Well then. The morning after. I have never enjoyed watching the BBC more as it chokes on the news that Donald Trump has won convincingly and is President Elect. Their coverage of the Election has been SO one-sided, SO pro-Clinton and SO anti-Trump that watching their smug faces coming to terms with the fact that they completely mis-read it has been fantastic to behold. Even Andrew Neil, the one BBC political presenter who I respect, has been snide as can be about Trump and so he too had to choke on his words and his insults and his smugness. What a night. Ok – NEW Open Thread so over to you! Thoughts?
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Today I have watched Sky, BBC and Ch4 reporting of the US election and all three channels offered nothing but grudging, sneering , reluctant acceptance of President Trumps victory. I did not expect anything approaching balance but the uniformity of their combined sneering , totally biased , reporting reflects that the whole MSM in the U.K. Is totally unfit for purpose. They do this year after year , election after election and of course Brexit. All three amount to nothing more than leftist propaganda. The UK is crying out for some centrist and right of centre channels. The state funding of Ch4 and BBC requires that these leftist ultras are held to account. The case becomes ever more clear and urgent for a complete change in the UK MSM and the responsibility for forcing this change lies with the government. By not tackling this grotesque apology for news organisations the government is failing the country.
True, it is now well beyond a joke. The Government’s condoning of the BBC bias is on a par with condoning some tin-pot, fascist regime – no different in fact.
It puzzles me why there are no conservative TV or radio stations in the UK. The Daily Mail, I believe, is the world’s most widely read news source, so there is obviously a demand for it. Not that I’d really want ‘Daily Mail TV’, but something a little less institutionally leftist than the BBC would be a refreshing change.
My 10 year old came from school, “People are saying it’s terrible – Trump’s going to start a war!” My 10 year has enough about him to know better. After all, he watches American TV to know what goes on in America.
I work in a school as a site manager, it was incredible listening to the whining this morning as the teachers came in,one a 25 year old said, “oh no, the whole world is going to change”, another 40 year old said, “he is a cross between Hitler and Jimmy Saville”, yet we are supposed to keep our politics to ourselves in school,it was the same after the referendum, I guess it’s just those with Right wing politics who have to keep quiet.
Exactly our experience too. We had our grand children round last night, 13 and 11.They asked us what we thought of the US election result, we both said it was a very good thing. They said at school their teachers were upset and said Trump was horrible. I was incredulous that their teachers had told them this so I asked how it had come about. They said that one of the children had asked one of the teachers what she thought and that she had exploded in anger about the result, so of course they started asking other teachers. Only a few teachers kept their views to themselves ,most just let rip against Trump.
This I think shows just how far and how low liberal leftism has percolated the education system in the UK. There is no doubt that wresting control from the liberal left elite and their moronic foot soldiers in education and the media , is going to be a long hard road. Brexit and President Trump’s victory are two big blows to the liberal left ruling elite, but as we saw in the high court , they have great power and a long reach.
You must be a lefty if you want to get a job as a teacher.
The teaching profession is run by lefties who will only hire like minded lefties.
The same is true for many other professions and none more so than the BBC.
Name one right wing BBC interviewer…none.
Name a left wing one…. all of them.
To be fair, neither Justin Webb nor Andrew Neil strike me as left wing.
You may not recollect JW’s coverage of McCain and Palin in 2008.
He was absolutely on the BBC’s St. Obama message as U.S. lead correspondent.
Webb described DT as a: “Racist thug” on Toady the other Saturday, he’s a progressive p***k just like the rest of them.
I used to work in a County Hall, in a large room which also housed the Education Advisers and remember clearly their use of Old English language to describe the Conservative Party supporters. They didn’t even consider there may be people in the room whose politics didn’t agree with their own.
I did Economic and Public Affairs as an “A” level many years ago, which involved studying our Parliamentary system.
Many years later I congratulated my excellent teacher, telling him I had no idea of his politics, which is as it should be.
Unfortunately teachers nowadays are probably little different to many commenters on here when the touch paper is lit, and, of course mostly being of the left persuasion utterly convinced that their Guardianista view of the world is the only correct one, and quite likely to start crying when it does not go their way – like the Clinton wimps we kept being shown yesterday.
I wonder how many last minute program changes have had to be made at the bBBC following this result and at what cost? How much of the licence fee was blown on hagiogrphic programs about HC which will not now be shown?
