Evan Davis, Emily Maitlis, Kirsty Wark, James O’Brien, Stephen Nolan, David Dimbleby, the whole of the BBC and MSM…………..your girl took one hell of a beating
BBC TV coverage clunky, funereal, tardy and put into the shade by ITV and Piers Morgan. Who is this awful front woman Katty Kay? Silly name, looks and sounds like a fully paid up member of the left liberal media elite. Andrew Neil much better but she jars in comparison.
Good old BBC, yet again the analysis is superb, it was the uneducated blue collar white male voters who voted for Trump, how evil! What shock ! After all we had to listen to how Americans could not handle a woman beckoning the president. Who needs to win things based on merit? Will they try an lgbtq+ candidate next time in desperation ?
They probably didn’t realise that a blue collar worker made redundant in Detroit has the same voting rights as a sociologist professor at Harvard. It must have come as a shock …..
Fantastic to once again see the deluded liberal elitists get completely shown up by the silent majority. US outlets were already calling a Clinton win weeks ago, with one saying she’d get 400 electoral votes and the Washington Post actually running an article with the sub-header “how humiliating will Trump’s defeat be?”
It is so, so satisfying to see these smug, selfish, virtue-signalling hacks get embarrassed. Even now, the BBC’s output is running the narrative that Trump’s victory was based on racism and even called out Breitbart, the only mainstream outlet consistently reporting on what’s actually been happening in this election cycle, as “openly antisemitic” (it’s no such thing) as a way of trying to diminish this amazing achievement.
BBC has just described Breitbart as a racist and anti semitic website, strange, I thought that was the BBC.
Some very annoying woman is now telling Andrew Neil that America as voted for a man who is a racist, xenophobe, misogynist, and ran his whole campaign based on hate.
CNN shows a triumphant Trump with 288 Electoral College votes to Hillary’s paltry 215. Talk about a landslide.
Oh dear – just how could all those sneering regressives have been so totally and utterly wrong about everything (again)?
Enjoy this moment, everyone! Trump has done it – with 98% of the regressive Media Party against him, he actually did it! Think of the possibilities now…no more dangerous migrant virtue-signalling, no more dangerous proCAGW dogma…a great UK/USA relationship (remember Trump said he’d put us at the front of the queue for a trade deal, post-Brexit?)…
The globalist regressives have now been served a crippling blow. Breakout the popcorn, this is gonna be fun!
I wish I had stayed up to watch the BBC coverage now. Watching their faces fall one result after another.. it would’ve have been entertaining. The MSM need to take a long hard look in the mirror, they don’t represent the majority anymore.
Jon Sopel, North American Editor, BBC News Bulletin on TODAY 8.08am reporting the news re the US Presidential Election – inaccurately.
Deliberately? I don’t know. It sounded a little that way to me. I’ve only been listening since 6am approx but I have heard report after report that the unexpected people who voted for Trump were Democrats and immigrants. Democratic women, I was told by the BBC, did not vote for Clinton. They may have even actively voted for Trump. Uncommitted women rejected a female candidate and did not vote for Clinton but for Trump.
Who voted for Trump according to Jon Sopel?
White Americans, WHITE MALE, WORKING CLASS class Americans. Jon did not use the adjectives old, unemployed, poor or ignorant but I sensed a whiff that they may have been somewhere in mind.
As North American Editor, Jon Sopel should have his finger on the many and various pulses of the American people, their culture, society and politics. He should be impartial, especially as far as his host nation is concerned. Jon Sopel SHOULD have been aware of the rest of BBC Radio’s coverage through the night, what contributors and analysts have been saying, what the closed Polls were revealing. He instead decided to present a more narrow view.
‘Race’ has been the central weapon of choice amongst the Democrats and their media commentators throughout. All-night, CNN couldn’t stop breaking everything down into ‘racial-this-and-racial that’. They just wouldn’t shut up about it. This is all-too typical of the divisive left. Thankfully, fair-minded American voters, disgusted by such blatant race-baiting tactics, saw right through the bullsh*t and voted accordingly.
The same was true on the BBC. As I commented earlier, much was being made of the ‘Hispanic vote’. Had the BBC’s pundits even half a clue, they would have realised that there is no such thing – people are people and vote individually, not according to the identity politics so beloved of cultural Marxists. Immigrants can be the most adversely affected of all once immigration gets out of control.
Cancelling the line dancing tonight.
Yes, as good a way to celebrate the USA as any.
But how can I forgo seeing Jon Snows face, Matt Frei by the Everglades and dear Kylie Morris and her antipodean cluelessness.
Going through my Bruce CDs before the charity bag gets taken away….did he record one called ” Privileged Blowhard channels Woody-but we chose Buzz?”
