC’s tax avoidance scams or ex-BBCoida who have formed their own Production Companies labelled Independent, in order to make money by selling their BBC style programmes as if they were a totally unconnected outside source.
Occasionally the BBC will buy in an odd programme which dos not comply with the BBC’s own propaganda line just to give them the opportunity to gleefully point to it as proof of their impartiality. And people still fall for the scam.
‘Today (Thursday), the unknown and untested new Culture Secretary Karen Bradley, an accountant with no previous experience of the broadcasting industry, is due to announce the main details of Charter renewal, following the White Paper in May. The key issue is whether she and the May government will grasp that until there is genuine rigorous, independent scrutiny of BBC content, heavy, left-leaning bias will continue.
And that could well derail Brexit.’
Well , listening to a small pert of the debate the government appear to have backed down on some aspect of the board appointments ,Ben Bradshaw was over the moon about that. I haven’t paid too much attention up to now because always thought it will be a stitch up.
Jokes about highly paid staff abound but no mention of the poor overwhelmingly funding the rich taxpayer funded lifestyles of various staff and luvvies ,or face prison .
Maybe some brave MP may make the case but all in all looks like a jolly back slapping fest in the House of Commons.
Heard a discussion on 5Live, presenter and two media types. Presenter was ok, he didn’t have to be biased … just left it to the two media types. Both believed that publishing salaries wouldn’t be useful. Haha I can’t wait.
But they also got pompous about the BBC’s Board and how the BBC must be independent of Government. For me this is the problem! The BBC wants to be, and is, independent of EVERYone… just take our money and answer to no one! It’s a remarkable situation that I don’t think has any parrallell in the world. The BBC actually manages to look down on a democratically-elected Government – and successive democratically-elected Governments actually seemed scared of it.
And without control, of course they become patronising, self-satisfied and over pay themselves.
“And without control, of course they become patronising, self-satisfied and over pay themselves.”….
…..with money raised from a TV tax set and raised by successive governments, with court sanctions including fines and jail against those who prefer not to consume their product but still have to pay a tax to own a TV…..and yet the BBC still play at being “anti-establishment”…..Aaaaaaagh!
I was listening to bBBC Radio Scotland (and if you think Radios 4 & 5 have a biased agenda just try Radio Scotland for a few days) at 9am and, even before the details are announced, already the weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth has begun. As the day went on, by listening to other bBBC Radio stations a pattern, using the bBBC’s in built automatic deflection tactics started to emerge.
They are moaning that the poor bBBC will have to give pay details of it’s employees and stars earning over £150,000 and that’s not fair because the commercial companies don’t have to do the same. It was pointed out that the public are not forced to pay fees for watching the commercial channels. Ah, but that gives the Commercial Channels an unfair advantage because they aren’t subjected to the same commercial restrictions as the bBBC and that means they can afford to poach programmes like Bake off and that’s not fair.
After having given the BBCoids being interviewed the interviewers then started to go all out to give the interviewees open doors to walk through. But the Civil Service have their pay grades made public don’t they? Yes, but the BBC employees aren’t Civil Servants and the public would never want them to be. What a convenient comparison for the bBBC to claim the bBBC was being so unfairly treated by the nasty Tories. Besides, the bBBC cries, publishing the required pay rates would mean those employees neighbours would know what they were earning and, boo hoo, that’s not nice for them. What a load of self seeking tosh which is the normal tactic of the bBBC to justify behaving as it decides for itself without restrictions. The sleazy avoidance tactics, the usual behaviour of the bBBC. Civil Servants be damned, the bBBC know that is not. and never would be, a fair and reasonable comparison for the bBC to hide behind for it’s secrecy for it’s over excessive pay rates.
The bBBC is a public service paid for by enforced public funding. Well, just like the bBBC so are the Police Officers, Fire Service Personnel, Nurses and others in similar occupations. None of them are Civil Servants either, and like the bBBC we the public wouldn’t want them to be either. And it is that which scuppers the bBBC’s pathetic avoidance tactics. All the above have one thing in common which the bBBC is avoiding like the plague. Do you want to know what any of them are paid? Is it difficult to find out? Not a bit, their pay rates are well published and are readily available to the public, and even to their neighbours. But the bBBC believe they are so superior and so much more important that they should be treated completely differently to those insignificant nobodies. Well, I’ve got news for the oh so superior bBBC luvvies, I know which ones of them I would really miss if the ceased to exist and it certainly isn’t the egotists of the bBBC.
