But yes a career path that consists of “musician, poet and activist” is in true lefty ‘devious’ form, because it missing off “self-righteous wanker, morality supremacist, world owes me a living, now hate the world because I’m not earning a 6 figure salary even though I have no talent or nothing worth while giving to society..”
Bilko lookalike, Robinson in his element on Today, “Explain to a European audience how it is possible for anyone to vote for Trump?”
He’s talking to the purulent, parasitic, Clegg now and I just had to switch off.
Journalism ? Don’t think so.
Why does Obama lapse into some weird Alabama cotton-picker drawl when he berates Trump? It’s the second time I have noticed – eg ‘cummon mayan’. If he wasn’t black I would say it’s cultural appropriation.
It’s a good question, he was born in Hawaii (allegedly), brought up by his white grandparents, went to university in New York, and then settled in Chicago. So his folksy, come on in y’all accent is as fake as everything else about him.
“One senior pro-EU Conservative MP called it a “victory for all those who believe in the right of Parliament to represents the interests of our constituents”.”
Or shouldn’t that read the parliament has the right to ignore the outcome of a democratic vote which was national not local?
MPs may block the deal if it is put to a vote. What they can’t do is block brexit as Article 50 starts the process of exiting from the EU. They might scupper our best deal and make us dsefault to a worse one or none at all(the only caveat is whether Article 50 itself can be revoked)
A different thpe of bias.
On VD prog, the feature is people taking anti depressants but sufferring from side effects. Cue lots of moaning and victimhood.
But on the ticker tape, it is revealed this affects only 1 % of patients.
So, VD, what do you suggest for the other 99%? Not to take the medication? And how do you know which 1% will be affected?
The biased BBC are SO anti business in general and anti pharma companies ‘making a profit out of the illness of others’ in particular. The fact that all drugs have to be discovered, developed, proved, trialled, and launched, all at no cost to the taxpayer and at the total risk of the companies, is totally lost on them. Could the biased BBC do it better? No. Then shut up.
BBC rising star and olympic medalist Louis Smith has to make amends for saying allans snackbar by visiting mosques and seeing the error of his ways on the vd program. He has a future bbc career to think of. Maybe the beeboids could start visiting churches to atone for all the shit they throw at christians and christianity on a daily basis.
Seeing as whites are being replaced in the name of diversity, i can see mary berry being replaced by nadiya, Hollywood replaced with toxic Toksvig and the two idiot comics being replaced by Romesh ranganathan and susan calman. A ratings winner surely.
The whole issue is being so deliberately obfuscated that it is laughable. There has always been a distinction, though not strictly legally defined, between those who are legal minors (under 18) and those who are children. For example it was, or is, the custom to call a boy ‘master’ until he was 14 and ‘mister’ thereafter (for historical reasons connected with apprenticeships I believe). 14 was, or perhaps still is (God knows what happens nowadays) the age at which a boy can have sex with a woman without her being accused of child molestation. Many transport companies put 12 as the cut off point for childhood. There is also the issue of the age of criminal responsibility which is 10 in England and Wales. The extension of child status to 18 is a ludicrous piece of sophistry by those in favour of unlimited immigration. Until 1970 the age of majority was 21. By this standard a ‘child’ in 1970 could be twenty years and eleven months old!
A. The 15 year old child murderers cannot be named for legal reasons
B. The SNP wanted to give 16 year old the right to vote in the Scottish referendum
C. At age 17 you are allowed to drive a car.
Children? Adults? It seems to depend more on the objectives of the advocate than any basis of consistency.
The ‘cannot be named for legal reasons’ thing has always irritated me. Don’t the public have a right to know the names of all criminals, even if they’re evil little monsters?
Accusers in rape trials ‘cannot be named for legal reasons’ – not fair to my mind. The accused person, if proven innocent will have his life most likely ruined anyway.
What’s next – people in the dock with ethnic sounding names ‘cannot be named for legal reasons’!
You know there’s a push for ‘blind’ job application forms that have no name, gender, ethnicity etc., etc.,
That’s so employers can employ, the ‘best’ person for the job?
Roger Helmer mad another excellent point..The tests are not useless like the activists claim.
You end up with 3 categories : Definitely under 16, definitely over 18, uncertain
And he said you let in the first category if they fulfill the requirements
You then go back and test more children and if they pass the test they come in, until the allocation is used up
Yes it is tough on those categorised as uncertain age, but it does mean the entire allocation is given to genuine children
The guy who does the 5 Live Live FB page fill it with propaganda ..straight after the child refugee prog he tried to bury the discussion by sticking up new posts
eg : Teacher: How I combine Islam with English lessons (video and everything)
An English teacher at Manchester Islamic School for Girls describes how she brings religion into her lessons.
Rachel Warner told 5 live Afternoon Edition a lot of the ideas come from the pupils. She said:
“It’s not just Islam, we’ll also bring in more general questions of life and god and religion”.
Next election the Tories are hoping against hope that they will be the only electable party by default rather than make themselves electable by DOING stuff.
I hope I’m wrong but I ain’t seen jack to encourage me so far.
Anyone see the agenda on itv last night. 4 against one on brexit last night with toby young being the lone voice up against Red ed, Soubrey, Joan Bakewell and rory bremner. Does soubrey have to appear on every show that has an anti brexit debate? Miliband seems to have crawled out from under his rock to spew complete crap along with his primrose hill neighbour Bakewell. Soubrey was her usual sore loser self but bremner was an utter sneering imbecile at the end shouting about Fox davis and johnson running brexit. No issues with the 13 year labour junta then rory. I expected better from Tom Bradby.
Cue the, “Thank you Hollywood Movie Actors” video. I am utterly, fuckin’ sick, tired, bored and universally pissed off with the advice, admonishments and criticisms of, elitist journalists, actors, pop stars, comedians and sundry well heeled ‘celebs.
I’d be so much less traumatised if they’d just shut the fuck up.