Just in from the Guardian /Independant, “more people voted for Hilary than trump”, “America, hold you loved ones close” ,”After Trump and Brexit, populist tsunami threatens European mainstream” and “Trump plunges US into uncertain future”.
The Independent is so biased now I don’t even look at it online,the online version will soon die as the paper one did.
I remember when the Independent really was that, and a good read. That was long ago though, and now it’s hopelessly pro EU.
I have just switched on Channel 4 news specifically so that I could laugh at that sneering, obnoxious creature named jon snow – it was great for a few minutes just to see the absolute shock horror in his face. Predictably, the report about the election was all about how marvelous hillary clinton was. There was nothing congratulatory about Donald Trump’s achievement just the usual bigoted remarks from snow. He was truly incredulous at how anyone could vote for Donald Trump, he really was spitting feathers…………..hahahahahaha
I then realised that I had watched this left wing rubbish for too long as I was starting to feel nauseous…
I did the same as you. It was worth it for a few minutes just to see Jon Snow’s face. He seemed to have shrivelled overnight, and looked like his dog had just been run over.
Then over to Komrade Matt Frei, who even had a go at Trump’s photo projected onto the Empire State Building: Trump was “leering” over Manhattan apparently. Well, he owns quite a lot of it Matt, so I doubt he gives a rat’s ass what you think, you East German clown.
But as you said, after a few minutes, even seeing Jon Snow on the verge of tears is not enough of a payback for watching the relentless, dreary leftism of Channel 4 News, and as ever, the off switch beckoned.
Exactly my thoughts An English Gentleman
I was wondering how the smug and noxious Matt Frei might be faring.
Wrong about Brexit, wrong about Trump – you would think even a modicum of humble contrition would be shown on Channel 4 but no. Trump “leers”, Trumo is a “bully and bigot”. The people who vote for him are a “mob” and he a “demagogue”. The usual anti-Brexiteer platitudinous sneering. A very long period of silence from the Snows, Freis, and all the BBC commemtariat would be very welcome. Even after being proved wrong time and time again about the political situation, they continue to waffle and pontificate about the future course of world events. How can anyone take these people who only rely on their petty prejudices and dubious morality seriously? The tactic of dismissing perfectly decent people who disagree with their facile and warped outpourings as racists, stupid, subhuman, deranged etc, has finally been given the come-uppance it deserves.
Didn`t Einstein say that the mark of an idiot is doing the same thing in the hope of getting a different result?
Trump five months later.
Frei, Snow, Edwards, Dimbleby witnesses at both-but simply refuse to learn the lessons after years of groupthink and Common Purpose brainwashing.
Same fifty voices,same lazy cliches, same hatred of independent thinkers. Clueless fat birds waddling blindly by the duck house.
Smell of dogshit simply won`t go away from Snows nostrils, no matter the strength of the nosegay, the tog value of the duvet.
Maybe there`s one of our own high up at Channel 4 who signs off on Snows pith helmet, linen suits and his bike miles.
And purposefully sends him right to places where the Right HAS to win.
And Snow delivers every time…a lanky piece of post colonial piss who ensures that the Left and all Liberal causes shrivel and die under his dogshit Birkenstocks.
A theory worth exploring…
BBC Radio 4 18:30-19:00 ‘Comedy’ slot.
“Rich Hall’s … (American something-or-other)”.
Almost total anti-Trump bias from start to finish and hardly a quip about Hellary. It got a tiny bit better from around 20 minutes in, with some RINO guy on, but this in no way balanced the over-all feel of it. Killery, Huma, Weiner, Slick Willy and the gang are comedy gold but … nothing. Even the anti-Trump jokes weren’t that good.
I knew it would be utter crap but just had to listen to have my view confirmed.
The only happy outcome to that is to imagine how Rich Hall and the sixth form political genius who commissioned that programme must be feeling today.
A real shame as I usually enjoy Rich Hall’s performances. He went off piste on the News Quiz when the luvvies started slagging off Google, much to their astonishment and my delight.
The BBC filth are keen to sow division by pointing out that more women voted for Hellary and that Trump’s support was more male.
Does anyone recall the same logic being used regarding voting for Sarah Palin, Marine Le Pen or Mrs Thatcher?
