Silly question but have the beebistan EVER done a proper investigation into Asian Sex Gangs (meaning Pakistani Muslim)? A HUGE story with thousands of victims, hundreds of perpetrators in dozens of towns. Just imagine if the perps had been Christian clergy, or Tory MPs, or UKIPers, or any of the groups the odious beeb love to hate.
Below is just the tip of the iceberg of the most recent cases,
AlBeeb investigate Muslim crimes properly, no chance, not even of a cursory investigation.
The Left spent years sitting on the stories, hoping they would never see the sun.
Typical Public sector affair.
The Left Councillors cover it up.
The Lefty local government workers cover it up.
The Common Purpose led police cover it up, plus threaten the victims and their families.
The Most Trusted Broadcaster in the World covered it up, a la Savile.
They just sit back, do very little, and wait for their index linked pensions. Pensions paid for by workers in the private sector whose retirement will not be so pleasant.
Not fit for purpose, haven’t been for years. Yet the people of Rochdale still voted Labour!
Meanwhile Allah knows how many members of the ROP are claiming dole and housing benefits.
Meanwhile Allah knows how many members of the ROP are building bombs.
Thanks for everything lefties, everything you touch turns to [ ].
And if you as much as mention the fact that the UK rape epidemic is largely down to Muslims you are attacked from all sides by the liberal left, as Dame Lowell Goddard discovered when she was forced to resign . Someone on this site quoted Orwell at the weekend , ‘ In times of universal deceit , telling the truth is a revolutionary act’ , so true in the 21st century U.K.
The above list of convictions of Muslims for rape provided by Pthe G, is extraordinary . How can any sane society allow it to happen? The authorities crack down on so called hate crimes and so called Islamophobia , if you as much as look twice at a walking black bin bag, plod is knocking on your door . But Muslims could rape with impunity for years in the full knowledge of the police , social workers, council staff etc. Even now there are wide calls from the liberal left to admit more and more of these disgusting people into our country. The BBC has been campaigning vigorously for this for a couple of years. They are crazy and sadly they are in control.Truly we live in a country ruled by people who wish their fellow countrymen , and more to the point countrywomen, great harm. How much more of this ordinary folks are prepared to take is a more pertinent question every day.
Great to see you back Peter, with a sobering reminder of how our civilisation and it’s very future are at war with the left, and it’s psychopathic warlord enforcer – Islam!
We all know that ‘Lunatic’ Lily Allen doesn’t feel an ounce of remorse, or sadness, or pain, for the THOUSANDS of innocent girls who have been raped, tortured and brutalised up and down the country! To the media luvvies, this is all about PR and proclaiming ones righteousness….but the warped, fascist, bigoted righteousness that has brainwashed a delusional and detached group of supremacists who have taken over the arts, entertainment and media.
This morality raping that the deviants on the left are using as a weapon against the public, are doing so because they believe that ALL people must be victims, so they can morally justify their privilege… and it’s lefts crusade to ensure that its the turn of white Britains to feel what it’s like to suffer
‘Police know the identity of the victim but formal identification awaits.’
Cross reference with this evening’s Evening Standard : ‘One neighbour moved in to Wembley at the same time as the teenager’s family, who are from Iraq. She said “They are lovely people and he would never hurt anyone”
Oh dear. I do hope this wasn’t a post-Brexit xenophobic hate crime…
‘A man, aged 19, thought to be related to the victim, was arrested in connection with the murder yesterday and remained in custody this morning’
Assange, Wiki leaker has been silenced, his internet line has been cut.
Every investigative journalist in the BBC will be concerned over any attempt to stifle information such as leaks about Hillary and the powerful. The public must be informed eh.
Wikileaks activists outside the embassy will still continue their work.
I cannot believe that all internet services to the whole embassy have been cut.
So I think Wikileaks will continue to operate as normal, well as normal as it was yesterday.
I am not really a fan of Assange as a person. Some Wikileaks have endangered lives.
However if he can produce some rabbit out of his hat which dumps Clinton where she belongs I might change my opinion.
I read that the Drudge Report has promised some Hillary Killary stuff, can’t wait.
I have just returned from the Guardian, the hatred almost climbs out of the monitor to grab you by the throat.
I did not believe it could get worse, but it does.
Very little argument now, just insults, abuse and the occasional threat.
I assume some of the really extreme comments are moderated. How bad were they?
Hatred of white people, disgusting.
It is there in nearly every article, including those unrelated to the Referendum.
These people are really at home in the EUSSR, they would have all seventeen million of us put on trains to the Gulag.
Marxist mass murderers? Not yet, but give them a chance to show what they can do.
One vote does not go their way and they show their true colours. It’s not pretty.
Statement from Labour’s Jewish Socialist Group who support Corbyn and Shami Chakarappi and condemn the Parliamentary report.
This must be music to the BBC ears
Labour’s Jews see Jews and Muslims as victims of post Brexit Tory racism.
Well, it’s all I can do. When people are young and foolish it’s no easy task to show them the error of their ways. If they are old and still foolish there is almost no hope at all.
Today I had the most distressing conversation with the mother of a girl raped in Kent. I’ll leave you to guess the rapists background. CCTV of her being raped didn’t give clear image of face and they can’t ID. She was nearly gang raped but managed to escape. Gangs of Eastern Europeans from Balkans (not EU) and points East cruising around nightclubs looking to rape: date rape drugs current approach. In one case girls were targeted and barman had a hidden spiked vodka supply. Only about 20% victims complain, but almosy no prosecutions. Use fake ID to enter clubs.
I was surprised that some people here leapt to defend that animal Ched Evans. I’ve teenage daughters and I don’t want to lock them up, but this didn’t happen when I was young. Evans defence will allow some of these animals to escape justice.
Big fear amongst a lot of girls is that they will be tracked down by the rapists/friends if they complain. Or humiliated in social media. Serious issues being ignored.
Throughout the Western world, authorities have become way too soft under the pernicious influence of the left. In my opinion, gang rapists deserve the death penalty.
Evan defence will NOT allow any rapist to evade justice as it was exceptional.
The feminazis would like to have a situation where any man accused of rape is automatically guilty but it is against English Justice for the accused not to have a fair trial, and to have the presumption of innocence until found guilty by his or her peers.
It is founded also on the basis that it is better that a hundred guilty men walk free than an innocent man is imprisoned.
Just as is the case with other crimes, there are degrees of severity of rape. Marital rape, for example, is not anywhere near the same as violent gang rape.
We are being told by Der Fuhrer Merkel that we cannot have access to the internal market without the acceptance of free movement of people.
The BBC appears to unquestioningly support this as de facto as sure as night follows day.
However it would appear to not be the case as Denmark shows.
“The Danish border controls are set to expire on November 12, but the immigration and integration minister, Inger Støjberg, is already on the offensive for an extension. And she is not alone.
In the wake of meetings in Luxembourg yesterday with four of her colleagues from Germany, Sweden, Norway and Austria, a letter is being drafted to be sent to Brussels in an effort to convince the EU Commission into permitting an extension of the border control.
“We are working on sending a joint inquiry,” Støjberg told TV2.
“We want an extension of the border control based on a lack of control in the outer borers of Europe and the continuing stream of unregistered refugees and migrants in Europe. And very much also because the real terror threat means we must check who comes to Europe.”
So, Denmark is within the EU and is NOT practicing free movement – were you readers aware of this? I don’t recall the BBC telling any of us that it in fact IS possible to have access to the full market without free movement.
That’s actually very funny. I never thought the left had any real sense of humour as their comedians who pollute the A-BBC airwaves sure don’t.
I think Trump could pull a few thousand more votes if he posed and laughed with a couple. If he did that he would own the situation and show that he doesn’t take himself too seriously unlike his fanatical opponent.
Well what a surprise: our 8 Scandinavian Mormon child rapists from Rotherham have disappeared completely from even the tiny box (no pictures natch) they had on the beebistan Home page, after a couple of hours or so?
But hey, they had to make room for bigger news: ‘Woman stuck in bath for four days’ and ‘Hitler’s birthplace to be demolished’. Yep, that sure trumps years of paedophile abuse, grooming, rape, trafficking, prostitution, violence, intimidation…
Vile, mendacious, complicit beebistan! I accuse YOU and your ilk of creating the climate of opinion that allowed such crimes to flourish and be ignored for decades for fear of accusations of racism and islamophobia. Shame on you, a million times shame on you!
