I find it very hard to believe that Lily Allen etc. are acting off their own bats in all this. I’m convinced they are under some kind of direction. More fool whoever that is, as most celebrities’ personal brands are now toxic.
If you want to get on the tv you must be a lefty.
Can anyone name any ‘right’ comedians.
All comedians allowed on tv are left wing and full on PC.
They say Trump or Farage, look at the audience, who then clap like seals, virtue signalling for all they’re worth while looking around to make sure others see them as being one of the beautiful people.
Yup. Given up with so called comedians, satirists etc.. When it’s that predictable i.e. Trump, Farage, Monarchy = BAD, Clinton, Corbin, Immigrants = GOOD.
So boring.
Mr Lawrence’s wikipedia entry makes interesting reading. He doesn’t seem to have been formally banned by the BBC (is anyone?) but he’s obviously been blacklisted. What makes me chuckle is the usual ignorant quote from some lefty comic as to why there are no right wing comedians. They still think ‘right wing comedy’ means having a go at ‘darkies’ as if it’s still 1973. They don’t realise that right wing comedy nowadays means mocking the absurdity of political correctness and leftist thought-control.
Seals ? Someone is pressing the CANNED LAUGHTER button more likely.
or the microphone being on the Left handside and the mixr guy turning it up and down especially when a non-lefty comment is made.
The engineer from Question Time will know how to engineer the audience ambiance effect.
(He was holiday during the Boston transmission)
Not easy to find on the sky news web site for some reason, but Ed Conway actually gets it, why people really are voting for Trump. We’ll wait for the BBC to catch up.
Conway is right but it is too late now. We are in a pre revolutionary period whatever happens in the US and even if they stop Brexit.
The ancien regimes have had it.It is almost as if they are starting to grasp it and hence the floundering and the turning on us and each other. It is just a matter of time as it always is and that always mysterious emergence of the right men and women who understand what is going on and how to exploit is .
It is not necessary for the majority to act. It never is. Maybe between 5 and 10% of us are enough to change things. The majority will go along once they see how it is going to be.
Our current politicians and our MSM and financial masters will have no role to play except to hinder the coming times.
It is the way of the world as it always has been.
A word of warning. Many of us will not like it and whatever is coming is going to be unknowable. Part of the game as they say.
yes, Dave S, it is late on in the day, and against all he appears to have said up until now. yet this is on Sky news, the channel that has been more BBC than the BBC in its treatment of Trump or Brexit supporters.
Thought Ann Coulter was brilliant. She superbly cut through the newsnight crap of seeing misogyny and race everywhere.
And when Amis, who is so good on the problems of Islam in the western world, left the known world by talking about white men feeling inferior ‘cos there’s a black man in the white house, she put him down so easily even Amis tried hard not to laugh.
You prompted me to have a look at the piece on Newsnight.
Martin Amis really is a sad old tosser these days. I seem to remember at the time of 9/11 he went a bit politically incorrect about muslims, but since he now lives with the great and the good in New York, he has had to become a liberal, lest he lose his dinner party invitations and cushy writing gig.
He seems to have no understanding of America at all, and as always, Ann Coulter just swatted him and Maitless aside with ease. She’s a professional, and these dilettantes are just no challenge to her. I was glad she stuck to her guns and talked about the issues which matter, such as jobs and border security. That is why people will vote for Trump, and that is why the Democrats had to make the election about a raunchy conversation Trump had in 2005. It’s just pathetic and Ann Coulter cuts through their left wing bullshit.
As an aside, Amis looks very old and wizened now, whereas Ann Coulter was clearly fit and healthy. It is like Hillary Clinton v Trump. It is clear to me that left wing politics are bad for the health.
“It is clear to me that left wing politics are bad for the health”
Yes, on a personal as well as a societal level I think you’re right, Martin Amis, has made his money on his personal ability (bear with me, I find his novels almost unreadable) by having had a famous literary father, and an upper middle class upbringing.
He’s wealthy, upper middle class, heterosexual and white. Imagine the stress of the constant cognitive dissonance to then internalise a politics that sees oneself as the enemy of progress, black ethnic minorities, sexual identity groups and the lefts imaginary working class. To be a talented individual who has to pretend that everyone is equal.
It’s not the politics of envy for him, it’s a politics of self harm and self loathing.
I think it’s this cognitive dissonance that makes lefties so easily offended and irritable, especially when they are inevitably caught out…..the big houses, the privately educated kids, the continental holiday homes, the servants, the money, the snobbery against the real working class….can’t be concealed for ever! Imagine how ill at ease in their skins they are (unlike Ann Coulter who speaks authentically….like Farage and all the best speakers on the right side of any argument).
For all that though, his book “the second plane” remains one of the best literary responses to the issue of our times…..the Islamic terrorisation of the west.
That interview was the most entertaining thing I’ve seen on the bbc for a while – amazed they even invited Ann Coulter – Emily must have been shitting herself! Have to say though – is she tall or is Amis tiny? And he really was snivelling – wiped his running nose on his hand, on national tv! She actually reminded me of Cruella de Ville, in a nice way. Brilliant – he came across as a pathetic member of the arty farty elite, and he looked like he was sniffing poo when the brilliant Ann took him on majestically. Hurrah.
Martin Amis is famously on the short side. His father once called him “savage little Mart” in a letter to Philip Larkin. However, he now seems to be shrinking, even as we watch. As embolden says above, Amis is a civilized and intelligent man (though I agree, I do not enjoy his books), and the strain of having to go along with the lies and obfuscations of leftism must be taking their toll on his health and his morale. He is clever enough to know he is living a lie, and that cannot be good for the soul.
Ann Coulter, on the other hand, is a picture of good health and radiant confidence, because she has the strength of character to say what she believes and stand by what she says. Her writing has had a great deal of influence on Trump, and as she pointed out forcefully to Maitless and Amis (who seemed to be disappearing into his overcoat as the interview progressed), people will vote for Trump because of the issues he addresses. They do not think he is a paragon of virtue, he is a flawed human being like any other. But unlike the other candidates, he adresses the questions of border security, muslim immigration, Obamacare costs and loss of well paid jobs. That is why people flock to him. What he says makes sense to them.
The East Coast and West Coast liberal elite have great lives, they cannot comprehend why anyone would vote against the status quo. Trump has a great life too, but he had the sense to realise that the staus quo isn’t working for Americans outside the metropolitan elite. Unlike Hillary Clinton, he doesn’t need politics to make himself rich, he is rich, and has gone into politics to do some good for his fellow Americans.
And I think you are right, Ann Coulter looked like a Valkyrie, and is about a foot taller than poor little Mart. If she had wanted, she could have snapped him like a twig, but he just wasn’t worth the effort.
I would pay money to watch Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin take on Hillary Rotten Clinton and Obama in a debate, and for the event to be televised live on the MSM, including our dear beloved BBC.
Looked like Angus Maude-some Tory fossil who looked like a mekon in my Siouxsie Sioux phase at poly.
Only the BBC would put up a privileged lefty expat( one who`s had his OWN ishoos with race, misogyny etc) against our American Girl.
Poor Maitlis-meant to be clever, but floundered and got the wrong end of the pole every time she opened her mouth.
Which served nicely as a shelf for Ann Coulters to be placed.
Great telly. A true bitchslap with a privileged lefty getting scorched.
But there`ll never be a mention of this again at the BBC.
O.T. But has anyone seen a news report on either ITV or al beebus which names and / or shows the two prisoners who escaped from Pentonville?
It is normal practice at the beginning of a manhunt, for the authorities to identify or at least to name the people they are trying to re-capture. Isn’t it? Particularly when one of them is imprisoned for attempted murder.
It is almost as though the authorities don’t want to name or show them, I wonder why?
Yes, on the web-site yesterday with photos & names. Two caucasian males, cut through the bars and climbed out, down to the ground, up and down again over the main wall to the outside world.
Are there any guards at Pentonville Prison? Any CCTV cameras? Anything on the walls to make climbing difficult instead of, apparently, easy?
A few weeks ago on this site I posted a suggestion that a march on London was something that would have to be considered one day to show the Remoaners, BBC, and the pansy left that the shires don’t think much of them or their politics. I didn’t expect Nigel to take it up so quickly! (joke)
Actually what I had in mind was a less spontaneous much more organised event involving a lot of planning with a bit more notice than four weeks. Sometime in 2017 I was hoping for.
However, he has called for 100,000, I can’t get there in winter but I am wondering how many people can and will. London is not exactly a source of Brexit support. It wouldn’t be good if it fell well short of the mark.
However, I hope it will succeed both in the numbers and aims.
An article on this in the Evening Standard (a paper that was once moderately right wing but now more lefty) is riddled with abusive comments about Brexiters. I’m also not sure that London is the best place for a rally; it may be the seat of government but in social terms its no longer really part of England. A series of meetings in provincial towns with a ‘Battle Bus’ would be better I think. It would show that there is more to the country than trendy London.
Agree. Most are nowhere near there, and the safety record for those peacefully protesting AGAINST left wing pet causes is not great, even from the police. Even more on an issue dear to those seeking access to these shores with chums here who may feel a Boston-style party would go with a bang. So marshalling in a dodgy concentrated group on unfamiliar ground seems… unwise.
However, it does give the ex-Anger and Protest Editor of Newsnight something to rouse his mates using the iRabble App on the BBC mobly that likely was ‘lost’ just before departure.
Mr Dasmibehbi,
we are coming from behind in terms of strategy when confronting the progressives and their corrosive theocracy. Swift response’s to changing societal issues has been a successful tactic used by the left and to some indicates affirmative, positive action – even if the causes are often vacuous and hollow. Ergo, the sooner we make our presence known with a formidable show of strength, the better to encourage the many many waverers who have never contemplated doing this sort of thing and for whom the time has come to stand up and be counted. We are strong in number and we must convey this in the most definitive way as I believe we are battling not only for our sovereignty but for the very soul and identity of our country.
I look forward to seeing you there.
BBC Breakfast brings us a young Hillary Clinton supporter who – rather too frankly – explains her motivations.
Being young her policy interests begin with education – she is concerned by the cost of tuition. Health is another priority – she wants more free healthcare.
Then this young lady reveals that she is a recent immigrant to the US and she is discomforted by Trump’s unwelcoming attitude to immigrants.
So to sum up: She wants lots of free stuff, drawing on the hard-earned capital of past generations of Americans and as a recent immigrant she wants America to be generous and welcoming toward her – and presumbably many many more just like her.
And this apparently is what is meant by globalisation – perhaps the slogan should be ‘charity begins abroad’.
Wasn’t it the Democrat JFK who once said something about asking what you could do FOR your country rather than vice versa?
If anyone wants to see what the american election is showing us it is that Clinton will probably win because of all the hispanics, blacks, latinos and all the other immigrants. They will outvote the Americans and are in the process of taking America off the locals.
The same as will happen here and in Europe.
London is minority indigenous as are many other towns and cities. The councils (and mayor) are being taken over, mainly by Muslims, and schools are being infiltrated. Mosques are popping up all over.
Trump has a far higher and more passionate minority base than any other republican in history. Recent data also shows that the black support that got Obama elected is not enthusiastic enough about Clinton to give her the same courtesy. Of course the media, filled as they are with bigoted liberals who literally see the world in black and white (with white being at the top and the only ones capable of influencing world events), see blacks and latinos as Democrats by default, because despite their claims of embracing diversity they have the least nuanced minds in Western politics.
I guarantee that when Trump wins, with a huge number of minority voters as well as women, the liberal media will still be trying to claim that he only won due to angry white men, because of course white men are the one group of people that the left can consistently attack without any repercussions from within.
This site – Bias.
Has anyone noticed that there are no posts pointing out that Al Beeb is biased ‘for’ Trump?
Or even Al Beeb being accused of being biased ‘for’ Brexit.
Not even one ‘Troll’.
It just goes to show that Al Beeb has an agenda . The Tory Government and its MPs must surely be aware of this blatant Bias.
Good spot. No BBC people trying to defend the indefensible.
It has been noticeable that a bit over the weekend – and much more so yesterday and again this morning – that Trump is now being considered as a possible winner, sometimes through slightly gritted teeth. That sudden change also tends to highlight the bias that has been continuous for the best part of two years. Two years! Aauuughhhhh! No wonder that Naughtie in his trail for the R4 US Election programme sounded positively joyful. “Yeah, Jim, its balance but not as we know it! We, too, will be delighted when its all over.”
