549 Responses to WEEKEND OPEN THREAD…

  1. thirdoption says:

    I didn’t think it was possible to think Tim Farron was more of a total waste of space than I already did but he gave an interview in the Guardian in which he says that he will demand a second referendum on the terms of Brexit.

    “Article 50 would proceed, but only if there is a referendum on the terms of the deal. And if the British people are not respected then, yes, that is a red line and we would vote against the government,” Farron said.


    What are you talking about you dishonest little man, the people have already voted and they voted to get out – right out and not one foot in one foot out like a liberal hokey-cokey.


    • Lock13 says:

      Does he want a best of five just in case they lose the next one too? I heard Sturgeon is not recognising the result in the England v Scotland football match the other night too (lovely article on newsthump)


      • Beltane says:

        I believe she was quoted as saying: ‘Aye we wuz robed. Fu’in cheetin Inglish bastards.’


    • Andrew Caplan says:

      Who is Tim Farron?


    • scribblingscribe says:

      Farron clearly has his ear to the ground and an affinity with the British People.

      I confidently predict he’ll be unemployed with in four years, just like his predecessor.


    • gb123 says:

      Sure fire way to reduce your MPs from 8 to -8 next time there is an election.


    • Wild Bill says:

      One of these days Tim Farron’s mum is going to discover he’s not in his bedroom and has been sneaking out and being a liberal MP. I suspect he will then be grounded or get lines.
      I must stay in my room and not go out and pretend to be a politician.
      I must stay in my room and not go out and pretend to be a politician.
      I must stay in my room and not go out and pretend to be a politician.


  2. G says:

    Interviewee on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Sunday’ (some Chaplain from around Canary Wharf I think) telling the listener that for business and employers vis a vis religion, there is, ‘Political Correctness’ but we need to move on and create an additional, ‘Religious Correctness’ as well. Employees who take their religion seriously need the workplace to be a place where openness and debate about the individual employees religious leanings can be expressed openly and employers should create that space for such exchanges. Can you believe this? It is seriously unreal and I immediately had visions of being back in Saudi Arabia where Islam dictates everything like the closing of businesses for Prayer Time during the day. “Productivity” – what’s that? But, hey, importantly, it would be a wonderful opportunity to have “The Cult of Submission” ram more down any unfortunate work colleagues throat would it not? After all, from the BBC’s ‘Sunday’ we also hear that Islam is the fastest growing, “religion”. Certainly with the BBC’s help and support it may.
    As an atheist, I enjoy listening to this sort of so-called, ‘Religious’ nonsense. In a World of instability, it is reassuring to recognise that I am not susceptible to more BBC propaganda promoting Utopia. ‘Utopia’ is the place where all Left leaning/Liberal devotees of multiculturalism try and usher us but we never arrive as the compass followed is totally defective.


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      I`m a Church Mouse myself, so heard bits of this as I was getting ready for the Cenotaph service locally.
      “Religious Correctness”-the “job of the employer to see the advantages of time off to express yourself like the gays now do”
      Not a person of any faith asked, just some City Chaplain who is paid to give us all this “Ebony and Ivory” tosh.
      THIS is religious programming?
      If I really thought that religion stews your brain, makes you an inane buffoon who wants more Muslim holidays paid for by me, and wants Trump reversed because Gaga says so and the Loony Right Evangelicals are to blame,,,I too would be seeking out my wicca coffin and some firelighters for my suttee.
      Like REAL politics from Farage and Trump-can only pray we`ll get some REAL religion soon-not the milksop stuff of Welby, Chalke , Frankie or the sappy new Chief Rabbi


  3. BRISSLES says:

    Watching the events at the Cenotaph, this is at least one programme the BBC cannot play around with for the sake of diversity. Cameras continually scanning the crowds (looking for a non-white face?), prove that this is one occasion where very few B and EM’s come out en masse to remember our fallen. Yet they are ‘proud’ to call themselves ‘British’ ?!!!


    • gb123 says:

      The did mess it up a little, with Dimbleby doing the commentary and the pre recorded interviews backed with the ubiquitous piano background music whilst trying to hear what the service people were saying. Someone should have told the person filming and editing the interviews that these were real people with real stories, not a reality TV show.


      • Killer Gorilla says:

        As the hierarchy of British public life laid their wreaths they were given a simple narrative, almost monosyllabic. As soon as the black Commonwealth veterans appeared Dumbledore became much more forthcoming. He almost gabbled in his eagerness to press home the message that we were in debt to them. We were. But did he have to be so breathless about it?

        So patronising.


  4. Number 6 says:


    The New York Times, along with the rest of the North Korea-style propaganda media, made a mockery of journalism by shamelessly shilling for Hillary Clinton.

    Reality of financial consequences hitting home i think 🙂


    • Lock13 says:

      Reading the comments – wow that’s powerful nobody interested in what they have to say anymore. How do we cancel our BBC subscription?


    • StewGreen says:

      The NYT has gained a reputation for bias now at risk of failing.
      Coincidentally is headed by exBBC Head Mark Thompson, who boasted on the Media Show 10 days ago about the hardline they were taking against Trump.


  5. G says:

    Coming to a Town or City near you soon……….



  6. G says:

    Does this public lawyer, Agarwal, remind you of someone in the UK that just recently ‘ascended’ to the Lords?