Saw the TV coverage this evening of the Olympic parade in Manchester. It was a revelation. Up to then I’d been under the impression that every medal had been won by a black person, and mostly by Nicola Adams. Apparently she lives in a private suite at the TV centre because every time I switch on the box, there she is.
Funny how the BBC has a new found interest in boxing. Same thing happened with motor racing for reasons I can’t quite recall.
Paxman is parodying himself now. The show on mostly Trump was distinctly odd. Part comedy and part serious it looked just as if Paxman got paid a good few quid plus expenses to make it and really did not care what he did or said.
One way I suppose to get even with your old employer.
Paxo’s cred now at rock bottom. No pretence of objectivity, ratio of 10-1 bias against Trump, flogging his book on the One Show, and putting in a job application for Question Time.Bought and owned by the BBC courtesy of the licence payer !
Yes Paxman was openly contemptuous of Trump. Surely a foolish tactic by both the reporter & the BBC, when there is a possibility of Trump being elected. If a President Trump was as vindictive as me he would wreak havoc with the media.
Al Beeb’s blatent anti Brexit bias has not been unnoticed by Boris , but why has the government not done anything about it?
Is it because our government is complicit in turning a blind eye because there are closet ‘remainers’ in situ there, all living in hope of the British public having second thoughts?
Sky is now BBC Lite – and just as thick. I think it was Trump who questioned why the western media was announcing the intention of attacking Mosul three weeks in advance. Well now some studio-based dimbo on Sky is also explaining the detailed battle plans, number and position of troops, and types of weapons.
Trump thought the ISIS leaders would scarper. But in fact, they’ve chosen to stay and fight. Consequently, they are well dug in and attacked the incoming Iraqi and Kurdish forces from the start. The Sky dimbo explained where they were hoping to drive ISIS into a space to the west of Mosul and then pick them off with drones.
Rowan Williams, typical useless hand-wringing Anglican wimp. Meanwhile when did he last speak out against the wholesale suppression, oppression and repression of Christian churches throughout the Muslim world – and in many cases plain slaughter.
Rowan Williams solely cares about the consolidation of his own privilege. Nothing more. The spineless coward will perform as many un-christian acts as necessary, to ensure his position is protected.
If he genuinely cared about the word of God and the protection of God’s children, he would be undertaking a personal crusade to help end the suffering and horrific act of violence and bloodshed against Christians… For being just Christians.
Why does he stay quiet? Why does he proclaim those who are evil and are causing such unimaginable scales of bloodshed on innocent Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Yazidis… as the ‘victims’?….because he is a fucking coward!! He knows that the only people who will listen to his cowardice are peace loving and tolerant white people.
Tothepoint, he did speak out a few years ago via the BBC. He advocated Sharia Law should be formally accepted in the UK. I still have not received a reply from him requesting the postal address of the Archbishops office in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Overheard in Lunar(tic) House, Croydon: “Can I have please a return to Rotherham, I hear that’s where the action is. Free please, like everything else from now on.”
Now they are shown (albeit not on the BBC) to be rather virile young men as opposed to snotty kids, one imagines the doors of many a BBC presenter flat will be flung open in welcome. Often by women.
Seems Ms. Boaden retired to spend more time with her millions just nice.
Does anyone still remember those dim and distant days (yesterday) when the Rotherham Eight Norwegian perverts were found guilty? Well the beebistan got it off the Home page within hours, and now it’s off the UK page and relegated to a tiny anodyne sub-headline in ‘England’, soon to disappear altogether. Heck who cares, the victims were hideously white.
And in case anyone thinks justice has prevailed in Rotherham, this from Kafir Crusaders:
With an estimated 1400 victims of Muslim grooming gangs in Rotherham, the eight paedophiles jailed today, who harassed, threatened and violated British girls as young as 12, only make up a tiny fraction of the Muslim nonces targeting and committing rape jihad against white British schoolgirls in the South Yorkshire town.
Now let’s bring in some more youngsters from Calais, yippee!
You’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at that silly little slapper. But she will not suffer like the ordinary Briton will. If she was bright enough I’d classify her as evil, but as it is she is just a gullible thicko. She is a multi-millionairess due to having a rich father and a very slight talent.
So the French want to capitalise on Brexit with an advertising campaign to encourage the finance industry to relocate to Paris, “leave the fog and join the frog” or something like that.
It’s quite understandable that the French might want to stir things in the hope that they can take advantage. What is not understandable, or in any way acceptable, is that the so called British Broadcasting Corporation would give the French campaign manager free rein to make the case for leaving London.
Such is Dominic O’Connell’s hatred for the licence payers that voted for Brexit, that is just what he allowed to happen on the Today programme 30 mins ago.
Over at ITTB they have neatly summarised what the BBC has again failed to capture versus what they seem much keener on.
Frankly I think it is all a game of bluff and double and multiple bluffs that has got out of hand.
Some card has brought over a brigade of Mark Thompson Stubble Brigade Jugend to provoke a backlash.
However the BBC has quietly erased the images but retained the glorious humanitarian aspects, and so it has utterly backfired amongst the chattering classes whose sources of information and education are self limiting.
Paxo, BBC tv Channel 1 – ‘Trump v Clinton: Divided America’. The clue is most certainly not in the title. As I predicted yesterday, it was a programme brimming with ‘Trump Bashing’. It was never to be a ‘divided’ analysis of the contenders. Very few of the many serious misdeeds of Clinton and her connections were explored thoroughly. A truly unbalanced account of the lead up to this important election.
The accolade this morning must be given to ‘Today’ on BBC R4. Met Office confirms its capability of predicting the weather one year in advance. Well, well, ‘pull the other one’! Clearly the Met office have vacated the planet along with all the rest of the elite. The only thing on the ‘Today’ programme which is predictable is the BBC’s biased broadcasting position on, Trump, Muslims, Homosexuals, Lesbians (and that growing band of abnormal inbetweeners), Multiculturalism and all the rest of their pet projects they support wholeheartedly. It sure ‘aint the normal people in the UK.
Home Office documents show that if a refugee does not have a birth certificate, a Home Office screening officer can certify them as a child based on their “physical appearance” or “demeanour”. The Telegraph today 18th October 2016.
I hope this Home Office Screening Officer is good at his job as my daughter gets ID’d still and she’s 31 years old!!
These ‘children’ are not trees, you can’t count the rings……
I’m pretty sure there are easy medical ways to identify age quite accurately.
What continually gets me is that the Far Left who want to admit these ‘vulnerable children’ want to ascribe such a level of maturity to others of the exact same age that they want to give them the vote !!!!!
To them the distinction between child and adult Is driven only by political objectives and narrative.
The issue of ascertaining what age these people are should never need to arise: we shouldn’t accept a single one into our country; they all have countries of their own and should return there.
“You cannot continue to have a First World country, if you fill it with people from the Third World.” Keith Alexander.
Radio 4 09:00 Creed with Philosopher and cultural theorist Kwame Anthony Appiah
He argues that when considering religion we overestimate the importance of scripture and underestimate the importance of practice.
He begins with the complexities of his own background, as the son of an English Anglican mother and a Ghanaian Methodist father. He turns to the idea that religious faith is based around unchanging and unchangeable holy scriptures. He argues that over the millennia religious practice has been quite as important as religious writings. He provides examples from Jewish, Christian, Islamic and Buddhist texts to show that they are often contradictory and have been interpreted in different ways at different times, for example on the position of women and men in Islam. He argues that fundamentalists are a particularly extreme example of this mistaken scriptural determinism.
However he has little understanding of Islam, and does seem to recognise that there is a massive difference between the Qur’an and the other religious scripture. This lack of understanding makes his entire series of lectures so flawed and erroneous that they are worthless.
This difference is of course that Muslims believe that the Qur’an is the very word of God and has to be implicitly believed in the whole by anyone who claims to be a Muslim. Failure to do so is apostacy.
No other religions requires this level of adherence, yet it is a common mistake by left wing apologists and Fascists to attempt to compare the Qur’an with the Bible, when they are in fact in no way comparable.
The other big difference is the context of violence mentioned in the different Holy books.
