The Mosul campaign a deliberate distraction nothing in parliament foreign questions about wikileakes and u.s. aggression to russia, bbc the world’s finest fraudcaster.
Re Mosul The only thing the BBC seems to be focussing on is the number of expected refuges, I understand the men of Mosul have been subject to 2 years of IS occupation, but instead of running away with the women and children why aren’t they fighting for their country. The country that saved them.
Because they want to move to the West and live the rest of their lives at the expense of the British; German; Dutch; French; Swedish; Italian etc taxpayer. Whilst gradually turning all those countries into replicas of the cr@p holes they’ve abandoned.
What the bBC doesn’t want you to know (from Aug) U.N. desperate to find land for new camps in Iraq ahead of Mosul assault Workers prepare a tent camp in the Makhmour area near Mosul, Iraq, August 6, 2016 for people expected to flee Mosul because of the battles with Islamic State. REUTERS/Azad Lashkari
The newsmedia obsession continues – led, of course by the bbbc. How long will it be before anyone in authority actually says, ‘ This ‘child’ is not a boy, he is a grown man’? How many times have we read about some naive, left wing, b rate celebrity and their minders visiting the ‘jungle’ only to be robbed and assaulted by these creatures. Even on Sky news yesterday they were running a piece about the plight of these poor lambs and the crew and presenter were all robbed of their highly expensive cameras and (very expensive) associated equipment and he was still happily telling us that they should still be allowed to come to the UK
All this appeasement by May, the remainer is no good for the Country. There is no reason why these people cannot stay in France (after all that is allegedly where they have been living for ‘years’) or anywhere else in the rest of europe but no they are all intent on reaching their soft target the UK. They are clearly not ‘children’. The fact that they are being allowed into the UK just portrays England as to what it is – apologetic, appeasing and weak, a particularly dangerous mix.
The european wet dream known as the EU still continues – we are still part of it 6 months after the referendum.
Serve article 50 and stop payments to europe absolutely now – do not delay they will soon be wanting to negotiate trade deals.
It is interesting how when the Blabby C has to report something it really doesn’t want to like good news – the use a flat tone and quickly move on. Very subtle, not at all obvious, honest!
After yesterday’s shocking revelation that the Calais Jungle is actually some strange time portal where all residents weirdly look twice their actual age (this is what we are to believe, right Home Office?), this comes as no surprise.
Maybe after they destroy the camp (again) they could plant fruit there, as it’ll be ripe in half the time? Maybe a whisky distillery would work, what with the area’s miraculous ageing abilities? Or maybe, just maybe, another camp will spring up and another one of our fine entertainers can go over there and make a total dick of themselves? Again.
“The Local Prosecutor noted that under Sweden’s hate speech laws, for an image to be considered “hate speech,” it needs to threaten or disparage a group of people in connections to their race, nationality, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.”
I made some remarks on the hatred expressed in the Guardian on another thread yesterday.
Some positive responses, thank you.
Today they have excelled themselves.
In an Ian Birrell opinion piece entitled “Why are Brexiters trying to shut down debate? Because they’re scared.”
Including this BTL from “winsomely”
“I suggest a badge for Brexiteers….”
Suggesting we all walk around, just like Jews in the 1930s, with identification on clothing.
Nazi lefties showing their true colours.
3pm News : Natwest claimed it never threatened Russia Today’s bank accounts
R4 said “They said they never sent such a letter to Russia Today, but had sent one to a RT supplier”
However the internet news all says Natwest Backtacks
It is the kind of deceptive publicity stunt typical of Russian Govt.
But if RBS/Natwest knew the story wasn’t true , why didn’t they quash it straight away? They tweeted nothing. It makes them look either incompetent or deceitful.
Yes, I thought that was a confusing article…what is the greatest humanitarian disaster they are referring to? Sounded to me like ‘get ready for a shit load more refugees coming…’. It’s all in the plan!
Not a BBC question but…
Do I understand this correctly.
If your currency is losing value (£) do you raise interest rates to help it to get stronger?
If you want to make your currency weaker (devalue) do you cut interest rates and print money.
Isn’t it in our own hands to help the £ find its level.
If the b of e wanted to increase the £ they could put interest rates at 1%
Or do I not understand any of this.
What do you think.
Not being a financial wizard here, there is a lot of sense in that.
Carney was in a rush post the Brexit decision to cut interest rates, resulting in further falls in the pound, simply to prove his dire warnings correct.
The sooner they get rid of that devious conniving bastard the better….he is treacherous, and can never be relied upon.
A low pound is attractive for buyers outside the UK and businesses inside the UK. Inflation equals interest for those with savings. Swings, roundabouts.
‘These children we’ve brought in from Calais, should we check their age via tooth examinations or just put them into schools with kids as young as 11 and hope for the best?’
That’s the thing. You elect a Conservative government, and nothing changes. The left wing blob is still in charge. You have to draw the conclusion that democracy does not work, and the will of the people, peacefully expressed, does not count. Then what?
It will all work out in the end.
A child who is defined as 14 years old, but is really 24 years old, will have to to wait until he is in biological terms 75 years old before drawing his pension. That will be 10 years less pension, which will be a lot of money saved out of a doctor or engineer’s salary.
keep up its 67 now so at least 77, he will no doubt cost us a fortune in disability and child benefits first though as the only thing that will work on his body will be his penis
only thing that will work on his body will be his penis…….
and as its their culture to marry into their own family, then we shall see a sharp rise in birth deformities which the NHS will have to treat, but it won’t matter because it will be their compatriots who arrived on an earlier truck and who trained to be a ‘doctor’ who will be treating them.
R4 Today
7:20 pm Front Row : Ken Loach (the socialist) will be on to publicise his film, that the actress already publicised this morning on Woman’s Hour.
Now at 4:30pm A Good Read features a piece called :
Imagine a Fascist in the White House – The Plot Against America by Philip Roth
Can anyone tell me what Karen Bradley, the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport has done to clip the long needed wings of the anti British BBC since she took office?
It’s about time she got off her backside and did something.
First 100 days in office report: Lazy woman, bordering on completely useless.
Just trying to keep the masses happy without following through,it won’t happen.
It’s a bit like May’s speech on making the big corporate companies pay a subtantial amount more in tax.
Well today she got off her arse and did a speech about the BBC in parliament.
It didn’t set Twitter alight
…but then Twitter didn’t notice her doing anything much for 2 weeks and before that was only Women’s Sport Week A Twitter search on KB and BBC
I grew up listening to BBC radio Radio 4 in particular.
But, I really don’t want my kids subject to the prejudices, lies and frequently post watershed matter the Blabby C puts out these days. They will not learn, critical analysis and free thinking from listening to the BBC.
Huw Edwards narrates the story of the Aberfan disaster. He spends much time deploring the actions of George Thomas (later Lord Andy Pandy) the Welsh Secretary at that time. Thomas required the disaster fund to meet a significant chunk of the cost of clearing the waste tips. The political complexion of Thomas & his government does not get a mention. But fear not, the injustice is resolved when “in 1997 a LABOUR government is elected with a large majority”
I seem to recall that there was so much money given that it was more than the community could use so that was why it was spent on clearing the tips. I worked for a medium size company and I remember just how much we raised.
I also remember how the tv reporter at the scene dealt with the story with the utmost sincerity and reverence, whilst holding back his tears. Sadly todays’ ‘journalists’ would be grabbing the nearest parent to find out they ‘felt’, with a “and now its back to the studio”. This generation of news hounds need to take lessons from those old style reporters to see how its done.
My 9 year old came back from school – “EVERYONE SAYS WE SHOULD VOTE, REMAIN.”
My 9 year old came back from school – “EVERYONE SAYS THEY SHOULD VOTE, CLINTON.”
Back in 1978 we had a substitute teacher teaching geography when i was twelve he asks the class to raise their hands to whether they were labour or tory, i was the only tory and he said well done to the class.I don’t know what that had to do with geography but it alerted me to observe the huge number of teachers to the left persuasion,at that time in that school in london about 95%
I went to a PGCE open day after graduating. The teacher trainer talked about private business as if he had a clothes peg on his nose. He was absolutely aghast at such an appalling concept. Talk about ivory towers and the ‘world owes me a living’ mentality. It put me off.
That was the late 70s too, Mackers. The bias is absolutely endemic in education as in all statist organisations.
We had a Chemistry teacher who had stood as a Labour councillor or similar. He was a sort of wet, sad, moaning guy … and a terrible teacher … probably influenced us all quite a lot!
Yep, and another one is ‘Nigel Farage is racist!’ and ‘Trump is racist!’