I noted this morning that BBC’s Jon Sopel has continued to refer sneeringly to president-elect Trump as “a game-show host elected President”, and not a businessman with 40 years experience of managing projects and people all over the world.
On a better note, Andrew Neil maintained his usual steady demeanour, as one might expect.
ITV no better last night.
Tom Bradby-who we women of a certain age might normally like-started his show with “America-like it or loath it?”
After Pearl Harbour?
After Normandy 1944?
After 9/11?
Loath it?
My God, the left and the assumptions have gone very deep, very badly and very fast.
Those who loath America need sorting and re-education. Maybe feel the fear that WE`VE felt since 1997 and before here in the UK.
When Democracy goes bad? That secret ballots can come as a nasty shock to those who control the broadcast megaphones getting to be a bit of a trend.
Magnanimity in victory is as key to stability as grace in defeat. I wonder which ‘side’ is more capable of it? The behaviour of the left since Brexit is not encouraging. Toys out the pram is an understatement.
Anyway, what is currently rolling down the corridors of the always impartial w1a hive this morning doesn’t bear thinking about.
I wonder what the result of the Poll Emily’s son ran in Year 1 actually was?
It is a good day. Trump bears a heavy responsibility now as leader of the West. The media/money/globalist class is going to obstruct him at every turn.
I hope our media and politicians who vilified him from the start realise that he might not forget their behaviour so quickly.
I guarantee that the media coverage of Trump is about to get a whole lot worse. If Trump was public enemy #1 just as a candidate imagine what it ill be like now he’s president. Every little thing he does will be analysed and criticised in minute detail.
The way the campaign was fought and the things they said regarding Trump bore a striking resemblance to Brexit, even down to the polls. Look at how the UK media has reacted to Brexit, I suspect we will now see exactly the same response from the US media towards Trump.
Robinson to the US EX Ambassador, “How can we allay the fears of the people fearful of this event?”
He could have added, “After we lied and lied to stoke up those fears ? Scum sucking parasites that we are.”
Joking aside, this is a real concern. The likes of the BBC has the capacity to stoke a lot of things, the pettiness and will to do so, and the lack of accountability to risk trying.
There will be knuckle draggers out there susceptible to misguided senses of entitlement, or guided by devious whispering designed to provoke, and the BBC will clear its schedules to focus on every ‘told you so’ it has actually been to the fore in setting up.
Hit something gaxvil.
The BBC as the World Bank of comfort blankets for the elite.
Oh dear-their review of 2016.
Brexit, Cliff, Trump?
Popcorn Doritions and even Hedgehog crisps for our veggie daughters and the kids between Christmas and New Year on order.
Should be a few great moments for the BBC to remind us of.
Bet they`ll dwell on Pete Burns and Muhammad Ali for the whole hour if they can!
Turned on R4 Toady this morning. First words were from Sarah Montague. In my sleepy haze, I briefly assumed her funeral tone meant there had been some sort of dreadful crash or attack and that many had died. Then I woke up a bit more and realised the Donald must have won.
I did not actually need to wait for her to mention the result. I just knew.
I posted here last week that the polls were wrong and Florida would decide it. And I had a nice bet with Paddy Power as well. So dinner tonight is being paid for by The Donald. Thank you.
The upshot is do not believe any poll. A Trump like breakthrough for UKIP is entirely possible here as well. That 47% Tory lead could evaporate like H’s 15% lead the other week.
2015 Tories win GE with out right majority
2016 UK votes to leave EU
2016 Trump wins presidency.
Will they never learn? The biased BBC, being a personification of the left liberal ruling elite, is so totally out of touch they have no legitimacy or credibility whatever.
Yes, Hilton called it right. God bless him!
As the sound is down on ITV,can see Piers Morgan on as poor Jerry Springer looks like the cat crapped in his Barbour pocket.
I`m now hopping from Milo to Ann to Pat to Ben and all the other GREAT bloggers and candid friends who`ve risked all (as ever) to give us in the rest of the world some semblance of truth.
Can`t thank them enough…can`t that all of us enough as well.
What a year. Feel like Old Mother Skipton today, seeing as I braved a Trump win (despite old students of mine who know more saying that he`d lose, so I was inclined to trust their MSM nous).
Red wine, footrubs from hubby, cat on lap-and upgraded from popcorn to Doritos at 3.15 am GMT.
And Ladies Bible Study now-talking on Galatians 6.15 today at 10.30, so bit woozy.
But got my notes from June 26th post Brexit-same “sermon” if you`d call it that.
Really enjoying these Today slapped arsed voices they`re all using today. Oh so June 24th on replay isn`t it?