The bible has many references to violence in a historic context but doesn’t ask its followers to kill today. Whether a Christian following is devout or not they are not commanded to kill for their God.
The Quran on the other hand is full of detailed verses of how to chop off fingers/heads of the non-believers which are supposed to apply to followers for the rest of eternity with a clause saying their Prophet is the last one so these violent rules will never be changed.
Still nothing on their news webs site about the Clinton email links showing how the Clinton camp sought to down grade the classification of one of Hillary’s emails in return for favours from the FBI during their investigation of her.
The email was one from Hillary’s private accounts and concerned details of the infamous Benghazi attacks. The deal was to archive the files in such away as they could never ever again be viewed. In return the FBI would be allowed to deploy men in foreign countries. The deal was brokered by Hillary’s close colleague, the State Department’s Undersecretary for Management, Patrick F. Kennedy. The FBI claim the FBI guy doing the deal was retired, though if he was representing the FBI in the negotiations I’m not sure why that matters.
Imagine if the Tories did an underhand deal with MI5 or worse, (cover your eyes if you are of a sensitive disposition), imagine if Trump had attempted such a deal with a security service. It would be all over the BBC!
I don’t yet know what the BBC will make of the latest inflation figures, but Sky News economic bod Conway was quickly in to spin it as all down to Brexit. He tells us that gas prices are rising because we import gas. If he had taken a moment to look at the work of the Statistics Authority, very first section of the report, he would have seen The main upward contributors to change in the rate were rising prices for clothing, overnight hotel stays and
motor fuels, and prices for gas, which were unchanged, having fallen a year ago.
Prices will no doubt rise because of the fall in the £, but Conway talking about a 1970s style inflationary spiral is just more Project Fear.
The thing I find funny is when there is good economic news, such as the rise in tourism due to the value of Sterling, excuses change. This goes along the lines of We have not left the EU yet so it can’t be due to Brexit or this is only temporary. Or Marmite will rise in price because of the cost of the imported bottles (heard on some talking head show last week). Guess what, we still have options. There are places in Stoke on Trent that would be quite happy to provide bottles as they did before the EU existed with some re-tooling. Car companies in the midlands such as Toyota rely on locally resourced suppliers as well as imported components. European suppliers with tariffs could be less competitive than external ones. I once worked on a sourcing project which showed sourcing from India was even cheaper than EU countries for some car parts despite tariffs on them . (BTW, if you ever need parts for Moggie Minors that’s the place to get them!)
The Remainers talk as if there were some kind of “economic predestination”. As if there was an optimal level of growth or wealth thirty years hence, revealed by models (no, not that kind; could they do worse?), which every country in the world should reach.
The level of the pound does not only respond to economic realities. When for political reasons the British government was shadowing the Deutschmark in the “currency snake” and later the ERM, the recession caused by the high interest rates was of minor importance compared to preparing the way for the Euro. As the value of UK imports exceeds the value of exports how can the UK pay its way in the future? Some form of adjustment would have been necessary anyway.
…. meanwhile, on ‘Farming today’ this morning, the world expert Nick Clegg is given free rein to give his views on post-Brexit trade, in which he says the price of food would rise enormously were we to leave the Single Market. There were no questions or challenges from the interviewer and, of course, there was no opposing voice (it IS the Farming Programme, after all, which now seems almost wholly anti-Brexit).
I find myself in agreement with Ken Loach, but for different reasons: “On the question of what should be done with the BBC, Loach said: “Democratise it. Diversify it so that different regions can make their own dramas. And its notion of news has got to be challenged.”
He doesn’t like programmes such as Downton Abbey for the simple reason that they don’t distribute the sort of depressing, kitchen sink, lefty propaganda that he likes to peddle and they leave relatively little room for lefty manipulation. Strange because, ironically, his type is part of the BBC’s problem and also the reason why few of our movies are of interest within the UK, let alone outside of it, and need lottery funding in order to get made in the first place.
As for more regional dramas – I suppose that means that poor buggers in the North would be treated to more worthy, working class claptrap because that’s what Roach thinks they should be watching. And everybody, of course, would be confronted with even more “diversity”.
The big flaw in his argument “Democratise it” is that hardly anybody would choose his stuff. But then we all know that he’s not really talking about true freedom of choice at all – apart from choice by him. Downton Abbey was popular, here and elsewhere. That’s why he’s so bitter.
Caught a snippet of Woman’s Hour and Chad Evans is not innocent, he’s just not been proved guilty. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the case it is a fascinating insight to the workings of the BBC ‘HIVE – MIND’.
Yes I heard that MAJOR law change
In the old days (yesterday) You were innocent until proven guilty
Now Clive Coleman pronounced on Woman’s hour that this has changed to a bit guilty but not proven.
I bet that’s cos SJW Woman’s Hour edited him.
He wanted to say courts don’t judge innocence they only judge guilt
And cos in court the level of proof is beyond reasonable doubt, when you are found not guilty that means that there may be evidence against you but it’s not enough.
So he almost certainly meant to say Ched Evans has NOT been PROVEN innocent nor not-innocent.
but on the charge of Rape he is regarded as innocent, cos that has not be proven.
In some future time new evidence could come (0% chance), and he could be retried and found guilty. OTOH other evidence like a tape of the girl consenting could show him innocent. (but courts don’t judge innocence)
You can say Ched Evans is maybe guilty of something else like being a sleazebag.
Did you catch the actress politics preaching in the next bit about the Ken Loach film ?
She said : These evil capitalists are doing “ethnic cleansing” by moving people on benefits from prime London locations to cheaper northern locations.
Wikileaks internet shut down. Leaks were being made about Clinton who is standing for the US Presidency. BBC not interested but will go heavy with leaked tape of Trump from 10 years ago.
So who cut Assage’s connection?
John Kerry in London for talks with his servants, Teresa the Appeaser’s government. A clue, perhaps.
Well, it was collaboration between Kerry, UK Government and the Ecuador Government who pulled the plug. Way to go UK Tory Government. The BBC will be proud of you for supporting Hillary.
Listening to the last bastion of the old BBC this morning, Radio 3. One would think that radio is the ideal medium for the ‘utopians’, none of those visual clues that trigger stereotyping etc.
As has been pointed out before the morning slot has been featuring interviews with the ‘right sort of people’ for a while – too many dead white decomposer men featuring most of the time so they had to do something. Last week we had Ken Roach, sorry Loach, (it was the chips on his shoulders that threw me).
This week we have a woman, (a bit hard to hide the voice clues), not only that but she is a British woman! Why shouldn’t we have a British women on British radio, hardly needs mentioning does it? But then this the brave new world of the BBC, ‘British’ is code for not born here and so it is that Swazilander Noma Dumezweni gets to do her piece.
The colour blind radio now becomes a seemingly endless list of ‘first black this and first black that’. Is that all that is special about her? Anyone would think the BBC was racist, or at least race obsessed.
One claim to fame is that she played the Harry Potter character Hermione Jean Granger on the stage. Of course this shocked the social media world, (but not the right-on book’s author), as she didn’t look like what they expected. Not that any of them had been influenced by all the eight films played by Emma Watson, who looks somewhat different!
Doesn’t anyone in the Government recognise whats happening slowly but surely? Or is it only the BBC who cherish the thought of an Islamic UK? Perhaps the Government are confident that in the long run, they can control Islam. If this is the case (and it appears to be), the naivety is breathtaking and it means that there is nothing that can/will be done to halt and reverse this spreading sickness. The burning question is for Government and the BBC, what features of Islam do you respect and admire so much to want to impose it on the rest of us in the UK? Please tell us.
Kitty I think the beebistan will report that rape story, just as soon as pigs fly. Over Mecca.
Isn’t it ironic that in an age when wolf-whistling is a hate crime, when a slightly off-colour joke about women in labs gets a respected academic hounded out of work then the country, all loudly applauded by feminist-loving beeb, such rapes go unreported, or under-reported, or misreported, or downplayed in a thousand ways, or excused – whether in the Jungle, in Germany and Scandinavia, and of course on an industrial scale throughout the UK. Staggering.
ptg – It’s even worse than that, some deluded rape victims have forgone reporting sexual attacks by “migrants” (or allowed themselves to be pressured into not doing) for fear of giving ammunition to the “Far Right”.
