The BBC continues to press ahead with its promotion of the liberal’s mythical utopian project that, as with Corbyn, fails to reflect reality and the facts. Whether Brexit or Trump the BBC buries its head in the sand and refuses to acknowledge reality and why it happened.
They keep talking about Brexit solely through an economic lens and, despite the evidence, try to paint a picture of doom and gloom whilst conversely not genuinely accepting that the EU is an economic basket case which in itself is a purely political project that has been forced through regardless of the disastrous economic consequences that are very real and very, very obvious. When did the BBC ever ask what would have been the real result of staying inside the EU, an EU that is imploding on just about every front, economically, politically and socially? They preferred to peddle the Remain claim that Brexit was a great unknown whilst the EU’s success and stability were a certainty. Hmmm….so stupid…
Trump of course gets nothing but derision and mocking contempt, only yesterday we heard that people were looking for certainty and Trump recognised that…but of course ‘certainty’ is only for stupid people….so not only is Trump stupid but all those who voted for him….the ‘expert’ was absolutely certain about that.
Then there’s Obama, still the One who can do no wrong. He’s at present making a lot of noise about Russia apparently hacking Clinton’s emails and effecting the outcome ofthe election…what the BBC reported as being like ‘a new Pearl Harbour’….lol. If so…why? Clinton must be seriously at fault allowing highly sensitive emails to be hacked and then why would such emails effect the outcome of the election? Only if they actually contained material that was seriously compromising for Clinton or the Democrats…the BBC doesn’t bother to investigate the emails preferring to avoid such difficult questions….as of course does Obama who should surely be disciplining Clinton for such a serious and dangerous breach of security. Curiously the BBC seems unconcerned about the Russian spy, Snowden, who was aided and abetted by the Guardian, and the BBC itself, to attack US, and Western , intelligence and security, doing them enormous damage.
Obama is talking loudly of the threat to US democracy and when Trump won the Presidency Obama said…
“Everybody is sad when their side loses,” Mr. Obama said with Vice President Joseph R. Biden at his side. “The day after, we have to remember we’re actually all on one team. We are now all rooting for his [Mr. Trump‘s] success in uniting and leading the country. We are Americans first.”
However he has spent the last couple of weeks doing everything he can to undermine the new President and the democratic result of the election including of course pompous, sanctimonious speeches that ‘advise’ Trump on how to be a good President…something Obama knows little about…and as for democracy…Obama was pretty handy with those undemocratic executive orders using them to push through very controversial policies such as Obamacare, dodgy deals with the terrorist state of Iran and on immigration.
The BBC of course doesn’t ask questions about the reasons for Obama’s attacks on Trump and the rhetoric about Russia…the BBC accepts it all as if every word were the truth and unpolitical when it is very obvious Obama is engaged in a highly partisan attempt to undermine Trump and make his presidency as difficult as possible.
Comes to something when we have to rely on ‘Rolling Stone’ magazine to bring us decent analysis of political news rather than the well-resourced and supposedly ‘gold-standard’ news organisation that is the BBC…
The problem with this story is that, like the Iraq-WMD mess, it takes place in the middle of a highly politicized environment during which the motives of all the relevant actors are suspect. Nothing quite adds up….this could also just be a cynical ass-covering campaign, by a Democratic Party that has seemed keen to deflect attention from its own electoral failures.
The outgoing Democrats could just be using an over-interpreted intelligence “assessment” to delegitimize the incoming Trump administration and force Trump into an embarrassing political situation.
The BBC…business as normal then.
‘Punchy’, apparently.
Comments so far could be going better.
Soros’ essay started off so well and I cannot fault the first part, up to the point where he (rightly) blames Germany for the demise of the Euro, and the increasing plight of the southern European countries. But turning to Trump, the red mist clearly comes down and he becomes intemperate and irrational.
Landale is pure hive and really what do we expect from him?
I am watching Doddy now on Channel 5. ” Why do blondes love BMWs ? Because they can spell it “
Thanks Grant, made my day. My wife’s blonde, shall I tell her?
Just give her my phone number. Thank You .
Here we are almost 12 months on since the appalling sexual assualts and rapes on young German women in Cologne and other German towns, which the main stream media tried to ignore. Sadly, these are and were not one-off incidents, as it is a daily occurance throughout Germany in every region.
The muslim third world perpetrators of these crimes, if caught, are in the majority of cases released back into German society with no charges, which in itself is disgusting. For many German women, no matter their age, their daily lifes are now forever changed as a journey to and from work or other day activities can be interupted if they pass a group of male refugees by sexual insults and suggestions. This isn’t the europe we know and were brought up in.
If anything, I hope 2017 continues the kick back as White European Christians begin to wake up to the reality to what is or has happened or about to happen to their village/town/city or country.
Meanwhile, some face hostility everyday:
May all our wishes come true in the new year.
Government imposing it’s will and riding roughshod over the people to this degree and in no way benefiting the general populous – kind of smacks of Britain under King John.
Just heard Channel 5 announce Ken Dodds show from 2002 and “warning” viewers that the humour is appropriate to the time. Euphemism for funny?
….humour is appropriate to the time. ……
Which means that most of the population of a certain age knew how to have a bloody good laugh without the confines of political correctness !!!
Surely it’s about time a thread was dedicated to Charlie Brooker, who has gone from a relatively amusing castigator of all sides to just another PC liberal snoot with barely a laugh per series. His ‘2016 Wipe’ included the following atrocities:
– Claiming in the introduction that Donald Trump had alienated everyone but had won the election by “appealing to just one white man”, then cutting to an image of Putin. Kudos for complete dishonesty as well as borderline libel about the election AND for fatuous leftist collectivism and casual bigotry towards white men, ignoring the over 60 million very diverse Trump voters in the process
– Playing the clip of Heart accidentally saying David Cameron had died rather than David Bowie, complete with an actor laughing at the thought of the Prime Minister dying then looking sad when he realised he hadn’t
– Constant sardonic jibes about how “everymen” and “champions of the people” led the Brexit campaign, such as Farage, Gove and Johnson who of course he pointed out all had loads of money, essentially suggesting leave voters had been tricked by spivs and weren’t capable of making their own minds up. In fairness, however, he did do the same joke regarding Cameron and Osbourne
– A part where Kirsty Allsop, in lauding the ‘Clean for the Queen’ campaign, said that people who joined in would have a “common enemy” aka litter. Brooker’s reply was “what, foreigners?”
