Well then. The morning after. I have never enjoyed watching the BBC more as it chokes on the news that Donald Trump has won convincingly and is President Elect. Their coverage of the Election has been SO one-sided, SO pro-Clinton and SO anti-Trump that watching their smug faces coming to terms with the fact that they completely mis-read it has been fantastic to behold. Even Andrew Neil, the one BBC political presenter who I respect, has been snide as can be about Trump and so he too had to choke on his words and his insults and his smugness. What a night. Ok – NEW Open Thread so over to you! Thoughts?
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Moraymint’s views on the Trump win:
I hate to ask you to dirty your browser with a link to a Guardian article, but Paul Mason is trying to mobilise a mob to oppose the march to the Supreme Court, that’s going to be lead by Nigel Farage.
Apparently it’s going to be just like Cable Street, and anyone campaigning for Article 50 is a “racist, Nazi, Fascist, Xenophobe” etc etc etc
Mason really is stuck in a state of perpetual adolescence.
Remind me again why the Guardian has such a small readership!
Paul Mason is an old world Trot who is as out of touch with the views of real society as he was 20 years ago. The only thing he seems to want and believe in is perpetual revolution to create a far left theocracy that only a minority of diehard progressives would ever think can come to fruition.
Clearly though his call to arms will be responded to as there are a number of anarchist group nutjobs who are always spoiling for a fight against – anyone really – irrespective of anything resembling a democratic mandate.
I’ll look for Mr Mason and give him a wave.
Mason is calling white people names over the Trump victory too.
Makes you wonder why the BBC are giving this trotskyist air time at all. (other than the obvious of course)
Paul Mason called it a victory for white supremacists. His sort really are some of the most dangerous people in Britain.
Paul Mason-softshite.
Well worth a brick in the Tote bag.
Paul Mason is a very very very Important person that’s why he’s just had a big slot on 1pm News on Radio48%
Paul Mason is not very well. He needs therapy at the least. Probably a long holiday somewhere bracing like North Korea.
Tried the link and it crashed my browser 🙁 Is incitement to violence no longer a crime in the UK or is it only OK if you believe in a certain sky fairy?
Apologies MH, I accidentally clicked Report comment
Turned on the TV thinking CLINTON had won by a mile and what did I see – another Brexit vote!
And as President-Elect Trump keeps saying: Its going to be a Wonderful Thing!
OBAMA to his wife: does this mean that I won’t be able to do my victory speech written for me by my 12 person team of writers?
Love it!
The grand plan really is beginning to fall apart isn’t it?
On the assumption that Hillary is not forgiven then one can assume a trial is in the offing?
This is just off the top of my head but the conspiracy theorist part of me says that the FBI is going to hold off on any charges until after President Trump gets the keys to the door.
That way Obama cannot simply get her off with a pardon.
Or spouse for that matter….
On the assumption that Hillary is not forgiven then one can assume a trial is in the offing?
No doubt part of her desperate desire to become president was the protection that would offer her against prosecution.
I hope they throw the book at the treacherous witch.
Has she condescended to make the traditional concession speech to Trump yet?
Yes, she finally made the speech, to answer my own question. Of course, it was 99 % about her and her loyal followers.
I said last week ” Nothing would please me more than D.T. Winning the presidential race and watching those smug bastards at the BBC wallow in their own self pity… Man O man it’s a great day!!
What about those poor “Stars” who came out for Clinton!? Did they hinder or help her?
Maybe if they hadn’t turned out to support her like OBAMA did for Clinton and for the CAMERON maybe her defeat would have been even worse! Bill – why did you keep following me round like a lapdog you really are!
Tried to throw out my Bruce CDs-but failed.
Listening now to “Prancing In the Dark”- a maudling acoustic version, sorry mouthorgan and a Woody Guthrie check shirt to blow his nose upon.
Any Billy Bragg songs I ought to be playing as I hoover?…
Transgender Cubicles for Clinton buttons going very cheap I hear.
I hear you brother!!!!
Say no more! Thank God for Ann Coulter and the other fearless friends of ours over there!
Jerry Springer-the Opera…millionaire laundry sniffing blowhard who`d rather we NOT have let Trump get to the White Hose…creep!