Let’s lighten up for a bit. Here’s a fun game for all the family: find new names for the bbc. A few oldies to get the ball rolling: Biased Broadcasting Corp; Britain Bashing Corp; Beebistan, AlBeebira, British Brainwashing Corp; So-called bbc.
Over to you…
beeb name game: nice gaxvil, demon, below. How about: Bloated Biased Corrupt.
Britain Bashing Corporation, Bisexual Boosting Corporation, British Betrayal Corporation.
I just use A-BBC for Anti-British Broadcasting Corporation.
Also Biased Boslsheviks and Comrades. Blatantly Biased Crap. Bonkers Brainless Crazies.
In case you missed them, lots of creative new names for the bbc acronym from Tothepoint, AlShubtill, gaxvil, Demon et al, though I was a bit mystified by Biology Battling Controverts 🙂
Some are unrepeatable in polite society. Al Quaebeeba trips nicely off the tongue and Belittle Britain Constantly sums it up. Tothepoint let his emotions get the better of him with ‘British hating bastards’ and just gave up altogether on the rules of the game. Al Beebistan and Talibeeb have a certain ring too. Well done all.
#2 Remainers (Swansea University politics lecturers ) ..”What a loss for European cooperation”
…said the one with the NORTH AMERICAN voice !
“I never met anyone who was going to vote Leave”
…then a few minutes later
“I work with political legitimacy”
..I’m sorry you have a job like that and you are so totally unaware of the attitude on the street cos you live in LeftMob Bubbleworld !..Who pays your salary mate ?
#3 A couple of kids
‘All our teachers were in shock and angry’
“I’m upset and “Surprised we are not a bit more welcoming and a little less RACIST”
(Yes cos your LeftMob teachers have brainwashed you)
So that’s 3 slots … 1 for Brexit and 2 for Remain
That’s BBC fairness for you
“In 1996, 19-year-old Jennifer Ringley turned on a webcam that sat on top of the computer in her college dorm room. In that simple act, writes Aleks Krotoski, she changed the modern world.”
No she didn’t change the modern world. A few idiots with incredibly boring lives, like BBC young staff, watched her – Jennifer Ringley only changed their sad worlds. BBC are so obsessed with social media that they think everyone outside of Broadcasting House is doing it.
Because of what Donald Trump is alleged to have done 11 to 35 years ago, Ceri Williams, whoever she is, wants to make, ‘HARRASMENT OF WOMEN’ a ‘hate crime in Britain. In my younger days I’ve snogged and hugged women, in the pub, who I did not know etc. Did I fit the profile of a ‘hate’ criminal?
It occurs to me – she does not include, gender fluid, gender neutral, transvestite, transsexual, bisexual or drag queens. How none inclusive and aggressively feminist? (See, you can do anything with words.)
Over the weekend the vice president labeled Trump a “sexual predator” over comments made on a hot mic and after multiple women came forward accusing the businessman of inappropriate advances.
“The vast majority of men don’t share the view of Donald Trump,” Biden told Meet the Press’s Chuck Todd.
“I don’t ever remember that kinda locker room talk, never. You might have a guy say, ‘Boy, look at that,’ or make some comments like that. But the idea that ‘she lets me do anything because I’m a celebrity,’ is just sick. And what’s– what’s wrong is, we have to change the whole culture here and that no man has a right to touch a woman, to raise a hand to a woman, to abuse a woman for any reason.
tomoMar 16, 21:05 Weekend 15th March 2025 [img][/img]
Fedup2Mar 16, 21:03 Weekend 15th March 2025 The health secretary thinks too many people are being classified as nut jobs …. If you add the third world…
ScrobleneMar 16, 20:11 Weekend 15th March 2025 Love the statement – “The iron-fisted leader has seen soaring popularity in his Latin American country for a successful crackdown…
tomoMar 16, 19:56 Weekend 15th March 2025 [img][/img]
Eddy BoothMar 16, 19:02 Weekend 15th March 2025 Them El Salvadorians know how to put on a show.
Silly question but have the beebistan EVER done a proper investigation into Asian Sex Gangs (meaning Pakistani Muslim)? A HUGE story with thousands of victims, hundreds of perpetrators in dozens of towns. Just imagine if the perps had been Christian clergy, or Tory MPs, or UKIPers, or any of the groups the odious beeb love to hate.
Below is just the tip of the iceberg of the most recent cases,
Latest Map Updates: updated 8/10/2012 – added Birmingham & 3rd in Bradford, updated 29/10/ 2012 – added new Rochdale grooming gang, updated 14/11/2012 – added 2nd Blackburn, updated 17/11/2012 – added Keighley, Nelson, 2nd Rotherham, Oldham, 2nd Manchester, Preston, Sheffield, 3rd/4th in Rochdale, 2nd Blackpool , 3rd/4th Blackburn * thanks to Petra for tip? , updated 21/11/2012- added High Wycombe, updated 26/11/2012- added Hayes, Barking, Swansea, 4th in Bradford, updated 27/11/2012-added Darwen, updated 28/11/2012 – added 2nd Telford, updated15/12/ 2012 – added East London, updated 13/1/2013- added Liverpool and Harrow, updated 24/1/2013- added 2nd Keighley, updated 26/1/2013- added Nottingham and new Oxford, updated 7/2/2013- added 2nd Leicester , 2nd High Wycombe, updated 17/2/2013- added 2nd Birmingham, updated 16/3/2013- added Peterborough, Newcastle, South Shields , updated 22/3/2013- added 3rd Nelson, Lancaster, updated 14/5/2013-added Manchester Gay Rape, updated 21/5/2013 – added 3rd Oldham, updated 12/6/2013 – Birmingham Shop Worker, updated 17/7/2013 – Great Norton , updated 2/8/2013 – added Coventry, updated 8/8/2013 – added Londonderry, Northern Ireland (H/T #RapeJihad), updated 8/9/2013 – added Bolton, Oldham updated 28/9/2013 – added Torquay, Bristol, Manchester updated 8/11/2013 – added Bristol, Bolton, Harlow, Peterborough updated 8/2/2014 – added Bury, Leigh, Peterborough, Leeds, Oxford,
Headington Teenage Boy Rape, Bradford updated 17/3/2014 – added Middlebrough, Stevenage updated 1/6/2014 – Burton, Chesham,Sheffield/Bradford, Leeds updated 14/2/2015 – Wycombe, Newcastle, Halifax, Aylesbury, Peterborough, Sheffield
AlBeeb investigate Muslim crimes properly, no chance, not even of a cursory investigation.
The Left spent years sitting on the stories, hoping they would never see the sun.
Typical Public sector affair.
The Left Councillors cover it up.
The Lefty local government workers cover it up.
The Common Purpose led police cover it up, plus threaten the victims and their families.
The Most Trusted Broadcaster in the World covered it up, a la Savile.
They just sit back, do very little, and wait for their index linked pensions. Pensions paid for by workers in the private sector whose retirement will not be so pleasant.
Not fit for purpose, haven’t been for years. Yet the people of Rochdale still voted Labour!
Meanwhile Allah knows how many members of the ROP are claiming dole and housing benefits.
Meanwhile Allah knows how many members of the ROP are building bombs.
Thanks for everything lefties, everything you touch turns to [ ].
And if you as much as mention the fact that the UK rape epidemic is largely down to Muslims you are attacked from all sides by the liberal left, as Dame Lowell Goddard discovered when she was forced to resign . Someone on this site quoted Orwell at the weekend , ‘ In times of universal deceit , telling the truth is a revolutionary act’ , so true in the 21st century U.K.
The above list of convictions of Muslims for rape provided by Pthe G, is extraordinary . How can any sane society allow it to happen? The authorities crack down on so called hate crimes and so called Islamophobia , if you as much as look twice at a walking black bin bag, plod is knocking on your door . But Muslims could rape with impunity for years in the full knowledge of the police , social workers, council staff etc. Even now there are wide calls from the liberal left to admit more and more of these disgusting people into our country. The BBC has been campaigning vigorously for this for a couple of years. They are crazy and sadly they are in control.Truly we live in a country ruled by people who wish their fellow countrymen , and more to the point countrywomen, great harm. How much more of this ordinary folks are prepared to take is a more pertinent question every day.