I think it also significant that the News Editors & Producers appear to have lost sight of everything else but the US Presidential election. There’s apparently a degree of complete incompetence building up in BBC, exemplified by two adjacent UK econo-political items in the 7am TODAY news bulletins. (About 7.07am if you listen again.) No-one anywhere in the news chain appears to have put any thought into their bulletin.
What things will be like with a Labour politician in charge of the BBC’s radio output is anyone’s guess. I think that is all wrong and could be a disaster for the BBC. They are playing a dangerous game and appear to be blind to the hazards.
Blatant bias against Trump is endemic in the media on both sides of the pond. Its almost embarrassing to watch ‘professional’ British journalists conducting street interviews, and baiting those being interviewed with the failings of Trump. Jon Snow was a particular disgrace at his bias when interviewing both Clinton and Trump voters. They just don’t seem to care at their reporting.
Yesterday’s Express carried an informative article (yes, really) on the latest predictions of a mini ice age – in this case, predictions from real scientists, not scientivists. Their work is based on sun spot activity and is backed with something a good deal more credible than spreadsheets and tea leaves.
It appears there is a genuine and widespread concern about this and yet what have we heard of it from the BBC? Nothing.
I hope these ‘real scientists’ did some good old ‘observation’ like Snuffy does. I have been concerned about a mini-ice age for some time. This came across my radar recently: http://www.colethompsonphotography.com/MeltingGiants.htm
I also feel I should brag about the news of the West Antarctica ice cap melt mentioned on here a day or two back. Have been telling environ-‘mentalists’ for years that they should not ignore the fact that our planet is red hot in the middle and if they want to experience global warming that is nothing to do with humankind, they should get their shovels out and start digging. All to no avail.
Telling them, that is.
Not digging. If they did that bit of real science ie. ‘exploration’ and ‘experimentation’ they would soon discover what they refuse to acknowledge is actually true. We are sitting on a fireball. Mind you, they could also do it the easy way and listen carefully to BBC R4’s Gardeners Question Time instead.
Well, the regressive msm have all decided: on balance, Hillary’s bound for the White House at some point early tomorrow morning ‘cos all their polls are telling them there’s no way for Trump to win (and, ‘cos #NeverTrump, right?).
The smug, barely suppressed glee with which these ‘predictions’ are pronounced is completely enraging. They know their dishonest, criminal, racketeering candidate is going to steal her way back into the White House (with their blessing) and embark on a four-year heist, whilst endangering the public, not just in America, but around the world. Regressives don’t care. Getting the old crone across the finish line first was all that ever mattered. They might just have succeeded.
Trump may lose tomorrow. The crowing triumphalism of the belligerent left will be a short-lived a pyrrhic victory. Their fatally flawed, damaged-goods President will be limping from the very start and will go down quickly, one way or another. What goes around comes around – Clinton will get hers yet, if there’s any karma left in this godforsaken universe.
Now we just have to try and find a way to cope with a Clinton win tomorrow. The BBC will be insufferable, uncritical, completely unselfaware (as usual) and gushing for Hillary 24/7.
Stay strong and remember this moment, too, will pass.
Apparently according to Today the ‘most read’ item on the BBC news site this morning is not the refusal of the CPS to carry out prosecutions for honour-based violence* – gosh, no, can’t get too excited about an alien religion bringing its medieval practices to the UK, can we – no, it’s the news that Toblerone is going to change it’s shape.
‘Could this have anything to do with Brexit?’ asks Montague of the hapless BBC Toblerone expert.
Will somebody please effing well beam me up from this madness.
(*Google shows no results of the BBC even reporting it.)
‘Not a result of Brexit’ ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37904703
Yes but note the Anti Brexit Bias under the heading ‘More on this story’.
My answer to all the so called ‘some fans’…..
Don’t buy the stuff you are probably too fat any way , just look how many obese kids we have ‘running around ‘ in the country.
Finally, just how much do they get paid for advertising this bar?
And still this is rated a more important story than the CPS’s refusal to prosecute honour crimes of which there is still no mention (having searched the BBC news website for ‘CPS arranged marriage honour crimes’).
If Hillary gets in ?
Next four years ? How much sleaze, dodgy deals, cover ups, strange justice, inept government, growing division and anger?
In other words, Obama V2.1. Virtual Reality Edition.
And massively ramping up the ‘catastrophic climate change’ narrative to give Soros’s/the UN’s/Club of Rome’s Agenda 21 a final push towards a ‘one world’ government – good luck with Russia and China, Mrs Clinton.
A bit of night-time listening on Radio 4 Extra last night, The Swedish Invasion.
They gave us Ikea, Volvo and Abba, but now a new wave of Swedish culture is conquering the world. Swedish books, films, music and design are being lapped up in Britain and even our politicians are looking to Sweden for answers. Danny Robins, comedian and Swedophile, goes on a tour of the country to explore why we’ve fallen so in love with Swedishness and just what it is that we’re buying into.
Basically a love-in by a man who married a Swede and thinks we love Sweden too because we shop at Ikea and watch BBC 4 drama. (Not because its cheap and there is nothing else new on the BBC?)
Nice touchy-feeley stuff out in the countryside, but it isn’t all good, crime rocketed from 1970 to 1990 – and stayed up! But why? No answer. Let’s go look in the towns. Oh dear! Lots of immigrants that the nasty Swedes have shoved all in one place, (what no freedom of movement in the enlightened Sweden/EU?). Let’s speak to a representive immigrant, a ‘rapper’. One parent South American, the other – oh, Swedish. Pretty typical I guess. Anyway he wants to be really Swedish but those damn blonde, blue-eyed, white folk, (the ones that created all the lovely culture), won’t accept us, ever, (even till the tenth-generation).
But don’t worry about it because Sweden is lovely because everyone is the same and no-one wants to stand out and we’ll all be Swedish one day! (Don’t they have any of the ever-increasing victim cultures that we have here?) A ‘hot’ wife and too much schnapps and inabiity to see beyond the steam in the hot tub?
Any mention of the riots in Malmo? Any mention of Sweden now having the highest rape rate in Europe? Any mention of the modern day Mengeles operating from Stockholm’s Karolinska Institute?
I was speaking with a friend in Sweden just yesterday, he told me that the media there is almost entirely self-censoring and that many Swedes he meets are unaware of how bad the situation really is – so as a policy, it works.
But of course, only for a while. Sooner or later someone you know gets raped or assaulted and once that reaches a tipping point then the wrath that descends on Sweden’s lying journalists and cultural Marxist politicians is going to be swift and terrible.
Quite bizarre this Sweden business. I would have thought Sweden is on the list of places best avoided. Certainly in the cities. Maybe in the far north a visit is Ok but Malmo? Stockholm?
Yet another attempt by the fantasists to distort reality.
Rather amusingly, there seems to be a concerted Facebook advertising effort at the mo by their tourism bods, that often appears next to news posts that are, shall we say, not complementary to the image being put forward.
That is why we all hoping Donald wins tonight!
The Worm has hopefully turned.
Two decades of the world’s ‘left’ what with CLINTON’s corrupt political class, topped by a NEOCON nutcase warmonger Bush dynasty backed up by that lying, duplicitous, Blair and company, combined with PC – finally the inevitable happens.
TRUMP can help us to get back to honesty and truthfulness and start telling it like it really is again and rid ourselves of most of this PC nonsense. .
The problem is that because the liberal left have almost complete control of the media in the entire west and use that control to censor anything that doesn’t fit their multicultural policies. So right cross the west the people are kept in almost complete ignorance of the true parlours state of multiculturalism. The BBC and German media are good examples. Eventually, as you say, there will come a tipping point when the disparity between what the media reports and what people see in their own local communities is too great for the false media narrative to hold. But that will be far too late because owing to a wide range of reasons demographics favour the alien invaders . Consequently the critical mass of aliens needed to reach the point of no return is quite low , I suspect lower than the point at which westerners will be able to see through the media lies
I think we must hope that the internet allows ordinary folks to break the stranglehold of the MSM on communications and that people can inform themselves of the truth. But I am sure that the liberal left will be doing all they can to take control of the internet and impose their censorship on it.
My other half have been working in Sweden Mon-Fri for the past 6 months. Political correctness at the workplace is the norm, media blackout is real and any news passed on to them through online sites about Sweden is met by amazement. The main cities have become unrecognisable, their very liberal attitude has made them soft towards those who are happy to cash in on their solidarity. This is certainly not healthy and will as ever cause more problems than solutions.
The BBC seem to have a solution for everything though. I must say after 5 minutes I had to swith this off, but you may want to listen to it. R4 – http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b081lkkj
The Reith Lectures, Kwame Anthony Appiah: Mistaken Identities
The philosopher and cultural theorist Kwame Anthony Appiah says the idea of “Western civilization” or “Western culture” is a mistaken one and that we should abandon it.
He did mention the rise in the rape rate but offered no explaination. Some Swedes were concerned that they perceived a rise in racist and xenophobic attitudes amongst their fellow citizens, but again no reason was given or sought.
Another plus point for Sweden was that it was a big country with a relatively small population, (just 21 per sq. km, about a tenth of the UK), perhaps we should emulate that too?
Sweden is a big country: if you turn it 180 degrees on a map of western Europe, using its southernmost tip as the rotation point, its northernmost point will be level with the heel of Italy.
Out in the sticks there isn’t much “enrichment”, the winter darkness is hard to deal with; Muzzies and Third Worlders prefer the city lights.
About a third of Sweden’s population left for America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, looking for better lives as they found it so hard it their own country.
Predictions from the polls are giving Clinton a victory. BBC are smirking.
Hopes for a Trump victory must lie with the shy Trumpers. These could include blacks and Hispanics who dare not speak against the media narrative in public or in opinion surveys
Why believe anything the pollsters say? They are all Leftists and their polls have been proved almost entirely unreliable.
The biggest danger Trump faces is the routine election fraud that Dem supporters in local government routinely carry out. They could teach Zimbabweans a thing or two.
Don’t waste your time getting involved in the sill soap opera.
The BBC has 3 sets of overnight shows BBC1, BBC R4/WS, Radio5 Live
It’s all a pointless waste of money/time.
Cos what happens ..happens
On Wednesday there is a slim chance of President Trump ..if every sane person gets off their ass and votes.
– But probably Hillary’s cheats will work as Assange suggested : the voter fraud and the massive MSM media Fraud where they filtered out so much concrete evidence against her.
Even so they’ll be 100 million people on alert watching her.
* The establishment can only keep the lid on the pot a short time
…. the pressure is going to blow that lid off sometime ”
Completely agree. A mass switch off from the MSM, including MSM internet pages, today and across the next few days will incite in them an incalculable rage.
BBC imposes ban on presenters fronting news programmes from overseas in £80m budget cut plans
– Presenters will no longer be able to go to breaking international events
– Reporters are still permitted to travel but their presence must be more than ‘cosmetic’
– Shows like Newsnight and BBC Breakfast could be affected by the move
To be honest, I can’t see Trump winning. Which is disappointing, but leads me to set out some thoughts.
Rationalising things, it seems to me that whoever wins will be the most detested new President ever and will be fighting an uphill battle against public disdain from the start. With the media bias at such overwhelming levels, President Trump would find it very difficult and perhaps it’s best that he didn’t make it. The difference he has made is to get the ball rolling. President Clinton II would get an easier ride from the media, it’s true but the media has now been unmasked and is recognised by many, not just Trump supporters, to be irredeemably tainted.
So it’s important that media (and, by extension, the celebrity hangers-on) are made to pay by Trump’s supporters. By which I mean boycotts. After all, they’ve insulted nearly half the voters and covered up Hillary’s alleged crimes. Alleged crimes about which the public must never be allowed to forget. That is going to require some continuation of Trump’s crusade and I hope there are those with the ability to carry it on. You can’t expect the man himself to do so at his age, but there is a huge movement there waiting to be tapped into.
Well, I’m hoping that if Trump loses (not yet a foregone conclusion) he sets up his own cable/online news channel. Something that might be genuinely be a right wing broadcaster (Fox News have been appalling throughout) and provide some much-needed balance (and a platform for voices on the right) to the overwhelming left-regressive bias of what we presently have: The Media Party (all of them, like a pit of vipers – BBC most definitely included).
Trump has the money, the ego and possibly now the inclination to invest in such an enterprise. It’s not as if there isn’t a glaring vacancy for some genuine right wing broadcaster to fill.
What is it – a fashion thing?
If you have low self esteem you will not succeed, so why this constant denigration of this country, the people that built it and the people born in it.
