A more troubling 140 character twitter-space lefty slogan from our BBC-endorsed and endorsing Brendan is this..
‘Brendan Cox @MrBrendanCox Sep 19
Brendan Cox Retweeted Spenborough Guardian
I hope all who portrayed Jo’s killing as an issue of mental health rather than political extremism learn from this’
‘Spenborough Guardian
Medical evidence ‘not an issue’ in MP Jo Cox murder trial. #BatleyandSpen’
Are such matters as the mental capacity and culpability of the accused not sub judice?
Compare and contrast with the media treatment of the likely mental state of those suspected of recent islamic terror lone wolf attacks.
Our noble broadcaster just might be regretting the timing of the St. Jo promotion, coming as it does in direct juxtaposition with the Hillarymails. Two crucially timed and politically engineered events, designed to influence an uncertain outcome? Will any of us be thoroughly insensitive and make the connection or draw any parallels? Surely not….
In a way Brendan Cox is right about political extremism being implicated in his wife’s shooting.
But I think he lacks the ability, as do the BBC, to see that policies supportive of mass migration, appeasement of political Islam and the surrender of national sovereignty implicit in remaining in the EU are also extremist political positions.
Two extremisms clashed on the day of Jo Coxs murder.
The speed with which the suggested motives of Jo Coxs murder were presented to us by the media (in comparison with the dissembling around others motives) is very disturbing….sinister even.
This is why Support Our Lefty is the Great Helmsman we`ve been looking for since the loss of Nick Clegg and the Peoples Prince title of 2010.
Like most sheep, I put my clocks back and took the extra hour.
I fell for the Big Lie.
I have now put my clocks forward and refuse to indulge the Tory Hemegonic Conspiracy against MarxyLexingtonism.
I will NOT be told by Fascists what the time now is-until Corbyn tells me what time it is, my watch is now set at PreRevolutionary Time.Set to stun as well.
Up the Soviet-and am now knitting socks furiously for the Buoys who will fall into line behind Mr Lefty above.
Red Rosa Luxembugher-Klebb( nee Clegg)
George Michael?
How can THIS be a story then to anybody but the BBC massage boys for Radio 4 news bulletins.
Old Canadian fears return of Irish watchtowers?…only the SNP/BBC and IRA have EVER raised these kind of concerns.
With the stoking by their EU backers naturally.
Sinn Fein and International Rescue might wish this to fuss us.
Because they`re raging over gay cakes, abortion and other things that Arlene Foster refuses to indulge them over.
So we`re back in Alinsky Town again.
And if the BBC can get Adams, McGuinness or the LGBT numpties of All-Ireland to foment and create their Gleiwitz moments for them?
Well all to the good,
It’s so sinister. As Peter Hitchens is always pointing out, the Soviet Union tried very hard to undermine families. They had legalised abortion by the end of the 1920s apparently, and there is the legend of Pavlik Morozov who shopped his parents to the authorities:
Alicia/Techno – You have both hit the nail on the head. Nothing much has changed since Saville. The BBC IS still full of weirdos. And is worse in some ways because they encourage the transmission of this sort of ghastly programme, probably in order to make themselves feel more normal.
Maybe at the BBC job interview it is a prerequisite to have “struggled with your gender” in order to get the job.
Whilst I do have some sympathy for transsexuals – surely it is downright irresponsible to bother little kids about their gender at such young ages in order for the 0.001 % who may have a problem to feel better about themselves.
There really is no depth that these sick bastards wont sink to in order to de-stabilise the normal family.
Agree Oaknash.
I too have no issue with sex roles and confusions-especially when children are made to grow up with the propaganda now since preschool.
But with the obsessings about sex ed and identity politics prevalent in our schools-and their cultural sugar daddies(glucose guardians?)at the BBC?
It is no surprise that some misfit parents would rather get onto the BBC settee that actually bring their children up to accept all shades, but wait until they`ve grown up before they make decisions.
The BBCs interest in “their journeys” won`t be any longer that it was in Saviles saveloy.
Just watching Brendan Cox on Andrew Marr.
The BBC are loving this. How disgraceful that Saint Jo’s death is still being used as a propaganda tool.
Mr Cox has quite rightly said that her death has no connection to the referendum outcome but there is an underlying feeling across the divided country that British people have always been very welcoming to different cultures/races. Mr Cox has got it right there. Although their world is unaffected as this is not close to where the elite live in their ivory towers.
I think I live in a different country to the BBC.
Mr Cox was on a rib with his two young children and a woman (nanny maybe) on the Thames that day when Gobby Geldof held his counter demonstration against the fishermen.
Mr Cox was waving a remain flag.
Maybe, just maybe, the murderer, a loner, apparently very friendly to neighbours but kept himself to himself was tipped over the edge when he saw them that day on the river.
When will the BBC and media generally understand that there is unrest amongst the poorer people of this country. They have been shat on by the elite for far too long and the real people (not celebrity MP’s/rich celebrities) have spoken. Enough is enough.
Broadcasting House on now with guests going through the papers.
First guest says of the emails “the news is across all the papers, but I’m going with The Observer”. Of course you are I thought to myself, as I listened to her claim that it was all just unfair dirt being dug up for political reasons. Poor poor Hillary, nasty nasty Trump.
Second guest says that Trump is the worst man that there has ever been in the last one hundred years! Yes, really.
As they support Hilllary then they clearly have no problem with a few murderers. After all people dying mysteriously by the score is not nearly as bad as a boastful tape of a stolen conversation made over 10 years ago.
R4 Broadcasting House : voice mouthing paper review hate towards Trump seem’s
the same person ‘Dreda Say Mitchell’ who was on Nolan 10-12pm Friday..saying the same !
On my list of pet-issues I forgot to mention the bias of panel shows like Nolan, Broadcasting House, Up AllNight
which can’t find anyone who likes Trump, just like they couldn’t find non-Remainers
It’s a sad tragedy that elections are to be decided not by the positive ambitions of candidates that the electorate supports, but an utter loathing of a failed establishment epitomised by a liberal media with its head up its own ass.
I’ve never got this ‘welcoming’ terminology. In the past the British (as we used to know them) have been stiff upper lip and never really made their feelings known – in fact, it was not so long ago that the ‘welcome’ doormat wasn’t exactly in evidence when signs in B & B windows read ‘no Irish or Blacks’. The British in general are not brilliant at making friends – churchgoers excepted, but ‘welcoming’ is always the mantra trotted out by elderly migrants who settled here years ago, and whom we had thrust upon us whether we liked it or not.
I agree. My childhood in East London was very different back in the 60s and I can remember such signs re black/Irish. I remember the suspiciousness.
I must stop punishing myself and turn to the off button. It really is such drivel.
Global News network (Classic FM, etc.) still headlining poor, misunderstood Hil-Liary – they don’t give up, do they. Hil-Liary is now condemning the FBI, apparently, whereas yesterday, she was inviting them to tell all!
My God, they can’t let her be President – can they?
Andrew Marr at his most negative best this morning: during the preamble to the programme, he referred to the Nissan news last week as the ONLY good bit of news since the Referendum. Really? Where have you been during the intervening months Andrew? Or maybe he consulted Carney for a line to use……
Friends! My weekly [Don’t you mean “weakly”, Lefty? – J.C. Oh Jeremy! You are literally getting on my nerves now! – L.] compilation of Tweets is now literally available, literally here:
Just an idea for when the ‘jungle’ reappears in Calais, as it surely will…
If a migrant attempts to enter the UK illegally, or participates in any act further to that aim, like disrupting traffic or climbing into a truck, then they should be arrested. Once under arrest they should be finger printed and have their DNA recorded – as is the default for arrested persons. They should be charged with the crime of attempted illegal border crossing. The penalty should be permanent exclusion from that country – a lifelong ban on a visa.
This would discourage migrants from attempting to cross borders illegally with associated benefits to both France and the UK. No more ‘jungle’ for a start. And the same law could be enacted for any border in the EU, or elsewhere. You can have my idea for free Donald when you take office – it’s cheaper than a wall.
It would link the migrant with the country in which the crime took place and therefore provide the basis for a legitimate place to which they should be deported if subsequently found to have been successful on a later attempt to cross the border. This would provide every country with the necessary incentive to properly control its own borders since the responsibility for emigration passes to the same country responsible for immigration.