Ann Coulter for Homeland Security please!
You would be forgiven for thinking someone has died the way the Beeb are going on, surprised all presenters arent sporting black suits!!
What a year 2016 has been
In other news a severe weather warning has been issued for flooding from knee deep snowflake tears.
The BBC line on the US election result is that Trump & the Republicans have to “reach out”, compromise & change, both to govern and win over the support of Hispanics & African Americans.
In other words the LOSERS have the right agenda & have no flaws.
I was wrong. The victory must be so clear that even Hilllllary Cllinton can’t do else but admt defeat. I went to bed cautiously optimistic as Florida looked as if it might come good, but I noticed the new trend that people voted against the corrupt bitch because she’s a woman. No, you misanderist, sexist gits – people voted against her because she’s corrupt!
If I’d been American I’d have voted for Trump as the lesser (greatly lesser) of the two evils. If it had been Trump against Condoleeza Rice or Sarah Palin I would have voted for the woman without hesitation. I always vote with thee candidate and their party in mind, not what sex or race they are.
the new trend that people claim that those who voted against
An addendum to above: I actually believe that it was a good result for women as the election of Cllinton would have put the cause of women back decades as she is the worst candidate, of any sex, that I ever remember.
And the BBC leave it to Gentleman Jim Naughtie to speak nation unto nation.
Obviously, he has contacts so unlike ours-so we get “private conversations” and “friends saying it`s even worse that Brexit-quelle horreur”.
He said he`d play us clips from the “American Night”…think the “nightMARE” he was trying to say got cut off somehow!
At least though Mother Gaia will be pleased at the cancellation of Illarys “fireworks over the Hudson” display-and imagine her Ventolin and blood transfusions were in short supply, so she couldn`t speak to her fans.
Another great day-Farage as UN General Secretary now?
Here’s a video not long uploaded by Milo Yiannopoulos, and I think it’s one of his very best and something you definitely won’t see anywhere else. In under 3minutes it provides a stark insight into the media coverage of Trump.
In his defence I will say that he can have a serious side too, the whole flamboyant act disappears and for most part so does the language too, I seem to recall a 2hr interview with Sargon where he was like that for alot of it.
Well Boys…at work now BBC News in meltdown….4 elections and completely wrong on each one..and now a U.S President who backs Brexit… hope he sounds out the Bastard BBC as well
Bruce Springsteen, Beyonce Knowles, Jay-Z, Lady Gaga, Jon Bon Jovi, Justin Weeb, John Humphries, James Naughtie. Can you hear me, James Naughtie? Your girl took one hell of a beating.
With amazement I listened to the spittle-flecked, irrational, slurred, unhinged rant by Simon Shama on the Today programme around 7 o’clock. Even for him, it was extraordinary (and his clearly drunken state is no excuse). And what a set of downright lies about president-elect Trump he was allowed to get away with. Still, no-one expects BBC’s interviewers to question their political friends.
I think we should also take a moment to congratulate Michael Moore (communist) for the single most effective pro-Trump speech (which instantly went viral online) of the entire campaign! It was a blinder – and it can only have helped Trump race past crooked Hillary to a fantastic landslide victory!
Turned on Radio 3 just before 9 and heard the presenter say, “And now a return to sanity. One listener even suggested Nellie The Elephant!”.
And I just knew the result of the US Presidential election hadn’t gone their way. It’s like a stick of rock ‘the agenda’ goes right through everything the BBC does, the ‘group think’ is absolute.
The BBC called the 2005 election for their favourite Gordon Brown.
The BBC called the 2010 election for an Ed Miliband minority win, they man for whom they campaigned.
The BBC called the Brexit vote for the remainers, the side they supported to a degree that was beyond belief.
The BBC called the US election for Hillary,yet Trump won, as far as I can see by a landslide.
Early indications are that Latinos did not vote in numbers for Clinton nor did Blacks and nor did women. Everything the BBC reported with such confidence has blown up over their ludicrous faces.
The reason they always get it wrong is that they live in a tiny sphere of Guardian/BBC inner thought. Never meeting anyone outside this bubble, and believing that all who disagree with them must be wrong, stupid or uneducated.
The BBC must now finally face up to change before it is laughed off the air.
The problem is that the BBC’s opinion was shared by almost the entire MSM. Sky, The Guardian, The Times and Telegraph, all the US news channels – no one could see what was plain to so many who are actually out in the world – that the US, like the UK, is sick to death of being patronised by the self-appointed ‘elite’ and that people are taking back control of their country’s destiny.