Sorry to labour the point Doublethinker, but the list of rape convictions nationwide that you call ‘extraordinary’ is only the tip of the iceberg. It bears repeating.
In a just world that list would be the list of new the Lily Allen *Apology* tour dates with BBC team in tow.
Quite so StewGreen, Lily Allen’s Apology Tour to Rotherham, Rochdale, Bradford, Derby, Oxford, etc etc etc…
Great to see you back Peter, with a sobering reminder of how our civilisation and it’s very future are at war with the left, and it’s psychopathic warlord enforcer – Islam!
We all know that ‘Lunatic’ Lily Allen doesn’t feel an ounce of remorse, or sadness, or pain, for the THOUSANDS of innocent girls who have been raped, tortured and brutalised up and down the country! To the media luvvies, this is all about PR and proclaiming ones righteousness….but the warped, fascist, bigoted righteousness that has brainwashed a delusional and detached group of supremacists who have taken over the arts, entertainment and media.
This morality raping that the deviants on the left are using as a weapon against the public, are doing so because they believe that ALL people must be victims, so they can morally justify their privilege… and it’s lefts crusade to ensure that its the turn of white Britains to feel what it’s like to suffer
Today’s murder
‘Police know the identity of the victim but formal identification awaits.’
Cross reference with this evening’s Evening Standard : ‘One neighbour moved in to Wembley at the same time as the teenager’s family, who are from Iraq. She said “They are lovely people and he would never hurt anyone”
Oh dear. I do hope this wasn’t a post-Brexit xenophobic hate crime…
‘A man, aged 19, thought to be related to the victim, was arrested in connection with the murder yesterday and remained in custody this morning’
As you were.
Now, about these lads from the Jungle camp…
Perhaps an Iraqi Christian lad murdered by a muslim.
Assange, Wiki leaker has been silenced, his internet line has been cut.
Every investigative journalist in the BBC will be concerned over any attempt to stifle information such as leaks about Hillary and the powerful. The public must be informed eh.
Wikileaks activists outside the embassy will still continue their work.
I cannot believe that all internet services to the whole embassy have been cut.
So I think Wikileaks will continue to operate as normal, well as normal as it was yesterday.
I am not really a fan of Assange as a person. Some Wikileaks have endangered lives.
However if he can produce some rabbit out of his hat which dumps Clinton where she belongs I might change my opinion.
I read that the Drudge Report has promised some Hillary Killary stuff, can’t wait.
I have just returned from the Guardian, the hatred almost climbs out of the monitor to grab you by the throat.
I did not believe it could get worse, but it does.
Very little argument now, just insults, abuse and the occasional threat.
I assume some of the really extreme comments are moderated. How bad were they?
Hatred of white people, disgusting.
It is there in nearly every article, including those unrelated to the Referendum.
These people are really at home in the EUSSR, they would have all seventeen million of us put on trains to the Gulag.
Marxist mass murderers? Not yet, but give them a chance to show what they can do.
One vote does not go their way and they show their true colours. It’s not pretty.
It’s Orwellian isn’t it ?
How these Guardian warriors against hate,
have become the biggest spreaders of hate.
Whenever a LeftMob member throws an accusation,
you always have to ask if they are projecting ?
Statement from Labour’s Jewish Socialist Group who support Corbyn and Shami Chakarappi and condemn the Parliamentary report.
This must be music to the BBC ears
Labour’s Jews see Jews and Muslims as victims of post Brexit Tory racism.
Thanks for that link G.W.F. I read the article and the six comments to it. I’m thinking of adding to the discussion along these lines:
You people have your heads buried so deep in the sand that your ar*es are the only thing you can talk out of.
Er, or maybe not. I don’t want to antagonise them, just try to show them the folly of their ways.
True – just try to show them the folly of their ways: good luck with that True.
Well, it’s all I can do. When people are young and foolish it’s no easy task to show them the error of their ways. If they are old and still foolish there is almost no hope at all.
Today I had the most distressing conversation with the mother of a girl raped in Kent. I’ll leave you to guess the rapists background. CCTV of her being raped didn’t give clear image of face and they can’t ID. She was nearly gang raped but managed to escape. Gangs of Eastern Europeans from Balkans (not EU) and points East cruising around nightclubs looking to rape: date rape drugs current approach. In one case girls were targeted and barman had a hidden spiked vodka supply. Only about 20% victims complain, but almosy no prosecutions. Use fake ID to enter clubs.
I was surprised that some people here leapt to defend that animal Ched Evans. I’ve teenage daughters and I don’t want to lock them up, but this didn’t happen when I was young. Evans defence will allow some of these animals to escape justice.
Big fear amongst a lot of girls is that they will be tracked down by the rapists/friends if they complain. Or humiliated in social media. Serious issues being ignored.
Throughout the Western world, authorities have become way too soft under the pernicious influence of the left. In my opinion, gang rapists deserve the death penalty.
Evan defence will NOT allow any rapist to evade justice as it was exceptional.
The feminazis would like to have a situation where any man accused of rape is automatically guilty but it is against English Justice for the accused not to have a fair trial, and to have the presumption of innocence until found guilty by his or her peers.
It is founded also on the basis that it is better that a hundred guilty men walk free than an innocent man is imprisoned.
Just as is the case with other crimes, there are degrees of severity of rape. Marital rape, for example, is not anywhere near the same as violent gang rape.
We are being told by Der Fuhrer Merkel that we cannot have access to the internal market without the acceptance of free movement of people.
The BBC appears to unquestioningly support this as de facto as sure as night follows day.
However it would appear to not be the case as Denmark shows.
“The Danish border controls are set to expire on November 12, but the immigration and integration minister, Inger Støjberg, is already on the offensive for an extension. And she is not alone.
In the wake of meetings in Luxembourg yesterday with four of her colleagues from Germany, Sweden, Norway and Austria, a letter is being drafted to be sent to Brussels in an effort to convince the EU Commission into permitting an extension of the border control.
“We are working on sending a joint inquiry,” Støjberg told TV2.
“We want an extension of the border control based on a lack of control in the outer borers of Europe and the continuing stream of unregistered refugees and migrants in Europe. And very much also because the real terror threat means we must check who comes to Europe.”
So, Denmark is within the EU and is NOT practicing free movement – were you readers aware of this? I don’t recall the BBC telling any of us that it in fact IS possible to have access to the full market without free movement.
And if the EU refuses to give Denmark an extension of its border control?
Hopefully Denmark will tell the EU to put its free movement of people where the sun don’t shine.
Sometimes you have to laugh:
Apparantly there’s a whole craze called ‘Trumpkins’ this year.
Gotta love the Americans.
Quite funny. Someone has to point out the obvious, though: where are the dummies with pointy hats and broomsticks and the face of Hillary Clinton?
That’s actually very funny. I never thought the left had any real sense of humour as their comedians who pollute the A-BBC airwaves sure don’t.
I think Trump could pull a few thousand more votes if he posed and laughed with a couple. If he did that he would own the situation and show that he doesn’t take himself too seriously unlike his fanatical opponent.
Well what a surprise: our 8 Scandinavian Mormon child rapists from Rotherham have disappeared completely from even the tiny box (no pictures natch) they had on the beebistan Home page, after a couple of hours or so?
But hey, they had to make room for bigger news: ‘Woman stuck in bath for four days’ and ‘Hitler’s birthplace to be demolished’. Yep, that sure trumps years of paedophile abuse, grooming, rape, trafficking, prostitution, violence, intimidation…
Vile, mendacious, complicit beebistan! I accuse YOU and your ilk of creating the climate of opinion that allowed such crimes to flourish and be ignored for decades for fear of accusations of racism and islamophobia. Shame on you, a million times shame on you!
Saw the TV coverage this evening of the Olympic parade in Manchester. It was a revelation. Up to then I’d been under the impression that every medal had been won by a black person, and mostly by Nicola Adams. Apparently she lives in a private suite at the TV centre because every time I switch on the box, there she is.
Funny how the BBC has a new found interest in boxing. Same thing happened with motor racing for reasons I can’t quite recall.
It was all too much for me, but when I did switch on, there was Ore Uphimself on the bus with mic in hand and performing for the cameras (again).
I have discovered a new Hate Crime. The medical / legal term is Beebophobia, and I got it bad, real bad. Guilty M’Lud, a thousand times guilty.