If subsequently discovered at any time in the future in the country to which they had no legal right of entry then they should be immediately repatriated to the country from which they entered. In other words this should be a lifelong disqualification. No rewards or mitigation for evading capture or marriage or family etc. Any arrested person should be subject to an automatic cross check on a disqualified visa database.
The cost of repatriation and an additional processing fee, which could be set very high, would be charged on the country with the porous border. €10million per illegal immigrant would get Hollande’s attention.
If the system worked across the EU then the point of entry at Europe’s external border could be traced and ultimately repatriation to a non-EU country made possible.
Also a potential solution for a soft border between Northern Ireland and Eire.
Of course, this is not compatible with Schengen and would never be adopted by a corrupt regime hard wired to enact continental population replacement, white genocide, miscegenation, border elimination and one world government. Like the EU.
Criminal intent by illegal immigrants would also be significantly reduced since the penalty for any indictable offence would be default deportation, regardless of the seriousness of the subsequent crime.
I’m on fire this morning, I’ll draft the white paper this afternoon.
Just been watching the odious Clegg on ITV’s Peston. He didnt even bother to regurgitate the usual “we must respect the democratic wishes of the people….” just the assertion without any evidence to back it, that no one voted for hard brexit – who would vote for such economic self harm….
When will these delusional rejected by the voters twatts realise that no one ever listened to them or cares now what they think. I know perfectly well what I voted for and after listening to him and endless other msm favoured wankerati I’m more convinced than ever I made the right choice – to end islamisation, restore control of borders and exit the corrupt venal fascist EU.
I think we are entering a dangerous phase when these traitors have favoured access to our corrupt media to undermine our wishes.
As I ranted in previous blogs the Brexit vote was a direct instruction to the politicians, a mandate, an order, not a suggestion, not a blind protest vote, not if you can secure good terms, so f…ing well get on with it Treesa. As for that delusional (my people need me in this hour of peril) criminal Bliar – why isnt he in jail, and why do our traitorous BBC and msm stooges think anyone cares what their “chief editors” or self appointed experts think.
Its been fun watching how the bbbc’s twists Crooked Hilary’s emails scandal – “Hilary demands explanation from the FBI and is confident that nothing new will appear”. NO! Its her crookedness that needs to answer to the people. Im just off to Jewson to order a digger, concrete, steel girders, air purifying equipment, two years supply of spam, iodine tablets, water bowsers – just in case the evil hag wins.
Thank you camino – Lidl’s just across the road from Jewson so I can pop across and get some healthy low calorie yoghourt nutribars as well to last out the nuclear winter.
** They’ve gone and built a wall !
.. And we paid for it **
That’s what this is all about.
Do you think LeftMob believe in Diversity ?
That’s what they claim, but when you engage with them
You find they are interested in CONFORMITY of thought not diversity of thought.
Go out to a LeftMob forum or independent Forum which they have territorialised and dare to give an opinion different to LeftMob and see what happens.
The immediately see you as a criminal cos you have a different opinion from them “You are not one of us”
They march along their forum shouting
“LeftMob, LeftMob, We are LeftMob ! And we are right ! right ! right ! All off the time. Suck it up !”
Likewise the BBC for all it’s criticism of Trump has already built a virtual wall which keeps OUT non-Left voices ..and keeps them off air.
A wall that runs around BBC Radio 4 Comedy, All BBC News progs, BBC ClimateReligion keeping out all those voices that might challenge their dogma.
On forums Leftmob quickly gives up on logic and reverts to the fallacious arguments of : misrepresentation, attacking the man and not the argument, cherry picking etc. And shout “Troll !” or shout “Racist !”, to close down the debate.
Great graphic there Mr Green!
I could definitely see a “Top Trump” set of cards there. were you to release them on November 9th!
Shout “TROLL” of course as you say.
But what of “Racist” Islamophobe” “Little Englander”-and all others we get thrown at the good people of this country?
A good stocking filler for Christmas, and if Clinton wins-a Special Edition set for the New November Criminals we`ll soon be seeing once more.
You have answered a question raised later on here concerning how the BBC and left are thrown when people do not vote the way they expect of them. The left – from the rabid middle classes of Class War to the Loachian Trots of Left Unity and Momentum all the way to Labour and Guardianitas – operate a strict policy of blocking dissent. Then express surprise when they end up in a minority political position
LBC now – Maajid Nawaz let the lefty woman say that the US has net immigration
“More people leave the country than enter”
That’s certainly sounds wrong by all databases.
There wer eprevious claims more MEXICANS leave than enter …and that is possible, cos they do come work and take cash back to spend with their mother.
But that still seems like speculation.
Am I missing something – I haven’t seen any mention of Baroness “Trougher” Scotland’s latest contretemps on BBC news or politics programmes. It’s true I tend to switch off in disgust or fast forward if catching up, but surely this possible scandal should have been unavoidable (much as remoaners are), contact and compare with the coverage of the wholly innocent Cliff Richard.
I can’t speak for the rest of the country – though I’m sure you will have your own crosses to bear – but here in the south-west, when Andrew Neil tells us on Sundays that’s it’s time for ‘the politics in your area’ we are assailed by David Garmston, a man who ticks every available BBC box. Arrogant, dismissive, rude, opinionated, biased and very liberally left, he justifies the creation of this site, a shining example of the sort of condescending presenter we have earned for our money.
T`would be
a) discrimatory
b) sexist
c) disablist and
d) frankly wrong FFS
were anybody to vote for anybody but the battered wife, vulnerable victim of a Little Rock Redneck…and one who is mentally challenged and -did I say vulnerable.
AND-quite possibly an asylum seeker…so QED!
Vote Billary Dickie.
Well said, Friend Chris! The idea that anyone could possibly vote for the widely-hated Trump would be frankly Hillaryous (Not a bad little pun there eh, friends! And to think that Hard-Right elements claim that those of us on the Progressive Left have no sense of humour!) were it not so literally terrifying.
The BBC seems to be surprised by every popular vote these days and this is due, I believe, to two factors. The first is that they believe pre-election polls are accurate. They fall into this trap because the BBC is no longer of the general British population. We usually avoid confrontation and consider heated political debate an ill-mannered thing to do in polite company. Hence, when asked how we are likely to vote, we either give the answer we think the nosey pollster wants to hear or refuse to answer. The second is that the BBC inhabits a left-wing echo chamber with a distinct lack of diverse opinion.
This explains the bemused ‘just been fed a sh*t sandwich’ look on Dimbleby’s face every time he has to announce a result that he and his BBC chums think is wrong.
Long may it continue.
“The BBC seems to be surprised by every popular vote these days”….
Steve, nothing wrong with the reasons you`ve given for this but there is also the significant factor that the BBC sees itself as leading public opinion rather than reporting on it.
The Leftist Chomsky spouts a lot of tosh but on the subject of the mass media he`s bang on…the media “manufactures consent” for the powerful to work with. Look at the themes ever present in the BBCs output and this seems to be borne out.
For example, virtually all the opinion on issues around gays and trans “issues”(very much the interests of tiny minorities) is media driven….followed by government action.
Ooh, it`so exciting.
Just gone undercover into the Guardian CiF pages, and tried one out re Zac Goldsmith.
Very Allo, Allo!
I hope that somebody will twig that I`m talking baloney…but thought I`d tell Support Our Lefty and the Squadron that I`m back safe and sound.
Great fun-would recommend it to anybody fancying a walk on the wilder shores of reason…they`re barking over there are they not?
Rather clearly, life for 12yos in certain households is different to those who are not caught up in a bubble that sees gender reassignment as also a priority for any preteen.
And should Junior seek to follow in Mum’s high heels, he will need to learn who to spin lying as really ‘getting it about right’ like a good BBC little ‘un.
I understand that Canada did this deal without “the Free Movement of People” .
Is this true ? Can any readers/posters throw some light on this ?
R4 13:30 Martin Bashir was brought on to bash Trump on the excuse he changed to just be appointed BBC religious affairs correspondent after formerly being in the US, so his piece on religion should reference the US even though the From Our HOME Corrrespondent show is about correspondents in the UK.