How can the MSM react to this? They certainly aren’t going to sack themselves, nor appoint more informed reporters and pundits. They certainly aren’t going to stop leaning on the polls, however fraudulent they may be.
We are going to have to force change on the BBC. The rest are going to have to answer to their shareholders.
“The reason they always get it wrong is that they live in a tiny sphere of Guardian/BBC inner thought. Never meeting anyone outside this bubble, and believing that all who disagree with them must be wrong, stupid or uneducated.” – Or, may I add, ‘old’………..
BREAKING NEWS – Hilary Clinton has held talks with the ‘Brexit Blocker’ judges. Apparently there are questions over whether the 1783 Treaty of Paris, which gave American freedom from Great Britain, is valid or not. If it is not, the High Court could block Trump’s election.
OK I’m joking. But I’m expecting something along these lines. Bush had all the ‘hanging chad’ stuff and he was far less of a hate figure than Trump.
Amusing but not really plausible, Cranmer. If you look at the figures, Trump’s victory is absolutely astonishing. It’s not just that he won, but look at the numbers. He won by a landslide. Even Robert Mugabe would have trouble wriggling out of this one.
It’s truly delicious (made all the better, as I type, by images of young Democrat snowflakes sobbing their eyes out as reality gives them a much needed slap in the face).
GCooper, thanks – I wasn’t aware it was a landslide for Trump (I don’t really understand the US system and assumed it was a close call). I no longer have a TV licence but I am tempted to buy one now just to see the look on the BBC presenters’ faces – hopefully the highlights will soon be on Youtube!
Good morning fellow deplorables, we won. Again. Getting to be a habit isn`t it?
I couldn`t access this site overnight so I hope all is well now.
Perhaps the BBCs Katty Kay needs to get out more, her “well, none of us saw this coming” remark made my day….
speak for yourself Katty, we on here all saw it coming. Maybe,just maybe some of these BBC incompetents who mis-called the 2015 General Election, the Scottish referendum, the EU referendum and now Trump 2016 should be looking for new jobs.
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popeyeMar 6, 15:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Compared to people born in the UK, migrants are more likely to be of working age or have a university…
tomoMar 6, 15:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 Eagle is it seems a graduate of the Dianne Abbott academy? One might’ve hoped that the voters of The Wirral…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 * What power have you got? • Where did you get it from? • In whose interests do you use…
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Richard PinderMar 6, 15:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nKBwlTaz0pU/hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEhCK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAxMIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJD&rs=AOn4CLALPS25eYEednhxOL4f351YJHeshw[/img] Stalinist torture of Tommy Robinson by the nasty socialist state. Political prisoner, Tommy Robinson, has suffered 128+ days so…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 14:58 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Police ‘acted reasonably’ in Pearson hate crime case” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cp8y9j7j953o The Essex force has previously defended its since-dropped investigation over an…
AlthepalerpMar 6, 14:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Maybe the White population of the UK can do a deal with Mexico……. Mexico’s northern and western regions have the…
I am laughing so much right now. Beeb in denial Sky in mourning.
Happy Wednesday all.
I can’t stop grinning, 2016 has been a good year.
Bruce Springsteen so confused by result he doesn’t know which door to go in and has pissed himself.
Maybe Gordon had already entered and locked himself in by mistake?
I know it’s time for a new Midweek thread but The Donald’s triumph over the Gorgon surely deserves its own!
I think its time for a restart the western world open thread! Go Donald!!!
Evan Davis, Emily Maitlis, Kirsty Wark, James O’Brien, Stephen Nolan, David Dimbleby, the whole of the BBC and MSM…………..your girl took one hell of a beating
BBC TV coverage clunky, funereal, tardy and put into the shade by ITV and Piers Morgan. Who is this awful front woman Katty Kay? Silly name, looks and sounds like a fully paid up member of the left liberal media elite. Andrew Neil much better but she jars in comparison.
Good old BBC, yet again the analysis is superb, it was the uneducated blue collar white male voters who voted for Trump, how evil! What shock ! After all we had to listen to how Americans could not handle a woman beckoning the president. Who needs to win things based on merit? Will they try an lgbtq+ candidate next time in desperation ?
They probably didn’t realise that a blue collar worker made redundant in Detroit has the same voting rights as a sociologist professor at Harvard. It must have come as a shock …..
Fantastic to once again see the deluded liberal elitists get completely shown up by the silent majority. US outlets were already calling a Clinton win weeks ago, with one saying she’d get 400 electoral votes and the Washington Post actually running an article with the sub-header “how humiliating will Trump’s defeat be?”
