I’m getting pretty hacked off at watching a variety of charity workers, pious politicians, hand wringing slebs continually criticising the government for ‘not doing enough’ in sending funds, relocating refugees, and generally sorting out the worlds ‘ills’, in whinging interviews on the tele. Yes, no one denies there are some tragic stories coming from war torn areas, BUT why does the UK alone have to be responsible ? the public are drip fed adverts begging for money for several child aid/water aid charities. The BBC are never happy unless there’s at least one story a day about ‘how we’re not doing enough’, well, I’ve HAD enough. Do broadcasting companies in Europe bombard their audiences with similar requests/stories/criticism of their governments ? I don’t think so. I lived in Switzerland, and tv there rarely had the ferocity of reporting that we have here.
Well, if the media want to cover themselves in sack cloth and ashes, fair enough, but here’s one that is now immune to it.
(since writing the above, VD show now asking “are councils DOING ENOUGH to rehouse the homeless” – see what I mean ?
Saw a BBC news report recently centering on Trump in New York. The video began then suddenly ( as if by magic) that video went blank then flicked to a Clinton broadcast of her and that Obama woman for most of the time the trump video should have been showing! BBC agenda!
Yes, odd isn’t it how the BBC lacks adequate technology when covering subjects it does not support. Poor sound quality when interviewing Farage, crackly phone calls from members of the public who support Brexit, and faulty vision, wrong pictures when dealing with far of places like the US – if the story covers Trump.
Most amateurs with a reconditioned camera can upload better quality material on You Tube.
What are we getting for the millions this government are allowing the BBC to rip off us?
And considerably lowered sound levels for those out-of-favour. Notoriously, the BBC used to do that when interviewing John Redwood (and others): they would sound distant and weak, whereas the interviewer would sound much louder, appearing confident and strong. Sickening manipulation.
Agreed! It happens quite often on the nightly BBC News programme OUTSIDE SOURSE.
I’m also beginning to notice how most female BBC News presenters are beginning to read the news stood up! Its easy to see why! Those dresses and trouser suites they now wear must surely have been designed/created by some of the BBCs Islington/Chelsea celebrity designer-set saints!
Once they arrive in a safe country such as Turkey, they are no longer ‘refugees’, if they move on to another safe country, trying to get to the UK for example, then they are ‘migrants’, and should be treated as such.
Brissels you don’t get it: to beeboid lefties and their ilk, Britain is responsible for ALL the world’s ills, and responsible for solving all the world’s ills.
Borrowing £11,000,000,000 a year to give away in foreign aid, health care tourists coming here getting treatment for free, Family Tax Credits that have gone from £0 – £30,000,000,000 p.a. (and rising) in the space of 15 years, billions upon billions wasted on useless ‘renewables’ and falsified scientific research – and all the rest, piling debt after debt after debt upon future generations (why aren’t the Snowflakes protesting about any of that? – they’re the ones who’ll be footing the bill when the financial markets finally decide we’ve gone too far).
Nah, without a shadow of doubt, we are definitely not doing enough.
BBC admit “covering up the background to the abuse”
Worth carrying over from the Midweek thread.
scribblingscribe October 27, 2016 at 10:41 pm
Newsnight had an unusual introduction into the Alexis Jay inquiry into sex abuse, including a reference to the BBC covering up the background to the abuse. Is this a first on the BBC?
You know what! I wouldn’t be at all surprised (admittedly, in a slow roundabout way) that all these so called “on a purpose accidents” when broadcasting news/interviews by people who disagree with the beloved BBCs agenda will be her eventual downfall! – Licence fee monopoly I mean!
Having heard the usual sense from Lord Sacks on “Thought For the Day”, I had rather hoped that I could stay a minute or two over the 8am news.
Not done this in recent history, won`t do so again until Trump triumphs on Nov 8th.
But Robinson said “coming up in the next hour would be Tony Blair on why we need to ditch any Brexit notions, and why some deviant kid doesn`t know what orifice is for what and why”
And hizzer parents are PROUD of this?
Lying sociopaths with demon eyes and kiddie fiddling massagings for the Muslims-so they can tell an ukhti from an akhi..and they CERTAINLY will know which orifices they will be requiring, sad to say.
And sod to see as well, if the BBC keep this two tone fistifuck going as they do 24/7.
“Blatent Pouffery” indeed-but why do we pay for it?…isn`t that what Rabbit TV and Grindr are for?
This is no slur against gays at all, but the endless appeal to deviance and rebellion as summonsed up by the BBC as we fund it.
Blair getting an anti-Brexit News-vertorial on R4 Today
is also an issue worth carrying over from the last thread.
News would be reporting that Blair made a speech somewhere
A News-vertorial is when the Brexit Bashing Corporation get a call asking for a 20 minute political advertising spot from Team Remain and Blair and agree to it.
…They’ll be backfire effect surely ?
But it’s only about continuing to reinforce the brainwashing of Remainers, the R4 news progs are not for free-thinkers.
This Blair guy is clearly self-deluded to think that he can change the minds of the Brexit voters!?
All I can think of, is that he’s built an “Ivory Tower” in his back yard? I think it will need to be a bigger than your normal Ivory Tower – obviously his head must have grown larger since losing his government job!
Yes, Anthony Blair, Papal Knight ……….I got as far .err , ooh you know I had a meeting with Francois Holland………… well that’s 2 busted flushes having a blether about Britain bashing………hosted of course in the prime time slot by the traitors who use the word British in their name.
Talking of papal knights, makes you wonder how bBC might have used Saville for their Remain campaign ………had he been above ground …..
Hi. Sorry. New to the site – as in comments. I’ve had enough – made this complaint to the BBC “I pay for this bias. You send a homeless girl that’s not actually homeless (that was homeless in the past) to test what? Underfunded, understaffed councils doing their best BUT you previously scream all over your news that we, the normal, won’t and don’t like to take “children”. Please make your mind up BBC. No. I don’t need or want to pay for this nonsense anymore. You are completely unprofessional – from the roots down!”. I guess that’s off my chest.:/
I’ve been surprised, though perhaps I shouldn’t be, at the rather lacklustre reporting of Baroness Tonges’s antisemitic meeting in The House of Lords and consequent resignation. Just for a second imagine someone from UKIP spouting bile like, “Israel is the same as Islamic State.” And “the Jews were responsible for their own genocide.” It would be headline news on the Beeb for a month! How can anyone say, or indeed even think such an obscene thing?
The fact that she and her repulsive cohorts were allowed anywhere near Parliament is a disgrace.
Of course Jenny has form on this, managing to get herself sacked by Charles Kennedy when she sympathised with Palestinian suicide bombers. “I’m a mother,” she told her adoring entourage as though that excused her hideous remarks. There’s an antisemitic poison running deep through the veins of the left in Britain.
Compare and contrast; So, weeks ago, a couple of irate, testosterone charged Kippers have a scuffle in a corridor and the Beeb are still picking over the bones of every detail.
And on the other hand, yesterday, a prominent, left wing, Lib Dem is present when horrendous remarks about Israel and the holocaust are made and it’s…
NO, you shouldn’t be surprised, Jeff. The BBC have the ‘hots’ for the Lib Dems at the moment and it carried through into the DP today, in the firm of a celebration of their local election victories and from that, their apparent resurrection.
I get the impression that this good, PR and the suppression of the bad (Tongue) PR, might have something to do with a by-election coming along shortly, somewhere in Richmond!
Expect to see a lot more of the untrustworthy opportunists in the coming weeks, where they will be welcomed onto the BBC sofa without being asked any difficult questions.
If Israel were in any way equivalent to the Islamic State they would be slaughtering Muslims in Israel until all were dead or fled rather than giving them more rights than several generations of ‘Palestinian refugees’ get living in Jordan.
Doing there level best to ignore this news, it never happened, consigned to history by tonight. Day two of Nissan pissing all over the beebs anti brexit parade. You know when the beeb aren’t happy they keep bringing it up over and over. Feltz had a pig thick labour mp from newcastle doing a timmy farron saying its great news but…… Time for the folks in newcastle to think about a new mp.
The beeb are all over saint michelle helping out Hilary in her battle against the evil Donald. But michelle declares that if hilary loses its all you good folks fault. Do i detect a bit of panic in the clinton camp. Just over a week to go Michelle and barry can head to the golf course and the relatives in Ireland ‘Laugh’, while you can head to africa to find those lost girls you care so much about.
I see old misery guts loach was allowed to pontificate on question time last night while the bussed in seals were all clapping with glee at his every word. I suggest may sends in Michael Gove to sort them out, they hate him but i think he would relish the job of sorting out the devious bastards.
Last night I stumbled on the last part of the BBC’s exposé of foreign corruption of science in its “Storyville” series. Apparently an Italian surgeon sponsored by the world-famous and reputable Swedish Karolinska Institute (a sort-of medical equivalent of the Royal Society) was shown up lying in scientific papers but being strenuously defended by the Council of the Karolinska. Briefly, the surgeon “pioneered” a new treatment involving artificial tracheal implants (untested on animals – or anything else – before the operations) and then, in papers published/supported by the Karolinska, lied about his research (or lack thereof) and the “success” of the treatment. Needless to say the human guinea pigs died after needless suffering.
The programme included interviews by the Swedish (?) investigative journalist with the-then Vice Chairman (plus a couple of other senior council members) of the Karolinska and with the surgeon. In a lesson to investigative journalists everywhere – particularly the BBC – the investigator here allowed the interviewees to make absolute mincemeat of themselves. Upshot: substantially the whole council of the KI has resigned (including one who is a member of the Nobel Prize awards selection committee) while the surgeon denies anything is wrong.