“Take case of Donald Trump the self confessed adulterer” *
“whose been married 3 times” YEP
“whose businesses have been bankrupted 4 times” **
“whose is accused by at least 11 women of sexual harrassment” ***
***(There are 12 accusers .. Sexual Harrassment is an extremely serious thing so one has to take care with terms to both victim and and suspect :
But Basically he wouldn’t have gone to jail, even if the women had made the complaints when they happened 10 years ago. And that is from the details in the fairly Anti-Trump NPR
There is only one allegation of assault, that was made in a 1993 book by Ivana about 1989 a time in the middle of their marriage, she described it as rape, but before the book was printed changed her story “I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense.”
All of the other accusations whilst unpleasant seem to be octopus type behaviour like grabbing breasts, hand up the skirt etc ..mostly described as if it was over in 30 s or a minute.)
Bashir then went on to talk crap about religion
About reigning in our pursuits cos “everyone worships something”, money, power etc.
Someone Tweeted him :”we do not “all worship something”; your understanding of atheism is severely deficient.”
Someone else Tweeted
“Incredible #bbc has rehired Martin Bashir when they know he fraudulently got Diana to do thatPanorama interview”
So, copraphagia is added to the list of BBC employee’s perversions, G. W. F. Although, it’s only what the licence payers/viewers have to endure on a daily basis, I suppose.
The Report just now on Radio 4 managed to confirm why we all hate the BBC.
The guiltfest was one long emote into “slavery”.
Now you`d think that we`d rather dealt with that in the mid-19th Century…God knows the Human Rights baying mobs told us all about it.
So why then is it back since 2010 then?
The Report would rather not say.
But we can guess about New Labours role in it, and Mays ill-defined “war” on the whole business.
And we can guess what colours, what faith the traffickers and the victims are.
And what parts of the world that export it-and the gender of those who run it, those who suffer under it.
But the BBC can`t-they don`t and won`t.
In case we get the wrong ideas.
Anyway-talk of slavery.
Our Beeboid makes the girl cry, after he`s suggested illegal overstaying on the visa
“How does that make you feel” he asks(Money Shot poverty porn play#3)
“And what are your dreams?”( MSPPP#13).
We can see a whole load of teenage girls getting roped along the BBCs convoy of victims, enslaved and forced to emote for Radio 4.
Despicable…and bloody Theresa May fails to appear on the BBC having been summonsed by the Report.
How very dare she-this is the BBC she`s spurning!
Utter guiltfest crap. Fupoff BBC!
I thought it was worse than you describe, clearly calling for all these victims of slavery to be automatically given UK citizenship, which the perpetrators which were identified by the victim as ‘Arabs’ had to be let off Scot free.
No doubt the reason for not wanting to upset the Arabs is the amount of money they pump into the UK to promote their depraved religion and lifestyle, and if they wish to treat their staff like slaves then that’s just fine with the UK so long as they don’t get caught!
It seemed to me this program promoted two things – immunity from prosecution for the Arabs who do, and more mass migration – which the program criticised Theresa May & the Tories for seeking to stop.
The greedy weasel who had produced some kind of questionable report could have been given some serious cross examination such as why the employers and employees were not separated on entry on entry to the UK and questioned, with proof of earnings being a requirement of them being allowed entry.
If the government wanted to tackle this, they could, but it might upset some of their financial benefactors so they don’t !
Guess topic on Countryfile ?
Real countryside with real farmers using modern chemicals to tame wild nature ?
No ..Modern Slavery Labour on fishing boats in UK waters
cos the politician wanted to tell us about her saving the world with new law change.
– If your fishing boat works just outside UK waters, you fly in a Filipino, on a special transit visa which allows him to join the ship..You then put him on the boat and work him like Sh*t, and he can’t complain cos he doesn’t have the right to set foot on UK shore. BBC News
I’m not sure how big the problem is ..I’m sure that there’s a bigger problem in Thailand etc. cos in European waters you could use workers from the lowest salary country.
There was another lot of ISLINGTON-countryside things
…Making traditional trendy leather clogs that probably cost £200/pair
…Making traditional perry cider
…Making Green gimmick bracken logs to put in your aga (didn’t mention the grants from Centrica and West of England Growth Fund)
Tuned in to World at One today to see the how latest Clinton scandal would be mitigated by the BBC team led by Mark Mardell – BBC News’ answer to Norman Wisdom.
Brilliant! They just didn’t mention it, least I didn’t hear a word about it, not even in the news summary at the top of the program. Not a word about the headline linking all news programs other than theirs!
Rather, they seemed to be concentrating the entire prog on the (yawn -yawn) issue of finding non Brexit type folk to howl with misery about a border between Northern Ireland and the Islamic nutters driving through the Schengen zone’s with their guns and bombs.
Oh except Muslims, guns and bombs weren’t mentioned. Maybe on the next discussion.
I told you the BBC and MSM have “gone and built THE WALL”
… to stop the true-world coming IN to their side ..so they don’t broadcast it out, but broadcast OUT their fantasies instead.
ss: “Tuned in to World at One today to see the how latest Clinton scandal would be mitigated by the BBC team led by Mark Mardell – BBC News’ answer to Norman Wisdom.”
How sad that as a Fascist country which twice went to war with the rest of the world, its current leader who is doubtless under the influence of the Sunni Muslim oil money, has led her country back to the dark days of Fascism.
Forcing a child to attend a Mosque and to bow in worship to Allah is an indication of how far she is going.
Woke this morning at 7 to find Andrew castle on lbc practically begging for a second referendum as he does every week. Also bashing trump and doing a Justin webbe in his description. As for Hilary nobody’s perfect according to him but apart from that she’s brill. Trying his best to play down the fbi involvement. The second hour was a conservative bash fest with the continued use of the nasty party and with the help of alibi brown supposedly doing a paper review gleefully adding to the shite. According to her Canada has been ruled by hard right governments for years (who knew)and she’s in love with mr feminist Trudeau. Absolutely pathetic stuff.
Over in Beeb land the bbc are sticking the fingers in their ears and not mentioning the fbi and Hilary. Mars show this morning mentioned it but so fleetingly I think nobody noticed, those nasty fbi people, how very dare they. Boris johnsons sister again being a complete pillock over brexit with Kate hoey. I guess by tomorrow the bbc will be praying that it never happened and it was all just a very bad dream laugh.
I just pray that Nov 8th will be another June 23rd and see the smug faces wiped from these gobshites. Not one of them have the right to call themselves a journalist. Political activists yes but not journalists. The whole lot are selling their souls for their so called righteous crusade to get a crook into the White House.
“”Clinton emails: Officials advised FBI not to reveal inquiry””
“”FBI investigators have known about the existence of the newly discovered emails for weeks but did not inform the FBI director, according to US media reports”” —(According to US media reports?? No bias there, then…).
The whole article is founded on “according to US media reports”. No Official reports, just US media reports.
The BBC. Lying desperately and without any sense of fair play to help Clinton. But the BBC is now becoming more obvious than ever in the blatant display of their bias.
According to tonight’s news on BBC1 the FBI don’t even have a warrant to access the emails. Which, if true, begs a huge number of extra questions that the BBC weren’t interested in posing.
I don’t understand this article. It makes no sense re Brexit.
But, it serves to provide a negative Brexit headline. Therefore, ‘Job done’ for the BBC. Anything to attack Brexit. Anything at all.
R4 has an obituary programme on Sunday nights. Tonight they featured Jimmy Perry and surprise surprise managed to get some PC in! Like New England puritans who see sin everywhere, the BBC sees racism and homophobia lurking behind the most innocent of things. Apparently ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ wasn’t as popular as ‘Dad’s Army’ because it made fun of the gays!
They seem to have forgotten that. a. ‘Dad’s Army’ had a fair few jokes about gays, usually involving the vicar and his rather close relationship with the verger. b.the character of ‘Gloria’ played by Melvyn Hayes in ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ was probably the first ‘trans’ character shown on British TV who wasn’t some sort of pervert or serial killer. Personally I think it was pretty ‘cutting edge’ to have even that on 1970s primetime TV (in a comedy set in the 1940s, don’t forget).
I’ve often heard it said that Mr Humphries from ‘Are You Being Served’ (written by Perry’s writing partner Major David Croft and Jeremy Lloyd) was ’empowering’ towards gay men so why wasn’t ‘Gloria’? I am not ‘of the gay’ myself so don’t want to make any assumptions but in many ways he seemed a positive sort of character. The BBC seems to think that because Windsor Davies used the word ‘poof’ IAHHM must be wiped from the collective memory of the nation. But Davies’ character was always shown to be an idiot!