Is it weird to want to defend and support your family? Yes or no?
If ‘yes’, why is it so weird to want to defend and support your country?
IF ‘no’, you need your medication checked.
A vote for Trump is a vote for freedom and change. A vote for Clinton is a vote for the status quo and corruption. We’ll see if you really can fool most of the people, most of the time.
When you get your face rubbed for so long, so often in the shit and vomit of the liberal left, It can always appear as if this is it!
Brexit overturned, Trump crushed and Gary Lineker winning a peace prize?
Anything goes-and the BBC liberal left will crow from the dunghill, bodies of the poor the angry and the struggling middle class ready to go on the bonfire of all their vanities.
Seems we`re destined forever to lose are we not?
Not a bit of it.
Whether Trump wins or not(and I`m praying tonight that he wins), the Revolution is NOT postponed.
The 24/7 new cycle says other.
But from the hanging chads of 2000, the sliding in of a Bush or Merkel,
Rise of the Tea Party, MPs expenses.
Alternative Vote and Regional Assembly Referenda.
Financial crisis and Lee Rigby.
Wherever you look, it`s all floppy levers, fourth order levers having absolutely NO effect on the People.
Like the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz, frantically pushing bottoms, polishing buttons and yanking his own joystick but to ever decreasing effect-behind a velvet rope with matching curtain-all the libtard analysis since 9/11 has been simply for their own musings and expense claims.
They hoped for 38 degrees-we`re way more than that, and the greasy slipway won`t let them roll back up for equilibrium. Bloody hot too for them, and we`ll be lighting fires under them very soon.
Popcorn and a footrub tonight, the hysteria from the liberals over Trump has been entertainment enough. As if any of us will elect to let judges stuff us over Brexit.
They got off in 2009 with their expenses. That the likes of Clegg, Cable and Heseltine have ANY role n life today is only the longest of the media classes fantasies.
Nil desperandum gents and ladies. They are stuffed.Timing is Gods,but going they are.
TBH, President Clinton will dig her own grave. She will arrive almost D.O.A. and things will go rapidly downhill from there. She won’t get anything done and she will plunder all that American treasure until her sins eventually find her out (and they will).
I’m almost tempted to enjoy just how disastrous Hillary is going to be. Except for the fact that she’s also a dangerous authoritarian with a penchant for warmongering.
One thing is for sure: when Hillary is confirmed the next President my respect for America goes right down the toilet – and good riddance. They will get what they deserve and I hope they suffer for it. I just hope Clinton doesn’t do too much damage in the wider world, because all the signs and her personal history suggests that’s a real possibility.
“We need to build one to keep us SAFE from refugees” said a local
obviously he only meant noise otherwise he’s an evil racist Breibart ..D Mail
they say it’s only 100m long and there is another fence and a ‘rape wood’ between it and the village.
Good luck Donald Trump,a lot of us are rooting for you,after us already winning BREXIT it will be brilliant tomorrow if you win,the Loony Left will be expoding all over the place!
My thinking is that we now have a stinking rich privileged oligarchy who offset their virtues and liberal posturings against the indigenous white trash who are correct to despise them for their smug hypocrisy, documented double standards.
I think of Eddie Izzard , Bob Geldof, Gary Lineker and Russell Brand here in the UK.
I think of Mark Zuckenberg, Bill Gates, Bruce Springsteen and Katy Perry in the USA.
Stinking rich hypocrites who get a good living out of writing humbug songs about a Johnstown, Ohio-but despise those trapped there who see Trump as the only way out now.
This layer of fat dull creamers then get their links to the agitprop warriors who convey the crumbs, the solidarity greetings to the tattoed freaks, the race hustlers, the lefty scum at the Gun Control Project, the Anti-Austerity Union pilgrims.
The very rich and their liberal gofers then conspire to patronise, groom, stroke and indulge the poor-and favour the undeserving and malicious poor because they will further their agenda for the songs, films and awards that follow.
We in the middle are at threat from the poor and angry, as fuelled by the rich and privileged who can get onto telly to sneer and mock us.
One unholy alliance here-the rich need the swamp, and Trump is a threat to it.
Hence the conspiracy and confederacy against Trump and Brexit.
But-as we`re seeing already, we`re winning.
The liberal liars are running out of lies and hype, Trump will nail their coffin if and when he wins tonight.
I would say the bbc CURATES the public’s view of Reality
It’s US election News coverage should have a Warning :
“This message was brought to you by the BBC SJW Political Party
..Un-named and unaccountable we endorse this wall of disinformation”
That’s what it amounts to You pay your licence fee to the BBC and it behaves like a huge unaccountable political party for the SJW movement”
It is almost obvious here that the BBC had a strategy meeting and said
.. “Right these issues are off the table : we will not be discussing any sexual issues to do with Hillary and Bill : like his victims and her part in the coverups, like the audio of her laughing about how she got a child rapist off etc. ..What will do is play the Trump tape 100 times, and not go into to details about the claims against him cos most seem very flimsy”
But more and more people have seen the tricks and are moving over to Breibart and dipping into Russia Today for news that is suppressed elsewhere.
Hopefully if the rebellion against these corrupted SJWs doesn’t happen this time, it will happen the next, making a True better world for all , rather an elite keeping power by Virtue Signalling.
Today * the BBC CURATES reality *
by filtering what we info we get.
(In the same way as old museums used to curate displays to make it look like we British were the good guys that won every battle)
I thought we’d learnt to present all sides of an issue so that the public can make up their own minds ..not nanny them into a dogma like Aunty BBC seems to do now.
Good points Mr Green.
It`s that word “media”-to be a “medium” to “mediate”.
The BBC are now finished as a “medium”.
If Brexit didn`t convince the many normal people who`d not come to this site that the whole rig is gamed by people who hate them and take them for fools; then nothing will.
They piss in the ciphers and pretend they are mere water carriers, bearers of truth.
But it`s bilharzia and worse every time.
Now because the BBC have lost any pretence of neutrality in the public square between governing and governed?
Time now to roll them up in their own red carpet, put a velveteen rope around the bundle and offer them to Raqqas finest for a bit of deadheading.
No purpose in the BBC now except to cosset the elite,which they now comprise and conspire with,
The left and the House poodles like Branson, Zuckenberg and Fry are the New Establishment, and will have to go the way of the old one they affected to disdain.
“…That’s what it amounts to You pay your licence fee to the BBC and it behaves like a huge unaccountable political party for the SJW movement.”
This is why, to borrow a phrase from RebelMedia.com, I call them (all the msm) The Media Party. They act as one, as a political advocacy group, relentlessly pushing their regressive agenda through every strand of their programming, from factual to drama and beyond. I think it was Andrew Breitbart who coined the phrase that ‘politics is downstream from culture’. The BBC were paying attention, as were 98% of their fellow travellers in the regressive media.
They are The Media Party. Nobody elects them, but they control the medium and they control the message.
About 10 years back a new political party was launched in the UK
It costs £145/year to join and already has millions of members so has £5.7billion/year
………………………….It’s called the BBC SJW Party …… although its meetings are quite secret
It doesn’t actually put up any candidates itself rather it does a hell of a lot of PR and lobbying haranguing and manipulating existing politicians.
The closing of comments, that is typical BBC SJW trick cos these BBC SJW’s *actions* are entirely against *the principles” they think they stand for.
(So BBC are actually the Fascist SJWs whilst We are the True-SJWs striving for a better world for ALL)
See how they fight on these issues
– Diversity WITH Conformity is what they preach (only views that conform are tolerated)
– Tolerance/openess WITH INtolerance and HATE
(* closing comments * or shouting down or shouting RACIST/TROLL to close down debate)
– Racism WITH Racism – As they first divide society into groups and give a group special treatment
– Sexism WITH Sexism – As they first divide society into groups and give a group special treatment.
– Inequality WITH more Inequality
So disproportionate under-representation is met with MASSIVE over-representation
eg every program must have a pet-issue group inserted like Trans or Calais refugees , whilst Rotherham victims must never be mentioned.
– Lack of Transparency WITH even more lack of Transparency – Like measures to evade FOIA requests, secret meetings, using private “off the record” email channels/servers instead of proper accountable ones
– Conspiracy Theories WITH Conspiracy Theories
(eg idea that anyone challenging green dogma is funded from a mythical big oil fund)
– Justice WITH Saul Alinsky Dirty trick tactics (By any means necessary “cos our cause is the only true one”)
– Elitism WITH sneering – “Oh what they say is not valid, cos they are low class trailer trash white people”
– Age-ism WITH “Think of the Children, We young people”
– Poverty WITH policies that make society poorer
– Inequality WITH policies that drag the rich down rather than help the poor up.
– Green WITH policies that are mathematically UNGREEN
– Truth WITH Misrepresentation eg monster your political opponents as “Racist/sex pests etc.” so that they first have to address that straw man issue.
That’s of the top of my head.
Racist, Fascist, Nazi, Hater, Homophobe, Xenophobe, Misogynist.
All insults the Left throws at the right, right of centre or anyone who does not agree – end of.
The term, ‘racist’ has been so utterly devalued by over and inappropriate use.
In our house, for example, we call the cat ‘racist’ when it poops on the floor, the kids call each other ‘racist’ when they argue over toys.
Really quite funny and a tribute to the, My Views Matter Movement.
In the 70’s the usual leftist terms of abuse were “fascist” and “capitalist”. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the convertion of China to capitalism new terms of abuse had to be found. What you describe is a common linguistic phenomenon. Words intended as euphemisms, like “spastic” eventually become as derogatory as the term they were intended to replace. Mao was always referred to in communist jargon as “tong zhi mao zedong” i.e, Comrade Mao. Now “tong zhi” means “a poof”. An interesting linguistic revenge on the clichee-ridden language of Maoism.
All the new phobias, “ists” and “isms” invented by the cultural marxists shows how the left continue to rely on the mind-numbing repetition of clichee and platitude.
Noted there that serial “Trough Snuffler” James Purnell, ex Labour and appointed as a bBBC Head of Strategy is in line to head up Radio operations and also tipped to be a future DG)
Interesting to see since his arrival in the “Strategy” job that any pretense to left wing bias has been totally removed.
If it was 30 or 40 grand these DJ’s were paid you could live with that……but this thief is on £300 grand.
Anyone else shudder when you see BBC presenters wearing poppies knowing how the BBC despise our soldiers and generally regard the poppy as a means of glorifying war.
Checking out one feminist FB page and I saw support for the knitted vulva as a replacement of the war mongering poppy. I wonder which of our BBC feminists will wear one first.
I wish the BBC didn’t insist on presenters wearing a poppy. It makes a mockery of the sacrifice of our forebears for freedom – the very freedom not to be told to wear a symbol you may not approve of. My theory of why the BBC does this is:
a. The Blair regime carried out a huge PR campaign for Remembrance Day, the British Legion etc in order to promote support for foreign wars. The BBC was probably tacitly in agreement with this and still is.
b. If there was no rule to wear poppies, most of them probably wouldn’t wear them, leading to accusations of political bias in presenters;
c. therefore making all presenters wear them, even those who probably despise everything the poppy stands for, it makes it impossible to single out any presenter for his or her views. Make everybody wear one and it removes any symbolism from the act.
Cranmer – I’m with you. Corporate wearing of poppies is meaningless. I feel the same about footballers having a poppy stitched on their shirts by their club or association. I choose to wear a poppy – just wish they attached better!
I was recently down in London and in Whitehall there is now a prominent war memorial for women. My heart sank a little. The cenotaph is inclusive, for all our war dead of all genders, nationalities, races etc. It would be a focus too for mothers, wives, sisters and sweethearts(of either gender) of the many men who died.
Today however identity politics is pervasive and divisive. There was a floral tribute at the women’s war memorial but not for Edith Cavell or similar, but for Jo Cox. That sort of appropriation is encouraged by politicising remembrance.
Agreed. I always considered the setting up of a second cenotaph (for women only) was very wrong, since it in effect negates what the original Cenotaph stands for – i.e. commemorating both men and women. The same class of thinking brought us the statue of the hotelier Mary Secole outside St Thomas’s.
The guy knows the law, he was assaulted 3 times (take your effing hand off me) and had one (good) shot. Self defence, a second shot would constitute an assault.
The coolness of that guy actually gives me hope that we might win out.
What is it about people coming to our country that they believe they can tell us how to run it? I have been to many countries over the years and not once have I felt a need to lecture the indigenous population on their culture, politics and lifstyle.
