I have been live tweeting BBC Question Time for some years now. However last night, I gave up in disgust after about half an hour. The BIAS against the election of Donald Trump was incredible. A panel was selected – four women and one man (no transgenders though) that was plainly there to put the boot into Trump. Yvette Cooper kept blurting out “misogynistic” as if she had Tourettes. A shouty Clinton supporter Sarah Churchill was almost crying as reality damned. The utterly execrable Tasmina Ahmed Sheikh was allowed to make outrageous allegations against the President Elect. Dominic Raab was subdued in his support for Trump and the token Republican on the panel, Jan Halper-Hayes, is on record opposing Trump. The audience were even worse.
This was the BBC having a hissy fit but using their broadcasting power to force us all to watch it. This programme had no balance – it was a hate fest. And for the first time ever, I turned it off.
The BBC is still reeling from Brexit and NOW…Trump. They are unhinged.
Clinton was the wrong, and equally tainted, candidate, the Media gave her unquestioning support, and the Liberal elite takes it for granted that it is correct about everything and can rule on without a regard to the real world…..
‘Democratic leaders made Hillary their candidate even though they knew about her closeness to the banks, her fondness for war, and her unique vulnerability on the trade issue – each of which Trump exploited to the fullest. They chose Hillary even though they knew about her private email server. They chose her even though some of those who studied the Clinton Foundation suspected it was a sketchy proposition.
To try to put over such a nominee while screaming that the Republican is a rightwing monster is to court disbelief. If Trump is a fascist, as liberals often said, Democrats should have put in their strongest player to stop him, not a party hack they’d chosen because it was her turn. Choosing her indicated either that Democrats didn’t mean what they said about Trump’s riskiness, that their opportunism took precedence over the country’s well-being, or maybe both.
Clinton’s supporters among the media didn’t help much, either. It always struck me as strange that such an unpopular candidate enjoyed such robust and unanimous endorsements from the editorial and opinion pages of the nation’s papers,
How did the journalists’ crusade fail? The fourth estate came together in an unprecedented professional consensus. They chose insulting the other side over trying to understand what motivated them. They transformed opinion writing into a vehicle for high moral boasting. What could possibly have gone wrong with such an approach?
Put this question in slightly more general terms and you are confronting the single great mystery of 2016. The American white-collar class just spent the year rallying around a super-competent professional (who really wasn’t all that competent) and either insulting or silencing everyone who didn’t accept their assessment. And then they lost. Maybe it’s time to consider whether there’s something about shrill self-righteousness, shouted from a position of high social status, that turns people away.
The even larger problem is that there is a kind of chronic complacency that has been rotting American liberalism for years, a hubris that tells Democrats they need do nothing different, they need deliver nothing really to anyone – except their friends on the Google jet and those nice people at Goldman.’
Funny old day…couldn’t tune in the radio at all…thought it was a lot of white noise or interference due to the stormy weather recently but actually was the sound of liberals squealing in horror as the Hillbilly rednecks shafted them mercilessly…..along with all those Hispanics, Blacks, women and oh yes…a majority of young college graduates who apparently voted Trump. All those people whom the BBC said would never vote for him.
Nihal on 5Live was in great distress as he received a deluge of messages from BBC ‘fans’ pointing out the disappointment he must be feeling as the ‘Disappointed’ are now comparing the People’s Revolt to the Arab Spring, or the ‘Springtime for Hitler’, as they, and Nihal, might prefer to call it.
Nihal didn’t react with grace to those callers, sneering and jeering at them telling us he was a real journalist…no idea where he got that idea from. When one pro-Trump caller, arguing against the notion that the US has suddenly become ‘racist’ ala the UK after Brexit, saying a country does not become racist and Fascist over night, Nihal jumped in and got the wrong end of the stick thinking the caller was saying the US was racist and Fascist. Nihal started off agreeing but then realised what he was saying, and what it revealed about him and his own prejudices, and trailed off…no different to his reaction to Brexit when he labelled Britain racist after the vote and said he now feared for his children’s future…talk about over-reacting….that was Nihal himself being racist in effect. The caller, when allowed to finish, made clear it was not the case that the US was racist or Fascist….and certainly there has not been a sudden radical change overnight on a vote for Trump.
