FTSE currently at 6953 and rising which is a 1-year high. Radio silence from the bbc however. Cue sound of tolling bell and desert wind. It’s the sound of bias.
Also, Dan walker on breakfast this morning accused Philip Hammond of project fear.
That’s funny.
The BBC has also gone silent on the FTSE250 which, it claimed, was a better indicator of UK business health as it contained a higher proportion of UK businesses than the FTSE100. Without looking, can anyone guess in which direction the FTSE250 has gone since June 23rd?
Seismic….and 24 hours later I’m sure you’re aware the FTSE 100 has added another 100 points to 7050. (Mind you Capita, of the licence collection lot, are in trouble)
Spare a thought for the poor beeboid today, their poor little bigoted minds must be melting now they have been unable to subvert democracy by keeping us in the EU with their “soft brexit” propaganda agenda
Spare a thought, then smile and light a cigar before you bathe in their tears. These are great days my friends, enjoy their bitterness while u can, it won’t last forever
Yeah, and I note they are playing it big that the Hungarian referndum did not make it to the 50% turnout, which according to the bBBC, makes the poll “invalid”.
A 98% result is invalid, according to the open door immigration BBC.
One to remember.
The referendum is only “invalid” in the fetid imaginations of BBC leftists.
Because the turnout did not pass 50%, the referendum is not mandatory. Thus, it is not binding on the Hungarian government. But the Hungarian government is still going to put the result of the referendum into effect, because it supported the proposition of not allowing Hungary to turn into an islamic state.
A result in which 44% of the population voted by 98% to back their government, and reject islamic colonisation, can only be termed “invalid” if you are a leftist internationalist who hates traditional, European Christian culture. In other words, if you are a typical BBC pissant.
Hungarians vote 98% to reject the EU’s imposition of forced immigration on them and bBBC claims that it is invalid because the turnout was less than 50%. Wrong BBC. A 50% turnout in the Hungarian constitution (at least their equivalent of a constitution) would constitute an _obligation_ on parliament. Less than 50% (44%) means that the vote does not automatically have to be enacted – but can be, it is still a mandate and a handsome one at that. But to claim that this is a defeat is ridiculous. The vote to reject the forced imposition of immigrants on Hungary by the EU was 98%. I’m doing the arithmetic in my head so apologies if I go astray: There are 9.9 million people in Hungary, that means that 4.7 million people said no to Islam. How many people said yes please? 87 thousand. I’d say that was pretty convincing. And if they had a similar referendum in France, Italy, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Greece they’d get the same result. The EU and Adolf Merkel must be shitting themselves.
Yes bigoted is a description of the Beeboid R4Today presenter this morning.
“See you this referendum is invalid cos YOU didn’t get 50% turnout !”
“Let me explain this again” said the Hungarian govwernment minister speaking in BETTER English than the Beeboid
“A 50% turnout means the vote would obligate ALL Hungarian governments to implement”
“However since WE are government WE will take the mandate and implement it now”
The only way things could get better is if Trump somehow gets into the Oval Office in November. It might be worth it just to see the ‘Brexit effect’ on all those crying narcissistic progressives. I’d imagine C(linton)N(ews)N(etwork) would go into total apoplectic meltdown – please, god!
Bit dozy this morning at 7.45pm but on Toady R4 Justin Webb was interviewing two people about a female author. At one point, Webb argued in terms for fairer treatment for said author, and I quote “because she is a woman”.
The standard hypocrisy of the Far Left biased BBC. Equality but only when it suits the narrative.
‘David Cameron used a private discussion with the director-general of the BBC about its future to put pressure on the corporation over its coverage of the EU referendum’
This was exactly what we suspected had happened and the circumstantial evidence soon became apparent on our screens.
But Boris’ speech yesterday must have impinged on the already tarnished reputation of the, ‘World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster’ when he said, quite clearly, that the BBC was biased in its coverage during the Referendum campaign. Unfortunately, he went on to praise the BBC. However, in my view, the question that has been raised as a result of his assertion is naturally, where and over what issues can the viewers/listeners expect to received ‘biased’ information from the BBC in exchange for their licence fee? ‘Trump’, Brexit, Islam, Under-age sex by Muslims, Gender, Grooming? The list goes on as contributors to this site are only too aware. Perhaps it would be easier for the BBC to issue a warning prior to each news bulletin to the effect of: ‘The Listener/Viewer must be made aware that what follows under the loose heading of, “News” is in fact imaginative, creative and biased journalism prepared by BBC staff and in accordance with BBC Policy”. I like that. Maybe it should be suggested to OFCOM?
G, it’s a good idea. They could have the disclaimer on their website and on the screen during broadcasts:
This content may be distorted, manipulated or otherwise compromised to conform to the far-left ideology of the BBC. The corporation accepts no responsibility for any negative effects on viewers exposed to it.
So, Theresa May is going to listen to the Welsh Government on Brexit………….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-37523543
Well as a true Welshmen I would advise her not to bother, because the Welsh Assembly is totally out of touch with the people of Wales. The Assembly members do not listen, they are dictatorial. Hence, despite the Assembly’s advice, the majority of us voted for Brexit – The did not listen to us.
Even after the great democratic vote to get out of the EU, we have the first minister Carwyn Jones touring the USA on a ‘Trade Mission’ telling the world “Radical change needed to save UK”. Some Trade Mission?….http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-37307099
They were not listening to us then and they are not listening to us now.
Yet there is nothing at all as yet on the BBC web site.
Aherne always struck me as a nasty piece of work, A typical self loathing leftie, sneering at others especially if they were successful or didn’t share her nasty views. Her comments to Debbie McGee were typical of the sickening nastiness which oozed from her every pore. It was wrong & uncalled for.
But she was a leftie and with her faux working class series the Royale family the BBC loved her. No surprise they aren’t publicising what she was really like.
And….it was her that heckled, drunkenly, a speech by….an elderly actor i recall….shouting ‘Get on with it’…and he retorted with a smart riposte….to cheers from the audience….can’t remember his name…anyone?
Can anyone explain why David Brent lookalike Craig Oliver – Beeb omitted the ‘Sir’ so I’m happy to go along with their precedent – kept referring to the ‘wrong’ outcome to the referendum, as did both sofa jockeys, this morning?
This morning on the Victoria Derbyshire TV programme she had on her first news report a weird story about some American slapper named: Kardashian! Who she is I have no idea, nor do I want to know about some sluttish looking american woman BUT and you will like this, on her 6th news report 6TH report we heard about a true breaking news story about a British serviceman (RAF)who is thought to have been kidnapped in the UK some where! kidnapped, of all things!? Yet she/her editor thought it less important than showing this kardashisin woman prancing round paris half naked, but made this missing service mans news story as her 6th story – why?
could it be because the people/person who has kidnapped this service man are Muslims?
“a new theory is that he may have been kidnapped.”
“FEARS are growing for the safety of an RAF serviceman who went missing more than a week ago”
“23-year-old RAF Honington airman” “Corrie McKeague”
“Chilling CCTV shows the last moments Corrie McKeague, 23, was seen walking through Bury St Edmunds town centre on his own.”
“Mr McKeague has been missing since the early hours of last Saturday morning”
There was something on the web about the RAF lad yesterday. He had simply disappeared after a night out. No news of developments though. Vanished from the face of the earth it would appear. His family must be frantic. Fingers crossed for they and he.
I really hope he wasn’t unfortunate enough to become prey to Norwegian types as they don’t do happy endings.
When I read your post I thought you were referring to the attempted abduction of an RAF guy by some men ‘of middle eastern appearance’.
Apparently this guy, Corrie McKeague, 23, RAF serviceman went missing over a week ago. The Guardian say police are playing down fears the lad was abducted, but his mother says police officers said he might have been kidnapped. Who to believe, the BBC/Guardian or the police and the lad’s mother?
He went missing after a night out just 30 miles away from where some men ‘of middle eastern appearance’ tried to snatch another RAF serviceman.
The police have issued CCTV footage and photos. Ought not this have been done at the time, and ought not the BBC be running this as important news? It wasn’t mentioned on BBC radio news at noon today.
A temporarily unoccupied property in central London and a chance to take a fascinating snapshot survey of social economic and political trends.
What will come rushing through the letterbox?
Garish flyers and luridly printed menus from a diverse range of local takeaways.
Impatient missives from the Labour-run Borough Council insistent that any and all elusive itinerant potential voters give up their names to the Electoral Register.
The Corporate big boys such as BT and Virgin flogging their broadband deals.
And of course TV Licensing challenging and threatening lest the BBC lose even a small portion of their poll tax.
So there on one dusty doormat we have the unholy rainbow alliance of the mass-immigration pro-EU lobby.
Given the population pressure we will have to close our survey shortly – mass immigration continues unchecked so property will not remain empty for long.
Tim Farron has just been on the Jeremy Vine show. He says that he accepts that his side lost the referendum vote (yeah right), but we now need another referendum to agree the terms of our exit from the EU.
Why is the BBC giving this idiot so much air time to advertise his idiocy?
Because they not only share his idiocy, they enthuse and support it. Another, Dominic Grieve – was there ever a man to so perfectly personify his name? – facing Brillo moments ago, is simply another example among an embarrassment of choice. In another age they would have been charged with treason.
Grieve and Soubry would both be better suited in Tim ‘Face like a Well-slapped @rse’ Farron’s..ahem..”political party”, they would fit right in there with the rest of the Remainiscum; in Soubry’s case it would just be a return to her SDP roots.
Grieve-I would argue is a Eurinal.
Whereas Soubry is a Eurinelle.
Big difference of course-much like that essential distinction between “shit” and “shite”.
The lot of the Remainiacs are basically Eurinal Cakes…golden showers on them all, piss on them , aim well…
It was, I hope, pointed out to him that if the terms were rejected we’d simply leave the EU with no terms two years after triggering Article 50? Because that’s what the Article says.
Don`t listen to Jeremy Vine on Wednesday , he is going to be featuring heavy on “Non Hideously White” , History Month ! Well that`s what I call it , the usual , suspects will go on & on about it .
Tim Farron… says that he accepts that his side lost the referendum vote (yeah right), but we now need another referendum to agree the terms of our exit from the EU.
It makes me think the BBC have not given up hope for a reversal of the referendum. A vote in Parliament next March to agree Brexit. Parliament votes against signing Article 50. May calls an election. And we have the Brexit campaign again. No wonder the BBC are still running the Remain campaign.
Just popped-in to the Daily Mail website! Boy!? The kind of filth they peddle on that website! Its either images/stories about who is being unfaithful to who and seemingly encouraging others to be unfaithful to their husbands or dirty details about certain celebs in between divorce seducing their gardeners etc or images of drunken wannabes half-undressed collapsing in the streets of London! Or, near naked females either kissing each other or urinating on war memorials – how much more can we lower ourselves!?
Now, compare that online website with the paper version under the same name and one would think they have no relation to each other what so ever! The paper version is clean and non-smutty at all but the online version..
World at one on the BBC, rested Paul Johnson of the “much respected and independent” IFS and brought on Carl Emmerson from the “much respected and independent” IFS to tell us all how foolish we were to vote Brexit.
Sadly, the BBC again forgot to mention that the “much respected and independent” IFS has pocketed 7.5 million Euros from the EU. This, some unkind people might suggest, may account for the way it gushes about the EU, the way a 15 year old girl worships her current favourite pop star.
A little digging shows Carl, like his chum Paul Johnson of the “much respected and independent” IFS, was also employed by the Labour Party as “specialist advisor” right up to 2010. That means we tax payers paid him to advise the Labour Party on its policies.
Whilst a “special advisor” the tax payer compelled him to accept a string of ‘research grants’ totalling £1,200,000. Since 2010 the taxpayer has merely forced over half a million quid into his bank account. Please don’t tell him where he can find the nearest food bank, the IFS is well flush with tax payers cash.