  7. scribblingscribe says:

    So, guess how much the Clintons have earned in just the last few years. Go on. A few million? Tens of millions? Over a hundred million?

    Nope. Over two hundred million dollars.

    When you have stopped spitting blood, ask yourself: Has she created revolutionary new software? A ground breaking development in medicine? Opened a highly successful factory, exporting a great deal?


    All the money is from big business and Wall Street, in return for getting their snouts into the White House for influence.

    No doubt the BBC will be all over this revelation.


  8. SupportOurLefty says:

    Friends! My latest Blog, “Sunday Selection Of Lefty’s Greatest Tweets, Which Literally Cannot Be Trumped! [Groan! – J.C.], 6th-13th November” is now – literally – available!

    And as a special bonus – for literally no extra charge – I have adapted that old classic, “We Shall Overcome” with a new, anti-Trump theme, i.e. “We Shall – Literally – Overcome Trump Some Day”, as the traditional, end-of-Blog song.

    It is – literally – available, literally here:



    • chrisH says:

      Subscription option O wise one?
      Or at least a place where we can run a cheridee appeal to raise money to get those books out there…why HAS no one yet offered a “drink a thon-where we all get boozed up and send you the money we saved from…er…
      Being a Lefty means that I don`t have to think it out-there`s a magic money tree out there, and it`s just the right thing to do.
      I`m a soft world superpower ranger me…and today i`ve been mostly drinking Thatchers!….
      I dare to dream-do you?


      • SupportOurLefty says:

        Hello Friend Chris! Very kind of you to suggest this … but actually I’m fortunate enough not to need the money, and wouldn’t dream of asking anyone to fund this project.

        No, what I really need is someone’s expertise! Someone who can turn a Blog in to a book, in the technical sense of making it in to an e-book and maybe also a hard-copy version too. This can all be done via Amazon, I gather – it’s just I shudder at the thought of trying to do it myself, not being particularly skilled at all the techie stuff.

        I can do all the “editorial” stuff (though I wouldn’t mind input/advice on this) for what could be (provisional title) “Lefty’s Little Read [sic] Book Of Blogs ‘n’ Tweets – illustrated by Josh”*. I’d be happy to pay someone (assuming it wasn’t at an exorbitant rate!) for such technical work.

        Anyway, if you or anyone reading this knows such a person, please leave a comment on my Blog (as I automatically receive an unpublished email address for anyone commenting) – it can be on an old Blog if you don’t want it to be noticed, as I get notifications of all comments – or a DM on Twitter, and we can take it further!

        Thanks again for your enthusiasm and support, Chris – greatly appreciated :).

        *Josh being – for anyone unacquainted with his work – the excellent cartoonist who is probably best known for his cartoons on Bishop Hill and WUWT, who is willing to do cartoons for the book.


  9. Al Shubtill says:

    I returned home this afternoon and watched the Andrew Marr Show which I’d recorded earlier. I saw an interview with an intelligent, forward thinking politician who believes whole heartedly in their country and its people; who puts the interests of that country and its people ahead of any other consideration and who would put those beliefs into practice were they to be elected to be the leader of that country.

    Just before that I saw an interview with Jeremy Corbyn.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Corbyn poses with far left Nazis from the UAF outside the BBC this morning. No platform for Le Pen, they are saying.
      Duck mouth Marr apologises for the BBC interview with Le Pen



      • Restroom Mole says:

        Not many in that crowd – is it too early in the morning?
        Why does the sweetie in the blue hat have a placard stuck in his back?


      • Wild Bill says:

        I wonder how many of those have welcomed a refugee into their spare room?


  10. thirdoption says:

    When a scruffy, left-wing nobody organises a pop concert, they are knighted and forever referred to as Sir Bob Geldof by the BBC.

    When the son of a left-wing, corrupt politician fails miserably in persuading people to remain in the EU, he is knighted and forever referred to as Sir Will Straw by the BBC.

    When a failed, racist LibDem former MP is promoted to the House of Lords for no reason whatsoever other than hating Jews and supporting terrorism amongst Palestinians, she is forever referred to by the BBC as Baroness Jenny Tonge.

    When a hard-working, brilliant man of the people changes the whole face of British politics by leading the Brexit vote, creates an interest and enthusiasm in UK politics never seen before and has the honour of being the first British politician to meet President-Elect Trump he gets nothing but ridicule and scorn from the MSM. The BBC refer to him as “controversial”.

    Thank goodness the BBC is unbiased and politically neutral.


  11. AsISeeIt says:


    That was a BBC presenter of their technology programme aired on the BBC News Channel – sounds as though the BBC are targeting the millenials.

    The urban dictionary informs us that the word ‘cool’ represents the ‘best way to say something is neat-o, awesome, or swell’.

    Apprarently ‘The phrase “cool” is very relaxed, never goes out of style, and people will never laugh at you for using it’

    Pleased to see the BBC took note.

    And what elicits this BBC exclamation of awsomeness this morning in the show ‘Click’ where this episode is supposed to be dedicated to the fledgeling technology of virtual reality?

    Why, of course, the BBC has treked up the Swiss Alps to a glacia to inspect some research into – you guessed it – Global Warming.