In its haste to scramble to the top of the PC ant heap and signal its virtue far and wide, the BBC is incapable of seeing that those great comedies poked fun at everybody regardless of gender, race, colour, height, bodyweight, accent etc etc. You can’t get any fairer than that.
Turning on BBC R4 news is like turning on a tap of lies. Take today 1t 6.15 when BBC reporter Sophie Hutchinson ‘explained’ why the NHS budget was under increasing pressure.
Apparently we have an ageing population (true). There is a diabetes epidemic (open to question – it is more complex than it seems), drugs are getting more expensive (another over-simplification) and these pesky old folk often have complicated conditions which are expensive to treat (unarguable).
Add all these together and you have a need for a budget rising at around 4 per cent just to keep up with demand, she opined.
Well, yes. But hasn’t little Sophie forgotten something? Something to do with the flood of third world immigrants, many of whom have complex health issues which cost a fortune to treat? And don’t they also have a disproportionately high birth rate which is causing chaos throughout the NHS (let alone other areas such as education and criminal justice?).
Still, that’s another job done for the liars at Broadcasting House. Listeners fed a story which misleads them on a very important issue and simultaneously protects one of the BBC favourite client groups.
GC, agreed. The BBC conveniently forget the millions of imported foreigners who have to get ill or become involved in accidents. What about FGM? The NHS is the Worlds free service to deal with this imported problem and they are in the midst of busily setting up clinics around the UK to deal with the, ‘problem’. No one can tell me that all imports travel back to their homeland to obtain treatment.
Yes, and apart from all of the above and health tourism, there’s also Tony Blair and Gordon Browns scandalously inept PFI contracts draining taxpayers money away from the health budget….but that doesn’t fit the BBCs “NHS, only safe in Labours hands” narrative does it?
Asad Ahmad news presenter with BBC London throws us a curve ball this morning.
As usual he headlines with some report from a campaign charity, this time the NSPCC and that ever present percentage statistic – number of calls from distressed kids up 30% – poor little mites.
Just when the now concerned and alarmed BBC viewer is expecting the reason for youth unhappiness to be revealed as being ‘gender’ – so as to back up the BBC campaigning on this issue… our Asad delivers the bombshell that children, among other things, are fretting about BREXIT
Never fear, this Halloween Ian Katz can wheel out Emily’s pre teen son to freak out the poor wee mites with the results of his Trump poll… as all kids this age are prone to hold.
The BBC love Mark Carney. He may have a useless record on hinting at interest rate rises, suggesting 4 times since 2013 that rates would rise but doing nothing and keeping them too low for too long, however that does not sully his record apparently. The BBC gleefully tell us how highly Carney is regarded and that he will probably infest us for another 4 years after 2018. Why is Carney loved? Because he tried to undermine Brexit prior to the vote, of course, with politicised and dubious economic forecasts.
The BBC then wheels on its favourite businessman Sir Martin Sorrell. This man is elite to the core, considers himself to be the Great Economic Pontificator and naturally supported Remain and Project Fear. Sorrell uses his frequent BBC interviews to shamelessly sing the virtues of his company. Moreover on Brexit he is very much the sore loser, downplaying the GDP figures and bemoaning the welcome and overdue sterling decline. He also thinks Mark Carney’s performance has been “stellar”. What dire judgment.
Martin Sorrel the advertising magnate….advertising…the profession of paid lying, or as Orwell had it “Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket”.
Who but the BBC would think the opinions of an advertiser worth a moments consideration? they`re just another branch of the media…like actors…paid to spout other peoples words and opinions whilst charging a kings ransom for their “professional skills”, just like BBC propagandists in fact.
From this morning’s evidence it certainly seems like the BBC love Carney. Anybody else notice how abruptly Robinson cut Daniel Hannan off when he started to mention those, oh what are they called again, oh yes FACTS. The BBC don’t like those when they contradict with their dogma.
Who said BBC comedy was dead? Today at 6.15 a.m. starred that old lag Vicky Pryce tellng us the one about how the UK economy post brexit would have collapsed if it hadn’t been for the actions of Mark Carney. Priceless (geddit?)
DoublethinkerMar 6, 16:15 Midweek 5th March 2025 One development in recent days that has surprised me is that the number of new members joining the Reform party…
Fedup2Mar 6, 16:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 The child killer on a sports field by a BMW yesterday was aged 10 and has been named . The…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:42 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Between 2019-2020, when Boris Johnson was Prime Minister, taxpayers were charged £141,380 for HOPE not hate charitable trust (which funds…
popeyeMar 6, 15:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Compared to people born in the UK, migrants are more likely to be of working age or have a university…
tomoMar 6, 15:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 Eagle is it seems a graduate of the Dianne Abbott academy? One might’ve hoped that the voters of The Wirral…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 * What power have you got? • Where did you get it from? • In whose interests do you use…
tomoMar 6, 15:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 home insurance premium? I’d have a read of the policy document
tomoMar 6, 15:05 Midweek 5th March 2025 More law….. EU courts…. – just imagine what TTK would get up to in cahoots with this lot. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1897643947654099325
Richard PinderMar 6, 15:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nKBwlTaz0pU/hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEhCK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAxMIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJD&rs=AOn4CLALPS25eYEednhxOL4f351YJHeshw[/img] Stalinist torture of Tommy Robinson by the nasty socialist state. Political prisoner, Tommy Robinson, has suffered 128+ days so…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 14:58 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Police ‘acted reasonably’ in Pearson hate crime case” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cp8y9j7j953o The Essex force has previously defended its since-dropped investigation over an…
A more troubling 140 character twitter-space lefty slogan from our BBC-endorsed and endorsing Brendan is this..
‘Brendan Cox @MrBrendanCox Sep 19
Brendan Cox Retweeted Spenborough Guardian
I hope all who portrayed Jo’s killing as an issue of mental health rather than political extremism learn from this’
‘Spenborough Guardian
Medical evidence ‘not an issue’ in MP Jo Cox murder trial. #BatleyandSpen’
Are such matters as the mental capacity and culpability of the accused not sub judice?
Compare and contrast with the media treatment of the likely mental state of those suspected of recent islamic terror lone wolf attacks.
Our noble broadcaster just might be regretting the timing of the St. Jo promotion, coming as it does in direct juxtaposition with the Hillarymails. Two crucially timed and politically engineered events, designed to influence an uncertain outcome? Will any of us be thoroughly insensitive and make the connection or draw any parallels? Surely not….
In a way Brendan Cox is right about political extremism being implicated in his wife’s shooting.
But I think he lacks the ability, as do the BBC, to see that policies supportive of mass migration, appeasement of political Islam and the surrender of national sovereignty implicit in remaining in the EU are also extremist political positions.
Two extremisms clashed on the day of Jo Coxs murder.
The speed with which the suggested motives of Jo Coxs murder were presented to us by the media (in comparison with the dissembling around others motives) is very disturbing….sinister even.
Friends! Greetings to you all from – literally – the future! Where I am, it is literally 10.06am! Spooky eh!
Lefty – You haven’t put your clocks back ???
Are you winding us up??
I’ll get me coat …….
Friend Lobster! It really is literally Time [Groan! – J.C.] for these puns to cease.
I’ll Second that – I’ll make sure your comment is included in the next Minutes!
This is why Support Our Lefty is the Great Helmsman we`ve been looking for since the loss of Nick Clegg and the Peoples Prince title of 2010.
Like most sheep, I put my clocks back and took the extra hour.
I fell for the Big Lie.
I have now put my clocks forward and refuse to indulge the Tory Hemegonic Conspiracy against MarxyLexingtonism.
I will NOT be told by Fascists what the time now is-until Corbyn tells me what time it is, my watch is now set at PreRevolutionary Time.Set to stun as well.
Up the Soviet-and am now knitting socks furiously for the Buoys who will fall into line behind Mr Lefty above.
Red Rosa Luxembugher-Klebb( nee Clegg)
Very well said, Friend Alicia. I couldn’t put it better myself, and indeed didn’t, on the Hard-Right neoliberal racist Twitter.