It is starting to look as if the Appeaser is reverting back to her remain position. OK for MPs to have a vote on the matter, she says.
More than ever we need 1. A clampdown on BBC propaganda and a demand for honest reporting, 2. A party like UKIP once was, committed to an independent UK.
Farron is on the wright stuff right now saying we voted to leave but we should now vote for the destination. Utter pillock. We voted to leave the eu Timmy not your fantasyland.
Listening to final 5 mins of WatO today, BBC R4 1.40pm approx and the Naughty Naughtie is in the S-W of USA. You can almost see his smile on the soundwaves from the radio speaker as he mentions the Latino population (high proportion – a majority – in the State he is visiting) has been insulted or denigrated by Trump and will not be voting for him.
If enough Whites vote for Trump, it won’t matter if there are no Hispanics or Blacks vote for him: he’d win the election. The U.S. is still (for now) a White majority country.
Join the dots together the Andrea leadsom treatment a hijacked party the silence too many in the know now your game is up pitchfork time still 5/1 the Donald after tonight’s debate only one outcome reap the rewards woohoo.
There was an interesting prog on BBC4 on Sunday night with Penelope Keith where she went through ‘secret’ letters in the BBC archives (No, there wasn’t anything about Saville which is hardly surprising). It was all pretty tame stuff I knew already. However…I had to chuckle at the correspondence between Churchill and Lord Reith in the 30s, then D-G of the BBC. Churchill explicitly claimed that he had been blocked by Reith from broadcasting speeches for political reasons (probably due to his opposition to Hitler’s appeasement and to Indian independence). It turned out one of those recommending the block was none other than Guy Burgess, the communist traitor!
We often assume on here that BBC bias started in the 60s or even the 80s, but it seems it stretches a lot further back than that.
There is also a segregated Black nurses group in the Royal College of Nursing. I wonder what the Queen and her hubby the Duke think of this!! Does she even know!
When working in the NHS as a secretary, I was asked to type up a memo reminding the members of the Black Nurses Assoc to attend a meeting. When I queried this with the black ward manager, that there would be uproar if there was a ‘White Nurses Assoc’ she just smiled and shrugged her shoulders. This was over 10 years ago, but there is very little publicity about it.
I can vouch for this BRISSLES, as an NHS clinical service manager I can remember being instructed to ensure that BME staff were able to attend a “Black and minority workers support group” in another part of the city, and that if my service was left short of staff to make sure that overtime (usually strongly forbidden) was on offer to plug any staffing gaps.
When I asked my boss about when the white staff would be offered a similar support group I was advised “don`t even go there”.
Totally discriminatory and allowing “affirmative action” by the back door.
And don`t get me started on the management courses and mentoring available only to BME staff in my time.
Brissles, I know hindsight is a wonderful thing, but would you consider telling her that you were employed by the NHS, not the BNA, and to type her own bloody memo, using BNA paper and carbon ribbon (and typewriter).
As our yank friends say do the math I by jove have taking rigging into account the best the democrats can hope for is 358-180 loss, it could even be 421-117 in a new York accent (what are ya waiting for )
On the basis of observation amazing with the internet people don’t look at the information for themselves. Firstly watch the trump rally’s as i have then go to trump’s website,2012 u.s. electoral map of votes per state,infowars,rt news,russia state news,milo site , similarity to brexit,fox news,breitbart,david icke site,uk parliamentary channel,previous u.s.presidential debates ,tonight’s u.s final debate.On that basis i make my mind up.And i only tell you because if trump doesn’t win we are all in the s..t
R5 11:10 Suzanne Evans was on saying sensible things..still on
As per BBC policy she is sandwiched between 2 big chunks of LeftMob
Liz Clegg refugee activist had a big say before her
and now on with Suzanne Evans are another 2 LeftMob politicians.
Leading rumours indicate that John Kerry put pressure on the Ecuador Government to silence Wikileaks and to the UK Appeaser’s Government who sweetly surrendered to his demands.
But where is the investigation from the many hundreds of highly paid BBC hacks?
Experts say that, a feeling of well-being leads to better health, greater productivity and surprise, surprise is an all round good thing.
Maybe I, should be more forward looking and think of those, Calais ‘children’ being able to take the HST to their jobs on the North West Frontier – I mean Northern Powerhouse.
More Brainwashed kids R4 LP Brexit midday prog
Part 1 : Rational Brexiteers . Pointing out some Remain voters are happy about Brexit cos they were scared into voting Remain.
Part 2 : German mother and daughter (father lives in Germany)
The kid upset at Brexit and wanting to move to Germany.
“We even had a diversity day in our primary school ! Itr was great”
“EU leaving Britain (sic) is taking the diversity out …we will have to leave(wrong), we are foreigners (she came here when she was 6 moths old) ”
The kid speaks strong AMERICAN accent even though they live in Edinburgh
Mother has heavy German accent.
Part 3 : 2 people living in BERLIN ! (2 30 year old Bristol schooled in Bristol)
Male speaker says his mother is German
Other one is whinging she won’t be able to go and live back in Berlin
“I went to Lefty event for refugees, I was crying cos of Brexit..and a Syrian refugee said I’m so so sorry.. They worked so hard to get here ..and we voted ourselves out.”
“I don’t understand why people would vote against this massive privilege of living in EU)
These interviews seems biased cos 2 days running it’s been 2 Brexiteers vs 4 Remainers.
The vote was two thirds in favour of Remain..wasn’t it ?
One of the tricks of the trade is where and how the BBC gets it interview subjects. There is no central government database to help them (well, not for that purpose, there isn’t!), they use their ‘contacts’. And who are they? Well, there are an awful lot of trade unions, political activists, pressure groups, familiar faces and names on it. ‘Need four people to talk about Brexit? Try Open Europe, Sally, or maybe you could call Natasha at Open Europe…’.
The result is the bizarre mix of predictable naggers, Marxists, halfwits and complaint engines that constitutes the average BBC audience or the parade of interview subjects on a ‘news’ programme.
