The BBC has gone to war, against the government, against those who voted for Brexit, against Trump and those who voted for him. The BBC’s bubble, it’s comfort zone, where it and its fellow travellers control the media narrative and thus they hope the politicians, is being rapidly burst as the unthinkable happens, and keeps on happening. A majority Tory government was never supposed to happen, the BBC predicted the end of the normal party political system, Brexit was never going to happen and Trump, that racist, sexist, vulgar Islamophobe had no chance in hell of getting elected….and what next as elections and referendums are ongoing across Europe? The BBC is terrified it is all over for them and their ilk.
The BBC as political analyst is pretty much a waste of space.
The reason is simple…they don’t deliver the news they deliver what they want you to hear…and that doesn’t correspond to reality.
Their desperate response, as the Right sweeps to victory across the free world, is to go to war.
It’s a war of words but with massive political implications. The BBC in the last three days has fed the watching public three huge lies. Three huge lies that are massively political and with what the BBC hopes huge political fallout.
First we had the attack on Trump claiming he had betrayed the people who voted for him saying he had now u-turned on Obamacare…the truth was that what the BBC claimed he only said a few days ago he actually said over a year ago and then again many times more, in televised debates. Second big lie….the NHS is attempting to keep its reforms a secret because they are so bad…again a lie, a lie shot down on the Today programme by the man who authored the report that the BBC was basing their big lie upon…and yet throughout the day they kept up that lie. The third big lie came today when they quite deliberately reported, without any regard as to whether it was true or not, that ‘a cabinet memo’ had been leaked that made serious and damaging criticisms of the government and the Brexit process. This was a blatant lie that was also shot down on the Today programme and yet the BBC continued to report the memo as if it was fact, even though they at one stage admitted it was merely a firm of consultants pitching for business from the government and was not solicited nor commissioned by the goverment. The BBC are now telling us how important this memo is despite it being to all intents and purposes a ‘fake’ leaked by the Remain camp in order to stir up trouble….
Does the Brexit memo matter?
The document does matter because it underlines what we have reported and others have written about many times.
No, actually, it doesn’t matter one jot. It says nothing that hasn’t been spun by anti-Brexit sources for months now…there’s nothing new and it has absolutely no authority nor credibility being a freelance effort by a company that is desperate to stay in the EU. To the BBC it is important because it peddles the same pro-EU narrative that the BBC has been peddling for months now. Go figure.
No coincidence that the fake ‘cabinet memo’ parrots exactly the themes of Labour’s John McDonnell’s upcoming speech and has been released just before he makes this speech…..
Meanwhile, shadow chancellor John McDonnell is due to say that the government’s “shambolic” approach to Brexit is failing to equip the UK economy for leaving the EU.
In a speech later, he will say the chancellor is isolated from cabinet colleagues and “too weak” to make Brexit a success.
The BBC is certainly going big. Goebbels, Hitler’s master of propaganda, operated on the principle that the bigger the lie the more likely people are to believe it, and the more often it was made the better.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
The problem the BBC has these days is that the Internet makes lying much more tricky. Not only can people easily fact-check you but can then disseminate the truth to counter your lies that much more easily as they have never been able to before.
Which is why the BBC spends so much time now trying to persuade politicians to rein in and control the internet. We’ve had the BBC stories about fake news, nearly always the attack is on ‘right leaning’ sources, though the BBC itself ironically being the master of that particular skill of disseminating fake news, and this line of attack resurfaced yesterday as the BBC helps those on the Left to try to attack Facebook by claiming it helped Trump become president and that Breitbart, which the BBC hates and falsely describes as essentially a far-right extremist, racist, anti-semitic site, also helped and now has one of its bosses advising Trump. The BBC is obsessed with Facebook doing several long stories on it….
Facebook’s fake news crisis deepens
Read more:
How can Facebook fix its fake news?
The rise and rise of fake news
Trump’s ‘hidden’ Facebook army
Zuckerberg promises fake news action
Facebook fake news: Denzel praises Trump
‘I write fake news that gets shared on Facebook’
Note how once again the news source feeding the BBC the story is Buzzfeed…..the BBC seems to have a very, very close partnership with Buzzfeed….does it use Buzzfeed to dig out stories it can’t break for fear of looking partisan and then reports them as ‘Buzzfeed stories’? [It did the same with Whittingdale…they couldn’t break the story of his dalliances with a prostitute because it would look too obviously a politically motivated hit job…so they, in collaboration with anti-Press campaigners, got a small, almost unknown, website to break the story]
The BBC et al are aiming to control who is allowed to publish on the internet and what they say….they want to have the right to judge what is news, what kind of news stories are published, to make judgement calls on not just their truth but also on their merits ethically and morally or merely whether they fit in with the likes of the BBC’s own values and beliefs.