Way back near the beginning of the primary contest Ann Coulter predicted that Trump would be the Republican nominee. The panel and audience at the show where she made the prediction laughed at her incredulously. They aren’t laughing now.
You stole that one from Nigel!!
I just clicked on the Yahoo news website and this is apparently the most important story in the USA at the moment. Looks like another BBC pin-up in the making.
Sorry, I have to re-post this here:
The ever-entertaining Bill Whittle sees Trump’s victory against Crooked Hillary as akin to the defeat of Sauron…
“After the fall of the Dark Tower and the passing of Sauron the Shadow was lifted from the hearts of all who opposed him, but fear and despair fell upon his servants and allies.”
“For though Sauron had passed, the hatreds and evils that he bred had not died, and the King of the West had many enemies to subdue before the White Tree could grow in peace.
“After the fall of the Dark Tower and the passing of Sauron the Shadow was lifted from the hearts of all who opposed him, but fear and despair fell upon his servants and allies.”
Aerfen, we can rejoice that the Dark Tower has fallen, but now it’s up to us to clean up the Shire.
We’ll all have our own nominations for Saruman/Sharkey, but the BBC IS Wormtongue.
“She didn’t come out with a concession speech”
..She did after 12 hours ..so give her that
BBC Roger “28gate” Harrabin pitches in… with an impartial question…
‘What will he do?’ Hopefully he will drain the trough as well as the swamp. It’s gone very quiet down in Marrakech. 10,000 warmists see their gravy train derailed. Hilarious.
It’s actually 20000
Ha ha. Harabban, Trump does not need permission from your masters to dump Paris.
@GW it’s not 5 minutes since Roger or Matt told us that Paris was an empty promise. Not near good enough and efforts needed to be doubled, tripled etc.
UN review says carbon plans fall well short of climate goals” MM 3 November 2016
Appoint people from the Heartland Institute to sort out that mess, and then make it illegal for anyone to be paid by or have influence on Government Climate Change Policy, other than independent scientists free from the Environmentalist gravy train, and with PhD’s in Solar Astronomy and Atmospheric Physics.
Answer would be to do nothing and stop wasting taxpayers money on trying to solve a problem that does not and never existed, as it was caused by Solar Magnetic influenced Cloud level changes.
Before some Mexican Hedge Fund manager tries to challenge the democratic result, I suggest we have a crowd Funding page to buy concrete for the new wall.
Outraged Lefties at CBC, the Canadian crony of the BBC, unable to hide their bile, or even feeling the need to. Three comments out of literally dozens I wrote down from their presenters and panel:
Panellist A (black, lesbian): “This is what rock-bottom looks like. Are we back to pitchforks? Are we back to lynching mobs? Trump didn’t need to run a campaign. The media ran a campaign for him.”
Panellist B: “He is a muppet. He doesn’t care about anything, he just talks.”
Presenter: “I don’t think this is a good day for American democracy. We know his attitude towards vulnerable people. His attitude is rabid. It’s impossible to be sufficiently apprehensive about what Trump might do.”
Glorious stuff.
Add the sound of crunched goolies at EU headquarters and you have the perfect Wednesday….
Bet we won’t see Cameron sending congratulations to Mr Trump.
Or any of those politicians in the Euro parliament!
But Nigel Farage will send a huge congratulations – which will get up the nose of Junckter, or what ever his name is!
Drunkard will do fine.
“…up the nose of Junckter, or what ever his name is…”
Stuka 87 is the correct term for this screaming seagull of a dive-bomber.
Remember you saw it here first!
I thought he was a Fokker! (A stupid one at that).
Amazing Anti-Trumpness from Steinmeier the German Foreign minister. “It is not the result we wanted”. German TV even managed to vilify Brexit and Trump in one go. The “rightwing populist Farage, “spokesman of UKIP”, who took no responsibility for Brexit after the British referendum, also congratulated the Trump victory”.
Hope President-Elect Trump has marked his card accordingly.
How marvellous would it be if Trump appointed Farage his Special Advisor on Brexit?
Snowed off today, so enjoying listening to al beebus flailing around; picked up my £250 winnings from the bookies earlier and the chap there told me someone at William Hill’s had put ten grand on! Now I just wish I’d put more on myself.
I didn’t think it could get better than the Brexit result for seeing progressives going into meltdown, but this comes close.
