Record day for the EU taxi service ..just “rescued” 6,055 “refugees” … who were safe on dry land in Libya a few hours ago and didn’t need rescuing.
.A record number “rescued” in a day …Wow the EU taxi service are efficient at getting new customers !
Thirdoption…. Precisely ! I have never understood the reasoning that speaking to a camera with a few mates sat around the table and talking about a sport you played and know about (Lineker) warrants an obscene salary. Has anyone asked WHY ???? if its because he would hotfoot it to another channel, well, …… let him, simples !
No in-depth, or any depth whatsoever, Journalism to suggest why there is a shortage of homes. Perhaps they could follow up this article on why we need immigrants to build more houses for the UK?!?!
Well at least it’s only new homes that are needed. No need for supporting infrastructure in terms of roads, water supply, gas supplies, electricity generation, sewage disposal, waste disposal, schools, medical centres and hospitals, shops, public spaces, transportation… Oh, hang on a sec…
Quisquose, I watched the documentary on BBC1 yesterday evening on Diabetes. Assuming the BBC actively reduced the number of foreign faces/voices filmed to satisfy their ‘softly, softly’ approach to the potential to stir up the indigenous population to become hostile at the sight of immigrants in the NHS, the viewer was left with the conclusion that it was, foreigners treating mainly foreigners. And as this was the BBC’s ‘light touch’ form of bias it had to be assumed that as the Asian population, as reported, being more prone to Diabetes, my assumption that there are more foreigners treating foreigners than the indigenous population pro rata is likely to be correct.
Frighteningly, having looked at the list on the website of practising Consultants in my own local hospital, over 80% of them are of foreign origin – mainly Indian/Pakistani with a few Polish thrown in the mix. And wandering through the concourse there today, the rest of the junior doctors wandering around were of similar background. Honest to God you seriously would not believe we lived in a nation that has mainly white population when you venture into our hospitals. It IS scary. I suspect this is the case for every hospital in the land.
Did anybody else hear the interview with Hugo Paeman, the former EU ambassador to Washington and former EU trade negotiator, on the Today programme at about 7:10 this morning?
He was totally intent on trying to paint a picture of doom and impossibility on our leaving the EU. To be honest, he sounded such an idiot that I suspect he did the opposite, but I do wonder WHY he was even given the opportunity to spout the remoaners propaganda.
World Service – and the reporter is lecturing the Hungarian minister that they must have uncontrolled immigration in order to, stay on good terms with the EU, fill jobs and attract investment.
He replied that, the EU has unsustainable, zero border control and we should maintain a European, Judeo – Christian identity.
He is clearly a racist, xenophobe, Nazi, white supremacist, extreme Right Wing, evil, un-educated, psychotic……….. or is he just talking sense?
Seems she was at an anti-semitism training event. It isn’t that which is the issue, they re good at that.
An anti anti-semitism training event would be better as long as the woman in question is only there in pixel form as an example of what not to do.
Saying that, do normal people actually need to be trained in how to not hate Jewish people?
Our Reeta Chakrabarti’s recent report from a migrant rescue ship in the Med has already been mentioned here – it really was a masterclass in how NOT to garner audience sympathy.
The premise is that humanitarian european rescue boats will pluck drowning migrants from the sea – in fact we know that the prospect of being picked up just off the Libyan coast actually tempts the trafficers to push these people out in their flimsey inflatables with the promise of a fast track to asylum.
Right from the start our Reeta inadvertantly lets on that there are games being played here – the migrants playing the humanitarian boats and BBC journos playing the tv audience. Seas have been rough for a few days and the wind in the wrong direction for the boats to set out and this, or so our Reeta suggests, was unsuccessful or disappointing in some way. So the ideal situation here is to gather in as many migrants as possible? I thought the aim was to save lives?
Fear not, wind direction changed and seas calmed and the boats duly set out under cover of darkness. Reeta and her charity ship are pleased to see some action at last.
But we soon pile a cargo of false pretences upon our boat load of hypocrisy. Reeta is on a charity boat for… wait for it… Save The Children.
That’s Save The Children – and not one child do we see. ‘100 West African Men’ are the first catch of the day.
Perhaps it is supposed to be the as yet unborn children of these chaps we are to save from being… born in Africa?
Later we bring in some ‘Somali women’ and our Reeta hones in on a girl who says she is 16? She also says she wants to be a ‘doctor’.
I’ve a feeling the desire of migrants to become doctors and engineers ranks with 1960s school boys yearning to be spacemen or steam loco drivers. It never happened.
Yeah I saw that last night, even my wife who is a bit of a Lefty said, “that boat is full of young fit men, why don’t they stay to help their country?”.
I would have a nice big safe boat ready, load the whole lot up and take them back to Libya, do that a few times and they will get sick of it.
Clearly these kids are schooled in what to say, so its always ‘doctor’ or ‘engineer’, consequently our pious journos are suckered in. No librarians, fishermen, police, fireman, ballet dancers or shop window dressers. Why not say they want to be a ‘trafficker’ ? it’d be a sight more bloody believable !
It would of course be wrong to quote Bernard Manning at this point. When chatting about the Vietnamese boat people, he asked ‘wonder what their chips taste like.’
Maybe Benedict Cumberbatch should work that into his post Hamlet act, the audience might have felt less uncomfortable at his moronic lecture.
For youngsters, Bernard Manning was a comedian in the 1970s who has been airbrushed from history. He made fun of people by race rather than by how far removed from the Guardian’s view they might be.
Guardian reader in an FB discussion told me there is no such thing as a non-lefty comedian.
..cos “To be funny you have to be smart, and right wingers aren’t smart, so that is why the BBC can’t find any right wing comedians for Radio4”
A gang of us went to see him at the Embassy Club, Manchester in the 1980’s.
Waiting for it to start I went to the bar and Bernard was standing there with a large Gin and Tonic in his hand. I chatted to him for a minute or so, you’d have thought he was someone waiting to watch the show, not the star.
He then went on stage and was absolutely superb.
People can criticise now as much as they like but he was of a time and was not only a great comedian but a great bloke as well.
Radio 4 this morning…. “Eighty years ago today, fascist leader Oswald Mosley and his Blackshirt followers planned a march in London’s East End, but were forced to abandon after Jewish residents joined forces with local communists to block the route. Today reporter Zoe Conway has been to meet some of those still alive who took part in that day’s struggle.”
What a coincidence, at the same time as the Tory conference?
They were interviewing 100 year old Jewish women from London, strange that these days the Jews are more in danger from the Labour party and it’s followers, how come the UAF aren’t protesting against them?
Cable Street remains an enduring myth for the Far Left. The Blackshirts held several marches that day, of which one was stopped whilst the others proceeded unimpeded. The majority of the violence was between the protesters themselves and the Police who were, admittedly, heavy handed. Membership of the BUF actually increased in the following months. The real significance is that it led to the passing of the Public Order Act 1936, which included a ban on wearing political uniforms, greatly reducing the appeal of the BUF to those who liked dressing up and pretending they were continentals.
I consider Islamic garb in breach of this act.
Not only political and religious uniform, but also military uniform.
In fact enemy soldiers.
Time to adopt the methods of our ancestors in dealing with these enemies.
It will be a grand turn out for the left over the Cable Street march on Sunday. Jew haters in the Labour Party together with Islamic supporters in the UAF, SWP, Left Unity, the People’s Assembly, and Class War. Lots of speeches and for excitement a couple of dustbins will be kicked over by the more radical comrades. No Pasaran, as they say in Yoonie
“No Pasaran” ah yes that wonderful slogan…that commemorates the “defence of Madrid” from Fascism.
Thing is though, that Franco`s side eventually won the war and passed into Madrid and history, having defeated Communist expansionism in Western Europe.
There`s the wonderful leftist nostalgia for the “International Brigades” forever memorialised by Orwell who had to run for his life from the Communists in Barcelona.
And then there`s the other “International brigade” the 50-70,000 Moroccan muslim troops who fought with Franco`s side to defeat the left.
On the BBC website this morning we are told that Jackie Walker from Momentum is Jewish .
maybe she has some “tainted” blood maybe she has , or maybe she hasn’t,but she wont be alone.
It is said that HITLER’S natural grandfather was Jewish. Then we get down to Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband. His natural father was Baron von Mayern the JEWISH chamberlain at the court of Saxe Coburg. And yours truly Foscari is married to a great,great,great, great
grand daughter of the Baron.Even if Ms Walker is partly Jewish this does not stop her from being anti semitic. The BBC treat it like it is an anachronism. My wives “relative” King Edward the eighth, being one of the worse, for a nice Jewish boy!!
The evidence from her being part Jewish appears from her saying she is part Jewish. If she were Jewish presumably she would be considered a Zionist by her liberal minded colleagues on Momentum.
But do not forget that Jackie is black, thus cannot be racist.
Victoria Derbyshire this morning berating state school class sizes of 30…
Absolutely no questions asked as to why class sizes are so big in the state system nowadays… Just more virtue signalling from our Vicky and calls for more resources or what is otherwise known as money, no doubt in the form of more national debt…
I’m no politician Vicky but I’ve got a suggestion… How about less mass immigration of low skilled workers who at best get a job on minimum wage with tax credits etc whilst their partner stays at home or at worse don’t work at all. On that note I would like a full and immediate audit of all those that have come to the UK from anywhere in the world and have never given a penny into the system yet are contributing to those class sizes that you feel are so unfair.
Or suggestion number two… You and your overpaid colleagues take a pay cut and redistribute this throughout society as I can see how much pain this issue is causing you.
Sadly, neither of these things will happen whilst the BBC is at the helm of the propaganda machine.
World Service – and a report on Spain which has no government and suffers with mass unemployment, a massive deficit, oh, and a high level of corruption!