It is an extremely sinister attack on free speech and thought. The BBC aims to police the internet so that news and views are filtered through a left-wing prism….want to talk about immigration or Islam or climate change? No, sorry, they can’t approve that.
As said many times here, the BBC is one of the greatest threats to democracy, freedom and a civilised society.
The BBC has abandoned even any pretence of impartiality or objectivity in its continual sniping against Brexit and Trump. It is increasingly no more than a left-wing propaganda rag.
Earlier today their website was leading on yet another anti-Brexit story, based on comments by a Dutch Minister. Don’t they realise that both sides are taking up negotiating positions, and that by playing up the EU stance, they are undermining our own Government’s position and thereby jeopardising the optimal post-Brexit deal.
In the meantime no “Correction – we got it wrong” on the false story they trumpeted yesterday about the “Downing Street memo”; merely “Downing Street dismisses Brexit ‘divisions’ memo”.
BBC – lying for the left.
James O’Brien on Newsnight last night, continued the Trump sneering – must be a BBC policy, support the purple revolution. It is now clear, that Obama allowed a massive breakdown of the rule of law to take place; so called “sanctuary cities” have not and will not cooperate to deport illegal criminals. Something is going seriously wrong in the USA and the BBC are actively supporting this nonsense. With Soros funding large groups of protestors combined with the recent call by Sanders for millions to rally together (against Trump), I fear this isn’t going to end well.
Did anyone see Kamal Ahmed interviewing the Google chap on the BBC’s Six o’clock news on tuesday 15/11/16 and openly cajoling him to say that open borders and immigration was what was needed in Britain for Google to thrive. Unbelievable. Of course Ahmed is famous as the far left yet inept political editor of The Observer and a major suckhole to Tony Blair and Alistair Campbell when they were immigration cheerleaders for Britain so its natural he should end up cheerleading for mass immigration on the BBC as its economics editor. It’s a waste of time complaining about this to al-Beeb, read the chapter on the BBC in “2030: Your Children’s Future in Islamic Britain” by David Vincent for the facts.
In answer to your question, yes they do know that the are undermining our own Government’s position. That is their aim and they will never desist. If the Tory Party had any cojones it would call them on this and all the other leftard policies and damaging stories that it puts out. They get an opportunity and what do the supine bastards do? Roll over and let us all get screwed. Vote UKIP.
Excellent summary of the situation.
The ‘fake news’ items the BBC have been preaching to us (whilst having their own ‘fake news’ items) shows that there in no sense of self-reflection following the recent elections, no sense that they should stick to entertainment and unbiased news reporting. No, this is the BBC behaving like a petulant child, they are right and the licence payers are wrong.
The people showing that they disagree with the BBC’s narrative has simply made them even more entrenched, more determined to control the narrative that they feel has been stolen from them. Ranting that other sources of information must be censored. It is dangerous delusional behaviour, and should be shut down.
So, all those history grads have really learned about fighting on multiple fronts?
Spot on article.
Any chance of a one off article on the need for a tv license , as in when you need one and when you don’t.
I hear so many conflicting stories I am not sure which is correct.
I pay the BBC license but really do absolutely loathe doing so.
I have stopped watching BBC news some months ago as it’s bias ( just to see how the enemy are thinking ) got too much for me, likewise the ‘One show’. ‘South today’ is another one that I will have to give up soon, despite it’s local news which I find interesting it is gradually filling it’s time up with ‘political agitating’, or ‘girls sports’ and ignoring ‘boys sports’. ‘Struggling’ NHS stories are also on the increase to the point of boredom.
The general rule is that if you watch anything broadcast live, whether on the telly, computer, tablet or smart phone – then you need a licence. I stopped paying about 3 years ago, I have a TV but only watch Netflix (through Playstation console). Netflix isn’t live, so I’m not breaking the law.
Until recently, you could also watch the BBC’s iPlayer programs, (also not live TV) but they have now closed that loophole. There was the odd decent documentary on BBC4, but otherwise it’s no great loss in my opinion.