……which will get up the nose of Junckter, or what ever his name is!
I prefer Juncker’s sphincter actually, has more of a ‘ring’ to it !
Farage’s Response this morning
#1 He was already at the US embassy during the vote
#2 He said Trumps team had JOKED about making him ambassador to the EU
Current Beeboid coverage of the election result is still laden with their lip-curling distaste for Trump. They are also still using their photo tricks of smiling Hilaries and snarling Donald’s. Those towering political figures Dugdale & and Farron are having their insightful comments on Trump repeated ad nauseam by Norman Smith. Just a few of a parade of highly critical comments. The BBC crew just can’t help themselves. It is of course the fault of stupid old racist white men that Hilary didn’t win. Dim & and dimmer BBC behaviour which is going to further undermine their tattered credibility.
” It is of course the fault of stupid old racist white men that Hilary didn’t win.”
Misogynist…”racist white men”
Rapists, all of them…..
“Racist old white men” – only the ethnic grouping responsible for almost all of the world`s most important inventions! So “low-information”, eh Beeb?
Ryanair can maybe get their profits back up by flying all the anti Brexit/Trump folks to safe-havens like err…. Belgium, Germany or maybe Sweden or France ?
As said, people here and over there are so tired of being lectured, patronised and insulted by the well heeled and ‘morally superior’.
Being told what to do, what to think, what to believe in and how ‘deplorable’ we all are. Enough, enough, enough.
They are also the only people profiting from their decisions.
I profited from my decision to back DT three weeks ago at 11/2!!
How true your words are. The BBC is essentially the modern version of the Victorian pulpit – smug, deluded hypocrites sermonising over the lower orders 24/7.
Think maybe our words didn’t carry stateside but our prayers did because good people don’t want war with Russia, IS to grow and only elites to prosper.
Farage appears to get on with Trump.
Not a bad ally to have. Some advantage there?
Al Beeb TV1 currently playing a dolorous rendition of ‘Land of the Free’.
Guess the tone tells us their mood!
Doesn’t ‘Land of the Free’ really belong in an NHS promotional video?
It does for our ‘International Health Service’.
I see BBC News Channel have taken to playing a montage of ‘election night moments’ to the accompaniment of a rather funereal rendition of the USA national anthem on solo piano.
Let’s imagine Queen Hillary had instead been crowned last night and re-run the montage. Hands up, who thinks the BBC would have opted instead for some JayZ and Beyonce, some funky dance beats and a party atmosphere?
Honestly, you just can’t make this sh*t up. The BBC are a total joke.
The choice of musical theme another perfect example of their own overweening arrogance and, just like Brexit, the juvenile and undemocratic refusal to accept reality. It matters not one jot to them that the result reflects the opinions, hopes and aspirations of hundreds of millions – and not simply within the US – because they think they know best and are fully prepared to subvert truth to make their point.
The liberal elite are busily digging – will the Edstone provide a suitable cenotaph?
And the intro to their Al Beeb 2 12 o’clock programme includes Baroness (sic!!) Scotland opining that people of colour have ‘vision’!
You couldn’t make it up!
The only vision she has is of her sodding expense account – allegedly!
…people of colour have ‘vision’!
Of course they do, that’s why they’re all heading for the UK.
Breathtaking hypocrisy from the BBC who have been demonising Trump as divisive.
Up pops Jeremy Vine to show which way people voted in “divided USA”. Setting black against white, men against women, urban against rural. They did the same with Brexit. Divide and rule is how they seek to smash the power base of the family, the church, the individual. Any threat to the state and their “managers”.
It’s what authoritarians do.
The Left and Vine got a hammering on the Facebook comments as they often do, I myself said,… “What the hell is going on, these protesters should be arrested and locked up for a few days, they are challenging the democratic vote of the people, the Remoaners are the same, have they not lives and jobs to be getting on with?”
and… “I honestly feel like telling the BBC to shove their tv licence, why should I pay for all their bias and prejudice?”
Geert Wilders inspiring article for those who have hope. It may be too late for the kind of action he sets out but there will be blood spilt thats almost given. I would want to see the Netherlands freed from the Islamic noose slowly tightening around its neck. It is really the 23rd hour for the Netherlands as is the case in much of Europe which is still wedded to the UN Grand Plan to Islamicise the West.