Sorry for the rant but hell, do I feel better for it having listened to the bBBC’s carefully orchestrated self-indulgent crocodile tears.
The BBC knows nothing about the whys and wherefores of Hin of the proposed bukley Point C.
Witness this mornings trailed announcement of the proposed building.
No engineers, no nuclear scientists, no energy experts..but their political correspondent alongside their business poppet.
Not even a science correspondent, assume they`re all chaining themselves to Black Lives stunts or such.
Utter bilge.
And when I get home?…well Mays support for Hinkley is now seen as chiselling for the Chinese, and is seen as face-saving, grandstanding.
Why?…because Labour says so. And that soundbite becomes the newsbite later, with no comment.
Time to scuttle the buggers…biased and corrupt,
On the news tonight, blind BBC hack Gary O Donaghue said that he “saw” a Clinton toady in Greensboro wearing a “Chuck the Trump Up” T-shirt.
Gary…SAW it?…really?
Hopefully not using his braille as an excuse to rub the chests of Clintons fans.
BIzarre-but no nod to the stupidity of it all.
But why would there be?-this is the BBC.
The BBC clearly has its own agenda promoting Political Correctness as defined by itself.
Evolution is unchallengeable; Hillary Clinton must succeed because she is a feminist liberal; Donald Trump is unelectable; Islam is a peaceful religion and IS should be SCIS or So-Called Islamic State; The Quran, Hadiths and Sharia are NOT openly discussed; Christianity is only allowed to be seen through Anglo/Catholic eyes and on Song of Praise NO direct credit is to be given to Jesus, interviewees are only allowed to refer to ‘my faith’ rather than to any relationship with Jesus. One item to their credit is that despite demands by Richard Dawkins they have kept Dan Walker on the Breakfast Show. The sight of Naga Munchetty fawning on Richard Dawkins on the Sunday Morning Live program was enough to make one throw up! Clearly the BBC has its own Hindu-style ‘holy cows’! You can almost hear the cameramen setting up any report ‘look for the hijab; above all costs – look for the hijab. If you try to contact the BBC for anything approaching a fair counter argument; their response is to ignore you. Such blatent bias, despite any qualities, disqualifies them from receiving a licence fee or being given a ‘licence to tax’ while expressing such biased views. Our government is far to weak to confront them and warn them that the licence fee will be terminated if they do not change their practices and come round to unbiased fair reporting.
I grew up with BBC radio from “Listen with Mother” and on.
It would be true to say I believed in the BBC.
Things changed at the time of the 7/7 bombings when Today started featuring a Muslim panel – just to check we were doing the ‘right’ thing.
Apart from some old radio dramas and pre – Islamic sit-coms, the BBC can go hang.
The only thing I want to say is STOP PAYING AND CANCEL YOUR LICENCE! IMMEDIATELY! to anyone who hasn’t already done so.
Sorry for the shouting, been out late and come home a bit sozzled. How many more BBC TV programs need to be analysed before it sinks in? You don’t need to watch any more to confirm it surely.
The radio offerings and news website are chock full of enough blatant bias for us to rip apart, without even considering the TV. Stop giving them £145-odd a year, and tell everyone else to do the same. If you’re hoping for this wet Tory government to rein them in – well it ain’t happening is it?
The Beeb sensed weakness and so now iPlayer has to be paid for too. Of course ultimately the Great Oz’s pronouncements are really just a silly old man behind a curtain. The BBC makes awful politicised TV 95% of the time, you all just need to wean yourself off of the odd 5%.
Stop watching, rip up Capita’s letters without a second thought, don’t let them in if they come calling. It’s like the EU can’t function without the UK’s financial contribution..the Beeb will die slowly if your average Brit ceases paying too.
Fedup2Mar 6, 17:51 Midweek 5th March 2025 Trying step back a bit from Ukraine – it seems that the destiny of the Western world may be in…
ScrobleneMar 6, 17:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 If/when the minerals deal with the Ukraine is signed, I wonder how much information on past discussions on supply from…
Fedup2Mar 6, 17:34 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – there’s a reform MP who talks less crap than Farage .. good luck to Mr Middleton – but…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 17:10 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Over 100 Labour MPs and peers signed an open letter urging financial businesses to “sweep away ill-considered anti-defence rules,” calling…
Fedup2Mar 6, 16:41 Midweek 5th March 2025 Double – I think people have heard that Farage isn’t the Right winger they expect him to be …. Perhaps…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 16:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Prof Jay said the first of these reports was “effectively suppressed” because senior officers did not believe the data. The…
Thoughts yes. Hopes or expectations.. sadly no!
