The BBC is to the fore in propagandising for the UK to take as many of those “poor vulnerable Syrians” in the Calais Jungle as possible. There is hardly a day goes by without the BBC spinning this story any way it can think of to engender our sympathy for those in that camp. So, isn’t it a bit peculiar the world class journalists at the BBC (Coughs) seem to have overlooked this social networl allegation nugget?
“According to French sources today the Calais Jungle is 43% Sudanese, 33% Afghan, 9% Eritrean, 7% Pakistani and just 1% Syrian.”
Now this may or may not be the case but surely a fundamental piece of research would be to accurately look at the make up of those illegal migrants in this camp?
The BBC also seems to have gone cold on this line of enquiry and it’s in the left wing media!!!
Volunteers in the Calais Jungle have been accused of sexually exploiting refugees and even child migrants. The Independent has discovered a serious row has broken out among some unpaid charity workers at the camp in northern France, with some believing forging sexual relationships with adult refugees is natural in such circumstances, while others say it breaches all usual codes of conduct. One man who raised the alarm was later subjected to a barrage of online abuse.
So, basically the leftist volunteers are shagging the immigrants because it is “natural”
Can’t wait for the BBC to cover!
“unpaid charity workers”
I doubt this very much.
The charity and QANGO sector needs attacking by May & Co with the vigour and ruthlessness which Heracles demonstrated with the Augean stable. Currently financing greedy lefty trough snufflers.
Run a river through and wash all the sewerage away.
Cleanse it thoroughly and reduce costs by 90%
I might suggest that the Charities Commission (or whatever it’s official title is) commences a cold hard look at the charities on their books. Review the whole charity thing and the definition of a charity.
If we want to go further, how about withdrawing any tax breaks to charities. Harsh? Or not? Remember that most of them are businesses now. But since a charity is technically a non-profit making organisation, the money’s gotta go somewhere, right? Top tier executives inflated 6-figure salaries? How can that be considered ‘charity’?
There’s also the ‘Kids Company’ type mismanagement that brings the whole Charity sector into disrepute. Dereliction of duty by the Charities Commission for not spotting that.
Remember… every immigrant housed in the UK is another £145.50 TV license fee for the BBC.
For just an extra 68,700 immigrants allowed into the UK the BBC would have had an extra £10m to bid for the Great British Bake Off – more migrants = more British TV, you can’t get more British than that!
Not forgetting a vote for Labour Tabs.
Tabs – Just think of all those lovely halal cakes – yummy!!
Plus, everyone currently thinks the Islamic Al Beeb TV/propaganda channels are complete and utter horse shite! Imagine how incredible the Al Beebistan mullahs will feel to be religiously prevented from ever having to make a decent programme, rather than it just being because the standard/quality or the braindead morons who currently attend Al Beebistan mosque!!
I can’t wait for the TV schedule! Prayers, followed by mass executions of the infidels to please Allah, followed by more prayers, followed by some psychopath singing like he is passing his nuts through a meat grinder about how much he loves Allah and how much he wants to slaughter apostates and infidels… day repeat….
Mass executions of the infidels on BBC… “Great British Heads Off” ?!?
The BBC can pay me £25m for the TV rights to that one!
“StubEnders” = Soap opera showing how the cheeky chappies in the East End all deal with mass amputations for just being suspected of being a thief, under Sharia law
“Under the Hammer” = Great take on the old British classic, as a old auction house is now being used as a Norwegian enrichment centre where the infidels are beaten to death with hammers
I think we have covered the Islamic Al Beebs prime time slots there Tabs!!
Doubt it Tabs.
Bet if you`ve got an Islamic name or a tribal one-Capita will NOT be bothering you with a TV license snoop.
Your postcode will protect you-you`ll still be traumatised and in need of free BBC output-no sirree, whitey pays.
But if you`re of a certain age, live in the “normal postcodes of the UK”-preferably non metropolitan and white too-have no criminal record and have a British name-well open a vein and keep on stumping up for the enrichers.
True fact…this is how Capita prioritise and target ANY recovery of money from parking charges to the TV Linense.
To be honest I bet most immigrants don’t bother with a tv licence, and the BBC will turn a blind eye.
The bBC has all week been promoting this view that the innocent children of Calais whilst residing in the Utopia that is the EU , they should all be transported to safety across the channel to the UK. (What and have them live amongst the nasty British who all sport skinheads, subscribe to Islamaphobia and oppress black people usually on the P4 Bus to Lewisham Shopping Centre. Nasty bus )

I did like the breakdown of the countries of origin as posted above, which illuminates that the vast majority of these people are economic tourists funny enough I wrote about such a story the otherday where a so called 35 year old Syrian asylum seeker has been arrested (for sticking a knife into the 31 year old Syrian who drugged him and then raped him) turned out to be a 45 year old Moroccan.