Comes home with my 12 year old. Racist is a favourite saying. I’ve probably said it before, but in my kids’ secondary, they had an assembly where the head told the kids that the following words were banned – nigger (fair enough), gay (!!!), pikey (!!), retard
go easy on the retard one there buddy if we can lose the nigger then we can lose the retard of which there is probably no examples at your kids schools, and there but the grace of god go your kids.
Gay fine though,
but it should be fukin pikey for perfect grammatical correctness
any way your kids need educating they seem to have skipped
rag ead
shit face
shit ead
cunt , cunt face
dick , dick head,
smeg ed,
four eyes,
nine eyes,
lanky streak of piss
lard arse
dough boy
etc etc
education these day tusk, no wonder we all want grammer schools
You can hear audio of two 9 year olds saying exactly that
In today’s lunchtime show
about 5 mins in
– The next item is 2 clueless Politics Lecturers in Swansea who claim they’ve never met anyone voting Brexit
Call me stupid but are the French less humane than us that we need to ‘save’ these people ?
Maybe I missed it, but I don’t recall street protests and twitter storms over the ‘Jungle’, presided over by the French and in France which is a sovereign country and in no way connected to this island.
Not so ‘stupid’.
The French don’t want them there. Most of the good people of Great Britain don’t want them here either. Unfortunately the government is afraid of our media which is controlled by ‘lefty loony libtards’.
Our government is not listening to us , they are ‘turning a blind eye’.
We do not want any more ‘migrants’ !
Reference Children/Menboys in Calais Jungle.
In 1978 I went to the fair in Newcastle on Tyne known as The Hoppings.
There was a Guess Your Age stall, where a fairground lady did not guess but had the age-old skill to work out your age within a couple of years, by looking at your hands, face, wrinkles, facial lines etc etc. And she was right.
That was nearly 40 years ago.
So there can be absolutely no doubt that the ‘children’ at Calais can be accurately defined.
The question therefore is……why isn’t it happening?
The BBC has a new article on the age test topic ..tries to make it sound like age testing is very fuzzy, I think that is maybe out of date
.. A few years I remember a BBC radio prog talking about a Scandinavian country having the same problem. In it scientists said there were some clear boundaries in some cases about teeth, but mostly about fused bones eg. wrist and toes. It’s not like counting tree rings but there are some pretty clear boundaries. There are certain bones at 21, 28 etc.
“Skeletal age assessment (SAA) is a clinical procedure which is used in determining the SA of children and adolescents.”
Aberfan. 116 children and 28 adults died 50 years ago.
But let us remember it was a Labour government and a Nationalised industry. The tragedy was shown to be eminently avoidable. But liability was denied and no-one was ever disciplined.
So just remember that the next time The Far Left insist on re-nationalisation. And reflect what the approach would be, and the howls of self-righteous indignation if a similar disaster today arose from a private sector company.
Statist organisations have no better ethics and morals than the private sector, and in my judgement and experience are probably worse. The biased disgusting BBC and their differential treatment of Savile and Cliff being a case in point.
The republicans should say by an allotted time people that speak up now their sentences will be reduced. Worth a try?And katie mr trump needs to let the american people know this pukerama happened with brexit. In donald we trust, reduced sentences would work they have no morals.
Maybe Trump is a sexist, racist, protectionist and aren’t we ALL to some extent (IF and only IF we are honest about it. Called being a human being) and I include ALL sexes, races and creeds, but better that than lying, corrupt Clinton.
‘The Scottish National Party rolls around like a drunk who has won a bar fight. Its politicians and its claque of Twitter trolls celebrate their power to bully and tell direct lies about the journalist they have humiliated. The BBC endorses them. The National Union of Journalists supports them. Everyone behaves as if they are living in a one-party state’.
Unique. And vital. But mostly unique.
I wonder when oor Nic Nic will again be offered the pulpit to pontificate?
\\Gloria Hunniford on Loose Women yesterday misrepresented the evidence presented at Cardiff Crown Court in this respect and his family are now actively considering their legal options.
Opinion is acceptable but misinformation broadcast on prime time television is not.//
strangely not much on Twitter (censored ?)
The virtue signalling celebrities are becoming absurd. It is possible that so necessary is it for them to believe six impossible things before they get up each day that reality no longer has any interest for them.
These refugees are not children. We can all see it and it makes no difference to our media and celebs. They have a different view of reality.
The entire media and political class is destroying itself as it indulges itself more into a fantasy state. . This is what Trump has grasped and it is what is driving his popularity. The only place left for them now is to impose some form of authoritarian state. Here and in the rest of the West.
Here in Europe they could succeed but in the US? The 2nd amendment will stop them.
Either commenting on or going to the “jungle” seems to have become a bit of a virtue signalling pilgrimage for these low grade celebrity idiots.
By using their “celebrity” to publicise their grand pronouncements it is a lazy mans way to get a bit of free publicity and in addition make themselves feel as if they are “relevant” to one of the great debates of our times.
Of course our national treasure state broadcaster laps all this up as it believes that pandering to these simpering idiots shows that it too is also relevant to “the people” – Football yeah – everyone likes that. And Lily well shes rocknroll innit!
How else could a almost retired light “pop” singer and retired footballer still stay in the public eye except by endorsing these sort of lefty causes. Maybe becoming celebrity alcoholics might go some of the way to achieve this – but it is a personally risky strategy.
I am afraid it is the same old story with these idiots secure in their ivory towers, they will never live in any situation where the full brunt of inward migrations will touch their lives. Not lacking any real common sense I am afraid these vain hypocrites as ever, are quite willing to watch and cheer on our whole society and culture be submerged and lost, as long as they stay in the public eye and feel “relevant”.
Friend SOL – I spotted your valued and heartfelt contribution to the Mass Debate, and decided to literally demand that the Council installs new shaver points at every local Primary School. I’ve also emailed Gillette and suggested a new product line for boys which, helpfully, will be exactly the same as their current one for men.
Excellent work, SOS! Let us hope that the Hard-Right Gillette will provide this essential new product line for boys, for free, rather than viciously profiting from the plight of these vulnerable children, some of whom are only in their early 20s.
CNN falsely states that it unlawful for the public–but not for CNN–to search WikiLeaks #PodestaEmails
Oct 17 Top #HillaryClinton aides lamented that a Muslim man, not a white man, was the San Bernardino shooter, emails released by WikiLeaks show.
@DrJillStein Hillary kept 55K emails from Congress. How much more evidence does the govt need to press charges?
(that is tweet sent from the Green Party US Presidential candidate. )
Oct 15 Hillary Clinton: “I want to defend fracking.” Climate change environmentalists should “Get a life,” #PodestaEmails8
Multiple US sources tell us John Kerry asked Ecuador to stop Assange from publishing Clinton docs during FARC peace negotiations
…..They now are saying there is another campaign to stitch Assange up
On channel 4 news tonight Matt Frei had a love in with Bruce Springsteen and got his usual daily trump bashing in as well. He asked Bruce whether trump supporters were racist but Bruce wasn’t playing ball and said no. Frei is just obsessed with trump the hate just spews out of him. Judging by the interview Bruce isn’t a big Hilary fan either. At the end of the piece Frei read out one of the polls which put Clinton ahead and a big broad grin was plastered all over his face. Oh the joy to see this cretin get a comeuppance in November.
I’m starting to get the impression that objectivity is for “beta” journalists only.
The “alphas” and would-be alphas (Dimbleby, Paxo, Snow, Frei, that Asian fella on C4 news) seem to make a show of their lack of it. Sneers and leading questions are their way of showing us that some players are bigger than the game itself.
Frei was on LBC and described the Trump bus video as ‘a sordid sex tape’. Even Mrs Grimer (no interest in politics) burst our laughing. The man is a complete joke.
Biased BBC2 8pm Tuesday.
A programme called Who’s spending Britain’s billions.
It was billed as revealing wasteful spending. But after a short section about the potential £9bn overspend on two aircraft carriers, it became first an attack on Management Consultants and then an attack on private companies contracted to do work for councils such as emptying the bins ie outsourcing.
But instead of challenging the public bodies who decide on these contracts (and boy are they wasting our money through their ineptitude) it is presented as a straight diatribe against the private sector. Cue a rosy tinted visit to Liverpool who are ending an outsourcing contract and listening to the workers. Oh, deep Corbynista joy.
I’m in no doubt about the dubious practices of management consultants but it is someone in the public sector who employs them.
Absolutely appalling jaw dropping bias against private business.
‘So far Sadiq has chopped his election promise of a full fare freeze for Londoners, as well as his pledge on planting trees. Now the London Mayor is wielding the axe on Transport for London staff – LBC reveal he has given 49 senior managers and directors voluntary redundancy. How much has the executive cull cost? An average of £100,000 per exec, resulting in a £5 million bill for the taxpayer.’