I expect they will get it about right.
As to who they are, what is deemed ‘right’ and by whom, who knows or, clearly, cares?
They’ll “get it about right” if you’re a dyed in the wool progressive”, that sees the good in everyone and everything except their own peoples.
I think the bbc have known for some time what’s in it, and it’s not going to hurt them much if at all. I say that because they’ve been deplorably arrogant ever since the Referendum.
That’s deplorable in the true definition, not the term used by liberals in the US to mean literally anyone who doesn’t agree with borderless countries, white genocide and anti-Western homogenisation.
Agree and certainly arrogant in as fas as their salaries go-some who face the cameras have been around far too long-time for a change and reduced remuneration. Sure there are plenty of excellent people in media & smaller radio stations that could easily fill the positions and at half the cost. It’s simply offensive the amount being paid to Newsreaders, Prog-Presenters et al, I know of a man in his thirties who works for a northern radio station, who is regarded as a very popular first class reporter and presenter, has a good speaking voice- but his efforts to get even an interview at the BBC has been met with continued decline, why? Jobs for the boys perhaps-closed shop & so on. Really the BBC TV in particular gets ever worse as they try to fill 24hr day TV-Wouldn’t it be an idea to close the broadcasting at say 1 pm-if you work nights you shouldn’t be watching TV in any event, so what’s the problem. Common sense has deserted us.
The focus on stars pay is a deliberate deception on the part of the BBC and other parts of the media, I reckon. In many cases this is hard to quantify because they have their own production companies that the BBC buys from, and so the information provided on stars pay will be of limited interest and probably quite misleading.
Feeds the politics of envy.
What will be of greater interest will be the management costs and the operational cost of running the BBC. That is where the savings are to be had. Loads of fat and wasted expenditure in there.
Another opportunity to cut the corporation down to size missed by Tory government. On this site We have discussed plenty of ways the government could have clipped the wings of the over mighty corporation with little expenditure of its political capital yet it balks at the jump again. I’m afraid the Tories are looking increasingly like twits of the year . If they can’t see that the BBC does immense harm to the UK they must be very stupid. Or are too scared of the liberal left monster to take it on?
Evil elements at work designed to reduce this once great nation to a sniverling heap of lard. Liberalisation has and is the culprit, throughout Europe-it is why mass immigration has taken such a hold in Europe. Defences are down, an utter shambolic situation exists-EU leaders still living in cloud cookoo land.
Well if the payment system is the same , I will harrased by the BBC even though I owe them nothing , will not owe them anything in the future and I’m quite prepared to do business with them if the terms are fair and equitable .
Come on Thereas, if ever there was a proposal requiring ‘further reflection’, this must be it.
Hopes? Make the BBC a subscription channel & do away with the licence fee so that we can watch other channels without paying for the BBC. Of course this is too much to expect.
I would like to hear that the BBC is completely abolished, or at least that it no longer extorts money from the people it hates and has gone subscription only.
However, all that will happen is a few marxists will be removed and replaced with a few other marxists. Just to make it look as if the government is doing something.
Or that the licence fee should, as a suggestion, remain at its present level, but payment would be entirely voluntary. Rather like a donation to Oxfam. Give what you think it’s worth.
Since the BBC claims to be a world-class broadcaster, no doubt people will queue up to support it and its wonderful programming.
Facebook is the great new enemy-it worls for those that want to control our lives, rather akin to the Roman Catholic Confessionals-a post of a British Soldier holding a Union Jack whilst in the Falklands posted on someone’s Facebook page, Now Facebook are trying to take the pohto down, what does that tell us?
Looks like they have outsourced most programme making to private companies anyway .So what is the point of the BBC ?
It’s a money pit and nothing will change until it becomes subscription.The royal charter is a way of putting off the inevitable .
