‘You kids don’t know nothing – Islam will take over, there will be mosques everywhere, you must think of your after-life – not this life. Kaffirs will burn in the fire of hell.’
‘The extremists have had over twenty five uncontested years to mobilise the minds of British Muslims and their backwardness now dominates some areas. ‘
The BBC doesn’t do ads, except of course it does….relentlessly plugging its own programmes in ingenious and varied ways.
Yesterday we had an endless procession of ‘discussions’, or trails, or puff pieces for ‘Muslims Like Us’ which was to be aired last night. All of course peddled the message about the wonders of Islam and Muslims and how the [boo hiss] ‘extremist’ Abdul Haqq was a very small minority and his views were not mainstream Islam…such as segregation of women…could have fooled us…and indeed anyone attending FOSIS events or indeed Labour Party ones….
I was lucky enough to catch one such discussion on Woman’s Hour where the presenter informed us that ‘Muslims Like Us’ was a desperately needed programme, one commissioned by a Muslim for the BBC…her intention to show that extremists are a minority in Islam and that women could show they were strong enough to stand up to the men…yeah…OK…in a controlled environment where nobody is going to be threatened or physically abused or intimidated…and they can freely leave the house if they wish. Let’s see the real Muslim community at home around the kitchen table discussing ‘British’ foreign policy, white women, gays, Jews, British values and Israel….and the Islamic State.
Are the fanatics a mocked minority or those who rule the roost?
To me, England, for all its ills, was the promised land.
Instead, I have found the horror I fled has followed me here. It is all around, eroding the very core of everything Britain believes in.
Why, then, have successive Governments refused to acknowledge the incestuous cultures that have evolved in these ghettos? Why does no one challenge the existence of the so-called ‘Islamic Parliaments’, with their retrogressive laws, that exist in cities such as Bradford and Leicester?
In these cities, teams of vigilantes terrorise Pakistani communities. They turn up unannounced to homes, insisting that Ramadan is respected and checking that everyone has come to prayers. They force shops to close, they check that the community is fasting, that women wear the veil.
The defenders of our precious multiculturalism must get real. My message to those who promote these entrenched ghetto ideas is this: go home if you want to practise your form of Islam. There is no place for it here.’
Unfortunately one guest was not on message…a Muslim convert who converted in 1969, Saba, who indeed thinks Haqq is wrong…what did he get wrong? The timing. Now is not the time for threats…first in Islam you must discuss and persuade…only if that fails do you ‘bash’ the non-compliant non-Muslims. Ooops. She tells us that it is high time for a programme like this to ‘normalise’ Muslims in the Public’s eye and we must realise that Islam is for the entire planet…ooops. Yeah…thought that was the BBC plan…to make Islam seem harmless, normal and everyday…when the truth is much more sinister and dangerous for Western democracies [Just look at the photo above to imagine the brave new world under Islam]
So Saba revealed the truth about Islam…violence is quite permissible to enforce Islamic domination and Islam will take over the world.
Want the truth? A Muslim tells all….
The Talibanisation of British childhood by hardline parents
In 2003, Bakri told a journalist that their brand of Islam would get to increasing numbers of young minds and hearts.
It has – and to their parents, too.
The rapid spread of rigid, diehard Islam is deeply worrying. Yet those in power, focused on terrorist cells, seem oblivious to this other peril.
I could never have imagined, nine years on, that the Taliban would be claiming to have ‘won the war’ in Afghanistan.
Or, much worse, that our politicians and Muslim ‘leaders’ here would allow their twisted ideology to spread across Britain.
Make no mistake, Taliban devotees are in our schools, playgrounds, homes, mosques, political parties, public service, private firms and universities.
And if we are to have any hope of combating them, we need to stop this attitude of appeasement and understand why so many Muslims are attracted to the most punishing forms of belief, suppressing women and children.
