I just heard Justine Webb on Toady refer to Donald Trump as a: “Racist, narcissistic thug.”
Al beebus and its operatives are truly off the scale of bias with regard to this presidential election. Webb is unfit to be a presenter on that programme, absolutely appalling for him to express what amounts to his personal view in such a fashion.
My God, did he really call Trump a racist!? That is unconscionable. I don’t think that view would be accepted by the black churches and pastors who are supporting him; neither would the black policemen, sheriffs, servicemen and local politicians.
He knows he’s among friends and the BBC only broadcasts for people who agree with it big time.
British people are sold short on so many things and the lack of competition for the BBC is just one of them.
Saturday is ALWAY the BBCs “Dress Down” Day in regard of the Toady show.
Justins handlers and massage boys will all be chillin in Campden Racists this morning after blowing boys, drugs or whatever else they could lay their nhands on last night.
We know it`s vile shit Mon-Fri. But Saturday is always nasty…that lie in allows them to be more poisonous than normal.
Ah well, Trumpzakummin.
November 9th hopefully the end of the NYT/HuffPo/CNN cabals in the USA.
The Today programme has pitched itself as the In Defence Of Hilary programme this morning.
In the wake of the news that the FBI is to investigate Hilary’s emails, each news bulletin has begun with “Hilary demands to know …”
Since whenever has a politician on the back foot in the initial stages of a possible scandal been afforded the empathetic point of view from a supposed impartial news organisation? That was the stance taken throughout the whole programme.
Each ‘expert’ brought on to discuss to situation has attempted to dismiss it, with the last one not only dismissing it but expanding it to a claim that Trump will press the red button.
Desperation is setting in. The BBC are finally beginning to realise that the ‘golden girl’ is doomed, and their arch enemy Trump could well win the Presidency. I DO hope so – I want to see ’em squirm, again!
I’ve no doubt that is true….they are finally coming to terms with the landslide support that Trump has, and will dwell on this ( as they see it) divine Trump good fortune of another FBI investigation into Killary.
It will be used to rationalise his victory, by explaining it away conveniently for them.
I see they also managed to find ( with the fourth horseman of the apocalypse Justin Urquart Stewart) a mention in the papers of ‘ TRUMPKINS’.
Some pumpkins carved to look like the Don, which began on social media months ago.
Cant wait for them to find the ugly witch cartoons of Killary in her pointed hat. Riding her broomstick ( no knickers of course to increase her grip on the stick) …
They are doing with Trump what they have done with every Republican who comes to prominence.
Reagan they claimed was senile and demented
Bush Snr was detached his staff came in for individual attack, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, etc etc
Bush Jnr was portrayed as a simpleton.
By contrast
Jimmy Carter man given a poor hand deserves our sympathy
Bill Clinton hero worship and adoration despite the nasty Republican attempt to impeach him
Barak Obama well they seem to think he is the son of God himself, despite him possibly being the worst President the US has ever seen
The BBC are doing what they have always done, and no one has ever stopped them, or even questioned their bias. It seems that no one ever will.
Bet it’s a stunt ..to find Hillary innocent 2 days before the election or something.
Like why after refusing to report the email scandal for months, did all the Hillary owned media suddenly make it the headline last night ?
This AM the BBC uses it to get at Trump ..Their headlines sounds like
“oh look at ridiculous Trump, saying a few emails are worse than Watergate, he’s desperate isn’t he ?”
And the worst case of all was that of Sarah Palin, a clever, experienced, attractive woman who was ritually humiliated and denigrated precisely because she was all three of those things and a terrible danger to the Leftist establishment.
No woman who called herself a feminist should have remained with the BBC during its campaign against Mrs Palin. The Corporation, along with the rest of the MSM (sound familiar?) used every filthy misogynist trick in the book to wreck her political career.
Could be that the devotees of the Religion of Peace are overplaying their hand and getting too intolerant, aggressive and violent too soon. Their thuggish behaviour might nudge the slumbering UK government into an awareness of what will become the norm if Muslim immigration increases.
I have no doubt the University authorities will do all they can to play down this incident. Nearly all academia in this country is institutionally hostile to Israel. It is now so far gone as to irreversible.
Free speech is not the issue. The real issue is institutional anti Semitism masquerading as justified concern over Palestine.
You cannot reason with these students. You cannot talk to them all you can do is ignore them.
That said it is the business of the forces of law and order to deal with the trouble and disruption they cause. This should not be shirked however distasteful the University authorities find having to enforce it.
It really is sad that despite all the media does to highlight why this is happening, even here where we might expect readers would be aware of the reasons, they are completely at a loss to explain it.
I can explain it! Not only that but I have written here, together with links to relevant pages the reasons behind it.
This stretches through the whole of the West (USA & Europe) The huge number of Mosques being built with Saudi money and the teaching of backwards intolerant violent Wahabism is taking place there.
The BBC covered this with its two part radio series ‘The Deobandi Movement’.
Then there’s the bribery of Western leaders such as George Bush Snr & Jnr, Barak Obama, Hilary Clinton, Tony BLiar, and undoubtedly David (give me the money) Cameron.
Once you realise this everything happening begins to make sense.
The BBC and its bleeding stumps. “Bleeding stumps” is a tried and tested public sector wheeze to either resist budget cuts, and/or to squeeze more tax cash from the likes of you and me. In a few words the organisation in question devises a new budget which proposes cuts to the most vital and demanded functions and spares the least useful bits. It then waves its “bleeding stumps” at the Treasury.
BBC Monitoring Department was set up in 1939 to keep a watch on foreign broadcast propaganda and news of vital importance to our national interest. It has does so ever since. In 2013 the Government “agreed” with the BBC that funding for this department would henceforth be paid from the licence fee and not from the Foreign Office budget. This was hotly contested at the time, but now that the BBC has its eleven year “sweetheart” budget deal in the bag (thanks Whittinglessdale for the craven climbdown), out come the bleeding stumps. Anthony Hall and co are proposing to cut 4 million quid from the department’s budget (around 25% based on the 2015/16 spend of £16.9 million). This “shortfall” to quote BBC Pravda this morning means that BBC monitoring will lose 40% of its staff in the UK and 20% of staff overseas. It will also have to move from its base in Reading to offices in London (surely more expense ?). One cut includes the Mazar-i-Sharif bureau in Afghanistan. Now £4 million is peanuts to the BBC, but this service is still of significant use to the government, and indirectly to you and me. Based on past performance, we might expect the government to crumble again. Anyway be happy Mrs May as the licence fee goes up each year from now on and Al Beeb continues to undermine every aspect of your government’s policies.
Gunner, why would anyone monitor the media to find out what is happening in a society?
Unless the media is under total state control, it seems to exist in a bubble of its own…..and is therefore useless from an intelligence perspective.
If a foreign state monitored the BBC in the last couple of years they would have assumed that the UK was about to vote for Scottish independence, a Labour government and to remain in the EU, that Nick Clegg and Tony Blair are highly esteemed by the people, that white people are a minority, and men in general are either gay, wish they were women, or are invisible.
Perhaps that is the BBC’s patriotic duty, to completely bamboozle foreign intelligence agencies about the reality of life in Britain. At last we know why everything they say is false!
It seems that the Church of Socialism is hemorrhaging congregation numbers faster than it ever has.
It used to be known as the Tory Party at prayer, but successive left wing Archbishops of Canterbury, such as Rowan Williams who even described himself not as a Christian, but “first & foremost I’m a bearded leftie”.
Instead of standing up when its beliefs are challenged, it has dithered and trembled, the men in charge not being in possession of a single spine between the lot of them, its core beliefs changing like the weather.
The majority of people in the country have had enough of freeloading immigrants and asylum seekers, and they certainly do not want to be told by a man or woman with whom they have no right of reply, that they are somehow immoral or sinful because they do not share the views of the Labour party.
Rather than turning to face their external critics and opposing them, they have instead turned on their own congregations, berating them for not following the latest left wing fad.
Trying to sit on the fence on issues like women Bishops, (which we were promised would not happen when women vicars were ordained) gay vicars, gay Bishops, and gay marriage (which we all know they really want to do), they betray the people who support them.
Islam succeeds because it knows what it is. It absolutely never panders to socialists, and as a result socialists love it! It protects its believers and states its views clearly and threatens violence on those who criticise it.
What a contrast with the Church of Socialism one is respected – one is held in derision and contempt. One is growing, the other fast shrinking, and it’s obvious why.
Socialism is the council of failure and it always has been.
Without wishing to denigrate the cultural contribution of our Christian heritage, I can’t get away from the feeling that we’d be better off if all religions were consigned to the dustbin.
The CofE seems to serve no useful purpose these days. If anything, its influence seems to be overwhelmingly negative.
As a pretext for wars or being lectured to by well heeled, establishment clerics – I would agree but on a local level the Church or rather the ordinary ‘little people’ associated with a church do a lot of good.
“the ordinary ‘little people’ associated with a church do a lot of good.”
But would they do that regardless?
My mother, almost 90, lives in a village not far from Dorking. She moved there around 15 years ago when my father died. She is not from that area, or even close, is not religious, but has a wide circle of mutually supportive friends. My sister lives a few miles away so the move made sense.
The self-promoting local vicar seems to have little interest in people outside the small clique he is surrounded by. They appear to have their fingers in many of the local pies, or at least they try to have.
However, my mother’s neighbours, most of whom are retired and relatively wealthy, have been helpful from the start. Shortly after moving in there was a power cut. A man my mother had not met up to that point appeared on the doorstep with a propane lamp. He was delivering several of them to older people living on their own. He is a retired businessman of some description but is not connected with the church in any way. Most of the people in my mother’s circle are not. Her immediate neighbour was a director of an insurance company in the City and owned the land on which my mother’s bungalow was built. Nothing is too much trouble (doesn’t fit the lefty stereotype, does it?).
My point is that these people would be doing good regardless because that is the way they are. I’m quite prepared to admit that their charity has its origins in Christian teaching, but in this village at least the local church is a total irrelevance.
The Russian Orthodox Church, is pretty sure of its ground, as are the Orthodox churches who had historic experience of life as Dhimmi…..the Serbs, Romanians and Greeks for example and the Coptic Orthodox who face life in present day Egypt.
The Catholics….torn between the Islam friendly liberals in Europe and the Americas and those in direct contact with Islamists….Catholics in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Nigeria and Pakistan are pretty clear about the threats they face daily.
The CofE is a state church….it is dangerously compromised by its collaboration with a secularising, multiculturalist state, that seems to view Islam alternatively as a reformable ideology / religion worthy of respect, depending on the mood of the week.
Islam panders to anyone it thinks it can fool before viciously turning on them when the time is ripe. See the history and bloody fate of the Iranian left in the 1970s and 80s for a case study.
The mistake of the CofE and western liberals and leftists generally is to view Islam as just another religion in an essentially secular worldview that regards all religion is the same as the cuddly, compliant old CofE.
It’s a big topic, but there is a view that Socialism is simply the fag-end of a dying Christianity that doesn’t believe in much anymore, except being ‘nice’ and giving money to the poor and thereby keeping them trapped in eternal dependency.
I ignored it for a couple of days but it was still there; then out of sheer curiosity I watched it.
I don’t know what to make of it!
Who is this aimed at?
Why is it “News” worthy of the front page?
Would kids click on it and watch it?
Today I see it has been moved to the Magazine section.
It’s apparently from a series called Shame.
Yes….shame on you, BBC.
Soapbox that vid is indeed surprising. Not because it deals with rape and revenge (a beeb favourite, all men are evil etc) but rape IN A MUSLIM state, you know, the religion of peace and feminism where nothing bad ever happens and women are highly respected.
Of course we know what goes on behind the veil in those countries where women have no rights whatsoever (and Tunisia is considered moderate) but for beebistan to refer to it? Someone slipped up. No wonder it got moved to Magazine.
Peter…I replied and then lost it! This is the gist of what I said.
Yes, we know what goes on behind the veil is appalling but it was the fact they used these digital-type figures in the video. Would that encourage children to click on it?
I wonder what other rubbish is in the same series?
Why do we have to pay for this tripe????
Our local paper some time ago ran a touchy feely piece on how well a Tunisian girl who had been given leave to remain because she was not very well treated at home had settled in to the local community.
On that basis every moslem woman in the world would be granted residemce!
Touchy-feely you say?
A phrase we`d rather NOT give in Arabic to our mendicants and wayfarers.
AND-given the hennaed beards and filthy toenails of these forty-something kiddies-any chance that they`ll NOT be getting pass keys to the girls dorms at childrens homes anytime soon?
Or can I begin to write the national scandal that ensues for 2021?
We have no shortage of criminals, the ill educated, feral or deviant characters.
And heck, this country is full of nice, deserving people who deserve a break.
For some time I have been disturbed by the extreme prejudice against that humble but useful little thing known as the hyphen. It has been all but destroyed by unthinking progressives who would mangle the English language under the guise of simplifying it.
So I was delighted to see you reinsert it between ‘no’ and ‘one’ and I fervently hope that the absurd ‘noone’ (which makes me think of an antiquated mid-day) will soon be chucked into the dustbin of history along with other absurdities like ‘cooperation’ (which makes me think of someone constructing an abode for chickens).
Having got that off my chest, I’m going back to Fox News – all the news that the BBC will not bring you.