And the conclusion: Spain is OK, will be OK and it’s all fine.
Jeez! If only the dear old beeb could be as positive when reporting our supposed woes. The contrast is stunning.
The only country the World Service is allowed to trash is the UK. There is a series on now called the “disunited Kingdom” about, guess what … the damage of Brexit has done to our previously wonderful multicultural society.
Perhaps all those Somalians will hear it and change their mind about hoping on the ferry boats in Libya?
engineerdownunder: The only country the World Service is allowed to trash is the UK.
I take your point but it’s worth noting that the BBC also trashes Western countries like the US and Canada whenever a conservative government is in power as well as your own country and any country in Europe that resists EU insanity.
Having said that, it really is despicable of the BBC to trash its own country as it gorges from the public trough thereof.
Chief among the BBC targets for trashing is Israel, the Jewish state. The BBC simply cannot get enough of it, especially whenever Israel defends herself against the BBC’s Islamic terrorist friends.
That strong anti-Anglo bias of BBC WS is probably due to revenge from the main “Right-On BBC” due to the govt stopping direct funding of WS and forcing the main “Right-On BBC” to fund it.
….BTW it is ironic that the WS is allowed to ignore BBC ethnic bias rules, quite reasonable since its focus is outside the UK it’s staff don’t conform to the 90% white of the UK population, but rather heavily skew to minorities. So with the 10% BME taking so many jobs at BBC WS there is a smaller pool for other employers (aimed at the UK market) trying to make their 10% target, but they still have to conform.
Apparently she was ‘locked’ in the bathroom. Um, how many bathrooms have you come across that has a lock on the OUTSIDE of the bathroom door ????? helloooooo !
By and large I still trust the security services . I hope that trust is not misplaced , unlike my trust in the police and judicery which certainly was misplaced. Going back 40 years I even naively trusted the BBC! The rot set in the 60s when the left began to take over the education system , was accelerated when the BBC took it upon itself to oppose Lady Ts government and reached a crescendo under Blair ŵhen most of our institutions were captured by the left. Something that the Tories have not reversed, or even attempted to reverse. The power of this liberal left elite is immense. It is this makes me fear that Brexit will not yield the result we expected. The elite will subvert the will of the people. Lady T managed to make some progress in reversing the March of socialism but socialism has been making gains ever since and leading us down the road to ruin.
Not to worry, DT. I’m sure that the democratic deficit will be adjusted come the next election when the BBC will be on the ballot paper. Just relish that day……….
Had to laugh at Al Beeb news last night.
Rita Chakibutty is reporting from the Med., in mournful tones about the vulnerable would-be immigrants in the boats.
But in a moment of madness, she actually fessed up to the fact that Syrian doctors, engineers, and their families were significantly under- represented in the boat. Well, she didn’t actually say that but did admit that everyone in the boat in question was a. Young b. Male c. From Africa. And in search of a better life, to boot. In other words, something that has been staring her Al Beeb colleagues in the face all along.
This is not the normal narrative at all. Rita could be for the naughty step. What a shame she didn’t take the next obvious step and admit to the months and months of sheer lies from Al Beeb on this issue.
Last night World Service – I thought it was Radio 4 Xtra fantasy.
Pure, delusional shite – “when the photo of the dead boy on the beech went out the world took notice and changed and acted to end the crisis….”.
Clearly they’re not keeping up with BBC news?
If that was the edition of BBC Trending from 2 weeks back ..they would have mentioned that in the year since “the world took notice and changed and acted to end the crisis” 5,500 drowned in the Med
….whereas the year before 4,500 drowned
..That’s hardly progress.
If that was the edition of BBC Trending from 2 weeks back ..they would have mentioned that in the year since “the world took notice and changed and acted to end the crisis” 5,500 drowned in the Med
….whereas the year before 4,500 drowned
..That’s hardly progress.
To to BBC/Guardian mad lefties the death numbers are less important than the Virtue Signalling brownie points.
I think what we are looking at is “Operation Save Ritas Reputation”
Shes not doing to well at the moment what with private school for junior and her selective myopia when looking at anti semitism in the Labour party.
Time to jump aboard the Skylark and remind everyone how truly caring she really is – I wonder whether the migrants are allowed to call her Rita or Baroness Chakribarty?
Luckily the newshounds are busy getting ready to ooze over the impending Hiati storm because they missed reporting that Trump tortures kittens and caused the 1926 Wall Street crash.
Andrew Neil grilling Damien Green on BBC2 currently asking an extremely sensible question:
How can the tories get immigration down to the 10’s of 1,000’s when their latest sound bite is that they want more “skilled” workers from all across the globe.
On that note I genuinely would love to know what the tories class as “skilled”… Do they mean the eastern european labourers that hang out on Cricklewood Broadway for cash in hand jobs or are we talking about the ones that staff pretty much every hand car wash throughout the UK?
The tories are a joke. They have absolutely no intention of getting migration down to the 10’s of 1’000’s… they were voted in in the last election on that pledge which Cameron had the audacity to turn around and state was in fact an “ambition”. That said now that Sir Nigel has gone there really is no one that I trust to fulfill what the public wants.
Friends! The Far-Right Bullingdon Bully Boy May is literally even worse than the hated Thatcher! After all, even Thatcher didn’t viciously try to implement totally illegal Hard-Right Brexit against the wishes of everyone except a tiny handful of 17,410,742 bigoted racists who in any case didn’t even know what they were voting for, due to the literally millions of Hard-Right LIES of the Leave Camp, e.g. their solemn promise that they would give Our NHS an extra £350 million every single second of every single minute of every single day from 24th June onwards, if the Leave Camp won, which in any case it didn’t, because its LIES made the result totally invalid.
My latest Blog explains in full detail how totally undemocratic, totally illegal Hard-Right Brexit will literally smash this country – which Thatcher totally destroyed – in to pieces, and why we on the Progressive Left must now put our differences aside, unite, and take the fight to the Hard-Right Brexiters:
“The 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to three British-born scientists for discoveries about strange forms of matter.”
Reports AlBeeb, as does The Times of India and Huffington Post, all the other reports I searched, including The Guardian, described the scientists as just British.
Is AlBeeb trying to create a new category of person, the non-British-born non-British “British”? Who are all entitled to live in the UK.
Tmw R4 You and Yours “will be reporting on the growing demand for Muslim friendly holiday resorts”
..Up to now R4YY has been mostly immune to Virtue Signalling.
They’re all Muslim friendly ffs. What sensible business is unfriendly to paying customers just because of their religious beliefs?
What the real growing demand from the Muslims is for is that there are more non-Muslim unfriendly holiday resorts. What the growing demand is for is more Islamic segregation.
What they mean is that all resorts must ban alcohol sales, burger bars and bikinied women. Any that stick to allowing even one of them will be classed as Muslim-unfriendly and therefore racist.
StewG, since the Cult of Submission are not into beaches, bars and enjoying themselves, being more comfortable with warring, might a list of Muslim ‘Hotspots’ at war be recommended by the BBC? There’s plenty of them worldwide starting with Aleppo. Just imagine it, the compare for the show will be Lyse Ducette complete with body armour and helmet to show the viewer/potential Muslim holidaymaker around the bomb craters, “this is a crater caused by a Syrian barrel bomb and that one over there, a Russian missile”…………..
Perhaps her seat ought to be contested, if only there were politicians who object to the organizations she supported. The White Helmets, Hope not Hate. Can I assume that the political parties share these values?
I think that the voters deserve a choice of candidates. They can vote for a Cox replica who cares more about folks from other continents than her constituents , i.e. Labour, or have an alternative candidate who will serve their constituents and country.
Of course it should be contested. In UK we vote for the person, not the party, to represent us constituents in Parliament, and the electorate should always be reminded of that. I found it arrogant that the major parties decided they could pick a person to be MP.
I have to disagree chaps. A political assassination should be no occasion to change the party of the constituency. I am pleased that none of the major parties have taken the opportunity to do so. Terrorism can only be defeated if its aims are robustly frustrated. And would be assassins of what ever political side will see its futility.
Yes the Labour Party would have to come on board too. It will be hard for them no doubt, but we have to make the effort to present solidarity in the face of such political violence. Jo Cox would be the last person I would have voted for had I been in Batley & Spen but she did not deserve to be gunned down.
I consider it an act of terrorism and name it such. I’m not sure what the BBC has named it. Perhaps someone can enlighten me. Or do they regard the perpetrator as a ‘militant’ in the way they try to soften reports of Islamic terrorism?
“But in some cases, members of the Asian community living in the UK have favoured an informal kind of adoption, where one couple gives a baby to another couple in the same extended family to bring up as their own.”
That’s right…blame those Asians again!
The article then goes on to explain how a baby was given to the Aunt in Kenya. When was Kenya part of Asia?!? The article would make more sense if they said “members of the Norwegian community”.
Could be worse.
Finding out the people you thought aunt and uncle are actually your parents and also brother and sister could be a little perturbing and not all that unlikely in the wondrous and colourful world of Asian relationships.
BBC Simon Jacks …just now on R4 news :
“The reason why the pound is dropping is :
No trade deal we get in future can be as perfect as the one we already have”
Yeh right… doesn’t he know about EU Tariffs we do pay more than the free market price for a whole range of things food from Africa, non-EU cars etc.
Apologies to Lennon & McCartney – Lovely Reeta Migrant Maid
Lovely Reeta Chakrabarti,
Nothing can come between us,
On TV news you try to tow our hearts away.
Standing on the deck of a Save The Children refugee ship,
When I caught a glimpse of Reeta,
Interviewing a migrant with her BBC crew
In fact this African lad looked much older,
And the bag across his shoulder
Made him look a little like a military-age man.
Lovely Reeta migrant maid,
May I inquire discreetly,
Is the entire world now free to come into the EU and live with me?