It is also skewed by the fact than normal people with jobs are not available during the day. Only the ‘artists’ (unemployed) and media (real job?) types are waltzing around town on an afternoon. They never seem find the shift workers, do they?
Like listening to Lord Haw-Haw or Saigon Sally the BBC presses on with the propaganda in the hope that one day we’ll turn into passive slugs and exude our very own slime.
BBC Remainiac reports continue. Much publicity about a well known idiot German MEP called Brock who claims British officials don’t understand EU rules. Part of this ludicrous claim is that we can only access the Single Market by paying for it. The BBC continually and deliberately confuses access to the Single Market, as all who export to the EU do for nothing if you are outside it, from being Members of the Single Market.
Next we have to endure a report on the 10,000 increase in unemployment. This is statistically insignificant so after some prevaricating the report dredges up some fund manager to tell
us that future employment prospects are still deteriorating . So Project Fear is still on course. Maybe unemployment will go up by 500,000 in 2 years as the Tresury told us. Or indeed pigs might fly.
Face it, the BBC wants EU Membership or death.
If we can’t get back to pre Brexit they want a war torn Britain with UK national refugees fleeing the UK in flimsy boats and heading for a new ‘Jungle’ out there.
Further to Stuff’s comment last night re
Biased BBC2 8pm Tuesday.
A programme called Who’s spending Britain’s billions.
The reporter, Jacques Peretti was disgusted that “public money” was being used to buy services from the private sector. He thought it immoral that outside consultants earned a % fee based on the savings they identified (profiting from austerity, or somesuch).
How much better in Liverpool (of course) where the staff were “trusted” to identify savings.
Peretti failed to spot the inconsistency in his case, if staff were so good at identifying savings the fee paid to outside consultants would be x% of FA.
G.W.F. There is Newswatch but I’m not sure how that fits into the picture?
From their website:
“News-watch monitors public service broadcast programmes to examine whether – as required by law – they deliver impartiality and political balance.
Our focus has been some of the most politically controversial areas of public policy such as the EU, immigration and climate change.
We work by logging, transcribing and analysing representative programmes over extended periods, and producing longitudinal analysis based on statistical findings.
By necessity, this is a detailed and very thorough process that over the past 15 years has involved the line-by-line analysis of millions of words and the writing of dozens of detailed reports, most of which are archived and accessible through the site.
News-watch was founded and is run by media professionals with extensive direct experience of the issues that face a busy newsroom.”
They will of course argue that they do and point to Andrew Neil. But he is never, never on at prime time. It’s either around midnight or lunchtime, watched only by politicos like us, not the electorate ….
So Trump has upset some Latinos. Could, Nick Robinson perhaps?, explain why anyone should defer to foreigners who sneak into a country in order to gain benefit, legal or other?
If they are there legally – good for them, the are now US citizens of Latin extraction so they have no beef.
Brooker is an absoulute smug cretin married to that other twat Konnie huq sister to labour mp Rupa Huq. He even had to get in the buffoon comment against boris. He only likes satire in the one direction does our Charlie.
Does anyone else think the break-up of the Jungle is pointless, without addressing the root cause, which is lack of control of EU borders and an over-generous, under-controlled UK benefits system?
Initially there was the Sangatte camp, which was smashed up a few times but came back. Then the Jungle grew up, got smashed up, grew back and is now being smashed up again.
Yet the powers that be seem to have memories of goldfish and keep doing the same thing over and over again. They either can’t or won’t confront the real reasons for it.
The amount of news stories coming out around the world is enormous at present, the same time as wikileakes is not being reported a strange coincidence don’t you think.
Gaxvil, I remember Jo Brand on Radio Four explaining this one years ago. It’s not alright to mock people for something they can’t help (eg, skin colour or disability) but it IS alright to mock people for their opinions or beliefs, ie Tories, because that is a matter of volition. Strictly speaking of course this means Muslims are fair game but I’m not expecting any Muslim jokes from Mrs Brand anytime soon!
What is even more interesting is that the BBC do not appear to have been able to get their fellow Remain camp favourite out from behind a microphone or from in front of the TV cameras (where he will be opining on the EU and matters of Brexit) for long enough to provide a comment on the above for the BBC web-site.
Representation, Ken. That’s what we want, representation.
I love my garden shed. I use it to make things, and store tools to improve the Guest Who estates.
What I don’t do is use it to store a small arsenal, including SMGs deployed to execute rivals at the local church.
It will be interesting if the BBC reports on a new story now released from restrictions, and if it does gets as coy with the naming as it gets creative with the pixey wand again.
2 interesting things
#1 Note how it ties in with that brilliant Milo video also back on page 3
“Media companies closing their comment sections they claim oh it’s trolling, it’s abuse and harassment. No it’s F*king not ! It’s cos, everybody hates you and You Lie ! ”
Milo added : They’ve got 2 options “ask if you’ve got something wrong” or say “the internet is full of racist trolls”
and #2 On that Loach article the comments seem filtered and the remaining ones are all mad LeftMob claiming BBC is biased to the right.
Cos the thing is you could kill that claim by asking for evidence, so it seems if anyones asks for evidence that request would get deleted.
– And Guardian have pulled a new trick it seems cos there is now no button to list the comments by upvotes, BS cannot be quickly brought down, by smart commenters.
Last month, he (Loach) told an audience at University College London to complain to the corporation when they thought coverage was biased against Corbyn, and labelled the corporation a “propaganda” arm of the state adopting a “pretense of objectivity”. “The BBC is not some objective chronicler of our time – it is an arm of the state,” he said.
” now the drama is produced by outside production companies and horribly micro-managed”
“It says, ‘Don’t bother your heads with what’s going on now, just wallow in fake nostalgia’,” he said.
a BBC spokeswoman said:
“BBC News is independent and adheres to clear published editorial guidelines including on impartiality. (no it doesn’t, It breaks the charter)
The BBC is consistently rated the most trusted and accurate news provider by the majority of people in the UK.” (evidence ?)