I don’t know why anybody would be happy about Trump winning, unless you wanted the US to be run by a narcissistic, sexist, corrupt, ignorant, lying, sexual assault-loving sociopath with a trigger finger and an unusually thin skin.
And quite frankly, everybody who voted for him despite his repeated and ongoing lies and lies and lies shouldn’t be gloating now. They should be apologising for replacing politics with fantasy fiction.
Hi Tomi, glad you could join us.
Have a nice day.
We are.
love and peace,
The Deplorables.
“I don’t know why anybody would be happy about Trump winning, unless you wanted the US to be run by a narcissistic, sexist, corrupt, ignorant, lying, sexual assault-loving sociopath with a trigger finger and an unusually thin skin.”
At least you don’t think he’s a racist.
Writes someone who only takes news when spoon fed it by the globalist MSM.
“I don’t know why anybody would be happy about Trump winning, unless you wanted the US to be run by a narcissistic, sexist, corrupt, ignorant, lying, sexual assault-loving sociopath with a trigger finger and an unusually thin skin.”
I’m afraid I misread your first paragraph the first time I read it. That description seems to sum Hillary Clinton up to a T.
It was only when I saw the word “him” in paragraph 2 that I realised you were talking about Trump. Poor Tomi, you sad, deluded moron. If your head hasn’t exploded yet, have a nice little nap, and maybe you will feel a bit better when you wake up.
I have some bad news for you though: if and when you do wake up, TRUMP WILL STILL HAVE WON!
Oh look, it’s every cliché in the book. Get back to your lecture, sunshine.
That must include Piers Morgan and Richard Littlejohn then, because they both know the guy away from the campaigning podium, rate him very highly and were behind him all the way.
Welcome back Brissles. Don’t worry nothing much has happened since you’ve been away so you haven’t missed anything!
Hi Tomi recognized the out dated style – attack the man not his policies and avoid the issues.
Did you intend to omit the accusation of racism? Go on, I will add it for you.
Tomi, you left out ‘racist’, ‘orange skinned’ and ‘wig wearing’. Come on, if you’re going to insult Mr Trump at least use all the approved media terminology that’s available!
The ‘orange skin’ insults puzzle me, since when has it been okay to have a go at someone because of their skin colour?
Tomi, welcome! Quite frankly.
Not knowing things is for some a badge of honour. Hence relying on the BBC for information and education.
Presumably amongst that ‘anybody’ and ‘everybody’ you dismiss (Here? As other have done of late) are mostly the voters over in the United States who placed their vote where they wanted, and not where told they should?
You should apply for a sub editors job at the guardian, you have the necessary skills.
Too late, there were no toys left in the pram after Brexit.
“…narcissistic, sexist, corrupt, ignorant, lying, sexual assault-loving sociopath…” – add “perverted” to that lot and you`ve just described Bill Clinton.
“…narcissistic, corrupt, ignorant, lying…with an unusually thin skin…” – add “racist, lazy and incompetent” and you`ve just described Obama.
“narcissistic, sexist, corrupt, ignorant, lying… with a trigger finger and an unusually thin skin…” – add “arrogant and immoral” to that and you`ve got Hillary Clinton.
Enjoy your delusion.
So the combined weight of the liberal leaning media and those who consider themselves above the law elite and public sector ‘experts’ are crushed one again under US and UK democracy. Despite all odds (given on air by thr BBC), BBC ‘expert’ pundits, Clinton (many) bribes with links to Saudi ‘royalty’ afer the 9/11, the hacking of her (personal) private server and the loss) of major nuclear US state secrets, the BBC over arching aim of so called ‘staticians’ to prove TRump cannot ‘win’ – have all lost (again). One of the more interesting callers (on LBC this morning) was a warning that the US vote will (unlike BREXIT_) not be called an ‘Advisory’ measure (on US populist impulse) as the left wingers have been trying to say over here about BREXIT. Another winging American left winger (Washington Post) – working in London warned that it is the ‘end-of-an-era’ and (predicted a disaster for UK and Europe (collapse of NATO, world famine, World trade disaster and … etc. – I guess she did not VOTE for BREXIT either.
What a bunch of whingers.