I don’t seem to recall such enthusiasm when Theresa May ascended the throne, do you? Nor when Sarah Palin was campaigning for election in the USA.
So much for the gynocracy.
Given the priorities of the execrable PM tonight, we really STILL need to give a stuff about what
a) Clinton
b) Obama
c) Merkels Foreign Spokesman
d) Martin Schulz
e)Jeremy Corbyn
think about the astonishing, once-in-a-lifetime election of a Barney Rubble in full defiance of the beautiful people of media, academe and the political elite.
Hence we got oodles of schmooze about the heroic Hillary, the boorish Trump.
And absolutely NOTHING newsworthy or new at all about what policies Trump DID have in his back pocket, why he managed to overturn the whole of US political convention.
NO analysis-NO reflection-NO sense that these people learn ANYTHING from all that they`re seeing fall about their eyes in 2016.
Just abuse, trite cliche, hack privilege and yet MORE crap about Mexicans, Blacks, Gays, Green stuff and “what will Europe say”?
Utterly SICK of all agendas ending up back at identity politics, segmented grievance groups who seem to have let Eddie Mair and his team down in some way.
So we get the thick and uneducated, the whites of course going for Trump.
But the women?…the Hispanics?…the Gays?…who can Eddie blame for not showing up for Hillary then?
As opposed to the BBC, CNN and all the universities, Mexican stockbrokers and the wondrous EU-who deserve better that white thick trash who DARED to displease their betters.
Welcome to Brexit Wisconsin-together we`ll see the end of the BBC and New York Times and Guardian!
The media are one big sad laugh-but the hate and bile rise in the gourd by the day.
PS-when even Obama comes across as balanced, humane and with a sense of proportion compared to his media cheerleaders?..then the BBC etc have GOT to go.
Nonsense, once, this is the new reality, to be perpetually repeated.
Raise your sights and goals.
Up periscope TS!
Wilders, Le Pan and AfD next year?
All the BBC have to do is keep picking Corbyns scabs and telling me that labour leprosy is mere marching powder.
Wall to wall Trump trashing from the BBC. Keep it coming Beeb-your mental breakdown and affront is great for us to see.
The only entertainment that they offer these days.
Just like the Tories shut down the Climate Change branch to open a Brexit one, feel that Trump now has the chance to send the Climate Change Greenies offshore to Vanuatu, and close down any Climate Change research, NASA crap involving the British and demands those who tried to ban him from Britain be sent for rendition before he puts a cent into this country.
Get outta Scotland Don, vast tracts of Cumbria and Northumberland over the border would LOVE your gold courses there.
Here are one hundred reasons why the Americans have made the right choice.
Some of the stuff in there is beyond belief, when Trump said Clinton is the most corrupt person to ever run for president; after reading some of them – I think he was only half right. Unbelievable.
Sky News (BBC Lite) have this “article” about 5 days of military exercises launched ‘in the light of Trump’s victory’ !
This is the kind of reporting that gets the MSM a bad name. Sure, all the logistics involved in assembling a 5 day military exercise is done in a couple of hours !!!!
This was planned weeks ago !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oddly enough there was a point, about 5.30 this morning, when I was going to suggest they fly Orla, Fergal and Lyse back from their various 4* Mediterranean hotels to add their required gravitas and doom-laden tones. Who’d have thought it – Ms Doucet has responded to the call and now appears with Fiona Bruce to offer yet another quartet of biased ‘experts’ her unique and in-depth political knowledge. The BBC, busily providing UnBelievably Banal Coverage.
I would describe Rado 4 s coverage today as “desperate”
It all merged into a sort of fuzzy, clucking white noise, all very critical with the odd token slightly more positive pro Trump bone thrown in just to prove “balance”
To be honest I did not listen very hard as it was all the same shit, all I could hear were the constantly repeated words- Misoginist, sexist, bigoted, ignorant, inexperienced, selfish, racist, dangerous etc etc. And then of course there was the bemused “how could they do this”
I understand that the rentagobs included Paul Mason, Simon Schama, Jenni Murray etc though I could not be sure. It all just coalesced into one great big never ending stool.
It reminded me a little of the bog scene in trainspotting where Renton the druggie loses his opium suppositories down the bog in a violent bout of diarrhea. He is then forced to sift through the contents of this particularly unwholesome toilet pan to get them back.
