The BBC updates what is happening in the Jo Cox murder trial…
Jo Cox MP death: Murder accused Thomas Mair refuses to enter pleas
Naturally they avoid mentioning that Mair had mental health issues whereas they mention it relentlessly as an excuse for Muslim killers.
The death of Jo Cox resulted in an outpouring of anguish about the state of political discourse and how Brexit had poisoned the delightful and warm atmosphere that had prevailed before the idea of a referendum raised its ugly head.
Strange than that the BBC has generally avoided any similar ‘outrage’ at the massive surge in hatred being spewed out by Corbyn’s supporters towards anyone who dares have different thoughts and the oh so usual visceral hatred towards Tories so often displayed by the Left…such hatred not being a recent occurence that the BBC can link to Brexit but something that the BBC itself has been part of ever since Thatcher took power.
The BBC is desperate to try and equate voting for Leave with racism and indeed reports uncritically this load of old tosh today:
Human rights report warns over ‘anti-foreigner sentiment’
Xenophobia in the UK has been stoked by “considerable intolerant political discourse”, a European human rights watchdog claims.
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance said racist violence had been “on the rise” in the UK.
There had been an increase in anti-Muslim violence since 2013 as well as record levels of anti-Semitic incidents in 2014, it said in a report.
Complete rubbish.
The BBC loves the attack on Farage (and fails to mention the death threats to him and his family from the pro-immigration extremists…all whipped up by the BBC anti-Farage reports?) and tells us…
The watchdog accused UKIP and “some Conservative MPs” of “large-scale scaremongering” over the lifting of EU restrictions on Bulgarian and Romanian nationals’ access to the labour market.
Trouble is it wasn’t scaremongering…the figure of 50,000 a year was entirely accurate and probably an underestimate if anything. The BBC don’t admit that.
Naturally Muslims get a good press from this ‘watchdog’ and the BBC doesn’t question it at all…
While it welcomed Mr Cameron’s £20m language fund to teach Muslim women to speak English, “it regrets that the prime minister associated it with countering ‘backward attitudes’ and extremism”.
The report also said:
Muslims were portrayed in “a negative light by certain politicians”
Muslims’ alleged lack of integration and opposition to “fundamental British values” was “a common theme adding to a climate of mistrust and fear of Muslims”
The government’s counter-terrorism strategy, Prevent, “may fuel discrimination”
Hate speech in some traditional media, particularly tabloid newspapers, “continues to be a problem”
Cameron’s action was about counteriing backward attitudes and extremism…stopping women being seen as second class chattels and allowing women to control their own lives and mix with a wider society…the BBC is constantly telling us that women are the key to steering children away from radicalisation….but apparently not when it doesn’t suit the narrative.
And Muslims just aren’t integrated and do oppose so many vital British liberal, democratic values….Trevor Phillips admits it himself…
Warning on ‘UK Muslim ghettoes’: Nation within a nation developing says former equalities watchdog
Trevor Phillips says many Muslims hold ‘different values’ to rest of society
British Muslims are becoming a nation within a nation, the former equalities watchdog warns today.
Trevor Phillips says many hold very different values from the rest of society and want to lead separate lives.
Most worryingly, those with separatist views are far more likely to support terrorism.
A very one-sided narrative from the BBC and a highly political attack on Brexit voters as the BBC continues o try and smear them by labelling them as violent racists.
Trevor Phillips says many hold very different values from the rest of society and want to lead separate lives.
Half true, they do have different values, no lets call them beliefs, Islamic “values” are of negative value, usually highly negative value, to non Muslims, being dark ages, impossible, nasty, bollox.
But they do not want to live separate lives, they want, no they demand that we adopt their “values”.
War is inevitable.
I wonder if the European Human Rights watchdog may have considered that Muslims may be viewed in “a negative light” because of the daily brutality of Islamic State, Boko Haram, the Nusra Front etc who explicitly say they are acting in the name of Islam and often shout the name of their God during their savage acts? Of course, this is not the fault of all Muslims but at the same time we are still waiting for a significant “Not in My Name” march from moderates. In the meantime, blame it on Nigel.
The BBC will tell you that Islam has been part of British life ever since King Richard brought a pet Muslim back with him from the crusades, so ‘Islamic values’ are British values.
It is the same as the way that any weird behaviour, no matter how uncommon, is now part of the new normal.
I will never forget the very first news report I heard about the attack on Jo Cox (and I have the radio on all day) when it was claimed that that her attacker had shouted “Britain First”. From that moment on the agenda had been set.
That afternoon the BBC allowed assumptions to be reported as fact in a way that they would NEVER do if it was one of the all too many Islamic terrorist attacks.
It was the BBC’s reporting of Brexit in general, but that afternoon in particular, that finished my lifetime support for the BBC.
The Remain camp must have all thought they had the referendum stitched up that day, I certainly did.
Her death was used as propaganda by Al Beeb against Brexit, but the canny British public saw right through it and we voted for independence.
Unsurprisingly, many have even suggested that it was a false flag incident to desperately trying to steal the result. I don’t believe that to be the case, but their exploitation of it was disgustingly predictable and continues to this day.
Here’s an article by Jo Cox from the 10th June: where she acknowledges that some have genuine concerns about mass immigration:
“IN the final days of the EU referendum campaign, the issue of immigration will be high on the agenda of many voters.
Let me be clear from the start: it’s fine to be concerned about immigration – many people are.
This doesn’t mean to say they are racist or xenophobic – they are simply concerned about pressures on GP surgeries or schools, or how once familiar town centres are changing, or whether they’ll be able to compete with migrant workers to get a job.”
What are the chances of this being reported by the BBC?
Nice to have had her permission to care what happens to our country.
even her constituency voted for brexit!!!
“avoid mentioning that Mair had mental health”
I think we mentioned it before
#1 BBC Frame the issue before any arrest
So Muslim attacker = mental issue ….and non-lefty= Racist etc.
#2 Then someone is arrested , and BBC cannot correct the old framing cos sub-judice rules you can’t report on the motives of the accused.
So in thi case they can’t report his mental illness.