For me personally the world order has been restored. It means the voters US and UK are lot more ‘savvy’ than the media pundits describe. We are not all frusterated anarchists on (US or UK) relying on state benefits, hysterical attention seekers on Twitter or care a damn about what Facebook ‘news’ has wierdly created. It shows quite clearly that the BBC were wrong on both BREXIT and the US Presidential election because of a persistant disability of vision and a chronic in-built bias towards the liberal left. Unless they admit to the disease it cannot be cured. No amount of money will do it and the EU is bust.
It must mean the end of the BBC in its current form. Sold to Trump for £1 might be priced a little too high!
Tomi, are you boy/girl or girl/boy? Anyway. get your medication checked – please.
Possibly taking too much ‘medication’ ?
“a narcissistic, sexist, corrupt, ignorant, lying, sexual assault-loving sociopath with a trigger finger and an unusually thin skin.”
I am afraid you are out of touch with the ordinary working people – ‘the people’s army’, because those words are over used and worn out . They don’t have any effect on us any more.
It would appear that you have thrown your toys out of the pram ?
I say – Brexit, God Bless America and Rule Britania to you sir.
Or, ‘Madam’ or neither?
I switched on radio 4 news at 7.00 am this morning and was very surprised and very pleased that Donald Trump has won the 2016 American election and is now President Elect.
Listening to the hand wringing and squirming of the BBC commentators not wanting this news was awful, so much so they kept referring to California where Clinton won. Then they brought on an American commentator with near perfect diction that spoke a few home truths. She stated that her country had not seen any growth for 17 years and ordinary Americans had not had an increase in their salaries during that period. Well I have never heard that very relevant statistic before and certainly not on the BBC.
It would seem while Hillary represents the Wealthy Bankers and so called minorities that have kept her in high spirits metaphorically speaking she as upset the majority of the American people.
I understand as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was responsible for the biggest arms deal ever to Saudi Arabia (Shia Muslims) and apparently they have passed on a huge part of this modern weaponry to IS, which was and is being used by IS against Assad in Syria (Sunni Muslims) and against the Russians who are backing Assad. So it would not surprise me if eventually darling Hillary moves somewhere outside Americas reach.
The American election result in similar to our Brexit, the people have stopped listening to the left wing propaganda spewed out by the media particularly the BBC and voted according to their conviction.
Personally I am fed up of being governed and ruled by the minorities and look forward to the majority view taking precedent.
A perfect summary!
I’ve spent my adult life, challenging ideas not the person. That’s brought me into contact with some thoughts far removed from mine but I respected the individual right to express those opinions. I don’t use FaceBook or Twitter much but I have dropped in and out over the course of the US elections and the Brexit court cases. I am shocked that only views I agree with appear on my feeds. Fortunately the BBC holds opposing views to mine so I do get some balance 😉 It does make me wonder that the more people are reliant on Twitter and FB for their news, how little they understand what is really happening around them.
Perhaps the BBC could make a start by dropping all the Twitterati and going back to real reporters on the streets talking to real people? Maybe they could take a photographer along with them to save us the Google copyright on every image that accompanies a topographical story!
The bbc won’t do that – too many, ‘inconvenient truths’.
BBC News Channel is hilarious at the moment. I mean serious comedy gold. Someone should be recording this for posterity. Just had a group of ‘upset young Americans’ emoting and crying over the tragedy of a Trump victory. The world is ending for these narcissistic, fragile little snowflakes. Help! Reality is hurting me!
Best comedy BBC have screened in years!
The look on Clive Myrie’s face is still that of dumbfounded disbelief!
Someone remind the BBC that the polls were wrong again
The poster girl for all our inner lesbians!
Still gorgeous after all these years, as Paul Simon and Don McLean might now agree.
So when asked, after voting, who could best bring change?
Answer: Trump 83% Clinton 14%.
I can’t recall al beebus referring to the “angry black men” voting for Obama, yet they continually label the “angry white men” who support Trump.
Very BIG but – An awful lot of Blacks, Hispanics and EDUCATED Whites voted Trump so insert that in your poll hole.
Pah! “angry” is just another liberal boo word.
Combining “angry” with “white” is supposed to make us all feel bad, (and make the virtue signallers feel good)
Well I am white and, like fellow deplorables across the pond, I am angry at times when I see the utter mess and shambles that liberals make of everything they touch at the expense of us taxpayers.
