The BBC Lamestream broascasting Corporation must think he’s the bees-knees when it come to advice by an “Authority” re everything music!
Even if a musician from the Salvation Army misplaces his music sheet – then Billy Bragg’s agent is contacted to see if his highness is available for expert advice!
When the whole of world liberal elite face being jailed if Donald trump wins and exposes the 30 year political corruption of bribery and profit wars. Mr Obama would prefer we all have nuclear war.
It’s welcome the children day on the BBC. It really is amazing how many Calais Camp ‘children’ are 16.
On Today before 8pm there is a soft ‘patsy’ interview with Arch Virtue Signaller Rowan Williams.
Williams was a singularly inept and uninspiring Leader of the Anglican Church who seemed to spend much time supporting a certain religion that wants to destroy Christianity.
From his new safe abode as a Master of an Oxbridge College, he ventures to Croydon to welcome the first of thousands of Muslim ‘children’ who will enrich our future society .
When asked why France can’t deal with what after all is their problem he talks of our moral duty . Heaven help us, especially those not subservient to Allah.
Yes the BBC seem to regard this as a good news story as does Amber Rudd. The popular mood I think far far less welcoming!
Migrant children to arrive in UK from Calais
As we write I’m sure they are trawling the camps for more Somalian, Eritrean, Afghan etc Syrian 30 year old teenagers.
Whip them off to have their beards shaved before appearing on tv to let us all know they are all doctors.
Is a 16 year old a child or not?
It seems to a lefty, a 16 year old is a child when it’s a migrant and an adult when it comes to being grown up enough to vote.
I’d also like to apologise to normal people for lily Allen. She has records to sell, she needs to keep ‘in’ with the BBC and most young ‘uns can’t get enough of virtue signalling.
When she grows up I expect she will become rational. She is just a dopey virtue signaller at present. Most children are, it’s part of growing up to become a responsible adult.
That means we get the whole extended families. What are these “children ” doing in the camps and why are they not getting Asylum in France.? Come on BBC ,do some investigative work ….
Just to add to your accurate review of the Williams sick-bag ‘interview’ , my stand out moment was that when the interviewer did actually ask why the children could not find a home in France, his reply was that the UK ‘is more attractive’.
Williams then went on to say how traumatised these children were (the cost to the taxpayer of the required treatment will no doubt not be paid by the CofE).
But given that all these children have ‘relatives’ already in the UK, sometimes fathers, the burning question which no-one wants to answer is why these relatives are not being arrested for child neglect !!!??? I mean, what do you think would have happened if I had left my children deliberately in, say, Portugal, and left them to fend for themselves? Would the authorities be bending over backwards to help me? Or would they be marching me down to the local nick? I think we all know the answer.
He`ll need to henna that beard of his won`t he?
As well as learn to hang around chilldrens homes giving his blessings.
Quite possibly the worst ever appointment as a Cof E bishprick in my lifetime.
Our local middle school apparently had a mock up of a Calais Camp on the school fields today.
Plenty tents and everything.
Presumably they`re fishing the childrens homes for Duke of Edinburgh awarding sleep outs tonight, and got plenty cons from Feltham out on release tonight so we can reproduce the diverse joys of life in the Calais jungle.
Funnily enough though-the women who created this pile of virtuous crap are not staying out themselves of course.
Ah well-got my excuse to dump a years flytipping tonight, as well as a pet cemetery and swan cook out…
One less cleaner next month-but the local rags and BBC will doubtless be putting the story on somewhere.
Goebbels burbles on….
Concerned BBC anorak in the camp this morning tells us tannoy annoucements went out requesting children with family connections in the UK come forward.
Seems there was a bit of chaos when, ah-hum, ‘hundreds came forward’. Going to take a bit of time to sort out who really has relatives here and who is ‘genuinely’ under 18.
By the way, this relatives thing is a bit of a low bar with ‘uncles’ apparently qualifying. And what immigration status are these relatives supposed to have – currently appealing a failed asylum claim we wonder?
I am so happy I don’t live down south, I live in Cumbria, very few ‘immigrants’ make it up here at the moment,but when they do, the crime wave comes with them.
You forgot the extended family of 25 assorted folks, some of them with long term illness, whom the’ children’ will be allowed to bring into the UK once they have got across our 22 miles of cordon sanitaire . But as the BBC keeps on reminding us the current housing shortage,the rise in TB and other once rare diseases that we worked so hard to eliminate in the UK, NHS pressure, lack of school places etc, is nothing to do with immigration. The BBC treats us like thickos , perhaps they think that Labour’s education policy has done its job and turned everyone into gullible half wits.
Oops my bad, very good points Doublethinker. However that does turn us into bigots, waysists and rabid far right elements or with your point about rare diseases should that read rabies.
HOpe we can deport these “kids” to face French justice for not attending the local lycees and ecoles as the law said.
Send them back-and a parental fine please to each and every one of them.
Might be good if they tidied the playgrounds as well before we let them over…AND they need to return all that gym equipment and sports day articles like javelins and shot putts back to Francoise Durrs PE department.
Two 16 yr old boys and an 18 yr old man. No comments available so do we guess that possibility is they’re of the Asian persuasion, Is it worth me looking on the Beeb for the tumbleweeds??
This is all getting beyond parody. We vote to control immigration and we win. Yet we have our government completely ignoring that and deliberately bringing in more foreign bodies !! I simply don’t care whether they are children/adults or 3 legged donkeys, this shouldn’t be happening. Sod the moral maze, we are not responsible ! but we ARE responsible for our elderly stuck in failing care homes, our religious and political leaders are so intrenched with not ‘offending’ that its the rest of us who are suffering as a result. If there was a vote on taking in these ‘kids’ I believe on recent images, they wouldn’t be happy at the result.
Makes me wonder if the conspiracy theory that UKIP was an establishment ‘shill’ party to deflect people from the BNP was correct. Its very odd how its gone into meltdown post referndum, and that Farrage chose to resign so soon.
Brissles, Daniel Hannon interviewed by the BBC this morning twice spoke of “Roughly” in reference to numbers of immigrants. For me, ‘roughly’ does not hit the spot and this kind of language from a prominent Brexiteer is really really, troubling.
I`ve been listening to Radio 3 on the way to work to avoid the endless tosh and propaganda of the Today programme.
Over the years I`ve listened to classical music in the European tradition composed by Russians, Germans, Italians, Finns, Czechs, Austrians, Hungarians, French, Americans, English, Scots, Jews, Catholics, Atheists, Norwegians….A pretty diverse offering, whose music is generally played without reference to the nationality or ethnicity of the composers. (there`s a kind of unspoken understanding that the listeners will just know, and to point out composers nationalities would be a little patronising… they wouldn`t say “and here`s one by the famous Russian composer, Tchaikovsky”)
This morning I was cheerfully informed is “diversity week, and today,” said the charming female presenter, ” I`ve chosen to feature the work of a Jamaican composer” (who also turned out to be a woman) tick, tick, the boxes were ticked……..Aaaaaaargh! BBC, just play us the music without the agenda!
On went the CD.
The Mickey Mouse club that is BBC tv news host an interview with Justin Timberlake and Meg DeAngelis(?) voice stars of the new animated kid’s movie Trolls.
I wonder whose ‘people’ requested the BBC question “So, you’re a big supporter of Hillary Clinton…?” It turns out that it is her ‘honesty’ that is Clinton’s greatest quality.
Hold the front page – Hollywood stars support Democrat candidate!
BBC bias is now so obvious that their managers and presenters are having to make painfull contortions to hide it. Please BBC, just put yourselves out of your misery – go for subscription funding and be honest about your left-wing leanings.
“you’d think they might be careful”
You and I might think
..but that is the point; the snowflakes don’t THINK
..They are just in a MOB like clapping seals..
unconsciously spouting hate, at the same time they claiming their main ethic is to save the world from HATE.
Same happened on Saturday with a Hollywood director on Loose Ends
It seems written into their PR contract : When they go on air first they diss Trump and halo Hillary, only then will they talk about the actual movie they are in.
carterdaniel – that’s damning. But he said he doesn’t want to vote for Hilllary but has no choice. What!!! Of course he has a choice, and of course he should report all this to their equivalent of the electoral commission.
We know the left are corrupt but now one of theirs fully admits it. Not surprising that Cllinton is in favour of no voter id.
No option other that to SAY he’s voting for Hillary.
It’s like our General Election where the pollers spoke to a lot of phantom Labour voters who must have actually ticked the conservative box once they were in the privacy of the polling booths. That’s why a 4 per cent poll defecit for Trump ..actually could be a win
Remember that % numbers don’t actually matter, it’s electoral college votes that do, so Hillary could have a landslide in that.
That’s why Trump needs a landslide of Reganesque or Nixonian proportions to counteract all this fraud.
A friend of mine knew someone in the U.S. who was a scrutineer at a counting station during the last presidential election, she told him that at the end of it all when the result was announced and they were clearing up; she noticed some unopened boxes and asked what they were – they were ballot papers from armed forces personnel overseas, uncounted of course because they’d have mainly been for Romney.
I have always thought that the left wing establishment favours mass immigration because the white working class let them down. Because they showed themselves to be patriotic and socially conservative, the leftists decided to import a new electorate to replace them. Everything this gentleman says supports me in this view.
There is simply no need for mass immigration in our modern economy. We are a settled, industrial (or post industrial) society, with no new lands to go out and explore. Our state is ancient, and our population well established. There is simply no rational reason to undergo the upheaval of mass immigration, apart from a desire to entrench the position of the left wing establishment with a new client base and secure voting bloc. Anyone who can’t see this is not looking at the big picture.
No loss because we all know exactly what they would report on any given event.Just the same set of liberal left elite lies dressed up as serious truthful reporting.
‘The BBC’s star presenters will be grounded at home instead of parachuted in to cover big stories around the world, it has emerged, as more cost-cutting measures from the corporation begin to bite.’
And I thought the BBC had already cut overseas anchors, preferring to interview locals from Manchester near Salford Quays who pose as activists, moderate rebels, and over worked doctors treating children deliberately bombed by Russians in places like Syria.
About 5 years ago the bBBC announced that they would use local reporters rather than sending in the big guns – so I wonder when they lifted the ban that they are now reintroducing? If they announced the return to sending anchor men places, they did so very quietly. I wonder what expenses ‘the big guns’ can claim – is that why they are so desperate to go to where the story is, or is it that Mishal can visit family in Pakistan at our expense that she is sent there, or John Humphries can visit his son in Greece? Whatever the reason if there is already somebody there reporting who understands the country there can be no grounds to send an expensive someone else and indeed those reports could be used throughout the BBC and save a whole lot more money. Not so difficult is it?
I think its no big secret that the BBC cuts costs by not sending any reporters out until it has a TWITTER feed. In short it relies on Twitter rather than traditonal news research that Newspapers such as; (Mail, Telegraph and Times) use. The whole BBC news gathering is a charade based on (either those it has ‘interviewed’ only minutes before, pre press coverage (what the papers say) and Twitter followers. And then it has the support of ‘The Grauniad’ reader (if not the Guardian Editor who has complained that the BBC pinch their top stories…) and don’t get any credit. In short BBC theft.
Can I put in a bid for the Baghdad Palm Tree 2003?
Plastic, stilted and dead to the world-but looked good under the soft focus lighting of the Hilton Minibar?
Yes-the Baghdad palm tree-or was it Rageh Omar?
Fancy carrying THAT pit prop under your sweaty pits…the BBCs houseboy gimp must have been worked to a frazzle scurrying around the city with hampers and sandcastel moulds…
Paxo interviewed on ‘Today’ BBC Radio 4 this morning for the purpose of promoting the programme ‘Panorama’ tonight, which analyses the US forthcoming election. In other words a veritable feeding frenzy of ‘Trump bashing’. “Look at his position over NATO” says Paxo, highlighting Trumps expectation that all members had to pay up all they owe. Shocking, absolutely shocking! I doubt whether Panorama will detail the figures for NATO members’ contributions so here’s a link to the basic sums and identification of those countries who are not paying their way fully.
The fact is, the US contributes roughly 22% of the ‘Common Military Expenses’. However, that does not include, ‘Indirect Funding’ of 72%. In other words, the US shoulders the, ‘lions share’.
Paxo concluded that there could not be a more unsuitable pair with aspirations on the Presidency. With Montague chipping in to the negative anti-Trump tenor of the interview by stating that the polls were all significantly in favour of, ‘Hilary’, would Paxo hazard a guess which one was for the White House? Well, he may be a member of the BBC firmament and a Trump basher to boot but he’s not that stupid so, he replies, ‘no’. Telling uh?
I too heard the latest instalment of the Today programme’s Daily Hate for Donald Trump. It is now as much an established part of the programme as Thought for the Day or the horse racing tips.
Paxman of course was keen establish that no-one in Europe could understand why anyone would vote for Trump, apparently on the basis that he has an orange face. I am sure that this will be the tone of his Panorama programme, trying to “understand” why knuckle dragging rednecks would vote for Trump over Clinton.
I have never been to the USA, but off the top of my head I can come up with a few points why an American voter might prefer Trump:
1. The Supreme Court. The next President will get the chance to appoint several Supreme Court Justices. They are appointed for life. A Clinton Presidency would entrench a left wing Supreme Court, which would twist the Constitution to support any left wing cause, and strike down any conservative legislation. No conservative would want to let this happen.
2. The Second Amendment. The right to own arms matters to conservative Americans. Clinton has said openly she despises the NRA, and if elected, will use her executive authority to pass anti-gun measures, whatever Congress might think. No American who values the right to keep and bear arms could possibly vote for Clinton.
3. Obamacare. This has been a disaster for middle class Americans. They are now forced by law to buy health insurance in a rigged market. There is no competition, health insurance has effectively been nationalized. Insurance companies cannot compete on price or the level of cover they offer. They have to offer the same plan at the same price to a 20 year old as to a 55 year old. They cannot take into account pre-existing conditions. They cannot delete cover the insured person does not want, such as cover for gender reassignment surgery. The result is that costs have soared, but Americans are bound by law to buy it. A new set of costs is going to be published one week before the election, and it won’t make pretty reading.
So there are just three points which matter to average Americans. No need to consider Hillary Clinton’s poor health, her track record of deceit, the money she takes from Wall Street, Benghazi, the email server, the way she enabled her husband to rape women over the course of his long career, not that any of that helps.
I wonder of Paxman will look into any of this, or will it just be a sneerfest at Trump supporters? But what do I know, I’m not paid a million pounds by the BBC to look down my nose at the common rabble.
Rob in Cheshire: “I too heard the latest instalment of the Today programme’s Daily Hate for Donald Trump. It is now as much an established part of the programme as Thought for the Day or the horse racing tips.”
