So I just watched the whole show
only James Kaan said wise things. Being both reasonable about Trump “Give the guy a chance, he won the election” and Farage.
I had to turn off the two whiney women. WhY ? They are sneery and certain of their views.
The difference between them and KThopkins and Melanie Phillips is that the latter are interested in letting the other people speak.
Greg Dyke was revealed as true socialist who funded Tony Blair from the beginning.
Nick Ferrari was a bit wet..but did speak against actors using their platforms Pence/Oscars to lecture the world.
Can I be the first to say that Crewe Alexandra may be no shakes at footy-but seem to be top of the Paedo League at this early stage of the season!
Who knew that Barry Bennell was a “starmaker” in the Jimmy Savile sense. My husbands not much use in many areas apart from sport(which is why I hate it!)-but even HE hasn`t heard of this lot of players named.
AND-what a joy to see teenage players dribbling their balls round on ITV, but not being filmed above the waist…just like a kiddies playground.
Hoping now that MOTD ends up the same way-except for that rather nice Adam Lalana, the rest should not be shown in full profile! Rooney needs a 18 Cert anyway!
I don’t understand why all these footballers came with their stories to the BBC who have accepted them all as gospel truth. Now to be fair their stories are shocking and the men appear to have suffered badly from keeping their stories suppressed. But surely the correct thing would have been for them to have gone to the police who would have investigated their stories. If there was sufficient evidence there would have been a court case. What seems to be happening is that the footballers stories are been believed, men are being named and found guilty by the press with the hope that more accusers come forward. Isn’t that what happened with Leon Britten, Cliff Richard, Jimmy Tarbuck, Edward Heath, Jim Davidson, Paul Gambacini, etc etc. I suppose the BBC enjoy the Football Association being in a similar situation to themselves re Saville. If I have got this wrong (I have only listened in passing) will someone please explain.
Maybe the BBC think that the more real or imaginary cases they can publicise it will detract from their appalling crimes. They can claim “look we are not the only ones “. This , of course, does not extend to muslim paedos. The BBC are truly the pits of the earth. Beneath contempt.
Not sure about ‘curating function’. Maybe he should have gone with ‘editorial integrity’ as that really does convince all those without control of the edit suite.
This is an excellent interview by Tucker Carlson with a privileged, young SJW who happens to attend an exclusive (i.e. very expensive) college in New England where they have been taking down and burning the Stars & Stripes; it’s interesting because our own country has more than its fair share of these clowns too. The protesters at London City Airport the other month, for example, were archetypal of these creatures and here Carlson certainly asks questions which you would never hear put to such specimens on al beebus.
I would like to thank whoever it was on here who first put me on to Tucker Carlson, I had never heard of him before a link appeared on here from a Milo tweet (I think) which showed Carlson interviewing some progressive reporter. He is VERY good and it’s a shame the ONLY equivalent here (IMHO) is Andrew Neil.
You will notice that his prey has to keep flicking to check the updates on his narrative software lest he falls foul of the party line.
These people are genuinely dangerous though when it’s all said and done. They are, I feel, analogous to the Witchfinder General whispering into the ear of the soon to be horribly immolated victim “this is for your own salvation”……….AND truly believing what they say.
$62k pa for tuition fees and he doesn’t even have an original thought, if I were his parents I’d be demanding my money back. Better yet, why not take that $62k which he says while full of white guilt “was garnered off of slavery”, and instead give it to their descendants.
Strange how their “guilt” never stretches that far.
What !!!!!..This absolute jerk wants to be a HISTORY teacher ?……he will fill kids heads with elitist, anti-everything American crap…….He is a bloody dunce…he’s been indoctrinated good and proper.
Yes, he certainly has and the really scary bit about that is that he will, by definition, be completely insightless into the depth of the illusion under which he labours….
It is like a Professor giving a tutorial to a thick student. I would have liked to Ask Alex what would happen if the whole population of China came to the USA tomorrow ? What an idiot.
I heard that the BBC were possibly looking to recruit Tucker however I also understand that they already have a balanced interviewer called Andrew Neil and one more would severely affect their luvvie left liberal bias…..and that would not do!
Lord Taylor got killed when his disability scooter got upturned by a van.
Saw his mug on telly-pretty sure that it was stock film from dodgy expenses as claimed by “noble Lords” a year or so back.
No comedy here from the Left though eh?…very Lucy Porter.
About time the right used comedy and mockery to shaft the virtuous left at every opportunity.
I mean-Jo Cox?…FFS, what`s wrong with us?
Surely the 5 men arrested by the French are mentally ill? They are Muslims therefore cannot be sanely planning terrorist atrocities. Only right wingers who commit murderous violence are sane , even when they have been on drugs for a mental condition and don’t fit the definition of terrorists .
‘Right’ wingers? Most of the people the BBC describe as being ‘right’ wing are in reality Left wing, like Marine Le Penn whose economic policies bear more resemblance to Jeremy Corbyn than any other party!
Just listen to this typical sneering, patronising and biased BBC introduction:
Eddie Mair: “We brought you first analysis of the autumn statement on the programme last night, now some more experts have been weighing in with their own assessments. Reporting for PM live from Westminster our political correspondent Chris Mason”
Chris Mason: “If a day of what Westminster calls a fiscal event, and the rest of us call a budget of one size or another, is all about words, the day after is all about numbers. Rhetoric triumphs first then scrutiny follows. The scrutineers in chief are the numerate brains of the Institute Of Fiscal Studies, an organisation traditionally feared and respected by governments of all stripes, even if some outers in the referendum shoutfest claimed they were Brussels’ cronies. Anyway, the IFS pull an all-nighter and then push a million numbers in our direction 24 hours after the event. These cerebral types are not known for shooting their mouths off with overcooked language, so with that in mind take a listen to their director Paul Johnson …”
I had to initially laugh as the full of biased rhetoric Paul Johnson was introduced as anything but, and you can guess what Paul Johnson actually went on to say, but we already know his agenda. What’s far more concerning is the authority with which he was introduced, and anybody that might disagree with him was sneered at, by a supposed impartial BBC correspondent. Let’s not be under any doubt that the establishment is determined to undermine the referendum vote, and the BBC is part of that establishment.
I am a former member of the IFS years ago when it was genuinely independent. It was captured by the Left some years ago and is now a Left Wing pressure group.
It’s beginning to get a bit frightening, you know. The language used by Paul Johnson in his ‘expert’ summation was, quite frankly, outrageous and yet this Hobsbawm influenced quangocrat is lauded as the voice of authority.
You aren’t scared but you have certainly put your finger on the elites reaction to the Autumn Statement. It is just Project Fear part two, which we anticipated. The elite drew up the OBRforecast , make it pessimistic, a Remain Chancellor then delivers his mini budget based on it and makes sure there is enough pain to depress the voters. The Remainer commentators then pile in tell us things are dire and will stay dire for a decade , all due to Brexit. They may even use their power to damage the economy deliberately , but of course covertly.
The Remainers will be in touch with the EU and be conniving to make things as difficult as possible in the negotiations. At some point the Remain MPs will judge that the people have been softened up enoug and will vote Brexit down in the HofC claiming that they believe the people have had enough and want to reverse the referendum result.
But this is only one of the fronts that the Remoaners have opened up, Mairs White Supremacist conspiracy to kill Jo Cox is another , boosting the power of the BBc and cracking down on the pro Brexit press is a third. The power of the elite is enormous all we Leavers can do is to keep our nerve , lobby our MPs .so they are in no doubt that supporting Remain will cost them our votes. The elite need to know that we aren’t scared, that we don’t believe them, that we will not be branded racist by them and their tame MSM friends.
Good post. Yes the elite will try to stop Brexit. Maybe they will succeed but the price paid will be the destruction of our unwritten constitution.
But so high are the stakes for the money power and the globalists that this is not a concern to them.
We are in a pre revolutionary period. The BBC and the elites have made their decisions and their course looks clear.
What is currently an irritation to them will become a real threat. That is us deplorables. This could have been avoided if the right people had assumed power after the Referendum. Mrs May is the wrong person.
There will be no Brexit until May is out. I would wager she and her fellow Remainers are encouraging the BBC. Add to this a stamp down on so called extremism and extending the danger of extremism to banning provocative speakers like Milo.
I see Nigel has wisely cancelled his December pro Brexit march. It will only take one planted Adolf Hitler supporter to discredit the entire thing, and May will be able to equate UKIP with Nazism, as the left are already doing.
And watch out for Nigel being prosecuted a la Wilders. It is all getting very nasty and all coming from the remainers. I agree with you about May. When she became PM, I posted here that they have to get rid of her within a year. That may still happen if enough Tory MPs have the guts, but they voted her in in the first place. I don’t entirely dispair , but if we don’t get out of the EU, the UK is truly doomed.
There was an interesting, if somewhat perplexing, interview on the Today programme this morning.
An African “comedian” lectured us about the horrors of Donald Trump. Like 99% of the British population I had never heard of this intellectual giant before (I’m guessing he’s very popular at The Guardian and certain parts of Islington) so it was jolly decent of the Beeb to find him to bring us his opinions.
Apparently “The Donald” is very similar to Idi Amin. Yep! that’s what he said. To illustrate his case the sage played us things that The Donald had said and then things that the mass murdering, racist African tyrant had said.
Well, he convinced me!
I reckon the BBC would be doing the nation a great service if only they could bring us a regular litany left wing comedians we’ve never heard of, from countries we don’t want to go to, so they can lecture us about things we don’t want to hear.
Come on BBC.
It’s what we pay you for…
That would be one Trevor Noah from South Africa who took over from Jon Stewart on the daily show last year. They knew exactly what his views are on trump that’s why they had him on and fulfilled all their wishes. Comparing trump to Idi Amin is just plain stupid. The Beeb can’t throw dirt so blatantly so get fellow travellers like Noah to do it. He’s just another Hilary disciple that can’t accept the result.
He was also on c4 news tonight where he compared America to aparthied South Africa. Plenty use’s of the words sieg Hiel. Just unbelievable shite. It just proves that Noah is another political activist posing as a comedian to push his agenda just like our comics at the Beeb.
Jeff…. I’ve reached the stage in life where I’ve never heard of most of the ‘comedians’ on the box, never heard of or can pronounce the names of any of the top footballers, never heard of 98% of today’s pop stars, and am visibly bewildered when I’m asked who Sammy Davis Jnr was. (don’t anyone on here DARE say who?)
It wasn’t always like this. Being of the baby boomer generation we could name all the 60’s groups, most of the footballers in the Premier league, name the Wimbledon champions male and female in earlier decades, list all the great tv comedians, AND name every book that Charles Dickens wrote. Just saying.
You speak for yourself, Brissles. I’m still a young slip of a lad, if you don’t mind!
Of course I do understand what you’re saying, however…
Our darling BBC seem to trawl the airwaves and the internet to bring us predominantly opinions that reflect their own point of view, not necessarily ours. Often the people they foist upon us are, as far as I’m concerned, pretty obscure.
Who was that chap you mentioned? Sammy Davis?
Hmmmm. Rings a bell…
Interesting point Brissels and it goes to show the extent of the damage done by cultural marxists to former media titans such as the BBC. Baby boomers/Generation X grew up with a sense of collective consciousness in how various forms of media were consumed and alongside that, those forms of media were not saddled with the PC acronyms we have today. Add the fragmentation caused by technology into the mix and any sense of self derived from shared media experiences is diminished.
Which probably explains the popularity of community sites such as this!
As a consequence we have no collective iconic actors, comedians, musicians or cultural icons as traditional media will not foster them and at this stage truthfully people could care less.
The only funny joke these comedians have left is their own self-belief in their own importance.
GS…. The only funny joke these comedians have left is their own self-belief in their own importance…
Agree with that one ! In the last day or so I read that some no mark called David Badiel (?) made comments he clearly thought were hilarious, about the sex life of our 90 year old Queen. I’m no particular royalist, but he’d no doubt throw a punch at anyone making offensive remarks about his elderly mother – or would he ? I just put it down to an ignorant upbringing that clearly hasn’t changed him in adulthood.
No, David Baddiel would not rush to defend his own mother. In fact, he has just been performing a show in which he talks about his parents’ marriage and how his mother had a long term affair. He doesn’t care about his own family, so he certainly does not care about the feelings of the Queen.
Did the media seek the opinions of celebrities and entertainers much in those days? I don’t remember anyone sticking a microphone in Lulu’s face and asking, ‘So, as the singer of Boom-bang-a-bang-bang, what’s your opinion of the common market?’ Or a finance programme saying: ‘And to discuss the pros and cons of decimal currency – who better than Mike Yarwood and his famous Wilson and Heath impressions?’