In a no doubt absolutely coincidental juxtaposition Woman’s Hour followed that with a discussion about the Mafia in Italy and how they treat women….basically as slaves with not a little bit of violence…the presenter told us that this was ‘shocking in 21st century Europe’. HMMM….can’t help thinking we were supposed to then think we shouldn’t critcise Muslims for similar practises….errr…except of course such behaviour by a famously violent criminal gang is illegal whilst seemingly part of Islam…odd that the BBC should compare the religion of peace with such a brutal, bloodthirsty and violent mob though. Must be some mistake. Wonder when the BBC will declare Muslim practices ‘shocking in 21st century Europe’…instead they promote them and encourage mass immigration of those who follow that ideology.
However to show just how much trouble we are in there’s also this fawning and foolish piece in the Telegraph…
Muslims Like Us is a wake-up call for Islamophobes everywhere
From the moment Haqq walked into the Apprentice-style luxury rented accommodation and started handing out leaflets about how women should dress, it was obvious he was not going to get very far spreading his message among these housemates. What became immediately clear was that try as he might – and boy was he trying – his fellow Muslims found him nuttier than the fruitcake he doubtless regards as the food of Satan.
“This is so pathetic,” said housemate Saba, as Haqq refused her greeting with the observation that the Koran forbids him from shaking hands with a woman, “what he gives you is the illusion of knowledge. He’s bogged down in the literal interpretation of words.”
This was the fundamental (and fundamentalist) point. For most of the housemates, Islam was a background comfort in their lives, prayer an opportunity for contemplation. It was certainly not the excuse for fascistic intolerance. These were good folk no more likely to be swayed by Haqq’s dogmatic misreading of the Koran than would be the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Besides, what made Muslims Like Us so compelling was that Haqq was an oddball sideshow. What this programme did was shed light on a section of society systematically vilified for the actions of its Haqq-like loony fringe.
So someone who follows Islam in a devout and conservative manner is an oddball on the lunatic fringe who exercises fascistic intolerance as revealed to him by the perfect word of Allah in the Koran? Jim White, the writer of that piece, clearly could have had a good future at Ratners as their PR monkey.
Gerald Ratner wiped £500 million from the value of Ratners jewellers with one speech in 1991.
He said: “We also do cut-glass sherry decanters complete with six glasses on a silver-plated tray that your butler can serve you drinks on, all for £4.95. People say, ‘How can you sell this for such a low price?’ I say, because it’s total crap.’
The BBC have done their usual transparent trick of casting anomalies as the norm – the unusual as the usual. The Muslims in this programme are not representative of the Muslim majority.
I absolutely hate the BBC when they do this! It insults my intelligence to the ‘nth’ degree.
Replace “I absolutely hate the BBC when they do this!…..”
with “I absolutely hate the BBC”
Then I totally agree with you.
Representative Muslims are those who believe Sharia should be enforced in Great Britain.
That is virtually all Muslims in Britain, and the world, come to that.
In the photo above, which sections are the LGBTs in. I mean, all that tolerance of Islam. They must be somewhere.
You don’t understand Islam .
That’s very often the refrain from Muslims when a talk show goes wrong for them . As though we are all obliged to study the Koran . There’s never the same from other faiths , perhaps because their religions can stand up to scrutiny .
So what if I’m going to perpetually perish when I die if I don’t follow Islam ? What is it to them ? Why should they get upset in an angry way , rather than in the compassionate way of other religions ? Why don’t they mind their own business about the souls of others if it upsets them so ?
I live in a lovely hidden gem of an English town with great history . I walk about talking and dealing with hundreds of people . I don’t know their religion or even if they have one , perhaps that’s part of the charm compared to parts of Britain under Muslim control .
Muslims threaten with you with hell. But the reason is that they want you to join the army of Islam on earth, and so impose sharia on earth. They couldn’t care less if you ended up in hell, or the islamic bordello in the sky.
