Listening to the news on 5Live and the top story was a court case, not the one in Northern Ireland where a judge struck down a claim that NI should have a veto over Brexit and that Article 50 couldn’t be triggered by the government, no not that one, but the one about the Uber drivers who successfully claimed they were employed by the company. Now that might be a story of import and interest but it is not by any stretch of the imagination as important as the decision in Northern Ireland on Brexit….given that it may give us an idea of how any other cases might go on the mainland as well. The Brexit story didn’t even merit a mention in the news bulletin…quite extraordinary when you consider how the BBC forensically goes over all Brexit related news…just look how it is putting so many resources and time into trying to undermine the Nissan success story.
Checking the website and the Brexit story is not on the frontpage, nor amazingly on the UK page…Uber is top there.
I can in no way imagine the BBC so rapidly making the Brexit judgement into a non-story had the claim been successful and Brexit put on hold…..the fact that Brexit continues is just as important a story and yet….all has gone quiet at the BBC on the website and on the radio at least.
The court case result is a huge knock back for the Remain activists who refuse to accept the democratic decision and work to use every means to undermine the result. The BBC seems to be hiding what is a big story. One can only conclude that the result is not to the BBC’s liking and that it seeks to keep up the myth that Brexit is somehow illegitimate and that the only valid recourse is another referendum….which you might think was odd given that the BBC spent a lot of time and effort telling us how destabilising the uncertainty of the actual referendum was and how disruptive and destructive to the economy it was….proof positive you might think that the BBC in fact cares not one jot for the economy nor for the welfare of the workers, despite all its claims otherwise, but is solely intent on the Grand Project being implemented come what may and at whatever cost just as the EU itself is.
Top story in NI right now according to the BBC?
Man charged in teen webcam blackmail probe
When will they stop all this soft/hard Brexit nonsense.
We are either in or out.
We voted out, not a bit out or sort of out-ish but OUT.
It’s like being a bit pregnant, soft pregnancy or hard pregnancy?
We want out of everything and we will negotiate a trade deal.
By the way, when Canada has got this trade deal with the eu, once the Walloons allow it, does it have to let unlimited eu citizens live there forever?
Thought not.
I’m sure Canada’s Prime Minister, Derek Zoolander, would be happy to allow any EU citizens to move to Canada, as long as they’re not white.
And for gender neutrality
“Before Brexit, MPs must have their say on article 50 | Nicky Morgan
The Guardian – 15 hours ago”
Shes doesn’t get it , does she?
Brexit and Trump are F-you votes..and she still plays against it.
I wonder what her local approval rating is ?
Poor BBC, Guardian, Sky and ITN: economic growth post-Brexit, massive overseas investment in Sunderland, no economic catastrophe, Clinton on the coals with the FBI…they will all have to work very long hours through the weekend in preparing their comrades’ defences.
The Remainers, along with T Blair, are demanding another Referendum, because, the people did not know all the facts. That is their claim.
On this basis, we can keep having referenda, one after the other, because all the facts, and the truth, can never be known till Judgement Day.
Most of the facts are included in “The Great Deception” by Christopher Booker & Richard North. But I would not recommend that the Government fund the cost of sending a free copy of the book to every household in the UK. Because despite the “BBC Thought Habit” of “Censorship of Facts, and replacing the Facts with Left-Wing Assumptions, based on Wishful Thinking”. Enough of the facts where known to the majority of people who voted, hence the Brexit majority in the Referendum.
Jeremy Paxman did do an analysis of the European Union on the BBC, which included a shock win for Brexit in a highly intelligent debate at a top school in London. Proving that especially with young people, teaching the facts would only make the Brexit majority much larger in any second Referendum.
Gone are the days when people take notice of certain washed-out pop stars (read Geldof) and washed-out ex-MPs (read Blair) and that wearisome pensioner who can’t even keep his feet whenever he walks on any beach – Neil Kinnock!
Of course, such a person as Lilly Allen listens to them but she (by the look of her face recently) is years out of touch even thinking that Kinnock is still pressing to become the 1st Labour MP since the 2nd world war!