Unfortunately there was no such happy an ending for Aunty today. Despite sifting through much verbal diarrhea – Aunty appeared to finish the day still bemused, unenlightened and still covered in excrement!
Read and enjoy this article:
The great unwashed didn’t waste any time organising themselves into a hate spewing mob did they?
This bit about the election party in the US Embassy is hilarious:
‘The building was decked out in red, white and blue – with partygoers anxiously watching dozens of TV screens awaiting results from across the pond.
But the celebratory atmosphere quickly turned sour at about 4am when the vote began to swing in Mr Trump’s favour.
The largely Clinton-supporting crowd who stuck it out until the bitter end looked increasingly despondent as the Republican candidate took swing state after swing state.
The party petered out as Mr Trump won Florida, then Ohio, then Wisconsin leading to his eventual victory.’
And then they all f*cked off to their bigoted little lefty beds. Goodnight.
Steve Jones
“And then they all f*cked off to their bigoted little lefty beds. Goodnight.”
They then get up go to the DHSS to collect their benefits . They don’t work, they never work.They never have done.
I’ve had a broad grin on my face all day. It has been wonderful.
Just discussing events with my brother, whose sister and husband live 15 miles from the Mexican border.
He neatly summed up President Obama’s time in office.
“He has hardly put a word wrong”, which I thought summed up his achievements perfectly!
Must read before hitting post.
Its his sister-in-law and husband, and too many summed ups!
The original arrangement you described is also quite common in that region, I believe.
‘Here lies our late lamented king,
Whose word no man relies on,
Who never said a foolish thing
And never did a wise one.’
I think the rhyme was written about King Charles II, but I’m not sure I’ve remembered it correctly. it does seem to fit President Obama’s achievements, though.
If true, I wonder how this will affect the beeb’s pension fund?
It might explain some of the hostility and bias.
American mother invites Bristol to candlelit vigil at College Green tonight after Donald Trump win
I suppose you lot are already there.
……The idea gets a hammering in the comments
It sure does get a hammering
The comments would suggest, in direct contradiction of the article, that Bristol isn’t as shocked by the result as the snowflakes would have us believe.
‘candlelit vigil’ FFS.
Number 6,
Thank you, thank you, thank you. One of the most enjoyable 2:41 of video I have ever seen. It is obvious what the reaction of these infants is really about. In their selfish, narcissistic, little minds everything must be about them. Hence, the attention seeking over-reaction designed to get them, and not their fellow snowflake, noticed.
No.6 – Thanks for posting that, it shows just how pathetic they all are.
As regards to Ann Coulter being laughed at on Bill Maher’s show – to borrow a line which Nigel Farage deployed against the scum at the EU Parliament (post referendum):-
“Well, you’re not laughing now, are you?”
F**k them all!
Ta No 6.
The rising sea levels aren`t due to melting icebergs are they then?
Can Ann Coulters stock be any higher?
And that Obama-well at least I`m a President quip…wonder if the BBC would EVER show that?
Need I ask?
“And few people personify the establishment more than Hillary Clnton”.
Ain’t that the truth. And so, I hope, that what we see in this judgement is the ordinary people of Western democracies recognising that there is something deeply troubling about the “establishment” because it is that with which we are at war and have, as a mass, failed to realise it.
Closer to home, how many people genuinely believe that our PM is being thwarted by the “establishment” and who thinks that perhaps she is a part of it?
I don’t like Trump but I really, really hope that the establishment’s defeat today can inspire ordinary people to wake up to reality. FN in France, AfD in Germany, UKIP here etc. We all know what needs to happen but we haven’t woken up yet to the realisation that it’s going to take people other than the incumbent political class to do it.