Mind you, now I’ve seen the end result of political decisions taken in those days, I wonder if they’d have done just as well to consult Les Dawson, Cilla Black and Henry Cooper.
So, when Trump becomes President, we can expect him to torture and murder tens of thousands of Clinton supporters just as Amin did with Obote’s people. This moron “comedian” does not consider what an insult his “comedy” is to the millions of Africans who have suffered under African dictators and still are. What a stupid little prick. Perfect for the BBC.
The simple truth is, that to be a comedian, you first have to be able to laugh at yourself. That is the basis of all genuine humour.
The grim “progressives”, whose only real belief is in their own “specialness”, couldn’t produce a decent comic if the future of the planet depended on it.
So true. Look at Tommy Cooper, Dave Allen, Bob Monkhouse, Spike Milligan. The list is endless. All laughing at themselves first. Then look at some nasty cnut like Frankie Boyle. He would not know humour if it was shoved up his jacksy.
I think our Trev had a brief outing on MTW and QI but didn’t last even as a token, because talking in clicks stops being funny after the nth outing.
Jon Bird did a great Idi, but it was pulled, IIRC, for being racist.
Anyhoo, seems Fidel is centre stage today, so Mr. Amin and HRC can stay in the wings for colourful ways of dealing with opponents.
Can’t wait for when Kim Wrong Un pops, and CountryFile do a ‘Taking the relatives out with the dogs’ homage, and a special of ‘Uncle, Shoots and Leaves’
On the news section of their website they have an expensive gizmo production that allows you to “experience” the news – you can be Maria, you can experience the “horrors of human trafficking in Mexico”. For God’s sake just report the bluddy news:
“360 video: Inside the horrors of human trafficking in Mexico. This is the story of Maria, a single mother trafficked from Nicaragua to Mexico. For the next eight minutes you can become Maria and experience her story.”
Why are young Russian students unable to get visas to visit the UK?
cos too many girls were getting forced into prostitution
..So it is a preventative measure by the UK gov to save them from it
..and for boys it’s the same for balance.
Whilst in Russia I had to explain this to my Russian friends.
…There mother who is a dentist would probably get a visa for a dentistry conference cos the UK would know she would go back to Russia where her husband and children are.
An item about Black Friday (is that an allowed term btw) and the news that sales are UP 16%.
This, from the prime merchants of doom and gloom.
Oh the irony! Lost on them, obviously.
But normal Project Fear service is resumed at the end of the item with a comment that prices may go up next year because of the pound’s devaluation post Brexit.
Yes, any good news MUST have a downside.
In the interest of balance and impartiality no doubt! LOL.
On the evening bBBC1 news.
A man has been convicted of several offences against several Muslim women.
Inference? A hate crime by a white neo Nazi?
Strangely the nature of the man, his culture and religion was carefully hidden, but there was a clue. His name. Well it wasn’t John Smith. But it was spoken so fleetingly I could not catch it.
Not BBC but sky news tonight had labour mp Neil coyle on pushing for a second referendum following tones and majors musings today. Peter Lilly was opposing him but coyle was just a nasty sneering arrogant piece of excrement in his attitude. Looks like the game has gone up a few notches with them looking for a second vote farron Blair major and Clegg are now the dark lords and they only want one thing. Well if it’s a fight they want
I listened on Wednesday morning to the Today programme. Nick Robinson interviewed Philip Hammond full of sneers and snarls. He asked one outrageous question about the Autumn Statement which Mr Hammond answered and explained Robinson’s suggestion was wrong . The BBC had their story. By 10am the BBC could start their news with ‘Hammond denies ……..’ thus putting it into the public domain the idea that whatever it was that Robinson snarled had some basis of truth. They could just as easily asked Hammond if the moon was made of Stilton or that he was about to grow wings and turn into a fairy. His answer could then have been used for the headlines.
I hope this post makes sense. I have forgotten the detail but I have been seething about it for a couple of days but not had chance to post.
What with the Autumn statement being in the news, where May and Hammond are mentioned in the same article – I’m having to read a few paragraphs before I realise it’s not about Top Gear/Grand Tour!
Worth noting the soft, cuddly, jovial chat with John Mcdonnell that preceded it.
You’ll notice I’m not using the word ‘interview’ as that would not be an accurate reflection of the friendly Marxist repartee.
Here are 3 headlines from the last two days on “Trump denies”
Donald Trump denies transition disarray after sackings
Trump denies any conflict of interest over business empire
Donald Trump denies mocking disabled reporter
BBC denies being mindlessly, soft left, self censoring, shrieking feminist, supporter of state, anti business, hateful of english nationalists, adoring of Scottish nationalists, cheerleader for greens, anti science institution.
Hammond is as thick as custard…he made a post brexit vote speech in which he deliberately inserted words like “turmoil” and then wonders why the socalled bbc still use the words?
Earlier I was at first confused by a local shop hording that claimed “Black Friday – Starts Today” …and ends today, I wonder?
Of course Lewis Carroll’s Humpty Dumpty already warned us that words could mean just what he wanted them to mean.
But my favourite words of the week were pretty damn clear and I heartily thank Iain Duncan Smith who for once bit back at the BBC’s irritating Norman Smith :
“The BBC always do this, you take the worst possible (economic) forcast and treat it as reality !”
If the brainwashing was being used to help assimilate people into British society, then I wouldn’t have a problem. It is the grievance codswallop that gets me.
Reading recent posts above I see President Obama, who has spent the last 8 years distainfully looking down his nose at a nation that he seems to consider himself just too good for, has now lent his superior professorial weight to the idea of clamping down on news of which he disapproves.
This comes in the same week as the Guardian gets all pompous about the fact the Daily Mail didn’t put Jo Cox on their front page as the Guardian thinks they ought to have.
Watch out – the Left are opening a new front in the culture war.
Some good news according to Breitbart. Mr Trump has invited Victor Orban to the US. Hopefully before Merkel or May or the rest.
Maybe President Trump will become the real leader of the free men of Europe.
“I find that very difficult to accept. The tyranny of the majority has never applied in a democracy and it should not apply in this particular democracy.”
The above is the view of a failed europhile ex prime minister when commenting upon the likelihood of a second referendum (to reverse the decision of the first).
Think carefully about his statement. What is democracy if not the will of the majority! Was the Referendum not sold to us as the peoples vote – what we decide will be enacted – ‘even if by a single vote’.
This pompous self important twat believes the minority hold sway – overturning years of misunderstanding on the part of the rest of us that the majority vote – fairly reached – is the only democratic process there is! OR – I am missing something.
What if there is a further referendum – with exactly the same result. Would these disingenuous fools demand a further vote – then a further vote?
In their anxiousness to restore their Liberal dogma to once again dictate what we should or should not think and do, they place in real danger the very stability and fabric of our nation, the belief in a society which has seen us hold together through two world wars.
This is fast becoming crazy talk. As if we did not matter. As if the sovereign nation we want back – does not matter. As if we have no voice and have no vote.
Many if not most people voted out of the EU to regain sovereignty and preserve democracy. It’s therefore hardly surprising that the EU’s most vile supporters’ response is to try and reverse the result and to give away our sovereignty and remove our democracy.
They’re right about one thing, though – democracy doesn’t end at one vote. And we Brexiters are finding that out. It’s not enough that we won the referendum – we need to fight tooth and nail to make sure that the result is followed through.
Well, I guess wherever we are Brexitwise come next election. We’ll get another shot at democracy and it’ll be a question of which party will either:- 1)Get us out of Europe or 2)Get us back into Europe or 3)Talk but do very little.
Teresa May might be showing a complete lack of common sense here. If we’re not fully out of the EU by the next election then the Conservatives will be annihilated. They’ve already lost the votes of the anti-democracy tw@t’s by fulfilling their manifesto commitment and the pro-Britain leavers will never trust them again and will definitely not vote for her. Effectively it’s full Brexit or she’s toast at the next election.
Yes, but she has another possible option. A massive anti Brexit campaign conducted by the BBC, backed by prosecutions of evil pro Brexit extremists who share a platform with white supremacists. Add to that the anti Americanism now being displayed by our media, most of our politicians and the left rats in academia, all driving us closer to the EU and a recognition of why we were mistaken in voting Brexit.
it is crazy talk and dangerous. It does tell us just how fearful the liberal elite now is. Destabalised by Trump and Brexit.
We will approach that point at which it is incumbent upon us to consider whether the elite is now acting against the nation. 1642 all over again.
This is perhaps a minority view, but I think it is possible that if these slime were able to force a second referendum, they might get an even bigger kick in the albondigas than first time around.
Surely there are plenty of reasonable people out there, who voted Remain for no more reason than not rocking the boat, who will have been disgusted by the machinations of the vile self-styled elites, and will switch sides. Trump has shown them, again, what can be done.
I may be overly optimistic — not living in the UK, I am free of the constant pro-Remain ordure that is apparently being shovelled at the moment.
I think you are right, Rick. The leave vote is solid, whereas a significant number of remainers will have voted reluctantly, because they were unnerved by Cameron’s propaganda leaflet etc.
Also, the tragic murder of Jo Cox deflated the leave campaign’s momentum in the week before the referendum.
There would also be genuine remainers who are principled democrats and will refuse to vote to reverse the democratic will.
Well I am not so sure. I think the outcome would be – as I would say – wildly unknown.
Nobody knows how many waverers voted Remain compared to Leave, or how many of them would now change their minds or which way they’d go.
The only thing we can be absolutely certain of, is that the establishment would not make the same mistakes again. Their campaign was a mess before, as was leave though that I suspect was the intention.
I suspect the result would be similar but it would be random which way it went. Too close to call for both sides.
Manchesterlad, if only the media had reported accurately on what’s happening in Europe I’m sure there would have been be a huge increase in voters voting Brexit. That, of course, is media’s fear: accurate, unbiased, objective reporting. The urgent vacancy exists………..
In a second referendum we will vote for “Leave” and they will count for “Remain”. They underestimated our numbers last time, but they won’t make that mistake again. The BBC’s role will be to maintain that Remain is winning the campaign so that they can pretend that the rigged result was inevitable.
My sister in law voted Remain. Her overriding reason was the economy, more to the point her retirement is going to be funded by savings. She heard the message loud and clear, your building society accounts aren’t safe outside the EU.
So important to her that a life time of voting BNP had to come second.
The Establishment elite, like that third rate failure John Major, and all the other failures, do not realise that the British people do not like being told what to do by useless politicians and journalists who have never done anything in the real world.
The Remainers assume that they would win a second vote. I am not so sure. But even if they manage to force us to stay in the EU, any credibility the UK had is broken. The Elite will get their personal rewards, but the EU will make the rest of us suffer.
Major and the rest of his anti-democracy cronies are rotten. They are rotten to the core. Treasonous scum.
The tyranny of the majority is seen in things like the banning of smoking or foxhunting, when hordes of people who have no desire to do something decide to stop other people from doing it, so the minority is oppressed. Nobody these days would get up a movement to ban the speaking of Gaelic, for instance, so why cannot there be a general agreement not to interfere with people who just want to get on with their lives?
The election of a government is a different matter; the process must follow strict public rules and the result not be open to dispute. To call the result of a fairly held political election the tyranny of the majority is an abuse of language.
This may be a useful guide on how to have a peaceful Christmas dinner with the extended family this year, what with the possibility of the still raw Leave / Remain issue rearing its head after a few glasses of mulled wine. Or maybe not.
It is a simple truth – those so upset by Trump and Brexit – it’s understandable and at the same time pitiful. They consumed nothing but left biased media and that’s their own fault. They might blame that media for being so fake or themselves for being so gullible and feckless but I doubt they’ll do either.
There must be a word for that?
Help me out someone.
Every European country is telling GB what to do about Brexit.
The EU is worried about us leaving, Al Beeb and MSM is promoting this ‘treason’.
The British Government should listen to its OWN people not the undemocratic voice of Europe. “The more the flak the closer to the target”
Onward and upwards, roll on independence!
Surely we hold the cards . Try to impoverish us , and they impoverish themselves . Where else do they send their unemployed who send remittances back home ?
Also how can we defend Europe if we can’t afford the money ?
Our pathetic Government should be getting their retaliation in first. They should be shouting to the EU that, if they don’t play fair, we shall hit them and hit them hard where it hurts. I don’t see any of them doing that. A bunch of pussycats. Much as I admire David Davis, he is too nice. We need someone who will give them a good kicking.