I understand why the BBC is so fascinated by how much Trump earns. However, would it help the long suffering listener to a serious radio program, if we knew how people from the “much respected and independent” IFS are actually paid and by whom?
That’s a great post, Scribblingscribe. Forensic, fact-based exposure of the bias. Imagine a world where the BBC’s so-called journalists had your ability to drill down into a story…
“Corrie Mckeague: Bin lorry seized in search for missing airman”
Uh oh – this is looking more and more like it has the hallmarks of you know who… Really hope that this young lad is OK but as time goes on I don’t think his chances are great.
Now that the Beeb et. al have got hold of this story they are going to have to follow through with it. Expect news editors in W1A biting nails and priming the presses for a NTDWI onslaught… If it turns out that as per usual it has everything TDWI I think the public will be absolutely outraged.
Poor poor mother I can’t begin to imagine the hell they are going through.
Also why in the CCTV videos are there three individuals who have been pixelated??? I think we all know why that was and indeed makes the case for kidnap even stronger
Any harm caused to him by terrorists should be treated as ‘High Treason’.
As the cowardly perpetrators that butchered Lee Rigby should have been dealt with. We are far too soft .
‘We’ are not too soft, nor are the powers that be, instead they have been wholly corrupted by the Saudi Gold politicians have had their mouths stuffed with.
Just read this, and tell me I’m on some kind of conspiracy theory? The problem is that this corruption goes through the whole of the upper reaches of politics academia and Islam in Britain.
Once universities start teaching along the lines of Wahabist Islam, then it is inevitably going to permeate into political thinking too. In the case of Labour this is easy because most of the hive mind are unquestioning and happy to let others do the thinking for them, with the Tories, some are like that, others simply motivated by greed.
Gavin McInnes at http://www.takimag.com has a good solution to the problem of Muslims not informing the authorities of the “radicalization” of their family members, this is in the light of the recent attacks in New York and Minnesota.
“We’re not mentally ready to accept that we are at war with Islam. No, not all Muslims are terrorists, but the bad apples who think suicide bombing is “sometimes or often justified” go above 25% and that’s well over 300 million people. That’s a war. Sure, it’s only a handful who go out and commit the acts, but they are enabled by hundreds of millions of moderate Muslims who tolerate it. They’re also enabled by us. I don’t know how these two terrorists got here, but they have to go. Not only do they have to go, but their entire families have to go. That’s what they do in India, and it works. You’re going to be a lot less tolerant of your crazy nephew when his negligence has the power to send you, your wife, and your children back to Afghanistan.”
Agree Taffman. But if they are the you know who terrorists stand by for a massive programme to combat the backlash, the Twitter Stasi will be working overtime alongside Tell Mama. Each act of terror increases the complicity of our authorities with the enemy
A contact of mine advises that the government may have initially issued a DA-Notice (formerly known as D-Notices) on this, whereby the media are not allowed to publicise the story on grounds of national security. This would account for the lack of reporting in all media outlets, not just the BBC.
Both the bBC.con and Forces.TV have mentioned police have impounded a bin lorry wrt his disappearance. The Forces.TV report mentioned that his mobile phone signal was coincident with the vehicles movement. Hopefully he’s just dropped it in a bin.
News just in from another Justin in the BBC bunker – Andy Swiss (top marks for neutrality) and now over to Tom Fordyce read on and it could be ‘Europe’ may not have lost the golf – if there was some low turnout rule.
‘some people say golf schmolf’ admits our lanky BBC sofa eunuch – could be a sign you’ve been over-plugging it, son
I don’t know about Hazeltine, up that late I need my Ovaltine. More from the Oval later.
‘Ryder Cup 2016: US beat Europe as miracle fails to materialise’
Ah those european utopian miracles… as Captain Scarlet once joshed to our Gary Lineker “just like Spurs, they always let you down”
‘That’s the thing about miracles. They don’t tend to happen every time you want one’
You can say again.
‘…fired up by intensely partisan support, inspired by the bellicose Patrick Reed…’
Blimey, that’s not fair, who supports their own side like that? Just not cricket, what. Our Aggers may be British down to his box but he always defers to Tony Cozier or that Indian chappie. Huhhh sounds like the Yanks are a bunch of Trump supporters.
Thank goodness we will be seeing a lot less of that awful blue flag – with one less yellow star
Theresa May in her speech yesterday distinctly said these two things.
1. Any attempt to divide us into “soft” versus “hard” versions of Brexit is malevolent and unhelpful to the national interest…I myself have seen it as “full-blooded” versus “anaemic”…much better.
2. All media attempts to serve us a running commentary in full view of Juncker and his Brusselscum is also unhelpful and against the national interest.
Therefore guess what all the broadsheets, the BBC and Martha are continuing to crow from the Bruseels dunghill?….
Of course-it`s as if Theresa May didn`t say these things-for if she did, surely it would be reported and acted upon..if not addressed or critiqued.
But no-the Remoaners continue to wail their dirges and wilfully try to thwart the national will-we will avenge…May could not have been any clearer-which probably leads to THIS anti-democratic swill of lies and doublespeak from the liberal lying lazy susan left.
We heard you Theresa…
Refugees in my house : Hollywood Hypocrites
Benedict “Vicky Pollard” Cumberbatch
In an interview with the November issue of British GQ, Cumberbatch said
”Yeah but no but yeah but”
“I have a baby in my flat, there are no spare rooms”
He owns a large Victorian house in north London, which stands empty as it undergoes renovations before he moves in.
“I do have a house, but it’s empty, it’s gutted, there’s no electricity or water, ”
….Are you so hard hearted Benedict that you won’t let the refugees guard your house ..and come round your flat for a shower ?
\\The actor added his name to a list of 250 people in the arts opposing Brexit but admitted it felt “so lazy”.//
ok Benedict, since you raised it, where are you currently living whilst the renovations take place?
1. in rented accomodation
2. at a friend or family members house or flat
3. at another property you own
How much money are you anticipating spending on these renovations….how many months emergency supplies for refugees would that money provide?
I love the way wealthy liberals preach to us, suggest we are bigots and that the taxes paid by poorer people should be spent by the UK government on these refugees…taking up controversial positions on political questions but are allowed such powder puff interviews…. and then whine when their positions are challenged.
Since conceptual art strikes me as mostly being a load of old shit, for once the Turner Prize committee seem to have chosen an appropriate candidate. Oh, and needless to say, this is also a symbol of a decadent society which stands no chance of defeating the enemy at the gate.
PM this evening , toxic remainer Souberry , given pride of place to keep moaning about Brexit and predicting we will all be sorry when we wake up in the morning. I have no doubt that the BBC will continue to stir up as much trouble as possible on Brexit. They will give any and all remoaners a platform out of all proportion to their standing . Tim Farron will never be off our screens and radios , the Lords will be urged to rebel and cause a constitutional crisis , any Tory rebel will be lauded, there is no end of mischief that the state funded broadcaster can cause, all of which will cause damage to the country’s negotiating position.
The BBC is supposed to be impartial and you would also think that after the largest democratic decision ever taken the national broadcaster would support the will of the people, but not a bit of it. Despite what Boris foolishly said yesterday , the Tories really need to defend democracy in our country and deal with the over mighty BBC.
Just listened to Radio Pravda, sorry R4 PM programme (why do I never learn not to do so?). Pride of place given to that awful creature Anna Soubry THE most europhile person that I have seen on the tv to give her (uninterrupted) opinion on Hammond’s speech re the economy/brexit. The bbc woman (as always) actually said ‘Of course, everything is caused by Brexit’…….
All the same old destructive stuff pumped out without end
Hammond is woeful – the only mistaken appointment in May’s cabinet. I hope we see the back of Mark (Goldman Sachs eu loving) Carney as soon as possible aswell.
Still it didn’t last long after the above it was the off button
I agree about Hammond 100%, I think Gove would have been a much more effective Chancellor for what is to come; but he shotgunned his own kneecaps with his post-referendum behaviour around the Tory leadership contest.
Soubry should be warned by her constituency party that she will be de-selected, if she fails to wind her neck in; it shows her complete disloyalty to her leader; her party and our democratic system as expressed via the referendum result.
Why are al beebus so keen to interview her? She isn’t even a minister anymore and no-one apart from them gives a stuff about what she says about anything, unless it was to announce her retirement from politics that is.
Considering the length of time Hammond has been an MP you might have thought he could make a speech without constant reference to notes, and that too confirms your assessment AEG.
It’s not simply confidence, it demonstrates professionalism – not a bad attribute in one in charge of the privy purse.
The left engaging in thoughtful debate in Kansas USA, where they invade a conservative student’s meeting – though I suspect it could be repeated anywhere in the western world.
Try from 1.55 on where someone dares to suggest that one of the dumber girls just ‘shouts over people.’ Her response? I suspect, you’ve already guessed.
How’d we get to a situation where one political group believes itself so morally superior that it no longer has to present a cogent argument?
Scribblingscribe, interesting question. My theory is the moral superiority comes from the left filling the vacuum created by the decline in religion in the west. The sixties generation had largely been brought up in a nominally Christian society and rejected it, not wanting to be bound by rules of absolute morality. Their children and grandchildren, however, had no such major self-questioning or cultural shift in their lifetimes and so just parrot the leftist views of their elders as being orthodox articles of faith.
Our local telly worrywart was saying that red squirrels are now endangered by leprosy!
Who knew-who cares-and where is squirrel Jesus when you need him?
I believe each year the BBC is going to have a Anna Soubry Free Day when we will be spared her honeyed tones. Anyone know the date for this year, or have we already had it this year?
Looked over my shoulder at my local Wetherspoons( great articles in his monthly magazine about Leaving the EU by the way-well worth a read is Tim Martin!).
This would be sometime soon after five pm.
Guess who was on?
Yes, Anna Soubry.
She`s having a great war now isn`t she?Perpetually on the box spouting, crying and doing the hairy eyeball stare of the drunken sot who`s lost the farm.
So who bitter to speak to?..the typical Tory from the gritty east Midlands?
Boxes ticked-we had the rabid Europhiles from Labour on last piece-now let`s have the Tory on now for …er…”balance”.
That she`s swivel eyed loon, closet racist and fruity nutcake for Remainia is not the point…why only GOOD people want the Referendum overturned and the peoples face ground into the catshit as deposited by Anna, Nicky, Ken, Hezza and f…infarron.
This would have been Sky.
Isn`t it about time we did an Interbrew with the BBC, Sky and Channel 4…one big liberal septic tank for all their steepings…wankers.
I was really turned off by Soubry’s anguish at the Brexit victory but she rose in my estimation when she called that treacherous swine McDonnell “a nasty piece of work” to his face on Question Time.
Surely they are overplaying their hand now? I noted on the Guardian page about Trump not paying tax due to losses there were far more than I expected pointing out in the comments that claiming losses against income was perfectly standard practice the world over.
Some (good) news snippets from the SCBBC’s Business Live page. How they must hate reporting this 🙂
The FTSE 100 hit a 16-month high this morning, according to Reuters, after the pound dived on news that the Prime Minister will trigger Brexit negotiations before the end of March.
In early afternoon trading the market was at 6989.44 – up 90.11 points on Friday’s close – as investors priced in currency benefits for companies with business outside the UK.
The news agency Agence France Presse reminds us that it has not been a great four weeks for Belgium. Dutch bank ING said today it would cut 7,000 jobs, with at least half of them in neighbouring Belgium.
But that comes after US machinery giant Caterpillar announced the closure of a plant at Charleroi, destroying 2,000 jobs. French insurer Axa and US coffee maker Jacobs Douwe Egberts are also shedding hundreds of jobs.
Meanwhile, Germany’s Lufthansa is taking full control of Belgium’s only major air carrier, Brussels Airlines, with a restructuring looking inevitable.
