494 Responses to MID WEEK OPEN THREAD…..

  1. StewGreen says:

    German media is full of 3 rapes and a murder down to 2 different refugees
    Has bbc mentioned that ?

    Alleged “hate crimes” like tweets worth reporting, but not actual increase in jailable crimes due to illegal s ?


  2. StewGreen says:

    #Despite Brexit : McDonald’s moves taxbase from Luxembourg to UK


    • Beltane says:

      Expect a fresh burst of spite and venom from Herr Juncker. As previously Luxembourg’s pm with a finger in a great many pies and consequent healthy bungs from tax avoiding internationals, the loss of this nice little earner to the hated UK with not go unpunished.
      Except, of course, that provided we stick with the current resolve and ignore the EU his ‘punishments’ will prove as impotent as his disused and flaccid member.


      • Steve Jones says:

        Juncker? You must mean this pissed old tw@t:

        Any real man being greeted like that would have slapped him back just that little bit harder.


        • Number 7 says:

          And… WRT Merkel.

          To quote St Nigel:- you’re not laughing now.


        • NameNotNumber says:

          Beltane, that video is from May 2015, at the Eastern Partnership summit in Riga. At the time I first saw this I put his actions down to a combination of inebriation and arrogance but the real reasons appear even more bizarre! In the ‘alapa’ ritual of manumission, dating back to Roman times, a ‘master’ would symbolically grant freedom to a ‘slave’, in return for their loyalty and cooperation, by means of a slap. Kyle Harper, in his book ‘Slavery in the Late Roman World, AD 275-425’, writes ‘In late antiquity a slap on the slave’s face became a prominent part of manumission ceremonies’ and continues ‘… the slap became practically synonymous with the act of manumission in the late antique sources. Ephraim the Syrian could claim that ‘all slaves, when they are freed, receive the slap.”
          Very magnanimous of Jean-Claude to publicly liberate a few EU ‘slaves’. Only another 5 or 6 hundred million to go, Herr Juncker!


        • Al Shubtill says:

          I’d like to have seen the reaction if he’d tried that with Putin.


  3. StewGreen says:

    Times letters : 13 NGOs titled Greener UK have got 145 MPs to sign their post Brexit enviro pledge .
    ..of not watering down.

    They have a half page ad on pg 39

    Green religion cares more about protecting its subsidies and priests rather than actual environment.
    Eg it will destroy it for wind farms.


    • Doublethinker says:

      The government can agree to protect subsidies for anything and everything before Brexit but once we free from the EU the government of the day can do more or less what it believes in the best interests of the country , or at leastwhat it can claim is in the best interests of the country , at a time of its own choosing. So I’m sure we will see lots of offers to keep various interest groups on side or at least not protesting too much about Brexit.


    • MartinW says:

      On that subject, what the hell is Trump playing at? He’s now followed up his inexplicable meeting with Al Gore, with a meeting with another climate loony and hypocrite, DiCaprio. I am now seriously alarmed, and can only hope that Scott Pruitt keeps him on the straight and narrow. Not about the BBC, but they will be well aware of these meetings and are doubtless plotting their own mischief.


      • Dave S says:

        Always do the unexpected in war as in politics if you want to win. Trump is a master of the unexpected and I continue to have faith in him. I followed most of his lengthy campaign and am pretty sure he is sound.


      • Richard Pinder says:

        I think Trump has told Gore that he does not deny that the Climate is real, and that he agrees that it changes. So Gore would leave the meeting, pleased.

        Its what I tend to do. Play up to the prejudice of an idiot, by selecting the moronic language of an environmental activists, that I would agree with, even though the morons think we deny that the Climate changes.


        • MartinW says:

          I also have faith (currently slightly challenged) that Trump will continue his correct path on home and foreign policy, and to confound his critics. He has a golden opportunity to set up a Climate Unit staffed and advised by real scientists and finally put to bed the lies and bias that have held sway for so long.
          It is notable that in the past few days, the BBC has been muted in its criticism of the Pres-elect, as it finally dawns on them that otherwise they might be excluded from access to press events when he is President. It is what they deserve, but Trump has shown himself to be remarkably conciliatory.


  4. StewGreen says:

    Times News bites
    page 10-11 UK aid buget big wastage on Consultants and Celebs eg top C4 & BBC Muslim news presenters paid £20k each for a speech etc

    Lib Dem’s basically declared fraudsters by electoral commission and fined £20K over 300 events amount ing to undeclared £185K in election expences
    Police inquiry to follow.
    So imagine if it were UKIP.

    pg29 Momentum imploded at their annual conference, split in two and old trots have imposed unwieldy delegate system — Well that’s why we voted Corbyn, to paralyse the Labour Party.

    Times cartoon ..”Trump named poi-son of the Year”


    • Grant says:


      The Lefties’ hatred continues. Hate is all they have . Sad people.


      • Scroblene says:

        Phew, just escaped to the next room to escape the Albeeb news which doesn’t seem to like anyone in either the Tory Party, or Brexit.

        The weak ‘trial by Albeeb ‘teleprompter readers” is just too much to stomach!

        Dreadfully inept ‘reporting, silly graphics, and no proper analysis of any of the issues, just a mantra that ‘it’s just not ffaaaaaair’.

        I’ve got to go back near the TV as my wineglass is close by the set, which at this rate, will have a few dents in it…


  5. 60022Mallard says:

    Just returned from a Brexit meeting at the university where I work.

    Not the remoanerthon I expected, but quite positive on looking forward and discussing with government positive ways forward in many areas. Perhaps a bit like businesses who are starting to get used to the idea and not sticking their heads in the sand.

