The BBC continues to press ahead with its promotion of the liberal’s mythical utopian project that, as with Corbyn, fails to reflect reality and the facts. Whether Brexit or Trump the BBC buries its head in the sand and refuses to acknowledge reality and why it happened.
They keep talking about Brexit solely through an economic lens and, despite the evidence, try to paint a picture of doom and gloom whilst conversely not genuinely accepting that the EU is an economic basket case which in itself is a purely political project that has been forced through regardless of the disastrous economic consequences that are very real and very, very obvious. When did the BBC ever ask what would have been the real result of staying inside the EU, an EU that is imploding on just about every front, economically, politically and socially? They preferred to peddle the Remain claim that Brexit was a great unknown whilst the EU’s success and stability were a certainty. Hmmm….so stupid…
Trump of course gets nothing but derision and mocking contempt, only yesterday we heard that people were looking for certainty and Trump recognised that…but of course ‘certainty’ is only for stupid people….so not only is Trump stupid but all those who voted for him….the ‘expert’ was absolutely certain about that.
Then there’s Obama, still the One who can do no wrong. He’s at present making a lot of noise about Russia apparently hacking Clinton’s emails and effecting the outcome ofthe election…what the BBC reported as being like ‘a new Pearl Harbour’….lol. If so…why? Clinton must be seriously at fault allowing highly sensitive emails to be hacked and then why would such emails effect the outcome of the election? Only if they actually contained material that was seriously compromising for Clinton or the Democrats…the BBC doesn’t bother to investigate the emails preferring to avoid such difficult questions….as of course does Obama who should surely be disciplining Clinton for such a serious and dangerous breach of security. Curiously the BBC seems unconcerned about the Russian spy, Snowden, who was aided and abetted by the Guardian, and the BBC itself, to attack US, and Western , intelligence and security, doing them enormous damage.
Obama is talking loudly of the threat to US democracy and when Trump won the Presidency Obama said…
“Everybody is sad when their side loses,” Mr. Obama said with Vice President Joseph R. Biden at his side. “The day after, we have to remember we’re actually all on one team. We are now all rooting for his [Mr. Trump‘s] success in uniting and leading the country. We are Americans first.”
However he has spent the last couple of weeks doing everything he can to undermine the new President and the democratic result of the election including of course pompous, sanctimonious speeches that ‘advise’ Trump on how to be a good President…something Obama knows little about…and as for democracy…Obama was pretty handy with those undemocratic executive orders using them to push through very controversial policies such as Obamacare, dodgy deals with the terrorist state of Iran and on immigration.
The BBC of course doesn’t ask questions about the reasons for Obama’s attacks on Trump and the rhetoric about Russia…the BBC accepts it all as if every word were the truth and unpolitical when it is very obvious Obama is engaged in a highly partisan attempt to undermine Trump and make his presidency as difficult as possible.
Comes to something when we have to rely on ‘Rolling Stone’ magazine to bring us decent analysis of political news rather than the well-resourced and supposedly ‘gold-standard’ news organisation that is the BBC…
The problem with this story is that, like the Iraq-WMD mess, it takes place in the middle of a highly politicized environment during which the motives of all the relevant actors are suspect. Nothing quite adds up….this could also just be a cynical ass-covering campaign, by a Democratic Party that has seemed keen to deflect attention from its own electoral failures.
The outgoing Democrats could just be using an over-interpreted intelligence “assessment” to delegitimize the incoming Trump administration and force Trump into an embarrassing political situation.
The BBC…business as normal then.
Well happy New Year all!
Now can we PLEASE get out of the EU in 2017 so we can celebrate properly?
and BBC totally sick of the New Year Honours, the political/celeb sporty
“In Crowd” love in, the Foreign Aid Meister, A Murray,
Of course the erm “gold medal heroes”, I forgot how much those medals
cost think it was £2 million a piece, over half a million to take a show jumping horse? … Yep! We beat Mauritius there eh!.
The whole thing is obscene, honours for ordinary folk who do such sterling work, then they would have real value.
I do so agree nogginator-what of those wonderful peolple that doctor us nurse us, that take care of those less fortunate around us, those that work night and day to keep the lights on, that rush to our aid when in an accdent…. and so on.
The BBC likes to pretend that all of us only care about money in our pockets. That may well be the case for BBC wallahs, as they pay themselves six figure salaries for work that many would do with pleasure – like chatting. But I believe that we had more serious concerns when we set out to vote.
If we had remained in the EU, we would have lost
1. Habeus Corpus – A writ of habeas corpus is known as “the great and efficacious writ in all manner of illegal confinement”, being a remedy available to the meanest against the mightiest.
2. Presumption of innocence – Innocent till proven guilty, beyond reasonable doubt.
Trial by your peers – jury. A jury trial or trial by jury is a legal proceeding in which a jury either makes a decision or makes findings of fact, which then direct the actions of a judge. It is distinguished from a bench trial, in which a judge or panel of judges makes all decisions.
These two fundamental principles, is what makes for a free citizenry, free of the menace of the an over reaching, and over powerful state. We gifted these principles to USA, Canada, Australia and NZ. The EU definitely is headed the other way.
Then there is the matter of immigration. If immigration continued, particularly of Muslims, then it is almost certain that Britain would no longer be Britain, but an Islamic country in the not too distant future.
This is an unimaginable catastrophe. It would lead to a civil war of a kind that would make Bosnia look like a garden party.
The BBC doesn’t care a whit of habeus corpus, and what follows. What they do care about far more, is immigration. They wish to have more immigration as a tool to destroy Britain, which is a leftist project, evident all over Europe, and the EU. One can see the results in Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, and other nation in the EU. These nations ate just a step away from civil war.
BBC’s opposition to Brexit on an economic basis, I believe is a cover for their real goal. More immigration of unassimilable people, means more economic and social turbulence. All good for Leftist Marxist agitprop.
The BBC in my conterntion, is even more anti-British then some of our past enemies. At least these past enemies didn’t want to destroy the very basis of our Western culture, and replace it with Islam.
HAPPY NEW Year to all at BiassedBBC, Alan and David too.
Just retired, spending more time on the ‘net, and found this refuge from insanity.
‘The BBC in my conterntion, is even more anti-British then some of our past enemies. At least these past enemies didn’t want to destroy the very basis of our Western culture, and replace it with Islam.’
Good point.
Also agree with your points on habeus corpus and presumption of innocence. However, we must remember that double jeopardy, which had existed for 800 years, was not scrapped due to any EU interference, it was a home grown achievement.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for leaving the EU (if there’s anything left to leave in two years’ time), but I’m probably preaching to the choir when I say that we’re more than capable of screwing things up on our own.
Welcome Marion. Yes we are certainly capable of making a mess of things on our own, but it will be our mess and we may make a success of things. Anyway I’m a democrat and you have to take the rough with the smooth, Remoaners please note. all Remoaners seem to believe is that if they manage to prevent Brexit the 52% will meekly accept the non democratic decision imposed on them by the elite. Well what if we decide to follow the elites example and refuse to accept the imposition of a non democratic decision, a much stronger moral position than that held by the Remoaners. Once you overtly flout democracy why should people accept democratic decisions in the future ? No point trying to dress this up as a point of law we all know the truth is that Remoaners are trying to overturn a democratic decision by whatever means they can.. Remoaners are playing with fire.
I think there is considerable evidence that 40 years of EU membership has enfeebled the UK civil service, perhaps even emasculated it, since with Brussels making all of the important decisions, there has really been no need for competence or dedication.
That makes Brexit harder, because these bureaucrats now have to make plans which will actually see the light of day and be implemented at a practical level, something they are quite unprepared and unqualified for.
Yes, having primary responsibility for drafting legislation will come as a shock to the system for many civil servants. I don’t imagine that functioning as a rubber-stamp for Brussels did anything to cut their numbers in recent decades. In fact, the Whitehall bureaucracy became notorious for taking European directives, already unwelcome and unnecessary in themselves, and cladding them in layer upon layer of Byzantine complexity. That, presumably, was the mandarins’ idea of justifying their continued employment, but we may as well have our legislation drawn up by witch doctors.
One problem with the civil service, which is only partly due to Brussels and which certainly can’t be fixed overnight, is that the ability to draw up legislation succinctly and in precise, unambiguous language has been lost. Time and again, stuff presented for debate in Parliament is hundreds of pages long and very badly written, but receives the bare minimum of scrutiny (not even that, if it started life in Brussels). Vaguely worded laws are ideal for politicians inclined to authoritarianism, or to Chief Constables grandstanding on “hate crime”, or to interventionist judges, who pretty much get to decide what such laws actually mean. They are precious little use to anybody else.
We should make a bonfire of superfluous laws and regulations. Both Parliament and the civil service should move away from the notion that they constantly need to be enacting new legislation. Fewer and simpler bills should be proposed, to become law only after genuine scrutiny. Pushing through impenetrable thickets of tangled verbiage is not what Parliamentarians or civil servants are for, revelatory though that insight may appear to them. We shall need a higher calibre of both MPs and civil servants, with fewer of each, and a wholesale cull of peers, accompanied by root-and-branch reform of the House of Lords. (I think a second chamber is required, but not in its current life-after-death form. If you want to know where single-chamber Parliaments get you, the answer is “Holyrood”.)
During the “Obamacare” legislation on Capitol Hill, in 2010, then Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, refused to divulge the contents of the bill before Congress.
‘We have to pass the bill, so that you can – errr – find out what’s in it,” she said.
That has pretty much been the attitude of Whitehall towards us voters and taxpayers since 1972. The late and unlamented Ted Heath used to insist that every centralising development that came out of Brussels was implicit in the original accession treaty. Funny how he forgot to mention it at the time.
Owen Morgan
Great post.