Odd how when things don’t go their way the so-called Liberals, apparent defenders of free speech, thought and diversity [though not of opinion], get so fascist.
Brendan O’Neil in the Spectator examines their mindset in detail…and it’s not pretty…
If you want to know why Trump won, just look at the response to his winning. The lofty contempt for ‘low information’ Americans. The barely concealed disgust for the rednecks and cretins of ‘flyover’ America who are apparently racist and misogynistic and homophobic. The haughty sneering at the vulgar, moneyed American political system and how it has allowed a wealthy candidate to poison the little people’s mushy, malleable minds. The suggestion that American women, more than 40 per cent of whom are thought to have voted for Trump, suffer from internalised misogyny: that is, they don’t know their own minds, the poor dears. The hysterical, borderline apocalyptic claims that the world is now infernally screwed because ‘our candidate’, the good, pure person, didn’t get in.
The anti-Brexit anti-democrats claimed they were merely opposed to using rough, simplistic referendums to decide on huge matters. That kind of democracy is too direct, they said. Yet now they’re raging over the election of Trump via a far more complicated, tempered democratic system. That’s because — and I know this is strong, but I’m sure it’s correct — it is democracy itself that they hate. Not referendums, not Ukip’s blather, not only direct democracy, but democracy as an idea. Against democracy — so many of them are now. It is the engagement of the throng in political life that they fear. It is the people — ordinary, working, non-PhD-holding people — whom they dread and disdain.
This nasty, reactionary turn against democracy by so many of the well-educated both explains the victory of Trump, which neatly doubles up as a slap in the face of the establishment, and confirms why democracy is more important today than it has ever been. Because it really would be folly, madness in fact, to let an elite that so little understands ordinary people, and in fact loathes them, to run society unilaterally. Now that would be dangerous, more dangerous than Trump.
The ‘Intellectuals’ and upper classes have always had a penchant for Dictators. Oxbridge was a well known recruiting ground for the Reds and with good reason. Hitler had a very supportive chorus line of useful idiots within the lofty social swirl in Britain. The fall of Berlin and then the Berlin Wall has meant they were without a master to follow…until the Jihad started. Glory be…a perfect solution for the Left…an anti-Western movement that had brown faces fronting it and which adopted the Left’s language of victimhood and grievance….an anti-colonial, anti-Christian, anti-free-speech, anti-capitalist, anti-Semitic, anti-white blitz that the Left latched onto and signed up to.
Even now the BBC is peddling the rhetoric of anti-West ‘intellectuals’ in a deliberate blast of propaganda against those voters who dared to vote for Brexit and against the West in general. The latest Reith Lectures ticked every box in the BBC’s ‘right-on’ criteria for a wonderful world….a black, gay immigrant delivered them, one who hates the nation state, hates borders, loves immigration, thinks there is no such thing as ‘race’, no such thing as Western civilisation, no such thing as religion [a religion can be whatever you want it to be]…but of course Islam is much misunderstood.
Well then. The morning after. I have never enjoyed watching the BBC more as it chokes on the news that Donald Trump has won convincingly and is President Elect. Their coverage of the Election has been SO one-sided, SO pro-Clinton and SO anti-Trump that watching their smug faces coming to terms with the fact that they completely mis-read it has been fantastic to behold. Even Andrew Neil, the one BBC political presenter who I respect, has been snide as can be about Trump and so he too had to choke on his words and his insults and his smugness. What a night. Ok – NEW Open Thread so over to you! Thoughts?
‘It seems to me that over time you’ve been often ahead of your time, you’ve been sometimes misunderstood, fought off a lot of prejudice. Do you think that, today, America understands you and is ready to accept you?’