Now people are wondering how long it will be before AB InBev, the world’s biggest brewer and newly-merged with SABMiller, relocates its headquarters.
I would like a referendum on Eddie Mair please. Remain or leave, the UK that is. His hectoring, whining, insistence on adding the ‘Brexit issue’ to almost everything he speaks about is too, too tiresome and reeks of desperation.
I’m for leave. Nowhere closer than 3000 miles please.
Mair really is annoying . His prog PM and a heap of other R4 News dept progs Toaday, World at One , Broadcasting House etc ..are just full on Social Justice Warriors ..doing their best to save the world by broadcasting in a completely partisan way cos they know the true way.
The BBC sees it’s self as providing a COUNTER balancing force.
: When there is a Tory government : The BBC acts as a counterbalance against the government
: When there is a Labour government : The BBC acts as a counterbalance against the Right Wing Press.
..They are so in a dogmatic cult they don’t see that is wrong.
7:30pm BBC1 TV Yorks/Lincs @BBCInsideOutYL meets the women from overseas who say they’ve been abused by their employers while working as domestic workers in Yorkshire
eg filipina who now lives in Yorks
Cecelia is on @BBCInsideOutYL tonight – she’s from #Barnsley and worked in the Middle East as a domestic
Yes, got to be a survey on what the BBC choose to report-and what they don`t.
For example today-we hear that the Baroness Shami sends her boy to Dulwich Prep School(£18,000 per annum is it?).
At least Nigel got a scholarship to go there-Shamis boy gets to jump the queue much as Abbotts, Harmans, Falconers, Blairs did and do.
Wouldn`t you think that the BBC would be curious?…after all Corbyn divorces wives for less than this?
But no-the Peoples Party have had enough sunlight let in on the magic…so the transparency and debate is quietly leaving town for a while.
Anyway-it`s blamed on Shamis hubby…who must be a David Mills Dominant silverback alpha type-whereas poor Shami is the Tessa Jowell, who only gets to see the school fees and mortgage bungs once she`s served up the breakfast and fallen in behind wifelet number 4.
Well-I believe it…don`t you?
Completely off topic, but i wonder what people’s thoughts are on Andrea Leadsom’s comments regarding British kids picking fruit instead of EU immigrants?
It’s amusing, as always, reading the twatter comments from the entitlement snowflakes who for some reason known only to themselves think that they’re above fruit picking. I wonder if Leadsom has deliberately set a trap, because it exposes the rank hypocrisy of the left. These idiots think they are above fruit picking for the minimum wage, but presumably think it’s OK for foreigners to travel all the way across a continent to do it instead. And they call us racists!
Brilliant neilw, yes, I think Andrea knew exactly what she was doing.
Left wing students in patriotic labour battalions to pick fruit? Bring it on.
Knock ’em a few pence per picked pound off their student fees during each day voluntarily worked so that they can learn to value the fruit of their labour!
Must be some retired NCOs to offer supervision and performance improvement tips?
neilw – I believe a lot of the younger folk today who conclude that certain jobs are beneath them, is a consequence of successive governments’ obsession with telling every schoolchild that they can go to “Uni” and turning higher education into an enormous industry all of its own by expansion through increased enrolment.
I think it used to be the top 10% who went to university, now they’ve turned all the “Poly’s” into “Uni’s” and lots of colleges too: I wonder what the proportion is now?
It’s not so much that they think they’re above it, rather the fact that they think it’s perfectly OK for immigrants to do the work instead of them. It sounds a bit racist to me. When they’re out protesting the EU referendum result, perhaps they really want to stay in the EU purely as a excuse for not being forced to do the work that foreigners are currently doing.
If I were Leadsom I’d be making the case for no work no benefits. The fruit & veg needs picking by someone, so before we import hoards of poor foreign minions, lets put our own people to work. One stone, 2 birds.
A terrible attack. Many of us are starting to suspect a media nationwide refusal to report such incidents. Possibly Europe wide as well. Which begs the question why and who benefits?
When reality and truth are subverted then the citizenry rightly lose respect for the institutions of the state and that includes the media.
It never works in the long term.
Look what happened in the old USSR and in Eastern Europe and never think it will not happen here.
DS – it will be like the U.S. now, where innumerable violent attacks by blacks on whites are ignored by their MSM; yet ANY violence where the roles are reversed are headline news nationwide.
At the end of this trial this couple should have all their assets confiscated by the state to pay for their enforced deportation to Saudi Arabia or whatever hell-hole is paying for the terrorists. If that is not possible put them between the front lines in the Syrian or Afghan war-zones. They could be shot at by both sides – that might teach them what a “blessing” funding terrorism really is.
“”Yet even in his non-dramatic fashion, he (Home Secretary Hammond) has already made pretty downbeat predictions of what might happen to the economy as the reality of life outside the EU emerges””
So….she writes, “…what might happen to the economy as the reality of life outside the EU emerges”
Who is she to give such a biased anti-Brexit opinion for the future? Oh, she’s a BBC Left wing reporter. I almost forgot! And her editor didn’t edit, because he’s a Left wing editor also! And so it goes on and on as you progress up the buzzing hive stairway.
See how the spin : The Remainiacs
Did the Chancellor Philip Hammond really say :
“Oh my God ! Brexit ! The economy is going to go up and down like a roller coaster !” ?
cos that is what it sounded like on BBC Radio news
No but media can take his calmly delivered words and spin them up
– British economy faces Brexit ‘rollercoaster’ — Guardian
– BBC: Brexit ‘rollercoaster’ warning as Hammond axes deficit target
– Philip Hammond warns of rollercoaster Brexit years for business : Standard
– “UK expects years of turbulence during Brexit talks” : Bloomberg
– Brace yourself for the post-Brexit ‘rollercoaster’ ride: Hammond warns of ‘turbulence’ Mail
– NewsThump : Brexit rollercoaster will be a bit like Alton Towers ‘Smiler’ ride,
Mr Hammond said: ‘I’m absolutely in favour of trying to get this deal done as quickly as possible, because the sooner it’s done, the sooner we restore certainty to our economy and allow businesses to start investing with confidence for the future.
– ‘But I think we must go into this negotiating period with a realistic expectation of the turbulence that there could be during the negotiations. People will be speculating – one day it’s going very well, one day it’s not going so well.
– “We have to expect a period when confidence will go up and down – perhaps on a bit of a rollercoaster – until we get to a final agreement, where businesses and consumers can understand what the future relationship between Britain and the European Union will be,” Hammond told BBC television ahead of his speech.
Seems to me he’s saying :
– Early on they’ll be a bit of turbulance, cos of speculation, but then we’ll get an agreement and they’ll be stability cos of certainty. So that’s why I am going to get on with it quickly.
BBC WS 4:10am The BBC biz guy
‘oh chancellor said there is going to be turbulance blah blah … here is a clip’
.. Ah good I thought at least we’ll hear the real words.
.. hang on ..what this ?
“My apologies that was a clip of Paul Johnson from the IFS ”
… WTF he accidentally played the wrong clip ! The clip of the Labour guy spreading doom instead of the one of the chancellor calming the markets .
What’s the explanation for that mistake ?
Perhaps he is so brainwashed himself and the atmosphere in the office so hysterical about this issue … he got a ‘red mist’
Laura Kuenssberg ? now there is a future Director General in the making if ever there was one, she ticks the boxes; terribly serious, female, strangulated accent, (sadly no hijab – yet, but you cant have everything).
I’m a little confused by this statement: Although the blue plaque scheme was set up in 1866, it was not until 1954 that the first to honour a notable figure of minority ethnic origin was installed – to Mahatma Gandhi.
Which doesn’t marry with this statement a little further down: The scheme celebrates the link between significant figures of the past and the buildings in which they lived and worked. Here are the criteria:
They should be regarded as eminent within their own profession or calling
Their achievements should have made an exceptional impact in terms of public recognition or their achievements deserve national recognition They must have been dead for 20 years
They should have lived in London for a significant period
Gandhi was assassinated: in 1948, and lived in London from 1888-1891. (3 years)
Any one else struck by the irony that a “pan Africanist leader” lived and died in London?
And I doubt that Bethan is fully aware of Marcus Garveys interesting views on the Ku Klux Klan, and his preference for the Klansmen over “hypocritical whites”.
This is classic BBC leftist BS… It boils my blood.
Does the BBC not understand that just because Tony Blair opened the floodgates to Africa and the Middle East roughly 20 years ago in which they all came and settled in London forming ghettos (Whitechapel, Brixton, Peckham… I could go on) – bringing with them things like FGM, Islamic Extremism, teenage knife crime/murder, muggings, gangs and all their associated violence/drug dealing…
Sorry to rant but I feel particularly affected as my experience of growing up in multicultural London was being beaten up on my way back from school by a Kosovan gang where I lived in marble arch. Having to fight these scum in their groups of 4/5 whenever they appeared to try and steal my phone/ipod. I was particularly enriched when one of them smashed a bottle and had the severed glass pressed to my neck, that was one of my more lovely enrichment experiences as a white british londoner during the “enrichment” period. What made it all the more lovelier was when we moved across the Edgware Road having to walk past Tony Blair’s house and his armed guards on the way to school and seeing the protection that the man who orchestrated my hell was afforded whilst I was getting beaten up by those he’d invited.
On that note – if you want to see how the man who invited all the enrichers in lives do go and have a look at his palace when you are next in London. Here’s a photo – its Connaught Square W2. Then i’d advise watching one of his speeches and just like myself you may find it a little strange that the man who preaches socialism, equality, unity etc likes to live under armed police 24/7… NB this is just his london pad.
But back to the BBC article this is just typical BBC modus operandi – let’s look at the raw figures of black/asain London population and pay absolutely no attention to the statistics of increased crime or god forbid judging them on their true merits even though most have been here less than 20 years and a large proportion are not authors, statesmen, nobel prize winners… basically the types of people that these blue plaques are awarded to.
I was about to comment that despite learning about Samuel Coleridge-Taylor at school, there was never any mention of him being ‘of colour’. Then I realised it was the other fella – Samuel Taylor-Coleridge (Rime of the Ancient Mariner) who was responsible for the hours of homework studying this !!!!
I knew of the composer of that name. I even have a couple of tracks on a CD of his music. A blue plaque for him is fair enough, as is the one for Hendrix which is next door to a blue plaque for Handel (an immigrant from Germany!!). I agree with the tenor of the comments here, that people of all races must be treated the same and must all show the same merits to be worthy of the honour.
What the BBC wants is to have plaques all over commemorating black or Asian people whose contribution to London, Britain or the World is not enough to warrant it. The BBC – the purveyor of the racism of low expectation.
TheBrutalTruth……. I was horrified by your account of being victimised in your youth, and it just gives further credence to how our country has gone down the toilet since the influx of foreigners in recent years.
It never ceases to amaze me that those who spout the mantra of “the UK has always been a welcoming country” are not the indigenous population who can think of nothing worse; but those who have migrated here.
I always want to throw a brick at the screen whenever Yasmin Alibhai-Brown appears to give her views. She has no heritage here, being a Kenyan Asian, yet is most vocal on most issues and migration, and what this country should do and not do. My view is, yes, this country has given you a safe haven, be satisfied with that and don’t make a career out of lecturing to us.
Cheers Brissles – I am happy to share my experiences and its just one of the many stepping stones that led me to this site incidentally. Sadly I do have many more of these stories.
What was actually the most terrifying was that on one of the nights when it kicked off between my friends (about 6 of us) and a muslim gang which started at 4 and turned into about 30 in less than 5 mins was that we had to call the police. One thing I would like to stress was that this wasn’t even a case of skin colour, one of my best mates is nigerian and his older brothers gave these kids a kicking I’ll never forget. The police turned up and were visibly scared of the muslim gang. Took notes then went to drive off whilst 30 of them waited visibly on the corner. I literally had to plead with them to disperse these men as it was obvious what was going to happen.
