How many times has the BBC tried to paint Leave voters as now regretful about the way they voted? Time and time again the BBC has tried to spin this narrative…all in aid of the campaign to get a second vote….if only these voters now had a second chance as they realise what a mistake they’d made.
The BBC’s ‘Listening Project’ programmes are a continuation of this spin as we either get a programme with more pro-EU voters than Leavers or one with a supposed balance but the Leave voters are all there saying how sad it all now makes them feel….when you get one saying he voted and then noticed all the UKippers were over 70 and looking glum and he realised his mistake as he looked at his fresh young daughter whose hopes were now dashed…have to think we’re being sold something. The BBC says it didn’t editorialise…and yet of course the interviews have been selected and edited for broadcast, and ususally done by a BBC person…so we’re not getting the unadulterated versions, nor the versions that don’t fit the BBC agenda.
Was amused by the 9 year old twins,[9 mins 40 secs] very well spoken and very well coached by their parents expressing their great sadness about the vote…mum’s life was nice and easy coz of the EU, Europe is now the Dark Continent cut off and mysterious, Britons just won’t be able to get there any longer and the twins’ grandparents, in France and Germany, will never see them ever again as Europe is closed forever now….and Brexit will be a terribly hard fact like a jagged mountain that will be very hard to climb whilst the EU is a sunny pasture that is lovely and welcoming for one and all….and children’s futures are blighted for ever. Yep, think the parents have been working hard on that story at bedtime.
Just for the kids…and BBC journos…there’s this from the Spectator:
A handy guide to Left-wing people for the under 10s
Left-wing people in the olden days
Left-wing people used to like working-class people.
Left-wing people have “enlightened comedians” who make jokes on “panel games”. These are broadcast on the television and BBC Radio 4.
The enlightened comedians make people laugh at right-wing people, whom they consider stupid. In the olden days, comedians made jokes about Irish people, but these comedians weren’t clever like the enlightened comedians.
Instead of the Irish people, the enlightened comedians make jokes about working-class people.
Because they care, they use special words like “Glaswegians”, “Sun readers” and “UKIP supporters”, so the working-class people will not notice.
Working-class people do funny things like drinking Monster energy drinks, eating Haribos and watching television. This is funny and the enlightened comedians are helpful because they point at them and laugh, so we know who to laugh at as well. It is very funny and we all laugh because we are enlightened too.
Further reading
In the 1930’s George Orwell wrote about the left-wing people he knew in “The Road to Wigan Pier”. It is very funny.
I have known numbers of middle class Socialists, I have listened by the hour to their tirades against their own class, and yet never, not even once, have I met one who had picked up proletarian table-manners. In his heart he feels that proletarian manners are disgusting…he hates, fears, and despises the working class.
I think the BBC underestimate how many people are sceptical of the EU and voted to stay simply because they don’t like change. That’s how my wife felt about the vote, and other family members too.
My wife said she would vote leave now, following Marmitegate when the penny finally dropped for her. How many others like her?
How many people voted with their emotions, MSM fuelled fear, and dislike of change, and ignored their brains? Not many people took the time to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages like Boris did in those essays to himself. A lot of those remain voters must be realising that they were deceived now, so I think the vote would be even more strongly in favour of Leave.
Notwithstanding that, the BBC’s output is clearly geared towards the possibility of another referendum, and continuing with the Remain campaign, rather than promoting an optimistic future based on the wishes of the UK.
As it was said elsewhere, the BBC is the enemy within.
And continually fuelled by that nasty piece of work T.Blair, whose words on any subject should never been printed for Human consumption-a Traitor whose head should have rolled long ago, had he not altered the Treason Act early on in his premiership. Quite incomprehensible that this nation would support another referendum on the EU subject-its over and done with-this lot in Westminster have to get moving along with us the public to ensure one way or another that they do the job we elected them for and pay them handsomly for. Absolutely the BBC is certainly amongst those considered as the Enemy Within. Open Traitors Gate!