No, not a question to Trump, though it should have been, but a piece of fawning from a BBC journo to Clinton [H/T DB and Is the BBC biased?]
Has somebody died? Maybe the dream. [If only Spitting Image was still on our screens…Trump wouldn’t have stood a chance]
First thing I woke up to was the funereal tones of Nick Robinson announcing Trump has won. Cue avalanche of negative attacks on Trump…it’s the end of the world….and it’s so like Brexit, apparently…..a catastrophy for the world.
The BBC has almost completely ignored Trump’s economic policies other than to suggest he will reduce the US to an isolationist, nativist and protectionist irrelevance and Nick Robinson reinforced that simplistic caricature when he suggested this was the US withdrawing from the world as he spoke to Steve Hilton who responded by saying such a view was a misunderstanding based on sheer ignorance. That’s because the BBC just wasn’t interested in policy, just in demonising him…even now the BBC’s explanation for his victory dodges around mentioning economics or international politics….naturally it’s the fault of uneducated, hill-billy whites who were so fanatical and stupid that they ignored his terrible self, and of course the FBI who were in Trump’s pocket helping him out.
Russia? Trump looking to build relationships rather than fight? Dreadful says the BBC. How times change when they have spent the last 8 years praising Obama for his refusal to engage in world affairs with any forcefulness….an Obama who let Iran off the hook, allowed them to develop nukes faster, gave them billions of dollars and stopped sanctions……an Iran wich has nothing but hate for the West and in particular Israel….and an Obama who’s refusal to stand strong has led to Syria imploding and millions of immigrants heading to Europe.
Trump is getting the Thatcher treatment and will now have to deal not only with a hostile world but also a very hostile Media. The BBC spent years vilifying Thatcher, building a anti-Thatcher legend that she destroyed industry, the mines and welfare…the truth is she, not the EU, rebuilt the country and set it back on course. A similar negative legend is already in progress for Trump as they predict the end of the world under his rule.
The nice Alan Bennet got a lot of airtme over the last weeks on the BBC…a couple of weeks doing ‘Book of The Week’….he told us that Thatcher radicalised him [not years of a country being destroyed by a Labour Party in cahoots with Soviet funded Unions set on industrial and political sabotage?] and that she had no sense of humour..she was inhuman, a mirthless bully who deserved to be buried in the dark of the night. Charming. Gotta love these liberal luvvies…so forgiving and merciful.
Funny how mass murdering Muslim terrorists are almost celebrated by lefty ‘liberals’, definitely excused their murderous rampages because they feel a bit out of sorts with the world, but a right-wing politician should be buried in the dark of the night?…and probably shot first as the oh so liberal Hilary Mantell might dream about.
Ed West in the Spectator spells out the truth..that Liberals themselves created Trump and UKIP by ignoring what people really want and think….trying to force them to believe in the Bubble….decades of hate against white people, their history and politics….
Essentially his message is that extreme multiculturalism, identity politics and diversity leads to massive distrust and a breakdown in a unified society.
West articulates what Alan Bennett has shown to be true…
The more utopian dreams fail the more virulent its believers tend to become towards opponents, but it doesn’t solve the existential contradictions. As a child, I remember a superpower tried changing human nature to create a paradise on earth; that didn’t work out too well.
Thatcher, the eternal liberal hate figure, now joined by Trump in the luvvies’ pantheon of hate.
Parliamentary Democracy…the new buzzword phrase that is being bandied about by pro-EU types as if it was the sword in the stone….the kingmaker and cure for all Britain’s woes…ironically…because of course there’s nothing they’d like less than British parliamentary democracy preferring instead to be ruled by an unelected Commission in Brussels.
Naturally their new found enthusiasm for ‘Parliamentary Democracy’ is nowt but a ploy to undermine that very concept. They declare that the court case to stop Brexit was merely a necessary action to protect democracy from the Fascist tyranny of May’s attempt to trigger Article 50…never mind that Parliament, by a margin of 6 to 1, had already implicitly authorised that when they agreed to an in/out referendum on the EU.