Support Our Lefty!
Can I be the first to apply for Religious Affairs Correspondent in your soon-to-be-esteemed organ?
I write in Ireland under the name of Archbishop and Primate of All Ireland and the Isles…the Archbishop Veneramus of the Faithful…Archbishop Dougal McGuire.
God Is Grand…quite literally the wheels are falling off the Popemobile, and we`re struggling to fit the rice cakes before the clocks go back here in Maynooth!
Down with this sortating!
Friend Chris! I am – literally – delighted to hear from you!
I see no reason why you should not apply for the post of Religious Affairs Correspondent in my soon-to-be-esteemed organ. But please do always remember that some religious affairs are best kept private.
As for the clocks going back, I have decided that this is a Hard-Right plot to – literally – put the clock back. I shall therefore refuse to do this in future, starting from to-night.
I saw in the Telegraph today that Tony Blair says that his insurgency to drag us back into the Juncker Bunker was “not an attempt by the elite to override the wishes of the British people”.
To be fair to Blair-always easy to discern the truth from this serial liar, deviant and sociopath.
1. What does Blair say?
2. Get out the compass, set your bearings at 180 degrees to whatever Blair says.
3. Proceed only along this line, keeping your back set squarely to Blair, don`t even THINK of looking back to wonder…unless you want to be the salted slug.
4. Only THAT direction you`re on -only there can you be certain that you`re in line with the truth.
Blair is a deviant sociopath and fantasist. Like the Clintons, like Zelig or Walter Mitty.
I, too, am a great fan of hyphens. No-thing and no-body – not even this totally-un-elected Far-Right Tory Government – will ever stop me from using them, whether to-day (including, of course, to-night) or to-morrow, or indeed on any week-day.
Today programme, Saturday 29 October. Now I don’t understand the full implications of the problems Hillary has with her emails and the BBC doesn’t want to explain but I heard Justin Webb describe on the Today programme just after 8.30 (ie 1hr 35 mins and 32 secs into the programme http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b080mhd2) that the choice was between Trump ‘A racist, misogynist, narcissistic thug and a woman who was secretive and possibly dishonest about her emails’.
If that isn’t bias, I don’t know what it.
I am glad that I don’t have a vote in the US Presidential elections. I don’t think I like Trump but if the BBC are against him then I think he is probably the better option.
You’ve hit the nail on the head there. My (reluctant) view is that a vote for Trump would be worth it if all it managed to achieve was to dethrone the MSM, as perfectly eptitomised by that disgusting example of bias you’ve quoted from Webb.
Deborah, I had the unfortunate experience of watching Justin Webb, as North America ‘editor’, interviewing Barack Obama when he was about to inflict himself on the American people as president (or had just so inflicted himself on them, I forget which).
The ‘interview’ consisted mostly of Webb gazing beseechingly at Obama like a rabbit caught in the glare of his headlights while the great man spoke at length.
Webb is an ignorant, talentless fool and would not survive for ten minutes in a genuine media organisation that had to earn its bread in an honest fashion.
This is typical BBC, worshiping what they see as the ‘Noble Savage’, switching off all critical faculties mainly because the new POTUS was half-Black, and thereby showing that they are, in their own way, as racist as those they accuse of racism. A trivial but similar example is the star-struck girly behaviour of Woman’s Hour presenters interviewing some pop idol from their teenage years, when they have just conducted a reasonably serious interview on some subject like pay inequality.
My name is no longer fit for purpose: I think the BBC has now gone beyond needing a mere shake-up and has to be reformed from top to bottom.
The coverage of among other things UKIP, the EU Referendum and its aftermath, and the UK General Election of 2015, plus the migrant crisis of 2015-16, and the US Presidential Election, has persuaded me that the BBC needs to start again from tabula rasa. A good start would be the abolition of the TV poll tax, which funds their whole fantasy world.
If I don’t like a particular newspaper – I don’t buy it.
I don’t have to pay the Guardian a sum of money just so I CAN READ A NEWSPAPER OF MY CHOICE.
And that is the huge, corpulent, elephant in the room that I find so nauseating.
R4 was at it again on ‘From Our Own Correspondent’, which allowed a sometime Canadian (he returns there for his summer holidays he told us) to opine about Canada’s fear of Trump and the way that the Trudeau-voting Canucks are living in terror at the prospect of a President Trump.
Except, of course, what we heard wasn’t a reflection of Canadian opinion at all. It was a laser-fine focus on the opinions of a group of wealthy, Left wing Canadians who visit one holiday destination where, one assumes, they alternate sunbathing with virtue signalling.
It was written by a Canadian who has lived in Britain for many years and is thus, by definition, out of touch with Canadian opinion and who, penny to a pound, hobnobs solely with similar bien pensant Left wingers over here.
Still, never mind. From the BBC’s point of view It was another useful swipe at Trump and from a slightly different angle this time at is was about Canada.
Switched off as soon as Kate Adey announced that there would be Canadian perspective on Trump. No need to listen. I knew what was coming. The Beeb becomes ever more predictable, repetatitive, worthless and unjustifiable.
The problem is that if you play R4 Roulette as I have been for the past few weeks (switching on at random intervals to see if there’s a propaganda broadcast in progress, which there almost always is, it seems) you soon end up not listening at all. As I have now abandoned live BBC TV for the same reason, it doesn’t leave me much to post about on here.
Thankfully not all Canadians are left-wing bigots supporting the Killery Monster. Mark Steyn and Ezra Levine I assume are supporting Trump, but definitely onside are Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern.
On Facebook, the BBC seems to be mirroring its Brexit crisis management attempts by trying to get all the young American eligible voters in Canada over to vote for Hillary, by using their considerable global media presence to rig another election.
It will be interesting if such meddling works as well as last time.
Cooper – hopefully “Chip” heard the broadcast and “Our Correspondence” next summer sojourn on the St Lawrence may not be quite so relaxing. Hopefully it may end in a black eye or two!
Imagined conversation
“Hi I’m calling from the BbcOperationStoptrump team we need to insert one of our StopTrump adverts in your prog..This one will be from Bill Law*
OK Gotta go I have to place 15 more of our Newsverts today
* Bill Law : Another Beeboid who writes his name in Arabic on his Twitter name
What’s that strange law that BBC News staff shouldn’t use their Social Media accounts for political views ..Maybe he’s counted as a free-lancer.eg latest Tweets
“looming Brexit fiasco”
also today : “Oh Brexit! Morrisons raises Marmite price “£ world’s worst-performing currency on global money markets” this year.”
“Looking forward to speaking at conference on human rights challenge of arbitrary revocation of citizenship at Amnesty UK on Oct 31”
“Trump ignorant of military strategy: Strategic Reasons for Publicizing Military Offensives ”
“Sharp drop in EU student applications to UK universities”
“It’s rare but I find myself in agreement with TB: Tony Blair: Options must stay open on Brexit”
“Check out this v funny Melania Trump impersonation:”
etc. etc.
Unlike the BBC, Fox News is seriously on Clinton’s case re the reopening of the FBI investigation into the crooked one.
It’s an extraordinary development in a bizarre election campaign on both sides. Even the lefty US media is covering it because they have no choice but to cover it though it has the potential to destroy Clinton’s chances:
If Hillary Clinton becomes President, he may be “suicided” like Vince Foster was. At the very best, his career is over. So one must conclude that the evidence the FBI have found is such that it simply could not be ignored. In other words, it’s the smoking gun!
I believe the Clinton Mob must have had something over Comey that they were able to use as threats. Maybe he had been one of the needy cases requiring millions of charity support from the Clinton Foundation. Maybe they had him recorded on tape doing or saying something illegal. Maybe there were threats made against his family. Probably none of the above is true, but I feel they must have had something.
When he gave the original rundown of her crimes but ended with “No reason to proceed” it made no sense. If he really wanted to give the message that he believed there was no wrong-doing he would have downplayed them. I felt that naming the crimes was his own way to show that he was under pressure from the Clinton Mafia, a cry for help even.
After that his credibility was shot and he lost the trust of most of his agents. When this new stuff came to light he probably decided to make amends to win some support back from those who no longer trusted him. He possibly decided to hell with whatever hold the Clinton Mob have over him as it is not worth losing the last bits of credibility and integrity he still has. After all, if something happens now to members of his family everyone will know who to blame. And if his agents cannot trust the man at the top the FBI will no longer function at the level it expects to.
Frightening the speed its happening at now and also the many Islamic adherent followers in various Governments around the World in obvious support of the spread.
BBC WS – So the EU / Canada signing is just an understanding to pursue a Trade Agreement over the next years, which could still be scuppered at any time along the way.
BBC WS – Woke again at 3am the other night, and heard, “Hard Talk” with an Australian chap talking about trade deals with, Asia, UK etc.. Steven Sackur was so utterly, completely, predictably negative all through the tirade, I mean interview. The Aussie did well to keep his end up and not just go slit his wrists.
Woke again at around 3am and heard, “HARD TALK” An Aussie was talking trade deals with Asia and the post Brexit UK etc.. Sackur was so utterly, completely and predictably negative all through the tirade, I mean interview. The Aussie chap did well to keep his end up and not just go slit his wrists or punch Sackur for being such a partisan wanker.
Oh I heard this.
Appalling twaddle from Eeyore Suckup wasn`t it?
Our Aussie chum clearly came from the Sunshine State and bearing freshly squeezed nectar and ambrosia.
But all Sackur offered was bile, venom and biiter gall and wormwood.
How BBC…twat looks like Art Garfunkel, so isn`t worth the candle.
Now-would Sackur of Gompertz win the Ugly Bugger Ball Contest at the BBC…worrashowerakuntz!
“Is there a growing disillusionment with globalisation and big trade deals?”
That’s how the prog comes up on Twitter
“Stephen Sackur asks if the public tiring of globalisation and big trade deals. Could Australia feel the fall out from growing disillusion with globalisation?”
is what it says on the page itself
…The BBC does that – putting a different lione in the webpage meta-data to what it writes on the page.
Happy Savile day y`all!
It seems only yesterday the the BBCs Fave Childrens Presenter and all round card departed this mortal coil.
In fact-can we all believe?-it was FIVE YEARS ago to the very day. Sad Saturday it was as well!
And yet?…no BBC retrospective on their Albino Asset.
The BBC was Savile-and Sir James was Mr BBC.
Todays Mail tells me that the BBC have clawed back £1 million from Sir James esatate.
Which by all accounts would have covered the expense of moving 2.5 tonnes of concrete that Sir James chose to cover the gold coffin.
Oh-and point his gaze in the direction of two primary schools as he lies cooling in his tomb!
It being Hallowe`en?….this is a story to warm the heart of Lucy Thirkettle herself.
Come on BBC-give that million pound back, and we`ll get that JCB to
“Dig Up Jim”
THIS is the only begging bowl worth the warm spit, and blagged Euro IMHO!
Hope to be selling the cards for this annual event in Clintons next year.
It is so odd that ‘freedom loving’ Brit’s tolerate and even encourage Islam with it’s treatment of, women, gays and the ‘different’ kind of Muslims?
Britain has gone to war over less. Makes no sense at all.
It is even more strange that the BBC is at the vanguard of this RoP love-in. Do those clowns ever consider what the line-up of presenters would like in the event of the BBC being Islamified? I think it unlikely that Evan Davis, Edwina Mair, Graham Norton, Stephen Fry, Phil Jupitus, Alistair Appleton, Simon Amstell, Jane Hill, Sue Perkins etc would be gracing the airwaves. Woman’s Hour would likely get a drastic make-over in terms of content although, thinking about it, that might be a good thing.
And don’t let’s forget Richard “The Dogging Vicar” Coles or the ubiquitous Clare Balding or Susan “I was saying to my wife the other day” Calman or Sandi Toksvig or Alice Arnold (now retired?) or ‘Pol’ Gambaccini or …
Yes gaxvil, the so-called ‘liberal’ lib-left-beebistan’s infatuation with the Religion of Illiberalism makes no sense at all. Discuss. We need a Douglas Murray or a Christopher Hitchens (PBUH) to write a learned thesis on it.
Meanwhile here’s a couple of wild guesses:
– Horrible little Little Englanders / Daily Mail readers mistrust the Religion of Murder, Terrorism, Homophobia, Misogyny, Fanaticism, Anti-Semitism, Xenophobia and Intolerance. Ergo, by excusing and defending it, I demonstrate my immense sophistication and superiority to them and virtue-signal my broad mindedness.
– I hate boring hideously white middle class Britain so much that its enemies are my friends.
(I could go on but i’m losing the will to live just thinking about it.)
I’ve got many theories about the liberal love-in with Muslims. One of them is that the left actually thinks it can overcome radical Islam by creating some sort of hybrid, westernised version with all the ‘good’ stuff left in (ie, strong communities, anti-westernism, anti-Christianity, anti-Israel, cous-cous, the call to prayer, and those nice Moorish murals and things one sees on holiday in Seville) and all the ‘bad’ stuff left out, such as patriarchy, oppression of women, gays, fundamentalism, killing etc. You have to remember the left has its roots in nonconformist Christianity and the idea of David (unarmed feminised liberal niceness) defeating Goliath (fundamentalist Islam) is a strong one with them.
Can`t say I agree Cranmer on this occasion.
Greatly respect your views, but feel that this isn`t quite right.