– Describing Trump as looking like “a clingfilm parcel of frankfurter meat that’s been kicked through a yellow cobweb.” Brooker used to be really good at these defamatory remarks on peoples’ appearances (personal favourites include “leper in a wind-tunnel” and “freeze-frame of a frog’s head exploding”) but this was both a convoluted stretch and pretty unfair given that Trump is 70 years old. Of course, Brooker would be the first to moan if anyone criticised Clinton based on her looks or health, and would claim it to be misogynistic
– Playing the clip (out of context, naturally) of Trump saying he could shoot someone and not lose voters, followed by Brooker saying “only if it was someone Putin wants you to shoot.” Again, verges on libellous and also undermines the tens of millions of people who voted for Trump for reasons that have nothing to do with Russia
– Playing the clip of Farage bravely stating the obvious fact that the mostly adult male ‘refugees’ came from cultures that treated women badly, then trying to claim Farage is a hypocrite by showing him with Trump. Brooker legitimately attempted to compare Trump’s locker room talk (upon which there’s no evidence he ever acted) to the Cologne sex attacks
– A blatant lie in which Brooker claims Farage’s poster of thousands of Syrian men walking through Europe is actually “Syrian refugees fleeing a war zone” – a low even by Brooker’s standards. This was followed by another tiresome ‘Farage is a hypocrite’ line about how his ancestors were immigrants, ignoring the countless obvious societal, legal, cultural and structural differences – not to mention completely different motivations – between the two examples
– Showing a clip of American Pokemon Go players and remarking that it was “the only time this year large groups of Americans would be blindly following a ridiculous monster.” Clearly this was yet another vacuous jibe at Trump, since Clinton hadn’t even been mentioned at this point
– Saying that “Muslim immigrant Mo Farah raced to a stunning victory that was cheered on by 48% of the country” – implying that all Brexit voters hate all Muslims, or perhaps all immigrants. Either way, utterly dishonest and inflammatory
– Criticising Trump for his remarks about the Khans, suggesting that he shouldn’t have said anything as they were ‘grieving’ while refusing to mention Clinton and the liberal media’s record of completely ignoring the families of people murdered by illegal immigrants, not to mention Benghazi etc. Also called Trump’s “Obama founded Isis” comment ‘mental’ and not bothering to scrutinise it at all
– Suggesting that Trump only saw his numbers rise because of Clinton’s health scare on September 11th
– Saying that the recording of Trump saying he could “grab (women) by the pussy” is in itself evidence that he committed sexual assault. Some credit though for at least mentioning the rape allegations against Bill Clinton, though he quickly moved away from them as the implications would be too damning if he’d given them any real attention
– Claiming that the second presidential debate, which was widely regarded even by most liberal outlets as an absolutely overwhelming victory for Trump, as “another negative performance”
– A CassetteBoy riff of Trump making him out to be the apocalypse and Nazi sympathiser. If CassetteBoy was willing to do a riff on Clinton as well then it would be ok, but of course he has no interest in doing so. Not Brooker’s fault but just another example of the echo chamber mentality affecting his work, while without irony he lambasts the echo chamber that resulted in people thinking Trump had no chance and Brexit could never occur
– Pushing the debunked myth that Trump lost the popular vote, and yet another unsubstantiated claim about him being helped by Russians
There were a handful of positives as well:
– A running joke where Brooker would dismiss the referendum as pointless then promptly start reading a magazine with titles such as ‘Bubble Dweller’, ‘Elitist’ and ‘Echo Chamber’
– Correctly identifying the remain camp as being ‘Project Fear’ and listing their ridiculous doomsday predictions, along with retroactively attributing non-existent premonitions such as Brangelina splitting up as a joke about how ludicrous their prophecies were
– A short mention of Jo Cox’s murder and, quite rightly, stating that both remain and leave voters were upset by it and not apportioning blame onto Brexit, unlike the disgusting David Aaronovitch
– An ‘interview’ with a Leave voter in which Brooker immediately interrupted him and called him racist, then said he was selfish for not thinking about the fact that London’s coffee shop prices would go up leading to Brooker being slightly worse off financially. Clearly a joke and one of the few chuckles in the entire show
– Attacking the remoaners demanding another referendum and correctly pointing out that it would make a complete joke of British democracy
– The final part about ‘Fake BBC News’ was funny, and didn’t involve Brooker at all until the climax
It’s a shame to see Brooker sell his soul to the BBC agenda, he used to be a cutting and witty satirist and critic but is now simply toeing the line that his paymasters say is necessary to maintain relevance in its schedules. I wonder if he’ll have anything to say if or when he gets sidelined for being too ‘male, pale and stale’.
Agree entirely.
Those handful of positives you mention did redeem him somewhat…so rare to see ANY Beeboid with at least a nod to his own hypocrisy and bubblewrap.
Knowing full well what’s coming I have to avoid the likes of Charlie Brooker. You catch a glimpse of where he’s coming from politically when you read his comment that working for the BBC is a ‘pain in the arse… because you have to be balanced’.
That’s a very slight missquote from him in an article in the Indy about his Election Wipe. Of course he worded his comment rather illogically and calls Farage the discomfort in the posterior (how can a satirist’s best source of material be a problem for him?).
Clearly the problem for Brooker was that the BBC couldn’t let him go 100% against the UKIP leader.
Quite what his own politics are we can only guess. In his field there’s only one leftist option for outward show.
I’m reminded of a frank interview with a young comedian. He was asked how come the current crop don’t play golf like the Tarbucks, Forsythes and Corbets used to? The reply? Oh, they might like golf but can’t be seen to like it.
Thank you for watching it. Now I know to avoid it.
Thanks for your appraisal. I was going to watch Brooker this evening but I think I’ll give it a miss now. I had hoped that he might not have got the BBC “you must do it like this” memo, but apparently not.
Charlie Booker the ‘sneer journalism’ hooker.
The bBC, its love affair with ISam and how it promotes Sharia law as so much better than Western rule of law. All the below taken from the bBC Muslim religion site:
Sharia law for murder allows the death penalty, but is kinder than western law in one respect – after judicial judgement has been made, appeals are then allowed to the family of the murdered victims, and they are begged to be merciful.
I think Muslims generally are shocked by the general lack of respect and discipline here, especially if they are immigrants and not born here. They are particularly shocked by lack of discipline in schools and the difficulties faced by so many teachers in getting children to behave in class and actually learn. They are shocked by the appalling rates of theft, drunkenness, drug addiction, sex outside marriage, abortions, rape of children and old ladies, homosexuality – especially when it is being put forward as quite normal and an acceptable alternative sexual lifestyle; homosexuals in positions of authority (from teachers to MPs).
Before the sun goes down on the last day of the year, lets have a good laugh of joy
What with Brexit, Rensi getting the boot, and then Trump.
Predictions for the New Year on the BBC were that Marine Le Pen would win the French election and that Merkel would too, but with a much lessened majority and loss of power & authority as a result.