“Paxman of course was keen establish that no-one in Europe could understand why anyone would vote for Trump [Obama], apparently on the basis that he has an orange [black] face.”
This is a rewrite of Rob in Cheshire’s third sentence: cross out ‘Trump’ and ‘orange’ then substitute my words in the square brackets.
I tuned through the Today dross yesterday and caught the Paxman opining that “as a European” he could not vote Trump. Struck me as mindless drivel and thought he must be promoting a book or something. A petomanic rendition of the Marseillaise would have been a better use of licence payers’ cash.
All the things you mention are just variations on the anti-populist theme that is being pushed in all the western MSM. In Germany the constant mantra is “populists offer simplistic solutions
Not really a fan of SKY these days but interesting contrast this morning in treatment of Cliff Richard’s campaign for a right to anonymity for those being investigated but not yet charged for sex crimes.
BBC had studio guest from a victim group. Not very effective, but the interviewer was hopeless (don’t know who he was – I don’t bother much with their names). His long, rambling, inarticulate questions failed to extract anything of value from the guest, and the appalling point that celebrities are happy to use the media when it suits was not challenged. We’re talking about potential prosecution, not mere gossip, and it doesn’t just affect celebrities.
SKY, on the other hand, had Kevin O’Sullivan as one of the two newspaper reviewers. He made the excellent analogy that the police use high profile people like Cliff Richard as fly paper to see what turns up.
A short time later, they had an exonerated ex-school teacher as a guest. He made a detailed, passionate, very well articulated case against the handing of these situations by the police. He was clearly angry.
SKY at least gave the impression that they were taking the matter seriously. The BBC needn’t have bothered.
I am trying to delay Brexit, admits Clegg: Anger as ex-deputy PM leads Bremoaner plot to snub voters’ wishes… and says keeping Britain shackled to the EU for longer would be a ‘good thing’
As you might expect the BBC has been quick to quash this, dragging a liar on to the ‘Today’ program denying that it was the case at all, and it was all to do with parliamentary democracy and oversight.
No difficult challenging questions asked, just quiet acceptance of a smoke screen which was the obvious intention of the interview in the first place.
I wonder why on earth the half-Dutch Clegg who is married to a Spaniard and used to work as a lobbyist at the EU doesn’t share the feelings of the majority of English and Welsh who want to get out of the thing as quickly as possible?
Talking about Nick Clegg…
I had 2 early mornings when I put on Radio 4 knowing that I would be so annoyed within the first 10 min of listening to it, that I would get out of bed. I only needed to hear 2 mornings of Farming Today of 15min before I jumped out of bed in rage.
on Monday it was: Brexit, Battery storage barns and Peasemeal
We were informed that the there is no chance that the fishing industry will get back the right to fish as before and stop the fishing of EU nations in British waters, as it is not to do with EU countries being able to fish anyway, quotas must be kept to keep the fish stocks safe.
Tuesday was ‘Hard’ Brexit will drive up food prices, says Nick Clegg
it started as such:
Today the good and the bad of Brexit.
Todays guest Nick Clegg former deputy Prime Minister will talk about how food prices will be pushed up by Hard Brexit and will be bad for UK agriculture.
Since when Nick Clegg is an authority to talk about a subject like agriculture?
Someone who went into government after he was talking the talk, but when he needed to walk the walk he thought of his pension?
Was out of the country last week in foreign lands for a few days so was relying on the news channels for info. BBC world, cnbc bloomberg and cnn were available. Managed to catch the debate between trump and hilary in full the day after broadcast where the donald tore hilary a new arsehole. He was clearly fighting the female chair as well. Her dislike of him was pretty obvious. The day after all the us channels seemed to ignore the debate and go back to trumps comments on women knowing that hilary did not come off well in that debate.
The bbc world crowd are a disgrace though, constant anti brexit bullshit. When they got bored with that it was relentless anti trump crap followed up by syria. This was the first time i got to see Katty Kay in action. When David Preiser was on this site he used to regale us with stories about her antics. Christ talk of an arrogant, nasty, superior, holier than thou piece of work. The two programs i saw were just Trump attack pieces with a smirk across her face. No balance at all.
All the american channels were totally obsessed with trump nonstop with commentator after commentator being brought on to attack him gleefully. Fox news was not available.
While away i read about the lily allen put up job on the vd show. She sits there like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth but she is one of the nastiest pieces of work you could ever meet yet the beeb loves her. She votes labour so shes good. There was a piece in the london evening standard about the good and bad people on twitter and surprise surprise shes one of the good ones. I guess the reporter hasn’t read all the nastiness that she spouts on her twatter page then and it is bad.
Last night on the 6 o clock news had a piece on the jungle with our intrepid reporter with a 16 year old who had his face covered the whole time. The french cops apparently had fired tear gas at these guys and while this was going on the beeb reporter managed to spit out the question ‘how old are you, 16 isn’t it’ like you do in a situation like this. The 16 year old kept his face covered throughout. I call serious bullshit on these so called children. Wheres Lauren southern when you need her.
Euro architect gloomy about currency’s future
This little nugget slipped in to Business Live at 7:46 this morning on bbc.con. So on one hand the bbc will have us believe that brexit means the end of the world and we must remain in the single market. On the other hand if the Euro does in fact ‘collapse like a house of cards’, wouldn’t it be prudent to have already widened our trading options outside of the EU? The trouble with the bbc in their stampede to kill brexit is that they just seem incapable of being savvy enough to join all the dots. What happens to the single market when the Euro goes mammaries skywards?
Sturgeon may have a choice between not using the pound and a Euro teetering on the brink of collapse. But she wants what is best for the Scottish people. Good luck with that.
Grimer, thanks for pointing that out. I have inadvertently mixed business (oil exploration) with pleasure (taking the piss out of the bbc). I am currently in West Africa and was giving my consultancy a heads-up on future work in the region. The bbc have just copied and pasted the intended article from the Telegraph into their Business Live page anyway. So here it is directly from the Telegraph. Euro ‘house of cards’ to collapse, warns ECB prophet
You know when you take the tv remote control and flip around the channels – 3 second burst of each channel
Well, this morning click on BBC and catch Victoria Derbyshire with a gathering of GB Olympians.
VD asks: “What’s it like to be the first couple in a same-sex relationship, to win Olympic medals?”
Quite how that question was meant to be answered one wonders. The remote had brought up a shopping channel before the sports duo could, perhaps, say whether it was nicer to win gold or to take up the jacksie with a strap on.
The BBC has now completely mixed sport and leftist campaign politics. This was a strategy pioneered by Five Live Radio where it made the station unlistenable to any but lefties.
One old school press sports journo recently described attending BBC Sports Personality of the Year – summing up the four hour experience as ‘achingly PC’
Start the week 9:00 am Identity Politics in New York
This year’s BBC Reith Lecturer Kwame Anthony Appiah explores the shifting sands of identity through creed, country, colour and culture, and considers the mistakes we make when we think of them as fixed.
Book of the Week 09:45 am Namaste, by Nikesh Shukla The Good Immigrant
A collection of essays in which writers explore what it means to be Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic in Britain today.
Moaners Hour 10:00 perennial left wing claptrap with a feminazi slant.
The womens power list which seems to consist entirely of Labour politicos and their mates.
Lemn Sissays Origin Stories 11:00 Is it a Bird?
Lemn Sissay returns to BBC Radio 4 with a comic and poetic look at the treatment of children raised in care, orphans and foster children in popular culture, comparing them with reality. Because it surely says something about how we view them that we create so many for fiction.
The Listening Project 12:04 referendum tales
Fi Glover introduces a conversation between Lisa and Nicola from Doncaster, friends who share a commitment to youth work and tackling poverty, yet used their Referendum vote in different ways, to explore the aftermath of the EU Referendum for the series that proves it’s surprising what you hear when you listen.
TWATO 13:00
The Robber Barons 13:45
Cornelius Vanderbilt; The Robber Barons built vast businesses, and helped forged a radically new country – the basis of the America we know today. But did they sow the seeds of amazing progress, or did they steal the American Dream? Historian Adam Smith tells their stories and confronts their legacy
The Archers 14:00
Left wing storylines forced awkwardly into a farming setting.
Drama 14:15 Leaving
As a consequence of the Brexit vote a dying man adds a codicil to his will – a final wish that threatens to tear his family apart.
Quote Unquote 15:00
Boring drivel for an off peak slot
The Food Program 15:30 A Global Food Gathering
Dan Saladino reports from the global food event Terra Madre with stories from Africa.
Short Cuts 16:00 In the Deep End
From the man who sets out to scam the con artists trying to exploit him, to the hypnotist who finds himself face to face with Uday Hussein
Digital Human 16:30 The woman who started Vlogging, then disappeared
PM 17:00 with Eddie Mair
News 18:00
The Unbelievable Truth 18:30
Alleged ‘comedy’ with usual ultra left wing guests
The Archers 19:00 As previous
Front Row 19:15 arty farty comment
No info as to subject matter
Green Cities 20:00 Is it the answer to the housing crisis.
Historian Dan Cruickshank discovers whether the governments proposed new Garden Cities programme – hailed as an idyllic alternative to generic commuter towns – is the answer to our housing crisis or a toxic blight on lifestyle and landscape.
No mention of the causes of the crisis though.
Analysis 20:00 Brexit & Northern Ireland
Is the island of Ireland where Brexit will matter most? Edward Stourton visits Londonderry, right on the Irish border, to explore what’s at stake as the UK leaves the EU. Some locals fear the border across Ireland – as the EU’s new external border – will harden, causing great practical and economic difficulty and even threatening the Northern Ireland peace process.
There was an amazing thing on that Start The Week Prog : the let on a 2 or 3 people who are not LeftyMob zombies.
Colson Whitehead (a white woman writing about slave history) said “look at the data”
And she actually emphatically mentions the true black deaths count ..and that it is totally wrong to focus on police killing blacks when if you really cared you do something about blacks killing blacks cos that accounts for magnitudes more deaths.
“blacks commit homicide at 8 times the rate of whites and hispanics”
Heather Mac Donald started by criticisng identity politics : where political stance comes from shallow identity your skin colour about 5 mins in from the start of the prog
The political commentator describes herself as a secular conservative and warns that race-based attacks on the criminal justice system are eroding the authority of the law and putting more lives at risk,
The next commenter Jim Zirin said the origin of that was cos before there were no black mayors, so achieving that became the focus and then said at least the Supreme court was now deliberately filled with minorities so voters don’t get upset.
Later he tried to pooh pooh the idea that the problem was black women bringing up kids as single mothers ..By saying Obama and Bill Clinton can from absent father families. No one picked up on that one of the differences is that both mothers were white, and Obama’s absent black father was wealthy and powerful.
“Jim Zirin attacks the make-up of the Supreme Court, arguing that the judges are informed more by their political identity” Seems he’s a Liberal saying that Republican’s twist the intention of constitution with tricks like sticking to old wordings.
Blimey Kwame Anthony Appiah surprisingly spoke nothing like an African also agreeing that people spend time identifying with people of the same race label etc. when in fact he as a philosopher identifies more with an Argentinian philosopher.
9am Tmw on R4 Kwame Anthony Appiah starts presenting 2016 Reith Lectures
Creed : will be his first lecture.
The BBC staff must have thought “hey maximum Brownie points, we’ve got a Black American lefty presenting”
The strange thing is he speaks like an English white public school boy
..ah I got it ..he was born in London where his father was a Ghanain law student english mother gre up in Ghana, moved to America.
“Philosopher and cultural theorist Kwame Anthony Appiah argues that when considering religion we overestimate the importance of scripture and underestimate the importance of practice.”
Repeated tmw 22:15 ..Yes they’ve cut the 10pm news short.
Just after the 7am news on the Today programme (Monday morning) item on anti-Semitism. Started by highlighting at 75% of anti-Semitic incidents are from the far-right. Mardell quoted this yesterday at 1pm Radio 4 news (the BBC has really got hold of this figure, haven’t they?). But the far-right are not a main stream party and I suspect how one defines anti-Semitism can affect these figures. Then there was an interview with a Miss Woolfson (sorry didn’t catch her first name) who is a member of the Labour Party. Even the way she was introduced was slightly odd – I may have this slightly wrong because I was half asleep – but something like ‘who identifies herself as Jewish’; sorry in my book either you are Jewish or not or even if they had said that she had a Jewish father; definitely something slightly odd there. She was questioned about anti-Semitism in the Labour Party – and surprise, surprise – it was not something she had ever experienced. Nobody else was there to say the opposite – perhaps the BBC hadn’t time to find anybody who had suffered in this way to discuss it. But the lady was able to speak without interruption for several minutes to assure us all was well. Soft interview was an understatement.
Liars the lot of them. The BDS movement is not far right and they know it. Now mainstream in what used to be academia but is now a cess pit of prejudice it has infected our lives. Routinely portrayed as not Anti Semitic it is exactly that.
Just look at that disgusting place Exeter University. Middle class snowflakes to the core and the biggest vote in their rotten history- for BDS.
Hardly knuckle dragging fascist scum.
Dave S, If the ideologues of the left with their tunnel vision are trying to convince themselves and others that 75% of anti-Semitism comes from the far right, maybe they should break that down into far-right Muslims and far-right non-Muslims.
Oops, sorry, I forgot that Muslims cannot be far-right or far-left or far anything but must simply be regarded as Muslims and therefore a protected species.
I think this is a huge mistake. The BBC actually has a policy of using local reporters very widely – it’s very noticeable on the Word Service, but far too often you get the distinct impression they are much too involved in the local situation to be at all objective.
The BBC is supposed to be a British broadcasting organisation. I don’t want to hear the brother in law of a Shining Path revolutionary brining me his version of the news from Peru and I am thoroughly sick of Irish and French Canadians giving me their curious opinions on world affairs. Heaven knows, the British twits they hire are bad enough.
Deborah, thanks for that info. I’ve just listened to it. No, Wolfson wasn’t introduced as someone ‘who identifies herself as Jewish’ but simply as Jewish. Certainly the interviewer could have and should have challenged ridiculous claims such Corbyn as acting quickly to combat anti-Semitism in Labour, when everyone knows he delayed as long as he possibly could, almost certainly hoping that the controversy would melt away and he wouldn’t have to do anything about it.
It was Rhea Wolfson. Have you heard of her before? No, thought not, me neither. Anyway, apparently she’s a member of Labour’s National Executive Commission, but perhaps more importantly she’s also a Jew, so we were told.
Perhaps the latter was the main quality required to be chosen to go on the radio this morning to claim there is no antisemitism in the Labour party, to dismiss the Home Affairs Select Committee report, and to plug the Shami Chakrabarti report.