Anyone for Exhibit B? We may as well publish this stuff as our beloved National treasure surely won’t.
Sadiq is seen as a national treasure by the national treasure. He can do no wrong and if he does it never happened in their eyes. All I see is a smug lying posturing little short assed labour politician. I despair at the amount of people I meet that tell me he’s the best mayor ever. Yeah sure he is breaking his main campaign promise about fares, he’s brill.
Mr Khan seems to me like the epitome of a Labour placeman, right down to the studied business-casual dress and bland soundbites. I can’t imagine him doing or saying anything remotely controversial or which went against the established liberal/left consensus. At least Boris Johnson was very learned, personable and willing (up to a point) to say un-PC things.
As someone who had to work with successive waves of management consultants brought in to eliminate NHS budget problems, it quickly became clear that the consultants were there to take the blame. The NHS Trust’s management team knew what had to be done to reduce expenditure to match income, but the Directors were afraid to choose between the various options – there would have been a lot of bad publicity.
Management consultants were brought in at great expense. They wrote down all the options identified by the management team and recommended some of them. The Directors accepted the recommendations, made the cuts, and everyone blamed the consultants for the choices they had made. They didn’t care because they then disappeared over the horizon significantly richer.
A few years later, when demand had again outstripped income, they were brought back – and the exercise was repeated as often as was required. The consultants didn’t contribute anything to the process in return for the hundreds of thousands they were paid each time, but they protected the Directors from blame. It was a very expensive series of PR exercises.
Yes it was almost a Labour advert for an hour.
“Oh look the Tories are wasting here and here ..and look at me pointing at the buildings from a special tour bus”
Yes the Navy ships might be way over budget .. so lets hear the other side of it . Like have they been upgraded ? Do we have extra knowledge ?
I’d want to see some proof that he tried to really get to the bottom of the story, instead of lots of shots of him just pointing at the ships.
The trailer of the Welsh local authority throwing out of the office looked good, but in the event she’d spent £30K on cost cutting advice from consultants ..and yes if there was a commission agreement then of course it is a “commercial agreement” that she can’t speak about.
The figure of £50 spent for each taxpayer on Capita services, isn’t really shocking. If you farm a whole chunk of the government out then all those thousands of staff are paid from Capita. The main trick will be getting around union agreements so that cost saving might be bigger than Capita’s profit margin …and maybe not. But I want to see the proper evidence and both sides of the arguments…not just the presenter’s whinging.
The two aircraft carriers have been a successful procurement exercise.
They are later and more expensive than planned. This is largely because Gordon Brown slowed the project down, so as to appear to “save” money in one financial year. The fact that it ended up costing much more in subsequent financial years was of as much interest to him as the billions he lost selling our gold at the lowest price in 30 years.
Everything Gordon Brown touched turned to shit, but I have a feeling the bBC did not make that particular point.
No they haven’t. They were commissioned without a bloody catapult, which means they can’t take the proper fighters. The chosen fighters don’t have sufficient range, so the carrier will have to operate closer to shore, placing them easily within range of shore based planes. They aren’t fit for purpose.
Just saw an advert for newsnight and they’re speaking about the housing shortage across the UK and asking why people cannot afford to buy their own homes anymore….
What’s the bets immigration, clearly the obvious contributing factor doesn’t even get a mention… I’ll report back in due course
… the housing shortage across the UK and asking why people cannot afford to buy their own homes anymore….
Funny then, how migrants all seem to find a roof over their heads in London, when the rest of the population cant.
There will be a lot of unrest in the years to come, as migrants are given council homes ahead of the indigenous population. In my ‘large’ village several estates of mixed housing have sprung up in the last 4 years, suddenly there is a plethora of young women with babies in the Co-op all speaking Polish ! This has already caused tension from the locals, as many village born have been patiently on the council list for years and then see migrants leapfrogging the system. When complaints are made, there is a lot of shoulder shrugging.
The problem of the old looking children has been solved. The Home Office, part of the Appeaser’s Government, tells us that the war has aged them.
‘Migrant ‘children’ arriving in Britain from Calais to critics claiming they look ‘old enough to be adults’ may appear older ‘because war has toughened them up’, the Home Office claims.’
Anyone in doubt whether this Tory Government is singing from the same sheet as the deluded media?
I was rather under the impression they had legged it as soon as the prospect of war loomed, so what has ‘toughened them up’ to leave family and community to their fates may be more the impositions of guilt or shame. Though I doubt it. They simply are a lot older than the Emperor’s New Age brigade are try to spin often enough.
The government should stick a few minimum wage cashiers from Morrisons at the border, as I have never seen anyone get away with lying about their age with these battleaxes, ever.
If she’s still alive they could employ the formidable lady who sold the tickets at my local ABC cinema when I was a boy. Woe betide any 16 year old who tried to sneak into an ‘A’ certificate film, let alone an ‘X’!
Rigorous checks my arse! It is seriously taking the piss, looking at some of these ‘children’ . Let’s just ask, why are they ALL allegedly over age ’14’? Because there aren’t actually any younger ones? So it really is just a scam to get young men in through the back door. What also occurs to me is: why are their clothes completely clean – not a spec of dirt from the allegedly ‘squalid’ camp. Who pays for this, and for their neat haircuts, phones etc?
Good to see “Beardy Mc beardface” Rowan Williams strutting his stuff again about bringing the jungle “children” to the UK.
Maybe he should present each one with a C of E Welcome Kit . This could include Gillete Quattro razor (plus seventy years of blades as they are bloody expensive), A years supply of Paco Rabanne aftershave and of course a years supply of condoms.
For press days/photo opportunities they could have a logo duplo spider man web bike, Bob the builder play set plus cute yellow hat and of course a large Teddy bear.
The biggest farce of all is the fact that even if any of these “children” have been shown to have lied about their age I can guarantee none of them will be going back to wherever they have said they came from!
The message these liberal dhimmis send out is that lies are always rewarded in the West – which is worrying as on the whole much of the cohesion of our society relies at least on people telling the truth, so why should any of them ever bother?
They say there is one born every minute and I think Rowan certainly fits into this category. Though I prefer “stupid is as stupid does”!
This was all so predictable As usual the government , in this case Tory, but Labour would be even worse, just treat the electorate with contempt . We don’t want any migrants at all but have been bullied into accepting so called children. The BBC keep showing us pictures of young children in the jungle camp so why are not helping these innocents by setting our age limit at say 12 years of age? Probably because the BBChav been lying to us as well and there are very few children in the camp. Once again we are treated as fools who can be lied to endlessly. If any British kids are attacked or harmed by these so called children , then the parents should sue the authorities for letting these men into our country in the first place. I do hope that people keep on adding up the number of times they are lied to by the BBC and then reflect on why they are forced to pay for this daily barrage of leftist pro Islamic propaganda.
It’s strange how BBC gives some stories legs whilst others are brushed under the carpet.
The Spalding young murders are being widely report and analysed, the Ched Evans case about 1 possible sex abuse incident was reported ad infinitum.
Yet yesterdays Rotherham case was basically just given the once over : Going through the motions of basic reporting
: like “There was a case, these are the names. That’s it we’ve done it no one can accuse us of a cover up”
..There was no follow up like interviews with analysts, politicians or even the celebs that ask about everything phone-ins etc
Does anyone know if there was a secret meeting like 28Gate where BBC set policy on reporting ROP ? saying that it must be super light touch.
The young girls who are (overwhelmingly) the victims of these (overwhelmingly) Muslim rape gangs, are British working class and therefore al beebus gives not a damn what happens to any of them.
All they care about is covering this singularly multicultural crime as little as possible and what reporting they do is couched in such a way so that the blame for these horrendous crimes, is all put on the police and local authorities.
It’s as though al beebus believes the perpetrators just couldn’t help themselves and thus shouldn’t be held accountable, the fact that among the reasons why the police in this country are so emasculated is because of the malign influence exercised by Progressive scum, such as al beebus staff, is yet another one which they also diligently ignore.
Kaiser – the number of Sikh girls, who are victims, is negligible compared to that of British girls who suffer at the hands of these Islamic Paedophile gangs; we should just concern ourselves with protecting and avenging our own people (for a change) and let other ethnic minorities who have problems with Muslims, deal with them themselves.
Do you think the Poles, for example, would tolerate their young females being the target of such predators with no response?
Director Ken Loach has taken aim at the BBC, describing its news coverage as “manipulative and deeply political”….“The BBC is very aware of its role in shaping people’s consciousness; this is the story you should hear about, these are the people worth listening to. It’s manipulative and deeply political.”
