A new week and a big week. America goes to the polls tomorrow and the BBC will have its finger crossed for Hillary Clinton. Detail the BIAS here…

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  1. Save Our Sense says:

    Gawd bless the net



  2. Save Our Sense says:

    True story:

    ‘Woman sucks donkey cock on Guardian front page’

    Couldn’t have happened to a nicer publication – is this the left’s new definition of ‘diversity’?!


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      Are you sure it wasn’t Madonna on that front page?

      The Democrats in the USA must be getting desperate!

      Why? Because Madonna said she would suck anyone who voted Democrat and you’d need to be a donkey to vote for Hellary.


  3. NoLiveTVinMyHouse says:

    How would the rest of the world vote tonight if it had the chance?
    Here’s how you can find out.
    I think the results may surprise you – they did me!


  4. StewGreen says:

    Electronic Voting Machines in the US Election BBCWS radio segment

    How safe are the electronic voting machines in the US election? A leading expert in the field,
    Professor Alex Halderman, discusses the potential vulnerabilities.


  5. Deborah says:

    The BBC never fail us with their predictability.

    I have just watched half of Gareth Malone’s new choir series before switching off. He saw 5 choirs; a group of women from mining families in South Wales, a black gospel choir from all over Africa but living in Leicester, a group on an estate in an area of high deprivation, a choir of middle class students at Nottingham University and a croup of yummy mummy women. I was surprised that the three groups called for second audition included the students and yummy mummies but with these two middle class groups were the Africans which included someone in a wheelchair. Guess which group Gareth chose to go forward? So predictable that having my thoughts confirmed, I switched off.


  6. Save Our Sense says:

    Sublime again from Conservative Woman:

    ‘The concise plain man’s dictionary of lefty Brexit twaddle’


  7. Guest Who says:

    See… balance!


  8. Thoughtful says:

    This is worth a watch if only to see how the Socialist Do Gooders destroyed peoples communities in the name of ‘progress’. The program shows that they got it horribly wrong, with plans which clearly weren’t working but were push through anyway.

    Lots of stories pictures and old black & white film of an old East end community – something almost unrecognisable without the myriad of effniks.

    An awful story of how the lefties socially & ethincally cleansed a borough and made it far far worse than it originally was.

    Certainly worth a watch, even if it is sad.


  9. Aerfen says:

    ITV is blatantly pro Clint!


  10. Al Shubtill says:

    This is an outstanding article by Pat Buchanan on the effect that Trump will have on the GOP and the U.S. more generally, even if he loses.


  11. taffman says:

    Hottest ever?
    Well whatever? Colder or hotter there is not much UK can do about it .
    They can bleat about it as much as they like, but the rest of the world is not doing much about. Thy are not listening .


  12. OldRec says:

    2:10 AM and I’m getting shades of Brexit déjà-view watching the BBC Clinton cheerleaders start to squirm a bit with results not going quite as planned. Enjoyable.


    • JohnW says:

      Imagine what the US election results would have been had the MSM not been fully in the tank for Clinton? For Trump to be where he is in the polls, given the obstacles placed in his way by the corrupt FBI/DOJ and Republican RINOs, aied and abbetted by the media, is truly remarkable.


  13. peterthegreat says:

    If Hilliar wins I shall demand a second vote, as per Brixit, until they get it right.


  14. Number 6 says:



  15. Number 6 says:

    Gonna be some genuine tv gold today 🙂


  16. peterthegreat says:

    Gonna be some long faces at beebistan… Ovoid beeboid faces.


  17. EnglandExpects says:

    Let’s enjoy the BBC’s misery today. The people confound the corrupt elites. June 23 repeated.


  18. peterthegreat says:

    The misery – It’s already started at socialist beebistan. Delicious.


  19. MoreHamHead says:

    “America: What Went Wrong?” BBC special ‘investigation’ coming in 3… 2… 1…


    • peterthegreat says:

      Yes More: “Why did we lose, er I mean why did Hillary lose?”


