A Biased BBC reader writes…
“I can’t stand “foreigner bashing” – it’s intellectually and morally lazy, weak and bitter. However, I also can’t stand the current glut of “foreigner bashing the racist Brits” narrative that is spewing from the BBC.
We know the Beeb’s post-Brexit bashing of us bigoted Brits is relentless (they written almost 100 stories on the “rise in post-Brexit hate crime”), including last week’s smear of the British people on Question Time.
This time, the Victoria Derbyshire Show has peddled the fearmongering. “The Poles looking to leave the UK after Brexit,” the headline shrieks. “Incidents of hate crime aimed at the UK’s Polish community increased after the summer’s EU referendum and as a result, some Poles are considering leaving the country.”
We hear of Joanna Kalinowska. She lives in Poole and explains:
“I was talking to my daughter [in Polish], we were joking and laughing. A man passed and said ‘if you are in England you have to talk in English… otherwise you go back to your country’,”.
“I said to that guy, ‘I am talking with my child, so I will talk to my child in my language. And this is also my country, and I have equal rights here’.”
The man, she says, answered in reply: “You don’t have any rights here any more.”
“That was my experience after Brexit,” she says.
…”[Polish people] were prepared to come here, work hard and be normal members of society,” she says. “We are very easy to integrate and we are very pleased to integrate with Brits. But Brits don’t want to integrate with us.”
So the most hideous and horrific example of hate crime is a person allegedly suggesting she should speak English? Even then, she rebuts that by saying she should not have to (I love her “my language” line) and then, despite saying she doesn’t have to speak English to a British person, has the audacity to say it is the British people that don’t integrate. How does that work? I move to your country, don’t speak your language but you are not integrated with me?
Then we have Magda. Bizarrely, Magda does not even claim to have experienced hate crime but instead regurgitates media reports/propaganda. Apparently, that is proof enough though:
“There are so many different nations and skin colours [in the UK] and I’ve never read so many bad stories about them as about Poles. It’s impossible that we Poles are so bad and everybody else is awesome and great. We all are people and you can’t put all the blame on one nation.”
She wheels out the victim narrative even though she is not even a victim. Neither she or the BBC provide a single example of anyone putting “all the blame on one nation” and Poland was never the rationale of the Brexit argument. It is persecution complex of the highest order.
Then there is Pawel, who spent two years in the UK as a cleaner in a hotel (nothing wrong with that job but hardly one you can retire on after just two years) before heading home.
“People were teasing Polish workers… saying they took English people’s jobs. But everyone knew that the English people wouldn’t do the jobs that the Polish people were doing. So in fact no-one was stealing the jobs.
Teasing?! Teasing!! With jokes that people knew were not true?
So, to conclude, the BBC says there is a surge in hate crime purging innocent, morally superior Poles from the UK and back to Poland. And the examples they provide are:
1. A woman who was told she should speak English.
2. A woman who has read some newspaper stories about hate crime.
3. A man who was teased by self-depricating co-worker.
Strange the BBC doesn’t compare the situation in this vile hellhole of racism that we call the UK with that beautiful, pluralist utopia that is Poland and it’s mere two per cent non-Polish citizenry and unblemished history of loving all foreigners.”
The BBC works hard to claim we are heading back to the 30’s and that fear stalks the land once again…even on Desert Island Discs we had an angry black lesbian who told us that she feared Britain was returning to the days of the National Front in the 70’s….hmmm…who is it that is committing the most genuine hate crimes these days? It’s not some white, skinhead yob is it? Muslim patrols, Muslims killing Muslims who aren’t Muslim enough, Muslims hijacking British schools to peddle their own faith, a media barrage against all who critique them and of course terrorism…or what is actually religiously motivated hate crime based as it is on the fact that non-Muslm Britain has a foreign policy that supposedly targets Muslims…therefore we have suffered a decades worth of terror attacks because of this ‘racism’…and it’s a ‘racism’ that isn’t limited to a few ‘fanatics’…its endemic.
And what of homophobia and anti-Semitism in said community…and indeed the Labour Party….curious she had nothing to say about that.
Curious that the BBC shows little interest in the Jews who are genuinely suffering hate crimes and are actually fleeing Europe.
Still the BBC is happy to spin a tale based on…what? On this?
None of the girls had been “targeted”, in terms of abuse or worse, though Zuzanna said that just after the referendum, in the street, someone had stared very pointedly at her “Skola Polska” badge. She was uncomfortable.
Oh…what? Not suffered abuse and yet…oh hang on…someone stared at the girl’s name badge? Lock him up!
And I loved this…
“It’s a huge shock that people don’t remember the past,” she said, “that we Polish people actually helped England in the past, fighting against Germany, and we were ourselves the most vulnerable ones, taken away from the map, and people still target us.”
Er…didn’t they say they hadn’t actually had any abuse?