Make no mistake, from my experience the police and the politicians are complicit in this. I learnt a lesson that night that they have no interest in protecting us Brits. But Tommy Robinson and everything he says about ropers and how they operate I’ve experienced with my own eyes.
It is truly terrifying what is going on but it is not too late. It is up to us to change things with our vote. If things carry on the way they are every child will experience what I have probably in 20 or so years time.
The time for us burying our heads is long gone. We know about the bias, the lies and the blackmail. It is upon us each individually on this site at least to speak openly and honestly with others (friends, family members, colleagues). Yes you may get branded a racist, nazi, fascist but we Brits have a moral duty to do whatever we can in our power to halt this in its tracks. I feel extremely strongly about it and genuinely worry that the rest of the UK will go the way of London which from what I can see is mostly wealthy brits (ie the city workers) propping up a lazy, aggressive, violent ticking bomb that is further emboldened by the left wing ideology which will have severe and violent consequences in the future.
PS – although I am amazed (negatively) on a daily basis one thing that I have experienced in my short life time is the total destruction of law and order in London. There are no visible police only those that drive around in cars. The amount of cannabis I smell walking round the streets you would have thought it was legal. All in 20 years. Scary stuff. Try going to somewhere like Kilburn where Middle Eastern Men lurk menacingly on street corners “playfighting”. Speaking of Kilburn there is also a no go snooker club run by ropers where they openly sell drugs from the premises. Its an utter disgrace. This is the reality of modern day britain. I’d be happy to do a tour for Mrs May if she wants to see the enrichment that I’ve experienced.
“and genuinely worry that the rest of the UK will go the way of London”
Parts of it have – what about Rotherham? Going back further, Enoch Powell’s famous speech quoting Virgil was not really about London.
I’m not trying to provoke an argument but if people had woken up earlier to problems that have been growing here for half a century, we might not be in the mess we’re in now. But let’s face it, who cared about problems in a few grotty towns in the Midlands and the North? People in the better parts of those regions didn’t even want to confront it.
Looking further afield, America has been struggling with racial “tension” for far longer but we’ve kidded ourselves that they’re just a bunch of racists and we can do better. Even worse, the problems associated with Islam have been known for 1400 years. The Irish troubles which spilled over into parts of Glasgow and Liverpool should have given is a clue about the conflicts that can arise when you have backward thinking people with even mildly incompatible religions – and they’re both Christian. And why was India partitioned?
Edmund Burke said that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. Guess what? Some of us still haven’t figured it out.
Bethan Bell displays the by now expected Beeboid ignorance of the past and even of the present. Nothing new in that but a marker on the continuing decline of this parasitic state mouthpiece.
It is no longer even amusing just pathetic.
Yes the News orq which can report from the furthest reaches of the planet within minutes when the US/UK or even Israel makes a mistake you know like this:
Can’t seem to be able to shout out just who is doing the bombing in Aleppo. Now here is the current headline from the leftwing Guardian. How long does it take you to work out just who is dropping bombs on Hospitals:
Now before I finish, allow me to point out, I have no problem with the Russians bombing Aleppo, it is full of idiots who have ripped Syria apart. It is full of Western Islamic idiots who if they are allowed to return to the West will simply continue their jihad and hopefully once these bigots are wiped out, the vast majority of peaceful Syrians can return. Yet, the fact remains the bBC isn’t reporting the news and there lies my axe to grind.
The former dis-honourable member for Morley (I learnt Atemi Ju-Jitsu at the sports centre there) proves everybody wrong that,he can make an even bigger fool of himself than when he was in the Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet.
Thanks bBC, Just think when your ideological masters take control of the UK, People like Balls will be taken care of. Couldn’t make it up if you tried.
Plus side is the curse of Strictly sees that lady on the right snag Yvette’s toy boy, she may see more space in the family home for new, more deserving guests.
I watched some of it, sounded like an apology. He was pretty weird – most sensible people would have realised what was going on, but not the bbc apparently
Yes, you might have thought that this was an ideal opportunity to fully explain Newsnight’s planned exposure with an in-depth investigation of Yentob’s part in the last-minute withdrawal and ban. Surely their only credible aim is for the truth to become freely available?
I watched the Theroux doc on ‘Sir Jimmy’. I got the impression Mr Theroux was, in his polite Guardianista way, more than slightly peeved that he’d been played for a fool by the peroxided one, and this was his chance to set things straight.
One thing that wasn’t mentioned was the groupie culture of the time. Savile was obviously a very unpleasant individual with no concept of boundaries, but in the sixties and seventies I’m sure he witnessed many underage girls willingly engaging in sexual activity with much older men, and decided that he wanted a piece of that action as well.
This is not to excuse his behaviour but to put it in the context of the time, which most contemporary reporters seem unable to do, partly because it goes against the contemporary liberal orthodoxy that men are predators and women are innocent victims.
seems its a bit of a BBC SJW day about UK slave labour.
9:52am Radio 5 Live …Guy telling story of how his parents gave him to his uncle in UK to bring up , and then they basically used him as a domestic servant, then they sent him to be child labour in a restaurant. I ended up school in Birmingham and the PE teachers rescued me. He then goes on to success with Pfizer..but later has mental health problems
Now he’s a Labour activist (one reason 5 let him speak I guess)
” after I joined the wrong political family. For 18 years the Tories never listened to me ”
OK the main point is here that if immigration had been properly controlled in the first place ..he would have never got here and never been enslaved. And the argument that immigration is a net money spinner is a bit suspect here, cos although he paid taxes..he’s later taken a hell of a lot out of the NHS ..”I ended up at the Priory*”
* The Priory is a private clinic of course.
He got a quick plug for his book Succeed to Survive by Mal Mohibullah Choudhury
The bbcs daily migrant crisis reporting continues, now that there is no vote in the offing. Rita chakrabati says ‘and still they keep coming’ from her report onboard a migrant rescue boat. Don’t watch this report if you are easily agitated…don’t even want to know how much this costs, but I will never donate to any charity which is encouraging this dangerous migration. Somali woman says she wants to come to Europe to study medicine and then return…paid for by whom? And yes, once you see how much docs are paid here, you won’t be going back.
To make things worse the EU are totally incapable of coming up with a plan to stem the invasion. The sooner Theresa gets us out the better .
We need to strengthen our border forces now before we cop the terrorism.
The ‘Trojan Horse’ is coming to fruition.
Go back home ???? that’s only a option in the World of Disney ! I bet you can count on one hand the number who have voluntarily returned to their birth country after sampling the delights, the paid for courses, and freebies that the UK offers. We’ll also see how long it takes the ‘temporary’ refugees from Syria to hop on a flight back to the Middle East. It’ll never happen. We shall be stuck with the bloody lot of them.
At the weekend I went to a branch of Costco’s in Watford, and I kid you not it was packed with non-English speaking customers – funny how they all get to know how to work the system to get cheap goods, whereas the rest of us have to belong to a certain category, jump through hoops and provide all sorts of documentation in order to get a shop card !
“But if you do get frightened watching the news,” he adds, “just be confident that everything is being done to keep you safe.” ………… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37504999
The unsung heroes to whom who we owe so much.
Caught the last bit of Newshite. At least La Squawk has spruced herself up a bit – she was looking as rough as a rat’s rectum a few weeks ago. She was desperately trying to get a Nobel prize winner to say that Brexit would scare off those hundreds of thousands of potential Nobel prizewinners who grace over shores every year. At least, he was not seduced by La Squawk and refused to be drawn on “immigration matters” unlike the partially mummified Star Gazer who was droning the party line before him. Even Andrew Neil on Daily Politics was in emotional overdrive claiming that the plan to train more British doctors was tantamount to issuing “deportation orders” to the current non-indigenous element in the NHS. These people will not be satisfied until all British aboriginals have been “white-flighted” from this country.
Fedup2Mar 16, 08:07 Weekend 15th March 2025 Sluff – well done yoy listening to that c—p – my rationing of BBC is down to ‘bells on Sunday…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 08:07 Weekend 15th March 2025 #LondonIsOpen except for Trump #MeccaIsClosed except for Muslims [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSvStpMJU0IARyyxhhV3LvAFj-yrw8MGWMW7w&s[/img] “Let’s say together — me, you, and thousands of other Londoners…
SluffMar 16, 08:04 Weekend 15th March 2025 Toady on Sunday and the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation playbook is in full swing. First up. An almost ecstatic reporter visiting…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 07:58 Weekend 15th March 2025 650 MPs to form the front line! 800 Lords on the second line.
MarkyMarkMar 16, 07:55 Weekend 15th March 2025 Abbott was later appointed Shadow Minister for Public Health by Ed Miliband, taking shadow responsibility for a range of issues…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 07:50 Weekend 15th March 2025 It is popularly known in Nigerian and Western media as “Boko Haram,” which means “Western education is forbidden” (the word…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 07:47 Weekend 15th March 2025 “What does the Hungarian nation demand from Brussels? Let there be peace, freedom, and unity. 1. We demand a Europe…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 07:46 Weekend 15th March 2025 The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First…
Fedup2Mar 16, 07:45 Weekend 15th March 2025 JohnC – im sure I heard the Russians say if nato troops try ‘peace keeping ‘ they’ll be shot ……
MarkyMarkMar 16, 07:44 Weekend 15th March 2025 “ratchet up pressure…to convince him to come to the negotiating table” ………………… Wealthy Russians flee to Dubai to avoid sanctions…
FTSE currently at 6953 and rising which is a 1-year high. Radio silence from the bbc however. Cue sound of tolling bell and desert wind. It’s the sound of bias.
Also, Dan walker on breakfast this morning accused Philip Hammond of project fear.
That’s funny.
“£ drops to lowest level since Brexit ..straight after Theresa speech” is new story immediately relayed
The BBC has also gone silent on the FTSE250 which, it claimed, was a better indicator of UK business health as it contained a higher proportion of UK businesses than the FTSE100. Without looking, can anyone guess in which direction the FTSE250 has gone since June 23rd?
Seismic….and 24 hours later I’m sure you’re aware the FTSE 100 has added another 100 points to 7050. (Mind you Capita, of the licence collection lot, are in trouble)
Spare a thought for the poor beeboid today, their poor little bigoted minds must be melting now they have been unable to subvert democracy by keeping us in the EU with their “soft brexit” propaganda agenda
Spare a thought, then smile and light a cigar before you bathe in their tears. These are great days my friends, enjoy their bitterness while u can, it won’t last forever
Yeah, and I note they are playing it big that the Hungarian referndum did not make it to the 50% turnout, which according to the bBBC, makes the poll “invalid”.
A 98% result is invalid, according to the open door immigration BBC.
One to remember.
The referendum is only “invalid” in the fetid imaginations of BBC leftists.
Because the turnout did not pass 50%, the referendum is not mandatory. Thus, it is not binding on the Hungarian government. But the Hungarian government is still going to put the result of the referendum into effect, because it supported the proposition of not allowing Hungary to turn into an islamic state.
A result in which 44% of the population voted by 98% to back their government, and reject islamic colonisation, can only be termed “invalid” if you are a leftist internationalist who hates traditional, European Christian culture. In other words, if you are a typical BBC pissant.
Hungarians vote 98% to reject the EU’s imposition of forced immigration on them and bBBC claims that it is invalid because the turnout was less than 50%. Wrong BBC. A 50% turnout in the Hungarian constitution (at least their equivalent of a constitution) would constitute an _obligation_ on parliament. Less than 50% (44%) means that the vote does not automatically have to be enacted – but can be, it is still a mandate and a handsome one at that. But to claim that this is a defeat is ridiculous. The vote to reject the forced imposition of immigrants on Hungary by the EU was 98%. I’m doing the arithmetic in my head so apologies if I go astray: There are 9.9 million people in Hungary, that means that 4.7 million people said no to Islam. How many people said yes please? 87 thousand. I’d say that was pretty convincing. And if they had a similar referendum in France, Italy, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Greece they’d get the same result. The EU and Adolf Merkel must be shitting themselves.