    Hey, I’m having some déjà vu here… didn’t a recent edition of the BBC Travel Show also broadcast on their News Channel also wander up the Swiss Alps to report on a glacia-themed tourist attraction and then spend over half the report banging on about Global Warming? Yes. Pattern here?


  12. Christopher Wright says:

    BBC2’s latest comedy “Nigel Farage Gets his Life Back” seems to have been somewhat overtaken by events to say the least. Instead of moping at home in his garden shed waiting for the phone to ring as depicted in this show Mr Farage was last seen at Trump Towers for the first face to face discussions with the President Elect by any British politician. Theresa May’s office has already gone into damage limitation mode over this obvious coup and at least we have one UK politician who didn’t damage the important new U.K. U.S relationship during the recent election campaign.


  13. AsISeeIt says:

    Oh, how we laughed

    So pleased to see Nice Guy Gavin Esler BBC News Channel anchor having a little smirky chuckle along with nerdy BBC political correspondent Chris Mason about the recent Trump-Farage meeting.

    Isn’t it great that our employees at our national broadcaster feel relaxed enough on this sombre Remembrance Sunday to have a small moment of light relief and meeting of minds in a shared humorous take on at least one particular aspect of the news.

    Just think, if our BBC journos were a really diverse representative group of the population and not allied together in the same narrow group-thinking gene pool then these little knowing shared smirks might be lost.


    • Al Shubtill says:

      “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”
      George Orwell.


    • Christopher Wright says:

      The liberal media will wilfully misrepresent everything that Trump says and does from now on. One of the great ironies in all of this is that if President Trump does succeed in bringing in more stringent immigration policies he will be doing no more than bringing his country into line with its northern neighbour Canada where, basically, if you don’t have an essential job or skill you can’t come in. Making America more like Canada in this regard is hardly an extreme proposition and last time I checked Canada was the place that the liberal celebrities wanted to flee to in the event of a Trump win. That’s right they wanted to move (or pretend to move) to a country with tougher immigration controls than their own.
      I suspect Trump himself is tough enough however to stand up to the cry bullies and that’s probably why they are so upset as they know their usual tactics won’t work on him. The Saul Alinsky playbook may have finally met its match. Here’s hoping.


      • Al Shubtill says:

        I wonder how many of those “celebrities” have moved out of the U.S. thus far? And how many of them ever will do, my prediction: none of them have and none of them will.


        • GCooper says:

          And why would they choose Canada over Mexico?


          • chrisH says:

            Good question GCooper-a fine poster here!
            The reason-because Canada has a more enlightened attitude to drugs.
            And they seek the thrill of the drugs cartel experience in Canada because these are edgy countercultural hard cases who scorn the Mexican softies in Juarez and Tijuana. much preferring the wild streets of Mamilton and Montreal.
            Oh-and Canadian food is spicier that Mexican.


          • Steve Jones says:

            For the same reason they don’t live in the ‘enriched’ parts of their own countries. At heart they are all racists with their coping mechanism being to screech racist at anyone who disagrees with them.


        • StewGreen says:

          We should make a Petition to exclude “Trump-fearing-celebrities” from entering the UK.


          • chrisH says:

            What about that picture of Trump and Lord Nigel Farage-elect at every airport where the fey fops try to sneak in to plug some puff on Graham Nortons media muff of a show-a bargain at £4 million or wha`evaz!
            Soft toys, puppies and hot sweet tea and Vaporub available for the counselled.


      • RJ says:

        Canada is changing. Derek Zoolander’s plan is to make it more like Sweden.


    • Lobster says:

      Why isn’t she wearing a burka? I don’t mean for religious reasons, but just to hide her sodding face.


  14. thirdoption says:

    We were told by the BBC and MSM that the only reason Donald Trump won the US election was due to non-college educated voters i.e. the thick, unwashed were the ones who swept him to power.

    Here’s a picture of all those college educated, intelligent voters protesting against the result.


    The last time I saw a rabble like that was at a Momentum/UAF/Hope-not-Hate rally.


    • Al Shubtill says:

      Those scum will get the shock of their lives if Giuliani is appointed Attorney General, when he was Mayor of NYC he said protestors were welcome to the sidewalks but not the streets; good luck pulling all this anti-Trump and BLM s**t when he’s directing Federal law enforcement policy, Loretta Lynch he ain’t.


    • Dave S says:

      There could be a very real danger that these snowflakes could run into a handful of proper Americans from redneck flyover land. Odds of 50 to one seem fair. Or perhaps 100 to one gives the snowflakes a fighting chance.


  15. Fire and Ice says:

    I see the BBC is more interested in taking a swipe at Donald Trump over NATO speculation than having Remembrance Sunday as their lead story 100 years after the Battle of the Somme:



  16. thirdoption says:

    A terrific article, as always, by Rod Liddle in the Sunday Times (pay-walled).
    I’ve reproduced it below for all to enjoy.