I fully agree with your opinion soyelcaminodelfuturo ….. Theresa May was trained as a legal professional like most of our politicians, I think she deliberately left open the door for the high court judgement regarding article 50… I wish i didn`t live so far away otherwise I would be joining Farage on his planned march…. I`ve a feeling that the decision not to involve any UKIP or even Micheal Gove in the planning of our exit from Europe will make it easier for her to keep us in by stealth… Why wouldn`t she want the experienced MEPs of UKIP involved? they currently hold the largest number of seats of all UK parties, and they collectively know most about the Eurocracy and also how best to deal with thier obstructive policies and how to circumvent and frustrate any attempts to thwart our wish to leave…. Theresa May was never a Brexiteer, Micheal Gove was… he did no worse to Boris Johnson, than she did to David Cameron by staying out of the referendum debate.. It was all a bit too convenient when she emerged as the front runner after Cameron resigned… I don`t trust her, she was the worst Home Secretary i can remember… I only hope that UKIP can sort out the leadership election quickly and then regroup and make themselves ready for an early election with a cohesive maniifesto and also policical aims for a post brexit era…. Sacking Douglas Carswell is a priority, he is not a true UKIP politician, he is always feremting unrest within UKIP ranks… If UKIP can get themselves sorted out in time, UKIP will not need his position as an MP anymore, not that he has ever represented UKIP in the commons anyway… I wonder if Trump will mention Farage when he meets the Prime Minister??? He isn`t stupid, he knows the value of someone who has campaigned relentlessly and he knows a winner when he sees one…. In view of recent legal challenges maybe he can make her rethink her decision not to include UKIP and people such as Gove as it is highly likely that we are no longer going to be `back of the queue` anymore…
I found it was strange that Teresa May did not call on Bill Cash and his Brexit Committee, or UKIP who already had plans for Brexit before the Referendum. The Brexit Committee is now lead by a Remainer, Hillary Benn, Son of that famous Brexiteer and Democrat, Tony Benn.
Also Jacob Rees-Mogg, John Redwood and Peter Bone seem to be well read on possible Brexit procedures, but unused by the Cabinet.
Justin, get rid of Neil Hamilton as well? He leaves a nasty taste from ‘brown envelope’ times?
Which is why he should stay in Wales, although if UKIP gained a foothold in Scotland it would be fun to see him mess with the `fish` woman…..
It may be too late for Sweden, France and the Netherlands. Time they react to Merkels instruction to take many more Islamicists/illiterate Africans it will be all over for them.
I am particularly looking forward to the counter Climafe Change initiatives that will follow Trump’s Paris Summit bonfire. Make it so Mr Trump.
Bit of an embarassment for the MPs who spoke in favour of banning Trump from entering Britain. Bunch of Moslem appeasers.
10pm Channel 5 now : Undercover camera show about a guy fixing illegal papers for immigrants
“Investigative journalist Paul Connolly turns his attention to the illicit industries that have evolved alongside immigration. Going undercover once again, he meets a man who claims to be able to circumvent citizenship tests, allowing anyone to fake their way to a British passport – for a fee. Paul and his team also infiltrate a company that is thought to be making a tidy profit by exploiting migrant labourers. The owners of the firm are accused of turning a blind eye to the legal status of their employees, while expecting them to work for minimal pay.”
Compare the buoyant mood on Newsnight last night:
..to the forth coming episode tonight. It won’t be hard to spot the difference!
Just texted this message to BBC 5Live Phil Williams election discussion on 85058. Doubt if it will be read out.
“It is the likes of the BBC that have led to the rise of Donald Trump and you still don’t get it. Your promotion of identity politics and the subsequent division in society along the lines of race, religion, gender, age and sexual orientation has caused a backlash of your own making. Look at yourselves. You helped to create this movement.”
Mr Go,
Exactly so.
There’s so much bias to comment on but TWAT-O was classic bBBC. Martha Kearney in New York, surrounded by weepie snowflakes and almost unable to find a Trump voter to talk to. All the ‘analysis’ was about what went wrong. Eventually she set up a round table discussion group with, first guest, Paul Mason.
Click. I couldn’t take any more.
Have I Got News For You is going to be brilliant again. After an 8 year old ban they can once again direct their searing acerbic wit against an American President. Can’t Wait!!!!
Yes indeed. US Presidents can be the butt of BBC wit.
‘I say I say, why did the chicken cross the road?’
I don’t know, why did the chicken cross the road?
‘Because Donald Trump is a racist.
( Laughter from the handpicked audience from the local yoony)
Comic, now milking the joke.
‘So is Farage, and Thatcher is dead’.
(Hysterical and uncontrollable laughter.)
With jokes like this Hislop can earn enough to continue with Private Eye
There an awful lot of jokes about mega rich talentless stars who ‘promised’ they would leave the country if Trump won.
Well now he has and the calls for them to leave have begun. One joke is that so many of them have announced plans to move to Canada has led to Canada building a wall to keep them out!