Cant wait for fatty Nolan’s salary and cake allowance to be published
They outsource them to other BBCoida, either those individuals employed by the BBC who masquerade as private companies for both their own and the BBC’s tax avoidance scams or ex-BBCoida who have formed their own Production Companies labelled Independent, in order to make money by selling their BBC style programmes as if they were a totally unconnected outside source.
Occasionally the BBC will buy in an odd programme which dos not comply with the BBC’s own propaganda line just to give them the opportunity to gleefully point to it as proof of their impartiality. And people still fall for the scam.
Just an extension of the gravy train then for theor mates and cronies.. A bit like NHS outsourcing.
Just an extension of the gravy train then for their mates and cronies.. A bit like NHS outsourcing.
Excellent article from David Keighley in Conservative Woman
‘Today (Thursday), the unknown and untested new Culture Secretary Karen Bradley, an accountant with no previous experience of the broadcasting industry, is due to announce the main details of Charter renewal, following the White Paper in May. The key issue is whether she and the May government will grasp that until there is genuine rigorous, independent scrutiny of BBC content, heavy, left-leaning bias will continue.
And that could well derail Brexit.’
Well , listening to a small pert of the debate the government appear to have backed down on some aspect of the board appointments ,Ben Bradshaw was over the moon about that. I haven’t paid too much attention up to now because always thought it will be a stitch up.
Jokes about highly paid staff abound but no mention of the poor overwhelmingly funding the rich taxpayer funded lifestyles of various staff and luvvies ,or face prison .
Maybe some brave MP may make the case but all in all looks like a jolly back slapping fest in the House of Commons.
Heard a discussion on 5Live, presenter and two media types. Presenter was ok, he didn’t have to be biased … just left it to the two media types. Both believed that publishing salaries wouldn’t be useful. Haha I can’t wait.
But they also got pompous about the BBC’s Board and how the BBC must be independent of Government. For me this is the problem! The BBC wants to be, and is, independent of EVERYone… just take our money and answer to no one! It’s a remarkable situation that I don’t think has any parrallell in the world. The BBC actually manages to look down on a democratically-elected Government – and successive democratically-elected Governments actually seemed scared of it.
And without control, of course they become patronising, self-satisfied and over pay themselves.
“And without control, of course they become patronising, self-satisfied and over pay themselves.”….
…..with money raised from a TV tax set and raised by successive governments, with court sanctions including fines and jail against those who prefer not to consume their product but still have to pay a tax to own a TV…..and yet the BBC still play at being “anti-establishment”…..Aaaaaaagh!
I was listening to bBBC Radio Scotland (and if you think Radios 4 & 5 have a biased agenda just try Radio Scotland for a few days) at 9am and, even before the details are announced, already the weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth has begun. As the day went on, by listening to other bBBC Radio stations a pattern, using the bBBC’s in built automatic deflection tactics started to emerge.
They are moaning that the poor bBBC will have to give pay details of it’s employees and stars earning over £150,000 and that’s not fair because the commercial companies don’t have to do the same. It was pointed out that the public are not forced to pay fees for watching the commercial channels. Ah, but that gives the Commercial Channels an unfair advantage because they aren’t subjected to the same commercial restrictions as the bBBC and that means they can afford to poach programmes like Bake off and that’s not fair.
After having given the BBCoids being interviewed the interviewers then started to go all out to give the interviewees open doors to walk through. But the Civil Service have their pay grades made public don’t they? Yes, but the BBC employees aren’t Civil Servants and the public would never want them to be. What a convenient comparison for the bBBC to claim the bBBC was being so unfairly treated by the nasty Tories. Besides, the bBBC cries, publishing the required pay rates would mean those employees neighbours would know what they were earning and, boo hoo, that’s not nice for them. What a load of self seeking tosh which is the normal tactic of the bBBC to justify behaving as it decides for itself without restrictions. The sleazy avoidance tactics, the usual behaviour of the bBBC. Civil Servants be damned, the bBBC know that is not. and never would be, a fair and reasonable comparison for the bBC to hide behind for it’s secrecy for it’s over excessive pay rates.