It’s a good story and raises the question as to why the BBC decided to broadcast this exposé of corruption at the very apogee of scientific reputational excellence. Part of the answer is that it’s the mechanical not the social side of medicine. Also the scandal concerns a foreign institution and a foreign (white) doctor: so none of the usual BBC editing anxieties apply. Accordingly, although the subject matter was fairly interesting for the mildly curious it can be dismissed with a tut tut of “whatever will these white enslavers get up to next?”. After all, can you imagine the BBC broadcasting a programme about something similar closer to home? Can you conceive the BBC taking a sceptical look at the institutional corruption of “climate change” (non)science featuring council members of the Royal Society, the senior management of the Grantham Institute at the LSE and the sea-green incorruptible himself, Lord Stern involved in this little hoo-hah over some petty cash and carried out by a proper journalist rather than one of the BBC’s usual crew of right-on propagandisers?
With regard to “climate change” we are told that we must “trust the science”. But to do that, we have to trust the scientists. Following the University of East Anglia email leaks, it is simply clear that we cannot trust them. They fit the evidence to support their theory, which is the opposite of the scientific method. Meanwhile, the political class is busy dismantling the basis of our modern industrial society in a vain attempt to chase the chimera of a “carbon free” economy.
This is also on the BBC website but I am not giving them the benefit of extra clicks.
Didn’t see him giving people a chance to change their minds each time he was elected or when he gave the PMship to his good buddy (sarc) Gordon the Moron.
Maybe people should be given the chance to rescind all the laws made from 1997 – 2007.
He sullied the Today airwaves this morning with this nonsense and, to be fair, was pressed a few times by Nick Robinson on his inconsistency re “settling it once and for all” in a referendum.
What Mr Robinson failed to point out, as the BBC has consistently failed to do, is that there will only be something to vote on once Article 50 is triggered and negotiations have concluded. And once Article 50 is triggered the two-year clock ticks and then we’re out. So any vote would be either to accept what’s presented or leave with no agreement. Mr Blair knows this fine well, as he alluded to the two-year timetable in his interview, but clearly was confident that he would not be asked to follow through the logic of the situation.
It’s all part of the drip-drip effect of the constant remoaners; these regressive fascists will never, ever stop trying to subvert and derail Brexit. Blair is merely articulating what they all feel: Stop Brexit; doesn’t matter how, but stop it; make ineffectual, insincere noises about ‘respecting the will of the people’ while constantly seeking ways by which to completely annul it and take the UK back into the EU.
In this – and because regressives now control government, media and culture – they are helped by their usual comrades in the msm (the BBC and CH4 in particular – although I see Sky News UK are doing all they can to big-up The Dear Ex-Leader’s call to arms).
“not a film actor, pop singer or professional gay”
Well he did lead some sort of pop group, did a good job of acting out a “trustworthy politician” to a number of the sheeple.
As to the last – even though using the codename “Bobby” for Mandelson and promoting his flatmate to high office – I could not possibly comment (c. Francis Urquart).
Islam in the US and how the US is watching the sickness spread through over populating areas and towns altering the balance toward total Muslim control. Nothing really we did not know from UK experience. We are told that Clinton wants to increase the Muslim population by a staggering 500%. Further down, you can read about an anonymous person in the UK who is a part of the Government’s task force devoted to assessing the “Children” the UK Government is happily importing.
If Clinton wins the election, it will herald an acceleration toward the end of the Western World as we know it.
I need hardly add that the House of Lords that banned Geert Wilders a few years back is the same place that let The Lady Baroness Tonge of Bile have her anti-Semitic Nuremburg rally on Wednesday evening.
Enough said.
The Czech solution to Sudeten Germans?
The Vietnamese solution to Chinese immigrants?
The Rwanadan solution to Tutsi’s?
None of them are models that would find much favour. The Brits do fairness. Let’s look at this from the point of view that Commonwealth immigrants and their many descendants are welcome to sat, but we encourage those from a host of other countries with no affiliation to the UK return home. Especially those in prison and who have never worked. And that includes Europe:
I have had the misfortune of having to read the Grauniad (beeb in print) for a few days.
There is no better insight into the true groupthink at beebistan. Yes they can claim impartiality and balance all they want, and tick a few boxes, but this is what they really believe, in their bones. Worth studying in order to know one’s enemy, but please don’t pay for it, it only encourages them. And you may need a shower after. I did, but still feel sullied.
I don’t suppose the bbc had shown any curiosity over the sudden and mysterious disappearance of Julian Assange from public view? Is he dead? Has he been kidnapped? Does anyone care?
John – Wasn’t Assange about to release stuff damaging to Saint Hillary?
And suddenly he loses his phone and internet connections, then ‘goes dark’.
Coincidence I’m sure.
Assange has caused problems for Hillary Clinton, revealing the depth of her corruption and criminality. However, he did not factor in the slavish loyalty of the media class for the “progressive” cause. They have managed to bury this bad news for Clinton, whilst bigging up an 11 year old private conversation which Trump had, and the deluded claims of various women whose stories do not hang together. Amazingly, in an election where Bill Clinton is involved, the MSM have managed to turn Donald Trump into the sex pest, whilst suppressing the absolutely damning information about Hillary Clinton.
That said, people who go against the Clinton crime family usually end up dead, so I have my fingers crossed for Julian Assange.
DP today was hosted by Caroline Quinn who usually does the PM slot on Radio 4 . She is of course a fully paid up member of the liberal left . I don’t know how much television she has done but she seems not to realise that when a guest is answering a question the camera will from time to time be on her and not on the guest. Don’t get a lot of this on radio of course. The nodding of her head was very revealing , whenever her guest made a point which parroted the liberal left play book she nodded encouragement. Like Jo Coburn she reacts with clear facial signs of disapproval when a guest says something that doesn’t chime with the liberal left agenda , her voice becomes higher and she speaks over the guest. Lliberal left guests are allowed to make their delivery of tripe without interruption .
The difference in this programme when Brillo is there is astonishing. With him it’s a good watch , unbiased, critical and incisive, without him it is just more BBC liberal left propaganda. He seems to be appearing less and less which means that there is just about no one in the entire BBC who doesn’t spout liberal left propaganda whenever they open their mouth and are shamefully biased in their interviews.
As I knew that Jimmy Perry was coming up on “Last Word”, I could only see a hatchet job by way of a blood sacrifice offered to the Gods of the liberal left.
But I was pleasantly surprised to hear quotes from him.
And feisty comments from his friends to back him.
To be fair, the BBC did play it. Another surprise.
They even played the “blatant pouffery” quote too.
Best have a lie down now.
Al Beeb are really scraping the barrel to get any negative news on Brexit…… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37801847
Answer – Just don’t buy Marmite then watch the price drop.
Fortunately, in its coverage of the role of currency fluctuations, the BBC resisted the temptation to point out that Marmite comes from the well-known Italian village of Burtoni-Upona-D’Trenta
And there’s more…… “Apple has to recalibrate prices after significant currency fluctuations, and since the EU referendum, UK prices are out of sync with the dollar,” said Patrick O’Brien, analyst at the Verdict Retail consultancy. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-37799235
You may not know but Apple pitch their prices higher in the UK than US. As do many others because, “people in Britain have been used to paying higher prices for a ……… “
Agree StewGreen! I buy teabags and would happily pay double for them, as I would with carrots, lemons and other things that seem ridiculously cheap, even for those on low incomes.
Now let me get this right , the £ falls in value so the price of imported goods go up ?
So, does the price of imported good go down when the £ recovers ?
Answers on a postcard to Al Beeb Birmingham.
Compare and contrast.
“It is all down to exchange rates, in theory. If the pound is almost a fifth weaker against the US dollar since the EU referendum, our annual GDP of about £1.8 trillion is worth fewer dollars, dropping us down the table.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37763913
“The French economy grew less than had been expected in the third quarter of the year, while Spain’s economy slowed slightly, both indications that the eurozone’s economic recovery remained modest in the three months through September.” http://www.wsj.com/articles/french-economy-grows-less-than-expected-1477639711
Astonishing bias on ‘PM’ with Eddie Mair (Radio 4 LW from 17:00 to 17:55).
We had the headlines at around 17:30 and then an interview with the man who wrote ‘The Art of the Deal’ with Donald J Trump some years ago.
This interview was still going at around 17:55 when R4 LW went onto the shipping forecast, ending ‘PM’ for the day. So the interview was at least 25 minutes long, maybe nearer 30 on R4 FM. This is of course nearly half the length of ‘PM’ and over half if you allow a few minutes for the news bulletins at ~ 17:00, ~ 17:15 and 17:30. Even admitting the importance of the US Presidential Election race, this is a huge amount of time on one interview with only one interviewee.
Why so much time on one interview? Well, the co-author likened Trump to a 3-year old in the Oval Office, called him a ‘sociopath’ and said he might start a nuclear war with Russia. Oh well, nothing to worry about there then! He said Trump had a short attention span (when they were working on the book, anyway) no empathy or kindness, or self-deprecation, and that he was thin-skinned and vane.
Some of this may be true, of course, but nearly all the criticisms made apply even more to Hillary Rodham Clinton, and we know that they do from her many years in public life and the recent Wiki-leaks revelations. Bill and Hillary seem to be sociopaths, with daughter Chelsea magicked up (perhaps with Web’ Hubble?) to provide suitable cutesy photo opportunities [i.e. ‘Look, Hillary is a Mom, she can’t be all bad!’]
Only near the end of the interview did we get any mention of what has been coming out about HRC, and even then it was in the context of desperate people voting for Trump as some kind of non-politician. No assessment of the sheer breadth and scale of HRC’s lies, the trail of dead people linked to the Clintons, Arkansas, Democrats, etc., the utter falseness of their marriage and public personae.
The interview was not a bad one, in that Mair let the American author speak and asked a few good if leading questions, but the freedom granted to him to rubbish Trump was amazing; I have not heard ANY comparable critique of HRC or interview with an enemy of hers. The BBC must address this bias or it will lose all credibility. It cannot take sides, however flawed Trump is. It must examine the Clintons in detail.
Personally, I cannot imagine that Trump could be worse than Hillary, not because he’s very good but because she is so appallingly bad in so many respects.
AND he got oodles of time with Evan Davis on Newsnight.