Oh dear paxman is that all you got sorry lord nigel for doubting you.
Unlikely BBC Headline:
“”Why Do Children In The Calais Jungle Age So Fast?””
New BBC radio 4 TV promotional video 11pm BBC4
a short poem ending
Anyone else see it
I can only conclude that they read BBBC and they want to wind us up.
If that’s true then they are playing fire with there own pension fund.
Paxman is parodying himself now. The show on mostly Trump was distinctly odd. Part comedy and part serious it looked just as if Paxman got paid a good few quid plus expenses to make it and really did not care what he did or said.
One way I suppose to get even with your old employer.
Paxo’s cred now at rock bottom. No pretence of objectivity, ratio of 10-1 bias against Trump, flogging his book on the One Show, and putting in a job application for Question Time.Bought and owned by the BBC courtesy of the licence payer !
Yes Paxman was openly contemptuous of Trump. Surely a foolish tactic by both the reporter & the BBC, when there is a possibility of Trump being elected. If a President Trump was as vindictive as me he would wreak havoc with the media.
Al Beeb’s blatent anti Brexit bias has not been unnoticed by Boris , but why has the government not done anything about it?
Is it because our government is complicit in turning a blind eye because there are closet ‘remainers’ in situ there, all living in hope of the British public having second thoughts?
Sky is now BBC Lite – and just as thick. I think it was Trump who questioned why the western media was announcing the intention of attacking Mosul three weeks in advance. Well now some studio-based dimbo on Sky is also explaining the detailed battle plans, number and position of troops, and types of weapons.
Trump thought the ISIS leaders would scarper. But in fact, they’ve chosen to stay and fight. Consequently, they are well dug in and attacked the incoming Iraqi and Kurdish forces from the start. The Sky dimbo explained where they were hoping to drive ISIS into a space to the west of Mosul and then pick them off with drones.
And they call Trump an idiot!
It’s no worse than when, during the Falklands War, the BBC told the Argentinians that they needed to change the fuse settings on their bombs.
I had to use the DM page as the BBC don`t have any pictures of the rufugees
Children???? Really????
Justin Casey those pictures are depressing. Brits are being taken for mugs.
As for Rowan Williams, he deserves to be Lauded.
No I am not going soft. Remember what happened in 1645 to Archbishop William Laud? Perhaps the ex-arch bishop wants to follow in his footsteps?
Rowan Williams, typical useless hand-wringing Anglican wimp. Meanwhile when did he last speak out against the wholesale suppression, oppression and repression of Christian churches throughout the Muslim world – and in many cases plain slaughter.
Rowan Williams solely cares about the consolidation of his own privilege. Nothing more. The spineless coward will perform as many un-christian acts as necessary, to ensure his position is protected.
If he genuinely cared about the word of God and the protection of God’s children, he would be undertaking a personal crusade to help end the suffering and horrific act of violence and bloodshed against Christians… For being just Christians.
Why does he stay quiet? Why does he proclaim those who are evil and are causing such unimaginable scales of bloodshed on innocent Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Yazidis… as the ‘victims’?….because he is a fucking coward!! He knows that the only people who will listen to his cowardice are peace loving and tolerant white people.
Tothepoint, he did speak out a few years ago via the BBC. He advocated Sharia Law should be formally accepted in the UK. I still have not received a reply from him requesting the postal address of the Archbishops office in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Overheard in Lunar(tic) House, Croydon: “Can I have please a return to Rotherham, I hear that’s where the action is. Free please, like everything else from now on.”
And how many has Juliet Stevenson taken into her mansion? Rowan Williams? I imagine it’s less than one.
Now they are shown (albeit not on the BBC) to be rather virile young men as opposed to snotty kids, one imagines the doors of many a BBC presenter flat will be flung open in welcome. Often by women.
Seems Ms. Boaden retired to spend more time with her millions just nice.
Take them in and you might get sued, like the German Government
Does anyone still remember those dim and distant days (yesterday) when the Rotherham Eight Norwegian perverts were found guilty? Well the beebistan got it off the Home page within hours, and now it’s off the UK page and relegated to a tiny anodyne sub-headline in ‘England’, soon to disappear altogether. Heck who cares, the victims were hideously white.
And in case anyone thinks justice has prevailed in Rotherham, this from Kafir Crusaders:
With an estimated 1400 victims of Muslim grooming gangs in Rotherham, the eight paedophiles jailed today, who harassed, threatened and violated British girls as young as 12, only make up a tiny fraction of the Muslim nonces targeting and committing rape jihad against white British schoolgirls in the South Yorkshire town.
Now let’s bring in some more youngsters from Calais, yippee!
I wonder if Lily Allen is going to be the butt of all the jokes on the Ministry of Truth’s quiz shows? Any bets?
You’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at that silly little slapper. But she will not suffer like the ordinary Briton will. If she was bright enough I’d classify her as evil, but as it is she is just a gullible thicko. She is a multi-millionairess due to having a rich father and a very slight talent.
So the French want to capitalise on Brexit with an advertising campaign to encourage the finance industry to relocate to Paris, “leave the fog and join the frog” or something like that.
It’s quite understandable that the French might want to stir things in the hope that they can take advantage. What is not understandable, or in any way acceptable, is that the so called British Broadcasting Corporation would give the French campaign manager free rein to make the case for leaving London.
Such is Dominic O’Connell’s hatred for the licence payers that voted for Brexit, that is just what he allowed to happen on the Today programme 30 mins ago.
Latest children arrive from Calais….. Or young men of fighting age to be correct!
Man held in Houses of Parliament rape investigation
Here we go…. it’s a “man” and 23 years old so my even look like a “child”….
Because it is a white “right wing/tory scum” man. A picture and name have miraculously turned up pronto. Unlike the multiple cases of Scandinavians where we would expect to see pictures in about six months when all the fuss has died down. Typically after they have returned to the Scandinavian mountains and caves.
Over at ITTB they have neatly summarised what the BBC has again failed to capture versus what they seem much keener on.
Frankly I think it is all a game of bluff and double and multiple bluffs that has got out of hand.
Some card has brought over a brigade of Mark Thompson Stubble Brigade Jugend to provoke a backlash.
However the BBC has quietly erased the images but retained the glorious humanitarian aspects, and so it has utterly backfired amongst the chattering classes whose sources of information and education are self limiting.
I have drawn up a handy guide:
Not refugees:
There is another category of ‘not refugee’ but the BBC has no imagery to hand.
BBC have now named the rape suspect as Sam Armstrong.
gb123 you are correct, the BBC have no problem naming a white man within hours but when it comes to Rotherham…..
No it’s a TORY. Named too, with UKIP connections.
BBC website not hanging about in that department.
No Norwegians.
Paxo, BBC tv Channel 1 – ‘Trump v Clinton: Divided America’. The clue is most certainly not in the title. As I predicted yesterday, it was a programme brimming with ‘Trump Bashing’. It was never to be a ‘divided’ analysis of the contenders. Very few of the many serious misdeeds of Clinton and her connections were explored thoroughly. A truly unbalanced account of the lead up to this important election.
The accolade this morning must be given to ‘Today’ on BBC R4. Met Office confirms its capability of predicting the weather one year in advance. Well, well, ‘pull the other one’! Clearly the Met office have vacated the planet along with all the rest of the elite. The only thing on the ‘Today’ programme which is predictable is the BBC’s biased broadcasting position on, Trump, Muslims, Homosexuals, Lesbians (and that growing band of abnormal inbetweeners), Multiculturalism and all the rest of their pet projects they support wholeheartedly. It sure ‘aint the normal people in the UK.
Home Office documents show that if a refugee does not have a birth certificate, a Home Office screening officer can certify them as a child based on their “physical appearance” or “demeanour”. The Telegraph today 18th October 2016.
I hope this Home Office Screening Officer is good at his job as my daughter gets ID’d still and she’s 31 years old!!
These ‘children’ are not trees, you can’t count the rings……
I’m pretty sure there are easy medical ways to identify age quite accurately.
What continually gets me is that the Far Left who want to admit these ‘vulnerable children’ want to ascribe such a level of maturity to others of the exact same age that they want to give them the vote !!!!!
To them the distinction between child and adult Is driven only by political objectives and narrative.