    One snippet I had not heard before is that DC wanted to remove students from the migration figures, so approached Ed Milliband with the proposal which they would proceed with only if Labour would not want to make political capital over it. EM seemingly refused. I wonder if the result of the referendum, where immigration numbers was an important factor, might just make him think he was wrong – again.

    While on Labour the Brexit breakdown figures the BBC used yesterday said 36% of Labour Party supporters voted Leave, yet we are told that the Labour supporting red rose on a donkey gets elected areas were strong leaves. Does that mean the Labour Party is no longer the party of the “working” man, rather it it the now the party of the metroplitain middle class teachers, social workers etc.


  6. Thoughtful says:

    Here’s something you might not have heard of from the MSM perhaps because of minority interest, who knows:

    “The [Green Party] standing down in Richmond and Sleaford is causing a huge amount of internal turmoil, and many resignations (including my own). This subject has been dominating member’s social media groups very heavily.”

    Isn’t dominating the news though is it? apparently there has been broad agreement in the Green Party that they would not engage in tactical voting, which is exactly what they have done, upsetting their members and seemingly splitting the party.

    I didn’t even know they’d decided not to stand in Sleaford such is the lack of media interest.

    Make you wonder how long they might continue to exist as a party though.


    • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

      Good points Thoughtful. The Greens do seem to have been rather fortunate in their treatment by the media. I was aware that they were not standing in Sleaford but I was astonished that there was no media comment on this. The smaller parties do have to be alert to the fact that not standing in by-elections can be a risky business. Tensions will arise between local and national level interests. These will be seized on by a hostile media as we have seen many times. But it does seem that when it comes to the Green parties they seem to get off scot free. Funny that?
      Green parties exist around the world but as a green friend told me the other day the UK ones are the most loopy of the lot.
      Good material for here for an enterprising journalist I would think. Maybe the BBC will run some items on their internal troubles? Don’t hold your breath.


      • GCooper says:

        The BBC has been spewing out ‘Green’ propaganda for years. If you watch almost any wildlife, gardening, geographical or other programme about the ‘natural world’ you will frequently find it stuffed full of pseudo-scientific claptrap, usually advocating some socialist nostrum as the cure.

        This despite the fact that the Green movement, far from being the cuddly, bunny-loving bunch of old hippies it likes to pretend to be, is actually a deeply political movement, often advocating openly communistic policies.

        The BBC has absolutely no business promoting a political philosophy, but when that does that ever inhibit them?


  7. BRISSLES says:

    We now have to wait until next month for the outcome of the Supreme Court’s decision. Funny how the bank of judges were able to clear their diaries at a moment’s notice when Gina Miller first put her case forward a few weeks ago – when we all know that any case taken to the High Court can take years before its heard. Surely by the same speed we should have a result before Christmas. (wonder what cases these judges and QCs put on the back burner for their moment on the tele !!)


    • Grant says:


      Yes , amazing how they could conjure up 11 at such short notice. A record for this country , I believe. We all know what the decision will be, so the delay is just part of the Remainers’ strategy. But the people will not care what these Leftie judges decide. It is our country not theirs. Bunch of tossers .


  8. Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

    This is not an example of bias, this is an example of clickbait tabloidism or clickbait nonsense that the BBC have been regularly employing. Currently on the front page of the BBC website, as the second most prominent story (placed on top right) is the following clickbait story: Picture of some young buxom female celebrity with the following wordage: “Actress Sofia Vergara: sued by her own embryos”.

    Current BBC frontpage with the clickbait “sued by her own embryos” (at time of this comment):
    Link to actual article: Sofia Vergara: US actress faces lawsuit ‘from own embryos’

    Of course in terms of bias the BBC use these type of nonsense clickbait stories to divert attention from more important stories.


    • gaxvil says:

      Well, it is a contrast to the headline you’ll never see, “Embryos receive death sentence for being, ‘inconvenient’.”


    • StewGreen says:

      Bbc News made such celeb tittle tattle the main headline.
      An example of “do I give a FAKE news”


      • gaxvil says:

        Anyone remember the Sunday Sport newspaper – far more cred than the BBC and highly amusing.


  9. gaxvil says:

    Maybe I’ll start lying and pleading ignorance e.g. Obama, “No one ever told me that ISIL presented any real threat”.


    • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

      Surely – “Islam is Peace”?

      With regard to Barack Obama, whose actual name is “Barack Hussein Obama II”. There is uncertainty regarding his emotional attachment and affinities to Islam. His father was a convert to Islam. His step-father was a Sunni Muslim. His mother seemed to have a preference for Islamic Men. If one examines his speeches there is a lot of Islam is Peace as well as additional support for Islam, that seems to go beyond the average submission of our politicians to political Islam.


      • G.W.F. says:


        Yes. I have noticed his obvious fondness for Islam, and his autobiography is revealing too.
        Shame he is leaving as he would have had a special bond with Treezer the Saudi’s friend
        Trump will be a wake up call.


  10. Dave S says:

    Gates of Vienna and others has Merkel’s speech announcing her candidacy. It is truly weird in the real sense of the word. Also the ecstatic crowd is odd. Something very irrational lies at the heart of the German spirit.
    We need to leave the madhouse now. Maybe the last 100 years has finally tipped them over the edge.