Wednesday I think,but who cares?
I suppose the BBC think that it fills the time cheaply, once they`ve paid Trumps scribbler his thirty pieces. So it goes across all platforms of BBC output.
But it stinks-op ed, no relevance whatsoever.
Which, of course is why the BBC major on it.
Hope the Americans rip the BBC a new one on Nov 8th. It`d match the one we tore them on June 23rd.
I’ve been trying to understand why the BBC is obsessed with running anti-Trump stories when its viewers can’t vote in the US Presidential Election.
The only sensible reason I can come up with is that the BBC has a secret agreement with the pro-Clinton US media organisations that it will run anti-Trump stories that they can then report on; so that they can claim that worldwide everyone hates Trump. Clinton represents the oligarchy and as a loyal mouthpiece of the oligarchs the BBC is honour bound to add an international dimension to attacks on her enemy.
My only alternative is the the BBC sees the Trump “deplorables” as the US version of Bexiteers, and so an anti-Trump campaign is merely a new front in the anti-Brexit war.
Has anyone thought of a better reason for the BBC’s stupid propaganda campaign?
“Has anyone thought of a better reason for the BBC’s stupid propaganda campaign?”
They didn’t need to offer the BBC anything. The whole organisation is left wing from top to bottom. I would imagine that every single BBC employee would vote for Hillary Clinton if they could. Quite simply, she is the candidate from the left wing hive, their queen bee, and they are the busy little workers doing their best for her. Just as with bees, they don’t have to think about it, they just do the work of the hive.
I’ll Explain : In BBC Metropolitanland New York is an easy flight away, Calais is a place you drive thru on the way to your weekend cottage.
Edinburgh too is a place to fly to for a week each year all BBC paid, And then think about the jaunts big BBC Teams get to go on , Oympics, Worlds cup etc. So the Beeboid will be familiar with passing thru the US. And Rotherham is a place you couldn’t place on a map.
LLangollen is a place you can’t pronounce etc.
Do we know the size of the team they’ll be sending for the US next week for the vote ?
The bias is, as you say, extraordinary. How sweet it is, therefore, that it coincides almost to the second with the news that the FBI is reopening its investigation into Crooked Hillary’s illegal use of private email servers for secret government correspondence.
A shame there is no financial slot on Today on a Saturday (I think)
The experts predicted French GDP growth for the third quarter to be 0.3% (the same as the U.K.), but outturn announced today a stunning 0.2%, and second quarter revised down to -0.1% to boot from 0.0%.
What a great opportunity could be missed for the BBC to blame Brexit for hurting the French economy, as by Monday they will have thought of some other negative to broadcast.
“The government is expected to fall well short of its target of recovering £500m a year from overseas visitors treated in NHS hospitals in England.”
Like Al Beeb’s World Service , it seems that our NHS is actually a ‘World Health Service’ paid for by us …………. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-37790852
Just think how many more nurses and doctors could be employed by the UK if the NHS had been more vigilant ?
No it really is the big picture gaxvil – just take a look at who is funding UK universities, UK Mosque building, and Huma Abedin, put two & two together and arrive at the correct number.
Where do you think Tony BLiars riches came from? Barak Obama, George Bush, Hilary Clinton, and undoubtedly David Cameron, & eventually Theresa May?
Time to see the world for what it is. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
This one is an interesting one for Al Beeb…. getting a taste of the islamic medicine and its not the ‘milk and honey, 72 virgins awaiting’ variety they thought it would be
‘Imam loses libel action against BBC over ‘extreme’ claim’
Reading the article and you’d have thought Al Beeb might finally be coming to their senses regarding the fifth column that they love to protect
But oh wait…. “Jihad typically refers to a personal struggle to do good – but violent extremists use it to refer to fighting holy war.”
Errrrrrr Beeb…. No no let me just correct you with this – I have read many books on this and I think you will find that the sole purpose of Jihad in Islam is to further the cause of Islam by whatever means necessary, the tongue, taqiyya but more often than not the sword.
Will they ever learn?!
One other sentence that made me chuckle was “A spokesman for the BBC welcomed the ruling against the imam who now faces an enormous legal bill.”
So anyone want to place a wager as to how much of that enormous legal bill he will repay (out of his state benefit salary no doubt), we’ll round it to the nearest zero…
The BBC interview four Poles out of a million who are here. All four support the BBC’s anti-Brexit stance. How many did they interview who did not match the BBC’s anti-Brexit stance?
The video opens with the words ‘Brexit Blues, the Poles leaving Britain’.
”The Poles heading for the exit after Brexit”
”Some Polish people say they no longer feel welcome in Britain after Brexit and may leave”
If true, so what?
Nothing against them, but we don’t need their seal of approval. They still have Poland, we’re stuck here surrounded by Arabs we didn’t ask for.
There seems to be a widespread view within the BBC that everything revolves around what Poles think of us. Italians can be bloody irritating but one thing I like about them is that they don’t give a s**t what others think.
If the BBC had been paying the slightest attention to what people in the real world actually think, they’d know that Poles have been pretty unpopular in many of the places to which they’ve flocked – notable in the East of England.
I’m not saying this is a feeling I share but it demonstrates how impossibly out of touch the BBC is. Brexit has nothing whatsoever to do with it.
I agree. I have nothing against Poles at all, but if I lived in a small town where in a few years 30% of the population had become Eastern European, I would feel that my country had been taken away from me. This is something that the left wing BBC can never undersatnd.
I’ve bought a house next to Eastern Europeans. I had no idea at the time. No search would have revealed a rented property filled with foreigners. I am paying the penalty now I must tell you. Filthy, foul smelling heavy smokers and all the rest. Given a vote on the subject, I’d want them out the UK as quickly as possible. Maybe ship them up to Scotland? The Gnome would welcome that but I daresay, the Scots would not when they realised what they were letting themselves in for.
Being paragons of virtue, unlike the English, I’m sure the Scots would welcome them with tolerance and understanding, in much the same way as their Protestants tolerate their Catholics, and vice versa. Never any problems there.
The BBC really is so far out of control over the bias that it’s becoming a joke.
For the second day in a row they broadcast an interview on the PM program with the Trump hater who wrote the book ‘art of the deal’ Tony Schwartz who claims he has made plans to leave the USA if Trump is elected. (God help Europe!).
This is a liberal leftie who had declared for Hilary, scathing of Trump. Notice that there is no balance, no positive stories nothing from anyone who supports him, save unintelligent hicks who they can ridicule.
How it must ave stuck in their collective craw to report that that the FBI have reopened their investigations into the clearly corrupt Clinton who must be damaged by this, and it is doubtful a full investigation can be concluded by the time of the election.
And who wants a President who is potentially facing impeachment before taking office?
More BbcHateTrump on Monday 8pm The Unswayables: Trump’s Loyal Army
“As election day draws near in the United States one thing is clear: no revelation about Donald Trump will dissuade his loyalists from voting for him. During the course of the campaign his overwhelmingly white supporters have been dismissed as racist and poorly educated but is that an accurate assessment?”
with Michael Mega-Liberal Goldfarb
Why do they do this endless propaganda ?..same reason they did ProjectFear
The question the BBC should be asking is if there is anything about the corrupt and deceitful Hillary Clinton which will dissuade her hard core supporters from voting for her?
Obviously, they will never ask such a question, because the BBC is biased to the core. But it is a valid question. Hillary Clinton is easily the most proveably corrupt candidate ever to have stood for the Presidency. Apart from her alleged possession of a vagina, just what is it which makes people wish to vote for such an appalling criminal?
Just as well Lily Allen wasn’t looking for a taxi in, say, Rotherham, Rochdale, Manchester etc, or something much worse could have happened to the virtue signalling ‘stupid tart’ – and her daughter.
R4 news 6.00pm – Anti Brexit bias, Nissan must have been bribed with no tariffs alleges the BBC. They then report that Blair has said there should be another ref. Two points, first if there were tariffs under WTO, the BBC has not done it’s homework as it would be illegal to subsidise NISSAN for tariff charges.
The second point, why would the BBC report the rantings of disgraced, despised politician?
It gets better: ‘Lily’s experience came a week after Ugandan-born British journalist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown said she was refused a ride in a taxi.’
She wrote on Twitter: “Last night, West Hampstead station, on my way to the Grunwick Strike event. Black cab driver doesn’t let me in: ‘Not taking foreigners today’.”
I hope it was raining.
Black cab drivers, we salute you.
Grunwick Strike event?
Come again?
That was 1976 , you dozy a`porths!
Still though-I also remember George Ward, so am glad that our politically aware poppets are finally honouring the great man.
Next up Eddie Shah?…Ray Honeyford, Neil Herron?
And-but of course-St Enochs Day?
Yep, will begin to sell the cards.
Happy Asparagus Day everybody!
Understandable, when the Koran says, woman can only inherit half as much as a man and evidence from one man equals evidence from two women. Have to wear a bag on their head and walk behind a man etc..
Islam is of and for primitives. If we lived according to the Old Testament – every month, ‘unclean women’ would have to be shut away during their period.
A word of advice re your Moslem surgeon. They have some funny ideas about health,and as for surgery – I have seen it on You Tube with a warning attached.
“Voters must be given the chance to change their minds on Brexit, Labour former prime minister Tony Blair has insisted.”
Yes Tone, and after every election they should be given the chance to change their minds. And again. Forever.
What needs to be re-iterated is that we have just had the rerun of the referendum. The first one, in 1975, gave the wrong result. Now, in 2016 it has been corrected.
No need for any more.
A (very long) period of silence from Mr Blair would be welcome, perhaps he could follow the example of Mr Gordon Brown, from whom little has been heard since independence day.
Just get on with it Theresa, please.
Be interesting to see how Blair was conveyed from his garret and to the BBC studio.
Haw many yards(sorry, metres!)do you think he`d be able to walk down a London street in public, without a phalanx of goons?
Unless he walked across the Thames as he`s wont to do.