If a Jew tells us there is no antisemitism in the Labour party it must be true.
BBC bias is now unrelenting, the worst and most blatant that it has ever been. One might have thought that a 52% popular vote against EU membership (and this going against the mainstream media and establishment wishes) would have given the BBC pause for thought – but metropolitan leftist views are being pumped out with even greater urgency.
My previous idea was to lock David Cameron in a room for a period of hours with only BBC Radio 4 to listen to – because I could not believe a Tory could really turn a deaf ear to the obvious anti-conservative bias. Now my instinct is that the senior Tories must be complicit in BBC bias. Their motivation for allowing this is a mystery.
I do wonder whether to persist in catologuing BBC bias – it is becoming a parody something along the lines of “Is the Labour Party biased to the left? Log the instances which you notice here”
Keep cataloguing the bias AsISeeIt, it’s a thankless task but someone’s gotta do it. Keep chipping away and one day the whole rotten edifice will collapse like the Berlin wall.
“My previous idea was to lock David Cameron in a room for a period of hours with only BBC Radio 4 to listen to – because I could not believe a Tory could really turn a deaf ear to the obvious anti-conservative bias.”
A good idea, but it would only have worked if you believed David Cameron was actually a Conservative. Experience showed he was not.
Anyone who could say he supported gay marriage not despite being Conservative, but because he was Conservative, is someone for whom words have no meaning, someone who is just a glib PR man, twisting in the wind, standing for nothing. David Cameron, in other words.
The European Central Bank is becoming dangerously over-extended and the whole euro project is unworkable in its current form, the founding architect of the monetary union has warned.
“One day, the house of cards will collapse,” said Professor Otmar Issing, the ECB’s first chief economist and a towering figure in the construction of the single currency.
Prof Issing said the euro has been betrayed by politics, lamenting that the experiment went wrong from the beginning and has since has degenerated into a fiscal free-for-all that once again masks the festering pathologies.
“Realistically, it will be a case of muddling through, struggling from one crisis to the next. It is difficult to forecast how long this will continue for, but it cannot go on endlessly,” he told the journal Central Banking in a remarkable deconstruction of the project.
The comments are a reminder that the eurozone has not overcome its structural incoherence. A beguiling combination of cheap oil, a cheap euro, quantitative easing, and less fiscal austerity have disguised this, but the short-term effects are already fading.
Friends! My new Blog, which covers the problem of Anti=Semitism in the Labour Party – which Friend Shami has conclusively proved does not exist – and also the literally terrifying problem of the literal tsunami of Hard-Right Hate Crimes in Britain ever since the Hard-Right Hate Vote on June 23rd, is now literally available:
I guess the BBC, or ‘AUNTY’ as it’s called in such a touchy-feely way, has been firmly embedded in British society since WW2. Most don’t give it much of a thought, it’s just there and always will be.
The fact that the BBC is recognised throughout the World as the ‘State’ broadcaster,
the ‘Voice of Britain’ if you like’ is most puzzling. The BBC is funded by a state enforced TV Tax and yet it does not support or reflect views and concerns of the state but only it’s preferred group. It continues with it’s wholly biased, agenda driven work which for the greater part undermines the state which sponsors it. Rather than ‘reflect’ Britain it projects a distorted view to the World. Very puzzling for sure?
The following is copied from in the comments regarding Boris Johnson’s ‘secret’ paper on the EU.
‘The BBC’s coverage of this yesterday was typically dishonest, leading with their usual ‘Boris Johnson has been forced to defend…’.
According to them, their story was that Johnson had written a paper in support of ‘remain’ despite his position in the referendum in favour of Brexit.
The ‘world’s most trusted broadcaster’ crafted this story in the way that was the most damaging. Strangely, we eventually learn that this was one of two papers written to ‘compare and contrast’ as they say, the merits of EU membership…but the BBC don’t themselves directly tell us this, we hear the additional information out of the mouth of a spokesperson for Boris…’who has been forced to defend him.’ Voila! – an important context to the story is deliberately misrepresented and minimised (‘the spokesman would say that, wouldn’t he!’)
Of course, if the whole story, which was known in its entirety to the BBC, had been reported fairly, people might have formed a different opinion (but that of course wouldn’t have served the BBC’s purpose).
The BBC has lost what little integrity it had left. Daily, it breaches the terms of its Charter. Sign the petition to get rid of the bastards.
Now, I want you look at the video on the link and I want you to try really, really hard to believe it when ‘Mohammed’ (masking his face) confirms, when prompted with the correct number by the BBC worker drone, that his age is ’16’. Does Mohammed look ’16’ to you? Does he even look like a ‘child’? Do any of his mates lurking about in the background, many of them bearded, look like ‘children’ to you?
ObiWan, perhaps the ‘young’ Mohammed is a transgender ‘person’ and fully intends to make the transition to a female in the UK – hence the Hijab practice? Naturally, the BBC would favour this kind of individual.
A laugh out loud moment.
On bBBC 1pm news, a feature on Calais. A ‘child’ is interviewed. He wants to come to the UK to be a doctor or an engineer. He actually said that. As if he had been given a script.
The follow on question, of course, should have been : And what makes you think you are intelligent enough to be either of those things?
It’s doubly ridiculous, because from my experience, Doctors don’t want to be Engineers and Engineers don’t want to be Doctors. So, this person is quite remarkable in having such a wide spectrum of ambitions. Perhaps he also wants to be an imam and have his own mosque.
Select 150 English kids – Rescue them.
Select 150 English elderly in ‘Care’ Homes – Rescue them.
Select 150 English couples working all hours – Rescue them.
Select 150 English NHS patients stuck on a waiting list – Rescue them.
I’ll add one more gaxvil,
‘Select 150 British Charities “rescuing” unlimited numbers of Muslims to relocate to the UK – Cut off their funding and remind them the taxpayer has had enough.’
If we are going to offer a new home to refugees, why don’t we allow those white South Africans of British descent to move here? They share the same racial lineage; speak the same language; are predominantly Christian; they are educated and will generally integrate seamlessly into our society.
They are being systematically discriminated against by their government and there have been 85,000 racial murders of whites by blacks since the end of apartheid, these include men, women and children killed in terrible ways.
Yet you will never see al beebus reporting about this or calling on our government to let them come here.
The way whites are being treated in South Africa today, is something like our descendants will be when whites are a minority here in Britain.
The BBC always somehow manages to avoid covering events like this. They home in on some lanky flake instead that we *must* feel sorry for..
By the way, it looks like RT are getting forced out of the UK by having it’s bank accounts closed, so Sky news will be the only alternative to the BBC.
No not really, but I doubt the BBC would have ever aired a story about being attacked by those migrants.. It challenges their world view too much.
If they did air the story they would use terms like “Desperation and frustrations of the young here are boiling over”.. Never being able to admit to themselves or anyone else that maybe this is “their way of doing things”.
France is so similar to Britain in most respects, economy, rule of law, civil society, infrastructure and so on. but Britain has to ‘rescue’ ‘refugees’ from France. You really could not make this up.
There appears to be a craze for dressing as a clown and scaring people at the moment, and the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad have been oppressing people by telling them that they should not dress that way & scare other people.
What a contrast this is to the Fascist Left view when it comes to the Muslim practice of face coverings and the ‘Burkini’ when we were told that people can wear what ever they like and it’s your own ‘bigotry’ (TM Gordon Brown) if you are scared, concerned, or outraged at it.
Women dressed like Harry Potter Soul Eaters and dark men with beards who belong to group known to slaughter innocents could not conceivably scare children.
2pm news : RBS/Natwest ‘freezes Russian channel’s UK bank accounts’
They have been engaged in building a big broadcasting centre in Edinburgh.
On Radio Scotland’s Media prog Stuart DangerMouse Cosgrove has condemned them a few weeks ago for it.
editor-in-chief says.
Margarita Simonyan tweeted: “They’ve closed our accounts in Britain. All our accounts. ‘The decision is not subject to review.’ Praise be to freedom of speech!”
RT says the bank gave no explanation for its decision.
It said the entire Royal Bank of Scotland Group, of which NatWest is part, was refusing to service RT. (remember the government owns RBS)
The broadcaster, previously known as Russia Today, says NatWest wrote to its London office saying: “We have recently undertaken a review of your banking arrangements with us and reached the conclusion that we will no longer provide these facilities.”
Oh, come on. It is absolutely outrageous that a broadcaster has been allowed to pour out endless propaganda day after day, without any action being taken to curb its activities, which are entirely designed to undermine this country.
And while they’re at it, Ofcom might want to to take a look at RT, too.
The accounts have not been frozen immediately nor is it all banks.
It warns that banking facilities will be “cancelled and closed” on 12 December.
the closure includes the personal accounts of some senior RT staff working in the UK.
RT, has previously been sanctioned by UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom for biased reporting.
This included claims that the BBC “staged” a chemical weapons attack for a news report on Syria.
Ofcom ruled that elements of the programme were “materially misleading”.
RT’s news page claims sanctions are being mounted against it all across the EU
I did think R4 Xtra ‘safe’ but no. The embarrassed sounding announcer tells us that, Andrew O’Neil – transvestite ‘comedian’, is coming to the channel.
Cut to said ‘comedian’ having a pop at men who find, a man walking the street in a frock and looking like a man in a frock ,worthy of ridicule.
The audience laugh, of course. How long before society is beset by ugly ‘women’ and scary clowns will seem a welcome relief.
The R4 Anri-Brexit play as mentioned above: @Thoughtful October 17, 2016 at 10:21 am
Polish woman has been beaten to the ground and spat on by a bunch of school kids, just cos she said goodbye to the shopkeeper in Polish.
(nothing like this has ever happened AFAIK)
A Brexit voter -reveals their reason was that “The EU done over the elected government in Greece”
The Polish character is the main character in the play as she is married to the British guy has just died, it’s revealed his will was changed to be anti-Brexit : buried in Ireland, children asked to change their passports to Irish etc.
“a final wish that threatens to tear his family apart.” cos the 3 executors can choose to obey it or not. The Polish wife, the Brexit son and secretly Brexit daughter.
Could be a surprise ending where the Polish wife chooses the unexpected.
I’m guessing they wrote the play and then toned it down it down a bit.
Cos the young passionate Remainer guy does sound like a naive idiot.
Whilst his Brexit campaigning father seems reasonable if pushy until pushed when he became racist accusing his Polish step mother of being in it for the money cos she inherited the 0.5m house.
But they still kept the overblown attack ..and when the Polish woman passed some good kids in the street again that reminded her of the attack, she felt a bit of fear and decided she couldn’t as a Polish person stay in the UK safely without her British husband..
So the play ended with the her flying back to Poland
“cos of all the hate crime, that Polish man in Essex, Jo Coz and all that” (I quote the character)
What kind of message is that to send ?
I see the BBC is delighted to learn that RT has had its UK banking facilities withdrawn by the NatWest. Is this just an attempt to get the Russian TV news service shut down? Very possibly. Progressives are on the war path against anyone who goes against their narrative, both here in Western Europe and across the pond – where we know already that should Hillary get into the Oval Office she will waste little time targeting ‘right wing’ broadcasters. With 98% of all US media shilling for Hillary she’s practically guaranteed a coronation on Nov 8th.
So this is progressive ‘free speech’ in action. This what they mean they say they ‘welcome the debate’. Still, can’t imagine Corbyn or Galloway – those doyens of the hard left – are too happy about developments with RT. They both enjoyed cosying up to the comrades on the channel!
Ah, NatWest are keen supporters of censorship. Try accessing this website on the customer wifi within their branches – you can’t, as it is blocked. At least it is in their branch on the Slough Industrial Estate.
ps. If I was Asian, I’d be p***ed off being tarred with the same brush as, let’s face it, Pakistani Muslims. In fact, isn’t it a tad ‘racist’ to lump all ‘Asians’ together, shades of ‘they all look the same to me’?
Tut tut, the beeb is waycist, whoever would have thought?
Damn it to hell, the liars.
It’s the tip of the iceberg. No doubt we will hear soon that they were all mentally ill.
Recommended reading for people who find bullshit hard to digest – Easy Meat by Peter McLoughlin.
Can also recommend it, it makes for very uneasy reading though. I also found Tommy Robinson “Enemy of the State” illuminating as he also mentions this happening to his own relatives.
Context : It’s not 100% Asian’s predators in Rotherham
On Thursday in a completely different case a 24 year old white kid was jailed for 14 years for attacks against 5 women/girls some underage, 7 counts of rape, possessing and distributing indecent images of children.
Yes Stew, but the 24 year old white guy didnt use his religion to take over the local police force, the council and social services. Then use these bodies to ensure his fellow rapists couldn’t be convicted and to make life sheer hell for the families of these children who were raped.
@Thanks Flexdream, I had to mention it otherwise LeftMob would context it as : 1 white abuser trial vs 1 Muslim abuser trial
As you point out : With white perps the justice system functions
Wheres with the Muslims , the states political correctness caused justice to get stuck in a quagmire.
The BBC are glad to (hide) that BREXIT means a windfall for the generous BBC pension scheme. Whilst the, Euro project single currency is on the point of collapse (says the Architect of the Euro) our ever impartial and not very independent from the civil service quango ‘Bollocks’ broadcaster stands to benefit substantially due to the way its pension scheme operates any ‘shortfall’ is paid for by the taxpayers (via TV license fee), and any ‘bonus’ such as soaring UK stock market (where the top BBC elites invest their £1,000,000 pension schemes (such as Alan Yentobs declared pension pot) stands to benefit from BREXIT. Another BBC Director Helen Boaden will get 2.8 Million pounds. Many other BBC staff will also receive a huge bonus (on top of their over inflated salaries). Next years TV license fee payers will be paying £20 million into a recovery plan for the BBC pension scheme. Unbelievable.
As has been noted (on Biased BBC) last week; hardly a day goes buy when the BBC are not rooting for the EU as the beacon of progressive Liberalism or /and Socialism (via their notion of equality) which (they think) is sprinkled with economic enlightenment (towards the failed European project). Meanwhile the BBC liberal appeasers and Marxist sympathisers get to retire at ‘55’ on multi Millions pound pots (names we all know too well) knowing that they are not accountable for another ten years of theft and betrayal.
Jeez I’ve only just got the dark joke in the Radio4 Rich Hall Trailer
“… Will we elect our first FEMALE president ?”
“Or will we elect our first LAST president ?”
..He means that Trump is so so bad the US or world will end
That BBC not biased at all.