Grant, yes we do have a trade deficit with the EU but if they try strong arm tactics against us our retaliation will be spread across the whole EU. We would feel it’s effects more than them but if they try it then our argument to the British People is simply – “See. These are the sorts of people who run the EU. It proves beyond doubt that we did the right thing by getting away from them.”
World Service at 06:00 GMT announced the death of Fidel Castro. It seems as if they are now going into a three hour special about him and the news. What other former or current world leader would get this sort of treatment?
I found the Wickipedia account “Healthcare in Cuba” quite revealing and, I feel truthful (something one can’t say about all Wickp entries!). All that is heard from the BBC is how wonderful health was under Castro, but the wicki article points out that Cuba had world-class healthcare from the later 19th century, long before Castro was ever thought about.
BBC is is meltdown.One of their heroes has snuffed it. No mention by them so far of the jubilation of Cuban exciles in Florida. Instead they invite some unknown Marxist all dressed in the black iniform as worn by such people to tell us all how much Fidel was loved by his subjects.
No mention of the mass detentions and killings of his opponents.
Notice how the BBC are not labeling Fidel as either left wing or right wing? In fact I cannot find the words ‘socialist’, ‘authoritarian’ or ‘dictator’ anywhere in their articles.
Rather than focus on responses to political opponents that might make even HRC blush, the key is to harp on apparent political despots with funny hair… who are thinking of building a wall.
Didn`t seem to like gays did he?
Said they had none-very Ahmedinejadh!
Bet the BBC won`t be asking about this will they?
AND-of course-Ken Livingston won`t be asked either.
He knew Che, stuck it to the Yanks.
Maybe they could embalm his goolies and mount then in Media City.
Before they burn the bugger-bet that won`t stop the elite rushing out to roll their cigarillos on a young mans thighs before the Christmas rush.
Unlike Mandela-they`ve not been doing their deathwatch beetle act on Fido.
No point burning him, he`s toast already downstairs with a warn fork ready for him.
Watching Al Beeb’s ‘Breakfast’ news show just before leaving work this morning – it was reminiscent of ‘Blue Peter’ or ‘Rainbow’, the other kids programme. Even the female presenter was wearing a dress that looked as if it came from the studio backdrop of ‘Rainbow’ the kids show from the 1970s .
‘Zippy’ would be proud of them.
For the viewers who are too young to remember ……………
It is easy to see the influence of Biddy Baxter on all BBC news output. It seems to me that the audience (because it isn’t straight news reporting) are treated like children and news is explained as if adults need their interpretation of events. Presentation is particularly influenced by Blue Peter’s Biddy Baxter in my opinion.
Completely agree about the Blue Peter-isation of BBC current affairs presenting. The One Show and BBC Breakfast are two of the worst offenders. And, incidentally, these are two of the most blatantly leftist of shows in their inherent editorial assumptions across a range of subject matter. More Red Peter than Blue Peter. Oddly enough the Blue Peter style has only been abandoned by the BBC for their broadcasting for actual children.
This site is mainly about BBC bias but so entwined is the liberal establishment on the issue of Brexit that it is impossible to confine comments on establishment bias to the BBC. Of course most other news outlets are not funded by the State and therefore have no duty to remain impartial, a duty the BBC has completely abandoned.
I have watched Sky’s political programme with Bolton in the chair and it is wall to wall Remoaning ,every single day. Even the BBC can’t match this for its unrelenting , all consuming hostility to Brexit. The Times has also become an ultra Remoaning rag. Before the referendum it seemed only mildly pro Remain and did give Leave some column inches, but now it is just naked Remoaning page after page. The Times today devotes article after article to the racist nature of Leave voters , not directly but by association, the White Supremacist angle being played to the full. Clearly this is an liberal establishment attempt to cement the notion that Brexit equates to white supremacy in the hope some Leave voters will be repelled by that notion.
One saving grace for the Times are its readers’ comments which I reckon are in favour of Brexit and increasingly resent the direction the paper has taken with plenty saying they are going to end their subs.
The Remoaners seem to be a strange and hopefully unstable coalition of anti business lefties who despise profit and believe in common ownership , green policies etc etc , the BBC and Guardian represent them and Globalists who want more profit at any price, which is the wing covertly represented by Sky and The Times. Somehow that unlikely coalition needs to be broken.
DT, the other remarkable point all of the biased reporting continually misses is, by the time the UK leaves the EU, what will remain of the EU? No reporting here. No analysis. If there was such a thing as objective reporting from our “World Class Media”, the remoaners would be aware of how quickly the EU will likely break apart. The signs are already there for those who look. The next year is crucial, starting 4th December in Italy and Austria. Objective commentators suggest these elections will be the turning point where the people increasingly have their say in rejecting the EU. Then Germany and France will take their turn.
I vividly recall Liam Fox being questioned by a Select Committee (don’t recall which one) some months ago pre-Referendum. He was asked about the EU’s willingness to change. He replied by citing a conversation he had just had with a prominent EU official. He had made the point that, 50% of Europe’s population were unhappy with the EU. In response, the official had said, “that means that 50% are happy with it”. That just about says everything about this uncontrollable, unelected behemoth. Closer to home, the sooner we shed the lefty/liberal multiculti element the better all round. But May is not the person to do this.
I ended my sub to the online Times for that reason. You have to phone up to cancel, the little millennial whippersnapper on the receiving end threw a complete strop when upon his questioning me I told him the reason why.
Fidel Castro has died.
The R4 Toady prog was in effect replaced with an extended edition of Marxism Today.
The newsroom was clearly in mourning for one of their own.
All other news was consigned to the bin. They said as much. ‘In other news’ was said aloud after the Castro splurge in the main headlines. Much tears and wailing and eulogising for dear old cuddly Fidel.
Cue my reaching out for the sickbag..
Although there were plenty of Commies and socialists wheeled out I did not have the impression that Castro was a hero of the BBC, and for me many of the interviewees got a hard time of it.
One of the most shocking things to come out today – aside from Livingstones acceptance that democracy can be suspended when they don’t get the right result was the fact that Castro was going to be given the codes for nuclear missiles, and that he was quite prepared to see Cuba, and his people destroyed in the name of Socialism!
I have to note that on the R4 Today programme, Nick Robinson at least had the courage (as a BBC employee) to point out that Castro was a dictator who imprisoned large numbers of the opposition and others, and executed very many. Naturally, this was brushed aside by the stream of vocal supporters of Castro and his repressive regime that they invited on to the programme and, sadly but not surprisingly, Robinson didn’t press those facts up with any of his guests.
Radio 4 Today program ran an extraordinary interview with Labour ex Mayor Ken Livingston on the death of Fidel Castro.
When he was asked about the repression of the people, the murders, and the lack of democracy, Livingston replied that it was all necessary because Castro was always frightened of attack.
Interviewer responded that this could be used as an excuse for any oppressive regime, to be met with the usual America and the West have oppressed people.
If Livingston is representative of the Left these days (and he probably is) then it is perhaps no surprise that we are seeing so many protests against democratic outcomes, that the Left don’t approve of.
Said to the missus ‘ Fidel Castro is dead’ – she said ‘I thought he died years ago’ . BBC nobody, and I mean nobody, cares. Still I wake up with a smile on my face every morning ‘ Brexit, Trump – BBC your boys took one hell of a beating.
BBC news lead with the official soviet-style annoucement of the probably long-dead Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
Does no one at the Beeb think to call out the inherent contradictions at play in the BBC speed dialing former Labour MP now LORD Peter Hain for a quick off the cuff eulogy?
I was pleased at least to hear BBC news presenters get around to calling Castro ‘a divisive figure’.
It is a complex world these days – the BBC’s Moscow correspondent tells us that Putin (the BBC’s current number one bete noire) will give some words in support of Castro.
Ah, the boy Owen. A chap sadly destined to spend his entire life in prolonged political adolescence. Whatever happened to him? Has his hot line to the BBC gone a little quiet since he came over somewhat equivocal on EU membership? Is he ‘EU Trans’ or ‘EU-Bi’ now? Did he/she have an EU-change? Really BBC, you should do much more to promote the EULGBTQ community.
Castro is indeed a great loss for the BBC, the Guardian and Jeremy Hardy, but don’t worry, they still have Maduro, Correa, Morales and Ortega, so all is not lost. All four are very suitable substitute heroes.
Some poet bloke reviewing the papers what a total buffoon. He is worried for his grand kids apparently an article in the Guardian (who’d have thunk) is telling him the Arctic ice is melting and according to him this will have a drip drip affect and cause sea levels to rise . So how is this going to affect his grandkids? nope me neither. Has he never had ice in his drink ? does it melt and cause the glass to overflow?
As a little plus for the BBC I did hear the other day of a massive Antarctic glacier (Pine Island) that was set to melt rapidly and could contribute significantly to rising global sea levels. Global warming? asked the interviewer. No was the answer. The glacier extends under the sea and had been held in place by the shape of the sea bed. Since the 1940s it has been coming unpinned allowing sea water, sometimes warmed by El Nino, to get underneath it.
The Cuban exiles have a lot of money.They know how to make money and Cuba is the land of opportunity for them. The young people of Cuba can see the world around them has changed. Give Cuba three years and it will be the holiday resort and powerhouse of the Caribbean. That is if some monster does not come to power which looks unlikely.
See how the BBC likes that.
Those lovely, thoughtful lefty/liberals in Europe and the UK have (and continue) to get the rest of us into what seems likely, in due course, to end up a bloodbath on our own town/city streets. There is a limit to what M15 can stop.
Thanks, Clegg, Farron, Blair and all the rest ably assisted by the BBC. As is always the case, it is ultimately the people that will, ‘pick up the tab’.
The proliferation of fake news is a direct result of the mainstream media’s blatant selectiveness in what and how it reports actual news. People aren’t stupid, and they know when they’re being manipulated and controlled, told what and how to think, and generally lied to.
The coverage of both the Brexit and US Presedntial campaigns this year has been nothing short of disgraceful, and I’ve wondered at times whether the journalists on this paper are have actually passed their professional qualifications, or are card holding members of the NUJ. This and other news outlets have done serious and lasting damange to the reputation of journalism and newspapers as a whole. And the Guardian wonders why it’s shedding readers (and profit) at a rate of tens of thousands a month? It’s because we don’t believe you. Your agenda is driven by political theory, not factual analysis, your reporting has become so obviously biased and vitriolic you sound shrill even reporting the most mundane events.
I used to love this paper, in the 90’s it was a true bastion of independent, *truly* Liberal thought. It is no longer, and I miss the days of Julie Burchill where she would wade into the insanity that was threatening to engulf the editorial direction and kick you all back to rationality for a second, but it became too much even for her and that’s when you started really going downhill. You and the other newspapers and news channels birthed Fake News, and now your child is eating you. It’s nothing less than you deserve.
Thanks for this TS, it’s like someone switched a light on in a long disused Islington cellar. Perhaps the most surprising aspect is that the same someone on the editorial staff decided to print it.
Odd, the BBC is sobbing its heart out at the death of a murderous Marxist dictator.
No mention yet of how a country with a population similar to Scotland required 30 maximum security prisons, 50 standard prisons and 200 work camps. No mention of how, according to Amnesty, Cuba imprisons more journalists per head of population than any country outside Russia and China.
Wonder why people risked their lives to escape the (according to the BBC) wondrous people’s republic of Cuba and then risked their lives to enter the (according to the BBC) hated and stupid USA.
I remember a wonderful tweet from a dopy BBC lass touring the parts of Cuba tourists are allowed to see. She couldn’t understand why she couldn’t get an internet connection. How can we put it to these leftie lovies? No one in Cuba is allowed access to the internet without strict state controls and no one outside the upper echelons of the state is allowed to have a mobile phone. Think she should read a newspaper other than the Guardian.
The BBC always tells us that these poor Africans drowning in the Med on leaky boats are coming from repressive regimes and simply “seeking a better life”.
I wonder if they will mention the tens of thousands of Cubans (known as ‘balseros’) who took truck tyre inner tubes with a door tied on top, and tried to paddle 90 miles to US soil to escape Castro’s socialist paradise.
The BBC is putting it about that Cubans were escaping from poverty caused directly by the USA and its sanctions. The has been no mention of Castro’s reign of terror, mass imprisonments and killings. Nor the fact that this continues today.
BBC R4 – Music Defiance in Soweto? … WTF!
Don t they know old Nelsons worm food? Where have they been? The black rulers ruining its wonderful resources.