No-what possible purpose is there in putting up this St Sebastian of a cadaver , if not to wind us all up.
If ever I need to remind myself about the Labour scum we face-I remember Sedgefield and the pigthick Durham yakkaz that let this cuckoo into the nest.
The North East was the death of Labour, so maybe I`ll be kinder one day.
But Sedgefield?…the Devils Sphincter of politics.
BBC breaks the MSM blockade and reported Wikileaks last night* 18 revelations from Wikileaks’ hacked Clinton emails Oct 27th
– interesting thing it shows up as 16 revelations one Facebook; showing that it was edited later down to 16 or upto 18
* Coincidentally they put it up after I criticised them for not reporting it (on a BBC forum)
She is not very bright. A throwback to the days when elderly men employed brainless leggy women. The poor woman knows this and takes every opportunity to appear sexy.
Needs to try harder then.
I won`t judge her appearance-like Cathy Newman and Orla Guerin , you can see why the crusading and bitterness tend to take over more prosaic versions of femininity.
Sarah Palin is only ONE lady who they might care to learn from.
Maybe Womans Hour could look into this one for me.
Ta for trying DS!
But it`s Laura Doomsberg as someone clever called her the other day on this site.
So, not too many brain cells to engage here.
That said…I did like “Mind Your Language”…so guessing it`s a kind of tribute to that cultural icon of multicultural history.
Only the series that Jimmy Perry COULD have made?…
As I read down the article THIS is what jumped out at me though:
“What a difference a plane journey makes. When we left Westchester, New York, on Hillary Clinton’s campaign plane, spirits were high amongst her staff.”
“Her campaign manager, Robby Mook, came to the back of the plane and told reporters that early voting was going in their favour and that Mrs Clinton would even campaign in Republican-leaning Arizona next week.”
I’m sure the BBC will have a hack on Donald Trump’s campaign plane. Right?.
Oh, and btw, watch Paul Watson’s recent video entitled “Dear Mainstream Media”.
I suspect an Establishment stitch-up is on the way in the good ‘ole US of A.
Neither the Dems. nor the GOP elite want the Donald to win.
What about this for a scenario:
because of the ongoing FBI investigation of the Clinton e-mails (aka the impending absolution of Kilary and the self-immolation of Huma + A.N.Others for The Cause) , it is ‘suggested’ by the controlled media that the election be postponed until ‘normalcy’ (I know, I know , Americanese) has returned.
The Globalists would perceive that this move would take some momentum away from the Trump roller-coaster.
Thoughtful – That reminds me of the joke about the man who jumps from an aeroplane, pulls the cord on his parachute yet nothing happens; as he is frantically struggling with it he looks down and sees a chap coming up from the ground towards him wearing blue overalls and holding an adjustable spanner.
As they pass each other the falling man calls out: “Hey! Do you know anything about parachutes?”
To which the other replies: “No! Do you know anything about gas cookers?”
Think you`ll find that the BBC camera crews will be made interested by their commissioning editors.
Yet another way to get into schools with their fish eyes lenses and the vaseline-not all of it to be spent on the lenses either.
Where Savile meets Jack Monroe…if that`s not BBC nectar, then what is?
I myself would not let the BBC near any kiddie event, anyone under 25 really should NOT be near them.
The brains of their quarry aren`t formed yet, remember?
Today on The Eddie Mair Show, Saint Eddie interviewed Tony Schwartz who, apparently, doesn’t care much for Donald Trump. In fact, since writing a book with Trump, Schwartz has spent his life hating Trump on various TV channels, in newspaper columns and standing outside late night bars bellowing obscenities about Trump. Schwartz, wakes in the morning spewing mindless bile about Trump and crawls to bed thinking up new unpleasantness about the orange, self-effacing presidential candidate. It’s not so much a career, as a lifetime obsession for the gentleman, who may in other ways be perfectly acceptable company.
Yet St Eddie didn’t once intervene or challenge Schwarz, well not for first few minutes, after which I turned off. Surely the BBC ought to have some pretence at impartiality?
Hillary is the most despised politician, (after Trump), to ever run for office so I suspect there will be various people who could be rather unkind about her.
The brilliant and lacerating Camille Paglia would be interesting to hear on the subject of Hillary Clinton.
Camille Paglia ticks all the BBC boxes, left wing, lesbian as well as being a truly sharp and brilliant thinker, yet she despises Hillary down to the soles of her shoes. Saint Eddie get her phone number!
“Hillary hasn’t suffered — Paglia continues — because she is a woman. She has shamelessly exploited the fact: ‘It’s an outrage how she’s played the gender card. She is a woman without accomplishment. “I sponsored or co-sponsored 400 bills.” Oh really? These were bills to rename bridges and so forth. And the things she has accomplished have been like the destabilisation of North Africa, causing refugees to flood into Italy… The woman is a disaster!”
I heard some of Edith’s interview with Schwartz, the ungrateful b@st@rd revealed what a good deal Trump gave him on the advance and percentage of the book sales and how highly remunerative it had been for him.
I’m utterly outraged! Just watching a programme on the BBC about Dusty Springfield and it started with The Springfields singing a Zulu song, ‘Ah wimoway’. Three white people singing a Zulu song! How dare they! This is cultural appropriation at its worst. The BBC represents the evil of failed British fascist imperialism. The sooner Jeremy Corbyn gains power and installs party apparatchiks in Broadcasting House the better. Once the extremist rightwingers have been removed and dealt with we can start to built a better BBC. We will also hunt out and eradicate any remaining Springfields.
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 https://x.com/bbcpolitics/status/1897567844792946946?s=61 Keir Starmer finds subtle way to deal with Team Trump, @chrismasonBBC writes 2 comments in 10’
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Here we are in 2025 …. UK Border open with small boats (not large boats thank God) yet our Prime…
AsISeeItMar 6, 08:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Wealthy Communist edition Those little cartoonish sketch images that are deployed so as to promote lifestyle features within the paper…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Will Trudeau block your bank account if you do not comply to his orders?
Fedup2Mar 6, 08:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Guest – it’s just a general point – once plod / msm filter the truth they can never be trusted…
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:29 Midweek 5th March 2025 Campbell representing around quarter of its audience? https://x.com/BBCr4today/status/1897209748099096914 Per day.
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 Time will tell. RIP the victims. Round here black BMWs are often associated with insurance scams or ignoring double yellow…
(ooooooh I’m a firsty !)
I’m getting pretty hacked off at watching a variety of charity workers, pious politicians, hand wringing slebs continually criticising the government for ‘not doing enough’ in sending funds, relocating refugees, and generally sorting out the worlds ‘ills’, in whinging interviews on the tele. Yes, no one denies there are some tragic stories coming from war torn areas, BUT why does the UK alone have to be responsible ? the public are drip fed adverts begging for money for several child aid/water aid charities. The BBC are never happy unless there’s at least one story a day about ‘how we’re not doing enough’, well, I’ve HAD enough. Do broadcasting companies in Europe bombard their audiences with similar requests/stories/criticism of their governments ? I don’t think so. I lived in Switzerland, and tv there rarely had the ferocity of reporting that we have here.
Well, if the media want to cover themselves in sack cloth and ashes, fair enough, but here’s one that is now immune to it.
(since writing the above, VD show now asking “are councils DOING ENOUGH to rehouse the homeless” – see what I mean ?
Saw a BBC news report recently centering on Trump in New York. The video began then suddenly ( as if by magic) that video went blank then flicked to a Clinton broadcast of her and that Obama woman for most of the time the trump video should have been showing! BBC agenda!
Yes, odd isn’t it how the BBC lacks adequate technology when covering subjects it does not support. Poor sound quality when interviewing Farage, crackly phone calls from members of the public who support Brexit, and faulty vision, wrong pictures when dealing with far of places like the US – if the story covers Trump.
Most amateurs with a reconditioned camera can upload better quality material on You Tube.
What are we getting for the millions this government are allowing the BBC to rip off us?
And considerably lowered sound levels for those out-of-favour. Notoriously, the BBC used to do that when interviewing John Redwood (and others): they would sound distant and weak, whereas the interviewer would sound much louder, appearing confident and strong. Sickening manipulation.
Agreed! It happens quite often on the nightly BBC News programme OUTSIDE SOURSE.
I’m also beginning to notice how most female BBC News presenters are beginning to read the news stood up! Its easy to see why! Those dresses and trouser suites they now wear must surely have been designed/created by some of the BBCs Islington/Chelsea celebrity designer-set saints!
I’m a first too. Think my crap is still being moderated ( I quoted my complaint to the BBC) – hope it helps -intelligent one 🙂
‘Brissles- gives the name away -mate
BluePict ..‘Brissles- gives the name away – mate…
I’m being thick here, but what do you mean ?
If you’re on about me saying I’m a ‘firsty’ – I meant first on the page, not first ever post.
Eh? You’re a troll.
It’s how you start DH.
What don’t you like? The truth?
Once they arrive in a safe country such as Turkey, they are no longer ‘refugees’, if they move on to another safe country, trying to get to the UK for example, then they are ‘migrants’, and should be treated as such.
Illegal migrants, surely?
Brissels you don’t get it: to beeboid lefties and their ilk, Britain is responsible for ALL the world’s ills, and responsible for solving all the world’s ills.
‘Are we doing enough?’
Borrowing £11,000,000,000 a year to give away in foreign aid, health care tourists coming here getting treatment for free, Family Tax Credits that have gone from £0 – £30,000,000,000 p.a. (and rising) in the space of 15 years, billions upon billions wasted on useless ‘renewables’ and falsified scientific research – and all the rest, piling debt after debt after debt upon future generations (why aren’t the Snowflakes protesting about any of that? – they’re the ones who’ll be footing the bill when the financial markets finally decide we’ve gone too far).
Nah, without a shadow of doubt, we are definitely not doing enough.
African Footballer of the Year 2016 !
Where do we reckon this event is to be launched?
Ivory Coast – home to Yaya Toure, several times recent nominee and winner?