Took them in and tried win them,
Had a laugh after 7/7 and when they went off for Jihad in Syria,
Told them we really didn’t want to see them again
We’ll get the bill but will Reeta pay it?
Take them into her own home, guess she didn’t really mean it,
Sitting on the sofa with her sister or two.
The public saying the WRONG thing and annoying the BBC
For our BBC it was an easy job push the Green/lefty dogma and gain the Virtue Signalling brownie points.
So the BBC ends up as a FREE ADVERTISING platform for NGOs pushing green religion and lefty dogma
#1 “Sustainable Fish and Chips”
See the free video advert for the NGO called MSC that BBC Radio Humberside have done on their Facebook page.
BUT This morning on Radio Humberside around 8.30am
“So you are the only Fish and Chip shop in the Humberside area with the MSC cerificate, how do you feel about ?”
…Who is not going to reply with the tickbox answer and say come to my chip shop ?
Ans : This owner who replied
…”Actually it makes no difference, cos with it being EU the system is not upto date. You see outside the EU the Marine Stewardship Council has Haddock, Cod and mackerel on it’s sustainable list, but here in the UK only Haddock is on the list the other two are due in the 3 years time, yet our local fishermen are careful about keeping stocks sustainable, they don’t want to destroy their own living, since their fish comes from the same area as the Norwegians.
.. so with Brexit we can get all this nonsense out of the way ”
:presenter ..”..and back to the studio”
For lazy people who don’t want to deal with full colour complexities : Right-on green religion and lefty dogma is a clear winner , cos when you start a conversation there is a clear right answer all flows one way hence the virtue signalling.
Albanian murderer of no fixed abode – in Hull? And people question what the EU have ever done for us. They just couldn’t see the value for money and diversity that we actually receive for our billion pounds a month.
Albanian ?? The BBC text says “The teenager who stabbed a man to death”
you have to dig deep to find the nationality.
East European stabs East European is a standard headline in a Hull and Boston as well.
Although to be fair Hull City of Culture 2017 always has had a culture of stabbing ..and knifing…. ..and they had poet Philip Larkin as well. (386,000 results for “Hull stabbing” on Google)
Note that in accordance with the BBC policy of bending over backwards and down your throat to avoid any racial stirring ..the BBC article doesn’t mention the guy is Albanian in the title, nor in the text until the second screen. Other media like the Times and the Sun mention “Albanian” in the title.
As he was Albanian and of no fixed abode I feel that he must have thought his only possible way to contribute to the UK economy was by murdering another man (nationality unavailable) to reduce the taxpayers burden. As long as he’s returned to Albania he won’t be costing us
c.£100k a year to keep in prison. I expect that he will be urgently sent home to sunny Albania where one day he can roam free to ‘combat knife’ yet another person to death. Or, probably not sent home actually.
Just as an aside to the fish issue SG. I personally care greatly where my battered fish comes from and I look forward to the day when I can bite into scrumptious battered haddock – from BRITISH waters.
If I live long enough that is.
This was on Look North as well: The BBC Environ-Mental idiot did not even ask the most obvious evidence based questions. A moronic looking bore called Murphy, I think. (1) Which fishermen in our region are guilty of supplying unsustainable Fish, to Fish and Chip shops (2) Is this allowed under EU rules? (3) Or are the fish imported from outside of the EU? For instance, Icelandic fish from Grimsby? (4) But then are all Fish and Chip shops in our region sourcing sustainable fish. Because only sustainable fish are available, whether or not the Shop has signed up to this loony left-wing idea, or not. (5) If there is no evidence that a Fish and Chip Shop can source unsustainable fish, then what is the point of signing up to the scam, other than paying a fee to the Marine Stewardship Council?
Or is it just another moronic Environ-Mental virtue signalling scam.
“So being one of the largest asparagus farms in Norfolk you employ a lot of European labour, what’s going to happen after Brexit ?”
Farmer “You’re right we’ve been using foreign labour since well before the EU freedom of movement, so we are looking forward to a visa system like the old SAWS scheme that was controlled immigration they got their 6 months visa and that was it.
..On Brexit we could have proper people from China from Africa we don’t care, but it would be properly controlled.
…Now with technology the growing season is longer so maybe the visa should be 9 months”
It is odd though, how it’s ok to be anti Israel but not anti Iran or Turkey and I listen hard for condemnation and outrage over Assad and Russia and certainly hear nothing negative about Russia’s new BFF, China and their veto.
No, it seems the only condemnation is directed towards Europe for not beaming over every, poor, un-educated, person from a list of countries too long to list because they choose to place themselves in jeopardy ?
Just talking to our coal man – he and his mates work six twelve hour days. If they complain – there’s an immigrant just waiting outside the gate. Ah, but leaving the EU will mean a loss of workers rights ?
We do seem to live in parallel worlds these days.
I warn of the dangers again. Amber Rudd speech on reducing immigration. Again, all references to reducing influx from EU but not the other half from outside the EU – slowly closing the front door (maybe) while leaving the back door wide open. There cannot be any critical line of questioning here as the Governments failure to even vaguely suggest how they will deal with this 50% plays conveniently into the hands of a BBC anxious to Islamicise the UK.
As BBC managers, Guardian writers and Labour politicians want to send their children to private schools, whilst pretending they want them ended, may I suggest a certain private school in Dewsbury Yorkshire?
It’s a private Muslim school run by a bunch of Islamic nutters called the Deobandis.
Here the indoctrinated lambs adhere to strict sharia rules. So the little puddings of Guardian writers would not be allowed to listen to music, read papers, watch tv or ‘even mix with others’. As you’d expect Ofsted praised the school for its standards in 2011 but sadly a TV investigation by Sky, (not the BBC note), discovered all the dreadful aspects of its so called education.
But don’t worry, the Deobandis have plenty of other schools in the UK in which to enrol the next generation of terrorists.
Tell me something, what the hell were ofsted, the LEA and the government doing to permit tax payers to fund the spread of sharia law in the UK?
BTW the Deobandis are considered a serious security threat in their home of Pakistan. If they are security threat in that hell hole of blood soaked Islamist extremism what the hell are they doing in the UK?
I think that Anna’s gurning is really the result of her straining to understand what others on Question Time are actually saying, rather than amazement that they are spouting such ridiculous tosh, although given the usual collection of lefty luvvies that is an understandable mistake to make.
Reading an article today about how our universities are changing from the riotous places of old; there are apparently classes on self awareness and consent (sex); information about the perils of alcohol; and music with any offensive content is scrutenised. The comment was that its political correctness gone overboard. Well, reading between the lines, perhaps its more the case that the influx of Muslim students is causing the universities to become Islamified i.e. no sex, no alcohol, no music.
The accusation is inverted commas (so, quoted) in the headline, so why does the article begin with:
A woman raped by footballer Ched Evans in a hotel had “no idea what on earth was happening”, a court has heard.
A factual statement that she was raped? Surely this is breaching some reporting regulations?
A WTF moment this afternoon on “A Good Read”. Not the choice of guests – Anne Widdecombe and Vince Cable – but an aside by the presenter, Harriett Gilbert. They were discussing the Dreyfus affair and touched on the anti-semitism of the time. Gilbert suggested implications for the present day and threw in a comment about muslims feeling that they were “the Jews of now”. It’s at 15 minutes:
Another example of what I was saying the other day about the seeming impossibility of turning on R4 and not hearing ‘the message’ in one form or another.
My reaction? I mostly don’t (turn it on any longer).
Agreed – funny thing is Muslims are victims even in Muslim countries.
They really have taken the ‘victim crown’ and wear it with pride while hating none Muslims and the ‘other kind’ of Muslims which, I suppose is a kind equality ?
I was listening to the programme and that segment had me shouting at the radio. Can they really not see the difference between the plight of the Jews between the World Wars and the reaction to murderous Muslims across Europe today? I think they can but to admit it now opens up a huge can of worms.
This cretinous line that the Muslims are the “Jews of now” is wholly wrong on several levels….
Not least that Jews in Europe had no state in which they were unconditionally welcomed as Jews. This was only rectified with the successful struggle for Israel in 1947-8;
whereas todays Muslims have 57 member states of the OIC to choose from Sunni, Shia….both branches have their states, and all the states range from full sharia compliance to Islamic dominance over non Muslim minorities.
To suggest that today’s Muslims share anything of the experience that Jews endured in Nazi Germany and occupied Europe in the 1940s is at best despicably uninformed and at worst a form of holocaust denial.
And now, on Al Jezza TV
Biased BBC1 6pm news.
A feature about the latest film by……who else but Ken Loach.
About a single female parent on benefits in Newcastle.
So….absolutely no agenda, narrative, or bias whatsoever. LOL.
Of course we would be delighted to stay in the single market if it doesn’t mean freedom of movement. There’s no “a priori” reason why it should. Just that the EU says it should. A good starting point for our negotiating team that these ministers are clearly seeing as possible to be successful.
When we joined the EEC (EU) we were told that in practice ‘no-one’ moved between ‘the six’, and why should they, there was no reason to move.
Add in poor Europeans to the mix and it’s a different game. As an aside if Germany needs new people why can’t it take in the unemployed of Spain, Greece etc.?
Or from Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, etc., etc.? Oh, they all prefer UK … that racist hate crime disunited country portrayed by the Beeb … but they prefer it to Germany … weird that eh?
Note the presentation here which appears as a pre-referendum piece of propaganda. But it was only produced 6 hours ago
Brexit will harm the N Ireland peace process.
Make no mistake the BBC are campaigning for an overturn of the referendum or a re run. And not a member of the Tory Government or Tory Party are commenting.