State education, the prison system, the health service, the control of immigration, and most topical “the criminal justice system”.
The balls up that Hogan-Howe has presided over re the historic sex abuse cases, announced yesterday…..caused entirely by the Liberal/left shibboleths “all victims must be believed”….”all men are rapists” (except in some culturally sensitive cases, that are better ignored altogether)…
…now being revised to, (after an expensive inquiry, naturally) “investigations must be carried out with an open mind and complainants should not be called `victims` until defendants have been found guilty in a court of law”… well fan my flipping brow!….that used to be the default position in the justice system until the liberals, leftists, feminists, victim activists, and BBC airborne journalists got their hands on it.
Anyone who isn`t at least occasionaly angry about the ungovernable mess these clowns are creating in our society isn`t paying attention.
BBC1 News at One, at about 13:06
” …… (Trump’s) victory a massive protest vote. Like Brexit”
Perhaps it was just advisory.
Edit: Sorry – just realised Spacemonkey, below, beat me to it.
What are the odds on a Wilders victory next March in the Dutch elections?
Marine Le Pen in France? Perhaps even the Sweden Democrats in 2018, even though that country has already been irretrievably lost. Disintegration of the EU itself?
As Victor Hugo said: “Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come”, and every victory against the cultural Marxists reinforces the message that they are cooked, even though they will resist with their full playbook of nasty devices.
We live in interesting times! I see no reason why Marine Le Pen can’t find electoral success. Of course, she’ll face all the usual regressive media bias, but…well, Brexit, Trump… It can be done. All she’s gotta do is try. We know that polls don’t mean a damned thing and we also know that regressives get it wrong just about every time. Things are changing.
And let’s not forget, the next French general election is scheduled for April-May 2017. By an uncomfortable coincidence the next Annual Ramadan Bomb-A-Thon will be hitting around May-June 2017.
All to play for.
We have something to fear from Marine Le Pen, Wilders and Swedish Democrat victories. In each case, things will get tougher for muslims in those countries, and many will seek a home somewhere else, with the likelihood that it will be Britain. Unless the UK government gets really serious about protecting our borders, we may suffer further mass muslim immigration.
I’m surprised nobody on the leftist media has pointed out this vote is only advisory.
The US citizens do not vote for the president directly, the electoral college members do that. It’s possible for the electoral college member to ignore the vote and elect Clinton instead.
“It’s possible for the electoral college member to ignore the vote and elect Clinton instead.”
Spacemonkey, if they tried that it would get interesting very quickly. It’s the Trump supporters who believe in the Second Amendment.
Spacemonkey, Yup, apparently it only takes a foreigner with shed loads of money to challenge it simply for the fun it yields.
Just watched the BBC One o’clock news and oh dear, they just don’t get it do they!
In other news, Beeb website has the headline ‘Two cases won against housing benefit cut’. How about changing it to ‘Five cases lost against housing benefit cut’? Or is two greater than five in the BBC bubble?
I was listening to R4 tother day and they were discussing benefits caps and how it would get people into work (and it has, I know people),some loony said, “but what about those people who don’t want to work, what about their children?”.
Jesus H Christ!
And In Other News.
WEinifred Robinson has to admit to us that her puff piece that rubbishes Airnb.com is a trifle. They hardly affect London property prices and provision at all.
So a waste of all our times then?
Not a bit of it-ask Sadiq Khan, Emily Thornberry and the Housing Officer from Tower Hamlets-and, of course Airnb.com will be back in that You and Yours Dock of Public Opinion.
Typical soufflet surfings from the worried well and hypocrites cossetted by the BBC who want to scratch our itches, as if we care.
But the Beeb do.
Do you comment in the Guardian?
Well I think now is a good time start, before it closes.
The requests for donations are getting desperate now, and much more frequent.
The end is nigh.
I do comment in the Guardian and have noticed that ‘comments are closed’ pretty soon these days.
Oh, the joy, of seeing those smug, self-satisfied, self-righteous, Far Left intelligensia folk at the biased BBC having to continually announce Trumps’s victory, through gritted teeth, and as if they have been stung by a wasp.