Christianity has long been banished from this theatre-had it been any kind of barrier, it would have been persecuted.
But neither side(Islam and Socialism) cares enough so to do.
Yes, the Left in the UK DID have that Methodism/Marxist root way back-the likes of Frank Field would represent that.
But in the new global era-the Left HATE any nationalist variant of the utopian one world pansocialism that they reckon to be part of. So Methodism isn`t far off child abuse in their eyes, despite the efforts of Paul Flowers to square their circle for them.
IN fact, i`d argue that Islam and the Left share a LOT of common ground-they both believe in the perfectability of Man by his own efforts, the right to judge and usher in their apocalyptic vsersion of an earthly utopia.
Where-funnily enough-they rule, dispense justice and deal with the opposition in the same ways.
Both hate the USA and Israel, both want money sanctified by themselves and to determine who`s to be laughed at, and who`s to be processed by their State, their heaven here on earth.
Socialism by the way will go under the Muslim boot very soon…Islam will be fought by Judeo-Christians as of old, I fear.
Jesus wins. Not prettily though, the longer we live in this stew of Lefties and Islam.
We have an example in our time. The BBC with its current Reith Lecture series is trying to undo, weaken and dilute the Bible (and by implication the Koran) and will no doubt continue to try to blur all the edges – country, colour and culture are next in line for the treatment – so that Islam can merge seamlessly with Judao-Christianity. This will no doubt be part of a rolling programme. Islam in the west, with some politicians in tow from US, UK and the EU, will go along with it all until everything is in place.
Too many Sunday schools maybe for me U2Snuff, but I`d say that cH has some points being missed.
Think you`re reducing the overseening ascendency of Islam to the elite. They`re petrified not of Cliff Richard, but of Lee Rigby and Charlie Hebdo.
So there`s surely no read-across or equivalence between their scorn for the Bible and its Jewish/Christian flowerings.
And their craven, ignorant and utterly supine indulgence of Islam and its Coran.
The Left will do a Von Papen when the New Akhis come along. This`ll give them “key roles” in things like Transport, hoping that this will give them the imprimateur of being sanctified by the liberal left elite.
They`ll only need Education though. Hitler knew as much too.In fact, they`ve already got bridgeheads via Trojan Horse.
End of Wilshire and Gove maybe?
Right then-gloves, handbag, hat…and off to St Marys to make the coffee.Feel like Harriet the Spy at times.
AS, their scorn for things Christian at the BBC was probably starting long before Islam really made an impact in the UK, probably sometime in the 1970s at the latest, if not a decade earlier. Remember who Mary Whitehouse went after first?
I think it is at the back of the BBC minds that if they dilute Christian culture, especially the Bible, then Muslims will at some point be compliant and only too pleased to reciprocate by toning down the bits of the Koran that clash with their BBC Liberal elite values. Then, as you suggest there will be qpq offered: administrative or legislative authority. This back and forth of ‘we’ll scratch your back if you scratch ours’ will reach the point when Islam feels secure enough to impose a harder line.
It will bite the hand that housed it, clothed it, fed it until it worked or supported it if not.
Then it will be too late for a compromised media and a compromised political elite to do anything about it.
Its not only Al Beeb that spouts claptrap, just watching Sky and Kevin Maguire (Assoc Ed, D/Mirror), has just said (re the migrants congregated at Calais waiting for the next water taxi), that “contrary to belief, migrants DON’T come here to take benefits, but want to work, and only add to the community”, and then this little pearl…. “they are the possible leaders of the future”. Not in my lifetime I can only hope Kevin !
So why don’t they produce any half decent leaders in their own shit-hole countries then?
SKY is possibly worse than the BBC. I despair of some of the stuff I hear on these channels. There seems to be a conspiracy to destroy us. Don’t these people have families to be concerned about?
I wish they would make their bloody minds up. I thought they were all brain surgeons / nuclear physicists / engineers who would make Brunel look like an amateur / rocket scientists etc.
Now they are all potential leaders! I give up, I really do.
I read that each of these ‘children’ will cost the British taxpayers £133,000 per year.
On the brighter side, when these 30 year olds reach the age of 18 they will be able to get a job and contribute (so long as it pays over £36,000 per annum as this is the point where you become a contributor)
Migrants just… “want to work”… based on what evidence? Just what they say to a beeboid reporter, or maybe he just made it up. Strangely they don’t seem to want to work in France where benefits are harder to get.
“and add to the community”: yes, add to the community of other migrants.
The thing about Kevin is…. he is never challenged on the antics in Calais of those ‘migrants who just want to work’ when they are throwing rocks and boulders at the truck drivers and hide their faces behind scarves. What say now Kev ?
Unthinking tolerance from a position of faith-lessness and moral vagueness and easy-going delegation to ‘government (or others) to do something’ will lead to a subjugation of the UK by corruption and eventually by others. We see this happening now in the UK and also worldwide in sports. It will spread wider, into other areas of life. It probably has or is starting to do so already.
The only hope for the British is a national revival of faith, morals and spirit. Maybe being tugged back towards the tentacles of the EU will bring a shock to the UK that starts this process off.
Perhaps it will start in Wales and Scotland with an increasing rejection of the leaders claiming, purporting to represent their peoples’ best interests.
I think the BBC is right to highlight instances of discrimination but Taiwan seems to be on the right path. If only the BBC was consistent. There is a much bigger intolerance problem on the BBC’s doorstep which it doesn’t seem very concerned about.
Especially, in the Art Department, SJ. They appear to be completely intolerant to using accurate pictures for their articles. It appears that there is a Cup-a-Soup in front of the Typhoo tea packet!
Radio 4 Xtra programmes are mostly five plus years old. Unfortunately they do repeat the, ‘News Quiz’ and ‘Now Show’ etc.. At such times I go to the World Service, which does offer some bit’s to interest. For TV news, it’s Fox. A quick scan of the net and there you go – I’m getting by but it does feel like living under foreign occupation.
I listened to bBC Radio 7 when it first began. I enjoyed the old comedies, whilst avoiding the ‘Blue Peter/Listen with Mother’ type shows. Then the bBC ‘improved’ it, called it R4 Extra and replaced the kids programmes with current ‘comedy’ and shuffled the schedule. Farewell bBC, I’d already given up on their TV output due to their insufferable nonsense. I come on here to keep myself current with their bias and thank the posters who can actually stomach the bBC’s daily nonsense (other main stream meeja offer similar tripe without the compulsory tax)
I do not click on any of the bBC links provided here as I do not want to add to their ‘hits’, not that it will hit them in their taxpayer funded ‘safe space’.
So the sound reasons for the UK to have REMAINED are:-
……….. well, I have trouble with that. I attempt to apply my reasoning powers, empathy and creative thinking but keep coming up blank. I find it disquieting.
Laura Bicker in Washington for the BBC misleads viewers in her rush to protect Hillary – the BBC’s favourite Presidential candidate.
Who is Laura Bicker, you ask?
Think of a cut-price Laura Kuenessberg – the same grating, over-emphasised Scots brogue, similar screwed-up facial contortions and ticks, the same self-important manner of making pronoucements rather than delivering reports in a more comfortable conversational tone. There seems to be some BBC training school where this stuff is drumed in to certain receptive young journos.
And cut-priced Laura’s little fib…? Well. this evening she tells BBC viewers that the FBI ‘found Hillary Clinton NOT GUILTY of criminal acts over her emails’
No. The previous decision was that there was not sufficient evidence of wrong doing to bring those changes in a court of law.
As a Scot, Laura Bicker should have heard of the ‘not proven’ verdict within Scottish Law, which is not the same as ‘not guilty’ in English Law. Or is even that too much to expect from a BBC third-rater?
The next time the BBC have some speed-dialled eco-socialist establishing the superiority of his position on ‘climate change’ by bludgeoning his opponent with shrieks of ‘It’s indisputable peer reviewed science!’, bear this in mind:
There’s just one problem: science is in deep trouble. Last year, Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet, referred to fears that ‘much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue’ and that ‘science has taken a turn toward darkness.’There’s just one problem: science is in deep trouble. Last year, Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet, referred to fears that ‘much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue’ and that ‘science has taken a turn toward darkness.’
….Richard Smith, a former editor of the British Medical Journal, describes peer review as a roulette wheel, a lottery and a black box. He points out that an extensive body of research finds scant evidence that this vetting process accomplishes much at all. On the other hand, a mountain of scholarship has identified profound deficiencies.
…..A significant part of the problem is that anyone can start a scholarly journal and define peer review however they wish. No minimum standards apply and no enforcement mechanisms ensure that a journal’s publicly described policies are followed. Some editors admit to writing up fake reviews under cover of anonymity rather than going to the trouble of recruiting bona fide referees. Two years ago it emerged that 120 papers containing computer-generated gibberish had survived the peer review process of reputable publishers.
Richard Horton has fingers in his own ears when it comes to the discredited PACE study published in the Lancet. https://www.statnews.com/2016/09/21/chronic-fatigue-syndrome-pace-trial/
Needless to say, whilst BBC sang the praises of the ‘study’ they are rather reticent in reporting all the flaws.
Also worth pointing out there is no room for ‘consensus’ in science either (by which the BBC means a majority – even though that is a bogus claim in itself).
It has been claimed that the H. pylori theory was ridiculed by the establishment scientists and doctors, who did not believe that any bacteria could live in the acidic environment of the stomach. Marshall has been quoted as saying in 1998 that “(e)veryone was against me, but I knew I was right.”
And then
On the other hand, it has also been argued that medical researchers showed a proper degree of scientific scepticism until the H. pylori hypothesis could be supported by evidence.
Goodness gracious, ‘scepticism’ in science too. How positively archaic.
Just finished watching live streaming of the latest Trump rally in Golden Colorado….something is really happening folks, and I mean really happening in the US! Trump was utterly brilliant from start to finish. He was articulate, precise, vicious, ruthless, and magnificent.
He is starting to believe, and his supporters are too. You have to witness the way he talks about the corrupt, traitorous media…it’s utterly brilliant! He has called them out and has shown to his people how they truly are, and their true intentions…just as our traitorous Al Shabeeb are doing here in the UK. I genuinely believe that the US public are going to abandon the MSM and their disgusting, devious lies and brainwashing. Trump actually said to the crowd “see those liars behind you (the media)…they have a shock coming… They are finished when I get into office. They are dead. They will get absolutely nothing from me. They are finished”….ladies and gentlemen, this is everything we have been hoping for!!
God bless Donald Trump. God bless The USA for always being the ones who save the rest of the world from tyranny and evil…..I genuinely think he is going to do it
Haven’t seen that yet. I usually wait till the day after to catch the rallies and discussion on Fox on YouTube. As Trumps says, this really is a movement and we can only hope that the momentum will carry him to the White House as crooked Hillary is weakened by the continuing revelations of her crookedness.
A couple of days ago the BBC were talking about the ‘great mo’ and how it (momentum) was with Hillary. Since the latest re the emails there has been very little said about ‘momentum’.
Can I put on record my thanks to those of you who tell us when Trump is being streamed live on Going Postal, and the like.
Rather like Nigel Farage a few months back-always best to hear it live from the “horses mouth” rather than let the BBC spit and spin on what Trump/Farage and other “Enemies of the Liberals” are saying directly to us.
DJT can be impressive, but you`d never get that said from the awful BBC.
Nothing on the BBC yet, I’m sure when everyone else have reported it they’ll consider it safe to come out of the woodwork and write something on the website out of date but there just to show they did actually report it.
Sad for those it happened to, and their families, but we can only hope that they are the ones with the carrying the placards welcoming the migrants, and not the ones opposing them.
Only two ways this story can be presented. 1. Police suspect far right involvement in a knife attack. 2. Police warn against far right backlash after migrant with mental problems allegedly attacks someone with a knife.
Got my ‘I suffer from Leftism’ bingo card at the ready Thoughtful….
“Motive not known”
“Nothing makes any sense why anyone would do this”
“Police are not ruling anything out, though far-right terrorism is being linked”
“Mental illness”
“Tanned complexion”
…….then the world never hears about it again!
Louis Smith says “Allahu Akbar” as a joke….wall to wall coverage, forced to go on world tour to grovel and pray for forgiveness….
Multiple Muslims carrying out the psychopathic, pedophilic, child raping lunatics instruction from 1400 years ago to the letter, slaughtering infidels shouting “Allahu Akbar”…..Nothing! Jack shit! Never happened!…..
Some readers might remember that a couple of weeks ago I posted a piece on Huma Abedin Hilary Clintons Saudi Puppet master. Well it looks like the chickens have come home and now she’s in the full glare of the spot light.
Even the BBC tonight has had to acknowledge that there are only two possibilities one that the FBI have found some very serious information, or that there are another shed load of E mails which crooked Hilary has failed to disclose. Either of these would put an end to the Presidency if she was elected to office.
There is no way that the FBI would announce an investigation this close to an election if it did not have hard evidence of serious wrong doing.
Tonight all of Clintons lead over Trump has vanished and this isn’t over yet.
My twopenneth – there is no Clinton lead it is all fabricated by the MSM – they were (are) going to fix it. I seriously believe they tried to fix the Brexit vote too but the numbers were just too big for them. I think Trump is leading this by a landslide and he has called out the voting fraud. We live in interesting times- leftism is crashing around it’s own earholes .