  11. Alex says:

    Click like if you find Liebour, Limp Dumbs, SNP, the green party, cultural Marxists, commie scum, socialist workers party, hate not hope, unite with fascism, leftie students, remoaners, the Guardian, the Indie, the BBC, Channel Snore, Sky News, Diane Abbopotomus, Jeremy Corbyn, Bendydick Cucumberpatch and so on completely and utterly pathetic and intolerable. Feel free to add to this foul list.


  12. taffman says:

    A HYS on Europe and Brexit go for it …………


    • G.W.F. says:

      So von Neuberger has promised not to overturn the referendum result. Bloody kind of him.
      Whatever the outcome, the British people should have a role in selecting these learned judges every few years.


  13. Madeupmadey says:

    Im playing a game this weekend..everytime i see a muslim on the bbc im having a shot..ill be pissed by 7.30am..


    • Oaknash says:


      Whilst I take a little satisfaction from the disgrace and decline of that odious parasite Phil Shiner as he now faces being struck off. No matter what he decides to do it is a pity that in all likelihood he will never truly suffer in any meaningful way, having a pampered lifestyle which was bought and paid for by the misery and broken lives of servicemen.

      I suspect that after a period of lying low he will rebuild by doing some “charity” work for a bit and eventually hope for some sort of partial re-instatement. Maybe a job with Aunty or even helping “Asylum seeking children ” with free legal advice.

      I suppose this could also lead to a bit of a vacuum in the Team Legal, Serviceman Bashing Industry. Can I put forward Charlie Gilmour for any vacancies that now arise. He comes from the right class is naive, and obviously considers any form of patriotism to be despised as it is far below his intellect.

      He has already disgraced his country and treated with contempt our war dead, so this loathsome little pr##k may as well make a career out of being a full time one -and being paid for it too .

      I look forward to seeing him being interviewed soon for this important work. And who knows maybe he could eventually join Phill at the BBC.


  14. Steve Jones says:

    BBC keen to trumpet the popularity of a Polish Christmas advert.
    It is the heart-warming tale of a grandfather learning to speak English before meeting his grand-daughter for the first time when he travels to…no I won’t spoil the ending.
    Nice one BBC, very subtle.


    • JimS says:

      “Good, original ideas can come from anywhere, and don’t need massive budgets to work – great news for creative ad agencies, less good for commercial TV channels who depend on big-budget TV campaigns.”

      And even less good for public teat-sucking ‘talent’?


  15. ToobiWan says:

    5 minutes into QT, Dimbleby comparing Trump to Hitler, Stalin and Churchill. Will Self monolague followed to wild applause from the audience.


    • Lurkio says:

      I salute your indefatigability but I just can’t watch it any more. And the thought of a Will Self moanalogue…


      • ToobiWan says:

        Only watching it (first time in a long time) to hear Nigel Farage, Lurkio. Usual rigged audience and panel that I remember.


        • Lurkio says:

          I was tempted by Nigel Farage being on the panel but, as Sluff says below, The Prime Minister’s constituency and tumbleweed for Farage and Mensch. I’m grateful for others watching and reporting – flicking between here and Twitter 🙂


    • Andrew Caplan says:

      For Self to describe Farage as a grubby opportunist when he gave up a career to devote 20 years to his project is simply unsupportable.

      To the Left, however, any old insult will do.

      What they deeply resent, of course, is that their days of controlling the parameters of public discourse are almost over. Others are speaking up and people are taking notice.

      The party’s over. Without the BBC and the Guardian, parasites like Self and all the other talentless serial offenders would be nowhere. Self is very much a BBC creation, like a Dalek but less endearing.


  16. Sluff says:

    Question Time from Maidenhead. Theresa’s constiuency. 28000 majority. Almost no Labour supporters.
    So guess what? The first question is about Trump, allowing Will Self to make a typical sneering, cheap LeftMob patronising comment – and the audience erupt in whoops and applause.
    Farage and Mensch make comments – almost silence.
    So as usual, absolutely no bias whatever.


  17. Aerfen says:

    Dimbleby cutting Farrage off and giving way too much time to gobby egotitical author Will Self


    • Mr.Golightly says:

      Nigel Farage on QT tonight has more authority and credibilty than the other four panel members put together. Will Self is an odious specimen, and that’s putting it mildly.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Think Self is an actor, MrG, rather like Donald Trump. He has learnt how to perform a useful function in front of a TV camera to please an audience.

        He can be quite erudite, witty and entertaining but as the recent Trabby Trip on Radio 4 (last week, 1.45-2pm) demonstrated, he seems to have mood swings. Perhaps due to his past he is quite depressive or slightly manic, even?

        Then there is the oppressive pressure that seems to be in the air at present. It is quite amazing, it can only come from a minority of people on the Left who themselves are becoming part of an ever smaller minority (I hope) but they really do not want to let go of their perceived and received grip on the world without a fight. And they fight dirty. Psych ops, emotional blackmail, haranguing, false accusations, the works.

        I’m sure some on the small L, liberal lefty spectrum (aren’t we all really?) feel pressured to conform in this atmosphere, Will Self included, to being right-on-Left-doctrine when in front of a microphone.

        Hopefully the great passive middle populace will be resilient and tough enough when the time comes to gently roll forward en masse to the Ballot Box while saying in true Sergeant Wilson fashion “I say, would you mind awfully if you don’t do that anymore, I’d be ever so grateful. Thanks ever so much.”

        It is time for some quiet, gentle democracy.

        I’m sure it could become quite popular.


        • Peter Grimes says:

          The trouble is that Self is an actor playing the fool, he knows no other part, and Al Beeb grant him philosopher status. His manic look (yes, I believe him to be a depressive), his lugubrious delivery and the fact that he spouts utter Bollox marks him as a fool, and an unwitting one in the Shakespearean sense.