Also if this did come true, that Le Pen would hold a referendum on EU membership, which win or lose would probably spell the end of the EU.
Interesting times, and all brought about by an arrogant elite who wouldn’t listen.
I wonder if-by now-the BBC have worked out that whatever the likes of Sopel and Dousett say will happen-the rest of us will do exactly the opposite.
So if they say that Le Pen will win-the French lefties can plan their victory parade, knowing that the BBC “Foreign Correspondents” are always calling it wrong…witness their appalling performance LAST year.
Still hope that she wins though.
Le Pen will lose – they cannot afford to let it fall apart too quickly. Merkel will lose after that.
“….an elite who wouldn’t listen” – They’re still, not listening!
I foresee a ‘legal’ requirement for there to be, a vote to have a vote to have a vote to have a vote to have a vote to have a vote in order to have a vote to leave the EU.
Well folks,
I wish all of our astute and knowledgeable friends here at BBBC a great New Years Eve have a “great one” this evening and to everyone get home safe.
To our European brothers and sisters, especially our sisters take care, be safe, and happy.
The Al BBC are revelling in it too, reporting and thus ramping all the high security
fears that is
BBC Crowds gather for New Year celebrations amid high security
BBC Online safety and New Year security
BBC The Metropolitan Police have today revealed their security plans for the capital.
Hope they are more careful than the German security
As the news is Islamic migrants were employed as security guards in Cologne on last New Year’s Eve.
But the BBC not so keen reporting on the reason for all this security, why? … ow queer!.
The 5th column they always protect at all costs, even when it comes to child abduction, and child gang rape, or multiple other crimes fraud or violence, or underhand political manoeuvring .
Strangely, always there front page with “offence”, and hoax “hate crimes” though funny that.
The Al BBC … 5th Column themselves?
Is this the video testimony of Ched Evans?
Does it look like Ched Evans, you f*****g thick c**t?
maxi and his boys believe in ” moral relativity ” ! And they do not give a damn about the victims of crime .
What was wrong with a country not so long ago where the Queen was the only British woman to still wear a headscarf and where Sharia might be an unusual but interesting new girl’s name?
Seeing that Snowden was supported by the BBC in his ‘activities’, maybe Obama should have expelled all the BBC correspondents (aka : Political activists) in retaliation?
About ditching the BBC TV license. I have some disturbing news (and I do hope I am wrong). I was thinking of dumping the TV license were it not for the fact that ‘STRICTLY’ was the only program my wife and I watched (not that I am a great fan of dancing). I am usually ‘on computer’ with my kids (also on computer) who also (hardly) watch BBC for anything. However a word of warning; some NEWS I discovered only recently (last week) means that the BBC could have free-access to UK state snooping ‘security software’ that has been designed to track down Islamic terrorists. Although the BBC was NOT mentioned in the article it specifically mentions the DVLA, Police and other (unspecified) government agencies on a ‘fight against terrorism’ in discovering the exact co-ordinates of any person on-line at any given time is the quest. I would support that quest, but it comes at a price.
This is also called the SNOOPERS CHARTER (its about to become law as of Jan 2017); fast tracked due to the failure of EU tracking Islamic terrorists online and on mobiles across Europe. It seems the BBC itself will have free access to the ‘same information’ as the Police and MI5, which is a worry for MI5.
It’s been rushed through parliament (current threat level remains high).
Imagine what the BBC could do with that information. If they have free access.
You may disagree with me on the technicalities, but I also happen to know that almost all recent browser have data ‘tracking’ software to predict your position geographically. In fact you cannot ‘turn-it-off’ as its built into all Android and Apples mobile handsets, tablets and Laptops including the browser. I am using such as ‘FireFox’ which has 8 (yes EIGHT) data location trackers even though I delete the most obvious trackers (Cookies). This is designed to track terrorists. Plus Windows 10 is all about tracking (everything) not just about location but ‘identity’ as well.
It does not take much imagination to foresee how the BBC will use this date to plug a hole in its (desperate) finances. They will think it also has an automatic ‘right’ like the DVLA (as a government agency. If I am right, it could include acquring TV data to direct a ‘third party’ contractor (CIVITAS) into where to look for non-payers automatically. They don’t need a ‘van outside’ or Court Summons any more. Plus it costs them nothing. Browser Technology has made all that superfluous. Note: ‘Flash’ was banned for having a ‘security flaw’ which FireFox has since banned from its browsers. No matter – as they (data centres) can get the same ‘data’ from the same browser you are watching right now…. Take a look below and weep.
Check your own security (and no its not something I made, this is a demo).
Another thing to read is how far global ‘data-tracking’ has become big business (not only Google) but for anyone (including governments) who want to ’tilt’ the election one way or another. Its not just the Russians, Clinton tried to do it but was being tracked by WikiLeaks.
Almost everything we do on-line is now being logged and tagged by someone. Most of the time its useful (i.e. maps) but the same data can be abused and that now includes public broadcast companies wanting to find out why we are watching another station rather than the BBC. I cannot tell you for sure that the BBC has direct to your location, but it now can be done using the new (anti terrorism bill) ‘SNOOPERS Charter’. I am no big fish, plus I still pay the damned license. And I am no terrorists but for the BBC to catch a fish, it may be used to make an example of its ‘reach’ if anyone should (like me) quietly disappear from it’s radar.
However I am considering removing the TV (Freeview) set entirely. Surprisingly a good friend with a close family has done just that and the kids didn’t complain either. Its becoming a movement. I think its quite a shock to most of us that the BBC lies to us (and makes mockery of the Charter). As others have said previously BBC impartiality has never been a legal requirement for the Charter. The BBC states that is ‘has’ – but that’s patently absurd). It ONLY has a unwritten ‘presumption’ of impartiality by parliament (not an enforcement order). And even that can be trashed by prefacing each program as ‘News & Opinion’ in BBC News. Then it is repeated 24/7 on all TV and radio channels (reach as they say of 70%) of the UK population as ‘fact’ (even if obviously untrue).
If it is that easy for FaceBook (for example) to dictate FALSE news (the BBC uses Twitter) but the effect is the same, they wish to control the media. Who controls the media, controls the future (so they think). 1984 was based on that assumption. It is an old idea of the left.
Watch this TED talk on ”The FILTER BUBBLE’ (Elie Pariser) and find out how governments can use big data to influence the outcome of any election. And this is hoe ‘global’ companies can buy your data and target you with ‘ads’ and more…
Cameron’s EU REMAIN team would have used this data and supplied the BBC with key findings ( refusing to believe what it was telling them). They (BBC) were in a FILTER BUBBLE of their own creation.. They have admitted (this weekend on radio 4) ‘not as an opinion’ but a ‘known fact’ as to why they lost the BREXIT vote.
