Highly amusing watching the frantic death throes of the subservient EU lapdogs who desperately want to stay on Juncker’s leash. Make no mistake though…it’s not a joke in reality, they fully intend to have that leash back on, have us all chipped and collared and back in the EU backyard doing tricks for the unelected elite.
They talk of ‘soft Brexit’ but this is nothing more than a lie, a cynical con to make us believe that we can have a Brexit and stay in the EU. There is no such thing as ‘soft Brexit’….similalry talk of freedom of movement for a skilled group is equally deceptive…it is still giving control to the EU…and who defines skilled? It will just open the door to a continual litany of complaints from Business and a watering down of the criteria to make them meaningless…and Brexit along with it….of course that is the intent.
Brexit was about one thing in the main and that was stopping freedom of movement, not stopping immigration full stop but giving us the ablity to decide who came here and who could then make use of our resources such as the NHS, schools and housing.
No stopping freedom of movement, no Brexit. Therefore that is the one and only policy that is absolutely essential. If we can’t then have access to the single market in its full, supposed glory, then so be it. The Remain camp are now trying to insist nobody voted to leave the single market but that’s precisely what they did vote for in effect. But let’s not forget that we will still be trading massively with Europe…Germany has huge markets here and Germany runs the EU….and the EU boasts that it is desperate for free trade with the whole world as it realises that 90% of trade is outside the EU. Life and business will not stop when freed from the EU yoke.
The BBC doesn’t concern itself with the nuances of the EU debate such as sovereignty and political control, never mind the future of the EU as it heads relentlessly towards ever closer union and all that that entails…when do you hear the BBC talk of that? Surely a massively important part of the debate during the referendum as it is still now…..Britain would inevitably have been dragged in but the consequences of that hardly register with the BBC. In contrast Sturgeon’s bluster is given full credence and goes pretty much unchallenged…indeed the BBC seem to be actually reporting her words about an independence referendum as a fully plausible and democratic exercise…and the BBC fully accepts that ‘Scotland’ voted to stay in the EU and therefore it is only democratic for it to have a separate agreement allowing it, by some political trickery, to stay in the EU whilst the rest of the UK departs.
Let’s be clear, as the BBC doesn’t seem to want to think about this, the independence referendum was a vote to stay in Britain…and to do so come what may. There were no clauses saying if this happens or that happens we get the option to rerun the vote if we don’t like the result of the EU referendum, which, was not a national, regional or party vote, it was a vote by Britain and it is totally irrelevant that so many in Scotland voted to stay in the EU. Sturgeon’s premise is completely daft, not to mention dishonest and undemocratic….she says that Britain may have voted out but her small stub voted in so therefore she’s for in and will break away…OK…then in any independence vote, should it go the SNP way, any town, village, or cluster of residences in Scotland that vote to stay in the UK will be allowed to do so and breakaway from Scotland and remain ‘British’ citizens….that’s the logic of Sturgeon’s posturing…shame the BBC don’t tackle her on her undemocratic attempt to rig both an independence vote and Brexit.
Sturgeon isn’t the only one blowing smoke up their own backsides…the Don Quixote of the media world, Paul Mason, is back, and if he’s replacing Shameless Milne as Corbyn’s comms guru I think the Tories don’t have a thing to worry about. Incredible that the BBC, knowing he was prone to such thoughts, employed him on Newsnight.
His latest on Brexit? His answer as to how to win back all those Labour voters who have decamped to UKIP?
It’s up to the labour movement to rescue the elite from the self-inflected wound of Brexit.
With a vastly expanded membership, Labour is the de facto party of the urban salariat. Its heartland is Remainia – the cities that voted to stay in Europe. Its electoral battlegrounds are now places such as Bury, Nuneaton, Corby and Portsmouth, where the “centre” (as measured by the Lib Dem vote) has collapsed, to be replaced by thousands of Green voters and thousands more voting Ukip.
Labour can only attract back a million Green voters and hundreds of thousands of Ukip voters in winnable marginals with a combination of social liberalism and economic radicalism.
A new strategy – to combine social liberalism, multiculturalism and environmentalism with left-wing economic policies aimed at reviving the “communities left behind” – was, for me, always the heart of Corbynism. Jeremy Corbyn himself, whatever his personal strengths and weaknesses, was a placeholder for a political strategy.
