495 Responses to WEEKEND OPEN THREAD

  1. StewGreen says:

    Eh-up where is the Start The Week thread ?


  2. Guest Who says:

    Speaking of blows to jobs, the new precedent of shaming those you don’t approve of progress apace.

    Just had link from Greenpeace.

    Be interesting how the BBC handle this, given the party supported by said Flippa Killa.


  3. gaxvil says:

    Oh Lordy! Tony Blair AND Barack Obama ranged against us!


  4. EUTV says:

    5Live you have to love them. ‘We’re going to talk about canibis…’

    I raise my head from my phone look across the car park and think to myself back to work or listen with Clegg?

    Within seconds ‘… a LibDem policy championed by the former Deputy PM Nick Clegg….’. Back to work wins.


  5. gaxvil says:

    From America, “Since the vote the protesters have been constantly vomiting over themselves. They need to wipe their chins and get on with it because it’s getting tiresome.”
    Could so apply to the UK.


  6. manchesterlad says:

    Usual BBC Islam clap-trap on News at 1pm R4. Interview with female Muslim convert who’s son went away to fight for the Islamic State and was subsequently killed.

    The piece was introduced incredulously as “despite bringing their son up to respect his religion and the country in which he was born he became increasingly radicalised”.

    Well I think I can see the problem right there!

    How can anyone respect Islam and respect any western society? This makes no sense but was narrated in passing by the BBC announcer as if this was the most natural thing in the world.

    To respect Islam you must believe that Mohammed was the final prophet of Allah and every action he took was that of a ‘perfect man’. Mohammed married a six year old infant (I won’t say child) and raped her when she was nine years old. Is that the actions of a perfect man everyone should emulate? Mohammed was a slave trader, thief, encouraged the taking and trading of sex slaves as war booty, tortured many victims and summarily executed many more. He believed that Muslims are the ‘best of peoples’ and non-Muslims are the ‘worst of creatures’.

    Needless to say, this is the merest scratch into the sort of person Mohammed was (if he even existed).

    How can anyone respect that and respect western democracy? It makes no sense to me and I’d be grateful if someone could persuade me otherwise.

    Of course, the BBC present no sense of the incompatibility of Islam with western society, preferring the ‘We are dumbfounded – how could someone who believes that all non-Muslims should be killed go away to war to kill non-Muslims?’.

    Beats me.


    • Grant says:


      It seems to me that Beeboids, and their fellow Leftie travellers, glorify some wars but not others. I think they are genuinely dumbfounded. The real world just does not conform to their simplistic , perverted, ideology.


  7. Fol-de-rol says:

    Mohammed was a slave trader, thief, encouraged the taking and trading of sex slaves as war booty, tortured many victims and summarily executed many more. He believed that Muslims are the ‘best of peoples’ and non-Muslims are the ‘worst of creatures’.

    In fairness, you could substitute Christian Crusaders for Mohammed and it would still make sense. Africans were called savages in my youth, 1500 years later than Mohammed’s time. The difference is, Christianity has moved on somewhat from the eye for an eye dogma. Particularly since the laws of evolution have overtaken religious mumbo jumbo.

    Muslim fundamentalists are still in the Middle Ages. When I see young Muslims walking around my city and wanting the trappings of our free capitalism, I wonder how long the elders can keep it up.

    You will have noticed, just after the Muslim piece, that they asked us what had gone up in price since Brexit. How about being asked to pay £145.50 pa to use i-Player even if you don’t have a TV.


    • manchesterlad says:

      In fairness, you could substitute Christian Crusaders for Mohammed and it would still make sense.

      Fair point, though there are many fundamental differences between these crusaders and the founder of Islam which I think are worth pointing out.

      Firstly, of course, Mohammed claimed to be uniquely the last person who God ever was ever going to use as a prophet. Crusaders made no such claim.

      Secondly, I doubt there are many Christians alive now who would agree that these crusaders were acting in a Christian manner. Muslims of course, can’t use this defence as the actions of Mohammed are – by definition – the perfect actions of a Muslim, for now and for ever.

      The evidence suggests that the use of torture by crusaders was quite limited, though there were some atrocities. Islam, however, legitimises torture as a weapon for the spread of itself.

      The equivalent Christian ‘prophet’ Jesus, did not – as far as I can recall – rape any women or children, trade them as sex slaves or torture anyone to death. I’m not much of a Christian scholar so I accept I might have missed these bits from the New Testament.

      The crusades were a set of limited excursions designed to free previously Christian lands from Muslim oppression, for the most part with minimal success. Islam, on the other hand, is a war like ideology that entreats it’s followers to spread Islam around the world until the whole world is ruled by Islam.

      So I’d suggest the limited actions of a few hundred or few thousand crusaders separated by centuries are not really comparable to an ideology that declares its intention to force the entire world to submit to Islam.