One way out of the fact that our civil service is incapable of drawing up primary legislation, is to sub contract it to retired civil servants, if they are still with us.
The other option could be to hire senior NZ civil servants. Do you think 10 per department would be enough?
If it hadn’t been for the dirty tricks by the Government and the BBC and all the panic-promotion, the majority would have been much greater than 52%.
This is exactly the way Democrats, including Pres Obama, are behaving in America. The Democrats first blamed Clinton’s defeat on the FBI, then on Trump lies, then on the lie that Big Banks were supporting Trump, then the emails, and now on Russian hacks. If such behaviour became the norm, democracy will cease to function. The left are behaving like the totalitarian thugs they have always been.
It never strikes them, that Americans have had it with immigration of the type, that increasingly makes America a foreign country to its loyal citizens – loyal to the flag, and to the constitution.
Trump has to stop immigration that makes America a non-Western country. Then to reverse the flow of undesirables – like Sharia supporters. They can never ever be loyal to the constitution of the USA.
It might just wake Europe up to the catastrophe that the left has deliberately placed Europe in.
Welcome, and a Happy New Year.
Thank you. Not many places a racist, xenophobic, half ethnically Chinese, Brexit voting, hater can go these days. Now there’s a recipe for confusion!
And no, I don’t run a takeaway.
Not sure how much I can contribute as we watch very little live TV these days, and what I see I generally don’t like. Sometimes we binge watch TV progs which my husband downloads from somewhere-or-other (I don’t ask).
Raises the question, why do we pay the licence fee at all? I’ll have to work on that.
Welcome Marion, and don’t worry about the TV – just try listening to Radio 4 for a couple of hours (if that) and you’ll soon pick up the bias and relentless coverage of the BBC’s pet agendas. It’s an oft-heard complaint on here that every time you switch R4 on a favoured narrative is being peddled e.g. gay, black, Muslim, EU (pro, of course), ‘climate change’ etc etc.
A very good example posted on here:
I did hear quite a lot of Radio 4 yesterday and enjoyed much of it but, curiously, that “cosy, smug idea” that “we” all think 2016 has been “horrendous” kept cropping up in one form or another – along with other related “cosy, smug ideas” of the kind Radio 4 listeners are so often ‘treated to’.
Let us know how you get on.
Very true Marion, welcome and Happy New Year to all bBBC posters.
Our own failings are aptly demonstrated by non EU immigration figures, which are totally out of control.
Welcome Marion, have a great New Years Eve
I know you don t watch it much … that a curse or a blessing? 😀
But the Al BBC still gets to you
Don’t speak Mandarin, but thanks anyway. Same to you.
Not the biggest fan of Chinese food either! Prefer shepherd’s pie. Maternal grandparents were Chinese, Mother and I born here so I don’t feel too hypocritical when I oppose uncontrolled immigration – it’s a slippery slope 😉 as the saying goes.
Marion wrote: so I don’t feel too hypocritical when I oppose uncontrolled immigration
You don’t have to be born in Britain, be British, European or whatever, to see that Islam is deadly threat to civilisation itself.
Read V S Naipaul on Islam. He is Carribean of Indian origin .
Islam, he claimed, had both enslaved and attempted to wipe out other cultures.”It has had a calamitous effect on converted peoples. To be converted you have to destroy your past, destroy your history. You have to stamp on it, you have to say ‘my ancestral culture does not exist, it doesn’t matter’.”
Sir Vidia claimed what he called “this abolition of the self demanded by Muslims was worse than the similar colonial abolition of identity. It is much, much worse in fact… You cannot just say you came out of nothing.”
This is what I pointed out in a previous thread but in a different manner, using the genocidal totalitarian ideologies of the 20th century. You can follow the debate
The BBC’s Media Jihad
Islam has successfully wiped out Buddhism from Afghanistan, Zorostrianism from Persia, and Christianity and Judaism from the Middle East.
Unlike other totalitarian ideologies which lasted a few decades, Islam is still going strong. Its enslaved have no recall of their past, as it is too long ago. Even if they are freed from Islam, they have no living memory of what they were, and how to get to it.
Islam is destroyer of civilizations.
Now some think that one can push back against Islam. Yet Islam has not been budged by debate, modernity, or christian missionaries for 1400 years. All have failed. We set much import on the Internet. But the web is just another medium.
Until we find the key to Islam’s weakness, all efforts will fail, and we will end up in a civil war that makes Bosnia look like a garden party.
Happy New Year.
Very true. The EU has never been about economics, ever! Look at Greece, the EU colluded to cook the books so that Greece would join in, totally against EU rules. We appear to have what was once known as a “fifth column”, made up of our own people, the greens,the media of which the BBC is outstanding, hunt sabateurs or terrorists if you will. All hell bent on destroying our Country!
DW. I beg to disagree. The EU has always been about economics. Shoring up the power of the German banks. Greece, Italy etc are being wrecked because if they let the banks collapse, then the German banks that advanced the loans will go down.
Agree with what you’re saying, NCBBC, but a more immediate immigration threat could come from the collapsing economies of the Eurozone. If Italy and others go tits-up we could see a rapid influx numbering millions, totally overwhelming our services and infrastructure.
(Fast edit – just seen your post below!)
We have to remember that although the BBC is a vile anti-English propaganda machine, and should be reformed or closed down as a matter of some urgency, it is the British politicians that have been responsible for all the decisions that have led to the running down of Britain and its growing Islamisation.
BREXIT WARNING: 12 MILLION more migrants to arrive in UK in 25 years without hard Brexit
This is why the Leftist BBC is so opposed to Brexit.
Brexit is nothing to do with half the immigrant numbers that come from other than the EU. This half they don’t want to mention. You know, the half that an honest Government should admit that they have no desire to and won’t reduce irrespective of the peoples views. This half they could halt immediately if they wished to.
That’s been my concern since the referendum – that Brexit will be seen as a panacea and once it has been achieved, people will go back to sleep – only to wake up in 10 years’ time to discover that they’re not living in England any more.
Immigration is taking over towns and neighbourhoods surreptitiously, one by one, and unless they enjoy the partial buffering effect of commuters and tourists which helps keep at least some things European, the effect on residents, particularly older ones, can be devastating.
“They” call it invasion by the womb, I don’t know their time scale but it is working.
The arithmetic is chilling. Muslim women have an average of 4 children while white women in Europe have only 1.5. If you assume that the Muslim population of Europe , is around 5% of the total then within just 4 generation more Muslim babies will be being born than white babies. If you start from a higher % of Muslims i, like in the U.K., then that position is reached more quickly. The womb born invasion is happening very quickly. But the liberal left are either keen to assist or too stupid to realise the awful consequences.
Apparently, half the birth rates will turn a 90% majority into a 10% minority in six generations.
How that scenario works when you adjust for 3 times the birth rates, immigration and arranged marriages, I’ve no idea. But it seems that people are beginning to notice.
G, that’s right.
There is a case to be made for tight immigrant restrictions for the UK from everywhere, not just the EU. The number of American & Canadian & Australian voices heard on just the BBC Radi 4 these days, often in taxpayer employ, is remarkable. Those three nations and many other countries have restrictive migration policies for the British.
Why should we be open to all the world for work and residence exploitation without a quid pro quo?
I am actually in favour of open borders, on a world-wide basis. I am also realistic enough to know there are good reasons why that cannot happen in a world that has moved as it has since the late 19th century and cannot be allowed to have open borders at the present time for many very good reasons.
So that we can maintain our long-standing commitment to taking in genuine refugees, the UK should either exercise a total ban on all inward migration to the UK, with application on an individual basis by private sector companies only for (initially) temporary work & residence permits for overseas nationals or operate on a one for one basis with all countries that have restrictions on UK migrants, such as India or Brazil.
In a modern digitised age that must be within International capabilities.
The trouble is that membership of the EU means conforming not just to free movement of people within the EU, but also to Open Borders.
Let us suppose then that we enforced strict immigration from outside the EU. All that will happen is that migrants (Muslim mainly), will get a EU residence permit, and then be free to enter Britain.
There is no alternative to a Hard Brexit. Anything else would be a betrayal of the “Leave” vote. Immigration was the key issue. Not economics, EU fees, CAP, CFP etc.
This half they don’t want to mention.
And it’s a half that includes dependants who are non-active economically, putting a further strain on our services and infrastructure and giving the lie to immigrants bringing a ‘net benefit’ to the economy.
“Fire up the chopper, Samira…”
‘Non-Christmas’ Christmas cards are offensive to some people who fortunately are not the sort to carry out violent protests and scream death threats.
Compare and contrast with a certain other religion, Samira, you silly mindless little sixth-former.
Happy new year to all at biased BBC.
2017 promises to be another dramatic year, stand by!
I am in complete agreement. I cannot for the life of me see what can be driving the motive behind the BBC agenda other than the complete destruction of our green and pleasant land.
What surprises me is how Conservative governments completely fail to rectify it or even recognise it. The occasional backbencher seems to say something now and again but is is like spitting into the wind. What the hell is the matter with that party?!
Rather like Ko Ko in the ‘Mikado’ questioning a preoccupied and potentially suicidal Tit Willow, I ask is it weakness of intellect… or a rather tough worm in your little inside? Well I think the worm has truly addled a party that was once known for commanding intellects and patriotism.
Correct me if I am wrong but it was the Blair government who abolished treason as a crime I believe and no effort has been made to restore it since. The very concept of treason seems to be on it’s way out.
Now to understand the progressive way of thinking is very important here. They believe that human progress moves in straight lines and having abolished betraying one’s country as a crime it is impossible to move back. How often do you hear their argument, “well you can’t go back to the 1950’s” when discussing almost any topic? To them that is unanswerable. Unfortunately the Tories have bought into this in a big way. With disastrous results.