Another inexplicable stabbing in a German train station. Motive unclear and police are utterly utterly baffled.
They need clueless Clouseau, he’d sort them out in no time.
And as yet no mention on the Europe page of the BBC website. It could be anyone, of course, but as ever,the beeb are reluctant to run the story unlike other news outlets.
Mutti Merkel: Hello, what’s all this about a multiple stabbing in Frankfurt station?
Police chief: Yes, and the perpetrator shouted Allahu Akbar.
Mutti: I think you’ll find that’s Norwegian for ‘Have a nice day’.
Chief: Oh, ok. And we found a blood-soaked Koran.
Mutti: Now listen very carefully, i’ll only say it once: that’s a Norwegian guide-book to Frankfurt, gottit?
Unless you want to be mysteriously suicided like all those Clinton critics.
Now, run along and Allahu Akbar as they say in Oslo.
What’s on the BBC Virtue Signal and pet-issue schedule ?
You could curate a lot of stuff together to make a White Man’s Guilt channel
Lots of “people of colour” progs
9.30 pm Marlon James special : Yentob presents a special about the Jamaican author
10:30pm The Harder they Come Jamaican movie
8pm Kwame Appiah :reith Lectures on race/country
9pm : India in 50 Lives
11:45pm Asian Provacateur
11pm C4 : Michael Moore hates trump
7:10 Religion prog Includes
William visits the Muslim Lifestyle Expo to hear how global brands are waking-up to one of the fastest growing consumer markets in the world.
Steve Chalke from Oasis UK joins William to discuss how his organisation has set-up what he refers to as a ‘safe house’ for child migrants arriving in the UK from the Jungle Camp in Calais.
One of the largest compensation claims against the Catholic Church begins tomorrow at the High Court in Leeds. Over two hundred men say they were abused at the St William’s approved school in in East Yorkshire. The BBC’s Caroline Bilton has been following the story.
R5 11:00am Strip Searches : including “even apparently racially motivated searches. ”
13:30 From Our Home Correspondent : America, Brexit, women dressing as men
16:30 Africa’s Digital Poets : Thabiso Mohare talks to poets who write to agitate.
17:00 foreign domestic workers : modern slavery in Britain
9:00 Marr : Brendan Cox, husband of the late Jo Cox,..actor Ewan McGregor. Writer Rachel Johnson, Labour’s Kate Hoey etc.
10:00 Naga Munchetty : The Anti-Gay marriage bakers case
11:00 Politics : Chi Onwurah and Haras Rafiq +The Daily Mail’s Isabel Oakeshott,
13:15 : Tale of Five Temples – The Story of Hinduism in Britain
5:10 Gospel Choir of the year
7:00pm Obama’s White House
10pm : Farage : Fly-on-the-wall mockumentary
Just watched part of the Michael Moore prog on C4,in which he said we Brits who voted for Brexit now wished we hadn’t and millions of us are signing a petition for another referendum,as we all know,that is a load of blatant lies, only Remoaners are the ones not accepting Brexit,yet many in the USA will believe what he says, this kind of thing really pisses me off,using lies about Brexit to try and sway the US election, totally out of order.
I couldn’t stomach much of it.
Greens Lie, Reds Lie..cos they follow Alinsky “by any means necessary” rules.
Moore’s logical fallacy : Misrepresentation
He said “millions of us (Brexiteers) are signing a petition for another referendum”
There is a petition with 4.1m signatures on it.
How many are legit British signatures ? we don’t know.
How many are former Brexiteers ? ..just about zero
..All those signatures seem to be Remoaners and fake votes like overseas people etc.
Brissles, DFS as well. In fact it is probably a pre-condition by the broadcaster. In fact, virtually all broadcasts are biased in favour of disproportional levels of mixed race.
The ITV ads were really disproportionately lacking in people of non-colour eg last night, the ITV digital ad, Boots make-up, and some food company ad
…I’m guessing it’s a London thing as well as WhiteMansGuilt
Check out the new Malteser ads, Stew, Ad 1 shows two women, one hearing impaired; Ad 2 show three people, one in a wheelchair and what I assume is the new norm, a mixed race couple.
Laura Bicker’s BBC reports from Washington this evening are clearly designed to cover for Hillary.
Her grating super-emphatic tones declare there is ‘only one’ question Clinton has had to answer during this campaign – and that is her about her emails.
Really? Just the ONE issue?
How about Benghazi, Haiti, ‘Pay for Play’ or the Clinton Foundation?
The fact is that the Clintons have a habit of distracting from each successive scandal only with the innovation of the next brand new scandal.
Then again, our Laura’s biased and over-pronounced excited Scots whine would be completely annoying were it not for the unintentional amusement provided by her reference to top Clinton aide… ‘Huma Aberdeen’
It shouldn’t be October 2016 news
That prog is 2 years old, even the repeat was in August and September
BBC say viewers supported it ..well the thing is not many people noticed it.
I’m good at searching on Twitter
by setting the date range to dates before Friday I can see what the past feeling was
The prog seemed to air around 15th August and then repeated 15th, 17th September
Searching BBC trans children gives these negatives
Search CBBC transgender reveals about 6 positives
– There is a Lefty Blog that monitors Newsround : It mentions that CBBC prog about Leo came first in June 2014, then a BBC public event with Leo in June 2016 ..then the actual prog List of progs
Wonder is parents are projecting their own dreams of trans onto their kids ?
Serious thing is :
You shouldn’t push chidren into trans cos trans have a high suicide rate The @BBC_WHYS once said :
“50% of transgender teens have attempted suicide before reaching 20”
.@bbc @cbbc why are you promoting transgenderism to kids? Look at the suicide rates of those transitioned. #cultualmarxism #iamleo
“France’s president has urged Britain to take its share of responsibility for migrant children who remain in Calais after the “Jungle” camp was cleared.”
How on earth is it Britain’s responsibility ? France let them in through their porous border controls , its their responsibility.
If they are ‘children’ how the heck did they cross the whole of Europe alone ? Where are their parents ?
I am afraid I don’t believe that they are unaccompanied children .
Once they are let in to our country many of their parents will claim them and will follow them in . They are in France , they belong to France.
What is more, France is a larger country than Britain.
Why is Al Beeb banging the gong for the migrants when we have so many British children seeking foster parents . The EU by its indecisiveness has made a mess of it. Al Beeb is making a mess of it and our government allows it . Al Beeb is so much out of touch with the people of Britain . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-37811391
100% right Taffman. The EU and France created a problem or allowed a problem to be created – it is not Britain’s responsibility to fix it. We have drifted from a pledge by Cameron only a few months ago to take a fixed quota of the most vulnerable refugee children from camps in Syria to any number of violent sub-Saharan African adult, male economic migrants from France. And the SJWs backed by the bBBC continue to hand wring about us not doing enough by taking more. All this under May’s watch – Brexit means Brexit? Really?
This is a great counter-attack in an interview with Pat Buchanan by a CNN drone, who I think could fit in very nicely at al beebus should he choose to, about the incredible bias of the MSM against Trump.
I would love to see someone attack in a similar way: Justin Webb; Jonathan Dimbleby; Nick Robinson; James Naughtie or any of the rest of the progressive s**t houses (of which al beebus does such a good line) about the sickening obliquity of their reporting.
The BBC censors anyone who would point out its left-wing bias. The number has grown exponentially by a large logarithmic factor, which reached 100 percent on the day after James Delingpole last appeared on the BBC.
There’s also a fun one with Katie Hopkins and some CNN peroxide sink who,loses it too. It’s not a rigged system because that guy on the left (apt) says so. Bless.
(1) “The Nigel Farage Radio Show” on LBC, 10am to Noon, Freeview Channel 732. Would include uncensored facts about Brexit and Trumps campaign, etc.
(2) “Nigel Farage Gets His Life Back“, an out of date BBC 2 Mockumentary about Nigel “not being the Leader of UKIP, anymore”. A satire about the most famous person in Britain who CAN be satirised in a Politically Correct Society. 10pm to 10.35pm
US election: Clinton campaign condemns FBI email move
I have always maintained that when dealing with the liberal elite and the associated virtue signalling nonsense that goes with it, hypocrisy is never far away. There are some great quotes in this article where the bbc tongue must be well and truly embedded in their cheek.
First of all “Mrs Clinton told supporters the move was “unprecedented” and “deeply troubling” – Isn’t blatant bias in the media and character assassination deeply troubling too?
Here’s the peach – “voters deserve to get full and complete facts.” hahahahahahah that’s funny.
“long on innuendo” and “short on facts” – much the same as the groping allegations no?
Are rhe tables turning? The timing of this new evidence is curious – has Julian Assange got his internet back?
I saw last night that one poll has the candidates neck and neck before this latest bombshell exploded.
Maybe, just maybe.
BBC keen that we turn the clocks back this morning – back to pre-referendum days because this is – apparently – Saint Jo Cox Day, with her activist husband Brendan insisting that she not ‘rest in peace’
Funny how certain people stick together – Mr Cox tweets his support for Gary Lineker as the multi-millionaire working ‘at the BBC’ ex-footballer went off the deep end whilst virtue-signalling for migrants..
‘Brendan Cox @MrBrendanCox Oct 21
Brendan Cox Retweeted Gary Lineker
This guy is a dude. Almost makes me want to watch @BBCMOTD’
Personally, I tend to watch Match of the Day for the football – but each to their own, I guess.
But this leftie will support anything trending left – even capitalist corporations..
‘Vogue endorses Hillary Clinton’
Brendan Cox:
‘A great example of a company willing to stand against hatred & take extraordinary steps to do so. More like this pls’
Perhaps they’ll go a step further and suggest changing the current BC/AD calendar system to BM and AM. According to my rough calculation, that would mean the current year is around 1386* which, in some ways, feels about right.
tomoMar 6, 12:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 https://twitter.com/StarkNakedBrief/status/1897584242093162593
wwfcMar 6, 12:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan asylum seeker raped schoolgirl, 15, after spotting her alone in town centre https://www.gbnews.com/news/migrant-crisis-afghan-asylum-seeker-raped-schoolgirl-falkirk-scotland
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 The throat of the animal should be facing the Qiblah. The knife should be adequately sharp to cut the throat…
tomoMar 6, 11:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 It’s traditional thing in Pakistan for the diverse Islamic factions to murder each other., when they aren’t murdering unbelievers…. That…
moggiemooMar 6, 11:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 The UK is nearly a Middle East country and it supposedly already has nukes.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:23 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Borders are being breached by criminal gangs worldwide. Life-threatening Channel crossings have occurred for years – it is time to…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:00 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Border security is national security.” Comment “So strange having a US President AND Vice President that can form sentences and…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 10:54 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Pakistan: Muslim cleric who repeatedly supported jihad suicide attacks is killed in jihad suicide attack” Mar 5, 2025 4:30 pm…
vladMar 6, 10:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 More on Jihad around the world, here: https://jihadwatch.org/
Rob in CheshireMar 6, 10:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 Castro’s lad can’t help himself can he? His dad must be so proud.
I just heard Justine Webb on Toady refer to Donald Trump as a: “Racist, narcissistic thug.”
Al beebus and its operatives are truly off the scale of bias with regard to this presidential election. Webb is unfit to be a presenter on that programme, absolutely appalling for him to express what amounts to his personal view in such a fashion.
My God, did he really call Trump a racist!? That is unconscionable. I don’t think that view would be accepted by the black churches and pastors who are supporting him; neither would the black policemen, sheriffs, servicemen and local politicians.
He knows he’s among friends and the BBC only broadcasts for people who agree with it big time.
British people are sold short on so many things and the lack of competition for the BBC is just one of them.
Saturday is ALWAY the BBCs “Dress Down” Day in regard of the Toady show.
Justins handlers and massage boys will all be chillin in Campden Racists this morning after blowing boys, drugs or whatever else they could lay their nhands on last night.
We know it`s vile shit Mon-Fri. But Saturday is always nasty…that lie in allows them to be more poisonous than normal.
Ah well, Trumpzakummin.
November 9th hopefully the end of the NYT/HuffPo/CNN cabals in the USA.
The Today programme has pitched itself as the In Defence Of Hilary programme this morning.
In the wake of the news that the FBI is to investigate Hilary’s emails, each news bulletin has begun with “Hilary demands to know …”
Since whenever has a politician on the back foot in the initial stages of a possible scandal been afforded the empathetic point of view from a supposed impartial news organisation? That was the stance taken throughout the whole programme.
Each ‘expert’ brought on to discuss to situation has attempted to dismiss it, with the last one not only dismissing it but expanding it to a claim that Trump will press the red button.
Incredible bias, just incredible.
Desperation is setting in. The BBC are finally beginning to realise that the ‘golden girl’ is doomed, and their arch enemy Trump could well win the Presidency. I DO hope so – I want to see ’em squirm, again!
I’ve no doubt that is true….they are finally coming to terms with the landslide support that Trump has, and will dwell on this ( as they see it) divine Trump good fortune of another FBI investigation into Killary.
It will be used to rationalise his victory, by explaining it away conveniently for them.
I see they also managed to find ( with the fourth horseman of the apocalypse Justin Urquart Stewart) a mention in the papers of ‘ TRUMPKINS’.
Some pumpkins carved to look like the Don, which began on social media months ago.