    • Edward says:

      “An in-depth look at the social landscape of ignorant America which lacks any understanding of social cohesion despite being at the butt-end of state-sanctioned alienation.”


  20. peterthegreat says:

    Poor likul Emily, I think she’s gonna cry.


    • Cranmer says:

      Laura Doomsberg will deliver her piece to camera veiled in deepest mourning black, like the late Queen Mary at the funeral of George VI, to the sound of a solo bagpipe lament of ‘Flowers of the Forest’.


  21. Edward says:

    It’s like groundhog day! UK general election 2015 – EU Referendum – and now the US Election.

    So good to know that democracy DOES exist.


  22. Oaknash says:

    Oh dear – Looks like America has also rejected the BBCs preferred canditate – bloody colonials never listen!

    I think we can look forward to some really mealy mouthed words in the coming few days from Aunty. Much mention will be made of the criticism Trump has received and astonishment that people voted for him. When what they really should say is “despite the disgusting and unparalleled bias we the BBC have been spouting about Trump – he got elected”

    Dont think we will get any mention again of the Radio 4 “Donald Trump Comment of the week” Pity – it would have amused me to hear the sneering bastards eat some humble pie.

    You would have thought that after getting the brexit vote and this vote wrong – the BBC would want to ask a few questions. I am afraid the question may start changing from “why did people vote this way?” to “why do we allow people to vote this way?” to “why do we allow people to vote?”

    There I said it for you Aunty doesnt that feel better!

    Never mind Hilary theres always the Courts.


  23. ObiWan says:

    CNN are starting to sound funereal. I’m starting to believe Trump might actually have done it. It’s looking like Trump might just have ‘pulled off a Brexit’…

    So it was worth getting up at 5.30am…this is amazing.


  24. JohnW says:

    This has all the feeling of Thatcher in May ’79. We had a huge party to celebrate. I wish I was with my friends in the US tonight! America has avoided its death spiral by the skin of its teeth.


  25. Gillian?? says:

    I’m getting ready for work – been up since 05:00 and Sky News is on in the background. Must switch to Auntie to watch them in shock. Blimey!


  26. Steve Jones says:

    The tension is almost unbearable. I switched my computer on this morning expecting bad news and couldn’t believe the BBC saying that Trump had taken a commanding lead. Come on Donald and come on America. Just think, victory means a trade deal and one done quickly at that; another reason the anti-progressive left in this country hate Trump.
    I sincerely hope we are witnessing the impotence of the MSM, as typified by the vile BBC, to influence the electorate being laid bare in front of our eyes yet again.


  27. carterdaniel says:

    Trump up 1 point in Florida with 99 percent reporting

    Trump pulling up in Pennsylvania

    Trumps chances of winning at 90 percent NY Times

    The Revolution was televised


  28. Jump says:

    An online Guardian reader posted this on the website of the BBC’s in-house journal about an hour ago:

    I have been watching the BBC coverage for weeks and their coverage always pointed towards a Clinton win. The people they interviewed gave me the impression that Clinton will win. This says it all about the BBC. Bloody Bias Cr@p.

    I’m no Trump supporter but I am a supporter of balanced news. The BBC has lost the plot. The people the employ are a bunch of woolly liberals painting a picture of the world which reflects nothing other than pure fantasy. A waste of licence fee!



  29. Gunner says:

    If DT wins, and it seems he is close now, then I guess the Al Beeb scribblers in the US who have been so aggressively biased in favour of Clinton will now be at the “back of the queue ” for any access to the White House.

    They may be waiting there with the Sky , Channel 4 and ITV folk who demonstrated yet again that the “liberal” “progressive” left-wing media in the UK just don’t get it.


    • GCooper says:

      Yes, if the British government will not call the BBC to order, perhaps President Trump will, by refusing press accreditation to the far Left activists the Corporation employs instead of journalists.


      • NISA says:

        I don’t recall the BBC carrying any interviews with Trump, so all their snide comments may have passed him by. If he is as vindictive as me however he would get medieval on the ass of the US news networks


  30. Steve Jones says:

    Savour the BBC’s infantile coverage everybody. The increasingly thin façade of impartiality, if it ever existed, has now slipped away completely. They are reduced to showing tweets from college students threatening to leave the country. Like our similarly petulant and cowardly celebs, none of them will leave the US of course.