But you cannot believe the BBC on anything any more. I am sure the BBC will everything it can do to frustrate the arrest and removal of any terrorist found in the UK. They will find it easier to track down iPlayer viewers without a TV license using these new powers they now have. That is IF I am correct, and I cannot state that they have direct access for CIVITAS either. But that’s a possibility that won’t be reported. So we shall see what happens next. The BBC won’t be catching any ‘Terrorists’ as they seem to favor sponsoring them.
You might be interested in this from just before Xmas:
Thoughtful, it’s beginning to look like Nigel Farage’s prediction (of a compromised deal with the EU) is forthcoming….. the proverbial ‘camel is a horse designed by a committee’ syndrone.
I just hope that we obtain complete control of our borders.
Happy New Year to everyone.
A film to be released this summer.
There will be comparisons drawn with Brexit.
How will the BBC cope this year? How will May cope this year?
I raise my glass. Half full…and not yet half empty. To you all.
We few. We happy few. We band of brothers.
And a special toast to Nigel Farage. He who won against the odds for us all.
With the Al BBC love of “hate speech” stories to splash over its news pages, to pontificate and tut tut, in disgust over the perpetrators, shall we see this one in the morning?
German authorities Koran disposal
“Police have confiscated tens of thousands of copies of a banned version of the Koran that came under fire for promoting religious hatred”
Mother Merkel s keystone cops are making a stand, they should be congra … no wait!
“Now the authorities must decide what to do with them. But the ban does not solve the dilemma of how to properly get rid of thousands of books which contain Islam’s holy scripture. According to WDR, the government of North Rhine-Westphalia has been in contact with Muslim leaders and experts in Islamic studies for a method of disposal that does not involve burning, shredding, or recycling the paper.
The traditional way to dispose of an old or desecrated Koran is to wrap it in a cloth and bury it, preferably somewhere hallowed and nowhere a person may accidentally walk over it”
…. DOH! … they were this close, they were 😀
Why not send all the ‘Koran’ books via Fedex to a welcoming Muslim country? Saudi Arabia springs to mind. They have accepted no Muslim refugees so far. Surely, their homes could accept ‘Koran Book’ refugees?
Or is it unlikely? As unlikely as Sir Bob Geldof accepting refugees, perhaps?
Despite Sir Bob’s public and very worthy promises to do so, he has not accepted any Muslim refugees into any of his many homes. He is so very, very rich. I will have to burn my brother’s Boom Town Rats collection in protest.
Is Sir Bob Geldof a fisherman? I saw him last June sailing alongside very poor fishermen in the Thames last year just before the Brexit vote. Did he share his vast and massive wealth with them? I’m sure he did.
Sir Bob is a man of the people. His people. The BBC people. The elite.
Sheesh! did they talk to the wrong Imam 😀
That’s the way to do it!
Nogginator, is there a version of the Qu’ran that doesn’t promote “religious hatred”?
Sadly Ken, no there isn t .. there are however many apologists, who try to “pull the wool”, waffle on about the “interpretation” of Islam, ie a cynical exercise designed to deceive Western non-Muslims and keep them ignorant and complacent about the nature and magnitude of just what is contained in its discriminatory, racist and hateful pages
There have even been brave Muslims in the past who have attempted to take the incitement and hate out of it … but sadly on raising the issue, they were immediately killed for blasphemy.
The power in Islam, purports that it as the immutable/unchangeable word of who it considers a god ie. the example of Mohamhead
Whatever happened to the Enlightenment and the Principles of Rationalism against the Irrationality and Bigotry of Religion? The PC brigade are todays Inquisition – and they are returning Europe to the Dark Ages.
Noggin – they could send it to the Andrex factory perhaps?
Before I perform my nightly Dover Patrols, may I suggest the following as worthy of a Knighthood this year?:
Geoffrey Wellum. Battle of Britain ace. Youngest RAF pilot.
No chance, DS, too white and obviously patriotic.
Rather than award him a knighthood for helping to save Britain, he is more likely today to be locked up – convicted of the hate crime of Naziophobia.
Has anyone seen Donald Trump’s New Year message on Twitter? Ha Ha!
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 31 Dec 2016
Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don’t know what to do. Love!
66,910 replies 111,456 retweets 260,132 likes
Reply 67K Retweet 111K
Liked 260K
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!
Or a hearty Happy New Year! from the western parts of these truly great islands.
Here in the link is little film and music to inspire all the Brexiteers on this site and to wind up Al Beeb’s employees, researchers and duty officers who will find it an abomination and vile piece of work.
Happy new year BBC, especially for you – enjoy …………….
Happy New year to all my esteemed colleagues on this fine site.
There is a superb US debating forum called Intelligence Squared, which deals with important issues of our time, is scrupulously balanced between supporters and opponents of a given motion and is available on YouTube and elsewhere. Its UK version is a pale imitation, especially when ‘moderated’ by the likes of senior Guardian hack Jonathan Freedland. I inflict him on people here since his lefty bias is similar to that of BBC hacks and since he is likewise unable to shelve that bias in the interests of balance and fair play.
Trump: An American Tragedy? is the motion of the latest debate, and the only crumb thrown to balance in that absurd proposition is the question mark. Freedland has this to say about it:
…our speakers are divided between those who think that should come with a question mark and those who think a full stop will do just fine
In fact, the speakers are divided between those who are delighted with the motion as it stands and those who evidently find it ridiculous.
And of course the audience leaned so far to the left they were practically shifting the venue on its foundations.
Anyway, for those here whose hangovers are not too drastic, its actually quite an interesting and entertaining debate if the bias can be ignored.
Enjoy, er…or not:
We watched the new year in for a few minutes with Jools Holland. Between the singing/music he would interview celebrities. No, I had no idea who any of them were. But to a man, they kept saying what an awful year 2016 was. They may have been referring to Bowie and George M. But my recollection of the year has at least a couple of national highlights.
Happy new year everyone
Whoops forgot, sincere thanks to David and Alan. This site keeps me sane, and in touch with like minded people.
“No, I had no idea who any of them were.”
Ha – sounds just like me much of the time. When watching TV, I often feel like an intruder – as if I’ve gatecrashed a teenagers’ party or walked into the wrong club meeting.
At least there’s the New Year’s Day concert from Vienna today, even though it’s pretty much the same every year. Probably better for those actually there.
But – “awful year”? Like those countries where people live in constant fear of tsunamis, earthquakes, famines, wars? Hardly.
Shouldn’t be too complacent about wars though – Europe could have civil wars on its hands unless its governments get a grip.
New Year’s Day Concert ” pretty much the same every year “. Thank God for that. If the BBC got their hands on it, it would end up as a rock concert.