Johannesberg – 2010 home to the first African-hosted World Cup?
No, of course not… think of the ‘hideously whitest’ venue imaginable – how about the BBC Radio Theatre W1A ?
Inappropriate, tokenistic, virtue-signalling, condescending and patronising – that’s your BBC
But where else?
Gay Footballer of the Year as yet to be contested.
Give it time though.
Gay football? they’ve already got that covered with their relentless promotion of women’s football that nobody watches or cares about.
A radio sports bulletin yesterday reported about a sportsperson who held the record number of appearances by players of ANY gender.
That’s the BBC at its insidious, thought-controlling worst.
BBC admit “covering up the background to the abuse”
Worth carrying over from the Midweek thread.
You know what! I wouldn’t be at all surprised (admittedly, in a slow roundabout way) that all these so called “on a purpose accidents” when broadcasting news/interviews by people who disagree with the beloved BBCs agenda will be her eventual downfall! – Licence fee monopoly I mean!
Having heard the usual sense from Lord Sacks on “Thought For the Day”, I had rather hoped that I could stay a minute or two over the 8am news.
Not done this in recent history, won`t do so again until Trump triumphs on Nov 8th.
But Robinson said “coming up in the next hour would be Tony Blair on why we need to ditch any Brexit notions, and why some deviant kid doesn`t know what orifice is for what and why”
And hizzer parents are PROUD of this?
Lying sociopaths with demon eyes and kiddie fiddling massagings for the Muslims-so they can tell an ukhti from an akhi..and they CERTAINLY will know which orifices they will be requiring, sad to say.
And sod to see as well, if the BBC keep this two tone fistifuck going as they do 24/7.
“Blatent Pouffery” indeed-but why do we pay for it?…isn`t that what Rabbit TV and Grindr are for?
This is no slur against gays at all, but the endless appeal to deviance and rebellion as summonsed up by the BBC as we fund it.
Blair getting an anti-Brexit News-vertorial on R4 Today
is also an issue worth carrying over from the last thread.
News would be reporting that Blair made a speech somewhere
A News-vertorial is when the Brexit Bashing Corporation get a call asking for a 20 minute political advertising spot from Team Remain and Blair and agree to it.
…They’ll be backfire effect surely ?
But it’s only about continuing to reinforce the brainwashing of Remainers, the R4 news progs are not for free-thinkers.
This Blair guy is clearly self-deluded to think that he can change the minds of the Brexit voters!?
All I can think of, is that he’s built an “Ivory Tower” in his back yard? I think it will need to be a bigger than your normal Ivory Tower – obviously his head must have grown larger since losing his government job!
Yes, Anthony Blair, Papal Knight ……….I got as far .err , ooh you know I had a meeting with Francois Holland………… well that’s 2 busted flushes having a blether about Britain bashing………hosted of course in the prime time slot by the traitors who use the word British in their name.
Talking of papal knights, makes you wonder how bBC might have used Saville for their Remain campaign ………had he been above ground …..
Hi. Sorry. New to the site – as in comments. I’ve had enough – made this complaint to the BBC “I pay for this bias. You send a homeless girl that’s not actually homeless (that was homeless in the past) to test what? Underfunded, understaffed councils doing their best BUT you previously scream all over your news that we, the normal, won’t and don’t like to take “children”. Please make your mind up BBC. No. I don’t need or want to pay for this nonsense anymore. You are completely unprofessional – from the roots down!”. I guess that’s off my chest.:/
Good for you BluePict!
Did you get a reply?
I’ve been surprised, though perhaps I shouldn’t be, at the rather lacklustre reporting of Baroness Tonges’s antisemitic meeting in The House of Lords and consequent resignation. Just for a second imagine someone from UKIP spouting bile like, “Israel is the same as Islamic State.” And “the Jews were responsible for their own genocide.” It would be headline news on the Beeb for a month! How can anyone say, or indeed even think such an obscene thing?
The fact that she and her repulsive cohorts were allowed anywhere near Parliament is a disgrace.
Of course Jenny has form on this, managing to get herself sacked by Charles Kennedy when she sympathised with Palestinian suicide bombers. “I’m a mother,” she told her adoring entourage as though that excused her hideous remarks. There’s an antisemitic poison running deep through the veins of the left in Britain.
Compare and contrast; So, weeks ago, a couple of irate, testosterone charged Kippers have a scuffle in a corridor and the Beeb are still picking over the bones of every detail.
And on the other hand, yesterday, a prominent, left wing, Lib Dem is present when horrendous remarks about Israel and the holocaust are made and it’s…
NO, you shouldn’t be surprised, Jeff. The BBC have the ‘hots’ for the Lib Dems at the moment and it carried through into the DP today, in the firm of a celebration of their local election victories and from that, their apparent resurrection.
I get the impression that this good, PR and the suppression of the bad (Tongue) PR, might have something to do with a by-election coming along shortly, somewhere in Richmond!
Expect to see a lot more of the untrustworthy opportunists in the coming weeks, where they will be welcomed onto the BBC sofa without being asked any difficult questions.
If Israel were in any way equivalent to the Islamic State they would be slaughtering Muslims in Israel until all were dead or fled rather than giving them more rights than several generations of ‘Palestinian refugees’ get living in Jordan.
Does this bode well for rejection of the various spurious lawsuits in England?
You’re all BBC. Well done.
Are you talking to yourself, or has someone been wielding the scissors on this thread?
Only once Roland. A problem with vocabulary.
Made me chuckle!
And it gets worse for the beeb Belfast High Court rejects Brexit challenges
Doing there level best to ignore this news, it never happened, consigned to history by tonight. Day two of Nissan pissing all over the beebs anti brexit parade. You know when the beeb aren’t happy they keep bringing it up over and over. Feltz had a pig thick labour mp from newcastle doing a timmy farron saying its great news but…… Time for the folks in newcastle to think about a new mp.
The beeb are all over saint michelle helping out Hilary in her battle against the evil Donald. But michelle declares that if hilary loses its all you good folks fault. Do i detect a bit of panic in the clinton camp. Just over a week to go Michelle and barry can head to the golf course and the relatives in Ireland ‘Laugh’, while you can head to africa to find those lost girls you care so much about.
I see old misery guts loach was allowed to pontificate on question time last night while the bussed in seals were all clapping with glee at his every word. I suggest may sends in Michael Gove to sort them out, they hate him but i think he would relish the job of sorting out the devious bastards.
But michelle declares that if hilary loses its all you good folks fault.
At which point it would be time to ‘dissolve the electorate’ as the saying goes.
Alternatively, for us Brits, simply stay in the EU until full political union is achieved – same thing via a slightly different method.
Last night I stumbled on the last part of the BBC’s exposé of foreign corruption of science in its “Storyville” series. Apparently an Italian surgeon sponsored by the world-famous and reputable Swedish Karolinska Institute (a sort-of medical equivalent of the Royal Society) was shown up lying in scientific papers but being strenuously defended by the Council of the Karolinska. Briefly, the surgeon “pioneered” a new treatment involving artificial tracheal implants (untested on animals – or anything else – before the operations) and then, in papers published/supported by the Karolinska, lied about his research (or lack thereof) and the “success” of the treatment. Needless to say the human guinea pigs died after needless suffering.
The programme included interviews by the Swedish (?) investigative journalist with the-then Vice Chairman (plus a couple of other senior council members) of the Karolinska and with the surgeon. In a lesson to investigative journalists everywhere – particularly the BBC – the investigator here allowed the interviewees to make absolute mincemeat of themselves. Upshot: substantially the whole council of the KI has resigned (including one who is a member of the Nobel Prize awards selection committee) while the surgeon denies anything is wrong.
It’s a good story and raises the question as to why the BBC decided to broadcast this exposé of corruption at the very apogee of scientific reputational excellence. Part of the answer is that it’s the mechanical not the social side of medicine. Also the scandal concerns a foreign institution and a foreign (white) doctor: so none of the usual BBC editing anxieties apply. Accordingly, although the subject matter was fairly interesting for the mildly curious it can be dismissed with a tut tut of “whatever will these white enslavers get up to next?”. After all, can you imagine the BBC broadcasting a programme about something similar closer to home? Can you conceive the BBC taking a sceptical look at the institutional corruption of “climate change” (non)science featuring council members of the Royal Society, the senior management of the Grantham Institute at the LSE and the sea-green incorruptible himself, Lord Stern involved in this little hoo-hah over some petty cash and carried out by a proper journalist rather than one of the BBC’s usual crew of right-on propagandisers?
No, nor can I.
It’s a good point.
With regard to “climate change” we are told that we must “trust the science”. But to do that, we have to trust the scientists. Following the University of East Anglia email leaks, it is simply clear that we cannot trust them. They fit the evidence to support their theory, which is the opposite of the scientific method. Meanwhile, the political class is busy dismantling the basis of our modern industrial society in a vain attempt to chase the chimera of a “carbon free” economy.
The lunatics have taken over the asylum.
Tony showing how he knows best and we must vote until we get it right.
This is also on the BBC website but I am not giving them the benefit of extra clicks.
Didn’t see him giving people a chance to change their minds each time he was elected or when he gave the PMship to his good buddy (sarc) Gordon the Moron.
Maybe people should be given the chance to rescind all the laws made from 1997 – 2007.
He sullied the Today airwaves this morning with this nonsense and, to be fair, was pressed a few times by Nick Robinson on his inconsistency re “settling it once and for all” in a referendum.
What Mr Robinson failed to point out, as the BBC has consistently failed to do, is that there will only be something to vote on once Article 50 is triggered and negotiations have concluded. And once Article 50 is triggered the two-year clock ticks and then we’re out. So any vote would be either to accept what’s presented or leave with no agreement. Mr Blair knows this fine well, as he alluded to the two-year timetable in his interview, but clearly was confident that he would not be asked to follow through the logic of the situation.