Unless its defiance of the basket case that SA has become under the new rule Unless its speaking of the terrible racial discrimination that the white minority now suffers, in the “rainbow nation”, the black poor worse than ever.
More bloody “poor me”, Black Week narrative
Yesterday, one Farhan Mirza was sentenced to 8 years for blackmailing Muslim women. The bBBC news mentioned only his name (no photos). The religion and culture of his victims was described but nothing about him. So the victims of a serious sexual predator are described but not the guilty.
Now contrast that with the Cliff Richard case. Here, a person, entirely innocent of any crime, is described in detail, and a police raid on his house is photographed live from a helicopter. No evidence is ever found to warrant further action. The people who made the claims that resulted in this action remained anonymous.
Can anyone else spot a slight inconsistency of approach by our esteemed state broadcaster?
I cannnot possibly imagine why they should behave in such different ways.
The BBC are totally impartial. So it could not be that Cliff is a christian and Mirza is a muslim, could it ? On the other hand maybe the BBC are just bastards from hell.
I have just read an article in the DM “Private Islamic School which has never been inspected by Ofsted tells girls to wear a Niqab (full length black robe with only eyes slits) and the patron is an extremist” You will have read it quickly before its kicked into the long grass. Of course there is not a mention on the BBC.
Can you imagine if there was an unregistered school run and controlled by a white Supremacist making the students wear white KKK outfits, the BBC would go onto overdrive.
Frontpage Headline: an idea : Fee for Britons live/work in EU
(Garbage of course cos you can’t have different rules to what Norway , Switzerland already have.
– Also it amounts to a visa charge , and the UK could recipricocate.
How would you deal with President Fallon’s British wife ? )
pg 17 Claim that Brexit march to coincide with Supreme Court has been scrapped
due to short notice and fear of BNP infiltration (sounds like propaganda to me)
pg 4-5 Double page Investigation into KTI apparently a far right group supporting anti-migrant vigilantism in Bulgaria..and a Nick Griffen UK connection in supporting them.
Then the main editorial is about how “the rise of the far right must be thwarted”
( Opinions are fine, but this day as everyday throughout the world dozens of Muslims will be murdered , mostly at the hands of other crazy revenge from Non-Muslims in Myanmar, plus incompetence/accidents in Russian and US military operations.
Whereas far-right nutters kill far fewer people )
Friday pg 45 Photos of smiling Iranians just rescued in the Channel
This focus on far right and away from Islamic Terrorists
was also on Friday page 25 “1 in 4 extremists are from far-right”
Reasoning : Police say that only 13% of Prevent programme
But charities argue that cos many non-rightists leave the prog the far-right represent 25% of those who stay in
(hmm that is a bizarre twisting of stats ..saying cos Muslims leave ..they make up a lower number of threats
..If they leave the prog early aren’t they more of a threat ?)
pg 29 Milo’s banning : Janice Turner condemns it and then lays into Lefty Liberals for not getting Brexit and Trump
..Wow That is a breakthrough for the Times which until now has only 2 regular columnists who dared speak up (Matt R and Mel P)
then pg 32 has a page sympathetic to idea of Ambassador Farage.
US Election : LeftMob call Russian media conspiracy
Buried away end of column on pg 47
PropOrNot say “Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during …Washington Post-24 Nov 2016”
(but the numbers quoted are quite small
The narrative is countered by
…”This is about the anonymous, shady source the Washington Post used today to smear dozens of US news sites as Russian propaganda outlets “: LOL
…No, Russian Agents Are Not Behind Every Piece of Fake News You See
I’ll mention the Times eco-news now , cos such PR leaks into the BBC aswell
pg 8 half page News-vertorial – for Jaguar electric car plans.. claiming 10,000 new jobs
(seems to be Jag PR for getting subsidies)
(Begins by wrongly stating the chancellor said £390m will be given to Electric Vehicle development…Actually it’s also for autonomous vehicle research also and is basically bankrolling research/test tracks etc.
It fails to mention that Jag did unveil an EV but it won’t be on sale until 2018
…. and similarly Tesla’s delivery targets are ridiculously optimistic.
– Mad eco-ism showed it’s failing this week as parking spaces are having to be widened cos so many people have got 4x4s. )
pg 21 WWF is accusing its own creation the Marine Stewardship Council of corruption by taking money from Indian fish biz in return for certification. etc.
BTW The Times every week seems to have an anti-EDF-nuclear column originating out of a Greenpeace PR
Friday pg 10 Lord Deben of Cimate Commitee saying heathrow breaches Climate targets
(Hey I thought Climate Committee had been abolished ?)
Friday pg 36 West Country beaches washed away 3 years ago in storms MAY never recover “Scientists say” yada yada Climate Change (Dr Tim Scott)
Current drought in in South Africa : Hippos and buffalos being culled to help animals not over compete. …Meat to going villagers.
pg 23 Natural Flood defences to get £15million Leadsom says …surely that is nothing ?
Hey anti-China tariffs are good for their environment CO2 aren’t they ?
ie factories powered by much cleaner US power
..rather than dirty power in China.
News They Forget to tell you
Lithuania : Anti freedom of movement party won election.
“In the country’s October elections, the Peasants and Greens, an obscure protest party led by a charismatic billionaire, won nearly 40 per cent of the seats to become the largest party in parliament. Having stood on an anti-emigration platform, their total seats soared from a measly one (in 2012) to 54” ie anti-people LEAVING
“the fact that dissatisfaction with freedom of movement played such a prominent role in overthrowing the political establishment should have alarm bells ringing in Berlin and Paris.”
Many EU countries are suffering cos they are LOSING population. (hmm what about remittances ?)
\\ Electorates have lost patience with the “progressive” ideals and patronising rhetoric espoused by the “establishment” which bears little resemblance to reality. // article
It is something which EU fanatics do not discuss, but small countries such as the Baltic states have lost about a quarter of their populations to emigration. These are usually the youngest and brightest people, whom they can ill afford to lose. The EU’s crazed attachment to “freedom of movement” means we get well trained Estonians working at Starbucks for more money than they could make as professional people back home. It does not help anyone, but it hurts their home countries worst of all.
The EU’s “four freedoms” are designed to create an EU state, nothing more. The effects on the EU member states and their people are secondary. If Britain is serious about controlling immigration, we will have more support than we think from Eastern European states, who are sick of seeing their brightest and best people heading west. But we need a government led by someone with a vision for a post EU Britain, and that is something we don’t have.
Clearly true. The birthrate is also low in the old east so the loss of the young is doubly unfortunate. No doubt the EU comintern would like them to import the third world to make up. This will not happen and is yet another reason why the EU is mired in fantasy.
I have heard that Poland now has a labour shortage, and are importing Ukrainians. The Ukrainians are in turn importing Mongolians! All this no doubt makes George Soros very happy as he strokes his white cat in his island lair.
I see notorious communist, thug, dictator, fascist, murderer and terrorist Fidel Castro has passed away, aged 90. The lamestream media are, of course, deep in collective mourning for this socialist ‘revolutionary’.
Just a shame so many thousands of his terrorised people never got to see a ripe old age themselves. Still, who cares about that when these days the regressive left can emote and virtue signal, whilst re-rewriting Castro’s vicious, murderous history of violence and totalitarianism right out of the history books and down the Orwellian memory hole?
Maybe Barry can get some quick tips for getting Michelle back in a few years, as political experience will doubtless no longer be a Democrat attack point.
BBC website ” Corbyn praises huge figure of Castro “. And his “heroism “. Not a word of condemnation from that little rat Corbyn. Very evil boy. No sympathy for the victims of Castro’s terror. Corbyn, you are a sub-human scumbag .
Maybe it’s just me but I thought I detected a slightly different tone on BBC’s R4 1pm news (and some quick re-writing) compared to the rosy view of Castro presented on TODAY at 7-9am.
Well, that’s me done for. The BBC have managed to turn me into a Soviet-era official radio language watcher.
As an idealistic lad of 15 when I read of the Cuban revolution and the men coming from the mountains and winning a revolution I wrote to Castro offering my services along with my mate, an apprentice electrician. Castro, or someone representing him, replied pointing out he was unable to finance our trip to Cuba but suggested we held collections to support his revolution in our schools and work places.
A few years ago I spent a delightful afternoon in a bar in Sao Paulo drinking with old timers, some had fought for Castro, others against. Hatchets buried, old antagonists relived their former glories. Most had capitalised on their heroic youth and had managed to acquire wives who were much younger, who collected them from the bar after shopping and helping them into their cars drove them home.
So what can I conclude from this? Old soldiers, experienced in battle, had respect for each other, which is inexplicable to the Castroites of the LSE and BBC
I was in Sao Paulo during a lecture tour where I helped to establish criteria for the harvesting of transplantable organs and was awarded a medal from the Brasilian authorities. A former member of the US forces was investigating abuse of the distribution of organs and we met up. He took me to meet a member of an aristocratic Portuguese family, disowned for fighting in one of the S American Cuban inspired revolutions, and he took me to meet his former comrades and enemies at a bar in Sao Paulo. It amused me to see these old timers being met by their wives and taken home. And I found it ironic that my childish admiration for Castro’s revolution had morphed into criticism. Obviously there is much more to my story which is published under another name
DoublethinkerMar 5, 18:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 Freddy Gray of the Spectator usually gives a fair assessment of US affairs and has only the faintest trace, almost…
Richard PinderMar 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img] Flag of the Dominion of Ukraine Mandatory conscription for those who put a little yellow and blue Ukrainian flag…
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 17:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 Harry Miller outside Newcastle copshop saying Transwimmin are men:
Lucy PevenseyMar 5, 17:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Professional journalists
non-licence payerMar 5, 17:40 Midweek 5th March 2025 Starmer’s co-operation with the French clearly going well.
DocmaroonedMar 5, 17:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Such bravery! Must have fought well for this collection of meaningless nonsense.
MarkyMarkMar 5, 16:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 First to the Ukraine Frontline? [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 5, 16:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 WE ARE ALL EQUAL! Except when we are not equal. “Robert Jenrick raised the issue in the Commons and asked…
Fedup2Mar 5, 16:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 Double – I don’t bother with a lot of lefty journos the DT employ now – the majority are rabid…
DoublethinkerMar 5, 16:43 Midweek 5th March 2025 I have just watched Camilla Tominey of the Telegraph tell a blatant lie about what JD Vance said re countries…
So I just watched the whole show
only James Kaan said wise things. Being both reasonable about Trump “Give the guy a chance, he won the election” and Farage.
I had to turn off the two whiney women. WhY ? They are sneery and certain of their views.
The difference between them and KThopkins and Melanie Phillips is that the latter are interested in letting the other people speak.
Greg Dyke was revealed as true socialist who funded Tony Blair from the beginning.
Nick Ferrari was a bit wet..but did speak against actors using their platforms Pence/Oscars to lecture the world.
Can I be the first to say that Crewe Alexandra may be no shakes at footy-but seem to be top of the Paedo League at this early stage of the season!
Who knew that Barry Bennell was a “starmaker” in the Jimmy Savile sense. My husbands not much use in many areas apart from sport(which is why I hate it!)-but even HE hasn`t heard of this lot of players named.
AND-what a joy to see teenage players dribbling their balls round on ITV, but not being filmed above the waist…just like a kiddies playground.
Hoping now that MOTD ends up the same way-except for that rather nice Adam Lalana, the rest should not be shown in full profile! Rooney needs a 18 Cert anyway!
I don’t understand why all these footballers came with their stories to the BBC who have accepted them all as gospel truth. Now to be fair their stories are shocking and the men appear to have suffered badly from keeping their stories suppressed. But surely the correct thing would have been for them to have gone to the police who would have investigated their stories. If there was sufficient evidence there would have been a court case. What seems to be happening is that the footballers stories are been believed, men are being named and found guilty by the press with the hope that more accusers come forward. Isn’t that what happened with Leon Britten, Cliff Richard, Jimmy Tarbuck, Edward Heath, Jim Davidson, Paul Gambacini, etc etc. I suppose the BBC enjoy the Football Association being in a similar situation to themselves re Saville. If I have got this wrong (I have only listened in passing) will someone please explain.
Maybe the BBC think that the more real or imaginary cases they can publicise it will detract from their appalling crimes. They can claim “look we are not the only ones “. This , of course, does not extend to muslim paedos. The BBC are truly the pits of the earth. Beneath contempt.
Those ‘men’ again………….
Perhaps Al Beeb will report it once they have seen it here on this site ?
They have this though ………
More of those men …..
BBC’s best boy Barry has come up with a corker…
Not sure about ‘curating function’. Maybe he should have gone with ‘editorial integrity’ as that really does convince all those without control of the edit suite.