It is so, so satisfying to see these smug, selfish, virtue-signalling hacks get embarrassed. Even now, the BBC’s output is running the narrative that Trump’s victory was based on racism and even called out Breitbart, the only mainstream outlet consistently reporting on what’s actually been happening in this election cycle, as “openly antisemitic” (it’s no such thing) as a way of trying to diminish this amazing achievement.
What makes you think these smug hacks are in any way embarrassed?
They are totally shameless whores!
Not really a silent majority, more the ‘shy’ one, as elsewhere.
They have spoken, loud and clear, democratically, via secret ballot.
Not a system the likes of the BBC approve of, tellingly.
Because they know best. Apparently.
BBC has just described Breitbart as a racist and anti semitic website, strange, I thought that was the BBC.
Some very annoying woman is now telling Andrew Neil that America as voted for a man who is a racist, xenophobe, misogynist, and ran his whole campaign based on hate.
They just don’t get it
They are lashing out as only the BBC can, and is allowed to do. Uniquely.
A lot of champagne on special offer at Majestics apparently.
Must have been overstocked, for some reason.
CNN shows a triumphant Trump with 288 Electoral College votes to Hillary’s paltry 215. Talk about a landslide.
Oh dear – just how could all those sneering regressives have been so totally and utterly wrong about everything (again)?
Enjoy this moment, everyone! Trump has done it – with 98% of the regressive Media Party against him, he actually did it! Think of the possibilities now…no more dangerous migrant virtue-signalling, no more dangerous proCAGW dogma…a great UK/USA relationship (remember Trump said he’d put us at the front of the queue for a trade deal, post-Brexit?)…
The globalist regressives have now been served a crippling blow. Breakout the popcorn, this is gonna be fun!
2016 US election results
Updated 09-Nov-2016 07:55 GMT
Well Done Donald…The second man in History to fuck Hillary!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL !! Wonderful !!
I wish I had stayed up to watch the BBC coverage now. Watching their faces fall one result after another.. it would’ve have been entertaining. The MSM need to take a long hard look in the mirror, they don’t represent the majority anymore.
If readers are still looking for some sensible coverage, may I commend RT? It has a panel that isn’t composed of zomboid Dems.
BBC = 0
Yeah, gaxvil, and Libby Purves has just made it clear that she doesn’t like it!
Jon Sopel, North American Editor, BBC News Bulletin on TODAY 8.08am reporting the news re the US Presidential Election – inaccurately.
Deliberately? I don’t know. It sounded a little that way to me. I’ve only been listening since 6am approx but I have heard report after report that the unexpected people who voted for Trump were Democrats and immigrants. Democratic women, I was told by the BBC, did not vote for Clinton. They may have even actively voted for Trump. Uncommitted women rejected a female candidate and did not vote for Clinton but for Trump.
Who voted for Trump according to Jon Sopel?
White Americans, WHITE MALE, WORKING CLASS class Americans. Jon did not use the adjectives old, unemployed, poor or ignorant but I sensed a whiff that they may have been somewhere in mind.
As North American Editor, Jon Sopel should have his finger on the many and various pulses of the American people, their culture, society and politics. He should be impartial, especially as far as his host nation is concerned. Jon Sopel SHOULD have been aware of the rest of BBC Radio’s coverage through the night, what contributors and analysts have been saying, what the closed Polls were revealing. He instead decided to present a more narrow view.
News? Or non-News? Impartial? Or biased?
‘Race’ has been the central weapon of choice amongst the Democrats and their media commentators throughout. All-night, CNN couldn’t stop breaking everything down into ‘racial-this-and-racial that’. They just wouldn’t shut up about it. This is all-too typical of the divisive left. Thankfully, fair-minded American voters, disgusted by such blatant race-baiting tactics, saw right through the bullsh*t and voted accordingly.
The same was true on the BBC. As I commented earlier, much was being made of the ‘Hispanic vote’. Had the BBC’s pundits even half a clue, they would have realised that there is no such thing – people are people and vote individually, not according to the identity politics so beloved of cultural Marxists. Immigrants can be the most adversely affected of all once immigration gets out of control.
What joy to wake up to! they should sack the lot of the stinking biased bbc ‘journalists’. And the rest. Huzzah Donald!
Cancelling the line dancing tonight.
Yes, as good a way to celebrate the USA as any.
But how can I forgo seeing Jon Snows face, Matt Frei by the Everglades and dear Kylie Morris and her antipodean cluelessness.
Going through my Bruce CDs before the charity bag gets taken away….did he record one called ” Privileged Blowhard channels Woody-but we chose Buzz?”
I noted this morning that BBC’s Jon Sopel has continued to refer sneeringly to president-elect Trump as “a game-show host elected President”, and not a businessman with 40 years experience of managing projects and people all over the world.