Cant wait for them to find the ugly witch cartoons of Killary in her pointed hat. Riding her broomstick ( no knickers of course to increase her grip on the stick) …
They are doing with Trump what they have done with every Republican who comes to prominence.
Reagan they claimed was senile and demented
Bush Snr was detached his staff came in for individual attack, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, etc etc
Bush Jnr was portrayed as a simpleton.
By contrast
Jimmy Carter man given a poor hand deserves our sympathy
Bill Clinton hero worship and adoration despite the nasty Republican attempt to impeach him
Barak Obama well they seem to think he is the son of God himself, despite him possibly being the worst President the US has ever seen
The BBC are doing what they have always done, and no one has ever stopped them, or even questioned their bias. It seems that no one ever will.
Bet it’s a stunt ..to find Hillary innocent 2 days before the election or something.
Like why after refusing to report the email scandal for months, did all the Hillary owned media suddenly make it the headline last night ?
This AM the BBC uses it to get at Trump ..Their headlines sounds like
“oh look at ridiculous Trump, saying a few emails are worse than Watergate, he’s desperate isn’t he ?”
And the worst case of all was that of Sarah Palin, a clever, experienced, attractive woman who was ritually humiliated and denigrated precisely because she was all three of those things and a terrible danger to the Leftist establishment.
No woman who called herself a feminist should have remained with the BBC during its campaign against Mrs Palin. The Corporation, along with the rest of the MSM (sound familiar?) used every filthy misogynist trick in the book to wreck her political career.
Has the BBC reported this yet:
Police called to UCL over ‘violent’ anti-Israel protest which left Jewish students barricaded in room
The film clip shows the usual suspects in attendance, so I suppose the answer will be no.
Andrew Caplan,
Could be that the devotees of the Religion of Peace are overplaying their hand and getting too intolerant, aggressive and violent too soon. Their thuggish behaviour might nudge the slumbering UK government into an awareness of what will become the norm if Muslim immigration increases.
I have no doubt the University authorities will do all they can to play down this incident. Nearly all academia in this country is institutionally hostile to Israel. It is now so far gone as to irreversible.
Free speech is not the issue. The real issue is institutional anti Semitism masquerading as justified concern over Palestine.
You cannot reason with these students. You cannot talk to them all you can do is ignore them.
That said it is the business of the forces of law and order to deal with the trouble and disruption they cause. This should not be shirked however distasteful the University authorities find having to enforce it.
It really is sad that despite all the media does to highlight why this is happening, even here where we might expect readers would be aware of the reasons, they are completely at a loss to explain it.
I can explain it! Not only that but I have written here, together with links to relevant pages the reasons behind it.
Even the BBC are telling you this why are you failing to take notice?
This stretches through the whole of the West (USA & Europe) The huge number of Mosques being built with Saudi money and the teaching of backwards intolerant violent Wahabism is taking place there.
The BBC covered this with its two part radio series ‘The Deobandi Movement’.
Then there’s the bribery of Western leaders such as George Bush Snr & Jnr, Barak Obama, Hilary Clinton, Tony BLiar, and undoubtedly David (give me the money) Cameron.
Once you realise this everything happening begins to make sense.
The BBC and its bleeding stumps. “Bleeding stumps” is a tried and tested public sector wheeze to either resist budget cuts, and/or to squeeze more tax cash from the likes of you and me. In a few words the organisation in question devises a new budget which proposes cuts to the most vital and demanded functions and spares the least useful bits. It then waves its “bleeding stumps” at the Treasury.
BBC Monitoring Department was set up in 1939 to keep a watch on foreign broadcast propaganda and news of vital importance to our national interest. It has does so ever since. In 2013 the Government “agreed” with the BBC that funding for this department would henceforth be paid from the licence fee and not from the Foreign Office budget. This was hotly contested at the time, but now that the BBC has its eleven year “sweetheart” budget deal in the bag (thanks Whittinglessdale for the craven climbdown), out come the bleeding stumps. Anthony Hall and co are proposing to cut 4 million quid from the department’s budget (around 25% based on the 2015/16 spend of £16.9 million). This “shortfall” to quote BBC Pravda this morning means that BBC monitoring will lose 40% of its staff in the UK and 20% of staff overseas. It will also have to move from its base in Reading to offices in London (surely more expense ?). One cut includes the Mazar-i-Sharif bureau in Afghanistan. Now £4 million is peanuts to the BBC, but this service is still of significant use to the government, and indirectly to you and me. Based on past performance, we might expect the government to crumble again. Anyway be happy Mrs May as the licence fee goes up each year from now on and Al Beeb continues to undermine every aspect of your government’s policies.
Gunner, why would anyone monitor the media to find out what is happening in a society?
Unless the media is under total state control, it seems to exist in a bubble of its own…..and is therefore useless from an intelligence perspective.
If a foreign state monitored the BBC in the last couple of years they would have assumed that the UK was about to vote for Scottish independence, a Labour government and to remain in the EU, that Nick Clegg and Tony Blair are highly esteemed by the people, that white people are a minority, and men in general are either gay, wish they were women, or are invisible.
Perhaps that is the BBC’s patriotic duty, to completely bamboozle foreign intelligence agencies about the reality of life in Britain. At last we know why everything they say is false!
It seems that the Church of Socialism is hemorrhaging congregation numbers faster than it ever has.
It used to be known as the Tory Party at prayer, but successive left wing Archbishops of Canterbury, such as Rowan Williams who even described himself not as a Christian, but “first & foremost I’m a bearded leftie”.
Instead of standing up when its beliefs are challenged, it has dithered and trembled, the men in charge not being in possession of a single spine between the lot of them, its core beliefs changing like the weather.
The majority of people in the country have had enough of freeloading immigrants and asylum seekers, and they certainly do not want to be told by a man or woman with whom they have no right of reply, that they are somehow immoral or sinful because they do not share the views of the Labour party.
Rather than turning to face their external critics and opposing them, they have instead turned on their own congregations, berating them for not following the latest left wing fad.
Trying to sit on the fence on issues like women Bishops, (which we were promised would not happen when women vicars were ordained) gay vicars, gay Bishops, and gay marriage (which we all know they really want to do), they betray the people who support them.
Islam succeeds because it knows what it is. It absolutely never panders to socialists, and as a result socialists love it! It protects its believers and states its views clearly and threatens violence on those who criticise it.
What a contrast with the Church of Socialism one is respected – one is held in derision and contempt. One is growing, the other fast shrinking, and it’s obvious why.
Socialism is the council of failure and it always has been.
Without wishing to denigrate the cultural contribution of our Christian heritage, I can’t get away from the feeling that we’d be better off if all religions were consigned to the dustbin.
The CofE seems to serve no useful purpose these days. If anything, its influence seems to be overwhelmingly negative.
I agree wholeheartedly. The world would be a far nicer, safer place, if we could permanently dump religion, and social media.
As a pretext for wars or being lectured to by well heeled, establishment clerics – I would agree but on a local level the Church or rather the ordinary ‘little people’ associated with a church do a lot of good.
“the ordinary ‘little people’ associated with a church do a lot of good.”
But would they do that regardless?
My mother, almost 90, lives in a village not far from Dorking. She moved there around 15 years ago when my father died. She is not from that area, or even close, is not religious, but has a wide circle of mutually supportive friends. My sister lives a few miles away so the move made sense.
The self-promoting local vicar seems to have little interest in people outside the small clique he is surrounded by. They appear to have their fingers in many of the local pies, or at least they try to have.
However, my mother’s neighbours, most of whom are retired and relatively wealthy, have been helpful from the start. Shortly after moving in there was a power cut. A man my mother had not met up to that point appeared on the doorstep with a propane lamp. He was delivering several of them to older people living on their own. He is a retired businessman of some description but is not connected with the church in any way. Most of the people in my mother’s circle are not. Her immediate neighbour was a director of an insurance company in the City and owned the land on which my mother’s bungalow was built. Nothing is too much trouble (doesn’t fit the lefty stereotype, does it?).
My point is that these people would be doing good regardless because that is the way they are. I’m quite prepared to admit that their charity has its origins in Christian teaching, but in this village at least the local church is a total irrelevance.
I do get your drift but to some, faith, is an important component and if it harms no one it can be a source for good.
Surely “Church of Socialism” is a name for the BBC ?
The Russian Orthodox Church, is pretty sure of its ground, as are the Orthodox churches who had historic experience of life as Dhimmi…..the Serbs, Romanians and Greeks for example and the Coptic Orthodox who face life in present day Egypt.
The Catholics….torn between the Islam friendly liberals in Europe and the Americas and those in direct contact with Islamists….Catholics in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Nigeria and Pakistan are pretty clear about the threats they face daily.
The CofE is a state church….it is dangerously compromised by its collaboration with a secularising, multiculturalist state, that seems to view Islam alternatively as a reformable ideology / religion worthy of respect, depending on the mood of the week.
Islam panders to anyone it thinks it can fool before viciously turning on them when the time is ripe. See the history and bloody fate of the Iranian left in the 1970s and 80s for a case study.
The mistake of the CofE and western liberals and leftists generally is to view Islam as just another religion in an essentially secular worldview that regards all religion is the same as the cuddly, compliant old CofE.
It’s a big topic, but there is a view that Socialism is simply the fag-end of a dying Christianity that doesn’t believe in much anymore, except being ‘nice’ and giving money to the poor and thereby keeping them trapped in eternal dependency.
I believe there was a strong element of non-conformist religious background in the setting up of the Labour Party.
That now appears to be morphing into two strange bedfellows of those from the Religion of Peace and those with Communist leanings!
For the last few days this short 5-minute video was on the front page of the Beeb propaganda site. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-37683927
I ignored it for a couple of days but it was still there; then out of sheer curiosity I watched it.
I don’t know what to make of it!
Who is this aimed at?
Why is it “News” worthy of the front page?
Would kids click on it and watch it?
Today I see it has been moved to the Magazine section.
It’s apparently from a series called Shame.
Yes….shame on you, BBC.
Soapbox that vid is indeed surprising. Not because it deals with rape and revenge (a beeb favourite, all men are evil etc) but rape IN A MUSLIM state, you know, the religion of peace and feminism where nothing bad ever happens and women are highly respected.
Of course we know what goes on behind the veil in those countries where women have no rights whatsoever (and Tunisia is considered moderate) but for beebistan to refer to it? Someone slipped up. No wonder it got moved to Magazine.
Peter…I replied and then lost it! This is the gist of what I said.
Yes, we know what goes on behind the veil is appalling but it was the fact they used these digital-type figures in the video. Would that encourage children to click on it?
I wonder what other rubbish is in the same series?
Why do we have to pay for this tripe????
Our local paper some time ago ran a touchy feely piece on how well a Tunisian girl who had been given leave to remain because she was not very well treated at home had settled in to the local community.
On that basis every moslem woman in the world would be granted residemce!
Touchy-feely you say?
A phrase we`d rather NOT give in Arabic to our mendicants and wayfarers.
AND-given the hennaed beards and filthy toenails of these forty-something kiddies-any chance that they`ll NOT be getting pass keys to the girls dorms at childrens homes anytime soon?
Or can I begin to write the national scandal that ensues for 2021?
We have no shortage of criminals, the ill educated, feral or deviant characters.
And heck, this country is full of nice, deserving people who deserve a break.
Friends! Have a great weekend. Here’s Lefty’s latest pearl of wisdom:
For some time I have been disturbed by the extreme prejudice against that humble but useful little thing known as the hyphen. It has been all but destroyed by unthinking progressives who would mangle the English language under the guise of simplifying it.
So I was delighted to see you reinsert it between ‘no’ and ‘one’ and I fervently hope that the absurd ‘noone’ (which makes me think of an antiquated mid-day) will soon be chucked into the dustbin of history along with other absurdities like ‘cooperation’ (which makes me think of someone constructing an abode for chickens).
Having got that off my chest, I’m going back to Fox News – all the news that the BBC will not bring you.
“destroy the English language under the guise of simplifying it.”
Yes, omitting punctuation really does make life simple, doesn’t it?
It reminds me of the non-Korean example: “We ran out of food so we ate the dogs”.
Support Our Lefty!
Can I be the first to apply for Religious Affairs Correspondent in your soon-to-be-esteemed organ?
I write in Ireland under the name of Archbishop and Primate of All Ireland and the Isles…the Archbishop Veneramus of the Faithful…Archbishop Dougal McGuire.
God Is Grand…quite literally the wheels are falling off the Popemobile, and we`re struggling to fit the rice cakes before the clocks go back here in Maynooth!
Down with this sortating!
“the Archbishop Veneramus”
At least you’re not the Venereal Bede.
Friend Chris! I am – literally – delighted to hear from you!
I see no reason why you should not apply for the post of Religious Affairs Correspondent in my soon-to-be-esteemed organ. But please do always remember that some religious affairs are best kept private.
As for the clocks going back, I have decided that this is a Hard-Right plot to – literally – put the clock back. I shall therefore refuse to do this in future, starting from to-night.
It makes me think of Herman and the Hermits.
Phew! Someone got it…
I saw in the Telegraph today that Tony Blair says that his insurgency to drag us back into the Juncker Bunker was “not an attempt by the elite to override the wishes of the British people”.
To be fair to Blair-always easy to discern the truth from this serial liar, deviant and sociopath.