  18. Pounce says:

    Years of political indoctrination from the likes of the bBC have come to this:
    UK: London Underground to get rid of ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ during announcements.


    • Number 7 says:

      B..B..But wot about the gays, lesbians and ( most importantly ) trannies.

      Apoplexy in the BBC Newsroom – the riot was calmed by the BBC tea lady!



      • Sluff says:

        Tea Lady ????
        We are talking about the bBBC.
        Surely you mean ‘ Director of Hot Beverage Services’ ( salary £200,000)


  19. Mr.Golightly says:

    Nigel Farage says that in 2019 we are going to end up with “a Norway type deal” and that the 2020 general election will be a vote for or against. Sadly I think he’s correct. UKIP have much work to do in the intervening years. I hope they are capable of it.


  20. Aerfen says:

    Dimbleby loving Will Self.


  21. Dover Sentry says:

    UKIP have a good chance here. The Sleaford By Election in Lincolnshire. It’s been a Conservative stronghold for the past several thousand years…and it could change.



  22. nogginator says:

    QT – a few snipes on Trump as man of the year, and an audience plant is helpfully bought in, to sneer that its “Jo Cox who should be the person of the year”…

    Totally abjectly vacuous statement … Really, why is that? a political agitator? tried to stab her own leader in the back, supported some dubious organisations … or because very sadly that she was killed?.


  23. Dover Sentry says:

    Trump is very successful in the USA now even though he has no power as yet.

    He is the de facto Leader of UKIP.

    Interesting times ahead.

    Especially for Theresa May, the spineless appeaser.


  24. Al Shubtill says:

    I watched QT earlier: is that the best that Labour can come up with as a shadow front bencher? FFS!

    Unbelievable, he looked like you’d expect him to be going door to door, asking if people want any of their trees lopping; or a nice, new top layer of tarmac on their drive:
    “Puttin’ down over the old stuff Missus, it’ll spruce it up grand, it’ll look brandfire new Missus, brandfire new so it will.”


    • Number 7 says:

      From the brief time I wasted on QT. He wasn’t as erudite as the everyday con-artist with a Transit pick-up.


    • Sluff says:

      His accent reminded me of Holly Johnson from Frankie goes to Hollywood.


  25. Guest Who says:


    Expect more Ken on the BBC.

    Expect more BBC interviewers getting as ill informed and forgetful as their bosses.


  26. Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

    The turnout in the Sleaford by-election was underwhelmin g at 37%.

    The tories won big

    Ukip came a distant second but the good news is that the party has done well considering the great shambola they had over the last few months.

    Lib dems did better than expected and came third and poor old Labour dropped from 2nd to 4th place proving just how unpopular comrade Corbyn is in the outside world.
    Expect the BBC to increasingly to favour LibDems as the champion of their Left causes now. In particular for mass immigration and avoiding Brexit.
    The loony left will never see it but the writing is on the wall for Labour so let’s see how the BBC changes horses


  27. Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

    Actually, I am quite enjoying the demise of the Labour Party. Though I do recognize it’s historical contribution, it is well past it’s use-by date. I can’t see it disappearing totally so I have kindly written a new version of the ‘Red Flag’.

    To be sung to the old tune and with grandeur. All together now =

    We’re stalwarts of the loony left,
    Of commonsense we’re quite bereft.
    We preach aloud in streets and parks
    The gospel of our dear ST Marx

    The Berlin wall’s come tumbling down
    But we intend to stick around.
    From our great cause we will not flee,
    We’ll just ignore …reality


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      Eons ago at work we had the refrain:
      The working class
      Can kiss my arse
      i’ve got the foreman’s
      Job at last…


  28. AsISeeIt says:

    “This is the sort of argument that… erm… might possibly be regarded by some as being a bit… ‘Political Correctness Gone Mad'”

    BBC Breakfast presenter Charlie Stayt forces himself as best he dare to put up a counter point – albeit token – to leftist campaigners given the usual approving platform by our national broadcaster.

    This morning it is the ‘war against pink’. Calm down Elton John. This is the campaign to do away with pink in toys for girls. You get the idea. Dollies for boys and guns (perhaps not) let’s say toy tool kits for girls. Of course the BBC invite on the representative of the campaign and a second guest a female ‘toy engineer’ who also approves of the campaign and blames toy manufacturers for what we are being led to believe is a problem.

    Not only do the BBC double load the approving side of this (to my mind) non-debate but a BBC filmed vox-pop report set in a toy store gives sound bites of one after another parent also fully signed up to this bit of leftist ideology. Makes you wonder what or who the BBC is pushing against?

    Our guest tells us only 7% of engineers are female – that’s a statistic of the sort that always accompanies these debates. And is – apparently – a problem. How many female sewage engineers? Is that a problem? Not enough drainage-related playthings?

    Our BBC presenters and their guests can’t seem to decide whether toy makers or parents are to blame – because it couldn’t have anything to with our inherently different biology and insticts, could it? Perhaps David Attenborough with his extensive knowledge of the natural world should have a word here?


  29. quisquose says:

    Watching Question Time needs to carry a health warning now.

    One of my nieces works as a manager for McDonalds.

    She worked there as crew through school/university, and then joined their management training scheme. She now earns well over £40k, has a company car, and loves her job.

    To see Will Self condescendingly sneer at McDonalds jobs coming to the UK made me want to punch his ugly face. His reaction told us all we need to know about him, people like him, and the BBC that keep asking for his opinion.