Despite some of the jokes at the Luvvies expense being very funny I sincerely doubt we will be hearing any of them from the po faced unfunny comedians the BBC likes to patronise.
That’s strange, I thought they would want to go to Mexico, not a country more hideously white than America under Trump. The Canadians should insist that they declare allegiance to, and send them to the Queen Elizabeth Islands, and tell them to cuddle the lovely Polar Bears.
And not so far to get the drugs either RP!
0.O.o What`s this??? ….. BBC2 `No Such Thing as The News` …. A current events programme you can watch with `pleasure rather than anxiety` …… Okay then… let`s give it a whirl, i hope there`s lots of canned laughter and minority type interest stuff!!!
I`m hoping to be able to remove the taste of ass from my mouth after being spoon fed sh!t for the duration of the US Elections….
11:30pm “Now we end this extended Newsnight someone earlier than planned”
..seriously they admitted nothing to say and ended early !
President Obama had an 8 year honeymoon period from the BBC, Trump hasn’t had an 8 second honeymoon period from the BBC. Disgraceful
Al Beeb hate Trump.
Even after he won I feel the venom emanating from them.
Al Beeb know and our MPs know that their end is nigh. They are digging their own graves.
First Boris then David Davies, word is getting around .
R4 Midnight News just gave 10 HOSTILE negatives on opening
“DT defied the polls” (em the polls got it wrong ! not him)*
“despite racism and sexism allegations”
“never held elected office”
“the oldest elected president (first time)
“he has no experience”
“Street fighter insurgent”
“Hillary got 0.2% more of the popular vote”
“more than half of women favoured Clinton”
………isn’t that like saying the womens vote was almost split between the candidates ?
*Isn’t that like saying the Exam results defied my answers ?
BTW when Tony Blair won with way less than half the vote did the BBC spend so much time interviewing disgruntled Tory voters ?
“*Isn’t that like saying the Exam results defied my answers ?”
Brilliant Stew! That made me laugh, but then again so does all leftie logic
Off topic I know, but has anyone seen ‘Tomi the troll’ since his last post ?
Where are you Tomi?
Attention US visa office : The British government maintains a list of people who if traveling to the US might try to overthrow a democratically elected government
: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/114003
Also US Embassy when sending delegations remember
What and Which British MPs said about Donald Trump when they called to ban him from visiting UK
Watching Sky and BBC late show comments etc with whoever the snowflakes were it is looking like another casualty of the Trump victory is our useless media . Forget the bias as it is just useless. I doubt if it can recover for some time and certainly any young ambitious journalist would be well advised to steer clear.
The BBC is particular is dying on it’s feet. Sky is not much better and C4 has had it. The Guardian and Independent are finished.
When the lot have gone our country will be that much better.
I hope that you are right but I fear not. The globalist elite will fight on and they know a compliant media is essential if their deception of the people is to continue. Therefor, they will fund and protect the media scum for as long as they have the power to do.
Who were the biggest deceivers crusading against Trump ?
R4 News/CA progs Todayu, Wato, PM, BH, Woman’s H
R4 Comedy progs
Eddy Mair and Mishal Hussein
Katty Kay
Jenny Murray
Newsnight’s LBC’s James O’Brien
Susanne “Farage hating” Reid
Robert Peston
Jon snow
C4’s LBC’s Matt Frei
Who were the ones that said Hillary had virtually won already ?
The Non deceivers
Piers Morgan
Brillo ?
Piers Morgan being pro-Trump has totally thrown me. I always took him for being another lefty luvvie Tory hater, so being pro-Trump just does not fit.
Morgan knows Trump, he won the Celebrity Apprentice show a few years back. Maybe the fact that he knows the guy means that he also knows the left’s caricatures are not true? At any rate, I must be big enough to acknowledge a small sliver of journalistic insight on his part.
You too may well want to know what a Harvard Toff, Ed Miliband, Emily Thornberry and Jeremy Corbyn thought of Trump getting elected.
I`ll not spoil the surprises.
But what about the lady engineer who helped build Trump Towerss?
For Webb HAD trailed it with something about “some people might love Trump, whilst others hate him?”
Which had you got for us Justin?
Oh-someone who hates him, quelle surprise.