Which brings me to this story: German TV terror drama asks public to deliver verdict TV viewers across Europe have taken part in an interactive courtroom drama centred on a fictional act of terror.The public was asked to judge whether a military pilot who downs a hijacked passenger jet due to be crashed into a football stadium is guilty of murder. Viewers in Germany, Switzerland and Austria gave their verdict online or by phone. The programme was also aired in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The vast majority called for the pilot, Lars Koch, to be acquitted.
Yet this is the statement the bBC decides to close with: A former interior minister, Gerhart Baum, disagreed, insisting that the pilot should be found guilty of murder as the fate of the passengers was not certain and human lives could not be measured against each other.
It appears that the CS at the bBC are more concerned about their Ideological masters getting harmed than the actual victims.
I’d agree that the plane should be shot down before it can enter a built up area, but at the last possible minute – the passengers need to be able to try a ‘do or die’ revolt against the hijackers.
The bBC is something of a standard bearer for black lives matter. So how would they report on a black woman called a Black cunt and punched in the face (twice) by a……Pakistani Muslim. why nothing of course as Islam trumps blacks.
Uber driver who called woman a black c*** and punched her in the face walks free An Uber driver who punched a woman in the face and called her a black c*** during a row over drop-offs walked free from court today. Taleka White, 27, was dragged out of a minicab and hit twice across the face after her driver, Shahab Akbar, 33, flew into a rage in Addiscombe, south London.
Al and Pounce,
A clear example of the double standards that now exist in U.K. Justice. How long before the Brits get sick of this and so many other ways in which our government , and our elite , discriminates against its own people. I am so disappointed in UKIP because they were well set to profit from the growing anger with the elite before their implosion.
BBC goes onto the offensive against all those who question the age of the Calais ‘children’. Someone representing social workers is wheeled on to tell us that dental checks would be an intrusive procedure . It would traumatise the poor dears. Remember we are being told that they look old because of involvement in war. Is a dentist visit comparable ?
Tbe home office simply says that dental checks and bone density analysis are inaccurate . So that’s it then . Nothing more to be done . Those who have muscled to the front of the queue … Just come on in. The chequebook’s open.
Next time I go to the dentist I’ll remember how traumatising it is.
So these refugees want an opt out from NHS dental treatments? I doubt it.
Funny that, because I seem to recall the father of the famous drowned boy had as his main motivation for his illegal entry to europe his quest for dental treatment apparently unavailable in Turkey.
Yeah. That social worker you mention was from the BRITISH association of Social Workers.
But she talked as if she worked for the International Association of Social Workers and that UK taxpayers should write blank cheques. Disgusting.
Three cheers for David Davis, not the Brexit man but another MP, who was having none of it and called the predominantly male adult ‘vulnerable children’ for the chances they are, being carefully schooled by their chums in what to say on arrival to the stupid, gullible, open-door Rowan Williams type naive do-gooders.
Oh and borrowing the word juxtaposition from Aslseelt below, the very next story on Toady was about the child murderers who were sentenced yesterday. Apparently they are only 15 years old. I hope they were not too traumatised when this was revealed.
As another point made here yesterday by another contributor: what about schooling? Turning these so-called, “children” loose on some mixed gender secondary modern school school may have unseen consequences. In Germany, they call it rape and molesting and it happens to very young children.
Can you imagine the BBC doing a feature on some inner city sixth form college (where all the pupils would be under 18) going up to some youths in a rapping workshop or sex education class and saying to the teacher ‘so what are the children learning today’?
Amusing juxtaposition of news reports on BBC tv just now.
A smirking Obama (and no wonder, 8 years of failed policies and zero press criticism) poo poos Trump’s claims that the US election is ‘rigged’ . This naturally backed up by our BBC man in Vegas with assertions that Trump is ‘attacking US democracy’ (I think he ought to have said US Democrats) and that Trump is saying this because he knows ‘he is losing’. So the BBC leaves us with the clear message that this ‘rigging’ claim is rubbish.
And in other news a quick mention of the fact that Ecuador has indeed cut off Wikileaks guy J Assange’s internet connection (Internet access no longer regarded by the BBC as a ‘human right’?) – and why? – because he was releasing Hillary’s emails. So no rigging there then.
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The Mosul campaign a deliberate distraction nothing in parliament foreign questions about wikileakes and u.s. aggression to russia, bbc the world’s finest fraudcaster.
Re Mosul The only thing the BBC seems to be focussing on is the number of expected refuges, I understand the men of Mosul have been subject to 2 years of IS occupation, but instead of running away with the women and children why aren’t they fighting for their country. The country that saved them.
Because they want to move to the West and live the rest of their lives at the expense of the British; German; Dutch; French; Swedish; Italian etc taxpayer. Whilst gradually turning all those countries into replicas of the cr@p holes they’ve abandoned.
What the bBC doesn’t want you to know (from Aug)

U.N. desperate to find land for new camps in Iraq ahead of Mosul assault
Workers prepare a tent camp in the Makhmour area near Mosul, Iraq, August 6, 2016 for people expected to flee Mosul because of the battles with Islamic State. REUTERS/Azad Lashkari
The newsmedia obsession continues – led, of course by the bbbc. How long will it be before anyone in authority actually says, ‘ This ‘child’ is not a boy, he is a grown man’? How many times have we read about some naive, left wing, b rate celebrity and their minders visiting the ‘jungle’ only to be robbed and assaulted by these creatures. Even on Sky news yesterday they were running a piece about the plight of these poor lambs and the crew and presenter were all robbed of their highly expensive cameras and (very expensive) associated equipment and he was still happily telling us that they should still be allowed to come to the UK
All this appeasement by May, the remainer is no good for the Country. There is no reason why these people cannot stay in France (after all that is allegedly where they have been living for ‘years’) or anywhere else in the rest of europe but no they are all intent on reaching their soft target the UK. They are clearly not ‘children’. The fact that they are being allowed into the UK just portrays England as to what it is – apologetic, appeasing and weak, a particularly dangerous mix.
The european wet dream known as the EU still continues – we are still part of it 6 months after the referendum.
Serve article 50 and stop payments to europe absolutely now – do not delay they will soon be wanting to negotiate trade deals.
You’d think this country would have learned the lesson of appeasement.
It is interesting how when the Blabby C has to report something it really doesn’t want to like good news – the use a flat tone and quickly move on. Very subtle, not at all obvious, honest!
After yesterday’s shocking revelation that the Calais Jungle is actually some strange time portal where all residents weirdly look twice their actual age (this is what we are to believe, right Home Office?), this comes as no surprise.
Maybe after they destroy the camp (again) they could plant fruit there, as it’ll be ripe in half the time? Maybe a whisky distillery would work, what with the area’s miraculous ageing abilities? Or maybe, just maybe, another camp will spring up and another one of our fine entertainers can go over there and make a total dick of themselves? Again.
What happens when these ”men boys” go to school?
And why are they all males? According to the BBC, I thought there was a 60/40 ratio of males and females.
Won’t it be hilarious if they reveal that they are married with children to bring over!
Not really, because they will just be even more for whose keep we will be forced to pay.
I realise that – sarcasm doesn’t translate well on paper…didn’t use italics
About as hilarious as them getting college education for free when we’re all paying through the nose for our kids
Interestingly, I tried this system on a photo of me and it under-read 5 years, and SWMBO by 15.
Maybe it’s designed to make the young feel older and the old feel younger?
Or they all really are in their 30’s.
Maybe you just have lucky genetics.
Be nice if that were the case.
And these poor lads are simply unlucky, if by about 100%
bottom left picture reminds me of kenneth williams shout in the carry on films carry on screaming i think,( oh i don’t like the look of him) lol
OK to Display ISIS Flag in Sweden – OK?
“The Local Prosecutor noted that under Sweden’s hate speech laws, for an image to be considered “hate speech,” it needs to threaten or disparage a group of people in connections to their race, nationality, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.”
PS: The Local Prosecutor failed to note that ISIS hate all but the most loyal IS followers. Rather like the BBC.
All this nonsense explains the Qatar world cup choice,playing football no less in 50 degree heat. You got to laugh.And obama nobel peace
I made some remarks on the hatred expressed in the Guardian on another thread yesterday.
Some positive responses, thank you.
Today they have excelled themselves.
In an Ian Birrell opinion piece entitled “Why are Brexiters trying to shut down debate? Because they’re scared.”
Including this BTL from “winsomely”
“I suggest a badge for Brexiteers….”
Suggesting we all walk around, just like Jews in the 1930s, with identification on clothing.
Nazi lefties showing their true colours.
Sky News’ Mark Stone meets up with the children in the Calais camp who want to be doctors, engineers and consultants. It doesn’t end well.