Yes bigoted is a description of the Beeboid R4Today presenter this morning.
“See you this referendum is invalid cos YOU didn’t get 50% turnout !”
“Let me explain this again” said the Hungarian govwernment minister speaking in BETTER English than the Beeboid
“A 50% turnout means the vote would obligate ALL Hungarian governments to implement”
“However since WE are government WE will take the mandate and implement it now”
SoyelcaminodeLfuturo, “….a similar referendum in France….”.
Take a look at, https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/9058/france-islamization
In practice, it may well be too late to save France even if a referendum was held.
Say hello to Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi.
Josef Merkel surely? Brought up and educated in the GDR, and a leading role in the youth wing of the ruling communist party.
Remind me of the turnout in Corbyn’s HUGE majority.
lol@bbcEUlost, No, no, no, they’ve got ‘Trumps’non-disclosure of his tax affairs to go on with until something else turns up.
The only way things could get better is if Trump somehow gets into the Oval Office in November. It might be worth it just to see the ‘Brexit effect’ on all those crying narcissistic progressives. I’d imagine C(linton)N(ews)N(etwork) would go into total apoplectic meltdown – please, god!
Bit dozy this morning at 7.45pm but on Toady R4 Justin Webb was interviewing two people about a female author. At one point, Webb argued in terms for fairer treatment for said author, and I quote “because she is a woman”.
The standard hypocrisy of the Far Left biased BBC. Equality but only when it suits the narrative.
Is it me or my electronic device, or has the (most useful) editing time on our posts been massively raised in the last couple of days?
No, you are right, this reply is going to take over 12 minutes or so.
He means the allowed editing time ..is now 15 mins
Happening to me as well and it’s happened in the past when I’ve even had over an hour of editing time. Hope all is OK with the site.
‘David Cameron used a private discussion with the director-general of the BBC about its future to put pressure on the corporation over its coverage of the EU referendum’
This was exactly what we suspected had happened and the circumstantial evidence soon became apparent on our screens.
But Boris’ speech yesterday must have impinged on the already tarnished reputation of the, ‘World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster’ when he said, quite clearly, that the BBC was biased in its coverage during the Referendum campaign. Unfortunately, he went on to praise the BBC. However, in my view, the question that has been raised as a result of his assertion is naturally, where and over what issues can the viewers/listeners expect to received ‘biased’ information from the BBC in exchange for their licence fee? ‘Trump’, Brexit, Islam, Under-age sex by Muslims, Gender, Grooming? The list goes on as contributors to this site are only too aware. Perhaps it would be easier for the BBC to issue a warning prior to each news bulletin to the effect of: ‘The Listener/Viewer must be made aware that what follows under the loose heading of, “News” is in fact imaginative, creative and biased journalism prepared by BBC staff and in accordance with BBC Policy”. I like that. Maybe it should be suggested to OFCOM?
Boris’ praise for the BBC may be of the “… but Brutus is an honourable man!” type.
G, it’s a good idea. They could have the disclaimer on their website and on the screen during broadcasts:
This content may be distorted, manipulated or otherwise compromised to conform to the far-left ideology of the BBC. The corporation accepts no responsibility for any negative effects on viewers exposed to it.
So, Theresa May is going to listen to the Welsh Government on Brexit…………..
Well as a true Welshmen I would advise her not to bother, because the Welsh Assembly is totally out of touch with the people of Wales. The Assembly members do not listen, they are dictatorial. Hence, despite the Assembly’s advice, the majority of us voted for Brexit – The did not listen to us.
Even after the great democratic vote to get out of the EU, we have the first minister Carwyn Jones touring the USA on a ‘Trade Mission’ telling the world “Radical change needed to save UK”. Some Trade Mission?….http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-37307099
They were not listening to us then and they are not listening to us now.
They sound exactly like the Scottish government.
They can’t be that bad, surely?
Have a look for some of Jones’ witterings on the net Rob. He is pretty bad.
BBC Leftie Luvvie Caroline Aherne has been in the papers this morning exposed by her ex as a nasty domestic abuser.
Yet there is nothing at all as yet on the BBC web site.
Aherne always struck me as a nasty piece of work, A typical self loathing leftie, sneering at others especially if they were successful or didn’t share her nasty views. Her comments to Debbie McGee were typical of the sickening nastiness which oozed from her every pore. It was wrong & uncalled for.
But she was a leftie and with her faux working class series the Royale family the BBC loved her. No surprise they aren’t publicising what she was really like.
And….it was her that heckled, drunkenly, a speech by….an elderly actor i recall….shouting ‘Get on with it’…and he retorted with a smart riposte….to cheers from the audience….can’t remember his name…anyone?
In Light of the racist allegations of impressions of Flabbot…
Thanks for posting that, “Tell Donald, the safe word is Bay of Pigs” – very funny!
The subtitled error, ‘Bae of Pigs’, only adds to the joke 🙂
Can anyone explain why David Brent lookalike Craig Oliver – Beeb omitted the ‘Sir’ so I’m happy to go along with their precedent – kept referring to the ‘wrong’ outcome to the referendum, as did both sofa jockeys, this morning?
This morning on the Victoria Derbyshire TV programme she had on her first news report a weird story about some American slapper named: Kardashian! Who she is I have no idea, nor do I want to know about some sluttish looking american woman BUT and you will like this, on her 6th news report 6TH report we heard about a true breaking news story about a British serviceman (RAF)who is thought to have been kidnapped in the UK some where! kidnapped, of all things!? Yet she/her editor thought it less important than showing this kardashisin woman prancing round paris half naked, but made this missing service mans news story as her 6th story – why?
could it be because the people/person who has kidnapped this service man are Muslims?
“a new theory is that he may have been kidnapped.”
“FEARS are growing for the safety of an RAF serviceman who went missing more than a week ago”
“23-year-old RAF Honington airman” “Corrie McKeague”
“Chilling CCTV shows the last moments Corrie McKeague, 23, was seen walking through Bury St Edmunds town centre on his own.”
“Mr McKeague has been missing since the early hours of last Saturday morning”
BBC did have missing story 6 days ago …. update on Saturday
There was something on the web about the RAF lad yesterday. He had simply disappeared after a night out. No news of developments though. Vanished from the face of the earth it would appear. His family must be frantic. Fingers crossed for they and he.
I really hope he wasn’t unfortunate enough to become prey to Norwegian types as they don’t do happy endings.
When I read your post I thought you were referring to the attempted abduction of an RAF guy by some men ‘of middle eastern appearance’.
Apparently this guy, Corrie McKeague, 23, RAF serviceman went missing over a week ago. The Guardian say police are playing down fears the lad was abducted, but his mother says police officers said he might have been kidnapped. Who to believe, the BBC/Guardian or the police and the lad’s mother?
He went missing after a night out just 30 miles away from where some men ‘of middle eastern appearance’ tried to snatch another RAF serviceman.
The police have issued CCTV footage and photos. Ought not this have been done at the time, and ought not the BBC be running this as important news? It wasn’t mentioned on BBC radio news at noon today.
If this was an American service man missing in this country Obama would be going crazy with worry and would send US seals!
I began this story because this is the first time that I heard about this unfortunate missing service man?!
I pray that he is found safe and well.
Is it wise to admit to watching Victoria Derbyshire’s programme?
A temporarily unoccupied property in central London and a chance to take a fascinating snapshot survey of social economic and political trends.
What will come rushing through the letterbox?
Garish flyers and luridly printed menus from a diverse range of local takeaways.
Impatient missives from the Labour-run Borough Council insistent that any and all elusive itinerant potential voters give up their names to the Electoral Register.
The Corporate big boys such as BT and Virgin flogging their broadband deals.
And of course TV Licensing challenging and threatening lest the BBC lose even a small portion of their poll tax.
So there on one dusty doormat we have the unholy rainbow alliance of the mass-immigration pro-EU lobby.
Given the population pressure we will have to close our survey shortly – mass immigration continues unchecked so property will not remain empty for long.
No need to buy toilet paper though surely?
Tim Farron has just been on the Jeremy Vine show. He says that he accepts that his side lost the referendum vote (yeah right), but we now need another referendum to agree the terms of our exit from the EU.
Why is the BBC giving this idiot so much air time to advertise his idiocy?
Because they not only share his idiocy, they enthuse and support it. Another, Dominic Grieve – was there ever a man to so perfectly personify his name? – facing Brillo moments ago, is simply another example among an embarrassment of choice. In another age they would have been charged with treason.
Grieve and Soubry would both be better suited in Tim ‘Face like a Well-slapped @rse’ Farron’s..ahem..”political party”, they would fit right in there with the rest of the Remainiscum; in Soubry’s case it would just be a return to her SDP roots.
Grieve-I would argue is a Eurinal.
Whereas Soubry is a Eurinelle.
Big difference of course-much like that essential distinction between “shit” and “shite”.
The lot of the Remainiacs are basically Eurinal Cakes…golden showers on them all, piss on them , aim well…
It was, I hope, pointed out to him that if the terms were rejected we’d simply leave the EU with no terms two years after triggering Article 50? Because that’s what the Article says.
Don`t listen to Jeremy Vine on Wednesday , he is going to be featuring heavy on “Non Hideously White” , History Month ! Well that`s what I call it , the usual , suspects will go on & on about it .
Thanks for the warning Essexman .
Good to see you posting again 🙂
Tim Farron… says that he accepts that his side lost the referendum vote (yeah right), but we now need another referendum to agree the terms of our exit from the EU.
It makes me think the BBC have not given up hope for a reversal of the referendum. A vote in Parliament next March to agree Brexit. Parliament votes against signing Article 50. May calls an election. And we have the Brexit campaign again. No wonder the BBC are still running the Remain campaign.
This is a great speech by Victor Orban, about the referendum result in Hungary and its consequences.
This Kardashian person is now the lead story. Are we supposed to feel sympathy or what ? Can’t say I do.
Just popped-in to the Daily Mail website! Boy!? The kind of filth they peddle on that website! Its either images/stories about who is being unfaithful to who and seemingly encouraging others to be unfaithful to their husbands or dirty details about certain celebs in between divorce seducing their gardeners etc or images of drunken wannabes half-undressed collapsing in the streets of London! Or, near naked females either kissing each other or urinating on war memorials – how much more can we lower ourselves!?
Now, compare that online website with the paper version under the same name and one would think they have no relation to each other what so ever! The paper version is clean and non-smutty at all but the online version..
World at one on the BBC, rested Paul Johnson of the “much respected and independent” IFS and brought on Carl Emmerson from the “much respected and independent” IFS to tell us all how foolish we were to vote Brexit.
Sadly, the BBC again forgot to mention that the “much respected and independent” IFS has pocketed 7.5 million Euros from the EU. This, some unkind people might suggest, may account for the way it gushes about the EU, the way a 15 year old girl worships her current favourite pop star.
A little digging shows Carl, like his chum Paul Johnson of the “much respected and independent” IFS, was also employed by the Labour Party as “specialist advisor” right up to 2010. That means we tax payers paid him to advise the Labour Party on its policies.
Whilst a “special advisor” the tax payer compelled him to accept a string of ‘research grants’ totalling £1,200,000. Since 2010 the taxpayer has merely forced over half a million quid into his bank account. Please don’t tell him where he can find the nearest food bank, the IFS is well flush with tax payers cash.
I understand why the BBC is so fascinated by how much Trump earns. However, would it help the long suffering listener to a serious radio program, if we knew how people from the “much respected and independent” IFS are actually paid and by whom?