I don’t think they have any way to enforce the monitoring of iPlayer usage (as far as I’m aware) – perhaps they have instituted a Log In/Password by now..
Anyway I would recommend to everyone to stop paying the licence, deprive the beast of its money source, stop watching their awful output. Eventually, a sensible government might come along and see how irrelevant and incorrigibly biased the Beeb has become..we can but hope.
You can actually tell them on the Licencing website that you don’t need a licence anymore..but don’t bother, it doesn’t stop the threatening letters.
I would just add that, as far as I understand it, you can still watch any channel other than the BBC on catch up without requiring a licence fee. They always seem to downplay that option for some reason.
From May’s Huff Post, Roland
“All users of BBC iPlayer’s catch-up service will have to pay the £145.50 licence fee, the Government announced today.
In a big blow to many households without TVs, Culture Secretary John Whittingdale said that he would bring forward legislation swiftly to allow the Corporation to charge for the first time for those who replay programmes on demand.
As part of the plan to let the BBC recoup £150m in losses caused by iPlayer catch-up, many younger Britons who watch the BBC on their laptop or tablet will now face the annual fee or face prosecution.”
I’ve heard of some people having to input their postcode before being allowed to continue with their viewing. I suppose this is to check the database before the vans are sent round and the knock on the door.
I think there’s been a deliberate muddying of the waters to make people think that the ITV, Channel 4 etc are on the iPlayer when they aren’t. They’re entirely separate.
Not sure, but I think SKY is about the only one you need a TVL for still, ironically, given their shared ‘values’.
Mr Deschain – I agree – it took me quite a lot of digging to work out that catch-up services online (non-BBC) do not require a TV licence for viewing. I also believe this is deliberate because the BBC doesn’t want people to realise this. I gave up my telly in protest in 2015, apart from the occasional documentary on BBC4 I don’t feel I’m missing anything. Many such docs are available to view on Youtube anyway, such as a recent series on British composers. Nowadays I mostly just watch Quest TV which is much more interesting and isn’t heavily larded with PC.
Check out these FAQs on,5925.0.html
Never heard of the postcode thing,just don’t watch i player if you don’t want to pay.
Yes RD you’re right – I forgot about Channel 4’s On Demand where I’ll occasionally watch an old Time Team episode! And the same goes for ITV and Channel 5 services.
I don’t look at the BBC News website any more, no BBC TV – so the only grating left-wing rubbish I subject myself to is with Radio 4 or the World Service. And even then I can only take about 10 minutes before I’m swearing at the radio!
If the BBC were to become subscription based, or, vanish alltogether, Jerry, I still cannot see us being able to watch TV for “free”. My son lives in Germany, does not own a TV, never has in the five years he has been a resident, yet is still made to pay, as are all residents, for a TV licence. The monies raised by the GEZ Gebühren (some say a fascist organisation) fund the two state broadcasters, TV and radio. My son was told that the “fee” is not to be able to watch or listen to the broadcasts, but to actually own the hardware to do so, and unlike the UK, the fee does not apply to the address or property but the person. So,you could have a situation where four people share a flat, one address, yet individuall they all have to pay the licence fee.
To construct a truly efficient, cruel and remorseless bureaucracy, you really need to ask a German.
” My son was told that the “fee” is not to be able to watch or listen to the broadcasts, but to actually own the hardware to do so, and unlike the UK, the fee does not apply to the address or property but the person. So,you could have a situation where four people share a flat, one address, yet individuall they all have to pay the licence fee.”
But surely if four people live in the flat only one of them might be the owner of the tv?
Crazy and incomprehensible I know, Bill, but like they say the GEZ Gebühren is looked upon as a fascist organisation. Also, you would need a “licence” if you drove a car that had a radio in it. My son also made the mistake of giving his educational details to the authorities, which showed he had been spent time in a catholic junior school, so this info allowed the Bavarian Catholic Church to deduct a percentage of his salary every month. He managed to get this stopped though.
Caroline Lévesque-Bartlett set up a petition on, ironically, 38degrees to ‘End the BBC Licence Fee’. It may be that it is no longer available for signing but please check it out on .
She has been campaigning for some time to get the licence fee scrapped. The more people that complain, the better.
I have hoped (in thought) and said (in very select company) for many years now that there will one day be an accounting and the traitors will have to answer for what they have done. In truth, I realised that it was just that, a hope.