Try telling them what to do once they’re ensconced and you’ll soon get a clue about how old they are.
The issue of ascertaining what age these people are should never need to arise: we shouldn’t accept a single one into our country; they all have countries of their own and should return there.
“You cannot continue to have a First World country, if you fill it with people from the Third World.” Keith Alexander.
Radio 4 09:00 Creed with Philosopher and cultural theorist Kwame Anthony Appiah
He argues that when considering religion we overestimate the importance of scripture and underestimate the importance of practice.
He begins with the complexities of his own background, as the son of an English Anglican mother and a Ghanaian Methodist father. He turns to the idea that religious faith is based around unchanging and unchangeable holy scriptures. He argues that over the millennia religious practice has been quite as important as religious writings. He provides examples from Jewish, Christian, Islamic and Buddhist texts to show that they are often contradictory and have been interpreted in different ways at different times, for example on the position of women and men in Islam. He argues that fundamentalists are a particularly extreme example of this mistaken scriptural determinism.
However he has little understanding of Islam, and does seem to recognise that there is a massive difference between the Qur’an and the other religious scripture. This lack of understanding makes his entire series of lectures so flawed and erroneous that they are worthless.
This difference is of course that Muslims believe that the Qur’an is the very word of God and has to be implicitly believed in the whole by anyone who claims to be a Muslim. Failure to do so is apostacy.
No other religions requires this level of adherence, yet it is a common mistake by left wing apologists and Fascists to attempt to compare the Qur’an with the Bible, when they are in fact in no way comparable.
The other big difference is the context of violence mentioned in the different Holy books.
The bible has many references to violence in a historic context but doesn’t ask its followers to kill today. Whether a Christian following is devout or not they are not commanded to kill for their God.
The Quran on the other hand is full of detailed verses of how to chop off fingers/heads of the non-believers which are supposed to apply to followers for the rest of eternity with a clause saying their Prophet is the last one so these violent rules will never be changed.
The BBC are behind the rest of the world again.
Still nothing on their news webs site about the Clinton email links showing how the Clinton camp sought to down grade the classification of one of Hillary’s emails in return for favours from the FBI during their investigation of her.
The email was one from Hillary’s private accounts and concerned details of the infamous Benghazi attacks. The deal was to archive the files in such away as they could never ever again be viewed. In return the FBI would be allowed to deploy men in foreign countries. The deal was brokered by Hillary’s close colleague, the State Department’s Undersecretary for Management, Patrick F. Kennedy. The FBI claim the FBI guy doing the deal was retired, though if he was representing the FBI in the negotiations I’m not sure why that matters.
Imagine if the Tories did an underhand deal with MI5 or worse, (cover your eyes if you are of a sensitive disposition), imagine if Trump had attempted such a deal with a security service. It would be all over the BBC!
It is hidden away in US news.
But not a word on this –
I don’t yet know what the BBC will make of the latest inflation figures, but Sky News economic bod Conway was quickly in to spin it as all down to Brexit. He tells us that gas prices are rising because we import gas. If he had taken a moment to look at the work of the Statistics Authority, very first section of the report, he would have seen The main upward contributors to change in the rate were rising prices for clothing, overnight hotel stays and
motor fuels, and prices for gas, which were unchanged, having fallen a year ago.
Prices will no doubt rise because of the fall in the £, but Conway talking about a 1970s style inflationary spiral is just more Project Fear.
The thing I find funny is when there is good economic news, such as the rise in tourism due to the value of Sterling, excuses change. This goes along the lines of We have not left the EU yet so it can’t be due to Brexit or this is only temporary. Or Marmite will rise in price because of the cost of the imported bottles (heard on some talking head show last week). Guess what, we still have options. There are places in Stoke on Trent that would be quite happy to provide bottles as they did before the EU existed with some re-tooling. Car companies in the midlands such as Toyota rely on locally resourced suppliers as well as imported components. European suppliers with tariffs could be less competitive than external ones. I once worked on a sourcing project which showed sourcing from India was even cheaper than EU countries for some car parts despite tariffs on them . (BTW, if you ever need parts for Moggie Minors that’s the place to get them!)
The BBC has always reported the negatives:
Interest rates up, bad for mortgage payers
Interest rates down, bad for savers
Pound up, bad for exports
Pound down, bad for foreign holidays.
There is always a cloud inside every BBC silver lining.
The Remainers talk as if there were some kind of “economic predestination”. As if there was an optimal level of growth or wealth thirty years hence, revealed by models (no, not that kind; could they do worse?), which every country in the world should reach.
The level of the pound does not only respond to economic realities. When for political reasons the British government was shadowing the Deutschmark in the “currency snake” and later the ERM, the recession caused by the high interest rates was of minor importance compared to preparing the way for the Euro. As the value of UK imports exceeds the value of exports how can the UK pay its way in the future? Some form of adjustment would have been necessary anyway.
The Bank of England claims to have just one target, a 2% inflation target, in which case UK inflation needs to rise.
…. meanwhile, on ‘Farming today’ this morning, the world expert Nick Clegg is given free rein to give his views on post-Brexit trade, in which he says the price of food would rise enormously were we to leave the Single Market. There were no questions or challenges from the interviewer and, of course, there was no opposing voice (it IS the Farming Programme, after all, which now seems almost wholly anti-Brexit).
“there was no opposing voice”
SKY managed it, but I can’t remember who from.
Clegg is truly vile.
I find myself in agreement with Ken Loach, but for different reasons: “On the question of what should be done with the BBC, Loach said: “Democratise it. Diversify it so that different regions can make their own dramas. And its notion of news has got to be challenged.”
He doesn’t like programmes such as Downton Abbey for the simple reason that they don’t distribute the sort of depressing, kitchen sink, lefty propaganda that he likes to peddle and they leave relatively little room for lefty manipulation. Strange because, ironically, his type is part of the BBC’s problem and also the reason why few of our movies are of interest within the UK, let alone outside of it, and need lottery funding in order to get made in the first place.
As for more regional dramas – I suppose that means that poor buggers in the North would be treated to more worthy, working class claptrap because that’s what Roach thinks they should be watching. And everybody, of course, would be confronted with even more “diversity”.
The big flaw in his argument “Democratise it” is that hardly anybody would choose his stuff. But then we all know that he’s not really talking about true freedom of choice at all – apart from choice by him. Downton Abbey was popular, here and elsewhere. That’s why he’s so bitter.
Ken Loach: Bad TV drama leaves viewers wallowing in nostalgia
Someone should tell him that Downton Abbey was shown on ITV.
Caught a snippet of Woman’s Hour and Chad Evans is not innocent, he’s just not been proved guilty. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the case it is a fascinating insight to the workings of the BBC ‘HIVE – MIND’.
Yes I heard that MAJOR law change
In the old days (yesterday) You were innocent until proven guilty
Now Clive Coleman pronounced on Woman’s hour that this has changed to a bit guilty but not proven.
I bet that’s cos SJW Woman’s Hour edited him.
He wanted to say courts don’t judge innocence they only judge guilt
And cos in court the level of proof is beyond reasonable doubt, when you are found not guilty that means that there may be evidence against you but it’s not enough.
So he almost certainly meant to say Ched Evans has NOT been PROVEN innocent nor not-innocent.
but on the charge of Rape he is regarded as innocent, cos that has not be proven.
In some future time new evidence could come (0% chance), and he could be retried and found guilty. OTOH other evidence like a tape of the girl consenting could show him innocent. (but courts don’t judge innocence)
You can say Ched Evans is maybe guilty of something else like being a sleazebag.
Did you catch the actress politics preaching in the next bit about the Ken Loach film ?
She said : These evil capitalists are doing “ethnic cleansing” by moving people on benefits from prime London locations to cheaper northern locations.
Burberry sales up by a third.
Clegg is the 21st Century Timmy Mallet.
Wikileaks internet shut down. Leaks were being made about Clinton who is standing for the US Presidency. BBC not interested but will go heavy with leaked tape of Trump from 10 years ago.
So who cut Assage’s connection?
John Kerry in London for talks with his servants, Teresa the Appeaser’s government. A clue, perhaps.
Well, it was collaboration between Kerry, UK Government and the Ecuador Government who pulled the plug. Way to go UK Tory Government. The BBC will be proud of you for supporting Hillary.