    • Up2snuff says:

      quisquose, some of us are old enough to remember when going to a McDonalds to try the new BigMac was a highly fashionable thing. Same again when they introduced their Breakfasts.

      Sneering is the new New Labour, Old Labour and Mid-life-crisis Labour participatory sport.

      Funny thing is, only they – the Left – can participate, are allowed to participate. If a Leave Campaigner has the temerity to even just merely hint that a prediction by an economist that a vote to Leave the EU would result in one or more quickly apparent problems for the UK is ever so fractionally unrealistic or perhaps slightly biased they are struck down. Forever after they are and will be jumped upon as decrying experts and their expertise.

      But Lefty sneers and smears, no way! They are 100% permissible and always right. Completely correct and totally on-message.


      • BRISSLES says:

        (sssssshhh….. I much preferred the Wimpy – the forerunner of McDonalds)


        • Andrew Caplan says:

          I think Wimpy were extremely variable. I remember sitting in a particularly disgusting one somewhere, waiting to be served by some oik with a bad attitude.

          I think McD, for all its faults, introduced a degree of professionalism into fast food, before the novelty wore off.

          I best hamburger I’ve had from a chain was a Wendy’s. No longer around, I think.


          • BRISSLES says:

            Maybe I was lucky, but in Ramsgate it was a brand new one that opened (mid 60’s) so it was a real novelty. No-one had ever had a beefburger with a piece of cheese on top, or had chips that weren’t bought from the chippy, so a crowd of us met up in there, and finished off the night in the local coffee bar playing the Mamas and Papas Monday Monday on the jukebox !!!! Happy days.


  30. Sluff says:

    “Watching QT needs to carry a health warning”

    The bias is now so bad that one does not even need to watch the programmes themselves.

    I observed the programme trailers i.e. Licence fee funded advertising between Question Time and This Week.
    Of 4 trailers we had 1. Yet another for Dianne Flabbott on BBC Parliament 2. A story about a dodgy football team in (where else)…..Israel and 3. A puff piece about the 100 women nonsense.

    So in just 2 minutes we get the whole bBBC left wing, anti-semitic, feminist narrative.
    But how about a bBBC documentary about the authorities turning a blind eye to Asian men systematically abusing and raping white working class girls in the UK ? No, I thought not.


  31. Sluff says:

    In two bye-elections, The Corbynistas have been absolutely annihilated.
    And the in-depth bBBC review on this? “Labour came fourth”
    Move on. Nothing here to discuss.


  32. Up2snuff says:

    Just opened the BBC web-site Homepage.

    The good people of Sleaford no longer exist. They did not have a By-Election yesterday. No mention whatsoever.


    Guess they are all nasty populists up there on the east coast of England. Voting for stuff. Pah! Democracy, huh? So last year! What’s the latest cupcake recipe?


  33. Thoughtful says:

    “Labour slipped from second place in 2015 to fourth – described by one veteran Labour MP as “appalling”.”

    That’s from the BBC page, but it’s a by election and you must understand that a lot of tactical voting has taken place in the two by elections. In Richmond many Labour supporters unofficially assisted the Fib Dems to victory and Sleaford has had some dirty deals going on too.

    Son’t read too much into either result.


    • Umbongo says:

      I notice, via the analysis by Tom Bateman, that the new MP and the Conservatives are given the usual smearing by the BBC; this time because Caroline Johnson left the hall without hanging around to wait for the BBC to give her a going over. According to the impartial sneer from Tom “it was not the first time a brand new Conservative MP had left a by-election in a hurry”: this from an “analyst” working for the greatest news organisation in the world which had ignored* new Richmond MP Sarah Olney’s (LibDem) meltdown and flight during a short interview on London TalkRadio with Julia Hartley-Brewer.

      BTW we are given to understand that the LibDems are “back” according to a quote in the same article from Tim Farron since, uncharacteristically, they didn’t actually lose their deposit. OTOH it seems to me that they constitute the Lincolnshire reservoir for Remainers who, in an unprecented display of good taste, can’t actually bring themselves to vote Momentum Labour.

      *apparently it was mentioned on a BBC local London site at the time but was swiftly disappeared (well, I can’t find it). I can only assume it either wasn’t “acceptable” information or, worse, was “fake” news.


      • GCooper says:

        The BBC has shown a very marked bias in favour of the Lib Dumbs for some years now. Thinking back,it seemed to begin during the Bliar era, when they must have hoped the LDs would become the opposition but in any case, along with the outrageous over-exposure they afford the Scottish Nationalists, the BBC has used every last opportunity to puff the LDs’ cause, even when they have manifestly failed, as they did under Captain Clueless Clegg.


    • embolden says:

      Tactical voting between Labour and Lib Dems has gone on for years, they normally refer to it as “keeping out the Tory”.

      Polly Toynbee was advocating it in the run up to the 2010 election….

      We all know how that worked out for them….they never, ever learn.


  34. Peter Grimes says:

    Not much about it on Al Beeb though, very sotto voce, but then the Tories won and they can’t abide that.



  35. gaxvil says:

    Self receives a lot of pay checks from the BBC so what would you expect?


  36. Thoughtful says:

    They just can’t help themselves can they?


    The secret history of black Santas


    • seismicboy says:

      Thoughtful. They just won’t give it a rest.
      “Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder where people feel the need to check things repeatedly, perform certain routines repeatedly (called “rituals”), or have certain thoughts repeatedly”


  37. Thatcherrevolutionary says:

    Will Self is clearly ‘self’ medicating. Clearly under the influence of some substance. To then go on and insult everyone who works at McDonalds or is a customer of McDonalds was unbelievable. Also to equate financial service sector jobs with retail counter staff was breathtakingly ignorant.