I get the humour but the UK is in the EU and still changes its clocks in line with their rules.
R4 1pm will have US’s George Mitchell sticking his oar in re an EU border in N. Ireland
..”oh Brexit is bad for the NI peace process”
em It’s a bit late BBC.
On Friday you guys lost the court case re the Brexit and NI Border.
#BbcProjectFear2 #BbcProjectStopBrexit
George Michael?
How can THIS be a story then to anybody but the BBC massage boys for Radio 4 news bulletins.
Old Canadian fears return of Irish watchtowers?…only the SNP/BBC and IRA have EVER raised these kind of concerns.
With the stoking by their EU backers naturally.
Sinn Fein and International Rescue might wish this to fuss us.
Because they`re raging over gay cakes, abortion and other things that Arlene Foster refuses to indulge them over.
So we`re back in Alinsky Town again.
And if the BBC can get Adams, McGuinness or the LGBT numpties of All-Ireland to foment and create their Gleiwitz moments for them?
Well all to the good,
Why do I hate andrew marr so very, very much?
Because it’s so easy AEG – and he’s so f…ing ugly.
Macaulay Culkin was always like that.
Were you ever, as a junior BBC staff member, experiencing difficulty with your jeans outside a nightclub after a long and tiring day’s…. ‘Work’?
A Daily Mail article says a 16 year old migrant is actually 22.
‘Child migrant’ who said he was 16 when he came to the UK from the Calais Jungle boasts of being 22 on a dating website and has a beard on his LinkedIn profile
Wonder if the BBC will report the same?!?
Well in fairness they reported this ?
Perhaps our new ‘tough’, Home Secretary will take the lead and emulate Australia?
As if .
And he was the one ‘child’ amongst that group that I thought didn’t look obviously like an adult. So that was a 100% fail then.
No more to add-but if you let the 30 second clip pass…you`ll see why this stuff peddled at children is what cBBC is now all about.
Jimmy Savile dead five years. But he lives on forever at the BBC.
They just won`t run for charities, or don a shellsuit. Other than that, same Fascist Faecsists.
It’s so sinister. As Peter Hitchens is always pointing out, the Soviet Union tried very hard to undermine families. They had legalised abortion by the end of the 1920s apparently, and there is the legend of Pavlik Morozov who shopped his parents to the authorities:
Alicia/Techno – You have both hit the nail on the head. Nothing much has changed since Saville. The BBC IS still full of weirdos. And is worse in some ways because they encourage the transmission of this sort of ghastly programme, probably in order to make themselves feel more normal.
Maybe at the BBC job interview it is a prerequisite to have “struggled with your gender” in order to get the job.
Whilst I do have some sympathy for transsexuals – surely it is downright irresponsible to bother little kids about their gender at such young ages in order for the 0.001 % who may have a problem to feel better about themselves.
There really is no depth that these sick bastards wont sink to in order to de-stabilise the normal family.
Agree Oaknash.
I too have no issue with sex roles and confusions-especially when children are made to grow up with the propaganda now since preschool.
But with the obsessings about sex ed and identity politics prevalent in our schools-and their cultural sugar daddies(glucose guardians?)at the BBC?
It is no surprise that some misfit parents would rather get onto the BBC settee that actually bring their children up to accept all shades, but wait until they`ve grown up before they make decisions.
The BBCs interest in “their journeys” won`t be any longer that it was in Saviles saveloy.
Just watching Brendan Cox on Andrew Marr.
The BBC are loving this. How disgraceful that Saint Jo’s death is still being used as a propaganda tool.
Mr Cox has quite rightly said that her death has no connection to the referendum outcome but there is an underlying feeling across the divided country that British people have always been very welcoming to different cultures/races. Mr Cox has got it right there. Although their world is unaffected as this is not close to where the elite live in their ivory towers.
I think I live in a different country to the BBC.
Mr Cox was on a rib with his two young children and a woman (nanny maybe) on the Thames that day when Gobby Geldof held his counter demonstration against the fishermen.
Mr Cox was waving a remain flag.
Maybe, just maybe, the murderer, a loner, apparently very friendly to neighbours but kept himself to himself was tipped over the edge when he saw them that day on the river.
When will the BBC and media generally understand that there is unrest amongst the poorer people of this country. They have been shat on by the elite for far too long and the real people (not celebrity MP’s/rich celebrities) have spoken. Enough is enough.
Broadcasting House on now with guests going through the papers.
First guest says of the emails “the news is across all the papers, but I’m going with The Observer”. Of course you are I thought to myself, as I listened to her claim that it was all just unfair dirt being dug up for political reasons. Poor poor Hillary, nasty nasty Trump.
Second guest says that Trump is the worst man that there has ever been in the last one hundred years! Yes, really.
Well that lets Hitler off the hook. Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot too.
Where does the BBC get these clowns?
GC – They were all Socialists of course, so they can’t possibly be as bad as The Donald.
As they support Hilllary then they clearly have no problem with a few murderers. After all people dying mysteriously by the score is not nearly as bad as a boastful tape of a stolen conversation made over 10 years ago.
R4 Broadcasting House : voice mouthing paper review hate towards Trump seem’s
the same person ‘Dreda Say Mitchell’ who was on Nolan 10-12pm Friday..saying the same !
On my list of pet-issues I forgot to mention the bias of panel shows like Nolan, Broadcasting House, Up AllNight
which can’t find anyone who likes Trump, just like they couldn’t find non-Remainers
It’s a sad tragedy that elections are to be decided not by the positive ambitions of candidates that the electorate supports, but an utter loathing of a failed establishment epitomised by a liberal media with its head up its own ass.
I’ve never got this ‘welcoming’ terminology. In the past the British (as we used to know them) have been stiff upper lip and never really made their feelings known – in fact, it was not so long ago that the ‘welcome’ doormat wasn’t exactly in evidence when signs in B & B windows read ‘no Irish or Blacks’. The British in general are not brilliant at making friends – churchgoers excepted, but ‘welcoming’ is always the mantra trotted out by elderly migrants who settled here years ago, and whom we had thrust upon us whether we liked it or not.
I agree. My childhood in East London was very different back in the 60s and I can remember such signs re black/Irish. I remember the suspiciousness.
I must stop punishing myself and turn to the off button. It really is such drivel.
Global News network (Classic FM, etc.) still headlining poor, misunderstood Hil-Liary – they don’t give up, do they. Hil-Liary is now condemning the FBI, apparently, whereas yesterday, she was inviting them to tell all!
My God, they can’t let her be President – can they?
Andrew Marr at his most negative best this morning: during the preamble to the programme, he referred to the Nissan news last week as the ONLY good bit of news since the Referendum. Really? Where have you been during the intervening months Andrew? Or maybe he consulted Carney for a line to use……
And Marr’s rants are editorially approved by the BBC.
Couldn’t move on fast enough from Hilary this morning
Friends! My weekly [Don’t you mean “weakly”, Lefty? – J.C. Oh Jeremy! You are literally getting on my nerves now! – L.] compilation of Tweets is now literally available, literally here:
Your best…literally!
“”Friends! The fires at the Calais Jungle are appalling!
The Climate Change they’re causing is literally destroying the world, and elsewhere””
Thank you, Friend Dover :).
Just an idea for when the ‘jungle’ reappears in Calais, as it surely will…
If a migrant attempts to enter the UK illegally, or participates in any act further to that aim, like disrupting traffic or climbing into a truck, then they should be arrested. Once under arrest they should be finger printed and have their DNA recorded – as is the default for arrested persons. They should be charged with the crime of attempted illegal border crossing. The penalty should be permanent exclusion from that country – a lifelong ban on a visa.
This would discourage migrants from attempting to cross borders illegally with associated benefits to both France and the UK. No more ‘jungle’ for a start. And the same law could be enacted for any border in the EU, or elsewhere. You can have my idea for free Donald when you take office – it’s cheaper than a wall.
It would link the migrant with the country in which the crime took place and therefore provide the basis for a legitimate place to which they should be deported if subsequently found to have been successful on a later attempt to cross the border. This would provide every country with the necessary incentive to properly control its own borders since the responsibility for emigration passes to the same country responsible for immigration.