No GWF, they aren’t. They’re simply doing what every sensible parent does with a petulant, screaming, spoilt brat like the SCBBC – they’re simply ignoring them, and thus the screaming, wailing and (in this case) bias gets worse and worse. But as with every patient parent, they’ll win in the end, when the child utterly exhausts itself and the parent then asks quietly, “Now, are you ready to listen?’
I’m tuning in more and more to Sky ch 507 – Japanese news followed by some wonderful short documentaries about life in Japan. It positively ‘calms’ me down !! no Brexit, no Islamic news, no migrant stories, no diversity issues – very good for the blood pressure.
Dont do it Brissles you will miss some great stuff.
Why only today on PM we had a proper tear jerker from the BBCs very own “Queen of Compassion” Emma Jane Kirby reporting from Lampedusa about some bloke called Vimto or Orangina or something.
Apparently a couple of years ago he was out in his boat (The Lady Dhimmi) when an “Engineer Special” capsized drowning over 300 hundred assorted Erritreans, Africans etc.
Anyway poor old Vimto could only save 36 of them on his boat. And many more drowned.
As it is now the anniversary of the disaster he flew over and put up 8 of them (at his own expense) for a special remembrance service.
We were told in hushed tones that the service could not be recorded because it was private! So private in fact that the resourceful Emma Jane (BBC reporter ) was there too!
Apparently Emma Jane also told us that “she could see all the muscles in Vimtos arms – so hard was he hugging one of the migrants (called Bassinger) – But I dont think this one was in Nine and a half weeks.
She then even more reverentially informed us that when rescuing 36 of the Engineers and Doctors – Vimto said “We stretched out our arms and as we both looked into each others eyes and we understood”
Actually Vimto I dont think you do understand – Yes I applaud you for putting yourself at risk to rescue these people – but actually these people were also “authors of their own misfortune” – No one asked them to put themselves at risk and in some ways this is all very much predictable. And though all the world can now see what a jolly good chap you must be – you are also being somewhat manipulated by an organisation who has no respect for both of our cultures and would prefer us to be swamped by those who have no respect for our history or our ways.
I suppose the moral of this story is to prevent this happening we should send over a dozen RO RO ferries to transport these migrants to Europe – Then and only then will Emma Jane and myself sleep soundly at night.
Apparently Emma Jane has just written a book called “The Optician of Lampadusa – surely she wouldnt want to plug it!
As for Bassinger his story has a happy end – He now lives in Sweden, his wife has just had a child and he is training to be a “carer”
Lucky old Sweden!
Anyway Im off to my vomitorium again – hope you all enjoyed the story!
They can’t have been very good engineers on that boat if they didn’t know about the concept of metacentric height. (Basically boats that are stacked high rollover).
I wonder whether Vimto ever considers, if the roles were reversed, how many of those he rescued or attempted to rescue would have done the same for him?
There has been an interesting, lightweight, docu-travel series in 3 parts on ITV about Japan, with Joanna Lumley travelling from its northernmost point to the most southerly of the islands.
There was an interesting part where she stayed at this gimmicky hotel which is staffed predominantly by robots, J.L. was talking to the (human) manager of the hotel about what is the attraction of doing this and one of the reasons he cited was the falling birth rate in Japan: meaning fewer workers.
That is the primary difference between us and them, between their homogenous “Japanese” Japan and our increasingly multicultural Britain. The Japanese do not (would never) conclude that a solution to their (and our) falling birth rate / ageing population conundrum is to allow an unending stream of Third World s**t to move there.
They are a clever and resourceful people and will use (are using) their technology to overcome that problem.
Why TF can’t we now and why on earth haven’t we done so already?
Yes, AlSh I did watch the series. My interest in Japan stems for a visit 2 years ago, and I’ve been enamoured with the place ever since. What was striking during my trip, was, I only encountered 5 faces of colour in a journey from Tokyo down to Hiroshima. They are not terribly big on Islam or migration.
Oaknash…….”from Lampedusa about some bloke called Vimto or Orangina or something”.. that cracked me up !!! priceless.
Agenda?? bBBC manage to squeeze in a comment that he handed over a petition in support of migrants to the UN…absolutely nothing to do with the story. Twats.
The trailer for Radio 4 news programme “The World Tonight” leads with a story that will be on Aleppo (again) and the suffering of children (again) in rebel held areas (again). Will it ever end?
Despite the lack of any BBC reporting I know from other sources that children are suffering in the government held areas from rebel attacks, and no doubt in other cities and even other countries.
I’ve never heard a war being so under reported in terms of what it’s about, who is siding with, arming, funding, fighting who over what. All we get is useless emoting. I can only assume something is being hidden.
ITV is no better than BBC. Currently nauseating program called:
The Lost children of Europe, a piece of unmitigated attempts to pull at the heart strings, with sad voices and tears from bleeding heart presenters (the on the spot one, an American) and charity workers.
One, IMO horrible, Syrian woman with three young kids is threatening to commit suicide if she isnt admitted to Britain! (Her brother and his children have been promised a place in Swansea and she wants to bring her kids with him , creating a massive housing problem as theyd be wanting a giant house!) What a demanding b***ch!
Now the News hhas started and more pro refugee Alleppo propaganda.
No of course they won’t. Mind you immigrant families have been bringing in fake children for years. I have known many who look nothing like their alleged ‘parents’. I recall one in my daughters sixth form who had the most peculiar back story and whose alleged ‘father’ (a doctor) looked nothing like her, way lighter skinned and far too young looking, the ‘mother’ was absent, supposedly divorced . I suspect he was a distant relative, and also that she was a young adult not the seventeen year old she claimed to be. She stayed in his apartment alone in the week while he worked away!
I am in London at the moment. Three times the 10.30 BBC1 local news referred to ‘The Mayor’ was going to do X, y, & z re new crossings over the Thames. Only in a brief interview was Sadiq Khan named, but not ‘the Mayor, Sadiq Kahn’. I am sure Boris was always referred to as ‘The mayor, Boris Johnson…..’ I am not sure of the significance but it was so obvious there just has to be an agenda.
As news of Diane James standing down after just 18 days as UKIP leader breaks, the BBC News report here states her decision “is thought to be partly due to family commitments”, followed by a quote from her statement to The Times.
And in part due to the revelation that she suffered an attack from a Corbynista at Waterloo Station ahead of her first meeting with UKIP MP Douglas Carswell – an important point which the BBC undoubtedly omits on purpose.
It is very sad to hear that Diane James is standing down. But this is not the end because a very able man is waiting in the wings. Look out for Steven Woolfe MEP. He is a very able man to lead the party and has the backing of many in UKIP.
Be afraid Al Beeb, ‘be very afraid of the Woolfe.’
Lunchtime LoatherMar 16, 13:54 Weekend 15th March 2025 Thanks … and that is why they don’t get a penny from me.
MarkyMarkMar 16, 13:52 Weekend 15th March 2025 I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.…
DeborahMar 16, 13:43 Weekend 15th March 2025 The Spring Bank area of Hull has a large Muslim population, drive down there just after prayers and you would…
Guest WhoMar 16, 13:42 Weekend 15th March 2025 Hey @bbcnews The judge explicitly said he was targeted for RELIGIOUS reasons because he was a Jew. 1. So…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 12:41 Weekend 15th March 2025 Migrant hotels, schoolgirls, police denials and “cultural expectations training” – what’s going on? Residents in British towns like Earley,…
JohnCMar 16, 12:11 Weekend 15th March 2025 Yes Fed : they have said they will not accept NATO troops in Ukraine under any circumstances. A despite all…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 11:55 Weekend 15th March 2025 @20:46 “Imagine a world where every pound shop Jimmy Saville was able to coordinate with every other Jimmy Saville in…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 11:46 Weekend 15th March 2025 Time segregation on the streets? Unwritten new laws?
MarkyMarkMar 16, 11:37 Weekend 15th March 2025 @18:40 “The vast majority of people don’t believe this shit.” …………… Father Ted writer Graham Linehan given harassment warning Published…
StewGreenMar 16, 11:34 Weekend 15th March 2025 The Graham Lineham speech about BBC’s obsession with trans etc.
We have the best armed forces in the world but the liberals wont like this…….
Why is Al Beeb reluctant to report this ?
No longer ,the entire army could fit comfortably into Old Trafford
they are down to less than 150 tanks , it’s hardly bigger than the Belgian army !
And would have been wearing the same uniform if our betters had had it all their own way.
I wonder why ?…….
Another very good reason for controlling immigration.
Record day for the EU taxi service ..just “rescued” 6,055 “refugees” … who were safe on dry land in Libya a few hours ago and didn’t need rescuing.
.A record number “rescued” in a day …Wow the EU taxi service are efficient at getting new customers !
Italian coast guard: 6055 migrants rescued off Libya in one day
John Motson attacks ‘cancer’ of greed in football
Strange though, nowhere does he seem to mention the £500,000 the BBC pay him per year or the £1.5 million they pay Gary Lineker
Maybe he resents the fact that he is not getting paid as much as the football stars.
The BBC is really adept at throwing other people’s money around like confetti.
“Very much so, in fact. Goal out the blue. Trevor …”
Thirdoption…. Precisely ! I have never understood the reasoning that speaking to a camera with a few mates sat around the table and talking about a sport you played and know about (Lineker) warrants an obscene salary. Has anyone asked WHY ???? if its because he would hotfoot it to another channel, well, …… let him, simples !
UK faces critical shortage of homes to rent, says Rics
No in-depth, or any depth whatsoever, Journalism to suggest why there is a shortage of homes. Perhaps they could follow up this article on why we need immigrants to build more houses for the UK?!?!
Well at least it’s only new homes that are needed. No need for supporting infrastructure in terms of roads, water supply, gas supplies, electricity generation, sewage disposal, waste disposal, schools, medical centres and hospitals, shops, public spaces, transportation… Oh, hang on a sec…
We need more immigrants to build the houses for the immigrants that are building the houses in the UK ….