And as for Poland helping Britain? Kind of the wrong way round there. Think we declared war on Germany in order to defend Poland…Poland didn’t enter the war to defend Britain.
The BBC is generating a massive lie about Britain and its population and it is doing this for what are its own extremist political purposes. The BBC is becoming ever more a danger to British democracy, society, culture, cohesion and stability.
Yes, indeed. The same broadcaster that claims the unusually high number of people chopping heads off while shouting ‘Allah Ackbar’ is just a bizarre coincidence is now pushing a Grand Universal Theory of British bigotry based on nothing more than hearsay and dubious atrocity stories.
These are the shrill, toys-out-of-the-pram screams of the remoaner losers.
They lost – we won. Hold that happy thought and make sure brexit is implemented in full.
Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, Cornish, Manx, Shelta, Scots, Norman, Guernesiais, Jerriais, Anglo-Romani – all languages with a claims to Great Britain. None of them English.
Ah apparently the British are very hostile when they hear people in the street speaking in a way they can’t understand.
..Well I’m a native speaker and loads of times I pass white British people speaking some a strange form of English i can’t understand them ..like Scousers, white kids trying to talk like black kids, people speaking in their work jargon etc.
(whilst at the same time if I am in an area with foreigners speaking in one of the 20 foreign languages I’ve experience of I can pick up bits of their conversation)
and despite all this hatred, there still aren’t thousands of refugees running away from britain.
lots of people threatening to leave but not a one on the plane yet
Yes the whinging Poles really irritate me. Were they really so blind that pre Brxit they thought everyone likes them?
I suspect many did. This is why they havent hesitated to move into previously homogenous communities where even Brits from other parts are outsiders. They seem to think that because we have blacks and browns in BRitain we will certainly accept them as “us” just because they are white!!!
I suspect the vote was a shock to them, and has made them a bit more sensitive to the fact that polite as we are, non racist as we are, most of us don’t actually want them here, just because they are , generally, working. They are waking up to the fact that their neighbors not interacting with them , their work colleagues polite but not extending friendship, might actually mean they are not wanted, rather than just being English “reserve”.
Do the Poles still have to learn Russian in their schools ?
Why no , of course not . It’s English now .
Yet they are right next door to the Russians . Neighbours . With a lot of shared history
Yet Poles don’t welcome Russians in their country , even though the Russians “protected” them in the Warsaw Pact days by occupying areas of their country . Much in the same way Eastern Europeans ” protect ” agriculture in England . You can’t do without the protection in BBC liberal/left ingrate immigrant view of us .
And the Poles fought for us did they ? As in when their country was overrun they thought ‘ ah good , now I can fight for Britain ‘ ! They didn’t fight for Poland , they fought only for Britain ?!
They came here to fight Naziism . We gave them Spitfires , guns , clothing , food , shelter .
They come here now to earn money , not to “contribute” , or any other buzzword that excuses their presence . We give them jobs and benefits . Which they don’t get in Russia .
And sadly its not just the BBC spreading these malicious lies about British people the enntire Globalist run media are pushing the same message. LBC which does make a serious attempt to at least look ‘balanced’ with the employment of Katie Hopkins and Nigl Farage nevertheless favours the Globalist element allowing the likes of the bigots James OBrian and Majid Nawaz to abuse their position with anti nationalist rants, aggressive questioning (which wouldnt be tolerated from the previously mentioned) excessive interrupting, cutting off, and picking on weaker more vulnerable callers who thought they were calling to simply make a point or two not be expected to enter into debate. When a strong opposing caller rings in the usual tactic is to listen respectfully but cut them off at first opportunity.
The British people are the fairest people on the planet, despite the propaganda spouted by the media.
The media are afraid because most of the democratic world looks up to us and we will set a bad example in their great plan.
Unfortunately, it seems to me that “fair” can easily become “gullible” when confronted by ruthless chancers who will say virtually anything to get what they want out of us.
This “refugee” thing is a prime example. We are being subjected to a ruthless PA project which is designed solely to get as many non-Europeans into the UK as possible. It’s part of a long-standing project.
We laugh at the Swedes. They are even more gullible, having been told for decades by UK lefties that they are more highly principled by nature. (Didn’t count for much in 1939, but we’ll let that pass.) There are similarities however.
This “love thy neighbour” and “turn the other cheek” stuff might work occasionally with people with a similar mindset, but in the present situation it is pure weakness.
I dont think even the Swedes are as daft as Brits, at least they acknowledg that Swedes exist as an ethnic group while Brits have allowed ourselves to b called ‘mongrels’ and a ‘nation of immigrants’ (nothing could be further from the truth).We also allow ourselves to be fractured by false notions of differences between the four former nations, even though we have intermingled and interbred for millenia and nobody considers Welsh Scottish or Irish to be ‘ethnic minority’.
And at least around a quarter of Swedes vote for the Swedish Democrats!