Just watched it with my 92-year old mum, who has Alzheimer’s so I don’t tell her too much in advance. 10 am I said the concert is on at 11.15. She said “where is it ?”. I replied “Vienna “. She said “we had better hurry up, or we shall be late “. !
“If the BBC got their hands on it”
You might have a point – hadn’t thought of it that way.
Not very “diverse”, is it?
LOL ! But a Venezuelan conductor and many Asians in the audience, but none seem to be of the Roper variety. And the Lippizaners were not all white. Some were brown, but I did not see any black ones.
“many Asians in the audience”
E Asians or “orientals”, I’ll bet? We do not create diversity, we’re invisible. Only people with brown faces can create diversity. The attitude is pure racism to anyone who wants to look at it that way.
Did the same Deborah.
Anybody else know what OTHER platform Roland Rivron has to always be pissed at Hollands awful Hootenanny every year?
Every year he`s there-as if he`s got a hold over Holland or such.
Weird-only ever seen him on French and Saunders as a keyboard player.
As for The Vienna Concert?
Find it creepy myself, as if the Nazis now don penguin suits and give us their tootlings every year-instead of s decent Rightward President like the rest of us were voting for.
Goes without saying that the EU fund it-Eurovision alone means its not to be given house room IMHO.
The “celebs” on Hootenany won’t have been referring to George Michael, as the show is prerecorded a couple of weeks before. Jools is lucky that he didn’t invite George to be in the audience!
This may seem dreadfully trivial to some but it is a small problem which is annoying me and I wonder if anyone can tell me what to do next.
I made the following complaint to the BBC on 11 Nov 16.
Every time I go to the website, whether I have logged in or not, my area is always wrong. It has been Glasgow, Manchester, Dundee and many others! I live in Orkney. Even when I complete the “change my location” box, it is never saved or kept there for next time. I have to do that EVERY TIME! I have checked my cookies; I have signed in as requested…but none of this seems to make any difference. I always used to read the front Home page and at the bottom, there was my local area news and weather. But it is just not happening now. This is the second time I have complained about this.
I received an automated reply the following day, 12 Nov 16:
Thanks for contacting the BBC. This is an automated acknowledgement to confirm we’ve received the attached complaint sent in this name. We’ve included the text of the complaint and a case reference for your records (see below). We’ll normally include this text in our overnight report to BBC staff of all the complaints and other reaction we have received today (with your personal details removed). This means it will reach the right people by tomorrow morning. We’ll do our best to reply as soon as we can, but the time needed will depend on the nature of your complaint. If we’re not able to respond as soon as we’d like (usually within 10 working days) we’ll let you know. If others also complain about the same issue, our response to you and everyone may be the same in order to use the licence fee efficiently. For the same reason we may not reply in detail if your complaint doesn’t suggest there’s a potential breach of BBC standards, or a significant issue of general importance. You can read our full complaints procedures at
Eight days later on 20 Nov 16, I received an update to my complaint as follows:
Your Reference CAS-4091066-FSL2DZ
Thanks for contacting the BBC. This update is to let you know that we referred your complaint to the relevant people, but that it may take us a little longer before we can send our reply. Please do not contact us in the meantime, although if you need to get in touch you can use our webform (please quote your reference number). This is an automated email sent from an unmonitored account so you cannot reply to this address. Although we reply to most complaints within 10 working days (around 2 weeks), we cannot achieve this every time. It not only depends on what your complaint was about, but also on how many others we are handling and sometimes may instead be due to more practical issues, such as whether a production team is available or perhaps away on location. If there are other complaints about the same issue, our reply is likely to be the same to everyone. We may not investigate in detail if it seems there has not been a substantive breach of standards, in order to use the licence fee efficiently. Full details of our complaints procedures are at In the meantime thank you for contacting us – we appreciate your patience.
I have heard nothing from them since. I was unable to pursue the matter in late November and early December as I was away having a hip operation but now I am back, I find the problem still exists. If I type in Orkney to change my location, it comes up and I click done. The BBC names the area North East Scotland Orkney and Shetland. On other occasions if I actually type in their own nomenclature for the area, the answer is…no results found!!
As I said, a trivial thing but immensely frustrating. Has anyone any suggestions as to what do I do next?
Finally, Happy New Year to everyone on this site and special thanks to those behind the scenes too, Dave, Alan and co.
Sounds like cookies are disabled.
Perhaps Nadia could bake some new ones ……
That takes the biscuit
She is likely busy advising YAB on taxi claim etiquette at present
I did look at those and don’t think I disabled them, but I will double-check. Thanks, Aborigine
Soapbox, that BBC ‘Complaints’ site is mostly a con, designed to make it as frustrating as possible to get a complaint dealt with so that people give up in disgust.
I have, with some success, complained directly to the BBC hacks concerned. If you can find out who is responsible for your issue, try emailing him/her at
I imagine that the technical staff, unlike the political hacks, will not be anal retentive and you might get a result.
Good luck!
Thanks, TrueToo. I’ll dig a bit further.
BBC News just in (I’m just filling the gap they leave!): “They’ll lynch us!” Church pleads with cops for help in evicting Muslim migrants –
Perhaps we should just get used to the fact that Muslim migrants can do no wrong in the eyes of the elite?
“It couldn’t get any worse”. We all know the answer to that assertion and, as regards Europe, it very likely will –
Perhaps the important explanation ought to be, “We ain’t seen nuttin yet!”
I have to confess, looking at those long streams of coaches removing the, “Rebels” from Aleppo a couple of weeks ago, my mind did stray to their likely destination of ‘safety’………….
What’s that, Remoaners? tell us again what’s so good about Europe which should persuade us to remain in the club under the control of the absolutely brilliant Fourth Reich Leader, Frau Merkel?
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown warning. Please stop reading now if you are offended by Yasmin Alibhai-Brown.
Did anybody else listen to BBC’s religious programme Sunday this morning? As it turned out it was hardly about religion at all, but more an opportunity for a group of people who call themselves religious to moan about Brexit and Trump. I was half asleep, but it was the usual complaints we’ve heard repeated on the BBC since they lost the referendum. But my slumber was interrupted by an incredible claim made by Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. She claimed that following the Brexit result, no actually because of the Brexit result, a taxi driver refused to drive her and said he was no longer accepting foreigners.
Rather conveniently she claimed that she was so shocked that she failed to get his number.
How many of us would consider this claim to be true? That a self-employed man would put his job at risk to be able to refuse more than half his customers?
If, like me you think this claim is BS then what is she trying to do? Stirring up racial divisions and hatred if you ask me. All with the assistance of the BBC.
An old accusation that she dines out on.
– Serious accusation, using CCTV would have identified cabby and safeguarded future victims, but YAB didn’t bother.