They have absolutely no idea whatsoever of life outside their own little, and increasingly irrelevant, Guardianista world.
They’ve been stung by the WASP’s.
I got up this morn and watched BBC from 6.00 to 6.20 and it was looking good for Trump, some of the BBC staff were already talking about a recount, what a surprise!
Then I went to work and listened to it all on radio 4, what joy.
According to earnest sources on virtually every BBC television and radio broadcast, it’s ‘time to heal the division, to understand and soothe the anger’, a bit like it was after the Brexit vote. However, this was as far as I can remember never the case when things used to go the way the BBC seemed to want. Wonder why?
Someone pleeeeeeeeeeeese tell the BBC that there are many news sources and opinions apart from the B… B…C…
I lived in NY for over 4 years saw many Independence Day fireworks along the Hudson River. Is this the start of our revolution our independence from MSM in particular the B B C bias/censorship/propaganda. So as per the American Revolution, no taxation without representation, that is what the B B C has become tax without representation, all their bias, and so out of touch. A pity George 111 did not have the internet! He had to rely on his own version of MSM and BBC. A simple web search would have shown the King, the ground swell opinion, that his best general G Washington would lead the rebellion, that it was not a US v UK fight, many Americans were loyal to the crown, esp in NY. A good compromise would happen and we would still have America! US election has shown the power of alternative news re: internet, this genie is not to go back in the bottle. In fact we are to protect it more than ever. The BBC is censored propaganda, no tax without representation!!! Write your MP start the Petition. The BBC is not fit for purpose but a Ministry of Truth farce, how ironic that they put statue of George Orwell in their lobby. This is a great site, but its time to get serious – No tax without representation –
Oh, the BBC appear to have found that Mexico has a border, and people inside it.
And it`s got a peso too.
Well done BBC on risking one correspondent in Mexico City-first time any of us have heard from the southside of that border now since U2 played way back.
Wonder why this newfound interest in Mexico?
A new gold seam of potential victims of hate and discrimination for the BBC to suddenly “fear for now that Trump is a reality”.
I hope that the BBC will open a new office in Ciudud Juarez, or somewhere where El Chapo and those lovely cartels run things. So the BBC are never short of drugs.
Enjoy the lies and open sewer bias-can hears theo sound of flies opening from here as they buzz by the cesspol.
The Don will need a big drain for that swamp he`ll need to clear-and fast.
It has already got a wall (well, fence really – in places) but the BBC would not know about that or have any idea where to look, despite programmes about it resting in their archives!
You could not make it up. Incompetence on a monumental scale.
I Agree (Sharethedebate) but only if only we had a charter to match the US ‘bill of rights’. The BBC will not ever accept to ‘represent the (UK) nation’ as such – only a ‘point-of-view’ (news and opinion) lobby group which they counter as being media ‘independant’. You see they have a parliamentary Charter for being TV and Radio ‘independant’ and have abused that position since 1980’s as a wide ranging ‘rethink of ‘what’s-the-point-of-the-BBC?’ under Labour. Thanks to the famously unelectable ‘Liberals’ and unelectable hard left. The BBC call this ‘balanced’ reporting. Its very difficult to prove a ‘negative’ when it has strangle hold on the civil-service (who all aspire to work and enrich themsleves in the ‘independant’ sector of the BBC. The irony of the situation is never far away, that they have lost both public trust and have no ‘financial’ or ‘idelogical’ independance from same smug group of elite lefties. qed. Therefore there is no point in paying for it by public license as we all do. In the end Parliament has to decide if ‘times-up’ on this Quango!
Radio 4 drama : Now sneering at Brexiteers
Michael & Boris: The Two Brexiteers
The story of one of the greatest political dramas of the age, staring Alistair McGowan as Boris Johnson and Luke Kempner as Michael Gove.
“The last thing I want,” David Cameron said, “is for this to become some kind of Tory psycho-drama…”
David Morley’s play is a lively tale of hubris, ambition and betrayal between two old friends. Very different characters who are driven apart by events and their own weaknesses.
The story spans the period from February to the end of June 2016 – from Boris Johnson’s conversion to Leave…
“the play explores how Johnson and Gove might have managed to snatch personal defeat from the jaws of a collective triumph.”
…What ????