The UK, on it’s already overcrowded Island is being subjected to mass invasion on a scale unimaginable forty years ago. Worse, the people arriving come from a totally different culture and are incompatible with the the British people. Leftist say “Well, they’re not leaving” and smile with the smugness of those who think they know the future.The long term goal of the Leftists to destroy the British State is on track and cannot be thwarted. The BBC is the epitome of this line of thinking.
But here we must ask what is really going to happen in the future if the liberal Lefties and worm-riddled Tories keep pouring masses of unwanted people from an unwanted alien culture into the UK despite the signs that the Brits are increasingly becoming angry? When will the elites listen? Well, the left are incapable of it and the Tories would rather not think about it.
The signs are ominous. It could soon get beyond just anger what then? Do they think they can contain the people by expanding the Hate Crime legislation?
You don’t have to be a mystic to read the writing on the wall.
When the ‘Populists’ are in charge, treason will be reinstated as a crime that is a definite. It may even be backdated to the 1990’s. The BBC and other anti-British organisations should bear this in mind. They are not likely to fare very well as groups or as individuals.
I am not advocating insurrection.I would prefer to see this terrible course we are on prevented at the ballot box. But given the anti democratic nature of the BBC and other elitist organs, as revealed by their reaction to the Brexit referendum, I see a rather nasty confrontation on the horizon. To put it mildly.
Top post Yasser.
I too for the life of me can’t understand how supposedly intelligent people like our MPs cannot see where this mass immigration of muzzies is leading.
It can only be that they are doing this on purpose because they can’t all be total idiots.
Rees Mogg is a breath of fresh air in that den of thieves and liars.
As for the reMAYner, she is dilly dallying, hiding and dithering for all she’s worth.
Her meaningless Brexit means Brexit is her claim to fame.
It means nothing. I can say eggs is eggs… what.
Then she explains what Brexit means by saying it will be a red, white and blue Brexit. Brilliant as Basil Fawlty might say, more of nothing.
I could say, to explain my eggs is eggs, that eggs are white eggs, or brown, if that’s not racist and all the snowflakes are now rushing to a safe space to have a good cry.
Along with many others, I can see this leading to a bloody war, not really a civil war as it will be us against the BBC’s favourites.
Be warned Westminster, we are watching you and we know who you are.
Represent the people like you are supposed to be doing.
And another thing.
Did anyone read about the muzzie gang who raped an under age child at knifepoint as well as beating him up. They got 13-15 months each in prison. In Sweden I believe.
Compare that to the prisoner in England who was murdered in a prison full of Muslims half way through his 12 month sentence for leaving a bacon sandwich outside a mosque.
The judges we have are part of the problem.
Yasser, Blair merely withdrew the death penalty – the Laws of Treason are still intact apart from that and continue to be available if anyone has the balls to prosecute. Blair, in my view, would be first on the list!
Yasser, think the Beeb gave us a clue in the week past on R4. They were talking to a former SPAD (Special Parliamentary Adviser) and they said that some Ministers and Prime Ministers exist in echo chambers because they only hire people that are like themselves, who think like themselves and have identical opinions to themselves. Add in the lack of desire to go against the flow or the inability to stand out or question the general policy trend or decision under consideration and the recipe for what we get is only too clear.
Most people seek election as MPs ‘to make things better’ but very few ever really do.
Add in the permanent brake, provided by our Civil service and it is no wonder really that we are where we are.
Try writing to your local MP, and ask if they have an upper limit in mind, for the population figure of England. Also see if they can tell you how destroying rural Britain, as well as moving millions of people from low-consumption countries to high-consumption countries, fits in with their ‘Green’ agenda.
I agree, the current conservative Party is a disgrace to the name, that worries me. We expect small and good governance from that party but we are not getting it by any means. They seem to have missed the point about the Referendum, it was about Parliamentary failure as well as the EU. Parliamentairians are trying to claim sovereignty, the same Sovereignty that they gave away 40 years ago. They must learn that Sovereignty belongs to the People, US!
I think their cunning plan is to whittle us down to the minority (in large part by mass immigration.) So as to stop us before we stop them. The BBC brainwashing service is another important tool in that plan. As the older generation becomes scarce, the younger people buy into to their lefty, multicultural lie more wholeheartedly. If there is no exposure anymore to truth & reality in schools & universities & none in the media, a population is more or less under control. The establishment lacks understanding & fails to see that Islam cannot be controlled when Muslims become a significant “minorty”. They think that because they have managed to marginalise Christianity they will do the same with Islam. They think it is a benign movement which will peacefully coexist alongside them once they silence all the right-wing Islamophobes.
Look at Turkey. Erdogan is having a fun time with his dictatorship now. The Turkish have become increasingly religious under tighter government control. And the free Western media don’t find it alarming at all. The hero of the false-flag coup. The organised spontaneity of pro-Islamic government demos with thousands of star & crescent flags waving. The erasure of Ataturk’s reforms. No one in the west seems to find this alarming! It’s all quiet on the Eastern front.
None of these indoctrinated leftards have any education in real history. They have no knowledge of the Ottomans, the Armenians or the desire of Muslims for a restored Caliphate. Or what the resurrection of the Caliphate would mean. Sultan Erdogan is on his throne, making a power-grab for Syria. And Turkey is still a NATO member!
Will the EU in it’s wisdom ultimately accept Turkey as a member? This is the would-be future for Britain if our establishment doesn’t wake up & stop encouraging the enemy. We have the lessons of history to show us. At least a dozen examples of what will happen. Iran, Lebanon, Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Serbia etc etc.
We only have to say [collectively] No Further! But we are increasingly at the mercy of our own willfully ignorant establishment.
Oh, sorry,
Happy New Year?
It’s not too late yet!
IMO it is the betrayal of our own people that seems the worst thing we face. I mean you expect your self-declared enemy to try to wipe you out. You don’t expect your own people to help them do it!
BBC propaganda refutation is an important pursuit for 2017
I also hope that 2017 will be a year when those that care about all the omissions and lies of the BBC will complain more vociferously.
Another example is the lack of acknowledgement of recent medical breakthroughs from Israel. It would be balanced to see a few positive news items ( as there are plenty) from Israel- the only democracy in the Middle East. See
What surprises me is how Conservative governments completely fail to rectify it or even recognise it.
My theory is that they are too damned scared because the BBC, like the NHS, is too much of a sacred cow for Tory politicians to go anywhere near even though, like the NHS, it needs root and branch reform. Political dynamite.
That and, of course, that we haven’t had a genuinely Conservative government in decades. Most of the present incumbents would be just as comfortable serving under the Blair regime. Why would they tangle with the BBC? Most of them share large amounts of their DNA with goldfish – they think the BBC gets it ‘just about right’.
The BBC on its website frontpage has the headline: “New Year to be delayed by one second”: which links to the article:
When I read the headline I imagined the distress this headline might cause to the Snowflake Generation:
Snowflake Response: New Year to be delayed by one second? That’s not fair. I want it now, now, now. I bet it has something to do with Trump and Brexit! It’s outrageous? Why why why do they always victimise us? They always use their male white privilege against us. Yes well, I may be white, and my parents may have given me everything, but I identify with minorities, and I won’t be quiet. I am going to shout, shout, shout and scream, scream, scream, because it is a matter of life and death … this is really stressing me out, it’s so not fair … waaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Clerly the extra weight of all those CO2 emissions is slowing the planet down!
But I hear Corbyn is on the case, with proposals to offer state help to those with NYDT – that’s New Year Delay Trauma. Counselling, psychiatry, support groups, and new local council initaives.
Happy New Year to the good people of Hull.
They need it.
The Toady bBBC R4 programme is live from there today.
And the juxtaposition between the patronising Metropolitan middle class left liberal elite represented by the all female presenters, who obviously don’t have a scooby, and the people, even those so carefully selected, is stark.
I don’t call her ‘Useless’ Hussein for nothing. Would that Hull’s most famous librarian could have written a few pithy words about it.
Fingers down the throat radio.
Living near to Hull (but not listening to Today, today, I can only guess how the programme is. But Hull, city of culture, was described to me as that it wouldn’t be the things I think of as culture but aimed more as having a broad appeal, That is, dumbed down. Let’s hope they were wrong.
‘That is, dumbed down.’
That’s happening everywhere. I see some parasite called Chris Ofili, who apparently paints with elephant dung, has been awarded a CBE.
Perhaps he should be given a gong crafted out of the same material?
Dung is actually the polite description of all this pretentious stuff that is laughably called “art”. The Turner prize is a disgrace, naming a competition to choose the most disgusting and ridiculous thing (I can’t bring myself to call it art) and naming it after arguably Britain’s greatest artist.
A common, and understandable mistake Demon, is to think that the Turner Prize refers to the renowned artist J M W Turner. In fact the prize is awarded from the estate of the late Reg Turner who owned and ran an artists materials shop in the Kilburn High Road. He stipulated in his will that his prize ‘should be awarded in order to maintain the British sense of humour, so necessary in appreciating the work of modern artists.’
The late, and great, Fyfe Robertson, used to call it ” Phoney Art ” or ” Phart ” !
I am also reminded of the late, and great , Sir Thomas Beecham on being asked ” Have you listened to Stockhausen ? ” and replying ” No, but I think I trod in some once “.
There is a famous clip of Churchill at a dinner to mark his 80th birthday in the HoC, and seeing a poorly made portrait of him unveiled, turning to make his speech and grinning widely said “This is an example of modern art”. It got a roar of laughter as everyone knew what he meant.
Beltane, I have used the similar line that it is named after Bert Turner who works down the sewers as he is an expert in shit. However; this conman, I have come across his name before, takes the shit too literally.
At least Princess Leia is now safe.
Later, though we were reminded that the Hull vote for leaving the EU was 68%, lo and behold, they still managed to feature some people who were ‘worried’ about Brexit. Quel surprise!