    • Grant says:


      Will Self certainly has a history of drug abuse but I don’t know if he is still on anything. A typical wealthy, posh , left-wing snob.


  38. gaxvil says:

    BBC WS Radio and fallen asleep with the radio on. I think I’m having a strange dream but realise I’m awake.
    They are talking about Popularism and who do they ask? Tony Blair and did he foresee the rise of Popularism? Then, ‘What is Popularism?’ Answer, ‘it’s politicians saying things people want to hear.’ How unusual? I think.
    ‘What are the dangers?’ They ask, ‘Well, it could lead to control of the media and using the military to supress the people’.
    So there you have it – Popularism consists of politicians saying things that are considered, ‘popular’. But that’s a bad thing and could lead to totalitarianism.

    As a teen I did dabble with the mind altering stuff but this is way beyond any drug induced weirdness.


  39. G says:

    Official crime figures in Germany as a direct result of the invasion. First six months of 2016 ONLY:
    Note that of the invaders registered in Germany the figure of 1.314 is suspect as “hundreds of thousands” simply did not register. Let’s wait and see if the BBC continue to downplay the situation when they cite, “one million Refugees” in the light of these new official figures.


  40. GCooper says:

    This morning’s exercise in ‘making coffee with Radio Pyonyang’ was an eye-opener! All this week it has been a case of walk in kitchen, switch on radio, hear earnest hack emoting about ‘racism’, switch off again.

    But today it was a drama (of sorts) with that original one trick pony Bill Nighy delivering the killer line ‘her hotel room was a Trump voters idea of sumptuous’.

    Oh, how absolutely crushing dahling! What wit! What sophistication! Dahling, even Noel couldn’t have topped that!

    I suppose it’s what you have to expect from the sort of people who think The Ivy is classy.

    See? we can all play this game. Only I don’t get a compulsory fee from every mug with a TV set.


    • Stella2 says:

      Almost as hilarious as the word Yoo-kip in every so-called comedy show. And how we clutch our sides when they say “Thatcher”!


  41. Stella2 says:

    Not specifically BBC bias, but arguably BBC/NGO/EU bubble-induced, so bear with me if you can. For years I have thought that ITN news bulletins on ITV were far superior to anything the BBC offered, simply because they were more event-news orientated and less biased. I haven’t mentioned this in previous posts, but I had an old-fashioned newspaper journalist training many moons ago, and I know all the tricks of balance and subtle bias, which is why I get so incensed about this issue.

    However, I switched on the ITN News at Ten the other night to find Tom Bradby (whom I had always rated) as anchor and the appalling Robert Peston, with all his BBC ways, offering some kind of joshing Loose Men at Ten. Most of the first 15 mins was taken up by TATA in Wales (fair enough) and then Peston talking about Brexit with “ordinary people” across the country. Now I don’t know about you, but I tune into a News at Ten to hear the stories of the day – in this case, the results of the Commons motion on Brexit – and interviews with the main players, not a vox pop of views I can hear in the pub, in the village shop, over dinner. This is BBC mentality, though strangely at odds with their avowed concern about “Populism”. No, I wanted expert views about the Commons vote, possibly the Supreme Court hearing, and all I got from Peston, after a bloke in a truck, were slightly embarrassed people in a pub agreeing with his leading question that the country was more divided after the referendum. Not good enough, ITN, especially when there is a desperate need for a vigorous and reliable impartial news service in this country.

    Today, I thought I might send an email to ITN and try to tell them that. Not out of arrogance, but sheer frustration. But I held back and instead clicked on the link to jobs at ITN, just to see what was there. This is what I found on the opening page, and it’s a jaw-dropper. Nothing about qualifications and experience and proof that candidates can show a commitment to uncovering and reporting hard news effectively. Oh no. It’s all “creative” – hmm.

    ITN can’t even write a page of text compellingly. See how many times the word “diverse” or “diversity” is used. Over and over. This is more important than any other attribute? Look, I have led a pretty international life, and I have no issue with anyone from anywhere, so long as they are here fairly and, in the case of journalists, are clearly impressive in their job. But I do hope ITN means to include diversity of opinion in this and is not going for the full BBC. See for yourself.

    “The key to our success is our people.
    “ITN is built on the creative flair, skills, passion and energy of our people working together to achieve the highest standards.
    “We expect our people to be adaptable, fleet of foot and willing to challenge themselves to think in new ways, constantly seeking to improve.
    “We are committed to having a culturally, socially and ethnically diverse workforce. We actively seek candidates from diverse backgrounds and communities. It is this range of voices and personalities which helps us to be at our most creative, innovative and distinct in what we do, and to reflect the increasingly diverse communities that we serve. We are active members of the Creative Diversity Network, which provides a platform for collective action on the key issues affecting diversity in the media
    “ITN is committed to eliminating discrimination and promoting diversity in all areas of recruitment, employment, training and promotion. We value having a diverse workforce and believe every employee should be treated fairly and with respect and be given the opportunity to develop their full potential regardless of race, disability, age, colour, ethnic or national origin, sex, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, religion or belief.
    “The accomplishments of our business rely upon us attracting and retaining people from diverse backgrounds with a range of attitudes, opinions and beliefs. It is only through diversity that we can ensure we continue to offer creativity, innovation and distinctiveness to the diverse communities that we serve.”



    • GCooper says:

      Very well said, Stella2!