The bBBC is a public service paid for by enforced public funding. Well, just like the bBBC so are the Police Officers, Fire Service Personnel, Nurses and others in similar occupations. None of them are Civil Servants either, and like the bBBC we the public wouldn’t want them to be either. And it is that which scuppers the bBBC’s pathetic avoidance tactics. All the above have one thing in common which the bBBC is avoiding like the plague. Do you want to know what any of them are paid? Is it difficult to find out? Not a bit, their pay rates are well published and are readily available to the public, and even to their neighbours. But the bBBC believe they are so superior and so much more important that they should be treated completely differently to those insignificant nobodies. Well, I’ve got news for the oh so superior bBBC luvvies, I know which ones of them I would really miss if the ceased to exist and it certainly isn’t the egotists of the bBBC.
Sorry for the rant but hell, do I feel better for it having listened to the bBBC’s carefully orchestrated self-indulgent crocodile tears.
The BBC knows nothing about the whys and wherefores of Hin of the proposed bukley Point C.
Witness this mornings trailed announcement of the proposed building.
No engineers, no nuclear scientists, no energy experts..but their political correspondent alongside their business poppet.
Not even a science correspondent, assume they`re all chaining themselves to Black Lives stunts or such.
Utter bilge.
And when I get home?…well Mays support for Hinkley is now seen as chiselling for the Chinese, and is seen as face-saving, grandstanding.
Why?…because Labour says so. And that soundbite becomes the newsbite later, with no comment.
Time to scuttle the buggers…biased and corrupt,
On the news tonight, blind BBC hack Gary O Donaghue said that he “saw” a Clinton toady in Greensboro wearing a “Chuck the Trump Up” T-shirt.
Gary…SAW it?…really?
Hopefully not using his braille as an excuse to rub the chests of Clintons fans.
BIzarre-but no nod to the stupidity of it all.
But why would there be?-this is the BBC.
The BBC clearly has its own agenda promoting Political Correctness as defined by itself.
Evolution is unchallengeable; Hillary Clinton must succeed because she is a feminist liberal; Donald Trump is unelectable; Islam is a peaceful religion and IS should be SCIS or So-Called Islamic State; The Quran, Hadiths and Sharia are NOT openly discussed; Christianity is only allowed to be seen through Anglo/Catholic eyes and on Song of Praise NO direct credit is to be given to Jesus, interviewees are only allowed to refer to ‘my faith’ rather than to any relationship with Jesus. One item to their credit is that despite demands by Richard Dawkins they have kept Dan Walker on the Breakfast Show. The sight of Naga Munchetty fawning on Richard Dawkins on the Sunday Morning Live program was enough to make one throw up! Clearly the BBC has its own Hindu-style ‘holy cows’! You can almost hear the cameramen setting up any report ‘look for the hijab; above all costs – look for the hijab. If you try to contact the BBC for anything approaching a fair counter argument; their response is to ignore you. Such blatent bias, despite any qualities, disqualifies them from receiving a licence fee or being given a ‘licence to tax’ while expressing such biased views. Our government is far to weak to confront them and warn them that the licence fee will be terminated if they do not change their practices and come round to unbiased fair reporting.
If the excuse of a government wont confront them about the licence fee,we the patriots must do it instead
I grew up with BBC radio from “Listen with Mother” and on.
It would be true to say I believed in the BBC.
Things changed at the time of the 7/7 bombings when Today started featuring a Muslim panel – just to check we were doing the ‘right’ thing.
Apart from some old radio dramas and pre – Islamic sit-coms, the BBC can go hang.
The BBC, a PUBLIC subscription media service completely at variance with the result of a democratic referendum – seems hardly credible?
The only thing I want to say is STOP PAYING AND CANCEL YOUR LICENCE! IMMEDIATELY! to anyone who hasn’t already done so.
Sorry for the shouting, been out late and come home a bit sozzled. How many more BBC TV programs need to be analysed before it sinks in? You don’t need to watch any more to confirm it surely.
The radio offerings and news website are chock full of enough blatant bias for us to rip apart, without even considering the TV. Stop giving them £145-odd a year, and tell everyone else to do the same. If you’re hoping for this wet Tory government to rein them in – well it ain’t happening is it?
The Beeb sensed weakness and so now iPlayer has to be paid for too. Of course ultimately the Great Oz’s pronouncements are really just a silly old man behind a curtain. The BBC makes awful politicised TV 95% of the time, you all just need to wean yourself off of the odd 5%.
Stop watching, rip up Capita’s letters without a second thought, don’t let them in if they come calling. It’s like the EU can’t function without the UK’s financial contribution..the Beeb will die slowly if your average Brit ceases paying too.
OK then, rant over!