    “My change.org petition to demand a second election in America because “I didn’t like the result of that one they had” is picking up steam. Almost 300 signatories. My point is that the first poll should be seen only as advisory.
    Plenty of the people who have signed it have taken the thing at face value. The abyss of liberal delusion is bottomless. Some protesters have even started burning their own shoes, believing them to have been made by a company that supports The Donald. If only they would do this while they were still wearing them.
    I have lost count of the number of articles or social media posts I have read from sappy women and mimsy men about how awful it all is for their children, having to live a life of oppression under the fascist Trump. Children have indeed been in tears — because they’ve been told by their hysterical parents or teachers that Trump is going to execute all gay people and nuke Mexico. Somehow Trump is getting the blame for this, rather than the idiotic parents and teachers.
    Meanwhile, over here we have Simon Schama screaming and flapping his hands, and Matthew Parris arguing that it is surely time we ended the disastrous democratic experiment, because people keep voting in a way he doesn’t much like. Mob rule, he thinks. No, it’s called an election, Matthew. And if you’re looking for a mob, how about those people hurling firebombs because they don’t like the result?
    The liberals will not learn. They continue to denounce those who disagree with them as racists, misogynists, homophobes and thickos — guaranteeing that the rest of us will continue to vote this way, if only for the fun of watching their reaction.”


  17. Spacemonkey says:

    Lego. They cut off promotional deals with the Daily Mail because a single individual, Bob Jones said he felt “uncomfortable” buying the plastic bricks because of the companies connection with D.M. over the papers editorial policy on Brexit.

    It may surprise Bob Jones to find out Lego has a theme park in Dubia, UAE. UAE is a confederation of 7 emirates, each ruled by an absolute monarch. No democracy for the UAE, thank you very much. They employ slave labour from India, Pakistan and Philippines and any political opposition is quickly silenced, journalists and activists are known to disappear without trace. Presumably our dear friend Bob is “comfortable” with buying the brick based toy from a company in bed with such a regime.

    Lego has form on this one. It distanced itself from Shell after it announced plans to drill for oil in the Arctic. Hmm. I wonder what the brick based toy is made out of? Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, a plastic made up of, you guessed it, OIL. Lego sources the ABS from Bayer, the German chemicals giant who are an offshoot of IG Farben who manufactured the Zyklon B gas used in the Nazi gas chambers. Now Bayer has bought out Monsanto, dubbed by some “The worlds most evil corporation”.

    Nice company Lego keeps, eh? But of course, the D.M. are the real villains of the piece, because the supported a democratic decision to leave an undemocratic political body.


    • Thoughtful says:

      The so called “Stop Funding Hate” group was perhaps appropriately founded by hate filled BBC luvvie Richard Wilson, whose intolerance for those who fail to see the world his way knows no bounds.
      Fritz Haber a German Jew was the inventor of Zyklon B so I think I’d a little careful with that example. AG Farben did however use Jews from the Auschwitz concentration camp as slave labour, something perhaps Lego don’t have a problem with !


      • Spacemonkey says:

        Thanks for the comment, but I don’t see how the fact that a jew invented Zyklon B invalidates my point. AG Farben were also involved in “experiments” on inmates at the death camps.


    • RJ says:

      “Now Bayer has bought out Monsanto, dubbed by some “The worlds most evil corporation”.”

      Not now we have Google.


      • GCooper says:

        True. Closely followed by Facebook. Monsanto feeds (fed) millions. Google…. um…..

        Facebook even more so.


  18. gaxvil says:

    BBC the purveyor of fake, biased and none news:-
    OK so World Service Radio: Asking an African what Trump might mean for Africa? “Because Trump hates African Americans … ” He says quite unchallenged. Then a program about the brain. Seemed safe but oh no, we get a comment about the faulty brains of those voting Trump!
    And if I hear Trump called a rapist much more – I’ll sue!
    So Lego has cut their advertising from the Mail because of ‘hate speech’ (Free Speech?). Sounds awfully like what the Nazis and Soviets used to get up to.
    Back in the day people in repressive countries would tune to the BBC for the truth – oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.


  19. scribblingscribe says:

    The increasingly dreadful BBC:


    the following is a quote from the above, linking Trump’s democratic election success with the marking of Nazi atrocities against Jewish people. No where does the appalling Jenny Hill, who wrote it, seek to justify this sickening link. What the hell can we do about these attacks on democracy from the BBC?

    She wrote:
    “A few hours after US President-elect Donald Trump took to the stage to make his acceptance speech, as evening fell in Berlin, small candles were quietly lit and carefully placed in front of aged, stone doorsteps and along the darkening pavements.

    Berliners were marking the anniversary of Kristallnacht (when Jewish people and their businesses were violently attacked in 1938).

    It was barely noted amid the febrile howl of international reaction to the US election. Neither was the 27th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, which shares the same date.

    But both events – and all that they represent of this country’s past – explain, partially at least, why Germans were so repulsed by Donald Trump’s election rhetoric”


    • gaxvil says:

      They are banning Glyphosate (Roundup) weed killer, since they say traces can be found in most of the fruit and veg we consume. I just wonder if it’s affecting some brains out there?


    • Dave S says:

      A near perfect example of the poor quality of the BBC’s reporting and it’s inherent bias and lack of any understanding of reality.
      There is no connection between Kristallnacht and Trump whatsoever and it is inexcusable to write as if there was.
      Germany portrayed as a defender of Western democratic values is absurd. It never was and is only partly now as a result of the Allies mainly the Americans expending much blood and wealth in forcing it to become so.
      Merkel has ignored any democratic protocols by unilaterally flooding Germany and Europe with immigrants.
      For over 100years Germany has been the major source of war and instability in Europe.
      Arguably the USSR( the other tyranny infesting Europe) was a creation also of Germany.
      The EU is nothing but German hegemony reimposed. If Trump refuses to embrace the EU as it is then good luck to him and to us.