I am beginning to dare that this is starting to turn into reality.
The final dissolution of the EU led by the next set of dominos (which I feel will be France, Holland and possibly Sweden) will crystallise my view.
We have gone well past the point of any further analysis. We have been denied any opportunity to dispassionately discuss our point of view and perhaps influence affairs into less destructive territory and now all the horrors to come are inevitable.
What a bloody mess….
The guy in this YouTube vid has clicked…. Too fucking late now Jonathon but glad to see you really do understand.
I think someone pointed out this is a spoof, the man is a comedian. This is so close to reality and the left-wing “ideas” are so crazy it’s sometimes hard to tell.
Ahh…Thanks for that Demon, I didn’t know.
He does make some very valid points though.
The BBC with reporting and comment to rival comical Ali’s finest warns about fake news? too funny for words. Still, being the pedlar of a rotten and corrupt ideology that is in the process of being utterly rejected by the wider public can’t be easy, and is going to lead to some very bitter and resentful old hacks. It would be interesting to see one of them stray from the narrative slightly, I suspect at least one likely candidate, so far self preservation has ruled the day but who knows once the cracks start to show.
Totally agree with your sentiments Alan. BBC bias has now reached a new level with its triple disappointment in the form of the results of the 2015 UK general election, the 2016 EU referendum and now the US Presidential Election. The BBC is, it seems, going for broke by generating false news, not just reporting real news in a biased way. Its a new ball game and its so serious that I feel the Government can’t simply sit by and do nothing, as Cameron clearly wanted to do.
Agree Alan and with all comments-it would appear quite clearly that the BBC has burnt its boats and now sinks down further into the myre of useless political reporting. However we the licence payer have to accept their nonsence and continue to be bombbarded with dumbed down TV progs and now this moring have been advised by the BBC news that it intends to enlarge the BBC World Service with upteen more language services all at our expense. Most of these areas proposed where the BBC wants to include already have their own, no doubt funded services, so why the necessity to expand this World Service-to ingratiate itself with all the world? Or some plan to aid the globalisation/NWO. Trump for Director Genral !
Donald Trump denies transition disarray after sackings
The BBC tries to spread the ordure to its limits saying re Trump’s son in law:-
Mr Christie was New Jersey attorney general when Mr Kushner’s father was tried and jailed in the state for tax evasion, illegal campaign contributions and witness tampering in 2004.
Have we ever heard about Chelsea Clinton’s father in law?
His father is Edward Mezvinsky (b. 1937), who embezzled more than $10 million dollars from people via both a Ponzi scheme and the Nigerian e-mail scams and was found guilty of fraud in 2001
or indeed her husband
Subsequent to his graduations, he worked for eight years as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs before leaving to join a private equity firm, but later quit. In 2011, he co-founded a Manhattan-based hedge fund firm, Eaglevale Partners, with two longtime partners, Bennett Grau and Mark Mallon.[1][8] In May 2016, The New York Times reported that the Eaglevale Hellenic Opportunity Fund is said to have lost nearly 90 percent of its value, [which equated to a 90% loss to investors] and sources say it will be shutting down.[9][10] Emails discovered as part of Wikileaks’ release of the “Podesta emails” seemed to indicate that Mezvinsky had used his ties to the Clinton family to obtain investors for his hedge fund through Clinton Foundation events. (Wiki)
I would have thought that would be big news on the BBC. LOL !
Nice post NISA! How little we know about the Clintons (and will never know if we only listen or watch the BBC broadcasts).
If we’re talking about the BBC’s fake news, lets not forget DV’s story on this site; Katty Kay’s announcement that when the BBC get the second referendum that they are agitating for, people will change their minds and vote to remain (even though there is no evidence whatsoever).
And today, Lisa Nandy is yet again peddling more ‘news’ about the Child Abuse Inquiry. News of course that suits her anti May agenda.
Anyone FOIA’ed that survey ? ..and the cost of doing it
why is the survey not public ?
If it doesn’t exist then Sister Katty needs to put the record straight
#BbcIncorrigible Evangelists
An FOI would be well worth it, if only for the inevitable response from an entity that talks transparency and trust, whilst praticising opacity and misinformation
Firstly I noticed yesterday when reference was made (I think on the Today programme) about false news stories, the example that was given (if it was Today it was Sarah Montague but it might have been Martha on WATO) was internet stories of the Pope supporting Donald Trump (how any once could believe that, was the subplot) but there are plenty abound put out by Hillary and her supporters but not quoted.