Quisquose, I watched the documentary on BBC1 yesterday evening on Diabetes. Assuming the BBC actively reduced the number of foreign faces/voices filmed to satisfy their ‘softly, softly’ approach to the potential to stir up the indigenous population to become hostile at the sight of immigrants in the NHS, the viewer was left with the conclusion that it was, foreigners treating mainly foreigners. And as this was the BBC’s ‘light touch’ form of bias it had to be assumed that as the Asian population, as reported, being more prone to Diabetes, my assumption that there are more foreigners treating foreigners than the indigenous population pro rata is likely to be correct.
You are correct. When they say “the NHS would collapse without immigrants” they really mean there wouldn’t be enough patients.
Frighteningly, having looked at the list on the website of practising Consultants in my own local hospital, over 80% of them are of foreign origin – mainly Indian/Pakistani with a few Polish thrown in the mix. And wandering through the concourse there today, the rest of the junior doctors wandering around were of similar background. Honest to God you seriously would not believe we lived in a nation that has mainly white population when you venture into our hospitals. It IS scary. I suspect this is the case for every hospital in the land.
Plus we need more immigrants to look after those old immigrants living longer….and so on.
Just read that very poor article as well with similar assessment, I wonder at which point a housing shortage becomes too many people?
A classic example of self-fulfilment if I’m not mistaken.
So, they really are getting it about…?
Did anybody else hear the interview with Hugo Paeman, the former EU ambassador to Washington and former EU trade negotiator, on the Today programme at about 7:10 this morning?
He was totally intent on trying to paint a picture of doom and impossibility on our leaving the EU. To be honest, he sounded such an idiot that I suspect he did the opposite, but I do wonder WHY he was even given the opportunity to spout the remoaners propaganda.
World Service – and the reporter is lecturing the Hungarian minister that they must have uncontrolled immigration in order to, stay on good terms with the EU, fill jobs and attract investment.
He replied that, the EU has unsustainable, zero border control and we should maintain a European, Judeo – Christian identity.
He is clearly a racist, xenophobe, Nazi, white supremacist, extreme Right Wing, evil, un-educated, psychotic……….. or is he just talking sense?
BBC Online News:
“”Momentum Vice Chair Sacked Over Remarks””
Her ‘remarks’ are in fact anti-semitic racist rants.
If the rants had been Islamophobic, they would not have been downgraded by the BBC to ‘remarks’.
Seems she was at an anti-semitism training event. It isn’t that which is the issue, they re good at that.
An anti anti-semitism training event would be better as long as the woman in question is only there in pixel form as an example of what not to do.
Saying that, do normal people actually need to be trained in how to not hate Jewish people?
Our Reeta Chakrabarti’s recent report from a migrant rescue ship in the Med has already been mentioned here – it really was a masterclass in how NOT to garner audience sympathy.
The premise is that humanitarian european rescue boats will pluck drowning migrants from the sea – in fact we know that the prospect of being picked up just off the Libyan coast actually tempts the trafficers to push these people out in their flimsey inflatables with the promise of a fast track to asylum.
Right from the start our Reeta inadvertantly lets on that there are games being played here – the migrants playing the humanitarian boats and BBC journos playing the tv audience. Seas have been rough for a few days and the wind in the wrong direction for the boats to set out and this, or so our Reeta suggests, was unsuccessful or disappointing in some way. So the ideal situation here is to gather in as many migrants as possible? I thought the aim was to save lives?
Fear not, wind direction changed and seas calmed and the boats duly set out under cover of darkness. Reeta and her charity ship are pleased to see some action at last.
But we soon pile a cargo of false pretences upon our boat load of hypocrisy. Reeta is on a charity boat for… wait for it… Save The Children.
That’s Save The Children – and not one child do we see. ‘100 West African Men’ are the first catch of the day.
Perhaps it is supposed to be the as yet unborn children of these chaps we are to save from being… born in Africa?
Later we bring in some ‘Somali women’ and our Reeta hones in on a girl who says she is 16? She also says she wants to be a ‘doctor’.
I’ve a feeling the desire of migrants to become doctors and engineers ranks with 1960s school boys yearning to be spacemen or steam loco drivers. It never happened.
Yeah I saw that last night, even my wife who is a bit of a Lefty said, “that boat is full of young fit men, why don’t they stay to help their country?”.
I would have a nice big safe boat ready, load the whole lot up and take them back to Libya, do that a few times and they will get sick of it.
The Somali 16 year-old also spoke perfect English and had a pair of designer spectacles on. Surely not run-of-the-mill in downtown Mogadishu?
Maybe a doctor or engineer TR? After all we’ve heard so much about the benefits of migration.
It’s all the fault of the EU fisheries policy. They had to throw the little ones back.
Clearly these kids are schooled in what to say, so its always ‘doctor’ or ‘engineer’, consequently our pious journos are suckered in. No librarians, fishermen, police, fireman, ballet dancers or shop window dressers. Why not say they want to be a ‘trafficker’ ? it’d be a sight more bloody believable !
Re. a comment a few posts ago ‘EU taxi service rescues record 6055 “refugees”‘
Slight alteration: EU taxi service rescues record 6055 minicab drivers
It would of course be wrong to quote Bernard Manning at this point. When chatting about the Vietnamese boat people, he asked ‘wonder what their chips taste like.’
Maybe Benedict Cumberbatch should work that into his post Hamlet act, the audience might have felt less uncomfortable at his moronic lecture.
For youngsters, Bernard Manning was a comedian in the 1970s who has been airbrushed from history. He made fun of people by race rather than by how far removed from the Guardian’s view they might be.
Guardian reader in an FB discussion told me there is no such thing as a non-lefty comedian.
..cos “To be funny you have to be smart, and right wingers aren’t smart, so that is why the BBC can’t find any right wing comedians for Radio4”
That’s actually quite funny!
scribblingscribe, Bernard Manning might or might not have been airbrushed from history but he hasn’t been airbrushed from YouTube:
A gang of us went to see him at the Embassy Club, Manchester in the 1980’s.
Waiting for it to start I went to the bar and Bernard was standing there with a large Gin and Tonic in his hand. I chatted to him for a minute or so, you’d have thought he was someone waiting to watch the show, not the star.
He then went on stage and was absolutely superb.
People can criticise now as much as they like but he was of a time and was not only a great comedian but a great bloke as well.
Radio 4 this morning…. “Eighty years ago today, fascist leader Oswald Mosley and his Blackshirt followers planned a march in London’s East End, but were forced to abandon after Jewish residents joined forces with local communists to block the route. Today reporter Zoe Conway has been to meet some of those still alive who took part in that day’s struggle.”
What a coincidence, at the same time as the Tory conference?
They were interviewing 100 year old Jewish women from London, strange that these days the Jews are more in danger from the Labour party and it’s followers, how come the UAF aren’t protesting against them?
Cable Street remains an enduring myth for the Far Left. The Blackshirts held several marches that day, of which one was stopped whilst the others proceeded unimpeded. The majority of the violence was between the protesters themselves and the Police who were, admittedly, heavy handed. Membership of the BUF actually increased in the following months. The real significance is that it led to the passing of the Public Order Act 1936, which included a ban on wearing political uniforms, greatly reducing the appeal of the BUF to those who liked dressing up and pretending they were continentals.
Not much changed then.
I consider Islamic garb in breach of this act.
Not only political and religious uniform, but also military uniform.
In fact enemy soldiers.
Time to adopt the methods of our ancestors in dealing with these enemies.
It will be a grand turn out for the left over the Cable Street march on Sunday. Jew haters in the Labour Party together with Islamic supporters in the UAF, SWP, Left Unity, the People’s Assembly, and Class War. Lots of speeches and for excitement a couple of dustbins will be kicked over by the more radical comrades. No Pasaran, as they say in Yoonie
“No Pasaran” ah yes that wonderful slogan…that commemorates the “defence of Madrid” from Fascism.
Thing is though, that Franco`s side eventually won the war and passed into Madrid and history, having defeated Communist expansionism in Western Europe.
There`s the wonderful leftist nostalgia for the “International Brigades” forever memorialised by Orwell who had to run for his life from the Communists in Barcelona.
And then there`s the other “International brigade” the 50-70,000 Moroccan muslim troops who fought with Franco`s side to defeat the left.
Do they learn that at yuni too? seems not.
On the BBC website this morning we are told that Jackie Walker from Momentum is Jewish .
maybe she has some “tainted” blood maybe she has , or maybe she hasn’t,but she wont be alone.
It is said that HITLER’S natural grandfather was Jewish. Then we get down to Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband. His natural father was Baron von Mayern the JEWISH chamberlain at the court of Saxe Coburg. And yours truly Foscari is married to a great,great,great, great
grand daughter of the Baron.Even if Ms Walker is partly Jewish this does not stop her from being anti semitic. The BBC treat it like it is an anachronism. My wives “relative” King Edward the eighth, being one of the worse, for a nice Jewish boy!!
The evidence from her being part Jewish appears from her saying she is part Jewish. If she were Jewish presumably she would be considered a Zionist by her liberal minded colleagues on Momentum.
But do not forget that Jackie is black, thus cannot be racist.
Victoria Derbyshire this morning berating state school class sizes of 30…
Absolutely no questions asked as to why class sizes are so big in the state system nowadays… Just more virtue signalling from our Vicky and calls for more resources or what is otherwise known as money, no doubt in the form of more national debt…
I’m no politician Vicky but I’ve got a suggestion… How about less mass immigration of low skilled workers who at best get a job on minimum wage with tax credits etc whilst their partner stays at home or at worse don’t work at all. On that note I would like a full and immediate audit of all those that have come to the UK from anywhere in the world and have never given a penny into the system yet are contributing to those class sizes that you feel are so unfair.