And so it`s gone, going, going and gone…like the Godawful slimy and treacherous BBC up its own arse and down any wormhole where BBC types gather in the gloom.
Crap-why are we PAYING? it`s not as if we`re listening anymore is it?
Just signal and noise-any colour but white of course, need I say?
Boris highlighted the Bias and now we have another MP who has noticed it, lets hope our PM has noticed ?………
Rhod Sharp on R5
.. “Every woman in America tonight will have a tear in her heart (cos a woman was not elected”
Now he gets thinking
..”You know Trump did get huge crowds ..do you think he should have made more of that ?”
Live reports of NY Trump Tower demo tens of thousands of young *not yet violent*.
…R5 suggested that New York is out of touch with rest of country.
A few things.
That first time you have sex in your life (yes, decades ago, but go with it). The following day, when you’re walking on air. That was relieved today. 😉
The Question Time panel for tomorrow includes potential US Ambassador Farage, Katie Hopkins and Abbott (FFRC) among others (could change). Apologies if you’re already full to the gunnels with popcorn but you’re gonna have to get some more.
Then this:
There’s hope yet folks.
For posterity…
In contradiction to reports by the BBC. According to the demographic vote, Hillary Clinton won the Uneducated and Poor vote, and Donald Trump won the College Graduate and well off vote. Also Trump won the Anti-Brainwashing “Wisdom Factor” with cut off at 40 years of age, almost identical to the Brexit vote.
I just came across this and had to show the guys on here….

Meanwhile it’s fortress Guardian.
Floor to ceiling, wall to wall, anti Trump, anti-white, anti-British, anti-male.
Proudly, and openly, committing all the ‘isms that they created to obliterate any opposition.
But no comments are allowed anymore, their lefty brains have been so savaged in the previous 24 hours, when comments were allowed, that the drawbridge has been raised.
Maybe some of them are thinking that this most recent “catastrophe” demonstrates that it is the left who are in the wrong.
I hate them more than ever, which I thought was impossible.
Ah the Guardian, the BBC’s sister organ
Guardian: ‘ …we have a small favour to ask. More people are reading the Guardian than ever but far fewer are paying for it. And advertising revenues across the media are falling fast. So you can see why we need to ask for your help….’
As for the ‘more people’ reading the Guardian – one must assume they refer to on-line clicks – which doesn’t exactly endorse their left-liberal editorial line since Yours Truely added to that click count (as many who post hereabouts do) myself in this case in order to find the Guardian’s plea for help. When it comes to paying for the left-tainted rag – well, that’s another matter altogether. Which, of course, brings us to the future of the BBC….
Read the Guardian for free as it is reproduced in links on FB pages of the loony left, from UAF, Left Unity and Class War – all reproduce it as it is their version of the Koran
I thought the Guardian cost £145.50 a year.
You’ve gotta love the irony.
A newspaper with an editorial policy that calls for endless free stuff for folk (paid for by someone else), complaining that people want free access to their stuff and don’t want to pay for it.
Bless ’em.
And the Soros Common Purpose Agenda is now clear.
After Brexit-their “ground game” as they call it is clear.
1. Segment-Trump and Obama call to all Americans.
But S.O.R.O.S/B.B.C have decreed otherewise.
a) Split men from women,white from black,blacks from hispanics, gays from straights, young from old…then cut and paste your discrete categories and cut off boundaries until you get maximum divisions to put up on the news, to give to Martha to read at 1pm.
I repeat-headline big figures only, get them as you have to.
2. Traduce-show your class,youth, educated, stiff`kits, titles, degrees, world government credentials and authority as paid for by the E.U,BBC or Operation Rescue Hearts and Minds.
And we shall contrast THAT with the thick, old stale blue collar blokes and grunts-not educated yet on how to vote, a brake on progressive niceness for Islam.
With a view to eugenics, sterilisation, sanitary methods and educational qualifications before you`re able to vote. Wrong results too often now, we`ll need to look at this one now.
The Greeks did NOT allow helots, slaves and serfs to vote-and as long as women are educated to approved standards we`ll improve on Pure Greek Democracy by letting the likes of Sarah, Hillary and Dianne have a vote anyway.
Very dangerous this sneering at the “uneducated” the “old men” who voted for Brexit or Trump-Goebbels knew how to do it, we need to be ready to get physical if they persist in this last vicious prejudice aimed at us by the BBC and Soros and the Davos Devils.