    • Oaknash says:

      Steve at this rate the snowflakes will be running out of countries to go to.
      Still I am sure the caliphate would have them.

      Hopefully what will come out of this are some more sensible policies regarding the Middle East and Russia. Time to cut Saudia Arabia out of direct foreign policy decision making by western countries.

      Still as with brexit there will be a moment of shock then every devious undemocratic device will be released to try and frustrate the will of the people and try and uphold that of the rich elite.

      Hopefully the yanks will be a bit more prepared than we were for when these worms crawl back out of the woodwork.


      • Aborigine Londoner says:

        There’s a newly cleared area available near Calais. We can call it Snowflake Jungle.


  31. Dave666 says:

    When I went to bed Hilary was on course to win and there was a jovial mood in the panel on the BBc reporting I’ve just turned the tv back on and things have changed. One reporter implies Trump is now winning because of thick whites.


    • GCooper says:

      Which is, more or less, shorthand for saying ‘We haven’t imported quite enough immigrants to secure a win for Hillary.’

      Last night, as I went to bed, the BBC panel was saying, with clear relish, how it was the growing population of immigrants in the USA that was going to make it impossible for Trump to win.

      They’re as close to admitting that mass immigration is a plan as I’ve ever heard.


      • ID says:

        The helpful graphics on the TV showing the racial affiliations of the parties should have been a wake up call to any white person who values the continuance of their way of life. One American pundit even exclaimed “whites are now voting as if they were a minority”. Other prattlers have said that a Trump victory would “set back the progressive policy of increasing diversity”. The plan is really quite clear.


  32. Al Shubtill says:

    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha….Ha Ha..Ha.

    A game changer for the West: now we just need Marine to do the same in France next year.


  33. Tothepoint says:

    I honestly cannot believe what I have woken up to!! I love you US and your courageousness, your strength and your belief that your country belongs to you, not a group of lying, two-faced, traitorous bastards who will stop at nothing to destroy whatever necessary to get what they want!

    Al Shabeeb, snowflake celebs, media deviants, left wing communist nazis, white hating lunatics…You lost again!!!!! Haha!!!! Your time of traitory is now over! God bless the USA!!!


  34. TruthSeeker says:

    Thank you Donald, for an early Xmas present.


    • DYKEVISIONS says:

      Please listen to Radio 4 Today programme.

      It is like Sir Richard Attenborough has just died, hilarious!


  35. carterdaniel says:


    • Oaknash says:

      Nice one Carterd – as Milo said – it says it all!

      He should come back here and ruffle a few feathers – it would be interesting trying to watch some of these smooth talking traitors trying to justify their actions to him.

      Clegg vs the Faggot I would pay good money to watch!!


  36. EdF says:

    BBG tickertape has had DT stuck on 244 EV for ages. Associated Press show he’s now at 266 having nabbed PA. Clearly reality is taking a bit of time to soak in.


  37. Al Shubtill says:

    Amazing how much Progressives dislike democracy when it doesn’t go in their favour.


    • JohnW says:

      Yes. I quite enjoy listening to all the snowflakes and brain dead celebrities sobbing and spitting out their venom. However, it would be much more entertaining if just one of the reporters interviewing them actually had the guts to ask them some penetrating questions on why they supported Hillary – just so we could savour the spectacle even more.


  38. TruthSeeker says:

    Remind me, is this an advisory vote?


  39. seismicboy says:

    the bbc are back-peddling like a drunk circus clown on a broken monocycle.
    sky news actually had ‘an expert’ on their coverage called Kristal Ball – I kid you not. It appears though that her vision wasn’t that great.
    bbc making a lot about white voters taking clinton down. It does seem strange that the liberals would want to isolate and castigate a particular demographic section of society. It almost seems racist??????????????