      There are several ‘issues’ in that – aside from the obvious one of the BBC’s gene pool polluting that of ITN. There’s also the dead hand of an HR department implicit in the wording of that vomitous job ad. Penny to a pound all that diversity drivel emanates from some ‘highly educated remainer’ with a degree in crochet who works in HR.

      Time to add HR people to the cull list, I suspect. Peston, of course, was on it years ago.


      • Stella2 says:

        Thanks, GCooper. Agree – that drivel has the dead hand of PC-HR committee-write all over it.

        The “creative” aspect really grates, too. Mentioned three times in one short page. If you want to be creative, leave the newsroom and go and write a novel. Reads very oddly at time when we’re told Fake News must be resisted. Perhaps only some kinds of fake news are bad…


        • BRISSLES says:

          Good post S2. Perhaps you should post it on Facebook highlighting the word ‘diversity’ !!!


    • G says:

      Stella2, fact is that despite the BBC and other broadcasters trying to convince the public otherwise, only 14% of the population come from an ethnic background –
      Clearly not 50% as they portray.


      • StewGreen says:

        That’s a little different to 2011 which I think put BME at 10%
        But ONS are pretty reliable so it might be a justified adjustment.
        Certainly BBC guilt ridden producers seem to virtue signal by auming for 25%+ on panels


      • BRISSLES says:

        G… could it be that over half of the staff at the BBC are of an ethnic background, so they assume that’s how the population is spread across the country.


  42. G says:

    It appears that increasingly those organisations which the public has historically respected, are now bent upon a path of supporting Jihad –
    Where will it all end when those that hitherto respected the Rule of Law turn to support evil? It seems to me that White people, wherever they are and the West in general is under increasing siege from nothing more than savages.


    • nogginator says:

      Agreed, the wonderful aim of “hijrah” is being fulfilled, thanks for that kaffir … NOW! … on your knees
      NGOs are smuggling immigrants into Europe on an industrial scale
      “For two months, using marinetraffic.com, we have been monitoring the movements of ships owned by a couple of NGOs, and, using data from data.unhcr.org. We have kept track of the daily arrivals of African immigrants in Italy. It turned out we were witness of a huge scam and an illegal human traffic operation. NGOs, smugglers, the mafia in cahoots with the European Union have shipped thousands of illegals into Europe under the pretext of rescuing people, assisted by the Italian coast guard which coordinated their activities.
      Human traffickers contact the Italian coast guard in advance to receive support and to pick up their dubious cargo. NGO ships are directed to the “rescue spot” even as those to be rescued are still in Libya. The 15 ships that we observed are owned or leased by NGOs have regularly been seen to leave their Italian ports, head south, stop short of reaching the Libyan coast, pick up their human cargo, and take course back 260 miles to Italy even though the port of Zarzis in Tunis is just 60 mile away from the rescue spot.

      The organizations in question are: MOAS, Jugend Rettet, Stichting Bootvluchting, Médecins Sans Frontières, Save the Children, Proactiva Open Arms, Sea-Watch.org, Sea-Eye and Life Boat.

      The real intention of the people behind the NGOs is not clear. Their motive can be money, we would not be surprised if it turned out to be so. They may also be politically driven; the activities of the Malta-based organisation, MOAS, by trafficking people to Italy is the best guarantee that migrants will not show up on the Maltese shore.”


  43. nogginator says:

    Al BBC Headline Trumpets
    Geert Wilders guilty of incitement
    Then Highlights
    Dutch anti-Islam political leader Geert Wilders has been convicted of insulting a group and inciting discrimination.
    then below and of course not highlighted
    “But no penalty was imposed by the court near Amsterdam on Wilders,
    whose party is leading in polls ahead of parliamentary elections in March.
    Wilders was also acquitted of inciting hate over telling supporters in March 2014 he would ensure there were fewer Moroccans in the Netherlands. He called the verdict “madness”
    Al BBC also highlighted
    “Are Dutch voters really turning to populist Geert Wilders?

    One should imagine he will appeal this farce, but of course with lawfare, the time, the inconvenience, the cost, the concern is actually the real aim, imagine if you are not high profile/or wealthy enough to contest this garbage.
    … Its political and stinks, anyone would think he wasn t under 24hr security, under threat


    • GCooper says:

      With any luck he will have the last laugh. Once he is in office he can set those judges to work cleaning the streets.

      Later, they can then provide training for some of ours, who, we can only pray, will find themselves in a similar position in years to come.


      • scribblingscribe says:

        Gcooper, as Brexit, Trump and Italy have shown, he who laughs last, has a wonderful, full blooded, engaging, roar, that irks the establishment, sending them weeping to their bedrooms, while putting a deep smile on the general population’s face.

        It brings a chuckle to even the most loyal Guardian reader as they watch the BBC and Guardian collapse to the floor in disbelief.

        In the words of that great sage, so famous, he doesn’t even require a name, “they’re not laughing now” – no, because we are!


    • Grant says:

      Brilliant !


  44. Grant says:

    BBC website reporting the disgraceful guilty verdict for Wilders in his political show trial. ” Populist ” and the case has given the “media attention that fuels support for his party “. Any guesses which side the BBC are on ? Beeboids are so stupid. Most of the attention that the Left-wing media, including the BBC , give to Wilders is hostile , so his support should be going down. This has not been a good year for the Left and the BBC. Let’s hope 2017 is even worse for them !


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Right at the bottom is this paragraph:

      Wilders was previously prosecuted in 2011, over anti-Islam comments such as comparing the religion to Nazism and calling for a ban on the Koran. He was acquitted and the case was widely seen as giving the populist leader a publicity boost.