On a better note, Andrew Neil maintained his usual steady demeanour, as one might expect.
ITV no better last night.
Tom Bradby-who we women of a certain age might normally like-started his show with “America-like it or loath it?”
After Pearl Harbour?
After Normandy 1944?
After 9/11?
Loath it?
My God, the left and the assumptions have gone very deep, very badly and very fast.
Those who loath America need sorting and re-education. Maybe feel the fear that WE`VE felt since 1997 and before here in the UK.
UP2 – I also heard Sopel use the term “non college educated” as well.
What an insufferable twat.
Sopel and the rest of the BBC really do adopt variable editorial integrity depending on what suits.
Education, track record or maturity seldom come up when lauding the likes of Abbott, Corbyn, that Lib Dem bloke or the young lady of the SNP.
Presumably Lord Sugar is a politico-commerce Titan in his eyes, and an aspiring Pol that is Polly an academic genius?
When Democracy goes bad? That secret ballots can come as a nasty shock to those who control the broadcast megaphones getting to be a bit of a trend.
Magnanimity in victory is as key to stability as grace in defeat. I wonder which ‘side’ is more capable of it? The behaviour of the left since Brexit is not encouraging. Toys out the pram is an understatement.
Anyway, what is currently rolling down the corridors of the always impartial w1a hive this morning doesn’t bear thinking about.
I wonder what the result of the Poll Emily’s son ran in Year 1 actually was?
It is a good day. Trump bears a heavy responsibility now as leader of the West. The media/money/globalist class is going to obstruct him at every turn.
I hope our media and politicians who vilified him from the start realise that he might not forget their behaviour so quickly.
I guarantee that the media coverage of Trump is about to get a whole lot worse. If Trump was public enemy #1 just as a candidate imagine what it ill be like now he’s president. Every little thing he does will be analysed and criticised in minute detail.
The way the campaign was fought and the things they said regarding Trump bore a striking resemblance to Brexit, even down to the polls. Look at how the UK media has reacted to Brexit, I suspect we will now see exactly the same response from the US media towards Trump.
Robinson to the US EX Ambassador, “How can we allay the fears of the people fearful of this event?”
He could have added, “After we lied and lied to stoke up those fears ? Scum sucking parasites that we are.”
Joking aside, this is a real concern. The likes of the BBC has the capacity to stoke a lot of things, the pettiness and will to do so, and the lack of accountability to risk trying.
There will be knuckle draggers out there susceptible to misguided senses of entitlement, or guided by devious whispering designed to provoke, and the BBC will clear its schedules to focus on every ‘told you so’ it has actually been to the fore in setting up.
Hit something gaxvil.
The BBC as the World Bank of comfort blankets for the elite.
Oh dear-their review of 2016.
Brexit, Cliff, Trump?
Popcorn Doritions and even Hedgehog crisps for our veggie daughters and the kids between Christmas and New Year on order.
Should be a few great moments for the BBC to remind us of.
Bet they`ll dwell on Pete Burns and Muhammad Ali for the whole hour if they can!
This really is a Brexit Plus Plus !
And it was nice to see that Sarah Palin has acknowledged that we started this revolution.
Turned on R4 Toady this morning. First words were from Sarah Montague. In my sleepy haze, I briefly assumed her funeral tone meant there had been some sort of dreadful crash or attack and that many had died. Then I woke up a bit more and realised the Donald must have won.
I did not actually need to wait for her to mention the result. I just knew.
I posted here last week that the polls were wrong and Florida would decide it. And I had a nice bet with Paddy Power as well. So dinner tonight is being paid for by The Donald. Thank you.
The upshot is do not believe any poll. A Trump like breakthrough for UKIP is entirely possible here as well. That 47% Tory lead could evaporate like H’s 15% lead the other week.
Nigel Farage seems to have the pulse of the population both sides of the pond on a more accurate and consistent basis.
Maybe Baroness Ashton could ask him to assist hubby with the polls the BBC commissions?
2015 Tories win GE with out right majority
2016 UK votes to leave EU
2016 Trump wins presidency.
Will they never learn? The biased BBC, being a personification of the left liberal ruling elite, is so totally out of touch they have no legitimacy or credibility whatever.
Is that Steve Hilton talking sense about the USA & Trump on Radio4 right now?
Well! There’s a thing.
Trying to explain to Nick Robinson and the BBC that they have got it wrong about the US and Trump.
Well! There’s a thing.
Another one.
Will they pay attention? I doubt it.
Yes, Hilton called it right. God bless him!
As the sound is down on ITV,can see Piers Morgan on as poor Jerry Springer looks like the cat crapped in his Barbour pocket.