Quite extraordinary. Mason is utterly delusional. All those UKIP voters…how to get them back? A heady mix of communism, multiculturalism, enviromentalism and more tax and spend policies that work so well….not to mention….
The elite – the bankers, senior managers, the super-rich and the upper middle class – do not want Brexit. Nor does a significant proportion of Middle Britain’s managerial and investing classes.
The first aim should be: not just oppose hard Brexit, but prevent it. This entails the Labour front bench committing to an attempt to remain inside the European Economic Area.
So Mason promotes Labour as the party of the elite and the unelected, undemocratic and bullying EU and aims to do their bidding by stopping Brexit.
Gotta love Mason, he’s such good value….all those clowns running around with chainsaws and baseball bats have nothing on the real tragic, self-destructive comedy that Labour has become.
I’m looking forward to the elite ignoring the will of the people. Justice not only has to be done, it has to be seen to be done. You can buy your pitch forks here
And your rope here
To my mind you’re going for the “soft ” exit of the traitors .
Hangings too good for them . I think , especially for the senior civil servants , colourful and humourus ways to expedite them to Hades should be compensation to the ordinary Joe for their maladministation .
Well yes it sounds like a soft brexit to me especially in these medieval times.
It does amuse me that so many lefties seem to think that a damning referendum defeat (following a damning general election defeat) means that their best chance of regaining the public’s support is to oppose the result or prevent the majority government from following through with the democratic mandate of the people they wish to govern. Tim Fallon is especially delusional in that respect, as his party of eight MPs is now the ‘opposition’ in his mind. Owen Smith thinking he could usurp Corbyn when one of his major policies was to block Brexit was also destined for failure. It doesn’t help of course that most of them spend so much time in London and affluent areas which don’t have to deal with the consequences of the selfish, dimwitted actions of Remainers.
It is all rubbish and not worth giving much time to consider. Mason and the rest are deluded.
There is a problem with Scotland and I fear it is going to be necessary to take a hard line.
I favour unilateral dissolution of the union by the English and Welsh majority if necessary via referendum. The Scots Nats want one so let us have one too. In the present mood I have little doubt a majority will favour letting Scotland go .With immediate effect.
Harsh terms of course. Full border controls etc. No shared currency. No money. Then Sturgeon can apply to join the EU and best of luck.
Unless the English take a firm line then this matter will drag on and on and to our detriment.
Time to bring matters to a resolution.
If only such action would bring wee Jimmie Krankie and her followers to their senses. Meanwhile, it acts as useful cover for her SNP’s inability to run the autonomous NHS, educational and public services in ‘her’ fiefdom. It is astonishing how she is still able to blame Westminster for the failings in these areas. As to the logic of gaining ‘independence’ from Westminster whilst hoping to wear the EU yoke, words fail me.
I should add as one of the majority of voters in Scotland who voted to remain in the UK, I was also one of the majority of the UK voters who voted to leave the EU. The second vote had bearing on the first, as I’m in favour of independence from the EU and could not reconcile the SNP’s thought process.
Yes the best thing to do with Sturgeon is let her get on with it, tell her to have a referendum but Scotland can pay for it, if it fails, which it possibly could,she looks a fool again,if she is succesful then the above terms should apply, and forewarn Scotland about those terms.
I think that it is Britain leaves the EU, properly, or a potential rebellion – assuming one can get the means to enforce and maintain it.
There is no hard or soft ‘Brexit’, I hate that wording, it makes a major and seismic event pear pithy and worthless. We either stay in and go on with globalist plans, or leave and prove that, for once, the proletariat are right and that the will of the people actually means something. As Britons, we have been yielding, welcoming and generous on so many levels for a very long time, but there is only a certain level of tolerance that can be expected from one nation. People such as Mason and Sturgeon are self righteous to the extreme, they live in their own personal bubbles that bear no resemblance to real life for most people.
If the meaning of the vote, with a good and large four percent margin for, can be reduced to a mere blip and then business as usual to such simplistic individuals as Mason and his cabal of wealthy yet ignorant ‘elites’ then I envisage, and sincerely hope, that there is going to be trouble on the horizon.