      I suspect even the BBC realises how counterproductive this will be for the so-called elite.


  45. ID says:

    What was Radio 5 Live’s continuation of the QT torture all about last night?

    Sammy the Sikh,a staunch metropolitan, seemed to be surprised by “Shire people” looking at him when he left his nonrural idyll to progress through backward shire areas. Did he expect the peasants to respectfully lower their eyes in his presence, tug their forelocks or even prostrate themselves at his feet. Others were no doubt expected to break into vigorous shouts of “All hail Turbaned Bringer of Enrichment and Vibrancy, praise be to the Glorious Prophet of Multicultural Enlighenment!”

    Maybe the Shire People looked at Sammy quizically, because they realised that after decades of white flight from the metropolis to the Shires, Multicultistan had finally appeared on their doorstep and there is nowhere else to hide.

    Apparently, all this intolerance, division, and hate is down to Brexit, an event comparable only to Man being cast out of the Garden of Eden. Eating the forbidden fruit of the Internet and disobeying the progressive precepts of righteousness as espoused by the BBC can only end in catastrophe.


    • Andrew Caplan says:

      That’s what Hobbits in the Shire do – look at people they don’t recognise.

      I suppose if they ignored him, that would be wrong as well.

      If the country is that awful, he should just FO.


      • ID says:

        The English have been denounced for decades for overt racism, covert racism, subconscious racism and even “institutional racism” – an institution can be racist without any one person belonging to the institution doing anything that is actually discriminatory. Newcomers must be very, very stupid, masochists or suffering from some other mental aberation if they choose to come to the UK after they have been told so loudly, so clearly and for so long what a hell hole Britain was and is and those who remain under the threat of the impending orgy Post-Brexit racial violence must be even more stupid and delusional. Yet net immigration figures continue to rise inexorably. Sammy loves Britain, it’s just the aboriginals he can’t stand. Anglophobia? Albaphobia? Surely the BBC have invented an impressive sounding pseudotechnical term for this phenomenon?


  46. SupportOurLefty says:

    Friends! Hard-Right elements – e.g. that notoriously Far-Right rag, the so-called Guardian – are claiming that the Sleaford byelection was a “disaster for Labour”!

    Which just shows how out of touch they are! It was actually a triumph, as my latest Blog – literally – proves!

    Snappily titled, “The Literally Stunning Result Of The Sleaford Byelection Proves That Labour Is – Literally – On The Road To Victory, Whatever The Hard-Right Murdoch-Controlled Media, e.g. Our BBC, May [Groan! – J.C.] Claim, Friends!”, my Blog as ever, provides its usual level of incisive and – literally – hard-hitting analysis! No wonder it’s THE Blog that all Progressive Left people naturally turn to for their information and enlightenment, now that the Far-Right Guardian has – literally – sold out!



  47. taffman says:

    “The UK faces higher food prices without continued access to EU workers, 30 food and drink associations have warned.In a letter published in the Guardian, they argue that EU workers play an important role in the supply chain and some are already starting to leave………….http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38259823
    Why has the letter got to be the in ‘Guardian’ ?
    More Brexit fear.
    If the EU workers want to work here , and I mean just ‘work’, give them a visa just like any other sane nation does . Simples
    There is a HYS running on this one. So far its not going good for the ‘Remoaners’.


    • Grant says:


      So some people are quite happy for migrants to be paid the minimum wage and less so that they can have cheaper food. Selfish bastards .

      What about the cost savings when we leave the CAP ? Do they mention that ?


  48. EnglandExpects says:

    The Toady Programme interviewed representatives of both the food industry and the licenced retail and restaurant sector . Their whingeing was a rerun of the Remain Project Fear referendum campaign . Nationally we have 1.7 million unemployed who could fill low skilled jobs. We have tripled the size of the university sector in 30 years yet we can’t produce enough science and engineering graduates. The answers are to pay people more and allow the free market to work . People will move to low unemployment areas if wages justify it. Equally, we could insist that the universities use public money less wastefully and run courses that meet demand for labour .
    No chance , of course so yet more industry and more remainiac moaning. And continuing to see mass immigration as the solution despite its catastrophic longer run consequences.


    • Grant says:


      Why should anyone work for the minumum wage if they can get more money on social security ? Agree with you about the universities. How many Media Studies graduates do we need, if any ?


  49. 60022Mallard says:


    What should be headlining in the Guardian and on the BBC is probably a small footnote somewhere, if at all, because it does not fit the agenda.

    The DT reports the Solicitor General telling the house of Commons yesterday of a 41% spike in July, but now we are back to “normal” levels seen before the referendum.

    Oh dear another easy rebuttal point for BBBCers to use on HYS etc.

    There is also the interesting question of whether charges went up 41% which remains unanswered, let alone successful prosecutions.

    If there was an offence of hate crime against the BBC, judging by the welcome rise in new posters on here in recent months I do not think that figure would be falling in any way!


  50. DaveR says:

    Last week the BBC’s headline was the Lib Dems winning Richmond Park bye-election with an anti-Brexit candidate. ‘It has sent shockwaves around the world and is being seen by many as an about-face for Brexit,’ quivered the ‘impartial’ organisation, ignoring the fact that Richmond Park voted over 70% to stay in the EU. Pushed into 4th place in today’s BBC news is the Torys’ today winning Sleaford and North Hykeham bye-election. Guess who came second. UKIP. Guess where the BBC’s beloved Labour ended up. Fourth. Like this news story. Sometimes I love people.