Look at the American election. It will be the hispanics, blacks, latinos and the rest of the immigrants who decide the next president.
The same is happening here with Islam, they have the power and are increasing their base. Mayor of London for example.
Some interesting comments on the actual Youtube page for that video. Pointing out that the protestors think the man is not English ‘maybe Australian?’ because they’ve never actually heard a native London accent before.
I admire his courage and calmness in the face of that onslaught, not quite sure what he thought he’d achieve by it though.
It’s a shame that line of police standing behind him didn’t all face up to the scum in the same way, if they had then that “demonstration” would have been over fairly swiftly I think.
That was a joy to watch. It’s hilarious listening to the upper-class, trust-fund brats trying to speak like they’re working class.
I’ll be making every effort to get to the march on the Supreme Court, as you just know these clowns will be there to oppose it.
Although I expect Trump to win narrowly tonight , this in no way will be the end of the story.
He came here on the day that we voted to Leave the EU, and little connection has been made by the elite re Gods timing.
And seeing as we`re so close to it all; we`ve probably not yet taken stock of the following.
!. Trump is a TV personality, and has won the Republican nomination WITHOUT ANY help whatsoever from the political elite. The ultimate one-man band with NO political favours, experience, knowledge and NO backers.
Just the people.
2. Like Nigel Farage, he is the insurgent candidate, so despised by the whole political elite, and all those “rebels” who are licensed to carry their bags and study their stools. But We the People adore them, no matter how flawed they are.
Basically they are everything that the elite hate and fear-and we, like Ann, Milo and the like are the coming wave to smash them to driftwood. A few show trials maybe, if we can be arsed.
If it was up to the Americans Trump would win but all the incomers will get Clinton in. Just like London, indigenous outnumbered and outvoted resulting in Moslem mayor.
As ever the BBC sneer at the likes of Ted Nugent as being less “star pulling power” than the likes of Bon Jovi, Katy and Brooce.
Typical lefty trick, as if having rich gobby millionaires on one side means that “this is the right side of history”.
Stupid cretins, it might impress them in THEIR empty lives, but it repels the rest of us.
Geldof, Izzard, JayZ and Norton versus Daltry, Botham, Nugent or Jay Aston from Bucks Fizz etc?
We know who wins, who matters-and, in fact anyone in the arts brave enough to vote Brexit or back Trump will thrive, given time.
I’ve just been watching, on and off, some of the RT news coverage of the US election,including the Keiser Report and I’m horrified and disgusted. The news anchor was fair and balanced and, as far as I could tell, wasn’t trying to persuade me that there was a preferred candidate. They even ran some graphics and film which highlighted the shortcomings of both candidates equally. Obviously I was horrified by this fairness, don’t they understand that Hilary is the second coming?
But it became even more surreal as onto the Keiser Report, of which I didn’t catch much, but of what I did see was more informative than the entire BBC coverage of the last 3months, how can this be? There was talk of Syria and not the usual emotional claptrap about 35yr old child refugees either, they were talking about the Saudi inspired war against Assad and how the US was siding with ISIS while it was Russia who was actually trying to defend the Christians there. They also mentioned strange tales of criminality by Hilary (surely not! I hear you cry) with one credit analyst openly calling the Clinton Foundation a money laundering operation and how there was the possibility that if she does win the presidency she could wind up being impeached.
At this point I had to switch off as I couldn’t take any more fair and balanced reporting or the horrible things they were saying about our dearly beloved Hilary.
Seriously though, it shows just how easy it is to be balanced and cover all issues yet somehow the BBC with its £4bn pa tax and its charter finds it impossible.
You may have missed on the Keiser Report the part where he talked to a street vendor of T-shirts. He said he sold 50 Trump T-shirts a day, but not a single one for Hillary Clinton, and this was in New York!
It’s just possible that the people have finally decided they are mad as hell, and aren’t going to take it any more!
Thanks, I was busy in the kitchen for most of it so I missed that part.
I find it interesting that is just another example of the kind of grass root support there seems to be for Trump that doesn’t exist for Clinton. It’ll be interesting after the election to see just how accurate the polls were.
I only get bought the large Toblerone bars – so I’m insulated from the Brexit induced resizing. Does that make me special or just plain lucky. I’ll need to consult Lily Allen et al on that one.
It is indeed cultural appropriation and all BBC reporters must now follow a strict diet of Haggis, Laverbread, Jellied Eels and Black Pudding. I’ll let you tell them that the cocaine they are so fond of is culturally appropriated too.
I’m concerned that buying brown bread and covering it with mayo or something like Philadelphia might get me into trouble with the police, bearing in mind their priorities these days.
Then there’s the the Marmite/Vegemite/Bovril on white bread issue.
In the shower and BBC WS Radio – The murder of the two sex workers by the insane banker. The Indonesia correspondent sought out the families of the two in order to give them all the grisly details of how he had tortured their daughters – just to see what their reaction might be. ‘BBC THE WORLDS MOST SHITTY BROADCASTER’
That is appalling behaviour by the BBC, but unsurprising. That murderer should swing for his crimes and I hope all his wealth, if any, goes to those two families.
All polls show Clinton and Trump neck and neck. All polls. Yes, all of them.
Yet, oddly, on Sky news, where they covered the voting for the first half hour of the program, they found (maybe) 1 Trump voter. Indeed, they spent over 5 mins on a college bus that only contained Hillary voters. The channel went on to spend a good deal of time talking about the Hispanic vote and running down Trump.
Strangely, nothing about Hillary having to be subpoenaed to deliver her emails, then deleting them in order to frustrate the FBI, which is usually an automatic jail sentence. Nothing about the deal she did with the FBI to lower the classification of the emails to avoid a trial. Nothing about the investigations into the Clinton Foundation.
It’s a real shame, Sky was at one time a reliable news outlet. Still at least its more diverse now, with more women and more folk of colour to share their ignorance. Surprisingly, they all appear to be the Guardian side of left wing.
I of course will apologise to Sky news if Hillary wins by collecting all the votes in the country bar a handful, else Sky is as fraudulent as the BBC.
Not sure of the ins and outs but you might think the Murdoch corp., which owns Fox News, would want something that competed with rather than mirrored the bbc.
I agree totally about sky news it seems to have taken a really substantial move to the left.Their sky news channel is now nothing more than a rolling loop of 6 minutes of news interspersed with an ever growing number of politically correct advertisements. The quality of their discussion is also very poor. I used to watch sky news as I was unable to stomach the gut wrenching left wing nonsense that is continually pumped out by the bbbc but now I have had to leave again and watch RT or Fox news.
Still…Good luck to ‘The Donald’ but I don’t think so (I would love to be wrong)
Time the BBC was split up for the sake of democracy. It has become a huge conglomerate with far too much influence. Google, Facebook and Microsoft are as bad but they are not UK based.
You need to own a broadcasting station like the BBC. They were able to get Sir Tim Hunt ostracised, a noble prize winning scientist, whose discoveries may save the lives of even lefties on the BBC.
Without that i don’t know how you ‘ll get your message across.
I know what would happen if a conservative supporter wore a Nazi uniform, or Prince Harry, or indeed anyone other than a Hillary supporter. They would be roasted on social media, hauled before the cameras for a soviet styled apology and then sacked anyway.
But it continues to piss me off big time that this sort don’t need to care about, jobs, housing, health care, schooling, security, inner cities etc, etc., and so on.
Wind farms are probably killing tens of thousands of bats a year, even where risk assessments have been carried out to prevent the deaths, a study has found.
Its the same with those Celebrity/Islington type “wildlife lovers” who do nothing but demand more importing of predators into the UK!
They want WOLVES, and Bear, and Links, and more huge vultures, and bigger Eagles, their lists go on! Its crazy! Where does it stop? Will it stop? Will there come a time when the UK won’t have any song birds or hares? In my opinion, these people who want the introduction of more predators aren’t wildlife loves at all! they just love seeing their prey being ripped to bits live on BBC NATUREWATCH!
You try to tell them that the local BLACKBIRDS and HOUSE SPARROWS, Blue Tits, Chaffinches, that I have seen close-up being caught/ripped to pieces, on a regular basis in my area have been wiped out by the increase of such birds as Sparrow Hawks (and Buzzards hares/rabbits) and they jump down your neck accusing you of imagining things or that you are simply too soft!
Can I remind any critic that over my working lifetime I have been a Gamekeeper working at POWIS CASTLE (wales) on an estate in BATH as a game keeper, as a Possum/Deer Hunter in New Zealand on Crown Land given to me for such purposes, so I feel I have a good idea what I’m talking about!
That’s not the only type of ‘predator’ that the Left want imported into Britain en-masse.
They’ve yet to tell us how shipping millions of Third Worlders, from their low-consumption countries, in to higher consumption western nations, fits in with their ‘Green’ agenda.
About six months ago R4 had a programme about foreign wildlife predators invading Britain. The language was highly emotional – invasion, overtaking, driving out, encroaching etc. I couldn’t help thinking they’d never get away with referring to human beings in this way. However…somebody may have pointed this out because a few months later they had a similar prog but allowed a bit of Guardianesque moralising – of course it was about whether we had a ‘right’ to keep out foreign species etc!
Every time a foreign species is introduced, they end up breeding like rats and becoming nothing more than vermin, displacing the indigenous species.
Those swarms of hideous, noisy, feral, coloured parasites, that have been wreaking havoc in London for many years, have been seen as far south as Guildford now. If any settle in my neighbourhood, I’ll be filling a good few of them with lead. I speak, of course, of the Parakeets.
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I find it very hard to believe that Lily Allen etc. are acting off their own bats in all this. I’m convinced they are under some kind of direction. More fool whoever that is, as most celebrities’ personal brands are now toxic.
I hope you are correct. They’re certainly toxic as far as I’m concerned and won’t knowingly be getting a penny from me.
If you want to get on the tv you must be a lefty.
Can anyone name any ‘right’ comedians.
All comedians allowed on tv are left wing and full on PC.
They say Trump or Farage, look at the audience, who then clap like seals, virtue signalling for all they’re worth while looking around to make sure others see them as being one of the beautiful people.
Yup. Given up with so called comedians, satirists etc.. When it’s that predictable i.e. Trump, Farage, Monarchy = BAD, Clinton, Corbin, Immigrants = GOOD.
So boring.
There’s one guy Andrew Lawrence who is going against the grain. He’s been on the BBC a few times but not sure if he’s allowed on now.
Mr Lawrence’s wikipedia entry makes interesting reading. He doesn’t seem to have been formally banned by the BBC (is anyone?) but he’s obviously been blacklisted. What makes me chuckle is the usual ignorant quote from some lefty comic as to why there are no right wing comedians. They still think ‘right wing comedy’ means having a go at ‘darkies’ as if it’s still 1973. They don’t realise that right wing comedy nowadays means mocking the absurdity of political correctness and leftist thought-control.
Seals ? Someone is pressing the CANNED LAUGHTER button more likely.
or the microphone being on the Left handside and the mixr guy turning it up and down especially when a non-lefty comment is made.
The engineer from Question Time will know how to engineer the audience ambiance effect.
(He was holiday during the Boston transmission)
Not easy to find on the sky news web site for some reason, but Ed Conway actually gets it, why people really are voting for Trump. We’ll wait for the BBC to catch up.
Conway is right but it is too late now. We are in a pre revolutionary period whatever happens in the US and even if they stop Brexit.
The ancien regimes have had it.It is almost as if they are starting to grasp it and hence the floundering and the turning on us and each other. It is just a matter of time as it always is and that always mysterious emergence of the right men and women who understand what is going on and how to exploit is .
It is not necessary for the majority to act. It never is. Maybe between 5 and 10% of us are enough to change things. The majority will go along once they see how it is going to be.
Our current politicians and our MSM and financial masters will have no role to play except to hinder the coming times.
It is the way of the world as it always has been.
A word of warning. Many of us will not like it and whatever is coming is going to be unknowable. Part of the game as they say.
yes, Dave S, it is late on in the day, and against all he appears to have said up until now. yet this is on Sky news, the channel that has been more BBC than the BBC in its treatment of Trump or Brexit supporters.
Apropos of nothing…anyone see Martin Amis on Newsnight tonight…sad old cunt or what?
Thought Ann Coulter was brilliant. She superbly cut through the newsnight crap of seeing misogyny and race everywhere.
And when Amis, who is so good on the problems of Islam in the western world, left the known world by talking about white men feeling inferior ‘cos there’s a black man in the white house, she put him down so easily even Amis tried hard not to laugh.