I think Labour MP Jess Phillips shows what they mean by their version of ‘Parliamentary Democracy’ when she said that it was not her job to listen and represent her constituents but to lead them and make them follow her views even if they disagreed with her. Not sure she has quite got the hang of democracy and being a ‘representative of the People’. A bit too much Parliament and not enough Democracy. More Parliamentary Fascism than democracy methinks.
On Friday on 5Live we heard some interviews with Welsh voters who supported Brexit [17:07]... yet another Labour MP showed his colours as he swept aside their concerns telling us that these poor, uneducated simple Welsh folk just didn’t understand that the court case was helping them out. Foster, doing a proper bit of journalism, pointed out that there was a ‘disconnect’ between what the Leave voters thought and what the likes of that Labour politician thought…they think he is the enemy whilst he thinks they just didn’t understand that they voted for Parliamentary sovereignty and that is exactly what the court case gave them.
Well…no. The whole point of the referendum was precisely that not only did they want to break away from the unelected reign of the EU but that they didn’t trust the British politicians to represent them in regard to the EU….quite rightly as it turns out as those politicians are clearly morally and politically corrupt as they seek to overturn the vote now that it has gone against their own desires.
Bringing sovereignty back to a British Parliament does not mean handing over power to those politicians to do as they like…..in the US the ‘Commons’ is called the House of Representatives….representative…a word that seems to have been forgotten by our elected ‘elite’…and the BBC all too often.
The vote was about returning power to British people not to the large number of EU cronies that dominate the British Parliament….at least we can get rid of these ‘quislings’ as Farage might call them when we can do nothing to rid ourselves of the condescending arrogance of the likes of the unelected Juncker….except leave the EU….oh..yes…that’s exactly what we have voted for. Please note well British MPs.
In a later interview with EU stooge, Ken Clarke, [18:06] Foster does challenge him several times on his stance…such as he will vote against Brexit ‘exercising his judgement’ as he puts it…he thinks we have an autocratic, unaccountable government driven by a right-wing press in a fever of excitement about a single vote and we’re heading towards a strange version of a pre-Parliamentary government. A pretty important and significant vote. Hence the feverish, facist and unaccountable elites’ attempt to thwart the will of the People. Odd how Ken forgets that the EU is a government that is unelected and passes down edicts upon us with threats of grinding punishment if we don’t obey their diktats.
“It’s a feast, isn’t it?” [the current political situation] sighs Lloyd, who’s a boyish-looking 65. Were the show to return, he thinks it would do “a very good public service”. Spitting Image launched on ITV in 1984 and regularly attracted 15 million viewers. “It informed people in an entertaining way about what was actually going on and it gave people a way of laughing at the situation, rather than going out in the street and burning a car, so I think it reduced the amount of civil disorder.”
Today, Lloyd continues, his piercing blue eyes troubled, “we’re living in an extremely dangerous world where everything seems to be dividing, as if there’s an emotional and moral earthquake going on.
“People are pitching to people’s emotional needs, people are voting with their hearts not with their heads, on the basis of extremely little information. With Brexit, it was extremely difficult to find facts about Europe, so most people were existing on prejudice one way or the other.
“If Spitting Image had been around, we wouldn’t have got into this pickle, things would have been debated a bit more. It’s not good for democracy that people are not informed enough and they just vote from the gut.”
The TV naturalist said the vote from 17.4million British citizens to leave the EU had created a ‘mess’ and argued that the decision should have been left to MPs ‘to vote on our behalf’.
‘There’s confusion, isn’t there, between populism and parliamentary democracy.
‘I mean, that’s why we’re in the mess we are with Brexit, is it not? Do we really want to live by this kind of referendum?’
He added: ‘What we mean by parliamentary democracy is surely that we find someone we respect who we think is probably wiser than we are, who is prepared to take the responsibility of pondering difficult things and then trust him – or her – to vote on our behalf.’