Well spotted, Sir!
I think if I lived in Hull, despite Prescott still being around, I’d have been even more decided to vote Brexit. Didn’t the place once have the best fishing fleet in the UK?
The EU, and our miserable, feeble governments rolled over and blew that one, and let the whole blasted world into our waters!
I go to the best fishmongers in Yorkshire, in the area of Hull where the fishermen used to live, but all his fish comes from Grimsby, and his salmon is Norwegian as he says it is better than Scottish. (Sorry, not BBC related, perhaps I should have posted this on Mum’s net.)
Good post NCBBC – I agree with pretty much everything you said and as for 2017 – yes we are heading for the Euro multy culty cliff edge propelled by corrupt politicians and a totally liberal biased media which is determined ( like Obama) to break everything and especially our culture and democracy. Fair means have been denied to them by elections/referenda so foul it will have to be.
The left has now shown its true colours and will now pull out every stop to push the UK cart over the cliff edge to join the Euro debris – broken and scattered around at the bottom of the “Euro abyss” I am afraid democracy is now out of fashion with the left and it will be using all legal/media measure to subvert our will regarding Brexit.
Sorry BBC there is no such thing as “soft Brexit” and everyone knows it. So please piss off and produce balanced TV programmes for once instead of trying to be a state funded political party – I know you wont (probably because you cant anymore) so that is why you will have to go!
As for our “Prime Minister” whether just a fool or a liberal plant it matters not. Her inertia/foot dragging has given time for a corrupt elite to try and emasculate Brexit with a gordian knot of dubious legality. She is like some second rate WW1 general – totally out of her depth and not realising things have moved on.
Fortunately with Trump soon to be the new kid on the block and with people waking up to the Islamic Demographic timebomb and the state of democracy and economics in Europe – I think there is much hope.
We just need to keep squeezing the bastards – till the pips squeak!
Happy New Year all!
Fortunately with Trump soon to be the new kid on the block and with people waking up to the Islamic Demographic timebomb and the state of democracy and economics in Europe – I think there is much hope.
I agree. The Trump effect is already having an effect in the EU, and the world.
First, the ME is a cockpit for escalation to a global war. Its where Armageddon is.
The Islamophile, and anti-Britain anti-Israel Obama, in the dying days of his period, decided to make Jerusalem, the old part, a part of Arab land. This is so bizarre, it would be like the UNSC deciding that Mecca is part of Christendom or Israel. This UNSC decision, mainly a vendetta against Israel by Obama, could be the spark that starts a World war.
This decision, plus Trump’s total opposition to it, will allow Israel to take actions, that will invite retaliation. As no combination of countries in the ME, is a military match for Israel, leave alone Israel + USA, the result will be even more turmoil in Arab nations.
The EU will have to face the consequences. Either it goes with the USA, or it goes it alone. Going it alone is not an option, as the EU has no military power. Caught between an Islamic invasion, pressure from Russia, and pressure from within, Marine le Pen, AfD, PVP in the Netherlands, all pro-Trump, where does it go?
And so it is. As the day of Trump’s presidency draws near, Merkel is beginning to see the light, that she has placed Germany in a corner. Where Germany goes, the Western part of the EU will follow. The Eastern part of the EU is already pro-Trump.
Britain too is signalling Trump, that they do not agree with Obama & Kerry’s plan for ME peace. The West is coalescing around USA and Trump, its normal state. Where else can we go?
As you say, “there is a new kid on the block”.
Happy New Year Oaknash.
*I am afraid democracy is now out of fashion with the left*
Democracy has always been out of fashion with the Left; it is, perhaps, the Left’s defining characteristic that it intends to impose its will on the despised masses without anything so crude as a popular mandate.
So the Left naturally opposes anything which threatens its total control — not just democracy, but free speech and religion as well. Even a secure and entrenched cultural identity, which the British people have maintained for centuries, is anathema to the totalitarian Left, and so it must be smashed.
Hooray! A new Open Thread. Takes me forever to navigate through 6 pages on my mobile!
Yesterday, I dropped an email to the Technical bods asking whether they might consider inserting some means of jumping to the last comment of an article, so that we didn’t have to laboriously scroll through numerous pages. We’ll see what happens!
Guys, just click on the latest comment in the Thread foot that you wish to access. This is available on the right-hand side of your screen at the top.
Not on my phone it isn’t. I have to scroll to the bottom to access the “Newer Comments” button, load the next page, scroll to the bottom etc etc.
Thanks very much for the guidance, Up2snuff. I’d not noticed that way of getting to the most recent comment!
Happy New Year to all bias-teers!
What a great year 2016 was. Brexit and Trump, with the promise of more to follow. Also the penny slowly dropping with the MSM that they don’t and can’t control the news agenda any more. Ordinary people just increasingly bypass them and the more hysterically biased they become, the worse it gets for them. HAHAHAHAAA.
Finally it is great to see the huge number of new contributors on the site this year. You’re all very welcome.
The BBC {Along with its bumchums at Al-Guardian and rest of the MSM} is now just electronic roadkill on the imformation superhighway where we can access multiple sources of information analyise them and make up our own minds as to what is fact and what is false without being told what to think or believe by the increasingly irrelevant BBC and rest of the equally irrelevant MSM
Like that.
I don’t think anybody else posted about this but Nicola Adams as guest editor of the Today programme this week and on Desert Islan Discs a couple of weeks ago. She must have a good agent. Lots of other uk Olympic gold medalists but of course Nicola ticks two of the three boxes, three out of 4 if you count a deprived childhood.
Maybe not THAT deprived Deborah.
If I recall, she was on Desert Island Discs a few weeks back and she chose “New York, New York” as one of her favourites-seeing as she used to go and see relatives every year over there.
Thought that the BBC HATED boxing-white, blokey chavs like Tyson Fury and Richard Dunne.
But no-not if they`re rentagob showponies like Ali, Naseem-Benetton shade Muslims who are “icons”..or if they`re black…and female with a Yorkshire accent-which is even better I guess.
Great editorial above Alan-Happy New year to all our friends at this site, to whom 2016 would have been a dream coming true.Between us we`ll be fine! Welcome all our new posters too…been a GREAT year for new blood here.
A Happy New Year to one and all!
I note our BBC tv sports presenter the long-faced Katherine Downes comment this morning “apart from sport, in other fields, 2016 is a year many people wish to move on from”
I don’t believe our BBC gal was thinking of celebrity deaths there, folks. Delete the usual BBC formulation ‘many people’ and I think you have an honest expression of the regulation BBC staff water-cooler sentiment right there – boohoo Brexit and Trump grr grr.
I do agree with the Beeboids in this sense: Yes let’s move on from 2016 – bring on 2017, let’s get out of the EU and get on with the Trump Presidency – Hooray!
Isn’t it strange that the only people bleating about the rebellion against the liberal elite are – the liberal elite! They just don’t get it.
I find it strange that Obama, with his current scorched earth policy, has done more in the past few weeks than the last 8 years.
Here is an interpretation of current US law on squatters.
“Historically speaking, removing squatters by force was the only option for disgruntled owners to get their property back; however, now it is considered illegal in most states. Current eviction procedures vary state to state, but the most common quick and efficient way to get rid of squatters when police are unwilling to remove them is to undergo summary eviction proceedings”
Or, you could just have an election.
I too see all that the US Dead Duckies Administration are doing in their Fag Ash death rattlings raging against the New Dawn Breaking, as a “scorched earth policy”.
But being liberal and unable to light a fire, we`ll not be getting the deliberate burning of the oil wells as Saddam did..a pioneering anti Greenie, who maybe we should have mourned more after his tenth year as the worlds best known suspended sentence in our lifetimes( he was hanged 30.12.06)
Those of us who heard what he said as he fearlessly faced the gallows know that he was right-after him, there`d be REAL trouble.
The EU (minus one hopefully), welcomes Turkey as a Member State………..
Meanwhile, in Germany,
As the day of Trump’s presidency draws near, Merkel is beginning to see the light, that she has placed Germany in a dangerous corner. Where Germany goes, the Western part of the EU will follow. The Eastern part of the EU is already pro-Trump.
Where does Germany go, except to the shelter of NATO.
A Happy New Year to all on here. There’s much to celebrate here at Kitty House, we welcome in the New Year twice, French time here in the South of France and then UK time via Sky news. Then Mr Kitty has his birthday 1st Jan a weekend of inebriation lies ahead. Planning to watch the inauguration of the Trump along with celebratory feast. Looking forward to 2017 as this time last year there was nothing but pessimism about 2016, we all knew courtesy of the Beeb that we would Remain in the EUSSR and Killary Clinton was definitely going to be the first female American President . I may even stick with my New Year resolution and cut back on booze and loose a few of the extra pounds I’ve gained this year, this year has proved to me there’s always possibilities.
There’s so much to look forward to in 2017, isn’t there, Mrs K!
Obama has already been slapped so hard for his anti-Russian expulsion, and to see Mr Trump as someone who is used to proper business negotiation, where it really matters (in his own pocket as opposed to quibbling with wheezing stupid politicians), the end of January will see a watershed of good news!
Treezer had better come up with the goods too, as we’ll see some nasty happenings if she puts a foot wrong, and even old pharts like me will really start to get a bit restive!
Sorry, meant to say Happy New Year to you and all as well!
This site is a breath of fresh air!
Happy New Year to all, from Chateau Goat.
Maybe, just maybe it’ll be the year of the French, Front National, and Marine le Pen…maybe…
We can all hope and dream, Mr Goat!
Blimey, that would be Le Icing sur le cake!
Happy New Year from exotic East Anglia, or as Jade Goodie once put it “East Angular? That’s somewhere abroad like Africa innit?”