    • ToobiWan says:

      Just when did the BBC begin to care or show any sympathy for the Jewish people? Or is it only their spiritual homeland, Israel, they hate with a Passion?


  20. gaxvil says:

    Thing is the media have set the bar. According to them he the Devil incarnate and so can’t possibly be any worse – which gives him a free hand and the media nothing to report? e.g. Yesterday evil Trump did evil things and we guarantee more of the same for the duration of his term. Tune in tomorrow for more news of evil Trump doing evil things – or just don’t bother.


  21. WiganCookie says:

    I wonder if Sting has a new album?


    Of course he has


    • StewGreen says:

      He also has a lot of immigrants working on his Italian wine estate.
      Excuse “Oh I sublet those fields” (last months news)


  22. StewGreen says:

    Does anyone else think they are in The Tripods the John Christopher novel ?
    where the adults are all brainwashed by a plate in their head to become Zombies.
    Notice the answers the zombies give..
    – Climate change ? “Catastrophe ! those who challenge it are evil”
    – Policing Immigration ? “Catastrophe ! those who challenge it are evil”
    – Brexit ? “Catastrophe ! those who support it are evil”
    – Trump ? “Catastrophe ! those who support him are evil”

    Thank God we people here have free minds


    • gaxvil says:

      For sure!
      If only the ‘zombies’ were half so angry and outraged when it comes to the evil under their nose.


    • StewGreen says:

      I just listened to podcast 236 stream from former rationalist Penn Jillette
      He’s one of the most right wing broadcasters yet his and @DammedJuggler sneering and predictions about Trump could not have been more wrong ..right at the start of the podcast.
      (new episode is live at 8pm UK time)

      Jillette once agreed with me when I suggested that he was being emotionally blackmailed.
      – I’m inclined to think that many of these stars are being physically or emotionally blackmailed to toe the LeftMob line.
      When you look at their family members tweets etc. You can see their is a lot of pressure to fit in. They have kids in hippy school and can’t afford to be dad’s who are seen as uncool or ‘deniers’.


  23. scribblingscribe says:

    As you know with the BBC, anyone who declares themselves a victim should be patronised, never questioned and given buckets of tax payer’s money.

    Pretty straightforward. Until you hear about the band members and manager of Eagles of Death Metal. Not that you will hear about this on the BBC website.

    They were the band unfortunate enough to be playing when Islamists invaded the Bataclan to torture and butcher the audience members. So victims, yes?

    Obvious candidates for being invited to the Bataclan for its first concert since the attacks?

    Erm no. They weren’t invited, they were deliberately snubbed. So, they flew to Paris and bought their own tickets, just to be part of it. But they were prevented from entering by the Bataclan manager, one delightful fruitcake called Jules Frutos.

    Mr Frutos said “this man is just sick”. What, one of the terrorists? One of their supporters? The BBC, who were more concerned with the indigenous French retaliating because of islamophobia than the savagery of the actual attack? No. Mr Frutos, is referring to one of the band members, Jesse Hughes.

    Hughes is considered ‘sick’ because he said “the attack was an inside job helped by the theatre’s Muslim staff and that he saw Muslims in the hall celebrating”, And, “six guards at the Bataclan never came to work on the night of the attack”.

    Now, like you, Mr Frutos and the BBC, I have no idea whether his observations on Muslims celebrating are accurate, nor if some Muslims knew in advance about the attacks. Because unlike Jesse Hughes, we weren’t present. However, isn’t Mr Hughes entitled to a view? A view that may not chime with the soft left but may in fact, for all we know, be accurate?

    I just hope Mr Frutos has installed transgendered toilet facilities and a bike lane for vegans, else he could find himself nailed by the BBC news teams.


    • StewGreen says:

      Extraordinary but confirmed across AFP and multiple news-sites
      eg RT


      • gaxvil says:

        In the name of Islam over 3,000 died in the Twin Towers but now kids are burning flags at the mere suggestion of securing borders or immigrant checks. Sometimes people need to be saved from themselves because the road to Hell is sometimes paved with a delusional view of the World.


      • StewGreen says:

        \\The band’s manager, Marc Pollack, however, has denied the allegations. Speaking to Billboard, Pollack said that although Hughes is in Paris, he “never even tried entering the club.”

        “This coward Jules Frutos feels the need to soil his own club’s reopening by spreading false tales to the press, and tainting a wonderful opportunity that could’ve been used to spread peace and love, to further spread mean spirited words of hate,” Pollack said.