I ‘ve turned it off
Radio4 = “BBC Radio “Wall Of Hate”
I used to say, well at three’s BBC Drama and Comedy – not any more.
Luke Kempners twitter tells you all you need to know
Life in the bubble, eh? What a revelation (not) e.g.
MAX IM A KOOPA @meakoopa 13h13 hours ago
“I have nothing left to lose so I will say it: This is white supremacy’s last stand.”
After the BBC’s devastating defeat early this morning, which really caught them off-balance due to their puzzling faith in polling techniques that are now proven to be obsolete, they and all the other biased media establishments are in full-scale retreat. They have now resorted to scorched Earth tactics, the current tactic is based around trying to suggest that Trump is about to destroy the global economy. This kind of irresponsible market-spooking will not benefit any of us, it simply signifies an establishment that is trying to fight back, but doesn’t yet know how.
“polling techniques that are now proven to be obsolete”
Nothing wrong with standard statistical techniques. True they only ask a sample for their opinion and there are confidence intervals.
What happened in the USA was “pollsters” determined to report Clinton leading whatever the opinions they received. I am sure these pollsters were not surprised by the result, the real figures, not those published, would lead them to expect a Trump victory.
If the polls had been honest the margin might have been larger.
White Votes Matter, apparently…..
Seeing as 1/3 of Latinos voted for Trump it would appear their votes matter too.
That is greater than the 30.1% who voted for Labour in the UK general election. That’s a statistic to conjur with. More ethnic minorities vote for Trump than working class people vote for Labour.
But he called Mexican murderers, ‘Bad Hombres’ and thinks immigration should be thru’ legal channels!
Something that the media overlooked is the fact that Cuban-Americans tend to be heavily pro-Republican, this is can be seen in the fact that a number of very senior Republicans are of Cuban descent. The BBC kept referring to the large Hispanic population in Florida in a way that suggested that none of them would ever consider voting for Trump, when in fact he had a staunch support base among the very important Cuban demographic.
It’s also very important to point out that his performance among Blacks and Latinos was actually better than Mitt Romney’s in 2012.
Quite right, Razza, but don’t expect the BBC to get their head arounds facts like that!
I think they (BBC) do not understand immigrants and migration as anything other than something to be exploited by LeftMob Patrons and Patronage. They have certainly lost sight of relatively recent American history as well 19th and early 20th century history. That is despite programming that constantly deals with slavery, the Civil Rights movement, ‘Black’ music, etc,etc. In a similar way, I think they not only sneer at Conservatives, whether mainstream or not, and the soft, nice liberal Left – assuming it to be all white, elderly, poor, ill-educated and thoroughly middle-class but have no idea really who they are, how they think and operate and what they feel and hope for.
In the USA. In the UK.
The BBC does not understand anymore and it is incapable of sending journalists to find out because they leave W1A full of MSM elitist prejudice of firm/Hard Left & Champagne Socialist thinking.
It was already working its way out on BBC’s R4 WatO today, with Martha Kearney already in the Senate & the House, leading opposition to Donald Trump and ‘dissing’ (as some of my friends would say) his policies. He’s not even sworn in yet!
And many Hispanics / Porto Ricans are second generation or came in legally.
Oh Lordy, fighting talk from the German Empire – they just can’t help themselves, can they?
No time must be wasted. The next move must be the draining of the BBC swamp.
Angry voters? Protest vote? Yeah a vote against Lily and Gary!
BBC WS Radio last night. So embarrassing – presenters constantly interjecting with Trump accusations, like brainwashed children, while the American adults attempted to say their, fair, balanced and sane piece.
The BBC WS is the most biased BBC channel in my experience.
Katie calling her ‘honey’ just cracked me up!
Interesting that the interviewer is more interested in defending CNN – and quite aggressively – than she is in discussing the actual election.
Methinks she doth protest too loudly – or whatever the quote is.
That was utterly brilliant KT stood up to the bullying snowflake who couldn’t take it.
She referred sarcastically to KT’s views as “interesting”, which is heavily ironic given that history has proved KT right and Clinton News Network wrong.
Should it be CoN.them&them ?
As the Biased Bulshit Corporation have published their “30 things Trump believes in” I thought I would publish my own equally informed Top 5 things Trump believes in:
1) America
2) America
3) America
4) America
5) America