One angle Loach could be right on , is that the BBC doesn’t represent normal people, the common working class ..except when it put on something like Top Gear.
– Rather it is still a posh boy London Clique.. whose path is dictated by their guilt
…oh what a surprise ..right now on the R4 Media Show is an advertising slot for London based Caitlin Moran one of their clique
Tim Farron, dim but not even nice , given an easy ride interview about the Calais ‘children’ on BBCtv news. Farron seems to be in complete denial about the UK public’s concerns. At least we know that this will keep tbe Lib Dems on their current low poll rating, maybe annihilation in 2020. Well deserved.
We need a new site called Bias SKY !! Just this second watched Kay Birley, live in Las Vegas interviewing a couple from Texas – he was a rancher and his wife a Mexican, they’re voting for Trump – cue surprise from Birley, and as the interviewed progressed she clearly wanted to trash Trump and get the couple to do so as well. She even brought up his sexual proclivities and asked if that didn’t worry them and if it was said about the rancher’s wife, would he not be offended ? God almighty talk about an agenda. She was wrong footed all the way, the rancher said his sexual antics were not of interest, it was what Trump would do for the country, and then almost exasperated, our Kay asked how they could tell the ‘bad’ Mexicans from the ‘good’ Mexicans and what the Mexican wife felt about that. She swiftly brought the interview to an end because it didn’t go her way.
“Jamal Mahmoud, 21, died at the London prison on Tuesday. Two prisoners, aged 34 and 26, have been arrested on suspicion of murder.
Who just who was arrested ?” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-37698780
Usually a name or two would give you the motive.
Another way to determine the motive would be to evaluate the knife wounds. Usually, the media might say something about a neck wound, and you will know it was an attempted or even successful beheading performed by Welsh Methodists
We have a go at the BBC for its lack of impartiality, particularly with its satire on the US elections.
So its only fair to ring the bell for Rich Hall’s R4 comedy on series on the elections. He started off by saying it was going to be balanced, and it was. Both candidates were blasted, moreover it was unusual for a radio 4 comedy series in that it was funny.
Just take a minute and be thankful you don’t live in the USA:-
“CHICAGO — Chicago police say a 27-year-old man attacked a CTA bus driver and a passenger with a frozen chicken.
Caleb Russell boarded the bus last Wednesday afternoon and tried to flirt with a woman.
When she refused his advances, he hit her with the frozen chicken.
When the CTA driver came to her rescue, he was kicked and beaten with the chicken.
His face was damaged so badly, he needed gum surgery.
Russell is charged with battery and aggravated battery.”
tomoMar 17, 11:34 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Give him a rusty rifle and a white flag [img]https://i.ibb.co/Kzh0rkF1/give-the-cunt-a-rusty-rifle.jpg[/img]
Fedup2Mar 17, 11:32 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Can you imagine the conversation between trump and Putin tomorrow …. Putin – what are we going to do about…
harry142857Mar 17, 10:24 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Why do reports need to be brief. It’s a 24 hour news channel, FFS. It isn’t a 15 minute slot…
tomoMar 17, 10:18 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Nuts This eejit is dangerous https://twitter.com/davidkurten/status/1901169388083961934
ScrobleneMar 17, 10:14 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Starmerstan doesn’t do options, Sluff, just chucks numbers and meaningless inanities like ‘willing’ around and calling them ‘plans’, which this…
vladMar 17, 10:04 Weekend 15th March 2025 Jordan Peterson speaks out on muslim rape gangs, muliticulturalism, and the suicidal delusion of woke liberalism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F9rZQtiZfY
BBC Online News:
“”Women protest at Trump buildings””
“”Women in 15 cities across the US have gathered at Trump buildings to protest against the presidential candidate””
This is also the BBC’s protest against Trump. No counter-view offered. But the Democrat loving BBC wouldn’t do that would they?
One of the protesting wimmin describes herself as a musician, poet and activist. That well known career path. Obviously not a Thatcher supporter.
Haven’t seen it Dover.
But yes a career path that consists of “musician, poet and activist” is in true lefty ‘devious’ form, because it missing off “self-righteous wanker, morality supremacist, world owes me a living, now hate the world because I’m not earning a 6 figure salary even though I have no talent or nothing worth while giving to society..”
Bilko lookalike, Robinson in his element on Today, “Explain to a European audience how it is possible for anyone to vote for Trump?”
He’s talking to the purulent, parasitic, Clegg now and I just had to switch off.
Journalism ? Don’t think so.
Bilko lookalike. LOL. You may have started a trend……..
Why does Obama lapse into some weird Alabama cotton-picker drawl when he berates Trump? It’s the second time I have noticed – eg ‘cummon mayan’. If he wasn’t black I would say it’s cultural appropriation.
It’s a good question, he was born in Hawaii (allegedly), brought up by his white grandparents, went to university in New York, and then settled in Chicago. So his folksy, come on in y’all accent is as fake as everything else about him.
Danger Will Robinson Danger.

Backtracking supported by MSM wait for it on the BBC.
“One senior pro-EU Conservative MP called it a “victory for all those who believe in the right of Parliament to represents the interests of our constituents”.”
Or shouldn’t that read the parliament has the right to ignore the outcome of a democratic vote which was national not local?
MPs may block the deal if it is put to a vote. What they can’t do is block brexit as Article 50 starts the process of exiting from the EU. They might scupper our best deal and make us dsefault to a worse one or none at all(the only caveat is whether Article 50 itself can be revoked)
A different thpe of bias.
On VD prog, the feature is people taking anti depressants but sufferring from side effects. Cue lots of moaning and victimhood.
But on the ticker tape, it is revealed this affects only 1 % of patients.
So, VD, what do you suggest for the other 99%? Not to take the medication? And how do you know which 1% will be affected?