        The California band was dropped from two French festivals earlier this year after the frontman, a supporter of Donald Trump and gun ownership rights, made the claims about the Muslim staff playing a role in the attacks.//


        • StewGreen says:

          Yes debunked : Holly wood Reporter says
          “Hughes is indeed in Paris, at the invitation of the city’s mayor to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Paris attacks, sources confirm, with a plaque dedication ceremony, among other events, planned for Nov. 13. And he was seen outside the Bataclan in the car of a friend and with a security escort in tow. The Hollywood Reporter’s own Paris correspondent says safety precautions for the Sting concert made it nearly impossible to gain entry without a ticket and, according to an insider, Hughes was fully aware and had no intention of attending. But he did, in fact, stop by to take in the scene, talk to gathered fans and reflect on the events of Nov. 13, 2015.”

          and back in March The DM reported
          \\Eagles of Death Metal’s Jesse Hughes apologizes for suggesting Bataclan security was in on Paris attacks
          Now Hughes has apologized and said he has struggled since the attacks
          ‘I’ve been dealing with non-stop nightmares and struggling through therapy to make sense of this tragedy and insanity,’ he added//


          • scribblingscribe says:

            Stewgreen, no idea of the veracity of the Hollywood reporter, but here is the sky news account. It contains quotes from the Bataclan manager and the band’s manager. Agreed, I do not know if this is made up but it has quotes from the people involved.

            As I say below, I do not know whether Hughes’ retraction was a result of bullying or because he was lying. But his original comments were treated to a tsunami of left rage.



    • Thoughtful says:

      Although the allegations he had made are completely believable he has completely retracted them and apologised as they were without foundation.

      If you took the trouble to read about this then you must have known this was the case.

      A lie by omission is still a lie and people might well have taken your post to be the whole truth and repeated it to others.


      • Spacemonkey says:

        You are correct, a lie of omission is still a lie. I think the issue here, at least for me is that the BBC refused to cover the story, the same as they refused to cover the story that many of the victims of the attack were mutilated. It didn’t fit the narrative so they ignore it. They do this all the time, lying is there stock in trade.


        • gaxvil says:

          During the last war it was understood that news was ‘edited’ but that was for the good of the country and not the good of the dewy eyed surrender lambs.


      • scribblingscribe says:

        Whoa Thoughtful, I have been following the case since Hughes first made his remarks. (Along with policemen who made remarks about muslims celebrating following the attacks, who also ‘rethought’ their comments following instructions from above).

        Hughes was subjected to vitriolic abuse online and as a consequence ‘retracted’ what he said. You are convinced he retracted them because he suddenly realised he was wrong, I suspect he was bullied.

        But like Sir Tim Hunt he found that the soviet styled apology was never sufficient. Once the social warriors have their teeth in a victim then they will not let go.

        You don’t know if he lied, and nor do I. But people should be able to make comments and observations even if the left find them troublesome.


  24. gaxvil says:

    It seems the Left can have unlimited, uncensored speech. They can be as vile, untruthful and provocative as they wish and it’s all fine and dandy?
    Whatever side you are on – this is a recipe for disaster.
    Even ‘Evil Trump’ is urging citizens to work together to build a better country.


  25. gaxvil says:

    Can anyone clue me in – just what, limiting of their freedom, taxation, dictatorship, police state, sentencing without trial, extra judicial killings, censorship, death camps, torture, oppression or repression are these protesters protesting about ?


    • Lobster says:

      Well, it’s like, stuff ‘n things, y’know, innit?
      That ‘n Yookip and Fatcher. Know wha’ I mean Bruv?


    • Al Shubtill says:

      They’re protesting about their right not to recognize the result of a free election, in the democracy where they all live.


      • chrisH says:

        Maybe they`d prefer China, Turkey, Bahrain, Cuba where elections are fought for at great cost.
        Until they get that EUSSR dream of theirs where Juncker declares martial law, whilst waving his grappa around atop Mussolinis pigskin cap.
        Totalising twattaz and crybully creeps…too much Russell Brand and being told their failure is deferred success.


  26. Al Shubtill says:

    I just glanced through the TV guide for next week, Panorama tomorrow:
    “America’s Most Hated President?”


    Seriously! Are we going to face another 4 – 8 years of this cr@p?


    • chrisH says:

      AS things stand-Trump will outlive them, the BBC seem both rattled and close to death by spirit,
      Death Rattle and Roll.


    • Lobster says:

      Yes, he’s so hated he’s just been elected. BBC logic at its finest.
      Eat your heart out Mr. Spock.


    • GCooper says:

      Not while Jimmy Carter is still alive, he ain’t!


    • Restroom Mole says:

      Another programme about Obama?


    • RJ says:

      “I just glanced through the TV guide for next week, Panorama tomorrow:
      “America’s Most Hated President?” ”

      Trump must be hated. He’s been President Elect for almost a week and he still hasn’t been awarded a Nobel Peace Prize.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Funny how no-one has mentioned that whiter than white occupier of the White House – Richard Nixon !!!! …… and they moan about what Trump COULD be like ????


  27. Pounce says:

    The bBC , identity politics and a most salient fact they forget to mention:
    Why a black child is 12 times less likely to become PM

    According to the bBC, its all down to Blacks been poorer than wealthy white children. Nothing about the fact that the black population of the UK constitutes just 3% as opposed to the 86% of the white one. I wonder why the bBC left that out?


    • Guest Who says:

      Not going well for the BBC on Facebook, where comments are enabled and cannot be closed.


    • StewGreen says:

      #1 no you are wrong ..The calculations are per individual child, so % of population does enter into it

      #2 It’s down to a BBC expert model !
      And the BBC is Great with expert models
      The Models that FAILED to predict :
      – PresidentTrump
      – NoBorisPM
      – TheresaMayPM
      – BrexitWin
      – ConservativeGE2015
      – ScotRefBigNo

      #3 The models Big Assumption
      “We assume a PM can only be either from the Labour or Conservative parties.”