I can comprehend how an intellectually deficient racist might do something stupid to stir up racial divisions and hatred, like putting some bacon on a mosque door handle.
I can also comprehend how a more savvy racist might want to stir up divisions and hatred, but with much less risk to themselves, by making stuff up.
What I can’t understand is why the BBC would allow themselves to become the vehicle for such unverified claims.
Are you suggesting she is lying ? Heaven forbid !
How strange that she hasn’t had a visit from one of our PC PCs!
The same is true of the vile Diane Abbott, of course – another professional racist in love with the sound of her own voice.
I had to explain to my sister in law who Diane Abbott was, just before Christmas. Worrying to think that she has been allowed to vote the past twenty six years!
In a newspaper article in 2009, Alibhai-Brown used the words “stupid”, “vicious” and “scum” to describe white working-class people.
A BBC regular, informing and educating and entertaining away.
Funded by compulsion.
Funnily I am often harrassed by taxi drivers as I walk down streets in many countries, cos people of my skin colour are seen aa a soft touch. There People of YAB’s appearance are not harrassed.
And there’s no one like YAB campaigning for my rights.. I just have to learn to be streetwise.
Same bloke who refused to give Lily Allan and kids a ride? Oh..wait…
She was refused a taxi ride ?? Not wishing to be uncharitable, (but I will) – I would have refused her on the plane to ‘make a new life here’ if I knew she was going to hate her new country so much ! and even more so if I knew she would take up so much air time on the tele. Clearly doesn’t get paid much at her part time job, but lives on fees from soundbites. Bloody woman.
What IS it about foreigners on the tele who’ve lived here for a few years, and believe they have a God given right to spout their complaints about the country of MY BIRTH ? do we have any evidence of Brits abroad who do the same in their adopted countries ?
No, we do not. Nor do foreign broadcasters go out of their ways to make sure they employ non-native reporters, newsreaders and other staff at every available opportunity.
The Left hates this country and the BBC dances to its tune.
Brissles, I’m afraid have seen a high-profile Briton publicly criticise her adopted country. Miriam Margolis (lefty actress) moved to Australia a few years ago, as did I. We have a TV programme called Q & A (very like Britain’s Question Time). Miriam appeared on it to denounce our then Prime Minister Tony Abbott (right wing) as ‘the pits’ – or something equally offensive. Luckily the audience were lefties, so they clapped like seals rather than shouting, ‘whingeing pom’. But I was most embarrassed. Had I been Tony, I would have thrown her out of Australia on her ample posterior! But she may have taken out citizenship, so this may have been impossible.
I used to like Miriam (very funny in Blackadder). Also I saw her running a charity event in a Canberra hotel where we were staying, so she plainly has a positive side. But I don’t think it’s acceptable to be so over-the-top in interfering and criticising a land where you’ve lived for quite a short time.
Snopes Credibility – Facebook ‘fact checker’ who will arbitrate on ‘fake news’ is accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes
– and its staff includes an escort-porn star and ‘Vice Vixen domme
info comes from court documents about the founders divorce.
When asked about the accusations the guy said “under the terms of the agreement I am forbidden from talking about them”
Had a peruse of something to listen to whilst I m cooking a large New years lunch.
BBC R4 Drama – Reading Europe – Sweden: Britt-Marie Was Here
When a woman goes to small town Sweden … miracles start to happen.
There truly are massive changes in “small town Sweden”, happening could you call them erm … “miracles”?
Perhaps the Al BBC are being all ironic … on New Years Day?
‘Give a dog a bad name’
Brexit – Divisive.
Archbishop Justin Welby: EU referendum ‘left divisions’
The prime minister has used her new year message to call for unity after a “divisive” 2016.
All elections, referendums and ballots are divisive.
There are winners and losers. To the ‘remainers’ and little ‘snowflakes’ who lost – get over it.
Brexit is freedom, independence and most importantly democracy. The chance for Britain to be Great again.
Treezer had better get her act together regarding Trump, whose campaign and victory she and the liberal elite regard as divisive. Her hostility to Trump, conveyed through her pals in the BBC, is not helpful to our new relationship with the states.
Treezer is totally out of her depth. The UK support for the resolution on Israel was monumentally stupid. This moronic woman has alienated Israel and Trump and brought a smile to Putin’s face. Maybe she thinks that is clever or, more likely, she doesn’t think at all.
President Trump needs to reconsider the so called special relationship and put a end to it.
Our elite has been nothing but rude and dismissive of him and those who voted for him. In all honesty they have blown it. I hope President Trump treats May, Merkel, Hollande and the rest with scorn and ignores them. Nigel had it right again .
The USA is a fine country and the ordinary people better than most in this world. The sneering British elite is going to find out just how useless and pathetic they themselves really are.
The left has criticised the US for years whilst at the same time happily enjoying sheltering under the US defence umbrella. There are a lot of Americans who are, quite rightly, fed up paying for Europe’s defence and getting no thanks for it. If the US starts to go lukewarm on NATO then Europe really is in serious trouble. Still, the left and Remainers seem to think that the EU has held the peace in Europe. Dangerous deluded fools the lot of them.
It would be interesting if Trump took the US out of the UN and Nato. And I would not blame him.
Peace in Europe, Stew? I like it when they come with this garbage and how they tend to forget the breakup of the old Yugoslavia into its original warring components and the ensuing blood baths and ethnic cleansing that followed.
And who could forget the troubles in Georgia and the Ukraine, both in no small part caused by overtures of independence recognition and admittance to the club, from the peaceable EU and the supremely qualified and in no way over promoted, Catherine Margaret Ashton, Baroness Ashton of Upholland, in her capacity as High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and First Vice President of the European Commission?
Whoops, sorry Stew, should be reply to Steve. Alcohol levels not normalised yet. 🙁
Of course there are divisions you stupid cleric.
We are a nation always divided at elections, BUT our culture, our society and British respect for democracy means that the in the main we respect the will of the majority and get on with it.
(Mind you, Lefties always had a tenuous relationship with democracy)
No. 88
And who better to tell us about divisions than a religious person !
And Welby , being a blinkered clot who backed the EU(like ALL his clergy in the main)speaks of “division” as if WE are causing it.
No Bish-we WON!!!
It`s YOU and your graceless losers who dig up Jo Cox, moan about a number on a bus, remain FURIOUS with Gove and Boris for turning turtle on their elites-and then run off to Blairs Supreme Court so we can be railroaded out of our mandated wish to leave the EUrabian Union to come.
It is Welbys side who are “dividing this country”-not us.
Welby could have saved his church had he backed the RIGHT cause-but he`s a liberal idiot, so prefers the Guardian to the Bible.