Or suggestion number two… You and your overpaid colleagues take a pay cut and redistribute this throughout society as I can see how much pain this issue is causing you.
Sadly, neither of these things will happen whilst the BBC is at the helm of the propaganda machine.
World Service – and a report on Spain which has no government and suffers with mass unemployment, a massive deficit, oh, and a high level of corruption!
And the conclusion: Spain is OK, will be OK and it’s all fine.
Jeez! If only the dear old beeb could be as positive when reporting our supposed woes. The contrast is stunning.
The only country the World Service is allowed to trash is the UK. There is a series on now called the “disunited Kingdom” about, guess what … the damage of Brexit has done to our previously wonderful multicultural society.
Perhaps all those Somalians will hear it and change their mind about hoping on the ferry boats in Libya?
engineerdownunder: The only country the World Service is allowed to trash is the UK.
I take your point but it’s worth noting that the BBC also trashes Western countries like the US and Canada whenever a conservative government is in power as well as your own country and any country in Europe that resists EU insanity.
Having said that, it really is despicable of the BBC to trash its own country as it gorges from the public trough thereof.
Chief among the BBC targets for trashing is Israel, the Jewish state. The BBC simply cannot get enough of it, especially whenever Israel defends herself against the BBC’s Islamic terrorist friends.
That strong anti-Anglo bias of BBC WS is probably due to revenge from the main “Right-On BBC” due to the govt stopping direct funding of WS and forcing the main “Right-On BBC” to fund it.
….BTW it is ironic that the WS is allowed to ignore BBC ethnic bias rules, quite reasonable since its focus is outside the UK it’s staff don’t conform to the 90% white of the UK population, but rather heavily skew to minorities. So with the 10% BME taking so many jobs at BBC WS there is a smaller pool for other employers (aimed at the UK market) trying to make their 10% target, but they still have to conform.
EdU, and being on the dole in the UK!
I know we’re all still reeling following the Kim Kardashians robbery but she could have barged them with that huge, silicone arse?
Apparently she was ‘locked’ in the bathroom. Um, how many bathrooms have you come across that has a lock on the OUTSIDE of the bathroom door ????? helloooooo !
By and large I still trust the security services . I hope that trust is not misplaced , unlike my trust in the police and judicery which certainly was misplaced. Going back 40 years I even naively trusted the BBC! The rot set in the 60s when the left began to take over the education system , was accelerated when the BBC took it upon itself to oppose Lady Ts government and reached a crescendo under Blair ŵhen most of our institutions were captured by the left. Something that the Tories have not reversed, or even attempted to reverse. The power of this liberal left elite is immense. It is this makes me fear that Brexit will not yield the result we expected. The elite will subvert the will of the people. Lady T managed to make some progress in reversing the March of socialism but socialism has been making gains ever since and leading us down the road to ruin.
Not to worry, DT. I’m sure that the democratic deficit will be adjusted come the next election when the BBC will be on the ballot paper. Just relish that day……….
Had to laugh at Al Beeb news last night.
Rita Chakibutty is reporting from the Med., in mournful tones about the vulnerable would-be immigrants in the boats.
But in a moment of madness, she actually fessed up to the fact that Syrian doctors, engineers, and their families were significantly under- represented in the boat. Well, she didn’t actually say that but did admit that everyone in the boat in question was a. Young b. Male c. From Africa. And in search of a better life, to boot. In other words, something that has been staring her Al Beeb colleagues in the face all along.
This is not the normal narrative at all. Rita could be for the naughty step. What a shame she didn’t take the next obvious step and admit to the months and months of sheer lies from Al Beeb on this issue.
Last night World Service – I thought it was Radio 4 Xtra fantasy.
Pure, delusional shite – “when the photo of the dead boy on the beech went out the world took notice and changed and acted to end the crisis….”.
Clearly they’re not keeping up with BBC news?
If that was the edition of BBC Trending from 2 weeks back ..they would have mentioned that in the year since “the world took notice and changed and acted to end the crisis” 5,500 drowned in the Med
….whereas the year before 4,500 drowned
..That’s hardly progress.
If that was the edition of BBC Trending from 2 weeks back ..they would have mentioned that in the year since “the world took notice and changed and acted to end the crisis” 5,500 drowned in the Med
….whereas the year before 4,500 drowned
..That’s hardly progress.
To to BBC/Guardian mad lefties the death numbers are less important than the Virtue Signalling brownie points.
I think what we are looking at is “Operation Save Ritas Reputation”
Shes not doing to well at the moment what with private school for junior and her selective myopia when looking at anti semitism in the Labour party.
Time to jump aboard the Skylark and remind everyone how truly caring she really is – I wonder whether the migrants are allowed to call her Rita or Baroness Chakribarty?
Err, I think there might be a bit of a sibling mixup there.
They have never been seen together!
Well spotted Quisquose – I wondered which one of you would be the first to spot my deliberate mistake !
DUUUUUH -Its been a long day!
Never mind Oaknash, here’s an excellent tear down of Shami:
Hey,the good old auntie beeb at it again…
Luckily the newshounds are busy getting ready to ooze over the impending Hiati storm because they missed reporting that Trump tortures kittens and caused the 1926 Wall Street crash.
Andrew Neil grilling Damien Green on BBC2 currently asking an extremely sensible question:
How can the tories get immigration down to the 10’s of 1,000’s when their latest sound bite is that they want more “skilled” workers from all across the globe.
On that note I genuinely would love to know what the tories class as “skilled”… Do they mean the eastern european labourers that hang out on Cricklewood Broadway for cash in hand jobs or are we talking about the ones that staff pretty much every hand car wash throughout the UK?
The tories are a joke. They have absolutely no intention of getting migration down to the 10’s of 1’000’s… they were voted in in the last election on that pledge which Cameron had the audacity to turn around and state was in fact an “ambition”. That said now that Sir Nigel has gone there really is no one that I trust to fulfill what the public wants.
Friends! The Far-Right Bullingdon Bully Boy May is literally even worse than the hated Thatcher! After all, even Thatcher didn’t viciously try to implement totally illegal Hard-Right Brexit against the wishes of everyone except a tiny handful of 17,410,742 bigoted racists who in any case didn’t even know what they were voting for, due to the literally millions of Hard-Right LIES of the Leave Camp, e.g. their solemn promise that they would give Our NHS an extra £350 million every single second of every single minute of every single day from 24th June onwards, if the Leave Camp won, which in any case it didn’t, because its LIES made the result totally invalid.
My latest Blog explains in full detail how totally undemocratic, totally illegal Hard-Right Brexit will literally smash this country – which Thatcher totally destroyed – in to pieces, and why we on the Progressive Left must now put our differences aside, unite, and take the fight to the Hard-Right Brexiters:
“The 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to three British-born scientists for discoveries about strange forms of matter.”
Reports AlBeeb, as does The Times of India and Huffington Post, all the other reports I searched, including The Guardian, described the scientists as just British.
Is AlBeeb trying to create a new category of person, the non-British-born non-British “British”? Who are all entitled to live in the UK.
Maybe one or more of them have since changed nationality, possibly becoming US citizens for instance?
Tmw R4 You and Yours “will be reporting on the growing demand for Muslim friendly holiday resorts”
..Up to now R4YY has been mostly immune to Virtue Signalling.
They’re all Muslim friendly ffs. What sensible business is unfriendly to paying customers just because of their religious beliefs?
What the real growing demand from the Muslims is for is that there are more non-Muslim unfriendly holiday resorts. What the growing demand is for is more Islamic segregation.
What they mean is that all resorts must ban alcohol sales, burger bars and bikinied women. Any that stick to allowing even one of them will be classed as Muslim-unfriendly and therefore racist.
StewG, since the Cult of Submission are not into beaches, bars and enjoying themselves, being more comfortable with warring, might a list of Muslim ‘Hotspots’ at war be recommended by the BBC? There’s plenty of them worldwide starting with Aleppo. Just imagine it, the compare for the show will be Lyse Ducette complete with body armour and helmet to show the viewer/potential Muslim holidaymaker around the bomb craters, “this is a crater caused by a Syrian barrel bomb and that one over there, a Russian missile”…………..
I believe Raqqa is pleasant this time of year. All good muslims are welcome.
Jo Cox MP death: Murder accused Thomas Mair refuses to enter pleas
Not much in the article apart from the news itself although one sentence caught my eye. Maybe because the BBC decided to make it big and bold…
“Her death prompted what her family described as an “outpouring of genuine grief and sympathy”.”
If it is “genuine” grief then it must be true otherwise the BBC wouldn’t be telling us it was!
I see anyone who objects to giving her vacant seat to Labour without an election will meet criticism from the left.
Perhaps her seat ought to be contested, if only there were politicians who object to the organizations she supported. The White Helmets, Hope not Hate. Can I assume that the political parties share these values?
As I’ve said before here, compare and contrast:
(1) the Left’s line on Batley and Spen (2016) after the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox;
(2) Eastbourne (1990) after Tory MP Ian Gow was murdered by the IRA.
I think that the voters deserve a choice of candidates. They can vote for a Cox replica who cares more about folks from other continents than her constituents , i.e. Labour, or have an alternative candidate who will serve their constituents and country.
Of course it should be contested. In UK we vote for the person, not the party, to represent us constituents in Parliament, and the electorate should always be reminded of that. I found it arrogant that the major parties decided they could pick a person to be MP.
I think there are independents standing.
I have to disagree chaps. A political assassination should be no occasion to change the party of the constituency. I am pleased that none of the major parties have taken the opportunity to do so. Terrorism can only be defeated if its aims are robustly frustrated. And would be assassins of what ever political side will see its futility.
Yes the Labour Party would have to come on board too. It will be hard for them no doubt, but we have to make the effort to present solidarity in the face of such political violence. Jo Cox would be the last person I would have voted for had I been in Batley & Spen but she did not deserve to be gunned down.