The biased BBC are SO anti business in general and anti pharma companies ‘making a profit out of the illness of others’ in particular. The fact that all drugs have to be discovered, developed, proved, trialled, and launched, all at no cost to the taxpayer and at the total risk of the companies, is totally lost on them. Could the biased BBC do it better? No. Then shut up.
BBC rising star and olympic medalist Louis Smith has to make amends for saying allans snackbar by visiting mosques and seeing the error of his ways on the vd program. He has a future bbc career to think of. Maybe the beeboids could start visiting churches to atone for all the shit they throw at christians and christianity on a daily basis.
Seeing as whites are being replaced in the name of diversity, i can see mary berry being replaced by nadiya, Hollywood replaced with toxic Toksvig and the two idiot comics being replaced by Romesh ranganathan and susan calman. A ratings winner surely.
Katie H: re last para, why not bring back Curtis and Ishmael? I liked those guys!
Or bring back Felix Dexter. Oh, forgot, sadly he is dead and much missed.
Now until 10 Radio5 Your Call: Should we rigorously check the age of child refugees coming to the UK from Calais?
FB discusion
Roger Helmer doing a good job against activist Zoe
“If you don’t age test then any man who gets in is STEALING the place that belongs to a GENUINE child”
But what about dwarves?
“But what about dwarves?”
They’ll have to fight it out with the hobbits.
The whole issue is being so deliberately obfuscated that it is laughable. There has always been a distinction, though not strictly legally defined, between those who are legal minors (under 18) and those who are children. For example it was, or is, the custom to call a boy ‘master’ until he was 14 and ‘mister’ thereafter (for historical reasons connected with apprenticeships I believe). 14 was, or perhaps still is (God knows what happens nowadays) the age at which a boy can have sex with a woman without her being accused of child molestation. Many transport companies put 12 as the cut off point for childhood. There is also the issue of the age of criminal responsibility which is 10 in England and Wales. The extension of child status to 18 is a ludicrous piece of sophistry by those in favour of unlimited immigration. Until 1970 the age of majority was 21. By this standard a ‘child’ in 1970 could be twenty years and eleven months old!
A. The 15 year old child murderers cannot be named for legal reasons
B. The SNP wanted to give 16 year old the right to vote in the Scottish referendum
C. At age 17 you are allowed to drive a car.
Children? Adults? It seems to depend more on the objectives of the advocate than any basis of consistency.
The TNO’s view on the whole matter of, migrant “children” –
Once again we are being blatantly conned by the establishment, principally, the BBC.
The ‘cannot be named for legal reasons’ thing has always irritated me. Don’t the public have a right to know the names of all criminals, even if they’re evil little monsters?
Accusers in rape trials ‘cannot be named for legal reasons’ – not fair to my mind. The accused person, if proven innocent will have his life most likely ruined anyway.
What’s next – people in the dock with ethnic sounding names ‘cannot be named for legal reasons’!
You know there’s a push for ‘blind’ job application forms that have no name, gender, ethnicity etc., etc.,
That’s so employers can employ, the ‘best’ person for the job?
Which is why the BBC should not be using the term ‘children’ but ‘minors’ instead. It is clear bias.
Roger Helmer mad another excellent point..The tests are not useless like the activists claim.
You end up with 3 categories : Definitely under 16, definitely over 18, uncertain
And he said you let in the first category if they fulfill the requirements
You then go back and test more children and if they pass the test they come in, until the allocation is used up
Yes it is tough on those categorised as uncertain age, but it does mean the entire allocation is given to genuine children
The guy who does the 5 Live Live FB page fill it with propaganda ..straight after the child refugee prog he tried to bury the discussion by sticking up new posts
eg : Teacher: How I combine Islam with English lessons (video and everything)
VD could do a programme on the trauma and suffering caused to people experiencing the inane, unprofessional discharge from the BBC.
A Welsh MP is making noises . I wonder what Al Beeb will make of this ………..
Its all about ‘too little – too late’ again .
Don’t forget Cameron committed us to take in 25000 Syrians – what checks will be made on these while our the border control is a fiasco.
The government is paying ‘lip service’ in clamping down on illegal immigration. It’s turning a blind eye and storing up trouble for the future security of this nation .
Our state broadcaster is censoring the news.
And finally, remember this promise ……https://www.gov.uk/government/news/prime-minister-pledges-to-control-and-reduce-immigration
Over to you Tory ‘posters and bloggers’ ……..
Next election the Tories are hoping against hope that they will be the only electable party by default rather than make themselves electable by DOING stuff.
I hope I’m wrong but I ain’t seen jack to encourage me so far.
Anyone see the agenda on itv last night. 4 against one on brexit last night with toby young being the lone voice up against Red ed, Soubrey, Joan Bakewell and rory bremner. Does soubrey have to appear on every show that has an anti brexit debate? Miliband seems to have crawled out from under his rock to spew complete crap along with his primrose hill neighbour Bakewell. Soubrey was her usual sore loser self but bremner was an utter sneering imbecile at the end shouting about Fox davis and johnson running brexit. No issues with the 13 year labour junta then rory. I expected better from Tom Bradby.
Cue the, “Thank you Hollywood Movie Actors” video. I am utterly, fuckin’ sick, tired, bored and universally pissed off with the advice, admonishments and criticisms of, elitist journalists, actors, pop stars, comedians and sundry well heeled ‘celebs.
I’d be so much less traumatised if they’d just shut the fuck up.
It is starting to look as if the Appeaser is reverting back to her remain position. OK for MPs to have a vote on the matter, she says.
More than ever we need 1. A clampdown on BBC propaganda and a demand for honest reporting, 2. A party like UKIP once was, committed to an independent UK.
Brexit could happen either with or without a “deal”. A50 is the cake; any deal is merely the cherry on top.
I fear that the mooted “MPs’ right to vote on a proposed deal” will become conflated with an “MPs’ right to vote on Brexit”.
Farron is on the wright stuff right now saying we voted to leave but we should now vote for the destination. Utter pillock. We voted to leave the eu Timmy not your fantasyland.
Would that be Tim “does your mother know you’re out” Farron?