      #4 The models assume 4 main routes to PM like thru Oxbridge,
      So they say “X% of black people get to Oxbridge”
      “X% of black people get to Public School”
      “X% of black people come from middle class homes etc.”


  28. chrisH says:

    NO-not getting this.
    How the heck does Gina Miller(she of the “no to the Brexit” vote)get a twenty minutes piece on peak Radio 4?
    5.40 tonight, just heard it on ipLayer.
    Typical BBC bias and schmoozing on behalf of the Beautiful People who know so much better than t`likes of us.
    “Apparently she part-funded the appeal herself…the BBC seems sanguine and incurious about who else was funding it”.
    A victim of racism we`re told…and, we`ll add misogyny to the charge sheet now Hillarys been unfairly done down by the smellisox brigade.
    Scoot off BBC!…your time is up.


  29. BRISSLES says:

    Watched one of the most common sense interviews re Trump on the box today. Sky was interviewing Douglas Murray (Assoc Ed of Spectator), and (in a nutshell) picked up that our elected representatives in Parliament were no better than social media trolls with their rudeness to Donald Trump. He also made the point very clearly, that the Government should have realised that out of 2 candidates for the Presidency that one was going to win, so should have kept schtum until after the election. Instead they carried on being insulting (and even earlier in the year had a session in the House to barr Trump from the UK) and rude on their twitter feeds and interviews. Now Murray says, they are all going to have to do a lot of flip-flopping and backtracking in order to do business with the leader of the free-world.
    It was a good interview with no hint of criticism at Trump, but the at the ineptitude of our Government.


    • Guest Who says:

      And yet… These are the GOATsie brigade who are so sophisticated and mature they can handle Brexit/Art 50 on behalf of the peons.



    • engineerdownunder says:

      Oh there were only 2 possible outcomes of the EU referendum … but there were no plans at all for one of them either …

      The BBC and the elite they propagandise for are having a tough time this year.


  30. gaxvil says:

    We have no need whatsoever for the BBC.
    The £145? It’s not like insurance that you pay in but may get something back.
    Why, I would ask do we need a national broadcaster that has no regard for the nation? It’s money you are forced pay for a service you neither need nor want and is an utter anachronism in the 21st Century. King John would be so proud.


  31. Steve Jones says:

    Have a look at this article for another example of the subtle little tricks the BBC likes to play:
    Notice that the headline reads:
    ‘Trump election: Up to three million migrants ‘to be targeted”
    whereas the first line of the article reads:
    ‘US President-elect Donald Trump has said he will deport or jail up to three million illegal migrants initially.’
    Notice the one little word omitted from the headline that completely changes the context and tone.
    They have done exactly the same thing on the front page. This sort of nonsense happens too frequently to be an accident.
    You have been rumbled BBC.


  32. Guest Who says:

    ‘Naughty, naughty..’ He says.

    Some may say, ‘utterly bent’.

    One of the two.


  33. Thoughtful says:

    Well here’s a turn up the BBC aren’t going to be very keen on reporting. It’s quite recent so keep an eye out.

    “Democrats now control only 13 state legislatures (26%). If they lose 1 more they fall below the % needed to stop constitutional amendments.”


    This is very important, because it means:

    “The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the state legislatures. …

    “A proposed amendment becomes part of the Constitution as soon as it is ratified by three-fourths of the states (38 of 50 states).”

    Now there is no way this is simply down to the persuasion of the Trump campaign nor the corruption of Hilary Clinton, and this is where the BBC disinformation and propaganda is relevant.

    The only way this devastation of democrat legislatures could happen is with the current President having failed his country so badly that it’s a wipe out at the polls. This is probably a worse result than the Tories under John Major suffered when they lost to Bliar !

    I wonder if the BBC will report this seeing as it really should worry them that Trump can change the constitution, but then that’s probably all they’ll report and not the reasons why it happened, nor the significance.


  34. Mr.Golightly says:

    This is all too perfect. Former Breitbart boss Steve Bannon is appointed as The Donald’s chief strategist. Even the BBC admit that –

    “Breitbart is the most-read conservative news website in the US, set up to challenge the power of mainstream media.”


    And the BBC are correct. Public opinion is no longer represented by the MSM. Look below the line to see the real conversation. The liberal media are wetting themselves.


    • G.Shuttleworth says:

      Yes, great news for Steve. A job for Milo would be the icing on the cake.

      I’ve been drinking wine all weekend to celebrate a truly tremendous seven days.

      Mentally, we are now free.


    • Mr.Golightly says:

      Here we have a nice illustration of how the BBC are losing the battle to control the narrative. In the above article Brietbart are described by the BBC as “conservative” and yet in another article http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-37969112 published by the BBC on their website at the same time they say –

      “Meanwhile, the president-elect has chosen Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), as his future chief of staff, and Stephen Bannon, the head of his campaign and of the far-right website Breitbart, as chief strategist.”

      What’s it to be BBC? Conservative or far-right?


  35. gb123 says:

    Not sure how true this is. But it would be really funny!


