The BBC knows and yet chooses to ignore.
The BBC knows that Islam has a very dark side and yet all too often chooses to ignore that. Instead it seeks to normalise the religion and pretend that it can exist in perfect harmony within Western society. The BBC expends a great deal of effort in actually hiding what is being done by Muslims to further the influence and power of Islam within society…such as denying that the Trojan Horse plot was real or that events in Cologne actually happened or excusing terrorism as the result of mental illness or blaming it on British foreign policy…not the fault of Islam or Muslims at all you understand.
The BBC is happy to use people from controversial organisations such as the MCB, Cage, MPACUK and individuals such as Mehdi Hasan, Tariq Ramadan or Myriam Francois-Cerrah who are ardent Muslim activists to be the face of Islam on the BBC. The BBC knows they are controversial but ignores that.
There are exceptions of course. The everyday big faces of the BBC such as Campbell, Derbyshire, Chiles, well just about any presenter really, will not dare say anything to upset a Muslim interviewee or caller….only occasionally do we get a spark of genuine journalism and the spirit of investigation and some backbone.
John Ware on Panorama seems unafraid to say the wrong thing about Islam as is Andrew Neil on occasion. Neil however shamefully sold out to the extremists when ex-EDL leader Tommy Robinson was interviewed on the Today programme but Muslim extremsist Mehdi Hasan protested that the interview was not challenging enough and so he provided a list of questions that he felt had to be asked of Robinson….Neil subsequently obliged and attempted a hatchet job on Robinson at the behest of Hasan as we’ve looked at previously.
Perhaps Neil was making up for things when he later in the year suggested that groups like the MCB weren’t doing enough to root out the extremists….kind of ironic when Neil does a voice over for Hasan. In the course of his commentary he mentioned that one Muslim preacher, Shakeel Begg, had said that Jihad was the ‘greatest of deeds’….Begg subsequently sued and the judgement has just been passed…the BBC won its defence of the case the judge saying:
Mr Justice Haddon-Cave said four of his speeches showed he had promoted such violence and two that he had espoused extremist positions.
“Shakeel Begg, is something of a Jekyll and Hyde character,” he said.
“He appears to present one face to the general, local and inter-faith community and another to particular Muslim and other receptive audiences. The former face is benign, tolerant and ecumenical.
“The latter face is ideologically extreme and intolerant.”
“The various core extremist messages which emerge from the claimant’s speeches and utterances would, in my view, have been quite clear to the audiences.
“The claimant’s ostensible cloak of respectability is likely to have made his [extremist] message in these speeches all the more compelling and seductive. For this reason, therefore, his messages would have been all the more effective and dangerous.
“It is all too easy for someone in the claimant’s position of power and influence as an Imam to plant the seed of Islamic extremism in a young mind, which is then liable to be propagated on the internet.”
Trouble is of course what Begg said isn’t ‘extreme’…it’s just Islam as laid out in the Koran.
Begg’s career might make you roll your eyes as you see that he has been influential in many supposedly anti-extremist organisations…
He works closely with the police. Since 2007, he has been a member of the Independent Advisory Group to Lewisham Police which advises the police on local issues, especially those relating to the Muslim community. He represents the LIC in the Safer Neighbourhood Team and the Hate Crime Working Group which includes a cross-section of people from Lewisham, including a member of the LGBT community. On 21st October 2014 the Claimant participated in the LIC’s hosting of a visit by the Safer Neighbourhood Team from the Metropolitan Police Service, led by a police inspector. Since 2007, the Claimant has worked in gang mediation and mediated between the opposing ‘Shower Gang’ and ‘Anti-Shower Gang’. He was a member of the Lewisham Community Police Consultative Group (LCPCG) from 2005 until December 2009.
This is unfortunately the case up and down the country and throughout government and other institutions that employ such people as Begg in the belief, hope, that it promotes interfaith harmony and peace and will reduce radicalisation.
What’s interesting from the judgement is that it is clear that the BBC dug deep into the meaning of Islam and the ideology propagated by the likes of Begg as part of their defence….that extremism in Islam, that the BBC so ironically tells us is the religion of peace, being their defence.
A shame of course that all that will be forgotten and shoved to one side in everyday discourse and debate on current events on the BBC whether it be actual terrorism or the problems associated with massive Muslim immigration into Europe. Islam will once again be the religion of peace and it will again be racist to raise concerns about Islamic doctrine and teachings and of course Muslim activists will be sitting in BBC studios peddling their lies once again and the BBC will once again choose to ignore that.