When will the BBC be honest about what’s happening in these camps?
“engineers and consultants”
In what? Ballistics, conflagration, deflagration, rapid oxidation, detonation, that sort of thing?
Engineers to make the bombs – Doctors for when they blow themselves up / shot by Police.
Invest in 4x4s and Calor sales.
3pm News : Natwest claimed it never threatened Russia Today’s bank accounts
R4 said “They said they never sent such a letter to Russia Today, but had sent one to a RT supplier”
However the internet news all says Natwest Backtacks
It is the kind of deceptive publicity stunt typical of Russian Govt.
But if RBS/Natwest knew the story wasn’t true , why didn’t they quash it straight away? They tweeted nothing. It makes them look either incompetent or deceitful.
Why either/or? If it’s RBS the odds are that it is both.
h clinton used the n word is being reported, oh dear the rise and fall of the crooked liberals
Mosul battle: EU ‘should prepare for returning jihadists’
It looks like the UK is ahead of the game on this one. We’ve just accepted our first batch from Calais.
no no no no no
they declared their loyalty to the islamic state, their (EU) passports should have been revoked immediately
do not let them return
Yes, I thought that was a confusing article…what is the greatest humanitarian disaster they are referring to? Sounded to me like ‘get ready for a shit load more refugees coming…’. It’s all in the plan!
Not a BBC question but…
Do I understand this correctly.
If your currency is losing value (£) do you raise interest rates to help it to get stronger?
If you want to make your currency weaker (devalue) do you cut interest rates and print money.
Isn’t it in our own hands to help the £ find its level.
If the b of e wanted to increase the £ they could put interest rates at 1%
Or do I not understand any of this.
What do you think.
Not being a financial wizard here, there is a lot of sense in that.
Carney was in a rush post the Brexit decision to cut interest rates, resulting in further falls in the pound, simply to prove his dire warnings correct.
The sooner they get rid of that devious conniving bastard the better….he is treacherous, and can never be relied upon.
Carney is Canadian- be honest do you care about the Canadian economy ?
A low pound is attractive for buyers outside the UK and businesses inside the UK. Inflation equals interest for those with savings. Swings, roundabouts.
Home Office Meeting.
‘These children we’ve brought in from Calais, should we check their age via tooth examinations or just put them into schools with kids as young as 11 and hope for the best?’
Deeply, deeply troubling. And I was there thinking we’d reached peak leftardary some time ago.
That’s the thing. You elect a Conservative government, and nothing changes. The left wing blob is still in charge. You have to draw the conclusion that democracy does not work, and the will of the people, peacefully expressed, does not count. Then what?
It will all work out in the end.
A child who is defined as 14 years old, but is really 24 years old, will have to to wait until he is in biological terms 75 years old before drawing his pension. That will be 10 years less pension, which will be a lot of money saved out of a doctor or engineer’s salary.
keep up its 67 now so at least 77, he will no doubt cost us a fortune in disability and child benefits first though as the only thing that will work on his body will be his penis
only thing that will work on his body will be his penis…….
and as its their culture to marry into their own family, then we shall see a sharp rise in birth deformities which the NHS will have to treat, but it won’t matter because it will be their compatriots who arrived on an earlier truck and who trained to be a ‘doctor’ who will be treating them.
I suppose they could just chop their heads off and count the rings. Decapitation is part of their culture, innit?
If al-Beeb can’t even spell my language how can we have any hope they will report the news?

R4 Today
7:20 pm Front Row : Ken Loach (the socialist) will be on to publicise his film, that the actress already publicised this morning on Woman’s Hour.
Now at 4:30pm A Good Read features a piece called :
Imagine a Fascist in the White House – The Plot Against America by Philip Roth political agenda there
Can anyone tell me what Karen Bradley, the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport has done to clip the long needed wings of the anti British BBC since she took office?
It’s about time she got off her backside and did something.
First 100 days in office report: Lazy woman, bordering on completely useless.
Well she did insist that the salaries above 150k be published. Has that happened yet?
Just trying to keep the masses happy without following through,it won’t happen.
It’s a bit like May’s speech on making the big corporate companies pay a subtantial amount more in tax.
It just aint gonna happen!
Well today she got off her arse and did a speech about the BBC in parliament.
It didn’t set Twitter alight
…but then Twitter didn’t notice her doing anything much for 2 weeks and before that was only Women’s Sport Week
A Twitter search on KB and BBC
Liberalism the latest abominable cult to be put away into the history books of pure evil.
I grew up listening to BBC radio Radio 4 in particular.
But, I really don’t want my kids subject to the prejudices, lies and frequently post watershed matter the Blabby C puts out these days. They will not learn, critical analysis and free thinking from listening to the BBC.
Huw Edwards narrates the story of the Aberfan disaster. He spends much time deploring the actions of George Thomas (later Lord Andy Pandy) the Welsh Secretary at that time. Thomas required the disaster fund to meet a significant chunk of the cost of clearing the waste tips. The political complexion of Thomas & his government does not get a mention. But fear not, the injustice is resolved when “in 1997 a LABOUR government is elected with a large majority”
Of course the Prime Minister at the time of the disaster was that right-wing Tory Harold Wilson. Oh,…..
I seem to recall that there was so much money given that it was more than the community could use so that was why it was spent on clearing the tips. I worked for a medium size company and I remember just how much we raised.
I also remember how the tv reporter at the scene dealt with the story with the utmost sincerity and reverence, whilst holding back his tears. Sadly todays’ ‘journalists’ would be grabbing the nearest parent to find out they ‘felt’, with a “and now its back to the studio”. This generation of news hounds need to take lessons from those old style reporters to see how its done.
My 9 year old came back from school – “EVERYONE SAYS WE SHOULD VOTE, REMAIN.”
My 9 year old came back from school – “EVERYONE SAYS THEY SHOULD VOTE, CLINTON.”
See the pattern developing? Not good.
I may explain why today’s teachers cannot command respect or discipline from their pupils any more .
Yup – my kids also come home with valid criticism of their teaching and I sure never did.
Back in 1978 we had a substitute teacher teaching geography when i was twelve he asks the class to raise their hands to whether they were labour or tory, i was the only tory and he said well done to the class.I don’t know what that had to do with geography but it alerted me to observe the huge number of teachers to the left persuasion,at that time in that school in london about 95%
I went to a PGCE open day after graduating. The teacher trainer talked about private business as if he had a clothes peg on his nose. He was absolutely aghast at such an appalling concept. Talk about ivory towers and the ‘world owes me a living’ mentality. It put me off.
That was the late 70s too, Mackers. The bias is absolutely endemic in education as in all statist organisations.
We had a Chemistry teacher who had stood as a Labour councillor or similar. He was a sort of wet, sad, moaning guy … and a terrible teacher … probably influenced us all quite a lot!
one of our managers stands as a labour councillor
“up the workers”
“tory toffs”
“its all fatchers fault”
whilst trying to make us all redundant, and getting a promotion in the bargain
what a wonderful comrade he is
Yep, and another one is ‘Nigel Farage is racist!’ and ‘Trump is racist!’
Comes home with my 12 year old. Racist is a favourite saying. I’ve probably said it before, but in my kids’ secondary, they had an assembly where the head told the kids that the following words were banned – nigger (fair enough), gay (!!!), pikey (!!), retard
Sure thing! A while back my kids came home calling each other. “racist” like they call each other, “farty pants”, “idiot” etc. We laughed.
go easy on the retard one there buddy if we can lose the nigger then we can lose the retard of which there is probably no examples at your kids schools, and there but the grace of god go your kids.
Gay fine though,
but it should be fukin pikey for perfect grammatical correctness
any way your kids need educating they seem to have skipped
rag ead
shit face
shit ead
cunt , cunt face
dick , dick head,
smeg ed,
four eyes,
nine eyes,
lanky streak of piss
lard arse
dough boy
etc etc
education these day tusk, no wonder we all want grammer schools
‘avin an epi
and basically anything contained in this:
My personal favourite – German Wings
(obtained the first time a German girl takes a dump on your chest)
You can hear audio of two 9 year olds saying exactly that
In today’s lunchtime show
about 5 mins in
– The next item is 2 clueless Politics Lecturers in Swansea who claim they’ve never met anyone voting Brexit
I have a daughter (14) and a son (12). Both bright and at state grammar schools. Same here.
Call me stupid but are the French less humane than us that we need to ‘save’ these people ?
Maybe I missed it, but I don’t recall street protests and twitter storms over the ‘Jungle’, presided over by the French and in France which is a sovereign country and in no way connected to this island.
Not so ‘stupid’.