I`m now hopping from Milo to Ann to Pat to Ben and all the other GREAT bloggers and candid friends who`ve risked all (as ever) to give us in the rest of the world some semblance of truth.
Can`t thank them enough…can`t that all of us enough as well.
What a year. Feel like Old Mother Skipton today, seeing as I braved a Trump win (despite old students of mine who know more saying that he`d lose, so I was inclined to trust their MSM nous).
Red wine, footrubs from hubby, cat on lap-and upgraded from popcorn to Doritos at 3.15 am GMT.
And Ladies Bible Study now-talking on Galatians 6.15 today at 10.30, so bit woozy.
But got my notes from June 26th post Brexit-same “sermon” if you`d call it that.
Really enjoying these Today slapped arsed voices they`re all using today. Oh so June 24th on replay isn`t it?
Ann Coulter for Homeland Security please!
You would be forgiven for thinking someone has died the way the Beeb are going on, surprised all presenters arent sporting black suits!!
What a year 2016 has been
In other news a severe weather warning has been issued for flooding from knee deep snowflake tears.
Newkid, Sharp! Very sharp. LOL x 3.
No-one at the BBC has thought to mention Obama while I have been listening this morning.
Has his rather lacklustre Presidency, especially the second Term, hurt Hillary?
Obama will be mentioned in the history books – at the bottom where it says PTO.
Looks like the country took the US back from the last POTUS
They tried the Left way but realised it wasn’t the right way.
The BBC line on the US election result is that Trump & the Republicans have to “reach out”, compromise & change, both to govern and win over the support of Hispanics & African Americans.
In other words the LOSERS have the right agenda & have no flaws.
Maybe the FBI can now get on with its job?
The Clintons will be broke …… again ?
She is so lucky – for the sake of unity I doubt she’ll be going to jail.
Just when the tide of Leftard tears was beginning to recede a tiny bit post-Brexit . . . .
Is Clegg or Miller going to find some obscure law to challenge the result.
Of course, they fully support the people’s vote for Trump but……….
A nice sentiment but my money’s on Hollande to be the next one hauled out, feet first.
I was wrong. The victory must be so clear that even Hilllllary Cllinton can’t do else but admt defeat. I went to bed cautiously optimistic as Florida looked as if it might come good, but I noticed the new trend that people voted against the corrupt bitch because she’s a woman. No, you misanderist, sexist gits – people voted against her because she’s corrupt!
If I’d been American I’d have voted for Trump as the lesser (greatly lesser) of the two evils. If it had been Trump against Condoleeza Rice or Sarah Palin I would have voted for the woman without hesitation. I always vote with thee candidate and their party in mind, not what sex or race they are.
Correction to above:
the new trend that people claim that those who voted against
An addendum to above: I actually believe that it was a good result for women as the election of Cllinton would have put the cause of women back decades as she is the worst candidate, of any sex, that I ever remember.
And the BBC leave it to Gentleman Jim Naughtie to speak nation unto nation.
Obviously, he has contacts so unlike ours-so we get “private conversations” and “friends saying it`s even worse that Brexit-quelle horreur”.
He said he`d play us clips from the “American Night”…think the “nightMARE” he was trying to say got cut off somehow!
At least though Mother Gaia will be pleased at the cancellation of Illarys “fireworks over the Hudson” display-and imagine her Ventolin and blood transfusions were in short supply, so she couldn`t speak to her fans.
Another great day-Farage as UN General Secretary now?
Here’s a video not long uploaded by Milo Yiannopoulos, and I think it’s one of his very best and something you definitely won’t see anywhere else. In under 3minutes it provides a stark insight into the media coverage of Trump.
I just can’t stomach him or his language, and won’t watch any more of his videos.
In his defence I will say that he can have a serious side too, the whole flamboyant act disappears and for most part so does the language too, I seem to recall a 2hr interview with Sargon where he was like that for alot of it.
fantastic, love him, I hope he gets a role in DTs organisation (can he do that as a brit?)
Well Boys…at work now BBC News in meltdown….4 elections and completely wrong on each one..and now a U.S President who backs Brexit… hope he sounds out the Bastard BBC as well
Bruce Springsteen, Beyonce Knowles, Jay-Z, Lady Gaga, Jon Bon Jovi, Justin Weeb, John Humphries, James Naughtie. Can you hear me, James Naughtie? Your girl took one hell of a beating.
Robinson, the nasty schoolboy, “Look, Trump is clapping himself!”.
The BBC The Worlds, Nasty, Bitter and Twisted Broadcaster.
I have noticed that folk do that on game shows. Seems odd. More designed to keep the exchange with audience rolling?