If subsequently discovered at any time in the future in the country to which they had no legal right of entry then they should be immediately repatriated to the country from which they entered. In other words this should be a lifelong disqualification. No rewards or mitigation for evading capture or marriage or family etc. Any arrested person should be subject to an automatic cross check on a disqualified visa database.
The cost of repatriation and an additional processing fee, which could be set very high, would be charged on the country with the porous border. €10million per illegal immigrant would get Hollande’s attention.
If the system worked across the EU then the point of entry at Europe’s external border could be traced and ultimately repatriation to a non-EU country made possible.
Also a potential solution for a soft border between Northern Ireland and Eire.
Of course, this is not compatible with Schengen and would never be adopted by a corrupt regime hard wired to enact continental population replacement, white genocide, miscegenation, border elimination and one world government. Like the EU.
Criminal intent by illegal immigrants would also be significantly reduced since the penalty for any indictable offence would be default deportation, regardless of the seriousness of the subsequent crime.
I’m on fire this morning, I’ll draft the white paper this afternoon.
Just been watching the odious Clegg on ITV’s Peston. He didnt even bother to regurgitate the usual “we must respect the democratic wishes of the people….” just the assertion without any evidence to back it, that no one voted for hard brexit – who would vote for such economic self harm….
When will these delusional rejected by the voters twatts realise that no one ever listened to them or cares now what they think. I know perfectly well what I voted for and after listening to him and endless other msm favoured wankerati I’m more convinced than ever I made the right choice – to end islamisation, restore control of borders and exit the corrupt venal fascist EU.
I think we are entering a dangerous phase when these traitors have favoured access to our corrupt media to undermine our wishes.
As I ranted in previous blogs the Brexit vote was a direct instruction to the politicians, a mandate, an order, not a suggestion, not a blind protest vote, not if you can secure good terms, so f…ing well get on with it Treesa. As for that delusional (my people need me in this hour of peril) criminal Bliar – why isnt he in jail, and why do our traitorous BBC and msm stooges think anyone cares what their “chief editors” or self appointed experts think.
Its been fun watching how the bbbc’s twists Crooked Hilary’s emails scandal – “Hilary demands explanation from the FBI and is confident that nothing new will appear”. NO! Its her crookedness that needs to answer to the people. Im just off to Jewson to order a digger, concrete, steel girders, air purifying equipment, two years supply of spam, iodine tablets, water bowsers – just in case the evil hag wins.
Jewson doesn’t sell Spam.
Nah! Spam’s off, dear.
Thank you camino – Lidl’s just across the road from Jewson so I can pop across and get some healthy low calorie yoghourt nutribars as well to last out the nuclear winter.
** They’ve gone and built a wall !
.. And we paid for it **
That’s what this is all about.
Do you think LeftMob believe in Diversity ?
That’s what they claim, but when you engage with them
You find they are interested in CONFORMITY of thought not diversity of thought.
Go out to a LeftMob forum or independent Forum which they have territorialised and dare to give an opinion different to LeftMob and see what happens.
The immediately see you as a criminal cos you have a different opinion from them “You are not one of us”
They march along their forum shouting
“LeftMob, LeftMob, We are LeftMob ! And we are right ! right ! right ! All off the time. Suck it up !”
Likewise the BBC for all it’s criticism of Trump has already built a virtual wall which keeps OUT non-Left voices ..and keeps them off air.
A wall that runs around BBC Radio 4 Comedy, All BBC News progs, BBC ClimateReligion keeping out all those voices that might challenge their dogma.
On forums Leftmob quickly gives up on logic and reverts to the fallacious arguments of : misrepresentation, attacking the man and not the argument, cherry picking etc. And shout “Troll !” or shout “Racist !”, to close down the debate.

Great graphic there Mr Green!
I could definitely see a “Top Trump” set of cards there. were you to release them on November 9th!
Shout “TROLL” of course as you say.
But what of “Racist” Islamophobe” “Little Englander”-and all others we get thrown at the good people of this country?
A good stocking filler for Christmas, and if Clinton wins-a Special Edition set for the New November Criminals we`ll soon be seeing once more.
Stew Green
You have answered a question raised later on here concerning how the BBC and left are thrown when people do not vote the way they expect of them. The left – from the rabid middle classes of Class War to the Loachian Trots of Left Unity and Momentum all the way to Labour and Guardianitas – operate a strict policy of blocking dissent. Then express surprise when they end up in a minority political position
LBC now – Maajid Nawaz let the lefty woman say that the US has net immigration
“More people leave the country than enter”
That’s certainly sounds wrong by all databases.
There wer eprevious claims more MEXICANS leave than enter …and that is possible, cos they do come work and take cash back to spend with their mother.
But that still seems like speculation.
BBC staff leaving the BBC then founding private TV production corps which then BBC WorldWide invests in
… isn’t that fishy ?
Is the BBC becoming the Al Qaeda of broadcasting ?
Not yet. Though the bunker at W1A suggests they are expecting a GBU-57A/B MOP up Frankie Howerd’s back passage in the near future.
Am I missing something – I haven’t seen any mention of Baroness “Trougher” Scotland’s latest contretemps on BBC news or politics programmes. It’s true I tend to switch off in disgust or fast forward if catching up, but surely this possible scandal should have been unavoidable (much as remoaners are), contact and compare with the coverage of the wholly innocent Cliff Richard.
BBC issues staff with new official badge
On the fringes of the media,
“Soldier of the Islamic State’ Kills German Youths in Knife Rampage”
Happened about two weeks ago, quick search for ‘Hamburg knife attack’ on the BBC didn’t return this story.
Censorship – Al Beeb at its best!
I can’t speak for the rest of the country – though I’m sure you will have your own crosses to bear – but here in the south-west, when Andrew Neil tells us on Sundays that’s it’s time for ‘the politics in your area’ we are assailed by David Garmston, a man who ticks every available BBC box. Arrogant, dismissive, rude, opinionated, biased and very liberally left, he justifies the creation of this site, a shining example of the sort of condescending presenter we have earned for our money.
The French ? Pah!
The BBC is a ‘SERVICE’. Services are supposed to, ‘SERVE’.
As paying customers of this monopoly we seem not to have any voice in the matter ?
The only voice we have is here.
I hope the MPs that occasionally visit this site see this .
Friends! Guess this is pretty well the BBC’s line on Our Hillary, come to think …
T`would be
a) discrimatory
b) sexist
c) disablist and
d) frankly wrong FFS
were anybody to vote for anybody but the battered wife, vulnerable victim of a Little Rock Redneck…and one who is mentally challenged and -did I say vulnerable.
AND-quite possibly an asylum seeker…so QED!
Vote Billary Dickie.
Well said, Friend Chris! The idea that anyone could possibly vote for the widely-hated Trump would be frankly Hillaryous (Not a bad little pun there eh, friends! And to think that Hard-Right elements claim that those of us on the Progressive Left have no sense of humour!) were it not so literally terrifying.
BBC Online News:
“”Can Trump pull off a Brexit-style upset?””
Is the possibility now sinking in? Oh dear, BBC…are you now worried??
The BBC seems to be surprised by every popular vote these days and this is due, I believe, to two factors. The first is that they believe pre-election polls are accurate. They fall into this trap because the BBC is no longer of the general British population. We usually avoid confrontation and consider heated political debate an ill-mannered thing to do in polite company. Hence, when asked how we are likely to vote, we either give the answer we think the nosey pollster wants to hear or refuse to answer. The second is that the BBC inhabits a left-wing echo chamber with a distinct lack of diverse opinion.
This explains the bemused ‘just been fed a sh*t sandwich’ look on Dimbleby’s face every time he has to announce a result that he and his BBC chums think is wrong.
Long may it continue.
Steve, the short version of your explanation is: “The BBC believes its own lies”.
“The BBC seems to be surprised by every popular vote these days”….
Steve, nothing wrong with the reasons you`ve given for this but there is also the significant factor that the BBC sees itself as leading public opinion rather than reporting on it.
The Leftist Chomsky spouts a lot of tosh but on the subject of the mass media he`s bang on…the media “manufactures consent” for the powerful to work with. Look at the themes ever present in the BBCs output and this seems to be borne out.
For example, virtually all the opinion on issues around gays and trans “issues”(very much the interests of tiny minorities) is media driven….followed by government action.
Agree with everything you say. The BBC has nothing but contempt for any opinion it does not approve of and actively promote.