The French don’t want them there. Most of the good people of Great Britain don’t want them here either. Unfortunately the government is afraid of our media which is controlled by ‘lefty loony libtards’.
Our government is not listening to us , they are ‘turning a blind eye’.
We do not want any more ‘migrants’ !
taffman thankyou – you know sometimes I get to wondering if it’s just me.
Our government is importing trouble for the future.
A Trojan Horse .
taffman – They are just adding to the sizeable Trojan Horse we have here already.
its a fookin fat pregnant stable of trojan horse by now surely
Reference Children/Menboys in Calais Jungle.
In 1978 I went to the fair in Newcastle on Tyne known as The Hoppings.
There was a Guess Your Age stall, where a fairground lady did not guess but had the age-old skill to work out your age within a couple of years, by looking at your hands, face, wrinkles, facial lines etc etc. And she was right.
That was nearly 40 years ago.
So there can be absolutely no doubt that the ‘children’ at Calais can be accurately defined.
The question therefore is……why isn’t it happening?
Don’t expect the bBBC to ask it.
The BBC has a new article on the age test topic ..tries to make it sound like age testing is very fuzzy, I think that is maybe out of date
.. A few years I remember a BBC radio prog talking about a Scandinavian country having the same problem. In it scientists said there were some clear boundaries in some cases about teeth, but mostly about fused bones eg. wrist and toes. It’s not like counting tree rings but there are some pretty clear boundaries. There are certain bones at 21, 28 etc.
“Skeletal age assessment (SAA) is a clinical procedure which is used in determining the SA of children and adolescents.”
and used happily and often by fifa in youth championships
Aberfan. 116 children and 28 adults died 50 years ago.
But let us remember it was a Labour government and a Nationalised industry. The tragedy was shown to be eminently avoidable. But liability was denied and no-one was ever disciplined.
So just remember that the next time The Far Left insist on re-nationalisation. And reflect what the approach would be, and the howls of self-righteous indignation if a similar disaster today arose from a private sector company.
Statist organisations have no better ethics and morals than the private sector, and in my judgement and experience are probably worse. The biased disgusting BBC and their differential treatment of Savile and Cliff being a case in point.
Not really a BBC story – Maybe they will be covering it in detail later.
Maybe Lille Allen will apologise on our behalf to the rapists for putting them in a position where they were forced to act out of character!
Maybe she could also offer them a roof when they finally get to good old blighty!
All they really need is to be shown just a little bit of humanity!
Even if Aunty dosnt cover it I am sure the sistas will be out there protesting – not .
Dhimmis rule OK
Pukerama, we are just not worthy
Heres the response
Iron Man should stick to inventing!
Totally, wonderfully, tears in the eyes funny. Thank you Katie
The republicans should say by an allotted time people that speak up now their sentences will be reduced. Worth a try?And katie mr trump needs to let the american people know this pukerama happened with brexit. In donald we trust, reduced sentences would work they have no morals.
Maybe Trump is a sexist, racist, protectionist and aren’t we ALL to some extent (IF and only IF we are honest about it. Called being a human being) and I include ALL sexes, races and creeds, but better that than lying, corrupt Clinton.
‘The Scottish National Party rolls around like a drunk who has won a bar fight. Its politicians and its claque of Twitter trolls celebrate their power to bully and tell direct lies about the journalist they have humiliated. The BBC endorses them. The National Union of Journalists supports them. Everyone behaves as if they are living in a one-party state’.
Unique. And vital. But mostly unique.
I wonder when oor Nic Nic will again be offered the pulpit to pontificate?
Too true. Just wondering how Scotland might tick along when separated from us but not in the EU……… TUMBLEWEED MOMENT………………
tell you in 2017 but either way it’s bad or worse
I hope he does sue them. Ha ha.
\\Gloria Hunniford on Loose Women yesterday misrepresented the evidence presented at Cardiff Crown Court in this respect and his family are now actively considering their legal options.
Opinion is acceptable but misinformation broadcast on prime time television is not.//
strangely not much on Twitter (censored ?)
Gary Lineker virtue signalling again. Pompous prick. But is given something of a rude awakening.
Nice one Gary. Perhaps you could introduce a couple of refugees you have provided a home for on your next TV appearance.
The virtue signalling celebrities are becoming absurd. It is possible that so necessary is it for them to believe six impossible things before they get up each day that reality no longer has any interest for them.
These refugees are not children. We can all see it and it makes no difference to our media and celebs. They have a different view of reality.
The entire media and political class is destroying itself as it indulges itself more into a fantasy state. . This is what Trump has grasped and it is what is driving his popularity. The only place left for them now is to impose some form of authoritarian state. Here and in the rest of the West.
Here in Europe they could succeed but in the US? The 2nd amendment will stop them.
Emperor’s new clothes, innit?
What’s happening to your tax free bonus Gary?
Nice tweet! How much do they pay you for that?
Either commenting on or going to the “jungle” seems to have become a bit of a virtue signalling pilgrimage for these low grade celebrity idiots.
By using their “celebrity” to publicise their grand pronouncements it is a lazy mans way to get a bit of free publicity and in addition make themselves feel as if they are “relevant” to one of the great debates of our times.
Of course our national treasure state broadcaster laps all this up as it believes that pandering to these simpering idiots shows that it too is also relevant to “the people” – Football yeah – everyone likes that. And Lily well shes rocknroll innit!
How else could a almost retired light “pop” singer and retired footballer still stay in the public eye except by endorsing these sort of lefty causes. Maybe becoming celebrity alcoholics might go some of the way to achieve this – but it is a personally risky strategy.
I am afraid it is the same old story with these idiots secure in their ivory towers, they will never live in any situation where the full brunt of inward migrations will touch their lives. Not lacking any real common sense I am afraid these vain hypocrites as ever, are quite willing to watch and cheer on our whole society and culture be submerged and lost, as long as they stay in the public eye and feel “relevant”.
Can someone ‘tweet’ Lineker the link to this website – he may learn a few things (about himself too) !!!
Friend SOS, I waded in to Gary’s Mass Debate, naturally to support him:
Friend SOL – I spotted your valued and heartfelt contribution to the Mass Debate, and decided to literally demand that the Council installs new shaver points at every local Primary School. I’ve also emailed Gillette and suggested a new product line for boys which, helpfully, will be exactly the same as their current one for men.
Excellent work, SOS! Let us hope that the Hard-Right Gillette will provide this essential new product line for boys, for free, rather than viciously profiting from the plight of these vulnerable children, some of whom are only in their early 20s.
Some recent tweets from WikiLeaks
CNN falsely states that it unlawful for the public–but not for CNN–to search WikiLeaks #PodestaEmails
Oct 17 Top #HillaryClinton aides lamented that a Muslim man, not a white man, was the San Bernardino shooter, emails released by WikiLeaks show.
@DrJillStein Hillary kept 55K emails from Congress. How much more evidence does the govt need to press charges?
(that is tweet sent from the Green Party US Presidential candidate. )
Oct 15 Hillary Clinton: “I want to defend fracking.” Climate change environmentalists should “Get a life,” #PodestaEmails8
Multiple US sources tell us John Kerry asked Ecuador to stop Assange from publishing Clinton docs during FARC peace negotiations
…..They now are saying there is another campaign to stitch Assange up
It is nothing to do with FARC and everything to do with the run up to Nov 8.
Is this for real
If it is, why aren’t the mainstream media reporting it?
Milo on the media. Nobody likes you. He does the Guardian, shame he does not mention the BBC because it is clearly where the finger should point
Love him. Wonderfully liberating to see someone tell it like it is.
On channel 4 news tonight Matt Frei had a love in with Bruce Springsteen and got his usual daily trump bashing in as well. He asked Bruce whether trump supporters were racist but Bruce wasn’t playing ball and said no. Frei is just obsessed with trump the hate just spews out of him. Judging by the interview Bruce isn’t a big Hilary fan either. At the end of the piece Frei read out one of the polls which put Clinton ahead and a big broad grin was plastered all over his face. Oh the joy to see this cretin get a comeuppance in November.
Still find it hard to believe that Frei is only 52 !!!!
He’s only 30 but he spent a month in the Jungle and now look at him!!
I’m starting to get the impression that objectivity is for “beta” journalists only.
The “alphas” and would-be alphas (Dimbleby, Paxo, Snow, Frei, that Asian fella on C4 news) seem to make a show of their lack of it. Sneers and leading questions are their way of showing us that some players are bigger than the game itself.
Frei was on LBC and described the Trump bus video as ‘a sordid sex tape’. Even Mrs Grimer (no interest in politics) burst our laughing. The man is a complete joke.
Biased BBC2 8pm Tuesday.
A programme called Who’s spending Britain’s billions.