1. What does Blair say?
2. Get out the compass, set your bearings at 180 degrees to whatever Blair says.
3. Proceed only along this line, keeping your back set squarely to Blair, don`t even THINK of looking back to wonder…unless you want to be the salted slug.
4. Only THAT direction you`re on -only there can you be certain that you`re in line with the truth.
Blair is a deviant sociopath and fantasist. Like the Clintons, like Zelig or Walter Mitty.
Sorry GCooper, I failed miserably to get the Herman’s Hermits reference.
Peter Noone was Herman’s real name.
<- hands Demon a cigar.
Just so long as it isn’t one of Bill Clinton’s.
Thanks Demon!
I liked their music.
Me too, Friend TrueToo! Glad you’ve literally managed to elicit an explanation from Friend Demon.
Thank you, Friend True Too!
I, too, am a great fan of hyphens. No-thing and no-body – not even this totally-un-elected Far-Right Tory Government – will ever stop me from using them, whether to-day (including, of course, to-night) or to-morrow, or indeed on any week-day.
I’ve joined the PFLH (Popular Front for the Liberation of the Hyphen).
New members are most welcome.
Today programme, Saturday 29 October. Now I don’t understand the full implications of the problems Hillary has with her emails and the BBC doesn’t want to explain but I heard Justin Webb describe on the Today programme just after 8.30 (ie 1hr 35 mins and 32 secs into the programme http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b080mhd2) that the choice was between Trump ‘A racist, misogynist, narcissistic thug and a woman who was secretive and possibly dishonest about her emails’.
If that isn’t bias, I don’t know what it.
I am glad that I don’t have a vote in the US Presidential elections. I don’t think I like Trump but if the BBC are against him then I think he is probably the better option.
You’ve hit the nail on the head there. My (reluctant) view is that a vote for Trump would be worth it if all it managed to achieve was to dethrone the MSM, as perfectly eptitomised by that disgusting example of bias you’ve quoted from Webb.
Justin Webb makes a good point. When you’re dealing with national security, the one thing you can’t afford is dishonesty.
So Trump would have to be the better choice, no matter what his personal failings.
I’m sure that’s not the conclusion Webb came to, given how the Left always values feelings over reality.
Deborah, I had the unfortunate experience of watching Justin Webb, as North America ‘editor’, interviewing Barack Obama when he was about to inflict himself on the American people as president (or had just so inflicted himself on them, I forget which).
The ‘interview’ consisted mostly of Webb gazing beseechingly at Obama like a rabbit caught in the glare of his headlights while the great man spoke at length.
Webb is an ignorant, talentless fool and would not survive for ten minutes in a genuine media organisation that had to earn its bread in an honest fashion.
This is typical BBC, worshiping what they see as the ‘Noble Savage’, switching off all critical faculties mainly because the new POTUS was half-Black, and thereby showing that they are, in their own way, as racist as those they accuse of racism. A trivial but similar example is the star-struck girly behaviour of Woman’s Hour presenters interviewing some pop idol from their teenage years, when they have just conducted a reasonably serious interview on some subject like pay inequality.
Who will sheikup the BBC, Mustapha?
My name is no longer fit for purpose: I think the BBC has now gone beyond needing a mere shake-up and has to be reformed from top to bottom.
The coverage of among other things UKIP, the EU Referendum and its aftermath, and the UK General Election of 2015, plus the migrant crisis of 2015-16, and the US Presidential Election, has persuaded me that the BBC needs to start again from tabula rasa. A good start would be the abolition of the TV poll tax, which funds their whole fantasy world.
Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi,
Perhaps civil disobedience would produce results, given that even a Tory government is impotent against the BBC.
Millions should just not pay the licence tax, leaving the BBC reliant on their faithful minority of deluded lefties to subsidise them.
If I don’t like a particular newspaper – I don’t buy it.
I don’t have to pay the Guardian a sum of money just so I CAN READ A NEWSPAPER OF MY CHOICE.
And that is the huge, corpulent, elephant in the room that I find so nauseating.
R4 was at it again on ‘From Our Own Correspondent’, which allowed a sometime Canadian (he returns there for his summer holidays he told us) to opine about Canada’s fear of Trump and the way that the Trudeau-voting Canucks are living in terror at the prospect of a President Trump.
Except, of course, what we heard wasn’t a reflection of Canadian opinion at all. It was a laser-fine focus on the opinions of a group of wealthy, Left wing Canadians who visit one holiday destination where, one assumes, they alternate sunbathing with virtue signalling.
It was written by a Canadian who has lived in Britain for many years and is thus, by definition, out of touch with Canadian opinion and who, penny to a pound, hobnobs solely with similar bien pensant Left wingers over here.
Still, never mind. From the BBC’s point of view It was another useful swipe at Trump and from a slightly different angle this time at is was about Canada.
The hell it was!
Switched off as soon as Kate Adey announced that there would be Canadian perspective on Trump. No need to listen. I knew what was coming. The Beeb becomes ever more predictable, repetatitive, worthless and unjustifiable.
Agreed. Today was a lapse while in the shower.
The problem is that if you play R4 Roulette as I have been for the past few weeks (switching on at random intervals to see if there’s a propaganda broadcast in progress, which there almost always is, it seems) you soon end up not listening at all. As I have now abandoned live BBC TV for the same reason, it doesn’t leave me much to post about on here.
Thankfully not all Canadians are left-wing bigots supporting the Killery Monster. Mark Steyn and Ezra Levine I assume are supporting Trump, but definitely onside are Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern.
On Facebook, the BBC seems to be mirroring its Brexit crisis management attempts by trying to get all the young American eligible voters in Canada over to vote for Hillary, by using their considerable global media presence to rig another election.
It will be interesting if such meddling works as well as last time.
Cooper – hopefully “Chip” heard the broadcast and “Our Correspondence” next summer sojourn on the St Lawrence may not be quite so relaxing. Hopefully it may end in a black eye or two!
Imagined conversation
“Hi I’m calling from the BbcOperationStoptrump team we need to insert one of our StopTrump adverts in your prog..This one will be from Bill Law*
OK Gotta go I have to place 15 more of our Newsverts today
* Bill Law : Another Beeboid who writes his name in Arabic on his Twitter name
What’s that strange law that BBC News staff shouldn’t use their Social Media accounts for political views ..Maybe he’s counted as a free-lancer.eg latest Tweets
Unlike the BBC, Fox News is seriously on Clinton’s case re the reopening of the FBI investigation into the crooked one.
It’s an extraordinary development in a bizarre election campaign on both sides. Even the lefty US media is covering it because they have no choice but to cover it though it has the potential to destroy Clinton’s chances:
And while the Hillary camp plays it down, I reckon Comey is too fond of his career prospects to be acting on a whim.
If Hillary Clinton becomes President, he may be “suicided” like Vince Foster was. At the very best, his career is over. So one must conclude that the evidence the FBI have found is such that it simply could not be ignored. In other words, it’s the smoking gun!
It could be dangerous knowledge.
That made me burst out laughing.
Shared across my facebook contacts…
I believe the Clinton Mob must have had something over Comey that they were able to use as threats. Maybe he had been one of the needy cases requiring millions of charity support from the Clinton Foundation. Maybe they had him recorded on tape doing or saying something illegal. Maybe there were threats made against his family. Probably none of the above is true, but I feel they must have had something.
When he gave the original rundown of her crimes but ended with “No reason to proceed” it made no sense. If he really wanted to give the message that he believed there was no wrong-doing he would have downplayed them. I felt that naming the crimes was his own way to show that he was under pressure from the Clinton Mafia, a cry for help even.
After that his credibility was shot and he lost the trust of most of his agents. When this new stuff came to light he probably decided to make amends to win some support back from those who no longer trusted him. He possibly decided to hell with whatever hold the Clinton Mob have over him as it is not worth losing the last bits of credibility and integrity he still has. After all, if something happens now to members of his family everyone will know who to blame. And if his agents cannot trust the man at the top the FBI will no longer function at the level it expects to.
Slowly, slowly the tentacles of the Cult of Submission wrap themselves around the West’s windpipe. Read all about the UN giving sustenance to this.
Frightening the speed its happening at now and also the many Islamic adherent followers in various Governments around the World in obvious support of the spread.
Sloppy journalism/web site creation or a deliberate attempt to deceive? You decide.
Second item on right going down from the top: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news
BBC WS – So the EU / Canada signing is just an understanding to pursue a Trade Agreement over the next years, which could still be scuppered at any time along the way.
BBC WS – Woke again at 3am the other night, and heard, “Hard Talk” with an Australian chap talking about trade deals with, Asia, UK etc.. Steven Sackur was so utterly, completely, predictably negative all through the tirade, I mean interview. The Aussie did well to keep his end up and not just go slit his wrists.
Woke again at around 3am and heard, “HARD TALK” An Aussie was talking trade deals with Asia and the post Brexit UK etc.. Sackur was so utterly, completely and predictably negative all through the tirade, I mean interview. The Aussie chap did well to keep his end up and not just go slit his wrists or punch Sackur for being such a partisan wanker.
Oh I heard this.
Appalling twaddle from Eeyore Suckup wasn`t it?
Our Aussie chum clearly came from the Sunshine State and bearing freshly squeezed nectar and ambrosia.
But all Sackur offered was bile, venom and biiter gall and wormwood.
How BBC…twat looks like Art Garfunkel, so isn`t worth the candle.
Now-would Sackur of Gompertz win the Ugly Bugger Ball Contest at the BBC…worrashowerakuntz!
Yeah but what I find really creepy is that some must have thought, “Good job, great interview”
“Is there a growing disillusionment with globalisation and big trade deals?”
That’s how the prog comes up on Twitter
“Stephen Sackur asks if the public tiring of globalisation and big trade deals. Could Australia feel the fall out from growing disillusion with globalisation?”
is what it says on the page itself
…The BBC does that – putting a different lione in the webpage meta-data to what it writes on the page.
How is it that traditional British cultural differences, customs and religious considerations count nothing?
Happy Savile day y`all!
It seems only yesterday the the BBCs Fave Childrens Presenter and all round card departed this mortal coil.
In fact-can we all believe?-it was FIVE YEARS ago to the very day. Sad Saturday it was as well!
And yet?…no BBC retrospective on their Albino Asset.
The BBC was Savile-and Sir James was Mr BBC.
Todays Mail tells me that the BBC have clawed back £1 million from Sir James esatate.
Which by all accounts would have covered the expense of moving 2.5 tonnes of concrete that Sir James chose to cover the gold coffin.
Oh-and point his gaze in the direction of two primary schools as he lies cooling in his tomb!
It being Hallowe`en?….this is a story to warm the heart of Lucy Thirkettle herself.
Come on BBC-give that million pound back, and we`ll get that JCB to
“Dig Up Jim”
THIS is the only begging bowl worth the warm spit, and blagged Euro IMHO!
Hope to be selling the cards for this annual event in Clintons next year.
It is so odd that ‘freedom loving’ Brit’s tolerate and even encourage Islam with it’s treatment of, women, gays and the ‘different’ kind of Muslims?
Britain has gone to war over less. Makes no sense at all.
It is even more strange that the BBC is at the vanguard of this RoP love-in. Do those clowns ever consider what the line-up of presenters would like in the event of the BBC being Islamified? I think it unlikely that Evan Davis, Edwina Mair, Graham Norton, Stephen Fry, Phil Jupitus, Alistair Appleton, Simon Amstell, Jane Hill, Sue Perkins etc would be gracing the airwaves. Woman’s Hour would likely get a drastic make-over in terms of content although, thinking about it, that might be a good thing.
Yup, just convinces me that a Alien Implant or Brain Worm at work.
And don’t let’s forget Richard “The Dogging Vicar” Coles or the ubiquitous Clare Balding or Susan “I was saying to my wife the other day” Calman or Sandi Toksvig or Alice Arnold (now retired?) or ‘Pol’ Gambaccini or …
Steve, you’ve just converted me to Islam. Bring it on.
The good old ‘Law of Unintended Consequences’.
I had forgotten about all those, the list grows.
Yes gaxvil, the so-called ‘liberal’ lib-left-beebistan’s infatuation with the Religion of Illiberalism makes no sense at all. Discuss. We need a Douglas Murray or a Christopher Hitchens (PBUH) to write a learned thesis on it.
Meanwhile here’s a couple of wild guesses:
– Horrible little Little Englanders / Daily Mail readers mistrust the Religion of Murder, Terrorism, Homophobia, Misogyny, Fanaticism, Anti-Semitism, Xenophobia and Intolerance. Ergo, by excusing and defending it, I demonstrate my immense sophistication and superiority to them and virtue-signal my broad mindedness.
– I hate boring hideously white middle class Britain so much that its enemies are my friends.
(I could go on but i’m losing the will to live just thinking about it.)
I’ve got many theories about the liberal love-in with Muslims. One of them is that the left actually thinks it can overcome radical Islam by creating some sort of hybrid, westernised version with all the ‘good’ stuff left in (ie, strong communities, anti-westernism, anti-Christianity, anti-Israel, cous-cous, the call to prayer, and those nice Moorish murals and things one sees on holiday in Seville) and all the ‘bad’ stuff left out, such as patriarchy, oppression of women, gays, fundamentalism, killing etc. You have to remember the left has its roots in nonconformist Christianity and the idea of David (unarmed feminised liberal niceness) defeating Goliath (fundamentalist Islam) is a strong one with them.