That’s a great post, Scribblingscribe. Forensic, fact-based exposure of the bias. Imagine a world where the BBC’s so-called journalists had your ability to drill down into a story…
@scribblingscribe see below how BBC accidentally played clip of Paul Johnson spreading doom instead of the one of the chancellor calming the markets.
“Corrie Mckeague: Bin lorry seized in search for missing airman”
Uh oh – this is looking more and more like it has the hallmarks of you know who… Really hope that this young lad is OK but as time goes on I don’t think his chances are great.
Now that the Beeb et. al have got hold of this story they are going to have to follow through with it. Expect news editors in W1A biting nails and priming the presses for a NTDWI onslaught… If it turns out that as per usual it has everything TDWI I think the public will be absolutely outraged.
Poor poor mother I can’t begin to imagine the hell they are going through.
Also why in the CCTV videos are there three individuals who have been pixelated??? I think we all know why that was and indeed makes the case for kidnap even stronger
Any harm caused to him by terrorists should be treated as ‘High Treason’.
As the cowardly perpetrators that butchered Lee Rigby should have been dealt with. We are far too soft .
‘We’ are not too soft, nor are the powers that be, instead they have been wholly corrupted by the Saudi Gold politicians have had their mouths stuffed with.
Just read this, and tell me I’m on some kind of conspiracy theory? The problem is that this corruption goes through the whole of the upper reaches of politics academia and Islam in Britain.
Once universities start teaching along the lines of Wahabist Islam, then it is inevitably going to permeate into political thinking too. In the case of Labour this is easy because most of the hive mind are unquestioning and happy to let others do the thinking for them, with the Tories, some are like that, others simply motivated by greed.
Gavin McInnes at http://www.takimag.com has a good solution to the problem of Muslims not informing the authorities of the “radicalization” of their family members, this is in the light of the recent attacks in New York and Minnesota.
“We’re not mentally ready to accept that we are at war with Islam. No, not all Muslims are terrorists, but the bad apples who think suicide bombing is “sometimes or often justified” go above 25% and that’s well over 300 million people. That’s a war. Sure, it’s only a handful who go out and commit the acts, but they are enabled by hundreds of millions of moderate Muslims who tolerate it. They’re also enabled by us. I don’t know how these two terrorists got here, but they have to go. Not only do they have to go, but their entire families have to go. That’s what they do in India, and it works. You’re going to be a lot less tolerant of your crazy nephew when his negligence has the power to send you, your wife, and your children back to Afghanistan.”
Agree Taffman. But if they are the you know who terrorists stand by for a massive programme to combat the backlash, the Twitter Stasi will be working overtime alongside Tell Mama. Each act of terror increases the complicity of our authorities with the enemy
A contact of mine advises that the government may have initially issued a DA-Notice (formerly known as D-Notices) on this, whereby the media are not allowed to publicise the story on grounds of national security. This would account for the lack of reporting in all media outlets, not just the BBC.
Both the bBC.con and Forces.TV have mentioned police have impounded a bin lorry wrt his disappearance. The Forces.TV report mentioned that his mobile phone signal was coincident with the vehicles movement. Hopefully he’s just dropped it in a bin.
News just in from another Justin in the BBC bunker – Andy Swiss (top marks for neutrality) and now over to Tom Fordyce read on and it could be ‘Europe’ may not have lost the golf – if there was some low turnout rule.
‘some people say golf schmolf’ admits our lanky BBC sofa eunuch – could be a sign you’ve been over-plugging it, son
I don’t know about Hazeltine, up that late I need my Ovaltine. More from the Oval later.
‘Ryder Cup 2016: US beat Europe as miracle fails to materialise’
Ah those european utopian miracles… as Captain Scarlet once joshed to our Gary Lineker “just like Spurs, they always let you down”
‘That’s the thing about miracles. They don’t tend to happen every time you want one’
You can say again.
‘…fired up by intensely partisan support, inspired by the bellicose Patrick Reed…’
Blimey, that’s not fair, who supports their own side like that? Just not cricket, what. Our Aggers may be British down to his box but he always defers to Tony Cozier or that Indian chappie. Huhhh sounds like the Yanks are a bunch of Trump supporters.
Thank goodness we will be seeing a lot less of that awful blue flag – with one less yellow star
Theresa May in her speech yesterday distinctly said these two things.
1. Any attempt to divide us into “soft” versus “hard” versions of Brexit is malevolent and unhelpful to the national interest…I myself have seen it as “full-blooded” versus “anaemic”…much better.
2. All media attempts to serve us a running commentary in full view of Juncker and his Brusselscum is also unhelpful and against the national interest.
Therefore guess what all the broadsheets, the BBC and Martha are continuing to crow from the Bruseels dunghill?….
Of course-it`s as if Theresa May didn`t say these things-for if she did, surely it would be reported and acted upon..if not addressed or critiqued.
But no-the Remoaners continue to wail their dirges and wilfully try to thwart the national will-we will avenge…May could not have been any clearer-which probably leads to THIS anti-democratic swill of lies and doublespeak from the liberal lying lazy susan left.
We heard you Theresa…
Refugees in my house : Hollywood Hypocrites
Benedict “Vicky Pollard” Cumberbatch
In an interview with the November issue of British GQ, Cumberbatch said
”Yeah but no but yeah but”
“I have a baby in my flat, there are no spare rooms”
He owns a large Victorian house in north London, which stands empty as it undergoes renovations before he moves in.
“I do have a house, but it’s empty, it’s gutted, there’s no electricity or water, ”
….Are you so hard hearted Benedict that you won’t let the refugees guard your house ..and come round your flat for a shower ?
\\The actor added his name to a list of 250 people in the arts opposing Brexit but admitted it felt “so lazy”.//
ok Benedict, since you raised it, where are you currently living whilst the renovations take place?
1. in rented accomodation
2. at a friend or family members house or flat
3. at another property you own
How much money are you anticipating spending on these renovations….how many months emergency supplies for refugees would that money provide?
I love the way wealthy liberals preach to us, suggest we are bigots and that the taxes paid by poorer people should be spent by the UK government on these refugees…taking up controversial positions on political questions but are allowed such powder puff interviews…. and then whine when their positions are challenged.
The BBC continue to oppose Brexit.
However, over 70% of England and Wales voted to leave. England is where the Conservative votes are. May has no choice but to push through with Brexit.
The alternative if she didn’t go for Brexit, would be that Conservative voters in 2020 would vote for UKIP. They may do so anyway!
Why don’t the BBC acknowledge the 70% vote for Brexit?
Is this the age of the bum?
Beyond parody.
It ain’t art and that bum won’t fart.
Seriously, I hope they charge a lot of money for dopes who pay to see this.
A link that suggests real caution prior to clicking.
Since conceptual art strikes me as mostly being a load of old shit, for once the Turner Prize committee seem to have chosen an appropriate candidate. Oh, and needless to say, this is also a symbol of a decadent society which stands no chance of defeating the enemy at the gate.
PM this evening , toxic remainer Souberry , given pride of place to keep moaning about Brexit and predicting we will all be sorry when we wake up in the morning. I have no doubt that the BBC will continue to stir up as much trouble as possible on Brexit. They will give any and all remoaners a platform out of all proportion to their standing . Tim Farron will never be off our screens and radios , the Lords will be urged to rebel and cause a constitutional crisis , any Tory rebel will be lauded, there is no end of mischief that the state funded broadcaster can cause, all of which will cause damage to the country’s negotiating position.
The BBC is supposed to be impartial and you would also think that after the largest democratic decision ever taken the national broadcaster would support the will of the people, but not a bit of it. Despite what Boris foolishly said yesterday , the Tories really need to defend democracy in our country and deal with the over mighty BBC.
I’m seeking a new kind of referendum tactic coming our way
The liberal lefties have seen an opportunity. Non voters count as a voters for their position who simply couldn’t get to the polling station.
Just listened to Radio Pravda, sorry R4 PM programme (why do I never learn not to do so?). Pride of place given to that awful creature Anna Soubry THE most europhile person that I have seen on the tv to give her (uninterrupted) opinion on Hammond’s speech re the economy/brexit. The bbc woman (as always) actually said ‘Of course, everything is caused by Brexit’…….
All the same old destructive stuff pumped out without end
Hammond is woeful – the only mistaken appointment in May’s cabinet. I hope we see the back of Mark (Goldman Sachs eu loving) Carney as soon as possible aswell.
Still it didn’t last long after the above it was the off button
I agree about Hammond 100%, I think Gove would have been a much more effective Chancellor for what is to come; but he shotgunned his own kneecaps with his post-referendum behaviour around the Tory leadership contest.
Soubry should be warned by her constituency party that she will be de-selected, if she fails to wind her neck in; it shows her complete disloyalty to her leader; her party and our democratic system as expressed via the referendum result.
Why are al beebus so keen to interview her? She isn’t even a minister anymore and no-one apart from them gives a stuff about what she says about anything, unless it was to announce her retirement from politics that is.
Considering the length of time Hammond has been an MP you might have thought he could make a speech without constant reference to notes, and that too confirms your assessment AEG.
It’s not simply confidence, it demonstrates professionalism – not a bad attribute in one in charge of the privy purse.
The left engaging in thoughtful debate in Kansas USA, where they invade a conservative student’s meeting – though I suspect it could be repeated anywhere in the western world.
Try from 1.55 on where someone dares to suggest that one of the dumber girls just ‘shouts over people.’ Her response? I suspect, you’ve already guessed.
How’d we get to a situation where one political group believes itself so morally superior that it no longer has to present a cogent argument?
Scribblingscribe, interesting question. My theory is the moral superiority comes from the left filling the vacuum created by the decline in religion in the west. The sixties generation had largely been brought up in a nominally Christian society and rejected it, not wanting to be bound by rules of absolute morality. Their children and grandchildren, however, had no such major self-questioning or cultural shift in their lifetimes and so just parrot the leftist views of their elders as being orthodox articles of faith.
More BBC disconnect on Radio 4’s PM tonight. New Zealand hopes to become a predator free zone to protect the indigenous species.
Sort of follows on from Countyfile’s piece by Tom ‘Disaster’ Heap on protecting the red squirrel.
If we are going to have open borders shouldn’t we introduce the Bengal Tiger to Bolton?
Our local telly worrywart was saying that red squirrels are now endangered by leprosy!
Who knew-who cares-and where is squirrel Jesus when you need him?
….and also skirted around the fact that the “reds” demise is directly due to the “greys” illegal/colonial/enriching immigration to this country.
I believe each year the BBC is going to have a Anna Soubry Free Day when we will be spared her honeyed tones. Anyone know the date for this year, or have we already had it this year?
I don’t just want to be spared her honeyed tones , I want to be spared of her idiotic face pulling she does as when she is always on Question Time .
Looked over my shoulder at my local Wetherspoons( great articles in his monthly magazine about Leaving the EU by the way-well worth a read is Tim Martin!).
This would be sometime soon after five pm.
Guess who was on?
Yes, Anna Soubry.
She`s having a great war now isn`t she?Perpetually on the box spouting, crying and doing the hairy eyeball stare of the drunken sot who`s lost the farm.
So who bitter to speak to?..the typical Tory from the gritty east Midlands?
Boxes ticked-we had the rabid Europhiles from Labour on last piece-now let`s have the Tory on now for …er…”balance”.
That she`s swivel eyed loon, closet racist and fruity nutcake for Remainia is not the point…why only GOOD people want the Referendum overturned and the peoples face ground into the catshit as deposited by Anna, Nicky, Ken, Hezza and f…infarron.
This would have been Sky.
Isn`t it about time we did an Interbrew with the BBC, Sky and Channel 4…one big liberal septic tank for all their steepings…wankers.