It was billed as revealing wasteful spending. But after a short section about the potential £9bn overspend on two aircraft carriers, it became first an attack on Management Consultants and then an attack on private companies contracted to do work for councils such as emptying the bins ie outsourcing.
But instead of challenging the public bodies who decide on these contracts (and boy are they wasting our money through their ineptitude) it is presented as a straight diatribe against the private sector. Cue a rosy tinted visit to Liverpool who are ending an outsourcing contract and listening to the workers. Oh, deep Corbynista joy.
I’m in no doubt about the dubious practices of management consultants but it is someone in the public sector who employs them.
Absolutely appalling jaw dropping bias against private business.
I present Exhibit A – Sadiq Khan.
‘Sadiq gives TFL Executives £100,000 each’
‘So far Sadiq has chopped his election promise of a full fare freeze for Londoners, as well as his pledge on planting trees. Now the London Mayor is wielding the axe on Transport for London staff – LBC reveal he has given 49 senior managers and directors voluntary redundancy. How much has the executive cull cost? An average of £100,000 per exec, resulting in a £5 million bill for the taxpayer.’
Anyone for Exhibit B? We may as well publish this stuff as our beloved National treasure surely won’t.
Sadiq is seen as a national treasure by the national treasure. He can do no wrong and if he does it never happened in their eyes. All I see is a smug lying posturing little short assed labour politician. I despair at the amount of people I meet that tell me he’s the best mayor ever. Yeah sure he is breaking his main campaign promise about fares, he’s brill.
Just as the BBC has given Obama a free pass for the past eight years, they will also give Khan a free pass.
The BBC feels an obligation to promote a positive image of all minorities that have a media profile – e.g. Lewis Hamilton, Williams sisters, etc.
Mr Khan seems to me like the epitome of a Labour placeman, right down to the studied business-casual dress and bland soundbites. I can’t imagine him doing or saying anything remotely controversial or which went against the established liberal/left consensus. At least Boris Johnson was very learned, personable and willing (up to a point) to say un-PC things.
As someone who had to work with successive waves of management consultants brought in to eliminate NHS budget problems, it quickly became clear that the consultants were there to take the blame. The NHS Trust’s management team knew what had to be done to reduce expenditure to match income, but the Directors were afraid to choose between the various options – there would have been a lot of bad publicity.
Management consultants were brought in at great expense. They wrote down all the options identified by the management team and recommended some of them. The Directors accepted the recommendations, made the cuts, and everyone blamed the consultants for the choices they had made. They didn’t care because they then disappeared over the horizon significantly richer.
A few years later, when demand had again outstripped income, they were brought back – and the exercise was repeated as often as was required. The consultants didn’t contribute anything to the process in return for the hundreds of thousands they were paid each time, but they protected the Directors from blame. It was a very expensive series of PR exercises.
They probably received death threats to their families from the Loony Left, so perhaps the payments were justified?
Yes it was almost a Labour advert for an hour.
“Oh look the Tories are wasting here and here ..and look at me pointing at the buildings from a special tour bus”
Yes the Navy ships might be way over budget .. so lets hear the other side of it . Like have they been upgraded ? Do we have extra knowledge ?
I’d want to see some proof that he tried to really get to the bottom of the story, instead of lots of shots of him just pointing at the ships.
The trailer of the Welsh local authority throwing out of the office looked good, but in the event she’d spent £30K on cost cutting advice from consultants ..and yes if there was a commission agreement then of course it is a “commercial agreement” that she can’t speak about.
The figure of £50 spent for each taxpayer on Capita services, isn’t really shocking. If you farm a whole chunk of the government out then all those thousands of staff are paid from Capita. The main trick will be getting around union agreements so that cost saving might be bigger than Capita’s profit margin …and maybe not. But I want to see the proper evidence and both sides of the arguments…not just the presenter’s whinging.
The two aircraft carriers have been a successful procurement exercise.
They are later and more expensive than planned. This is largely because Gordon Brown slowed the project down, so as to appear to “save” money in one financial year. The fact that it ended up costing much more in subsequent financial years was of as much interest to him as the billions he lost selling our gold at the lowest price in 30 years.
Everything Gordon Brown touched turned to shit, but I have a feeling the bBC did not make that particular point.
No they haven’t. They were commissioned without a bloody catapult, which means they can’t take the proper fighters. The chosen fighters don’t have sufficient range, so the carrier will have to operate closer to shore, placing them easily within range of shore based planes. They aren’t fit for purpose.
Now : Philip Green (BHS) apology is an ITV news exclusive
Just saw an advert for newsnight and they’re speaking about the housing shortage across the UK and asking why people cannot afford to buy their own homes anymore….
What’s the bets immigration, clearly the obvious contributing factor doesn’t even get a mention… I’ll report back in due course
… the housing shortage across the UK and asking why people cannot afford to buy their own homes anymore….
Funny then, how migrants all seem to find a roof over their heads in London, when the rest of the population cant.
There will be a lot of unrest in the years to come, as migrants are given council homes ahead of the indigenous population. In my ‘large’ village several estates of mixed housing have sprung up in the last 4 years, suddenly there is a plethora of young women with babies in the Co-op all speaking Polish ! This has already caused tension from the locals, as many village born have been patiently on the council list for years and then see migrants leapfrogging the system. When complaints are made, there is a lot of shoulder shrugging.
“We’re looking at the extent to which the Republican candidate is alienating women voters.”
So Huw just said on the News at Ten. Not “whether” he is alienating, but how much. No agenda there then.
Now Bruce Springsteen is on. I wonder what he’ll have to say about it?
The problem of the old looking children has been solved. The Home Office, part of the Appeaser’s Government, tells us that the war has aged them.
‘Migrant ‘children’ arriving in Britain from Calais to critics claiming they look ‘old enough to be adults’ may appear older ‘because war has toughened them up’, the Home Office claims.’
Anyone in doubt whether this Tory Government is singing from the same sheet as the deluded media?
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I was rather under the impression they had legged it as soon as the prospect of war loomed, so what has ‘toughened them up’ to leave family and community to their fates may be more the impositions of guilt or shame. Though I doubt it. They simply are a lot older than the Emperor’s New Age brigade are try to spin often enough.
The government should stick a few minimum wage cashiers from Morrisons at the border, as I have never seen anyone get away with lying about their age with these battleaxes, ever.
If she’s still alive they could employ the formidable lady who sold the tickets at my local ABC cinema when I was a boy. Woe betide any 16 year old who tried to sneak into an ‘A’ certificate film, let alone an ‘X’!
Rigorous checks my arse! It is seriously taking the piss, looking at some of these ‘children’ . Let’s just ask, why are they ALL allegedly over age ’14’? Because there aren’t actually any younger ones? So it really is just a scam to get young men in through the back door. What also occurs to me is: why are their clothes completely clean – not a spec of dirt from the allegedly ‘squalid’ camp. Who pays for this, and for their neat haircuts, phones etc?
Good to see “Beardy Mc beardface” Rowan Williams strutting his stuff again about bringing the jungle “children” to the UK.
Maybe he should present each one with a C of E Welcome Kit . This could include Gillete Quattro razor (plus seventy years of blades as they are bloody expensive), A years supply of Paco Rabanne aftershave and of course a years supply of condoms.
For press days/photo opportunities they could have a logo duplo spider man web bike, Bob the builder play set plus cute yellow hat and of course a large Teddy bear.
The biggest farce of all is the fact that even if any of these “children” have been shown to have lied about their age I can guarantee none of them will be going back to wherever they have said they came from!
The message these liberal dhimmis send out is that lies are always rewarded in the West – which is worrying as on the whole much of the cohesion of our society relies at least on people telling the truth, so why should any of them ever bother?
They say there is one born every minute and I think Rowan certainly fits into this category. Though I prefer “stupid is as stupid does”!
This was all so predictable As usual the government , in this case Tory, but Labour would be even worse, just treat the electorate with contempt . We don’t want any migrants at all but have been bullied into accepting so called children. The BBC keep showing us pictures of young children in the jungle camp so why are not helping these innocents by setting our age limit at say 12 years of age? Probably because the BBChav been lying to us as well and there are very few children in the camp. Once again we are treated as fools who can be lied to endlessly. If any British kids are attacked or harmed by these so called children , then the parents should sue the authorities for letting these men into our country in the first place. I do hope that people keep on adding up the number of times they are lied to by the BBC and then reflect on why they are forced to pay for this daily barrage of leftist pro Islamic propaganda.
It’s strange how BBC gives some stories legs whilst others are brushed under the carpet.
The Spalding young murders are being widely report and analysed, the Ched Evans case about 1 possible sex abuse incident was reported ad infinitum.