However I feel the quiet men of Britain and America have only won a battle again the Left and the Left’s attempts to control minds. The BBC are coming out of their shock at a Donald win (how could people do that after all our sneering at the Donald?)and at the moment they are continuing with their bias but with even more outrageous stories showing contempt for their listeners – but if the quiet men did not believe the MSM before Brexit and the recent US election, they will increasing not believe the unbelievable. When the MSM realises it has lost its power it will become vicious. Stormy days ahead.
Oh, I’ve found it already vicious since the referendum.
Hallelujah to the BBC-Church-of-Saving-The-World
Its MISSIONARIES trying to insert their preaching into every situation
I swear I don’t go looking for this stuff
..I switch on the radio and it’s IN MY FACE
Sister Mishal ……………….eg Wednesday 8:24am on R4
Brother Nicholas Campbell …………… around 8:45 am R5
“The Incorrigibles” = people who dig in even when GE2015, Brexit, Trump2016 have proved their worldview wrong
“That nasty character, is that Donald trump ?”
Take this rather obvious interjection by Sister Mishal , today, as she GROOMS actor Eddy Redman. The interview is about a new J K Rowling film Direct audio link to 2h24m
(doh you stupid woman the film is already in the can, so of course the script would be too old to have Trump in )
ER then goes on
(I can see that the establishment is afraid of Donald Trump and refuses to educate themselves about him and so tries to exclude him)
She tries a different tack
..this is not what she wants ..ends interview
Ah wrong name It was Preacher Sarah Montague, not sister Mishal that did the interview.
Labour-Love-in + Trump hate : Brother Nicholas Campbell …………… around 8:52 am on R5
Ostensibly talking with Yvette Cooper about historic child abuse inquiry but really feeding lines to her.
Direct audio link to 2h52m
Goes on to happy happy discussion about their friend Ed Balls on Strictly.
Fake news.
A beautiful facts are sacred until we decide otherwise page.
Comments nearly 100% against the Guardian bollox, is not being savaged BTL it is being laughed at.
Still grubbing for money, it must close soon, yippee.
Mr.Golightly spoke twice about the BBC’as labelling of Breibart
He noted stealth edits
first it was conservative, then combative conservative, then rightwing
then next page “far-right” to “right-wing”.
Mr.Golightly November 13, 2016 at 11:18 pm mentioned Trump election: Priebus and Bannon given key roles

First Conservative was changed to “right-wing”
Then in the next part “conservative” to “combative conservative” with notes about racism
November 14, 2016 at 2:46 pm Spot the difference.…. On the BBC Rolling Trump newspapge
\\. With overnight editing Breitbart has gone from “far-right” to “right-wing”.//
“Damn you internet… damn you to hell!!!!!”
To me “far right wing” in proper media is a SMEAR term
You never hear Greenpeace and similar activist NGO’s as being described as “Far left” by the BBC
… The normal convention is to stick to the label groups themselves use
In the UK “conservative” is not used cos that is already ONE political party,
but in the US conventions are liberal, conservative and libertarian.
To me Breibart seems to describe itself as an alternative-conservative news-site
or Alt-Right for short
.. It doesn’t describe itself usually as Right-Wing and certainty not Far-Right-wing.
Similarly UKIP describes itself as an INDEPENDENCE party it is open to disaffected Labour voters . It doesn’t really refer to itself as Right-Wing”
The BBC knows Such labels as “right-wing”, “Far Right-wing” are weapons
..and the BBC is using them it its war.
I think I have found the solution to this problem.
With some Socialists who support free speech, like George Galloway. And with Soviet and National Socialists, Cameroon Tories and Blairite Labour types at the BBC, such as Lord Hall, who censor free speech.
I suggest that instead of the scale “Right-Wing to Left-Wing“, it would help to solve the confusion by using a more accurate terminology “Libertarian to Orwellian” This would lump the BBC with the Nazis, Soviets, Cameron/Blairites and North Korea, as Nasty Orwellian types. And everyone else as nice Libertarian types, who love Democracy (Brexit) and Free Speech (Trump).
Richard, I don’t agree with you about Galloway, I’ve seen him shout over (with enhanced mic) people who have sensible points with which he disagrees. He is a complete Socialist and that includes not wanting to allow other points of view to be thought let alone said.