I was really turned off by Soubry’s anguish at the Brexit victory but she rose in my estimation when she called that treacherous swine McDonnell “a nasty piece of work” to his face on Question Time.
Takes one to know one .
If I was one of Sour Berry’s constituents I would vote for the person standing for UKIP against her at the next GE.
Is this news or is it propaganda ?
They really hate Trump more than Farage. All you viewers a forced by law to pay for this guff.
Plus there’s this: End NY fundraising, Trump foundation told
Surely they are overplaying their hand now? I noted on the Guardian page about Trump not paying tax due to losses there were far more than I expected pointing out in the comments that claiming losses against income was perfectly standard practice the world over.
Some (good) news snippets from the SCBBC’s Business Live page. How they must hate reporting this 🙂
The FTSE 100 hit a 16-month high this morning, according to Reuters, after the pound dived on news that the Prime Minister will trigger Brexit negotiations before the end of March.
In early afternoon trading the market was at 6989.44 – up 90.11 points on Friday’s close – as investors priced in currency benefits for companies with business outside the UK.
The news agency Agence France Presse reminds us that it has not been a great four weeks for Belgium. Dutch bank ING said today it would cut 7,000 jobs, with at least half of them in neighbouring Belgium.
But that comes after US machinery giant Caterpillar announced the closure of a plant at Charleroi, destroying 2,000 jobs. French insurer Axa and US coffee maker Jacobs Douwe Egberts are also shedding hundreds of jobs.
Meanwhile, Germany’s Lufthansa is taking full control of Belgium’s only major air carrier, Brussels Airlines, with a restructuring looking inevitable.
Now people are wondering how long it will be before AB InBev, the world’s biggest brewer and newly-merged with SABMiller, relocates its headquarters.
I would like a referendum on Eddie Mair please. Remain or leave, the UK that is. His hectoring, whining, insistence on adding the ‘Brexit issue’ to almost everything he speaks about is too, too tiresome and reeks of desperation.
I’m for leave. Nowhere closer than 3000 miles please.
Mair really is annoying . His prog PM and a heap of other R4 News dept progs Toaday, World at One , Broadcasting House etc ..are just full on Social Justice Warriors ..doing their best to save the world by broadcasting in a completely partisan way cos they know the true way.
The BBC sees it’s self as providing a COUNTER balancing force.
: When there is a Tory government : The BBC acts as a counterbalance against the government
: When there is a Labour government : The BBC acts as a counterbalance against the Right Wing Press.
..They are so in a dogmatic cult they don’t see that is wrong.
7:30pm BBC1 TV Yorks/Lincs @BBCInsideOutYL meets the women from overseas who say they’ve been abused by their employers while working as domestic workers in Yorkshire
eg filipina who now lives in Yorks
Cecelia is on @BBCInsideOutYL tonight – she’s from #Barnsley and worked in the Middle East as a domestic
SE edition has exploited workers in kent
I wonder why the bBC isn’t reporting this very strange story:
UK: Mudasser Nadeem faked mental illness in which to get sectioned…
Yes, got to be a survey on what the BBC choose to report-and what they don`t.
For example today-we hear that the Baroness Shami sends her boy to Dulwich Prep School(£18,000 per annum is it?).
At least Nigel got a scholarship to go there-Shamis boy gets to jump the queue much as Abbotts, Harmans, Falconers, Blairs did and do.
Wouldn`t you think that the BBC would be curious?…after all Corbyn divorces wives for less than this?
But no-the Peoples Party have had enough sunlight let in on the magic…so the transparency and debate is quietly leaving town for a while.
Anyway-it`s blamed on Shamis hubby…who must be a David Mills Dominant silverback alpha type-whereas poor Shami is the Tessa Jowell, who only gets to see the school fees and mortgage bungs once she`s served up the breakfast and fallen in behind wifelet number 4.
Well-I believe it…don`t you?
Completely off topic, but i wonder what people’s thoughts are on Andrea Leadsom’s comments regarding British kids picking fruit instead of EU immigrants?
It’s amusing, as always, reading the twatter comments from the entitlement snowflakes who for some reason known only to themselves think that they’re above fruit picking. I wonder if Leadsom has deliberately set a trap, because it exposes the rank hypocrisy of the left. These idiots think they are above fruit picking for the minimum wage, but presumably think it’s OK for foreigners to travel all the way across a continent to do it instead. And they call us racists!
Brilliant neilw, yes, I think Andrea knew exactly what she was doing.
Left wing students in patriotic labour battalions to pick fruit? Bring it on.
Knock ’em a few pence per picked pound off their student fees during each day voluntarily worked so that they can learn to value the fruit of their labour!
Must be some retired NCOs to offer supervision and performance improvement tips?
neilw – I believe a lot of the younger folk today who conclude that certain jobs are beneath them, is a consequence of successive governments’ obsession with telling every schoolchild that they can go to “Uni” and turning higher education into an enormous industry all of its own by expansion through increased enrolment.
I think it used to be the top 10% who went to university, now they’ve turned all the “Poly’s” into “Uni’s” and lots of colleges too: I wonder what the proportion is now?
It’s not so much that they think they’re above it, rather the fact that they think it’s perfectly OK for immigrants to do the work instead of them. It sounds a bit racist to me. When they’re out protesting the EU referendum result, perhaps they really want to stay in the EU purely as a excuse for not being forced to do the work that foreigners are currently doing.
If I were Leadsom I’d be making the case for no work no benefits. The fruit & veg needs picking by someone, so before we import hoards of poor foreign minions, lets put our own people to work. One stone, 2 birds.
Anybody seen this report? http://americanupdater.com/islamic-migrants-burn-5-teenagers-using-acid-leaving-them-horrifically-injured-and-scarred/
A terrible attack. Many of us are starting to suspect a media nationwide refusal to report such incidents. Possibly Europe wide as well. Which begs the question why and who benefits?
When reality and truth are subverted then the citizenry rightly lose respect for the institutions of the state and that includes the media.
It never works in the long term.
Look what happened in the old USSR and in Eastern Europe and never think it will not happen here.
DS – it will be like the U.S. now, where innumerable violent attacks by blacks on whites are ignored by their MSM; yet ANY violence where the roles are reversed are headline news nationwide.
BBC Online News:
“”Couple admit funding Islamic State fighter nephew””
No. They are not fighters. They are terrorist murderers of the lowest order.
The BBC uses the word ‘fighter’ to dignify their barbaric deeds. Remember how they were also called ‘insurgents’ by the BBC?
But of course, the far-Left like to apologise for and excuse Islamic terrorism.
Treacherous BBC ‘journalists’ never met an Islamic terrorist they didn’t love.
At the end of this trial this couple should have all their assets confiscated by the state to pay for their enforced deportation to Saudi Arabia or whatever hell-hole is paying for the terrorists. If that is not possible put them between the front lines in the Syrian or Afghan war-zones. They could be shot at by both sides – that might teach them what a “blessing” funding terrorism really is.
BBC Online News:
By Laura Kuenssberg
“”Yet even in his non-dramatic fashion, he (Home Secretary Hammond) has already made pretty downbeat predictions of what might happen to the economy as the reality of life outside the EU emerges””
So….she writes, “…what might happen to the economy as the reality of life outside the EU emerges”
Who is she to give such a biased anti-Brexit opinion for the future? Oh, she’s a BBC Left wing reporter. I almost forgot! And her editor didn’t edit, because he’s a Left wing editor also! And so it goes on and on as you progress up the buzzing hive stairway.
Maybe it’s time for al-beeb to pronounce itself as the official opposition and stop hiding behind Auntie’s bloomers.
See how the spin : The Remainiacs
Did the Chancellor Philip Hammond really say :
“Oh my God ! Brexit ! The economy is going to go up and down like a roller coaster !” ?
cos that is what it sounded like on BBC Radio news
No but media can take his calmly delivered words and spin them up
– British economy faces Brexit ‘rollercoaster’ — Guardian
– BBC: Brexit ‘rollercoaster’ warning as Hammond axes deficit target
– Philip Hammond warns of rollercoaster Brexit years for business : Standard
– “UK expects years of turbulence during Brexit talks” : Bloomberg
– Brace yourself for the post-Brexit ‘rollercoaster’ ride: Hammond warns of ‘turbulence’ Mail
– NewsThump : Brexit rollercoaster will be a bit like Alton Towers ‘Smiler’ ride,
The Actual video from BBC Breakfast is much calmer
Seems to me he’s saying :
– Early on they’ll be a bit of turbulance, cos of speculation, but then we’ll get an agreement and they’ll be stability cos of certainty. So that’s why I am going to get on with it quickly.
BBC WS 4:10am The BBC biz guy
‘oh chancellor said there is going to be turbulance blah blah … here is a clip’
.. Ah good I thought at least we’ll hear the real words.
.. hang on ..what this ?
“My apologies that was a clip of Paul Johnson from the IFS ”
… WTF he accidentally played the wrong clip ! The clip of the Labour guy spreading doom instead of the one of the chancellor calming the markets .
What’s the explanation for that mistake ?
Perhaps he is so brainwashed himself and the atmosphere in the office so hysterical about this issue … he got a ‘red mist’
Laura Kuenssberg ? now there is a future Director General in the making if ever there was one, she ticks the boxes; terribly serious, female, strangulated accent, (sadly no hijab – yet, but you cant have everything).
And here’s another story which the bBC doesn’t want you to know about.
Muslim shop keeper who refused to serve customer with a guide dog fined £22,000
You’d think that a story about open discrimination against a disabled child who strike a cord with the bBC. Apparently not.
Thought Assange was a BBC ally, but they are slow to pick up this story
Hillary Clinton considered drone attack on Julian Assange
(Google News search “Clinton Assange”)
BBC Online News:
“”Where are the blue plaques for black and Asian people?””
“”… in London, just 4% of the plaques honour black or Asian luminaries. But in such an ethnically diverse city, why are there so few?””
Maybe because for the past 300 years, Britain has been populated by white British? Only in the last 50 years or so has this begun to change.
The BBC is feeding and creating discontent with no valid justification. I’m amazed they haven’t mentioned slavery or Brexit.
Typical far Left politics. As expected of the BBC.
Can anybody help me with this bBC conundrum
I’m a little confused by this statement:
Although the blue plaque scheme was set up in 1866, it was not until 1954 that the first to honour a notable figure of minority ethnic origin was installed – to Mahatma Gandhi.
Which doesn’t marry with this statement a little further down:
The scheme celebrates the link between significant figures of the past and the buildings in which they lived and worked. Here are the criteria:
They should be regarded as eminent within their own profession or calling
Their achievements should have made an exceptional impact in terms of public recognition or their achievements deserve national recognition
They must have been dead for 20 years
They should have lived in London for a significant period
Gandhi was assassinated: in 1948, and lived in London from 1888-1891. (3 years)
Any one else struck by the irony that a “pan Africanist leader” lived and died in London?
And I doubt that Bethan is fully aware of Marcus Garveys interesting views on the Ku Klux Klan, and his preference for the Klansmen over “hypocritical whites”.
This is classic BBC leftist BS… It boils my blood.
Does the BBC not understand that just because Tony Blair opened the floodgates to Africa and the Middle East roughly 20 years ago in which they all came and settled in London forming ghettos (Whitechapel, Brixton, Peckham… I could go on) – bringing with them things like FGM, Islamic Extremism, teenage knife crime/murder, muggings, gangs and all their associated violence/drug dealing…
Sorry to rant but I feel particularly affected as my experience of growing up in multicultural London was being beaten up on my way back from school by a Kosovan gang where I lived in marble arch. Having to fight these scum in their groups of 4/5 whenever they appeared to try and steal my phone/ipod. I was particularly enriched when one of them smashed a bottle and had the severed glass pressed to my neck, that was one of my more lovely enrichment experiences as a white british londoner during the “enrichment” period. What made it all the more lovelier was when we moved across the Edgware Road having to walk past Tony Blair’s house and his armed guards on the way to school and seeing the protection that the man who orchestrated my hell was afforded whilst I was getting beaten up by those he’d invited.