This is an excellent interview by Tucker Carlson with a privileged, young SJW who happens to attend an exclusive (i.e. very expensive) college in New England where they have been taking down and burning the Stars & Stripes; it’s interesting because our own country has more than its fair share of these clowns too. The protesters at London City Airport the other month, for example, were archetypal of these creatures and here Carlson certainly asks questions which you would never hear put to such specimens on al beebus.
I would like to thank whoever it was on here who first put me on to Tucker Carlson, I had never heard of him before a link appeared on here from a Milo tweet (I think) which showed Carlson interviewing some progressive reporter. He is VERY good and it’s a shame the ONLY equivalent here (IMHO) is Andrew Neil.
Beyond parody!
Tucker is quite superb.
You will notice that his prey has to keep flicking to check the updates on his narrative software lest he falls foul of the party line.
These people are genuinely dangerous though when it’s all said and done. They are, I feel, analogous to the Witchfinder General whispering into the ear of the soon to be horribly immolated victim “this is for your own salvation”……….AND truly believing what they say.
This one is possibly even more instructive.
I love the start “finally emerging from their safe zones” LOL ! Tucker is superb. Where is his equivalent on British TV ?
“I think you need to think this through, Alex “. LOL !
I honestly can’t think of an equivalent to Tucker in the U.K.
Yeah, it was a cracking intro! LOL….
“Thick as pig-shit” doesn’t even begin to describe him.
Tucker Carlson Embarrasses New York Times Columnist On Demonizing Trump And His Supporters ..Nov 23
Tucker is smart, damn smart !
$62k pa for tuition fees and he doesn’t even have an original thought, if I were his parents I’d be demanding my money back. Better yet, why not take that $62k which he says while full of white guilt “was garnered off of slavery”, and instead give it to their descendants.
Strange how their “guilt” never stretches that far.
What !!!!!..This absolute jerk wants to be a HISTORY teacher ?……he will fill kids heads with elitist, anti-everything American crap…….He is a bloody dunce…he’s been indoctrinated good and proper.
Yes, he certainly has and the really scary bit about that is that he will, by definition, be completely insightless into the depth of the illusion under which he labours….
It is like a Professor giving a tutorial to a thick student. I would have liked to Ask Alex what would happen if the whole population of China came to the USA tomorrow ? What an idiot.
I heard that the BBC were possibly looking to recruit Tucker however I also understand that they already have a balanced interviewer called Andrew Neil and one more would severely affect their luvvie left liberal bias…..and that would not do!
Lord Taylor got killed when his disability scooter got upturned by a van.
Saw his mug on telly-pretty sure that it was stock film from dodgy expenses as claimed by “noble Lords” a year or so back.
No comedy here from the Left though eh?…very Lucy Porter.
About time the right used comedy and mockery to shaft the virtuous left at every opportunity.
I mean-Jo Cox?…FFS, what`s wrong with us?
Surely the 5 men arrested by the French are mentally ill? They are Muslims therefore cannot be sanely planning terrorist atrocities. Only right wingers who commit murderous violence are sane , even when they have been on drugs for a mental condition and don’t fit the definition of terrorists .
‘Right’ wingers? Most of the people the BBC describe as being ‘right’ wing are in reality Left wing, like Marine Le Penn whose economic policies bear more resemblance to Jeremy Corbyn than any other party!
Yes, they must be mentally ill.
The only other option — that they were Norwegian — has been ruled out.
(French, Moroccan, Afghan, according to official reports.)
Radio 4 – PM – Thursday 24/11/16 17:12
Just listen to this typical sneering, patronising and biased BBC introduction:
Eddie Mair: “We brought you first analysis of the autumn statement on the programme last night, now some more experts have been weighing in with their own assessments. Reporting for PM live from Westminster our political correspondent Chris Mason”
Chris Mason: “If a day of what Westminster calls a fiscal event, and the rest of us call a budget of one size or another, is all about words, the day after is all about numbers. Rhetoric triumphs first then scrutiny follows. The scrutineers in chief are the numerate brains of the Institute Of Fiscal Studies, an organisation traditionally feared and respected by governments of all stripes, even if some outers in the referendum shoutfest claimed they were Brussels’ cronies. Anyway, the IFS pull an all-nighter and then push a million numbers in our direction 24 hours after the event. These cerebral types are not known for shooting their mouths off with overcooked language, so with that in mind take a listen to their director Paul Johnson …”
I had to initially laugh as the full of biased rhetoric Paul Johnson was introduced as anything but, and you can guess what Paul Johnson actually went on to say, but we already know his agenda. What’s far more concerning is the authority with which he was introduced, and anybody that might disagree with him was sneered at, by a supposed impartial BBC correspondent. Let’s not be under any doubt that the establishment is determined to undermine the referendum vote, and the BBC is part of that establishment.
Solid post quisquose.
It was claimed with a good reason that they were “Brussels’ cronies” – they are.
I am a former member of the IFS years ago when it was genuinely independent. It was captured by the Left some years ago and is now a Left Wing pressure group.
It’s beginning to get a bit frightening, you know. The language used by Paul Johnson in his ‘expert’ summation was, quite frankly, outrageous and yet this Hobsbawm influenced quangocrat is lauded as the voice of authority.
You aren’t scared but you have certainly put your finger on the elites reaction to the Autumn Statement. It is just Project Fear part two, which we anticipated. The elite drew up the OBRforecast , make it pessimistic, a Remain Chancellor then delivers his mini budget based on it and makes sure there is enough pain to depress the voters. The Remainer commentators then pile in tell us things are dire and will stay dire for a decade , all due to Brexit. They may even use their power to damage the economy deliberately , but of course covertly.
The Remainers will be in touch with the EU and be conniving to make things as difficult as possible in the negotiations. At some point the Remain MPs will judge that the people have been softened up enoug and will vote Brexit down in the HofC claiming that they believe the people have had enough and want to reverse the referendum result.
But this is only one of the fronts that the Remoaners have opened up, Mairs White Supremacist conspiracy to kill Jo Cox is another , boosting the power of the BBc and cracking down on the pro Brexit press is a third. The power of the elite is enormous all we Leavers can do is to keep our nerve , lobby our MPs .so they are in no doubt that supporting Remain will cost them our votes. The elite need to know that we aren’t scared, that we don’t believe them, that we will not be branded racist by them and their tame MSM friends.
Top post !
Good post. Yes the elite will try to stop Brexit. Maybe they will succeed but the price paid will be the destruction of our unwritten constitution.
But so high are the stakes for the money power and the globalists that this is not a concern to them.
We are in a pre revolutionary period. The BBC and the elites have made their decisions and their course looks clear.
What is currently an irritation to them will become a real threat. That is us deplorables. This could have been avoided if the right people had assumed power after the Referendum. Mrs May is the wrong person.
Yes. I cannot tell how depressed I was when that useless, dreadful woman became PM.
There will be no Brexit until May is out. I would wager she and her fellow Remainers are encouraging the BBC. Add to this a stamp down on so called extremism and extending the danger of extremism to banning provocative speakers like Milo.
I see Nigel has wisely cancelled his December pro Brexit march. It will only take one planted Adolf Hitler supporter to discredit the entire thing, and May will be able to equate UKIP with Nazism, as the left are already doing.
And watch out for Nigel being prosecuted a la Wilders. It is all getting very nasty and all coming from the remainers. I agree with you about May. When she became PM, I posted here that they have to get rid of her within a year. That may still happen if enough Tory MPs have the guts, but they voted her in in the first place. I don’t entirely dispair , but if we don’t get out of the EU, the UK is truly doomed.
There was an interesting, if somewhat perplexing, interview on the Today programme this morning.
An African “comedian” lectured us about the horrors of Donald Trump. Like 99% of the British population I had never heard of this intellectual giant before (I’m guessing he’s very popular at The Guardian and certain parts of Islington) so it was jolly decent of the Beeb to find him to bring us his opinions.
Apparently “The Donald” is very similar to Idi Amin. Yep! that’s what he said. To illustrate his case the sage played us things that The Donald had said and then things that the mass murdering, racist African tyrant had said.
Well, he convinced me!
I reckon the BBC would be doing the nation a great service if only they could bring us a regular litany left wing comedians we’ve never heard of, from countries we don’t want to go to, so they can lecture us about things we don’t want to hear.
Come on BBC.
It’s what we pay you for…
That would be one Trevor Noah from South Africa who took over from Jon Stewart on the daily show last year. They knew exactly what his views are on trump that’s why they had him on and fulfilled all their wishes. Comparing trump to Idi Amin is just plain stupid. The Beeb can’t throw dirt so blatantly so get fellow travellers like Noah to do it. He’s just another Hilary disciple that can’t accept the result.
He was also on c4 news tonight where he compared America to aparthied South Africa. Plenty use’s of the words sieg Hiel. Just unbelievable shite. It just proves that Noah is another political activist posing as a comedian to push his agenda just like our comics at the Beeb.
Jeff…. I’ve reached the stage in life where I’ve never heard of most of the ‘comedians’ on the box, never heard of or can pronounce the names of any of the top footballers, never heard of 98% of today’s pop stars, and am visibly bewildered when I’m asked who Sammy Davis Jnr was. (don’t anyone on here DARE say who?)
It wasn’t always like this. Being of the baby boomer generation we could name all the 60’s groups, most of the footballers in the Premier league, name the Wimbledon champions male and female in earlier decades, list all the great tv comedians, AND name every book that Charles Dickens wrote. Just saying.
You speak for yourself, Brissles. I’m still a young slip of a lad, if you don’t mind!
Of course I do understand what you’re saying, however…
Our darling BBC seem to trawl the airwaves and the internet to bring us predominantly opinions that reflect their own point of view, not necessarily ours. Often the people they foist upon us are, as far as I’m concerned, pretty obscure.
Who was that chap you mentioned? Sammy Davis?
Hmmmm. Rings a bell…
For heavens sake, Sammy Davis was a famous snooker player, or was it billiards ? Well he played something anyway.
LOL ! oh go away the pair of you !
Ok, a pair of balls. It must be billiards ? Yes ?
Interesting point Brissels and it goes to show the extent of the damage done by cultural marxists to former media titans such as the BBC. Baby boomers/Generation X grew up with a sense of collective consciousness in how various forms of media were consumed and alongside that, those forms of media were not saddled with the PC acronyms we have today. Add the fragmentation caused by technology into the mix and any sense of self derived from shared media experiences is diminished.
Which probably explains the popularity of community sites such as this!
As a consequence we have no collective iconic actors, comedians, musicians or cultural icons as traditional media will not foster them and at this stage truthfully people could care less.
The only funny joke these comedians have left is their own self-belief in their own importance.
GS…. The only funny joke these comedians have left is their own self-belief in their own importance…
Agree with that one ! In the last day or so I read that some no mark called David Badiel (?) made comments he clearly thought were hilarious, about the sex life of our 90 year old Queen. I’m no particular royalist, but he’d no doubt throw a punch at anyone making offensive remarks about his elderly mother – or would he ? I just put it down to an ignorant upbringing that clearly hasn’t changed him in adulthood.
No, David Baddiel would not rush to defend his own mother. In fact, he has just been performing a show in which he talks about his parents’ marriage and how his mother had a long term affair. He doesn’t care about his own family, so he certainly does not care about the feelings of the Queen.
Well the BBC believe that ethnic groups vote as the Apartheid regime in South Africa feared .
I think they vote individually for their own reasons .
Did the media seek the opinions of celebrities and entertainers much in those days? I don’t remember anyone sticking a microphone in Lulu’s face and asking, ‘So, as the singer of Boom-bang-a-bang-bang, what’s your opinion of the common market?’ Or a finance programme saying: ‘And to discuss the pros and cons of decimal currency – who better than Mike Yarwood and his famous Wilson and Heath impressions?’
Mind you, now I’ve seen the end result of political decisions taken in those days, I wonder if they’d have done just as well to consult Les Dawson, Cilla Black and Henry Cooper.
So, when Trump becomes President, we can expect him to torture and murder tens of thousands of Clinton supporters just as Amin did with Obote’s people. This moron “comedian” does not consider what an insult his “comedy” is to the millions of Africans who have suffered under African dictators and still are. What a stupid little prick. Perfect for the BBC.
The simple truth is, that to be a comedian, you first have to be able to laugh at yourself. That is the basis of all genuine humour.
The grim “progressives”, whose only real belief is in their own “specialness”, couldn’t produce a decent comic if the future of the planet depended on it.