Dated 29th December 2016, the report from the FBI on alleged Russian ‘Hacking’ –
“Vacuous” doesn’t begin to sum this piece up.
Jack Garratt, Sound of 2016 winner, sums up his year.
Sound of 2016 – sponsored by the “so called” BBC. Tick
Artist – bearded hipster. Married to Sara Elabdi ” a citizen of the world” according to her LinkedIn page. Tick
Praise of Saint Obama with dig at Trump. Tick. BTW the headline “Obama liked my album” is a little different to the reality of “Obama got in touch” isn’t it.
Dig at Stubhub – right on, brother. Fight the power, the very people who are paying for your living.
“The music I’m making appeals to an audience who don’t buy records”. Right!! You’re in the wrong business then son.
Meanwhile, here’s the rather more down to earth lukewarm response to the “Sound of 2016″‘s album – RYM is a very good website for music lovers if you didn’t know of it already.
I know this is slightly off topic, but, you did mention music lovers. And, this could actually annoy the bBBC mob – Veteran’s Radio station:
Outrageous bias by BBC types of, ‘luvvies’ –
‘The BFI says that their standards “focus on disability ….. because there continues to be significant under-representation in these areas.”’
In that case, how about a special posthumous award for Kenneth More in recognition of his groundbreaking 1950s film “Reach for the Sky” about overcoming disability?
No chance. Not the “right” kind of achiever, was he?
“Islamist terror is ‘greatest threat’ to Germany”
You don’t say Angela?
Well Nigel did warn you and the rest of the Useless European Parliament over a year ago………….
Told you so .
Call me a heartless b****** , but do paralympians deserve equivalent honours as able bodied ones?
I mean, how many of us are actually eligible for the one-armed swimming?
Take nothing from the gutsy competitors, overcoming their disabilities but how strong is the competition?
And while I am on autorant, don’t the women competitors get bigger gongs pro rata than their male counterparts?
Take Steve Redgrave versus Katherine Granger for a start. 5 wins versus 1.
An OBE for the womens hockey captain? For what? Services to lesbianism? The same honour as the late great Bobby Moore, who after all, only won the world cup – and was straight.
And don’t get me started on the luvvies.
Always sad to see a valid concept hijacked by the PC brigade.
Sluff, “do paralympians deserve equivalent honours as able bodied ones?” Yes, I think probably more so.
Agreed. Sluff’s self-confessed “autorant” is just that – a rant on autopilot. Perhaps he’s just upset at being overlooked once again. That award for services to being grumpy on the internet must have got lost in the post.
Why more so? as Sluff says there are probably only 3 one-armed swimmers so even if you can’t swim you get Bronze. Whereas to win say the Mens 100m freestyle you are the Best in the World with massive competition – the two do not equate
So Olympians have been given New Year Honours gongs for ……. having won Olympic gongs.
How many do they need?
Welcome Marion, and yes I agree. I take nothing away from their achievements, but they are doing their JOB ! My Dad spent many years at his JOB doing nightshift at the coalface of a mine, and then spent his spare evenings getting a youth club up and running (in the early 60’s) – reward ? only the satisfaction he got from helping youngsters. So when I hear that an OBE has been awarded to some sodding popstar that couldn’t sing/cum dress designer who never went to design college/cum pushy mother promoting her kids to keep the brand going, then I just want to vomit !
“then I just want to vomit !”
Keep it, and enter it for next year’s Turner Prize, then you’ll have your own gong.
Often wondered how one ensures a level playing field in paralympics.
A Happy New Year to B-BBC; site creators & administrators, technical support and users all.
In my view this web-site has become a more civilised place in 2016 with ever increasing wit and good humour, some consoling black humour when needed at times of adversity, together with a sharing of knowledge and understanding and views that has made it a ‘must visit’ in 2016.
My good wishes to you all for 2017.
Agreed, it’s by far the best satirical take on a group of self-satisfied, fact-averse, delusional idiots there is. Well done to all the scriptwriters for creating such a cast of bizarre characters.
Hi Scott. Happy New Year to you.
Last Tomi in the trench?
I myself have an appalling Mc Cartney single, an umbro footy casey by way of a ball and a tin of Orange Matchmakers here to share with poor Tomi as the war slips away from him and No White Vans Land slowly gets a Farage flag and a Trump Watchtower to guard our seismic gains of 2016.
Rock On Tomi,say I….come play a while and think for yourself before Kaiser Merkel calls you back to the losing front!
Tomi, thanks for that, your comment sums up the personnel (and content) of the BBC perfectly.
Happy New Year to everyone else!
The BBC doesn’t discriminate between those who have received gongs for simply doing their paid job or working for their own personal glory and wealth, and those who choose to work altruistically for the benefit of others. I’m sorry to be curmudgeonly, but it seems to me that most of the sports people come into the former category. I’ll not be calling two of them Sirmo or Sandy anytime soon. What a constrast with the young black man, Jeremiah Emmanuel, from Brixton who, appalled by the violence and killing that he saw around him, voluntarily set out to help young people in his community. Although only 17, he has initiated or facilitated a remarkable range of projects. Perhaps his BEM is a little early for him, but nonetheless well deserved. That’s the sort of beyond-the-call-of-duty work that deserves recognition.
Do notice though Martin that SIR Alex and SIR Bradley and that disabled Dame of theirs are ALWAYS called thus by the BBC.
SIR Alex in particular, florid bullying Labour troughing hypocrite that he is- aman with NO personal redemption save for the fact that he used to hate the BBC too!
The BBC just LOVE to give the smellysocks brigade their Royal Titles-see?…even the oiks can get a gong if they do sports, cry for Childloin or marry a footy player.
Does the Queen have a say in who gets a gong?…Ed Davey?
If so, just as well she wanted us to leave the EU.
Politician to watch in 2017- Karen Bradley. Why, you might ask, is she qualified to be Secretary of State at DCMS? Has she much influence at Cabinet level? Is she likely to toughen up her predecessor’s capitulation to tbe BBC in framing it’s new 10 year charter ? Don’t hold your breath. It’s tragic that the biased, inefficient , arrogant, left wing, taxpayer funded BBC will be with us for another decade in unchanged form, short of a popular (populist?) revolt against the TV licence system.
Times pg 32 33 full interview with her
Yes, but isn’t it a pity the Beeb do not stick to their Charter, it is broken every time in every way but still will get away with it. Sad!!
Not really BBC Bias, but I love this picture and want to share it.
Something for our gutless politicians in Europe to consider. This is our future too
Now when I say self-defence, That is what I’m talking about!
Not the “please don’t rape me” wristband that the Swedish Government prescribes.
If you are in an area that is dangerous enough to require an assault rifle for defense, I would think it wise to at least have the magazine attached.
Local by-laws Jake.
Matthew Parris is projecting in today’s article
titled : We’ve been poisoned by political cults*
“Supporters of Trump and Brexit ignored all logic to buy into a set of beliefs, but it’s a trend that won’t last for ever”
* Em mate It’s SJW Metropolitan bubbleworld that’s the cult.
Matthew Parris. Poisoned political cults. A typo, surely?
I have searched the internet for news about the man who died in prison after putting bacon on a mosque door. Starting with the BBC I found identical stories everywhere, saying no information is available. Sure, there will be an inquiry, but what is remarkable is the lack of curiosity among our media. Anyone who has worked in prisons will know how difficult it is to keep anything secret for long. News must be out there.
Although it can be predicted that the official inquiry will pronounce death by natural causes I fear that delay in broadcasting news is helping to transmit a message from our Dhimmi government regarding the consequences of offending the protected ones.
The Ministry of Justice has released the following statement.
“HMP Bristol prisoner Kevin Crehan died in custody on Tuesday 27 December. As with all deaths in custody, the independent Prisons and Probation Ombudsman will investigate.”
A quick check on their website shows they are rather slow
Last death reported on
Date of death: 17/02/2016
Cause: Natural causes
Male 61+
On website: 21/10/2016
Suspect they’ll be a coroner’s inquest but in civilian life info leaks out before then.
Does anyone think, even for a nanosecond, that the BBC would be so quiet and accepting about an unexpected death in prison if the unfortunate prisoner was of a darker hue? No, they’d invite BlackLivesMatter spokespeople on every news programme quicker than you can say “deadly bacon sandwich” to demand a public enquiry. They’d drag Diane Abbott away from her black bun to say how Questions Need Answering. They’d demand statements from ministers, because “some people were saying” that it looked very suspicious.
Scanning for a few prison deaths I found these. Usually, some information is given at the time, with the comment that all prison deaths will be investigated.
But the bacon man. Nada.
An independent investigation has been launched and the coroner will be informed.
A Prison Service spokeswoman said: “HMP Bristol prisoner James King was found unresponsive in his cell on Friday.
“Prison staff attempted CPR and paramedics attended, but he died in hospital on Sunday.
“As with all deaths in custody, the independent Prisons and Probation Ombudsman will conduct an investigation.”
Words are emerging, but nothing I can put here as there are no reliable links
Will the BBC mention the “muslim” and “islam” words in relationship to the murder oops death of this particular prisioner or will we have to rely on the internet, social, alt media to find the facts ??
Let us remember murdered people who don’t get mentioned cos they are not St Jo Cox.
– pg 34 Remember the missing airman Corrie McKeague ? His policewoman mother has launched her own search inquiry after giving up on Suffolk Police’s efforts
I was watching BBC News channel at 11am where they went live to Auckland New Zealand to watch the New Year fireworks. 10 minutes previously they showed the camera looking at a tower getting all ready for the big moment…
…then at midnight the fireworks went off and because the BBC were streaming the video over dial up and Skype the MPEG video encoding couldn’t cope with the low datarate so we were shown 2 minutes of freeze frames and video macro blocking instead of fireworks.
Not bad for £4bil worth of funding is it?