Brexit was an ‘upset’ to whom, exactly? And why?
Aunty rather revealing a bit too much of her frillies in her anguish.
Ooh, it`so exciting.
Just gone undercover into the Guardian CiF pages, and tried one out re Zac Goldsmith.
Very Allo, Allo!
I hope that somebody will twig that I`m talking baloney…but thought I`d tell Support Our Lefty and the Squadron that I`m back safe and sound.
Great fun-would recommend it to anybody fancying a walk on the wilder shores of reason…they`re barking over there are they not?
Speaking of Newsnight, and frightening, there is also this:
Rather clearly, life for 12yos in certain households is different to those who are not caught up in a bubble that sees gender reassignment as also a priority for any preteen.
And should Junior seek to follow in Mum’s high heels, he will need to learn who to spin lying as really ‘getting it about right’ like a good BBC little ‘un.
I understand that Canada did this deal without “the Free Movement of People” .
Is this true ? Can any readers/posters throw some light on this ?
R4 13:30 Martin Bashir was brought on to bash Trump on the excuse he changed to just be appointed BBC religious affairs correspondent after formerly being in the US, so his piece on religion should reference the US even though the From Our HOME Corrrespondent show is about correspondents in the UK.
*(actually I can’t find that , only a court case quoted last month “Trump Pleaded The Fifth 97 Times To Avoid Admitting To Adultery“)
**(Trump has never personally declared bankruptcy, he’s run 6 companies which have declared bankruptcy
(he’s run 500+ businesses allegedly)
***(There are 12 accusers .. Sexual Harrassment is an extremely serious thing so one has to take care with terms to both victim and and suspect :
But Basically he wouldn’t have gone to jail, even if the women had made the complaints when they happened 10 years ago. And that is from the details in the fairly Anti-Trump NPR
There is only one allegation of assault, that was made in a 1993 book by Ivana about 1989 a time in the middle of their marriage, she described it as rape, but before the book was printed changed her story “I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense.”
All of the other accusations whilst unpleasant seem to be octopus type behaviour like grabbing breasts, hand up the skirt etc ..mostly described as if it was over in 30 s or a minute.)
Bashir then went on to talk crap about religion
About reigning in our pursuits cos “everyone worships something”, money, power etc.
Someone Tweeted him :”we do not “all worship something”; your understanding of atheism is severely deficient.”
Someone else Tweeted
“Incredible #bbc has rehired Martin Bashir when they know he fraudulently got Diana to do thatPanorama interview”
Martin Bashir wanted to pooh in Sarah Palin’s mouth, great man for the BBC
So, copraphagia is added to the list of BBC employee’s perversions, G. W. F. Although, it’s only what the licence payers/viewers have to endure on a daily basis, I suppose.
The Report just now on Radio 4 managed to confirm why we all hate the BBC.
The guiltfest was one long emote into “slavery”.
Now you`d think that we`d rather dealt with that in the mid-19th Century…God knows the Human Rights baying mobs told us all about it.
So why then is it back since 2010 then?
The Report would rather not say.
But we can guess about New Labours role in it, and Mays ill-defined “war” on the whole business.
And we can guess what colours, what faith the traffickers and the victims are.
And what parts of the world that export it-and the gender of those who run it, those who suffer under it.
But the BBC can`t-they don`t and won`t.
In case we get the wrong ideas.
Anyway-talk of slavery.
Our Beeboid makes the girl cry, after he`s suggested illegal overstaying on the visa
“How does that make you feel” he asks(Money Shot poverty porn play#3)
“And what are your dreams?”( MSPPP#13).
We can see a whole load of teenage girls getting roped along the BBCs convoy of victims, enslaved and forced to emote for Radio 4.
Despicable…and bloody Theresa May fails to appear on the BBC having been summonsed by the Report.
How very dare she-this is the BBC she`s spurning!
Utter guiltfest crap. Fupoff BBC!
I thought it was worse than you describe, clearly calling for all these victims of slavery to be automatically given UK citizenship, which the perpetrators which were identified by the victim as ‘Arabs’ had to be let off Scot free.
No doubt the reason for not wanting to upset the Arabs is the amount of money they pump into the UK to promote their depraved religion and lifestyle, and if they wish to treat their staff like slaves then that’s just fine with the UK so long as they don’t get caught!
It seemed to me this program promoted two things – immunity from prosecution for the Arabs who do, and more mass migration – which the program criticised Theresa May & the Tories for seeking to stop.
The greedy weasel who had produced some kind of questionable report could have been given some serious cross examination such as why the employers and employees were not separated on entry on entry to the UK and questioned, with proof of earnings being a requirement of them being allowed entry.
If the government wanted to tackle this, they could, but it might upset some of their financial benefactors so they don’t !
Guess topic on Countryfile ?
Real countryside with real farmers using modern chemicals to tame wild nature ?
No ..Modern Slavery Labour on fishing boats in UK waters
cos the politician wanted to tell us about her saving the world with new law change.
– If your fishing boat works just outside UK waters, you fly in a Filipino, on a special transit visa which allows him to join the ship..You then put him on the boat and work him like Sh*t, and he can’t complain cos he doesn’t have the right to set foot on UK shore. BBC News
I’m not sure how big the problem is ..I’m sure that there’s a bigger problem in Thailand etc. cos in European waters you could use workers from the lowest salary country.
There was another lot of ISLINGTON-countryside things
…Making traditional trendy leather clogs that probably cost £200/pair
…Making traditional perry cider
…Making Green gimmick bracken logs to put in your aga (didn’t mention the grants from Centrica and West of England Growth Fund)
Tuned in to World at One today to see the how latest Clinton scandal would be mitigated by the BBC team led by Mark Mardell – BBC News’ answer to Norman Wisdom.
Brilliant! They just didn’t mention it, least I didn’t hear a word about it, not even in the news summary at the top of the program. Not a word about the headline linking all news programs other than theirs!
Rather, they seemed to be concentrating the entire prog on the (yawn -yawn) issue of finding non Brexit type folk to howl with misery about a border between Northern Ireland and the Islamic nutters driving through the Schengen zone’s with their guns and bombs.
Oh except Muslims, guns and bombs weren’t mentioned. Maybe on the next discussion.
I told you the BBC and MSM have “gone and built THE WALL”
… to stop the true-world coming IN to their side ..so they don’t broadcast it out, but broadcast OUT their fantasies instead.
ss: “Tuned in to World at One today to see the how latest Clinton scandal would be mitigated by the BBC team led by Mark Mardell – BBC News’ answer to Norman Wisdom.”
In which role he is no lightweight.
How sad that as a Fascist country which twice went to war with the rest of the world, its current leader who is doubtless under the influence of the Sunni Muslim oil money, has led her country back to the dark days of Fascism.
Forcing a child to attend a Mosque and to bow in worship to Allah is an indication of how far she is going.
Woke this morning at 7 to find Andrew castle on lbc practically begging for a second referendum as he does every week. Also bashing trump and doing a Justin webbe in his description. As for Hilary nobody’s perfect according to him but apart from that she’s brill. Trying his best to play down the fbi involvement. The second hour was a conservative bash fest with the continued use of the nasty party and with the help of alibi brown supposedly doing a paper review gleefully adding to the shite. According to her Canada has been ruled by hard right governments for years (who knew)and she’s in love with mr feminist Trudeau. Absolutely pathetic stuff.
Over in Beeb land the bbc are sticking the fingers in their ears and not mentioning the fbi and Hilary. Mars show this morning mentioned it but so fleetingly I think nobody noticed, those nasty fbi people, how very dare they. Boris johnsons sister again being a complete pillock over brexit with Kate hoey. I guess by tomorrow the bbc will be praying that it never happened and it was all just a very bad dream laugh.
I just pray that Nov 8th will be another June 23rd and see the smug faces wiped from these gobshites. Not one of them have the right to call themselves a journalist. Political activists yes but not journalists. The whole lot are selling their souls for their so called righteous crusade to get a crook into the White House.
Sopol in full on drunken spaz mode on 10 oclock propaganda show about the fbi and how much pressure they are supposedly under
Good job i didnt help pay for him to be there 🙂
He was really angry wasn’t he. Couldn’t contain his impartiality.