I tend to forget that Farron even exists, literally.
My reaction to his occasional crackpot rants – “oh yes, him”.
He’s a total irrelevance.
Farron is an immoral,unstable religious nutter. He is best ignored, most people do.
His constituents dont….just imagine the place where enough morons exist to elect that wanker…
Utterly beyond belief.
Here’s some interesting news not on BBC. Someone is going to be on Hillary’s hit list soon!
Listening to final 5 mins of WatO today, BBC R4 1.40pm approx and the Naughty Naughtie is in the S-W of USA. You can almost see his smile on the soundwaves from the radio speaker as he mentions the Latino population (high proportion – a majority – in the State he is visiting) has been insulted or denigrated by Trump and will not be voting for him.
If enough Whites vote for Trump, it won’t matter if there are no Hispanics or Blacks vote for him: he’d win the election. The U.S. is still (for now) a White majority country.
Louis Smith: Olympic silver medallist visits mosques after ‘messing up’ with video
This is beyond ridiculous,I suspect Louis Smith went to the mosques for fear of being murdered.
He could be banned or expelled by the British Olympic Association. Give me strength! He was laughing at his mate for goodness sake!!
It’s the people behind the death threats and on the British Gymnastics committee who need to be investigated!
As well as the idiot who wrote this rubbish on the BBC web page.Nick ‘Mohammed is not a peadophile’ Hope.
If we are not allowed to mock Islam, does this mean we cannot mock Jehovah Witness or Christian Science also?
I suspect, the writing of this post will now get me banned from the OAP coffee morning I attend.
Join the dots together the Andrea leadsom treatment a hijacked party the silence too many in the know now your game is up pitchfork time still 5/1 the Donald after tonight’s debate only one outcome reap the rewards woohoo.
There was an interesting prog on BBC4 on Sunday night with Penelope Keith where she went through ‘secret’ letters in the BBC archives (No, there wasn’t anything about Saville which is hardly surprising). It was all pretty tame stuff I knew already. However…I had to chuckle at the correspondence between Churchill and Lord Reith in the 30s, then D-G of the BBC. Churchill explicitly claimed that he had been blocked by Reith from broadcasting speeches for political reasons (probably due to his opposition to Hitler’s appeasement and to Indian independence). It turned out one of those recommending the block was none other than Guy Burgess, the communist traitor!
We often assume on here that BBC bias started in the 60s or even the 80s, but it seems it stretches a lot further back than that.
So the cops have decided that White Lives Matter is a hate group and issued warnings to them
Meanwhile, Trots, Anarchists, Black Lives Matter are planning quite openly to disrupt their demonstration.
Come on Amber Amber Rudd, pull your knickers up and put a stop to this.
There is also a segregated Black nurses group in the Royal College of Nursing. I wonder what the Queen and her hubby the Duke think of this!! Does she even know!
When working in the NHS as a secretary, I was asked to type up a memo reminding the members of the Black Nurses Assoc to attend a meeting. When I queried this with the black ward manager, that there would be uproar if there was a ‘White Nurses Assoc’ she just smiled and shrugged her shoulders. This was over 10 years ago, but there is very little publicity about it.
I can vouch for this BRISSLES, as an NHS clinical service manager I can remember being instructed to ensure that BME staff were able to attend a “Black and minority workers support group” in another part of the city, and that if my service was left short of staff to make sure that overtime (usually strongly forbidden) was on offer to plug any staffing gaps.
When I asked my boss about when the white staff would be offered a similar support group I was advised “don`t even go there”.
Totally discriminatory and allowing “affirmative action” by the back door.
And don`t get me started on the management courses and mentoring available only to BME staff in my time.
Brissles, I know hindsight is a wonderful thing, but would you consider telling her that you were employed by the NHS, not the BNA, and to type her own bloody memo, using BNA paper and carbon ribbon (and typewriter).
As our yank friends say do the math I by jove have taking rigging into account the best the democrats can hope for is 358-180 loss, it could even be 421-117 in a new York accent (what are ya waiting for )
Hate to be a party pooper but on what basis?
Polls I’ve seen say it’s even stevens with Trump support on the wane and HRC having an advantage with the way the electoral college works.
On the basis of observation amazing with the internet people don’t look at the information for themselves. Firstly watch the trump rally’s as i have then go to trump’s website,2012 u.s. electoral map of votes per state,infowars,rt news,russia state news,milo site , similarity to brexit,fox news,breitbart,david icke site,uk parliamentary channel,previous u.s.presidential debates ,tonight’s u.s final debate.On that basis i make my mind up.And i only tell you because if trump doesn’t win we are all in the s..t
R5 11:10 Suzanne Evans was on saying sensible things..still on
As per BBC policy she is sandwiched between 2 big chunks of LeftMob
Liz Clegg refugee activist had a big say before her
and now on with Suzanne Evans are another 2 LeftMob politicians.
Arise sir Julian asange a true Aussie hero
Where is he?
Leading rumours indicate that John Kerry put pressure on the Ecuador Government to silence Wikileaks and to the UK Appeaser’s Government who sweetly surrendered to his demands.
But where is the investigation from the many hundreds of highly paid BBC hacks?
Time for the others to step in?
Who knows but he can take a well earned rest and some vitamin d tabs
Experts say that, a feeling of well-being leads to better health, greater productivity and surprise, surprise is an all round good thing.
Maybe I, should be more forward looking and think of those, Calais ‘children’ being able to take the HST to their jobs on the North West Frontier – I mean Northern Powerhouse.
Revoke the BBC Charter Petition
Only 6149 have signed so far.
At times like this you must not think of your individual safety you must think of your children and grandchildren
I do and I don’t want them to be living in Britistan.
More Brainwashed kids
R4 LP Brexit midday prog
Part 1 : Rational Brexiteers . Pointing out some Remain voters are happy about Brexit cos they were scared into voting Remain.
Part 2 : German mother and daughter (father lives in Germany)
The kid upset at Brexit and wanting to move to Germany.