The BBC do not do science and technology.
The BBC doesnt do news, research or journalism either. More propaganda and lies
But they do Strictly and Bake-off so that is ok, then.
BBC Website heading. “Why is EU struggling with migrants and asylum-seekers ? “. FFS !
We have rightly concentrated on this country’s affairs and future in Europe although much has been discussed on Germany and other lands.
I now think that 2017 or more likely early 2018 will see France at the heart of things again.
Of all the Western European countries France is the one that has the greatest sense of itself as a nation and that is something that goes back centuries. Germany although much larger just does not have this sense of nationhood.
The attacks in Nice and Paris and the beheading of the priest have not really sunk home yet. Our European politicians and media have been anxious to move on as they keep saying. This is not how the world works and following the two year rule the real effects have some way to go yet.
What happens in France will decide the future of Europe and maybe of Western civilisation itself . What form it will take is unknown but it will be dramatic and finally sweep the fantasy liberalism of the elites into the past much as in the 1790s the Ancien Regime was destroyed for ever.
Critical days ahead and it is good that we have a Us president and a Russian leader in place who see things as they really are and not the absurd fantasists of the past years. AS for our elite it needs to go and quickly. It is not up to the task of coping with the future. Simple as that.
100% agreed Dave!!
Todays politicians and other assorted elites are a million miles away for the ordinary people of the country, they know this, and their solution is not to change, not to find out why, not to try to convince us all that they are right, but instead to reach for the levers of oppression.
Today we have the disgusting New Years Dishonours, which should be moved to April 1st they’re such a joke!
People given dishonours simply because they made themselves rich at our expense whilst doing nothing to improve the state of the country or that seldom heard phrase the common good.
Those who do actually make a sacrifice to help their fellow man are given the lowest awards to legitimise the awards of the undeserving. Check out the comments on any of todays media sites, and you won’t find many which are in favour.
But the elites like them! They will make sure that those BBC luvvies will be able to proudly flaunt their superiority and virtue signal whilst all the time spouting meaningless crap about something meaningless they call ‘equality’ which in truth is nothing like equality.
There’s a whole page in the paper today of BBC types smiling at their awards, yet those who might have deserved them, like Bruce Forsyth, or Ken Dodd, have had to wait a lifetime. Others who make the right noises get them early.
Surely it is time to scrap the dishonour system and to hold those who accept them in the deepest contempt.
Yes, but the far bigger problem is the House of Lords and the appointment of cronies to rule over us. That is a disgrace to a country that believes it is democratic. I’d rather direct fire at that than at the virtue-signalling but less significant honours system.
Funnily enough I hear few complaints about the HoL on the BBC these days. Of course when it was Tory-dominated it was one of their regular targets.
Thank God the HoL IS appointed and not democratically elected!
Do you not stop to think WHY the politicos want an elected house? Surely an alarm bell must ring when the corrupt bunch say they want something?
With an elected house they get to decide who votes which way, and independence is wholly lost. Labour peers whipped and Tory peers whipped into voting the party way, no independents, or very few and no expertise either. Just another set of jobs for the boys with a grand income to match.
Get a majority in both houses and everything is rubber stamped, fail and no legislation gets through as per America.
Nothing could be a worse idea than an elected second chamber which is there to scrutinise government legislation.
Experts in their field are currently available to advise peers as to the pros and cons in a way which is not possible in an elected house.
No one has to fear loosing their position because they angered a party leader or official – they can vote the right way without fear, and that is priceless.
I used to work with a bloke who spent his whole life feathering his own nest, and caring little for others.
When he retired, one of our clients (very wealthy), decided that he should receive an award, and lobbied all his mates in high places, including our mutual partner in the firm.
Result? An MBE for ‘services to hospitality’! He was a hotel developer ferchrissakes.
Just shows the sort of bollacks that permeates any industry, but I still think that the whole idea of these gongs is a total waste of reading time! My dad spent his whole life working solidly for a big firm, and was a JP and also a County Councillor in his spare time.
He got a letter saying that he was to made a Deputy Lieutenant one day years ago, and that meant more to him than any ‘gong’, as it meant he still had to work for it in his future.
And he did.
When a Panamanian Investment Bank was hacked; the hackers were proclaimed heroes for exposing corruption. hen the DNC was hacked, exposing Clinton corruption it is enough to put the world on the edge of war.
what can Obama do in the next 20 days?
As much damage as possible, like a petulant child who has been told he can’t get his own way. With, naturally, a free pass from the BBC (and most of the MSM) who would have had apoplexy had George W behaved in a similar fashion towards Obama.
Lols at Obama being the petulant child, rather than the Twitter temper tantrum-throwing of his thin-orange-skinned successor.
Happy New Year Scott.
LOL !!
Grant, Lobbie, Scott
Where are our New Year Honours awards ? I think the system should be abolished, but ” Arise Sir Kenneth Dodd “. One of our greatest comedians ever. Hope the BBC will do a tribute. Oh, I forgot, he is not politically correct. Doddy, thanks for all the tears of happiness you gave me and millions of others.
Ken Dodd, truly great. I saw him on stage so many years ago and never forgot his amazing way of holding an audience
I never managed to see him on stage and that is a great regret. I believe he would perform for at least 3 hours and was rivetting. Mind you, not in the same class as Jeremy Hardy, of course !
…his amazing way of holding an audience… hostage usually, G.W.F. My brother went to see him about ten years ago and the show overan for over an hour and a half. Search parties were being sent out for audience members 😉
“the Twitter temper tantrum-throwing of his thin-orange-skinned successor”
Now imagine Scott’s puce face had one referred to Trump’s black-skinned predecessor.
Even now he’s unable to admit to himself that Trump uses Twitter to go right over the heads of the MSM/BBC and cut them out of the equation. It’s easier to rationalise it to himself as temper tantrum throwing, when in fact it’s very calculated.
We have some experience of Trump here in Scotland and ” thin-skinned ” is not the first phrase that comes to mind ! Teenage “Tomi” should get out more !
“had one referred to Trump’s black-skinned predecessor.”
I realise you’re a little slow on the uptake, so you might need more time than someone of average intelligence would need to be able to tell the difference between someone’s natural skin colour and whatever shade of Creosote the liar you’re so enamoured with has applied to his slack jowls.
“Even now he’s unable to admit to himself that Trump uses Twitter to go right over the heads of the MSM/BBC and cut them out of the equation.”
Well yeah, those pesky main stream media! Isn’t it inconvenient how they fact check the sweaty man-child, getting in the way of him lying about his own accomplishments and other people’s. How much better that he spreads his falsehoods directly to the gullible morons who don’t care that he tells lie after lie, just as long as the prejudices they hold in the shrivelled little walnuts of bile that reside where other people have brains are confirmed.
Trump is a liar who revels in the adoration of idiots. Don’t be proud of the fact tat you’re just one in a long line of moronic sheep who’ve attached their bjgoted little wagon to his lying caboose.
To quote a great sage: ‘stupid boy’.
The MSM “fact check”?
Splendid Tomi…
Obama will probably do more in the next 20 days than in the whole of his useless Presidency. How did such a worthless creature ever get elected and how could the American people elect a racist like Obama. Anyway, good riddance to bad rubbish !
Because they believed the torrent of pro Barry propaganda unleashed on them by the MSM. But as the net and social media becomes more influential the liberal left are losing the control they have enjoyed courtesy of their domination of the MSM. Hence their hysterical attempts to control the net by censorship. They know if the people gain acccess to the truth the game is up. Trump needs to unleash the internet , open it wide , give everyone the right to say what they think. That will totally deprive the elite of their propaganda weapon the MSM. Then he will have a good chance of a second term.
I find it ironic that Twitter, which was so beloved by the lefties and the bien-pensant, is now turning round to bite them on the arse!
They don’t like it up ’em Captain Mainwaring! (Well, Scottie might!)
LOL ! What could you possibly mean ?
Grant – modesty forbids me from commenting!
You’ve reminded me of the post war trial for collaboration with the Germans of the French actress Arletty, who had a Nazi lover. At her trial she explained that “my heart is French but my ass is international.”
When the time comes the BBC’s management and journalists can explain that their hearts were British but…………
And she lived to be 94. Let’s hope the BBC does not live another 94 years. Mind you, Beeboids know all about asses !
Obamas views on Corbyns Labour Party seem not to have had the critique from the BBC that would otherwise be merited.
I mean-the BBCs GREATEST Living American Statesman…discussing the BBCs Only Officially Approved Political Party in London and the provinces(not Scotland or Brighton though)?
SURELY the BBC would have been delighted to tell us how the US President regarded the only true political British Arm of the citizenry?
Why not?
Dave – your last statement is spot on. Our PM and Cabinet seem to be stuck in some kind of paralysis since June. All we know is ‘ Brexit means Brexit’ and none of us believe a word of that. Clock is ticking on A50
The EU’s “Success and Stability” Hmmm I’ve just seen a pig fly past it was carrying 22 years worth of the EU’s financual books the ones the auditors have not signed of for the last 22 years
We are now being told that we could wait up to a month to see our GP ! um, and this is news ???? So, there is a shortage of GP’s apparently, well, whats happened to all those ‘doctor’s’ who have migrated here from the Indian sub-continent in their droves, and all the Polish doctors we were swamped with a few years ago?
There’s a fine investigative documentary waiting to be made, revealing the pampered lives and conditions enjoyed by GPs and how they came to be in this position.
Unfortunately, as it would inevitably reveal the 2004 agreement with Labour which saw GPs’ incomes swell and then their 2007 release from having to provide 24 hour cover, it will never be made by the BBC.
Yes, it should never be forgotten that it was a Labour government which imposed the contract on the doctors. I asked my GP at the time how he felt. He said ” To be paid a lot more money for a lot less work is fantastic, but quite crazy ” ! He subsequently took early retirement and we lost a great GP.