BBC Online News:
“”Clinton emails: Officials advised FBI not to reveal inquiry””
“”FBI investigators have known about the existence of the newly discovered emails for weeks but did not inform the FBI director, according to US media reports”” —(According to US media reports?? No bias there, then…).
The whole article is founded on “according to US media reports”. No Official reports, just US media reports.
The BBC. Lying desperately and without any sense of fair play to help Clinton. But the BBC is now becoming more obvious than ever in the blatant display of their bias.
Who can moderate them?
And I pay for this??
BBC editorial integrity is very much now founded on selective quoting.
And censorship in complement.
Amber Amber Rudd accepts another boat load of children from North Korea.
If the FBI had waited until Clinton had won the election to release the email evidence, Trump quite rightly would have called for a new election.
Having now obtained the email evidence, the FBI have no choice but to follow the evidence trail. To do otherwise would suggest bias.
Only the BBC are allowed to be biased.
According to tonight’s news on BBC1 the FBI don’t even have a warrant to access the emails. Which, if true, begs a huge number of extra questions that the BBC weren’t interested in posing.
Again, as you say Roland, according to tonight’s BBC News.
The BBC will always in times of difficulty resort to their usual meaningless ‘sources’ of information as in the following:
1. There are those who say…
2. It has been said….
3. Media reports indicate…
4. Sources close to….
5. It is understood that….
6. Many people say that…
7. It has yet to be confirmed but…
8. There is a feeling that…
9. Unease has been detected…
10. It is now known…
Dover Sentry
Well spotted . I hope that the intelligent MPs in our Parliament have also seen your post.
The most intelligent MP is still waiting to be elected.
He will perhaps soon be known as Lord Farage.
As an MP, he would dwarf all MPs of any Party with his intellect, charisma and love of his country.
But, the BBC don’t like him. To me, that is a badge of honour.
DS, “The polls say……”?
BBC Online News:
“”Why UK Brexit talk baffles Germany””
I don’t understand this article. It makes no sense re Brexit.
But, it serves to provide a negative Brexit headline. Therefore, ‘Job done’ for the BBC. Anything to attack Brexit. Anything at all.
R4 has an obituary programme on Sunday nights. Tonight they featured Jimmy Perry and surprise surprise managed to get some PC in! Like New England puritans who see sin everywhere, the BBC sees racism and homophobia lurking behind the most innocent of things. Apparently ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ wasn’t as popular as ‘Dad’s Army’ because it made fun of the gays!
They seem to have forgotten that. a. ‘Dad’s Army’ had a fair few jokes about gays, usually involving the vicar and his rather close relationship with the verger. b.the character of ‘Gloria’ played by Melvyn Hayes in ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ was probably the first ‘trans’ character shown on British TV who wasn’t some sort of pervert or serial killer. Personally I think it was pretty ‘cutting edge’ to have even that on 1970s primetime TV (in a comedy set in the 1940s, don’t forget).
I’ve often heard it said that Mr Humphries from ‘Are You Being Served’ (written by Perry’s writing partner Major David Croft and Jeremy Lloyd) was ’empowering’ towards gay men so why wasn’t ‘Gloria’? I am not ‘of the gay’ myself so don’t want to make any assumptions but in many ways he seemed a positive sort of character. The BBC seems to think that because Windsor Davies used the word ‘poof’ IAHHM must be wiped from the collective memory of the nation. But Davies’ character was always shown to be an idiot!
In its haste to scramble to the top of the PC ant heap and signal its virtue far and wide, the BBC is incapable of seeing that those great comedies poked fun at everybody regardless of gender, race, colour, height, bodyweight, accent etc etc. You can’t get any fairer than that.
Bank says ‘nothing has changed’ on Mark Carney decision
“I think it was a brilliant appointment,” Mr Clark said.
I am not so sure Mr Clark?
Has anyone seen this guy explain the economy after Brexit ?
Also… “It cannot be emphasised too strongly that Governors of the Bank of England should never under any circumstances allow themselves to be drawn into politics. They are like the Monarchy in that respect.”…….
Turning on BBC R4 news is like turning on a tap of lies. Take today 1t 6.15 when BBC reporter Sophie Hutchinson ‘explained’ why the NHS budget was under increasing pressure.
Apparently we have an ageing population (true). There is a diabetes epidemic (open to question – it is more complex than it seems), drugs are getting more expensive (another over-simplification) and these pesky old folk often have complicated conditions which are expensive to treat (unarguable).
Add all these together and you have a need for a budget rising at around 4 per cent just to keep up with demand, she opined.
Well, yes. But hasn’t little Sophie forgotten something? Something to do with the flood of third world immigrants, many of whom have complex health issues which cost a fortune to treat? And don’t they also have a disproportionately high birth rate which is causing chaos throughout the NHS (let alone other areas such as education and criminal justice?).
Still, that’s another job done for the liars at Broadcasting House. Listeners fed a story which misleads them on a very important issue and simultaneously protects one of the BBC favourite client groups.
They really are beneath contempt.
GC, agreed. The BBC conveniently forget the millions of imported foreigners who have to get ill or become involved in accidents. What about FGM? The NHS is the Worlds free service to deal with this imported problem and they are in the midst of busily setting up clinics around the UK to deal with the, ‘problem’. No one can tell me that all imports travel back to their homeland to obtain treatment.
“Turning on BBC R4 news is like turning on a tap of lies. ”
@GCooper that is worth saying again
Yes, and apart from all of the above and health tourism, there’s also Tony Blair and Gordon Browns scandalously inept PFI contracts draining taxpayers money away from the health budget….but that doesn’t fit the BBCs “NHS, only safe in Labours hands” narrative does it?
“Turning on a tap of lies”, well put GCooper!
Asad Ahmad news presenter with BBC London throws us a curve ball this morning.
As usual he headlines with some report from a campaign charity, this time the NSPCC and that ever present percentage statistic – number of calls from distressed kids up 30% – poor little mites.
Just when the now concerned and alarmed BBC viewer is expecting the reason for youth unhappiness to be revealed as being ‘gender’ – so as to back up the BBC campaigning on this issue… our Asad delivers the bombshell that children, among other things, are fretting about BREXIT
Gosh, who could have frightened them about that?
Never fear, this Halloween Ian Katz can wheel out Emily’s pre teen son to freak out the poor wee mites with the results of his Trump poll… as all kids this age are prone to hold.
The BBC love Mark Carney. He may have a useless record on hinting at interest rate rises, suggesting 4 times since 2013 that rates would rise but doing nothing and keeping them too low for too long, however that does not sully his record apparently. The BBC gleefully tell us how highly Carney is regarded and that he will probably infest us for another 4 years after 2018. Why is Carney loved? Because he tried to undermine Brexit prior to the vote, of course, with politicised and dubious economic forecasts.
The BBC then wheels on its favourite businessman Sir Martin Sorrell. This man is elite to the core, considers himself to be the Great Economic Pontificator and naturally supported Remain and Project Fear. Sorrell uses his frequent BBC interviews to shamelessly sing the virtues of his company. Moreover on Brexit he is very much the sore loser, downplaying the GDP figures and bemoaning the welcome and overdue sterling decline. He also thinks Mark Carney’s performance has been “stellar”. What dire judgment.
Martin Sorrel the advertising magnate….advertising…the profession of paid lying, or as Orwell had it “Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket”.
Who but the BBC would think the opinions of an advertiser worth a moments consideration? they`re just another branch of the media…like actors…paid to spout other peoples words and opinions whilst charging a kings ransom for their “professional skills”, just like BBC propagandists in fact.
From this morning’s evidence it certainly seems like the BBC love Carney. Anybody else notice how abruptly Robinson cut Daniel Hannan off when he started to mention those, oh what are they called again, oh yes FACTS. The BBC don’t like those when they contradict with their dogma.
Well done Carwyn , but what about your own people……..
We can’t blame that one on Brexit can we ?
You just need to listen to the vast amount people of Wales who voted OUT and start to put your own people and children first.
Will they open one up in Al Beeb’s HQ?
Room #102
Can’t miss it. The one with the queue down the corridor.
Mind the bubbly empties.
Who said BBC comedy was dead? Today at 6.15 a.m. starred that old lag Vicky Pryce tellng us the one about how the UK economy post brexit would have collapsed if it hadn’t been for the actions of Mark Carney. Priceless (geddit?)