“We even had a diversity day in our primary school ! Itr was great”
“EU leaving Britain (sic) is taking the diversity out …we will have to leave(wrong), we are foreigners (she came here when she was 6 moths old) ”
The kid speaks strong AMERICAN accent even though they live in Edinburgh
Mother has heavy German accent.
Part 3 : 2 people living in BERLIN ! (2 30 year old Bristol schooled in Bristol)
Male speaker says his mother is German
Other one is whinging she won’t be able to go and live back in Berlin
“I went to Lefty event for refugees, I was crying cos of Brexit..and a Syrian refugee said I’m so so sorry.. They worked so hard to get here ..and we voted ourselves out.”
“I don’t understand why people would vote against this massive privilege of living in EU)
These interviews seems biased cos 2 days running it’s been 2 Brexiteers vs 4 Remainers.
The vote was two thirds in favour of Remain..wasn’t it ?
One of the tricks of the trade is where and how the BBC gets it interview subjects. There is no central government database to help them (well, not for that purpose, there isn’t!), they use their ‘contacts’. And who are they? Well, there are an awful lot of trade unions, political activists, pressure groups, familiar faces and names on it. ‘Need four people to talk about Brexit? Try Open Europe, Sally, or maybe you could call Natasha at Open Europe…’.
The result is the bizarre mix of predictable naggers, Marxists, halfwits and complaint engines that constitutes the average BBC audience or the parade of interview subjects on a ‘news’ programme.
‘halfwits and complaint engines’
Hah! Me, to a T. 🙂
Er, but I’m not a virtue signalling SJW or SWP Hard Left anarcho-fascist.
It is also skewed by the fact than normal people with jobs are not available during the day. Only the ‘artists’ (unemployed) and media (real job?) types are waltzing around town on an afternoon. They never seem find the shift workers, do they?
But they did find that bloke with the swastika tattoos!
Like listening to Lord Haw-Haw or Saigon Sally the BBC presses on with the propaganda in the hope that one day we’ll turn into passive slugs and exude our very own slime.
BBC Remainiac reports continue. Much publicity about a well known idiot German MEP called Brock who claims British officials don’t understand EU rules. Part of this ludicrous claim is that we can only access the Single Market by paying for it. The BBC continually and deliberately confuses access to the Single Market, as all who export to the EU do for nothing if you are outside it, from being Members of the Single Market.
Next we have to endure a report on the 10,000 increase in unemployment. This is statistically insignificant so after some prevaricating the report dredges up some fund manager to tell
us that future employment prospects are still deteriorating . So Project Fear is still on course. Maybe unemployment will go up by 500,000 in 2 years as the Tresury told us. Or indeed pigs might fly.
Face it, the BBC wants EU Membership or death.
If we can’t get back to pre Brexit they want a war torn Britain with UK national refugees fleeing the UK in flimsy boats and heading for a new ‘Jungle’ out there.
Further to Stuff’s comment last night re
Biased BBC2 8pm Tuesday.
A programme called Who’s spending Britain’s billions.
The reporter, Jacques Peretti was disgusted that “public money” was being used to buy services from the private sector. He thought it immoral that outside consultants earned a % fee based on the savings they identified (profiting from austerity, or somesuch).
How much better in Liverpool (of course) where the staff were “trusted” to identify savings.
Peretti failed to spot the inconsistency in his case, if staff were so good at identifying savings the fee paid to outside consultants would be x% of FA.
Not much change in the new Ofcom Content Board for complaints against the BBC.
http://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/david-keighleys-br fobc-watch-independent-oversight-means-stuffing-the-jury-with-ex-lackeys/

that’s the corrected link
G.W.F. There is Newswatch but I’m not sure how that fits into the picture?
From their website:
“News-watch monitors public service broadcast programmes to examine whether – as required by law – they deliver impartiality and political balance.
Our focus has been some of the most politically controversial areas of public policy such as the EU, immigration and climate change.
We work by logging, transcribing and analysing representative programmes over extended periods, and producing longitudinal analysis based on statistical findings.
By necessity, this is a detailed and very thorough process that over the past 15 years has involved the line-by-line analysis of millions of words and the writing of dozens of detailed reports, most of which are archived and accessible through the site.
News-watch was founded and is run by media professionals with extensive direct experience of the issues that face a busy newsroom.”
PS: Even an uneducated Brexit voter could see that the BBC does not deliver, “impartiality and political balance.”
They will of course argue that they do and point to Andrew Neil. But he is never, never on at prime time. It’s either around midnight or lunchtime, watched only by politicos like us, not the electorate ….
So Trump has upset some Latinos. Could, Nick Robinson perhaps?, explain why anyone should defer to foreigners who sneak into a country in order to gain benefit, legal or other?
If they are there legally – good for them, the are now US citizens of Latin extraction so they have no beef.
BBC Newsnight totally impartially passing on a third party opinion. Again.
Brooker is an absoulute smug cretin married to that other twat Konnie huq sister to labour mp Rupa Huq. He even had to get in the buffoon comment against boris. He only likes satire in the one direction does our Charlie.
He looks like he sleeps on a park bench. Is that where they found him, clutching a bottle of Diamond White and shouting at the pigeons?
Does anyone else think the break-up of the Jungle is pointless, without addressing the root cause, which is lack of control of EU borders and an over-generous, under-controlled UK benefits system?
Initially there was the Sangatte camp, which was smashed up a few times but came back. Then the Jungle grew up, got smashed up, grew back and is now being smashed up again.
Yet the powers that be seem to have memories of goldfish and keep doing the same thing over and over again. They either can’t or won’t confront the real reasons for it.
Britain can not control France – it can only control it’s borders – if it wants to.
Click to access News-watch-Survey-of-The-Brexit-Collection-September-2016.pdf
This pdf is a Newswatch survey on EU biased broadcasting – there can be no doubt that it’s content is truly shocking and yet ………..