Listening to the last bastion of the old BBC this morning, Radio 3. One would think that radio is the ideal medium for the ‘utopians’, none of those visual clues that trigger stereotyping etc.
As has been pointed out before the morning slot has been featuring interviews with the ‘right sort of people’ for a while – too many dead white decomposer men featuring most of the time so they had to do something. Last week we had Ken Roach, sorry Loach, (it was the chips on his shoulders that threw me).
This week we have a woman, (a bit hard to hide the voice clues), not only that but she is a British woman! Why shouldn’t we have a British women on British radio, hardly needs mentioning does it? But then this the brave new world of the BBC, ‘British’ is code for not born here and so it is that Swazilander Noma Dumezweni gets to do her piece.
The colour blind radio now becomes a seemingly endless list of ‘first black this and first black that’. Is that all that is special about her? Anyone would think the BBC was racist, or at least race obsessed.
One claim to fame is that she played the Harry Potter character Hermione Jean Granger on the stage. Of course this shocked the social media world, (but not the right-on book’s author), as she didn’t look like what they expected. Not that any of them had been influenced by all the eight films played by Emma Watson, who looks somewhat different!
The Reith Lecture delivered by an African/English gay man who’s taken American citizenship. His views were unsurprisingly Left Wing.
Ticks a few beeb diversity boxes, that’s the main thing.
A few? He ticks every bloody one!
No Rob: not trans-gender and not muslim, so only 3 out of 5.
Or disabled – 3 / 6.
Anyone remember the weekly Freddie Forsythe, fifteen minute radio spot – it disappeared.
My hero Bruce Springsteen is being interviewed by Simon Mayo on radio 2 on Thursday, sadly I know the questioning will get around to politics.
I liked him until he wanted to have a wee wee in the ladies toilet
Barak Obama’s legacy
Kennedy began the process of putting men on the moon
Barak Obama put men in womens’ toilets
Not much truth coming out in world media put up site of Donald trump latest rally in green bay Wisconsin yesterday and then explain why the silence.
I’m still looking in vain for any mention in the msm of Al Gore being accused of historical sex assaults.
Another day, more silence.
An inconvenient truth
The drip, drip, drip in the Islamisation of the UK goes endlessley on and on and on.
Doesn’t anyone in the Government recognise whats happening slowly but surely? Or is it only the BBC who cherish the thought of an Islamic UK? Perhaps the Government are confident that in the long run, they can control Islam. If this is the case (and it appears to be), the naivety is breathtaking and it means that there is nothing that can/will be done to halt and reverse this spreading sickness. The burning question is for Government and the BBC, what features of Islam do you respect and admire so much to want to impose it on the rest of us in the UK? Please tell us.
I would like to say I’m shocked and horrified at this story. But I can’t.
How long until the Beeb have it on their website????? Remember St Lily was there last week and it’s only 22 miles from Britain. Maybe never!!!!!
You can be sure it is not a BBC journalist. They do their Calais migrant interviews with actors in their Salford Quays Studios.
Kitty I think the beebistan will report that rape story, just as soon as pigs fly. Over Mecca.
Isn’t it ironic that in an age when wolf-whistling is a hate crime, when a slightly off-colour joke about women in labs gets a respected academic hounded out of work then the country, all loudly applauded by feminist-loving beeb, such rapes go unreported, or under-reported, or misreported, or downplayed in a thousand ways, or excused – whether in the Jungle, in Germany and Scandinavia, and of course on an industrial scale throughout the UK. Staggering.
ptg – It’s even worse than that, some deluded rape victims have forgone reporting sexual attacks by “migrants” (or allowed themselves to be pressured into not doing) for fear of giving ammunition to the “Far Right”.
BBC ‘Reality Check’ – “How Many Children Are In The Calais Jungle?”
Answer: “On the charity’s August list, the youngest child was eight years old, but the majority of them were between 14 and 17. “
And the picture the BBC uses to head its article?
Is it a ‘Travellers’ site in the UK?
Let’s lighten up for a bit. Here’s a fun game for all the family: find new names for the bbc. A few oldies to get the ball rolling: Biased Broadcasting Corp; Britain Bashing Corp; Beebistan, AlBeebira, British Brainwashing Corp; So-called bbc.
Over to you…
Britain Bashing Corporation, Bisexual Boosting Corporation, British Betrayal Corporation.
I just use A-BBC for Anti-British Broadcasting Corporation.
Also Biased Boslsheviks and Comrades. Blatantly Biased Crap. Bonkers Brainless Crazies.
beeb name game: nice gaxvil, demon, below. How about: Bloated Biased Corrupt.
Britain Bashing Corporation, Bisexual Boosting Corporation, British Betrayal Corporation.
I just use A-BBC for Anti-British Broadcasting Corporation.
Also Biased Boslsheviks and Comrades. Blatantly Biased Crap. Bonkers Brainless Crazies.
ps: Blabby C’s where the ‘c’ don’t stand for Corporation.
Blinkered Bi-sexual C**ts.
I have used the following names in all my posts;
The Islamic Al Beeb
Al Beebistan
So-called BBC
British hating bastards
But I think these could catch on;
Al Shababeeb
Islamic Beeberhood
Al Qaebeeba
Allahu Akbeeba
Braindead Backstabbing C@#ts
Black Baiting Champions
Badly Brainwashed Cultists
Biology battling controverts
Belittle Britain Constantly.
In case you missed them, lots of creative new names for the bbc acronym from Tothepoint, AlShubtill, gaxvil, Demon et al, though I was a bit mystified by Biology Battling Controverts 🙂
Some are unrepeatable in polite society. Al Quaebeeba trips nicely off the tongue and Belittle Britain Constantly sums it up. Tothepoint let his emotions get the better of him with ‘British hating bastards’ and just gave up altogether on the rules of the game. Al Beebistan and Talibeeb have a certain ring too. Well done all.
R4 12:04pm : Brexit in the community
#1 Brexit campaigner couple a fair say …good
#2 Remainers (Swansea University politics lecturers ) ..”What a loss for European cooperation”
…said the one with the NORTH AMERICAN voice !
“I never met anyone who was going to vote Leave”
…then a few minutes later
“I work with political legitimacy”
..I’m sorry you have a job like that and you are so totally unaware of the attitude on the street cos you live in LeftMob Bubbleworld !..Who pays your salary mate ?
#3 A couple of kids
‘All our teachers were in shock and angry’
“I’m upset and “Surprised we are not a bit more welcoming and a little less RACIST”
(Yes cos your LeftMob teachers have brainwashed you)
So that’s 3 slots … 1 for Brexit and 2 for Remain
That’s BBC fairness for you
Jennicam: The first woman to stream her life on the internet
“In 1996, 19-year-old Jennifer Ringley turned on a webcam that sat on top of the computer in her college dorm room. In that simple act, writes Aleks Krotoski, she changed the modern world.”
No she didn’t change the modern world. A few idiots with incredibly boring lives, like BBC young staff, watched her – Jennifer Ringley only changed their sad worlds. BBC are so obsessed with social media that they think everyone outside of Broadcasting House is doing it.
Because of what Donald Trump is alleged to have done 11 to 35 years ago, Ceri Williams, whoever she is, wants to make, ‘HARRASMENT OF WOMEN’ a ‘hate crime in Britain. In my younger days I’ve snogged and hugged women, in the pub, who I did not know etc. Did I fit the profile of a ‘hate’ criminal?
If you’re white, yes gaxvil.
It occurs to me – she does not include, gender fluid, gender neutral, transvestite, transsexual, bisexual or drag queens. How none inclusive and aggressively feminist? (See, you can do anything with words.)
Over the weekend the vice president labeled Trump a “sexual predator” over comments made on a hot mic and after multiple women came forward accusing the businessman of inappropriate advances.
“The vast majority of men don’t share the view of Donald Trump,” Biden told Meet the Press’s Chuck Todd.
“I don’t ever remember that kinda locker room talk, never. You might have a guy say, ‘Boy, look at that,’ or make some comments like that. But the idea that ‘she lets me do anything because I’m a celebrity,’ is just sick. And what’s– what’s wrong is, we have to change the whole culture here and that no man has a right to touch a woman, to raise a hand to a woman, to abuse a woman for any reason.
Sure Joe