Sooo, the Calais Jungle ‘children’ have finally started arriving – aww, bless ’em, what with being forced to live in the warzone that is France for sooo long. Of course the SCBBC runs a heartstring-puller of a story, but to get the true gist of the youthfulness of these poor innocents we must look to the Mail – now, no laughing at the back, or it’s no break time milk for you!
At 8.27 this morning I posted on here in jest. “The ones with a five o’clock shadow , 2 wives and 14 children in Turkey ” I obviously forgot the old saying ” many a true word spoken in jest”
Children? I’ll be damned. Sixteen to 24 are classified as young adults legally. No doubt attracted by the EU’s free (16 to 24) free railcard ‘get me to the UK’ service. Meanwhile the BBC would have them travelling 1st class British Airways. Effectively the EU has abolished passports (for those outside Europe). Not an immigration policy based on merit, education or job prospects (or housing). But then they will all be full-boarded at a local 3 star hotel and claim UK benefits in Croyden or spread across the country in shopping malls and criminal gangs and petty thefts that will be ignored by Police and BBC Media excecutives under orders to ‘not offend’ our guests.
Good point P2, but don’t forget what really matters:
In over thirty years of involvement in UK politics in one way or another, now ‘retired’, I have never, ever come across a local council Electoral Officer who has actually called on residents to establish whether or not they are legitimately entitled to vote.
Once resident, that voter registration form will come through the front door, and no-one will ever check your entitlement (or otherwise).
To me, that sums up the real nature of the problem – a few thousand extra votes, or even a few hundred in the right places, and you can change governments.
That is the real reason Blair/Brown opened the borders.
You would think the Beeb would have this as the top headline !!!!!! I wonder why no photographs of faces on the website just the jungle and an ex archbishop. Apparently these are very vulnerable children.
I am on Indian extraction. Until the age of around 25-26 I had to prove I was over 18 every-time I went out. Those men in the pictures are not fu-king children
Market Impact of a Trump Presidential Win
Not bbc bias as such but a interesting story about the financial impact of the possible outcome of the vote. It appears to be balanced but given Credit Suisse’s track record (or should that be its rap sheet?) I’m tempted to regard it with some scepticism.
“Credit Suisse’s U.S. equities strategists note that volatility would likely swing higher if Trump wins—or even if polls swing in his direction ahead of the election”
“his presidency would introduce significant uncertainty to financial markets”
“Credit Suisse suspects investors in companies with significant international sales are concerned about Trump’s negative views toward global trade.”
“Trump’s proposed tax cuts and infrastructure spending would expand the U.S. deficit significantly”
“a Trump presidency would probably cause the U.S. dollar to weaken”
This has a distinctly familiar sound to it – project fear USA anyone?
For anyone unfamiliar with Credit Suisse here’s some good reading…. Credit Suisse: Corporate Rap Sheet
Meanwhile. This is the reality happening across Europe due to EU ‘equality rights’ that a third world eritran can claim discrimination, harassment and lack of mobile phone reception (all based on a short boat trip sponsored by the EU ‘national defence’ – of which there is none at all (because that would be discrimination). The entire Middle East decamps to a ‘soft’ fat Europe, the criminal gangs follow, and the faux victims idolised by the BBC on ‘field trips’ sponsored by the EU.
beebistan have now updated the pic of the 8 child abuse men of distinctly Scandinavian appearance (perhaps shamed into it by other msm outlets carrying the pic), still tucked away in Regions, and what’s this milky film over the pix? The Express and others have a perfectly clear pic. Surely not an attempt at whitewashing by beebistan, they’d never do that.
The story is as well hidden as a paedophile at the bBC.
Whilst, I’m on here, has anybody ever seen the bBC classify these ‘Pakistani’ grooming gangs as….Paedophiles. I mean they target little girls usually under the age of 15. Yet when a white (None Islamic) man is going around shagging little boys and girls the bBC is more than happy to refer to these evil people as…Paedophiles. But when its a Pakistani Muslim, why they become Asian grooming gangs and never Paedophile gangs at the bBC.
Yes Pounce, ‘Asian Grooming’ sounds so much more ‘chic’ than Paedophile – like a classy Turkish hair salon where they singe your ear hair with a burning taper. Cool.
“The story is as well hidden as a paedophile at the bBC.”
Well said, Pounce, you’ve made my evening with that one – if it wasn’t for the innocent victims of these barbarians, that is.
Trouble is, if they are paedophiles, then so was the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), as they are doing no more than following his holy example when it comes to treating kaffir girls as sex slaves and concubines. And since the Prophet (pubh) cannot be a paedophile (QED), then neither can these followers of his.
It is surely better that 10,000 kaffir girls be raped than admit that a 7th century illiterate merchant who married a six year old girl might, just might, have been a paedophile.
Who knew ‘children’ could be so naughty?! In fact that’s it, it was merely ‘children’ not playing nicely with real children. So that’s that all sorted then, back to Strictly, Bake Off or other assorted BBC drivel.
Thank you Peter, Radio Wales reported their convictions but oddly didn’t have time to read out their names, which R4 usually does with serious crimes.
I can now see how immigration boosts jobs. We need more police, more lawyers, more court officials, more prison officers and people to build more prisons. Should we get these new workers from Pakistan or Bangladesh?
I heard that they will be “sentenced next month”. Why FFS?
They have all been out on bail during the trial and I don’t know whether they have been remanded prior to sentencing (probably not – protected group and all that) if they haven’t it will be interesting to see if any of them do the usual quick-disappearance-to-Pakistan-to-avoid-going-to-prison trick.
Sounds a lot like CAIR in the US and we should be very aware of their activities when they print their objectives like this:
“Campaigning for Palestinian rights is a cornerstone of our work. Caabu provides an indispensible alternative voice to that of the pro-Israel lobby. In 2011, we took 19 parliamentarians to the occupied Palestinian territory raising issues such as settlements, Jerusalem and Palestinian child detainees. We also talked on Palestine and on other key issues to thousands of students in British schools.”
The 19 parliamentarians is probably the group which included the outed Labour Fascist Tony Lloyd.
Caabu works with many partners on its programmes. Steve James, CEO of Medical Aid for Palestinians commented: “Caabu has been a fantastic partner for MAP and has played a key role in raising the plight facing Palestinians with politicians as well as the broader public. We have always admired their professionalism and expertise.”
The thing is that the people running this all appear to be white British including the CEO Chris Doyle who seems to have a nice cosy relationship with the BBC:
‘Azealia, 25, claimed the Oscar-winning actor assaulted her, spat at her and called her a “n****r” before ejecting her from his hotel suite.’
‘However, witnesses reportedly said Crowe, 52, stepped in when she became abusive and violent to other guests, and that she had repeatedly used the n-word.’
Rotherham story led BBC Asian Network 5pm main news
and they did 3 mins on in and didn’t mention it again in the 30 min prog>They did name all the perps making no mention of ethnicity, but I’m sure BAN listerners would recognise Mulsim names ..It seems more like BBC Radio Bhangra ie more Hindu focused.
The BBC Web article was updated 1 hour ago and also includes the names ..and the addresses, which an irresponsible thing to do, next thing you know some nutter will be round there making trouble ..and then getting arrested..thus stirring sympathy for the perps community.
..Hey that article Rotherham is no longer on the BBC front page ! Wow
..cos by mere coincidence major political news story just broke.
Call me a cynic but they put names & addresses up in the hope that some nutter will go round and break their windows, thus giving them a justification for witholding names & addresses of future perpetrators.
MEP Steven Woolfe quits UKIP : guess someone timed that story so it would knock Rotherham off the 6pm news hotspot
A UKIP MEP who spent three nights in hospital after a row with a party colleague is quitting the party, saying it is in a “death spiral”.
Steven Woolfe, who had been running to be the next leader, told the BBC there was “something rotten” in the party.
He also accused fellow MEP Mike Hookem of inflicting a “blow” to his face in the row at a party meeting. (Mr Hookem has acknowledged a “scuffle” but said he “categorically did not” throw a punch at his colleague )
“I think they’ve got a spiral, someone suggested that it’s a death spiral, of their own making,” he said, adding: “I think unless someone very quickly can wrestle with the issues that they’ve got then we will see the loss of something that I think shouldn’t be lost.”
Only a “small handful” of UKIP politicians and officials had contacted him to ask how he was since the incident, he added.
BBC 6pm Newws was delayed due to Olympics parade. But anyway they led with Mosul story.
Wolfe was #4 and no mention of Rotherham ..It’ll be a 15 min news I guess aswell
“I have been proud to be a part of the team led by Nigel Farage, one of Britain’s greatest ever politicians. He brought me into the party and helped us win the referendum – a moment I will always treasure. Without Nigel, the donors, the team members and the activists, the UK would not be free today.”
“I have come to the conclusion that UKIP is ungovernable without Nigel Farage leading it and the referendum cause to unite it.”
“The way I was treated by members of my own party during the Summer’s leadership campaign and the events that have led up to today have all contributed to me coming to this conclusion. The party is riddled with infighting, proxy wars between rival camps and is run by an NEC that is not fit for purpose.
Contrary to reports, I have made a police complaint.
my intention to sit as an independent MEP
….. Well When the NEC decided to exclude Woolfe from that first leadership election for the sake of a few minutes …did they think they’d be no repercussions like this ?
It was like locking your son out cos he came back at 1 minute past midnight instead of midnight.
He only tweeted his resignation at 6.13pm ..So he must have had a deal with the BBC meet with the BBC team beforehand and film his interview.
BBC shout out to the kids – well, the girls, anyway: ‘We asked songwriter and course director at Bath University’s School of Music, Davey Ray Moor, to help guide us on writing the perfect angry break-up song.’
“Because of the nature of the horrible, sexist world the Donald Trump era has revealed, that women have to endure, this new, very gritty feminism is emerging is welcome and vital and needed and important…”
JohnCMar 16, 04:27 Weekend 15th March 2025 Military planning for Ukraine peace to begin, says Starmer So what is the opening line for negotiations from Starmer…
StewGreenMar 16, 00:34 Weekend 15th March 2025 quote “Countryfile. Gardener’s World. Escape to the Country. All programmes I loved. All ruined because ‘climate change’ is mentioned constantly…
StewGreenMar 16, 00:33 Weekend 15th March 2025 quote “After decades of listening to The Archers @BBCRadio4 finally switched off. It’s woke, climate change, & now a Muslim…
StewGreenMar 16, 00:24 Weekend 15th March 2025 Starmer two video thread Starts with multiple promises Cuncil tax will be frozen video 2 is a compilation of…
BRISSLESMar 15, 23:37 Weekend 15th March 2025 Have to agree Snuffy ! But equally, further down the page our fellow poster Eddie Booth has posted a photo…
StewGreenMar 15, 23:18 Weekend 15th March 2025 quote “Let me get this straight. The Netflix show #Adolescence isn’t based on a true story, it exists to highlight…
StewGreenMar 15, 23:06 Weekend 15th March 2025 “Malik sits on Tower Hamlets council for the Aspire Party, which is led by the borough’s directly-elected Mayor Lutfur Rahman.”…
StewGreenMar 15, 22:55 Weekend 15th March 2025 “immigration battle” ? People who buy mail order brides are free to go live in the Philippines aren’t they ?
StewGreenMar 15, 22:48 Weekend 15th March 2025 Are there ways those lines are defended ? Like saying the lines are mistranslations ? uses slightly different lines…
StewGreenMar 15, 22:20 Weekend 15th March 2025 @Digg’s first line is double false #1 It’s not Ofcom it’s Ofsted #2 He is not ELECTED head rather as…
You have to love Mondays.
in other news, Sir Boob is being sued for millions, of which he has many..
Billy Bragg and brain? These are mutually exclusive terms.
The BBC Lamestream broascasting Corporation must think he’s the bees-knees when it come to advice by an “Authority” re everything music!
Even if a musician from the Salvation Army misplaces his music sheet – then Billy Bragg’s agent is contacted to see if his highness is available for expert advice!
What’s Billy Bragg to do with music ?
Well I’m sure that Lowell George & Little Feat have smoothed out many on many occasions.
When the whole of world liberal elite face being jailed if Donald trump wins and exposes the 30 year political corruption of bribery and profit wars. Mr Obama would prefer we all have nuclear war.
It’s welcome the children day on the BBC. It really is amazing how many Calais Camp ‘children’ are 16.
On Today before 8pm there is a soft ‘patsy’ interview with Arch Virtue Signaller Rowan Williams.
Williams was a singularly inept and uninspiring Leader of the Anglican Church who seemed to spend much time supporting a certain religion that wants to destroy Christianity.
From his new safe abode as a Master of an Oxbridge College, he ventures to Croydon to welcome the first of thousands of Muslim ‘children’ who will enrich our future society .
When asked why France can’t deal with what after all is their problem he talks of our moral duty . Heaven help us, especially those not subservient to Allah.
Yes the BBC seem to regard this as a good news story as does Amber Rudd. The popular mood I think far far less welcoming!
Migrant children to arrive in UK from Calais
BBC: No questions asked as to why these children have been left in the jungle by their families, lets just leave it to Lily Allen to turn on the waterworks – so much easier than real journalism.
Last week the BBC told us that it was up to 400 children involved. This figure is now 1500. Any more increases on 1500?
As we write I’m sure they are trawling the camps for more Somalian, Eritrean, Afghan etc Syrian 30 year old teenagers.
Whip them off to have their beards shaved before appearing on tv to let us all know they are all doctors.
Is a 16 year old a child or not?
It seems to a lefty, a 16 year old is a child when it’s a migrant and an adult when it comes to being grown up enough to vote.
I’d also like to apologise to normal people for lily Allen. She has records to sell, she needs to keep ‘in’ with the BBC and most young ‘uns can’t get enough of virtue signalling.
When she grows up I expect she will become rational. She is just a dopey virtue signaller at present. Most children are, it’s part of growing up to become a responsible adult.
That means we get the whole extended families. What are these “children ” doing in the camps and why are they not getting Asylum in France.? Come on BBC ,do some investigative work ….
only 1500 of 10000 im surprised its that few
Our local OAP’s and I look forward to joining them in the queue to see our GP in due course.
Just to add to your accurate review of the Williams sick-bag ‘interview’ , my stand out moment was that when the interviewer did actually ask why the children could not find a home in France, his reply was that the UK ‘is more attractive’.
Williams then went on to say how traumatised these children were (the cost to the taxpayer of the required treatment will no doubt not be paid by the CofE).
But given that all these children have ‘relatives’ already in the UK, sometimes fathers, the burning question which no-one wants to answer is why these relatives are not being arrested for child neglect !!!??? I mean, what do you think would have happened if I had left my children deliberately in, say, Portugal, and left them to fend for themselves? Would the authorities be bending over backwards to help me? Or would they be marching me down to the local nick? I think we all know the answer.