I consider it an act of terrorism and name it such. I’m not sure what the BBC has named it. Perhaps someone can enlighten me. Or do they regard the perpetrator as a ‘militant’ in the way they try to soften reports of Islamic terrorism?
When mum and dad are actually aunt and uncle
“But in some cases, members of the Asian community living in the UK have favoured an informal kind of adoption, where one couple gives a baby to another couple in the same extended family to bring up as their own.”
That’s right…blame those Asians again!
The article then goes on to explain how a baby was given to the Aunt in Kenya. When was Kenya part of Asia?!? The article would make more sense if they said “members of the Norwegian community”.
Could be worse.
Finding out the people you thought aunt and uncle are actually your parents and also brother and sister could be a little perturbing and not all that unlikely in the wondrous and colourful world of Asian relationships.
BBC Simon Jacks …just now on R4 news :
“The reason why the pound is dropping is :
No trade deal we get in future can be as perfect as the one we already have”
Yeh right… doesn’t he know about EU Tariffs we do pay more than the free market price for a whole range of things food from Africa, non-EU cars etc.
Apologies to Lennon & McCartney – Lovely Reeta Migrant Maid
Lovely Reeta Chakrabarti,
Nothing can come between us,
On TV news you try to tow our hearts away.
Standing on the deck of a Save The Children refugee ship,
When I caught a glimpse of Reeta,
Interviewing a migrant with her BBC crew
In fact this African lad looked much older,
And the bag across his shoulder
Made him look a little like a military-age man.
Lovely Reeta migrant maid,
May I inquire discreetly,
Is the entire world now free to come into the EU and live with me?
Took them in and tried win them,
Had a laugh after 7/7 and when they went off for Jihad in Syria,
Told them we really didn’t want to see them again
We’ll get the bill but will Reeta pay it?
Take them into her own home, guess she didn’t really mean it,
Sitting on the sofa with her sister or two.
The public saying the WRONG thing and annoying the BBC
For our BBC it was an easy job push the Green/lefty dogma and gain the Virtue Signalling brownie points.
So the BBC ends up as a FREE ADVERTISING platform for NGOs pushing green religion and lefty dogma
#1 “Sustainable Fish and Chips”
See the free video advert for the NGO called MSC that BBC Radio Humberside have done on their Facebook page.
BUT This morning on Radio Humberside around 8.30am
Here’s a screenshot of the item on the BBC Humber Live page

For lazy people who don’t want to deal with full colour complexities : Right-on green religion and lefty dogma is a clear winner , cos when you start a conversation there is a clear right answer all flows one way hence the virtue signalling.
What’d happened is last week the “Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) kicked off its #TurnTheTide campaign”
That would have flowed thru Twatter to the Humberside Beeboids brain and thus NGO publicity turns into a NEWS item.
See also the post blow that SG.
Albanian murderer of no fixed abode – in Hull? And people question what the EU have ever done for us. They just couldn’t see the value for money and diversity that we actually receive for our billion pounds a month.
Albanian ?? The BBC text says “The teenager who stabbed a man to death”
you have to dig deep to find the nationality.
East European stabs East European is a standard headline in a Hull and Boston as well.
Although to be fair Hull City of Culture 2017 always has had a culture of stabbing ..and knifing…. ..and they had poet Philip Larkin as well. (386,000 results for “Hull stabbing” on Google)
Note that in accordance with the BBC policy of bending over backwards and down your throat to avoid any racial stirring ..the BBC article doesn’t mention the guy is Albanian in the title, nor in the text until the second screen. Other media like the Times and the Sun mention “Albanian” in the title.
As he was Albanian and of no fixed abode I feel that he must have thought his only possible way to contribute to the UK economy was by murdering another man (nationality unavailable) to reduce the taxpayers burden. As long as he’s returned to Albania he won’t be costing us
c.£100k a year to keep in prison. I expect that he will be urgently sent home to sunny Albania where one day he can roam free to ‘combat knife’ yet another person to death. Or, probably not sent home actually.
Just as an aside to the fish issue SG. I personally care greatly where my battered fish comes from and I look forward to the day when I can bite into scrumptious battered haddock – from BRITISH waters.
If I live long enough that is.
This was on Look North as well: The BBC Environ-Mental idiot did not even ask the most obvious evidence based questions. A moronic looking bore called Murphy, I think. (1) Which fishermen in our region are guilty of supplying unsustainable Fish, to Fish and Chip shops (2) Is this allowed under EU rules? (3) Or are the fish imported from outside of the EU? For instance, Icelandic fish from Grimsby? (4) But then are all Fish and Chip shops in our region sourcing sustainable fish. Because only sustainable fish are available, whether or not the Shop has signed up to this loony left-wing idea, or not. (5) If there is no evidence that a Fish and Chip Shop can source unsustainable fish, then what is the point of signing up to the scam, other than paying a fee to the Marine Stewardship Council?
Or is it just another moronic Environ-Mental virtue signalling scam.
#2 Radio4 5:35am Farming Today : seasonal migrant labour in agriculture:
He said SAWS was a fantastic system. I could hear the presenter’s lips thinning, almost.
It is odd though, how it’s ok to be anti Israel but not anti Iran or Turkey and I listen hard for condemnation and outrage over Assad and Russia and certainly hear nothing negative about Russia’s new BFF, China and their veto.
No, it seems the only condemnation is directed towards Europe for not beaming over every, poor, un-educated, person from a list of countries too long to list because they choose to place themselves in jeopardy ?
Just talking to our coal man – he and his mates work six twelve hour days. If they complain – there’s an immigrant just waiting outside the gate. Ah, but leaving the EU will mean a loss of workers rights ?
We do seem to live in parallel worlds these days.
I warn of the dangers again. Amber Rudd speech on reducing immigration. Again, all references to reducing influx from EU but not the other half from outside the EU – slowly closing the front door (maybe) while leaving the back door wide open. There cannot be any critical line of questioning here as the Governments failure to even vaguely suggest how they will deal with this 50% plays conveniently into the hands of a BBC anxious to Islamicise the UK.
As BBC managers, Guardian writers and Labour politicians want to send their children to private schools, whilst pretending they want them ended, may I suggest a certain private school in Dewsbury Yorkshire?
It’s a private Muslim school run by a bunch of Islamic nutters called the Deobandis.
Here the indoctrinated lambs adhere to strict sharia rules. So the little puddings of Guardian writers would not be allowed to listen to music, read papers, watch tv or ‘even mix with others’. As you’d expect Ofsted praised the school for its standards in 2011 but sadly a TV investigation by Sky, (not the BBC note), discovered all the dreadful aspects of its so called education.
But don’t worry, the Deobandis have plenty of other schools in the UK in which to enrol the next generation of terrorists.
Tell me something, what the hell were ofsted, the LEA and the government doing to permit tax payers to fund the spread of sharia law in the UK?
BTW the Deobandis are considered a serious security threat in their home of Pakistan. If they are security threat in that hell hole of blood soaked Islamist extremism what the hell are they doing in the UK?
I think that Anna’s gurning is really the result of her straining to understand what others on Question Time are actually saying, rather than amazement that they are spouting such ridiculous tosh, although given the usual collection of lefty luvvies that is an understandable mistake to make.
Reading an article today about how our universities are changing from the riotous places of old; there are apparently classes on self awareness and consent (sex); information about the perils of alcohol; and music with any offensive content is scrutenised. The comment was that its political correctness gone overboard. Well, reading between the lines, perhaps its more the case that the influx of Muslim students is causing the universities to become Islamified i.e. no sex, no alcohol, no music.
Footballer Ched Evans ‘raped woman in Rhyl hotel room’
The accusation is inverted commas (so, quoted) in the headline, so why does the article begin with:
A woman raped by footballer Ched Evans in a hotel had “no idea what on earth was happening”, a court has heard.
A factual statement that she was raped? Surely this is breaching some reporting regulations?
A WTF moment this afternoon on “A Good Read”. Not the choice of guests – Anne Widdecombe and Vince Cable – but an aside by the presenter, Harriett Gilbert. They were discussing the Dreyfus affair and touched on the anti-semitism of the time. Gilbert suggested implications for the present day and threw in a comment about muslims feeling that they were “the Jews of now”. It’s at 15 minutes:
I think it’s now a reflex response of BBC staff – whatever the topic muslims have to be the victims.
Another example of what I was saying the other day about the seeming impossibility of turning on R4 and not hearing ‘the message’ in one form or another.
My reaction? I mostly don’t (turn it on any longer).
Agreed – funny thing is Muslims are victims even in Muslim countries.
They really have taken the ‘victim crown’ and wear it with pride while hating none Muslims and the ‘other kind’ of Muslims which, I suppose is a kind equality ?
I was listening to the programme and that segment had me shouting at the radio. Can they really not see the difference between the plight of the Jews between the World Wars and the reaction to murderous Muslims across Europe today? I think they can but to admit it now opens up a huge can of worms.
Yep, that’s why they big-up some stories while glossing over or omitting other – they want us all to share in the cult dictums.
This cretinous line that the Muslims are the “Jews of now” is wholly wrong on several levels….
Not least that Jews in Europe had no state in which they were unconditionally welcomed as Jews. This was only rectified with the successful struggle for Israel in 1947-8;
whereas todays Muslims have 57 member states of the OIC to choose from Sunni, Shia….both branches have their states, and all the states range from full sharia compliance to Islamic dominance over non Muslim minorities.
To suggest that today’s Muslims share anything of the experience that Jews endured in Nazi Germany and occupied Europe in the 1940s is at best despicably uninformed and at worst a form of holocaust denial.
The BBC really do shame us all at times.
And now, on Al Jezza TV
Biased BBC1 6pm news.