And probably prefers the Koran to the Bible.
Who are self-righteous ignorant religious prigs like Welby to lecture me ? Even a moron like him must be aware of the murderous history of his religion, let alone the much worse one of Islam.
Who will rid me of these troublesome priests ? A curse on all their houses !
BBC Website ” Merkel. “Islamic terror is top threat ” “.
” Merkel. “Islamic terror is top threat ”
She should have listened to Nigel two years ago…..
They laughed at him then but they are not laughing now !
Merkel seems to be totally unaware of irony. She is a major cause of the increase in terror. Let’s hope she gets booted out asap.
Istanbul new year Reina nightclub attack ‘leaves 39 dead’
It’s getting to be almost a daily acceptance now that you may die doing the things you love to do in your own country.
The entire western world stepped up security for the New year celebrations but not a single mention or analysis on the BBC of why it needed stepping up or who the threat is from.
All we had from Sadiq Khan was “We can’t allow the bad guys to spoil our way of life”. Who are these ‘bad guys’ the Brexiters perhaps?
Maybe its just some Western Christian who has had too many sherberts on New Years Eve and is shooting off because he cannot get another drink.
If only we had an Islamic style ban on alcohol perhaps these problems would go away.
Aren’t the ‘bad guys’ the same ‘folks’ that GW Bush mentioned when the Twin Towers were demolished ?
(Everybody is a ‘guy’ or ‘you guys’ these days, well, its about time that that ‘guy’ Khan started sporting a tie !)
Well, he could certainly do with something round his neck ……
Wearing a tie is a tad Kuffir and represents the crucifiction
‘Hozoor Muftee-e-Azam Hind Aleh Rehma-tu-Rizwan writes that to wear a tie is definitely Haram and is a resemblance of Kafir. It is a bad deed and an open disobedience of ALLAH Tala Wal Ikram. In Christianity, tie is a remembrance of their false belief of crucifixion of Hazrat Syedna Masih Alhe Salam and forgiveness for Christians.’
That must mean not carrying a AK47 is also Kafir.
I think the Emir is certainly making a sly little point by his refusal to wear a tie. If the BBC had any real journalists they could ask him what he was up to.
Only joking.
Morning all and Happy New Year.
Just watched a recording of the Bronte sisters drama that was shown a a couple of days ago.
At the end, the scene reverts to the present day and there is a running shot of the Bronte Parsonage Museum and its shop and entrance. Its maybe not surprising that women outnumber men significantly. What I did not expect was that three of the first five men who came into prominent shot were from ethnic minorities. What are the chances of that?
I had no idea that Yorkshire literature from the 1840s was of such interest to our minority communities. Thank goodness we have the BBC to provide these useful insights.
Sure they weren’t extras that had just come up from the coal face ???
Just listening to five numpties discussing Brexit on Al Beeb now – no balance, just ‘Brexit is bad.’
Nothing positive from the so called impartial state broadcaster.
Seen the new fivers
Hagis Republic = Banana Republic
Now that is what I call ” Haggiography “.
The new currency of the Haggiphate
Phew, it all went well last night in Cologne. Heavy police presence.
Our BBC man Mohamed Madi was in Cologne for this New Year’s Eve.
He managed to include in his BBC film a few of his kind expressing complaints that the police had been rather harsh in separating them from the crowds.
Every little helps, doesn’t it Mohamid Madi?
Well done the German Police.
These people that were detained need to realise and accept the principle that bad apples can effect the whole barrel. While they continue to maintain that the majority of islamic ‘refugees’ are law abiding and peace loving, then they must be prepared to expose the criminals and terroists among their numbers, if they wish to be treated more equally.
Of course this won’t happen – so what lies ahead, more of the same perhaps?
The plan fact is that it is the “barrel” itself which is bad, regardless of what is put into it.
Tomorrow : Whose sitting in for James O’Brien on LBC ?
10-1pm Katie Hopkins
10pm-1am Nigel Farage
Happy new year!!! ????
A huge thank you to all you wonderful people for your time and effort given to supporting this website, and providing us all with an Al Beliebers style safe space in a world of lunatics ? (as if we need a safe space like those white hating, islamophiliac fascists ?)
Day one of a new year and like every single day in the previous 1400, Islam does what Islam was created to do, and slaughters innocent infidels as instructed by so-called prophet, full time rapist of women and children, psychopathic serial killer Muhammad. Today it’s Turkey’s infidels, tomorrow Syria or Iraq… Maybe it’s the time of us Brits to be Islamically enriched again?… What is guaranteed is death, violence, hatred and intolerance of everything not Sunni Islamic by every fibre of that evil, death cult.
Even though I haven’t posted much over Christmas, I have read your magnificent posts. A huge welcome to all our new contributors, and welcome to team deplorable! ??
Allahu akbar!!
There were no signs at all that the invasion of Europe was planned.
We really are too hard on our leaders, they couldn’t possibly have known
what to expect. (The poor dears)
The so-called refugees were all just scared Muslims running from a war.
Who could have known what was coming?
Below Quote Muammmar Gaddafi April 2006
“We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.”
At 3:05
The problem is, Lucy, that few recognise what’s going on although many are waking up to the problems looming. Even if the political elite did consider acting there wouldn’t be one amongst them, in the UK, that had balls enough to act to address the this creeping plague and halt it once and for all. It’ll take more that a can of Raid from the hardware store to kill this evil parasite off.
I am amused by the bleats issued about how complex it will be to satisfy all parties when we leave the EU. Whatever ‘complexities’ may arise will be very small in comparison to dealing with the issue of Islam.
Hi G,
I do hope it was obvious that I had the sarcasm on.
Of course our governments would/should have seen what was coming.
That was my point. There has been a 1400 year warning. It’s all
spelled out for them in the Koran & in the biography of the false
prophet anyway. If they could be bothered to read that book.
Anyone could understand.
Gaddafi’s pulpit was far from the only mouthpiece for the planned
invasion of Europe. Numerous Middle Eastern Religious & political leaders
have been threatening us for years. Our alleged “free press” likes to
bury the truth. And the liberal left does not understand that in the
Middle Eastern way of thinking there is no real distinction between
politics & religion.
Fine words but only by effectively denying the essence of the Quaran and its teachings will Islam change so what would be the value of a reformed Islam? I don’t see any likelihood of change and if all-out-war occurs, beginning in Europe, the Islamicists will be slaughtered, eventually. That may be the only way to, ‘reform’ islam.
This is the ‘brilliance’ in the child raping manics instruction that is engraved into every single fibre, into the DNA of Islam, and it’s very purpose, it’s reason for existing in the first place. To believe in Islam means that you believe the murdering psychopath was contacted by God, and given the final set of life instructions for those who want to make it to paradise and be by God’s side….plus the rather handy addition of death to those who try and speak out or leave Islam.