  40. TruthSeeker says:

    Remind me, how many votes did Juncker get?


  41. ObiWan says:

    CNN now seem to be undergoing some kind of real-time existential crisis, lol. Trump is just arriving at his election headquarters in New York. Clinton has decided to go home and go to bed.

    This is turning into a beautiful day by the moment.


    • JohnW says:

      What`s the betting that suddenly Clinton`s assorted medical conditions suddenly make a reappearance and she won`t be seen in public?


  42. TruthSeeker says:

    The voting was rigged, towards the Democrats.
    The polls were rigged, towards the Democrats.
    The media were biased, towards the Democrats.
    UK MPs were biased, towards the Democrats.
    International “politicians” were biased, towards the Democrats.
    WW3 anybody?
    Come on Italy, kill the EU in December.


  43. seismicboy says:

    bbc couldn’t pick a winner in a one-horse race. By my count it’s 3 for 3.
    General Election
    US Election.
    When will they realise that the liberal elite and the liberal media have been rumbled?


  44. seismicboy says:

    AP calling Trump victory.

    BBC & Sky not up to speed. The flakes that they are.


    • EdF says:

      yes..276 now he has Wisconson

      If DT wins the EC by more than the popular vote..the dems will go quiet on that front as well..


  45. EnglandExpects says:

    AP call it for Trump, ITV go with it. BBC TV still in denial .


  46. Tabs says:

    BBC live election reporting

    @7:15am Kasie Hunt has tweated:
    Lady Gaga is crying backstage, source reports

    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!


    • JohnW says:

      All aboard the Celebrity Express bound for Canada…get your tickets here….


      • Guest Who says:

        Soweto is awaiting arrival of its newest favoured son, motherf******

        Snakes on a plane.

        Say hi to Paul in Venice, Sam.


        • Mice Height says:

          They can fuck off to the frozen, nondescript, boring shit-hole.
          They’ll love Prime Minister Derek Zoolander and his economic policies to replace Canada’s main income revenue from oil to corn and lumber.


  47. joeadamsmith says:

    Trump has won. How will our Ministry of Truth explain this?


  48. quisquose says:

    My radio switched on at 6:00 this morning, and it’s been hilarious to listen to the Remainiac Tears morph into Hillariac Tears.

    Not a single positive thing to say about the man that has just won the election to become 45th President of the USA. I think I heard somebody say that he is the first person ever to do that who was not a politician or from the military. But let’s not celebrate that, let’s instead get Simon Schama on to suggest that they’ve just voted in the new Hitler and we’re all doomed.

    Just now, “It’s the end of the west as we know it.”

    It’s beyond parody. And laugh as we might today, I do hope that soon we are rewarded with the BBC being reprimanded for the blatant bias they have shown with this. Not only have the BBC broken their own rules of impartiality, they have actually compromised the relationship of this country with the USA.

    Let’s laugh today, but get angry with the BBC tomorrow.


    • Tabs says:

      I really hope when Trump gives his winning speech he will have time to say “BBC can go fcuk themselves if they think they are going to get to interview me”.


  49. Guest Who says:


    Trump beats Clinton to take White House

    Political outsider Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton to win US presidency – AP

    For more details, see the BBC News website


    Guessing the ‘What went wrong…. again?” From an isolated class that likes its democracy, like its editorial, selective, starts about now.

    And a few bookies are crying.


    • JohnW says:

      Spare a thought – I put 50 quid on Trump to win. Just found out, however, that I hadn`t fully registered my details on the website, so I can`t collect my winnings!


  50. TruthSeeker says:

    Wrist slitting time in the Guardian, up to their knees in tears.
    They still do not understand,
    Lefties your beliefs are bollox.


    • JohnW says:

      To defeated Lefties, it`s never the case that their ideas are simply bankrupt and have never worked anywhere in the real world. It`s always that they didn`t put their message across well enough to convince the thick oiks. They`ll be back – they are nothing if not stubborn ideological fanatics. The Right must learn from them and build up a movement with similarly strong ideological convictions in order to counter the professional agitators of the progressive Left.