I haven’t watched the program yet,but it is so obviously a BBC stunt to show that the extremist Muslim is not the usual normal kind and is not accepted, so we have nothing to worry about.
The Jihadists will be tearing down Broadcasting House and some presenter will be sat in there telling us there is nothing to worry about.
It is interesting that, so far as I am aware, no terrorist organisation, including the IRA, has ever targetted the BBC . Strange. I would have thought that the “national” broadcaster would be high on the list of targets.
No, the BBC do the job for the IRA as they did for Stalin.
And as they now do for Islam.
And the IRA, Lefty terrorists, pinkommunards and Islam all KNOW this very well.
Hence the BBC being let free to continue to shaft the host nation that`s stupid enough to let its tapeworm segmentation continue in the body politic.
Hence Marth Kearney in Strasbourg today taking to Guy Verhofstad…as she`d have done with Rudolf Hess or Lord Haw Haw had she been able to.
We need total war on the BBC before Islam thinks that it speaks for us, and we pay the jizya as the saps we seem to be.
Exactly. The enemies of civilisation always know that the BBC are on their side .
Really good point.
The usual Taqiyya from Muslims. Why should anyone buy any thing Muslims say about Islam, when Islam tells them to lie when its helps Islam?
And if some poor individual, under the impression that the BBC is a paragon of unbiassed virtue and truth, converts to Islam, he/she finds out that the penalty for leaving Islam is death. Probably a beheading with a blunt knife, if the Muslim executioner has the time.
The BBC has three overriding agendas at the moment – in order of preference
1. Delegitamise Donald Trump – DDT for short.
2. Climate Change, aka AGW,
3. The virtues of multicultism, particularly its most favoured cult – Islam.
DDT is high priority, as he threatens the existence of the other two.
4. Stop Brexit !
Thank you Grant. Forgot that.
Brexit is the unwinding strand of the EUSSR. One more Jihadi Islamic terrorist attack on France, and France will revert to traditional France – Madame Guillotine.
Does anyone remember what France did to loyal, and native French, men and women, in 1968. They will drive the Arab/Algerian horde out of France. And that will be the end of the EU.
France is not an Anglo-Saxon country that will put up with a lot of nonsense.
Donald Trump is also anti-EU, and supports Victor Urban, Marine Le Pen, and Geert Wilders.
For the BBC, DDT is a matter of its survival. I never thought that Donald Trump is the dagger at the heart of the BBC. And the EU, come to think of it.
Please don’t let people get away with bad mouthing Donald Trump, in polite society, or elsewhere.
These people are brainwashed by the BBC, and can be converted, or scared off fairly easily. I take them on, full square, and not worry about spoiling the party.
Yes, I think many things may come to the crunch in 2017 . I certainly hope so !
From the moment Haqq walked into the Apprentice-style luxury rented accommodation and started handing out leaflets about how women should dress, it was obvious he was not going to get very far spreading his message among these housemates. What became immediately clear was that try as he might – and boy was he trying – his fellow Muslims found him nuttier than the fruitcake he doubtless regards as the food of Satan.
Reckon the whole thing was staged? Its after all Reality TV.
Staged? With the bBBC more likely it was Stage Managed.
Yet more subversion by the BBC, distorting reality to directly influence public opinion and dictate the national mood. And what a coincidence that it should be aired so soon after the publication of Louise Casey’s report which expressed so many concerns about the lack of integration.
So, BBC, where do these ‘normal everyday Muslims’ featured in this BBC programme stand on:
– Gender-based abortion
– Gender segregation
– Female genital mutilation
– Wearing of the burka
– Arranged marriages
– Honour crimes
– Electoral fraud
– Sharia law
– Islamic schools
– Bigamy
Or are you trying to tell us these aspects of Islam which are now widespread in the UK whilst running contrary to our open, liberal, egalitarian, democratic society are only ever practised by the fundamentalists?
We all know the answer – just another day in Room 101 of Broadcasting House.