It’s all part of the drip-drip effect of the constant remoaners; these regressive fascists will never, ever stop trying to subvert and derail Brexit. Blair is merely articulating what they all feel: Stop Brexit; doesn’t matter how, but stop it; make ineffectual, insincere noises about ‘respecting the will of the people’ while constantly seeking ways by which to completely annul it and take the UK back into the EU.
In this – and because regressives now control government, media and culture – they are helped by their usual comrades in the msm (the BBC and CH4 in particular – although I see Sky News UK are doing all they can to big-up The Dear Ex-Leader’s call to arms).
Does ANYONE seriously believe Tone has ANYTHING of worth to say on ANYTHING??
ptg “Does ANYONE seriously believe Tone has ANYTHING of worth to say on ANYTHING??”
Yep. Tone thinks this. Although I am not sure he’s sure!
gb – The man’s truly delusional, sees himself as a world statesman. Meanwhile even his own party loathe him.
He was a PM though, not a film actor, pop singer or professional gay.
“not a film actor, pop singer or professional gay”
Well he did lead some sort of pop group, did a good job of acting out a “trustworthy politician” to a number of the sheeple.
As to the last – even though using the codename “Bobby” for Mandelson and promoting his flatmate to high office – I could not possibly comment (c. Francis Urquart).
Interesting site:
Islam in the US and how the US is watching the sickness spread through over populating areas and towns altering the balance toward total Muslim control. Nothing really we did not know from UK experience. We are told that Clinton wants to increase the Muslim population by a staggering 500%. Further down, you can read about an anonymous person in the UK who is a part of the Government’s task force devoted to assessing the “Children” the UK Government is happily importing.
If Clinton wins the election, it will herald an acceleration toward the end of the Western World as we know it.
Why would any sane politician want to anything other than to reduce Muslim influence down to, say, zero?
Geert Wilders’ trial starts. He called for a reduction of Moroccans with a Muslim influence
We live in insane times
That is absolutely chilling. What a brave man. What an inspiration.
I need hardly add that the House of Lords that banned Geert Wilders a few years back is the same place that let The Lady Baroness Tonge of Bile have her anti-Semitic Nuremburg rally on Wednesday evening.
Enough said.
How exactly do you intend to get to zero?
The Czech solution to Sudeten Germans?
The Vietnamese solution to Chinese immigrants?
The Rwanadan solution to Tutsi’s?
None of them are models that would find much favour. The Brits do fairness. Let’s look at this from the point of view that Commonwealth immigrants and their many descendants are welcome to sat, but we encourage those from a host of other countries with no affiliation to the UK return home. Especially those in prison and who have never worked. And that includes Europe:
Why is he not on a plane back>
Is it true Lily Allen put the jungle fires out by tears alone?
I have had the misfortune of having to read the Grauniad (beeb in print) for a few days.
There is no better insight into the true groupthink at beebistan. Yes they can claim impartiality and balance all they want, and tick a few boxes, but this is what they really believe, in their bones. Worth studying in order to know one’s enemy, but please don’t pay for it, it only encourages them. And you may need a shower after. I did, but still feel sullied.
I don’t suppose the bbc had shown any curiosity over the sudden and mysterious disappearance of Julian Assange from public view? Is he dead? Has he been kidnapped? Does anyone care?
John – Wasn’t Assange about to release stuff damaging to Saint Hillary?
And suddenly he loses his phone and internet connections, then ‘goes dark’.
Coincidence I’m sure.
Assange has caused problems for Hillary Clinton, revealing the depth of her corruption and criminality. However, he did not factor in the slavish loyalty of the media class for the “progressive” cause. They have managed to bury this bad news for Clinton, whilst bigging up an 11 year old private conversation which Trump had, and the deluded claims of various women whose stories do not hang together. Amazingly, in an election where Bill Clinton is involved, the MSM have managed to turn Donald Trump into the sex pest, whilst suppressing the absolutely damning information about Hillary Clinton.
That said, people who go against the Clinton crime family usually end up dead, so I have my fingers crossed for Julian Assange.
“In an election where Bill Clinton is involved they somehow make out that Trump is the sex pest”
That is a good line @RobiC
DP today was hosted by Caroline Quinn who usually does the PM slot on Radio 4 . She is of course a fully paid up member of the liberal left . I don’t know how much television she has done but she seems not to realise that when a guest is answering a question the camera will from time to time be on her and not on the guest. Don’t get a lot of this on radio of course. The nodding of her head was very revealing , whenever her guest made a point which parroted the liberal left play book she nodded encouragement. Like Jo Coburn she reacts with clear facial signs of disapproval when a guest says something that doesn’t chime with the liberal left agenda , her voice becomes higher and she speaks over the guest. Lliberal left guests are allowed to make their delivery of tripe without interruption .
The difference in this programme when Brillo is there is astonishing. With him it’s a good watch , unbiased, critical and incisive, without him it is just more BBC liberal left propaganda. He seems to be appearing less and less which means that there is just about no one in the entire BBC who doesn’t spout liberal left propaganda whenever they open their mouth and are shamefully biased in their interviews.
As I knew that Jimmy Perry was coming up on “Last Word”, I could only see a hatchet job by way of a blood sacrifice offered to the Gods of the liberal left.
But I was pleasantly surprised to hear quotes from him.
And feisty comments from his friends to back him.
To be fair, the BBC did play it. Another surprise.
They even played the “blatant pouffery” quote too.
Best have a lie down now.
Was that this one??
This is the work of a fan club not a national news outlet. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-england-hampshire-37785988
Al Beeb are really scraping the barrel to get any negative news on Brexit……
Answer – Just don’t buy Marmite then watch the price drop.
Fortunately, in its coverage of the role of currency fluctuations, the BBC resisted the temptation to point out that Marmite comes from the well-known Italian village of Burtoni-Upona-D’Trenta
Some companies will jump at any excuse to put prices up or get concessions – nothing new.
And there’s more…… “Apple has to recalibrate prices after significant currency fluctuations, and since the EU referendum, UK prices are out of sync with the dollar,” said Patrick O’Brien, analyst at the Verdict Retail consultancy.
You may not know but Apple pitch their prices higher in the UK than US. As do many others because, “people in Britain have been used to paying higher prices for a ……… “
On the BBC 6 o’clock news they’ve just flagged the headline that our cup of tea is going up in price because of Brexit.
Daft : The tea bag in your cup of tea costs 0.8p, so does it matter if it goes up to 0.95p ?
….and I’m not gullible enough to buy Apple stuff, but I bet Beeboids do buy it.
Agree with you there 100% StewGreen.
Sent from my iPhone
Agree StewGreen! I buy teabags and would happily pay double for them, as I would with carrots, lemons and other things that seem ridiculously cheap, even for those on low incomes.
Now let me get this right , the £ falls in value so the price of imported goods go up ?
So, does the price of imported good go down when the £ recovers ?
Answers on a postcard to Al Beeb Birmingham.
Trump rally, Manchester, New Hampshire, live:
It is a fact that exposed to a constant background dirge – the brain just tunes out.
Compare and contrast.
“It is all down to exchange rates, in theory. If the pound is almost a fifth weaker against the US dollar since the EU referendum, our annual GDP of about £1.8 trillion is worth fewer dollars, dropping us down the table.”
“The French economy grew less than had been expected in the third quarter of the year, while Spain’s economy slowed slightly, both indications that the eurozone’s economic recovery remained modest in the three months through September.” http://www.wsj.com/articles/french-economy-grows-less-than-expected-1477639711
Astonishing bias on ‘PM’ with Eddie Mair (Radio 4 LW from 17:00 to 17:55).
We had the headlines at around 17:30 and then an interview with the man who wrote ‘The Art of the Deal’ with Donald J Trump some years ago.
This interview was still going at around 17:55 when R4 LW went onto the shipping forecast, ending ‘PM’ for the day. So the interview was at least 25 minutes long, maybe nearer 30 on R4 FM. This is of course nearly half the length of ‘PM’ and over half if you allow a few minutes for the news bulletins at ~ 17:00, ~ 17:15 and 17:30. Even admitting the importance of the US Presidential Election race, this is a huge amount of time on one interview with only one interviewee.
Why so much time on one interview? Well, the co-author likened Trump to a 3-year old in the Oval Office, called him a ‘sociopath’ and said he might start a nuclear war with Russia. Oh well, nothing to worry about there then! He said Trump had a short attention span (when they were working on the book, anyway) no empathy or kindness, or self-deprecation, and that he was thin-skinned and vane.
Some of this may be true, of course, but nearly all the criticisms made apply even more to Hillary Rodham Clinton, and we know that they do from her many years in public life and the recent Wiki-leaks revelations. Bill and Hillary seem to be sociopaths, with daughter Chelsea magicked up (perhaps with Web’ Hubble?) to provide suitable cutesy photo opportunities [i.e. ‘Look, Hillary is a Mom, she can’t be all bad!’]
Only near the end of the interview did we get any mention of what has been coming out about HRC, and even then it was in the context of desperate people voting for Trump as some kind of non-politician. No assessment of the sheer breadth and scale of HRC’s lies, the trail of dead people linked to the Clintons, Arkansas, Democrats, etc., the utter falseness of their marriage and public personae.
The interview was not a bad one, in that Mair let the American author speak and asked a few good if leading questions, but the freedom granted to him to rubbish Trump was amazing; I have not heard ANY comparable critique of HRC or interview with an enemy of hers. The BBC must address this bias or it will lose all credibility. It cannot take sides, however flawed Trump is. It must examine the Clintons in detail.
Personally, I cannot imagine that Trump could be worse than Hillary, not because he’s very good but because she is so appallingly bad in so many respects.
He (Tony Schwartz) had a lengthy slot on PM last evening as well, from 17:17. Why give him one slot when two slots can capture so many more listeners?
AND he got oodles of time with Evan Davis on Newsnight.
Wednesday I think,but who cares?
I suppose the BBC think that it fills the time cheaply, once they`ve paid Trumps scribbler his thirty pieces. So it goes across all platforms of BBC output.