On that note – if you want to see how the man who invited all the enrichers in lives do go and have a look at his palace when you are next in London. Here’s a photo – its Connaught Square W2. Then i’d advise watching one of his speeches and just like myself you may find it a little strange that the man who preaches socialism, equality, unity etc likes to live under armed police 24/7… NB this is just his london pad.
But back to the BBC article this is just typical BBC modus operandi – let’s look at the raw figures of black/asain London population and pay absolutely no attention to the statistics of increased crime or god forbid judging them on their true merits even though most have been here less than 20 years and a large proportion are not authors, statesmen, nobel prize winners… basically the types of people that these blue plaques are awarded to.
Absolutely disgusting from the BBC… as per usual.
I was about to comment that despite learning about Samuel Coleridge-Taylor at school, there was never any mention of him being ‘of colour’. Then I realised it was the other fella – Samuel Taylor-Coleridge (Rime of the Ancient Mariner) who was responsible for the hours of homework studying this !!!!
I knew of the composer of that name. I even have a couple of tracks on a CD of his music. A blue plaque for him is fair enough, as is the one for Hendrix which is next door to a blue plaque for Handel (an immigrant from Germany!!). I agree with the tenor of the comments here, that people of all races must be treated the same and must all show the same merits to be worthy of the honour.
What the BBC wants is to have plaques all over commemorating black or Asian people whose contribution to London, Britain or the World is not enough to warrant it. The BBC – the purveyor of the racism of low expectation.
Sir Neville Marriner, one of the best conductors this country has ever produced, died recently. Hardly mentioned, unless I missed it.
Never mind, a couple of oiks from Manchester might be having a reunion.
TheBrutalTruth……. I was horrified by your account of being victimised in your youth, and it just gives further credence to how our country has gone down the toilet since the influx of foreigners in recent years.
It never ceases to amaze me that those who spout the mantra of “the UK has always been a welcoming country” are not the indigenous population who can think of nothing worse; but those who have migrated here.
I always want to throw a brick at the screen whenever Yasmin Alibhai-Brown appears to give her views. She has no heritage here, being a Kenyan Asian, yet is most vocal on most issues and migration, and what this country should do and not do. My view is, yes, this country has given you a safe haven, be satisfied with that and don’t make a career out of lecturing to us.
‘The dog that bites the hand that feeds it’.
There are plenty of them in Great Britain now thanks to our deluded liberal leaders.
Cheers Brissles – I am happy to share my experiences and its just one of the many stepping stones that led me to this site incidentally. Sadly I do have many more of these stories.
What was actually the most terrifying was that on one of the nights when it kicked off between my friends (about 6 of us) and a muslim gang which started at 4 and turned into about 30 in less than 5 mins was that we had to call the police. One thing I would like to stress was that this wasn’t even a case of skin colour, one of my best mates is nigerian and his older brothers gave these kids a kicking I’ll never forget. The police turned up and were visibly scared of the muslim gang. Took notes then went to drive off whilst 30 of them waited visibly on the corner. I literally had to plead with them to disperse these men as it was obvious what was going to happen.
Make no mistake, from my experience the police and the politicians are complicit in this. I learnt a lesson that night that they have no interest in protecting us Brits. But Tommy Robinson and everything he says about ropers and how they operate I’ve experienced with my own eyes.
It is truly terrifying what is going on but it is not too late. It is up to us to change things with our vote. If things carry on the way they are every child will experience what I have probably in 20 or so years time.
The time for us burying our heads is long gone. We know about the bias, the lies and the blackmail. It is upon us each individually on this site at least to speak openly and honestly with others (friends, family members, colleagues). Yes you may get branded a racist, nazi, fascist but we Brits have a moral duty to do whatever we can in our power to halt this in its tracks. I feel extremely strongly about it and genuinely worry that the rest of the UK will go the way of London which from what I can see is mostly wealthy brits (ie the city workers) propping up a lazy, aggressive, violent ticking bomb that is further emboldened by the left wing ideology which will have severe and violent consequences in the future.
PS – although I am amazed (negatively) on a daily basis one thing that I have experienced in my short life time is the total destruction of law and order in London. There are no visible police only those that drive around in cars. The amount of cannabis I smell walking round the streets you would have thought it was legal. All in 20 years. Scary stuff. Try going to somewhere like Kilburn where Middle Eastern Men lurk menacingly on street corners “playfighting”. Speaking of Kilburn there is also a no go snooker club run by ropers where they openly sell drugs from the premises. Its an utter disgrace. This is the reality of modern day britain. I’d be happy to do a tour for Mrs May if she wants to see the enrichment that I’ve experienced.
“and genuinely worry that the rest of the UK will go the way of London”
Parts of it have – what about Rotherham? Going back further, Enoch Powell’s famous speech quoting Virgil was not really about London.
I’m not trying to provoke an argument but if people had woken up earlier to problems that have been growing here for half a century, we might not be in the mess we’re in now. But let’s face it, who cared about problems in a few grotty towns in the Midlands and the North? People in the better parts of those regions didn’t even want to confront it.
Looking further afield, America has been struggling with racial “tension” for far longer but we’ve kidded ourselves that they’re just a bunch of racists and we can do better. Even worse, the problems associated with Islam have been known for 1400 years. The Irish troubles which spilled over into parts of Glasgow and Liverpool should have given is a clue about the conflicts that can arise when you have backward thinking people with even mildly incompatible religions – and they’re both Christian. And why was India partitioned?
Edmund Burke said that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. Guess what? Some of us still haven’t figured it out.
Bethan Bell displays the by now expected Beeboid ignorance of the past and even of the present. Nothing new in that but a marker on the continuing decline of this parasitic state mouthpiece.
It is no longer even amusing just pathetic.
How the left-wing ideology at the bBC has infected its ability to report the News.
So anybody read the bBCs coverage of the bombing in Aleppo. No? Have a butchers and come back and tell me how long it takes you to work out just who is doing the bombing.

Syria conflict: Hospital in rebel-held Aleppo ‘bombed again’
Yes the News orq which can report from the furthest reaches of the planet within minutes when the US/UK or even Israel makes a mistake you know like this:
Can’t seem to be able to shout out just who is doing the bombing in Aleppo. Now here is the current headline from the leftwing Guardian. How long does it take you to work out just who is dropping bombs on Hospitals:

Now before I finish, allow me to point out, I have no problem with the Russians bombing Aleppo, it is full of idiots who have ripped Syria apart. It is full of Western Islamic idiots who if they are allowed to return to the West will simply continue their jihad and hopefully once these bigots are wiped out, the vast majority of peaceful Syrians can return. Yet, the fact remains the bBC isn’t reporting the news and there lies my axe to grind.
The former dis-honourable member for Morley (I learnt Atemi Ju-Jitsu at the sports centre there) proves everybody wrong that,he can make an even bigger fool of himself than when he was in the Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet.
Thanks bBC, Just think when your ideological masters take control of the UK, People like Balls will be taken care of. Couldn’t make it up if you tried.
Viewer voting, so of course ed balls will win!
Plus side is the curse of Strictly sees that lady on the right snag Yvette’s toy boy, she may see more space in the family home for new, more deserving guests.
Please, take it away.
I was expecting Alan would open a thread about yesterday’s Jimmy Savile doco by Louis Theroux: Savile ..I guess he’s having a day off.
I watched some of it, sounded like an apology. He was pretty weird – most sensible people would have realised what was going on, but not the bbc apparently
Yes, you might have thought that this was an ideal opportunity to fully explain Newsnight’s planned exposure with an in-depth investigation of Yentob’s part in the last-minute withdrawal and ban. Surely their only credible aim is for the truth to become freely available?
I watched the Theroux doc on ‘Sir Jimmy’. I got the impression Mr Theroux was, in his polite Guardianista way, more than slightly peeved that he’d been played for a fool by the peroxided one, and this was his chance to set things straight.
One thing that wasn’t mentioned was the groupie culture of the time. Savile was obviously a very unpleasant individual with no concept of boundaries, but in the sixties and seventies I’m sure he witnessed many underage girls willingly engaging in sexual activity with much older men, and decided that he wanted a piece of that action as well.
This is not to excuse his behaviour but to put it in the context of the time, which most contemporary reporters seem unable to do, partly because it goes against the contemporary liberal orthodoxy that men are predators and women are innocent victims.
seems its a bit of a BBC SJW day about UK slave labour.
9:52am Radio 5 Live …Guy telling story of how his parents gave him to his uncle in UK to bring up , and then they basically used him as a domestic servant, then they sent him to be child labour in a restaurant. I ended up school in Birmingham and the PE teachers rescued me. He then goes on to success with Pfizer..but later has mental health problems
Now he’s a Labour activist (one reason 5 let him speak I guess)
” after I joined the wrong political family. For 18 years the Tories never listened to me ”
OK the main point is here that if immigration had been properly controlled in the first place ..he would have never got here and never been enslaved. And the argument that immigration is a net money spinner is a bit suspect here, cos although he paid taxes..he’s later taken a hell of a lot out of the NHS ..”I ended up at the Priory*”
* The Priory is a private clinic of course.
He got a quick plug for his book Succeed to Survive by Mal Mohibullah Choudhury
My response to Mr Choudhury would be along the lines of:
Why are you telling me this? You are not British, you should never have been here, now please go back to where you came from.
I think this might be why I will never be a BBC interviewer.
The bbcs daily migrant crisis reporting continues, now that there is no vote in the offing. Rita chakrabati says ‘and still they keep coming’ from her report onboard a migrant rescue boat. Don’t watch this report if you are easily agitated…don’t even want to know how much this costs, but I will never donate to any charity which is encouraging this dangerous migration. Somali woman says she wants to come to Europe to study medicine and then return…paid for by whom? And yes, once you see how much docs are paid here, you won’t be going back.
To make things worse the EU are totally incapable of coming up with a plan to stem the invasion. The sooner Theresa gets us out the better .
We need to strengthen our border forces now before we cop the terrorism.
The ‘Trojan Horse’ is coming to fruition.
Loobyloo, pity they didn’t confuse her and put her off the boat in Italy along with all the rest of them.
Go back home ???? that’s only a option in the World of Disney ! I bet you can count on one hand the number who have voluntarily returned to their birth country after sampling the delights, the paid for courses, and freebies that the UK offers. We’ll also see how long it takes the ‘temporary’ refugees from Syria to hop on a flight back to the Middle East. It’ll never happen. We shall be stuck with the bloody lot of them.
At the weekend I went to a branch of Costco’s in Watford, and I kid you not it was packed with non-English speaking customers – funny how they all get to know how to work the system to get cheap goods, whereas the rest of us have to belong to a certain category, jump through hoops and provide all sorts of documentation in order to get a shop card !
“But if you do get frightened watching the news,” he adds, “just be confident that everything is being done to keep you safe.” …………
The unsung heroes to whom who we owe so much.
Caught the last bit of Newshite. At least La Squawk has spruced herself up a bit – she was looking as rough as a rat’s rectum a few weeks ago. She was desperately trying to get a Nobel prize winner to say that Brexit would scare off those hundreds of thousands of potential Nobel prizewinners who grace over shores every year. At least, he was not seduced by La Squawk and refused to be drawn on “immigration matters” unlike the partially mummified Star Gazer who was droning the party line before him. Even Andrew Neil on Daily Politics was in emotional overdrive claiming that the plan to train more British doctors was tantamount to issuing “deportation orders” to the current non-indigenous element in the NHS. These people will not be satisfied until all British aboriginals have been “white-flighted” from this country.