As always the BBC does have the outlier programmes that touch on sensitive subjects but the conclusions drawn and the information turned up by such programmes doesn’t filter through to the BBC in general and its everyday presenters continue to present an utterly false picture of the world as a result of a misguided sense that it is the right thing to do as they don’t want to ‘demonise’ certain segments of the population however ‘challenging’ their behaviour or words.
This is a general problem within the BBC and not just relating to Islam…there seems to be some structural or procedural failure that stops the flow of information from specialised programmes out to all the troops resulting in the presenters continuing on relying on their own resources and all too often prejudices to guide their presentations. This is not the case with climate change where the BBC has a rigorously enforced and policed system to make sure the messaging is correct and that off-message programming is stopped in its tracks [ala Quentin Letts]. So the BBC can do it when it wants to…it just isn’t really interested in getting the facts right about Islam enough to run such controls…unless they are being sued it seems.
The reality of Muslim ‘moderate’ groups…
On January 16, Communities Secretary Eric Pickles sent a letter to more than 1,000 imams across Britain asking for their help in fighting extremism and rooting out those who are preaching hatred. He also asked them to explain to Muslims how Islam is compatible with being British. The letter said:
‘We must show our young people, who may be targeted, that extremists have nothing to offer them. We must show them that there are other ways to express disagreement: that their right to do so is dependent on the very freedoms that extremists seek to destroy. We must show them the multitude of statements of condemnation from British Muslims; show them these men of hate have no place in our mosques or any place of worship, and that they do not speak for Muslims in Britain or anywhere in the world.
You, as faith leaders, are in a unique position in our society. You have a precious opportunity, and an important responsibility: in explaining and demonstrating how faith in Islam can be part of British identity. We believe together we have an opportunity to demonstrate the true nature of British Islam today. There is a need to lay out more clearly than ever before what being a British Muslim means today: proud of your faith and proud of your country. We know that acts of extremism are not representative of Islam; but we need to show what is.’
Muslim groups responded by accusing the British government of stoking “Islamophobia.”
In an angry response to Pickles, the Chief Executive of the Ramadhan Foundation, Mohammed Shafiq, wrote:
I wish to express my dismay at the letter sent by the Communities Secretary Eric Pickles MP, this letter is patronising and factually incorrect and typical of the Government only looking at Muslims through the prism of terrorism and security.
We do not need to be patronised by a Government that claims it wants to give young Muslims an alternative to the extremist narrative and then refuse to discuss foreign policy.
In terms of British values, is Mr Pickles really suggesting as the far Right do that Muslims are detached from mainstream society? I hope the Minister clarifies his comments.
In an interview with Sky News, Talha Ahmad of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) said:
The letter has all the hallmarks of very poor judgment which feeds into an Islamophobic narrative, which feeds into a narrative of us and them.
In a response to Pickles, the MCB wrote:
We do take issue with the implication that extremism takes place at mosques, and that Muslims have not done enough to challenge the terrorism that took place in our name.
This is why we responded to the media, and an assertion in some quarters, that you were somehow endorsing the idea that Muslims and Islam are inherently apart from British society. We reject such notions.
We also reject suggestions that Muslims must go out of their way to prove their loyalty to this country of ours.
The president of the Bradford Council for Mosques, Mohammed Rafiq Sehgal, said the letter was “highly objectionable on several grounds” and that it “blames and targets the Muslim community.” He added:
We ask Mr Pickles to publicly apologize to the Muslim community for bringing this peaceful section of the British society into disrepute. Blaming Muslims may win Mr Pickles and his party some support from the right wing voters but it does not help good community relations.
I think that due to its current left wing/multy culty bias. The BBC initially thought that Islam was just another issue to force feed to us as part of its “New Labour” agenda.
Aunty wants us to think of a victimised population which consists of happy children, big caring families, all devout and moral, and of course baking lovely cakes! – its all just so, so so so lovely! of course they will assimilate!
Unfortunately what Aunty so often seems to forget is FGM, Religious intolerence, Halal slaughter, Sharia law, institutionalized sexism, And of course lets not forget Taharush, the treatment of Kaffir women and in particular in the UK aunties collective and continuing amnesia over Rotherham.
Oh yes Aunty if you have your way we could have a lot to look forward to!
With people now waking up to the threat that Islam represents to our society and way of life. The BBC has been forced to increase its backing for Islam as anything else would look like defeat in the eyes of the liberals and in addition would focus interest on the fact that the BBC has been pushing a relentless pro muslim agenda pretty much at the expense of everything else, despite the very obvious negative effects on our culture.