Islam is final. Its unchangeable. Islam states that it’s very instructions are the only pure word of God, until the end of time. To challenge that very statement is blasphemous to Islam and death to anyone who challenges the word of God are everywhere in Islamic instruction. To propose reforms is to challenge Gods word, that God can basically be ignored, and man not God determines how to make it into heaven. The great paradox for the liars and deniers who bullshit about reforming Islam is that to reform Islam, Islam becomes that very same reason Muhammad was contacted by God in the first place! Islam ceases to exist once its reformed because it’s every word and instruction given to Muhammad has to be ignored!
Assuming they didn’t volunteer their services freely, which I doubt very much, how long can this ‘protection’ go on for before someone thinks about tackling the root causes. Another ‘Elephant in the Room’?
BBCs latest go to extremist Dilly “insane?” Hussain, deputy editor of the “whackjobs” of 5PillarsUK, on RT re Syria news, but unlike on the BBC with a Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett who knows more about the situation than Silly Dilly has forgotten.
Well exposed … remember this the next time, he s on 5Live Drive, J Vine, or on The Big Questions.
And look at the hate in his eyes ! How dare a mere woman disagree with him and be more knowledgeable. He is just another muslim wanker.
A rare (brief) visit to Radio 4 this afternoon.
Oft repeated but well-deserved thanks to the organisers and contributors to this site. The opinions and useful links are really appreciated. Happy New Year.
Shaun Ley introducing The World This Weekend…..
“That was the year that was. It’s over, but should we let it go, or do the Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump offer lessons for 2017? We’ll debate whether globalisation is under threat, and a new book reveals what British newspapermen based in Berlin thought of the rise of the Nazis.”
I couldn’t be bothered to listen any further.
Drip, drip drip…
Globalisation is under threat?!! :0
Damn !
Friends! A very Happy New Year to you all! And I’m pleased to announce the publication of a – literally – bumper edition of Lefty’s Winterval Season Tweets, which can be found – literally – here:
Also, anyone who would like to see my most recent tweets, updated in real time without needing to look on Twitter, can now find them on the Blog’s sidebar (RH side, about a third of the way down).
[And I’m pleased to say that the Tweet for 31st December was both liked and retweeted by a Corbynista, who it seems took it – literally – literally!]
With all due respect, and I mean it most sincerely, I literally suspect that you are a BBC Troll and plant. Your obsession with Corbyn is , literally, not healthy. See a psychiatrist, please. As for your nameless ” Corbynista “, can you please tell the fragrant Diane to stop sending me photos of her naked. It , literally, puts me off my porridge. As if I don’t have enough to cope with, with Krankie !
Friend Grant! I am – literally – horrified that you could in any way associate me with the Biased BBC!
Their Far-Right, anti-EU, pro-Trump, vicious neoliberal racist bias is – literally – unbelievable.
As for Our Diane, please don’t take this personally. She – to paraphrase the Hard-Right Meatloaf – does this to all the boys.
Happy Literal New Year, Friend Lefty, from all who remain at chateau Goat.
Thank you, Friend Goat! And I wish a Very Happy New Year to you and all who – literally – sail at chateau Goat, too :).
Thought for today from the BBC – er no
Pat Condell
Half-listening to Welby and Treezer just now, I just can’t understand why I have to accept that ‘we’re all in this together, and need to strive for common acceptance of some gibberish or other’!
I have to take scorn from people who didn’t like Brexit or Trump, and quite honestly I couldn’t give a flying feck, it’s water off my back, but what are these other bad losers trying to do?
The awful BBC twatting is just so boring, and luckily, though excellent places like bBBC, they’ll get the message even more in 2017!
Bring it on!
Welby and Treezer live in the same toilet of the past. The World has moved on and they are history .
Agree And Treezer will be quoting St Jo Cox at every opportunity for ever more
G.W.F. I wish they’d remember good people like Airey Neave, who was a real victim of hatred.
(Sorry, a bit of history here, I knew one of his closest friends very well).
Thank you Grant, I often feel the need to be reassured, well, Mrs Scrobs often reminds me..;0)
Best wishes to Mrs Scrobs. Does she like Test Match Cricket ?
I’m afraid we lose the will to live when the BBC ‘news’ comes on in the evening. I do really want to know if The Queen is getting better, and watch Americans wishing Mr Trump well, but immediately the Middle East groaning whining ‘reporters’ start, I’m off!
Can’t get Test Match Cricket sadly. The BBC lost all that pleasure for all us older pharts years ago. I really do miss it!
In the dying days of the dead duck presidency, John Kerry went off on one against Israel.
Downing Street responded by reprimanding Kerry and saying, “The British Government continues to believe that the only way to a lasting peace in the Middle East is through a two-state solution. We continue to believe that the construction of settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is illegal, which is why we supported UN Security Council Resolution 2334 last week.
But we are also clear that the settlements are far from the only problem in this conflict. In particular, the people of Israel deserve to live free from the threat of terrorism, with which they have had to cope for too long.
We do not, therefore, believe that the way to negotiate peace is by focusing on only one issue, in this case the construction of settlements, when clearly the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians is so deeply complex.
And we do not believe that it is appropriate to attack the composition of the democratically-elected government of an ally. The Government believes that negotiations will only succeed when they are conducted between the two parties, supported by the international community.”
This was well reported by the Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph.
The Guardian immediately had the deflector shields up and scurried to take the US State Department side. However not a word from the BBC. Nothing. I kept looking at their website, but zilch. I knew something was up but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
Then 24 hours after everyone else had reported it the BBC broke cover. And here it is:
All became apparent. The BBC was waiting for someone in the Conservative Party to break ranks and disagree with Downing Street. Step forward one Crispin Blunt.
The BBC effectively neutered the original statement from Downing Street and focused almost exclusively on Blunt’s rebuttal. Can’t have the anointed one or his Secretary of State looking like the berks they are can we.
Back in January 2015 Obama praised David Cameron’s handling of the economy. That was reported by all the dead tree press with the Guardian, predictably rushing off to find someone (batty Harman) to say that Obama didn’t know what he was talking about.
The BBC? Well they were in a right quandary. Report the story and do a Harman and criticise the anointed one to protect the idiot Milliband? No. They solved their problem by not reporting it at all.
Nothing. So the laughable “envy of the world” solves its difficult, doesn’t fit the narrative reporting problems by not reporting them at all or holding off on a story long enough until they can jack up a “suitable” rebuttal.
Watching PBS Channel 534 on Sky free to air
– They are doing a secrets of ancient monuments, night.
Stonehenge prog was pretty good, now it’s the Coliseum.