It may be hard, costly, difficult and against the grain of our normal welcoming behaviour, but, if it is the will of majority of the people, as it clearly is, then so be it. Dig in, knuckle down and get on with it, we will be better off in the end and that is what matters, as people can only have so much of the piss taken out of them before they react.
Anyway, rant over, these anti democratic arses have had their way for far too long now.
Agree totally Stewie – What we are talking about here isnt some arcane debating point in Parliament it is about the fundamentals of democracy – where your vote actually counts for something!
If the vote had gone the other way I would have hated it but got on with it.
I am afraid the remainers are not so much deluded as arrogant and in extreme denial. For years they have been telling all and sundry that those against uncontrolled immigration were all racist bigots and now it turns out that over half the electorate voted to leave the EU mainly because of concerns over immigration.
We have already heard the delightful Diane (Jabba the Hut) Abbot accuse us of being as such, maybe she should show a little humility and ask why people are so fed up. But I am afraid this will not happen – all we will get are these arrogant arseholes in their ivory towers thinking up fresh wheezes to subvert the will of us – the people.
I expect that if the question had been “should we allow uncontrolled migration into the UK” the result would have changed what was a clear majority into a landslide – Probably too many even for Clegg and Milliband to send to re-education camps.
I will say this though – So far we have shown much patience while our country has literally been sold under our feet to the EU and its mad, divisive, George Sorros new world order policies. If however we are sold down the river in some sort of Euro/”must stay in the single market! type fudge then I suspect I will not be the only one who will take to the streets.
The remoaners and Sturgeon are playing a dangerous game with regards to democracy. If they overplay their hand then chaos will result. Maybe that is what they want – Truly dangerous people indeed.
Hopefully Theresa is bright enough to realise this – If she doesnt then she may well have a shock coming.
As for the Scotts – Just go!
As soon as brexit negotiations have started we should allow them another referendum and hopefully they will go.
We are all getting pissed off with their whinging, and whilst I feel sorry for those who actually realise that any future without us may not be all milk and honey. I think that if the majority of Scotts think that they have more in common with Junker and Guy (dodgy teeth) Verhofstadt than us – then I suggest they properly commit and jump into bed with them instead, thats their choice – as long as they make sure they take that odious, scheming divisive little shrew with them!
Don’t get confused. It is perfectly possible to remain in the single market AND have control of our own borders; this is what TM should be aiming for.
We need to be members of the EEA / EFTA which gives us that solution, via the Liechstenstein route. And don’t forget that this is only the first step. Leaving the EU is a process, not an event. It will take at least 10 years to complete the process.
For all the best and correct information on this topic you will have to disregard the MSM who are mainly ignorant of the EU leaving process; thick as two short planks comes to mind.
Go to Richard North and ‘eureferendum.com’ Read him every day please.
And by the way, google ‘The Harrogate Agenda’ and sign up to that too.
Sorry, I gave up on Dr North (whom I used to admire) when his hatred for A/ Nigel Farage and B/ anyone who didn’t agree with every word he said reached the point where you couldn’t even parody it.
I followed the evolution of Flexit on Richard North’s website and until the end of June I would have agreed with anyone who said that leaving the EU was a process not an event. He made an excellent case for accepting membership of the EEA as a transitional stage on our way out of the EU.
What has changed for me over the past three months has been the attitude of the Remain politicians, businessmen and bankers, and especially the constant Remain propaganda from the BBC. It is clear that they are determined to sabotage our exit from the EU. If we accept membership of the EEA as a step on our way out they will work to destabilize our democracy and economy to make sure that it is a transitional stage on our way back in. I don’t believe that they are acting in good faith and our first step out has to be large enough that there is no chance of us being dragged back in. In an ideal world the EEA option makes economic sense; in the Britain of 2016 to 2019 it would be a political disaster.
If we had a neutral BBC providing the public with unbiased information on the EU and Brexit the EEA option might be a risk worth taking, but with a BBC dedicated to its role as the EU propaganda broadcaster we cannot risk its inevitable campaign that EEA membership is what we voted for influencing public opinion after 2019.