  36. G.Shuttleworth says:

    Have just seen the John Lewis Christmas advert.

    It’s bloody brilliant.


    • Number 7 says:

      “Bouncing Boxer dog” has been on YT for some 10yrs.


      • G.Shuttleworth says:

        It’s the first post-identity politics Christmas advert I’ve seen. (And yes, I have noticed the obvious.)

        Harks back to the late 80s when Christmas as an idea comically had the sh1t ripped out of it.


  37. neilw says:

    I popped into the workshop for an hour earlier this evening, switched on the radio (2) to break the silence and endured bit of jazz with Clare ‘drinks from the furry cup’ Teal. She had some American guest on, who mentioned that being an American was tough this week, to which the delightful Clair said in an agreeing voice “Yes, of course”. Well, she would wouldn’t she.


  38. gaxvil says:

    Good things come in threes – Brexit, Trump, ?


  39. neilw says:

    This guy has it nailed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLG9g7BcjKs

    He’s from the left, but he is one of the few who understands why they keep losing. Respect.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Ah. An extra reason, on top of that virtue-signalling twat Lineker, to avoid Walkers crisps.


      • Guest Who says:

        Amazingly, the more Gary is reassured he is Teflon by the money tree source, the more he ramps up his rhetoric.

        An odd one degree of separation champion for the BBC to back, but their record so far does speak for itself.


    • Guest Who says:

      Clearly, the lady is a keen disciple of the Gerald Ratner school of PR. The shareholders will indeed be impressed. How on earth does such a deluded silly woman, trotting out such vapid tripe rise to the to… oh, ok.

      Be a shame if the BBC pension fund is heavily invested in their salty, sugary fare.

      For licence fee payers again seen as a means to fill the gap, that is.


    • Dover Sentry says:

      Good post, Al.

      Here’s a quote:

      “Our employees were all crying,” she said.

      ““And the question that they’re asking, especially those who are not white, ‘Are we safe?’ Women are asking, ‘Are we safe?’ LGBT people are asking, ‘Are we safe?’ I never thought I would have to answer those questions.””

      “”After congratulating Trump for his success, Nooyi, who supported Democrat Hillary Clinton in the presidential race, said everyone in the US needed assurance of their safety””.

      My immediate thought. How can a massive organisation be so anti-Trump and Left Wing? Wait a moment….er…


  40. taffman says:

    “Paris attacks: Bataclan reopens with Sting concert”. One year on, the French throw a pop concert while Trump will throw out millions of illegal immigrants . Paris attacks: ………..
    The libtards are ‘throwing their toys out of the pram’ , there is much ‘gnashing of teeth’ . What part of ‘illegal’ don’t they understand ?
    Which nation looks after the security of its people? France or the USA ?
    “The French government has made no secret of the fact that more attacks are expected and that there is no such thing as zero risk”……….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-37936203


  41. taffman says:

    Comment of the night on Al Beeb from one Trump spokesman….
    “The swamp doesn’t want to be drained”.


  42. taffman says:

    New buzz words from Al Beeb to replace ‘racist’, ‘fascist’ and ‘nationalist’ are
    ‘Populist’, ‘anti-establishment’ and ‘Brexists’.
    Yes that’s us folks!


  43. taffman says:

    Farage is running rings around our Tory leaders.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Yes he is Taffman.
      Meanwhile the BBC are going full blast to wreck US UK relations with their constant attacks on Trump.
      And we have the weakest Prime Minister in recorded history who cannot bring herself to remind them of their charter.


  44. Guest Who says:

    Given renowned climate rapporteur and friend of the environment Lard Prescott is there too, one hopes the hotels are 6*.


    Still, he and Roger (there’s a Michael Moore sequel there) can toast the setting sun with some spectacular views from their balconies.


  45. Up2snuff says:

    re Nigel Farage: “if he is the sort of person” – John Humphrys shows his snobby, snide side on the TOADY programme, BBC R4 just before 9am close.


    • Blackcap says:

      I heard that too. I thought the speakers made some sense, but Humphries ended up sounding childish and petulant. I used to rate that man. The Beeb is losing it!


  46. Dover Sentry says:

    Andrew Marr on Sunday morning BBC TV.

    Did anyone else notice Marr stating that Farage was ‘gurning’ in his photo with Trump?

    He would never have said that about a Labour/Democrat politician.

    Could it be evidence of bias??


    • G.W.F. says:

      Marr did speak of gurning. He would recognise it with his duck beak mouth. We should not mock the afflicted, but when they are highly paid presenters who rely on drawing attention to physical details, like gurning or Trump’s hair, feel free to return it.



    • embolden says:

      Of course the reference to “gurning” is evidence of bias, it`s also an attempt to belittle UKIP voters and make them feel marginalised whilst simultaneously reassuring the bien pensants and the lib lab cuck globalisation mob that normal service will be restored soon.

      It won`t of course, the cat`s out of the bag, and it`s national interest politics, in all its diversity against the dead hand of globalisation politics, the story they still want to suppress….the transfer of economic power and manufacturing to the East at the expense of the West….by design, not accident.


  47. Up2snuff says:

    Just catching up on an old (11th Nov!) Thread. Is there any way of highlighting this Thread or giving it five gold stars – it seemed to me to be particularly outstanding in some of the insights provided and some quality writing.