So true. Look at Tommy Cooper, Dave Allen, Bob Monkhouse, Spike Milligan. The list is endless. All laughing at themselves first. Then look at some nasty cnut like Frankie Boyle. He would not know humour if it was shoved up his jacksy.
People who lack one sense make up for it with another. Hence why people with no sense of humour have an inflated sense of self-importance.
I think our Trev had a brief outing on MTW and QI but didn’t last even as a token, because talking in clicks stops being funny after the nth outing.
Jon Bird did a great Idi, but it was pulled, IIRC, for being racist.
Anyhoo, seems Fidel is centre stage today, so Mr. Amin and HRC can stay in the wings for colourful ways of dealing with opponents.
Can’t wait for when Kim Wrong Un pops, and CountryFile do a ‘Taking the relatives out with the dogs’ homage, and a special of ‘Uncle, Shoots and Leaves’
What the hell is wrong with the BBC?
On the news section of their website they have an expensive gizmo production that allows you to “experience” the news – you can be Maria, you can experience the “horrors of human trafficking in Mexico”. For God’s sake just report the bluddy news:
“360 video: Inside the horrors of human trafficking in Mexico. This is the story of Maria, a single mother trafficked from Nicaragua to Mexico. For the next eight minutes you can become Maria and experience her story.”
Hang on a moment! Isn’t someone threatening to put an end to that sort of awful thing with a wall? Now, what was his name?
How the hell can a BBC reporter experience smuggling over a border ?,! You have to do it to experience it .
Why are young Russian students unable to get visas to visit the UK?
cos too many girls were getting forced into prostitution
..So it is a preventative measure by the UK gov to save them from it
..and for boys it’s the same for balance.
Whilst in Russia I had to explain this to my Russian friends.
…There mother who is a dentist would probably get a visa for a dentistry conference cos the UK would know she would go back to Russia where her husband and children are.
bBBC1 6pm news.
An item about Black Friday (is that an allowed term btw) and the news that sales are UP 16%.
This, from the prime merchants of doom and gloom.
Oh the irony! Lost on them, obviously.
But normal Project Fear service is resumed at the end of the item with a comment that prices may go up next year because of the pound’s devaluation post Brexit.
Yes, any good news MUST have a downside.
In the interest of balance and impartiality no doubt! LOL.
On the evening bBBC1 news.
A man has been convicted of several offences against several Muslim women.
Inference? A hate crime by a white neo Nazi?
Strangely the nature of the man, his culture and religion was carefully hidden, but there was a clue. His name. Well it wasn’t John Smith. But it was spoken so fleetingly I could not catch it.
Turns out the name was…….. Farhan Mirza !!!!!! How very Anglo Saxon. Not.
So on this occasion, our disgusting state broadcaster ensures the victims get described but not the perpetrator. I wonder why?
They pulled the same stunt with the recent gay serial killer.
Not BBC but sky news tonight had labour mp Neil coyle on pushing for a second referendum following tones and majors musings today. Peter Lilly was opposing him but coyle was just a nasty sneering arrogant piece of excrement in his attitude. Looks like the game has gone up a few notches with them looking for a second vote farron Blair major and Clegg are now the dark lords and they only want one thing. Well if it’s a fight they want
I listened on Wednesday morning to the Today programme. Nick Robinson interviewed Philip Hammond full of sneers and snarls. He asked one outrageous question about the Autumn Statement which Mr Hammond answered and explained Robinson’s suggestion was wrong . The BBC had their story. By 10am the BBC could start their news with ‘Hammond denies ……..’ thus putting it into the public domain the idea that whatever it was that Robinson snarled had some basis of truth. They could just as easily asked Hammond if the moon was made of Stilton or that he was about to grow wings and turn into a fairy. His answer could then have been used for the headlines.
I hope this post makes sense. I have forgotten the detail but I have been seething about it for a couple of days but not had chance to post.
Very clear. Blatant news manipulation by the BBC of which the like of Alastair Campbell would be proud. Now, who do we have around the BBC at present?
Oh just some old codgers from a dusty corner; Blair & Campbell.
Beware of the company you keep BBC.
What with the Autumn statement being in the news, where May and Hammond are mentioned in the same article – I’m having to read a few paragraphs before I realise it’s not about Top Gear/Grand Tour!
Worth noting the soft, cuddly, jovial chat with John Mcdonnell that preceded it.
You’ll notice I’m not using the word ‘interview’ as that would not be an accurate reflection of the friendly Marxist repartee.
Deborah, Its an old and nasty journalistic trick.
Here are 3 headlines from the last two days on “Trump denies”
Donald Trump denies transition disarray after sackings
Trump denies any conflict of interest over business empire
Donald Trump denies mocking disabled reporter
BBC denies being mindlessly, soft left, self censoring, shrieking feminist, supporter of state, anti business, hateful of english nationalists, adoring of Scottish nationalists, cheerleader for greens, anti science institution.
Hammond is as thick as custard…he made a post brexit vote speech in which he deliberately inserted words like “turmoil” and then wonders why the socalled bbc still use the words?
Earlier I was at first confused by a local shop hording that claimed “Black Friday – Starts Today” …and ends today, I wonder?
Of course Lewis Carroll’s Humpty Dumpty already warned us that words could mean just what he wanted them to mean.
But my favourite words of the week were pretty damn clear and I heartily thank Iain Duncan Smith who for once bit back at the BBC’s irritating Norman Smith :
“The BBC always do this, you take the worst possible (economic) forcast and treat it as reality !”
Black Friday? I wish it was Black Friday but it turns out it’s bloody well Black Month.
Its all part of the Black and British brainwashing that’s currently going on.
If the brainwashing was being used to help assimilate people into British society, then I wouldn’t have a problem. It is the grievance codswallop that gets me.
Reading recent posts above I see President Obama, who has spent the last 8 years distainfully looking down his nose at a nation that he seems to consider himself just too good for, has now lent his superior professorial weight to the idea of clamping down on news of which he disapproves.
This comes in the same week as the Guardian gets all pompous about the fact the Daily Mail didn’t put Jo Cox on their front page as the Guardian thinks they ought to have.
Watch out – the Left are opening a new front in the culture war.
Back to the Bronx Zoo. Project over. 8 years . FAILED
Sales figures Grauniad V Mail?
Some good news according to Breitbart. Mr Trump has invited Victor Orban to the US. Hopefully before Merkel or May or the rest.
Maybe President Trump will become the real leader of the free men of Europe.
“I find that very difficult to accept. The tyranny of the majority has never applied in a democracy and it should not apply in this particular democracy.”
The above is the view of a failed europhile ex prime minister when commenting upon the likelihood of a second referendum (to reverse the decision of the first).
Think carefully about his statement. What is democracy if not the will of the majority! Was the Referendum not sold to us as the peoples vote – what we decide will be enacted – ‘even if by a single vote’.
This pompous self important twat believes the minority hold sway – overturning years of misunderstanding on the part of the rest of us that the majority vote – fairly reached – is the only democratic process there is! OR – I am missing something.
What if there is a further referendum – with exactly the same result. Would these disingenuous fools demand a further vote – then a further vote?
In their anxiousness to restore their Liberal dogma to once again dictate what we should or should not think and do, they place in real danger the very stability and fabric of our nation, the belief in a society which has seen us hold together through two world wars.
This is fast becoming crazy talk. As if we did not matter. As if the sovereign nation we want back – does not matter. As if we have no voice and have no vote.
Many if not most people voted out of the EU to regain sovereignty and preserve democracy. It’s therefore hardly surprising that the EU’s most vile supporters’ response is to try and reverse the result and to give away our sovereignty and remove our democracy.
They’re right about one thing, though – democracy doesn’t end at one vote. And we Brexiters are finding that out. It’s not enough that we won the referendum – we need to fight tooth and nail to make sure that the result is followed through.
Well, I guess wherever we are Brexitwise come next election. We’ll get another shot at democracy and it’ll be a question of which party will either:- 1)Get us out of Europe or 2)Get us back into Europe or 3)Talk but do very little.
Teresa May might be showing a complete lack of common sense here. If we’re not fully out of the EU by the next election then the Conservatives will be annihilated. They’ve already lost the votes of the anti-democracy tw@t’s by fulfilling their manifesto commitment and the pro-Britain leavers will never trust them again and will definitely not vote for her. Effectively it’s full Brexit or she’s toast at the next election.
Yes, but she has another possible option. A massive anti Brexit campaign conducted by the BBC, backed by prosecutions of evil pro Brexit extremists who share a platform with white supremacists. Add to that the anti Americanism now being displayed by our media, most of our politicians and the left rats in academia, all driving us closer to the EU and a recognition of why we were mistaken in voting Brexit.
it is crazy talk and dangerous. It does tell us just how fearful the liberal elite now is. Destabalised by Trump and Brexit.
We will approach that point at which it is incumbent upon us to consider whether the elite is now acting against the nation. 1642 all over again.
This is perhaps a minority view, but I think it is possible that if these slime were able to force a second referendum, they might get an even bigger kick in the albondigas than first time around.
Surely there are plenty of reasonable people out there, who voted Remain for no more reason than not rocking the boat, who will have been disgusted by the machinations of the vile self-styled elites, and will switch sides. Trump has shown them, again, what can be done.
I may be overly optimistic — not living in the UK, I am free of the constant pro-Remain ordure that is apparently being shovelled at the moment.
I think you are right, Rick. The leave vote is solid, whereas a significant number of remainers will have voted reluctantly, because they were unnerved by Cameron’s propaganda leaflet etc.
Also, the tragic murder of Jo Cox deflated the leave campaign’s momentum in the week before the referendum.
There would also be genuine remainers who are principled democrats and will refuse to vote to reverse the democratic will.
Well I am not so sure. I think the outcome would be – as I would say – wildly unknown.
Nobody knows how many waverers voted Remain compared to Leave, or how many of them would now change their minds or which way they’d go.
The only thing we can be absolutely certain of, is that the establishment would not make the same mistakes again. Their campaign was a mess before, as was leave though that I suspect was the intention.
I suspect the result would be similar but it would be random which way it went. Too close to call for both sides.
Manchesterlad, if only the media had reported accurately on what’s happening in Europe I’m sure there would have been be a huge increase in voters voting Brexit. That, of course, is media’s fear: accurate, unbiased, objective reporting. The urgent vacancy exists………..
They could well fiddle the vote, as occurred in Ireland with the second Lisbon referendum.
In a second referendum we will vote for “Leave” and they will count for “Remain”. They underestimated our numbers last time, but they won’t make that mistake again. The BBC’s role will be to maintain that Remain is winning the campaign so that they can pretend that the rigged result was inevitable.
My sister in law voted Remain. Her overriding reason was the economy, more to the point her retirement is going to be funded by savings. She heard the message loud and clear, your building society accounts aren’t safe outside the EU.
So important to her that a life time of voting BNP had to come second.
The Establishment elite, like that third rate failure John Major, and all the other failures, do not realise that the British people do not like being told what to do by useless politicians and journalists who have never done anything in the real world.
The Remainers assume that they would win a second vote. I am not so sure. But even if they manage to force us to stay in the EU, any credibility the UK had is broken. The Elite will get their personal rewards, but the EU will make the rest of us suffer.
Major and the rest of his anti-democracy cronies are rotten. They are rotten to the core. Treasonous scum.
The tyranny of the majority is seen in things like the banning of smoking or foxhunting, when hordes of people who have no desire to do something decide to stop other people from doing it, so the minority is oppressed. Nobody these days would get up a movement to ban the speaking of Gaelic, for instance, so why cannot there be a general agreement not to interfere with people who just want to get on with their lives?
The election of a government is a different matter; the process must follow strict public rules and the result not be open to dispute. To call the result of a fairly held political election the tyranny of the majority is an abuse of language.
I must confess that much of this raised a smile…
“Rethinking the BBC “. LOL ! And everyone of them Far Left, so not much rethinking their, methinks .
This may be a useful guide on how to have a peaceful Christmas dinner with the extended family this year, what with the possibility of the still raw Leave / Remain issue rearing its head after a few glasses of mulled wine. Or maybe not.
It is a simple truth – those so upset by Trump and Brexit – it’s understandable and at the same time pitiful. They consumed nothing but left biased media and that’s their own fault. They might blame that media for being so fake or themselves for being so gullible and feckless but I doubt they’ll do either.
There must be a word for that?
Help me out someone.
I think the word is, assholeism.
Every European country is telling GB what to do about Brexit.
The EU is worried about us leaving, Al Beeb and MSM is promoting this ‘treason’.