But it stinks-op ed, no relevance whatsoever.
Which, of course is why the BBC major on it.
Hope the Americans rip the BBC a new one on Nov 8th. It`d match the one we tore them on June 23rd.
I’ve been trying to understand why the BBC is obsessed with running anti-Trump stories when its viewers can’t vote in the US Presidential Election.
The only sensible reason I can come up with is that the BBC has a secret agreement with the pro-Clinton US media organisations that it will run anti-Trump stories that they can then report on; so that they can claim that worldwide everyone hates Trump. Clinton represents the oligarchy and as a loyal mouthpiece of the oligarchs the BBC is honour bound to add an international dimension to attacks on her enemy.
My only alternative is the the BBC sees the Trump “deplorables” as the US version of Bexiteers, and so an anti-Trump campaign is merely a new front in the anti-Brexit war.
Has anyone thought of a better reason for the BBC’s stupid propaganda campaign?
“Has anyone thought of a better reason for the BBC’s stupid propaganda campaign?”
They didn’t need to offer the BBC anything. The whole organisation is left wing from top to bottom. I would imagine that every single BBC employee would vote for Hillary Clinton if they could. Quite simply, she is the candidate from the left wing hive, their queen bee, and they are the busy little workers doing their best for her. Just as with bees, they don’t have to think about it, they just do the work of the hive.
I’ll Explain : In BBC Metropolitanland New York is an easy flight away, Calais is a place you drive thru on the way to your weekend cottage.
Edinburgh too is a place to fly to for a week each year all BBC paid, And then think about the jaunts big BBC Teams get to go on , Oympics, Worlds cup etc. So the Beeboid will be familiar with passing thru the US. And Rotherham is a place you couldn’t place on a map.
LLangollen is a place you can’t pronounce etc.
Do we know the size of the team they’ll be sending for the US next week for the vote ?
The bias is, as you say, extraordinary. How sweet it is, therefore, that it coincides almost to the second with the news that the FBI is reopening its investigation into Crooked Hillary’s illegal use of private email servers for secret government correspondence.
Ain’t Karma a bitch?
Some more ‘Trumping’ news here ……..
Just watching Sky and breaking news FBI are to investigate Killary again.
They should never have stopped investigating her.
BBC News Channel second-string anchor Shaun Ley ends a report from Gary O’Donaghue, Stateside, at a Trump rally, with the words:
“I’ll bet they are partying there”
Yeah, and I bet they’ll be weeping into their skinny lattes in W1A
A shame there is no financial slot on Today on a Saturday (I think)
The experts predicted French GDP growth for the third quarter to be 0.3% (the same as the U.K.), but outturn announced today a stunning 0.2%, and second quarter revised down to -0.1% to boot from 0.0%.
What a great opportunity could be missed for the BBC to blame Brexit for hurting the French economy, as by Monday they will have thought of some other negative to broadcast.
60022 – It’s no doubt the Marine Le Pen effect that’s caused that!
“The government is expected to fall well short of its target of recovering £500m a year from overseas visitors treated in NHS hospitals in England.”
Like Al Beeb’s World Service , it seems that our NHS is actually a ‘World Health Service’ paid for by us ………….
Just think how many more nurses and doctors could be employed by the UK if the NHS had been more vigilant ?
If the FBI and the USA wish to regain any credibility in the World …………..
LOL that’s so naive gaxvil.
In world where so many politicians are corrupted by the Saudi rial you really think they will bat a corrupt eye at a fellow traveler being let off?
Small frame – not big picture.
No it really is the big picture gaxvil – just take a look at who is funding UK universities, UK Mosque building, and Huma Abedin, put two & two together and arrive at the correct number.
Where do you think Tony BLiars riches came from? Barak Obama, George Bush, Hilary Clinton, and undoubtedly David Cameron, & eventually Theresa May?
Time to see the world for what it is. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
This one is an interesting one for Al Beeb…. getting a taste of the islamic medicine and its not the ‘milk and honey, 72 virgins awaiting’ variety they thought it would be
‘Imam loses libel action against BBC over ‘extreme’ claim’
Reading the article and you’d have thought Al Beeb might finally be coming to their senses regarding the fifth column that they love to protect
But oh wait…. “Jihad typically refers to a personal struggle to do good – but violent extremists use it to refer to fighting holy war.”
Errrrrrr Beeb…. No no let me just correct you with this – I have read many books on this and I think you will find that the sole purpose of Jihad in Islam is to further the cause of Islam by whatever means necessary, the tongue, taqiyya but more often than not the sword.
Will they ever learn?!
One other sentence that made me chuckle was “A spokesman for the BBC welcomed the ruling against the imam who now faces an enormous legal bill.”
So anyone want to place a wager as to how much of that enormous legal bill he will repay (out of his state benefit salary no doubt), we’ll round it to the nearest zero…
The tax/licence payer is stuffed which ever way it went
BBC Online News:
“”The Poles heading for the exit after Brexit””
“”Some Polish people say they no longer feel welcome in Britain after Brexit and may leave””
The BBC interview four Poles out of a million who are here. All four support the BBC’s anti-Brexit stance. How many did they interview who did not match the BBC’s anti-Brexit stance?
The video opens with the words ‘Brexit Blues, the Poles leaving Britain’.
Tough shit! True born English people don’t feel welcome either but we ain’t got no ‘promised land’ to head for.
And is Poland a multi-racial paradise then ? ..Not many brown faces there ..not many refugees accepted.
”The Poles heading for the exit after Brexit”
”Some Polish people say they no longer feel welcome in Britain after Brexit and may leave”
If true, so what?
Nothing against them, but we don’t need their seal of approval. They still have Poland, we’re stuck here surrounded by Arabs we didn’t ask for.
There seems to be a widespread view within the BBC that everything revolves around what Poles think of us. Italians can be bloody irritating but one thing I like about them is that they don’t give a s**t what others think.
If the BBC had been paying the slightest attention to what people in the real world actually think, they’d know that Poles have been pretty unpopular in many of the places to which they’ve flocked – notable in the East of England.
I’m not saying this is a feeling I share but it demonstrates how impossibly out of touch the BBC is. Brexit has nothing whatsoever to do with it.
The sheer number of Poles and other Eastern europeans who are here, is one of the reasons why so many people voted for Brexit in the referendum.
I agree. I have nothing against Poles at all, but if I lived in a small town where in a few years 30% of the population had become Eastern European, I would feel that my country had been taken away from me. This is something that the left wing BBC can never undersatnd.
I’ve bought a house next to Eastern Europeans. I had no idea at the time. No search would have revealed a rented property filled with foreigners. I am paying the penalty now I must tell you. Filthy, foul smelling heavy smokers and all the rest. Given a vote on the subject, I’d want them out the UK as quickly as possible. Maybe ship them up to Scotland? The Gnome would welcome that but I daresay, the Scots would not when they realised what they were letting themselves in for.
“Maybe ship them up to Scotland?”
Being paragons of virtue, unlike the English, I’m sure the Scots would welcome them with tolerance and understanding, in much the same way as their Protestants tolerate their Catholics, and vice versa. Never any problems there.
The BBC really is so far out of control over the bias that it’s becoming a joke.
For the second day in a row they broadcast an interview on the PM program with the Trump hater who wrote the book ‘art of the deal’ Tony Schwartz who claims he has made plans to leave the USA if Trump is elected. (God help Europe!).
This is a liberal leftie who had declared for Hilary, scathing of Trump. Notice that there is no balance, no positive stories nothing from anyone who supports him, save unintelligent hicks who they can ridicule.
How it must ave stuck in their collective craw to report that that the FBI have reopened their investigations into the clearly corrupt Clinton who must be damaged by this, and it is doubtful a full investigation can be concluded by the time of the election.
And who wants a President who is potentially facing impeachment before taking office?
More BbcHateTrump on Monday 8pm
The Unswayables: Trump’s Loyal Army
“As election day draws near in the United States one thing is clear: no revelation about Donald Trump will dissuade his loyalists from voting for him. During the course of the campaign his overwhelmingly white supporters have been dismissed as racist and poorly educated but is that an accurate assessment?”
with Michael Mega-Liberal Goldfarb
Why do they do this endless propaganda ?..same reason they did ProjectFear
BBC’s motto “Lie early, Lie often”
The question the BBC should be asking is if there is anything about the corrupt and deceitful Hillary Clinton which will dissuade her hard core supporters from voting for her?
Obviously, they will never ask such a question, because the BBC is biased to the core. But it is a valid question. Hillary Clinton is easily the most proveably corrupt candidate ever to have stood for the Presidency. Apart from her alleged possession of a vagina, just what is it which makes people wish to vote for such an appalling criminal?
Interesting – I have money on Trump to win and the bookies are offering me cash out now higher than my stake
If Trump wins, this is the chap he should appoint to investigate Hillary Clinton, he’s the real deal.
Al -Agreed he is brilliant – watched in in action a few times
Just as well Lily Allen wasn’t looking for a taxi in, say, Rotherham, Rochdale, Manchester etc, or something much worse could have happened to the virtue signalling ‘stupid tart’ – and her daughter.
R4 news 6.00pm – Anti Brexit bias, Nissan must have been bribed with no tariffs alleges the BBC. They then report that Blair has said there should be another ref. Two points, first if there were tariffs under WTO, the BBC has not done it’s homework as it would be illegal to subsidise NISSAN for tariff charges.
The second point, why would the BBC report the rantings of disgraced, despised politician?
It gets better: ‘Lily’s experience came a week after Ugandan-born British journalist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown said she was refused a ride in a taxi.’
She wrote on Twitter: “Last night, West Hampstead station, on my way to the Grunwick Strike event. Black cab driver doesn’t let me in: ‘Not taking foreigners today’.”
I hope it was raining.
Black cab drivers, we salute you.
one pound equals 4,000 Ugandan schillings she obviously couldn’t afford the ride
Grunwick Strike event?
Come again?
That was 1976 , you dozy a`porths!