> “…the burning question which no-one wants to answer…”
The burning question the BBC doesn’t want to ask…
He`ll need to henna that beard of his won`t he?
As well as learn to hang around chilldrens homes giving his blessings.
Quite possibly the worst ever appointment as a Cof E bishprick in my lifetime.
Our local middle school apparently had a mock up of a Calais Camp on the school fields today.
Plenty tents and everything.
Presumably they`re fishing the childrens homes for Duke of Edinburgh awarding sleep outs tonight, and got plenty cons from Feltham out on release tonight so we can reproduce the diverse joys of life in the Calais jungle.
Funnily enough though-the women who created this pile of virtuous crap are not staying out themselves of course.
Ah well-got my excuse to dump a years flytipping tonight, as well as a pet cemetery and swan cook out…
One less cleaner next month-but the local rags and BBC will doubtless be putting the story on somewhere.
Goebbels burbles on….
Typo on BBC News webpage this morning – ‘Jungle’ children try to reach UK. Surely that should be – Jungle ‘children’ try to reach UK?
The ones with a five o’clock shadow 2 wives and 14 children back in Turkey.
Concerned BBC anorak in the camp this morning tells us tannoy annoucements went out requesting children with family connections in the UK come forward.
Seems there was a bit of chaos when, ah-hum, ‘hundreds came forward’. Going to take a bit of time to sort out who really has relatives here and who is ‘genuinely’ under 18.
By the way, this relatives thing is a bit of a low bar with ‘uncles’ apparently qualifying. And what immigration status are these relatives supposed to have – currently appealing a failed asylum claim we wonder?
I am so happy I don’t live down south, I live in Cumbria, very few ‘immigrants’ make it up here at the moment,but when they do, the crime wave comes with them.
I was in Marlborough, Wiltshire, a couple of weeks ago. No problem at all. Cities are the problem, generally speaking.
You forgot the extended family of 25 assorted folks, some of them with long term illness, whom the’ children’ will be allowed to bring into the UK once they have got across our 22 miles of cordon sanitaire . But as the BBC keeps on reminding us the current housing shortage,the rise in TB and other once rare diseases that we worked so hard to eliminate in the UK, NHS pressure, lack of school places etc, is nothing to do with immigration. The BBC treats us like thickos , perhaps they think that Labour’s education policy has done its job and turned everyone into gullible half wits.
Oops my bad, very good points Doublethinker. However that does turn us into bigots, waysists and rabid far right elements or with your point about rare diseases should that read rabies.
Quite right Dt, all of those things that you’ve alluded to are a result of our ageing population; I know that because al beebus told me.
‘So called’ children maybe?
To use a BBC favourite term.
HOpe we can deport these “kids” to face French justice for not attending the local lycees and ecoles as the law said.
Send them back-and a parental fine please to each and every one of them.
Might be good if they tidied the playgrounds as well before we let them over…AND they need to return all that gym equipment and sports day articles like javelins and shot putts back to Francoise Durrs PE department.
I’m thinking of changing my name to Mrs Cynical
Two 16 yr old boys and an 18 yr old man. No comments available so do we guess that possibility is they’re of the Asian persuasion, Is it worth me looking on the Beeb for the tumbleweeds??
You could knock me down with a feather
The big giveaway will be the naming of the 18 yr old
It was probably Ched Evans
This is all getting beyond parody. We vote to control immigration and we win. Yet we have our government completely ignoring that and deliberately bringing in more foreign bodies !! I simply don’t care whether they are children/adults or 3 legged donkeys, this shouldn’t be happening. Sod the moral maze, we are not responsible ! but we ARE responsible for our elderly stuck in failing care homes, our religious and political leaders are so intrenched with not ‘offending’ that its the rest of us who are suffering as a result. If there was a vote on taking in these ‘kids’ I believe on recent images, they wouldn’t be happy at the result.
If they continue in this vein it’s just boosting UKIPs pull for next election.
I just hope that UKIP sort out their problems before the next election, otherwise we are royally fu**ed.
Makes me wonder if the conspiracy theory that UKIP was an establishment ‘shill’ party to deflect people from the BNP was correct. Its very odd how its gone into meltdown post referndum, and that Farrage chose to resign so soon.
Brissles, Daniel Hannon interviewed by the BBC this morning twice spoke of “Roughly” in reference to numbers of immigrants. For me, ‘roughly’ does not hit the spot and this kind of language from a prominent Brexiteer is really really, troubling.
I`ve been listening to Radio 3 on the way to work to avoid the endless tosh and propaganda of the Today programme.
Over the years I`ve listened to classical music in the European tradition composed by Russians, Germans, Italians, Finns, Czechs, Austrians, Hungarians, French, Americans, English, Scots, Jews, Catholics, Atheists, Norwegians….A pretty diverse offering, whose music is generally played without reference to the nationality or ethnicity of the composers. (there`s a kind of unspoken understanding that the listeners will just know, and to point out composers nationalities would be a little patronising… they wouldn`t say “and here`s one by the famous Russian composer, Tchaikovsky”)
This morning I was cheerfully informed is “diversity week, and today,” said the charming female presenter, ” I`ve chosen to feature the work of a Jamaican composer” (who also turned out to be a woman) tick, tick, the boxes were ticked……..Aaaaaaargh! BBC, just play us the music without the agenda!
On went the CD.
Rusty Lee?…Carribean Calypso?
Am I getting warm then?
The Mickey Mouse club that is BBC tv news host an interview with Justin Timberlake and Meg DeAngelis(?) voice stars of the new animated kid’s movie Trolls.
I wonder whose ‘people’ requested the BBC question “So, you’re a big supporter of Hillary Clinton…?” It turns out that it is her ‘honesty’ that is Clinton’s greatest quality.
Hold the front page – Hollywood stars support Democrat candidate!
BBC bias is now so obvious that their managers and presenters are having to make painfull contortions to hide it. Please BBC, just put yourselves out of your misery – go for subscription funding and be honest about your left-wing leanings.
Leo diCaprio is also available for comment. Anytime. In person. Just a Lear jaunt away.
Given the level of Trump’s support you’d think they might be careful about alienating such a large chunk of their audience.
It’s time they felt the consequences of their slavish support for Hillary.
“you’d think they might be careful”
You and I might think
..but that is the point; the snowflakes don’t THINK
..They are just in a MOB like clapping seals..
unconsciously spouting hate, at the same time they claiming their main ethic is to save the world from HATE.
Same happened on Saturday with a Hollywood director on Loose Ends
It seems written into their PR contract : When they go on air first they diss Trump and halo Hillary, only then will they talk about the actual movie they are in.
Of course voter rigging just doesn’t happen in the US
carterdaniel – that’s damning. But he said he doesn’t want to vote for Hilllary but has no choice. What!!! Of course he has a choice, and of course he should report all this to their equivalent of the electoral commission.
We know the left are corrupt but now one of theirs fully admits it. Not surprising that Cllinton is in favour of no voter id.
No option other that to SAY he’s voting for Hillary.
It’s like our General Election where the pollers spoke to a lot of phantom Labour voters who must have actually ticked the conservative box once they were in the privacy of the polling booths. That’s why a 4 per cent poll defecit for Trump ..actually could be a win
Remember that % numbers don’t actually matter, it’s electoral college votes that do, so Hillary could have a landslide in that.
That’s why Trump needs a landslide of Reganesque or Nixonian proportions to counteract all this fraud.
A friend of mine knew someone in the U.S. who was a scrutineer at a counting station during the last presidential election, she told him that at the end of it all when the result was announced and they were clearing up; she noticed some unopened boxes and asked what they were – they were ballot papers from armed forces personnel overseas, uncounted of course because they’d have mainly been for Romney.
I have always thought that the left wing establishment favours mass immigration because the white working class let them down. Because they showed themselves to be patriotic and socially conservative, the leftists decided to import a new electorate to replace them. Everything this gentleman says supports me in this view.
There is simply no need for mass immigration in our modern economy. We are a settled, industrial (or post industrial) society, with no new lands to go out and explore. Our state is ancient, and our population well established. There is simply no rational reason to undergo the upheaval of mass immigration, apart from a desire to entrench the position of the left wing establishment with a new client base and secure voting bloc. Anyone who can’t see this is not looking at the big picture.
if the electorate don’t like your policy’s
get a new electorate
A suggestion for BBC Headline Department
cd. That is a truly shocking film about how totally corrupt Clinton and the Dems are, thanks for posting it.
And whilst on the subject
Oh, the humanity.
Hotel balconies the world over will be bereft.
No loss because we all know exactly what they would report on any given event.Just the same set of liberal left elite lies dressed up as serious truthful reporting.
Guest Who
‘The BBC’s star presenters will be grounded at home instead of parachuted in to cover big stories around the world, it has emerged, as more cost-cutting measures from the corporation begin to bite.’
And I thought the BBC had already cut overseas anchors, preferring to interview locals from Manchester near Salford Quays who pose as activists, moderate rebels, and over worked doctors treating children deliberately bombed by Russians in places like Syria.
About 5 years ago the bBBC announced that they would use local reporters rather than sending in the big guns – so I wonder when they lifted the ban that they are now reintroducing? If they announced the return to sending anchor men places, they did so very quietly. I wonder what expenses ‘the big guns’ can claim – is that why they are so desperate to go to where the story is, or is it that Mishal can visit family in Pakistan at our expense that she is sent there, or John Humphries can visit his son in Greece? Whatever the reason if there is already somebody there reporting who understands the country there can be no grounds to send an expensive someone else and indeed those reports could be used throughout the BBC and save a whole lot more money. Not so difficult is it?
Yes, I’ve often wondered what happened to Orla Guerin and Lyse Ducette.
Brissles, that’s one thing I’ve never wondered! The term “Couldn’t give a sh*t” comes to mind.
I think its no big secret that the BBC cuts costs by not sending any reporters out until it has a TWITTER feed. In short it relies on Twitter rather than traditonal news research that Newspapers such as; (Mail, Telegraph and Times) use. The whole BBC news gathering is a charade based on (either those it has ‘interviewed’ only minutes before, pre press coverage (what the papers say) and Twitter followers. And then it has the support of ‘The Grauniad’ reader (if not the Guardian Editor who has complained that the BBC pinch their top stories…) and don’t get any credit. In short BBC theft.
Can I put in a bid for the Baghdad Palm Tree 2003?
Plastic, stilted and dead to the world-but looked good under the soft focus lighting of the Hilton Minibar?
Yes-the Baghdad palm tree-or was it Rageh Omar?
Fancy carrying THAT pit prop under your sweaty pits…the BBCs houseboy gimp must have been worked to a frazzle scurrying around the city with hampers and sandcastel moulds…
Paxo interviewed on ‘Today’ BBC Radio 4 this morning for the purpose of promoting the programme ‘Panorama’ tonight, which analyses the US forthcoming election. In other words a veritable feeding frenzy of ‘Trump bashing’. “Look at his position over NATO” says Paxo, highlighting Trumps expectation that all members had to pay up all they owe. Shocking, absolutely shocking! I doubt whether Panorama will detail the figures for NATO members’ contributions so here’s a link to the basic sums and identification of those countries who are not paying their way fully.
The fact is, the US contributes roughly 22% of the ‘Common Military Expenses’. However, that does not include, ‘Indirect Funding’ of 72%. In other words, the US shoulders the, ‘lions share’.
Paxo concluded that there could not be a more unsuitable pair with aspirations on the Presidency. With Montague chipping in to the negative anti-Trump tenor of the interview by stating that the polls were all significantly in favour of, ‘Hilary’, would Paxo hazard a guess which one was for the White House? Well, he may be a member of the BBC firmament and a Trump basher to boot but he’s not that stupid so, he replies, ‘no’. Telling uh?
I too heard the latest instalment of the Today programme’s Daily Hate for Donald Trump. It is now as much an established part of the programme as Thought for the Day or the horse racing tips.
Paxman of course was keen establish that no-one in Europe could understand why anyone would vote for Trump, apparently on the basis that he has an orange face. I am sure that this will be the tone of his Panorama programme, trying to “understand” why knuckle dragging rednecks would vote for Trump over Clinton.
I have never been to the USA, but off the top of my head I can come up with a few points why an American voter might prefer Trump:
1. The Supreme Court. The next President will get the chance to appoint several Supreme Court Justices. They are appointed for life. A Clinton Presidency would entrench a left wing Supreme Court, which would twist the Constitution to support any left wing cause, and strike down any conservative legislation. No conservative would want to let this happen.
2. The Second Amendment. The right to own arms matters to conservative Americans. Clinton has said openly she despises the NRA, and if elected, will use her executive authority to pass anti-gun measures, whatever Congress might think. No American who values the right to keep and bear arms could possibly vote for Clinton.
3. Obamacare. This has been a disaster for middle class Americans. They are now forced by law to buy health insurance in a rigged market. There is no competition, health insurance has effectively been nationalized. Insurance companies cannot compete on price or the level of cover they offer. They have to offer the same plan at the same price to a 20 year old as to a 55 year old. They cannot take into account pre-existing conditions. They cannot delete cover the insured person does not want, such as cover for gender reassignment surgery. The result is that costs have soared, but Americans are bound by law to buy it. A new set of costs is going to be published one week before the election, and it won’t make pretty reading.
So there are just three points which matter to average Americans. No need to consider Hillary Clinton’s poor health, her track record of deceit, the money she takes from Wall Street, Benghazi, the email server, the way she enabled her husband to rape women over the course of his long career, not that any of that helps.
I wonder of Paxman will look into any of this, or will it just be a sneerfest at Trump supporters? But what do I know, I’m not paid a million pounds by the BBC to look down my nose at the common rabble.
POLICY the ONE reason you vote for Trump
The actually policy documents do seem completely sane.
Rob in Cheshire: “I too heard the latest instalment of the Today programme’s Daily Hate for Donald Trump. It is now as much an established part of the programme as Thought for the Day or the horse racing tips.”
… and as successful?
We can only hope.
“Paxman of course was keen establish that no-one in Europe could understand why anyone would vote for Trump [Obama], apparently on the basis that he has an orange [black] face.”
This is a rewrite of Rob in Cheshire’s third sentence: cross out ‘Trump’ and ‘orange’ then substitute my words in the square brackets.
Is Paxman a racist?!
I did wonder that myself.
Does he mean that Africans or Asians could vote for Donald Trump ?
Rob in Cheshire
I tuned through the Today dross yesterday and caught the Paxman opining that “as a European” he could not vote Trump. Struck me as mindless drivel and thought he must be promoting a book or something. A petomanic rendition of the Marseillaise would have been a better use of licence payers’ cash.