The British Government should listen to its OWN people not the undemocratic voice of Europe. “The more the flak the closer to the target”
Onward and upwards, roll on independence!
Surely we hold the cards . Try to impoverish us , and they impoverish themselves . Where else do they send their unemployed who send remittances back home ?
Also how can we defend Europe if we can’t afford the money ?
And we have a trade deficit with Europe so we hold the whip hand in any negotiations. Trade War, they lose.
Now, if only our government could see that ?
Our pathetic Government should be getting their retaliation in first. They should be shouting to the EU that, if they don’t play fair, we shall hit them and hit them hard where it hurts. I don’t see any of them doing that. A bunch of pussycats. Much as I admire David Davis, he is too nice. We need someone who will give them a good kicking.
Grant, yes we do have a trade deficit with the EU but if they try strong arm tactics against us our retaliation will be spread across the whole EU. We would feel it’s effects more than them but if they try it then our argument to the British People is simply – “See. These are the sorts of people who run the EU. It proves beyond doubt that we did the right thing by getting away from them.”
World Service at 06:00 GMT announced the death of Fidel Castro. It seems as if they are now going into a three hour special about him and the news. What other former or current world leader would get this sort of treatment?
A golden opportunity for Obama to do a load of leftie grandstanding before he vacates the White House.
Oh well, anyone hoping to grab a winter sun deal to Havana will be disappointed as 20,000 head to the beaches to ‘report’.
I understand Remoaners and Snowflakes have asked for a second opinion.
I found the Wickipedia account “Healthcare in Cuba” quite revealing and, I feel truthful (something one can’t say about all Wickp entries!). All that is heard from the BBC is how wonderful health was under Castro, but the wicki article points out that Cuba had world-class healthcare from the later 19th century, long before Castro was ever thought about.
Haven’t heard such wailing and eulogising on BBC since the death of Brezhnev.
Ding Dong, Fidel is dead!
BBC is is meltdown.One of their heroes has snuffed it. No mention by them so far of the jubilation of Cuban exciles in Florida. Instead they invite some unknown Marxist all dressed in the black iniform as worn by such people to tell us all how much Fidel was loved by his subjects.
No mention of the mass detentions and killings of his opponents.
Notice how the BBC are not labeling Fidel as either left wing or right wing? In fact I cannot find the words ‘socialist’, ‘authoritarian’ or ‘dictator’ anywhere in their articles.
A good time to bury Castro and a good way for Al Beeb to ‘bury’ the news.
Rather than focus on responses to political opponents that might make even HRC blush, the key is to harp on apparent political despots with funny hair… who are thinking of building a wall.
I wonder what happens to Gitmo?
That evil bastard Castro dead. At last some good news. As someone once said ” Rejoice ” !!!!
Didn`t seem to like gays did he?
Said they had none-very Ahmedinejadh!
Bet the BBC won`t be asking about this will they?
AND-of course-Ken Livingston won`t be asked either.
He knew Che, stuck it to the Yanks.
Maybe they could embalm his goolies and mount then in Media City.
Before they burn the bugger-bet that won`t stop the elite rushing out to roll their cigarillos on a young mans thighs before the Christmas rush.
Unlike Mandela-they`ve not been doing their deathwatch beetle act on Fido.
No point burning him, he`s toast already downstairs with a warn fork ready for him.
Watching Al Beeb’s ‘Breakfast’ news show just before leaving work this morning – it was reminiscent of ‘Blue Peter’ or ‘Rainbow’, the other kids programme. Even the female presenter was wearing a dress that looked as if it came from the studio backdrop of ‘Rainbow’ the kids show from the 1970s .
‘Zippy’ would be proud of them.
For the viewers who are too young to remember ……………
“And here, children, is a firing squad and nuke launcher we made earlier…”
It is easy to see the influence of Biddy Baxter on all BBC news output. It seems to me that the audience (because it isn’t straight news reporting) are treated like children and news is explained as if adults need their interpretation of events. Presentation is particularly influenced by Blue Peter’s Biddy Baxter in my opinion.
Completely agree about the Blue Peter-isation of BBC current affairs presenting. The One Show and BBC Breakfast are two of the worst offenders. And, incidentally, these are two of the most blatantly leftist of shows in their inherent editorial assumptions across a range of subject matter. More Red Peter than Blue Peter. Oddly enough the Blue Peter style has only been abandoned by the BBC for their broadcasting for actual children.
This site is mainly about BBC bias but so entwined is the liberal establishment on the issue of Brexit that it is impossible to confine comments on establishment bias to the BBC. Of course most other news outlets are not funded by the State and therefore have no duty to remain impartial, a duty the BBC has completely abandoned.
I have watched Sky’s political programme with Bolton in the chair and it is wall to wall Remoaning ,every single day. Even the BBC can’t match this for its unrelenting , all consuming hostility to Brexit. The Times has also become an ultra Remoaning rag. Before the referendum it seemed only mildly pro Remain and did give Leave some column inches, but now it is just naked Remoaning page after page. The Times today devotes article after article to the racist nature of Leave voters , not directly but by association, the White Supremacist angle being played to the full. Clearly this is an liberal establishment attempt to cement the notion that Brexit equates to white supremacy in the hope some Leave voters will be repelled by that notion.
One saving grace for the Times are its readers’ comments which I reckon are in favour of Brexit and increasingly resent the direction the paper has taken with plenty saying they are going to end their subs.
The Remoaners seem to be a strange and hopefully unstable coalition of anti business lefties who despise profit and believe in common ownership , green policies etc etc , the BBC and Guardian represent them and Globalists who want more profit at any price, which is the wing covertly represented by Sky and The Times. Somehow that unlikely coalition needs to be broken.
DT, the other remarkable point all of the biased reporting continually misses is, by the time the UK leaves the EU, what will remain of the EU? No reporting here. No analysis. If there was such a thing as objective reporting from our “World Class Media”, the remoaners would be aware of how quickly the EU will likely break apart. The signs are already there for those who look. The next year is crucial, starting 4th December in Italy and Austria. Objective commentators suggest these elections will be the turning point where the people increasingly have their say in rejecting the EU. Then Germany and France will take their turn.
I vividly recall Liam Fox being questioned by a Select Committee (don’t recall which one) some months ago pre-Referendum. He was asked about the EU’s willingness to change. He replied by citing a conversation he had just had with a prominent EU official. He had made the point that, 50% of Europe’s population were unhappy with the EU. In response, the official had said, “that means that 50% are happy with it”. That just about says everything about this uncontrollable, unelected behemoth. Closer to home, the sooner we shed the lefty/liberal multiculti element the better all round. But May is not the person to do this.
I ended my sub to the online Times for that reason. You have to phone up to cancel, the little millennial whippersnapper on the receiving end threw a complete strop when upon his questioning me I told him the reason why.
Fidel Castro has died.
The R4 Toady prog was in effect replaced with an extended edition of Marxism Today.
The newsroom was clearly in mourning for one of their own.
All other news was consigned to the bin. They said as much. ‘In other news’ was said aloud after the Castro splurge in the main headlines. Much tears and wailing and eulogising for dear old cuddly Fidel.
Cue my reaching out for the sickbag..
Not many agree with Nick…
Although there were plenty of Commies and socialists wheeled out I did not have the impression that Castro was a hero of the BBC, and for me many of the interviewees got a hard time of it.
One of the most shocking things to come out today – aside from Livingstones acceptance that democracy can be suspended when they don’t get the right result was the fact that Castro was going to be given the codes for nuclear missiles, and that he was quite prepared to see Cuba, and his people destroyed in the name of Socialism!
I have to note that on the R4 Today programme, Nick Robinson at least had the courage (as a BBC employee) to point out that Castro was a dictator who imprisoned large numbers of the opposition and others, and executed very many. Naturally, this was brushed aside by the stream of vocal supporters of Castro and his repressive regime that they invited on to the programme and, sadly but not surprisingly, Robinson didn’t press those facts up with any of his guests.
Seems that, after creating a circular firing squad in Fidel’s honour to aim at their feet, the BBC is now in full ‘what they meant was…’ mode.
Radio 4 Today program ran an extraordinary interview with Labour ex Mayor Ken Livingston on the death of Fidel Castro.
When he was asked about the repression of the people, the murders, and the lack of democracy, Livingston replied that it was all necessary because Castro was always frightened of attack.
Interviewer responded that this could be used as an excuse for any oppressive regime, to be met with the usual America and the West have oppressed people.
If Livingston is representative of the Left these days (and he probably is) then it is perhaps no surprise that we are seeing so many protests against democratic outcomes, that the Left don’t approve of.
Said to the missus ‘ Fidel Castro is dead’ – she said ‘I thought he died years ago’ . BBC nobody, and I mean nobody, cares. Still I wake up with a smile on my face every morning ‘ Brexit, Trump – BBC your boys took one hell of a beating.
No more heroes anymore
BBC news lead with the official soviet-style annoucement of the probably long-dead Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
Does no one at the Beeb think to call out the inherent contradictions at play in the BBC speed dialing former Labour MP now LORD Peter Hain for a quick off the cuff eulogy?
I was pleased at least to hear BBC news presenters get around to calling Castro ‘a divisive figure’.
It is a complex world these days – the BBC’s Moscow correspondent tells us that Putin (the BBC’s current number one bete noire) will give some words in support of Castro.
It’s a tricky one to spin for the Beeb.
Could you imagine the BBC describing a “right-wing” dictator as “divisive ” ?
In BBC-speak divisive is a word now reserved for murderous leftist dictators and on the other hand the likes of our own first female PM.
No more heroes anymore
Sorry to contradict you but we have the boy wonder.
Ah, the boy Owen. A chap sadly destined to spend his entire life in prolonged political adolescence. Whatever happened to him? Has his hot line to the BBC gone a little quiet since he came over somewhat equivocal on EU membership? Is he ‘EU Trans’ or ‘EU-Bi’ now? Did he/she have an EU-change? Really BBC, you should do much more to promote the EULGBTQ community.
Castro is indeed a great loss for the BBC, the Guardian and Jeremy Hardy, but don’t worry, they still have Maduro, Correa, Morales and Ortega, so all is not lost. All four are very suitable substitute heroes.
Some poet bloke reviewing the papers what a total buffoon. He is worried for his grand kids apparently an article in the Guardian (who’d have thunk) is telling him the Arctic ice is melting and according to him this will have a drip drip affect and cause sea levels to rise . So how is this going to affect his grandkids? nope me neither. Has he never had ice in his drink ? does it melt and cause the glass to overflow?
As a little plus for the BBC I did hear the other day of a massive Antarctic glacier (Pine Island) that was set to melt rapidly and could contribute significantly to rising global sea levels. Global warming? asked the interviewer. No was the answer. The glacier extends under the sea and had been held in place by the shape of the sea bed. Since the 1940s it has been coming unpinned allowing sea water, sometimes warmed by El Nino, to get underneath it.
The Cuban exiles have a lot of money.They know how to make money and Cuba is the land of opportunity for them. The young people of Cuba can see the world around them has changed. Give Cuba three years and it will be the holiday resort and powerhouse of the Caribbean. That is if some monster does not come to power which looks unlikely.
See how the BBC likes that.
Those lovely, thoughtful lefty/liberals in Europe and the UK have (and continue) to get the rest of us into what seems likely, in due course, to end up a bloodbath on our own town/city streets. There is a limit to what M15 can stop.
Thanks, Clegg, Farron, Blair and all the rest ably assisted by the BBC. As is always the case, it is ultimately the people that will, ‘pick up the tab’.
A comment in the Guardian today
disgustedvoter 6h ago
The proliferation of fake news is a direct result of the mainstream media’s blatant selectiveness in what and how it reports actual news. People aren’t stupid, and they know when they’re being manipulated and controlled, told what and how to think, and generally lied to.
The coverage of both the Brexit and US Presedntial campaigns this year has been nothing short of disgraceful, and I’ve wondered at times whether the journalists on this paper are have actually passed their professional qualifications, or are card holding members of the NUJ. This and other news outlets have done serious and lasting damange to the reputation of journalism and newspapers as a whole. And the Guardian wonders why it’s shedding readers (and profit) at a rate of tens of thousands a month? It’s because we don’t believe you. Your agenda is driven by political theory, not factual analysis, your reporting has become so obviously biased and vitriolic you sound shrill even reporting the most mundane events.