Still though-I also remember George Ward, so am glad that our politically aware poppets are finally honouring the great man.
Next up Eddie Shah?…Ray Honeyford, Neil Herron?
And-but of course-St Enochs Day?
Yep, will begin to sell the cards.
Happy Asparagus Day everybody!
My Muslim surgeon refused to shake my hand when introducing myself – I’m white and a woman, so when can I go on the box and complain ?
Got a feeling Brissles you might be a wasting your time.
Interesting though that he is still willing to accept money from you indirectly through the NHS. He sounds a right charmer!
Understandable, when the Koran says, woman can only inherit half as much as a man and evidence from one man equals evidence from two women. Have to wear a bag on their head and walk behind a man etc..
Islam is of and for primitives. If we lived according to the Old Testament – every month, ‘unclean women’ would have to be shut away during their period.
A word of advice re your Moslem surgeon. They have some funny ideas about health,and as for surgery – I have seen it on You Tube with a warning attached.
“Voters must be given the chance to change their minds on Brexit, Labour former prime minister Tony Blair has insisted.”
Yes Tone, and after every election they should be given the chance to change their minds. And again. Forever.
The BBC and their remain friends need to be reminded that 72% of voters in England and Wales voted to leave.
Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to Remain.
What needs to be re-iterated is that we have just had the rerun of the referendum. The first one, in 1975, gave the wrong result. Now, in 2016 it has been corrected.
No need for any more.
A (very long) period of silence from Mr Blair would be welcome, perhaps he could follow the example of Mr Gordon Brown, from whom little has been heard since independence day.
Just get on with it Theresa, please.
Be interesting to see how Blair was conveyed from his garret and to the BBC studio.
Haw many yards(sorry, metres!)do you think he`d be able to walk down a London street in public, without a phalanx of goons?
Unless he walked across the Thames as he`s wont to do.
No-what possible purpose is there in putting up this St Sebastian of a cadaver , if not to wind us all up.
If ever I need to remind myself about the Labour scum we face-I remember Sedgefield and the pigthick Durham yakkaz that let this cuckoo into the nest.
The North East was the death of Labour, so maybe I`ll be kinder one day.
But Sedgefield?…the Devils Sphincter of politics.
Oh-anybody else see this?
Very good!
Saw it earlier in this thread. Excellent. Humour created by fact is the best.
Thanks for posting that cH, wryly amusing. That quote from Orwell at the end, is as true now as when he wrote it.
Probably more true now 😉
BBC breaks the MSM blockade and reported Wikileaks last night*
18 revelations from Wikileaks’ hacked Clinton emails Oct 27th
– interesting thing it shows up as 16 revelations one Facebook; showing that it was edited later down to 16 or upto 18
* Coincidentally they put it up after I criticised them for not reporting it (on a BBC forum)
BBC Online News:
“”Mind your grammar””
By Laura Kuenssberg Political editor.
I don’t understand this article. What is Laura trying to say? May I suggest she attends a Grammar school, and as soon as possible?
Incidentally, she refers to the Conservatives as ‘Tories’. A sure sign of a Labour supporter.
She is not very bright. A throwback to the days when elderly men employed brainless leggy women. The poor woman knows this and takes every opportunity to appear sexy.
Needs to try harder then.
I won`t judge her appearance-like Cathy Newman and Orla Guerin , you can see why the crusading and bitterness tend to take over more prosaic versions of femininity.
Sarah Palin is only ONE lady who they might care to learn from.
Maybe Womans Hour could look into this one for me.
Ta for trying DS!
But it`s Laura Doomsberg as someone clever called her the other day on this site.
So, not too many brain cells to engage here.
That said…I did like “Mind Your Language”…so guessing it`s a kind of tribute to that cultural icon of multicultural history.
Only the series that Jimmy Perry COULD have made?…
A new storm is brewing over Hillary Clinton’s emails.
As I read down the article THIS is what jumped out at me though:
“What a difference a plane journey makes. When we left Westchester, New York, on Hillary Clinton’s campaign plane, spirits were high amongst her staff.”
“Her campaign manager, Robby Mook, came to the back of the plane and told reporters that early voting was going in their favour and that Mrs Clinton would even campaign in Republican-leaning Arizona next week.”
I’m sure the BBC will have a hack on Donald Trump’s campaign plane. Right?.
Oh, and btw, watch Paul Watson’s recent video entitled “Dear Mainstream Media”.
I’ve just had to order extra popcorn.
I’m sure she’s innocent of everything though.
Sure she is.
I suspect an Establishment stitch-up is on the way in the good ‘ole US of A.
Neither the Dems. nor the GOP elite want the Donald to win.
What about this for a scenario:
because of the ongoing FBI investigation of the Clinton e-mails (aka the impending absolution of Kilary and the self-immolation of Huma + A.N.Others for The Cause) , it is ‘suggested’ by the controlled media that the election be postponed until ‘normalcy’ (I know, I know , Americanese) has returned.
The Globalists would perceive that this move would take some momentum away from the Trump roller-coaster.
Stranger things have happened .
Watch this space.
Seen on twitter.
Baby injured in gas explosion in Pakistan lands in Glasgow for treatment.
FFS what kind of gas explosion was that ?
Allahrge one?
Thoughtful – That reminds me of the joke about the man who jumps from an aeroplane, pulls the cord on his parachute yet nothing happens; as he is frantically struggling with it he looks down and sees a chap coming up from the ground towards him wearing blue overalls and holding an adjustable spanner.
As they pass each other the falling man calls out: “Hey! Do you know anything about parachutes?”
To which the other replies: “No! Do you know anything about gas cookers?”
BBC Online News:
“”Supreme Court in Canada to hear transgender school bathroom case””
Dear BBC,
Nobody in any part of the world is remotely interested.
Best Regards,
Dover Sentry.
Think you`ll find that the BBC camera crews will be made interested by their commissioning editors.
Yet another way to get into schools with their fish eyes lenses and the vaseline-not all of it to be spent on the lenses either.
Where Savile meets Jack Monroe…if that`s not BBC nectar, then what is?
I myself would not let the BBC near any kiddie event, anyone under 25 really should NOT be near them.
The brains of their quarry aren`t formed yet, remember?
I might start going in the ‘ladies’in pubs, when they all kick off I can say I ‘identify as a female sometimes’.
Today on The Eddie Mair Show, Saint Eddie interviewed Tony Schwartz who, apparently, doesn’t care much for Donald Trump. In fact, since writing a book with Trump, Schwartz has spent his life hating Trump on various TV channels, in newspaper columns and standing outside late night bars bellowing obscenities about Trump. Schwartz, wakes in the morning spewing mindless bile about Trump and crawls to bed thinking up new unpleasantness about the orange, self-effacing presidential candidate. It’s not so much a career, as a lifetime obsession for the gentleman, who may in other ways be perfectly acceptable company.
Yet St Eddie didn’t once intervene or challenge Schwarz, well not for first few minutes, after which I turned off. Surely the BBC ought to have some pretence at impartiality?
Hillary is the most despised politician, (after Trump), to ever run for office so I suspect there will be various people who could be rather unkind about her.
The brilliant and lacerating Camille Paglia would be interesting to hear on the subject of Hillary Clinton.
Camille Paglia ticks all the BBC boxes, left wing, lesbian as well as being a truly sharp and brilliant thinker, yet she despises Hillary down to the soles of her shoes. Saint Eddie get her phone number!
“Hillary hasn’t suffered — Paglia continues — because she is a woman. She has shamelessly exploited the fact: ‘It’s an outrage how she’s played the gender card. She is a woman without accomplishment. “I sponsored or co-sponsored 400 bills.” Oh really? These were bills to rename bridges and so forth. And the things she has accomplished have been like the destabilisation of North Africa, causing refugees to flood into Italy… The woman is a disaster!”
I heard some of Edith’s interview with Schwartz, the ungrateful b@st@rd revealed what a good deal Trump gave him on the advance and percentage of the book sales and how highly remunerative it had been for him.
BBC Online News:
“”Mel and Sue (of Bake Off) sign up for new BBC Saturday night show””
“”They have been announced as hosts of a new Saturday night BBC One show, Let’s Sing and Dance For Comic Relief””
It will probably not rival Porridge and Fawlty Towers. But who knows?
BBC Online News:
“”Syrian refugees: ‘We want to start our new lives in UK””
More BBC ‘open borders’ Left Wing drivel.
BBC Online News:
“”Race relations worker guilty of racist abuse at refugee rally””
“”A race relations worker has been convicted of racially abusing a group of Scots at a rally to welcome Syrian refugees to Scotland.
Shafiq Mohammed, 50, was also found guilty of resisting arrest at a demonstration in Monkton, South Ayrshire, on 15 November 2015.
The former Scottish Refugee Council worker broke through a police cordon to verbally abuse a woman and three men””
Not exactly the Far Right that the BBC and their Far Left friends always seek, but never find.
Dover Sentry
There’s life in the Scots yet !
Perhaps we will hear them stand up for Brexit next ?
Over to you Jocks……
‘Shafiq Mohammed’, a good traditional Scottish name.
If Sturgeon gets her way we will have more MacMohammeds living in Scotland.
Alluhu Ochbar!
Shouldn’t that be ‘Alloa Achbar’?
I’m utterly outraged! Just watching a programme on the BBC about Dusty Springfield and it started with The Springfields singing a Zulu song, ‘Ah wimoway’. Three white people singing a Zulu song! How dare they! This is cultural appropriation at its worst. The BBC represents the evil of failed British fascist imperialism. The sooner Jeremy Corbyn gains power and installs party apparatchiks in Broadcasting House the better. Once the extremist rightwingers have been removed and dealt with we can start to built a better BBC. We will also hunt out and eradicate any remaining Springfields.
Canoeing is racist and an example of cultural appropriation. I suggest the BBC do not cover the Oxford/Cambridge boat race
Funny, but funnier still is that the wankerati that perpetuate this shite don’t have any sense of humour whatsoever.