“should it go the SNP way, any town, village, or cluster of residences in Scotland that vote to stay in the UK will be allowed to do so and breakaway from Scotland and remain ‘British’ citizens….that’s the logic of Sturgeon’s posturing”
A good example of that is the Shetlands. The independence vote was 64% to 36% against with a 83.7% turnout. By her logic the Shetlands have the right to break away from Scotland, bang goes the oil revenues and bye bye Scotland as a viable nation.
I agree, it’s a brilliant point! Just keep using logic.
BBC article confirms gb123’s stats
There were only 15,000 voters ..so that seems like if they divided the oil wealth up ..they’d get a lot each.
Precedent seems as variable as editorial integrity in certain hands
The above comments about the odious Sturgeon are well made. Devolution is giving a platform for this lying and hypocritical woman and her ilk to continually undermine our country .
The BBC support her evil-doing uncritically . Her illogical views are never challenged . She is given far too much airtime and in effect free party political broadcasts . This weekend we have had to endure her on both Marr and the Today programme . We can live happily wuth far less of the SNP on national tv and when these clowns do occasionally appear we should have balancing interviews at the same time so we can hear Scots with opposing views .
I posted on the Weekend thread just now, that we never seem to hear about what would happen if our Remainer politicians and the BBC get what they want and we creep back to the EU – we would receive a poisoned embrace and Europe would be well and truly into what Peter Mandelson termed, when he couldn’t resist boasting about his sinister achievements on one arrival back from Brussels, “the post-democratic era”.
Seems A list political sage Nick Who was on the BBC today, and his big wheeze was to try out a new name for Brexiteers.
A social media triumph so far.
I find it so amazing that the likes of Corbyn, Flabbott, Sturgeon etc can be so ‘out of touch’ with the electorate. I really believe we should say bye bye to Scotland and save ourselves £414m a year.
Yes it would be very sad to split the country but I’m sick to death of hearing Sturgeon going on and on – give her what she wants please so she can go away.
As for the Labour Party – well the Labour Party that I once knew and loved is long gone.
Nye Bevan and Tony Benn would turn in their graves with the so called modern day Socialists …. which they certainly are not. They will never get into power as I am sure I am not the only one who thinks like this.
On this hard/soft Brexit lefty media hype I would make two points that are not being mentioned.
Firstly, why are the Remoaners continually bugging the Leavers about our prospective terms? The other side in the talks are going to be the EU 27. Why not nag them about giving Britain a better deal? Of course the answer to that question lies with the Remainiacs actual motivation here – sour grapes, virtue signalling to the left, recrimination, the desire to scupper the deal, make for as bad a deal as possible and hope to, well let’s be honest, Remain.
Secondly, let’s consider the motives of the rump of the post-Brexit EU. Formost – maintain some part of the UK’s huge financial contribution. The EU circus don’t run on human rights and working week directives – this train needs gravy and lashings of it. The German taxpayers may get a tad fed up with paying the whole bill. Does anyone believe we’ve seen the last EU debt bailout yet? And then we have the small matter of high and rising EU unemployment. The UK is a wonderful pressure release valve for the EU jobless hordes. UK tax payer funded and UK debt funded benefits, education, health care, housing, money transfers back eastward… the list goes on and on.
There are people I know who I’ve suspected/known were of the Left Wing, Multi-cultural, “we’re all immigrants” persuasion. Indeed, I’ve heard those very words muttered by them in the past.
How can I be an immigrant when I live where I was born??.
Anyhow, it’s proving to be very telling now as they can’t hold back their anger and hatred at the way politics is moving.
They’ve been oh so smug and happy over the past 10-15 years as the multi-cultural train thundered on obliterating all that was decent and every beautiful, established culture in its path.
But now the train is crashing.
Suck it up babies.
The result of the referendum is not open to interpretation.
The wording of the Ballot paper was clear.
Hard Brexit –
What was voted on was quite clear:
Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?
In or Out, none of the ‘Brexit campaigners weren’t clear what they meant’ rubbish that the idiot Clegg was peddling today.
Some sound ideas, personally I favor a change in the law making it a requirement that the Scottish Parliament holds a referendum once every five years until such time as they can get the right result. Come to think of it, why stop with the Scots? Maybe all the other “victims” of English oppression could be removed to a place of safety, ideally far away where they need never experience our beastly, imperialist, racist culture ever again. It’s the least we can do for them!