You prompted me to have a look at the piece on Newsnight.
Martin Amis really is a sad old tosser these days. I seem to remember at the time of 9/11 he went a bit politically incorrect about muslims, but since he now lives with the great and the good in New York, he has had to become a liberal, lest he lose his dinner party invitations and cushy writing gig.
He seems to have no understanding of America at all, and as always, Ann Coulter just swatted him and Maitless aside with ease. She’s a professional, and these dilettantes are just no challenge to her. I was glad she stuck to her guns and talked about the issues which matter, such as jobs and border security. That is why people will vote for Trump, and that is why the Democrats had to make the election about a raunchy conversation Trump had in 2005. It’s just pathetic and Ann Coulter cuts through their left wing bullshit.
As an aside, Amis looks very old and wizened now, whereas Ann Coulter was clearly fit and healthy. It is like Hillary Clinton v Trump. It is clear to me that left wing politics are bad for the health.
“It is clear to me that left wing politics are bad for the health”
Yes, on a personal as well as a societal level I think you’re right, Martin Amis, has made his money on his personal ability (bear with me, I find his novels almost unreadable) by having had a famous literary father, and an upper middle class upbringing.
He’s wealthy, upper middle class, heterosexual and white. Imagine the stress of the constant cognitive dissonance to then internalise a politics that sees oneself as the enemy of progress, black ethnic minorities, sexual identity groups and the lefts imaginary working class. To be a talented individual who has to pretend that everyone is equal.
It’s not the politics of envy for him, it’s a politics of self harm and self loathing.
I think it’s this cognitive dissonance that makes lefties so easily offended and irritable, especially when they are inevitably caught out…..the big houses, the privately educated kids, the continental holiday homes, the servants, the money, the snobbery against the real working class….can’t be concealed for ever! Imagine how ill at ease in their skins they are (unlike Ann Coulter who speaks authentically….like Farage and all the best speakers on the right side of any argument).
For all that though, his book “the second plane” remains one of the best literary responses to the issue of our times…..the Islamic terrorisation of the west.
That interview was the most entertaining thing I’ve seen on the bbc for a while – amazed they even invited Ann Coulter – Emily must have been shitting herself! Have to say though – is she tall or is Amis tiny? And he really was snivelling – wiped his running nose on his hand, on national tv! She actually reminded me of Cruella de Ville, in a nice way. Brilliant – he came across as a pathetic member of the arty farty elite, and he looked like he was sniffing poo when the brilliant Ann took him on majestically. Hurrah.
Martin Amis is famously on the short side. His father once called him “savage little Mart” in a letter to Philip Larkin. However, he now seems to be shrinking, even as we watch. As embolden says above, Amis is a civilized and intelligent man (though I agree, I do not enjoy his books), and the strain of having to go along with the lies and obfuscations of leftism must be taking their toll on his health and his morale. He is clever enough to know he is living a lie, and that cannot be good for the soul.
Ann Coulter, on the other hand, is a picture of good health and radiant confidence, because she has the strength of character to say what she believes and stand by what she says. Her writing has had a great deal of influence on Trump, and as she pointed out forcefully to Maitless and Amis (who seemed to be disappearing into his overcoat as the interview progressed), people will vote for Trump because of the issues he addresses. They do not think he is a paragon of virtue, he is a flawed human being like any other. But unlike the other candidates, he adresses the questions of border security, muslim immigration, Obamacare costs and loss of well paid jobs. That is why people flock to him. What he says makes sense to them.
The East Coast and West Coast liberal elite have great lives, they cannot comprehend why anyone would vote against the status quo. Trump has a great life too, but he had the sense to realise that the staus quo isn’t working for Americans outside the metropolitan elite. Unlike Hillary Clinton, he doesn’t need politics to make himself rich, he is rich, and has gone into politics to do some good for his fellow Americans.
And I think you are right, Ann Coulter looked like a Valkyrie, and is about a foot taller than poor little Mart. If she had wanted, she could have snapped him like a twig, but he just wasn’t worth the effort.
I would pay money to watch Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin take on Hillary Rotten Clinton and Obama in a debate, and for the event to be televised live on the MSM, including our dear beloved BBC.
I thought he gave up on Britain and left, years ago?
Looked like Angus Maude-some Tory fossil who looked like a mekon in my Siouxsie Sioux phase at poly.
Only the BBC would put up a privileged lefty expat( one who`s had his OWN ishoos with race, misogyny etc) against our American Girl.
Poor Maitlis-meant to be clever, but floundered and got the wrong end of the pole every time she opened her mouth.
Which served nicely as a shelf for Ann Coulters to be placed.
Great telly. A true bitchslap with a privileged lefty getting scorched.
But there`ll never be a mention of this again at the BBC.
O.T. But has anyone seen a news report on either ITV or al beebus which names and / or shows the two prisoners who escaped from Pentonville?
It is normal practice at the beginning of a manhunt, for the authorities to identify or at least to name the people they are trying to re-capture. Isn’t it? Particularly when one of them is imprisoned for attempted murder.
It is almost as though the authorities don’t want to name or show them, I wonder why?
Perhaps the authorities don’t want to alert them and hope to make an arrest at Friday prayers …..
Yes, on the web-site yesterday with photos & names. Two caucasian males, cut through the bars and climbed out, down to the ground, up and down again over the main wall to the outside world.
Are there any guards at Pentonville Prison? Any CCTV cameras? Anything on the walls to make climbing difficult instead of, apparently, easy?
A few weeks ago on this site I posted a suggestion that a march on London was something that would have to be considered one day to show the Remoaners, BBC, and the pansy left that the shires don’t think much of them or their politics. I didn’t expect Nigel to take it up so quickly! (joke)
Actually what I had in mind was a less spontaneous much more organised event involving a lot of planning with a bit more notice than four weeks. Sometime in 2017 I was hoping for.
However, he has called for 100,000, I can’t get there in winter but I am wondering how many people can and will. London is not exactly a source of Brexit support. It wouldn’t be good if it fell well short of the mark.
However, I hope it will succeed both in the numbers and aims.
An article on this in the Evening Standard (a paper that was once moderately right wing but now more lefty) is riddled with abusive comments about Brexiters. I’m also not sure that London is the best place for a rally; it may be the seat of government but in social terms its no longer really part of England. A series of meetings in provincial towns with a ‘Battle Bus’ would be better I think. It would show that there is more to the country than trendy London.
Agree. Most are nowhere near there, and the safety record for those peacefully protesting AGAINST left wing pet causes is not great, even from the police. Even more on an issue dear to those seeking access to these shores with chums here who may feel a Boston-style party would go with a bang. So marshalling in a dodgy concentrated group on unfamiliar ground seems… unwise.
However, it does give the ex-Anger and Protest Editor of Newsnight something to rouse his mates using the iRabble App on the BBC mobly that likely was ‘lost’ just before departure.
Mr Dasmibehbi,
we are coming from behind in terms of strategy when confronting the progressives and their corrosive theocracy. Swift response’s to changing societal issues has been a successful tactic used by the left and to some indicates affirmative, positive action – even if the causes are often vacuous and hollow. Ergo, the sooner we make our presence known with a formidable show of strength, the better to encourage the many many waverers who have never contemplated doing this sort of thing and for whom the time has come to stand up and be counted. We are strong in number and we must convey this in the most definitive way as I believe we are battling not only for our sovereignty but for the very soul and identity of our country.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Friends! I’m sure you’ll all agree with this:
Such pithiness in less that 140 characters!
Thank you, Friend Alicia :). Jeremy C. said that all my posts are a load of pith – at least, I think that’s what he said.
BBC Breakfast brings us a young Hillary Clinton supporter who – rather too frankly – explains her motivations.
Being young her policy interests begin with education – she is concerned by the cost of tuition. Health is another priority – she wants more free healthcare.
Then this young lady reveals that she is a recent immigrant to the US and she is discomforted by Trump’s unwelcoming attitude to immigrants.
So to sum up: She wants lots of free stuff, drawing on the hard-earned capital of past generations of Americans and as a recent immigrant she wants America to be generous and welcoming toward her – and presumbably many many more just like her.
And this apparently is what is meant by globalisation – perhaps the slogan should be ‘charity begins abroad’.
Wasn’t it the Democrat JFK who once said something about asking what you could do FOR your country rather than vice versa?
If anyone wants to see what the american election is showing us it is that Clinton will probably win because of all the hispanics, blacks, latinos and all the other immigrants. They will outvote the Americans and are in the process of taking America off the locals.
The same as will happen here and in Europe.
London is minority indigenous as are many other towns and cities. The councils (and mayor) are being taken over, mainly by Muslims, and schools are being infiltrated. Mosques are popping up all over.
This is what is happening right now.
Trump has a far higher and more passionate minority base than any other republican in history. Recent data also shows that the black support that got Obama elected is not enthusiastic enough about Clinton to give her the same courtesy. Of course the media, filled as they are with bigoted liberals who literally see the world in black and white (with white being at the top and the only ones capable of influencing world events), see blacks and latinos as Democrats by default, because despite their claims of embracing diversity they have the least nuanced minds in Western politics.
I guarantee that when Trump wins, with a huge number of minority voters as well as women, the liberal media will still be trying to claim that he only won due to angry white men, because of course white men are the one group of people that the left can consistently attack without any repercussions from within.
Jeremy Clarkson forgetting who the BBC’s shareholders & financial backers are:
This site – Bias.
Has anyone noticed that there are no posts pointing out that Al Beeb is biased ‘for’ Trump?
Or even Al Beeb being accused of being biased ‘for’ Brexit.
Not even one ‘Troll’.
It just goes to show that Al Beeb has an agenda . The Tory Government and its MPs must surely be aware of this blatant Bias.
Good spot. No BBC people trying to defend the indefensible.
It has been noticeable that a bit over the weekend – and much more so yesterday and again this morning – that Trump is now being considered as a possible winner, sometimes through slightly gritted teeth. That sudden change also tends to highlight the bias that has been continuous for the best part of two years. Two years! Aauuughhhhh! No wonder that Naughtie in his trail for the R4 US Election programme sounded positively joyful. “Yeah, Jim, its balance but not as we know it! We, too, will be delighted when its all over.”
I think it also significant that the News Editors & Producers appear to have lost sight of everything else but the US Presidential election. There’s apparently a degree of complete incompetence building up in BBC, exemplified by two adjacent UK econo-political items in the 7am TODAY news bulletins. (About 7.07am if you listen again.) No-one anywhere in the news chain appears to have put any thought into their bulletin.
What things will be like with a Labour politician in charge of the BBC’s radio output is anyone’s guess. I think that is all wrong and could be a disaster for the BBC. They are playing a dangerous game and appear to be blind to the hazards.
Blatant bias against Trump is endemic in the media on both sides of the pond. Its almost embarrassing to watch ‘professional’ British journalists conducting street interviews, and baiting those being interviewed with the failings of Trump. Jon Snow was a particular disgrace at his bias when interviewing both Clinton and Trump voters. They just don’t seem to care at their reporting.
Snowflake journos on both sides of the pond panicking at what just could be the biggest Fuck You in history
Al Beeb ‘plenty of snow today’
I blame global warming and all the hot air emanating from their ‘team meetings’ and their ‘agenda setters’.
Yesterday’s Express carried an informative article (yes, really) on the latest predictions of a mini ice age – in this case, predictions from real scientists, not scientivists. Their work is based on sun spot activity and is backed with something a good deal more credible than spreadsheets and tea leaves.
It appears there is a genuine and widespread concern about this and yet what have we heard of it from the BBC? Nothing.
I hope these ‘real scientists’ did some good old ‘observation’ like Snuffy does. I have been concerned about a mini-ice age for some time. This came across my radar recently:
I also feel I should brag about the news of the West Antarctica ice cap melt mentioned on here a day or two back. Have been telling environ-‘mentalists’ for years that they should not ignore the fact that our planet is red hot in the middle and if they want to experience global warming that is nothing to do with humankind, they should get their shovels out and start digging. All to no avail.
Telling them, that is.
Not digging. If they did that bit of real science ie. ‘exploration’ and ‘experimentation’ they would soon discover what they refuse to acknowledge is actually true. We are sitting on a fireball. Mind you, they could also do it the easy way and listen carefully to BBC R4’s Gardeners Question Time instead.