Where are the doctors? They are living as guests of Bob Gandolf, Cumberbutch and Lily Allen.
Aren’t they all queueing up to rescue that little girl in Aleppo? she must be saying oh no not again I’ve been rescued 50 times already today.
Yes poor child, having to be covered in dust for every photographic session.
Further signs (if one needed them) that the UK has been grossly mismanaged for decades. ‘Baby-boomers’ – get old and infirm – point reached in time where many more GP’s and nurses are required – and care in the community. Meanwhile, the Government allows an extra, roughly 400,000 people into the country to live EACH YEAR, each one eligible to access the NHS……. The mind boggles as to why, as in most other things, the question was not asked sooner and preparations made. After all, it is predictable isn’t it? Trouble with this country, as always history shows, it has been reactive rather than proactive. Admiral Beatty: First World War – Jutland – ‘There’s something wrong with our bloody guns today’………..
Yes, had we not opened the flood-gates to the world, we could probably see our Indian/Polish GP within 24 hours. As it is, walking through the foyer and departmental waiting areas of my local hospital it could be down-town Delhi – all that’s missing are a couple of stray cows meandering about !
(this is simple fact, not the rant of a racist)
“all that’s missing are a couple of stray cows meandering about !” – give it time, give it time………..
Is this why there is a big demand for much needed housing?
Despite this broken promise …..
‘Ships’, FYI. The guns were ok, if rate of fire was preferred over accuracy… and sensible internal safety precautions. Sadly German gunnery and practice was superior.
The Times
pg 32 33 full interview with Karen Brady
Portland : gun advocate 71 died whilst letting a 16 yr old visitor handle his gun !
pg 51 Full interview with Weatherspoons boss
Brexiteer Tim Martin
If you like political cartoons , the magazine is completely devoted to reproducing Peter Brookes from 2016
Telly tonight
8pm C4 Pete & Dud unPC sketches
8pm BBC2 Polar Bear Town called Churchill
LSE podcasts feature Brexit Popularism etc.
I never really appreciated Pete and Dud when I was much younger. When I look at the crap which passes for comedy on the BBC today, I yearn for them. I shall be watching C4 at 8 pm !
You wont’ be disappointed ! Not Only But Also was the highlight of the week in its day.
I think I was too young to appreciate it but wish they were around today to the P out of the British Establishment. There is so much to satirise and so few satirists.
I’m surprised that the BBC still have any tapes of Pete and Dud, they were criminally insane to wipe most of the earlier progs to ‘save money’ and be able use the tapes again.
Peter Cook begged them to let him have tapes of the old series, and even offered to buy new tapes, but the stupid blasted idiots in White City wouldn’t let him.
Bloody disgraceful.
Can I ask the buff’s here?
No doubt like others, I am so disgusted with the continual propaganda spewed out by the BBC, that I am considering ditching my Licence. Superficial investigations reveal that the following information is succinct and certainly compelling me to do that. I realise that not all viewers share the same habits but I can honestly say I can do without the BBC if the other channels are available after the initial broadcast event. I don’t even know what this, ‘I Player’ is all about and, frankly, don’t want to. Whatever, I’ve done without it so far.
Any thoughts and/or recommendations anybody?
I’d also be interested. As mentioned elsewhere, my husband, who is techy, downloads TV programmes from all over the place so I don’t think we get value out of the licence.
However, I followed your link and saw this: “If you watch ‘live TV’ from a channel that isn’t broadcast in the UK (including those picked up via satellite or online), you need to be covered by a valid TV licence. This is regardless of the country of origin or the language of the broadcast.”
So if you download, over the internet, US TV progs which are not even broadcast in the UK, you have to hand over cash to the BBC? Now that does surprise me. The whole issue seems to be a mess.
“So if you download, over the internet, US TV progs which are not even broadcast in the UK, you have to hand over cash to the BBC? Now that does surprise me.”
No, you don’t. Only if you stream it as it’s being broadcast in the US. After the event you can download and watch without needing a licence. I suspect that your downloads may be breaking the law, but that’s a copyright law, not a licence one!
The only catch up watching that requires a licence is catch up watched via the BBC’s iPlayer. You can watch catch up from ITV, Channel 4, channel 5, Sky and any others without needing a licence.
Thank you. So it’s a live v on-demand difference?
A confusing mess, overall.
I could do without the catch-up. I could do without the BBC altogether.
There is no excuse for the BBC licence to continue.
Not in this day and age. I personally have no intentions of stealing the signal.
It should be the case that if we don’t pay the fee, we don’t receive the channel. Simples.
The choice should be in the hands of the consumer.
I don’t think the powers that Beeb can grasp the fact that they are not a necessity though.
If the BBC disappeared tomorrow, Lucy, I still do not think that we would be able to watch TV transmissions for free. I have family living and working in Germany, one of whom does not even own a TV set but he still has to pay a “TV tax” as do all residents. This money goes to fund the two state broadcasters and if you think that the BBC is biased (no question) you should see German state TV! Also, unlike the UK licence, the German tax is per person, not tied to an address like here. So, if it went tomorrow, the powers that be would still find a reason to continue the heist and a use for the monies raised.
The Germans have a “Church tax” which they pay too, whether they attend church or not.
That’s right, AS, my lad (lapsed atheist) had a hell of a job stopping the payment to the Catholic church when he moved to Bavaria. Not sure if the church tax applies to Merkel’s invites though.
Remember that axademic stabbed b foreign student 1 year ago ?”Angry widow whose academic husband was killed by a mentally-ill student says her pleas for an inquiry into his death have been IGNORED by Jeremy Corbyn and fellow politicians ”
Political Correctness – European Convention on Human Rights – Erosion of Justice –
How many on the New Years Honours list actually deserved any recognition of their services to this nation? Do we see the Nurse who has given years of diligent service, the Paramedic who has saved lives, the wonderful people who devote their lives to helping elderly people, those that operate the phones with the Samaritans-very few if any, No, it appears those that engage in deciding who recieves an honour, extraordinarly give a Knighthood to a follower of the teachings of Islam that has no aligence to this nation, and an honour to a person considered worthy of their conribution to fashion, that person Victoria Beckham has never attended Fashion School, has no real experience of actually making clothes or the knowledge of design-consider Vicki Gill who designed all the Strictly Come Dancing costumes, simply marvellous, surely she has a better claim? Knighthoods’ what do they mean in todays world, only a mild signifcance to Britain but elsewhere in the world zilch. Is this just to catch votes? Incomprehensible.
‘How many on the New Years Honours list actually deserved any recognition of their services to this nation?’
I would venture, not this bloke:
‘Arise Sir Foreign Aid: A knighthood for the £165,000-a-year mandarin whose department was behind the £285million airport where planes can’t land because it’s too windy’
According to the Gov.Uk website anyone can nominate for a person to receive an honour.
I can only imagine in the case of Victoria Beckham that the Beckhams publicist/fixer/right hand man, Simon Fuller did the initial deed. This couple could not have made their immense wealth without him, and now he is promoting the next generations of Beckhams to carry on the brand. No deal/photoshoot/promotion or any move by this family does not happen without the guiding hand of their Svengali !
Well, I honestly cant think of anyone else with half a brain nominating this woman for a medal, can you ?
This is an interesting article by Pat Buchanan, on the recent spat between the outgoing U.S. administration and Israel; it also examines the possible consequences it carries for Trump and the incoming one.
Strengthening ties with Israel will do both, Islamic Adherents are insane and will attack the states no matter what. There s the oil power question too, a firm non nonsense stance will do wonders there.
There s a lot to do in the states, there will still be a lot to do after Buraq s Israel/Russia disaster is long gone.
Martin W,
Couldn’t agree more. I do not agree with an honours system but , if there is to be one , Blowers should be right up there. Ok, he takes his eye off the ball, gets the score and a few names wrong sometimes. Who cares ?
There is a very disgruntled pigeon flying past my window !
Here is a letter somebody wrote on the Guardian on the message board about the rise in racism after brexit:
Do you know what I love about the Guardian’s opposition to racism? It’s always stops at the border of white victims. I don’t suspect it’s interested in the trending hashtag #RapeMelania, or #AssassinateTrump, or the thousands of tweets sent threatening to kill, stab or maim Nigel Farage.
Nor is it concerned about placards at Remain protests inscribed with ‘old white men, please die.’ Or articles in mainstream publications (GQ) calling for the disenfranchisement of old people. Nor is it concerned with quotes like this, from Yasmin Alibhai-Brown on white men:
“I don’t like them. I want them to be a lost species in a hundred years.”
Nor are they concerned about Lena Dunham, a woman with 5 million followers and who appeared on Hillary’s campaign trail (she even interviewed her), calling for the extinction of white men. Or Pat Glass (Labour MP) proclaiming ‘old white men are the problem.’
It’s why it couldn’t care less about Harvard professors, and this is in his own words, advocating ‘abolishing the white race.’ It’s why it couldn’t care less about the BBC parading ‘black heroes’ or ‘black culture’, knowing full well a simple context switch would be met by its own calls of a return to fascism.
It’s why it couldn’t care less about The BBC writing horrifically sexist articles like ‘do we need men?’, or the Independent going one further and writing an article entitled ‘white men should never hold elected position in British Universities again.’ It’s why it couldn’t care less about Sharon Osbourne laughing hysterically on a panel full of women, and for six minutes, about a woman chopping her husband’s penis off with a kitchen knife.
I suspect that’s because their opposition to sexism isn’t actually opposition to sexism, it stops at the border of female perpetrators/male victims. It’s why they were the leading light in reporting and activism on Boko Haram kidnapping 250 girls, alongside an endless conveyor belt of celebrities, politicians and even the world’s largest intelligence services. What they weren’t concerned about was the 10,000 boys kidnapped, however.