All the things you mention are just variations on the anti-populist theme that is being pushed in all the western MSM. In Germany the constant mantra is “populists offer simplistic solutions
I’m going to check out the old cold war bunker. Their next tactic will be to discredit both candidates. Trump will jail them all and they know it.
Not really a fan of SKY these days but interesting contrast this morning in treatment of Cliff Richard’s campaign for a right to anonymity for those being investigated but not yet charged for sex crimes.
BBC had studio guest from a victim group. Not very effective, but the interviewer was hopeless (don’t know who he was – I don’t bother much with their names). His long, rambling, inarticulate questions failed to extract anything of value from the guest, and the appalling point that celebrities are happy to use the media when it suits was not challenged. We’re talking about potential prosecution, not mere gossip, and it doesn’t just affect celebrities.
SKY, on the other hand, had Kevin O’Sullivan as one of the two newspaper reviewers. He made the excellent analogy that the police use high profile people like Cliff Richard as fly paper to see what turns up.
A short time later, they had an exonerated ex-school teacher as a guest. He made a detailed, passionate, very well articulated case against the handing of these situations by the police. He was clearly angry.
SKY at least gave the impression that they were taking the matter seriously. The BBC needn’t have bothered.
I am trying to delay Brexit, admits Clegg: Anger as ex-deputy PM leads Bremoaner plot to snub voters’ wishes… and says keeping Britain shackled to the EU for longer would be a ‘good thing’
As you might expect the BBC has been quick to quash this, dragging a liar on to the ‘Today’ program denying that it was the case at all, and it was all to do with parliamentary democracy and oversight.
No difficult challenging questions asked, just quiet acceptance of a smoke screen which was the obvious intention of the interview in the first place.
I wonder why on earth the half-Dutch Clegg who is married to a Spaniard and used to work as a lobbyist at the EU doesn’t share the feelings of the majority of English and Welsh who want to get out of the thing as quickly as possible?
Talking about Nick Clegg…
I had 2 early mornings when I put on Radio 4 knowing that I would be so annoyed within the first 10 min of listening to it, that I would get out of bed. I only needed to hear 2 mornings of Farming Today of 15min before I jumped out of bed in rage.
on Monday it was: Brexit, Battery storage barns and Peasemeal
We were informed that the there is no chance that the fishing industry will get back the right to fish as before and stop the fishing of EU nations in British waters, as it is not to do with EU countries being able to fish anyway, quotas must be kept to keep the fish stocks safe.
Tuesday was ‘Hard’ Brexit will drive up food prices, says Nick Clegg
it started as such:
Today the good and the bad of Brexit.
Todays guest Nick Clegg former deputy Prime Minister will talk about how food prices will be pushed up by Hard Brexit and will be bad for UK agriculture.
Since when Nick Clegg is an authority to talk about a subject like agriculture?
Someone who went into government after he was talking the talk, but when he needed to walk the walk he thought of his pension?
Was out of the country last week in foreign lands for a few days so was relying on the news channels for info. BBC world, cnbc bloomberg and cnn were available. Managed to catch the debate between trump and hilary in full the day after broadcast where the donald tore hilary a new arsehole. He was clearly fighting the female chair as well. Her dislike of him was pretty obvious. The day after all the us channels seemed to ignore the debate and go back to trumps comments on women knowing that hilary did not come off well in that debate.
The bbc world crowd are a disgrace though, constant anti brexit bullshit. When they got bored with that it was relentless anti trump crap followed up by syria. This was the first time i got to see Katty Kay in action. When David Preiser was on this site he used to regale us with stories about her antics. Christ talk of an arrogant, nasty, superior, holier than thou piece of work. The two programs i saw were just Trump attack pieces with a smirk across her face. No balance at all.
All the american channels were totally obsessed with trump nonstop with commentator after commentator being brought on to attack him gleefully. Fox news was not available.
While away i read about the lily allen put up job on the vd show. She sits there like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth but she is one of the nastiest pieces of work you could ever meet yet the beeb loves her. She votes labour so shes good. There was a piece in the london evening standard about the good and bad people on twitter and surprise surprise shes one of the good ones. I guess the reporter hasn’t read all the nastiness that she spouts on her twatter page then and it is bad.
Last night on the 6 o clock news had a piece on the jungle with our intrepid reporter with a 16 year old who had his face covered the whole time. The french cops apparently had fired tear gas at these guys and while this was going on the beeb reporter managed to spit out the question ‘how old are you, 16 isn’t it’ like you do in a situation like this. The 16 year old kept his face covered throughout. I call serious bullshit on these so called children. Wheres Lauren southern when you need her.
Euro architect gloomy about currency’s future
This little nugget slipped in to Business Live at 7:46 this morning on bbc.con. So on one hand the bbc will have us believe that brexit means the end of the world and we must remain in the single market. On the other hand if the Euro does in fact ‘collapse like a house of cards’, wouldn’t it be prudent to have already widened our trading options outside of the EU? The trouble with the bbc in their stampede to kill brexit is that they just seem incapable of being savvy enough to join all the dots. What happens to the single market when the Euro goes mammaries skywards?
Sturgeon may have a choice between not using the pound and a Euro teetering on the brink of collapse. But she wants what is best for the Scottish people. Good luck with that.
Sorry, you link appears to be an article relating to Liberian oil fields.
Grimer, thanks for pointing that out. I have inadvertently mixed business (oil exploration) with pleasure (taking the piss out of the bbc). I am currently in West Africa and was giving my consultancy a heads-up on future work in the region. The bbc have just copied and pasted the intended article from the Telegraph into their Business Live page anyway. So here it is directly from the Telegraph.
Euro ‘house of cards’ to collapse, warns ECB prophet
You know when you take the tv remote control and flip around the channels – 3 second burst of each channel
Well, this morning click on BBC and catch Victoria Derbyshire with a gathering of GB Olympians.
VD asks: “What’s it like to be the first couple in a same-sex relationship, to win Olympic medals?”
Quite how that question was meant to be answered one wonders. The remote had brought up a shopping channel before the sports duo could, perhaps, say whether it was nicer to win gold or to take up the jacksie with a strap on.
The BBC has now completely mixed sport and leftist campaign politics. This was a strategy pioneered by Five Live Radio where it made the station unlistenable to any but lefties.
One old school press sports journo recently described attending BBC Sports Personality of the Year – summing up the four hour experience as ‘achingly PC’
Daily express Russia defcon 3 guess what surprise surprise it’s villa here, it’s not on the BBC. Potential nuclear war not relevant to aunty
Anything about:
“British UFO conspiracist found dead after he ‘was set to expose Government cover-up'”
“British UFO sighting? Retired policeman spots ‘neon green UFO’ in Yorkshire”
Radio 4 schedule for today
Start the week 9:00 am Identity Politics in New York
This year’s BBC Reith Lecturer Kwame Anthony Appiah explores the shifting sands of identity through creed, country, colour and culture, and considers the mistakes we make when we think of them as fixed.
Book of the Week 09:45 am Namaste, by Nikesh Shukla The Good Immigrant
A collection of essays in which writers explore what it means to be Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic in Britain today.
Moaners Hour 10:00 perennial left wing claptrap with a feminazi slant.
The womens power list which seems to consist entirely of Labour politicos and their mates.
Lemn Sissays Origin Stories 11:00 Is it a Bird?
Lemn Sissay returns to BBC Radio 4 with a comic and poetic look at the treatment of children raised in care, orphans and foster children in popular culture, comparing them with reality. Because it surely says something about how we view them that we create so many for fiction.
The Listening Project 12:04 referendum tales
Fi Glover introduces a conversation between Lisa and Nicola from Doncaster, friends who share a commitment to youth work and tackling poverty, yet used their Referendum vote in different ways, to explore the aftermath of the EU Referendum for the series that proves it’s surprising what you hear when you listen.
TWATO 13:00
The Robber Barons 13:45
Cornelius Vanderbilt; The Robber Barons built vast businesses, and helped forged a radically new country – the basis of the America we know today. But did they sow the seeds of amazing progress, or did they steal the American Dream? Historian Adam Smith tells their stories and confronts their legacy
The Archers 14:00
Left wing storylines forced awkwardly into a farming setting.
Drama 14:15 Leaving
As a consequence of the Brexit vote a dying man adds a codicil to his will – a final wish that threatens to tear his family apart.
Quote Unquote 15:00
Boring drivel for an off peak slot
The Food Program 15:30 A Global Food Gathering
Dan Saladino reports from the global food event Terra Madre with stories from Africa.
Short Cuts 16:00 In the Deep End
From the man who sets out to scam the con artists trying to exploit him, to the hypnotist who finds himself face to face with Uday Hussein
Digital Human 16:30 The woman who started Vlogging, then disappeared
PM 17:00 with Eddie Mair
News 18:00
The Unbelievable Truth 18:30
Alleged ‘comedy’ with usual ultra left wing guests
The Archers 19:00 As previous
Front Row 19:15 arty farty comment
No info as to subject matter
Green Cities 20:00 Is it the answer to the housing crisis.
Historian Dan Cruickshank discovers whether the governments proposed new Garden Cities programme – hailed as an idyllic alternative to generic commuter towns – is the answer to our housing crisis or a toxic blight on lifestyle and landscape.
No mention of the causes of the crisis though.
Analysis 20:00 Brexit & Northern Ireland
Is the island of Ireland where Brexit will matter most? Edward Stourton visits Londonderry, right on the Irish border, to explore what’s at stake as the UK leaves the EU. Some locals fear the border across Ireland – as the EU’s new external border – will harden, causing great practical and economic difficulty and even threatening the Northern Ireland peace process.
Bias? What Bias?
There was an amazing thing on that Start The Week Prog : the let on a 2 or 3 people who are not LeftyMob zombies.
Colson Whitehead (a white woman writing about slave history) said “look at the data”
And she actually emphatically mentions the true black deaths count ..and that it is totally wrong to focus on police killing blacks when if you really cared you do something about blacks killing blacks cos that accounts for magnitudes more deaths.
“blacks commit homicide at 8 times the rate of whites and hispanics”
Heather Mac Donald started by criticisng identity politics : where political stance comes from shallow identity your skin colour about 5 mins in from the start of the prog
The next commenter Jim Zirin said the origin of that was cos before there were no black mayors, so achieving that became the focus and then said at least the Supreme court was now deliberately filled with minorities so voters don’t get upset.
Later he tried to pooh pooh the idea that the problem was black women bringing up kids as single mothers ..By saying Obama and Bill Clinton can from absent father families. No one picked up on that one of the differences is that both mothers were white, and Obama’s absent black father was wealthy and powerful.
“Jim Zirin attacks the make-up of the Supreme Court, arguing that the judges are informed more by their political identity” Seems he’s a Liberal saying that Republican’s twist the intention of constitution with tricks like sticking to old wordings.
Blimey Kwame Anthony Appiah surprisingly spoke nothing like an African also agreeing that people spend time identifying with people of the same race label etc. when in fact he as a philosopher identifies more with an Argentinian philosopher.
Will BLM be descending on kentucky …… nooo probably not
9am Tmw on R4 Kwame Anthony Appiah starts presenting 2016 Reith Lectures
Creed : will be his first lecture.
The BBC staff must have thought “hey maximum Brownie points, we’ve got a Black American lefty presenting”
The strange thing is he speaks like an English white public school boy
..ah I got it ..he was born in London where his father was a Ghanain law student english mother gre up in Ghana, moved to America.
“Philosopher and cultural theorist Kwame Anthony Appiah argues that when considering religion we overestimate the importance of scripture and underestimate the importance of practice.”
Repeated tmw 22:15 ..Yes they’ve cut the 10pm news short.
Just after the 7am news on the Today programme (Monday morning) item on anti-Semitism. Started by highlighting at 75% of anti-Semitic incidents are from the far-right. Mardell quoted this yesterday at 1pm Radio 4 news (the BBC has really got hold of this figure, haven’t they?). But the far-right are not a main stream party and I suspect how one defines anti-Semitism can affect these figures. Then there was an interview with a Miss Woolfson (sorry didn’t catch her first name) who is a member of the Labour Party. Even the way she was introduced was slightly odd – I may have this slightly wrong because I was half asleep – but something like ‘who identifies herself as Jewish’; sorry in my book either you are Jewish or not or even if they had said that she had a Jewish father; definitely something slightly odd there. She was questioned about anti-Semitism in the Labour Party – and surprise, surprise – it was not something she had ever experienced. Nobody else was there to say the opposite – perhaps the BBC hadn’t time to find anybody who had suffered in this way to discuss it. But the lady was able to speak without interruption for several minutes to assure us all was well. Soft interview was an understatement.
Liars the lot of them. The BDS movement is not far right and they know it. Now mainstream in what used to be academia but is now a cess pit of prejudice it has infected our lives. Routinely portrayed as not Anti Semitic it is exactly that.
Just look at that disgusting place Exeter University. Middle class snowflakes to the core and the biggest vote in their rotten history- for BDS.
Hardly knuckle dragging fascist scum.
Dave S, If the ideologues of the left with their tunnel vision are trying to convince themselves and others that 75% of anti-Semitism comes from the far right, maybe they should break that down into far-right Muslims and far-right non-Muslims.
Oops, sorry, I forgot that Muslims cannot be far-right or far-left or far anything but must simply be regarded as Muslims and therefore a protected species.
I think this is a huge mistake. The BBC actually has a policy of using local reporters very widely – it’s very noticeable on the Word Service, but far too often you get the distinct impression they are much too involved in the local situation to be at all objective.
The BBC is supposed to be a British broadcasting organisation. I don’t want to hear the brother in law of a Shining Path revolutionary brining me his version of the news from Peru and I am thoroughly sick of Irish and French Canadians giving me their curious opinions on world affairs. Heaven knows, the British twits they hire are bad enough.
My apologies – this seems to have ended up in the wrong place. It was intended to follow Deborah’s comment about the BBC using local journalists.
That makes sense now!
Deborah, thanks for that info. I’ve just listened to it. No, Wolfson wasn’t introduced as someone ‘who identifies herself as Jewish’ but simply as Jewish. Certainly the interviewer could have and should have challenged ridiculous claims such Corbyn as acting quickly to combat anti-Semitism in Labour, when everyone knows he delayed as long as he possibly could, almost certainly hoping that the controversy would melt away and he wouldn’t have to do anything about it.
From 1hr 14m in:
It was Rhea Wolfson. Have you heard of her before? No, thought not, me neither. Anyway, apparently she’s a member of Labour’s National Executive Commission, but perhaps more importantly she’s also a Jew, so we were told.
Perhaps the latter was the main quality required to be chosen to go on the radio this morning to claim there is no antisemitism in the Labour party, to dismiss the Home Affairs Select Committee report, and to plug the Shami Chakrabarti report.