In effect because of the disgusting and dishonest way it has been carrying on for the last decade or so – it has painted itself into a corner with no escape and thus is now committed to following this line – until the end.
Despite the obvious contradictions which Islam represents to the “liberal way”.
Because of its arrogance. Aunty is fully committed to opening this particular “Pandoras box” and dam the consequences. I suppose that will teach us smelly proles for voting brexit!!!
This whole situation reminds me a little of the last scene in the original ” Raiders of the Lost Ark”. Where the Nazis have finally have captured and then open the Ark of the Covenant. They dont really understand what they are doing – but they do it anyway only to be consumed by it.
Unfortunately as a society unless we wise up quick we will be consumed too. In effect it has become a race between the pro Islamic malign influence of the MSM vs reality. At least people are now starting to wake up and realise that it is a race we cannot afford to lose.
“The BBC knows”
Oh, she knows all right but she’s scared to death (literally) of those peace loving local Imamm’s who are stood outside the benefit offices every morning cashing the third giro of the day while watching every move the directors of the BBC make!
Of course you would never find this if the tables were turned! You go ask any man in Saudi Arabia to ask his wife to show you her face and you immediately put your life and anyone with you in danger!
Islam – don’t ya just love it!
No wonder their Sacred-Symbol is two swords!
Vesna – when you say “The BBC Knows” – I suppose it depends on what you define as the BBC.
If you think “The BBC” is the likes of Lord Hall or Rhona Fairhead then I am sure these reptiles are fully aware of what they are “achieving” with this warped pro Islam coverage – They probably have some sort of Bildeberg link up somewhere down the line and probably consider themselves part of the ruling elite with little loyalty to their mother country.
However if you consider the BBC to be mainly the lower managers/editors/journalist then on the whole they are probably blind to the damage their warped reporting is doing to our society and trust in media.
Unfortunately for many years now the BBC appears to have been subject to infiltration by some cynical left wing wing elements (including those mentioned above) who have probably influenced the recruiting to achieve an organisation staffed by “useful idiots such as Laura Kuenessberg, Emma Jane Kirby and Evan Davis who are strong on “compassion” but not so strong on commonsense.
And the presence of these and similar high profile “snowflakes” would in turn encourage a “group-think” amongst other up and coming “talent” so we have a situation where journalists are not reporting the facts but instead simpering over thirty year old children!
I think it then becomes then self fulfilling both in attracting those who like to demonstrate their social conscious and in pressurising the rest to follow suit.
I suppose we will never know for sure but the net effect is a willful blindness to the negative effects of the “religion of peace” which will harm many people in this country for years to come.
Oak. Hi.
“However if you consider the BBC to be mainly the lower managers/editors/journalist then on the whole they are probably blind to the damage their warped reporting is doing to our society and trust in media.”
To be honest with you, I’m getting the bad impression that at all levels – not all employees – have their fare share of tricky-weasels working 24/7 to spread lies, half-truths, screens-crashing during interviews with Republican supporters who are clearly winning the argument so get-rid by sabotageing the interview … etc!
Good post, Oaknash.
I agree, and his analogy of that scene in Raiders is very apt. It is just like that and when the BBC realise what they have unleashed it will be too late…for them! And, unfortunately, probably for the rest of us too.
The Muslims are becoming untouchable as their population grows and as they infiltrate further the BBC’s best bud, The Labour Party. The thin crust of pseudo impartiality is on top of a very pro Islamic, pro-immigration, pro-Marxist BBC pie (all explained in “2030: Your Children’s Future in Islamic Britain” Amazon). The BBC are the Guardian on air, ask Peter Sissons (ex-BBC news anchor). Did anyone see the shots of the Newsnight editorial team accidentally glimpsed on some puff item by Kirstie Wark? All hijabs and nicabs and hate beards. Do you wonder why the BBC never utter a word of criticism about Islam? Islam is not compatible with free speech or democracy but has anyone on Newsnight ever read the Koran, or would they dare? Even if they had the guts to put the Guardian down the diversity Nazis employed throughout the organisation (only non-whites may apply these days thanks to Sir Lenny Henry, and how come that the world’s least funny comedian gets knighted when there are still RAF pilots left alive who fought in the Battle of Britain who haven’t been?) will make sure nothing Islamophobic gets on air, they have Labour’s hate laws on their side, fear is the new key to the BBC. The Tories will rue the day they had their one and only chance to cut the legs off this dangerous propaganda machine,and cowarded out and left the BBC and their staff, now more dangerous than ISIS, as Alan so rightly said, intact. The ruination of Britain.