You see, that can’t be exploited as a gender narrative. It’s why it has no problem with horrifically racist and sexist terms like ‘too white’, ‘white privilege’ and ‘toxic masculinity’, which, were they delivered in any other context would be met by, again, its own calls of a return to fascism.
There’s mountains of this stuff, none of which is met with the level of outrage reserved for a world-class scientist who wore a garment depicting a naked cartoon female and who was forced into a grovelling apology, live on-air.
Do you know the worst part about all of this? This isn’t some random racist or sexist on the street, these are prominent members of the intelligentsia and people in positions of power.
Then again, it doesn’t actually oppose anything; it’s just accentuates, repeats, contextualises, omits or rationalises ‘truth’, or filters it by the identity of the perpetrator or victim. It’s also fully comfortable with homophobia, its opposition stops at the border of fawning over a homophobic communist tyrant.
It’s perfectly comfortable with sexism, racism and homophobia, in fact it propagates it. It only ever opposes it when it’s politically convenient to do so, in other instances – white male victims – it just omits it from the narrative, or contextualises and rationalises it.
Why? Because it isn’t actually liberal. Progressivism (collectivism, eg, the common good) has, since its inception, been set-up to oppose classical liberalism (individualism) and fight for what it deems is the ‘common good.’
The common good, as advocated by progressivism (feminists, leading politicians, intellectuals, even Supreme Court Judges, etc.), in the 1920’s, was eugenics, and forced sterilisation of citizens it deemed ‘unfit’ or ‘lacking in education’ (remind you of anything?) in the hope of manufacturing a superior (white) race. It served as a blueprint for the Nazi variant, an ideology which went onto slaughter hundreds of thousands of disabled people.
The ‘common good’ was also, as far as H.G. Wells, a founding member of ‘the progressive league’, was concerned, was support for what he termed ‘liberal fascism.’ You see, that’s the problem with ‘the common good’ and prioritising the collective ahead of the individual: soon enough, inevitably, it will turn round and attack you.
Of course, this is all enforced with a religious devotion to the principles of cultural and moral relativism, a framework which would, when extended, deem interfering with a National Socialist’s right to perpetrate the holocaust ‘ethnocentric’ or ‘racist.’ The Guardian doesn’t do ethics, morality or principles, and it certainly doesn’t have any respect for intellectual consistency.
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The post by Joanne Miller as now been removed by a Guardian moderator
Catching up on the Radio 3 interview with Alain Finkielkraut.
This Frenchman is their Roger Scruton-like Houllebecq, the French take these intellectuals very seriously, and Finkielkraut is a serious philosopher and thinker.
But note Beeboid Phils whole timbre and tenor, tone and attitude-he doesn`t take Finkielkraut at face value at all, the bit truths are way too much for this Hampstead idiot. He shakes his head, clutches his pearls and just can`t BEAR to hear this stuff at all.
And the bugger went over to Paris, at our expense-only to huff, cavil, stick his bien-pensant views all over Finkielkrauts clearly-thought-out arguments.
The BBC have GOT to be cut down to size-when a Dodd DARES to speak for “the French” when Finkielkraut says something that Dodd dislikes….we can only guess at the depths of arrogance and idiocy at the BBC.
Interview starts at 19 mins…fellow before is in Dodds fantastical version of the France HE`D like to see.
Taharrush gamea… further comment needed.
Excellent link. Thanks
Excellent.Only hope Scruton or Houllebecq get the same airing-only shows how STUPID the liberal elite are.
Todays (unintentional), BBC comedy gold
BBC Correspondents Look Ahead
Owen Bennett-Jones is joined by a group of senior BBC journalists 😀
Last time they got together they were firmly predicting that Marco Rubio would become the Republican presidential candidate – and that Britain was likely to vote to stay in the EU …. ROFL!
Listen in, is it possible for folks to be so out of touch?,
listen to their fawning view Mother Merkel, then of Le Penn, Wilders
Islamophilic view on Israel in particular Jerusalem, all these sh-tbags fail to mention the UN has consistently ignored the fact the only reason that Jews are not highly prevalent in the east, is that were ethnically cleansed from these territories in 1948, thats why there were no Jews in the area until after 1967.They are lying saying Israel is “altering the demographic composition” of Judea and Samaria.
Thank you for pointing out these persistent lies of the BBC. These lies should be challenged again and again. The core of the conflict does not stem from the disputed territories captured by Israel in the 1967 war, but from the fact that the Palestinians are not willing to accept the presence of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people.As long as the Palestinians are unwilling to recognize Israel’s legitimacy, it is a myth that making territorial concessions will create the political momentum for a peace plan.
In 2005 Israel forced out any of its reluctant citizens from Gaza and handed it over to the “Palestinians”.
What a wonderful opportunity to show to the world how well they could administer it and live peacefully with Israel.
Unfortunately, as so often in the Middle East, those with the most guns took over, and the rest is history.
Would that encourage you if you were an Israeli to press on with a West Bank settlement deal?
Channel 5. 5 pm today. 3 hours of Doddy ! Not on the BBC !
Oh bugger! I was looking forward to 3 hours of Jo Brand.
I thought that might work better than the Senokot.
Well, even Jo would be better than Russell ! But, Doddy, top class !
This is another example of the BBC misreporting the news to make fake click bait headlines. This should be of interest to those that follow English Premiership Football and it specifically relates to pre-match interviews ahead of todays game between Liverpool and Manchester City.
Pep Guardiola in his slightly broken English says: … maybe he [Jurgen Klopp] is the best manager in the world, the best manager in the world that create the teams attacking the back four with this amount of pace, amount of intensity …
So Guardiola is saying MAYBE Jurgen Klopp is the best manager in the world for creating a CERTAIN TYPE of football team.
And the BBC flatten all this out to a click bait headline of: “Klopp Best Manager in the World – Guardiola”
To be fair (!!) to them, isn’t that kind of headline that the tabloids have been churning out since time began.
Though any opp. to lay into our so-called national broadcaster is fine with me.
Well, yes it is. But it is also what the BBC likes to sneer at when discussing the ‘tabloids’, as we heard today on R4 when a panel of snotty BBC hacks was discussing 2016 and looking down their noses at anyone else who has the temerity to report news.
I awoke one night earlier on this week to realise that I’d left BBC World Service on at an appropriate moment: some interviewee discussing the plight of the liberal elite and the media post Brexit and Trump. The more I listened, the more I realised that the BBC interviewer continually referred to the ‘media’ in third-party terms, dissociating it from the interviews topic. So when interviewee said that the media is no longer respected, if indeed they ever were, the BBC interviewer continued as if the BBC transcended that and would not stoop to discredit itself by acting similarly. That’s how ignorant the BBC is.
Typical fake news from the BBC. Them, not you !
A couple of quotes from an interview with Jimmy Perry – (of Dads Army fame) from Wednesday’s DT.
Perry spent 40 years working at the BBC and much preferred the earlier days … It was wonderful. I’d say about half the upper echelons had been majors, wing commanders or other officers in the war. But they got things done! Later, what Dickie Henderson called smart arse college kids started coming in. They thought they knew better than everyone else.
He said that too many of today’s comedians were over-educated. They haven’t got the life experience the old comics had. They’ve come straight out of university and think they’re funny, but their humour lacks something.
I think he recognises the BBC today that we do!
At the same time another subset of these smart arsed college (university) kids have been directly entering politics and have been responsible for the infiltration of Parliament with career politicians and their hapless, ideological decision making that has resulted in Britain’s headlong surge into the buffers.
You can add the charity sector too – some of whom then go on to join those you describe above
There can’t be much doubt that you are right. Oxford’s PPE graduates alone have a great deal to answer for. It’s high time this country realised that a degree is just a starting point – not a qualification proving a young person ‘has all the answers’.
And PPE is just one subject per year for 3 years, so, as I always say ” A-levels with knobs on “. PPE is for thickos !
My MP has a joint honours degree in…..Sociology and Gender Studies…FFS!
“Honours ” or ” Honorary ” ? Here in God’s own country , we have a former Health Minister , Susan Deacon, who is now a Professor of something or other, but is not an academic . How can that be ?
The former, sadly, Grant. Deacon just knows the right people or where the bodies are buried.
Will Self graduated from Oxford with a PPE
From Wiki
Self attended University College School, an independent school for boys in Hampstead.[20] He later attended Christ’s College, Finchley, from where he went to Exeter College at the University of Oxford, reading Philosophy, Politics and Economics, graduating with a third class degree.[19][21] He claims to have only attended two lectures.
A third is regarded as a fail.
In 2012, Self was appointed Professor of Contemporary Thought at Brunel University.
However, he ha written a few books and has appeared on numerous TV discussion shows.
I’d say about half the upper echelons had been majors, wing commanders or other officers in the war. But they got things done! Later, what Dickie Henderson called smart arse college kids started coming in. They thought they knew better than everyone else.
Years ago, when I was based at Chatham, I was part of a team teaching young officers. The task at hand had been to lay a 3 lane minefield (Using dummy mines) when you lay a minefield mechanically you leave furrows in the ground of where you have been. At first light and as everybody was taking a rest (wash/clean kit/eat) we heard this 432 (APC) start up and start to zig zag across our new minefield. Rushing out with just my trousers on and a face full of suds I rushed out and stopped the APC. On clambering onto the top and asking what the hell they were doing. The spotty faced young officer (fresh from Sandhurst) explained that he was disguising the minefield by messing up the furrows. I then informed him he would have died on going over the first mine. That people is the stupidity of the young university graduate who thinks he knows more than those teaching him how to be a combat engineer.
You don’t really want to know how another young prick tried to get our section to iron our combats on Salisbury plain using a mess tin full of hot dirt in the middle of winter.