Well, the regressive msm have all decided: on balance, Hillary’s bound for the White House at some point early tomorrow morning ‘cos all their polls are telling them there’s no way for Trump to win (and, ‘cos #NeverTrump, right?).
The smug, barely suppressed glee with which these ‘predictions’ are pronounced is completely enraging. They know their dishonest, criminal, racketeering candidate is going to steal her way back into the White House (with their blessing) and embark on a four-year heist, whilst endangering the public, not just in America, but around the world. Regressives don’t care. Getting the old crone across the finish line first was all that ever mattered. They might just have succeeded.
Trump may lose tomorrow. The crowing triumphalism of the belligerent left will be a short-lived a pyrrhic victory. Their fatally flawed, damaged-goods President will be limping from the very start and will go down quickly, one way or another. What goes around comes around – Clinton will get hers yet, if there’s any karma left in this godforsaken universe.
Now we just have to try and find a way to cope with a Clinton win tomorrow. The BBC will be insufferable, uncritical, completely unselfaware (as usual) and gushing for Hillary 24/7.
Stay strong and remember this moment, too, will pass.
I’m on Day 4 of a full MSM blackout. Infowars, Breitbart, here, that’s it, and it feels great.
The BBC will pass over the Republicans retaining their majorities in the Senate and the House.
Apparently according to Today the ‘most read’ item on the BBC news site this morning is not the refusal of the CPS to carry out prosecutions for honour-based violence* – gosh, no, can’t get too excited about an alien religion bringing its medieval practices to the UK, can we – no, it’s the news that Toblerone is going to change it’s shape.
‘Could this have anything to do with Brexit?’ asks Montague of the hapless BBC Toblerone expert.
Will somebody please effing well beam me up from this madness.
(*Google shows no results of the BBC even reporting it.)
‘Not a result of Brexit’ ?
Yes but note the Anti Brexit Bias under the heading ‘More on this story’.
My answer to all the so called ‘some fans’…..
Don’t buy the stuff you are probably too fat any way , just look how many obese kids we have ‘running around ‘ in the country.
Finally, just how much do they get paid for advertising this bar?
And still this is rated a more important story than the CPS’s refusal to prosecute honour crimes of which there is still no mention (having searched the BBC news website for ‘CPS arranged marriage honour crimes’).
Absolutely unbelievable.
Marketing genius. No such thing as bad publicity.
If Hillary gets in ?
Next four years ? How much sleaze, dodgy deals, cover ups, strange justice, inept government, growing division and anger?
In other words, Obama V2.1. Virtual Reality Edition.
And massively ramping up the ‘catastrophic climate change’ narrative to give Soros’s/the UN’s/Club of Rome’s Agenda 21 a final push towards a ‘one world’ government – good luck with Russia and China, Mrs Clinton.
Maitliss shown up for the idiot she is. The look on her face is priceless.
‘Maitliss shown up for the idiot she is’
Maybe her son could run a poll?
Like the UN, could the WHO be the next most hated organisation as one acting against the very people who pay for it?
You’re right. The WHO is a sinister, deeply political organisation about which the public needs to be kept fully informed.
And all we have to do that is the BBC, so heaven help us!
Remembrance Day is approaching and I shall again think of the sacrifice, the lives ruined and ponder just what we have come to.
A bit of night-time listening on Radio 4 Extra last night, The Swedish Invasion.
They gave us Ikea, Volvo and Abba, but now a new wave of Swedish culture is conquering the world. Swedish books, films, music and design are being lapped up in Britain and even our politicians are looking to Sweden for answers. Danny Robins, comedian and Swedophile, goes on a tour of the country to explore why we’ve fallen so in love with Swedishness and just what it is that we’re buying into.
Basically a love-in by a man who married a Swede and thinks we love Sweden too because we shop at Ikea and watch BBC 4 drama. (Not because its cheap and there is nothing else new on the BBC?)
Nice touchy-feeley stuff out in the countryside, but it isn’t all good, crime rocketed from 1970 to 1990 – and stayed up! But why? No answer. Let’s go look in the towns. Oh dear! Lots of immigrants that the nasty Swedes have shoved all in one place, (what no freedom of movement in the enlightened Sweden/EU?). Let’s speak to a representive immigrant, a ‘rapper’. One parent South American, the other – oh, Swedish. Pretty typical I guess. Anyway he wants to be really Swedish but those damn blonde, blue-eyed, white folk, (the ones that created all the lovely culture), won’t accept us, ever, (even till the tenth-generation).
But don’t worry about it because Sweden is lovely because everyone is the same and no-one wants to stand out and we’ll all be Swedish one day! (Don’t they have any of the ever-increasing victim cultures that we have here?) A ‘hot’ wife and too much schnapps and inabiity to see beyond the steam in the hot tub?
Any mention of the riots in Malmo? Any mention of Sweden now having the highest rape rate in Europe? Any mention of the modern day Mengeles operating from Stockholm’s Karolinska Institute?
I was speaking with a friend in Sweden just yesterday, he told me that the media there is almost entirely self-censoring and that many Swedes he meets are unaware of how bad the situation really is – so as a policy, it works.
But of course, only for a while. Sooner or later someone you know gets raped or assaulted and once that reaches a tipping point then the wrath that descends on Sweden’s lying journalists and cultural Marxist politicians is going to be swift and terrible.
All over the Western World there is a false narrative. What people say in public and what they are free to say behind closed doors.
Quite bizarre this Sweden business. I would have thought Sweden is on the list of places best avoided. Certainly in the cities. Maybe in the far north a visit is Ok but Malmo? Stockholm?
Yet another attempt by the fantasists to distort reality.
Rather amusingly, there seems to be a concerted Facebook advertising effort at the mo by their tourism bods, that often appears next to news posts that are, shall we say, not complementary to the image being put forward.
That is why we all hoping Donald wins tonight!
The Worm has hopefully turned.
Two decades of the world’s ‘left’ what with CLINTON’s corrupt political class, topped by a NEOCON nutcase warmonger Bush dynasty backed up by that lying, duplicitous, Blair and company, combined with PC – finally the inevitable happens.
TRUMP can help us to get back to honesty and truthfulness and start telling it like it really is again and rid ourselves of most of this PC nonsense. .
Immigrants from Sweden should be restricted. They wrecked their own country and could be a danger to us.
The problem is that because the liberal left have almost complete control of the media in the entire west and use that control to censor anything that doesn’t fit their multicultural policies. So right cross the west the people are kept in almost complete ignorance of the true parlours state of multiculturalism. The BBC and German media are good examples. Eventually, as you say, there will come a tipping point when the disparity between what the media reports and what people see in their own local communities is too great for the false media narrative to hold. But that will be far too late because owing to a wide range of reasons demographics favour the alien invaders . Consequently the critical mass of aliens needed to reach the point of no return is quite low , I suspect lower than the point at which westerners will be able to see through the media lies
I think we must hope that the internet allows ordinary folks to break the stranglehold of the MSM on communications and that people can inform themselves of the truth. But I am sure that the liberal left will be doing all they can to take control of the internet and impose their censorship on it.
My other half have been working in Sweden Mon-Fri for the past 6 months. Political correctness at the workplace is the norm, media blackout is real and any news passed on to them through online sites about Sweden is met by amazement. The main cities have become unrecognisable, their very liberal attitude has made them soft towards those who are happy to cash in on their solidarity. This is certainly not healthy and will as ever cause more problems than solutions.
The BBC seem to have a solution for everything though. I must say after 5 minutes I had to swith this off, but you may want to listen to it. R4 – http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b081lkkj
The Reith Lectures, Kwame Anthony Appiah: Mistaken Identities
The philosopher and cultural theorist Kwame Anthony Appiah says the idea of “Western civilization” or “Western culture” is a mistaken one and that we should abandon it.
He did mention the rise in the rape rate but offered no explaination. Some Swedes were concerned that they perceived a rise in racist and xenophobic attitudes amongst their fellow citizens, but again no reason was given or sought.
Another plus point for Sweden was that it was a big country with a relatively small population, (just 21 per sq. km, about a tenth of the UK), perhaps we should emulate that too?
Sweden is a big country: if you turn it 180 degrees on a map of western Europe, using its southernmost tip as the rotation point, its northernmost point will be level with the heel of Italy.
Out in the sticks there isn’t much “enrichment”, the winter darkness is hard to deal with; Muzzies and Third Worlders prefer the city lights.
About a third of Sweden’s population left for America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, looking for better lives as they found it so hard it their own country.
Predictions from the polls are giving Clinton a victory. BBC are smirking.
Hopes for a Trump victory must lie with the shy Trumpers. These could include blacks and Hispanics who dare not speak against the media narrative in public or in opinion surveys
Why believe anything the pollsters say? They are all Leftists and their polls have been proved almost entirely unreliable.
The biggest danger Trump faces is the routine election fraud that Dem supporters in local government routinely carry out. They could teach Zimbabweans a thing or two.
Don’t waste your time getting involved in the sill soap opera.
The BBC has 3 sets of overnight shows BBC1, BBC R4/WS, Radio5 Live
It’s all a pointless waste of money/time.
Cos what happens ..happens
On Wednesday there is a slim chance of President Trump ..if every sane person gets off their ass and votes.
– But probably Hillary’s cheats will work as Assange suggested : the voter fraud and the massive MSM media Fraud where they filtered out so much concrete evidence against her.
Even so they’ll be 100 million people on alert watching her.
* The establishment can only keep the lid on the pot a short time
…. the pressure is going to blow that lid off sometime ”
The next election could be sooner than we think.
Completely agree. A mass switch off from the MSM, including MSM internet pages, today and across the next few days will incite in them an incalculable rage.
Remember the Sep2016 Headline
The BBC is very fond of the word ‘could’ as it leaves the door open to ‘won’t’.
Making any PR punt they offer like this to keep the Westminster numpties quiet another year worthless.
As in this case.
To be honest, I can’t see Trump winning. Which is disappointing, but leads me to set out some thoughts.
Rationalising things, it seems to me that whoever wins will be the most detested new President ever and will be fighting an uphill battle against public disdain from the start. With the media bias at such overwhelming levels, President Trump would find it very difficult and perhaps it’s best that he didn’t make it. The difference he has made is to get the ball rolling. President Clinton II would get an easier ride from the media, it’s true but the media has now been unmasked and is recognised by many, not just Trump supporters, to be irredeemably tainted.
So it’s important that media (and, by extension, the celebrity hangers-on) are made to pay by Trump’s supporters. By which I mean boycotts. After all, they’ve insulted nearly half the voters and covered up Hillary’s alleged crimes. Alleged crimes about which the public must never be allowed to forget. That is going to require some continuation of Trump’s crusade and I hope there are those with the ability to carry it on. You can’t expect the man himself to do so at his age, but there is a huge movement there waiting to be tapped into.
Well, I’m hoping that if Trump loses (not yet a foregone conclusion) he sets up his own cable/online news channel. Something that might be genuinely be a right wing broadcaster (Fox News have been appalling throughout) and provide some much-needed balance (and a platform for voices on the right) to the overwhelming left-regressive bias of what we presently have: The Media Party (all of them, like a pit of vipers – BBC most definitely included).
Trump has the money, the ego and possibly now the inclination to invest in such an enterprise. It’s not as if there isn’t a glaring vacancy for some genuine right wing broadcaster to fill.
What is it – a fashion thing?
If you have low self esteem you will not succeed, so why this constant denigration of this country, the people that built it and the people born in it.
Is it weird to want to defend and support your family? Yes or no?
If ‘yes’, why is it so weird to want to defend and support your country?
IF ‘no’, you need your medication checked.
Win or lose – the Trump Movement and Trumpism, if you want to call it that, is not going away.
A vote for Trump is a vote for freedom and change. A vote for Clinton is a vote for the status quo and corruption. We’ll see if you really can fool most of the people, most of the time.
When you get your face rubbed for so long, so often in the shit and vomit of the liberal left, It can always appear as if this is it!
Brexit overturned, Trump crushed and Gary Lineker winning a peace prize?
Anything goes-and the BBC liberal left will crow from the dunghill, bodies of the poor the angry and the struggling middle class ready to go on the bonfire of all their vanities.
Seems we`re destined forever to lose are we not?
Not a bit of it.
Whether Trump wins or not(and I`m praying tonight that he wins), the Revolution is NOT postponed.
The 24/7 new cycle says other.
But from the hanging chads of 2000, the sliding in of a Bush or Merkel,
Rise of the Tea Party, MPs expenses.
Alternative Vote and Regional Assembly Referenda.