I used to love this paper, in the 90’s it was a true bastion of independent, *truly* Liberal thought. It is no longer, and I miss the days of Julie Burchill where she would wade into the insanity that was threatening to engulf the editorial direction and kick you all back to rationality for a second, but it became too much even for her and that’s when you started really going downhill. You and the other newspapers and news channels birthed Fake News, and now your child is eating you. It’s nothing less than you deserve.
Thanks for this TS, it’s like someone switched a light on in a long disused Islington cellar. Perhaps the most surprising aspect is that the same someone on the editorial staff decided to print it.
Odd, the BBC is sobbing its heart out at the death of a murderous Marxist dictator.
No mention yet of how a country with a population similar to Scotland required 30 maximum security prisons, 50 standard prisons and 200 work camps. No mention of how, according to Amnesty, Cuba imprisons more journalists per head of population than any country outside Russia and China.
Wonder why people risked their lives to escape the (according to the BBC) wondrous people’s republic of Cuba and then risked their lives to enter the (according to the BBC) hated and stupid USA.
I remember a wonderful tweet from a dopy BBC lass touring the parts of Cuba tourists are allowed to see. She couldn’t understand why she couldn’t get an internet connection. How can we put it to these leftie lovies? No one in Cuba is allowed access to the internet without strict state controls and no one outside the upper echelons of the state is allowed to have a mobile phone. Think she should read a newspaper other than the Guardian.
Don’t give Krankie ideas !
BBC continues to excel this sad day…
The BBC always tells us that these poor Africans drowning in the Med on leaky boats are coming from repressive regimes and simply “seeking a better life”.
I wonder if they will mention the tens of thousands of Cubans (known as ‘balseros’) who took truck tyre inner tubes with a door tied on top, and tried to paddle 90 miles to US soil to escape Castro’s socialist paradise.
Nah, didn’t think so.
The BBC is putting it about that Cubans were escaping from poverty caused directly by the USA and its sanctions. The has been no mention of Castro’s reign of terror, mass imprisonments and killings. Nor the fact that this continues today.
BBC R4 – Music Defiance in Soweto? … WTF!
Don t they know old Nelsons worm food? Where have they been? The black rulers ruining its wonderful resources.
Unless its defiance of the basket case that SA has become under the new rule Unless its speaking of the terrible racial discrimination that the white minority now suffers, in the “rainbow nation”, the black poor worse than ever.
More bloody “poor me”, Black Week narrative
This is Italy: a leading member of the EU.
Coming to a town or city near you, shortly –
Yesterday, one Farhan Mirza was sentenced to 8 years for blackmailing Muslim women. The bBBC news mentioned only his name (no photos). The religion and culture of his victims was described but nothing about him. So the victims of a serious sexual predator are described but not the guilty.
Now contrast that with the Cliff Richard case. Here, a person, entirely innocent of any crime, is described in detail, and a police raid on his house is photographed live from a helicopter. No evidence is ever found to warrant further action. The people who made the claims that resulted in this action remained anonymous.
Can anyone else spot a slight inconsistency of approach by our esteemed state broadcaster?
I cannnot possibly imagine why they should behave in such different ways.
The BBC are totally impartial. So it could not be that Cliff is a christian and Mirza is a muslim, could it ? On the other hand maybe the BBC are just bastards from hell.
I have just read an article in the DM “Private Islamic School which has never been inspected by Ofsted tells girls to wear a Niqab (full length black robe with only eyes slits) and the patron is an extremist” You will have read it quickly before its kicked into the long grass. Of course there is not a mention on the BBC.
Can you imagine if there was an unregistered school run and controlled by a white Supremacist making the students wear white KKK outfits, the BBC would go onto overdrive.
Presumebly that is in Saudi Arabia and not in the UK. I mean it could not possibly happen here, surely ?
From Nov 4th Robin Aitken
‘BBC bias fails to represent socially conservative views’, says former reporter
Times News Bites : Brexit stuff
Frontpage Headline: an idea : Fee for Britons live/work in EU
(Garbage of course cos you can’t have different rules to what Norway , Switzerland already have.
– Also it amounts to a visa charge , and the UK could recipricocate.
How would you deal with President Fallon’s British wife ? )
pg 17 Claim that Brexit march to coincide with Supreme Court has been scrapped
due to short notice and fear of BNP infiltration (sounds like propaganda to me)
conservativehome has other News Links for today
pg 4-5 Double page Investigation into KTI apparently a far right group supporting anti-migrant vigilantism in Bulgaria..and a Nick Griffen UK connection in supporting them.
Then the main editorial is about how “the rise of the far right must be thwarted”
( Opinions are fine, but this day as everyday throughout the world dozens of Muslims will be murdered , mostly at the hands of other crazy revenge from Non-Muslims in Myanmar, plus incompetence/accidents in Russian and US military operations.
Whereas far-right nutters kill far fewer people )
Friday pg 45 Photos of smiling Iranians just rescued in the Channel
This focus on far right and away from Islamic Terrorists
was also on Friday page 25 “1 in 4 extremists are from far-right”
Reasoning : Police say that only 13% of Prevent programme
But charities argue that cos many non-rightists leave the prog the far-right represent 25% of those who stay in
(hmm that is a bizarre twisting of stats ..saying cos Muslims leave ..they make up a lower number of threats
..If they leave the prog early aren’t they more of a threat ?)
pg 29 Milo’s banning : Janice Turner condemns it and then lays into Lefty Liberals for not getting Brexit and Trump
..Wow That is a breakthrough for the Times which until now has only 2 regular columnists who dared speak up (Matt R and Mel P)
then pg 32 has a page sympathetic to idea of Ambassador Farage.
US Election : LeftMob call Russian media conspiracy
Buried away end of column on pg 47
PropOrNot say “Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during …Washington Post-24 Nov 2016”
(but the numbers quoted are quite small
The narrative is countered by
…”This is about the anonymous, shady source the Washington Post used today to smear dozens of US news sites as Russian propaganda outlets “:
…No, Russian Agents Are Not Behind Every Piece of Fake News You See
I’ll mention the Times eco-news now , cos such PR leaks into the BBC aswell
pg 8 half page News-vertorial – for Jaguar electric car plans.. claiming 10,000 new jobs
(seems to be Jag PR for getting subsidies)
(Begins by wrongly stating the chancellor said £390m will be given to Electric Vehicle development…Actually it’s also for autonomous vehicle research also and is basically bankrolling research/test tracks etc.
It fails to mention that Jag did unveil an EV but it won’t be on sale until 2018
…. and similarly Tesla’s delivery targets are ridiculously optimistic.
– Mad eco-ism showed it’s failing this week as parking spaces are having to be widened cos so many people have got 4x4s. )
pg 21 WWF is accusing its own creation the Marine Stewardship Council of corruption by taking money from Indian fish biz in return for certification. etc.
BTW The Times every week seems to have an anti-EDF-nuclear column originating out of a Greenpeace PR
Friday pg 10 Lord Deben of Cimate Commitee saying heathrow breaches Climate targets
(Hey I thought Climate Committee had been abolished ?)
Friday pg 36 West Country beaches washed away 3 years ago in storms MAY never recover “Scientists say” yada yada Climate Change (Dr Tim Scott)
Current drought in in South Africa : Hippos and buffalos being culled to help animals not over compete. …Meat to going villagers.
pg 23 Natural Flood defences to get £15million Leadsom says …surely that is nothing ?
Hey anti-China tariffs are good for their environment CO2 aren’t they ?
ie factories powered by much cleaner US power
..rather than dirty power in China.
News They Forget to tell you
Lithuania : Anti freedom of movement party won election.
“In the country’s October elections, the Peasants and Greens, an obscure protest party led by a charismatic billionaire, won nearly 40 per cent of the seats to become the largest party in parliament. Having stood on an anti-emigration platform, their total seats soared from a measly one (in 2012) to 54” ie anti-people LEAVING
“the fact that dissatisfaction with freedom of movement played such a prominent role in overthrowing the political establishment should have alarm bells ringing in Berlin and Paris.”
Many EU countries are suffering cos they are LOSING population. (hmm what about remittances ?)
\\ Electorates have lost patience with the “progressive” ideals and patronising rhetoric espoused by the “establishment” which bears little resemblance to reality. // article
It is something which EU fanatics do not discuss, but small countries such as the Baltic states have lost about a quarter of their populations to emigration. These are usually the youngest and brightest people, whom they can ill afford to lose. The EU’s crazed attachment to “freedom of movement” means we get well trained Estonians working at Starbucks for more money than they could make as professional people back home. It does not help anyone, but it hurts their home countries worst of all.
The EU’s “four freedoms” are designed to create an EU state, nothing more. The effects on the EU member states and their people are secondary. If Britain is serious about controlling immigration, we will have more support than we think from Eastern European states, who are sick of seeing their brightest and best people heading west. But we need a government led by someone with a vision for a post EU Britain, and that is something we don’t have.
Clearly true. The birthrate is also low in the old east so the loss of the young is doubly unfortunate. No doubt the EU comintern would like them to import the third world to make up. This will not happen and is yet another reason why the EU is mired in fantasy.
I have heard that Poland now has a labour shortage, and are importing Ukrainians. The Ukrainians are in turn importing Mongolians! All this no doubt makes George Soros very happy as he strokes his white cat in his island lair.
I see notorious communist, thug, dictator, fascist, murderer and terrorist Fidel Castro has passed away, aged 90. The lamestream media are, of course, deep in collective mourning for this socialist ‘revolutionary’.
Just a shame so many thousands of his terrorised people never got to see a ripe old age themselves. Still, who cares about that when these days the regressive left can emote and virtue signal, whilst re-rewriting Castro’s vicious, murderous history of violence and totalitarianism right out of the history books and down the Orwellian memory hole?
Viva El Presidente, comrades!
And he was such a believer in democracy and the power of the people that he appointed his brother as his successor.
Maybe Barry can get some quick tips for getting Michelle back in a few years, as political experience will doubtless no longer be a Democrat attack point.
Fair point, America has never had a trans President after all.
BBC website ” Corbyn praises huge figure of Castro “. And his “heroism “. Not a word of condemnation from that little rat Corbyn. Very evil boy. No sympathy for the victims of Castro’s terror. Corbyn, you are a sub-human scumbag .
It’s amazing how a persons death can change history at the BBC.
Nelson Madella was a convicted terrorist but once he died he became a BBC hero who walked on water.
Now murdering dictator Castro has died…
Maybe it’s just me but I thought I detected a slightly different tone on BBC’s R4 1pm news (and some quick re-writing) compared to the rosy view of Castro presented on TODAY at 7-9am.
Well, that’s me done for. The BBC have managed to turn me into a Soviet-era official radio language watcher.
Corbyn seems to have dug out his scooter diaries from when he toured the glory of East Germany with Diane as pillion.
Still, it got him top billing on Global Toss News too.
Seems almost to be trying to get forcibly ejected by colleagues with a glimmer of integrity.
Andrew Neil seems to be doing the same, only with superiors who wouldn’t know integrity if they found it in a camper van in the BBC executive carpark.
A picture paints a thousand words.
Can’t wait for the BBC and Corbyn to concoct a semantic equivalence on this one.
Imagine if he’d been a South Vietnamese general?
Bulgaria? I didn’t realise there was a “Refugee/Islamic” problem there. Wrong.
As an idealistic lad of 15 when I read of the Cuban revolution and the men coming from the mountains and winning a revolution I wrote to Castro offering my services along with my mate, an apprentice electrician. Castro, or someone representing him, replied pointing out he was unable to finance our trip to Cuba but suggested we held collections to support his revolution in our schools and work places.
A few years ago I spent a delightful afternoon in a bar in Sao Paulo drinking with old timers, some had fought for Castro, others against. Hatchets buried, old antagonists relived their former glories. Most had capitalised on their heroic youth and had managed to acquire wives who were much younger, who collected them from the bar after shopping and helping them into their cars drove them home.
So what can I conclude from this? Old soldiers, experienced in battle, had respect for each other, which is inexplicable to the Castroites of the LSE and BBC
Do I smell a slight whiff of BS ? Of course, it is possible you are telling the truth. Sao Paulo ???
I was in Sao Paulo during a lecture tour where I helped to establish criteria for the harvesting of transplantable organs and was awarded a medal from the Brasilian authorities. A former member of the US forces was investigating abuse of the distribution of organs and we met up. He took me to meet a member of an aristocratic Portuguese family, disowned for fighting in one of the S American Cuban inspired revolutions, and he took me to meet his former comrades and enemies at a bar in Sao Paulo. It amused me to see these old timers being met by their wives and taken home. And I found it ironic that my childish admiration for Castro’s revolution had morphed into criticism. Obviously there is much more to my story which is published under another name