Well back to Calais, the Guardian is currently running with this story,
Calais refugee children abandoning plans to reach UK
“A few things have happened that have persuaded children to stay. Since July, and the Brexit vote, the migrants are wondering what will happen to them if they turn up in Britain. We are not sure it is connected to Brexit, but there is a fear of what kind of welcome foreigners will have there now,”
whilst it looks positive the paper does blame the Uk for not taking in these 45 year old children
The bBC, the traitors within our midst.
So Brexit has put off the ISIS scum in Calais?
If so, yet another feather in Nigels plumage.
Brexit continues to give does it not?
I can see that poor bus driver will lose his job if one of those ever so crafty BBC employees see he’s on the phone! News night will run that image first – the black girls? – narr!
I don’t watch a lot of TV but my impression from radio reports is that the BBC is definitely campaigning rather than merely reporting. The likes of Emma Jane Kirby get their puff pieces re-run weeks later, in case we missed the message, other ‘news’ stories don’t get this treatment.
I would be interested to know if BBC TV shows any of the mobs of ‘children’ attacking the lorries, (plenty available on the internet,) or are they too busy reporting on the couple of Syrian children that they probably brought from Lesbos to Calais?
The reason that ‘charity’ workers sexually abuse ‘the children’ in Calais will be that the inevitable off-spring will be able to claim British citizenship and the ‘unwilling’ parent can claim the ‘right’ to ‘Family Life’ in the UK with their sprog.
My reading of the above was that they were condoning satyric migrant “older” men taking on child brides and convincing themselves that this was a “cultural norm” and a form of protection for the girls. Thereby colluding in under age sex. I doubt the few young girls there have a literal or metaphorical leg to stand on.
As regards the meaning of BBC I’ve long thought it stood for Biased Broadcasting Campaign as the BBC can be guaranteed to have some kind of angle or social engineering point of view that takes precedence over any impartiality in reporting the News. The BBC journos just report the angle that suits their hive viewpoint.
Me! – I call the BBC the – ABC – Attenborough Broadcasting Corporation.
Is there no end to the Left’s horrors?
I don’t even want to begin to imagine what revolting and disreputable pursuits have been going on in that blasted assortment of tents… enough to put me right off my nightly dosage of Mozart, brandy, cheese and biscuits.
BBC gives us no facts about Calais, only stories of suffering pretty women and doe eyed children. They should point out they are all illegal failed asylum seekers who know they will also fail asylum here. Explain where are the women, explain their relatives in uk won’t collect them because they are illegal too. Explain they are all economic migrants, no genuine refugees. Hundreds of questions the BBC shoul be investigating instead of endless made up questionable sob stories.
I wonder where these ‘volunteer’ child abusers in the camps come from? I’ve heard that in some religions it’s ok after the child has turned 6… or is it 9? Surely that can’t be true, can it?
These are the same people who criticise Britain and America for slavery and exploiting said slaves for sex. Another example of leftist hypocrisy.
How funny is this?
The Far Left who want us to allow unlimited numbers of ‘vulnerable young people’ into the country are the very same people who want to reduce the voting age to 16.
I am just waiting for the proposals to spend taxpayers money on ‘vulnerable young non-English speaking voters’ because they ‘deserve support’.
Jezza will be advocating this faster than you can say ‘benefits’.
These disgusting, sub-human parasites probably haven’t even had a wash for months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The immigrants must be really desperate for sex!
Quote from the report: The man added that the majority of cases in question involved female volunteers and male refugees – which he claimed risked the objectification of women volunteering in the camp.
Were they having safe sex? If not, then what happens in the resulting pregnancy? Is this a new type of “anchor babies”?
Pounce’s post includes a link to ‘Calais refugee children abandoning plans to reach UK’
from The Guardian. Within this article there is a picture of a group of ‘minors’ learning French.
If these are children, then so am I.
If you look carefully, I am pretty sure that this picture has been retouched (I do this sort of thing for a living). Look how bright the paper is – the shadows are wrong – how is he holding it up?
Does he look like a child?
Definite photoshop job (I also have done this for a living) the lettering on the very clean paper is sharp focused in relation to the blurred hand that is holding it…the paper reflecting on his neck is someone trying to be clever, but, I suspect the original image, our interested little scholar probably had a bit of decent beard growth going on.
If this doesn’t get Keith Vaz on another ‘fact finding’ mission, what will?