My fond memories of left wing intellectuals
Long ago there were people known as left wing intellectuals. They were mainly men who wore corduroy jackets with patches on the elbows and lived in houses with polished wooden floors, displayed a copy of Bertrand Russell’s History of Western Philosophy on the coffee table, and went on CND marches to Aldermaston. Left wing intellectuals argued about politics and important things; they bought the Daily Herald, and wrote and read articles in magazines like the New Statesman and newspapers like the Manchester Guardian which was once a supporter of Liberal Party politics, but later became the Guardian, now is an anti semitic rag which regularly blames the west for outbreaks of Islamic terror, and berates the working classes for post Brexit racism.
I remember having a degree of respect for the left wing intellectuals; their arguments were usually logical and rigorous, despite being occasionally barmy like supporting the use of peaceful nuclear bombs to widen the Panama canal. I must have absorbed many of their views because I bought a brown cord jacket and my mum sewed leather patches on the sleeves. But whilst I bought into their idealistic visions of a fair and just society I had reservations over their adoration of the Soviet Union which I learned from discussions with Hungarian refugees, was a hell hole. Nevertheless, I took it upon myself to read The Soviet Weekly, not missing a single speech from Nikita Khrushchev. Funny how I recall a conversation with the historian E.P. Thompson, who spoke of seeing Eric Hobsbawm, the Marxist historian, sitting on a wall crying over the news that the people’s tanks of the Soviet Union had crushed the Hungarian rising in 1956.
At least the left wing intellectuals argued, took up positions in our universities and made a contribution to politics, culture and the arts. So I miss them, especially when compared with the dregs who support the left and so called progressives today, whose arguments are ad hominem, consisting of wild unsubstantiated charges of racism, xenophobia and bigotry to their opponents.
I found this song on You Tube which working class people sing about left wing itellectuals
I think the best description of the leftist intellectuals of this country is that of George Orwell, ‘England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are ashamed of their own nationality. In left-wing circles it is always felt that there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman and that it is a duty to snigger at every English institution.’ The bBBC have obviously taken that attitude to the extreme of deciding it is their duty to destroy every English institution. That is, of course, excluding themselves because their arrogance is such that they consider themselves to be totally beyond reproach and completely indispensable to the future wellbeing of the whole of humanity.
Well remembered and well written G.W.F. I was born into, worked and lived within a capitalist society. It wasn’t until I was in my sixties after much research that I realised how close to communism life was under the controlling & subjugating European Union & how the British public had been tricked by a British Prime Minister called Heath during the 1960’/70’s into accepting under handed arrangements which resulted in Britain’s membership of the EU & its corrupt system which set out to destroy democracy.
Dig by Jones had a good go at the BBC’s overwhelming bias in favour of Remain on This Week last night. The BBC are sticking their necks out for Remain or a feather light soft Brexit , which he said was no different to staying in the EU. They don’t realise that Brexit is different to many issues that they have, often successfully , moulded public opinion towards the liberal left view. Brits spent months being subjected to the full force of the referendum campaign and know the issues much better than is usual the case on something the BBC campaigns on. Also the emotion is on the leave side not the Remain side, so the BBC can’t pluck heartstrings as they usually do to influence the public. The people also made a decision to leave , which the snobby liberal left elite sneer at , and call them fools , uneducated racists etc for having done so. By continuing to campaign for something like a non Brexit , the BBC is steadily becoming associated with those snobby liberal elitists by ordinary millions of ordinary folks who pay the License Fee. At last , after decades the BBC is being seen by millions of ordinary people for what it is, an arrogant , elitist liberal left , anti British, organisation that constantly undermines their country and cares more for just about any group of so called victims than it does for the people who are forced to pay for it. Perhaps the great benefit of Brexit will be to remove the wool from people’s eyes about the BBC and massively boost those opposed to paying for it.
Great post Doublethinker !
Britains biggest problem facing it now, apart from departing as quickly as we can from the evil controlling EU, is to face up the encroaching face of Islam that will in good time destroy our national culture & laws as well as in Europe if we are not very careful-Third World Mass immigration has and still is the main cause that will have the greatest effect on a First World population-as migration watch has shown that net migration plus births to foreign-born parents has accounted for 85% of UK population growth since 2000. Under the official ‘high’ migration scenario the population is projected to rise by around 500,000 a year – the equivalent to a new city the size of Liverpool every year.
• 75% of this increase will be down to future migrants and their children. This has to be faced, but the likes of the Media/BBC will endeavour to hide these figs, and continue to pormote the Multicultural programme.