If a Jew tells us there is no antisemitism in the Labour party it must be true.
Rhea – a bird that can’t fly, just like the Emu (EU Monetary Union).
BBC bias is now unrelenting, the worst and most blatant that it has ever been. One might have thought that a 52% popular vote against EU membership (and this going against the mainstream media and establishment wishes) would have given the BBC pause for thought – but metropolitan leftist views are being pumped out with even greater urgency.
My previous idea was to lock David Cameron in a room for a period of hours with only BBC Radio 4 to listen to – because I could not believe a Tory could really turn a deaf ear to the obvious anti-conservative bias. Now my instinct is that the senior Tories must be complicit in BBC bias. Their motivation for allowing this is a mystery.
I do wonder whether to persist in catologuing BBC bias – it is becoming a parody something along the lines of “Is the Labour Party biased to the left? Log the instances which you notice here”
Keep cataloguing the bias AsISeeIt, it’s a thankless task but someone’s gotta do it. Keep chipping away and one day the whole rotten edifice will collapse like the Berlin wall.
Cameron would have nodded along with R4 quite happily. That’s just one of the reasons why he was a rotten Prime Minister.
“My previous idea was to lock David Cameron in a room for a period of hours with only BBC Radio 4 to listen to – because I could not believe a Tory could really turn a deaf ear to the obvious anti-conservative bias.”
A good idea, but it would only have worked if you believed David Cameron was actually a Conservative. Experience showed he was not.
Anyone who could say he supported gay marriage not despite being Conservative, but because he was Conservative, is someone for whom words have no meaning, someone who is just a glib PR man, twisting in the wind, standing for nothing. David Cameron, in other words.
Browsing the Bash Britain Corp, plenty on post-Brexit Armageddon, but nothing on this: “Euro ‘house of cards’ to collapse, warns ECB prophet.” (Telegraph)
The European Central Bank is becoming dangerously over-extended and the whole euro project is unworkable in its current form, the founding architect of the monetary union has warned.
“One day, the house of cards will collapse,” said Professor Otmar Issing, the ECB’s first chief economist and a towering figure in the construction of the single currency.
Prof Issing said the euro has been betrayed by politics, lamenting that the experiment went wrong from the beginning and has since has degenerated into a fiscal free-for-all that once again masks the festering pathologies.
“Realistically, it will be a case of muddling through, struggling from one crisis to the next. It is difficult to forecast how long this will continue for, but it cannot go on endlessly,” he told the journal Central Banking in a remarkable deconstruction of the project.
The comments are a reminder that the eurozone has not overcome its structural incoherence. A beguiling combination of cheap oil, a cheap euro, quantitative easing, and less fiscal austerity have disguised this, but the short-term effects are already fading.
“the festering pathologies” in the EU. Love the expression. It’s a disease!
And this from the founding architect of the monetary union, no less!
…”the ECB’s first chief economist and a towering figure in the construction of the single currency.”
PTG, Let’s help the Jocks on their way.
If the Tory party is two thirds liberal shouldn’t it be renamed
Two thirds at daily politics tory conference blue ball choice chose totalitarianism. They would have been smarter to lie.
I assume thirds uses the Irish pronunciation!
if we don’t start deselecting these liars then there’s only ukip
Friends! My new Blog, which covers the problem of Anti=Semitism in the Labour Party – which Friend Shami has conclusively proved does not exist – and also the literally terrifying problem of the literal tsunami of Hard-Right Hate Crimes in Britain ever since the Hard-Right Hate Vote on June 23rd, is now literally available:
I guess the BBC, or ‘AUNTY’ as it’s called in such a touchy-feely way, has been firmly embedded in British society since WW2. Most don’t give it much of a thought, it’s just there and always will be.
The fact that the BBC is recognised throughout the World as the ‘State’ broadcaster,
the ‘Voice of Britain’ if you like’ is most puzzling. The BBC is funded by a state enforced TV Tax and yet it does not support or reflect views and concerns of the state but only it’s preferred group. It continues with it’s wholly biased, agenda driven work which for the greater part undermines the state which sponsors it. Rather than ‘reflect’ Britain it projects a distorted view to the World. Very puzzling for sure?
Their lying traitors
The following is copied from in the comments regarding Boris Johnson’s ‘secret’ paper on the EU.
‘The BBC’s coverage of this yesterday was typically dishonest, leading with their usual ‘Boris Johnson has been forced to defend…’.
According to them, their story was that Johnson had written a paper in support of ‘remain’ despite his position in the referendum in favour of Brexit.
The ‘world’s most trusted broadcaster’ crafted this story in the way that was the most damaging. Strangely, we eventually learn that this was one of two papers written to ‘compare and contrast’ as they say, the merits of EU membership…but the BBC don’t themselves directly tell us this, we hear the additional information out of the mouth of a spokesperson for Boris…’who has been forced to defend him.’ Voila! – an important context to the story is deliberately misrepresented and minimised (‘the spokesman would say that, wouldn’t he!’)
Of course, if the whole story, which was known in its entirety to the BBC, had been reported fairly, people might have formed a different opinion (but that of course wouldn’t have served the BBC’s purpose).
The BBC has lost what little integrity it had left. Daily, it breaches the terms of its Charter. Sign the petition to get rid of the bastards.…’
Flexdream, perhaps a more direct link:
‘Revoke the BBC Charter’ has over 60,000 signatures and rising!
Won’t somebody think of the…erm…’children’..?
‘Jungle’ children try to reach the UK
Campaigners call on the UK government to speed up its programme to resettle hundreds of unaccompanied children stranded in the Calais “Jungle”.
Now, I want you look at the video on the link and I want you to try really, really hard to believe it when ‘Mohammed’ (masking his face) confirms, when prompted with the correct number by the BBC worker drone, that his age is ’16’. Does Mohammed look ’16’ to you? Does he even look like a ‘child’? Do any of his mates lurking about in the background, many of them bearded, look like ‘children’ to you?
Ever get the feeling you’re being mugged?
ObiWan, perhaps the ‘young’ Mohammed is a transgender ‘person’ and fully intends to make the transition to a female in the UK – hence the Hijab practice? Naturally, the BBC would favour this kind of individual.
A laugh out loud moment.
On bBBC 1pm news, a feature on Calais. A ‘child’ is interviewed. He wants to come to the UK to be a doctor or an engineer. He actually said that. As if he had been given a script.
The follow on question, of course, should have been : And what makes you think you are intelligent enough to be either of those things?
It’s doubly ridiculous, because from my experience, Doctors don’t want to be Engineers and Engineers don’t want to be Doctors. So, this person is quite remarkable in having such a wide spectrum of ambitions. Perhaps he also wants to be an imam and have his own mosque.
He wants to be an engineer so he can design bombs to kill infidel civilians and he wants to be a doctor so he can treat wounded Islamic terrorists.
Glasgow Airport Arrivals may need to add a contingency for more glazing.
Select 150 English kids – Rescue them.
Select 150 English elderly in ‘Care’ Homes – Rescue them.
Select 150 English couples working all hours – Rescue them.
Select 150 English NHS patients stuck on a waiting list – Rescue them.
Could go on but ………
I’ll add one more gaxvil,
‘Select 150 British Charities “rescuing” unlimited numbers of Muslims to relocate to the UK – Cut off their funding and remind them the taxpayer has had enough.’
If we are going to offer a new home to refugees, why don’t we allow those white South Africans of British descent to move here? They share the same racial lineage; speak the same language; are predominantly Christian; they are educated and will generally integrate seamlessly into our society.
They are being systematically discriminated against by their government and there have been 85,000 racial murders of whites by blacks since the end of apartheid, these include men, women and children killed in terrible ways.
Yet you will never see al beebus reporting about this or calling on our government to let them come here.
The way whites are being treated in South Africa today, is something like our descendants will be when whites are a minority here in Britain.
A Sky news crew got attacked when trying to film near a service station with knives, sticks and stones.. They managed get away after having a camera stolen but sustaining injuries:
The BBC always somehow manages to avoid covering events like this. They home in on some lanky flake instead that we *must* feel sorry for..
By the way, it looks like RT are getting forced out of the UK by having it’s bank accounts closed, so Sky news will be the only alternative to the BBC.
And that’s no alternative at all, is it?
No not really, but I doubt the BBC would have ever aired a story about being attacked by those migrants.. It challenges their world view too much.
If they did air the story they would use terms like “Desperation and frustrations of the young here are boiling over”.. Never being able to admit to themselves or anyone else that maybe this is “their way of doing things”.
France is so similar to Britain in most respects, economy, rule of law, civil society, infrastructure and so on. but Britain has to ‘rescue’ ‘refugees’ from France. You really could not make this up.
Just heard RT has had its brand accounts frozen ‘for biased reporting’.
They really need unique funding to avoid this problem.
There appears to be a craze for dressing as a clown and scaring people at the moment, and the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad have been oppressing people by telling them that they should not dress that way & scare other people.
What a contrast this is to the Fascist Left view when it comes to the Muslim practice of face coverings and the ‘Burkini’ when we were told that people can wear what ever they like and it’s your own ‘bigotry’ (TM Gordon Brown) if you are scared, concerned, or outraged at it.
Is the clown craze now spreading out of control asks the BBC – funny but it doesn’t ask that about the niqab, quite the reverse in fact.
Women dressed like Harry Potter Soul Eaters and dark men with beards who belong to group known to slaughter innocents could not conceivably scare children.
2pm news : RBS/Natwest ‘freezes Russian channel’s UK bank accounts’
They have been engaged in building a big broadcasting centre in Edinburgh.
On Radio Scotland’s Media prog Stuart DangerMouse Cosgrove has condemned them a few weeks ago for it.
RT_com Twitterfeed has the story …BBC news story
Oh, come on. It is absolutely outrageous that a broadcaster has been allowed to pour out endless propaganda day after day, without any action being taken to curb its activities, which are entirely designed to undermine this country.
And while they’re at it, Ofcom might want to to take a look at RT, too.
Ha that made me laugh
The accounts have not been frozen immediately nor is it all banks.
RT’s news page claims sanctions are being mounted against it all across the EU
Nice one GC, lols 🙂
I did think R4 Xtra ‘safe’ but no. The embarrassed sounding announcer tells us that, Andrew O’Neil – transvestite ‘comedian’, is coming to the channel.
Cut to said ‘comedian’ having a pop at men who find, a man walking the street in a frock and looking like a man in a frock ,worthy of ridicule.
The audience laugh, of course. How long before society is beset by ugly ‘women’ and scary clowns will seem a welcome relief.
“ugly ‘women’ and scary clowns”.
or, as some of us prefer to say, “Yasmin Alibhai-Brown”.
The R4 Anri-Brexit play as mentioned above: @Thoughtful October 17, 2016 at 10:21 am
Polish woman has been beaten to the ground and spat on by a bunch of school kids, just cos she said goodbye to the shopkeeper in Polish.
(nothing like this has ever happened AFAIK)
A Brexit voter -reveals their reason was that “The EU done over the elected government in Greece”
The Polish character is the main character in the play as she is married to the British guy has just died, it’s revealed his will was changed to be anti-Brexit : buried in Ireland, children asked to change their passports to Irish etc.
“a final wish that threatens to tear his family apart.” cos the 3 executors can choose to obey it or not. The Polish wife, the Brexit son and secretly Brexit daughter.
Could be a surprise ending where the Polish wife chooses the unexpected.
I’m guessing they wrote the play and then toned it down it down a bit.
Cos the young passionate Remainer guy does sound like a naive idiot.
Whilst his Brexit campaigning father seems reasonable if pushy until pushed when he became racist accusing his Polish step mother of being in it for the money cos she inherited the 0.5m house.
But they still kept the overblown attack ..and when the Polish woman passed some good kids in the street again that reminded her of the attack, she felt a bit of fear and decided she couldn’t as a Polish person stay in the UK safely without her British husband..
So the play ended with the her flying back to Poland
“cos of all the hate crime, that Polish man in Essex, Jo Coz and all that” (I quote the character)
What kind of message is that to send ?
The left love to point out the attacks on Eastern Europeans as an result of the Uk voting out, hence we are all f-ing racist.
Here’s a few stories the bBC doesn’t mention in which to balance the story:
Polish sisters who launched a savage attack on three British women after yelling ‘Oh do you want the English sl*t b*****s?’ on a night out are spared jail
Teenage Albanian criminal allowed into the UK stabbed 21-year-old man to death for accidentally knocking into him then gave his friend a fist bump
Four drink and drug-fuelled Polish burglars who savagely beat lecturer during raid on his home ‘after targeting the wrong house’ are jailed for up to 19 years each
Shocking moment Polish thug beats man with learning difficulties senseless and drags him into road in front of bus
Polish thug uses interpreter to tell judge to ‘f*** off’ as he is jailed for Tasering robbery victim in her own home after conning way in by claiming to be a gardener
Polish thug beats up NHS workers despite judge’s order for him to be deported a YEAR ago
Pavlo Lapshyn jailed for 40 years for murder and mosque bombs
Alice Gross inquest: Convicted Latvian killer ‘walked into Britain unchecked’
Xenophobic Brits the left scream out, from the look of things, the Brits have more to fear from Eastern Europeans than the otherway around.
I see the BBC is delighted to learn that RT has had its UK banking facilities withdrawn by the NatWest. Is this just an attempt to get the Russian TV news service shut down? Very possibly. Progressives are on the war path against anyone who goes against their narrative, both here in Western Europe and across the pond – where we know already that should Hillary get into the Oval Office she will waste little time targeting ‘right wing’ broadcasters. With 98% of all US media shilling for Hillary she’s practically guaranteed a coronation on Nov 8th.
So this is progressive ‘free speech’ in action. This what they mean they say they ‘welcome the debate’. Still, can’t imagine Corbyn or Galloway – those doyens of the hard left – are too happy about developments with RT. They both enjoyed cosying up to the comrades on the channel!
Ah, NatWest are keen supporters of censorship. Try accessing this website on the customer wifi within their branches – you can’t, as it is blocked. At least it is in their branch on the Slough Industrial Estate.
Breaking news on the Beeb Eight men guilty of child sex abuse in Rotherham 1999-2003
Shall we take bets……….Asian men……..those damn Chinese Methodists
No Kitty, probably North Korean Brexiters. Dodgy bunch.
ps. If I was Asian, I’d be p***ed off being tarred with the same brush as, let’s face it, Pakistani Muslims. In fact, isn’t it a tad ‘racist’ to lump all ‘Asians’ together, shades of ‘they all look the same to me’?
Tut tut, the beeb is waycist, whoever would have thought?
Damn it to hell, the liars.