“All you need is love” – nice idea but rubbish against bullets.
I guess bullshit really does baffle brains for some on the Left.
Can`t say I agree Cranmer on this occasion.
Greatly respect your views, but feel that this isn`t quite right.
Christianity has long been banished from this theatre-had it been any kind of barrier, it would have been persecuted.
But neither side(Islam and Socialism) cares enough so to do.
Yes, the Left in the UK DID have that Methodism/Marxist root way back-the likes of Frank Field would represent that.
But in the new global era-the Left HATE any nationalist variant of the utopian one world pansocialism that they reckon to be part of. So Methodism isn`t far off child abuse in their eyes, despite the efforts of Paul Flowers to square their circle for them.
IN fact, i`d argue that Islam and the Left share a LOT of common ground-they both believe in the perfectability of Man by his own efforts, the right to judge and usher in their apocalyptic vsersion of an earthly utopia.
Where-funnily enough-they rule, dispense justice and deal with the opposition in the same ways.
Both hate the USA and Israel, both want money sanctified by themselves and to determine who`s to be laughed at, and who`s to be processed by their State, their heaven here on earth.
Socialism by the way will go under the Muslim boot very soon…Islam will be fought by Judeo-Christians as of old, I fear.
Jesus wins. Not prettily though, the longer we live in this stew of Lefties and Islam.
I think you are right, Cranmer.
We have an example in our time. The BBC with its current Reith Lecture series is trying to undo, weaken and dilute the Bible (and by implication the Koran) and will no doubt continue to try to blur all the edges – country, colour and culture are next in line for the treatment – so that Islam can merge seamlessly with Judao-Christianity. This will no doubt be part of a rolling programme. Islam in the west, with some politicians in tow from US, UK and the EU, will go along with it all until everything is in place.
Then it will bite!
Too many Sunday schools maybe for me U2Snuff, but I`d say that cH has some points being missed.
Think you`re reducing the overseening ascendency of Islam to the elite. They`re petrified not of Cliff Richard, but of Lee Rigby and Charlie Hebdo.
So there`s surely no read-across or equivalence between their scorn for the Bible and its Jewish/Christian flowerings.
And their craven, ignorant and utterly supine indulgence of Islam and its Coran.
The Left will do a Von Papen when the New Akhis come along. This`ll give them “key roles” in things like Transport, hoping that this will give them the imprimateur of being sanctified by the liberal left elite.
They`ll only need Education though. Hitler knew as much too.In fact, they`ve already got bridgeheads via Trojan Horse.
End of Wilshire and Gove maybe?
Right then-gloves, handbag, hat…and off to St Marys to make the coffee.Feel like Harriet the Spy at times.
AS, their scorn for things Christian at the BBC was probably starting long before Islam really made an impact in the UK, probably sometime in the 1970s at the latest, if not a decade earlier. Remember who Mary Whitehouse went after first?
I think it is at the back of the BBC minds that if they dilute Christian culture, especially the Bible, then Muslims will at some point be compliant and only too pleased to reciprocate by toning down the bits of the Koran that clash with their BBC Liberal elite values. Then, as you suggest there will be qpq offered: administrative or legislative authority. This back and forth of ‘we’ll scratch your back if you scratch ours’ will reach the point when Islam feels secure enough to impose a harder line.
It will bite the hand that housed it, clothed it, fed it until it worked or supported it if not.
Then it will be too late for a compromised media and a compromised political elite to do anything about it.
The British are a tolerant nation and have a strong sense of fair play.
From that, I hope for salvation.
Oh dear, be careful what you wish for ….!
Its not only Al Beeb that spouts claptrap, just watching Sky and Kevin Maguire (Assoc Ed, D/Mirror), has just said (re the migrants congregated at Calais waiting for the next water taxi), that “contrary to belief, migrants DON’T come here to take benefits, but want to work, and only add to the community”, and then this little pearl…. “they are the possible leaders of the future”. Not in my lifetime I can only hope Kevin !
“they are the possible leaders of the future”
Oh for God’s sake!
So why don’t they produce any half decent leaders in their own shit-hole countries then?
SKY is possibly worse than the BBC. I despair of some of the stuff I hear on these channels. There seems to be a conspiracy to destroy us. Don’t these people have families to be concerned about?
I wish they would make their bloody minds up. I thought they were all brain surgeons / nuclear physicists / engineers who would make Brunel look like an amateur / rocket scientists etc.
Now they are all potential leaders! I give up, I really do.
I read that each of these ‘children’ will cost the British taxpayers £133,000 per year.
On the brighter side, when these 30 year olds reach the age of 18 they will be able to get a job and contribute (so long as it pays over £36,000 per annum as this is the point where you become a contributor)
Sky. Believe in bullshit.
Kevin is easily led – he is a bit thick
Migrants just… “want to work”… based on what evidence? Just what they say to a beeboid reporter, or maybe he just made it up. Strangely they don’t seem to want to work in France where benefits are harder to get.
“and add to the community”: yes, add to the community of other migrants.
The thing about Kevin is…. he is never challenged on the antics in Calais of those ‘migrants who just want to work’ when they are throwing rocks and boulders at the truck drivers and hide their faces behind scarves. What say now Kev ?
Unthinking tolerance from a position of faith-lessness and moral vagueness and easy-going delegation to ‘government (or others) to do something’ will lead to a subjugation of the UK by corruption and eventually by others. We see this happening now in the UK and also worldwide in sports. It will spread wider, into other areas of life. It probably has or is starting to do so already.
The only hope for the British is a national revival of faith, morals and spirit. Maybe being tugged back towards the tentacles of the EU will bring a shock to the UK that starts this process off.
Perhaps it will start in Wales and Scotland with an increasing rejection of the leaders claiming, purporting to represent their peoples’ best interests.
Dear Father Christmas,
Please, please, please can I have Hillary going to jail for Christmas.
It’s all I want and I promise I’ll never be naughty again if I get it.
LOLs third. Happy Christmas.
Ho Ho Ho!
The above is the result of a mere 5 minutes trawling through Pravda’s website. If you accepted the BBC’s warped version of events it would be very easy to get depressed. However, a quick look at the most popular comments in any of the rare HYSs that the Politburo allows restores ones faith in one’s fellow Brit. Here is but one heart-warming example:
I can add one to that list Steve.
Speaking as somone who is gay, even I couldn’t give a sh*t!
I think the BBC is right to highlight instances of discrimination but Taiwan seems to be on the right path. If only the BBC was consistent. There is a much bigger intolerance problem on the BBC’s doorstep which it doesn’t seem very concerned about.
Especially, in the Art Department, SJ. They appear to be completely intolerant to using accurate pictures for their articles. It appears that there is a Cup-a-Soup in front of the Typhoo tea packet!
Propaganda broadcasts are designed to undermine the enemy. We are the enemy.
I see from history that England came back after the Black Death.
Radio 4 Xtra programmes are mostly five plus years old. Unfortunately they do repeat the, ‘News Quiz’ and ‘Now Show’ etc.. At such times I go to the World Service, which does offer some bit’s to interest. For TV news, it’s Fox. A quick scan of the net and there you go – I’m getting by but it does feel like living under foreign occupation.
I listened to bBC Radio 7 when it first began. I enjoyed the old comedies, whilst avoiding the ‘Blue Peter/Listen with Mother’ type shows. Then the bBC ‘improved’ it, called it R4 Extra and replaced the kids programmes with current ‘comedy’ and shuffled the schedule. Farewell bBC, I’d already given up on their TV output due to their insufferable nonsense. I come on here to keep myself current with their bias and thank the posters who can actually stomach the bBC’s daily nonsense (other main stream meeja offer similar tripe without the compulsory tax)
I do not click on any of the bBC links provided here as I do not want to add to their ‘hits’, not that it will hit them in their taxpayer funded ‘safe space’.
So the sound reasons for the UK to have REMAINED are:-
……….. well, I have trouble with that. I attempt to apply my reasoning powers, empathy and creative thinking but keep coming up blank. I find it disquieting.
“10 things Trump has spent more on hats than polling – and nine more nuggets of news”
Halfway down the “so-called news page” the BBC sneers at Trump
Yet Hillary gets a headline at the top of the page “Hillary demands”
WE pay for this sh*t
Laura Bicker in Washington for the BBC misleads viewers in her rush to protect Hillary – the BBC’s favourite Presidential candidate.
Who is Laura Bicker, you ask?
Think of a cut-price Laura Kuenessberg – the same grating, over-emphasised Scots brogue, similar screwed-up facial contortions and ticks, the same self-important manner of making pronoucements rather than delivering reports in a more comfortable conversational tone. There seems to be some BBC training school where this stuff is drumed in to certain receptive young journos.
And cut-priced Laura’s little fib…? Well. this evening she tells BBC viewers that the FBI ‘found Hillary Clinton NOT GUILTY of criminal acts over her emails’
No. The previous decision was that there was not sufficient evidence of wrong doing to bring those changes in a court of law.
There was no NOT GUILTY verdict, Laura.
As a Scot, Laura Bicker should have heard of the ‘not proven’ verdict within Scottish Law, which is not the same as ‘not guilty’ in English Law. Or is even that too much to expect from a BBC third-rater?
Funny how foreign TV channels have a stance ostensibly supportive of their nation ?
The next time the BBC have some speed-dialled eco-socialist establishing the superiority of his position on ‘climate change’ by bludgeoning his opponent with shrieks of ‘It’s indisputable peer reviewed science!’, bear this in mind:
There’s just one problem: science is in deep trouble. Last year, Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet, referred to fears that ‘much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue’ and that ‘science has taken a turn toward darkness.’There’s just one problem: science is in deep trouble. Last year, Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet, referred to fears that ‘much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue’ and that ‘science has taken a turn toward darkness.’
….Richard Smith, a former editor of the British Medical Journal, describes peer review as a roulette wheel, a lottery and a black box. He points out that an extensive body of research finds scant evidence that this vetting process accomplishes much at all. On the other hand, a mountain of scholarship has identified profound deficiencies.
…..A significant part of the problem is that anyone can start a scholarly journal and define peer review however they wish. No minimum standards apply and no enforcement mechanisms ensure that a journal’s publicly described policies are followed. Some editors admit to writing up fake reviews under cover of anonymity rather than going to the trouble of recruiting bona fide referees. Two years ago it emerged that 120 papers containing computer-generated gibberish had survived the peer review process of reputable publishers.
Not that The Horrorbin would ever contemplate such heresy, even if it does come from scientists (honest ones, that is).
Let’s hear it once again Roger!
……’You put your fingers in your ears and go ding-a-ling-a-ling…’
Richard Horton has fingers in his own ears when it comes to the discredited PACE study published in the Lancet.
Needless to say, whilst BBC sang the praises of the ‘study’ they are rather reticent in reporting all the flaws.
Good point.
Also worth pointing out there is no room for ‘consensus’ in science either (by which the BBC means a majority – even though that is a bogus claim in itself).
It has been claimed that the H. pylori theory was ridiculed by the establishment scientists and doctors, who did not believe that any bacteria could live in the acidic environment of the stomach. Marshall has been quoted as saying in 1998 that “(e)veryone was against me, but I knew I was right.”
And then
On the other hand, it has also been argued that medical researchers showed a proper degree of scientific scepticism until the H. pylori hypothesis could be supported by evidence.
Goodness gracious, ‘scepticism’ in science too. How positively archaic.
Just finished watching live streaming of the latest Trump rally in Golden Colorado….something is really happening folks, and I mean really happening in the US! Trump was utterly brilliant from start to finish. He was articulate, precise, vicious, ruthless, and magnificent.
He is starting to believe, and his supporters are too. You have to witness the way he talks about the corrupt, traitorous media…it’s utterly brilliant! He has called them out and has shown to his people how they truly are, and their true intentions…just as our traitorous Al Shabeeb are doing here in the UK. I genuinely believe that the US public are going to abandon the MSM and their disgusting, devious lies and brainwashing. Trump actually said to the crowd “see those liars behind you (the media)…they have a shock coming… They are finished when I get into office. They are dead. They will get absolutely nothing from me. They are finished”….ladies and gentlemen, this is everything we have been hoping for!!
God bless Donald Trump. God bless The USA for always being the ones who save the rest of the world from tyranny and evil…..I genuinely think he is going to do it
Haven’t seen that yet. I usually wait till the day after to catch the rallies and discussion on Fox on YouTube. As Trumps says, this really is a movement and we can only hope that the momentum will carry him to the White House as crooked Hillary is weakened by the continuing revelations of her crookedness.
A couple of days ago the BBC were talking about the ‘great mo’ and how it (momentum) was with Hillary. Since the latest re the emails there has been very little said about ‘momentum’.
Strange: the Great Mo (PBUH) is usually popular with al-Beebi, or if not him then ‘Mo’ Farah.
Can I put on record my thanks to those of you who tell us when Trump is being streamed live on Going Postal, and the like.
Rather like Nigel Farage a few months back-always best to hear it live from the “horses mouth” rather than let the BBC spit and spin on what Trump/Farage and other “Enemies of the Liberals” are saying directly to us.
DJT can be impressive, but you`d never get that said from the awful BBC.