But I do agree with your second paragraph. I regard myself as a libertarian: I believe that nothing should be illegal to say except proposing terrorism or violence. Anybody who says nasty things should be ridiculed but not banned. As soon as the lefties (including many running the former Consrvative Party) started dictating what can and cannot be said it was the beginning of the end of free speech, the cornerstone of democracy.
The BBC News Agenda – is there one? Will Corbyn stick to it?
Yesterday in the moments prior to PM Questions BBC man Norman Smith filled in time before Theresa May got to her feet with a complaint about Jeremy Corbyn’s tactics.
You see, from Smith’s point of view the Labour leader doesn’t ‘follow the news agenda’. Of course Norman (nicknamed ‘but-Labour-say Smith) tempered his criticism of the opposition leader with the explanation that his questions ‘often come from emails he has received’
Even so, that was a remarkable little rebuke from a BBC journo.
Our Norman went on to tell viewers how the most interesting contributions came from Conservative back benchers with questions about Brexit.
Isn’t it interesting that our BBC man would rather Corbyn follow more closely this concept of ‘news agenda’. Something of which I’m sure the BBC would deny the existence.
One could conclude that the BBC misses the days when Labour spinners worked rather more closely in step with our national broadcaster. And when Labour cared for the EU just as much as do the BBC.
When Corbyn got to his feet for his first question it looked as though Norman Smith was to be proved right with the Labour leader opening with an odd ‘Pointless’-type pub quiz query for the PM concerning the arcane subject of the ‘Chacos Islanders’
Subdued sniggers from the government back benches and bemused looks from the cabinet seemed to support Smith’s worst fears. Had a young man from that distant Pacific archipelego emailed Jeremy worried about his propects in the grass skirt and coconut gathering industry – now it was about to be literally decimated by Tory cuts?
Not to worry Norman, Corbyn swerved and made his first question double-barrelled with a much more BBC-friendly question about Brexit.
Recently promoted over Norman Smith’s head Laura Kuenssberg was soon merrily Tweeting about lack of a plan for Brexit.
The News Agenda was restored. The BBC, Norman and Laura were happy bunnies once again. Good on you, Jeremy.
Why can`t we resettle them on that island thats made out of bird shit???? They have coconut farming and coconut harvesting and a thriving coconut based economy a world leader in fact since the arse fell out of the bird shit industries… I am sure that the present inhabitants would gladly swap living on an island made from bird shit to the Seychelles or Mauritius, it would make a change from all the damned coconuts and of course the stench of bird shit…
I have to say I balked at the estimated costs of resettling the islanders back on Chagos …… up to £100 million but breathed a sigh of relief to hear that a £40m support package over the next decade to help exiled islanders improve their lives in Crawley where 1,500 of them live in social housing and mostly on benefits so they can claim legal aid to abuse our legal system… However I do feel that the failure to also provide some kind of coconut based career opportunies may well be of some concern to them…..
Apparently a proposal to send a pilot group of 100 Chagossians to Diego Garcia to see if they could make a living, mainly by providing services to the military and from fishing and tourism did not bear fruit (apart from coconuts) as evereyone at the military installation had some ladders with which to get thier own coconuts and tourissm as well due to its` use for rendition flights etc…
This final judgement means they get £40 million to live in Crawley and also means that Benjamin Zephaniah can now go back to writing his poems and his role in Peaky Blinders….
I thought the islands were made of parrot fish shit, Justin?
Still shit though.
I’m scratching my head as to how something can be pro- freedom of speech and far-right/fascist. Maybe fascists could take advantage of the opportunity temporarily, but they wouldn’t have freedom of speech for others as a long term value! They really don’t understand moral right/centrism or it really scares them maybe…
I was listening to an interview this morning on radio 4 at 7.00 am between Justin Webb and and an American Republican, I think his name was Joe Pollock? Webb wades straight in and states why should Trump appoint a man like Steve Bannion a man who hates Jews and Webb read out an ambiguous statement, stating the latter that was not even from Bannion. The American really laid into Webb and pointed out that the statement was not only wrong but slanderous and if this was the quality of news prompted by the BBC he was very concerned. I do admire the intellect and extensive vocabulary of some of these American commentators and politicians, frankly they leave some of ours standing.
I have since tried to find this interview on the BBC web site but I have had no luck. I suppose its been kicked into the long grass, but theres plenty on the site about that failed politician Ed Balls for those who are interested?