A feature about the latest film by……who else but Ken Loach.
About a single female parent on benefits in Newcastle.
So….absolutely no agenda, narrative, or bias whatsoever. LOL.
No doubt she has to make regular trips to the hijab bank in order to keep going.
Laura Kuenssberg’s Twitter Comment re Conservative Party Conference:
“”3 different ministers have said privately this week that we might stay in the single market after Brexit, whatever has been said….””
1. No names so no validity.
2. There are 330 Conservative MPs. What significance are these unnamed three?
The sole purpose is to undermine Brexit and the Conservatives.
I’m not amazed.
Of course we would be delighted to stay in the single market if it doesn’t mean freedom of movement. There’s no “a priori” reason why it should. Just that the EU says it should. A good starting point for our negotiating team that these ministers are clearly seeing as possible to be successful.
When we joined the EEC (EU) we were told that in practice ‘no-one’ moved between ‘the six’, and why should they, there was no reason to move.
Add in poor Europeans to the mix and it’s a different game. As an aside if Germany needs new people why can’t it take in the unemployed of Spain, Greece etc.?
Or from Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, etc., etc.? Oh, they all prefer UK … that racist hate crime disunited country portrayed by the Beeb … but they prefer it to Germany … weird that eh?
When the BBC doesn’t get the news it wants it just makes it up.
“A 33-year-old man from Cardiff has been charged with six terrorism offences”
More benefits of multi-culti enrichment . This time from a Cardiff lad ……
Another Brexit danger.
Note the presentation here which appears as a pre-referendum piece of propaganda. But it was only produced 6 hours ago
Brexit will harm the N Ireland peace process.
Make no mistake the BBC are campaigning for an overturn of the referendum or a re run. And not a member of the Tory Government or Tory Party are commenting.
Thanks G.W.F.
It’s a typical pro-Remain feature by the BBC.
The BBC always bash the Brexit areas of Britain such as Sunderland and portray them as misinformed dullards.
Northern Ireland is part of Britain as much as Sunderland is.
No GWF, they aren’t. They’re simply doing what every sensible parent does with a petulant, screaming, spoilt brat like the SCBBC – they’re simply ignoring them, and thus the screaming, wailing and (in this case) bias gets worse and worse. But as with every patient parent, they’ll win in the end, when the child utterly exhausts itself and the parent then asks quietly, “Now, are you ready to listen?’
I’m tuning in more and more to Sky ch 507 – Japanese news followed by some wonderful short documentaries about life in Japan. It positively ‘calms’ me down !! no Brexit, no Islamic news, no migrant stories, no diversity issues – very good for the blood pressure.
Dont do it Brissles you will miss some great stuff.
Why only today on PM we had a proper tear jerker from the BBCs very own “Queen of Compassion” Emma Jane Kirby reporting from Lampedusa about some bloke called Vimto or Orangina or something.
Apparently a couple of years ago he was out in his boat (The Lady Dhimmi) when an “Engineer Special” capsized drowning over 300 hundred assorted Erritreans, Africans etc.
Anyway poor old Vimto could only save 36 of them on his boat. And many more drowned.
As it is now the anniversary of the disaster he flew over and put up 8 of them (at his own expense) for a special remembrance service.
We were told in hushed tones that the service could not be recorded because it was private! So private in fact that the resourceful Emma Jane (BBC reporter ) was there too!
Apparently Emma Jane also told us that “she could see all the muscles in Vimtos arms – so hard was he hugging one of the migrants (called Bassinger) – But I dont think this one was in Nine and a half weeks.
She then even more reverentially informed us that when rescuing 36 of the Engineers and Doctors – Vimto said “We stretched out our arms and as we both looked into each others eyes and we understood”
Actually Vimto I dont think you do understand – Yes I applaud you for putting yourself at risk to rescue these people – but actually these people were also “authors of their own misfortune” – No one asked them to put themselves at risk and in some ways this is all very much predictable. And though all the world can now see what a jolly good chap you must be – you are also being somewhat manipulated by an organisation who has no respect for both of our cultures and would prefer us to be swamped by those who have no respect for our history or our ways.
I suppose the moral of this story is to prevent this happening we should send over a dozen RO RO ferries to transport these migrants to Europe – Then and only then will Emma Jane and myself sleep soundly at night.
Apparently Emma Jane has just written a book called “The Optician of Lampadusa – surely she wouldnt want to plug it!
As for Bassinger his story has a happy end – He now lives in Sweden, his wife has just had a child and he is training to be a “carer”
Lucky old Sweden!
Anyway Im off to my vomitorium again – hope you all enjoyed the story!
They can’t have been very good engineers on that boat if they didn’t know about the concept of metacentric height. (Basically boats that are stacked high rollover).
Perfect BBC logic Jim – pile em in and damm the consequences!
I wonder whether Vimto ever considers, if the roles were reversed, how many of those he rescued or attempted to rescue would have done the same for him?
There has been an interesting, lightweight, docu-travel series in 3 parts on ITV about Japan, with Joanna Lumley travelling from its northernmost point to the most southerly of the islands.
There was an interesting part where she stayed at this gimmicky hotel which is staffed predominantly by robots, J.L. was talking to the (human) manager of the hotel about what is the attraction of doing this and one of the reasons he cited was the falling birth rate in Japan: meaning fewer workers.
That is the primary difference between us and them, between their homogenous “Japanese” Japan and our increasingly multicultural Britain. The Japanese do not (would never) conclude that a solution to their (and our) falling birth rate / ageing population conundrum is to allow an unending stream of Third World s**t to move there.
They are a clever and resourceful people and will use (are using) their technology to overcome that problem.
Why TF can’t we now and why on earth haven’t we done so already?
Yes, AlSh I did watch the series. My interest in Japan stems for a visit 2 years ago, and I’ve been enamoured with the place ever since. What was striking during my trip, was, I only encountered 5 faces of colour in a journey from Tokyo down to Hiroshima. They are not terribly big on Islam or migration.
Oaknash…….”from Lampedusa about some bloke called Vimto or Orangina or something”.. that cracked me up !!! priceless.
Simply because it’s easier for the Globalists to import cheap labour than to invest in technology.
This is why we must have national democracies and not allow power to given away to unelected oligarchies like the EU and the BBC.
Of mild celebrity interest:
Agenda?? bBBC manage to squeeze in a comment that he handed over a petition in support of migrants to the UN…absolutely nothing to do with the story. Twats.
BBC Online News:
“”Why rising shares aren’t a sign of joy””
“”…the UK economy is yet to show any ill effects from the Brexit vote””
This anti-Brexit report by the BBC has to admit that, “”…the UK economy is yet to show any ill effects from the Brexit vote””
Get over it BBC. Your team lost the Referendum. Try and be impartial, please.
The trailer for Radio 4 news programme “The World Tonight” leads with a story that will be on Aleppo (again) and the suffering of children (again) in rebel held areas (again). Will it ever end?
Despite the lack of any BBC reporting I know from other sources that children are suffering in the government held areas from rebel attacks, and no doubt in other cities and even other countries.
Yup, Fergal is there emoting.
I’ve never heard a war being so under reported in terms of what it’s about, who is siding with, arming, funding, fighting who over what. All we get is useless emoting. I can only assume something is being hidden.
Where has satirical comedy gone? Has the media lost its ability to laugh at itself, and criticize the world in general. Doom I say, DOOM!
ITV is no better than BBC. Currently nauseating program called:
The Lost children of Europe, a piece of unmitigated attempts to pull at the heart strings, with sad voices and tears from bleeding heart presenters (the on the spot one, an American) and charity workers.
One, IMO horrible, Syrian woman with three young kids is threatening to commit suicide if she isnt admitted to Britain! (Her brother and his children have been promised a place in Swansea and she wants to bring her kids with him , creating a massive housing problem as theyd be wanting a giant house!) What a demanding b***ch!
Now the News hhas started and more pro refugee Alleppo propaganda.
Do our Immigration people check if cousins/brothers/sisters are really related? Do they use DNA?
I suspect that DNA can only be obtained if volunteered. Otherwise Human Rights would be infringed and violated.
No of course they won’t. Mind you immigrant families have been bringing in fake children for years. I have known many who look nothing like their alleged ‘parents’. I recall one in my daughters sixth form who had the most peculiar back story and whose alleged ‘father’ (a doctor) looked nothing like her, way lighter skinned and far too young looking, the ‘mother’ was absent, supposedly divorced . I suspect he was a distant relative, and also that she was a young adult not the seventeen year old she claimed to be. She stayed in his apartment alone in the week while he worked away!
I am in London at the moment. Three times the 10.30 BBC1 local news referred to ‘The Mayor’ was going to do X, y, & z re new crossings over the Thames. Only in a brief interview was Sadiq Khan named, but not ‘the Mayor, Sadiq Kahn’. I am sure Boris was always referred to as ‘The mayor, Boris Johnson…..’ I am not sure of the significance but it was so obvious there just has to be an agenda.
Khan has lost his hoped for opportunity to be PM. This is due to Labour speeding with glee into the Desert of Electoral Oblivion.
Khan is now hoping for a Londistan caliphate.
As news of Diane James standing down after just 18 days as UKIP leader breaks, the BBC News report here states her decision “is thought to be partly due to family commitments”, followed by a quote from her statement to The Times.
And in part due to the revelation that she suffered an attack from a Corbynista at Waterloo Station ahead of her first meeting with UKIP MP Douglas Carswell – an important point which the BBC undoubtedly omits on purpose.
It is very sad to hear that Diane James is standing down. But this is not the end because a very able man is waiting in the wings. Look out for Steven Woolfe MEP. He is a very able man to lead the party and has the backing of many in UKIP.
Be afraid Al Beeb, ‘be very afraid of the Woolfe.’