I spoke on Freedlands crap on Trump.
Freedland had written something years ago about “Bringing Home the Revolution”.
Ah-but Trump picked up the wrong one to bring back home.
And Freedland wants a recount and blood in the streets, rather than a revolution of climate change and Muslim immigrants as HE`D called for.
Well-my post went the way of all hate speech, so the Guardian can now find out the hard way what free speech is. Tossaz!
The European Parliament is considering a plan to let Brits “opt-in” to keep their EU citizenship after Britain leaves the bloc.
Our parliament must withdraw the right to live in the UK from anyone who accepts this.
Europe must prosper, the EU must die.
Don’t worry too much about this TS, the passport will involve tax libility for EU wide taxation even, perhaps, compulsory military or social service if “ever closer union” means what it says it does.
No sensible persons going to take that.
The EU is dying before our eyes.
Those who `opt-in` can expect an immediate enquiry with regards to spare bedrooms in thier house and also of course mandatory conscription into the newly reformed Waffen SS Division `Sturm-Merkel` which will act as an honor guard to welcome `Syrian` refugees and facilitate thier dispersal to all EU member states… Of course they will also perform other duties such as flushing out any Jews and political dissidents, and of course will be making sure that once again the trains run on time….
A little poem about our delicate snowflakes…
It doesn’t matter what it is, you’ll tolerate it..
Unless it from white people, ’cause then you’ll lose your shit!
The screaming, the tantrums, act psychotic if you can..
Shouting “this isn’t what I want mummy”, throwing your toys out your pram!
“You’re racist, Islamaphobic…” mummy the name callings not working?
If you’re going to respond with facts, there’s a trigger warning!
“You’re transphobic..check your privilege..I need my safe place”,
Brexit, now Trumps slapped that smug self-righteous look off your face!
Why is that Greek @rseh0le on the Today programme spouting about economics, seemingly, every 2 minutes?
On the BBC this morning I heard about some protesters marching in the US against the president elect of the United States of America Donald Trump.
Apparently they represent something they ironically call “the Democrats”, at least I hope it’s irony, that or they represent the kind of “democracy” practiced in the DDR/ East Germany.
Yes, these people just don’t geddit, Mr Trump was elected with the help of normal hardworking people, who get on with life, and don’t go around wailing and protesting about their democratically elected representatives in public.
Millions and millions of Trump supporters are not being interviewed by msm, a few thousand bad loser protesters on city streets becomes first news story in biased beebland. To partly rephrase Abe Lincoln ‘You cannot ignore some of the people all of the time’.
Embolden- Or Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – Totalitarians always call themselves Democrats, part of Newspeak.
Funny all these lefty night rallies isn`t it?
Rest of the country asleep, working or having to prepare to work next day.
But the Occupy nightflies seem to have plenty time, drugs and money to set about barely-protected towns, media limelights blazing(fcuk Climate Change re those arc lamps that show Jon Snows creased linen to best advantage)-and all to strike a pose like a Stalinist Tableau, a Timisoira or a Nuremberg.
These leeches lost-like Brexit, they play with fire.
Laura Kuenssberg can’t cope with the outcome of the US election…
Splendid Cassandra!
Well, despite the Trump setback I notice that normal service will be resumed on the BBC. This morning they brought Jim O’Neill back in to read from the script of the BBC’s globalisation manifesto.
He’s an expert dontcha know, he coined the term BRIC (which meant something for a few weeks) and worked for a bank, so my 30+ years working for import/export companies means nothing in comparison.
Anyway, his 10 mins on this morning’s TODAY programmes can leave us in no doubt about where the BBC see us in the future.
Jim O`Neill sounded to me like yesterdays man, or a chicken with its head cut off still running round the farmyard, or Wile E Coyotes legs still running in thin air for a few seconds before gravity sets in to put him in free fall down into the canyon to disappear in a puff of dust.
Everything changed yesterday… Brexit times ten!!!, the scales have fallen from the eyes of the people….. resistance to globalisation is growing but it`s taking time to sink in through the skulls of the “experts”.
He’s a Goldman Sachs guy. Bad new for the Great Vampire Squid, their girl just lost the election. All that money down the drain!
I somehow feel that donations to the “Clinton Foundation” may have dried up as of yesterday morning. What a shame.