Yet yesterdays Rotherham case was basically just given the once over : Going through the motions of basic reporting
: like “There was a case, these are the names. That’s it we’ve done it no one can accuse us of a cover up”
..There was no follow up like interviews with analysts, politicians or even the celebs that ask about everything phone-ins etc
Does anyone know if there was a secret meeting like 28Gate where BBC set policy on reporting ROP ? saying that it must be super light touch.
The young girls who are (overwhelmingly) the victims of these (overwhelmingly) Muslim rape gangs, are British working class and therefore al beebus gives not a damn what happens to any of them.
All they care about is covering this singularly multicultural crime as little as possible and what reporting they do is couched in such a way so that the blame for these horrendous crimes, is all put on the police and local authorities.
It’s as though al beebus believes the perpetrators just couldn’t help themselves and thus shouldn’t be held accountable, the fact that among the reasons why the police in this country are so emasculated is because of the malign influence exercised by Progressive scum, such as al beebus staff, is yet another one which they also diligently ignore.
late night news last night they went in depth
“8 men have been jailed for grooming in rotherham” full stop
they spent a lot longer on the 0-0 borefest at anfield
perhaps someone has the stats comparing the coverage of cheds 1 act of stupidity with the coverage of 1400 (just in rotherham) gang raped children
and ps Al Shubtill they dont care about sikhs either for some odd reason
Kaiser – the number of Sikh girls, who are victims, is negligible compared to that of British girls who suffer at the hands of these Islamic Paedophile gangs; we should just concern ourselves with protecting and avenging our own people (for a change) and let other ethnic minorities who have problems with Muslims, deal with them themselves.
Do you think the Poles, for example, would tolerate their young females being the target of such predators with no response?
Has anybody seen this this (Apologies if anybody else has reported it)
Ken Loach: BBC news manipulative and deeply political
Director Ken Loach has taken aim at the BBC, describing its news coverage as “manipulative and deeply political”….“The BBC is very aware of its role in shaping people’s consciousness; this is the story you should hear about, these are the people worth listening to. It’s manipulative and deeply political.”
Which brings me to this story:
German TV terror drama asks public to deliver verdict
TV viewers across Europe have taken part in an interactive courtroom drama centred on a fictional act of terror.The public was asked to judge whether a military pilot who downs a hijacked passenger jet due to be crashed into a football stadium is guilty of murder. Viewers in Germany, Switzerland and Austria gave their verdict online or by phone. The programme was also aired in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The vast majority called for the pilot, Lars Koch, to be acquitted.
Yet this is the statement the bBC decides to close with:
A former interior minister, Gerhart Baum, disagreed, insisting that the pilot should be found guilty of murder as the fate of the passengers was not certain and human lives could not be measured against each other.
It appears that the CS at the bBC are more concerned about their Ideological masters getting harmed than the actual victims.
The bBC, the spunk trumpets for Islamic terrorism.
I’d agree that the plane should be shot down before it can enter a built up area, but at the last possible minute – the passengers need to be able to try a ‘do or die’ revolt against the hijackers.
The bBC is something of a standard bearer for black lives matter. So how would they report on a black woman called a Black cunt and punched in the face (twice) by a……Pakistani Muslim. why nothing of course as Islam trumps blacks.
Uber driver who called woman a black c*** and punched her in the face walks free
An Uber driver who punched a woman in the face and called her a black c*** during a row over drop-offs walked free from court today. Taleka White, 27, was dragged out of a minicab and hit twice across the face after her driver, Shahab Akbar, 33, flew into a rage in Addiscombe, south London.
If that had been a white male: I would be amazed if he’d get less than 2 years and you can bet it wouldn’t have been a suspended sentence.
Al and Pounce,
A clear example of the double standards that now exist in U.K. Justice. How long before the Brits get sick of this and so many other ways in which our government , and our elite , discriminates against its own people. I am so disappointed in UKIP because they were well set to profit from the growing anger with the elite before their implosion.
Shocked I tell you, shocked.
A stitch up in time saves…. er… what now?
This is a good article by Pat Buchanan about the overwhelming anti-Trump parti pris of the MSM in the U.S.
The bBC, has a new article:
Teacher: How I combine Islam with English lessons
I can imagine her as a Mitford girl teaching English to a class of Hitler Youth using the wisdom if Mein Kampf.
She looks to be out of her mind.
We were being lied to about the benefits of the Common Market and the EU.
We are being lied to about child refugees – its a ‘stitch up’ puffed up by
Lilly Allen .
Our border controls are non existent……….
Our government is turning a blind eye . Closing down Calais is meaningless , remember this ?
More headlines you won’t see on beebistan:
Fury at ‘soft checks’ on child migrants: Adults pretending to be children say aid workers – ANGER erupted last night over a lack of checks to stop Calais Jungle migrants posing as children to get to Britain.
Having their teeth checked to confirm age would be,”intrusive and traumatising”. Big, hairy, bollocks.
But it would be unethical to carry out such checks. Well, that’s what I just heard a social worker say on the Today Programme.
How very dare you question the word of children!
BBC goes onto the offensive against all those who question the age of the Calais ‘children’. Someone representing social workers is wheeled on to tell us that dental checks would be an intrusive procedure . It would traumatise the poor dears. Remember we are being told that they look old because of involvement in war. Is a dentist visit comparable ?
Tbe home office simply says that dental checks and bone density analysis are inaccurate . So that’s it then . Nothing more to be done . Those who have muscled to the front of the queue … Just come on in. The chequebook’s open.
Next time I go to the dentist I’ll remember how traumatising it is.
These ‘caring’ assholes by perpetrating this fraud have completely destroyed their own credibility and further alienated right thinking people.
‘…dental checks would be an intrusive procedure…’
So these refugees want an opt out from NHS dental treatments? I doubt it.
Funny that, because I seem to recall the father of the famous drowned boy had as his main motivation for his illegal entry to europe his quest for dental treatment apparently unavailable in Turkey.
Yeah. That social worker you mention was from the BRITISH association of Social Workers.
But she talked as if she worked for the International Association of Social Workers and that UK taxpayers should write blank cheques. Disgusting.
Three cheers for David Davis, not the Brexit man but another MP, who was having none of it and called the predominantly male adult ‘vulnerable children’ for the chances they are, being carefully schooled by their chums in what to say on arrival to the stupid, gullible, open-door Rowan Williams type naive do-gooders.
Oh and borrowing the word juxtaposition from Aslseelt below, the very next story on Toady was about the child murderers who were sentenced yesterday. Apparently they are only 15 years old. I hope they were not too traumatised when this was revealed.
As another point made here yesterday by another contributor: what about schooling? Turning these so-called, “children” loose on some mixed gender secondary modern school school may have unseen consequences. In Germany, they call it rape and molesting and it happens to very young children.
Amazing the BBC still knows it can do so with impunity.
Can you imagine the BBC doing a feature on some inner city sixth form college (where all the pupils would be under 18) going up to some youths in a rapping workshop or sex education class and saying to the teacher ‘so what are the children learning today’?
He doesn’t want “child migrants” to be tested.
He wants “any migrant claiming to be a child” to be tested to establish the veracity of that claim.
Seems fair enough to me.
Amusing juxtaposition of news reports on BBC tv just now.
A smirking Obama (and no wonder, 8 years of failed policies and zero press criticism) poo poos Trump’s claims that the US election is ‘rigged’ . This naturally backed up by our BBC man in Vegas with assertions that Trump is ‘attacking US democracy’ (I think he ought to have said US Democrats) and that Trump is saying this because he knows ‘he is losing’. So the BBC leaves us with the clear message that this ‘rigging’ claim is rubbish.
And in other news a quick mention of the fact that Ecuador has indeed cut off Wikileaks guy J Assange’s internet connection (Internet access no longer regarded by the BBC as a ‘human right’?) – and why? – because he was releasing Hillary’s emails. So no rigging there then.
The hanging chad that is BBC selective editorial integrity.
It would have come as a surprise to those who rely solely on the BBC for their news that any emails had been released.
HRC struggles to fill any venue where she speaks to the public free of charge.
Yet she charges a fee of $225K plus travel expenses including private jet to address a private business audience.
You and I only know the latter (and a whole lot more) thanks to Wikileaks. Most people in the UK don’t, thanks to BBC and the rest of MSM.
Al Beeb fear and loathe Wikileaks: it’s cheap, brave and shows Al Beeb to be a captive of the system that it purports to inform us about.
Obviously, I wouldn’t want to incite any crimes, but wouldn’t a Wikileak on the BBC just be glorious!
Either Obama is delusional and thinks people still believe him or he is a secret Trump supporter.
Put election rigging in a search engine and get this