The amount of news stories coming out around the world is enormous at present, the same time as wikileakes is not being reported a strange coincidence don’t you think.
So let me get this right – it’s fine to use hate speech against Trump, his family and supporters?
Gaxvil, I remember Jo Brand on Radio Four explaining this one years ago. It’s not alright to mock people for something they can’t help (eg, skin colour or disability) but it IS alright to mock people for their opinions or beliefs, ie Tories, because that is a matter of volition. Strictly speaking of course this means Muslims are fair game but I’m not expecting any Muslim jokes from Mrs Brand anytime soon!
“not alright to mock people for something they can’t help”
but LeftMob can’t HELP saying dumb things…can they ?
Nottingham City Council, in true spirit of a Sheriff of yore, are further endorsing their reputation as a wonderful Local Authority:
What is even more interesting is that the BBC do not appear to have been able to get their fellow Remain camp favourite out from behind a microphone or from in front of the TV cameras (where he will be opining on the EU and matters of Brexit) for long enough to provide a comment on the above for the BBC web-site.
Representation, Ken. That’s what we want, representation.
I love my garden shed. I use it to make things, and store tools to improve the Guest Who estates.
What I don’t do is use it to store a small arsenal, including SMGs deployed to execute rivals at the local church.
It will be interesting if the BBC reports on a new story now released from restrictions, and if it does gets as coy with the naming as it gets creative with the pixey wand again.
Whoever gets this novel written first will be the richest person in the world
That Ken Loach piece in the Guardian mentioned by Pounce October 18, 2016 at 10:55 pm
2 interesting things
#1 Note how it ties in with that brilliant Milo video also back on page 3
“Media companies closing their comment sections they claim oh it’s trolling, it’s abuse and harassment. No it’s F*king not ! It’s cos, everybody hates you and You Lie ! ”
Milo added : They’ve got 2 options “ask if you’ve got something wrong” or say “the internet is full of racist trolls”
and #2 On that Loach article the comments seem filtered and the remaining ones are all mad LeftMob claiming BBC is biased to the right.
Cos the thing is you could kill that claim by asking for evidence, so it seems if anyones asks for evidence that request would get deleted.
– And Guardian have pulled a new trick it seems cos there is now no button to list the comments by upvotes, BS cannot be quickly brought down, by smart commenters.
I quote that article :
a BBC spokeswoman said:
“BBC News is independent and adheres to clear published editorial guidelines including on impartiality. (no it doesn’t, It breaks the charter)
The BBC is consistently rated the most trusted and accurate news provider by the majority of people in the UK.” (evidence ?)
One angle Loach could be right on , is that the BBC doesn’t represent normal people, the common working class ..except when it put on something like Top Gear.
– Rather it is still a posh boy London Clique.. whose path is dictated by their guilt
…oh what a surprise ..right now on the R4 Media Show is an advertising slot for London based Caitlin Moran one of their clique
Tim Farron, dim but not even nice , given an easy ride interview about the Calais ‘children’ on BBCtv news. Farron seems to be in complete denial about the UK public’s concerns. At least we know that this will keep tbe Lib Dems on their current low poll rating, maybe annihilation in 2020. Well deserved.
We need a new site called Bias SKY !! Just this second watched Kay Birley, live in Las Vegas interviewing a couple from Texas – he was a rancher and his wife a Mexican, they’re voting for Trump – cue surprise from Birley, and as the interviewed progressed she clearly wanted to trash Trump and get the couple to do so as well. She even brought up his sexual proclivities and asked if that didn’t worry them and if it was said about the rancher’s wife, would he not be offended ? God almighty talk about an agenda. She was wrong footed all the way, the rancher said his sexual antics were not of interest, it was what Trump would do for the country, and then almost exasperated, our Kay asked how they could tell the ‘bad’ Mexicans from the ‘good’ Mexicans and what the Mexican wife felt about that. She swiftly brought the interview to an end because it didn’t go her way.
Rumours that the scBBC will son be announcing a new Charity set up to help Croydon’s latest visitors remain unconfirmed at present.
“Jamal Mahmoud, 21, died at the London prison on Tuesday. Two prisoners, aged 34 and 26, have been arrested on suspicion of murder.
Who just who was arrested ?”
Usually a name or two would give you the motive.
Another way to determine the motive would be to evaluate the knife wounds. Usually, the media might say something about a neck wound, and you will know it was an attempted or even successful beheading performed by Welsh Methodists
Sounds more like the work of the Taffia?
We have a go at the BBC for its lack of impartiality, particularly with its satire on the US elections.
So its only fair to ring the bell for Rich Hall’s R4 comedy on series on the elections. He started off by saying it was going to be balanced, and it was. Both candidates were blasted, moreover it was unusual for a radio 4 comedy series in that it was funny.
They would have booked him thinking he would SURELY be pro Clinton – I mean, come on!
“Peter Pan record broken, organisers say”
I thought this must be a story about the new child migrants. Unfortunately it turned out to be a story in Bristol by other boys that never grew up!
Fenerbahce: Bird hits plane on way to Manchester for Europa League tie
Fresh headline from bbbc online news page.
I think it may have been a little bit the other way round !!
So the new BBC Management Board is soon to be elected ………………..?
Since we are all shareholders why do we not have a say?
Just take a minute and be thankful you don’t live in the USA:-
“CHICAGO — Chicago police say a 27-year-old man attacked a CTA bus driver and a passenger with a frozen chicken.
Caleb Russell boarded the bus last Wednesday afternoon and tried to flirt with a woman.
When she refused his advances, he hit her with the frozen chicken.
When the CTA driver came to her rescue, he was kicked and beaten with the chicken.
His face was damaged so badly, he needed gum surgery.
Russell is charged with battery and aggravated battery.”
The chicken must have been a battery hen.
It sounds like he had a fowl temper!
I found this picture of Nick Robinson and his, Goebbels Award for Impartial Journalism!
Did someone here compare him to Sgt Bilko?
Sir david icke