Kane: you wrote ‘how come that the world’s least funny comedian gets knighted when there are still RAF pilots left alive who fought in the Battle of Britain who haven’t been?’
It’s worth remembering, as we come up to 11 November, that while Lenny Henry will be forgotten by all but a few comedy historians, the names of those pilots ‘liveth for evermore.’
With the forcing of Islam through mass immigration it will destroy Christian Europe as sure as Kadhafi fortold. The waking up time is far too late in my view. It will take I am sad to say a major Civil uprising to dislodge this Isamic virus. As long as our media remain in controlled hands of the elites they will continue to range their views agains us.
This is a fine article, Alan. I especially appreciate your insight re the BBC putting up a strong defence against the malign influence of Islam when it is being sued by an Islamist but seldom when the wellbeing of the people of the UK is at stake.
And yes, John Ware is one of very few exceptions to this rule. But of course his effectiveness is constrained by his employer.
Did anyone see that blond BBC teenage News Reporter reporting from her office in London (dolled-up, tarty looking, of course) then it showed her report from some Islamic country! Boy! It wasn’t until a minute or so before her long video ended that I realised it was the same woman reporting! You could not see a bit of flesh except her oval face with the head dress tightened so hard around her face/head that I actually felt sorry for the girl!
I have a feeling it could have been the same female reporter who accosted that white Anglo-Saxon protestor in that London park recently!
If the poor girl is so stressed about what western white people say about Islam why on earth girl don’t you convert then your local mosque leader won’t permit you to pass comment being a female and all that!
The bBC expends a great deal of effort in actually hiding what is being done by Muslims to further the influence and power of Islam within society
Here is one such example from yesterday:
Children die after house fire in Hamstead, Birmingham
Two children have died in hospital after a “suspicious” house fire, police have said. The eight-year-old boy and six-year-old girl were found at the property in Holland Road, Hamstead, Birmingham. Their father was found inside a fire-damaged car in Staffordshire later on Friday morning, West Midlands Police said. He suffered life-threatening injuries and is in a critical condition in hospital.Post-mortem examinations on the brother and sister are due to take place later.West Midlands Police said officers were not looking for anyone else in connection with the investigation.
In a nutshell the old man had an argument with the mother, he murders his children, then does a runner, where he makes a weak attempt on his own life. Does that sound kind of familiar. For some reason the bBC leave out the family name. Mohammed
The rule of thumb for any BBC news item about the perpetrator of any crime is that if the ethnicity is not explicitly stated as white then it is a muslim or possibly black if knives involved.
engineer – knives OR GUNS
Pounce/engineer/peter – This is one of the things I find quite worrying.
In the days of the Cold War and indeed in many totalitarian type states today. State “announcements were/are censored or in the form euphemisms rather than telling the outright truth and in the end people had to become adept at reading in between the lines to get at the truth.
Our national treasure state broadcaster appears to have been very enthusiastic in adopting this tactic itself. Interesting when you bear in mind that this is an organisation that publicly prides itself on its “unbiased ” quality journalism.
As I have said in previous posts at least with radio Pyongnang you know what you are getting. I am afraid with the BBC the only sure thing you can bet on is that the truth will only be visible if it agrees with the current narrative.
Depressing but revealing at the same time.
Yes for sure – when they don’t mention race you just KNOW.
Islam is as Islam is. There is just one Islam. The truest face of Islam is that of ISIS – they can be candid in their own state without fear. But for Muslims in countries that are not Islamic, they have to present a different face. Its not Jekyll or Hyde – its just one ideology, that shows different faces as appropriate.
That is why Christians are being persecuted, and even crucified. Its the same everywhere, even when ISIS is not ruling the area.
What do we do? I see not hope for the West, unless we separate from Islam.
As the late Laurence Auster wrote:
Islam is a mortal threat to our civilization.· · But we cannot destroy Islam.
· · Nor can we democratize Islam.
· · Nor can we assimilate Islam.
· · Therefore the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves.
But Islam looks forward to Armageddon when they will triumph – virginS, milk, honey – SORTED!
Yes indeed. If they win the war, they get the world, as well as the Islamic paradise. If they lose, and die while fighting, they, atleast the men, get their bordello paradise.