Yes…..just as the BBC is telling us how wise, intelligent and morally superior Donald Trump is…after all that is why Americans will vote for him no? Ah…suddenly the elected representative [possible] isn’t so wise and wonderful. The hypocrisy of the elite on show once again as they spin and spin on Brexit…astonishing how they think they will get our support by saying how stupid, racist and vile we all are.
You couldn’t make it up…that’s what the BBC is for.
The BBC is very concerned that the Public is being misled by dodgy news outlets masquerading as genuine, reputable, accurate, honest, credible and authentic purveyors of news…such as itself….
The deliberate making up of news stories to fool or entertain is nothing new. But the arrival of social media has meant real and fictional stories are now presented in such a similar way that it can sometimes be difficult to tell the two apart.
While the internet has enabled the sharing of knowledge in ways that previous generations could only have dreamed of, it has also provided ample proof of the line, often attributed to Winston Churchill, that “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on”.
Ah yes, just another BBC attempt to whip up concerns about the internet in the hope that some lapdog MP will jump on the bandwagon as they see a ’cause’ that they can make some noise about and get their names in the papers….and of course the BBC hopes, set in motion a government move to control ever more closely what and who is allowed onto the internet….thus maintaining the BBC’s and other MSM’s grip on the news and information…and thus political control.
The BBC does not like the internet…far too democratic and honest despite what the BBC is now telling us….it not only allows the People to obtain the information that the likes of the BBC don’t want them to have but gives them a powerful voice.
The BBC itself is renowned for manipulating the news, manufacturing it, distorting it and misleading viewers on a massive scale. How it reports on Israel is not only highly dangerous but based upon a sympathy for Palestinians [who have only themselves to blame for their predicament], how the BBC reports on Islam is dangerous as it seeks to not only downplay but actually dismiss any concerns about the problems associated with such an ideology thus leaving society unprepared for them, how it reports on the US election is a classic where Trump has been almost the sole focus of BBC attention which has been entirely negative, demonising and mocking him relentlessly in an attempt to sway US viewers and voters, how the BBC reports on Iraq and ISIS has been entirely shaped by its failure to report on the Iraq War accurately and truthfully to start with…the BBC has spent the last decade trying to justify itself and prove Hutton wrong…or failing that to discredit him as too stupid, uninformed and in the pay of the government [such respect for the independence of those who hold inquiries].
The BBC naturally won’t class itself as one of those dodgy fake news sites…at least those sites do it honestly….for money…the BBC has a more sinister motive in that it seeks to influence and mislead people, alter their views and behaviour in a massive social engineering exercise that aims to make us all good, obedient left wing yes-men.
The BBC won’t even admit its outhouse journal, the Guardian, is similarly compromised and struggles with the truth….as shown recently when it peddled a fake news story fed to it by the Labour Party in support of its attempt to nationalise the railways….
It was written by a “partisan” pro-Labour activist.
He called it a “misjudgment” that contained a “significant error.”
The BBC’s final word….
So if fake news sites aren’t going away, Buzzfeed’s Craig Silverman says that more needs to be done to ensure that people aren’t duped by them.
“Journalists need to get training so that they can quickly spot fakes, and people in school should learn how to read things critically online – they should learn how to research and check multiple sources online.”
Hmmm…once again the BBC is working closely with Buzzfeed….it seems that Buzzfeed is almost part of the BBC it comes up so often in BBC stories as a co-author.
People should certainly learn how to research and check news by going to multiple sources….every time you read a BBC report you have to check it…and of course the only way you can do that is by using the internet which the BBC wants to control…just as it wants to control the Press, the Right-wing Press certainly…just look at how they manipulated the recent stories about the Judges, the ‘enemies of the People’ ….the counter attack designed to make out that the ‘Brexit supporting papers’, as the BBC said, were out of control, reckless and dangerous…thus they need control.
Same old BBC..out to silence the opposition.
Search Biased BBC
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