Financial crisis and Lee Rigby.
Wherever you look, it`s all floppy levers, fourth order levers having absolutely NO effect on the People.
Like the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz, frantically pushing bottoms, polishing buttons and yanking his own joystick but to ever decreasing effect-behind a velvet rope with matching curtain-all the libtard analysis since 9/11 has been simply for their own musings and expense claims.
They hoped for 38 degrees-we`re way more than that, and the greasy slipway won`t let them roll back up for equilibrium. Bloody hot too for them, and we`ll be lighting fires under them very soon.
Popcorn and a footrub tonight, the hysteria from the liberals over Trump has been entertainment enough. As if any of us will elect to let judges stuff us over Brexit.
They got off in 2009 with their expenses. That the likes of Clegg, Cable and Heseltine have ANY role n life today is only the longest of the media classes fantasies.
Nil desperandum gents and ladies. They are stuffed.Timing is Gods,but going they are.
Thanks pal.
TBH, President Clinton will dig her own grave. She will arrive almost D.O.A. and things will go rapidly downhill from there. She won’t get anything done and she will plunder all that American treasure until her sins eventually find her out (and they will).
I’m almost tempted to enjoy just how disastrous Hillary is going to be. Except for the fact that she’s also a dangerous authoritarian with a penchant for warmongering.
One thing is for sure: when Hillary is confirmed the next President my respect for America goes right down the toilet – and good riddance. They will get what they deserve and I hope they suffer for it. I just hope Clinton doesn’t do too much damage in the wider world, because all the signs and her personal history suggests that’s a real possibility.
Sure thing.
Welcome to the sensitive Snowflake Generation
They’re mocked as too delicate, but are they just misunderstood?
In the newspaper there is a good quiz
The Times has more good stuff today : like that the Germans have built a huge wall around a immigrant camp cos of too much noise.
Noise? Sure.
“We need to build one to keep us SAFE from refugees” said a local
obviously he only meant noise otherwise he’s an evil racist
Breibart ..D Mail
they say it’s only 100m long and there is another fence and a ‘rape wood’ between it and the village.
Good luck Donald Trump,a lot of us are rooting for you,after us already winning BREXIT it will be brilliant tomorrow if you win,the Loony Left will be expoding all over the place!
Another Brexit demo for the 23 November from the People’s Charter
Any of those happening near me I would love to go, (near Manchester)?
My thinking is that we now have a stinking rich privileged oligarchy who offset their virtues and liberal posturings against the indigenous white trash who are correct to despise them for their smug hypocrisy, documented double standards.
I think of Eddie Izzard , Bob Geldof, Gary Lineker and Russell Brand here in the UK.
I think of Mark Zuckenberg, Bill Gates, Bruce Springsteen and Katy Perry in the USA.
Stinking rich hypocrites who get a good living out of writing humbug songs about a Johnstown, Ohio-but despise those trapped there who see Trump as the only way out now.
This layer of fat dull creamers then get their links to the agitprop warriors who convey the crumbs, the solidarity greetings to the tattoed freaks, the race hustlers, the lefty scum at the Gun Control Project, the Anti-Austerity Union pilgrims.
The very rich and their liberal gofers then conspire to patronise, groom, stroke and indulge the poor-and favour the undeserving and malicious poor because they will further their agenda for the songs, films and awards that follow.
We in the middle are at threat from the poor and angry, as fuelled by the rich and privileged who can get onto telly to sneer and mock us.
One unholy alliance here-the rich need the swamp, and Trump is a threat to it.
Hence the conspiracy and confederacy against Trump and Brexit.
But-as we`re seeing already, we`re winning.
The liberal liars are running out of lies and hype, Trump will nail their coffin if and when he wins tonight.
I would say the bbc CURATES the public’s view of Reality
It’s US election News coverage should have a Warning :
That’s what it amounts to You pay your licence fee to the BBC and it behaves like a huge unaccountable political party for the SJW movement”
It is almost obvious here that the BBC had a strategy meeting and said
.. “Right these issues are off the table : we will not be discussing any sexual issues to do with Hillary and Bill : like his victims and her part in the coverups, like the audio of her laughing about how she got a child rapist off etc. ..What will do is play the Trump tape 100 times, and not go into to details about the claims against him cos most seem very flimsy”
But more and more people have seen the tricks and are moving over to Breibart and dipping into Russia Today for news that is suppressed elsewhere.
Hopefully if the rebellion against these corrupted SJWs doesn’t happen this time, it will happen the next, making a True better world for all , rather an elite keeping power by Virtue Signalling.
Today * the BBC CURATES reality *
by filtering what we info we get.
(In the same way as old museums used to curate displays to make it look like we British were the good guys that won every battle)
I thought we’d learnt to present all sides of an issue so that the public can make up their own minds ..not nanny them into a dogma like Aunty BBC seems to do now.
Good points Mr Green.
It`s that word “media”-to be a “medium” to “mediate”.
The BBC are now finished as a “medium”.
If Brexit didn`t convince the many normal people who`d not come to this site that the whole rig is gamed by people who hate them and take them for fools; then nothing will.
They piss in the ciphers and pretend they are mere water carriers, bearers of truth.
But it`s bilharzia and worse every time.
Now because the BBC have lost any pretence of neutrality in the public square between governing and governed?
Time now to roll them up in their own red carpet, put a velveteen rope around the bundle and offer them to Raqqas finest for a bit of deadheading.
No purpose in the BBC now except to cosset the elite,which they now comprise and conspire with,
The left and the House poodles like Branson, Zuckenberg and Fry are the New Establishment, and will have to go the way of the old one they affected to disdain.
“…That’s what it amounts to You pay your licence fee to the BBC and it behaves like a huge unaccountable political party for the SJW movement.”
This is why, to borrow a phrase from RebelMedia.com, I call them (all the msm) The Media Party. They act as one, as a political advocacy group, relentlessly pushing their regressive agenda through every strand of their programming, from factual to drama and beyond. I think it was Andrew Breitbart who coined the phrase that ‘politics is downstream from culture’. The BBC were paying attention, as were 98% of their fellow travellers in the regressive media.
They are The Media Party. Nobody elects them, but they control the medium and they control the message.
Frankly hard pressed to think of anything that the BBC is mired with across the board that could be deemed ‘partly good’.
About 10 years back a new political party was launched in the UK
It costs £145/year to join and already has millions of members so has £5.7billion/year
………………………….It’s called the BBC SJW Party …… although its meetings are quite secret
It doesn’t actually put up any candidates itself rather it does a hell of a lot of PR and lobbying haranguing and manipulating existing politicians.
Yes, yes, yes.
The closing of comments, that is typical BBC SJW trick
cos these BBC SJW’s *actions* are entirely against *the principles” they think they stand for.
(So BBC are actually the Fascist SJWs whilst We are the True-SJWs striving for a better world for ALL)
See how they fight on these issues
– Diversity WITH Conformity is what they preach (only views that conform are tolerated)
– Tolerance/openess WITH INtolerance and HATE
(* closing comments * or shouting down or shouting RACIST/TROLL to close down debate)
– Racism WITH Racism – As they first divide society into groups and give a group special treatment
– Sexism WITH Sexism – As they first divide society into groups and give a group special treatment.
– Inequality WITH more Inequality
So disproportionate under-representation is met with MASSIVE over-representation
eg every program must have a pet-issue group inserted like Trans or Calais refugees , whilst Rotherham victims must never be mentioned.
– Lack of Transparency WITH even more lack of Transparency – Like measures to evade FOIA requests, secret meetings, using private “off the record” email channels/servers instead of proper accountable ones
– Conspiracy Theories WITH Conspiracy Theories
(eg idea that anyone challenging green dogma is funded from a mythical big oil fund)
– Justice WITH Saul Alinsky Dirty trick tactics (By any means necessary “cos our cause is the only true one”)
– Elitism WITH sneering – “Oh what they say is not valid, cos they are low class trailer trash white people”
– Age-ism WITH “Think of the Children, We young people”
– Poverty WITH policies that make society poorer
– Inequality WITH policies that drag the rich down rather than help the poor up.
– Green WITH policies that are mathematically UNGREEN
– Truth WITH Misrepresentation eg monster your political opponents as “Racist/sex pests etc.” so that they first have to address that straw man issue.
That’s of the top of my head.
Racist, Fascist, Nazi, Hater, Homophobe, Xenophobe, Misogynist.
All insults the Left throws at the right, right of centre or anyone who does not agree – end of.
The term, ‘racist’ has been so utterly devalued by over and inappropriate use.
In our house, for example, we call the cat ‘racist’ when it poops on the floor, the kids call each other ‘racist’ when they argue over toys.
Really quite funny and a tribute to the, My Views Matter Movement.
The SJWs talk like modern Alf Garnetts
“I’ll tell you the problem with bloody UKIP voters, they are all racist chavs”
“The old white men like Trump, they are all sexual deviants , ya know”
In the 70’s the usual leftist terms of abuse were “fascist” and “capitalist”. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the convertion of China to capitalism new terms of abuse had to be found. What you describe is a common linguistic phenomenon. Words intended as euphemisms, like “spastic” eventually become as derogatory as the term they were intended to replace. Mao was always referred to in communist jargon as “tong zhi mao zedong” i.e, Comrade Mao. Now “tong zhi” means “a poof”. An interesting linguistic revenge on the clichee-ridden language of Maoism.
All the new phobias, “ists” and “isms” invented by the cultural marxists shows how the left continue to rely on the mind-numbing repetition of clichee and platitude.
Noted there that serial “Trough Snuffler” James Purnell, ex Labour and appointed as a bBBC Head of Strategy is in line to head up Radio operations and also tipped to be a future DG)
Interesting to see since his arrival in the “Strategy” job that any pretense to left wing bias has been totally removed.
If it was 30 or 40 grand these DJ’s were paid you could live with that……but this thief is on £300 grand.
Plenty of parallels in Israel with the BBC here. Bibi is well fired up, confronting the left wing media. Ring any bells?
Anyone else shudder when you see BBC presenters wearing poppies knowing how the BBC despise our soldiers and generally regard the poppy as a means of glorifying war.
Checking out one feminist FB page and I saw support for the knitted vulva as a replacement of the war mongering poppy. I wonder which of our BBC feminists will wear one first.
Wear your vulva with pride
How about it Evan Davis?
Are modern feminists the most selfish, evil, vile people to ever live on this planet? I hate using the word, but they are nothing but cunts.
And a knitted wool brain as an upgrade for their own.
I wish the BBC didn’t insist on presenters wearing a poppy. It makes a mockery of the sacrifice of our forebears for freedom – the very freedom not to be told to wear a symbol you may not approve of. My theory of why the BBC does this is:
a. The Blair regime carried out a huge PR campaign for Remembrance Day, the British Legion etc in order to promote support for foreign wars. The BBC was probably tacitly in agreement with this and still is.
b. If there was no rule to wear poppies, most of them probably wouldn’t wear them, leading to accusations of political bias in presenters;
c. therefore making all presenters wear them, even those who probably despise everything the poppy stands for, it makes it impossible to single out any presenter for his or her views. Make everybody wear one and it removes any symbolism from the act.
Cranmer – I’m with you. Corporate wearing of poppies is meaningless. I feel the same about footballers having a poppy stitched on their shirts by their club or association. I choose to wear a poppy – just wish they attached better!
Anybody else see “The Cookie Monster” from Sesame Street with a poppy on last nights “One Show”?
Think thy`re mocking us you know.
Is that hole top right between the inner and outer lips for Evan to thread his ‘Albert’?
Would be less painful, unfortunately, than where he currently sports it!
I was recently down in London and in Whitehall there is now a prominent war memorial for women. My heart sank a little. The cenotaph is inclusive, for all our war dead of all genders, nationalities, races etc. It would be a focus too for mothers, wives, sisters and sweethearts(of either gender) of the many men who died.
Today however identity politics is pervasive and divisive. There was a floral tribute at the women’s war memorial but not for Edith Cavell or similar, but for Jo Cox. That sort of appropriation is encouraged by politicising remembrance.
Agreed. I always considered the setting up of a second cenotaph (for women only) was very wrong, since it in effect negates what the original Cenotaph stands for – i.e. commemorating both men and women. The same class of thinking brought us the statue of the hotelier Mary Secole outside St Thomas’s.
Indeed. What next – a transgender Cenotaph? Of course, it had to have been a Labour government that let this go ahead,
I would much prefer my £145 to go somewhere beneficial like the NHS, Social Care, Policing or Defence.