Yes, my wife is from Indonesia and I can promise you that she looks and acts nothing like the “Asians” the BBC refer to……..
It’s the tip of the iceberg. No doubt we will hear soon that they were all mentally ill.
Recommended reading for people who find bullshit hard to digest – Easy Meat by Peter McLoughlin.
Can also recommend it, it makes for very uneasy reading though. I also found Tommy Robinson “Enemy of the State” illuminating as he also mentions this happening to his own relatives.
Context : It’s not 100% Asian’s predators in Rotherham
On Thursday in a completely different case a 24 year old white kid was jailed for 14 years for attacks against 5 women/girls some underage, 7 counts of rape, possessing and distributing indecent images of children.
Yes Stew, but the 24 year old white guy didnt use his religion to take over the local police force, the council and social services. Then use these bodies to ensure his fellow rapists couldn’t be convicted and to make life sheer hell for the families of these children who were raped.
He acted alone, he got 14 years, and was sentenced the year after police were first made aware a crime might have happened. Quite a contrast.
@Thanks Flexdream, I had to mention it otherwise LeftMob would context it as : 1 white abuser trial vs 1 Muslim abuser trial
As you point out : With white perps the justice system functions
Wheres with the Muslims , the states political correctness caused justice to get stuck in a quagmire.
The BBC are glad to (hide) that BREXIT means a windfall for the generous BBC pension scheme. Whilst the, Euro project single currency is on the point of collapse (says the Architect of the Euro) our ever impartial and not very independent from the civil service quango ‘Bollocks’ broadcaster stands to benefit substantially due to the way its pension scheme operates any ‘shortfall’ is paid for by the taxpayers (via TV license fee), and any ‘bonus’ such as soaring UK stock market (where the top BBC elites invest their £1,000,000 pension schemes (such as Alan Yentobs declared pension pot) stands to benefit from BREXIT. Another BBC Director Helen Boaden will get 2.8 Million pounds. Many other BBC staff will also receive a huge bonus (on top of their over inflated salaries). Next years TV license fee payers will be paying £20 million into a recovery plan for the BBC pension scheme. Unbelievable.
As has been noted (on Biased BBC) last week; hardly a day goes buy when the BBC are not rooting for the EU as the beacon of progressive Liberalism or /and Socialism (via their notion of equality) which (they think) is sprinkled with economic enlightenment (towards the failed European project). Meanwhile the BBC liberal appeasers and Marxist sympathisers get to retire at ‘55’ on multi Millions pound pots (names we all know too well) knowing that they are not accountable for another ten years of theft and betrayal.
Jeez I’ve only just got the dark joke in the Radio4 Rich Hall Trailer
“… Will we elect our first FEMALE president ?”
“Or will we elect our first LAST president ?”
..He means that Trump is so so bad the US or world will end
That BBC not biased at all.
Sooo, the Calais Jungle ‘children’ have finally started arriving – aww, bless ’em, what with being forced to live in the warzone that is France for sooo long. Of course the SCBBC runs a heartstring-puller of a story, but to get the true gist of the youthfulness of these poor innocents we must look to the Mail – now, no laughing at the back, or it’s no break time milk for you!
They look like typical Infants/Junior School pupils don’t they?
At 8.27 this morning I posted on here in jest. “The ones with a five o’clock shadow , 2 wives and 14 children in Turkey ” I obviously forgot the old saying ” many a true word spoken in jest”
So its straight down to Mothercare then to fit them out with new clothes ??? Sadly this looks like the age
gro(u)pers of the near future.
What ? no Keith Vaz to welcome them, or Clive Myrie to say “you’ve made it” ??
Keith Vaz is kicking himself, he really wanted to be there!
Children? I’ll be damned. Sixteen to 24 are classified as young adults legally. No doubt attracted by the EU’s free (16 to 24) free railcard ‘get me to the UK’ service. Meanwhile the BBC would have them travelling 1st class British Airways. Effectively the EU has abolished passports (for those outside Europe). Not an immigration policy based on merit, education or job prospects (or housing). But then they will all be full-boarded at a local 3 star hotel and claim UK benefits in Croyden or spread across the country in shopping malls and criminal gangs and petty thefts that will be ignored by Police and BBC Media excecutives under orders to ‘not offend’ our guests.
Apparently when asked, one of them said, ‘My ambition is to attend a Grammar School’ at which point Shami Chakrabati imploded…
Good point P2, but don’t forget what really matters:
In over thirty years of involvement in UK politics in one way or another, now ‘retired’, I have never, ever come across a local council Electoral Officer who has actually called on residents to establish whether or not they are legitimately entitled to vote.
Once resident, that voter registration form will come through the front door, and no-one will ever check your entitlement (or otherwise).
To me, that sums up the real nature of the problem – a few thousand extra votes, or even a few hundred in the right places, and you can change governments.
That is the real reason Blair/Brown opened the borders.
I may need to try some doublethink because I think those “children” are in their twenties.
Sorry I take that back, a couple could be 30 or older.
Congrats to the guards around them for at least trying to keep a straight face.
You would think the Beeb would have this as the top headline !!!!!! I wonder why no photographs of faces on the website just the jungle and an ex archbishop. Apparently these are very vulnerable children.
I am on Indian extraction. Until the age of around 25-26 I had to prove I was over 18 every-time I went out. Those men in the pictures are not fu-king children
And here’s my take on the f-ing subject:
UK: The first Calais children arrive in the Uk
Market Impact of a Trump Presidential Win
Not bbc bias as such but a interesting story about the financial impact of the possible outcome of the vote. It appears to be balanced but given Credit Suisse’s track record (or should that be its rap sheet?) I’m tempted to regard it with some scepticism.
“Credit Suisse’s U.S. equities strategists note that volatility would likely swing higher if Trump wins—or even if polls swing in his direction ahead of the election”
“his presidency would introduce significant uncertainty to financial markets”
“Credit Suisse suspects investors in companies with significant international sales are concerned about Trump’s negative views toward global trade.”
“Trump’s proposed tax cuts and infrastructure spending would expand the U.S. deficit significantly”
“a Trump presidency would probably cause the U.S. dollar to weaken”
This has a distinctly familiar sound to it – project fear USA anyone?
For anyone unfamiliar with Credit Suisse here’s some good reading….
Credit Suisse: Corporate Rap Sheet
Meanwhile. This is the reality happening across Europe due to EU ‘equality rights’ that a third world eritran can claim discrimination, harassment and lack of mobile phone reception (all based on a short boat trip sponsored by the EU ‘national defence’ – of which there is none at all (because that would be discrimination). The entire Middle East decamps to a ‘soft’ fat Europe, the criminal gangs follow, and the faux victims idolised by the BBC on ‘field trips’ sponsored by the EU.
Justin better up his game.
Beyond some truly special conflations, there is this:
‘Every indication is there seems to be a resurgence of right-wing extremism and terrorism throughout the western world’
Yes. I have been appalled by non-charcuterie deployment of knife, gun or bomb in Woolwich, Brussels, Paris, Cologne, Malmo… er…
Maybe he means on his planet?
“8 men found guilty in Rotherham child abuse case”, tucked away in ‘Regions’, and here’s what they look like according to beebistan:
Radio 4’s ‘PM’ had the Rotherham convictions as its lead story after the news.
‘Nice’ Eddie Mair actually led off with the Ben Needham story, which is hardly news, with all due respect and sympathy to his family.
beebistan have now updated the pic of the 8 child abuse men of distinctly Scandinavian appearance (perhaps shamed into it by other msm outlets carrying the pic), still tucked away in Regions, and what’s this milky film over the pix? The Express and others have a perfectly clear pic. Surely not an attempt at whitewashing by beebistan, they’d never do that.
Bloody Vikings – again! You can see it from their blond hair and blue eyes.
M S al-B: It requires a “Bloody, Viking” solution.
The story is as well hidden as a paedophile at the bBC.
Whilst, I’m on here, has anybody ever seen the bBC classify these ‘Pakistani’ grooming gangs as….Paedophiles. I mean they target little girls usually under the age of 15. Yet when a white (None Islamic) man is going around shagging little boys and girls the bBC is more than happy to refer to these evil people as…Paedophiles. But when its a Pakistani Muslim, why they become Asian grooming gangs and never Paedophile gangs at the bBC.
Radio 4 news at 17:30 (embedded in ‘PM’) mentioned the convictions of these “men” (sic) but no reference to ‘Muslim’ or ‘of Pakistani origin’ etc.
Yes Pounce, ‘Asian Grooming’ sounds so much more ‘chic’ than Paedophile – like a classy Turkish hair salon where they singe your ear hair with a burning taper. Cool.
“The story is as well hidden as a paedophile at the bBC.”
Well said, Pounce, you’ve made my evening with that one – if it wasn’t for the innocent victims of these barbarians, that is.
Trouble is, if they are paedophiles, then so was the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), as they are doing no more than following his holy example when it comes to treating kaffir girls as sex slaves and concubines. And since the Prophet (pubh) cannot be a paedophile (QED), then neither can these followers of his.
It is surely better that 10,000 kaffir girls be raped than admit that a 7th century illiterate merchant who married a six year old girl might, just might, have been a paedophile.
Who knew ‘children’ could be so naughty?! In fact that’s it, it was merely ‘children’ not playing nicely with real children. So that’s that all sorted then, back to Strictly, Bake Off or other assorted BBC drivel.
Thank you Peter, Radio Wales reported their convictions but oddly didn’t have time to read out their names, which R4 usually does with serious crimes.
I can now see how immigration boosts jobs. We need more police, more lawyers, more court officials, more prison officers and people to build more prisons. Should we get these new workers from Pakistan or Bangladesh?
I heard that they will be “sentenced next month”. Why FFS?
They have all been out on bail during the trial and I don’t know whether they have been remanded prior to sentencing (probably not – protected group and all that) if they haven’t it will be interesting to see if any of them do the usual quick-disappearance-to-Pakistan-to-avoid-going-to-prison trick.
As they are obviously children why have they been tried as adults?
Ever heard of this bunch?
Sounds a lot like CAIR in the US and we should be very aware of their activities when they print their objectives like this:
“Campaigning for Palestinian rights is a cornerstone of our work. Caabu provides an indispensible alternative voice to that of the pro-Israel lobby. In 2011, we took 19 parliamentarians to the occupied Palestinian territory raising issues such as settlements, Jerusalem and Palestinian child detainees. We also talked on Palestine and on other key issues to thousands of students in British schools.”
The 19 parliamentarians is probably the group which included the outed Labour Fascist Tony Lloyd.
Caabu works with many partners on its programmes. Steve James, CEO of Medical Aid for Palestinians commented: “Caabu has been a fantastic partner for MAP and has played a key role in raising the plight facing Palestinians with politicians as well as the broader public. We have always admired their professionalism and expertise.”
The thing is that the people running this all appear to be white British including the CEO Chris Doyle who seems to have a nice cosy relationship with the BBC:
Tweets by Doylech
Black women behaving badly
Just in case the BBC don’t think to pick up this bit of showbiz news..
‘Azealia, 25, claimed the Oscar-winning actor assaulted her, spat at her and called her a “n****r” before ejecting her from his hotel suite.’
‘However, witnesses reportedly said Crowe, 52, stepped in when she became abusive and violent to other guests, and that she had repeatedly used the n-word.’
They probably will.
And her ‘claim’ may amazingly be deemed more significant than witness testimony.
Meanwhile, the BBC offence bus moves on…
BBC News
Many had pointed out that being a refugee was “not a choice”.
Priyanka Chopra sorry for magazine cover ‘insulting refugees’
Complete with classic BBC ‘many’.
In the spirit of balance, here you go…
Have to like that URL.
So the BBC did do a quick cut and paste and shared the story on their kids news page.
‘The American star was brought to the hotel room as the plus one of rapper RZA.’
The ‘plus one’ gosh the sisterhood won’t like that.
Rotherham story led BBC Asian Network 5pm main news
and they did 3 mins on in and didn’t mention it again in the 30 min prog>They did name all the perps making no mention of ethnicity, but I’m sure BAN listerners would recognise Mulsim names ..It seems more like BBC Radio Bhangra ie more Hindu focused.
The BBC Web article was updated 1 hour ago and also includes the names ..and the addresses, which an irresponsible thing to do, next thing you know some nutter will be round there making trouble ..and then getting arrested..thus stirring sympathy for the perps community.
..Hey that article Rotherham is no longer on the BBC front page ! Wow
..cos by mere coincidence major political news story just broke.
Call me a cynic but they put names & addresses up in the hope that some nutter will go round and break their windows, thus giving them a justification for witholding names & addresses of future perpetrators.
MEP Steven Woolfe quits UKIP : guess someone timed that story so it would knock Rotherham off the 6pm news hotspot
BBC 6pm Newws was delayed due to Olympics parade. But anyway they led with Mosul story.
Wolfe was #4 and no mention of Rotherham ..It’ll be a 15 min news I guess aswell
not 15 mins, it finishes at 7pm, then local
The Official statement from Steven Woolfe MEP
“I have been proud to be a part of the team led by Nigel Farage, one of Britain’s greatest ever politicians. He brought me into the party and helped us win the referendum – a moment I will always treasure. Without Nigel, the donors, the team members and the activists, the UK would not be free today.”
“I have come to the conclusion that UKIP is ungovernable without Nigel Farage leading it and the referendum cause to unite it.”
“The way I was treated by members of my own party during the Summer’s leadership campaign and the events that have led up to today have all contributed to me coming to this conclusion. The party is riddled with infighting, proxy wars between rival camps and is run by an NEC that is not fit for purpose.
Contrary to reports, I have made a police complaint.
my intention to sit as an independent MEP
….. Well When the NEC decided to exclude Woolfe from that first leadership election for the sake of a few minutes …did they think they’d be no repercussions like this ?
It was like locking your son out cos he came back at 1 minute past midnight instead of midnight.
He only tweeted his resignation at 6.13pm ..So he must have had a deal with the BBC meet with the BBC team beforehand and film his interview.
Well at least he didn’t join the Tories.
Not yet.
That’s a summary of course the link for the full.
“Contrary to reports, I have made a police complaint.” (about a “blow” from Mike Hookem)
StewG, in reporting, the BBC, needless to say, missed out, “….UKIP is ungovernable WITHOUT NIGEL FARAGE LEADING IT and the….”.
BBC shout out to the kids – well, the girls, anyway: ‘We asked songwriter and course director at Bath University’s School of Music, Davey Ray Moor, to help guide us on writing the perfect angry break-up song.’
“Because of the nature of the horrible, sexist world the Donald Trump era has revealed, that women have to endure, this new, very gritty feminism is emerging is welcome and vital and needed and important…”