For Robinson to try and make something of it is entirely unsurprising. And pathetic.
I notice the Trump campaign had a message for the BBC in their choice of music
“You can’t always get what you want”
With amazement I listened to the spittle-flecked, irrational, slurred, unhinged rant by Simon Shama on the Today programme around 7 o’clock. Even for him, it was extraordinary (and his clearly drunken state is no excuse). And what a set of downright lies about president-elect Trump he was allowed to get away with. Still, no-one expects BBC’s interviewers to question their political friends.
I think we should also take a moment to congratulate Michael Moore (communist) for the single most effective pro-Trump speech (which instantly went viral online) of the entire campaign! It was a blinder – and it can only have helped Trump race past crooked Hillary to a fantastic landslide victory!
Too funny for words!
To triumph against all the lies and propaganda restores your faith.
Turned on Radio 3 just before 9 and heard the presenter say, “And now a return to sanity. One listener even suggested Nellie The Elephant!”.
And I just knew the result of the US Presidential election hadn’t gone their way. It’s like a stick of rock ‘the agenda’ goes right through everything the BBC does, the ‘group think’ is absolute.
The BBC does not want to say that it’s the American minorities who are legally there with their loyalty to America that kicked traitor in her arse
The BBC called the 2005 election for their favourite Gordon Brown.
The BBC called the 2010 election for an Ed Miliband minority win, they man for whom they campaigned.
The BBC called the Brexit vote for the remainers, the side they supported to a degree that was beyond belief.
The BBC called the US election for Hillary,yet Trump won, as far as I can see by a landslide.
Early indications are that Latinos did not vote in numbers for Clinton nor did Blacks and nor did women. Everything the BBC reported with such confidence has blown up over their ludicrous faces.
The reason they always get it wrong is that they live in a tiny sphere of Guardian/BBC inner thought. Never meeting anyone outside this bubble, and believing that all who disagree with them must be wrong, stupid or uneducated.
The BBC must now finally face up to change before it is laughed off the air.
The problem is that the BBC’s opinion was shared by almost the entire MSM. Sky, The Guardian, The Times and Telegraph, all the US news channels – no one could see what was plain to so many who are actually out in the world – that the US, like the UK, is sick to death of being patronised by the self-appointed ‘elite’ and that people are taking back control of their country’s destiny.
How can the MSM react to this? They certainly aren’t going to sack themselves, nor appoint more informed reporters and pundits. They certainly aren’t going to stop leaning on the polls, however fraudulent they may be.
We are going to have to force change on the BBC. The rest are going to have to answer to their shareholders.
“The reason they always get it wrong is that they live in a tiny sphere of Guardian/BBC inner thought. Never meeting anyone outside this bubble, and believing that all who disagree with them must be wrong, stupid or uneducated.” – Or, may I add, ‘old’………..
Millennial butthurt….a bigger threat to rising sea levels than melting ice
BREAKING NEWS – Hilary Clinton has held talks with the ‘Brexit Blocker’ judges. Apparently there are questions over whether the 1783 Treaty of Paris, which gave American freedom from Great Britain, is valid or not. If it is not, the High Court could block Trump’s election.
OK I’m joking. But I’m expecting something along these lines. Bush had all the ‘hanging chad’ stuff and he was far less of a hate figure than Trump.
Amusing but not really plausible, Cranmer. If you look at the figures, Trump’s victory is absolutely astonishing. It’s not just that he won, but look at the numbers. He won by a landslide. Even Robert Mugabe would have trouble wriggling out of this one.
It’s truly delicious (made all the better, as I type, by images of young Democrat snowflakes sobbing their eyes out as reality gives them a much needed slap in the face).
GCooper, thanks – I wasn’t aware it was a landslide for Trump (I don’t really understand the US system and assumed it was a close call). I no longer have a TV licence but I am tempted to buy one now just to see the look on the BBC presenters’ faces – hopefully the highlights will soon be on Youtube!
That Trump, an outsider, kept going thru’ that shitstorm is a real indicator of character.
Does this mean the Clinton ‘Charity’ is bust?
That australian twat that does business like a panto dame asking a fund manager ‘why aren’t markets falling more?’
Good morning fellow deplorables, we won. Again. Getting to be a habit isn`t it?
I couldn`t access this site overnight so I hope all is well now.
Perhaps the BBCs Katty Kay needs to get out more, her “well, none of us saw this coming” remark made my day….
speak for yourself Katty, we on here all saw it coming. Maybe,just maybe some of these BBC incompetents who mis-called the 2015 General Election, the Scottish referendum, the EU referendum and now Trump 2016 should be looking for new jobs.
Well informed political pundits they ain`t.