Some News Bites
The Canada EU Treaty could have a problem cos a petition is coming which would force a Dutch referendum on the issue
Academic attempts to prosecute Vote Leave campaigners… – Daily Mail
Now Germany wants to send back migrant boats – Daily Mail
Alder gas field comes on flow is will cover older fields which are soon to close
Lost Derek and Clive tapes found
HGV accidents drop due to speed limit increase.
More good Brexit news! “The firm said it expected to benefit from Britain’s vote to leave the European Union.”
Spotted this over at going postal. Such lovely people
The guy has more balls than a herd of Bull elephants.
He will be arrested And we need to speak up for him
The guy knows the law, he was assaulted 3 times (take your effing hand off me) and had one (good) shot. Self defence, a second shot would constitute an assault.
The coolness of that guy actually gives me hope that we might win out.
What is it about people coming to our country that they believe they can tell us how to run it? I have been to many countries over the years and not once have I felt a need to lecture the indigenous population on their culture, politics and lifstyle.
Look at the American election. It will be the hispanics, blacks, latinos and the rest of the immigrants who decide the next president.
The same is happening here with Islam, they have the power and are increasing their base. Mayor of London for example.
He did look as though he could look after himself. He clearly meant business when he took his specs off.
Most of the scum shouting at him were, as he pointed out and as was evident from their accents, foreigners.
Some interesting comments on the actual Youtube page for that video. Pointing out that the protestors think the man is not English ‘maybe Australian?’ because they’ve never actually heard a native London accent before.
I admire his courage and calmness in the face of that onslaught, not quite sure what he thought he’d achieve by it though.
It’s a shame that line of police standing behind him didn’t all face up to the scum in the same way, if they had then that “demonstration” would have been over fairly swiftly I think.
That was a joy to watch. It’s hilarious listening to the upper-class, trust-fund brats trying to speak like they’re working class.
I’ll be making every effort to get to the march on the Supreme Court, as you just know these clowns will be there to oppose it.
Although I expect Trump to win narrowly tonight , this in no way will be the end of the story.
He came here on the day that we voted to Leave the EU, and little connection has been made by the elite re Gods timing.
And seeing as we`re so close to it all; we`ve probably not yet taken stock of the following.
!. Trump is a TV personality, and has won the Republican nomination WITHOUT ANY help whatsoever from the political elite. The ultimate one-man band with NO political favours, experience, knowledge and NO backers.
Just the people.
2. Like Nigel Farage, he is the insurgent candidate, so despised by the whole political elite, and all those “rebels” who are licensed to carry their bags and study their stools. But We the People adore them, no matter how flawed they are.
Basically they are everything that the elite hate and fear-and we, like Ann, Milo and the like are the coming wave to smash them to driftwood. A few show trials maybe, if we can be arsed.
If it was up to the Americans Trump would win but all the incomers will get Clinton in. Just like London, indigenous outnumbered and outvoted resulting in Moslem mayor.
As ever the BBC sneer at the likes of Ted Nugent as being less “star pulling power” than the likes of Bon Jovi, Katy and Brooce.
Typical lefty trick, as if having rich gobby millionaires on one side means that “this is the right side of history”.
Stupid cretins, it might impress them in THEIR empty lives, but it repels the rest of us.
Geldof, Izzard, JayZ and Norton versus Daltry, Botham, Nugent or Jay Aston from Bucks Fizz etc?
We know who wins, who matters-and, in fact anyone in the arts brave enough to vote Brexit or back Trump will thrive, given time.
I’ve just been watching, on and off, some of the RT news coverage of the US election,including the Keiser Report and I’m horrified and disgusted. The news anchor was fair and balanced and, as far as I could tell, wasn’t trying to persuade me that there was a preferred candidate. They even ran some graphics and film which highlighted the shortcomings of both candidates equally. Obviously I was horrified by this fairness, don’t they understand that Hilary is the second coming?
But it became even more surreal as onto the Keiser Report, of which I didn’t catch much, but of what I did see was more informative than the entire BBC coverage of the last 3months, how can this be? There was talk of Syria and not the usual emotional claptrap about 35yr old child refugees either, they were talking about the Saudi inspired war against Assad and how the US was siding with ISIS while it was Russia who was actually trying to defend the Christians there. They also mentioned strange tales of criminality by Hilary (surely not! I hear you cry) with one credit analyst openly calling the Clinton Foundation a money laundering operation and how there was the possibility that if she does win the presidency she could wind up being impeached.
At this point I had to switch off as I couldn’t take any more fair and balanced reporting or the horrible things they were saying about our dearly beloved Hilary.
Seriously though, it shows just how easy it is to be balanced and cover all issues yet somehow the BBC with its £4bn pa tax and its charter finds it impossible.
You may have missed on the Keiser Report the part where he talked to a street vendor of T-shirts. He said he sold 50 Trump T-shirts a day, but not a single one for Hillary Clinton, and this was in New York!
It’s just possible that the people have finally decided they are mad as hell, and aren’t going to take it any more!
Thanks, I was busy in the kitchen for most of it so I missed that part.
I find it interesting that is just another example of the kind of grass root support there seems to be for Trump that doesn’t exist for Clinton. It’ll be interesting after the election to see just how accurate the polls were.
I only get bought the large Toblerone bars – so I’m insulated from the Brexit induced resizing. Does that make me special or just plain lucky. I’ll need to consult Lily Allen et al on that one.
I only have the white chocolate Toblerone bars. But I cannot decide if that is racist or the opposite – avoiding cultural appropriation.
It is indeed cultural appropriation and all BBC reporters must now follow a strict diet of Haggis, Laverbread, Jellied Eels and Black Pudding. I’ll let you tell them that the cocaine they are so fond of is culturally appropriated too.
Where do you stand on bread?
I’m concerned that buying brown bread and covering it with mayo or something like Philadelphia might get me into trouble with the police, bearing in mind their priorities these days.
Then there’s the the Marmite/Vegemite/Bovril on white bread issue.
All very vexing.
It makes you fat. 😀
In the shower and BBC WS Radio – The murder of the two sex workers by the insane banker. The Indonesia correspondent sought out the families of the two in order to give them all the grisly details of how he had tortured their daughters – just to see what their reaction might be. ‘BBC THE WORLDS MOST SHITTY BROADCASTER’
That is appalling behaviour by the BBC, but unsurprising. That murderer should swing for his crimes and I hope all his wealth, if any, goes to those two families.
On the other hand, 40 years in a Chinese jail with no English-speaking fellow inmates will be far worse than a quick death.
Did I miss the BBC’s coverage of their reporters visiting the families of the Muslim rape gangs in Rotherham and Rochdale to see their reactions?
All polls show Clinton and Trump neck and neck. All polls. Yes, all of them.
Yet, oddly, on Sky news, where they covered the voting for the first half hour of the program, they found (maybe) 1 Trump voter. Indeed, they spent over 5 mins on a college bus that only contained Hillary voters. The channel went on to spend a good deal of time talking about the Hispanic vote and running down Trump.
Strangely, nothing about Hillary having to be subpoenaed to deliver her emails, then deleting them in order to frustrate the FBI, which is usually an automatic jail sentence. Nothing about the deal she did with the FBI to lower the classification of the emails to avoid a trial. Nothing about the investigations into the Clinton Foundation.
It’s a real shame, Sky was at one time a reliable news outlet. Still at least its more diverse now, with more women and more folk of colour to share their ignorance. Surprisingly, they all appear to be the Guardian side of left wing.
I of course will apologise to Sky news if Hillary wins by collecting all the votes in the country bar a handful, else Sky is as fraudulent as the BBC.
Not sure of the ins and outs but you might think the Murdoch corp., which owns Fox News, would want something that competed with rather than mirrored the bbc.
Something to consider.
Note also that Murdoch is a supporter of open borders.
I suppose there are sound business reasons?
I agree totally about sky news it seems to have taken a really substantial move to the left.Their sky news channel is now nothing more than a rolling loop of 6 minutes of news interspersed with an ever growing number of politically correct advertisements. The quality of their discussion is also very poor. I used to watch sky news as I was unable to stomach the gut wrenching left wing nonsense that is continually pumped out by the bbbc but now I have had to leave again and watch RT or Fox news.
Still…Good luck to ‘The Donald’ but I don’t think so (I would love to be wrong)
Time the BBC was split up for the sake of democracy. It has become a huge conglomerate with far too much influence. Google, Facebook and Microsoft are as bad but they are not UK based.
Still only 5135 signatures on the Revoke the BBC Charter petition.
You need to own a broadcasting station like the BBC. They were able to get Sir Tim Hunt ostracised, a noble prize winning scientist, whose discoveries may save the lives of even lefties on the BBC.
Without that i don’t know how you ‘ll get your message across.
And he is noble, that’s not a typo 🙂
how about a noble Nobel prize winner? 🙂
OMG! Alert the fascist Guardian and BBC trolls. Lady Gaga dresses as nazi when appearing with Hillary
I know what would happen if a conservative supporter wore a Nazi uniform, or Prince Harry, or indeed anyone other than a Hillary supporter. They would be roasted on social media, hauled before the cameras for a soviet styled apology and then sacked anyway.
She’s just a, not too bright, inveterate dresser upper – Bless her.
But it continues to piss me off big time that this sort don’t need to care about, jobs, housing, health care, schooling, security, inner cities etc, etc., and so on.
For those interested in live coverage of the US elections (remember it’s not just for President) from a US conservative pov try http://louderwithcrowder.com/listen-live-now/
Fun starts at midnight GMT.
I hear the BBC has 3 live coverage streams, so that’ll be pro-Clinton, pro-Democrat and anti-Trump to meet BBC impartiality.
A dilemma for Countryfile!
Wildlife or renewables?
Out with the Lefty Top Trumps!
Wind farms are probably killing tens of thousands of bats a year, even where risk assessments have been carried out to prevent the deaths, a study has found.
Or maybe just wheel out a BBC Common Purpose speed dial ‘climate scientist’ to prove those windmills have never ever, ever harmed a single fly.
Its the same with those Celebrity/Islington type “wildlife lovers” who do nothing but demand more importing of predators into the UK!
They want WOLVES, and Bear, and Links, and more huge vultures, and bigger Eagles, their lists go on! Its crazy! Where does it stop? Will it stop? Will there come a time when the UK won’t have any song birds or hares? In my opinion, these people who want the introduction of more predators aren’t wildlife loves at all! they just love seeing their prey being ripped to bits live on BBC NATUREWATCH!
You try to tell them that the local BLACKBIRDS and HOUSE SPARROWS, Blue Tits, Chaffinches, that I have seen close-up being caught/ripped to pieces, on a regular basis in my area have been wiped out by the increase of such birds as Sparrow Hawks (and Buzzards hares/rabbits) and they jump down your neck accusing you of imagining things or that you are simply too soft!
Can I remind any critic that over my working lifetime I have been a Gamekeeper working at POWIS CASTLE (wales) on an estate in BATH as a game keeper, as a Possum/Deer Hunter in New Zealand on Crown Land given to me for such purposes, so I feel I have a good idea what I’m talking about!
Good post vesnadog, or ask them if there might be a connection between the increasing number of badgers and the decreasing number of hedgehogs.
Yup, there is a frightening level of immaturity and infantile thought processing amongst lefties.
There is no thought only feeeeelings… of hate for anything the hive has decided is an inch to the right of Mao.
That’s not the only type of ‘predator’ that the Left want imported into Britain en-masse.
They’ve yet to tell us how shipping millions of Third Worlders, from their low-consumption countries, in to higher consumption western nations, fits in with their ‘Green’ agenda.
About six months ago R4 had a programme about foreign wildlife predators invading Britain. The language was highly emotional – invasion, overtaking, driving out, encroaching etc. I couldn’t help thinking they’d never get away with referring to human beings in this way. However…somebody may have pointed this out because a few months later they had a similar prog but allowed a bit of Guardianesque moralising – of course it was about whether we had a ‘right’ to keep out foreign species etc!
Every time a foreign species is introduced, they end up breeding like rats and becoming nothing more than vermin, displacing the indigenous species.
Those swarms of hideous, noisy, feral, coloured parasites, that have been wreaking havoc in London for many years, have been seen as far south as Guildford now. If any settle in my neighbourhood, I’ll be filling a good few of them with lead. I speak, of course, of the Parakeets.
Mice Height
That’s just what B’liar’ had in mind , import more migrants in to the UK to swing the vote towards the left .