Nothing on the BBC yet, I’m sure when everyone else have reported it they’ll consider it safe to come out of the woodwork and write something on the website out of date but there just to show they did actually report it.
Sad for those it happened to, and their families, but we can only hope that they are the ones with the carrying the placards welcoming the migrants, and not the ones opposing them.
Only two ways this story can be presented. 1. Police suspect far right involvement in a knife attack. 2. Police warn against far right backlash after migrant with mental problems allegedly attacks someone with a knife.
You forgot one GWF:
3. Ignore completely like on Al Beebistan website.
Got my ‘I suffer from Leftism’ bingo card at the ready Thoughtful….
“Motive not known”
“Nothing makes any sense why anyone would do this”
“Police are not ruling anything out, though far-right terrorism is being linked”
“Mental illness”
“Tanned complexion”
…….then the world never hears about it again!
Louis Smith says “Allahu Akbar” as a joke….wall to wall coverage, forced to go on world tour to grovel and pray for forgiveness….
Multiple Muslims carrying out the psychopathic, pedophilic, child raping lunatics instruction from 1400 years ago to the letter, slaughtering infidels shouting “Allahu Akbar”…..Nothing! Jack shit! Never happened!…..
God bless Trump! God bless the USA!
Some readers might remember that a couple of weeks ago I posted a piece on Huma Abedin Hilary Clintons Saudi Puppet master. Well it looks like the chickens have come home and now she’s in the full glare of the spot light.
Even the BBC tonight has had to acknowledge that there are only two possibilities one that the FBI have found some very serious information, or that there are another shed load of E mails which crooked Hilary has failed to disclose. Either of these would put an end to the Presidency if she was elected to office.
There is no way that the FBI would announce an investigation this close to an election if it did not have hard evidence of serious wrong doing.
Tonight all of Clintons lead over Trump has vanished and this isn’t over yet.
My twopenneth – there is no Clinton lead it is all fabricated by the MSM – they were (are) going to fix it. I seriously believe they tried to fix the Brexit vote too but the numbers were just too big for them. I think Trump is leading this by a landslide and he has called out the voting fraud. We live in interesting times- leftism is crashing around it’s own earholes .
Another inexplicable stabbing in a German train station. Motive unclear and police are utterly utterly baffled.
They need clueless Clouseau, he’d sort them out in no time.
“Another inexplicable stabbing in a German train station. Motive unclear and police are utterly utterly baffled.”
And as yet no mention on the Europe page of the BBC website. It could be anyone, of course, but as ever,the beeb are reluctant to run the story unlike other news outlets.
Can anyone guess why???
guess why??? Beats me guv’nor. I’m as baffled as them coppers in Germany.
Mutti Merkel: Hello, what’s all this about a multiple stabbing in Frankfurt station?
Police chief: Yes, and the perpetrator shouted Allahu Akbar.
Mutti: I think you’ll find that’s Norwegian for ‘Have a nice day’.
Chief: Oh, ok. And we found a blood-soaked Koran.
Mutti: Now listen very carefully, i’ll only say it once: that’s a Norwegian guide-book to Frankfurt, gottit?
Unless you want to be mysteriously suicided like all those Clinton critics.
Now, run along and Allahu Akbar as they say in Oslo.
Did they ever release the name of the “Swiss” train attacker?
What’s on the BBC Virtue Signal and pet-issue schedule ?
You could curate a lot of stuff together to make a White Man’s Guilt channel
Lots of “people of colour” progs
9.30 pm Marlon James special : Yentob presents a special about the Jamaican author
10:30pm The Harder they Come Jamaican movie
8pm Kwame Appiah :reith Lectures on race/country
9pm : India in 50 Lives
11:45pm Asian Provacateur
11pm C4 : Michael Moore hates trump
7:10 Religion prog Includes
R5 11:00am Strip Searches : including “even apparently racially motivated searches. ”
13:30 From Our Home Correspondent : America, Brexit, women dressing as men
16:30 Africa’s Digital Poets : Thabiso Mohare talks to poets who write to agitate.
17:00 foreign domestic workers : modern slavery in Britain
9:00 Marr : Brendan Cox, husband of the late Jo Cox,..actor Ewan McGregor. Writer Rachel Johnson, Labour’s Kate Hoey etc.
10:00 Naga Munchetty : The Anti-Gay marriage bakers case
11:00 Politics : Chi Onwurah and Haras Rafiq +The Daily Mail’s Isabel Oakeshott,
13:15 : Tale of Five Temples – The Story of Hinduism in Britain
5:10 Gospel Choir of the year
7:00pm Obama’s White House
10pm : Farage : Fly-on-the-wall mockumentary
Just watched part of the Michael Moore prog on C4,in which he said we Brits who voted for Brexit now wished we hadn’t and millions of us are signing a petition for another referendum,as we all know,that is a load of blatant lies, only Remoaners are the ones not accepting Brexit,yet many in the USA will believe what he says, this kind of thing really pisses me off,using lies about Brexit to try and sway the US election, totally out of order.
I couldn’t stomach much of it.
Greens Lie, Reds Lie..cos they follow Alinsky “by any means necessary” rules.
Moore’s logical fallacy : Misrepresentation
He said “millions of us (Brexiteers) are signing a petition for another referendum”
There is a petition with 4.1m signatures on it.
How many are legit British signatures ? we don’t know.
How many are former Brexiteers ? ..just about zero
..All those signatures seem to be Remoaners and fake votes like overseas people etc.
…Lots of “people of colour” progs….
You think that’s bad ! you want to have a look through the Lakeland catalogue – more mixed race couples than you could throw a stick at !
Brissles, DFS as well. In fact it is probably a pre-condition by the broadcaster. In fact, virtually all broadcasts are biased in favour of disproportional levels of mixed race.
The ITV ads were really disproportionately lacking in people of non-colour eg last night, the ITV digital ad, Boots make-up, and some food company ad
…I’m guessing it’s a London thing as well as WhiteMansGuilt
Check out the new Malteser ads, Stew, Ad 1 shows two women, one hearing impaired; Ad 2 show three people, one in a wheelchair and what I assume is the new norm, a mixed race couple.
BTW BBC this airman is still missing : Serving Senior Airman Corrie McKeague
If only if at the beginning you’d campaigned for him like you campaign for people in Calais …who are already in the care of the French Government.
There are posters around Thetford and on the A11 appealing for information, but after this length of time it’s a forlorn hope.
And yes, it was kept quiet for a disgracefully long time.
Laura Bicker’s BBC reports from Washington this evening are clearly designed to cover for Hillary.
Her grating super-emphatic tones declare there is ‘only one’ question Clinton has had to answer during this campaign – and that is her about her emails.
Really? Just the ONE issue?
How about Benghazi, Haiti, ‘Pay for Play’ or the Clinton Foundation?
The fact is that the Clintons have a habit of distracting from each successive scandal only with the innovation of the next brand new scandal.
Then again, our Laura’s biased and over-pronounced excited Scots whine would be completely annoying were it not for the unintentional amusement provided by her reference to top Clinton aide… ‘Huma Aberdeen’
There is little in life that cannot be improved immeasurably by the issuing of a statement:
It shouldn’t be October 2016 news
That prog is 2 years old, even the repeat was in August and September
BBC say viewers supported it ..well the thing is not many people noticed it.
I’m good at searching on Twitter
by setting the date range to dates before Friday I can see what the past feeling was
The prog seemed to air around 15th August and then repeated 15th, 17th September
Searching BBC trans children gives these negatives

Search CBBC transgender reveals about 6 positives
– There is a Lefty Blog that monitors Newsround : It mentions that CBBC prog about Leo came first in June 2014, then a BBC public event with Leo in June 2016 ..then the actual prog List of progs
Wonder is parents are projecting their own dreams of trans onto their kids ?
Serious thing is :
You shouldn’t push chidren into trans cos trans have a high suicide rate The @BBC_WHYS once said :
“50% of transgender teens have attempted suicide before reaching 20”
BBC ‘What is known by ‘many people’.’
Or as they like to call it, ‘news’.
Disclaimer: Views their own, naturally.
“France’s president has urged Britain to take its share of responsibility for migrant children who remain in Calais after the “Jungle” camp was cleared.”
How on earth is it Britain’s responsibility ? France let them in through their porous border controls , its their responsibility.
If they are ‘children’ how the heck did they cross the whole of Europe alone ? Where are their parents ?
I am afraid I don’t believe that they are unaccompanied children .
Once they are let in to our country many of their parents will claim them and will follow them in . They are in France , they belong to France.
What is more, France is a larger country than Britain.
Why is Al Beeb banging the gong for the migrants when we have so many British children seeking foster parents . The EU by its indecisiveness has made a mess of it. Al Beeb is making a mess of it and our government allows it . Al Beeb is so much out of touch with the people of Britain .
100% right Taffman. The EU and France created a problem or allowed a problem to be created – it is not Britain’s responsibility to fix it. We have drifted from a pledge by Cameron only a few months ago to take a fixed quota of the most vulnerable refugee children from camps in Syria to any number of violent sub-Saharan African adult, male economic migrants from France. And the SJWs backed by the bBBC continue to hand wring about us not doing enough by taking more. All this under May’s watch – Brexit means Brexit? Really?
May had a difficulty in protecting borders as Home Secretary. Expect no change now she is PM
When will someone make a comedy film about our Keystone Border Control this side of the Channel and Ins. Clouseau on the other side ?
This is a great counter-attack in an interview with Pat Buchanan by a CNN drone, who I think could fit in very nicely at al beebus should he choose to, about the incredible bias of the MSM against Trump.
I would love to see someone attack in a similar way: Justin Webb; Jonathan Dimbleby; Nick Robinson; James Naughtie or any of the rest of the progressive s**t houses (of which al beebus does such a good line) about the sickening obliquity of their reporting.
The BBC censors anyone who would point out its left-wing bias. The number has grown exponentially by a large logarithmic factor, which reached 100 percent on the day after James Delingpole last appeared on the BBC.
There’s also a fun one with Katie Hopkins and some CNN peroxide sink who,loses it too. It’s not a rigged system because that guy on the left (apt) says so. Bless.
Today’s “Nigel Farage” Freeview slots are:
(1) “The Nigel Farage Radio Show” on LBC, 10am to Noon, Freeview Channel 732. Would include uncensored facts about Brexit and Trumps campaign, etc.
(2) “Nigel Farage Gets His Life Back“, an out of date BBC 2 Mockumentary about Nigel “not being the Leader of UKIP, anymore”. A satire about the most famous person in Britain who CAN be satirised in a Politically Correct Society. 10pm to 10.35pm
US election: Clinton campaign condemns FBI email move
I have always maintained that when dealing with the liberal elite and the associated virtue signalling nonsense that goes with it, hypocrisy is never far away. There are some great quotes in this article where the bbc tongue must be well and truly embedded in their cheek.
First of all “Mrs Clinton told supporters the move was “unprecedented” and “deeply troubling” – Isn’t blatant bias in the media and character assassination deeply troubling too?
Here’s the peach – “voters deserve to get full and complete facts.” hahahahahahah that’s funny.
“long on innuendo” and “short on facts” – much the same as the groping allegations no?
Are rhe tables turning? The timing of this new evidence is curious – has Julian Assange got his internet back?
I saw last night that one poll has the candidates neck and neck before this latest bombshell exploded.
Maybe, just maybe.
“Lord Farage? UKIP leader Nigel Farage ‘could get peerage”
Not mentioned by Online BBC News.
BBC Online News Video:
“”Youngsters remain at Calais camp””
Is the BBC now using Youngsters rather than Children??
BBC keen that we turn the clocks back this morning – back to pre-referendum days because this is – apparently – Saint Jo Cox Day, with her activist husband Brendan insisting that she not ‘rest in peace’
Funny how certain people stick together – Mr Cox tweets his support for Gary Lineker as the multi-millionaire working ‘at the BBC’ ex-footballer went off the deep end whilst virtue-signalling for migrants..
‘Brendan Cox @MrBrendanCox Oct 21
Brendan Cox Retweeted Gary Lineker
This guy is a dude. Almost makes me want to watch @BBCMOTD’
Personally, I tend to watch Match of the Day for the football – but each to their own, I guess.
But this leftie will support anything trending left – even capitalist corporations..
‘Vogue endorses Hillary Clinton’
Brendan Cox:
‘A great example of a company willing to stand against hatred & take extraordinary steps to do so. More like this pls’
How long before al-Beeb tell us Greenwich Mean Time is waycist
Perhaps they’ll go a step further and suggest changing the current BC/AD calendar system to BM and AM. According to my rough calculation, that would mean the current year is around 1386* which, in some ways, feels about right.
(* 2016 – 630 = 1386)
“This guy is a dude”
I think he mistyped: he added an extra letter.
Quick YAB-Lab is on LBC
make sure you turn your volume down first
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown : Ugandan-born journalist and author, who describes herself as a” “leftie liberal, anti-racist, feminist, Shia Muslim”
My fault for tuning in early . Katie Hopkins starts at 10am.
“leftie liberal, anti-racist, feminist, Shia Muslim”
And one-time refugee who, as a small child, fled to Britain with her parents (and 70,000 other Asians) to escape persecution in Idi Amin’s Uganda.
Now there’s racism for you, Yazzer.
Oh, and were there no Muslim states offering refuge to you all at that time?